Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
Combining the best current medical knowledge with a new approach grounded in integrative medicine, Dr Chopra and Dr Tanzi offer a groundbreaking model of healing and the immune system. Heal yourself from the inside out. Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel allows newly mutated bacteria and viruses to spread across the globe, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria outstrip the new drugs that are meant to fight them, deaths due to hospital-acquired infections are increasing, and the childhood vaccinations of our aging population are losing their effectiveness. Now more than ever, our well-being is at a dangerous crossroad. But there is hope, and the solution lies within ourselves. The Healing Self is the new breakthrough book in self-care by bestselling author and leader in integrative medicine Deepak Chopra and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph E Tanzi. They argue that the brain possesses its own lymphatic system, meaning it is also tied into the body's general immune system. Based on this brand new discovery, they offer new ways of increasing the body's immune system by stimulating the brain and our genes, and through this they help us fight off illness and disease. Combined with new facts about the gut microbiome and lifestyle changes, diet and stress reduction, there is no doubt that this ground-breaking work will have an important effect on your immune system.
Podívejte se také The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)
The Healing Self : Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
Heal yourself from the inside out Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel allows newly mutated bacteria and viruses to spread across the globe, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria outstrip the new drugs that are meant to fight them, deaths due to hospital-acquired infections are increasing, and the childhood vaccinations of our aging population are losing their effectiveness. Now more than ever, our well-being is at a dangerous crossroad. But there is hope, and the solution lies within ourselves. The Healing Self is the new breakthrough book in self-care by bestselling author and leader in integrative medicine Deepak Chopra and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph E Tanzi. They argue that the brain possesses its own lymphatic system, meaning it is also tied into the body's general immune system. Based on this brand new discovery, they offer new ways of increasing the body's immune system by stimulating the brain and our genes, and through this they help us fight off illness and disease. Combined with new facts about the gut microbiome and lifestyle changes, diet and stress reduction, there is no doubt that this ground-breaking work will have an important effect on your immune system.
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The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)
Kniha - autor Deepak Chopra; Rudolph E. Tanzi, 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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Living in the Light, Yoga for Self-Realization - Deepak Chopra
A ground-breaking guide to the philosophy and practice of yoga from master of modern meditation Deepak Chopra.More than a form of exercise, yoga is a way of existing in the world rooted in physical, mental and spiritual practices. It defines everyday life as ideal and brings every experience, no matter how small, into the light.In this revelatory book, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a simple eight-week programme covering the eight stages of transformation in yoga including transcendence, wholeness and breath. Featuring 50 poses in delicate line illustrations, created by Chopra and his long-time instructor Sarah Platt-Finger, Living in the Light will guide beginners and enthusiasts alike in nurturing a state of total awareness and a deeper understanding of self.
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Mindful Moments: Thoughts to Nourish Your Body and Soul - Deepak Chopra
This is the moment of power. Be the moment. Take a moment to be mindful with master of modern meditation Deepak Chopra. For the past thirty years, Deepak Chopra has been at the forefront of the meditation revolution in the West, inspiring millions with his remarkable insight and wisdom. In this enlightening collection of meditations and quotes, gathered from across his career, Chopra offers you the opportunity to take a moment and let the wise, pithy and insightful thoughts that fill this beautifully illustrated book sink into your spirit and nourish your soul.
Objev podobné jako Mindful Moments: Thoughts to Nourish Your Body and Soul - Deepak Chopra
Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life - Deepak Chopra
A visionary collaboration from three of today’s most powerful minds.Coming together in an unprecedented collaboration, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra, physicist Jack Tuszynski, and endocrinologist Brian Fertig, explore the innovative world of quantum science, demonstrating how unlocking its secrets can revolutionise how we live, age and, ultimately, how we might eradicate disease. The key is the quantum body.Unlike our physical body, which is subject to ageing, injury, and decay, the quantum body exists on a subatomic level and is the infinite, invisible source of everyday reality. It influences our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and biological responses. Without our quantum body, there is no physical body. This lack of awareness of the most crucial part of ourselves negatively impacts our lives every day.Through a powerful combination of prescriptive exercises and innovative research into the quantum world, this book unveils seven breakthroughs that will revolutionise the future of everyone’s well-being.
Objev podobné jako Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life - Deepak Chopra
Sedm duchovních zákonů superhrdinů - Deepak Chopra - e-kniha
eBook: Svět potřebuje a vždy potřeboval superhrdiny - neohrožené muže i ženy s neobyčejnými a nadpřirozenými schopnostmi, kteří si dokážou poradit v náročných podmínkách, kteří neutíkají z boje, jsou na straně slabších a utiskovaných, bojují proti bezpráví. Lidé na ně a na jejich sílu odnepaměti spoléhali a vkládali do nich to lepší ze sebe samých.Deepak Chopra je přesvědčen, že každý z nás v sobě může najít duchovního superhrdinu. Ve své vnímavé meditaci radí, jak toho dosáhnout, a ukazuje nám, jak v sobě můžeme odemknout svého vnitřního Supermana. Tvrdí, že každý z nás má možnost přispět k záchraně planety a učinit ze sebe lepšího člověka. Sedm spirituálních zákonů superhrdinů nám může otevřít jiný pohled na sebe, na naše okolí i na svět. Cesta je otevřená pro každého, kdo má odvahu se na ni vydat.
Objev podobné jako Sedm duchovních zákonů superhrdinů - Deepak Chopra - e-kniha
Stínový efekt - Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford - e-kniha
eBook: Tato kniha se zrodila z touhy posvítit si na tajemství lidské mysli, zvláště na stín skrývající se v nevědomí. Po jejím přečtení už nikdy nebudete na sebe a na svůj stín pohlížet tak jako předtím. Každý ze tří autorů přichází s upřímnou nadějí, že je možné stín jednou provždy prosvítit tak, aby přestal ničit naše životy i celý svět. Pokusí se nám dokázat, že když vezmeme stín do svých rukou, stane se naším průvodcem a učitelem při objevování naší pravé osobnosti a síly.
