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How To Do The Work : Recognise Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self - Nicole LePera

As a clinical psychologist, Dr Nicole LePera found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients - and for herself - she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual health that equips people with the tools necessary to heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself, she began to share what she'd learned with others - and The Holistic Psychologist was born. Now Dr LePera is ready to share her much-requested protocol with the world. In How to Do the Work, she offers both a manifesto for self-healing and an essential guide to creating a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Drawing on the latest research from both scientific research and healing modalities, Dr LePera helps us recognise how adverse experiences and trauma in childhood live with us, keeping us stuck engaging in patterns of codependency, emotional immaturity, and trauma bonds. Unless addressed, these self-sabotaging behaviours can quickly become cyclical, leaving people feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and unwell. In How to Do the Work, Dr LePera offers readers the support and tools that will allow them to break free from destructive behaviours to reclaim and recreate their lives. Nothing short of a paradigm shift, this is a celebration of empowerment that will forever change the way we approach mental wellness and self-care.

Podívejte se také How to Murder Your Life (1785036068)

cena 447.0 Kč

Principles: Your Guided Journal : Create Your Own Principles to Get the Work and Life You Want - Ray Dalio

In his international bestseller Principles, legendary investor Ray Dalio introduced millions of readers around the world to the unconventional approach he developed as the founder and builder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest and most successful hedge fund in the world. Dalio attributes his unique success to his process of recording, refining and acting on a set of well-defined principles, which are effectively decision-rules for getting what you want out of life and work. His goal in publishing the book was to show readers the value of principle-based thinking so that they could develop their own principles, aligned with their own values, for getting whatever they wanted out of life.With this new journal, Dalio takes his goal one step further to help readers reflect on and record their own principles. He does that by providing a series of guided exercises and questions for reflecting on what you're like, what you value, and what principles will best help you achieve your goals. These exercises draw from key concepts in the original Principles book, including:1. How to identify your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and preferences2. How to use the 'five-step process' to achieve your goals3. How to become both 'assertive and open-minded at the same time'4. How to maximise your learning from your mistakes (which are inevitable)All of these exercises can optionally be enhanced using the free Principles in Action iOS and Android app, which provides an even more interactive, multimedia experience, and they are followed by a number of blank journal pages containing thought-provoking and unconventional prompts from Principles aimed at helping you formulate your own principles. The experience concludes with a structured reflection on where you and your loved ones are along life's journey, leaving you with a highly personalised, practical playbook for achieving success in the years ahead.

Podívejte se také Astrosex: Scorpio: How to have the best sex according to your star sign (9781398702080)

cena 536.0 Kč

Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World - Layla F. Saad

Me and White Supremacy shows readers how to dismantle the privilege within themselves so that they can stop (often unconsciously) inflicting damage on people of colour, and in turn, help other white people do better, too.When Layla Saad began an Instagram challenge called #MeAndWhiteSupremacy, she never predicted it would spread as widely as it did. She encouraged people to own up and share their racist behaviours, big and small. She was looking for truth, and she got it. Thousands of people participated, and over 90,000 people downloaded the book.The updated and expanded Me and White Supremacy takes the work deeper by adding more historical and cultural contexts, sharing moving stories and anecdotes, and including expanded definitions, examples, and further resources.Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change. The numbers show that readers are ready to do this work - let's give it to them.

Objev podobné jako Me and White Supremacy: How to Recognise Your Privilege, Combat Racism and Change the World - Layla F. Saad

cena 268.0 Kč

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One - Joe Dispenza

Discover how to reprogram your biology and thinking, and break the habit of being yourself so you can truly change your mind and life.Bestselling author, international speaker, chiropractor, and renowned researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics, & neuroscience, Dr. Joe Dispenza shares that you are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life.New science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose.In Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible and how to recondition the body and create better health.Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change your energy and any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life.Chapters Include:Foreword by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.Introduction: The Greatest Habit You Can Ever Breakis the Habit of Being YourselfPART I: The Science of YouThe Quantum YouOvercoming Your EnvironmentOvercoming Your BodyOvercoming TimeSurvival vs. CreationPART II: Your Brain and MeditationThree Brains: Thinking to Doing to BeingThe GapMeditation, Demystifying the Mystical, and Waves of Your FuturePART III: Stepping Toward Your New DestinyThe Meditative Process: Introduction and PreparationOpen the Door to Your Creative StateStep 1: InductionPrune Away the Habit of Being Yourself(Week Two)Step 2: RecognizingStep 3: Admitting and DeclaringStep 4: SurrenderingDismantle the Memory of the Old You(Week Three)Step 5: Observing and RemindingStep 6: RedirectingCreate a New Mind for Your New Future (Week Four)Step 7: Creating and RehearsingDemonstrating and Being Transparent: Living YourNew RealityDr. Joe demystifies consciousness and ancient understandings to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Through his powerful healing workshops and lectures, thousands of people in 24 different countries have used these principles to change from the inside out. Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!"In this book, I want to share some of what I learned along the way and show you, by exploring how mind and matter are interrelated, how you can apply theseprinciples not only to your body, but to any aspect of your life." - Dr. Joe Dispenza"Anyone who reads this book and applies the steps will benefit from their efforts. Its cutting-edge content is explained in a simple language that is accessible to anyone, and provides a user-friendly guide for sustained change from the inside out."- Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., Director of Research, HeartMath Research Center

Objev podobné jako Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One - Joe Dispenza

cena 447.0 Kč

Find Your Creative Mojo: How to Overcome Fear, Procrastination and Self-Doubt to Express your True Self - Josh Langley - e-kniha

eBook: Delivering the untold truth about why it’s so important to express yourself, ‘Find Your Creative Mojo’ provides the perfect manifesto on finding your voice, your passions and unleashing your creative soul. Whether you’re taking your first step or looking to awaken your arty side, you’ll be reaching for this book whenever you find your creative voice in need of a boost.A rattling read, Josh Langley mixes humour, inspirational quotes, beautiful illustrations and quirky anecdotes to craft one cocktail of creative love letter to art. Ideal for any budding creative soul.

