The great experiment: how to make diverse democracies work - yascha mounk

Produkt The great experiment: how to make diverse democracies work - yascha mounk sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The great experiment: how to make diverse democracies work - yascha mounk upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Great Experiment: How to Make Diverse Democracies Work - Yascha Mounk


One of our most important political thinkers looks to the greatest challenge of our time: how to live together equally and peacefully in diverse democracies.It's easy to be pessimistic about the fate of democracy in multi-ethnic societies. At the end of the Second World War, fewer than one in twenty-five people living in the UK were born abroad; now it is one in seven. The history of humankind is a story of us versus them, and the project of diverse democracies is a relatively new one - it is, in other words, a great experiment.How do identity groups with different ideologies and beliefs live together? Is it possible to embark on a democracy with shared values if our values are at odds?Yascha Mounk argues that group identity is both deeply rooted and malleable. No community is beyond conciliation: groups are moving towards cooperation across the world. The Great Experiment offers a profound understanding of the problem behind all our other problems, and genuine hope for our capacity to solve it. (

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How to Make the Best Coffee (1784727245)

How to Make the Best Coffee (1784727245)

Kniha - autor James Hoffmann, 224 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá World-leading coffee expert and best-selling author of The World Atlas of Coffee shows you how to make barista-level coffee at home We all expect to be able to buy an excellent cup of coffee from the many brilliant coffee shops available. But what about the coffee we make at home? Shouldn't that be just as good? James Hoffmann is an entrepreneur and the international name in coffee, combining expert-level knowledge with a wonderful ability to communicate it. James runs Square Mile Coffee, as well as creating extremely informative, and popular, coffee and equipment reviews for his YouTube and Instagram channels. In his latest book he demonstrates everything you need to know to make consistently excellent coffee at home, including: what equipment is worth buying, and what isn't; how to grind coffee; the basics of brewing for all major equipment (cafetiere, aeropress, stovetop etc);... (

Podobné produkty ako How to Make the Best Coffee (1784727245)

How to Make Friends with the Dark (1786075644)

How to Make Friends with the Dark (1786075644)

Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

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How to Make Friends with the Dark - Kathleen Glasgow


From the New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces I thought I was done with death, at least a little bit, but death wasn't done with me. It's always been Tiger and her mother against the world. Then, on a day like any other, Tiger's mother dies. Now it's Tiger, alone. And she must learn to make friends with the dark (

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How to Make Coffee: The science behind the bean - Lani Kingstonová


How to Make Coffee explores the scientific principles behind the art of coffee making, along with step-by-step instructions of all the major methods, and which beans, roast, and grind are best for them. This book also covers topics such as: The history of the bean Chemical composition Caffeine and decaf Milk Roasting and grinding Machines and gadgets . . . and many more Caffeine is the most widely consumed mind-altering molecule in the world; we cannot get enough of it. How is it that coffee has such a hold? Its all in the chemistry; the molecular structure of caffeine and the flavour-making phenols and fats that can be lured out from the bean by roasting, grinding and brewing. Making good coffee depends on understanding the science: why water has to be at a certain temperature, how roast affects taste, and what happens when you add cream. This book lays out the scientific principles for the coffee-loving non-scientist; stick to these and you will never drink an ordinary cup of joe again. (

Podobné produkty ako How to Make Coffee: The science behind the bean - Lani Kingstonová , How to murder your life (1785036068)

How to Make Friends with the Dark (Defekt) - Kathleen Glasgow


From the New York Times bestselling author of Girl in Pieces I thought I was done with death, at least a little bit, but death wasn't done with me. It's always been Tiger and her mother against the world. Then, on a day like any other, Tiger's mother dies. Now it's Tiger, alone. And she must learn to make friends with the dark (

Podobné produkty ako How to Make Friends with the Dark (Defekt) - Kathleen Glasgow , How to search for new employees

Lid versus demokracie - Yascha Mounk

Lid versus demokracie - Yascha Mounk

Autoritářští populisté po celém světě - od Indie po Turecko a od Polska po Spojené státy - rozšiřují a upevňují svůj politický vliv a moc. Máme-li porozumět tomu, jak velkou hrozbu tento vývoj představuje a jak se mu lze bránit, musíme nejdříve pochopit příčiny atraktivity a stability, jimž se liberální demokracie po druhé světové válce v globálním měřítku těšila, a popsat tendence, jež tuto stabilitu v konečném výsledku narušily. Yascha Mounk spatřuje klíčový problém v odloučení obou bytostných složek liberální demokracie, tedy garantování lidských a občanských práv na jedné straně a schopnosti řídit se aktuální lidovou vůlí na straně druhé. Narušením rovnováhy, jež je pro liberální demokracii životně nutná, vznikají dvě problematické formy: nedemokratický liberalismus, v němž obyvatelstvo ztrácí vliv na počínání politických elit, a neliberální demokracie, v níž vůle lidu potlačuje práva jednotlivců a menšin. Autor se snaží vystihnout specifické příčiny, jež posilují přitažlivost autoritářských programů, a navrhuje konkrétní kroky do budoucna, zahrnující též nastolení tolerantního, inkluzivního pojmu národa. (

Podobné produkty ako Lid versus demokracie - Yascha Mounk , How to effectively tame company receivables

Kniha: How To Make The Best Coffee At Home - James Hoffmann - (EN)