Objev podobné jako Stínový efekt - Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford - e-kniha
Metačlověk - Deepak Chopra
Je možné odvážit se za hranice každodenního života a zažít vyšší stavy vědomí? Překročte současná omezení a vstupte do nového stavu vědomí Deepak Chopra dokazuje, že vyšší vědomí je k dispozici "tady a teď". V knize METAČLOVĚK odhaluje tajemství, jak překročit současná omezení a využít náš nekonečný potenciál. Jak to udělat? Tím, že se staneme metačlověkem. Být metačlověkem však není sci-fi a rozhodně nejde o to stát se superhrdinou. Být metačlověkem znamená překonat omezení vytvořená myslí a vstoupit do nového stavu vědomí, kde máme promyšlený a skutečný přístup ke špičkovým zážitkům, které mohou úplně obrátit životy lidí naruby. Vydejte se na cestu "tady a teď" Lidé to dělají přirozeně - do určitého bodu. Po celá staletí velcí umělci, vědci, spisovatelé a další takzvaní obyčejní lidé překročili každodenní fyzický svět. Ale co by se stalo, kdybychom uměli tyto často ohromující zkušenosti nasměrovat? Chopra tvrdí, že bychom se otevřeli zážitkům, které by povznesly naše tělo, mysl a duši. METAČLOVĚK vyzývá čtenáře, aby se vydal na cestu "tady a teď". Probuzení, jak zjistíme, není jen o všímavosti nebo meditaci. Probuzení umožňuje dát životu smysl jako nikdy předtím. Probuzení, tj. stát se metačlověkem, znamená rozšířit naše vědomí ve všem, co si myslíme, říkáme a děláme. Tím, že jdeme dál, se osvobodíme od starých zvyků a všech myšlenkových konstrukcí, které jsou příčinou úzkosti, napětí a egem řízených požadavků. Probuzení umožňuje dát životu smysl jako nikdy předtím. Aby to bylo co nejpraktičtější, končí Chopra knihu 31denním průvodcem, jak se stát metačlověkem. Jakmile se probudíte, vše se promění, protože ve vašem životě nastane čisté vědomí - pole neomezených možností. Teprve potom se váš nekonečný potenciál stane vaší realitou.
Objev podobné jako Metačlověk - Deepak Chopra
The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)
Kniha - 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)
Nespoutaná energie - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Ucelený program k překonání chronické únavy. Lidé s chronickou únavou trpí nedostatkem energie i dlouhé měsíce. Deepak Chopra přináší návod, jak oživit vitalitu nutnou k životu. Proč únavu dennodenně pociťují miliony lidí? Proč je pro některé z nich dokonce dominantní zkušeností jejich života? Lidé s chronickou únavou trpí nedostatkem energie i dlouhé měsíce. Nelze ji vyléčit ani spánkem a může být stejně vyčerpávající jako vážné zdravotní potíže. Její vznik ovlivňují psychické i fyzické faktory. Mysl a emoce mohou být hlavním zdrojem energie, ale také jejím hlavním ničitelem. Kniha osvětluje techniky k dosažení rovnováhy ve čtyřech oblastech – v těle, mysli, chování a prostředí – a přináší návod, jak oživit energii a vitalitu nutnou k životu. PDF s doplňkovým materiálem ke stažení najdete v detailu audioknihy na www.tympanum.cz
Objev podobné jako Nespoutaná energie - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Pán světla (Defekt) - Deepak Chopra
Američan Michael Aulden pracuje jako lékař na válkou sužovaném území Středního východu. Přivykl pohledu na zraněná a zohavená lidská těla, na nezměrnou bolest a utrpení fyzické i psychické. Není však připraven na ďábelské zlo, které se vymyká jeho dosavadním zkušenostem. Setkává se s ním v podobě mladého Proroka, jehož cílem je rozpoutat na válečném arabském území teror dosud nevídaných rozměrů a narušit tisíciletou rovnováhu mezi dobrem a zlem. A Michael Aulden je jedním z 36 vyvolených, kteří mohou Zemi zachránit a zastavit Proroka dřív, než rozpoutá apokalyptickou zkázu světa a uvrhne jej do chaosu a temnot pekla. Poutavý a působivý příběh, plný záhad a tajemství, vtáhne čtenáře do děje nabitého překvapivými zvraty a nenechá jej vydechnout.
Objev podobné jako Pán světla (Defekt) - Deepak Chopra
Pán světla (Defekt) - Deepak Chopra
Američan Michael Aulden pracuje jako lékař na válkou sužovaném území Středního východu. Přivykl pohledu na zraněná a zohavená lidská těla, na nezměrnou bolest a utrpení fyzické i psychické. Není však připraven na ďábelské zlo, které se vymyká jeho dosavadním zkušenostem. Setkává se s ním v podobě mladého Proroka, jehož cílem je rozpoutat na válečném arabském území teror dosud nevídaných rozměrů a narušit tisíciletou rovnováhu mezi dobrem a zlem. A Michael Aulden je jedním z 36 vyvolených, kteří mohou Zemi zachránit a zastavit Proroka dřív, než rozpoutá apokalyptickou zkázu světa a uvrhne jej do chaosu a temnot pekla. Poutavý a působivý příběh, plný záhad a tajemství, vtáhne čtenáře do děje nabitého překvapivými zvraty a nenechá jej vydechnout.