Objev podobné jako Find Your Creative Mojo: How to Overcome Fear, Procrastination and Self-Doubt to Express your True Self - Josh Langley - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

How to Draw Inky Wonderlands: Create and Color Your Own Magical Adventure (0143133942)

Kniha - 96 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako How to Draw Inky Wonderlands: Create and Color Your Own Magical Adventure (0143133942)

cena 391.0 Kč

Uzdrav sám sebe - Nicole LePera - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Dr. LePera nabízí čtenářům podporu a nástroje, které jim umožní osvobodit se od destruktivního chování, získat zpět rovnováhu a vědomí, jak ovládat svůj život a navždy změnit způsob, jakým přistupujeme k duševní pohodě a péči o sebe. Jako klinická psycholožka se autorka často cítila frustrovaná omezeními tradiční psychoterapie. Chtěla pro své pacienty i pro sebe samu více, a tak započala cestu k rozvoji jednotné filozofie duševního, fyzického a duchovního zdraví, která napomáhá k tomu, abychom se dokázali sami uzdravit. Poté, co sama zažila výsledky, které jí změnily život, začala sdílet to, co se naučila, s ostatními a brzy se zrodila tzv. holistická psychologie. Nyní díky své knize Uzdrav sám sebe, kterou můžeme vnímat i jako manifest hnutí, nabízí základního průvodce k vytvoření autentičtějšího a radostnějšího života! Zbavte se zlozvyků, zahojte staré rány + buďte sami sebou Nová kniha na téma holistické psychologie DR. NICOLE LePERA je holistická psycholožka. Vystudovala klinickou psychologii na Cornellově univerzitě a na New School for Social Research v New Yorku; kromě toho se vzdělávala rovněž na filadelfské School of Psychoanalysis. Širokou veřejnost oslovila svým nesmírně populárním instagramovým účtem @the.holistic.psychologist, kde prostřednictvím bezplatného denního obsahu a The SelfHealers Circle sdílí filozofii propojení fyzického, psychického a duchovního zdraví a možnosti jejího konkrétního uplatnění včetně nástrojů k transformaci s neustále rostoucí komunitou #SelfHealers. Žije v Los Angeles. LENKA ZBRANKOVÁ po ukončení Státní konzervatoře v r. 1994 nastoupila do Městského divadla v Kladně. Od roku 2011 je na volné noze a hostuje v Městských divadlech pražských, Národním divadle, Divadle Palace, v Národním divadle Moravskoslezském či v představeních Pantheon Production a Kulturního portálu. Často spolupracuje s Českým rozhlasem a věnuje se i namlouvání audio knih. Diváci ji mohou znát ze seriálů: První republika, Všechny moje lásky, Ohnivý kuře, Polda, Krejzovi, Specialisté atd. Dr. Nicole LePera: UZDRAV SÁM SEBE | Překlad Miroslava Lánská | Čte Lenka Zbranková | Režie Marek Štifter | Zvuk, střih a mastering studio ArtDOG | Hudba Marek Štifter | Natočeno ve studiu ArtDOG | Grafiku podle knižní předlohy adaptovala Jana Rybová | Produkce Marek Štifter | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr, v září 2024. Dr. Nicole LePera: How to do the work: recognize your patterns, heal from your past, and create your self Copyright © 2021 Junior Tine Productions | Translation © 2023 Miroslava Lánská | All rights reserved | Jacket illustrations © izumikobayashi/Getty Images (sun); © Sai Th a/Shutterstock (background) | Author photograph by Starla Fortunato | Vydala Euromedia Group a. s. - v edici Esence, 2024.

Objev podobné jako Uzdrav sám sebe - Nicole LePera - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Beat Stress at Work: How to Balance Your Ambition with Your Anxiety - Lucy Streul

Through the advice in this book, you will learn that your mental health issues may not be the barriers you view them as but may hold value in the workplace. Mark shows you that it is possible to be ambitious and successful at work because of, not in spite of, the mental health challenges you may face. For some, there is a high price to pay for ambition and success. The toll it can take on our mental health can be significant, particularly if we are born with the 'Worry' gene. In Beat Stress at Work, management trainer Mark Simmonds helps you understand the effects stress and anxiety can have on your mental health and provides tools and advice to find your way through work-induced struggles. Through sharing his own brutally honest journey and using his corporate experience, Mark sheds light on the difficulty of discussing mental health with colleagues and employers and identifies the best ways for navigating your way through a mental health crisis. The book: • Encourages you to maintain positive mental health by better understanding yourself and finding a career that suits your most authentic self. • Shows you how to return safely to the workplace after a period of mental ill health and communicate effectively with your peers and managers. • Demonstrates how your resilience 'muscle' can help you fulfil your ambitions in the professional arena, while being mindful of your mental health. • Pinpoints some of the key lessons from COVID-19 about stress management and the working environment. Through the advice in this book, you will learn that your mental health issues may not be the barriers you view them as but may hold value in the workplace. Mark shows you that it is possible to be ambitious and successful at work because of, not in spite of, the mental health challenges you may face. 'This powerful book will help you tackle stress and learn more about yourself in the process' Sir Clive Woodward OBE

