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How to ADHD - Jessica McCabe

***THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER***''Jessica McCabe changed my life for the better with her kind, bright and thoroughly researched ADHD videos - and now with her book, she just might change yours too'' KAT BROWN, AUTHOR OF IT''S NOT A BLOODY TREND: UNDERSTANDING LIFE AS AN ADHD ADULT''The world of ADHD has been waiting for this book'' DR EDWARD HALLOWELL, NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING CO-AUTHOR OF ADHD 2.0 AND DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION**From the host and creator of the award-winning HOW TO ADHD YouTube channel**In How to ADHD, Jessica McCabe reveals the insights and tools that have changed her life, while offering an unflinching look at the realities of every day with ADHD. Sharing stories of her struggles with the condition, which spiralled as she approached adulthood, Jessica offers expert-backed guidance for adapting your environment, routines and systems to work with the ADHD brain, including how to:- boost your organisational skills and learn why doing more starts with doing less- facilitate your focus and fight distractions by decreasing the noise- build your time wisdom by planning backwards to prioritise more effectivelyPresented in an ADHD-friendly design and packed with practical advice and tools, How to ADHD is an affirming, warm and helpful guide that will help you recognise your challenges, tackle ''bad brain days'', and to ultimately be kinder to yourself.


cena 591.0 Kč

A Feminist's Guide to ADHD - Janina Maschke

An empowering, feminist guide to understanding and managing ADHD for women, written by a popular millennial doctor with ADHD.


cena 384.0 Kč

Učitelka radosti - Jessica, Jessica Lemmonová - e-kniha

eBook: Tateovi Duncanovi se život změnil z minuty na minutu, když se dozvěděl, že jeho biologičtí rodiče stále ještě žijí a navíc že má bratra – dvojče. V okamžiku nejhlubší krize, kdy měl pocit, že se mu země chvěje pod nohama, našel klid a mír u Hayden, která si na jeho ostrově otevřela studio jógy. Díky ní jeho život dostává novou, radostnější perspektivu. Tate se ještě nikdy nesetkal s tak nesobeckou a láskyplnou bytostí. Otázka je, zda si včas uvědomí, že díky Hayden je i on lepším člověkem…

Podívejte se také How to Murder Your Life (1785036068)

cena 69.0 Kč

ADHD krok za krokem: Vše, co potřebujete vědět o ADHD. (978-80-7496-438-1)

Kniha - autor Jitka Kendíková, 156 stran, česky Publikace přináší komplexně zpracovanou problematiku ADHD. Přestavuje základní vymezení této poruchy, možnosti podpůrných a organizačních opatření či jejich financování, včetně ukázek dokumentů souvisejících se začleněním dětí s ADHD do vzdělávacího procesu. Zpracovává praktické otázky počínaje problematikou školní zralosti dětí s ADHD a jejich nástupem ke školní docházce, přes specifika jejich hodnocení až po otázky související s absolvováním přijímacího řízení na střední školy. Obsah 1. ADHD – definice a projevy 2. Jak pracovat se žáky s ADHD ve škole 3. Legislativní rámec 4. Plán pedagogické podpory 5. Individuální vzdělávací plán 6. Asistent pedagoga 7. Poradenské služby ve školských poradenských zařízeních a ve školách 8. Spolupráce s dalšími odborníky, kteří mohou pomoci jedincům s ADHD 9. Školní zralost 10. Volba správné základní školy 11. Zápis do první třídy 12. Odklad povinné školní docházky

Objev podobné jako ADHD krok za krokem: Vše, co potřebujete vědět o ADHD. (978-80-7496-438-1)

cena 279.0 Kč

Napodruhé a navždy - Jessica, Jessica Lemmonová - e-kniha

eBook: Hvězda country Cash Sutherland dosáhl obrovského úspěchu. Ovšem během své závratné hudební kariéry získal také pověst rebela, která se mu vymkla z rukou. Image mu má zachránit novinářka Presley, jeho dávná láska z univerzity, kterou opustil kvůli kariéře. Co se stane, když se po letech opět setkají? Navážou tam, kde kdysi jejich vztah tak nenadále skončil, nebo už druhou šanci nedostanou?

Objev podobné jako Napodruhé a navždy - Jessica, Jessica Lemmonová - e-kniha

cena 69.0 Kč

The ADHD Advantage - Anders Hansen

Are you highly driven, creative, fearless, questioning, flexible, stubborn and enterprising? Are you able to think outside the box and shrug off almost every adversity?Seeing all these positive qualities lined up, you might be surprised to learn that they are traits typical to people with ADHD. Today, we label these traits as a 'disorder', but they were once essential to our ancestors' survival, giving them energy or ability to hyperfocus when hunting. It was quite simply advantageous to have these traits.In The ADHD Advantage, leading psychiatrist and viral TedX speaker Dr Anders Hansen shows you how to turn your diagnosis into an asset, handle the negative aspects of ADHD, and find joy in the fact we aren't all the same.

Objev podobné jako The ADHD Advantage - Anders Hansen

cena 473.0 Kč

ADHD - Michal Goetz, Petra Uhlíková

ADHD je anglická zkratka názvu attention deficit hyperactivity disorder neboli porucha s deficitem pozornosti a hyperaktivitou. Označuje onemocnění způsobující obtížné soustředění, nepřiměřeně zvýšenou aktivitu a impulzivitu dítěte. Tato příručka shrnuje všechny základní moderní poznatky o poruše pozornosti s hyperaktivitou, jinak též hyperkinetické poruše. Najdete zde popis různých oblastí této nemoci, od jejích příčin až po možnosti léčby, a také jsou zde na pravou míru uvedeny některé polopravdy a mýty. Autoři knihu připravili ve spolupráci s učiteli, psychology a zejména rodiči a pacienty s ADHD. Jejich společným přáním je, aby vám kniha pomohla získat co nejvíce nových, užitečných a pravdivých informací, které budete potřebovat v případě, že by se onemocnění ADHD prokázalo i u vašeho dítěte.Porozumět jí totiž znamená naučit se s ní lépe vycházet.