"Všichni očekáváme, že si budeme moci koupit vynikající šálek kávy z mnoha skvělých kaváren, které jsou k dispozici. Ale co káva, kterou si děláme doma? Nemělo by to být stejně dobré?" Kávový expert James Hoffmann, spoluzakladatel Square Mile Coffee, se také věnuje tvorbě mimořádně informativních a oblíbených recenzí sad a kávy na svých kanálech YouTube a Instagram. V jeho nejnovější knize sdílí veškeré informace, které potřebujete k přípravě trvale vynikající kávy doma. Zahrnuje rady týkající se výběru vhodné sady, správného mletí kávy, základů přípravy nápojů na různých zařízeních (kavárna, aeropress, varná deska atd.), porozumění různým kávovým nápojům od cortada po latte a dosažení dokonalého espressa. Kniha je v algickém jazyce. Autor: James Hoffmann Rok vydání: 2022 Vazba: pevná Počet stran: 224 ISBN: 1784727245 Rozměr: A5 (

Podobné produkty ako Kniha: How To Make The Best Coffee At Home - James Hoffmann - (EN) , Nothing: the great dismal - lp (rr44351)

The Home Style Handbook: How to make a home your own - Lucy Gough


Have you ever wondered how to ensure a cohesive feel throughout your home or how to style a neutral interior? Lucy Gough's new book answers these questions - along with the more common dilemmas of choosing art and successfully combining clashing patterns. And, while creating a home that you adore can feel like a daunting task, Lucy breaks it down so it feels less overwhelming ...The homes showcased here are aspirational, characterful and utterly dreamy.' Homes & AntiquesWe all want to live in a home that reflects our personalities and experiences. But if we are not a professional decorator or stylist where do we start? In this inspirational and helpful handbook, interiors stylist and tutor Lucy Gough will teach you how to understand your true style and how to implement it as you decorate your living space. Your dream home needn't be a spacious, architecturally designed building - it could be small or rented - and with this book you'll discover what YOU love so you can surround yourself with the colours, furniture, furnishings and finishing touches that inspire you.The book includes:- How to create and use a moodboard. - How to translate magazine imagery into your home - How to create impact with art, plants and accessories - How to style your kitchen, living room, bathroom, home office and hallway- Key inspirational case studies - explaining how and why they work so well. (

Podobné produkty ako The Home Style Handbook: How to make a home your own - Lucy Gough , How to be a young #writer (0198376480)

Lid versus demokracie - Yascha Mounk - e-kniha

Lid versus demokracie - Yascha Mounk - e-kniha

eBook:,Autoritářští populisté po celém světě – od Indie po Turecko a od Polska po Spojené státy – rozšiřují a upevňují svůj politický vliv a moc. Máme-li porozumět tomu, jak velkou hrozbu tento vývoj představuje a jak se mu lze bránit, musíme nejdříve pochopit příčiny atraktivity a stability, jimž se liberální demokracie po druhé světové válce v globálním měřítku těšila, a popsat tendence, jež tuto stabilitu v konečném výsledku narušily. Yascha Mounk spatřuje klíčový problém v odloučení obou bytostných složek liberální demokracie, tedy garantování lidských a občanských práv na jedné straně a schopnosti řídit se aktuální lidovou vůlí na straně druhé. Narušením rovnováhy, jež je pro liberální demokracii životně nutná, vznikají dvě problematické formy: nedemokratický liberalismus, v němž obyvatelstvo ztrácí vliv na počínání politických elit, a neliberální demokracie, v níž vůle lidu potlačuje práva jednotlivců a menšin. Autor se snaží vystihnout specifické příčiny, jež posilují přitažlivost autoritářských programů, a navrhuje konkrétní kroky do budoucna, zahrnující též nastolení tolerantního, inkluzivního pojmu národa. Německo-americký politolog Yascha Mounk (1982) studoval v Cambridgi a na Harvardu, v současnosti vyučuje mezinárodní vztahy na Univerzitě Johnse Hopkinse v Baltimoru a spolupracuje s významnými politologickými think-tanky. Píše anglicky – z důvodů částečně osvětlených i názvem jeho první knihy z roku 2014: Stranger in My Own Country. A Jewish Family in Modern Germany (Cizincem ve vlastní zemi. Židovská rodina v moderním Německu). V roce 2017 vydal knihu The Age of Responsibility. Luck, Choice and the Welfare State (Věk zodpovědnosti. Štěstí, rozhodování a sociální stát). Kniha Lid versus demokracie se zatím dočkala překladů do deseti jazyků a vyvolala obsáhlou mezinárodní diskusi. Pronikavá analýza rozmachu populistického nacionalismu a výzev, jimž demokracie v naší době čelí. Pokud jste o Yaschovi Mounkovi zatím neslyšeli, v budoucnu o něm rozhodně uslyšíte. Francis Fukuyama Mounk píše jasně a s vervou a s využitím dat z průzkumů veřejného mínění dokládá úpadek podpory demokracie v celém západním světě. Zbavuje nás všech iluzí o tom, že záchranu demokracie snad přinese idealistická mládež. Opak je pravdou: pouhá třetina amerických mileniálů má za to, že život v demokracii je mimořádně důležitá věc, zatímco mezi staršími Američany tento názor zastávají dvě třetiny respondentů. … Mounkova analýza vnitřních pnutí liberální demokracie je působivá a mnohé odhaluje. Gideon Rachman, The Financial Times Jedním z důvodů, proč tuto poučnou knihu doporučit, je její mezinárodní záběr. Donald Trump si může namlouvat, že je unikát, avšak Mounk dokládá, že současný americký prezident tvoří součást globální vlny. Síly populismu se vzedmuly ve Velké Británii, v Německu, Itálii i ve Francii; v zemích, jako je Venezuela, Maďarsko, Turecko a Polsko, jsou již zabydlené a pevně etablované a mohou přikročit k dalšímu kroku, tedy k vykotlání institucionálních pojistek a utužení vlastní moci. Jennifer Szalaiová, The New York Times Mounkova vynikající kniha je nedocenitelným příspěvkem k diskusím o neduzích demokracie a o tom, jak je léčit. Michael Sandel (