Objev podobné jako Beat Stress at Work: How to Balance Your Ambition with Your Anxiety - Lucy Streul

cena 399.0 Kč

Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk

A legendary performance coach shares his simple, proven, and fun methods for cultivating motivation and keeping it.To be productive and optimistic about our personal and professional lives, we want to feel that we can understand and influence what is happening around us today, and that we have a reliable insight into what will happen tomorrow. We also require a rich, supportive, and secure social life. As more of us work remotely and the frequency of our in-person contact decreases, this desire for connection and trust has only become more important; the social drive is so strong that our body temperature drops when we feel excluded.To satisfy our psychological needs in today's professional world, we must pursue them consciously and purposefully-but unfortunately, most of us don't know how to do so effectively. Instead, we waste our time on ineffective coping strategies that often make us feel even worse. The true solution to becoming happier, healthier, and more productive is to become intrinsically motivated: To stop wasting time on activities that don't really contribute to our careers or our company's success, eschew the dog-eat-dog culture of modern business, and find ways to take pleasure in what we do-and to do it well.Motivation by Stefan Falk is a comprehensive guide to achieving this goal. Filled with methods and techniques he developed at McKinsey & Company and through 25 years as a senior executive and performance coach working with elite athletes, top executives, special operators in the armed forces, and leaders from all walks of life, this book will revolutionize your approach to success at work and beyond.Published as Intrinsic Motivation in the United States.

Objev podobné jako Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk

cena 402.0 Kč

Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir

We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done.Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away?In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction. Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want.

Objev podobné jako Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Be the Love You Seek - Dr Nicole LePera

UK bestseller, Sunday Times, December 2023''I love Dr Nicole LePera. She helps me a lot.'' GWYNETH PALTROW''A practical and inspiring primer on how to extend true connection and love to others and to our hurting world.'' DR GABOR MATE´''A loving, patient, and powerful guide to creating happy, fulfilling life relationships of all kinds. How to Be the Love You Seek is a masterwork of awareness and compassion.'' JAY SHETTYA radical new path to revolutionise your relationships Why are our closest relationships so often a source of more stress than solace? Whether the relationship is with a romantic partner, a parent, child, friend or colleague, the dynamic is frequently the same - you''d like the relationship to change for the better, yet nothing you try seems to work. Author of international bestseller How to Do the Work, Dr Nicole LePera has heard these frustrating patterns of loneliness, disconnection, and resentment described time and again, both from patients in her clinical practice and from her global online community @the.holistic.psychologist. In this groundbreaking book she offers a new path to healing our relationships by tapping into the power of the heart.How to Be the Love You Seek harnesses the latest scientific research to teach us how to recognise our dysfunctional patterns, identify their roots in our earliest relationships, break painful cycles, build security and share compassion with ourselves and others. Through stories, exercises, journal prompts, and other practical tools, Dr LePera empowers us first to strengthen our foundation of self-love, paving the way for deeper, more harmonious connections with those around us.When you become the love you seek, you have the power to transform every relationship, from your most intimate partnerships to the bonds that hold our communities together.

Objev podobné jako How to Be the Love You Seek - Dr Nicole LePera

cena 561.0 Kč

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)

Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Aurelia Durand, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)

cena 342.0 Kč

Get the Guy: How to Find, Attract, and Keep Your Ideal Mate (0062241745)

Kniha - autor Matthew Hussey, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Matthew Hussey, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Leading relationship expert, television personality and corporate coach Matthew Hussey shares the secrets of the male mind and the fundamentals of human behavior, arming women with a veritable field guide to the North American Male.

Objev podobné jako Get the Guy: How to Find, Attract, and Keep Your Ideal Mate (0062241745)

cena 427.0 Kč

The Present: Enjoying Your Work and Life in Changi - Spencer Johnson

A Timely Gift From the Author of Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson, M.D. Dr. Spencer Johnson’s stories of timeless, simple truths have changed the work and lives of millions of readers around the world. Now comes an insightful new tale of inspiration and practical guidance for these turbulent times. The Present The Present is the best gift you can receive because it makes you happy and successful! Whether it means … • Having peace of mind and feeling more alive; or • Being more productive and more prosperous; or • Finding whatever is important to you and to those you work and live with. The Present The Gift that Makes You Happy and Successful at Work and in Life For over two decades, Spencer Johnson has been inspiring and entertaining millions with his simple yet insightful stories of work and life that speak directly to the heart and soul. The Present is an engaging story of a young man’s journey to adulthood, and his search for The Present, a mysterious and elusive gift he first hears about from a great old man. This Present, according to the old man, is “the best present a person can receive.” Later, when the young boy becomes a young man, disillusioned with his work and his life, he returns to ask the old man, once again, to help him find The Present. The old man responds, “Only you have the power to find The Present for yourself.” So the young man embarks on a tireless search for this magical gift that holds the secret to his personal happiness and business success. It is only after the young man has searched high and low and given up his relentless pursuit that he relaxes and discovers The Present—and all of the promises it offers. The Present will help you focus on what will make you happy and successful in your work and in your personal life. Like the young man, you may find that it is the best gift you can ever give yourself

Objev podobné jako The Present: Enjoying Your Work and Life in Changi - Spencer Johnson

cena 221.0 Kč

The Why Are You Here Cafe: A New Way of Finding Meaning in Your Life and Your Work (0749927178)

Kniha - autor John Strelecky, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor John Strelecky, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Low on petrol after taking a long detour on his road trip, John finds a small cafĂ©, the only establishment in a remote area that appears to be in the middle of nowhere. Despite his intention only to refuel and be on his way, he finds himself sitting at one of the cafĂ©'s comfortable booths, facing a platter of food and three questions on the menu: Why Are You Here? Do You Fear Death? Are You Fulfilled? With these questions to ponder, and with the guidance of his waitress, Casey, the owner/cook, Mike, and fellow patron Anne, John embarks on a journey of self-discovery that takes him from the executive suites of the advertising world to the sandy beaches of tropical islands.