Objev podobné jako Pán světla (Defekt) - Deepak Chopra
Vytváření hojnosti - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Vytvořte si tolik bohatství, kolik si Vaše srdce přeje. Čte Aleš Zbořil Hojnost je zážitek, ve kterém jsou naše potřeby naplněny a naše touhy spontánně vyplněny. Vnímáme radost, zdraví, štěstí a vitalitu v každém momentu své existence. Jak jich dosáhnout? Zásady vyjádřené v této audioknize se primárně vztahují k vytvoření neomezeného hmotného bohatostí, ale lze je aplikovat na kteroukoli oblast. Deepak Chopra úspěšně spojil to nejlepší z východního a západního myšlení se starobylou moudrostí a moderní vědou. Jeho průkopnické přednášky a publikovaná díla z něj učinily světového odborníka v medicíně mysli-těla a na poli vědomí. Deepak Chopra (1946) je americký lékař a spisovatel, původem z Indie. Po studiích medicíny odešel v roce 1968 do USA, kde nejprve učil na univerzitách v Bostonu a věnoval se lékařské praxi endokrinologa. V 80. letech se začal zajímat o ajurvédu a techniku transcendentální meditace (TM) a posléze se stal zakládajícím prezidentem Americké asociace ájurvédské medicíny. Dnes je Deepak Chopra světovou autoritou v oblasti výživy, zdravého životního stylu a osobního rozvoje. Napsal více než 75 knih, které byly přeloženy do 35 jazyků, a jejichž celosvětový náklad přesáhl 20 milionů výtisků. Tympanum dosud vydalo jeho audioknihy Vytváření hojnosti a Sedm duchovních zákonů úspěchu. Aleš Zbořil (1968) Po studiích herectví na brněnské JAMU absolvoval půlroční stáž na francouzské Ecole Florent. Poté působil jako rozhlasový moderátor (Rádio Brno, později rádio Krokodýl) a v současnosti je nejvíce známý jako moderátor televizních soutěží (Očko bere, Telekvíz, Ypsilon, Rexeso a především AZ-kvíz). Věnuje se také dabingu (mluví např. Sashu Mitchella v seriálu Dallas) a režii, namlouvá televizní a rozhlasové komentáře, je lektorem seminářů komunikace, rétoriky a prezentačních dovedností. Od roku 1994 je ženatý, má dceru a syna.
Objev podobné jako Vytváření hojnosti - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Sedm duchovních zákonů superhrdinů - Ovládnutí naší moci změnit svět - Deepak Chopra, Gotham Chopra
Svět potřebuje a vždy potřeboval superhrdiny – neohrožené muže i ženy s neobyčejnými a nadpřirozenými schopnostmi, kteří si dokážou poradit v náročných podmínkách, kteří neutíkají z boje, jsou na straně slabších a utiskovaných, bojují proti bezpráví. Lidé na ně a na jejich sílu odnepaměti spoléhali a vkládali do nich to lepší ze sebe samých. Deepak Chopra je přesvědčen, že každý z nás v sobě může najít duchovního superhrdinu. Ve své vnímavé meditaci radí, jak toho dosáhnout, a ukazuje nám, jak v sobě můžeme odemknout svého vnitřního Supermana. Tvrdí, že každý z nás má možnost přispět k záchraně planety a učinit ze sebe lepšího člověka. Sedm spirituálních zákonů superhrdinů nám může otevřít jiný pohled na sebe, na naše okolí i na svět. Cesta je otevřená pro každého, kdo má odvahu se na ni vydat.
Objev podobné jako Sedm duchovních zákonů superhrdinů - Ovládnutí naší moci změnit svět - Deepak Chopra, Gotham Chopra
Duchovní zákony jógy - Simon David, Deepak Chopra
Nezanedbatelné výsledky cvičení jógy, mezi než lze zařadit větší pružnost těla, lepší rovnováhu, svalový tonus, výdrž a vitalitu, ukazují na vyjímečnou sílu této hluboce duchovní praxe. Pokud dodržujete její principy a praktikujete ji uvědoměle, dokáže jóga odemknout váš tvůrčí potenciál, vaše schopnosti milovat a soucítit i vaši dovednost nalézt úspěch ve všech životních oblastech. Sedm duchovních zákonů jógy józe vrací spiritualitu. Chopra a Simon ukazují, jak klíčovou roli hrají na cestě k osvícení. A zároveň vás obohatí o množství meditačních technik, manter, dechových cvičení a skvělých jogínských pozic. Ať už s jógou začínáte, nebo jste zkušený jogín, kniha Duchovní zákony jógy je branou k hlubší duchovní dimenzi jógy a krokem ke šťastnějšímu, harmoničtějšímu a blahobytnějšímu životu.
Objev podobné jako Duchovní zákony jógy - Simon David, Deepak Chopra
Sedm duchovních zákonů úspěchu - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Praktický návod k naplnění snů Čte Aleš Zbořil Audiokniha Sedm duchovních zákonů úspěchu vám umožní dosáhnout mistrovské úrovně životního konání. Světový odborník na poli vědomí Deepak Chopra zkoncentroval esenci svého učení do sedmi prostých, ale mocných principů, které lze snadno uplatnit ve všech oblastech života. Věnujete-li jim pozornost a budete-li cvičit podle naznačeného návodu, poznáte, že můžete dosáhnout všeho, nač pomyslíte – bohatství, peněz i úspěchu. Také zjistíte, že se váš život stal radostnějším a že oplývá v mnoha směrech hojností, protože tyto duchovní zákony činí život smysluplným. Deepak Chopra (1946) je americký lékař a spisovatel, původem z Indie. Po studiích medicíny odešel v roce 1968 do USA, kde nejprve učil na univerzitách v Bostonu a věnoval se lékařské praxi endokrinologa. V 80. letech se začal zajímat o ajurvédu a techniku transcendentální meditace (TM) a posléze se stal zakládajícím prezidentem Americké asociace ájurvédské medicíny. Dnes je Deepak Chopra světovou autoritou v oblasti výživy, zdravého životního stylu a osobního rozvoje. Napsal více než 75 knih, které byly přeloženy do 35 jazyků, a jejichž celosvětový náklad přesáhl 20 milionů výtisků. Tympanum dosud vydalo jeho audioknihy Vytváření hojnosti a Sedm duchovních zákonů úspěchu. Aleš Zbořil (1968) Po studiích herectví na brněnské JAMU absolvoval půlroční stáž na francouzské Ecole Florent. Poté působil jako rozhlasový moderátor (Rádio Brno, později rádio Krokodýl) a v současnosti je nejvíce známý jako moderátor televizních soutěží (Očko bere, Telekvíz, Ypsilon, Rexeso a především AZ-kvíz). Věnuje se také dabingu (mluví např. Sashu Mitchella v seriálu Dallas) a režii, namlouvá televizní a rozhlasové komentáře, je lektorem seminářů komunikace, rétoriky a prezentačních dovedností. Od roku 1994 je ženatý, má dceru a syna.
