My body – explained and illustrated

Produkt My body – explained and illustrated sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu My body – explained and illustrated upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

My Body – Explained and Illustrated

My Body – Explained and Illustrated

> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.My body - kniha vysvětlující, jak naše tělo fungujev ilustracích a textech, které jsou vytvořeny pro děti, ale také fascinují dospělé.My Body’s vivid illustrations and engaging texts make the book wonderfully suitable for children. It takes them on an entertaining anatomical adventure that responds to and further stimulates their own natural curiosity—the key to learning.Children are curious about their bodies. They not only want to know how they breathe and where their food goes after they swallow it, but are also generally interested in how their bodies look on the inside and everything that happens there.The book My Body takes its readers on a fun and compelling journey through the human body. Exploring how we breathe, where our blood flows, how we digest, our senses, skeleton, muscles, nerves, and brain, it imparts fundamental knowledge in a way that is understandable for children. It also provides fascinating information such as the fact that adults can be taller in the morning than they are at night or that giraffes have the same number of neck bones (seven) as humans do. (

Podobné produkty ako My Body – Explained and Illustrated , Over my dead body (0008523266)

The World Atlas of Coffee: From beans to brewing - coffees explored, explained and enjoyed (1784724297)

My Body - Ivy Dad - e-kniha


eBook: Part of the ‘Hello English’ language learning collection, ‘My body’ is an English picture book that helps children learn English as a second language while teaching them about bodies. With fun and simple storytelling, a useful English keyword list, and colourful illustrations, children can learn all about the different parts of their body as well as words that describe what those body parts can do; from noses that smell to legs that kick. ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions. (

Podobné produkty ako My Body - Ivy Dad - e-kniha , Svatobor macák: body and soul - cd (cr0792-2)

DERMACOL Glitter My Body Shimmering Body Loation 200 ml (8590031157467)

DERMACOL Glitter My Body Shimmering Body Loation 200 ml (8590031157467)

Tělové mléko - unisex, hydratační, regenerační, vyživující a zjemňující, pro všechny typy pleti, s přírodními oleji, objem 200 ml Rozsviťte svoji pokožku s tělovým mlékem Glitter My body od značky Dermacol a oslňte celé své okolí. Tělové mléko perfektně hydratuje a vyživuje pokožku, zanechává ji hedvábně vláčnou a zlatavě třpytivou. Glitter My Body se hodí pro všechny typy pokožky o které se dokonale postará. Klíčové vlastnosti tělového mléka Dermacol Glitter My BodyHydratuje a vyživuje pokožkuTělové mléko Dermacol zanechá kůži zlatavě třpytivouPokožka bude po použití jemná a hebkáGlitter My Body je vhodné pro všechny typy pletiPoužití:Naneste na pokožku celého těla po každé koupeli. (

Podobné produkty ako DERMACOL Glitter My Body Shimmering Body Loation 200 ml (8590031157467) , Dermacol slim my body zeštíhlujíci remodelační gel 150 ml (8595003113786)

Tělové mléko Dermacol - Balance My Body 400 ml

Tělové mléko Dermacol - Balance My Body 400 ml

HlavaSrdceZáklad (

Podobné produkty ako Tělové mléko Dermacol - Balance My Body 400 ml , My year of rest and relaxation (1784877476)

Wilkinson Sword Oh my Body! Body Wax Strips depilační sada 1 ks

Wilkinson Sword Oh my Body! Body Wax Strips depilační sada 1 ks

Wilkinson Sword Oh my body! Body Wax Strips, 1 ks, Epilační vosky pro ženy, I bez pravidelné návštěvy kosmetického salónu mohou být vaše nohy či jiné části těla neustále dokonale hladké. Epilační vosk Wilkinson Sword Oh my Body! Body Wax Strips vás zbaví nežádoucích chloupků doslova jedním tahem, při kterém je vytrhne od kořínků. Zajistí tak, že vaše pokožka zůstane hladká a bez chloupků déle, než při odstranění oholením. Už žádné nežádoucí chloupky, ani starosti s častým holením! Sada obsahuje: voskové depilační pásky 20 ks utěrky po depilaci 4 ks Vlastnosti: lze použít i pro krátké chloupky nové chloupky budou jemnější zanechává pokožku krásně hladkou má dlouhotrvající efekt vhodné na nohy, podpaží i ruce Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu na etiketě. (

Podobné produkty ako Wilkinson Sword Oh my Body! Body Wax Strips depilační sada 1 ks , Dermacol fitness my body zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml (8595003113793)

Great Novels: The World's Most Remarkable Fiction Explored and Explained


Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the world's greatest novels.From medieval romances and tales of chivalry found in the realist novels of the 19th century, to experimental modernist works and today's explorations of the self, Great Novels explores the finest novels from around the world and through time.Tilt at windmills with Don Quixote, experience heartbreak with Tolstoy, discover the society in which Jane Austen lived, and delve into the complex rites of passage experienced by characters in modern novels. Find out what inspired writers to create their masterpieces, what their aims were, and how they set about writing them.Dive deep into the pages of this inspiring book to discover:- Paintings, photographs, and artefacts that tell the story of each novel and what inspired their authors- Superb images of first editions and manuscripts- The flavour of each novel through quotations and extended extracts - "Character maps" showing how characters relate to each other Covering the whole range of literary styles, Great Novels takes you into the pages of the world's seminal novels, ranging from the entertaining adventures of Cervantes' errant knight through to classics such as Great Expectations and Madame Bovary, to modern novels such as To the Lighthouse, The Outsider, Beloved, and Wolf Hall.Stunning images of the original manuscripts, first editions, and authors are complemented by extracts and quotations, while illustrated features set the novels in their literary and historical context. Essential for people of all ages who love books, Great Novels provides a fascinating overview of how the novel has developed through the ages and celebrates the perennial pleasures of reading. (

