Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Psychology of Money : Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness - Morgan Housel

Doing well with money isn't necessarily about what you know. It's about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money-investing, personal finance, and business decisions-is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don't make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life's most important topics.

Podívejte se také Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (0061339202)

cena 473.0 Kč

Same as Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life - Morgan Housel

When planning for the future we often ask, "What will the economy be doing this time next year?" Or, "What will be different ten years from now?"But forecasting is hard. The important events that will shape the future are inherently unpredictable. Instead, we should be asking a different question:What will be the same ten years from now?What will be the same one hundred years from now?Knowledge of the things that never change is more useful, and more important, than an uncertain prediction of an unknowable future.In Same As Ever, bestselling author Morgan Housel shares 24 short stories about the ways that life, behaviour, and business will always be the same. Armed with this knowledge of the unchanging, you will have a powerful new ability to think about risk, opportunity, and how to navigate the uncertainty of the future. As you see familiar themes repeat again and again in the years ahead, you'll find yourself nodding and saying, "Yep, same as ever."

Podívejte se také The Seed of Compassion: Lessons from the Life and Teachings of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (0241456975)

cena 491.0 Kč

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performan (0753539470)

Kniha - autor Shawn Achor, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Shawn Achor, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, "The Seven Principles Of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success & Performance At Work". Achor explains how to be happier and more successful.

Podívejte se také Applied Psychology of Architecture (978-80-88059-18-9)

cena 299.0 Kč

The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (Defekt)

Promoting a scholarly understanding of the psychology of social and cultural diversity in the early stages of 21st century, this volume encourages an in-depth appreciation of the value in diversity while directly addressing social intervention and policy implications. Offers, for the very first time, an integrated approach to the issues raised by increasingly complex representations of social identityExplores the psychological implications and applications of new forms of social and cultural diversityIncludes research from a diverse range of scholars that covers a broad spectrum of sub-disciplinesDiscusses how the applications of multiculturalism and diversity research can encourage more positive intergroup relationsDevelops an in depth understanding and appreciation of the value of social and cultural diversity

Objev podobné jako The Psychology of Social and Cultural Diversity (Defekt)

cena 319.0 Kč

Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness - Richard H. Thaler

Nudge has transformed the way individuals, companies and governments look at the world - and in the process has become one of the most important books of the twenty-first century. This completely updated edition offers a wealth of new insights for fans and newcomers alike - about COVID-19, diet, personal finance, retirement savings, medical care, organ donation, and climate change.Every day we make decisions: about the things we buy or the meals we eat; about the investments we make and the time we spend; about our health and that of the planet. Unfortunately, we often choose badly.We are all susceptible to biases that can lead us to make bad decisions that make us poorer, less healthy and less happy. And, as Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein show, no choice is ever presented to us in a neutral way. But by knowing how people think, we can make it easier for them to choose what is best for themselves, for their families and for society. With brilliant insight and wonderful levity, Thaler and Sunstein demonstrate how best to nudge us in the right directions, without ever restricting our freedom of choice.

Objev podobné jako Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness - Richard H. Thaler

cena 325.0 Kč

Success Habits : Proven Principles for Greater Wealth, Health, and Happiness - Napoleon Hill

In Success Habits, Napoleon Hill outlines his principles of success, a set of key tenets and beliefs that provide a basis for life-changing success. Hill, the legendary author of the classic bestseller Think and Grow Rich, has been immortalized for his contribution to the self-help genre. This never-before-published work provides even more of the kind of wisdom that has changed the lives of millions. With straightforward engaging language, Hill explains the fundamental rules that lead to a prosperous life. From the importance of having a definite purpose to the inexorable influence of the cosmic habit force, Hill’s principles offer a new way of thinking about intention, self-discipline, and the way we lead our lives.Originally delivered as a series of speeches, Success Habits is filled with personal anecdotes and stories to illustrate the principles of success. Hill’s insights apply to every facet of life, inspiring readers to leverage his principles to achieve their own aspirations and create the successful lives they have always dreamed of.

Objev podobné jako Success Habits : Proven Principles for Greater Wealth, Health, and Happiness - Napoleon Hill

cena 349.0 Kč

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (0061339202)

Kniha - autor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's famous investigations of ""optimal experience"" have revealed that what makes an experience genuinely satisfying is a state of consciousness called ""flow."" During flow, people typically experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life. In this new edition of his groundbreaking classic work, Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates the ways this positive state can be controlled, not just left to chance. ""Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience"" teaches how, by ordering the information that enters our consciousness, we can discover true happiness and greatly improve the quality of our lives."

Objev podobné jako Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (0061339202)

cena 219.0 Kč

Art and Visual Perception, Second Edition: A Psychology of the Creative Eye - Arnheim Rudolf

Since its publication fifty years ago, this work has established itself as a classic. It casts the visual process in psychological terms and describes the creative way one's eye organizes visual material according to specific psychological premises. In 1974 this book was revised and expanded, and since then it has continued to burnish Rudolf Arnheim's reputation as a groundbreaking theoretician in the fields of art and psychology.