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The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (1524762423)

The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (1524762423)

Kniha - autor Gretchen Rubinová, 282 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (1524762423) , How to run a business without risk (9781911511144)

How To Make Money - Nafisa Bakkar


How do I start a business on a budget?How do I find my first 100 customers and make my first GBP100k?How do I build a network and get my business noticed?Whether you want to transform a fledgling side-hustle into a full-time endeavour or simply have an idea that's keeping you up at night, this is the ultimate blueprint for building your own business.With no network, no capital and no previous experience, Nafisa built her business from scratch and has helped hundreds of founders to do the same. Now, she wants to share her honest, game-changing advice. From how to nail sales and branding to understanding how to build a network, Nafisa lifts the lid on business culture - and questions everything you think you know about the business world. (

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Decision Time: How to Make the Choices Your Life Depends On - Laurence Alison, Neil Shortland


Should I change careers? Is it time to end my relationship? Can I move halfway across the world?We have to make choices everyday, big and small, but it's the life-changing ones that often cause us to freeze or react too quickly, without thinking. What can we do differently?Laurence Alison and Neil Shortland have spent over 20 years helping soldiers, police officers, doctors and other professionals in high-stakes environments make tough decisions when lives are on the line. In Decision Time, they show us how those same decision-making techniques apply to everyday life, whether that's deciding to take a new job or change career later in life, end a relationship, move across the world or declaring your undying love for your best friend.With tips, studies, interviews and observations from their training with police officers together with role-play scenarios for you to try, this book will help you identify and fight off the common enemies of good decision-making - inertia, procrastination and indecision - and empower you to make the choices that matter the most.Highly accessible and interactive, Decision Time will guide you through each step of the decision-making process so next time you a find yourself at the crossroads, you'll be able to make your way with confidence. (

Podobné produkty ako Decision Time: How to Make the Choices Your Life Depends On - Laurence Alison, Neil Shortland , How to get a company through a crisis

How to Make it Happen: Turning Failure into Success (1529105935)

How to Make it Happen: Turning Failure into Success (1529105935)

Kniha - autor Maria Hatzistefanis, 184 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Success is not final and failure is not fatal.Maria Hatzistefanis should know. Having spent 20 years building her own company (described by the press as 'an overnight success'), she acknowledges how hard it is to keep going and find your motivation, especially in the face of self-doubt, rejection and unexpected setbacks.This punchy, easy to digest book spells out how to motivate yourself and harness your drive and energy to make things happen. With clear guidance, tips and celebrity stories throughout, Maria sums up her business secrets with three golden rules: set your goals; plot your trajectory; make it happen!This book will help anyone looking to grow their business and enable readers everywhere to find their own 'Make It Happen' mindset. Everyone can learn from this book, no matter where you are in your career. (

Podobné produkty ako How to Make it Happen: Turning Failure into Success (1529105935) , Jak se seznámit s duchovními průvodci a pracovat s nimi: how to meet&work with spirit guides (978-80-7336-918-7)

My Hygge Home : How to Make Home Your Happy Place (Defekt) - Meik Wiking


'Comforting and cosy for the heart and soul' Fearne Cotton'This book will help you make your home somewhere you feel comfortable, safe and calm' Emma GunsA gorgeous guide to the Danish art of creating a cosy, happy home from the internationally bestselling author, Meik Wiking. Our homes should be a place of comfort, a place to feel safe when we shut the door. Somewhere to be ourselves, to unwind and create special memories.Inspired by Danish design and traditions, this beautiful new book from Meik Wiking shares how to turn your home into a sanctuary and live like the happiest people in the world. With simple tips based on new research from The Happiness Institute in Copenhagen, this book reveals what makes a happy home tick. No matter how much space you have or what your budget is, Meik shows how you can use colour, light and space to create your happy place and celebrate cosiness the Danish way.PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE LITTLE BOOK OF HYGGE NOW! (

Podobné produkty ako My Hygge Home : How to Make Home Your Happy Place (Defekt) - Meik Wiking , The sims 4 bundle (get to work, dine out, cool kitchen stuff) - xbox digital (7d4-00300)

How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole - Paul Woods

How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole - Paul Woods

It's long been an accepted, almost celebrated, fact of the creative industries that long hours, chaotic workflows, and egotistical colleagues are just the price you pay to produce great work. In fact, this toxic culture is the enemy of creativity, and with greater accountability and transparency in the industry--and more choice for young talent--than ever before, this unsustainable way of doing business is a ticking time bomb. This is a straight-talking, fun read for all creatives: Director or junior, at an agency or client-side, working in design, advertising, publishing, fashion, or film. Packed with anecdotes, self-analysis flowcharts (are YOU the asshole?!), exercises and action plans for better working practices. Simple strategies can easily be implemented to create a happier, more productive team and--importantly--BETTER WORK!. (