Podobné produkty ako Great Novels: The World's Most Remarkable Fiction Explored and Explained , Tiande body deodorant natural alunite and sage 100 ml (4810304015367)

Dermacol Glitter my body třpytivé hydratační mléko 200 ml

Dermacol Glitter my body třpytivé hydratační mléko 200 ml

MALL.CZ Dny – Sleva 20 % na všechny produkty tělové a pleťové péče značky Dermacol s kódem 24MDW4CZ30 (platí od 15. 4. do 28. 4. 2024 nebo do vyprodání zásob)! Tělové mléko se zlatavě třpytivým efektem zanechá vaši pokožku sametově hebkou a jemnou. Použití tělového mléka po každé koupeli zajistí účinnou hydrataci a regeneraci pokožky. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Glitter my body třpytivé hydratační mléko 200 ml , My.organics the organic cleanser hair and body 250 ml (8388765441606)

Dermacol Zeštíhlující remodelační gel Slim my body 150 ml

Dermacol Zeštíhlující remodelační gel Slim my body 150 ml

MALL.CZ Dny – Sleva 20 % na všechny produkty tělové a pleťové péče značky Dermacol s kódem 24MDW4CZ30 (platí od 15. 4. do 28. 4. 2024 nebo do vyprodání zásob)! Přípravek na zeštíhlení a tvarování problematických partií od značky Dermacol. Složení s extraktem z mořských řas a s kofeinem stimuluje štěpení tuků a zabraňuje jejich dalšímu ukládání. Pomáhá odvodňovat. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Zeštíhlující remodelační gel Slim my body 150 ml , Detske body kratky rukav pruhovane keep calm and meow on

Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Emma


Emma Woodhouse is pretty, clever and rich, and sees no reason why she would ever need to get married.But she loves matchmaking for her neighbours, despite the advice of her friend Mr Knightley, who warns her against meddling. Her latest success - the wedding of her governess - makes her certain that she can find the right match for anyone.Can Emma's lucky streak continue? Or will best laid plans unravel... as they always seem to do?Katy Birchall is the author of the IT Girl and Secrets of a Teenage Heiress series. An Austen obsessive, she's incredibly excited to introduce Emma Woodhouse to a whole new raft of readers.Eglantine Ceulemans captures all of Austen's satire and wit, bringing her colourful casts to life with warm and funny black and white illustrations.Illustrated and retold editions are also available for: Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey. The perfect way to discover Austen for the first time, this bright and bold collection features some of the most inspiring and famous heroines in English literature. For readers aged eight and up. (

Podobné produkty ako Awesomely Austen - Illustrated and Retold: Jane Austen's Emma , Bellissima 11642 my pro straight and waves (11642)

I Am More Than My Body - Bethany C. Meyers Inc


'Some days I love my body, some days I hate my body, but every day I respect my body.'What does it really feel like when you respect your body? For many of us, a neutral approach to our physical self, based on compassion and acceptance, requires a revolutionary shift in how we think about ourselves.I Am More Than My Body will help you strengthen your relationship with yourself and find balance, steering you away from shame without the pressure of having to love your body at all times. It will introduce a framework to help you practice neutral movement, recognise and arm yourself against bias, act with self-compassion, and navigate your feelings on this journey.A long-time practitioner of the body-neutral approach, Bethany C. Meyers shares their own story together with the experiences and ideas of experts and activists to help us care for our bodies while not having them dictate our worth. (

Podobné produkty ako I Am More Than My Body - Bethany C. Meyers Inc

Dermacol My Body péče proti celulitidě a striím 150 ml

Dermacol My Body péče proti celulitidě a striím 150 ml

Dermacol My body, 150 ml, Tělové krémy pro ženy, Přípravek Dermacol My Body vám pomůže zmírnit příznaky celulitidy a vaše pokožka tak bude znovu vypadat pevně a hladce. Vlastnosti: redukuje celulitidu a zpevňuje pokožku intenzivně hydratuje (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol My Body péče proti celulitidě a striím 150 ml , Dermacol love my body zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím 150 ml (8595003113809)

Dermacol My Body zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml

Dermacol My Body zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml

Dermacol My body, 150 ml, Tělové krémy pro ženy, Tělový krém Dermacol My Body pečuje o vaši pokožku a dodává jí potřebnou výživu a dlouhodobou hydrataci. Vlastnosti: hloubkově hydratuje pokožku intenzivně vyživuje a zvláčňuje navrací pokožce komfort a vitalitu Jak používat: Naneste přípravek na čistou pokožku a jemně vmasírujte do úplného vstřebání. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol My Body zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml , Vichy homme mag c body and hair shower gel 200ml (3337871320355)