Objev podobné jako ADHD - Michal Goetz, Petra Uhlíková

cena 170.0 Kč

ADHD krok za krokem - Jitka Kendíková

Komplexně zpracovaná problematika ADHD - od předškoláka ke studentovi střední školy. Publikace přináší komplexně zpracovanou problematiku ADHD. Přestavuje základní vymezení této poruchy, možnosti podpůrných a organizačních opatření či jejich financování, včetně ukázek dokumentů souvisejících se začleněním dětí s ADHD do vzdělávacího procesu. Zpracovává praktické otázky počínaje problematikou školní zralosti dětí s ADHD a jejich nástupem ke školní docházce, přes specifika jejich hodnocení až po otázky související s absolvováním přijímacího řízení na střední školy.

Objev podobné jako ADHD krok za krokem - Jitka Kendíková

cena 318.0 Kč

How To Speak Emoji

With a wealth of emojis on offer to convey your adoration, from kissy faces and hearts-for-eyes, to saucier combinations like the lock and key, there is no end to the ways you can declare your love, this book guides you through each stage of your relationship with phrases for every occasion.

Objev podobné jako How To Speak Emoji

cena 232.0 Kč

How To Watch Football

Yes, football is about stars, goals and glory. But it's also about the intense calculations and movements being made by the twenty-one other players on the pitch. It's about the ticking clock, and the bellowing fans, and their impact on player psychology.It's about the coach, the club owner, and the director of football, who are watching, scouting and scheming from the side-lines. It's about money and data, about geopolitics and architecture, and even about climate change. Football is the most popular sport in the world, and Tifo Football is one of the world's most popular football channels.In this short, illustrated guide, its creators share fifty-two simple 'rules' for understanding and enjoying the beautiful game-both on and off the pitch. Covering the key concepts, tactics and philosophies that are shaping the sport today, How to Watch Football reveals surprising new perspectives on familiar elements of gameplay, while highlighting lesser-known aspects of the industry and its history. Whether you're a casual fan or a football obsessive, the fifty-two golden rules in this pocket-size guide will deepen your delight in the world's favourite sport.

Objev podobné jako How To Watch Football

cena 357.0 Kč

How To - Randall Munroe

The world's most entertaining and useless self-help guide, from the brilliant mind behind the wildly popular webcomic xkcd and the million-selling WHAT IF? and THING EXPLAINER For any task you might want to do, there's a right way, a wrong way, and a way so monumentally bad that no one would ever try it. HOW TO is a guide to the third kind of approach. It's full of highly impractical advice for everything from landing a plane to digging a hole.

Objev podobné jako How To - Randall Munroe

cena 268.0 Kč

ADHD - variabilita v dětství a dospělosti (9788024629780)

Elektronická kniha - autor Hana Kuželová a Radek Ptáček, 128 stran, česky Kniha nabízí ucelený pohled na problematiku variability ADHD v dětském věku i dospělosti. Analyzuje problematiku od etiologie, přes neurobiologické a somatické příčiny, variabilitu v odpovědi na léčbu, až po psychologické a sociální souvislosti. Přehled variability ADHD využijí odborníci v oblastech nejen psychiatrie a medicíny obecně, ale i psychologie, pedagogiky a všech souvisejících oblastí. Text zahrnuje také výsledky vybraných původních studií autorů a jako první v české odborné literatuře přináší kompletní diagnostická kritéria ADHD dle DSM-5 v oficiálním českém překladu. V přílohách jsou uvedeny metody pro hodnocení ADHD symptomatologie v dětství i v dospělosti.

Objev podobné jako ADHD - variabilita v dětství a dospělosti (9788024629780)

cena 130.0 Kč

Polička Bloomingville Jessica

Police z kolekce Bloomingville. Model vyroben z kameniny.

Objev podobné jako Polička Bloomingville Jessica

cena 649.0 Kč

Maame - Jessica George

Hilarious, honest and heartbreaking, MAAME is the most moving debut of 2023 - and a heroine you'll never forget. Maame (ma-meh) has many meanings in Twi, but in my case, it means woman. Meet Maddie Wright. All her life, she's been told who she is. To her Ghanaian parents, she's Maame: the one who takes care of the family. Her mum's stand-in. The primary carer for her father, who suffers from Parkinson's. The one who keeps the peace - and the secrets. It's time for her to speak up. When she finally gets the chance to leave home, Maddie is determined to become the kind of woman she wants to be. One who wears a bright yellow suit, dates men who definitely aren't on her mum's list of prospective husbands, and stands up to her boss's microaggressions. Someone who doesn't have to google all her life choices. But when tragedy strikes, Maddie is forced to face the risks - and rewards - of putting her heart on the line. But will it take losing everything to find her voice?As blisteringly funny and achingly relatable as its heroine, MAAME is an unforgettable coming-of-age story about finally becoming the heroine of your own life. Review 'Lively, funny, poignant . . . Prepare to fall in love with Maddie. I did!'BONNIE GARMUS, Sunday Times bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry 'Utterly charming and deeply moving . . . Maddie's journey will resonate with anyone who's had to grow up - or who's still trying to'CELESTE NG, New York Times bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere 'I loved every page of this beautiful, heartwarming, empowering book. An exceptional debut from an incredibly exciting new talent' BETH O'LEARY, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Flatshare 'A touching coming-of-age story about finding your inner strength'RED

Objev podobné jako Maame - Jessica George

cena 420.0 Kč

Zazářit - Jessica Jung

Pro sedmnáctiletou Američanku korejského původu Rachel Kim je touha po úspěchu vším. Před šesti lety ji oslovila společnost DB Entertainment – jeden z největších hudebních labelů v Soulu, který je známý tím, že zastupuje ty nejznámější světové hvězdy. Pravidla, která musí Rachel dodržovat, jsou jednoduchá: trénovat 24/7, být dokonalá a s nikým nerandit. Zdá se to docela jednoduché, že? Opak je ale pravdou. Nejen, že se Rachel zamiluje do K-popové hvězdy a miláčka davů Jasona Lee, ale na povrch navíc začnou vyplouvat skandály zábavního průmyslu. Co všechno bude Rachel ochotná svému snu obětovat? Kniha K-popové legendy Jessicy Jung – bývalé zpěvačky nejslavnější korejské dívčí skupiny Girls’ Generation. Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Zazářit - Jessica Jung

cena 339.0 Kč

Nomadland - Bruder Jessica

From the beetroot fields of North Dakota to the campgrounds of California to Amazon's CamperForce program in Texas, employers have discovered a new, low-cost labour pool, made up largely of transient older adults. These invisible casualties of the Great Recession have taken to the road by the tens of thousands in RVs and modified vans, forming a growing community of nomads. Nomadland tells a revelatory tale of the dark underbelly of the American economy - one which foreshadows the precarious future that may await many more of us. At the same time, it celebrates the exceptional resilience and creativity of people who have given up ordinary rootedness to survive, but have not given up hope.

