Ultimate strategies to prevent pain and fuel your body to its fullest health potential.'James is incredible - he has played a huge role in helping me manage my fitness and recover from injury over the years' David BeckhamSimple techniques and strategies toHEALFrom stress and anxiety, to everyday wear and tear and injury, life takes its toll on our bodies. Now, internationally renowned osteopath James Davies can help you heal your body.RESETWith tips and tricks to help recognise, manage, and treat everyday aches and pains, this book will reset your approach to understanding your body. James presents a revolutionary blueprint for holistic body wellbeing.RESTOREImprove your wellbeing with exercises expertly designed to optimise your body. Enhance your health and mobility by understanding common conditions from arthritis and muscle strains, to IBS and stress, and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to achieve full-body health. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Body: Simple techniques and strategies to heal, reset and restore - James Davies , Maria nila head and hair heal conditioner 300 ml (7391681036512)To save her family, she'll have to make a dangerous bargain and tip the scales of balance.With her thirteenth birthday just around the corner, Giada Bellantuono has to make a big decision: Will she join the family business and become a healer or follow her dreams? But even though she knows her calling is to heal vulnerable animals, using her powers to treat magical creatures is decidedly not allowed.When a group of witches kidnaps her beloved older brother, Rocco, and her parents are away, Giada is the only person left who can rescue him. Swept into the magical underground city of Malafi, Giada will need the help of her new companions to save her brother--or risk losing him forever. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako How to Heal a Gryphon - Meg Cannistra , Maria nila head and hair heal mask 250 ml (7391681036529)Millions of Americans try drugs or talk therapy to relieve depression and anxiety, but recent scientific studies prove certain alternative treatments can work as well or better-often bringing on a cure. In the extraordinary international bestseller The Instinct to Heal, award-winning psychiatrist and neuroscientist David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D., presents seven natural approaches, each with proven results, that together form a treatment plan that builds on the body's relationship to the brain, yielding faster, more dramatic, and permanent changes. People who want to leave suffering behind now can live joyful, happy lives. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Instinct To Heal - David Servan-Schreiber , Svatobor macák: body and soul - cd (cr0792-2)What would it do to movements, to our society and culture, to have the principles of healing at the very center? What does it mean to center healing in every structure and everything we create?As we emerge from the past few years of collective upheaval, are we ready to face the complexities of our time with joy, authenticity, and connection? Now more than ever, we must learn to heal ourselves, connect with one another, and embody our values. In this revolutionary book, Prentis Hemphill shows us how.What It Takes to Heal asserts that the principles of embodiment - the recognition of our body's sensations and habits, and the beliefs that inform them - are critical to lasting healing and transformation. Hemphill, an expert embodiment practitioner, therapist, and activist, who has partnered with Tarana Burke and Esther Perel, among others, shows us that we don't have to carry our emotional burdens alone.Hemphill demonstrates a future in which healing is done in community, weaving together stories from their own experience as a trauma survivor with clinical accounts and lessons learned from their time as a social movement architect.In this life-affirming framework for the way forward, Hemphill shows us how to heal our bodies, minds and souls - to develop the interpersonal skills necessary to break down the doors of disconnection and take the necessary risks to reshape our world towards justice. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako What It Takes To Heal - Prentis Hemphill , Focus on project success : tools and techniques for successful projects (978-80-254-8707-5)Informative, insightful, and accessible, this book is designed to enhance the capacity of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as early career scholars, to write for academic purposes. Fang describes key genres of academic writing, common rhetorical moves associated with each genre, essential skills needed to write the genres, and linguistic resources and strategies that are functional and effective for performing these moves and skills. Fang's functional linguistic approach to academic writing enables readers to do so much more than write grammatically well-formed sentences.It leverages writing as a process of designing meaning to position language choices as the central focus, illuminating how language is a creative resource for presenting information, developing argument, embedding perspectives, engaging audience, and structuring text across genres and disciplines. Covering reading responses, book reviews, literature reviews, argumentative essays, empirical research articles, grant proposals, and more, this text is an all-in-one resource for building a successful career in academic writing and scholarly publishing. Each chapter features crafts for effective communication, authentic writing examples, practical applications, and reflective questions.Fang complements these features with self-assessment tools for writers and tips for empowering writers. Assuming no technical knowledge, this text is ideal for both non-native and native English speakers, and suitable for courses in academic writing, rhetoric and composition, and language/literacy education. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Demystifying Academic Writing: Genres, Moves, Skills, and Strategies - Zhihui Fang , Input process and product james thomas alex boulton e knihaDraw with Confidence and Creativity! New in paperback! Creativity occurs in action. It is not a trait; it is something you do. To be creative, you need to engage in the art-making process.When you are "in the flow," you shift out of the future and into the present, making connections, generating variations and surrendering to the process. This ten-year edition of Keys to Drawing With Imagination is a course for artists in how to take something, do something to it and make something new. Bert Dodson, author of the best-selling Keys to Drawing (more than 250,000 copies sold!) presents fun techniques and mind-stretching strategies to get you drawing better and more imaginatively than you ever have before.In every section, he offers you basic guidelines that help you channel your creative energies in the right direction. Before you know it, you'll lose yourself in the process, enjoying the experience as you create something gratifying and worthwhile. The subjects covered in this hands-on book are as vast as the imagination itself.Through 58 strategies, 36 exercises and 13 step-by-step demonstrations, you'll explore how to: Take your doodling from mindless to masterful Create your own reality by crumbling, melting or breaking objects Flip the familiar on its ear to create something utterly original Experiment with visual paradox and metaphor Tell vivid stories through the details in your drawings Play with patterns to create captivating compositions Build your drawings by borrowing ideas from different cultures Develop a theme in your work Along the way, Dodson offers you priceless advice on the creative process culled from his 70 years of drawing and teaching. For additional inspiration and encouragement, he includes the work of 30 other outstanding artists, including R. Crumb and Maya Lin.So what are you waiting for? Grab this book and start drawing! You'll be amazed at what you can create. *Note to readers: This book is a 10-year anniversary paperback reprint of the Keys to Drawing with Imagination hardcover edition (2006). (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Keys to Drawing with Imagination: Strategies and Exercises for Gaining Confidence and Enhancing your Creativity - Bert Dodson , Tiande body deodorant natural alunite and sage 100 ml (4810304015367)Václav Krejčík - Powerjóga Flow and Restore - Dýchání, Jógové sestavy, Technika pozic, Meditace. „Při snaze dosáhnout toho, co chcete, nezapomínejte na to, co už máte a umíte. Objevte spokojenost v přirozenosti a jednoduchosti principu jang–jin, aktivita a odpočinek. Jen tak lze dosáhnout všechno, co si přejete.“ Jednoduché cvičení jógových sestav, stejně jako i různé tipy a fígle, jak provést „náročné“ pozice, které jógový nadšenec staví na piedestal svého zájmu, jsou součástí DVD Powerjóga Flow&Restore. Ásanová praxe je jen jednou součástí celku, a tak vám nabízím společně s různými typy meditací komplexní přístup k fyzické a psychické kondici. Cvičení a praxe powerjógy jsou vhodným tréninkem pro budování rituálů a vhodných životních návyků. Stačí se pravidelně, každé ráno na 20 minut, postavit na svou podložku a začít. Buď se rozhýbat a dobít energii pozdravem slunci, nebo se aktivovat krátkými sestavami ásan, které pomohou rozproudit vnitřní oheň ágni a také uvolní, zklidní nervovou soustavu. Stačí tak málo... jen chtít a dělat to pravidelně. Závěrečnou meditací vyladíte mysl na celý den nebo ji očistíte ve chvílích, kdy je zaplněna informacemi, emocemi a hlava se zmítá v mnohosti. Ve společnosti dechu se tělo, mysl i duše spojí, a vytvoří tak harmonizující vibrující celek a dobrou náladu. Pro dobrou kondici a energii stačí tak málo. Chtít, mít energii a motivaci, aby došlo k naplnění cílů. Pěstovat a rozvíjet vůli vyžaduje trochu ukázněnosti a disciplíny (tapas). Tím se vytvoří základní životní rituály, díky kterým se následně člověk cítí spokojeně. Plynutí jógy – flow&restore Je jednoduché a příjemné, když jednotlivé pozice v lekci jógy plynou, kdy jedna pozice navazuje na druhou a vše se odehrává v rytmu dechu. Průběžné zastavení se v top pozici prohloubí uvolnění a účinnost vybrané pozice. Je to jako tanec, který svou ladností odráží spojení pohybu a dechu. Z pozice diváka vypadá pak sekvence ásan, nebo tanec, velice jednoduše, ale cvičenec nebo tanečník ví, kolik pravidelných jógových praxí a tréninků musel absolvovat, aby vnímání pozorujícího bylo takové. Dech je základem praxe jógy, a tedy i plynutí, které přirozeně vytvářejí v těle teplo a sílu. Takto získaná síla potom slouží v běžném životě pro zvládání situací života, které připlouvají. Podlehneme-li myšlenkovému tanci, můžeme si způsobit přetížení. Zacyklíme se a nevíme jak ven. Pokud jsme schopni tento stav svou pozorností vnímat a uvědomujeme si ho, dech vždy pomůže ke klidné mysli. Dech a pozornost tvoří nerozlučnou dvojici. Pomáhají v celé jógové praxi. Hluboké uvolnění „restore“ vychází zevnitř těla a mysli, když vše necháme být. A tak se otevíráme po jangové praxi ásan plynutí – „flow“ a druhému pólu jin – restore a necháváme tělo delší dobu setrvat v pozici s pomůckami, které dovolí tělu hluboce se uvolnit. Uvolnění těla se přenáší i do mysli a jako dvě spojené nádoby uvolní vlnu energie. Je to relaxační odezva na setrvání v ásaně. Je to stav relativně unavené mysli, která byla utahána ásanami a sekvencemi, a nyní nastává kýžené „let it be“. Popsané slovně to zní velice jednoduše, vzpomínáte... jako pozorování tanečníka bravurně scénicky vyjadřujícího emoce a pocity ve svém tanci. Opak je pravdou. Je to nejnáročnější úkol každého, kdo chce být v pohodě a klidu. Jóga toto vše trénuje při cvičební ásanové praxi, stejně jako při meditaci. Tato pravidelná praxe pomůže v tom, abychom jednou v životě mohli svůj um aplikovat do běžných situací, které se nám zdají těžké, nespravedlivé a špatné. S tímto novým přístupem flow&restore může každý den být radostí, a ne starostí. Program DVD Powerjóga Flow & Restore: Powerjóga Flow sestava 1 sestava 2 sestava 3 Sekvence Restore Očistná meditace Meditace "vnitřní chrám" Naučte se albatros, vrána holub, ležící hrdina letící holub Tipy na cvičení pozic (dvd-premiery.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Václav Krejčík - Powerjóga Flow and Restore (DVD) , My.organics the organic cleanser hair and body 250 ml (8388765441606)Beauty Discovery Box Notino L'Oréal Detox and Restore, Kosmetické sady pro ženy, Využijte jedinečné možnosti vyzkoušet ty nejzářivější kosmetické produkty světových značek. Sada Beauty Discovery Box Notino L'Oréal Detox and Restore je plná vzorečků či miniatur produktů, které patří v současnosti k nejoblíbenějším. Staňte se i vy objeviteli produktů, které ve světě beauty nejdou přehlédnout. Sada obsahuje: L’Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Vitamino Color mask rozjasňující maska pro ochranu barvy 15 ml L’Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Vitamino Color shampoo rozjasňující šampon pro barvené vlasy 10 ml L’Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Absolut Repair mask hloubkově regenerační maska 15 ml L’Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Metal Detox shampoo hloubkově čisticí šampon 10 ml L’Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Metal Detox shampoo mask hloubkově vyživující maska 15 ml Vlastnosti: limitovaná edice pro regeneraci a výživu vlasů pro prodloužení barvy vlasů vlasová péče pro krásné vlasy plné života ideální na cestování Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu. (notino.