Dermacol My Body tělové hydratační mléko se třpytkami 200 ml

Dermacol My Body tělové hydratační mléko se třpytkami 200 ml

Dermacol My body, 200 ml, Tělová mléka pro ženy, Tělové mléko Dermacol My Body zajistí vaší pokožce potřebnou hydrataci a dodá jí sametovou hebkost. Vlastnosti: hloubkově hydratuje pokožku intenzivně vyživuje a zvláčňuje zanechává pokožku na dotek sametově jemnou dobře se nanáší, lehce se vstřebává Jak používat: Aplikujte potřebné množství přípravku na čistou pokožku, nejlépe po sprše nebo koupeli. Dobře vmasírujte. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol My Body tělové hydratační mléko se třpytkami 200 ml , Iget body b11 (b11 body white)

Dermacol My Body sametový tělový olej se třpytkami 50 ml

Dermacol My Body sametový tělový olej se třpytkami 50 ml

Dermacol My body, 50 ml, Tělové oleje pro ženy, Tělový olej Dermacol My Body dopřeje vaší pokožce intenzivní hydratační a regenerační péči. Vlastnosti: vyživuje a pečuje o pokožku zanechává pokožku sametově hebkou zanechává pokožku pružnou a vláčnou Jak používat: Malé množství oleje jemně vmasírujte do pokožky celého těla. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol My Body sametový tělový olej se třpytkami 50 ml , My.organics the organic after sun cream hair and body 250 ml (8388765441613)

DERMACOL Slim my Body Zeštíhlujíci remodelační gel 150 ml (8595003113786)

DERMACOL Slim my Body Zeštíhlujíci remodelační gel 150 ml (8595003113786)

Tělový gel - pro ženy i pro muže, zeštíhlující a zpevňující, vhodný pro všechny typy pleti, s přírodními složkami, dermo, obsahem také mořské řasy, vhodný na celulitidu, objem 150 ml Potřebujete trochu zeštíhlit? Je tu pro vás tělový gel Dermacol Slim my body - zeštíhlující remodelační péče. Pomůže vám zeštíhlit vytvarovat tělo v problematických partiích. Tělový gel Dermacol Slim my body obsahuje účinné složky, jako jsou mořské řasy a kofein, které stimulují štěpení tuků a bojují proti jejich dalšímu ukládání. Gel odbourává nepotřebnou vodu z těla, obnovuje mikrocirkulaci krve a podporuje odplavování škodlivin z těla. Při aplikování dvakrát denně po dobu jednoho měsíce bude vaše tělo pevnější a štíhlejší až o jednu velikost. Klíčové vlastnosti tělového mléka Dermacol Slim my bodyZkrášlující péče od DermacoluPomáhá zeštíhlit a vytvarovat těloMořské řasy a kofein stimulují štěpení tukůGel Slim my Body odplavuje z těla škodlivinyTělový... (

Podobné produkty ako DERMACOL Slim my Body Zeštíhlujíci remodelační gel 150 ml (8595003113786) , Body jette

Dermacol Fitness My Body 150 ml tělový balzám pro ženy

Dermacol Fitness My Body 150 ml tělový balzám pro ženy

Dermacol Fitness My body Tělový balzám pro ženy 150 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Fitness My Body 150 ml tělový balzám pro ženy , Krajkove body

Dermacol Shimmer My Body 50 ml tělový olej pro ženy

Dermacol Shimmer My Body 50 ml tělový olej pro ženy

Dermacol Shimmer My body Tělový olej pro ženy 50 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Shimmer My Body 50 ml tělový olej pro ženy , Bardot body

Dermacol Glitter My Body 200 ml tělové mléko pro ženy

Dermacol Glitter My Body 200 ml tělové mléko pro ženy

Dermacol Glitter My body Tělové mléko pro ženy 200 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Glitter My Body 200 ml tělové mléko pro ženy , Bean body

The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz


The Complete Language of Trees is a comprehensive encyclopedia providing the meanings, powers, facts, and folklore for over 400 types of trees. Along with a stunning visual depiction, each entry provides the tree's scientific and common name, characteristics, historic and hidden properties from mythology, legends, and folklore. Some of the lore of trees will include: Hackberry Tree - encourages someone to continuously do their best Manchineel Tree - it is so toxic that the smoke from a burning tree can cause blindness, and it is not even advised to inhale the air around the tree Bark from the Bird Cherry Tree was placed on doors during medieval times to ward off plague Washi paper is created from the inner bark of the Paper Mulberry Tree.Pando is a Quaking Aspen colony that is 108 acres wide (about the size of 83 football fields!). It is technically one tree. Imagine developing a spiritual connection with a tree in a way that exceeds visual perception? Where learning its meaning and value simultaneously improves your own mental and physical wellness? Throughout history, floriographies-flower dictionaries-have gained notoriety for regulating human emotions; giving depth, symbolism, and meaning to extremely delicate aspects of nature.Following the success of The Complete Language of Herbs and its predecessor The Complete Language of Flowers, author S. Theresa Dietz continues this custom with The Complete Language of Trees. Coupled with two indexes, one for searching by common tree name and the other organized by meaning, Dietz cleverly connects quality time in nature with the overall improvement of mental health by developing a stunningly depicted dictionary for gardeners, environmentalists, and nature lovers alike.Elegantly designed and beautifully illustrated, the Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia series offers comprehensive, display-worthy references on a range of intriguing topics, including birthday astrology, dream interpretation, astrological self-care practices, techniques for harnessing the power of dreams, and the stories behind signs and symbols. (