Objev podobné jako Art and Visual Perception, Second Edition: A Psychology of the Creative Eye - Arnheim Rudolf

cena 894.0 Kč

Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)

Kniha - autor Eric Berne, 164 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of this classic about the dynamics of relationships.

Objev podobné jako Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)

cena 309.0 Kč

Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel

Umět zacházet s penězi není nutně otázka toho, co všechno víte. Důležité je, jak se chováte. Jenže vštípit lidem – dokonce i těm opravdu chytrým – správné vzorce chování není snadné. K penězům, investování, osobním financím a podnikatelskému rozhodování se obvykle přistupuje, jako by to byly exaktní disciplíny, kde nám data a vzorce přesně řeknou, co dělat. Ve skutečném světě se ale lidé nerozhodují nad tabulkou v Excelu, nýbrž u večeře nebo na firemní poradě, kde se jejich dosavadní životní zkušenosti a jedinečný pohled na svět splétají s egem, ješitností, marketingem a pokřivenými podněty. V knize Psychologie peněz nabízí uznávaný autor Morgan Housel dvacet krátkých pojednání o tom, jak lidé uvažují o penězích, a učí nás, jak se v tomto veledůležitém tématu lépe vyznat.

Objev podobné jako Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel

cena 319.0 Kč

Jako vždycky - Morgan Housel

Od autora Psychologie peněz Kniha Jako vždycky vás vybaví schopností přemýšlet o rizicích a příležitostech, abyste si dokázali lépe poradit s nejistotou, kterou přináší budoucnost. Když plánujeme, rojí se nám v hlavě spousta otázek. Jak si povede ekonomika příští rok touto dobou? Co bude za deset let jinak než teď? Prognózování je ale složité. Důležité faktory, které budou utvářet budoucnost, jsou z podstaty věci nepředvídatelné. Namísto toho bychom si měli klást jinou otázku: Co v budoucnosti zůstane při starém? Povědomí o tom, co se nikdy nemění, je užitečnější a důležitější než pochybné predikce budoucnosti, která je obestřena nejistotou. V knize Jako vždycky vysvětluje úspěšný autor Morgan Housel v 23 krátkých kapitolách, že život, lidské chování i podnikání se řídí neměnnými zákonitostmi. Až budete v příštích letech pozorovat, jak se tytéž známé vzorce vynořují zase a znovu, přistihnete se, jak přikyvujete a říkáte si: „Jasně, jako vždycky.“ Vyzbrojeni těmito novými znalostmi a sebejistotou se můžete vydat na cestu k lepšímu životu.

Objev podobné jako Jako vždycky - Morgan Housel

cena 312.0 Kč

Psychológia peňazí - Morgan Housel

Čo sa týka peňazí, to, aby ste boli úspešní, nie je nevyhnutne spojené s tým, čo viete. Je to skôr o tom, ako sa správate. A naučiť ľudí správať sa je naozaj náročné, dokonca aj pri veľmi inteligentných ľuďoch. To, čo vieme o peniazoch – investície, osobné financie a obchodné rozhodnutia – sa bežne učíme ako matematickú oblasť, kde nám dáta a vzorce presne povedia, čo máme robiť. Ale v skutočnom svete ľudia nerobia finančné rozhodnutia prostredníctvom tabuliek. Robia ich pri spoločnom stolovaní alebo v zasadačkách, kde sú ich osobné skúsenosti, vlastné jedinečné videnie sveta, ego, hrdosť, marketing a iné neobvyklé podnety zmiešané do jedného celku. V Psychológii peňazí sa s vami oceňovaný autor Morgan Housel podelí o 19 krátkych príbehov, v ktorých preskúma, ako ľudia rozmýšľajú o peniazoch, a naučí vás, ako lepšie pochopiť jeden z najdôležitejších faktorov ľudského života, akým peniaze bezpochyby sú.

Objev podobné jako Psychológia peňazí - Morgan Housel

cena 428.0 Kč

Behavioural Economics: Psychology, neuroscience and the human side of economics (178578644X)

Kniha - autor David Orrell, 182 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The controversial science that claims to have revolutionised economics.

Objev podobné jako Behavioural Economics: Psychology, neuroscience and the human side of economics (178578644X)

cena 340.0 Kč

Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 8th Edition - Richard Gross

Build a solid foundation for students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to progress with the updated edition of Richard Gross's best-selling introduction to Psychology. This 8th edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour is the essential guide to studying Psychology, helping over half a million students during its 30 years of publication. - Easily access psychological theories and research with user-friendly content and useful features including summaries, critical discussion and research updates.- Develop evaluative skills, with new evaluation boxes, encouraging students to put classic and contemporary studies into context. - Consolidate understanding by identifying common misconceptions. - Stay up to date with revised content and the latest psychological research.- Understand the research process with updated contributions from leading Psychologists including Elizabeth Loftus, Alex Haslam and David Canter.

