Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Kokoro: Japanese Wisdom for a Life Well Lived - Beth Kempton
kokoro [n.] intelligent heart, feeling mind One year. Two devastating losses. Three sacred Japanese mountains.A major life transition, a heart full of grief and a revelation that changes everything. Join Japanologist Beth Kempton on a pilgrimage through rural Japan in search of answers to some of life's biggest questions: How do we find calm in the chaos and beauty in the darkness? How do we let go of the past and stop worrying about the future? What can an awareness of impermanence teach us about living well?Together you will journey to the deep north of Japan, hike ancient forests, watch the moon rise over mountains of myth and encounter a host of wise teachers along the way - Noh actors, chefs, taxi drivers, coffee shop owners, poets, philosophers and the spirits that inhabit the land. You will contemplate the true nature of time at one of the world's strictest Zen temples and nothing will be quite the same again.This book is an invitation to cultivate stillness and contentment in an ever-changing, uncertain world. It all begins with the kokoro, a profound Japanese term which represents the intelligent heart, the feeling mind and the embodied spirit of every human being. To explore the kokoro is to explore the very essence of what it means to be human in this tough yet devastatingly beautiful world.When you learn to live guided by the light in your kokoro, everything changes, and anything is possible.
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Wabi Sabi : Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life - Beth Kempton
A whole new way of looking at the world - and your life - inspired by centuries-old Japanese wisdom. Wabi sabi ("wah-bi sah-bi") is a captivating concept from Japanese aesthetics, which helps us to see beauty in imperfection, appreciate simplicity and accept the transient nature of all things. With roots in zen and the way of tea, the timeless wisdom of wabi sabi is more relevant than ever for modern life, as we search for new ways to approach life's challenges and seek meaning beyond materialism. Wabi sabi is a refreshing antidote to our fast-paced, consumption-driven world, which will encourage you to slow down, reconnect with nature, and be gentler on yourself. It will help you simplify everything, and concentrate on what really matters. From honouring the rhythm of the seasons to creating a welcoming home, from reframing failure to ageing with grace, wabi sabi will teach you to find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect life. This book is the definitive guide to applying the principles of wabi sabi to transform every area of your life, and finding happiness right where you are.
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The Well-Lived Life - Dr Gladys McGarey
DISCOVER THE SIX SECRETS TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS AT ANY AGE FROM THE 102-YEAR-OLD WOMAN WHO KNOWS BETTER THAN ANYONE ''Astonishing. Truly one of the most inspirational women you''ll ever meet'' ELIZABETH DAY, How To Fail podcast ''You will love the stories, you will learn how to honour your health and your body, and in the end, you''ll love life that much more'' Dr Edith Eger, New York Times bestselling Author of The Choice and The Gift----Others talk about longevity.Dr Gladys is living it . . .Dr. Gladys McGarey – the mother of holistic medicine and a practicing doctor aged 102 – reveals the secrets of how to live to a great age filled with vitality, purpose and joy.In The Well-Lived Life, Dr Gladys shares the lessons she has learned in her hundred plus years of life, as well as the six secrets of true health and happiness. This counterintuitive approach is nothing to do with conserving energy – rather it’s all about spending it, wildly.Sharing life-changing stories of miraculous healing from patients of all ages, Dr. Gladys will not only fundamentally change the way you think about a well-lived life – but also show you how to embrace it.---- ''I want everyone to pick up this book and read it'' Deepak Chopra ''Incredibly insightful. Very special. Full of wisdom. I can’t think of a single person that this book won’t help’ Dr Rangan Chatterjee ''If you want to know the secret to living a truly good life then I don''t imagine there''s anyone you''d be better off hearing from'' Jane Garvey, Times Radio ''Amazing. This book is moving as well as being filled with practical wisdom. Beautifully written'' Nadiya Hussain ''Dr. Gladys'' extraordinary book will offer millions of readers the simple yet revolutionary secrets to discover true health and happiness at any age'' Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of Young Forever and The Pegan Diet ''Gladys McGarey inhabits the real world where body, brain, and spirit are inseparable, and her century of wisdom is infused with science, medicine and soul'' Dr. Robert Waldinger, Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and New York Times bestselling author of The Good Life ''Dr. Gladys is as illuminating as she is engaging. Her combination of medical knowledge and lived experience will be an empowering guide for legions'' Sara Gottfried MD, New York Times bestselling author of Women, Food, and Hormones
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Kokoro - Beth Kemptonová
Originální a aktuální průvodce, který poradí, jak zpomalit a znovu se spojit se sebou samým, inspirovaný japonskou kulturou, moudrostí a tradicí. Za jediný rok ji potkaly dvě bolestné ztráty a zdolala tři posvátné japonské hory. Vydala se hledat odpověď na zásadní otázky lidské existence, klid uprostřed chaosu a krásu uprostřed temnoty. Ze zármutku nad konečností a pomíjivostí nakonec našla novou cestu vstříc životu. Japanoložka Beth Kemptonová nás prostřednictvím své knihy bere na pouť, která jí zcela změnila pohled na svět, a na základě svých hlubokých prožitků přináší čtenářům autentický příběh vlastní proměny a inspiraci k dobrému, plnému životu. Překrásná krajina, prastaré lesy, hory a svatyně, básníci, učenci a duchové předků i setkání s lidmi zdánlivě obyčejnými, rozjímání o podstatě času a sny, které ukazují cestu – to všechno tvoří kulisu jedinečného vyprávění, které zároveň nabízí čtenáři možnost nahlédnout na svůj život novým způsobem a upřímně si odpovědět na ty nejdůležitější otázky. Japonský výraz kokoro má mnoho významů, nejčastěji se však chápe jako inteligentní srdce nebo cítící mysl. Zkoumat kokoro znamená zabývat se samotnou podstatou toho, co znamená být člověkem v tomto drsném, ale přesto nesmírně krásném světě. Pokud se naučíte v životě řídit světlem svého kokoro, všechno se změní a všechno je možné. Kokoro je pozvánkou k pěstování klidu a spokojenosti v našem proměnlivém a nejistém světě.