Objev podobné jako Nomadland - Bruder Jessica

cena 299.0 Kč

Bright - Jessica Jung

Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl by way of Jenny Han in this knock-out sequel, about a Korean American teen who is thrust into the competitive, technicolor world of K-pop, from Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of one of the most influential K-pop girl groups of all time, Girls Generation.Couture gowns, press parties, international travel. Rachel Kim is at the top of her game. Girls Forever is now the number-one K-pop group in the world, and her fame skyrockets after her viral airport styling attracts the attention of fashion’s biggest names. Her life’s a swirl of technicolour glamour and adoring fans. Rachel can’t imagine shining any brighter.The only thing that’s missing is love—but Rachel’s determined to follow the rules. In her world, falling in love can cost you everything.Enter Alex. When Rachel literally falls head over designer heels into his lap on a crowded metro, she’s tempted to give up her anti-love vows. Alex is more than just heart-stopping dimples and adorably quirky banter. He believes in Rachel’s future—both in music and in fashion.But the higher you rise, the harder you fall. And when a shocking act of betrayal shatters her world, Rachel must finally listen to her heart.

Objev podobné jako Bright - Jessica Jung

cena 241.0 Kč

Prázdnice - Townsend Jessica

Morrigan a její přátelé přežili první rok jako hrdí studenti elitní Divinské společnosti, pomohli zničit Přízračný trh a prokázali věrnost jednotce 919. Nyní Morrigan čeká nová výzva: ovládnout tajemná Podlá umění a zkrotit moc, jež ji může pohltit. Jenže Nikdyuš zachvátila děsivá nemoc, která mění nakažené divočichy v kruté nečichy. Jak obětí Prázdnice přibývá, šíří se panika. Morrigan doje, že musí najít lék, i když to ji – a všechny v Nikdyuši – vystaví většímu nebezpečí, než si kdy dokázala představit.

Objev podobné jako Prázdnice - Townsend Jessica

cena 402.0 Kč

Shine - Jessica Jung

Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl by way of Jenny Han in this knock-out debut about a Korean American teen who is thrust into the competitive, technicolor world of K-pop, from Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of one of the most influential K-pop girl groups of all time, Girls Generation.From internationally renowned K-pop legend Jessica Jung comes a fresh YA novel that peels back the curtain on the intense world of K-pop from the perspective of a Korean American girl, like Jessica, who is scouted off the street and thrust into an unknown world of competition, strict training and wild fame. What would you give for a chance to live your dreams? For eighteen-year-old Korean American Rachel Kim, the answer is almost everything. Six years ago, she was recruited by DB Entertainment - one of Seoul's largest K-pop labels, known for churning out some of the world's most popular stars. The rules are simple: Train 24/7. Be perfect. Don't date. Easy right?Not so much. As the dark scandals of an industry bent on controlling and commodifying beautiful girls begin to bubble up, Rachel wonders if she's strong enough to be a winner, or if she'll end up crushed ... Especially when she begins to develop feelings for K-pop star and DB golden boy Jason Lee. It's not just that he's charming, sexy and ridiculously talented. He's also the first person who really understands how badly she wants her star to rise.Get ready as Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of Korea's most famous girl group, Girls Generation, takes us inside the luxe, hyper-colour world of K-pop, where the stakes are high, but for one girl, the cost of success - and love - might be even higher. It's time for the world to see: this is what it takes to SHINE.

Objev podobné jako Shine - Jessica Jung

cena 241.0 Kč

Nikdyuš - Jessica Townsendová

Morrigan Crowová je prokletá. Narodila se v ten nejnešťastnější den a všichni ji obviňují, že má na svědomí každou místní pohromu. A co je horší, kvůli kletbě je odsouzena zemřít v den svých jedenáctých narozenin. Pak ale potká Jupitera Northa, podivného muže, který ji dostane do tajemného světa Nikdyuš. Aby tu Morrigan mohla zůstat v bezpečí před hrozivou kletbou, musí najít způsob, jak úspěšně absolvovat zkoušky. Objeví nakonec svůj mimořádný talent?

Objev podobné jako Nikdyuš - Jessica Townsendová

cena 312.0 Kč

Polysecure - Jessica Fern

A practical guide to nurturing healthy, loving non-monogamous relationships using attachment theory. Attachment theory has entered the mainstream, but most discussions focus on how we can cultivate secure monogamous relationships. What if, like many people, you’re striving for secure, happy attachments with more than one partner?Polyamorous psychotherapist Jessica Fern breaks new ground by extending attachment theory into the realm of consensual non-monogamy. Using her nested model of attachment and trauma, she expands our understanding of how emotional experiences can influence our relationships. Then, she sets out six specific strategies to help you move toward secure attachments in your multiple relationships. Polysecure is both a trailblazing theoretical treatise and a practical guide. It provides non-monogamous people with a new set of tools to navigate the complexities of multiple loving relationships, and offers radical new concepts that are sure to influence the conversation about attachment theory.