Objev podobné jako Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 8th Edition - Richard Gross

cena 1342.0 Kč

The House of Gucci : A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed - Sara Gay Fordenová

Did Patrizia Reggiani murder her ex-husband, Maurizio Gucci, in 1995 because his spending was wildly out of control? Did she do it because her glamorous ex was preparing to marry his mistress, Paola Franchi? Or is there a possibility she didn't do it at all? In this gripping account of the ascent, eventual collapse, and resurrection of the Gucci dynasty, Sara Gay Forden takes us behind the scenes of the trial and exposes the passions, the power, and the vulnerabilities of the greatest fashion family of our times.

Objev podobné jako The House of Gucci : A Sensational Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed - Sara Gay Fordenová

cena 299.0 Kč

Tak ako vždy - Morgan Housel

Od autora knihy Psychológia peňazí...Kniha Tak ako vždy vás naučí efektívne premýšľať o rizikách a príležitostiach a pomôže vám orientovať sa v neistej budúcnosti. Pri jej plánovaní si často kladieme otázky: „Ako sa bude vyvíjať ekonomika o rok?“ Alebo chceme vedieť: „Ako sa zmení svet o desať rokov?“Predpovedať čokoľvek je veľmi ťažké. Prelomové udalosti, ktoré nakoniec budú formovať budúcnosť, sú vo svojej podstate nepredvídateľné. Namiesto toho by sme si mali klásť inú otázku: „Čo bude v budúcnosti rovnaké ako teraz?“ Poznatky o veciach, ktoré sa nikdy nezmenia, sú užitočnejšie a dôležitejšie ako neistá predpoveď o neznámej budúcnosti. V knihe Tak ako vždy sa autor bestsellerov Morgan Housel podelil o 24 krátkych príbehov, ktoré ilustrujú, v čom sa život, ľudské správanie a podnikanie nikdy nemenia. Keď uvidíte, ako sa známe témy v blízkom čase opäť opakujú, prikývnete a poviete si: „Áno, tak ako vždy.“Tieto nové poznatky a sebadôvera vám pomôžu na ceste k lepšiemu životu.

Objev podobné jako Tak ako vždy - Morgan Housel

cena 407.0 Kč

Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Umět zacházet s penězi není nutně otázka toho, co všechno víte. Důležité je, jak se chováte. Jenže vštípit lidem – dokonce i těm opravdu chytrým – správné vzorce chování není snadné. K penězům, investování, osobním financím a podnikatelskému rozhodování se obvykle přistupuje, jako by to byly exaktní disciplíny, kde nám data a vzorce přesně řeknou, co dělat. Ve skutečném světě se ale lidé nerozhodují nad tabulkou v Excelu, nýbrž u večeře nebo na firemní poradě, kde se jejich dosavadní životní zkušenosti a jedinečný pohled na svět splétají s egem, ješitností, marketingem a pokřivenými podněty. V audioknize Psychologie peněz nabízí uznávaný autor Morgan Housel dvacet krátkých pojednání o tom, jak lidé uvažují o penězích, a učí nás, jak se v tomto veledůležitém tématu lépe vyznat.

Objev podobné jako Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel - audiokniha

cena 374.0 Kč

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (0345472322)

Kniha - autor Carol S. Dweck, 302 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea-the power of our mindset. Dweck explains why it's not just our abilities and talent that bring us success-but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn't foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals-personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.

Objev podobné jako Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (0345472322)

cena 399.0 Kč

The Psychology of Stupidity : Explained by Some of the World´s Smartest People - Marmion Jean-Franco

The Number One International bestseller'We need books like this one' - psychologist Steven PinkerAt last, stupidity explained! And by some of the world’s smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James and Ryan Holiday.Stupidity is all around us, from the colleagues who won’t stop hitting ‘reply all’ to the former school friends posting conspiracy theories on Facebook. But in order to battle idiocy, we must first understand it. In The Psychology of Stupidity, some of the world’s leading psychologists and thinkers – including a Nobel Prize winner – will show you . . .· Why smart people sometimes believe in utter nonsense· How our lazy brains cause us to make the wrong decisions· Why trying to debate with fools is a trap· How media manipulation and Internet overstimulation makes us dumber· Why the stupidest people don’t think they’re stupidAs long as there have been humans there has been human stupidity, but with wit and wisdom these great thinkers can help us understand this persistent human affliction.

Objev podobné jako The Psychology of Stupidity : Explained by Some of the World´s Smartest People - Marmion Jean-Franco

cena 268.0 Kč

Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel - e-kniha

eBook: Umět zacházet s penězi není nutně otázka toho, co všechno víte. Důležité je, jak se chováte. Jenže vštípit lidem – dokonce i těm opravdu chytrým – správné vzorce chování není snadné. K penězům, investování, osobním financím a podnikatelskému rozhodování se obvykle přistupuje, jako by to byly exaktní disciplíny, kde nám data a vzorce přesně řeknou, co dělat. Ve skutečném světě se ale lidé nerozhodují nad tabulkou v Excelu, nýbrž u večeře nebo na firemní poradě, kde se jejich dosavadní životní zkušenosti a jedinečný pohled na svět splétají s egem, ješitností, marketingem a pokřivenými podněty.
 V knize Psychologie peněz nabízí uznávaný autor Morgan Housel dvacet krátkých pojednání o tom, jak lidé uvažují o penězích, a učí nás, jak se v tomto veledůležitém tématu lépe vyznat. „Je to jedna z nejlepších a nejoriginálnějších knih o financích za poslední roky.“ – Jason Zweig, The Wall Street Journal