Objev podobné jako Sedm duchovních zákonů úspěchu - Deepak Chopra - audiokniha
Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well - Tim Spector
'Life-changing' DAVINA McCALL'A must-read' DR RUPY AUJLA'Fascinating' NIGELLA LAWSON'Empowering' LIZ EARLE**AS HEARD ON THE DIARY OF A CEO PODCAST**Empowering and practical, Food for Life is nothing less than a new approach to how to eat - for our health and the health of the planet.Food is our greatest ally for good health, but the question of what to eat in the age of ultra-processed food has never seemed so complicated.Drawing on cutting-edge research and personal insights, Professor Tim Spector offers clear answers in this definitive, easy-to-follow guide to the new science of eating well.'No fads, no nonsense, just practical, science-based advice on how to eat well' Daily Mail, Books of the Year'A rigorously academic book that welcomes the layperson with open arms' The Times** A THE TIMES and SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR**** WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON SPECIAL AWARD **
Objev podobné jako Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well - Tim Spector
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
This is a book you will cherish for a lifetime, for within its pages are the secrets to making all your dreams come true. Based on natural laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, exacting plans, or driving ambition. Instead, Deepak Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success: When we understand our true nature and learn to live in harmony with natural law, a sense of well-being, good health, fulfilling relationships, and material abundance spring forth easily and effortlessly. Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can apply right away, this pocketbook edition of Chopra’s classic bestselling book makes it easy for you to read and refer to again and again. Carry it with you in your purse or your pocket, and in less than one hour, learn the seven powerful principles that can easily be applied to create success in all areas of your life.
Objev podobné jako The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
Total Meditation : Stress Free Living Starts Here - Deepak Chopra
How to live the awakened life by the master of modern meditationMeditation leads to transformation. It affects every aspect of your wellbeing and can bring about positive change in your body, affect your mental outlook, increase your decision-making ability and eliminate worry and anxiety.World renowned for revolutionizing meditation for modern life, Deepak Chopra draws on his 30 years of practice and reveals how to achieve blissful awareness by waking up to who you really are. Perfect for beginners, sceptics or those looking for a new approach to stillness, his simple 7-day programme offers a life-changing path to a quiet mind.
Objev podobné jako Total Meditation : Stress Free Living Starts Here - Deepak Chopra
Stínový efekt - Objasnění skryté síly vašeho pravého já - Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford
Tato kniha se zrodila z touhy posvítit si na tajemství lidské mysli, zvláště na stín skrývající se v nevědomí. Po jejím přečtení už nikdy nebudete na sebe a na svůj stín pohlížet tak jako předtím. Každý ze tří autorů přichází s upřímnou nadějí, že je možné stín jednou provždy prosvítit tak, aby přestal ničit naše životy i celý svět. Pokusí se nám dokázat, že když vezmeme stín do svých rukou, stane se naším průvodcem a učitelem při objevování naší pravé osobnosti a síly.
Objev podobné jako Stínový efekt - Objasnění skryté síly vašeho pravého já - Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford
Find Your Creative Mojo: How to Overcome Fear, Procrastination and Self-Doubt to Express your True Self - Josh Langley - e-kniha
eBook: Delivering the untold truth about why it’s so important to express yourself, ‘Find Your Creative Mojo’ provides the perfect manifesto on finding your voice, your passions and unleashing your creative soul. Whether you’re taking your first step or looking to awaken your arty side, you’ll be reaching for this book whenever you find your creative voice in need of a boost.A rattling read, Josh Langley mixes humour, inspirational quotes, beautiful illustrations and quirky anecdotes to craft one cocktail of creative love letter to art. Ideal for any budding creative soul.
Objev podobné jako Find Your Creative Mojo: How to Overcome Fear, Procrastination and Self-Doubt to Express your True Self - Josh Langley - e-kniha
Get Well, Stay Well - Dr Gemma Newman
‘A hopeful, essential read’ Dr Rangan Chatterjee‘A true game changer of a book.’ Dr Rupy Aujla‘For anyone wanting to live longer and improve their health today.’ Dan BuettnerDetermined to help her patients, Dr Gemma Newman has studied nutrition, psychotherapy and a wide range of holistic approaches alongside her medical practice.This book brings together everything she has learned, in twenty years of clinical experience:Six essential health prescriptions distilled into simple and free, daily habits.She has seen radical transformations in her patients, family, and her own health from her open-minded approach to medicine – from chronic headaches to debilitating anxiety. Give yourself the best chance of a healthy, happy life – whatever life throws at you. This is accessible, uplifting, evidence-based advice you can trust. Includes:Practical exercises exploring your mind-body-emotional health connectionExpert help to get to the root cause of your health concernsA toolkit of solutions backed by global researchA bespoke health plan for you – no one-size-fits all approach Food as medicine, with simple plant-based recipesOpen your mind to look after your body.