Objev podobné jako Polysecure - Jessica Fern

cena 502.0 Kč

Floriography - Jessica Roux

A charming, gorgeously illustrated botanical encyclopedia for your favorite romantic, local witch, bride-to-be, or green-thumbed friend.Floriography is a full-color guide to the historical uses and secret meanings behind an impressive array of flowers and herbs. The book explores the coded significances associated with various blooms, from flowers for a lover to flowers for an enemy.The language of flowers was historically used as a means of secret communication. It soared in popularity during the 19th century, especially in Victorian England and the U.S., when proper etiquette discouraged open displays of emotion. Mysterious and playful, the language of flowers has roots in everything from the characteristics of the plant to its presence in folklore and history. Researched and illustrated by popular artist Jessica Roux, this book makes a stunning display piece, conversation-starter, or thoughtful gift.

Objev podobné jako Floriography - Jessica Roux

cena 443.0 Kč

Prozření - Jessica Shattuck

Na troskách nacistického Německa se Marianna von Lingenfelsová snaží splnit slib, který dala svému muži, popravenému za spoluúčast při atentátu na Hitlera: nalézt a zachránit manželky a děti ostatních spiklenců. Společně s šestiletým Martinem se vydává přes zbědovanou zemi do Berlína - tam mezi sovětskými vojáky zakouší největší ženské ponížení chlapcova matka, krásná a naivní Benita. Později se podaří zachránit ještě Aniu a její dva syny, které konec války přivedl do sběrného tábora, stejně jako další miliony vykořeněných lidí.Nesourodá skupina se usadí na staletém sídle rodu von Lingenfelsů, kdysi impozantním hradu uprostřed Bavorska, který býval místem setkání nejvyšších společenských vrstev. Nyní se válkou těžce zchátralá pevnost stává útočištěm tří zdrcených žen, kterým z někdejšího života zbylo jen velmi málo.Marianna věří, že prožitá bolest a tragické okolnosti budou dostatečně silným pojidlem, aby s Benitou a Aniou dokázaly držet pospolu. Brzy však začíná zjišťovat, že předválečný život ji i její společnice definoval natolik rozdílně, že nyní nenacházejí společnou řeč. Přesto se snad až posedle snaží dostát svému slibu, aby nakonec došla zdrcujícího poznání, že i nejušlechtilejší úmysly mohou dláždit cestu do pekel.

Objev podobné jako Prozření - Jessica Shattuck

cena 349.0 Kč

How to See - David Salle

"David Salle is a remarkably enthusiastic guide who genuinely loves art, and it is bracing to be in the company of one who has maintained his capacity for wonder after more than four decades of activity in the art world." Times Literary Supplement How does art work? How does it move us, inform us, challenge us? Internationally renowned painter David Salle's incisive essay collection illuminates the work of many of the most influential artists of the twentieth century. Engaging with a wide range of Salle's friends and contemporaries from painters to conceptual artists such as Jeff Koons, John Baldessari, Roy Lichtenstein, and Alex Katz, among others How to See explores not only the multilayered personalities of the artists themselves but also the distinctive character of their oeuvres. Salle writes with humour and verve, replacing the jargon of art theory with precise and evocative descriptions that help the reader develop a personal and intuitive engagement with art. The result: a master class on how to see with an artist's eye.

Objev podobné jako How to See - David Salle

cena 429.0 Kč

How to Be a Wallflower

From New York Times bestseller Eloisa James, a new Regency-set novel in which a heiress with the goal of being a wallflower engages a rugged American in a scorchingly sensual, witty wager that tests whether clothing does indeed make the man - or the wallflower!Miss Cleopatra Lewis is about to be launched in society by her aristocratic grandfather. But since she has no intention of marrying, she visits a costume emporium specifically to order unflattering dresses guaranteed to put off any prospective suitors.Powerful and charismatic Jacob Astor Addison is in London, acquiring businesses to add to his theatrical holdings in America-as well as buying an opal for a young lady back in Boston. He's furious when a she-devil masquerading as an English lady steals Quimby's Costume Emporium from under his nose.Jake strikes a devil's bargain, offering to design her 'wallflower wardrobe' and giving Cleo the chance to design his. Cleo can't resist the fun of clothing the rough-hewn American in feathers and flowers. And somehow in the middle of their lively competition, Jake becomes her closest friend.It isn't until Cleo becomes the toast of all society that Jake realizes she's stolen his fiercely guarded heart. But unlike the noblemen at her feet, he doesn't belong in her refined and cultured world.Caught between the demands of honour and desire, Jake would give up everything to be with the woman he loves - if she'll have him!'Eloisa James is extraordinary!' Lisa Kleypas

Objev podobné jako How to Be a Wallflower

cena 294.0 Kč

How To Change Everything (0241492939)

Kniha - autor Naomi Klein; Rebecca Stefoff, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The first book for younger readers by internationally bestselling social activist Naomi Klein: the most authoritative and inspiring book on climate change for young people yet. Warming seas. Superstorms. Fires in the Amazon. The effects of climate change are all around us. Reforestation. School-strikes for climate change. Young people are saving the world and you can join them because you deserve better. Are you ready to change everything? Includes notes on the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020, and how you can get involved to make the world a safer and better place. From the Great Barrier Reef to Hurricane Katrina to school environmental policies to Greta Thunberg - climate change impacts every aspect of the world you live in and you have the power to lead the way by enacting change. Internationally bestselling author of The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein, with award-winning...

Objev podobné jako How To Change Everything (0241492939)

cena 258.0 Kč

How to Be - Adam Nicolson

A TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARWhat is the nature of things? Must I think my own way through the world? What is justice? How can I be me? How should we treat each other?Before the Greeks, the idea of the world was dominated by god-kings and their priests, in a life ruled by imagined metaphysical monsters. 2,500 years ago, in a succession of small eastern Mediterranean harbour-cities, that way of thinking began to change. Men (and some women) decided to cast off mental subservience and apply their own worrying and thinking minds to the conundrums of life.These great innovators shaped the beginnings of philosophy. Through the questioning voyager Odysseus, Homer explored how we might navigate our way through the world. Heraclitus in Ephesus was the first to consider the interrelatedness of things. Xenophanes of Colophon was the first champion of civility. In Lesbos, the Aegean island of Sappho and Alcaeus, the early lyric poets asked themselves ‘How can I be true to myself?’ In Samos, Pythagoras imagined an everlasting soul and took his ideas to Italy where they flowered again in surprising and radical forms.Prize-winning and bestselling writer Adam Nicolson travels through this transforming world and asks what light these ancient thinkers can throw on our deepest preconceptions. Sparkling with maps, photographs and artwork, How to Be is a journey into the origins of Western thought.Hugely formative ideas emerged in these harbour-cities: fluidity of mind, the search for coherence, a need for the just city, a recognition of the mutability of things, a belief in the reality of the ideal — all became the Greeks’ legacy to the world.Born out of a rough, dynamic—and often cruel— moment in human history, it was the dawn of enquiry, where these fundamental questions about self, city and cosmos, asked for the first time, became, as they remain, the unlikely bedrock of understanding.