„Psychologie peněz je nabitá zajímavými nápady a praktickými postřehy. Je to zkrátka nezbytná četba pro všechny, kteří chtějí s penězi zacházet lépe. Každý by si měl pořídit jeden výtisk.“ –James Clear, spisovatel, autor bestselleru Atomové návyky
„Morgan Housel patří k té vzácné sortě autorů, kteří dokážou složité koncepty přetavit do poutavého, snadno stravitelného vyprávění. Psychologie peněz je svižná, zajímavá četba, díky níž nejen pochopíte, proč činíme špatná finanční rozhodnutí, ale navíc si odnesete nástroje potřebné k tomu, abyste se mohli rozhodovat lépe.“ – Annie Dukeová, spisovatelka, Thinking in Bets

„Houselovy postřehy jsou často trefou do černého hned ve dvou ohledech: říká věci,o nichž dosud nikdo nepojednal, a jeho argumenty dávají smysl.“ – Howard Marks, ředitel a spoluprezident Oaktree Capital a spisovatel, autor knih The Most Important Thing a Ovládněte tržní cykly

„Morgan Housel je jedním z nejzářivějších světel mezi autory finanční literatury. Jeho kniha je přístupná pro všechny, kteří se chtějí dozvědět více o psychologii peněz. Tuto knihu mohu vřele doporučit.“ – James P. O’Shaughnessy, spisovatel, autor knihy What Works on Wall Street

„Jen málo lidí píše o financích s tak elegantní jasností jako Morgan Housel. Psychologie peněz je klíčová kniha pro všechny, kteří chtějí činit moudřejší rozhodnutí nebo žít bohatší život.“ – Daniel H. Pink, autor bestsellerů Kdy – Věda a umění dokonalého načasování, Prodávat je lidské a Drive, které figurovaly v žebříčku The New York Times

Objev podobné jako Psychologie peněz - Morgan Housel - e-kniha

cena 275.0 Kč

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money : with The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) is perhaps the foremost economic thinker of the twentieth century. On economic theory, he ranks with Adam Smith and Karl Marx; and his impact on how economics was practiced, from the Great Depression to the 1970s, was unmatched.The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money was first published in 1936. But its ideas had been forming for decades as a student at Cambridge, Keynes had written to a friend of his love for 'Free Trade and free thought'. Keynes's limpid style, concise prose, and vivid descriptions have helped to keep his ideas alive - as have the novelty and clarity, at times even the ambiguity, of his macroeconomic vision. He was troubled, above all, by high unemployment rates and large disparities in wealth and income. Only by curbing both, he thought, could individualism, `the most powerful instrument to better the future', be safeguarded. The twenty-first century may yet prove him right.In The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), Keynes elegantly and acutely exposes the folly of imposing austerity on a defeated and struggling nation.

Objev podobné jako The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money : with The Economic Consequences of the Peace - John Maynard Keynes

cena 133.0 Kč

The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

It is symbolic that Adam Smith's masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. In his book, Smith fervently extolled the simple yet enlightened notion that individuals are fully capable of setting and regulating prices for their own goods and services. He argued passionately in favor of free trade, yet stood up for the little guy. The Wealth of Nations provided the first--and still the most eloquent--integrated description of the workings of a market economy. The result of Smith's efforts is a witty, highly readable work of genius filled with prescient theories that form the basis of a thriving capitalist system. This unabridged edition offers the modern reader a fresh look at a timeless and seminal work that revolutionized the way governments and individuals view the creation and dispersion of wealth--and that continues to influence our economy right up to the present day.

Objev podobné jako The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

cena 214.0 Kč

The Inequality of Wealth - Liam Byrne

The super-rich have never had it so good. But millions of us can’t afford a home, an education or a pension. And unless we change course soon, the future will be even worse. Much worse. But things don’t have to be like this.''An invaluable repository of recent ideas put forward by academics and think-tankers.'' – The Financial Times''Byrne is an engaging writer, and his latest book is full of ideas.'' – The TelegraphIn this bold new book, former Treasury Minister Liam Byrne explains why wealth inequality has grown so fast in recent years; warns how it threatens our society, economy and politics; shows where economics has got it wrong – and lays out a path back to common sense, with five practical ways to rebuild an old ideal: the wealth-owning democracy. Liam Byrne draws on conversations and debates with former prime ministers, presidents and policymakers around the world, together with experts at the OECD, World Bank and IMF, to argue that after twenty years of statistics and slogans it’s time for solutions that aren’t just radical but plausible and achievable as well. The future won’t be a land of milk and honey but it could be a place where we live longer, happier, healthier and wealthier lives.