Objev podobné jako Kokoro - Beth Kemptonová
Kokoro - Beth Kemptonová - e-kniha
eBook: Za jediný rok ji potkaly dvě bolestné ztráty a zdolala tři posvátné japonské hory. Vydala se hledat odpověď na zásadní otázky lidské existence, klid uprostřed chaosu a krásu uprostřed temnoty. Ze zármutku nad konečností a pomíjivostí nakonec našla novou cestu vstříc životu. Japanoložka Beth Kemptonová nás prostřednictvím své knihy bere na pouť, která jí zcela změnila pohled na svět, a na základě svých hlubokých prožitků přináší čtenářům autentický příběh vlastní proměny a inspiraci k dobrému, plnému životu. Překrásná krajina, prastaré lesy, hory a svatyně, básníci, učenci a duchové předků i setkání s lidmi zdánlivě obyčejnými, rozjímání o podstatě času a sny, které ukazují cestu – to všechno tvoří kulisu jedinečného vyprávění, které zároveň nabízí čtenáři možnost nahlédnout na svůj život novým způsobem a upřímně si odpovědět na ty nejdůležitější otázky. Japonský výraz kokoro má mnoho významů, nejčastěji se však chápe jako inteligentní srdce nebo cítící mysl. Zkoumat kokoro znamená zabývat se samotnou podstatou toho, co znamená být člověkem v tomto drsném, ale přesto nesmírně krásném světě. Pokud se naučíte v životě řídit světlem svého kokoro, všechno se změní a všechno je možné. Kokoro je pozvánkou k pěstování klidu a spokojenosti v našem proměnlivém a nejistém světě.
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Wabi sabi - Japonská moudrost pro dokonale nedokonalý život (Defekt) - Beth Kempton
Tady a teď! Naprosto nový pohled na náš život a svět kolem, inspirovaný několik století starou japonskou moudrostí.Wabi sabi je japonské slovní spojení vyjadřující krásu prostého, nedokonalého a měnícího se v čase.Ve svých životech plných honby za kariérou, bohatstvím nebo neobvyklými zážitky často přehlížíme, v čem spočívá skutečné štěstí. Úsměv, který nám někdo neznámý věnoval na ulici; sněhové vločky, jedna za druhou se tiše snášející k zemi; vůně bylinkového čaje ze staré odřené konvice. Wabi sabi je japonská představa krásy v pomíjivosti okamžiku, souznění s přírodou a radosti z prostých, neokázalých věcí. Vydejme se s Beth Kemptonovou na cestu do Japonska. Poznáme historii čajového obřadu, zavítáme do chrámů, zahrad a řemeslnických dílen, nahlédneme přes rameno mistru kaligrafie, ponoříme se do horkého pramene i do lesní koupele. Osvojíme si japonské umění přijmout sami sebe i své blízké se všemi nedokonalostmi, povýšit cestu na cíl a zažít štěstí právě teď a tady.Jednotlivé kapitoly se věnují bydlení, vztahu k přírodě, přijetí chyb a negativních pocitů, mezilidským vztahům, hledání naplňujícího povolání a plnému prožívání přítomných okamžiků. Kromě praktických návodů na uvedení japonské inspirace do každodenního života a výzev k zamyšlení je kniha i sugestivní pozvánkou k návštěvě Japonska.
Objev podobné jako Wabi sabi - Japonská moudrost pro dokonale nedokonalý život (Defekt) - Beth Kempton
The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)
Kniha - autor Deepak Chopra; Rudolph E. Tanzi, 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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Michelle Obama: A Life (0307949311)
Kniha - autor Peter Slevin, 418 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This is the inspiring story of a modern American icon, the first comprehensive account of the life and times of Michelle Obama. With disciplined reporting and a storyteller’s eye for revealing detail, Peter Slevin follows Michelle to the White House from her working-class childhood on Chicago’s largely segregated South Side. He illuminates her tribulations at Princeton University and Harvard Law School during the racially charged 1980s and the dilemmas she faced in Chicago while building a high-powered career, raising a family, and helping a young community organizer named Barack Obama become president of the United States. From the lessons she learned in Chicago to the messages she shares as one of the most recognizable women in the world, the story of this First Lady is the story of America. Michelle Obama: A Life is a fresh and compelling view of a woman of unique achievement and...
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Churchill: A Life - Martin Gilbert
Drawing on decades of unprecedented access to Winston Churchill’s family and estate, this classic bestseller remains the definitive biography of Britain’s greatest prime minister. At once intimate and vastly ambitious, it transforms our understanding of who Churchill was and what he accomplished.
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A Life Reimagined - Jill Halfpenny
*** The Sunday Times Bestseller ***Heartfelt and honest, A Life Reimagined is a touching memoir of love, loss and life after tragedy from beloved actress Jill Halfpenny.When Jill was four, her father died. He went to play his weekly game of five-a-side football, had a heart attack and never came home. In 2017, in cruelly similar circumstances, Jill’s partner Matt went to a gym class, suffered a cardiac arrest and never came home.These two tragic events frame Jill’s story in Life Reimagined as she explores how she dealt with profound grief as a child and teenager and then later in life as a partner and mother. When Matt died, Jill committed to processing her grief in ways she hadn’t attempted before: she had to rebuild her father, recreate that grief and lose him all over again. She explored the physiology of grief, attended grief retreats, read every book out there and underwent extensive therapy.A Life Reimagined is Jill's space to share what she has learnt – both about herself and about how we view grief as a society – in the hope that she can help readers feel like they can start to put one foot in front of the other and feel hopeful about life again.'Profoundly moving' - Woman's Weekly
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Magritte: A Life - Alex Danchev
The first major biography for our time, from the celebrated biographer of CézanneRené Magritte's surreal sensibility, deadpan melodrama, and fine-tuned outrageousness have all become inescapably part of our times. But these groundbreaking subversions all came from a middle-class Belgian gent, who kept a modest house in a Brussels suburb and whose first one-man show sold absolutely nothing. Through a deep examination of Magritte's friendships and his artistic development, Alex Danchev explores the path of an highly unconventional artist who posed profound questions about the relationship between image and reality, challenged the very nature of authenticity and whose influence can be seen in the work of everyone from Jasper Johns to Beyoncé.