Objev podobné jako Get Well, Stay Well - Dr Gemma Newman
The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet : Lose Weight Fast and Reprogramme Your Body for Life - Michael Mosley
Dr Michael Mosley, author of the bestselling 5:2 Fast Diet, reveals a game-changing approach to one of the greatest silent epidemics of our time - raised blood sugar levels. The food we eat today, high in sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates, is not only making us fat, but is putting us at risk of type 2 diabetes, strokes, dementia, cancer and a lifetime on medication. More than a third of adults in the UK now have raised blood sugar levels and most don't know it. In this timely book, Dr Mosley explains why we pile on dangerous abdominal fat and shows us how to shed it, fast. He demolishes common myths, such as the claim that steady weight loss is always better than rapid weight loss and that those who lose weight rapidly will inevitably put it back on. This is a book not just for those at highest risk but for anyone who has struggled with their weight and wants to regain control of their health. "I feel amazing. I have been given another chance at life." Cassie, 28 - lost 20kg. Average weight loss: 14kg in 8 weeks. Includes a detailed 8-week programme with menu plans.
Objev podobné jako The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet : Lose Weight Fast and Reprogramme Your Body for Life - Michael Mosley
Self-Help for Your Nerves - Dr. Claire Weekes
Essential guide for everything you need to know to keep relaxed through every day lifeRepackage of the phenomenally successful guide to dealing with nervous illness – Self Help for Your Nerves. This guide offers the most comprehensive insight and advice into coping with nervous stress.Sufferers of nervous illness regard Self Help for Your Nerves as their bible – many believe that if they had found it earlier they would have been saved years of unnecessary suffering.Dr Claire Weekes looks at:How the Nervous System WorksWhat is Nervous IllnessCommon factors in the development of nervous illnessRecurring Nervous AttacksPlus important chapters on depression, sorrow, guilt and disgrace, obsessions, sleeplessness, confidence, loneliness and agoraphobia.The book also shows the Dr Claire Weekes method, a practical programme on learning to take your place among people without fear.
Objev podobné jako Self-Help for Your Nerves - Dr. Claire Weekes
Kokoro: Japanese Wisdom for a Life Well Lived - Beth Kempton
kokoro [n.] intelligent heart, feeling mind One year. Two devastating losses. Three sacred Japanese mountains.A major life transition, a heart full of grief and a revelation that changes everything. Join Japanologist Beth Kempton on a pilgrimage through rural Japan in search of answers to some of life's biggest questions: How do we find calm in the chaos and beauty in the darkness? How do we let go of the past and stop worrying about the future? What can an awareness of impermanence teach us about living well?Together you will journey to the deep north of Japan, hike ancient forests, watch the moon rise over mountains of myth and encounter a host of wise teachers along the way - Noh actors, chefs, taxi drivers, coffee shop owners, poets, philosophers and the spirits that inhabit the land. You will contemplate the true nature of time at one of the world's strictest Zen temples and nothing will be quite the same again.This book is an invitation to cultivate stillness and contentment in an ever-changing, uncertain world. It all begins with the kokoro, a profound Japanese term which represents the intelligent heart, the feeling mind and the embodied spirit of every human being. To explore the kokoro is to explore the very essence of what it means to be human in this tough yet devastatingly beautiful world.When you learn to live guided by the light in your kokoro, everything changes, and anything is possible.
Objev podobné jako Kokoro: Japanese Wisdom for a Life Well Lived - Beth Kempton
The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros
Is dread the first thing you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you working in the evenings and on weekends to catch up? Have you already beat burnout once, only to find it creeping back? If you answered yes to any of these, you're in need of a cure for burnout. Burnout management coach Emily Ballesteros combines scientific and cultural research and the tried-and-true strategies she's successfully implemented with clients around the globe to demystify burnout - and set you on a path towards a life of personal and professional balance. Ballesteros outlines five areas in which you can build healthy habits - mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, and stress management.She offers clear and simple tools to help you find greater balance, energy and fulfilment, showing you how to:· Break burnout habits that keep you in a pattern of chronic overwhelm· Create sustainable work/life balance through predictable personal care· Get more done in less time while creating forward momentum towards a meaningful life· Identify and set your personal and professional limits, guilt-free· Master your stress and detach from your stressorsThe Cure for Burnout provides a holistic method for burnout management, empowering us to reclaim control of our own lives once and for all.
Objev podobné jako The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros
Fight For Your Life - Amir Khan
AVAILABLE TO PREORDER NOW''Some people are born to be sports stars. I wasn''t one of them. I was born to be . . . actually what was I born to be? Probably, like most Asian kids growing up in the late Nineties, a doctor, or a teacher. At a push I might have been a cricketer. A boxer? Come off it! No Asian lad did that sort of thing. Hanging up my gloves has given me the opportunity to reflect not just on my career but on who I am and the kind of person I want to be. Whoever that is, I just hope they get a few less slaps to the face! Boxing has only ever been part of the storyline. Whether it be death threats from Al-Qaeda, gunpoint robbery, family fallouts, marriage to a New York socialite, three kids, a reality show, a money pit wedding hall, or walking through a flood and earthquake devastated Pakistan, I''m struggling to think of a quiet day. That means a lot of lessons hard-learned - and you''ll notice that I try to pass a few on here. I''ve become a teacher after all!''
Objev podobné jako Fight For Your Life - Amir Khan
Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self - TThunDer Animation - e-kniha
eBook: Learn how to be yourself with your good friends the Rainbow Chicks! Four new, exciting stories: Berry\'s Trouble, An Egg with Legs, A Dark Cloud and Violet’s Trouble. These stories help children to get to know themselves, appreciate their unique identities, establish self-confidence, and foster an optimistic outlook. Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems. Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it\'s paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks! The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.