Objev podobné jako The Why Are You Here Cafe: A New Way of Finding Meaning in Your Life and Your Work (0749927178)

cena 265.0 Kč

Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill

A common-sense guide to living rich . . . instead of dying rich Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired. The only thing you wasted along the way was . . . your life. Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money—and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called “golden years.” In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age, Die with Zero will teach you Perkins’s plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you’re fully engaged and enjoying what you’ve worked and saved for. You’ll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “time-bucketing,” how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve,” and how to navigate decisions about whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure with your “fulfillment curve” and “personal interest rate.” Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others—and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance—Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.

Objev podobné jako Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill

cena 384.0 Kč

Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It - Dean Burnett

''A wonderfully useful book, told with Dean Burnett''s trademark wit and wisdom'' - Adam Kay on Why Your Parents Are Driving You up the Wall“Can you get off your phone/ PS5/ Xbox!? NOW!” - Your parents (probably)I bet that you and your parents argue about phones.Maybe you want one, but your parents don’t agree? Or maybe you do have a phone, but your parents think you use it too much. Or even make you leave it downstairs at night when you want to scroll before sleep.Either way, the result is: arguments. Between you and your parents. About phones.Meet brain scientist and bestselling author Dean Burnett. He’ll show you why your parents are sometimes wrong about phones (and why, annoyingly, they can be a bit right), how you can both understand them a bit better and how you can stop arguing about them. You’ll learn about:Why turning off TikTok can be so hardHow video games can change your brain for the betterHow Snapchat can make us sad (and lots of other complicated feelings)Because screens can be a good thing. And a bad thing. But they’re definitely not worth getting hung up about.

Objev podobné jako Why Your Parents Are Hung-Up on Your Phone and What To Do About It - Dean Burnett

cena 295.0 Kč

Money Mentor : 10 essential steps to do your future self a favour - Anna Brading

The must-read guide for anyone looking to break free from living pay cheque to pay cheque, and the stress this involves.Three quarters of us say we never had a financial education, and so it's no wonder so many of us feel broke, stressed and have no idea how to use our money to create the life we really want.Anna Brading was like us - struggling with a growing family and rising bills - until she set out on a life changing journey of financial literacy. She's now a Certified Financial Education Instructor and has helped thousands of people to take control of their finances and achieve financial wellbeing. Now it's your turn.Money Mentor is an invitation to transform your finances, to get out of the rut of living pay cheque to pay cheque and to get rid of the nagging/stressful feeling that things should be better and we should be doing more with our money. This is money made simple. Anna Brading is here to teach us the stuff about money that we should have been taught in school, and to show us that taking control of your finances can be fun. Anna walks us through the 10 key principles to prioritise your financial wellbeing and demystify mastering your money. Money Mentor is a friendly and practical guide to helping you piece together your own financial plan - step by step - leaving you feeling empowered and free to pursue the life you want.

Objev podobné jako Money Mentor : 10 essential steps to do your future self a favour - Anna Brading

cena 402.0 Kč

Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections - Vex King

Do you love your partner but want to rekindle that 'in love' feeling?Do you go on plenty of dates but can't seem to click with the right person?Do you keep having the same conflicts with your partner?Vex King, the Sunday Times bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life and Healing is the New High is back with Closer to Love, a practical, emotional and spiritual guide to deeper and more fulfilling love.Modern relationships are more complex than ever, but our inherent need to give and receive love is as true today as it ever was. So, how can we find true connections, unconditional love and pure, lasting relationships?In three clear steps, Vex will help you to:- Understand the role you play within your connections- Build meaningful and mindful relationships- Learn how to love authentically and unconditionallyWritten with wisdom and truth, this game-changing book about love will change your life.

Objev podobné jako Closer to Love: How to Attract the Right Relationships and Deepen Your Connections - Vex King

cena 402.0 Kč

The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)

Kniha - autor Deepak Chopra; Rudolph E. Tanzi, 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)

cena 195.0 Kč

Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World - Scott Shigeoka

Open your mind, heal your relationships, and connect across divides with this groundbreaking guide to deep curiosity from internationally-recognized curiosity expert, Scott Shigeoka.At a time when tensions over race, religion, gender identity and more have fractured our lives and relationships, curiosity is the key to fostering connection, growth, and healing.Seek will help you build the courage to be transformed by the people, places and experiences you encounter – unlocking deep curiosity, and strengthening this fundamental human skill.Using Shigeoka's transformative four-step framework, you will enhance your capacity to:Detach: Let go of your ABCs (Assumptions, Biases, Certainty)Intend: Prepare your mindset and environmentValue: See the dignity of every person – including yourself!Embrace: Welcome the hard times in life as a catalyst for connection and transformationA must-read for our times, this book will help you to shift your perspective, understand differences and lead a more curious life.

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cena 402.0 Kč

Heal Your Back - Anisha Joshi

Packed with real-life anecdotes and case studies, drawn from Anisha Joshi''s extensive experience as an osteopath, Heal Your Back will relieve your pain, take charge of your symptoms and future-proof your health! Back pain can adversely affect quality of life. Around 80 per cent of us experience lower back pain at some point, and it is the chief cause of disability among those under 45 in the UK, contributing to missed work days, mental health decline and long NHS waiting lists.Starting with the basics of understanding how your back works and moving through the different types of back pain, as well as the causes and symptoms, Anisha will draw on her years of experience in clinic to show you how you can manage your symptoms and bulletproof your back using a simple four-step approach:Keep movingChange your mindsetEat wellSleepUsing evidence-based research, award-winning osteopath Anisha will help you to understand the real causes of back pain (often not what we might think), and offers practical, everyday advice to help you take care of your back, overcome your pain and live a healthier, happier, pain-free life.