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Havel: A Life - Michael Žantovský
Vaclav Havel: iconoclast and philosopher king, an internationally successful playwright who became a political dissident and then, reluctantly, a president. His pivotal role in the Velvet Revolution and the modern Czech Republic makes him a key figure of the twentieth century. Michael Zantovsky was one of Havel's closest confidants. They lived through the revolution and during Havel's first presidency Zantovsky was his press secretary, speech writer and translator. Their friendship endured until Havel's death in 2011, making him a rare witness to this most extraordinary life.
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Food for Life: Your Guide to the New Science of Eating Well - Tim Spector
'Life-changing' DAVINA McCALL'A must-read' DR RUPY AUJLA'Fascinating' NIGELLA LAWSON'Empowering' LIZ EARLE**AS HEARD ON THE DIARY OF A CEO PODCAST**Empowering and practical, Food for Life is nothing less than a new approach to how to eat - for our health and the health of the planet.Food is our greatest ally for good health, but the question of what to eat in the age of ultra-processed food has never seemed so complicated.Drawing on cutting-edge research and personal insights, Professor Tim Spector offers clear answers in this definitive, easy-to-follow guide to the new science of eating well.'No fads, no nonsense, just practical, science-based advice on how to eat well' Daily Mail, Books of the Year'A rigorously academic book that welcomes the layperson with open arms' The Times** A THE TIMES and SUNDAY TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR**** WINNER OF THE FORTNUM & MASON SPECIAL AWARD **
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Books do Furnish a Life (1787633691)
Kniha - autor Richard Dawkins, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of...
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David Bowie: A Life - Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones's engrossing, magisterial biography of David Bowie is unlike any Bowie story ever written. Drawn from over 180 interviews with friends, rivals, lovers, and collaborators, some of whom have never before spoken about their relationship with Bowie, this oral history weaves a hypnotic spell as it unfolds a remarkable rise to stardom and an unparalleled artistic path. Tracing Bowie's life from the English suburbs to London to New York to Los Angeles, Berlin, and beyond, its collective voices describe a man profoundly shaped by his relationship with his schizophrenic half-brother Terry; an intuitive artist who could absorb influences through intense relationships and yet drop people cold when they were no longer of use; and a social creature equally comfortable partying with John Lennon and dining with Frank Sinatra. By turns insightful and deliciously gossipy, DAVID BOWIE is as intimate a portrait as may ever be drawn. It sparks with admiration and grievances, lust and envy, as the speakers bring you into studios and bedrooms they shared with Bowie, and onto stages and film sets, opening corners of his mind and experience that transform our understanding of both artist and art. Including illuminating, never-before-seen material from Bowie himself, drawn from a series of Jones's interviews with him across two decades, DAVID BOWIE is an epic, unforgettable cocktail-party conversation about a man whose enigmatic shapeshifting and irrepressible creativity produced one of the most sprawling, fascinating lives of our time.
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Get A Life, Chloe Brown (0349425213)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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Waste of a Life - Simon Brett
Ellen Curtis is about to have her own life thrown into chaos in this third light-hearted decluttering mystery!"Brett layers the old-fashioned puzzle with deep psychological insights . . . Not to be missed" Booklist Starred ReviewDeclutterer Ellen Curtis has been working to bring order into the life of Cedric Waites, a recluse in his eighties who hasn''t left his house or let anyone inside it since his wife died. On one of her regular visits, Ellen finds the old man dead.Sad but, given his age, perhaps not unexpected. Nothing to get worked up about . . . until the police raise the suspicion that Cedric might have been poisoned! The cause seems be something he ate, and as Ellen cleared away the old man''s food containers, she is under suspicion. As is Dodge, who works for Ellen and has unhelpfully done a runner . . .Meanwhile, a rival declutterer is out to sabotage Ellen''s reputable business, her two grown-up children are back home and in crisis, and she has a potential love interest. Ellen''s life has taken on a chaotic turn of its own! Can she uncover the killer and bring order back to her own life?
Objev podobné jako Waste of a Life - Simon Brett
Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm (0062004735)
Kniha - autor Thich Nhat Hanh, 164 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A powerful and practical guide to overcoming our debilitating uncertainties and personal terrors by Vietnamese Buddhist Zen Master, poet, scholar, peace activist, and one of the foremost spiritual leaders in the world - Thich Nhat Hanh. Fear has countless faces: from the fear of failure to worries about everyday life, from financial or environmental uncertainties to the universal despair we all experience when faced by the loss of a friend or loved one. Even when surrounded by all the conditions for happiness, life can feel incomplete when fear keeps us focused on the past and worried about the future. While we all experience fear, it is possible to learn how to avoid having our lives shaped and driven by it. In these pages, Thich Nhat Hanh, a gifted teacher who was once nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King Jr., explores the origins of our fears, illuminating...
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Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins
At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of science and the natural world in both fiction and non-fiction. It celebrates the courage of those who write about their experiences of escaping religion and embracing rationality, of protecting the truths of science and analytical rigour against charlatanry and obfuscation.
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Get A Life, Chloe Brown - Hibbert Talia
'I loved every page' Helen Hoang, USA Today bestselling author of The Kiss Quotient 'Smart, funny, and sexy' Meg Cabot, author of No Judgments and the Princess Diaries seriesTalia Hibbert delivers a witty, hilarious romantic comedy about a woman who's tired of being 'boring' and recruits her mysterious, sexy neighbour to help her get a life - perfect for fans of Sally Thorne, Jasmine Guillory and Helen Hoang! Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan and a list. After almost - but not quite - dying, she's come up with a list of directives to help her 'Get a Life': - Enjoy a drunken night out - Ride a motorbike - Go camping - Have meaningless but thoroughly enjoyable sex - Travel the world with nothing but hand luggage - And . . . do something bad But it's not easy being bad, even when you've written out step-by-step guidelines. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job: Redford 'Red' Morgan. With tattoos and a motorbike, Red is the perfect helper in her mission to rebel, but as they spend more time together, Chloe realises there's much more to him than his tough exterior implies. Soon she's left wanting more from him than she ever expected . . . maybe there's more to life than her list ever imagined?
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A Life on Our Planet - David Attenborough
With a new afterword, Why You Are Here: A speech on the opening of the COP26 climate summitAs a young man, I felt I was out there in the wild, experiencing the untouched natural world - but it was an illusion. The tragedy of our time has been happening all around us, barely noticeable from day to day - the loss of our planet''s wild places, its biodiversity. I have been witness to this decline. A Life on Our Planet contains my witness statement, and my vision for the future - the story of how we came to make this, our greatest mistake, and how, if we act now, we can yet put it right.We have the opportunity to create the perfect home for ourselves and restore the wonderful world we inherited.All we need is the will do so.