Podobné produkty ako How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole - Paul Woods , The great gatsby (978-88-536-0666-2)

Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in an Economy that Hates You - Chris Guillebeau


From the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup, comes a captivating guide that explains how to thrive in todays turbulent global economy.Burdened with massive debt, stagnant wages and the ever-rising cost of living, a growing number of millennials and gen-Z are abandoning the traditional nine-to-five model of work, instead turning to the ecosystem of largely unregulated, decentralized platforms to pursue a host of novel ways to make money.In Gonzo Capitalism, New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur Chris Guillebeau explores this brave new world – from the Texas software rep who earned $80,000 sending potatoes in the mail, to the British teenager who earned nearly $500,000 naming other people’s babies, to the community of online gamers getting ‘paid to play’.Along the way, he shows you how our economy really works and reveals how you can capitalize on the new tools and platforms at our disposal, and come up with your own unconventional ways to turn your time and talents into income. (

Podobné produkty ako Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in an Economy that Hates You - Chris Guillebeau , The great return (978-1-78808-068-2)

How Democracies Die (Defekt) - Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt


How Democracies Die How does a democracy die? What lessons does history teach us? What can we do to save our own? In the 21st century democracy is threatened like never before. Drawing insightful lessons from across history - from Pinochet's murderous Chilean regime to Erdogan's quiet dismantling in Turkey - Levitsky and Ziblatt explain why democracies fail, how leaders like Trump subvert them today and what each of us can do to protect our democratic rights. 'A must-read' Andrew Marr, Sunday Times 'Excellent, scholarly, readable, alarming and level-headed' Nick Cohen, Observer 'The greatest of the many merits of Levitsky and Ziblatt's How Democracies Die is their rejection of western exceptionalism. They tell inspiring stories I had not heard before. Excellent' Nick Cohen, Observer 'Provocative, timely. One of my favourite reads this year' Elif Shafak, author of The Bastard of Istanbul 'Anyone who is concerned about the future of democracy should read this brisk, accessible book. Anyone who is not concerned should definitely read it' Daron Acemoglu, co-author of Why Nations Fail 'A lucid and essential guide to what can happen' Jennifer Szalai, New York Times 'We owe the authors a debt of thanks for bringing their deep understanding to bear on the central political issue of the day' Francis Fukuyama, author of Political Order and Political Decay 'In this brilliant historical synthesis, Levitsky and Ziblatt show how the actions of elected leaders around the world have paved the road to democratic failure, and why the United States is now vulnerable to this same downward spiral. This book should be widely and urgently read as a clarion call to restore the shared beliefs and practices-beyond our formal constitution - that constitute the essential 'guardrails' for preserving democracy' Larry Diamond, author of The Spirit of Democracy (

Podobné produkty ako How Democracies Die (Defekt) - Steven Levitsky, Daniel Ziblatt , Soundtrack: it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown - cd (7243683)

How Democracies Die: What History Reveals About Our Future (0241381355)

How Democracies Die: What History Reveals About Our Future (0241381355)

Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako How Democracies Die: What History Reveals About Our Future (0241381355) , How we understand the beats (978-80-210-9048-4)

To Make a Monster Out Of the Girls (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace

To Make a Monster Out Of the Girls (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace

"What happens when the man of your dreams turns out to be a nightmare with sharp teeth and claws?" Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Award for Best Poetry, amanda lovelace presents her new illustrated duology, "things that h(a)unt." In this first installment, to make monsters out of girls, lovelace explores the memory of being in an abusive relationship. She poses the eternal question: Can you heal once you've been marked by a monster, or will the sun always sting? (

Podobné produkty ako To Make a Monster Out Of the Girls (Defekt) - Amanda Lovelace , Inspired the bata way: how to be stronger and happier by adopting thomas bata’s principles to live b (978-80-908183-1-6)

The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha


eBook: ‘The Great Keinplatz Experiment’ is a collection of short stories by the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Due to Doyle’s fascination with the supernatural, several of the stories have a supernatural element. Stories in the collection include Egyptian archaeology thriller ‘Lot No. 249’ and the dark, atmospheric séance story in ‘Playing with Fire’. Full of humour as well as mystery, this is a fascinating collection of stories from Doyle. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha , The upstarts: how uber, airbnb, and the killer companies of the new silicon valley are changin (0316554561)

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)

Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Aurelia Durand, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

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Moonshot : Inside Pfizer´s Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible - Bourla Albert


The exclusive, first-hand, behind-the-scenes story of how Pfizer raced to create the first Covid-19 vaccine, told by Pfizer’s CEO Dr. Albert Bourla A riveting, fast-paced, inside look at one of the most incredible private sector achievements in history, Moonshot recounts the intensive nine months in 2020 when the scientists at Pfizer, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Albert Bourla, made “the impossible possible”―creating, testing, and manufacturing a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine that previously would have taken years to develop. Dr. Bourla chronicles how the brilliant, dedicated minds at Pfizer, under the enormous strains of the global pandemic, overcame a series of crises that were compounded by social and political unrest, and reveals the doubts, decisions, obstacles, and failures they encountered. As Dr. Bourla makes clear, Pfizer’s success wasn’t due to luck; it was because of preparation driven by four simple values―Courage, Excellence, Equity, and Joy. Moonshot is a story of leadership under the most unprecedented circumstances―how Dr. Bourla, a Greek immigrant, a child of Holocaust survivors, and a veterinarian, became the head of one of the world’s largest corporations and initiated a dramatic transformation of the organization just before a global health crisis would serve to test the organization, its scientists and its leader, like never before. Moonshot describes best practices that can be used to address the multiple, unprecedented challenges our world faces, reveals Pfizer’s implementation of scientific breakthroughs at a record-breaking pace, and offers leadership lessons that can help anyone successfully manage their own seemingly unsolvable problems. As Dr. Bourla explains, “I am sharing the story of our moonshot―the challenges we faced, the lessons we learned, and the core values that allowed us to make it happen―in hopes that it might inspire and inform your own moonshot, whatever that may be.” (