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cena 502.0 Kč

Heal Your Body - Hay Louise

KNOWN AFFECTIONATELY AS THE “LITTLE BLUE BOOK,” THIS INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER TAUGHT MILLIONS HOW TO OVERCOME ILLNESS AND DIS-EASE WITH THE POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS.THIS CLASSIC SELF-HEALING BOOK WAS EXPANDED INTO THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE THAT HAS SOLD OVER 50 MILLION COPIES.Heal Your Body is a step-by-step guidebook for healing yourself. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern using positive affirmations.Louise Hay was a bestselling author and pioneer in the self-help field. Her key message was: "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." Louise Hay had a great deal of experience and firsthand information to share about healing—including how she cured herself after having been diagnosed with cancer. People from all over the world have read Heal Your Body and have found it to be an indispensable reference. Here are some typical comments: “I love this book. I carry it around in my purse, refer to it constantly, and share it with my friends.” “HEAL YOUR BODY seems divinely inspired.” “Thank you for writing HEAL YOUR BODY. It changed my ideas about diseases. As I am a doctor, it also changed the way I look at people.” Chapters in Heal Your Body Include:· The Point of Power Is in the Present Moment· Mental Equivalents· Replacing Old Patterns· Healing Affirmations· Spinal Misalignments· Further Comments· Loving Treatment “I suggest that you make a list of every ailment you’ve ever had and look up the mental causes. You’ll discover a pattern that will show you a lot about yourself. Select a few of the affirmations and do them for a month. This will help eliminate old patterns that you’ve been carrying for a long time. When we can truly live from the loving space of the heart, approving of ourselves and trusting the Divine Power to provide for us, then peace and joy will fill our lives, and illness and uncomfortable experiences will cease to be in our experience. Our goal is to live happy, healthy lives, enjoying our own company. Love dissolves anger, love releases resentment, love dissipates fear, and love creates safety. When you can come from a space of totally loving yourself, then everything in your life must flow with ease, harmony, health, prosperity, and joy.Love yourself as much as you can, and all of life will mirror this love back to you.”Life loves you, and so do I, — Louise Hay

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cena 325.0 Kč

Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future?and What to Do About It (0241363667)

Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 208 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Subscribed: Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company's Future?and What to Do About It (0241363667)

cena 403.0 Kč

Free Your Mind: The new world of manipulation and how to resist it - Laura Dodsworth, Patrick Fagan

Learn how to recognise and resist the daily attempts to control and manipulate your mind. There is a war on for your mind. You may not notice, but you are surrounded by manipulators: advertisers, politicians, big tech, even the humble waiter who asks, ‘Still or sparkling?’ Free Your Mind is your field manual to surviving the information battlefield.In this indispensable book, Laura Dodsworth and Patrick Fagan draw on interviews with mind-control experts ranging from monks to magicians, infiltrate cults and forums to uncover their most deceptive techniques and expose the hidden tactics used to influence you, from social media to subliminal messages. Learn how to recognise the nudges, dispel efforts to brainwash you and always question those who say the choice is yours. If you don’t control your mind, someone else will.

Objev podobné jako Free Your Mind: The new world of manipulation and how to resist it - Laura Dodsworth, Patrick Fagan

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics (0141985135)

Kniha - autor Michael Pollan, 480 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? One of America's most admired writers takes us on a mind-altering journey to the frontiers of human consciousness When LSD was first discovered in the 1940s, it seemed to researchers, scientists and doctors as if the world might be on the cusp of psychological revolution. It promised to shed light on the deep mysteries of consciousness, as well as offer relief to addicts and the mentally ill. But in the 1960s, with the vicious backlash against the counter-culture, all further research was banned. In recent years, however, work has quietly begun again on the amazing potential of LSD, psilocybin and DMT. Could these drugs in fact improve the lives of many people? Diving deep into this extraordinary world and putting himself forwardas a guinea-pig, Michael Pollan has written a remarkable history of psychedelics and a compelling portrait of...

Objev podobné jako How to Change Your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics (0141985135)

cena 322.0 Kč

How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager - D. N. Bryn

Vincent Barnes has suffered four years as a vampire, and they've been the most miserable years of his pathetic life. Too poor for black market blood, he feeds from sleeping humans to survive. He tries to never intrude on the same prey twice, but after a single delicious taste of a long-lost childhood neighbor, he can't help returning for seconds.Wesley Garcia has been waking up with fang marks. Lucky for him, he needs a vampire-to use as bait. He's certain Vitalis-Barron Pharmaceutical killed his mother, but to gain access to their covert research labs, he has to bring them a bloodsucker for their experiments.Step one, a dramatic offer: Stay, and you can bite me.Vincent leaps at the chance to gobble Wesley up.Wes's plan is perfect. He'll befriend the vampire, then trick him into coming to the lab. No fighting, no fuss. But Vincent is more than Wesley has bargained for: sweet and shy, with intoxicating fangs that awaken new desires in Wes. As the two bond, Vincent believes he might have finally found someone worth putting his trust in... and Wes fears neither of them will survive the betrayal he has planned.How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win and Wager is a slow-burn paranormal mm romance full of laughter, angst, and thirsty pining. It is perfect for fans of fangs and scientific interpretations of vampirism, with a medium spice level that heats up further in the free bonus short story. Content includes bite kink, bleeding (non-kinky), medical experimentation (not experienced by the point of view characters), and the use of "bodice-ripping" as a verb.