Objev podobné jako The Inequality of Wealth - Liam Byrne

cena 325.0 Kč

The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma

A REVOLUTIONARY METHOD TO BECOME TRULY WEALTHYThe Wealth Money Can't Buy offers you a completely life-changing new philosophy and methodology for enjoying an honestly rich life, one filled with personal power, authenticity, exceptionally fulfilling work and a beautiful lifestyle that will cause you to feel like real fortune has finally smiled on you. Based on The 8 Forms of Wealth learning model that Robin Sharma - legendary personal growth expert and famed mentor to billionaires, professional sports superstars and heads of state - has taught to his clients with transformational results, this masterwork is sure to become your daily guide to enjoying the lifetime of your highest dreams. Discover the hidden habits to live your richest life and avoid the lasting regrets of potential unfulfilled.'Robin Sharma has been an amazing mentor to me. He is a major influencer of our time' - Deepak Chopra

Objev podobné jako The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma

cena 473.0 Kč

The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

From the author of the million-copy bestseller, The Little Book of Hygge, comes a beautifully designed guide on how to get more out of work and live like the happiest people in the world: the Danish. We often look to the Danish lifestyle as a utopia: they enjoy long summer holidays and the cosiest, hyggelig winters, but their happiness isn’t just limited to their free time. Almost two thirds report high job satisfaction, and 58% say they would continue working even if they won the lottery.But what exactly are the ingredients of happiness at work? And how can we live more like that? Meik Wiking, the world’s favourite happiness expert, is back with more of his wise yet simple snippets of inspiration from Danish culture, and shows us that nurturing a sense of purpose, trust between you and your manager and freedom within your role can mean more than any job title. Based on stats from his own research and designed with his trademark style, this book is sure to improve your happiness levels. We will spend around a third of our lives at work, so why not feel happier while we do it?

Objev podobné jako The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

cena 536.0 Kč

The Rules of Everything: A complete code for success and happiness in everything that matters - Richard Templar

Whether it’s at work or in their relationships, as parents or managing their money, the Rules have described how happy and successful people behave for over 25 years. The Rules of Everything contains the top 100 rules from the bestselling Rules books, as voted for by readers, so you can follow the common-sense advice on how to be happier and more successful.

Objev podobné jako The Rules of Everything: A complete code for success and happiness in everything that matters - Richard Templar

cena 384.0 Kč

The Atlas of Happiness (147368823X)

Kniha - 256 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Atlas of Happiness (147368823X)

cena 465.0 Kč

The Architecture of Happiness (0241970059)

Kniha - autor Alain de Botton, 280 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Architecture of Happiness (0241970059)

cena 349.0 Kč

The Four-Way Path: The Indian Secret to a Life of Happiness and Purpose - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García

How can I find purpose in my life?Many of us go through our lives unsure of what we are for, struggling every day to find meaning. But the timeless wisdom of Indian culture shows us another way. In Hindu philosophy, there are four goals that all human beings strive for: virtue, prosperity, love and freedom.If you can find the balance between them, you will discover the Four-Way Path – and begin a journey into true and lasting fulfilment. Inspiring and comforting, this book honours some of the oldest and greatest spiritual practices to explain how the Four-Way Path can awaken your purpose, free you from stress and fear, and find lasting peace. It will unlock a life full of happiness and meaning.

Objev podobné jako The Four-Way Path: The Indian Secret to a Life of Happiness and Purpose - Francesc Miralles, Héctor García

cena 402.0 Kč

The Happiness of Dogs - Mark Rowlands

A ground-breaking exploration of a dog's experience of the world and how they can help us understand ourselves better, from the author of The Philosopher and the Wolf.

Objev podobné jako The Happiness of Dogs - Mark Rowlands

cena 502.0 Kč

The Desiderata of Happiness - Ehrmann Max

Desiderata, that world-famous poem that begins, ''Go placidly amid the noise and haste'', must be one of the best-loved poems in the English language, revered by many as the ideal philosophy of life. Few people realise that it was written in 1927 by the Indiana poet Max Ehrmann who died in 1945 and whose work, until the 1960s, was largely forgotten.This beautiful little book brings together more of the writings of this remarkable man, revealing a love of the world and a concern for its social problems that mark him as one of the greatest spokesman of the twentieth century. Ehrmann was not afraid to express his thoughts about the evils and scandals he saw around him, and in his quest for contentment he turned to nature and the eternal passage of the seasons: his philosophical thoughts are a search for social truth and peace.Readers will find in his poems much that has relevance today. Through Ehrmann we are led to look again at our twenty-first century values and to turn for truth and reality to the essence of beauty and goodness that lies all around us, if we can but open our eyes to see.

Objev podobné jako The Desiderata of Happiness - Ehrmann Max

cena 384.0 Kč

The Ingredients of Happiness - Lucy Burdette

Is there a recipe for the perfect life?Thirty-two-year-old 'happiness guru' Dr Cooper Hunziker has it all - a dream job as assistant psychology professor at Yale University, a soon-to-be published self-help book, The Happiness Connection, and the perfect man. But there's a problem. Cooper isn't happy.Of course, it doesn't help that she's facing cut-throat competition for her tenure at Yale, an accusation of plagiarism that could cost her everything, or that her new book has irritated the department chairman, who assigns her to co-lead a happiness group at the New Haven Library.As her friendship with the other women in the group flourishes, Cooper finds herself questioning her choices. Forced to face a life-changing betrayal and her own traumatic past, can she navigate a path to happiness with the help of a gargoyle's wisdom?