Objev podobné jako How to Be - Adam Nicolson

cena 325.0 Kč

Pokemon: How to Draw - Pokemon

Become a Pokémon drawing expert in this ultimate step-by-step guide!Want to become a Pokémon drawing expert? Then look no further!This ultimate How to Draw includes simple, step-by-step instructions for creating masterpieces of classic characters from every Pokémon region – from Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, and of course, Pikachu! Also featuring new characters for the Galar Region.

Objev podobné jako Pokemon: How to Draw - Pokemon

cena 295.0 Kč

How to Winter - Kari Leibowitz

Do you struggle to stay positive in winter?Do you dread the long nights and dark skies that come with autumn's clock change?Do you find endless grey skies, drizzle and cold difficult to deal with? Nobody can change the weather, but Dr. Kari Leibowitz's groundbreaking How to Winter will help you dramatically shift how you feel about the darkest and coldest of the seasons. Leibowitz is the world's foremost winter psychology mindset expert, and in How to Winter she sets out evidence-based strategies to help you learn not only to accept the chillier months, but even to embrace them.Drawing on her extensive PhD research, and insight from cultures around the world, Leibowitz offers practical, easy-to-follow advice for transforming your experience of wintertime. What's more, she sets out how techniques used for shifting our mindsets around winter can also be used to cope with times of emotional difficulty.Whether you suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, or simply find yourself in an annual slump, How to Winter will help you learn to thrive in cold, dark or difficult times.

Objev podobné jako How to Winter - Kari Leibowitz

cena 561.0 Kč

Bluey: How to Draw - Bluey

Draw your favourite Bluey characters with this easy and fun step-by-step guide! Learn how to draw Bluey and Bingo and all their family and friends, even Unicorse! WAKADOO! Want more Bluey? Also available:Bluey: Bluey’s Beach A Craft Activity BookBluey: What Games Should We Play? A Lift-the-Flap BookBluey: Super Stickers

Objev podobné jako Bluey: How to Draw - Bluey

cena 236.0 Kč

How to Survive - John Hudson

'When it comes to survival and getting out of trouble, listen to this man. John is the real deal.' Levison Wood What is the connection between crawling through a jungle and your ‘to do' list? What can ejecting out of a stealth bomber teach you about the importance of thinking the worst? What can surviving in extreme situations teach us about surviving everyday life? John Hudson, Chief Survival Instructor to the British Military, knows what it takes to survive. Combining first-hand experience with 20 years of studying the choices people have made under the most extreme pressure, How to Survive is a lifetime's worth of wisdom about how to apply the principles of survival to everyday life. The cornerstone of military survival (surviving anything) is understanding the relationship between effort, hope and goals - a mindset that can be transposed anytime, anywhere. In How to Survive you will learn how this template for survival can be applied to any situation in your everyday life. Through gripping first-hand accounts of near disaster and survival stories from across the extreme world you will learn that by following these principles you can develop the mindset that will allow you to make better decisions under pressure, which are as equally applicable to first dates and presentations as to climbing Everest and getting lost at sea.

Objev podobné jako How to Survive - John Hudson

cena 268.0 Kč

Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Pop;Blues;Alternative;Art Rock;Rock Rok vydání: 2015.0 Vydavatelství: Island Records;Universal Music Datum vydání: 2015-05-29 Žánr: Blues;Pop;Rock Interpret / Téma: Florence and the Machine Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2 LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (2 LP)

cena 1286.0 Kč

ADHD 2.0 - Edward M. Hallowell, John J. Ratey

''An inspired road map for living with a distractible brain... If you or your child suffer from ADHD, this book should be on your shelf. It will give you courage and hope''. Michael Thompson, PhD, New York Times bestselling co-author of Raising CainWorld-renowned authors Dr Edward M. Hallowell and Dr John J. Ratey literally ''wrote the book'' on ADD/ADHD more than two decades ago. Their bestseller, Driven to Distraction, largely introduced this diagnosis to the public and sold more than a million copies along the way.Now, most people have heard of ADHD and know someone who may have it. But lost in the discussion of both childhood and adult diagnosis of ADHD is the potential upside: many hugely successful entrepreneurs and highly creative people attribute their achievements to ADHD. Also unknown to most are the recent research developments, including innovations that give a clearer understanding of the ADHD brain in action. In ADHD 2.0, Drs Hallowell and Ratey, both of whom have this ''variable attention trait'', draw on the latest science to provide both parents and adults with ADHD a plan for minimizing the downside and maximizing the benefits of ADHD at any age. They offer an arsenal of new strategies and lifestyle hacks for thriving with ADHD, including:- Find the right kind of difficult. Use these behaviour assessments to discover the work, activity, or creative outlet best suited to an individual''s unique strengths.- Reimagine environment. What specific elements to look for - at home, at school, or in the workplace - to enhance the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit inherent in the ADHD mind.- Embrace innate neurological tendencies. Take advantage of new findings about the brain''s default mode network and cerebellum, which confer major benefits for people with ADHD.- Tap into the healing power of connection. Tips for establishing and maintaining positive connection, ''the other Vitamind C'', and the best antidote to the negativity that plagues so many people with ADHD.- Consider medication. Gets the facts about the underlying chemistry, side effects, and proven benefits of all the pharmaceutical options.As inspiring as it is practical, ADHD 2.0 will help you tap into the power of this mercurial condition and find the key that unlocks potential.