Objev podobné jako How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager - D. N. Bryn

cena 536.0 Kč

Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson

From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsDo you often feel exhausted by conversations?Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions?Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much?You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires.Be it time, energy, attention or habit vampires, these ubiquitous social villains can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Whether they're lurking in your office, hiding amongst friends and family, or invading your thoughts, vampires can be found all around you.Fortunately, no human or habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good.

Objev podobné jako Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life - Thomas Erikson

cena 312.0 Kč

Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life (0091816971)

Kniha - autor Spencer Johnson, 94 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Dr Spencer Johnson uses a cheesy metaphor to reveal insights into dealing with change at work and in life. From the co-author of the bestselling, "One Minute Manager".

Objev podobné jako Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change in Your Work and in Your Life (0091816971)

cena 259.0 Kč

Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts (0143110179)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts (0143110179)

cena 433.0 Kč

How to Change Your Mind : The New Science of Psychedelics - Michael Pollan

'Reminds us that the mind is the greatest mystery in the universe' Yuval Noah Harari, Guardian, Books of the Year Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? Join Michael Pollan on a journey to the frontiers of the human mind. Diving deep into an extraordinary world - from shamans and magic mushroom hunts to the pioneering labs mapping our brains - and putting himself forward as a guinea-pig, Michael Pollan has written a remarkable history of psychedelics and a compelling portrait of the new generation of scientists fascinated by the implications of these drugs. How to Change Your Mind is a report from what could very well be the future of consciousness.

Objev podobné jako How to Change Your Mind : The New Science of Psychedelics - Michael Pollan

cena 357.0 Kč

Own It: How to Build Confidence, Completely Love Yourself and Embrace Your Body

Motivational comedian and award-winning blogger Jess Jones – aka Instagram's The Fat Funny One – will help you silence the voices in your head that tell you that you are not good enough and teach you to 'own' exactly who you are, as you are. Own It is for the generation of women that have been told time and again that you need to drastically change to ever have a hope of happiness. For the women who feel that confidence, success and joy are for 'other people'. Motivational comedian and award-winning blogger Jess Jones – aka Instagram's The Fat Funny One – will help you silence the voices in your head that tell you that you are not good enough and teach you to 'own' exactly who you are, as you are. Jess believes that authentic confidence and self-love aren't far-fetched but actually completely obtainable for everyone. Through Jess's relatable and heart-warming story, tailored advice and practical exercises, you can learn to wholeheartedly love yourself. By working through this book, you can become the person that you are capable of being and absolutely deserve to be. You can Own It.

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cena 357.0 Kč

Heal Your Nervous System - Dr. Linnea Passaler

Relieve anxiety, burnout, feelings of overwhelm, and chronic physical symptoms by healing your dysregulated nervous system with this 5-stage roadmap based on the latest science. Dr. Linnea Passaler has helped thousands globally in her digital health program address a wide range of symptoms associated with nervous system dysregulation—from mental symptoms, including anxiety, burnout, and brain fog, to physical symptoms, such as digestive issues, chronic inflammation, and fatigue. In Heal Your Nervous System, Dr. Passaler presents her 5-stage plan, developed over the last decade, to equip you with the knowledge to understand and regulate your unique nervous system. Despite its advances, conventional medicine has often overlooked the importance of nervous system regulation in our health and quality of life. This is especially true for highly sensitive individuals, who may be more susceptible to a dysregulated nervous system. Instead of merely treating the symptoms, Dr. Passaler shows you how to make a profound shift from reactive treatment to proactive healing. Grounded in recent scientific advances in neurobiology, chronic stress, trauma, and sensitivity, this is not a short-term or one-size-fits-all solution, but a comprehensive strategy to tackle the source of your symptoms, and restore your physical, cognitive, and emotional health. In Heal Your Nervous System, you will discover: How anxiety, trauma, and chronic stress are not just “in your head,” but manifest in all areas of your healthHow to assess your current level of nervous system dysregulationWhy nervous system dysregulation can cause both mental and physical symptomsHow your individual sensitivity profile and past experiences came together to tip your nervous system into a state of dysregulationThe four most common mistakes people make in their healing journey, and how to avoid themTop essential habits that support your nervous system during your healing journeySimple practices, exercises, and routines that progressively reverse nervous system dysregulationHow to organize the most effective practices into the right order, a sequence that supports your healing without getting overwhelmedYour nervous system and health are far more adaptable than you think. With Heal Your Nervous System as your guidebook, you can navigate a fresh path, reverse symptoms, and progressively move towards a robust mind and body.

Objev podobné jako Heal Your Nervous System - Dr. Linnea Passaler

cena 591.0 Kč

The Goddess Path: 13 Steps to Becoming Your Most Intuitive, Authentic and Powerful Self - Kirsty Gallagher

The Goddess Path is your sign to start living authentically.Taking you on a personal deep dive, this 13-step journey will help you to uncover all that keeps you hidden. By venturing on the goddess path, you'll reclaim your self-worth, learn how to establish your boundaries, cultivate intuition and learn who you truly are. Kirsty will help you embrace your shadows so you accept and love all parts of you; you'll get to know yourself like never before.Packed with wisdom, affirmations, simple practices, rituals, and a sprinkling of ancient goddesses, this is your invitation to activate your sense of wholeness.These pages will help you trust yourself and show up in the world as your most powerful, goddess-like self.