Objev podobné jako The Ingredients of Happiness - Lucy Burdette

cena 509.0 Kč

How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management - Grillo Luca

An enriching collection of classical writings about how ancient Romans made—and thought about—moneyAncient Romans liked money. But how did they make a living and sometimes even become rich? The Roman economy was dominated by agriculture, but it was surprisingly modern in many ways: the Romans had companies with CEOs, shareholders, and detailed contracts regulated by meticulous laws; systems of banking and taxation; and a wide range of occupations, from merchant and doctor to architect and teacher. The Romans also enjoyed a relatively open society, where some could start from the bottom, work, invest, and grow rich.How to Make Money gathers a wide variety of ancient writings that show how Romans thought about, made, invested, spent, lost, and gave away money. The Roman elite idealized farming and service to the state but treated many other occupations with suspicion or contempt, from money lending to wage labor. But whatever their attitudes, pecunia made the Roman world go round.In the Satyricon, Trimalchio brags about his wealth. Seneca accumulated a fortune—but taught that money can’t buy happiness. Eumachia inherited a brick factory from her father, married well, and turned to philanthropy after she was widowed.How to Make Money also takes up some of the most troubling aspects of the Roman economy, slavery and prostitution, which the elite deemed unrespectable but often profited from. Featuring lively new translations, an illuminating introduction, and the original Latin and Greek texts on facing pages, How to Make Money offers a revealing look at the Roman worlds of work and money.

Objev podobné jako How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management - Grillo Luca

cena 402.0 Kč

Štěpánka Balcarová: Life And Happiness of Julian Tuwim (CD)

Trumpetistka a skladatelka Štěpánka Balcarová, známá jinak především z úspěšné sestavy Inner Spaces a jako leader progresivního big bandu Concept Art Orchestra (za alba obou sestav obdržela "Anděla" v kategorii jazzové album roku), sestavila... Trumpetistka a skladatelka Štěpánka Balcarová, známá jinak především z úspěšné sestavy Inner Spaces a jako leader progresivního big bandu Concept Art Orchestra (za alba obou sestav obdržela "Anděla" v kategorii jazzové album roku), sestavila své první sólové album ze svých skladeb vytvořených na básně polského autora Juliana Tuwima (1894-1953). Tuwimovy básně se zdají být zdánlivě prosté a jednoduché, ale v každé z nich je skryta nejedna hluboká myšlenka. Přesně taková je i kongeniální hudba, kterou autorka básně opatřila. K nahrávání pozvala polskou zpěvačku Małgorzatu Hutek a česko-polskou sestavu vynikající hudebníků (Jaromír Honzák, Marcel Bárta, Robert Fischmann, Nikola Kołodziejczyk a Grzegorz Masłovski). Tracklist: 1. Czereśnie 05:45 2. Życie 05:23 3. Trawa 05:56 4. Życie moje 08:43 5. Moment 05:38 6. Szczęście 07:51 7. Ptak 04:41 8. Wszystko 14:19 9. Chrystusie… 06:04

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cena 249.0 Kč

The Korean Book of Happiness - Barbara J. Zitwer

From the very first moment she set foot in South Korea, Barbara Zitwer, literary agent to some of the most celebrated Korean authors, fell head-over-heels in love, rediscovering a vitality for life. In this fascinating book, Zitwer shares all that she has learnt about this vibrant country forged by the philosophies of han, heung and jeong: resilience, joy and the art of giving. She takes us from the buzzing capital of Seoul to Buddhist mountain temples, from the bizarre theme park within the Demilitarised Zone to the island of Jeju to meet haenyeo, a remarkable sisterhood of free-divers.Along the way, Zitwer recounts magical moments of understanding and connection, as well as top travel tips and local recipes. The Korean Book of Happiness invites you to explore a beguiling culture and learn how the Korean way can make your life happier and more fulfilled.

Objev podobné jako The Korean Book of Happiness - Barbara J. Zitwer

cena 312.0 Kč

The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco

THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE: NOW AN INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLER!Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slowlane" your plan for creating wealth? You know how it goes; it sounds a little something like this: "Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to the stock market, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich."The mainstream financial gurus have sold you blindly down the river to a great financial gamble: You've been hoodwinked to believe that wealth can be created by recklessly trusting in the uncontrollable and unpredictable markets: the housing market, the stock market, and the job market. This impotent financial gamble dubiously promises wealth in a wheelchair -- sacrifice your adult life for a financial plan that reaps dividends in the twilight of life.Accept the Slowlane as your blueprint for wealth and your financial future will blow carelessly asunder on a sailboat of HOPE: HOPE you can find a job and keep it, HOPE the stock market doesn't tank, HOPE the economy rebounds, HOPE, HOPE, and HOPE. Do you really want HOPE to be the centerpiece for your family's financial plan?Drive the Slowlane road and you will find your life deteriorate into a miserable exhibition about what you cannot do, versus what you can. For those who don't want a lifetime subscription to mediocrity and a slight chance of elderly riches, there is an alternative; an expressway to extraordinary wealth that can burn a trail to financial independence faster than any road out there.