Objev podobné jako ADHD 2.0 - Edward M. Hallowell, John J. Ratey

cena 443.0 Kč

ADHD Co dělat (a co nedělat) - Donatella Arcangeli

Existují účinné strategie, jak zvládat dítě s ADHD ve škole? Tento rychlý průvodce vám poskytne okamžité praktické rady a návody, jak si úspěšně poradit s 15 typy problematického chování, příznačnými pro děti s poruchou pozornosti, hyperaktivitou či impulzivitou. Učitelé i rodiče díky knize lépe pochopí chování těchto dětí a budou vědět, jak k nim přistupovat, co jim (ne)říkat, jak jim pomoci cítit se ve škole lépe a zároveň získat jejich respekt. Text pro české vydání odborně posoudila lektorka PaedDr. et Mgr. Hana Žáčková, která se věnuje poradenství v oboru psychologie, speciální pedagogika a školní psychologie. Naučte se efektivně pracovat s žáky, kteří mají ADHD. Dozvíte se, jak přizpůsobit učební prostředí tak, aby vyhovovalo různým potřebám žáků s ADHD, a zajistit, aby každý student dostal individuální podporu, kterou potřebuje. Co najdete v průvodci: Porozumění ADHD: Základní informace o ADHD, jeho příznacích a dopadu na učení a chování žáků. Efektivní metody výuky: Praktické rady a strategie pro práci s žáky s ADHD, které zohledňují jejich specifické potřeby. Inkluzivní učební prostředí: Jak vytvořit třídu, kde se každý žák cítí podporovaný a má možnost úspěšně se učit. Individuální přístup: Jak přizpůsobit výukové metody a hodnocení pro žáky s ADHD, aby se mohli plně zapojit do výuky. Spolupráce s rodiči: Tipy na efektivní komunikaci a spolupráci s rodiči žáků s ADHD.

Objev podobné jako ADHD Co dělat (a co nedělat) - Donatella Arcangeli

cena 246.0 Kč

Diagnostika a terapie ADHD - Michal Miovský - e-kniha

eBook: ADHD u dospělých pacientů a klientů v adiktologii (v kontextu duálních diagnóz, jejich diagnostiky a terapie) je stále výraznějším klinickým i výzkumným tématem. Postupně se ukazuje, že pravděpodobně stojí nejen za významným nárůstem některých typů závislostí, ale také za množstvím komplikací, konfliktů či nebezpečných situací v průběhu diagnostického a léčebného procesu. Zvyšuje riziko předčasného vypadnutí z léčby a znamená větší zátěž jak pro samotné klienty a pacienty, tak pro personál. Kniha vychází z výsledků jednoho z největších klinických projektů v Evropě, který se zaměřil na dospělé klienty léčící se v terapeutických komunitách pro závislé. Shrnuje současné znalosti epidemiologie, etiologie a klinického obrazu ADHD. Současně představuje dostupné nástroje pro diagnostiku (poprvé mimo jiné pojednává také o nástroji DIVA 2.0 v českém jazyce), zkušenosti z léčby a zvládání této duální diagnózy v léčebných adiktologických programech. Významným přínosem publikace je zmapování ADHD z mnoha pohledů: • rozvoj a vývoj ADHD z pohledu vývoje osobnosti • genderové odlišnosti • ADHD a jednotlivé návykové látky • ADHD a závislosti (kouření, gambling, patologické stravovací návyky aj.) • ADHD a jiné duševní poruchy onemocnění • diagnostika, farmakoterapie, psychoterapie • léčba v terapeutické komunitě Kniha je cenná pro odborníky v psychiatrii nebo psychologii, ale i v ošetřovatelství a pomáhajících profesích. Poskytuje významný soubor informací o diagnostické kombinaci, se kterou se budeme setkávat stále častěji.

Objev podobné jako Diagnostika a terapie ADHD - Michal Miovský - e-kniha

cena 365.0 Kč

How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live - Peter Cave

An entertaining guide to history’s most fascinating philosophers – from Sappho to Kant, and Aristotle to Simone de Beauvoir – which seeks to help us answer life’s big questions. In showing how the great philosophers of human history lived and thought – and what they thought about – Peter Cave provides an accessible and enjoyable introduction to thinking philosophically and how it can change our everyday lives. He addresses questions such as: Is there anything ‘out there’ that gives meaning to our lives? Does reality tell us how we ought to live? What indeed is reality and what is appearance – and how can we tell the difference?This book paints vivid portraits of an assortment of inspiring thinkers: from Lao Tzu to Avicenna to Iris Murdoch; from Hannah Arendt to Socrates and Plato to Karl Marx; from Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Sartre to Samuel Beckett – and let us not forget Lewis Carroll for some thought-provoking fantasies and Ludwig Wittgenstein for the anguishes of a genius.As well as displaying optimists and pessimists, believers and non-believers, the book displays relevance to current affairs, from free speech to abortion to the treatment of animals to our leaders’ moral character. Cave brings to life these often prescient, always compelling philosophical thinkers, showing how their ways of approaching the world grew out of their own lives and times and how we may make valuable use of their insights today. Now, more than ever, we need to understand how to live, and how to understand the world around us.

Objev podobné jako How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live - Peter Cave

cena 294.0 Kč

How To Be an Antiracist (1847925995)

Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako How To Be an Antiracist (1847925995)

cena 379.0 Kč

How to Survive - PC DIGITAL (414717)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční, RPG a dobrodružná, 69% Ztroskotán na pustém ostrově plném zombie. Přežijete? Nejde jen o klasický masakr, je zde propracován i hluboký příběh. How to Survive má opravdu hluboce propracovaný craftingový systém. Ztroskotali jste na opuštěném ostrově v naprosto šíleném světě. Budujte domov Najděte si vodu, jídlo a přístřeší. Důležité je stihnout to vše během dne. Jak přežít noc? Sbírejte všeSbírejte věci po ostrově a...