Objev podobné jako The Goddess Path: 13 Steps to Becoming Your Most Intuitive, Authentic and Powerful Self - Kirsty Gallagher

cena 447.0 Kč

Koupelnový kobereček Artsy Doormats Create Your Own Oasis Of Relief

Koupelnový kobereček z kolekce Artsy Doormats. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

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cena 619.0 Kč

The Home Style Handbook: How to make a home your own - Lucy Gough

Have you ever wondered how to ensure a cohesive feel throughout your home or how to style a neutral interior? Lucy Gough's new book answers these questions - along with the more common dilemmas of choosing art and successfully combining clashing patterns. And, while creating a home that you adore can feel like a daunting task, Lucy breaks it down so it feels less overwhelming ...The homes showcased here are aspirational, characterful and utterly dreamy.' Homes & AntiquesWe all want to live in a home that reflects our personalities and experiences. But if we are not a professional decorator or stylist where do we start? In this inspirational and helpful handbook, interiors stylist and tutor Lucy Gough will teach you how to understand your true style and how to implement it as you decorate your living space. Your dream home needn't be a spacious, architecturally designed building - it could be small or rented - and with this book you'll discover what YOU love so you can surround yourself with the colours, furniture, furnishings and finishing touches that inspire you.The book includes:- How to create and use a moodboard. - How to translate magazine imagery into your home - How to create impact with art, plants and accessories - How to style your kitchen, living room, bathroom, home office and hallway- Key inspirational case studies - explaining how and why they work so well.

Objev podobné jako The Home Style Handbook: How to make a home your own - Lucy Gough

cena 990.0 Kč

How to Train Your Dog - Adam Spivey

Do you wish you could get your dog to behave better?Southend Dog Training founder Adam Spivey can help. In this indispensable book he teaches you all you need to know to build a better connection with your dog and solve any behavioural issues with simple, proven training techniques. He won''t just tell you what to do to get your dog to listen to your commands, but will also help you to understand how your dog thinks and why they might be struggling with certain things.Here are just a few of the things How to Train Your Dog will help you with: - Lead training, recall and reactivity when you''re out and about - Jumping up, excessive barking and reacting to the TV or doorbell- Do''s and don''ts for households with children and/or multiple dogs- Chewing, biting and destructive behaviourNo matter how big or small your dog''s issues, whether it''s old or young, a rescue or puppy, or if you live in a multi-dog household, Adam''s inimitable straight-talking approach will get you to a better place with your best friend.

Objev podobné jako How to Train Your Dog - Adam Spivey

cena 443.0 Kč

How to Ace Your Exams - Matthew Burton

ACE your exams and banish study stress with this handy guidebook from inspirational headteacher and star of Channel 4''s Educating Yorkshire, Mr Matthew Burton.Getting ready for exams can be A LOT - but with the right preparation and these incredible tips, tricks and techniques, you can expel exam anxiety and set yourself up for success.This inspirational handbook includes 25 super sections on how to master your topic, set great habits, memorise information FAST, optimise your performance, keep calm and stress-free and, when exams are all over, know exactly what to do next.From getting to grips with your subject and hitting important milestones, to dealing with anxiety and preparing for the big day, this vital handbook will help you shake off study stress and set yourself up for success. How to Ace Your Exams is the only book you need to buy to help you pass with flying colours.

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cena 295.0 Kč

How to Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER‘I loved this book’ RICHARD OSMAN‘Funny, sharp, dark and twisted’ JOJO MOYES‘Chilling, but also laugh-out-loud funny. Another corker’ SUNDAY TELEGRAPHThey say you can’t choose your family. But you can kill them.Meet Grace Bernard.Daughter, sister, serial killer…Grace has lost everything.And she will stop at nothing to get revenge.–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-‘Funny and furious and strangely uplifting. Grace is a bitter and beguiling anti-hero with a keen eye for social analysis – even in her most grisly deeds, you never stop rooting for her’ PANDORA SYKES‘Deliciously addictive…brilliantly executed’ i PAPER‘Addictive… Grace Bernard is one of the most intriguing and bewitching protagonists I''ve read in years’ EMMA GANNON‘A funny, compulsive read about family dysfunction and the media’s obsession with murder’ SUNDAY TIMES STYLE‘You’ll be gripped… Grace’s emotional detachment throughout will give you chills’ Rated 5 stars by COSMOPOLITAN⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Hilarious and dark’ ELLE‘Ironic twists and caustic commentary on everything from liberal guilt to the consumerist con that is “selfcare” sharpen this debut novel’ OBSERVER‘Brilliantly tongue-in-cheek stuff from the Vogue columnist’ IRISH INDEPENDENT‘Witty, waspish satire of a murderer with no regrets’ GRAZIA‘Original, funny, unique and such a refreshing read’ PRIMA‘A deliciously dark debut novel’ RED‘One very entertaining read’ WOMAN’S WAYHow To Kill Your Family was number 1 in the Sunday Times paperback chart on 26/04/2022

Objev podobné jako How to Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Calm Your Mind - Chris Bailey

A toolkit of accessible, science-backed strategies, How to Calm Your Mind reveals the path to a less anxious life, and even greater productivity, through calm.Chris Bailey, researcher and productivity expert, realized he had burnt out. He was pushing himself too hard, and realized that productivity advice is useless without the mental space to use it.Productivity advice works – and we need it now more than ever – but it’s just as important that we also develop our capacity for calm. By finding calm and overcoming anxiety, we don’t just feel more comfortable in our own skin, we invest in the missing piece that leads our efforts to become sustainable over time. We build a deeper, more expansive reservoir of energy to draw from throughout the day, and have greater mental resources at our disposal not only to do good work, but also to live a good life.Among the topics How to Calm Your Mind covers are:- How analogue and digital worlds affect calm and anxiety in different ways- How our desire for dopamine breeds anxiety- How hidden sources of stress can be tamed by a ‘stimulation fast’- How ‘busyness’ is as much a state of mind as it is an actual state of lifeThe pursuit of calm ultimately leads us to become more engaged, focused and deliberate – while making us more productive and satisfied with our lives overall. In an anxious world, achieving calm is the best lifehack around.