Podobné produkty ako Moonshot : Inside Pfizer´s Nine-Month Race to Make the Impossible Possible - Bourla Albert , Soundtrack: it's the great pumpkin, charlie brown (coloured) - lp (7225583)

Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve More (1509866132)

Hyperfocus: How to Work Less to Achieve More (1509866132)

Kniha - 242 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

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Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (0062699172)

Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (0062699172)

Kniha - autor Liz Wiseman, 268 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

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How to Live. What To Do.: How great novels help us change - Josh Cohen


What can Alice in Wonderland teach us about childhood? Could reading Conversations with Friends guide us through first love? Does Esther Greenwood’s glittering success and subsequent collapse in The Bell Jar help us understand ambition? And, finally, what can we learn about death from Virginia Woolf?Literature matters. Not only does it provide escapism and entertainment, but it also holds a mirror up to our lives to show us aspects of ourselves we may not have seen or understood. From jealousy to grief, fierce love to deep hatred, our inner lives become both stranger and more familiar when we explore them through fiction. Josh Cohen, a psychoanalyst and Professor of Modern Literary Theory, delves deep into the inner lives of the most memorable and vivid characters in literature. His analysis of figures such as Jay Gatsby and Mrs Dalloway offers insights into the greatest questions about the human experience, ones that we can all learn from. He walks us through the different stages of existence, from childhood to old age, showing that literature is much more than a refuge from the banality and rigour of everyday life – through the experiences of its characters, it can show us ways to be wiser, more open and more self-aware. (

Podobné produkty ako How to Live. What To Do.: How great novels help us change - Josh Cohen , Work life balance

Badass Habits : Cultivate the Awareness, Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick - Jen Sincerová


New York Times bestselling author Jen Sincero gets to the core of transformation: habits--breaking, making, understanding, and sticking with them like you've never stuck before. Badass Habits is a eureka-sparking, easy-to-digest look at how our habits make us who we are, from the measly moments that happen in private to the resolutions we loudly broadcast (and, erm, often don't keep) on social media. Habit busting and building goes way beyond becoming a dedicated flosser or never showing up late again--our habits reveal our unmet desires, the gaps in our boundaries, our level of self-awareness, and our unconscious beliefs and fears. Badass Habits features Jen's trademark hilarious voice and offers a much-needed fresh take on the conventional wisdom and science that shape the optimism (or pessimism?) around the age-old topic of habits. The book includes enlightening interviews with people who've successfully strengthened their discipline backbones, new perspective on how to train our brains to become our best selves, and offers a simple, 21 day, step-by-step guide for ditching habits that don't serve us and developing the habits we deem most important. Habits shouldn't be impossible to reset--and with healthy boundaries, knowledge of--and permission to go after--our desires, and an easy to implement plan of action, we can make any new goal a joyful habit. (

Podobné produkty ako Badass Habits : Cultivate the Awareness, Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick - Jen Sincerová , Les parisiennes: how the women of paris lived, loved and died in the 1940s (1474601731)

Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk


A legendary performance coach shares his simple, proven, and fun methods for cultivating motivation and keeping it.To be productive and optimistic about our personal and professional lives, we want to feel that we can understand and influence what is happening around us today, and that we have a reliable insight into what will happen tomorrow. We also require a rich, supportive, and secure social life. As more of us work remotely and the frequency of our in-person contact decreases, this desire for connection and trust has only become more important; the social drive is so strong that our body temperature drops when we feel excluded.To satisfy our psychological needs in today's professional world, we must pursue them consciously and purposefully-but unfortunately, most of us don't know how to do so effectively. Instead, we waste our time on ineffective coping strategies that often make us feel even worse. The true solution to becoming happier, healthier, and more productive is to become intrinsically motivated: To stop wasting time on activities that don't really contribute to our careers or our company's success, eschew the dog-eat-dog culture of modern business, and find ways to take pleasure in what we do-and to do it well.Motivation by Stefan Falk is a comprehensive guide to achieving this goal. Filled with methods and techniques he developed at McKinsey & Company and through 25 years as a senior executive and performance coach working with elite athletes, top executives, special operators in the armed forces, and leaders from all walks of life, this book will revolutionize your approach to success at work and beyond.Published as Intrinsic Motivation in the United States. (

Podobné produkty ako Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk , How we understand the beats: the reception of the beat generation in the united states and the czech (978-80-210-9048-4)

Halloween Things to Make and Do - Kate Nolan


Little children will love the creepy crafts and puzzles in this spook-tacular activity book. It's packed full of exciting ideas for making Halloween decorations, pictures and more, from straw skeletons and spooky spiders to paper chains and pumpkins, with clearly illustrated instructions and tips. There are also plenty of drawing, spotting, counting and matching activities, perfect for keeping young witches and wizards busy in between makes. (

Podobné produkty ako Halloween Things to Make and Do - Kate Nolan , Redding otis: the great otis redding sings soul ballads - lp (0349783770)