Podobné produkty ako The Complete Language of Trees: A Definitive and Illustrated History - S. Theresa Dietz , Damske body

Dermacol My Body zpevňující péče na dekolt a poprsí 100 ml

Dermacol My Body zpevňující péče na dekolt a poprsí 100 ml

Dermacol My body, 100 ml, Tělové krémy pro ženy, Přípravek Dermacol My Body vypne pokožku poprsí a váš dekolt tak bude působit pevněji. Vlastnosti: zpevňuje pokožku poprsí zvyšuje elasticitu a zachovává jemnost kůže dodává push-up efekt hloubkově hydratuje pokožku Jak používat: Aplikujte na celou oblast dekoltu a prsou pomocí jemných krouživých pohybů. Nechte vstřebat. Pravidelným používáním přípravku zesílíte jeho účinek. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol My Body zpevňující péče na dekolt a poprsí 100 ml , Body solid

Dermacol Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám Fitness my body 150 ml

Dermacol Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám Fitness my body 150 ml

MALL.CZ Dny – Sleva 20 % na všechny produkty tělové a pleťové péče značky Dermacol s kódem 24MDW4CZ30 (platí od 15. 4. do 28. 4. 2024 nebo do vyprodání zásob)! Přípravek na tvarování problematických partií od značky Dermacol. Složení s účinnou látkou Actigym pomáhá zesilovat zeštíhlující účinky způsobené fyzickou aktivitou. Reguluje tvorbu tukových buněk, které mají vliv na další ukládání tuku. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám Fitness my body 150 ml , Isaprio my coffe and redhead girl pro honor 20 (coffread-tpu2_hon20)

The Body Illustrated: A Guide for Occupants (Defekt) - Bill Bryson


Number One Bestseller in both hardback and paperbackThe Sunday Times Book of the YearThe ideal gift for everybody_______'A directory of wonders.' Guardian'Jaw-dropping.' The Times'Classic, wry, gleeful entertaining and absolutely fact-rammed book.' The Sunday Times'It is a feat of narrative skill to bake so many facts into an entertaining and nutritious book.' Daily Telegraph_______'We spend our whole lives in one body and yet most of us have practically no idea how it works and what goes on inside it. The idea of the book is simply to try to understand the extraordinary contraption that is us.'Bill Bryson sets off to explore the human body, how it functions and its remarkable ability to heal itself. Full of extraordinary facts, astonishing stories and now fully illustrated for the first time, The Body: A Guide for Occupants is a brilliant, often very funny attempt to understand the miracle of our physical and neurological make up.A wonderful successor to A Short History of Nearly Everything, this new book is an instant classic. It will have you marvelling at the form you occupy, and celebrating the genius of your existence, time and time again. The ideal gift for readers of every age who wish to discover more about themselves.'What I learned is that we are infinitely more complex and wondrous, and often more mysterious, than I had ever suspected. There really is no story more amazing than the story of us.' Bill Bryson (

Podobné produkty ako The Body Illustrated: A Guide for Occupants (Defekt) - Bill Bryson , Isaprio my coffe and redhead girl pro huawei y6s (coffread-tpu3_y6s)

Dermacol Love My Body 150 ml proti celulitidě a striím pro ženy

Dermacol Love My Body 150 ml proti celulitidě a striím pro ženy

Dermacol Love My body Proti celulitidě a striím pro ženy 150 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Love My Body 150 ml proti celulitidě a striím pro ženy , Isaprio my coffe and blond girl pro iphone xs (coffblon-tpu2_ixs)

Dermacol Slim My Body 150 ml pro zeštíhlení a zpevnění pro ženy

Dermacol Slim My Body 150 ml pro zeštíhlení a zpevnění pro ženy

Dermacol Slim My body Pro zeštíhlení a zpevnění pro ženy 150 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Slim My Body 150 ml pro zeštíhlení a zpevnění pro ženy , Isaprio my coffe and brunette girl pro huawei y6p (coffbru-tpu3_y6p)

B.U. Oh My Body! Frangipani & Vanilla 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy

B.U. Oh My Body! Frangipani & Vanilla 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy

B.U. Oh My body! Frangipani & Vanilla Tělový sprej pro ženy 200 ml (

Podobné produkty ako B.U. Oh My Body! Frangipani & Vanilla 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy , Isaprio my coffe and brunette girl pro iphone 11 (coffbru-tpu2_i11)

B.U. Oh My Body! Tropical Passion 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy

B.U. Oh My Body! Tropical Passion 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy

B.U. Oh My body! Tropical Passion Tělový sprej pro ženy 200 ml (

Podobné produkty ako B.U. Oh My Body! Tropical Passion 200 ml tělový sprej pro ženy , Isaprio my coffe and redhead girl pro iphone xs (coffread-tpu2_ixs)

Dermacol Balance My Body Coconut Oil 400 ml tělové mléko pro ženy

Dermacol Balance My Body Coconut Oil 400 ml tělové mléko pro ženy

Dermacol Balance My body Coconut Oil Tělové mléko pro ženy 400 ml (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Balance My Body Coconut Oil 400 ml tělové mléko pro ženy , Isaprio my coffe and redhead girl pro honor 9x (coffread-tpu2_hon9x)

DERMACOL Fitness my Body Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml (8595003113793)