Objev podobné jako How to Survive - PC DIGITAL (414717)

cena 119.0 Kč


Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Sheylley Blond, William Vanderpuye (Vanders) One of the greatest risks for small and medium businesses is certainly past due receivables. Preventing this risk or promptly responding to problems with receivables is the main focus of this lesson. You will get many useful tips on how to keep your receivables under control and not take chances with the survival of your business.


cena 97.0 Kč


Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Alexandra Gilbreath, Steven Hartley The success or failure of every company depends primarily on the quality of employees and the cooperation of the entire team. Learn everything about company staffing, recruiting new employees, developing their skills in the company, drafting employee contracts, paying wages and terminating employment. Get a comprehensive overview of how to create a successful personnel strategy in your company.


cena 97.0 Kč

How To Eat - Thich Nhat Hanh

Exploring the essential foundations of mindful meditation and practise, this book explains what it means to eat as a meditative practice and that the results of mindful eating are both global and personal.

Objev podobné jako How To Eat - Thich Nhat Hanh

cena 189.0 Kč

How To Talk: Siblings Without Rivalry

From the widely acclaimed HOW TO TALK series, discover how to cope with - and deflect - sibling rivalry.Full of humour and compassion, SIBLINGS WITHOUT RIVALRY challenges the idea that constant conflict between siblings is natural and unavoidable.With this book, you'll learn how to:* Avoid comparisons and the perils of equality.* Intervene helpfully and step away at the right time.* Encourage good feeling between your children.

Objev podobné jako How To Talk: Siblings Without Rivalry

cena 149.0 Kč

How to be Perfect - Schur Mike

From the creator of The Good Place and the cocreator of Parks and Recreation, a hilarious, thought-provoking guide to living an ethical life, drawing on 2,500 years of deep thinking from around the world.Most people think of themselves as “good,” but it’s not always easy to determine what’s “good” or “bad”—especially in a world filled with complicated choices and pitfalls and booby traps and bad advice. Fortunately, many smart philosophers have been pondering this conundrum for millennia and they have guidance for us. With bright wit and deep insight, How to Be Perfect explains concepts like deontology, utilitarianism, existentialism, ubuntu, and more so we can sound cool at parties and become better people.Schur starts off with easy ethical questions like “Should I punch my friend in the face for no reason?” (No.) and works his way up to the most complex moral issues we all face. Such as: Can I still enjoy great art if it was created by terrible people? How much money should I give to charity? Why bother being good at all when there are no consequences for being bad? And much more. By the time the book is done, we’ll know exactly how to act in every conceivable situation, so as to produce a verifiably maximal amount of moral good. We will be perfect, and all our friends will be jealous. OK, not quite. Instead, we’ll gain fresh, funny, inspiring wisdom on the toughest issues we face every day.

Objev podobné jako How to be Perfect - Schur Mike

cena 312.0 Kč

How to be Perfect - Schur Mike

* From the writer and executive producer of the award-winning Netflix series The Good Place that made moral philosophy fun: a foolproof guide to making the correct moral decision in every situation you ever encounter, anywhere on earth, forever * How can we live a more ethical life? This question has plagued people for thousands of years, but it's never been tougher to answer than it is now, thanks to challenges great and small that flood our day-to-day lives and threaten to overwhelm us with impossible decisions and complicated results with unintended consequences. Plus, being anything close to an 'ethical person' requires daily thought and introspection and hard work; we have to think about how we can be good not, you know, once a month, but literally all the time. To make it a little less overwhelming, this fascinating, accessible and funny book by one of our generation's best writers and adept minds in television comedy, Michael Schur, boils down the whole confusing morass with real life dilemmas (from 'should I punch my friend in the face for no reason?' to 'can I still enjoy great art if it was created by terrible people?'), so that we know how to deal with ethical dilemmas. Much as Chidi used humour and philosophy to make Eleanor a less selfish person, Schur takes us on a journey through the 2,500-year discussion of ethics, sketching a roadmap for how we ought to act along the way. By the time the book is done, we'll know exactly how to act in every conceivable situation, so as to produce a verifiably maximal amount of moral good. We will be perfect, and all our friends will be jealous. OK, not quite. Instead, we'll gain fresh, funny, inspiring wisdom on the toughest issues we face every day With contributions from Professor Todd May of Clemson University, who served as an advisor on The Good Place, this is a brilliant, clever and hugely entertaining book about one of the most important topics in the world.

Objev podobné jako How to be Perfect - Schur Mike

cena 402.0 Kč

How To Say Babylon - Safiya Sinclair

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2024 WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION''Vivid and empowering'' GILLIAN ANDERSON''A stunning book’ BERNARDINE EVARISTO‘Dazzling’ TARA WESTOVER‘A story about hope, imagination and resilience’GUARDIANAn award-winning, inspiring memoir of family, education and resilience.Born in Montego Bay, Jamaica, where luxury hotels line pristine white sand beaches, Safiya Sinclair grew up guarding herself against an ever-present threat. Her father, a volatile reggae musician and strict believer in a militant sect of Rastafari, railed against Babylon, the corrupting influence of the immoral Western world just beyond their gate. To protect the purity of the women in their family he forbade almost everything.Her mother did what she could to bring joy to her children with books and poetry. But as Safiya’s imagination reached beyond its restrictive borders, her burgeoning independence brought with it ever greater clashes with her father. Soon she realised that if she was to live at all, she had to find some way to leave home. But how?How to Say Babylon is an unforgettable story of a young woman’s determination to live life on her own terms.A Guardian and Observer summer read.‘I adored this book … Unforgettable’ ELIF SHAFAK‘Electrifying’OBSERVER‘To read it is to believe that words can save’ MARLON JAMES‘Breathless, scorching’NEW YORK TIMES