Summer Things to Make and Do - Kate Nolan


From craft activities to colouring pages and step-by-step drawing, this delightful book is packed full of fun activities to keep little children busy all summer long. Each craft activity uses everyday and recycled materials from around the house, and has clear, illustrated step-by-step instructions, with helpful tips and photos of the finished crafts. (

Podobné produkty ako Summer Things to Make and Do - Kate Nolan , Led zeppelin: how the west was won (remastered) (3x cd) - cd (0349786278)

Beat Stress at Work: How to Balance Your Ambition with Your Anxiety - Lucy Streul


Through the advice in this book, you will learn that your mental health issues may not be the barriers you view them as but may hold value in the workplace. Mark shows you that it is possible to be ambitious and successful at work because of, not in spite of, the mental health challenges you may face. For some, there is a high price to pay for ambition and success. The toll it can take on our mental health can be significant, particularly if we are born with the 'Worry' gene. In Beat Stress at Work, management trainer Mark Simmonds helps you understand the effects stress and anxiety can have on your mental health and provides tools and advice to find your way through work-induced struggles. Through sharing his own brutally honest journey and using his corporate experience, Mark sheds light on the difficulty of discussing mental health with colleagues and employers and identifies the best ways for navigating your way through a mental health crisis. The book: • Encourages you to maintain positive mental health by better understanding yourself and finding a career that suits your most authentic self. • Shows you how to return safely to the workplace after a period of mental ill health and communicate effectively with your peers and managers. • Demonstrates how your resilience 'muscle' can help you fulfil your ambitions in the professional arena, while being mindful of your mental health. • Pinpoints some of the key lessons from COVID-19 about stress management and the working environment. Through the advice in this book, you will learn that your mental health issues may not be the barriers you view them as but may hold value in the workplace. Mark shows you that it is possible to be ambitious and successful at work because of, not in spite of, the mental health challenges you may face. 'This powerful book will help you tackle stress and learn more about yourself in the process' Sir Clive Woodward OBE (

Podobné produkty ako Beat Stress at Work: How to Balance Your Ambition with Your Anxiety - Lucy Streul

Halloween Things to Make and Do (Defekt) - Kate Nolan


Little children will love the creepy crafts and puzzles in this spook-tacular activity book. It's packed full of exciting ideas for making Halloween decorations, pictures and more, from straw skeletons and spooky spiders to paper chains and pumpkins, with clearly illustrated instructions and tips. There are also plenty of drawing, spotting, counting and matching activities, perfect for keeping young witches and wizards busy in between makes. (

Podobné produkty ako Halloween Things to Make and Do (Defekt) - Kate Nolan

Ingrid Michaelson - It Doesn't Have To Make Sense (LP)

Ingrid Michaelson - It Doesn't Have To Make Sense (LP)

Země původu: Evropská unie Subžánr: Pop Rock;Pop;Alternative Rock;Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Ingrid Michaelson Vydavatelství: Cabin 24 Records Varianta: It Doesn't Have To Make Sense (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Pop Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Rok vydání: 2016.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Datum vydání: 2016-08-26 Země interpreta: USA (

Podobné produkty ako Ingrid Michaelson - It Doesn't Have To Make Sense (LP)

No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference (0141992719)

No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference (0141992719)

Kniha - 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference (0141992719)

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

Audiokniha MP3 Francis Scott Fitzgerald, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha The Great Gatsby namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň C1 pro velmi pokročilé posluchače. “Gatsby?” asked Daisy urgently. “What Gatsby?” Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago – and who owns a sumptuous house on Long Island, where New York society enjoys the best parties on offer? Is it just coincidence that Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy – now married to wealthy polo-player Tom Buchanan? As one man’s mysterious dream moves towards its ultimately tragic conclusion, Midwesterner Nick Carraway is drawn into the dark world of Gatsby’s past and present – a world of hidden frustrations and superficial relationships which perfectly illustrates the “careless and confused” nature of America’s Jazz Age. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Gatsby

Just Work : How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity - Kim Scottová


‘Powerful and perceptive . . . belongs on the shelves – and in the hearts and minds – of leaders everywhere’ – Daniel H. Pink, bestselling author of To Sell is Human From Kim Scott, author of the revolutionary New York Times bestseller Radical Candor, comes Just Work: How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity – that will help you recognize, attack and eliminate workplace injustice – and transform our careers and organizations in the process. We – all of us – consistently exclude, underestimate and under-utilize huge numbers of people in the workforce even as we include, overestimate and promote others, often beyond their level of competence. Not only is this immoral and unjust, it’s bad for business. Just Work is the solution. Just Work by Kim Scott reveals a practical framework for both respecting everyone’s individuality and collaborating effectively. This is the essential guide leaders and their employees need to create more just workplaces and establish new norms of collaboration and respect. (

Podobné produkty ako Just Work : How to Confront Bias, Prejudice and Bullying to Build a Culture of Inclusivity - Kim Scottová

The Great Gatsby (0241341469)

The Great Gatsby (0241341469)

Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Gatsby (0241341469)

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (1591846447)

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (1591846447)

Kniha - autor Simon Sinek, 246 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "A powerful and penetrating exploration of what separates great companies and great leaders from the rest."--Polly LaBarre, co-author of "Mavericks at Work." (

Podobné produkty ako Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (1591846447)

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action (0241958229)

Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action (0241958229)