DERMACOL Fitness my Body Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml (8595003113793)

Tělové mléko - unisex, zpevňující a zeštíhlující, dermo, pro všechny typy pleti, součástí je mořské řasy, s kyselinou hyaluronovou, objem 150 ml Potřebujete trochu zeštíhlit? Je tu pro vás tělové mléko Dermacol Fitness my body - zpevňující péče. Pomůže vám vytvarovat tělo v místech, která jsou náchylná k ochabnutí. Tělové mléko Dermacol Fitness my body obsahuje velmi účinnou látku actigym, která zesiluje zeštíhlující účinky při fyzické aktivitě a reguluje tvorbu genu, který má vliv na ukládání tuku. Vaše kůže bude jemná, hydratovaná a hladká. Rozmazlete své tělo se zkrášlujícími přípravky Dermacol. Klíčové vlastnosti tělového mléka Dermacol Fitness my bodyZkrášlující péče od DermacoluPomáhá vytvarovat těloLátka actigym zesiluje zeštíhlující účinky při fyzické aktivitěReguluje tvorbu genu, který má vliv na ukládání tukuKůže bude jemná, hydratovaná a hladkáTělové mléko Dermacol je vhodné pro všechny typy pokožky Použití:Vetřete do... (

Podobné produkty ako DERMACOL Fitness my Body Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml (8595003113793) , Isaprio my coffe and blond girl pro huawei p40 (coffblon-tpu3_p40)

An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu matná - autor Cassandra Clare, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná A very special anthology that's a must for all fans of the Shadowhunter novels! Featuring characters from Cassandra Clare's international best-selling novels from the Shadowhunters world including The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifices, this anthology showcases beautifully illustrated portraits from Cassandra Jean - creator of The Shadowhunter Tarot - alongside never-before-known details from Cassandra Clare about all your favourite characters. (

Podobné produkty ako An Illustrated History of Notable Shadowhunters and Denizens of Downworld (9781471161193)

Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá Since when did certain hand gestures become offensive? And why are scales a symbol of justice? For thousands of years, humans have communicated through a language of signs and symbols. From uniforms to body adornment and corporate logos, symbols are everywhere, and this book is your guide to their secret meanings and history. The Sun as well as the night sky with its stars and planets has long been used to symbolize supernatural forces. Learn about this and also how humans have used patterns, numbers, clothing, and more to signal authority, kinship, and status. Signs & Symbols decodes over 2000 emblems, explaining the visual language of architecture, heraldry, religion, and death. It answers questions such as why, for example, Christianity is symbolized by a fish, or how the Chinese use the crane bird to signify longevity. This comprehensive book also explores how certain gemstones or flowers became... (

Podobné produkty ako Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

DERMACOL Love my Body Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím 150 ml (8595003113809)

DERMACOL Love my Body Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím 150 ml (8595003113809)

Tělové mléko - unisex, hydratační, zpevňující a zeštíhlující, dermo, na strie a na celulitidu, pro všechny typy pleti, součástí je kyselina hyaluronová, s kyselinou hyaluronovou, objem 150 ml Trápí vás strie, červené žilky nebo celulitida? Je tu pro vás tělové mléko Dermacol Love my body - zkrášlující péče. Pomůže vám při všech vaskulárních nedokonalostech, zlepšuje vzhled strií a obnovuje pevnost a pružnost pokožky. Tělové mléko Dermacol Love my body obsahuje dermochlorellu, která stimuluje vznik kolagenu, elastinu a lamininu a zabraňuje degradaci kůže. Extrakt z chaluhy, břečťanu, rozmarýnu a pupečníku asijského zlepšují vzhled kůže s celulitidou. Kyselina hyaluronová se postará o hydrataci. Rozmazlete své tělo se zkrášlujícími přípravky Dermacol. Klíčové vlastnosti tělového mléka Dermacol Love my body proti celulitidě a striímZkrášlující péče od DermacoluPomáhá při celulitidě, červených žilkách a striíchZlepšuje vzhled a obnovuje pevnost a... (

Podobné produkty ako DERMACOL Love my Body Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím 150 ml (8595003113809)

Taylor Swift - The Stories Behind the Songs: Every single track, explored and explained - Zaleski Annie


The full story behind every single song Taylor Swift has ever released.Covering ten albums, more than 200 songs, hidden gems, cover versions, vault tracks and more besides, this is the definitive guide to Taylor Swift's incredible songbook and a celebration of one of music's greatest ever talents.Award-winning music writer Annie Zaleski (Rolling Stone, Billboard, the Guardian) leaves no stone unturned as she explores the inspiration, production and legacy of pop's greatest back catalogue, delving into every era to tell the story of Taylor Swift's entire career through her music.A journey through country, pop, indie and folk, this is the ultimate guide to the musical and storytelling genius of Taylor Swift. (

Podobné produkty ako Taylor Swift - The Stories Behind the Songs: Every single track, explored and explained - Zaleski Annie

The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments - Alexandre Verhille, Sarah Tavernier