Objev podobné jako How to Calm Your Mind - Chris Bailey

cena 325.0 Kč

How to Survive Your Murder - Danielle Valentine

Alice Lawrence is the sole witness in her sister’s murder trial.And in the year since Claire’s death, Alice’s life has completely fallen apart. Her parents have gotten divorced, she’s moved into an apartment that smells like bologna, and she is being forced to face her sister’s killer and a courtroom full of people who doubt what she saw in the corn maze a year prior.Claire was an all-American girl, beautiful and bubbly, and a theater star. Alice was a nerd who dreamed of becoming a forensic pathologist and would rather stay at home to watch her favorite horror movies than party. Despite their differences, they were bonded by sisterhood and were each other’s best friends.Until Claire was taken away from her.On the first day of the murder trial, as Alice prepares to give her testimony, she is knocked out by a Sidney Prescott look-alike in the courthouse bathroom. When she wakes up, it is Halloween night a year earlier, the same day Claire was murdered. Alice has until midnight to save her sister and find the real killer before he claims another victim.

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cena 268.0 Kč

How to Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie

They say you can’t choose your family. But you can kill them… Meet Grace Bernard. Daughter, sister, serial killer.Grace has lost everything. And she will stop at nothing to get revenge.

Objev podobné jako How to Kill Your Family - Bella Mackie

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Train Your Skateboard - Jack Francis

The thirteen tricks and moves that all skaters need, stylishly presented. The beginner skateboarder will learn about their board and how to maintain it, a little about skatepark etiquette and safety, and all the basic moves necessary to get off to a confident start. The book then takes the thirteen key tricks that every skateboarder wants to learn and breaks them down into clear step-by-step instructions, with specially commissioned illustrations making them easy to follow and a pleasure to look at. With Jack's expert guidance you'll master the basic skills, and soon be popping doing ollies, kickflips, board slides, shuv-its and more.

Objev podobné jako How to Train Your Skateboard - Jack Francis

cena 447.0 Kč

The Courage To Be Disliked: How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness - Fumitake Koga, Ichiro Kishimi

The Courage To Be Disliked The Japanese phenomenon that teaches us the simple yet profound lessons required to liberate our real selves and find lasting happiness.The Courage to be Disliked shows you how to unlock the power within yourself to become your best and truest self, change your future and find lasting happiness. Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of 19th century psychology alongside Freud and Jung, the authors explain how we are all free to determine our own future free of the shackles of past experiences, doubts and the expectations of others. It's a philosophy that's profoundly liberating, allowing us to develop the courage to change, and to ignore the limitations that we and those around us can place on ourselves.The result is a book that is both highly accessible and profound in its importance. Millions have already read and benefited from its wisdom. Now that The Courage to be Disliked has been published for the first time in English, so can you.

Objev podobné jako The Courage To Be Disliked: How to free yourself, change your life and achieve real happiness - Fumitake Koga, Ichiro Kishimi

cena 259.0 Kč

How to Manifest Anything: Your questions answered on love, money and more - Jackson Victoria

How do I manifest my soulmate?I want to manifest money - where do I start?How do I manifest my dream job?My manifestation hasn't arrived yet - what am I doing wrong? All these questions and more are answered in this essential guide from leading manifestation coach, teacher and author, Victoria Jackson. Designed with the signature 'agony aunt' concept in mind, How To Manifest Anything is a dip-in-and-out collection of the most popular and recurring questions people ask as they try to implement manifestation into their daily lives. With this comprehensive guide covering love, life, career, money, home, friendship and family, you will have everything you need to overcome any blocks, shift your focus, align your actions and finally turn those dreams into reality.Offering advice, guidance and reassurance, with Victoria's blend of soul, strategy, spirituality and science, this book will help you navigate the magic of manifesting and live your best life.

Objev podobné jako How to Manifest Anything: Your questions answered on love, money and more - Jackson Victoria

cena 447.0 Kč

Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential - Adam Alter

Anatomy of a Breakthrough is a groundbreaking guide to optimising your life, overcoming obstacles, and reaching your full potential.All of us go through episodes of simply being stuck, whether we're trapped in a thankless job, wrestling writer's block, muddling through a midlife crisis, or trying to remedy a fraying friendship. The resulting emotion is a mix of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, anger, and numbness, and it's often chronic, dangerous to our mental health, and with severe consequences to our success and development. What if someone told you that there is a proven plan to break through and to get unstuck?Anatomy of a Breakthrough is the remedy to identifying and overcoming the friction points holding us back. Professor of Marketing and bestselling author Adam Alter offers a brilliant new framework for not only getting unstuck but also going on to flourish. Critically, he introduces us to the Friction Audit - a test to work out where our sticking points lie between our HEAD, HEART or HABITS - and then takes us on a roadmap to break through.Alter illustrates his formula by sharing the stories of great 'unstickers' among us: the sub-elite swimmer who unstuck himself twice to win two Olympic gold medals; the actor who faced countless rejections before gaining worldwide fame; the renowned painter who became paralyzed and had to relearn to paint with a brush strapped to his wrist; as well as Alter's own story of breaking away from a college degree that made him deeply unhappy.Artfully weaving together scientific studies, anecdotes, and interviews, Anatomy of a Breakthrough will inspire you to boldly break away from the things holding you back, and to realise your goals.

Objev podobné jako Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential - Adam Alter

cena 449.0 Kč

The Tao of Coaching: Boost Your Effectiveness at Work by Inspiring and Developing Those Around You (1781253323)

Kniha - autor Max Landsberg, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of this bestselling business classic, completely refreshed and updated. There are also 2 new chapters on the power of effective questions and better goal-setting.

Objev podobné jako The Tao of Coaching: Boost Your Effectiveness at Work by Inspiring and Developing Those Around You (1781253323)

cena 245.0 Kč

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