Objev podobné jako Rainbow Chicks - Self-Confidence - Be Your Unique Self - TThunDer Animation - e-kniha
Heart Magick: Wiccan rituals for self-love and self-care - Harmony Nice
Find your authentic self, connect with the earth and discover how to create beauty in every day.Follow Wiccan witch Harmony Nice on a beautiful path to healing in her transformative new book, Heart Magick. Featuring spells, rituals, tarot spreads, recipes and journal prompts, Harmony will show you how to open up to the magick of the world around you and truly let go of the things that hold you back. By living in rhythm with nature and the cycles of the seasons, you will learn how to connect with and care for the beauty that lives within you. This is your guide to living a magickal life.
Objev podobné jako Heart Magick: Wiccan rituals for self-love and self-care - Harmony Nice
Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance - Sonia Bestulic - e-kniha
eBook: Motherhood is a personal journey of self-discovery. From feeling delight and wonder, to challenged and overwhelmed – often, all in one day! FLOURISH for Mums is your perfect companion to cultivate 21 healthy ways to let go of unrealistic expectations and create space to celebrate your unique parenting pathway. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions – this is personal, yet universal in its strong, yet gentle message. The weight of social media, societal expectations, and an ever-evolving concept of what it means to be a good parent play heavily on the minds of mothers. If the daily life of a busy mum is not enough this is the burden that can break a mother’s feelings of self-worth and success – personally, in work, and in the family unit. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions Flourish for Mums cultivates a self-empowerment specific to mothers with its unique, strong, yet gentle messages. \"This compassionate, wise and soulful book cuts to the heart of motherhood ... It’s the ideal handholding companion.\" - Michelle Mitchell Author, Speaker, Educator Sonia Bestulic is a creative, energised woman, combining an extraordinary blend of creativity, intellect, empathy and passionate, determined drive; Sonia shares a natural gift for empowering those with children in their lives, to embrace their own personal growth. Sonia is an award-nominated Children’s Author, Speech Pathologist, Podcaster, and highly regarded Speaker. She combines real-world experience having worked with thousands of mothers and their children, within her Speech Pathology practices, together with her own lived motherhood, raising three children. Sonia is also the Founder of Talking Heads Speech Pathology clinics, in Sydney Australia. She is an advocate for honouring mothers’ wellbeing, celebrating children, and living a life powered by love.
Objev podobné jako Flourish for Mums: 21 Ways to Thrive With Self-care and Acceptance - Sonia Bestulic - e-kniha
Hifas da Terra Mico-Five Immune System BIO 70 kapslí
Hifas da Terra Mico-Five Immune System BIO obsahuje vysokoprocentní extrakt z reishi, maitake, shiitake, žampionu a chagy.
Objev podobné jako Hifas da Terra Mico-Five Immune System BIO 70 kapslí
Success For Life: The Secret to Achieving Your True Potential - Paul McKenna
Do you want to fulfil your true potential?Do you want total self-belief?Do you want determination and resilience?Do you want more energy and better health?Do you want increased creativity, happiness and joy?Then this book and accompanying audio techniques are for you!Paul McKenna wants to help you achieve your true potential in every area of your life. He has spent decades working with sports stars, rock stars, movie stars and business leaders to help them become super successful. Now it's your turn!Here, Paul has distilled seven core easy-to-learn strategies that will give you the edge in life and make you more successful than you'd ever dreamed possible.Using the latest psychological techniques, you will move beyond limitations - and in the short time it takes to read this book and use the free audio downloads, you will notice a powerful change in your thinking and behaviour, becoming a super version of yourself with a richer and more fulfilling life. If you want to increase your confidence, clarity, creativity, resilience, connection and happiness, then let Paul McKenna help you now!
Objev podobné jako Success For Life: The Secret to Achieving Your True Potential - Paul McKenna
How To Do The Work : Recognise Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self - Nicole LePera
As a clinical psychologist, Dr Nicole LePera found herself frustrated by the limitations of traditional psychotherapy. Wanting more for her patients - and for herself - she began a journey to develop a united philosophy of mental, physical and spiritual health that equips people with the tools necessary to heal themselves. After experiencing the life-changing results herself, she began to share what she'd learned with others - and The Holistic Psychologist was born. Now Dr LePera is ready to share her much-requested protocol with the world. In How to Do the Work, she offers both a manifesto for self-healing and an essential guide to creating a more vibrant, authentic, and joyful life. Drawing on the latest research from both scientific research and healing modalities, Dr LePera helps us recognise how adverse experiences and trauma in childhood live with us, keeping us stuck engaging in patterns of codependency, emotional immaturity, and trauma bonds. Unless addressed, these self-sabotaging behaviours can quickly become cyclical, leaving people feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and unwell. In How to Do the Work, Dr LePera offers readers the support and tools that will allow them to break free from destructive behaviours to reclaim and recreate their lives. Nothing short of a paradigm shift, this is a celebration of empowerment that will forever change the way we approach mental wellness and self-care.
Objev podobné jako How To Do The Work : Recognise Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self - Nicole LePera
Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life (1526610205)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life (1526610205)
Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir
We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done.Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away?In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction. Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want.