Kniha - 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Why are some people and organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? And why are they able to repeat their success again and again?In business, it doesn't matter what you do, it matters WHY you do it.Start with Why analyses leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and Steve Jobs and discovers that they all think in the same way - they all started with why.Simon Sinek explains the framework needed for businesses to move past knowing what they do to how they do it, and then to ask the more important question-WHY?Why do we do what we do? Why do we exist? Learning to ask these questions can unlock the secret to inspirational business. Sinek explains what it truly takes to lead and inspire and how anyone can learn how to do it. (

Podobné produkty ako Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action (0241958229)

Streets: Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living (2x LP) - LP (2564632301)

Streets: Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living (2x LP) - LP (2564632301)

LP vinyl The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living je třetí studiové album britské alternativní hiphopové formace The Streets z roku 2006. Ústřední postava projetku, rapper a multiinstrumentalista Mike Skinner se na této desce vypořádává s nečekanou slávou a pozorností, již se mu dostalo zásluhou předchozích dv The Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living je třetí studiové album britské alternativní hiphopové formace The Streets z roku 2006. Ústřední postava projetku, rapper a multiinstrumentalista Mike Skinner se na této desce vypořádává s nečekanou slávou a pozorností, již se mu dostalo zásluhou předchozích dvou alb. Velmi úspěšný byl z alba singl When You Wasn't Famous, v němž Skinner rozvádí úvahu o tom, že „sbalit holku je snazší, pokud jste slavný, ale pokud je slavná i ona, je to jako když slavný nejste”. Údajně se má jednat o jeho vlastní zkušenost, když se neúspěšně pokoušel dvořit se jisté britské popové zpěvčce, jejíž skutečnou totožnost však nikdy... (

Podobné produkty ako Streets: Hardest Way To Make An Easy Living (2x LP) - LP (2564632301)

The Lorax: Special How to Save the Planet edition - Dr. Seuss

The Lorax: Special How to Save the Planet edition - Dr. Seuss

The timeless ecological fable from the iconic Dr. Seuss. Help the Lorax save the planet with this very special slipcase edition of the classic picture book."'Mister!' He said with a sawdusty sneeze, `I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.'"The Lorax is the original eco-warrior and his message still rings loud today in this fable about the dangers of destroying our forests, told in the trademark rhyme of the irrepressible Dr. Seuss. This special eco-friendly slipcased edition is printed on 100% recycled paper, and contains some easy tips to follow to help the Lorax save the planet.With his unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures and riotous rhymes, Dr. Seuss has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranked among the UK's top ten favourite children's authors, Dr. Seuss is a global best-seller, with over half a billion books sold worldwide. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lorax: Special How to Save the Planet edition - Dr. Seuss

MS How To Play The Penny Whistle

MS How To Play The Penny Whistle

Škola hry na irskou flétnu Publikace How To Play The Penny Whistle nepředpokládá žádnou předchozí znalost hry na irskou flétnu nebo zkušenost s jakýmkoliv jiným nástrojem. Jednoduše, s pomocí ilustrací a diagramů, vás krok za krokem provede základy hry na irskou flétnu a naučí vás správným návykům a dovednostem. Publikace obsahuje výběr z oblíbených skladeb a melodií. (

Podobné produkty ako MS How To Play The Penny Whistle

The Great Return - Palovic Zuzana

The Great Return - Palovic Zuzana

In the beginning of the 21st century, Europe opened its borders to the countries from behind the Iron Curtain. Since then, over 100 million citizens, including Slovaks gained the freedom to move West without a visa. Now, a decade after the East-West exodus, our pioneers are returning home. Telling the stories of international Slovaks who left, learned and returned, 58 voices including government, business and society share their views on the transformation of a nation. The 59th voice is that of the author, who reveals a personal tale of loss, lessons and reconnection through a rite of passage shared by millions of people across the planet. Time-travellers to culture-shifters, Slovakia's lost daughters and sons come home, proving that return is not just a possibility, but an opportunity. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Return - Palovic Zuzana

THE GREAT OUTDOORS Piknikový košík

THE GREAT OUTDOORS Piknikový košík

izolační chladicí taška se zipem odnímatelné bambusové víko lze použít jako servírovací talíř, bezpečný pro styk s potravinou voděodolné pokyny pro péči: koš čistěte pouze vlhkým hadříkem, ruční čištění za použití pouze jemného mýdla Při Vašem dalším výletě do přírody nebo k vodě bude piknikový koš THE GREAT OUTDOORS v přírodních barvách Vaším věrným společníkem. Pod odnímatelným bambusovým víkem, který při pikniku skvěle využijete jako servírovací podnos, bude izolační chladící taška s integrovaným zipem udržovat Vaše saláty, sendviče a nápoje pěkně v chladu. Vysoce kvalitní koš na piknik s dřevěnou rukojetí je vyráběný ručně, je bezpečný pro potraviny a lze jej snadno očistit vlhkým hadříkem. (

Podobné produkty ako THE GREAT OUTDOORS Piknikový košík

The Great Return - Zuzana Palovic

The Great Return - Zuzana Palovic

In the beginning of the 21st century, Europe opened its borders to the countries from behind the Iron Curtain. Since then, over 100 million citizens, including Slovaks gained the freedom to move West without a visa. Now, a decade after the East-West exodus, our pioneers are returning home.Telling the stories of international Slovaks who left, learned and returned, 58 voices including government, business and society share their views on the transformation of a nation. The 59th voice is that of the author, who reveals a personal tale of loss, lessons and reconnection through a rite of passage shared by millions of people across the planet.Time-travellers to culture-shifters, Slovakia's lost daughters and sons come home, proving that return is not just a possibility, but an opportunity. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Return - Zuzana Palovic