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The Story of a Life - Aharon Appelfeld
An astonishing memoir of the Holocaust through the eyes of a child, and an exquisite meditation on memory and trauma Aharon Appelfeld was the beloved only child of middle-class Jewish parents living in what is now Ukraine at the outbreak of World War Two. Their peaceful life is upended when soldiers invade their town. His mother is shot dead in her own garden. The then-seven-year-old Aharon does not witness her murder, but he does hear her scream.Aharon and his father are sent to a concentration camp and separated. Memory and trauma combine to create a patchwork of reminiscences. Aharon is ten years old when he escapes from the camp into the forests of Ukraine, and is overwhelmed by the sight of an apple tree laden with fruit.Living off the land for two years before making the long journey south to Italy and eventually Israel and freedom, Appelfeld finally found a home in which he could make a life for himself, eventually becoming one of Israel’s most acclaimed writers. This is the extraordinary and painful memoir of his childhood and youth and a compelling account of a boy coming of age in a hostile world.
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Churchill: A Life in Cartoons - Benson Tim
Following an unrivalled political career that spanned a remarkable sixty years and reached both the heights and the depths of political fortune, Sir Winston Churchill undoubtedly became the world's most caricatured politician of all time. From entering Parliament in 1900 through to his retirement in 1964, Winston Churchill in Cartoons will chart Churchill's illustrious and tumultuous political career through the work of leading cartoonists from around the world. Through these cartoons there developed very contrary views of Churchill; the glorious cigar-chomping wartime leader and the flawed politician.In America he was adored by cartoonists, while in Nazi Germany and in the post-war Soviet Union he was, unsurprisingly, painted as a bumbling buffoon. After his passing in 1965, great contemporary cartoonists including Peter Brookes, Steve Bell, Matt and Gerald Scarfe, continued to use him as a benchmark for the world leaders that followed. Featuring the work of the some of the greatest cartoonists of all time and providing a new perspective of an iconic figure, Winston Churchill in Cartoons will include the very best and wittiest portrayals of Churchill the glorious wartime leader, controversial politician, and emblematic British statesman.
Objev podobné jako Churchill: A Life in Cartoons - Benson Tim
How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson
Discover the funny, uplifting story of second chances and becoming the person you were always meant to be, the perfect holiday read from the author of Richard & Judy Book Club pick, The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman. ‘The literary equivalent of a hug . .. supremely heart-warming and an immensely funny read that will pull you in from beginning to end’ - Glamour'A book that will make you smile in just about every possible way' Matson Taylor, bestselling author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick The Miseducation of Evie Epworth'Clever, thought-provoking and huge-hearted. Pure Joy!' Hazel Prior, bestselling author of Away With the Penguins---------When reality comes calling, do you face it .. . or keep running?Meet Danny – the definition of a man who 'could do better'.He drinks more than he should, lives in his best friend's garden shed. . .and he hasn't spoken to his sister in sixteen years. But when Danny winds up in a misleading newspaper article, claiming his lifestyle might be quite enlightened, he is thrust into the limelight. Letters begin to flood in from strangers seeking his guidance.Wolfie is the daughter of Danny's estranged sister. She's never met her uncle, but her mother is struggling and Wolfie needs help. So when she sees Danny's picture in the paper, she sets out to find him.Within a week, Danny goes from being responsibility-free to a big brother, an uncle and an unwitting existential 'guru' to some very lost souls. Can he become the man they all need him to be?(Previously published as Sincerely, Me)------------‘A gorgeous novel that will instantly leave you wanting more’ - Holly Miller, author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, The Sight of You'Emotional and joyous!' Sun'Such a wonderful, heartwarming book. Everyone needs Danny Mulberry in their lives’ Alice Clark-Platts, author of The Flower Girls and The Cove'Gorgeous, funny and heartfelt' Eleanor Ray, author of The Art of BelongingREADERS ARE ENJOYING HOW TO GET A LIFE:***** An utterly enchanting and emotional novel***** An absolute emotional rollercoaster yet funny along the way***** A joy to read from start to finish***** Easy to read and leaves you feeling happy***** One of my favourite books this year
Objev podobné jako How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson
A Life Sentence - Adeline Sergeant - e-kniha
eBook: Well-known for her subversive criticism of the Victorian class structure, Sergeant ramps things up a notch in ‘A Life Sentence’. Through the murder of Sydney Vane, we are introduced to his apparent killer Andrew Westwood. However, is he the murderer or has something been overlooked? While ‘A Life Sentence’ could be viewed as a 19th-century whodunnit, Sergeant uses the characters and situation to explore the idea that good people can find themselves doing bad things, particularly when the upper echelons of society are self-serving and decadent. ‘A Life Sentence’ is an eye-opening book for anyone with an interest in Victorian society or who wants an introduction to Sergeant’s work.
Objev podobné jako A Life Sentence - Adeline Sergeant - e-kniha
Goal zero svítilna light a life 350
Dva režimy svícení, nastavitelné stínítko a několik možností zavěšení dělají z tohoto světla ideálního pomocníka pro jakékoliv venkovní aktivity. Svítí pouze s po zapojení do powerpacku SHERPA 50 nebo YETI. Obsah balení: LED svítilna Light A Life 350,12 V cigaretový adaptér. Parametry: rozměry - složené: 7,1 x 8 cm rozměry - rozložené: 12,5 x 8 cm hmotnost: 264 g světelný tok: min. 100 lm , max 350 lm řetězení: ano, až 8 kusů vstupy: 6mm konektor: 12 V, 0,4 A (max. 4,5 W) Doba svícení: Sherpa 50: 50 h (low), 10 h (high) Goal Zero Yeti 200X: 42 h (high) Goal Zero Yeti 500X: 112 h (high) Goal Zero Yeti 1500X: 337 h (high)
Objev podobné jako Goal zero svítilna light a life 350
Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
Combining the best current medical knowledge with a new approach grounded in integrative medicine, Dr Chopra and Dr Tanzi offer a groundbreaking model of healing and the immune system. Heal yourself from the inside out. Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel allows newly mutated bacteria and viruses to spread across the globe, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria outstrip the new drugs that are meant to fight them, deaths due to hospital-acquired infections are increasing, and the childhood vaccinations of our aging population are losing their effectiveness. Now more than ever, our well-being is at a dangerous crossroad. But there is hope, and the solution lies within ourselves. The Healing Self is the new breakthrough book in self-care by bestselling author and leader in integrative medicine Deepak Chopra and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph E Tanzi. They argue that the brain possesses its own lymphatic system, meaning it is also tied into the body's general immune system. Based on this brand new discovery, they offer new ways of increasing the body's immune system by stimulating the brain and our genes, and through this they help us fight off illness and disease. Combined with new facts about the gut microbiome and lifestyle changes, diet and stress reduction, there is no doubt that this ground-breaking work will have an important effect on your immune system.