Objev podobné jako Indistractable : How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life - Eyal Nir
Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
With Stories of Your Life and Others, his masterful debut collection, multiple-award-winning author Ted Chiang deftly blends human emotion and scientific rationalism in eight remarkably varied stories. From a soaring Babylonian tower that connects a flat Earth to the firmament above, to a world where angelic visitations are a wondrous and terrifying part of everyday life; from a neural modification that eliminates the appeal of physical beauty, to an alien language that challenges our very perception of time and reality, Chiang’s unique imagination invites us to question our understanding of the universe and our place in it. The title novella 'Story of Your Life' was the basis for the Academy Award-winning film Arrival, starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
Your One Wild and Precious Life - Maureen Gaffney
A ground-breaking new framework for embracing middle age and beyond Middle-age is cross-roadsy - having arrived, you're looking back in wonder about how you got here, and also looking ahead, thinking: where to next? The realisation that neither time nor choices are limitless is both daunting and exciting - this is the moment to take stock and figure out how to make the best of every precious moment of your second act. Your One Wild and Precious Life is an eye-opening account of this vital and surprisingly liberating life-stage. Crucially, it sets out how you can transform your thinking to reclaim control over your life, connect with who you truly are and face the future with joy and a sense of purpose.This is both radical and reassuring - a book to fundamentally alter your relationship with time and to help you to understand that every age can be your best age.
Objev podobné jako Your One Wild and Precious Life - Maureen Gaffney
Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life (0062803832)
Kniha - 210 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life (0062803832)
7 Step Mindset Makeover. Refocus Your Thoughts and Take Charge of Your Life
Refocus your thoughts with 7 Step Mindset Makeover, your life guide to achieving your goals from happiness expert Domonique Bertolucci. For most people, achieving our goals, creating new habits and making other positive changes in our lives can be very difficult to do. We either can't get started or end up in an endless cycle of making progress and then undermining or sabotaging that progress. But it's not because we're lazy or lack commitment. Often, it’s because we start our quest for change in the wrong place... focusing on our actions. What we really need to do when we want to change or improve our lives is to focus on our MINDSET. When we get our mindsets right, everything else will fall into place. With seven easy steps Domonique takes you through: how to detox your dreams, discover your 'no', choose your mood, ignore the voices, confront the enemy, say goodbye to your 'but', and see clearly into your future. Domonique Bertolucci’s Mindset Matters series will show you how to unlock the power of your mindset to live your best life.
Objev podobné jako 7 Step Mindset Makeover. Refocus Your Thoughts and Take Charge of Your Life
Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Webster's Shape Up Your English: For Intermediate Speakers of English, Speak and Write More Fluent E (9781910965382)
Kniha - autor Betty Kirkpatrick, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá For competent readers and speakers of English (level B1/B2), thisbook aims to help take an understanding of written and spokenEnglish a few steps further, to help readers to speak idiomatic Englishfluently and comfortably, and to encourage a practical approach tomastering written English.In order to present yourself well, it is important to have a competentgrasp of 'good English'. But sometimes it is as important to knowwhen you can break the rules as it is to know the rules themselves.This book emphasizes that while it is essential to have a goodunderstanding of English grammar and usage it is also necessary tokeep that usage modern and natural sounding.Shape Up Your English presents this information in accessible, bitesizedchunks. The text has many headings and subheadings to makereading easier, and 'fact boxes' present vital tips and fascinatingsnippets of extra information in...
Objev podobné jako Webster's Shape Up Your English: For Intermediate Speakers of English, Speak and Write More Fluent E (9781910965382)
Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 8 kg (8595237032075)
Granule pro kočky - určené plemenům všech velikostí, pro dospělé kočky s normální aktivitou, hmotnost balení 8 kg, receptura: kuřecí a rybí, bez obilovin Potřebujete ideální krmivo pro dospělé kočky? Pak by vás mohly zaujmout suché granule pro kočky Fitmin. Jistě zachutnají jedincům jakýchkoliv plemen bez omezení velikosti. Nabízené kočičí granule jsou vyvinuty pro potřeby domácích mazlíčků se standardní pohybovou aktivitou. Jejich kuřecí a rybí receptura potěší chuťové pohárky vašeho čtyřnohého miláčka. Do směsi byla přimíchána též bílá rýže. Hlavní přednosti granulí pro kočky Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 8 kg Granule pro kočky Fitmin jsou vhodné pro kočky jakýchkoliv plemen bez ohraničení velikosti Stáří zvířete: dospělý / adult Granule pro kočky Fitmin vyhovují převážně mazlíčkům s normální aktivitou Receptura: kuřecí a rybí Vyšší kvalita granulí díky absenci obilovin Krmivo pro kočky váží 8 kg
Objev podobné jako Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 8 kg (8595237032075)
Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 1,8 kg (8595237032068)
Granule pro kočky - určené plemenům všech velikostí, pro dospělé kočky s normální aktivitou, hmotnost balení 1,8 kg, receptura: kuřecí a rybí, bez obilovin Sháníte hodnotné krmivo pro kočky středního věku? Pak si vaši pozornost zaslouží suché granule pro kočky Fitmin. Budou vhodnou volbou pro jedince jakýchkoliv plemen bez omezení velikosti. Nabízené kočičí granule jsou vytvořeny pro potřeby domácích mazlíčků s průměrně aktivním životem. Jejich kuřecí a rybí receptura bude oblíbenou pochoutkou vašeho čtyřnohého miláčka. Do směsi byla přimíchána též bílá rýže. Hlavní přednosti granulí pro kočky Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 1,8 kg Granule pro kočky Fitmin jsou vhodné pro kočky jakýchkoliv plemen bez ohraničení velikosti Stáří zvířete: dospělý / adult Granule pro kočky Fitmin jsou určeny pro normálně aktivní mazlíčky Receptura: kuřecí a rybí Absence obilovin zaručuje kvalitu krmiva Krmivo pro kočky váží 1,8 kg
Objev podobné jako Fitmin For Life Cat Adult Fish and Chicken 1,8 kg (8595237032068)
Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul - Alyson Charles