Objev podobné jako The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco

cena 715.0 Kč

King of Greed - Ana Huang

He had her, he lost her…and he’ll do anything to win her back. Powerful, brilliant, and ambitious, Dominic Davenport clawed his way up from nothing to become the King of Wall Street. He has everything—a beautiful home, a beautiful wife, and more money than he could spend in a lifetime. But no matter how much he accumulates, he’s never satisfied. In his endless quest for MORE, he drives away the only person who saw him as enough. It isn’t until she’s gone that he realizes there may be more to life than riches and glory…but by then, it may be too late. *** Kind, intelligent, and thoughtful, Alessandra Davenport has played the role of trophy wife for years. She stood by her husband while he built an empire, but now that they’ve reached the top, she realizes he’s no longer the man she fell for. When it becomes clear that she’ll always come second to his work, she finally takes charge of her life and puts herself first—even if it means leaving the only man she’s ever loved. But what she didn’t count on was his refusal to let her go…or for him to fight for their marriage, no matter what it takes.

Objev podobné jako King of Greed - Ana Huang

cena 259.0 Kč

Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett

'Highly accessible, content-rich and eminently readable . . . Fascinating and informative . . . popular science at its best.' - The ObserverHave you ever wondered why you have a brain? Let renowned neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett, bestselling author of How Emotions Are Made, demystify that big grey blob between your ears . . .In seven short chapters (plus a brief history of how brains evolved), this slim, entertaining, and accessible book reveals mind-expanding lessons from the front lines of neuroscience research. You’ll learn where brains came from, how they’re structured (and why it matters), and how yours works in tandem with other brains to create everything you experience. Along the way, you’ll also learn to dismiss popular myths such as the idea of a 'lizard brain' and the alleged battle between thoughts and emotions, or even between nature and nurture, to determine your behaviour.Sure to intrigue casual readers and scientific veterans alike, Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain is full of surprises, humour, and important implications for human nature - a gift of a book about our most complex and crucial organ.'Subtly radical . . . It presents a revelatory model of consciousness that will be completely new to most readers' - The Guardian

Objev podobné jako Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain - Lisa Feldman Barrett

cena 295.0 Kč

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company (0399592091)

Kniha - autor Robert Iger; Joel Lovell, 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A memoir of leadership and success: The executive chairman of Disney, Time’s 2019 businessperson of the year, shares the ideas and values he embraced during his fifteen years as CEO while reinventing one of the world’s most beloved companies and inspiring the people who bring the magic to life. NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY NPR Robert Iger became CEO of The Walt Disney Company in 2005, during a difficult time. Competition was more intense than ever and technology was changing faster than at any time in the company’s history. His vision came down to three clear ideas: Recommit to the concept that quality matters, embrace technology instead of fighting it, and think bigger—think global—and turn Disney into a stronger brand in international markets. Today, Disney is the largest, most admired media company in the world, counting...

Objev podobné jako The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company (0399592091)

cena 622.0 Kč

Lessons: the Sunday Times bestselling new novel from the author of Atonement - Ian McEwan

The story of a life. The story of the summer. 'Lessons shows [McEwan] at the very peak of his powers.He has written his masterpiece' Daily TelegraphWhen the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has descended, young Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. Stranded at boarding school, his vulnerability attracts his piano teacher, Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade. Twenty-five years later Roland's wife mysteriously vanishes, and he is left alone with their baby son.Her disappearance sparks of journey of discovery that will continue for decades, as Roland confronts the reality of his rootless existence and attempts to embrace the uncertainty - and freedom - of his future.

Objev podobné jako Lessons: the Sunday Times bestselling new novel from the author of Atonement - Ian McEwan

cena 268.0 Kč

Applied Psychology of Architecture - Karel Smejkal - e-kniha

eBook: The first book on the psychology of architecture During ten years, the author met architects from more than 140 countries, but there was not one among them who could answer the question of what is the psychology of architecture. So he decided to return to university, assemble a research team in Applied Psychology of Architecture, and define and establish the entire discipline for the architectural community. This book is the first answer to the the above question. It is also the first book to summarize three years of research on the psychology of architecture. Architects create our artificial environment. They should therefore know those for whom they create it. And they should also know themselves. Karel Smejkal is a writer, architect, university teacher, doctor of science and head of research in the psychology of buildings at the Department of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. He is also a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), founder of Applied Psychology of Architecture, founder and chairman of Czech Deco Team and co-founder (with Václav Havel and Bořek Šípek) and president of INSPIRELI AWARDS, the world’s largest student architectural competition.

Objev podobné jako Applied Psychology of Architecture - Karel Smejkal - e-kniha

cena 150.0 Kč

This Book Is Anti-Racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the work (0711245207)

Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Aurelia Durand, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 342.0 Kč

The Psychology Book

How does the brain remember faces? What makes us choose one decision over another? Where does language come from? With the use of images, quotations from all the major thinkers, and explanations that are easily understandable, this book demystifies hard-to-grasp concepts and shows how these have shaped our knowledge of the human mind.