Objev podobné jako Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
4 Weeks to Better Sleep: A life-changing plan for deep sleep, improved brain function and feeling great - Michael Mosley
''A down to earth guide to sleeping better. It covers the latest science and offers fascinating insights and many original tips.'' Dr Tim Spector''Based around the revolutionary idea that when it comes to sleep what matters is not the hours you spend in bed but the quality of the sleep you are getting - your sleep efficiency. This book was full of surprises!'' Jeremy VineWe know a good night''s sleep is essential for a healthy brain and body. But sleep problems are sadly all too common. So why do so many of us struggle to sleep well? In 4 Weeks to Better Sleep, Dr Michael Mosley explains what happens when we sleep, what triggers common sleep problems and why standard advice rarely works.Prone to insomnia, he has taken part in numerous sleep experiments and tested every remedy. The result is a radical four-week plan, based on the latest science, designed to help you re-establish a healthy sleep pattern in record time. With plenty of surprising recommendations - including tips for teenagers, people working night shifts and those prone to jet lag - plus recipes which will boost your deep sleep by improving your gut microbiome, 4 Weeks to Better Sleep provides the tools you need to sleep better, reduce stress and feel happier.This indispensable programme can help not only get you to sleep faster but improve the quality of sleep so you wake rested and refreshed rather than drained and irritable.**This fully revised and updated edition features an expanded four-week plan and bonus material on brain health, mood, immunity and metabolism. 4 Weeks to Better Sleep (previously Fast Sleep) is packed with the latest scientific research and even more guidance to help you improve your sleep for good.**
Objev podobné jako 4 Weeks to Better Sleep: A life-changing plan for deep sleep, improved brain function and feeling great - Michael Mosley
The Healing Self : Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
Heal yourself from the inside out Our immune systems can no longer be taken for granted. Current trends in public healthcare are disturbing: our increased air travel allows newly mutated bacteria and viruses to spread across the globe, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria outstrip the new drugs that are meant to fight them, deaths due to hospital-acquired infections are increasing, and the childhood vaccinations of our aging population are losing their effectiveness. Now more than ever, our well-being is at a dangerous crossroad. But there is hope, and the solution lies within ourselves. The Healing Self is the new breakthrough book in self-care by bestselling author and leader in integrative medicine Deepak Chopra and Harvard neuroscientist Rudolph E Tanzi. They argue that the brain possesses its own lymphatic system, meaning it is also tied into the body's general immune system. Based on this brand new discovery, they offer new ways of increasing the body's immune system by stimulating the brain and our genes, and through this they help us fight off illness and disease. Combined with new facts about the gut microbiome and lifestyle changes, diet and stress reduction, there is no doubt that this ground-breaking work will have an important effect on your immune system.
Objev podobné jako The Healing Self : Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life - Deepak Chopra, Rudolph E. Tanzi
Polar Bears: A Life Under Threat - Michel Rawicki
Spectacular photographs of the polar bear: the largest carnivore to walk the earth today Follows the bears across the Arctic, from settlements to forests, pack-ice to tundra Contains a collection of evocative essays and poetry Foreword by Hubert Reeves A symbol of strength, survival despite hardship and - more recently - the perils of global warming, the polar bear wears many different faces across the world. Polar Bears: A Life Under Threat is an uncompromising exploration of the animal behind the mythos. Rawicki's anthology transports us to the Arctic: the bears' home territory. His photographs depict playful cubs, hunting mothers and solitary adults on their yearly migration. The bears' innate curiosity shines through, as they peer through windows and rear up on their hind legs to study the camera. As well as trekking across miles of dazzling snow, they forage in forests and towns - leading to a striking series of photographs that document the relationship between bear, man and environment. Accompanying these images are a series of essays, poems and even a quiz, from the minds of Michel Rawicki and his contributors: Hubert Reeves, astrophysicist, and Remy Marion, author of several books about the polar regions. They explain the challenges encountered by polar bears in the modern age, and explore the future of a species threatened by climate change and pollution.
Objev podobné jako Polar Bears: A Life Under Threat - Michel Rawicki
Karl Lagerfeld: A Life in Fashion - Alfons Kaiser
A Financial Times Book of the Year: the definitive story of fashion's most enigmatic icon. Karl Lagerfeld lived a very public life. He shaped the Chanel and Fendi brands for decades, and his wit and wisdom amused and informed the world. Yet despite a massively public persona, his hinterland remained unknown. What is the truth behind this larger-than-life but enigmatic figure? The journalist and fashion specialist Alfons Kaiser met Lagerfeld on numerous occasions. He has now written the first authoritative biography on this fascinating character, whose life has always been marked by elements of secrecy. From his parents’ links with the Nazi regime to Lagerfeld’s last days in the company of only his closest friends, this book – the result of unprecedented archival and field work – divulges all the facets of a passionate artist and workaholic: the precocious boy who preferred to draw in the attic rather than play with his peers; the son who quarrelled with his parents but never got away from them; the competitor of Yves Saint Laurent, whom he outshone in the end; the brother, uncle, friend; and finally, the partner of Jacques de Bascher, the great love of his life.