The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan


The second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny.Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern. And the Pattern demands the Dragon. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Hunt - Robert Jordan

Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters


Tracing the work of six modern Czech glassmakers from the Cold War to the present day Realized in collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Bohemian Glass highlights the work of six major Czech glass artists born in the 1920s and ’30s. These great masters nurtured a new mode of artistic glass, while drawing upon Bohemia’s historical relationship with other European glassmaking centers. (

Podobné produkty ako Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters

The Great Wave - Michiko Kakutani


In the twenty-first century, a wave of political, cultural and technological change has capsized our old certainties and assumptions, creating both opportunity and danger. As people lose their faith in old institutions and elites, radical voices at the margins and the grassroots are disrupting the status quo. This is the time of the outsider – the protester, the populist, the hacker. Some of these outsiders have sown chaos, like Donald Trump, and others have provided inspirational leadership, like Volodymyr Zelensky. But all have grasped this precarious moment to make something new. Writing with a critic’s incisive understanding of cultural trends, Michiko Kakutani outlines the consequences of these new asymmetries of power, and looks back to similar hinge moments in history, from the waning of the Middle Ages to the aftermath of the Second World War, to find a way forward. For there is, Kakutani argues, always the promise of transformation in times of turmoil. We can surrender to the waters, give in to the gathering chaos, or we can use the wave’s momentum to propel us into a more stable and sustainable future. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Wave - Michiko Kakutani

The Great Divide - Cristina Henriquez


It is said that the Canal will be the greatest feat of engineering in history. But first, it must be built.Ada Bunting, a bold sixteen-year-old from Barbados, arrives alone in Panama as a stowaway alongside thousands of other West Indians seeking work in the grand building project of the Canal. Francisco, a local fisherman, resents the foreign nations clamouring for a slice of his country, but nothing is more upsetting for him than his son Omar's decision to work as a digger.For Omar, whose upbringing was quiet and lonely, this job offers a chance to finally find connection and independence. Scientist John Oswald has come from further afield. He has journeyed to Panama in pursuit of one goal: eliminating malaria.But everything hangs in the balance as his wife Marian falls ill herself.When John witnesses an act of bravery and compassion from Ada one day, he hires her on the spot as a caregiver for his wife. This fateful decision sets in motion a sweeping tale of ambition, loyalty, and sacrifice.Breathtaking and impossible to put down, The Great Divide explores the lives of the labourers, fishmongers, journalists, protesters, doctors and soothsayers who lived alongside the construction of the Canal - those rarely acknowledged by history even as they carved out its course. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Divide - Cristina Henriquez

The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai


1985, Yale Tishman, the development director for an art gallery in Chicago, is about to pull off an amazing coup: bringing an extraordinary collection of 1920s paintings as a gift to the gallery. Yet as his career begins to flourish, the carnage of the AIDs epidemic grows around him. One by one, his friends are dying and after his friend Nico's funeral, he finds his partner is infected, and that he might even have the virus himself.The only person he has left is Fiona, Nico's little sister. Thirty years later, Fiona is in Paris tracking down her estranged daughter who disappeared into a cult. While staying with an old friend, a famous photographer who documented the Chicago epidemic, she finds herself finally grappling with the devastating ways the AIDS crisis affected her life and her relationship with her daughter.Yale and Fiona's stories unfold in incredibly moving and sometimes surprising ways, as both struggle to find goodness in the face of disaster. (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Believers - Rebecca Makkai
How to Change: The Science of Self-Improvement (0593332598), Astrosex: Scorpio: How to have the best sex according to your star sign (9781398702080), Sherlock: The Great Game (1785859161), How to Murder Your Life (1785036068), HOW TO SEARCH FOR NEW EMPLOYEES, HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TAME COMPANY RECEIVABLES, Nothing: The Great Dismal - LP (RR44351), How to Be a Young #Writer (0198376480), HOW TO SAFELY INVEST IN REAL ESTATE, How to run a business without risk (9781911511144), HOW TO INCREASE COMPANY PROFITS BY REDUCING COSTS, HOW TO GET A COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS, Jak se seznámit s duchovními průvodci a pracovat s nimi: How to meet&Work with Spirit Guides (978-80-7336-918-7), THE SIMS 4 BUNDLE (GET TO WORK, DINE OUT, COOL KITCHEN STUFF) - Xbox Digital (7D4-00300), The Great Gatsby (978-88-536-0666-2), The Great Return (978-1-78808-068-2), Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown - CD (7243683), How We Understand the Beats (978-80-210-9048-4), Inspired The Bata Way: How to be stronger and happier by adopting Thomas Bata’s principles to live b (978-80-908183-1-6), The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changin (0316554561), OneConcept The Great Gatsby, servírovací vozík, 3 patra, nerezová ocel, Soundtrack: It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (Coloured) - LP (7225583), The Great Gatsby/Velký Gatsby (978-80-7240-943-3), How to Raise Successful People: Simple Lessons for Radical Results (1787462161), Work Life Balance, Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s (1474601731), How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4), Redding Otis: The Great Otis Redding Sings Soul Ballads - LP (0349783770), Led Zeppelin: How The West Was Won (Remastered) (3x CD) - CD (0349786278)