Brimming with 100 different vibrant animal illustrations, transformative practices, and captivating stories from around the world, Animal Power is an enlightening guide to the power of the animal realm and how they bring peace, healing and empowerment to your life. In this luxe compendium, get ready to discover rituals, meditations, and visualizations to connect with 100 remarkable animals and their specific messages to share with you. Learn how to connect with the animal power of the bear for comfort and protection, the leopard for confidence, the seal for healthy relationships, and the peacock for creative inspiration, and many others. The practices are paired with illuminating stories from spiritual teachers around the world, plus sidebars with fascinating details on ancient traditions, global mythology, and scientific trivia. Delivered in an enchanting package overflowing with insight and magic, Animal Power is a celebration of the natural world and an inspiring companion for modern mystics, nature and animal lovers, and the spiritually curious. BEAUTIFUL TO GIFT AND DISPLAY: Luxe and eye-catching, this statement package features 100 full-page illustrations and shimmery accents on the case, making it a gorgeous decor object and a beautiful gift for modern mystics, meditators, animal and nature lovers, and the spiritually curious. POWERFUL + FUN DISCOVERIES: Animal Power offers endless opportunities to unlock hidden power and wisdom from within and offers solutions that awaken greater happiness, love and fulfillment. Readers can refer to the animal who has shown up in their life to see what it’s trying to teach, pick an animal that resonates with them at any point during each day, or close their eyes and flip to a random page for empowering inspiration in the morning. It’s a perfect blend of interaction, discovery, reverence and joy. ACCESSIBLE TECHNIQUES FOR EVERYDAY LIFE: This book presents spiritual guidance, meditation techniques, and transformative shamanic practices in accessible, easy-to-follow entries. Discover each animal’s powerful healing traits and abilities along with their insightful messages that energizes your life and awakens your soul. People interested in self-care, mindfulness, and personal transformation will enjoy the short practices that can easily be incorporated into everyday life. AUTHORITATIVE AUTHOR: Alyson Charles is a revered shaman and spiritual teacher devoted to living by the calls of inner wisdom, mysticism, energy medicine, and shamanic practices she has mastered through her studies with spiritual teachers, both of and beyond this world. She leads global courses, events, and talks to reconnect people to their fullest power and confidence. In this book, she shares her deep knowledge and respect for mystical traditions, providing essential context and global information on humans' relationship with sacred animals, along with illuminating testimonials from shamanic teachers and leaders around the world. Perfect for: Modern mystics, Tarot, crystal, and personal development enthusiasts, Meditators, Yogis, Animal lovers, Nature and mindfulness enthusiasts, Explorers of motivation, inspiration, energy, self-love, soul and wisdom, those on the quest for inner happiness and peace.
Objev podobné jako Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul - Alyson Charles
Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in German for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Doplňkové krmivo pro drobné savce, vhodné jako zdravý pamlsek. Obsahuje třapatku nachovou (echinacea purpurea) pro podporu přirozené imunity a je bez přidaného cukru. Profilem odpovídá přírodní výživě. Krmný návod Podávejte jako pochoutku či odměnu. Složení Vojtěška, pšenice, ječmen, sušená jablka, kukuřice, byliny (kopřiva, pampeliška, jitrocel), mrkev, rohovník, spirulina, třapatka nachová (50 mg / kg). Jakostní znaky Proteiny 13,2%, vlhkost 10%, hrubé oleje a tuky 2,6%, hrubé popeloviny 5,6%, hrubá vláknina 12,5%, vápník 0,6%, fosfor 0,3%, sodík 0,05%.
Objev podobné jako BRIT Animals IMMUNE STICK for RODENTS 80g
Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill
A common-sense guide to living rich . . . instead of dying rich Imagine if by the time you died, you did everything you were told to. You worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired. The only thing you wasted along the way was . . . your life. Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as practical guide on how to get the most out of your money—and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called “golden years.” In short, Bill Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. Regardless of your age, Die with Zero will teach you Perkins’s plan for optimizing your life, stage by stage, so you’re fully engaged and enjoying what you’ve worked and saved for. You’ll discover how to maximize your lifetime memorable moments with “time-bucketing,” how to convert your earnings into priceless memories by following your “net worth curve,” and how to navigate decisions about whether to invest in, or delay, a meaningful adventure with your “fulfillment curve” and “personal interest rate.” Using his own life experiences as well as the inspiring stories and cautionary tales of others—and drawing on eye-opening insights about time, money, and happiness from psychological science and behavioral finance—Perkins makes a timely, convincing, and contrarian case for living large.
Objev podobné jako Die With Zero : Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life - Perkins Bill
Reinventing Your Life - Janet S. Klosko, Jeffrey E. Young
Learn how to end the self-destructive behaviours that stop you from living your best life with this breakthrough programme. Do you …Put the needs of others above your own?Start to panic when someone you love leaves — or threatens to?Often feel anxious about natural disasters, losing all your money, or getting seriously ill?Find that no matter how successful you are, you still feel unhappy, unfulfilled, or undeserving?Unsatisfactory relationships, an irrational lack of self-esteem, feelings of being unfulfilled — these are all problems that can be solved by changing the types of messages that people internalise. These self-defeating behaviour patterns are called ‘lifetraps’, and Reinventing Your Life shows you how to stop the cycle that keeps you from attaining happiness. Two of America’s leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, PhD, and Janet S. Klosko, PhD, draw on the breakthrough principles of cognitive therapy to help you recognise and change negative thought patterns, without the aid of drugs or long-term traditional therapy. They describe eleven of the most common lifetraps, provide a diagnostic test for each, and offer step-by-step suggestions to help you break free of the traps. Thousands of men and women have seen the immediate and long-term results of the extraordinary programme outlined in this clear, compassionate, liberating book. Its innovative approach to solving ongoing emotional problems will help you create a more fulfilling, productive life.
Objev podobné jako Reinventing Your Life - Janet S. Klosko, Jeffrey E. Young
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