Objev podobné jako Karl Lagerfeld: A Life in Fashion - Alfons Kaiser
Arsho Baghsarian: A life in shoes - Helene Verin
One of the most important shoe designers of the mid- to late twentieth century, Arsho Baghsarian spent more than four decades working behind the scenes for prestigious companies with men's names on the label, including Christian Dior, Andrew Geller, I. Miller, and Stuart Weitzman, as well as Shoe Biz. Her creative genius is illustrated in this photographic collection of full-page sketches, prototypes, and production pairs that she donated to the Fashion Institute of Technology. Known for her sculptural heels and the use of exotic materials such as snakeskin, crystal, and Lucite, Baghsarian's extraordinary journey spans from a childhood in Turkey to prolific partnerships with major American shoe labels and the international factories that produced her designs. Connoisseurs of high-fashion footwear will be fascinated by the story of Baghsarian's pioneering career and inspirations, which ranged from Mexican art and the Philippine jungle to the passing of time.
Objev podobné jako Arsho Baghsarian: A life in shoes - Helene Verin
A Life Story: King Charles III - Sally Morganová
King Charles III: environmental activist, monarch andhead of the Commonwealth.Read all about the life of King Charles III,from his early days at boarding school and watching his mother becomequeen to his dedicated work as an environmental activistand becoming king himself, this book will take youon a royal tour through King Charles III's life.Celebrate the king's coronation and the beginningof his reign with this book that shines a light on the wonderfulachievements that form King Charles III's legacy.Did you know that Charles has a frog named after him? Or thathe's a qualified pilot and diver? How about that Charles is an accomplishedartist? Find out everything there is to know about GreatBritain's newest king with this remarkable history book.A Life Story: With striking black and white illustrations,this gripping series throws the reader directly intothe lives of modern society's most influential figures.
Objev podobné jako A Life Story: King Charles III - Sally Morganová
Aino + Alvar Aalto: A Life Together - Heikki Aalto-Alanen
A visual biography of Aino and Alvar Aalto, who designed some of the most iconic objects of the twentieth century Aino and Alvar Aalto together founded Artek and created some of the most celebrated objects and buildings of the twentieth century. Through letters, documents, drawings, and family photographs, Alvar and Aino’s grandson tells the stories of their life together, in Finland and abroad, drawing on many of the never-before-published letters they sent to each other and to family, friends, and colleagues, until Aino’s death in 1949. The first monograph to specifically examine and celebrate the life and work of Aino and Alvar as a shared endeavour, this personal and intimate look at the unconventional lives of one of the most influential design couples of the twentieth century has been warmly and accessibly written by Aino and Alvar’s grandson, who has drawn on the family’s largely unpublished archive, including personal letters, snapshots, and sketches.
Objev podobné jako Aino + Alvar Aalto: A Life Together - Heikki Aalto-Alanen
All That Remains: A Life in Death - Black Sue
'Utterly gripping' - The Guardian 'Fascinating' - The Sunday Times 'Moving' - Scotsman 'Engrossing' - Financial Times Sue Black confronts death every day. As a Professor of Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology, she focuses on mortal remains in her lab, at burial sites, at scenes of violence, murder and criminal dismemberment, and when investigating mass fatalities due to war, accident or natural disaster. In All That Remains she reveals the many faces of death she has come to know, using key cases to explore how forensic science has developed, and examining what her life and work has taught her.Do we expect a book about death to be sad? Macabre? Sue's book is neither. There is tragedy, but there is also humour in stories as gripping as the best crime novel. Part memoir, part science, part meditation on death, her book is compassionate, surprisingly funny, and it will make you think about death in a new light.________ SUE BLACK'S NEW BOOK, WRITTEN IN BONE, IS OUT NOW _________ 'One might expect [this book] to be a grim read but it absolutely isn't. I found it invigorating!' (Andrew Marr, BBC Radio 4 'Start the Week') 'Black's utterly gripping account of her life and career as a professor of anatomy and forensic anthropology manages to be surprisingly life-affirming. As she herself says, it is "as much about life as about death"' (PD Smith Guardian) 'An engrossing memoir .. . an affecting mix of personal and professional' (Erica Wagner, Financial Times) 'A model of how to write about the effect of human evil without losing either objectivity or sensitivity .. . Heartening and anything but morbid .. . Leaves you thinking about what kind of human qualities you value, what kinds of people you actually want to be with' (Rowan Williams, New Statesman) 'For someone whose job is identifying corpses, Sue Black is a cheerful soul .. . All That Remains feels like every episode of 'Silent Witness', pre-fictionalised.Except, you know, really good' (Helen Rumbelow, The Times)
Objev podobné jako All That Remains: A Life in Death - Black Sue
Half a Life-Time Ago - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1855 'Half a Lifetime Ago' by much-loved author Elizabeth Gaskell recounts the events which have befallen the now pessimistic and solitary Susan Dixon, shaping her personality and outlook on life. Set against a bleak, rural backdrop, it is a tale of love and loss and of hope and disappointment as she looks back on the moments which have moulded her.