Objev podobné jako How To Say Babylon - Safiya Sinclair

cena 325.0 Kč

How To Run Britain - Robert Peston

THE MUST-READ BOOK FROM ITV''S ROBERT PESTON AND KISHAN KORIA, REVISED AND UPDATED FOLLOWING THE GENERAL ELECTION *Previously published as Bust?*---------Britain is facing uncertainty, threats and risk: new Prime Minister, new government, new political landscape, at home and abroad. But how much should change? And how much will change? How To Run Britain is a plea from Robert Peston and Kishan Koria to own what''s gone wrong and make courageous reforms to everything, from the way we manage the economy to how we vote. We all know that, over the past fifteen years, British living standards have stagnated, inequality between - and within - communities has grown rampant, politicians have lost credibility and the trust of the nation. Millions say they are unheard and disenfranchised, victimised even. A far-right racist minority feels entitled to riot. But what do those problems really mean - and how do we fix them? How can politicians win the trust back from voters, from teachers, doctors, students, pensioners - all those who feel left behind by those who purport to act in their best interest?Peston and Koria''s argument is simple: first, we must interrogate everything that has gone wrong, and build solutions from there. This is not the time to shy away from the recent past, nor should we indulge in it. Instead, we should take the lessons learned over the past fifteen years and build a future-focused, strategic plan for restoring economic, political and social security to the country we know and love.How To Run Britain is a manifesto for change in its simplest, clearest form, from the minds of two people who have seen it all.This is an updated, retitled edition of Bust? by Robert Peston and Kishan Koria, published in 2023.

Objev podobné jako How To Run Britain - Robert Peston

cena 325.0 Kč

Minecraft How to Draw - Mojang AB

Pick up your pencil and learn how to draw your favourite Minecraft mobs!Ever wanted to draw your favourite mob, but didn’t know how? With this book, you’ll learn how to do that and so much more!Learn everything from drawing basic blocks to how to draw all your favourite mobs with step-by-steps and finally putting everything together in a big, blocky scene.By the end of this book, you’ll have the skills you need to draw anything you want in Minecraft! There’s even some spaces throughout where you can practise on the page.So grab your pencil and let’s get drawing!Try our indispensable handbooks for your Minecraft journey:Minecraft Redstone Handbook 978 0008495992Minecraft Survival Handbook 978 0755503452Minecraft Creative Handbook 978 0755500413Minecraft Combat Handbook 978 0755500420Minecraft Explorers Handbook 9780008608507Minecraft Legends Handbook 978 0008595012Brilliant books full of inspiration:Minecraft Bite Size Builds: 978 0755500406Minecraft Amazing Bite Size Builds: 978 0008495954Minecraft Super Bite Size Builds 978 0008534127Minecraft Epic Inventions 978 0008496012Minecraft Epic Bases: 978 1405296472Perfect Gifts:Minecraft Maps 978 1405294546Minecraft Blockopedia 978 0755500390Sticker, humour and activity:Minecraft Survival Sticker Book 978 1405288552Minecraft Sticker Adventure Treasure Hunt 978 0755503582Minecraft Sticker Adventure Mobs Attack 978 0008533953Minecraft Joke Book 978 1405295253Minecraft Would You Rather 978 0008534028Minecraft Catch the Creeper 978 0755503575

Objev podobné jako Minecraft How to Draw - Mojang AB

cena 295.0 Kč

How to Read Paintings - Liz Rideal

How to Read Paintings is a valuable visual guide to Western European painting. Through a gallery of artworks accompanied by informative commentary, it enables readers to swiftly develop their understanding of the grammar and vocabulary of painting, and to discover how to look at diverse paintings in detail, closely reading their meanings and methods. In the first part of the book, the Grammar of Paintings, the author reveals how to read paintings by considering five key areas: shape and support, medium and materials, composition, style and technique, and signs and symbols, as well as the role of the artist. In the second part, we explore fifty paintings through extracted details, accompanied by insightful commentary, training the reader and viewer to understand context and discover meaning within art. As a collection, the pictures featured in How to Read Paintings have a strong relationship with one another, and underpin the story of painting. This book will be a valuable tool whether you are viewing the real thing on a gallery wall, or simply reading around the subject to learn more about Western art. Book Description A concise introduction to paintings in the Western European tradition, through the stories of 50 powerful artworks by artists from Van Gogh to da Vinci.

Objev podobné jako How to Read Paintings - Liz Rideal

cena 443.0 Kč

How To Read Water - Tristan Gooley

''A wonderful read... It''s one of those books that gives you a new pair of eyes to see the world in a different way. I''ve been transported by it... You''ll love every minute, the writing is absolutely beautiful.'' - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall From the bestselling author of THE WALKER''S GUIDE TO OUTDOOR CLUES AND SIGNSA must-have book for walkers, sailors, swimmers, anglers and everyone interested in the natural world, in How To Read Water, Natural Navigator Tristan Gooley shares knowledge, skills, tips and useful observations to help you enjoy the landscape around you and learn about the magic of the outdoors from your living room.Includes over 700 clues, signs and patterns. From wild swimming in Sussex to wayfinding in Oman, via the icy mysteries of the Arctic, Tristan Gooley draws on his own pioneering journeys to reveal the secrets of ponds, puddles, rivers, oceans and more to show us all the skills we need to read the water around us.

Objev podobné jako How To Read Water - Tristan Gooley

cena 384.0 Kč

How to Wear Everything - Kay Barron

What we wear matters. It matters because looking, and therefore feeling, like yourself is essential. Clothes can be the difference between a good day and a bad day.Clothes have the power to make your mood ten times worse or one hundred times better. Clothes should give you confidence, and never make you doubt yourself. Whether you already have a go-to look or feel overwhelmed by choice, How to Wear Everything covers where to start, what you need and what you absolutely do not - whatever your age, body type or budget.

Objev podobné jako How to Wear Everything - Kay Barron

cena 650.0 Kč

How to Stop Time - Matt Haig

HOW MANY LIFETIMES DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE? Tom Hazard has a dangerous secret. He may look like an ordinary 41-year-old history teacher, but he's been alive for centuries. From Elizabethan England to Jazz-Age Paris, from New York to the South Seas, Tom has seen it all. As long as he keeps changing his identity, he can stay one step ahead of his past - and stay alive. The only thing he must not do is fall in love. But what if the one thing he can't have just happens to be the one thing that might save him?

Objev podobné jako How to Stop Time - Matt Haig

cena 268.0 Kč

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