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cena 599.0 Kč

Roots of Happiness: 100 Words for Joy and Hope - Susie Dent

Susie Dent, bestselling author, broadcaster and word expert, is on a mission to find light in the deepest, darkest corners of our language.It takes just a short browse through the dictionary to spot how it is filled with negative words. But Susie has searched far and wide to unearth happy and uplifting words and phrases that, in some cases, are long forgotten, while others have only just been discovered.Paired with beautiful illustrations, this is the perfect book to lift you out of your mubble fubbles (a slightly sad mood), make you grin like a gigglemug (someone who never stops smiling), and have you feeling forblissed (extremely happy) in no time.This joyous collection of 100 positive words and their origins will show readers young and old just how wonderful language can be - and how you can use your words to make the world a happier place.

Objev podobné jako Roots of Happiness: 100 Words for Joy and Hope - Susie Dent

cena 89.0 Kč

Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smith's contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller.That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smith's Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline.But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people.A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today.

Objev podobné jako Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

cena 148.0 Kč

Applied Psychology of Architecture (978-80-88059-18-9)

Elektronická kniha - autor Karel Smejkal, 176 stran, anglicky The first book on the psychology of architecture During ten years, the author met architects from more than 140 countries, but there was not one among them who could answer the question of what is the psychology of architecture. So he decided to return to university, assemble a research team in Applied Psychology of Architecture, and define and establish the entire discipline for the architectural community. This book is the first answer to the the above question. It is also the first book to summarize three years of research on the psychology of architecture. Architects create our artificial environment. They should therefore know those for whom they create it. And they should also know themselves. Karel Smejkal is a writer, architect, university teacher, doctor of science and head of research in the psychology of buildings at the Department of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in...

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cena 150.0 Kč

Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation - Ayelet Fishbach

‘A compelling and revelatory new framework for setting and achieving your goals, from a psychologist on the cutting edge of motivational science’ – Carol Dweck, PhD, author of MindsetA great deal of ink has been spilled on the subject of motivating and influencing others, but what happens when the person you most want to influence is you? Setting and achieving goals for yourself – at work, at home, and in relationships – is harder than it seems. How do you know where to start? How do you carry on in the face of roadblocks and distractions? How do you decide which tasks and ambitions to prioritize when you’re faced with more responsibilities, needs and desires than you can keep track of?In Get it Done, psychologist and behavioural scientist Ayelet Fishbach presents a new theoretical framework for self-motivated action, explaining how to identify the right goals, attack the ‘middle problem’, battle temptations, use the help of others around you and so much more.With fascinating research from the field of motivation science and compelling stories of people who learned to motivate themselves, Get it Done illuminates invaluable strategies for pulling yourself in whatever direction you want to go – so you can achieve your goals while staying healthy, clearheaded and happy.

Objev podobné jako Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation - Ayelet Fishbach

cena 402.0 Kč

A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life - Alain de Botton

AS HEARD ON THE DIARY OF A CEO PODCAST WITH STEVEN BARTLETTFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of The School of LifeThis is a book about how to optimise your mental health. Written with kindness and sympathy, it is a practical guide to emotional well-being, calm and psychological maturity. Alain de Botton explores how we can cope with a variety of mental challenges, from the mild to the severe.It considers how and why we can get overly anxious or low; how we can best understand our pasts and how they shape us; and how we can build resilience, so as to live wisely alongside certain difficulties. At heart this is a book about psychological happiness – about discovering equilibrium and meaning, and finding our way to connection and joy. ‘This book does a wonderful job of making you realise that the thing you’re going through, and the way that you are, isn’t evidence of your inadequacy.It’s actually evidence that you are perfectly human’ Steven Bartlett, author and host of The Diary of a CEO'One of our most consistently illuminating writers on contemporary culture' John Gray, New Statesman

Objev podobné jako A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from the School of Life - Alain de Botton

cena 325.0 Kč

Wisdom of the Ancients : Life lessons from our distant past - Neil Oliver

THE PERFECT READ FOR TROUBLED TIMESFrom the bestselling author of The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places comes this inspiring and beautifully written meditation on the wisdom inherited from our ancestors.For all we have gained in the modern world, simple peace of mind is hard to find. In a time that is increasingly fraught with complexity and conflict, we are told that our wellbeing relies on remaining as present as possible. But what if the key to being present lies in the past?In Wisdom of the Ancients, Neil Oliver takes us back in time, to grab hold of the ideas buried in forgotten cultures and early civilizations. From Laetoli footprints in Tanzania to Keralan rituals, stone circles and cave paintings, Oliver takes us on a global journey through antiquity. A master storyteller, drawing on immense knowledge of our ancient past, he distils this wisdom into twelve messages that have endured the test of time, and invites us to consider how these might apply to our lives today. The result is powerful and inspirational, moving and profound.

Objev podobné jako Wisdom of the Ancients : Life lessons from our distant past - Neil Oliver

cena 447.0 Kč

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