Objev podobné jako Half a Life-Time Ago - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
The Paris Trilogy: A Life in Three Stories - Colombe Schneck
The Paris Trilogy is celebrated French author Colombe Schneck's first English language publication, translated by Lauren Elkin and Natasha Lehrer. Writing in response to Annie Ernaux and in conversation with Elena Ferrante, Colombe Schneck's three semi-autobiographical takes on a woman’s life form an elegant, powerful exploration of sexuality, bodily autonomy, friendship, loss and renewal. Colombe is seventeen in 1984 and carefree, busy discovering sex and studying for her baccalauréat.When she becomes pregnant her choice to have an abortion is never in question. Yet suddenly she must grapple with the body that has brought the precarity of her freedom into focus. Colombe and Héloïse are two little Parisian liberals, friends since the age of eleven.They look alike, have similar upbringings and for years they follow parallel paths: university, love affairs, work, marriage, children, divorce, more love affairs. They are the most enduring witnesses to each other’s lives, until illness betrays them. Colombe reconnects with Gabriel in her fifties; their relationship is passionate and transformative.As it unfolds, Colombe discovers many things about herself, including a newfound appreciation for swimming, and the euphoria and strength of a body learning when to push and when to let go. 'This is valuable writing. It has immense vitality. You will encounter a female narrator whose direct and bright-eyed stare at the world, and her self, is without shame or faux modesty.At the same time, it is also a deep study of existence, at various ages and stages in life.' — Deborah Levy
Objev podobné jako The Paris Trilogy: A Life in Three Stories - Colombe Schneck
Autopotahy Taso VW Golf VIII. 2020- (výbava Style a Life)
Střih autopotahů přesně odpovídá tvaru sedaček vozu VW Golf VIII. Autopotahy svým střihem, kvalitou a odolností látky několikánásobně předčí autopotahy univerzální. Díky přesnému střihu pro každý vůz autopotahy nepřekrývají prvky interiéru vozu tak, jako autopotahy univerzální. Autopotahy se zhotovují na zakázku podle Vaší objednávky, můžete tedy pohodlně využívat veškerou výbavu automobilu (loketní opěrky, bederní opěrky, kapsy na zadních stranách předních sedaček, tunel na lyže a další). Materiál autopotahů tvoří dvě vrstvy ze 100% polyesteru vyplněné molitanem (pěnovým polyuretanem).Autopotahy Taso jsou certifikované pro použití ve vozech s bočními airbagy (TÜV SÜD). Autopotahy prošly mnoha dalšími zkouškami a jsou dále certifikované na: stálobarevnost nehořlavost pevnost Barevné varianty Boky autopotahů lze zvolit ze 4 barev: černé tmavě šedé světle šedé béžové Sedací a opěrná část lze zhotovit z celkem 21 barevných vzorů. Veškeré vzory jsou k prohlédnutí ve fotogalerii v horní části stránky. Na mobilních zařízeních se kvůli datové náročnosti fotogalerie nezobrazuje, prosíme navštivte stránky na stolním počítači nebo notebooku.Volitelně si u přesných autopotahů můžete vybrat také dvojité prošití barevnou nití. Jedná se pouze o designový prvek a prošití nemá vliv na pevnost autopotahů. Prošití je možné vybrat v následujících barvách: bílé červené modré šedé stříbrné zelené žluté K zakoupeným přesným autopotahům (nikoliv univerzálním) si můžete objednat službu "Navlečení". Navlékání autopotahů provádí přímo náš zaměstnanec, specialista Marcel, na naší provozovně v Náchodě. Cena navléknutí za každé 1 místo k sezení je 300,-. Cena instalace autopotahů na 5 místné auto je tedy 1500,-. Doba navlékání přesných autopotahů je 1 až 2 hodiny, podle značky a modelu vozu. Pokud máte o navlečení autopotahů zájem, stačí tuto možnost nahoře zvolit před vložením autopotahů do košíku. Jestli si autopotahy chcete nevléct sami, na videu vpravo Vám Marcel ukáže, jak na to.Pokud si nejste jisti s výběrem autopotahů a potřebujete poradit, čím se právě univerzální autopotahy liší od přesných autopotahů, připravili jsme přehledné srovnání. V přiloženém článku jsou podrobně popsané rozdíly mezi autosedačkami. Zmiňujeme veškeré jejich vlastnosti, klady a zápory i doporučení podle toho, jakým způsobem Vaše auto využíváte.
Objev podobné jako Autopotahy Taso VW Golf VIII. 2020- (výbava Style a Life)
Never Give Up : A Life of Adventure, The Autobiography - Bear Grylls
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. And above all, never ever give up.In Never Give Up, global adventurer, Chief Scout and TV presenter Bear Grylls immerses readers in some truly remarkable adventures. As Bear shares personal stories from his toughest expeditions, this inspiring autobiography captures the exhilarating reality behind some of his hairiest survival missions.In this eagerly awaited follow up to his Number One bestseller Mud, Sweat and Tears, Bear takes readers behind the scenes on 'Man vs. Wild', the series that spawned an entire adventure industry. He also provides a unique and revealing insight into what it's really like to go 'Running Wild' with guests including President Obama, Roger Federer and Julia Roberts, to name but a few of his global superstar guests.Along the way, Bear opens up about his most personal challenges, discovers the true value of adventure, and embodies the enduring power of courage, kindness and a never give up spirit.
Objev podobné jako Never Give Up : A Life of Adventure, The Autobiography - Bear Grylls
Prefab Sprout - A Life Of Surprises: the Best of (2 LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2019-09-27 Subžánr: Pop Rock;Pop;Rock Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Kompilace;Album;Remastered Barva podle výrobce: Black Upozornění pro rodiče: Nevhodný obsah pro děti a nezletilé Interpret / Téma: Prefab Sprout Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Columbia Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Elektronický Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: A Life Of Surprises: the Best of (2 LP) Složení setu: 2 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako Prefab Sprout - A Life Of Surprises: the Best of (2 LP)
Knížka home & lifestyle Diana: A Life in Dresses by Claudia Joseph, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Kronika módního vývoje princezny Diany - od jejích začátků, kdy nakupovala v Harrodsu, až po spolupráci se světoznámými návrháři, jako je Catherine Walkerová.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle Diana: A Life in Dresses by Claudia Joseph, English
Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike - Greg Hoffman
'The marketing genius behind Nike . . .Greg Hoffman has inspired me tremendously' Steven Bartlett, author of Happy Sexy Millionaire How did Nike go from being a small sneaker brand to the world's most revered company? Why do its campaigns - from 'Just do it' to the famous Nike swoosh - capture the imaginations of millions worldwide? And what can any founder or marketer learn from them? Greg Hoffman joined Nike as 22-year-old design intern. Over the next thirty years, he would help craft some of the most iconic campaigns in history - for Ronaldo and Serena, Olympic Games and World Cup finals. Now, he unveils a transformative method that will make any brand more creative: emotion by design.'Great story, amazing career, so inspirational . . .I couldn't put it down' Chris Evans'The ultimate playbook to unleash creativity in any team' Jake Humphrey, author of High Performance'An unforgettable account of a man and a business that never had to try to be someone else's idea of cool - because they had already defined it themselves' Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman of Ogilvy and author of Alchemy'Brilliant . . .Hoffman draws on a lifetime of experience at Nike to reveal how any team can make brand connections stronger' Nir Eyal, author of Hooked'This book made me smile in my soul' Mary Portas'Remarkable . . .A distinctive framework that will help marketers and creatives connect with their audiences like never before' Jonah Berger, author of Contagious
Objev podobné jako Emotion by Design: Creative Leadership Lessons from a Life at Nike - Greg Hoffman
Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling - Kate Royster - e-kniha
eBook: "Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling" is a biographical and easy-to-read story about the Danish teacher Karen Jeppe, who heroically took action and saved many Armenians from death marches, slave labor and executions under the Armenian genocide in 1915-17.At the beginning of the 1900s, Karen Jeppe worked as a teacher in Denmark but one fateful evening she attended a lecture about the political stir in the Ottoman Empire. The Armenian people’s fate moved her profoundly and she decided to travel to the Armenian city Urfa to help the many thousands of orphans that lived there.In Urfa, Karen Jeppe becomes the teacher for a group of Armenian children who have experienced gruesome things. They have seen their parents and siblings murdered, and now they must beg and steal to survive. Karen Jeppe takes the children under her wing and is not only an excellent teacher but also a fantastic initiator and organizer. She teaches the children to read and write, and the adults are put to work farming and doing needlework.During Karen Jeppe’s stay in the country, the situation worsens for the Armenians. The Armenian genocide progresses and everywhere there is fear, arrests, death marches, deportations, and thousands of refugees trying to survive. Karen does all she can but for every hundred she helps there are thousands she cannot. Still, Karen Jeppe does not give up. She travels to Aleppo in Syria, where she continues to support the exiled Armenian refugees until her death in 1935.The story of Karen Jeppe is a strong portrait of a brave, competent, and insightful woman, who was driven by love and self-sacrifices for her fellow man by leaving her own safe life in Denmark.The book is meant for adults but is written in an easy-to-read language which makes it suitable for all.