Mali, in North Africa, is home to the largest building made out of clay; the structure only took one year to complete. For the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle, 465 tons of marble were hefted to the Alps to the building site. The Atomium in Brussels boasts the longest escalators in Europe. The largest mosque in the world is as big as 56 football fields. The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments presents a world of breathtaking buildings and their incredible stories through illustrated maps and engaging factsheets. Sarah Tavernier and Alexandre Verhille have already deftly shown with Legendary Routes of the World that they are experts in showcasing the biggest and the best. Now, for The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments, they researched the longest bridges, tallest towers, the most impressive cultural sites, and plenty of curiosities. Exciting facts are woven together with a myriad of architectural styles; the material feats are skillfully and artfully placed upon bold maps, situating the constructions within a geographic context. Alexandre Verhille illustrates maps for a variety of international newspapers and magazines. He draws inspiration from novelists such as Jack Kerouac and Jack London and comicbook writers in the vein of Hugo Pratt. When he is not working on new maps, he plans adventures around the world and illustrates children’s and travel books. Sarah Tavernier holds a degree from the European School of Arts and Materials and works in the fields of architecture and illustration. Together with Alexandre Verhille, she crafted the pop-up book Legendary Routes of the World. (

Podobné produkty ako The Illustrated Atlas of Architecture and Marvelous Monuments - Alexandre Verhille, Sarah Tavernier

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová


An extraordinary creative achievement by two extraordinary talents, Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series has captured a devoted following worldwide. This stunning new fully illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire brings more breathtaking scenes and unforgettable characters to life - including Cedric Diggory, Fleur Delacour and Viktor Krum. With paint, pencil and pixels, Kay conjures the wizarding world as we have never seen it before. Fizzing with magic and brimming with humour, this full-colour edition will captivate fans and new readers alike as Harry, now in his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, finds himself competing in the legendary Triwizard Tournament and facing death-defying tasks, dragons and Dark wizards ... (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová


Celebrate 20 years of Harry Potter magic! This glorious new edition of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (considered a classic throughout the wizarding world) features an extraordinary array of magical creatures, from Acromantula to Yeti via ten different breeds of dragon – all beautifully illustrated in full colour by the brilliantly inventive, Greenaway Medal shortlisted Olivia Lomenech Gill.Famed Magizoologist Newt Scamander's years of adventure and exploration have yielded a work of unparalleled importance, admired by scholars, devoured by young witches and wizards, and even made available to Muggles in the early years of this century. With this dazzling illustrated edition, readers can explore the magical fauna of five continents from the comfort of their own armchairs. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is essential reading at Hogwarts.This new edition features the fully updated 2017 text – which includes new profiles of six magnificent beasts that inhabit North America and a new foreword by J.K. Rowling, writing as Newt Scamander. (

Podobné produkty ako Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them : Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová, Jim Kay

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová, Jim Kay

Jim Kay's dazzling depiction of J.K. Rowling's wizarding world has won legions of fans since the Illustrated Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published in hardback in 2015, becoming a bestseller around the world. This irresistible smaller-format paperback edition of J.K. Rowling's novel brings the magic of Jim Kay's illustration to new readers, with full-colour pictures, French flaps and a handsome poster pull-out at the back of the book. This edition has been beautifully redesigned with selected illustration highlights - the fully illustrated edition is still available in hardback. When a letter arrives for Harry Potter on his eleventh birthday, a decade-old secret is revealed to him that apparently he's the last to know. An incredible adventure is about to begin! (

Podobné produkty ako Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Illustrated Edition - Joanne K. Rowlingová, Jim Kay

Dermacol Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím Love my body 150ml 1 x 150 ml

Dermacol Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím Love my body 150ml 1 x 150 ml

Dermacol Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím Love my body 150ml 1 x 150 ml Účinný přípravek proti vaskulárním nedokonalostem ( červené žilky ), striím a celulitidě. Obsahuje látku Dermochlorella, která stimuluje vznik hlavních složek kůže, jako je kolagen, elastin a laminin, a naopak zabraňuje jejich degradaci. (

Podobné produkty ako Dermacol Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím Love my body 150ml 1 x 150 ml

One Last Stop: Special edition with sprayed edges, illustrated endpapers and a bonus chapter - Casey McQuistonová


From the New York Times bestselling author of Red, White & Royal Blue comes a special hardback edition of One Last Stop, with sprayed edges, illustrated endpapers and a bonus chapter!Moving to New York City is supposed to prove cynical twenty-three-year-old August right: magic and cinematic love stories don’t exist.But then, she meets this gorgeous girl on the train.Jane. Dazzling, charming, mysterious, impossible Jane. Jane with her rough edges and swoopy hair and soft smile.August’s subway crush becomes the best part of her day, but pretty soon she discovers there’s one big problem: Jane is displaced in time from the 1970s, and August is going to have to use everything she tried to leave in her own past to help Jane. Maybe it’s time to start believing in some things after all.Casey McQuiston’s One Last Stop is a magical, sexy, big-hearted romance where the impossible becomes possible as August does everything in her power to save the girl lost in time. (

Podobné produkty ako One Last Stop: Special edition with sprayed edges, illustrated endpapers and a bonus chapter - Casey McQuistonová

The Hobbits of Tolkien: An Illustrated Exploration of Tolkien´s Hobbits, and the Sources that Inspired his Work from Myth, Literature and History - Da


n entire race was born when J.R.R. Tolkien scrawled on a leaf, 'In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.' From the invention of that single word (hobbit) Tolkien became the explorer and chronicler of the character, their race and their significant role in his fantastical world, Middle-earth. Here in his latest book, Tolkien expert David Day unpicks the myriad of riddles, puns and mystical meanings in Tolkien's works; The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hobbits of Tolkien: An Illustrated Exploration of Tolkien´s Hobbits, and the Sources that Inspired his Work from Myth, Literature and History - Da