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Beauty Discovery Box Notino L'Oréal Detox and Restore sada pro ženy , Detske body kratky rukav pruhovane keep calm and meow onMaska na vlasy pro ženy, bez parabenů, bez silikonů a bez sulfátů, oplachová, objem 250ml, účinek: proti vypadávání vlasů MARIA NILA Head and Hair Heal je jedinečná, protizánětlivá vlasová maska od švédského specialisty na přírodní kosmetiku. Maska zajistí vlasové pokožce dokonalou výživu, a tím i stimulaci vlasových folikulů a růst nových, zdravých vlasů. Pomůže odstranit svědění pokožky, zatočí s nepříjemnými lupy a zabrání nadbytečnému vypadávání vlasů. To vše díky unikátnímu složení napěchovanému speciálními účinnými látkami. Maska na vlasy je vhodná pro všechny typy vlasů, zvl. ty poškozené a postará se i o harmonizaci a zklidnění citlivé či suché pokožky hlavy. Má 100% veganské složení a neobsahuje sulfáty ani parabeny. Klíčové vlastnosti masky na vlasy MARIA NILA Head and Hair HealProtizánětlivá vlasová maska od švédské značky Maria NilaVlasová maska povzbuzující metabolismus vlasových buněkPodporuje růst vlasů a... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako MARIA NILA Head and Hair Heal Mask 250 ml (7391681036529) , Vichy homme mag c body and hair shower gel 200ml (3337871320355)Kondicionér oplachový, účinek: proti lupům a proti vypadávání vlasů, typ vlasů: poškozené a suché Kondicionér Head & Heal od značky Maria Nila stimuluje růst vlasů, zabraňuje jejich vypadávání a lečí suchou pokožku hlavy. Kondicionér obsahuje Pirocton Olamin, který zamezuje vzniku lupů a extrakt z aloe vera spolu s vitaminem E vyživuje a regeneruje pokožku hlavy. Maria Nila Head & Heal stimuluje vlasové folikuly pro zvýšení růstu vlasů. Klíčové vlastnosti kondicionéru Maria Nila Head & HealZabraňuje vzniku lupůMaria Nila Head & Heal vyživuje a regeneruje pokožku hlavySnižuje vypadávání vlasůKondicionér podporuje růst vlasů a posiluje vlasové kořínky100% veganské složeníPoužití:Naneste do umytých vlhkých vlasů zhruba od poloviny délky až po konečky. Nechte krátce působit a důkladně opláchněte vodou. Složení:Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ppg-3 Benzyl Ether Myristate, Behentrimonium Chloride, Piroctone Olamine, Apigenin,... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako MARIA NILA Head and Hair Heal Conditioner 300 ml (7391681036512) , Dyscarnate: and so it came to pass - lp (ulr291lp)Přírodní šampon tekutý (klasický) pro ženy, na vlasy suché, bez parabenů, bez silikonů a bez sulfátů, účinek proti lupům a podpora růstu vlasů, objem: 350 ml MARIA NILA Head and Hair Heal je jedinečný, protizánětlivý vlasový šampon od švédského specialisty na přírodní kosmetiku. Šampon zajistí vlasové pokožce dokonalou výživu, a tím i stimulaci vlasových folikulů a růst nových, zdravých vlasů. Pomůže odstranit svědění pokožky, zatočí s nepříjemnými lupy a zabrání nadbytečnému vypadávání vlasů. To vše díky unikátnímu složení napěchovanému speciálními účinnými látkami. Šampon na vlasy je vhodný pro všechny typy vlasů, zvl. ty poškozené a postará se i o harmonizaci a zklidnění citlivé či suché pokožky hlavy. Má 100% veganské složení a neobsahuje sulfáty ani parabeny. Klíčové vlastnosti šamponu na vlasy MARIA NILA Head and Hair HealProtizánětlivý vlasový šampon od švédské značky Maria NilaVlasový šampon povzbuzující metabolismus vlasových buněk (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako MARIA NILA Head and Hair Heal Shampoo 350 ml (7391681036505) , Tones and i: welcome to the madhouse - cd (7567864210)Regenerační šampon pro chemicky ošetřené vlasy dodá vlasům prvotřídní péči a ochranu! Navrací vlasům ztracenou sílu, zdraví a krásu. Navíc šetrně čistí vlasy i pokožku hlavy. PopisVlastnosti: regeneruje poškozená místa, posiluje vlasová vlákna, hydratuje a vyživuje, eliminuje lámavost a třepení vlasů navrací sílu, zdraví a krásu. Jak používatAplikujte na mokré vlasy, napěňte a poté důkladně opláchněte. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako John Frieda Šampon s regeneračním účinkem (Strengthen and Restore Shampoo) 250 ml , My.organics the organic after sun cream hair and body 250 ml (8388765441613)A fully updated, third edition of this essential practical foundation course in fashion design. Becoming a successful fashion designer involves understanding a wide variety of core principles. This foundation course is an ideal introduction for students, dressmakers and anyone interested in the creative side of fashion. Step-by-step tutorials, practical exercises and inspirational interviews with industry professionals teach you how to create your own unique fashion design collections. Design schools around the world are now emphasising design thinking and conceptualisation more than just mere skill building. Packed with scores of new images, this new and fully updated edition provides students with more diverse methods of creating fashion, including digital design iteration and final projects, fabric design development, 3D 'sketching' on the dress form, paper collage design techniques and much more. This book concludes with practical advice for anyone considering a career in fashion, offering ideas on building a portfolio, preparing for interviews and continuing on a path to a professional career. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Fashion Design Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques - Steven Faerm , Shock and awe: glam rock and its legacy, from the seventies to the twenty-first century (0062279807)Kniha - 34 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry (1538735490) , The healing self: a revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)Sada pokojových osvěžovačů, roll-on a koupelového oleje z kolekce Wanderflower. (answear.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Sada pokojové mlhy, roll-on a koupelového oleje Wanderflower Rest and Restore Aromatherapy 3-pack , Romeo and julietFrom award-winning chef and Food Network personality Scott Conant, a cookbook of restaurant-quality Italian meals that you can make easily in your home kitchen Thirty-five years into an illustrious career of restaurant openings across the country, widespread acclaim, and frequent appearances on the Food Network’s Chopped and many other shows, Scott Conant has returned home to create his most personal cookbook yet. Meals cooked from simple, fresh ingredients were staples of Conant’s childhood in a New England family with roots in Southern Italy. From his grandparents’ garden to the dinner table, he learned early on to appreciate the nuances of different flavors and ingredients, and the strong connection between food and family. Focusing on these foods Conant grew up with and the ones he makes for his loved ones today, Peace, Love, and Pasta compiles simple, fresh, and flavorful Italian recipes for the home cook to bring to their own family’s table. These recipes are built on the art of cooking for love, fascination with flavors and ingredients, and the simple pleasures of taste and conviviality. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Peace, Love, and Pasta: Simple and Elegant Recipes from a Chef's Home Kitchen - Scott Conant , Sense and sensibilityReal Techniques Smolder Eye and Brow Duo, 1 ks, Štětce na oční stíny pro ženy, Vše pro perfektní nalíčení v jednom balení. Kosmetická sada Real Techniques Smolder Eye and Brow Duoobsahuje ne jeden, ale hned několik beauty kousků, které pomůžou vytvořit nebo obohatit pravidelnou make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekorativní kosmetiky udělá radost vám nebo jako dárek potěší vaše blízké. Sada obsahuje: štětec na make-up 2 ks Vlastnosti: skvěle se hodí jako dárek potěší všechny ženy ideální na cestování Jak používat: Pomocí štětce aplikujte oční stíny na oční víčka. Postupujte jemnými tahy. (notino.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Real Techniques Smolder Eye and Brow Duo sada štětců 1 ks , Pride and prejudiceThe publication deals with Wolff's compositional techniques and the inner structures of his pieces which influence the relationships between the players, particularly, the democratic manner in which these relationships are constructed and their influence on the audience and players in a broader social sense. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Compositional Techniques of Christian Wolff and Social Aspects in Music - Lucie Vítková , Fit and flexiKniha - autor Silvia Federici, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A cult classic since its publication in the early years of this century, Caliban and the Witch is Silvia Federici's history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages through the European witch-hunts, the rise of scientific rationalism and the colonisation of the Americas, it gives a panoramic account of the often horrific violence with which the unruly human material of pre-capitalist societies was transformed into a set of predictable and controllable mechanisms. It Is a study of indigenous traditions crushed, of the enclosure of women's reproductive powers within the nuclear family, and of how our modern world was forged in blood. (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation (0241532531) , Rick and morty - all ricks and mortys - hrnek (3665361072393)Twenty-five years after her tragic death, James Patterson tells the heartbreaking true story of Princess Diana's life as a mother and a global icon______________________________At the age of thirteen, she became Lady Diana Spencer.At twenty, Princess of Wales.At twenty-one, she earned her most important title: Mother.As she fell in love, first with Prince Charles and then with her sons, William and Harry, the world fell in love with the young royal family - Diana most of all.With one son destined to be King and one needing to find his own way, she taught them lessons about royal tradition and also real life. 'William and Harry will be properly prepared,' Diana once promised. 'I am making sure of this.'Even after her tragic death, the strength of her love for her sons remains an enduring inspiration, not only for the two princes, but for the entire world. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Diana, William and Harry - James Patterson , Rhythmic and melodic patterns to accompany popular songs using chord symbols and their piano arrange (978-80-261-0749-1)Explore the fabled myths and epic legends of the vast and vibrant Marvel Universe.Visit the dawn of time to witness the birth of the Celestials and their warring creations, the Eternals and Deviants. Discover the pantheons of Thor, the Asgardians, and their Olympian rivals. Wonder at the arcane origins of Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. Behold the new and ancient gods of Wakanda and the Black Panthers. Celebrate the rise of Atlantis and its royal protector Namor, the Sub-Mariner.These are the spectacular sagas and mythic tales that define and underpin the Marvel Universe.© 2020 MARVEL (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Marvel Myths and Legends - James Hill , Revolution haircare deeply restore my curls protein restore mask 220 ml (5057566492041)The year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. To cope, Jonathan escapes to the safe haven of his imagination, where his hero David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and dead relatives, including his mother, guide him through the rough terrain of his life. In his alternate reality, Jonathan can be anything: a superhero, an astronaut, Ziggy Stardust, himself, or completely "normal" and not a boy who likes other boys. When he completes his treatments, he will be normal—at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web stumbles into his life. Web is everything Jonathan wishes he could be: fearless, fearsome and, most importantly, not ashamed of being gay.Jonathan doesn't want to like brooding Web, who has secrets all his own. Jonathan wants nothing more than to be "fixed" once and for all. But he's drawn to Web anyway. Web is the first person in the real world to see Jonathan completely and think he's perfect. Web is a kind of escape Jonathan has never known. For the first time in his life, he may finally feel free enough to love and accept himself as he is. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Ziggy, Stardust and Me - James Brandon , Crossing the chasm: marketing and selling disruptive products to mainstream customers (0062292986)Human beings are extraordinary creatures. Intelligent, agile, and curious, we have adapted and invented our way to becoming the most important species on the planet.So great is the extent of our influence, that many speak of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, an age defined by human-induced change to the blue and green globe we call home. Our lofty status comes with responsibility as much as possibility: How should we approach our present and future? What knowledge should we carry with us? Conceived by James Lovelock (1919-2022), inventor of the Gaia theory, this illustrated essay collection brings together an all-star lineup of thinkers and scientists to offer essential understanding about who we are, how we live, and where we might be going. Much as the Gaia theory considers our Earth as an integrated whole of living systems, The Earth and I encourages holistic understanding.Across 12 chapters, we take in both the intricate details and immense structures of our species and our planet, from our ever-expanding universe to our minuscule but mighty cells. We see stellar explosions and the layers of life beneath our feet, delve into the neuroscience of decision-making, get to grips with our climate, and contemplate our increasing intimacy with technology. The book's world-class contributors include quantum physicist Lisa Randall, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, Pulitzer Prize winning biologist Edward O.Wilson, and Nobel Prize winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. With lively illustrations from British artist Jack Hudson, the result is an inspiration for curious minds young and old, and a trusted tool kit for an informed and enlightened future. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Earth and I - James Lovelock , Nothin' to hide kuřecí mini rings and bones 12ks/70 g (810002631498)Brendan Holmes, Margaret Marple and Auguste Poe run the most in-demand private investigation agency in New York City. The three detectives make a formidable team, solving a series of seemingly impossible crimes which expose the dark underbelly of the city - from a priceless art theft, high-stakes kidnapping and a decades-old unsolved murder, to a gruesome subterranean prison and corruption and bribery at the highest levels of power.But it's not long before their headline-grabbing breakthroughs, unconventional methods - and untraceable pasts - attract the attention of the NYPD and the FBI. After all, it's no surprise that there's a mystery or two to unravel in the city that never sleeps . .. not least, who really are Holmes, Margaret and Poe? (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Holmes, Margaret and Poe - James Patterson , Koziol sklenice s nápisem i love you to the moon and backKniha - autor Roald Dahl, 176 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná James Henry Trotter lives with two ghastly hags. Aunt Sponge is enormously fat with a face that looks boiled and Aunt Spiker is bony and screeching. He's very lonely until one day something peculiar happens. At the end of the garden a peach starts to grow and grow and grow. Inside that peach are seven very unusual insects - all waiting to take James on a magical adventure. But where will they go in their giant peach and what will happen to the horrible aunts if they stand in their way? There's only one way to find out... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako James and the Giant Peach (0451480791) , Nothin' to hide hovězí mini rings and bones 12ks/70 g (810002631573)Řecké mýty patří k nejstarším a nejslavnějším příběhům, jaké si kdy lidé vyprávěli. Příběh o Orfeově lásce až za hrob, Pandořině skříňce plné neštěstí a zla, napínavé vyprávění o trójském koni i Heraklově odvaze při plnění nesplnitelných úkolů, to všechno se vešlo do téhle komiksové knihy. Svět řeckých hrdinů, bájných bytostí a smrticích nestvůr představuje James Davies v neskutečně vtipných obrázcích překypujících legračními detaily. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Bájné bytosti a obludy starého Řecka - James Davies , Go ahead and die: go ahead and die - cd (0727361588625)Trpíte chronickými bolestmi? Operace a další invazivní techniky nejsou jediným řešením. Zbavte se chronické bolesti sami – kdykoliv a kdekoliv! Bolest je často přenesená z jiných oblastí těla, občas i velmi vzdálených místu, které právě bolí. K překonání těžko odstranitelných bolestí využívají terapeuti a maséři často tzv. terapii spoušťových bodů (Trigger Points Therapy). S pomocí této knihy můžete začít praktikovat tuto metodu úplně sami. Kniha vám pomůže odhalit příčinu vašich potíží a zbavit se chronické bolesti. V knize najdete: rychlé tipy na to, jak najít zdroj bolesti; desítky obrázků s návody k účinné autoterapii; rady, kdy sval protáhnout, kdy použít chlad nebo teplo a kdy vyhledat odbornou pomoc; tipy pro profesionální terapeuty; přístup k internetovému průvodci bolestí a terapií. Clair Davies, certifikovaný terapeut, se začal zajímat o masáže, když si po prostudování lékařských publikací sám úspěšně vyléčil zmrzlé rameno. Je autorem systému ošetření myofasciálních spoušťových bodů body za pomoci jednoduchých nástrojů. Amber Davies je certifikovaná terapeutka, lektorka masáží a autorka. Vzdělává profesionální terapeuty a předává zkušenosti lidem s chronickými bolestmi. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Spoušťové body - Praktický průvodce terapií - Clair Davies, Amber Davies , The brother of the other: mmigration from belarus, russia and ukraine to the czech republic and the (978-80-210-8577-0)“We are buried beneath mountains of fast-accumulating data. In such circumstances, this book, rather than adding to the data load, aims to offer real understanding.” —James Lovelock Human beings are extraordinary creatures. Intelligent, agile, and curious, we have adapted and invented our way to becoming the most important species on the planet. So great is the extent of our influence, that many speak of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, an age defined by human-induced change to the blue and green globe we call home. Our lofty status comes with responsibility as much as possibility: How should we approach our present and future? What knowledge should we carry with us? Conceived by James Lovelock, inventor of the Gaia theory, this illustrated essay collection brings together an all-star lineup of thinkers and scientists to offer essential understanding about who we are, how we live, and where we might be going. Much as the Gaia theory considers our Earth as an integrated whole of living systems, The Earth and I encourages holistic understanding. Across 12 chapters, we take in both the intricate details and immense structures of our species and our planet, from our ever-expanding universe to our minuscule but mighty cells. We see stellar explosions and the layers of life beneath our feet, delve into the neuroscience of decision-making, get to grips with our climate, and contemplate our increasing intimacy with technology. The book’s world-class contributors include quantum physicist Lisa Randall, Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, Pulitzer Prize–winning biologist Edward O. Wilson, and Nobel Prize–winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. With lively illustrations from British artist Jack Hudson, the result is an inspiration for curious minds young and old, and a trusted tool kit for an informed and enlightened future. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako James Lovelock et al. The Earth and I - James Lovelock , Franny and zooey (0316769495)A Royal Society Science Prize shortlisted author'A talented new writer' Sunday Times__________A philosophical and medical journey through the experience of pain, used as a prism to marvel at biology, psychology and what it means to be human. We know pain when we feel it. We fear it and try to avoid it. But do we know what it really is?We're currently experiencing a Renaissance in pain science. In recent years our understanding of pain has altered so radically it's fair to say that everything we thought we knew about pain is wrong. As Dr Monty Lyman reveals, we misunderstand pain - with harmful consequences. Exploring cutting-edge research and encompassing phantom aches to persistent pain, and interviews with survivors of torture as well as those who have never felt pain, Dr Lyman not only provides hope for reducing and managing pain but takes us to a deeper understanding of what it means to be human.This is the untold story of pain - our most inexplicable feeling. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Painful Truth: The new science of why we hurt and how we can heal - Monty Lyman , Hra tom and jerryKarta formátu A4 vytištěná na tvrdém laminovaném kartonu. Karta je užitečnou pomůckou při výuce anglického jazyka. Na jedné straně je vyobrazen tematický obrázek s popisky jednotlivých částí - každé slovíčko je vizuálně znázorněno a učení je tak snazší. Na druhé straně jsou v přehledných tabulkách vybraná slovíčka z obrázku, u nichž jsou uvedena hlavní spojení, odvozená slova či další významy výrazu. Karta slouží k rozšíření slovní zásoby a k osvojení základního použití slovíček. (patro.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Karta Human Body and Appearance , Oryx and crake (0349004064)Podrobnosti o produktu Body s krátkým rukávem V praktickém dvojitém balení S lisovacími cvočky v rozkroku Podrobnosti o materiálu a péči Materiál: 95% bavlna, 5% elastan Používejte jemné mycí prostředky Praní s látkami podobných barev Praní při teplotě do 40 °C Praní naruby a žehlení Salt and Pepper - oblíbené barevné věci pro nejmenší. Móda Salt& Pepper přesvědčuje rodiče: Měkké materiály šetrné k pokožce, pohodlné střihy a kvalitní zpracování činí módu Salt& Pepper trvanlivou a osobitou. (pinkorblue.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Salt and Pepper Body růžovéPodrobnosti o produktu Body s krátkým rukávem V praktickém dvojitém balení S lisovacími cvočky v rozkroku Podrobnosti o materiálu a péči Materiál: 95% bavlna, 5% elastan Používejte jemné mycí prostředky Praní s látkami podobných barev Praní při teplotě do 40 °C Praní naruby a žehlení Salt and Pepper - oblíbené barevné věci pro nejmenší. Móda Salt& Pepper přesvědčuje rodiče: Měkké materiály šetrné k pokožce, pohodlné střihy a kvalitní zpracování činí módu Salt& Pepper trvanlivou a osobitou. (pinkorblue.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Salt and Pepper Body růžovéPodrobnosti o produktu Body s krátkým rukávem V praktickém dvojitém balení S lisovacími cvočky v rozkroku Podrobnosti o materiálu a péči Materiál: 95% bavlna, 5% elastan Používejte jemné mycí prostředky Praní s látkami podobných barev Praní při teplotě do 40 °C Praní naruby a žehlení Salt and Pepper - oblíbené barevné věci pro nejmenší. Móda Salt& Pepper přesvědčuje rodiče: Měkké materiály šetrné k pokožce, pohodlné střihy a kvalitní zpracování činí módu Salt& Pepper trvanlivou a osobitou. (pinkorblue.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Salt and Pepper Body růžové> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.My Body - kniha vysvětlující, jak naše tělo fungujev ilustracích a textech, které jsou vytvořeny pro děti, ale také fascinují dospělé.My Body’s vivid illustrations and engaging texts make the book wonderfully suitable for children. It takes them on an entertaining anatomical adventure that responds to and further stimulates their own natural curiosity—the key to learning.Children are curious about their bodies. They not only want to know how they breathe and where their food goes after they swallow it, but are also generally interested in how their bodies look on the inside and everything that happens there.The book My Body takes its readers on a fun and compelling journey through the human body. Exploring how we breathe, where our blood flows, how we digest, our senses, skeleton, muscles, nerves, and brain, it imparts fundamental knowledge in a way that is understandable for children. It also provides fascinating information such as the fact that adults can be taller in the morning than they are at night or that giraffes have the same number of neck bones (seven) as humans do. (vemzu.cz)
Podobné produkty ako My Body – Explained and IllustratedPodrobnosti o produktu Body s krátkým rukávem V praktickém dvojitém balení S lisovacími cvočky v rozkroku Podrobnosti o materiálu a péči Materiál: 95% bavlna, 5% elastan Používejte jemné mycí prostředky Praní s látkami podobných barev Praní při teplotě do 40 °C Praní naruby a žehlení Salt and Pepper - oblíbené barevné věci pro nejmenší. Móda Salt& Pepper přesvědčuje rodiče: Měkké materiály šetrné k pokožce, pohodlné střihy a kvalitní zpracování činí módu Salt& Pepper trvanlivou a osobitou. (pinkorblue.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Salt and Pepper Body růžovéFrom international bestselling poet Rupi Kaur comes this beautifully designed, three-book boxed set of the poetry collections that solidified her as the poetic voice of a generation. This set includes her striking debut, milk and honey, her transcendent follow-up, the sun and her flowers, and the intimately reflective third chapter, home body. This trilogy follows Rupi through her formative years, exploring themes of love, loss, trauma, healing, femininity and migration. A stunning collector's item, the Rupi Kaur Trilogy Boxed Set is a must-have for readers who enjoy Kaur’s work and all poetry lovers. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Rupi Kaur Trilogy Boxed Set: milk and honey, the sun and her flowers, and home body - Rupi KaurLost in the swirling mists they fall asleep under glittering stars. It is spring by the time they emerge and while they sit watching a warm sun rise, it dawns on them that another magnificent adventure awaits . . . Beloved friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together. And, although they often get lost, it leads them to discover many beautiful things. They explore the hardships and happiness that connect us all. They learn how to live in the moment, how to be at peace with uncertainty and how to find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, together. Writer and artist James Norbury illustrates the adventures of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, inspired by Buddhist philosophy and spirituality to share the ideas that have helped him through his most difficult times. He hopes they can help you too. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Big Panda and Tiny Dragon - James NorburyIn 1937, a young vet called James Herriot gets a job in Britain’s wild, windy Yorkshire Dales. He learns to work with tough local farmers, unusual pet owners and his untidy boss Siegfried. He meets kicking cows, biting dogs and angry horses, but he finds love too and becomes a real Yorkshireman. Dossiers:Farming in the UK, then and nowVisit the beautiful Yorkshire Dales! (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako All Creatures Great and Small - James Herriot"Bigger and bigger grew the peach, bigger and bigger and BIGGER."James Henry Trotter is about to go on the adventure of a lifetime. James lives his awful Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, two of the meanest people you can imagine. Life isn't much fun at all, until something peculiar happens at the bottom of his garden .. . A peach at the very top of a tree begins to grow .. . and grow .. . and GROW! Inside are seven very unusual insects - all waiting to take James on a magical journey. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako James and the Giant Peach - Roald DahlThe year is 1973. The Watergate hearings are in full swing. The Vietnam War is still raging. And homosexuality is still officially considered a mental illness. In the midst of these trying times is sixteen-year-old Jonathan Collins, a bullied, anxious, asthmatic kid, who aside from an alcoholic father and his sympathetic neighbor and friend Starla, is completely alone. To cope, Jonathan escapes to the safe haven of his imagination, where his hero David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and dead relatives, including his mother, guide him through the rough terrain of his life. In his alternate reality, Jonathan can be anything: a superhero, an astronaut, Ziggy Stardust, himself, or completely "normal" and not a boy who likes other boys. When he completes his treatments, he will be normal—at least he hopes. But before that can happen, Web stumbles into his life. Web is everything Jonathan wishes he could be: fearless, fearsome and, most importantly, not ashamed of being gay.Jonathan doesn't want to like brooding Web, who has secrets all his own. Jonathan wants nothing more than to be "fixed" once and for all. But he's drawn to Web anyway. Web is the first person in the real world to see Jonathan completely and think he's perfect. Web is a kind of escape Jonathan has never known. For the first time in his life, he may finally feel free enough to love and accept himself as he is. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Ziggy, Stardust and Me (Defekt) - James BrandonA comprehensive design resource that reveals how the iconic chairs of the 20th and 21st centuries have been designed for mass production. Chair Anatomy reveals in photos and illustrations the form and the construction details – the anatomy – of a selection of nearly sixty chairs chosen from the last 160 years of modern chair design. It also introduces the designers behind these chairs, their backgrounds and their routes to creating the chairs. In reducing chairs to their constituent parts, the book gets to the heart of each design: how pieces are designed and produced to fit together; why a certain material imparts a certain quality; functional advance or comfort level; and how the chair’s structure can withstand stress while being elegant and economical to produce. In short, a chair is architecture in miniature. This revised and expanded edition features five new chairs, including the Hemp Chair by Werner Aisslinger (2011), Bruto by Konrad Lohöfener (2018) and Chubby by Dirk van der Kooij (2012). Each represents new technological, constructional and aesthetic solutions. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Chair Anatomy: Design and Construction - James OrromeBook:,Jazyk: anglický Anotace:Focus on Project Success – Tools & Techniques for Successful Projects introduces the necessary terms and definitions to effectively work in a project environment. It introduces how projects are handled in a process way and how different projects follow the same life cycle from Initiation to Closeout whatever type of project you are involved in. From here, the book takes you systematically through the life cycle in ten consecutive steps and explains in an ordered and logical way what you have to do. The concept is set up in such a way that following these steps will guide you through the project. The book contains a number of practical issues and exercises to explain and clarify the concepts. The annexes contain additional information related to decision-making techniques and financial parameters that the project manager and team members can use in their day-to-day work. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Focus on project success : tools and techniques for successful projects - Luc De Ceuster - e-knihaReal Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and Concealaer Minis Sunset, 1 ks, Kosmetické sady pro ženy, Vše pro perfektní nalíčení v jednom balení. Kosmetická sada Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and Concealaer Minis Sunsetobsahuje ne jeden, ale hned několik beauty kousků, které pomůžou vytvořit nebo obohatit pravidelnou make-up rutinu. Balíček plný dekorativní kosmetiky udělá radost vám nebo jako dárek potěší vaše blízké. Sada obsahuje: Mini houbička na make-up 3 ks XL houbička na make-up 1 ks Vlastnosti: výsledkem je hladký finiš aplikátor z jemné pěny zaručuje jemnou aplikaci ideální na cestování obsahuje miniverze produktů Jak používat: Houbičku před použitím navlhčete. (notino.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and Concealaer Minis Sunset sada pro líčení pleti 1 ksElektronická kniha - autor Luc De Ceuster, 404 stran, anglicky Jazyk: anglický Anotace:Focus on Project Success – Tools & Techniques for Successful Projects introduces the necessary terms and definitions to effectively work in a project environment. It introduces how projects are handled in a process way and how different projects follow the same life cycle from Initiation to Closeout whatever type of project you are involved in. From here, the book takes you systematically through the life cycle in ten consecutive steps and explains in an ordered and logical way what you have to do. The concept is set up in such a way that following these steps will guide you through the project. The book contains a number of practical issues and exercises to explain and clarify the concepts. The annexes contain additional information related to decision-making techniques and financial parameters that the project manager and team members can use in their day-to-day work.... (alza.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Focus on project success : tools and techniques for successful projects (978-80-254-8707-5)Lost in the swirling mists they fall asleep under glittering stars. It is spring by the time they emerge and while they sit watching a warm sun rise, it dawns on them that another magnificent adventure awaits . . . Beloved friends Big Panda and Tiny Dragon journey through the seasons of the year together. And, although they often get lost, it leads them to discover many beautiful things. They explore the hardships and happiness that connect us all. They learn how to live in the moment, how to be at peace with uncertainty and how to find the strength to overcome life's obstacles, together. Writer and artist James Norbury illustrates the adventures of Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, inspired by Buddhist philosophy and spirituality to share the ideas that have helped him through his most difficult times. He hopes they can help you too. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Big panda and Tiny Dragon (Defekt) - James NorburyThe instant New York Times bestseller Financial Times Book of the Month A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions - doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call. He calls them atomic habits. In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive, motivated, and happy. These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, and your life. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Atomic Habits : An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones - James ClearDNA Test Diet and Body Weight je unikátní a velmi jednoduchý domácí DNA test, který na základě analýzy genů odhalí genetické predispozice k nadváze nebo obezitě. Dále prozradí, jak tělo reaguje na příjem sacharidů nebo tuků, a pomůže přizpůsobit jídelníček směrem k optimálnímu zdraví i tělesné hmotnosti. Personalizovaná výživa vzhledem k vašim cílům ještě nebyla nikdy tak blízko. Test běžně obsahuje 12 analýz. Využijte speciální akci a získejte dalších 65 analýz zdarma za cenu 12. Celkově tak dostanete 77 různých DNA analýz. (gymbeam.cz)
Podobné produkty ako DNA Test Diet and Body Weight - GenePlanetMultiple New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, team up to expose the truth-and end the madness-about COVID-19. Since early 2020, the world has experienced a series of catastrophic events-a global pandemic caused by what appears to be an engineered coronavirus; international lockdowns and border closings causing widespread business closures, economic collapse, and massive unemployment; and an unprecedented curtailment of civil liberties and freedoms in the name of keeping people safe by locking them up in their homes. We are now living in a world that is increasingly ruled, not by our democratic systems and institutions, but by public health fiat, carried out by politicians who rule by instilling fear and panic. In The Truth About COVID-19, Dr. Mercola and Cummins reveal new and emerging evidence that: The SARS-CoV-2 virus was, indeed, lab-engineered and emerged from a negligently managed bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China The global pandemic was long anticipated by global elites who have used it to facilitate and hide the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history PCR testing, case counts, morbidity, and vaccine safety and efficacy data have been widely manipulated and misrepresented Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are known to worsen COVID-19 outcomes, but the junk food industry continues to push its agenda at the expense of public health Safe, simple, and inexpensive treatment and prevention for COVID-19 have been censored and suppressed to create a clear path for vaccine acceptance Effectiveness of the vaccines has been wildly exaggerated and major safety questions have gone unanswered The good news in all of this is that we can take control of our health and that, together, we have the power to unite and fight back for our health, democracy, and freedom. The time is now for a global awakening. As Dr. Mercola and Cummins remind us, this is the fight of our lives. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako The Truth About COVID-19 : Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal - Joseph MercolaIn his forthcoming book, former FBI director James Comey shares his never-before-told experiences from some of the highest-stakes situations of his career in the past two decades of American government, exploring what good, ethical leadership looks like, and how it drives sound decisions. His journey provides an unprecedented entry into the corridors of power, and a remarkable lesson in what makes an effective leader.Mr. Comey served as director of the FBI from 2013 to 2017, appointed to the post by President Barack Obama. He previously served as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. deputy attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. From prosecuting the Mafia and Martha Stewart to helping change the Bush administration's policies on torture and electronic surveillance, overseeing the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation as well as ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, Comey has been involved in some of the most consequential cases and policies of recent history. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership - James CorneyThree of Roald Dahl's best-loved bestselling books are together in a single volume, all charmingly illustrated by Quentin Blake. This Roald Dahl collection is the perfect gift for longtime fans and newcomers alike!Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka's famous chocolate factory is opening at last! But only five lucky children will be allowed inside. And the winners are: Augustus Gloop, an enormously fat boy whose hobby is eating; Veruca Salt, a spoiled-rotten brat whose parents are wrapped around her little finger; Violet Beauregarde, a dim-witted gum-chewer with the fastest jaws around; Mike Teavee, a toy pistol-toting gangster-in-training who is obsessed with television; and Charlie Bucket, Our Hero, a boy who is honest and kind, brave and true, and good and ready for the wildest time of his life!James and the Giant Peach. After James Henry Trotter's parents are tragically eaten by a rhinoceros, he goes to live with his two horrible aunts, Spiker and Sponge. Life there is no fun, until James accidentally drops some magic crystals by the old peach tree and strange things start to happen. The peach at the top of the tree begins to grow, and before long it's as big as a house. Inside, James meets a bunch of oversized friends—Grasshopper, Centipede, Ladybug, and more. With a snip of the stem, the peach starts rolling away, and the great adventure begins!Fantastic Mr. Fox. Someone's been stealing from the three meanest farmers around, and they know the identity of the thief—it's Fantastic Mr. Fox! Working alone they could never catch him; but now fat Boggis, squat Bunce, and skinny Bean have joined forces, and they have Mr. Fox and his family surrounded. What they don't know is that they're not dealing with just any fox—Mr. Fox would rather die than surrender. Only the most fantastic plan can save him now. (knihydobrovsky.cz)
Podobné produkty ako Roald Dahl Collection (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Fantastic Mr. Fox) - Roald Dahl