Objev podobné jako Karen Jeppe and the Armenian People - A Life – a Calling - Kate Royster - e-kniha
Wisdom of the Ancients : Life lessons from our distant past - Neil Oliver
THE PERFECT READ FOR TROUBLED TIMESFrom the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places comes this inspiring and beautifully written meditation on the wisdom inherited from our ancestors.For all we have gained in the modern world, simple peace of mind is hard to find. In a time that is increasingly fraught with complexity and conflict, we are told that our wellbeing relies on remaining as present as possible. But what if the key to being present lies in the past?In Wisdom of the Ancients, Neil Oliver takes us back in time, to grab hold of the ideas buried in forgotten cultures and early civilizations. From Laetoli footprints in Tanzania to Keralan rituals, stone circles and cave paintings, Oliver takes us on a global journey through antiquity. A master storyteller, drawing on immense knowledge of our ancient past, he distils this wisdom into twelve messages that have endured the test of time, and invites us to consider how these might apply to our lives today. The result is powerful and inspirational, moving and profound.
Objev podobné jako Wisdom of the Ancients : Life lessons from our distant past - Neil Oliver
Dreams: Unlock Inner Wisdom, Discover Meaning, and Refocus your Life - Rosie March-Smith
Open your eyes to the meaning of your dreams and take advantage of their incredible power for self-improvement.Find out how to decode and interpret your dreams to reveal how the images, stories and emotions you experience in sleep are deeply connected to your waking life. Learn dream skills that will enable you to train your mind to access your unconscious and open the gateway to self-discovery. Explore hundreds of dream meanings, shine a light on the unique associations you bring to your dream world, and follow expert psychotherapeutic advice to act on the messages your unconscious mind is sending you. Use your dreams to identify and overcome obstacles, realise latent talent, get to the root of how you really feel about the people in your life, and much more.
Objev podobné jako Dreams: Unlock Inner Wisdom, Discover Meaning, and Refocus your Life - Rosie March-Smith
The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)
Kniha - autor Alan Watts, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing from Eastern philosophy and religion, Watts argues that it is only by acknowledging what we do not and cannot know that we can find something truly worth knowing. In order to lead a fulfilling life, one must embrace the present--live fully in the now.
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)
Wisdom Of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety - Alan Watts
What we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriouslyToo often we fall into the trap of anticipating the future while lamenting the past and in the midst of this negative loop we forget how to live in the now. In this iconic and prescient text, pioneering Zen scholar Alan Watts shows us how, in an age of unprecedented anxiety, we must embrace the present in order to live a fulfilling life.
Objev podobné jako Wisdom Of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety - Alan Watts
The Four-Way Path: The Indian Secret to a Life of Happiness and Purpose - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García
How can I find purpose in my life?Many of us go through our lives unsure of what we are for, struggling every day to find meaning. But the timeless wisdom of Indian culture shows us another way. In Hindu philosophy, there are four goals that all human beings strive for: virtue, prosperity, love and freedom.If you can find the balance between them, you will discover the Four-Way Path – and begin a journey into true and lasting fulfilment. Inspiring and comforting, this book honours some of the oldest and greatest spiritual practices to explain how the Four-Way Path can awaken your purpose, free you from stress and fear, and find lasting peace. It will unlock a life full of happiness and meaning.
Objev podobné jako The Four-Way Path: The Indian Secret to a Life of Happiness and Purpose - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García
Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García
2014 offered The life-changing magic of tidying 2016 surrounded us with hygge In 2017, we'll discover our ikigai… Ikigai - the Japanese secret to a long and happy life from the world's longest living people. Discover the Japanese secret to a long and happy life with the internationally bestselling guide to ikigai. The people of Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai - a reason to jump out of bed each morning. And according to the residents of the Japanese island of Okinawa - the world's longest-living people - finding it is the key to a longer and more fulfilled life. Inspiring and comforting, this book will give you the life-changing tools to uncover your personal ikigai. It will show you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions. Bring meaning and joy to your every day with ikigai.
Objev podobné jako Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García
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eBook: Mistrovský román klasika moderní japonské literatury, ve kterém citlivě a působivě ztvárnil generační střet v zemi procházející prudkou přeměnou
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Chicco Perfect 5 Well-Being For Food savička na láhev 2 ks
Chicco Perfect 5 Well-Being For Food, 2 ks, Savičky na lahve pro děti, Pomáhá dětem snadněji pít z lahve, usnadňuje přechod z kojení na lahvičku a skvěle se přizpůsobuje dětským ústům. Savička na lahev Chicco Perfect 5 Well-Being For Food svým tvarem připomíná maminčino prso, a proto ji děti snadněji přijmou. Vlastnosti: dokonale se přizpůsobí dětským ústům savička svým tvarem připomíná matčin prs Složení: silikon
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