Postmodern Explained - Jean-Francois Lyotard

Postmodern Explained - Jean-Francois Lyotard

A major figure in the contemporary critical world, Jean-Francois Lyotard originally introduced the term 'postmodern' into current discussions of philosophy. The Postmodern Explained is an engaging collection of letters addressed to young philosophers, including the actual children of some of Lyotard's colleagues, that inform the trajectory of his thinking in the period before The Postmodern Condition through The Differend. (

Podobné produkty ako Postmodern Explained - Jean-Francois Lyotard

1000 Českých slov pro cizince: Ilustrovaný slovník a fráze - illustrated dictionary and phrasebook (978-80-266-1103-5)

1000 Českých slov pro cizince: Ilustrovaný slovník a fráze - illustrated dictionary and phrasebook (978-80-266-1103-5)

Kniha - autor Charles du Parc; Zuzana Bušíková; Pavla Poláchová, 152 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Ať už se učíte česky nebo jste jen na návštěvě České republiky, je tento slovníček určen právě vám. Barevné ilustrace vám pomohou najít to správné slovo pro každodenní situace. Jednotlivá slova doplňuje fonetická transkripce, která vám usnadní výslovnost. Věříme, že tato kniha bude neocenitelným pomocníkem pro všechny cizince, kteří se chtějí naučit česky. (

Podobné produkty ako 1000 Českých slov pro cizince: Ilustrovaný slovník a fráze - illustrated dictionary and phrasebook (978-80-266-1103-5)

Postmodern Explained (Defekt) - Jean-Francois Lyotard

Postmodern Explained (Defekt) - Jean-Francois Lyotard

A major figure in the contemporary critical world, Jean-Francois Lyotard originally introduced the term 'postmodern' into current discussions of philosophy. The Postmodern Explained is an engaging collection of letters addressed to young philosophers, including the actual children of some of Lyotard's colleagues, that inform the trajectory of his thinking in the period before The Postmodern Condition through The Differend. (

Podobné produkty ako Postmodern Explained (Defekt) - Jean-Francois Lyotard

Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaftová, Michelle Jurkiewiczová


By now, you’ve probably heard the terms transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, and gender fluid. You might even know someone who identifies as one of those ways or know someone who is questioning their gender. But what do those terms actually mean? Is this gender exploration just a phase due to over-influence by social media or peer pressure? And how do you broach the subject of gender with your child or loved one?Gender Explained is the complete roadmap to understanding gender in all its forms. Backed by the latest research and featuring personal stories from children, adolescents and parents, clinical psychologists and gender specialists Diane Ehrensaft and Michelle Jurkiewicz will walk you through everything you need to know about today’s gender phenomenon, including:-Why so many kids today are exploring gender-What it means that gender is on a spectrum-How to parent a gender creative child-How to support those exploring their gender identityDispelling myths and answering the most common questions that appear in clinical practice, this book will equip you with the information and insight to navigate this new world with confidence and ease. (

Podobné produkty ako Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaftová, Michelle Jurkiewiczová

How Philosophy Works : The concepts visually explained


What is the meaning of life? Are weI truly free? How can we make ethical choices? Discover the answers to life's greatest questions. Demystifying the key ideas of the world's greatest philosophers, and exploring all of the most important branches of philosophical thought in a uniquely visual way, this book is the perfect introduction to the history of philosophy. How Philosophy Works combines bold infographics and jargon-free text to demystify fundamental concepts about the nature of reality. Covering everything from ethics to epistemology and phenomenology, the book presents the ideas and theories of key philosophical traditions and philosophers - from Plato and Socrates to Nietzsche and Wittgenstein via Kant - in a novel, easy-to-understand way. Its infographics will help you to understand the elements of philosophy on a conceptual level and, by tackling life's "big questions", it will help you to look at the world in an entirely new way. With its unique graphic approach and clear, authoritative text, How Philosophy Works is the perfect introduction to philosophy, and the ideal companion to DK's The Philosophy Book in the "Big Ideas" less (

Podobné produkty ako How Philosophy Works : The concepts visually explained

The Architecture Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained


Learn about key concepts behind the world's most incredible buildings in The Architecture Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Architecture in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for novices looking to find out more and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Architecture Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Architecture, with:- A global scope, covering architecture from all over the world- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Architecture Book is a captivating introduction to buildings and the ideas, and principles that make them key to the history and evolution of our built environment - aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover the most important ideas, technologies, and movements in the history of architecture and structural engineering, through exciting text and bold graphics.Your Architecture Questions, Simply ExplainedLearn about the evolution of construction, from ancient and classical architecture through Medieval, Gothic, and Renaissance buildings, Baroque and Rococo, to 19th-century emerging modernism and postmodernism and glittering skyscrapers. If you thought it was difficult to learn about buildings and the ideas behind them, The Architecture Book presents key information in a clear layout. Explore architectural movements, styles and celebrated buildings from all over the world, and stunning religious structures from mosques to churches, stupas to pagodas and temples.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Architecture Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand. (

Podobné produkty ako The Architecture Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained

The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained


Learn about planets, stars and black holes in The Astronomy Book.Part of the fascinating Big Ideas series, this book tackles tricky topics and themes in a simple and easy to follow format. Learn about Astronomy in this overview guide to the subject, brilliant for beginners looking to learn and experts wishing to refresh their knowledge alike! The Astronomy Book brings a fresh and vibrant take on the topic through eye-catching graphics and diagrams to immerse yourself in. This captivating book will broaden your understanding of Astronomy, with:- More than 100 big astronomical ideas, theories and discoveries- Packed with facts, charts, timelines and graphs to help explain core concepts- A visual approach to big subjects with striking illustrations and graphics throughout- Easy to follow text makes topics accessible for people at any level of understandingThe Astronomy Book is the perfect introduction to the story of our ideas about space, time, and the physics of the cosmos, aimed at adults with an interest in the subject and students wanting to gain more of an overview. Here you'll discover more than 100 of the most important theories and discoveries in the history of astronomy and the great minds behind them. If you've ever wondered about the key ideas that underpin the wonders of the universe and the great minds who uncovered them, this is the perfect book for you.Your Astronomy Questions, Simply ExplainedHow do we measure the universe? Where is the event horizon? What is dark matter? If you thought it was difficult to learn the science of celestial objects and phenomena, The Astronomy Book presents key information in an easy to follow layout. Learn ancient speculations about the nature of the universe, through the Copernican Revolution, to the mind-boggling theories of recent science such as those of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, with superb mind maps and step-by-step summaries. And delve into the work of the scientists who have shaped the subject, with biographies of key astronomers such as Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, and Hawking.The Big Ideas SeriesWith millions of copies sold worldwide, The Astronomy Book is part of the award-winning Big Ideas series from DK. The series uses striking graphics along with engaging writing, making big topics easy to understand. (

Podobné produkty ako The Astronomy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained

The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained


This is the perfect study guide to the complete works of Shakespeare, covering everything from the romantic comedy of Romeo and Juliet to the tragedy Macbeth, alongside his Elizabethan history plays, sonnets, and other poems With detailed plot summaries and an in-depth analysis of the major characters and themes, this is a brilliant, innovative exploration of the entire canon of Shakespeare plays, sonnets and poetry, from the comedies of Twelfth Night and As You Like It to the tragedies of Julius Caesar and Hamlet, plus lost plays and lesser known works of poetry. Packed with witty illustrations and memorable quotes, The Shakespeare Book brings the Bard's best-loved characters and storylines to life, and explores all of his key themes and much-quoted phrases. Easy-to-understand graphics and illustrated timelines also offer an at-a-glance summary of each play. Whether you're a Shakespeare scholar, a student of the great Bard, or simply someone who wants to learn more, The Shakespeare Book offers a fuller appreciation of his phenomenal talent and the lasting legacy of his plays and poetry. (

Podobné produkty ako The Shakespeare Book : Big Ideas Simply Explained

Illustrated Stories from Aesop

Illustrated Stories from Aesop

This new collection of Aesop's fables is sumptuously illustrated by Giuliano Ferri and presented as a hardback gift edition to be read again and again. Each of these timeless stories conveys a message about how to behave towards others. Stories include The Fox and the Crow, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Boy who cried Wolf and The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs. (

Podobné produkty ako Illustrated Stories from Aesop
Over My Dead Body (0008523266), DERMACOL Glitter My Body Shimmering Body Loation 200 ml (8590031157467), Svatobor Macák: Body and Soul - CD (CR0792-2), DERMACOL Slim my Body Zeštíhlujíci remodelační gel 150 ml (8595003113786), My Year of Rest and Relaxation (1784877476), 1000 Českých slov pro cizince: Ilustrovaný slovník a fráze - illustrated dictionary and phrasebook (978-80-266-1103-5), DERMACOL Fitness my Body Zpevňující a vypínací tělový balzám 150 ml (8595003113793), TIANDE Body deodorant natural alunite and sage 100 ml (4810304015367), MY.ORGANICS The Organic Cleanser Hair And Body 250 ml (8388765441606), detske body kratky rukav pruhovane keep calm and meow on, Bellissima 11642 My Pro Straight and Waves (11642), DERMACOL Love my Body Zkrášlující péče proti celulitíde a striím 150 ml (8595003113809), VICHY Homme MAG C Body and Hair Shower Gel 200ml (3337871320355), iGET BODY B11 (B11 BODY White), MY.ORGANICS The Organic After Sun Cream Hair And Body 250 ml (8388765441613), body jette, krajkove body, bardot body, bean body, damske body, body solid, iSaprio My Coffe and Redhead Girl pro Honor 20 (coffread-TPU2_Hon20), iSaprio My Coffe and Redhead Girl pro Huawei Y6s (coffread-TPU3_Y6s), iSaprio My Coffe and Blond Girl pro iPhone XS (coffblon-TPU2_iXS), iSaprio My Coffe and Brunette Girl pro Huawei Y6p (coffbru-TPU3_Y6p), iSaprio My Coffe and Brunette Girl pro iPhone 11 (coffbru-TPU2_i11), iSaprio My Coffe and Redhead Girl pro iPhone XS (coffread-TPU2_iXS), iSaprio My Coffe and Redhead Girl pro Honor 9X (coffread-TPU2_Hon9X), iSaprio My Coffe and Blond Girl pro Huawei P40 (coffblon-TPU3_P40)