Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
How To Live Icelandic - Nina Björk Jónsdóttir, Edda Magnus
This ultimate guide to one of the world's most beautiful and fascinating island nations is packed with travel tips, cultural and historical facts, and insights from Icelanders into how we can all make our lives a little more Icelandic. Known as 'The Land of Fire and Ice', Iceland is a country of contrasts, from the enormous glaciers to the active volcanoes, the summer midnight sun to the briefest of winter days, the ancient language to the modern technological innovations. This is a nation with a rich and diverse culture as unique as its stunning landscapes.How to Live Icelandic is the ultimate insider's guide to this northerly nation. You may have already tried skyr for breakfast and listened to Sigur Ros on your daily commute, but how much do you know about the real Iceland; the locals' take on this one-of-a-kind island? Icelanders Nina Bjoerk Jonsdottir and Edda Magnus have put together the highlights of Icelandic music, literature, cultural attitudes, food traditions and celebrations so the rest of the world can benefit from the special blend of old Norse wisdom with liberal modern attitudes. This beautiful book is full of inspiration and insight into this progressive and peaceful nation that has freedom, community and equality at its core, revealing why Iceland remains one of the happiest countries in the world.From the How To Live... series of insightful guides to some of the most intriguing cultures and locations on the planet, other books available include How To Live Japanese, How To Live Korean and How to Live North.
Podívejte se také Manticora: To Live To Kill To Live - CD (7320470249680)
Island - život mezi živly - Nina Björk Jónsdóttir, Edda Magnus
Tento průvodce jedním z nejúchvatnějších ostrovních národů světa je plný tipů na cestování, kulturních a historických faktů i postřehy Islanďanů o tom, jak si všichni můžeme udělat život trochu islandštější. Island, známý pod názvem „Země ohně a ledu“, je zemí kontrastů. Najdete zde obrovské ledovce i aktivní sopky, letní půlnoční slunce i kratičký zimní den, starobylý jazyk i moderní technologie. Intenzivní krása ledovců je někdy až nadpozemská. Jak kdysi napsal nositel Nobelovy ceny Halldór Laxness ve své knize Světlo světa: „Kde se ledovec setkává s nebem, tam země přestává být zemí a spojuje se s nebesy“. Islanďané žijí svérázným životem a pyšní se kulturou, která je jedinečná jako jejich ohromující krajina. Možná občas snídáte skyr a posloucháte přitom zvláštní hudbu Sigur Rós, ale co skutečně víte o této zemi? Kniha, kterou sepsaly dvě hrdé Islanďanky, proniká houževnatým ostrovanům doslova pod kůži a zachycuje onu zvláštní směsici staré severské moudrosti a liberálních postojů, jež je typická pro moderní Island. V této publikaci plné krásných fotografií pochopíte, proč jsou Islanďané jedním z nejšťastnějších národů na světě. Kniha představuje Island a jeho obyvatele z mnoha stran. Zavítáme do úchvatné krajiny, maličkých pobřežních vesniček i rušného Reykjavíku, probereme nejoblíbenější islandská jídla, způsoby trávení volného času i životní milníky Islanďanů. Zmíníme úspěchy sportovců, malířů, spisovatelů i hudebníků, jakož i roli Islandu coby světového lídra v oblasti udržitelného rozvoje, obnovitelných energií a také rovnosti žen a mužů. Krásná, ale nevyzpytatelná příroda hned za humny; svobodný duch islandského dětství; příslušnost ke společenství, v němž každý může projevit svůj um; schopnost nebrat se příliš vážně; stoicky optimistický přístup k životu, který lidem pomohl přežít celá staletí chudoby, mizerného počasí a přírodních katastrof – to všechno jsou kvality, které z Islanďanů dělají to, čím jsou. Tak se žije na Islandu. Krásy této jedinečné země a zvyky jejích obyvatel přibližují velkolepé fotografie. Nechte se zlákat a pusťte kousek severského přístupu k životu do svého všedního dne. Z řady přehledných průvodců po nejzajímavějších kulturách a místech na planetě nabízíme i další knihy:Japonsko: proměny země sakurKorea: harmonie tradice a pokroku
How To Live Forever - Colin Thompson
Colin Thompson''s books are mystical and complex, they will appeal to children and adults alike and demand to be returned to as there is always a new image to see . . . something more to catch the eye. Peter and his family live among the Quinces in the cookery section of a mystical library, and at night, when the library comes to life, Peter ventures out of his home to find a missing volume: How To Live Forever
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How to Live Like Your Cat - Stéphane Garnier
A fun present for cat lovers everywhere: a light-hearted self-help guide to help you live more like your cat A fun present for cat lovers everywhere: a light-hearted self-help guide to help you live more like your cat LET YOUR CAT BE YOUR LIFE COACH. Do cats worry about their pension? Nope. Do cats take on work they don’t want to do? As if! Do cats rush around hectically when they’d rather be licking their paws and looking out of the window? Please. Cats are free. They are calm, observant, wise, elegant, charismatic and proud. In fact, cats have found nothing less than the secret of how we should all live, whatever species we are! And in this book, Stéphane Garnier will show you what he’s learned over fifteen years of closely observing his cat, and teach you all the ways in which you too can apply the secrets of cats to your own life – at work, at home and with your friends. Unplug your laptop. Throw away your alarm clock. It’s time to live like your cat!
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How To Live An Extraordinary Life - Pompliano Anthony
Anthony Pompliano writes 65 letters to his children with inspiring lessons on how to succeed in business, have great relationships, do well with money, and live a healthier and happier life. What does it take to make the most of what really matters (and to know what that is before it passes you by)? To overcome obstacles that set most people back (and to see them coming beforehand)? To flourish not just financially – but also in your family, free time, and the world of business?What does it take to live an extraordinary life?The answers will surprise you. Anthony Pompliano has lived in a war zone, met and interviewed the world's wealthiest people, built and sold companies, invested in more than 200 businesses, formed friendships around the globe, started a loving family, and found happiness.Along the way, he has kept a personal list of the lessons he has learned. Now, in How to Live an Extraordinary Life, he writes 65 letters to his children laying out each lesson and how he learned it, and explaining how it can be applied by anyone in their life today. The result is a compelling collection of practical and inspiring life strategies that anyone can use to build an extraordinary life.You will find unique advice about using your childhood as a chisel, understanding that luck is not real, living your life as a documentary, developing unshakable resilience, becoming a happier person, and much, much more. Most importantly, Anthony shows that an extraordinary life is within reach for anyone who wants it. You can start right now.
Objev podobné jako How To Live An Extraordinary Life - Pompliano Anthony
How to Live. What To Do.: How great novels help us change - Josh Cohen
What can Alice in Wonderland teach us about childhood? Could reading Conversations with Friends guide us through first love? Does Esther Greenwood’s glittering success and subsequent collapse in The Bell Jar help us understand ambition? And, finally, what can we learn about death from Virginia Woolf?Literature matters. Not only does it provide escapism and entertainment, but it also holds a mirror up to our lives to show us aspects of ourselves we may not have seen or understood. From jealousy to grief, fierce love to deep hatred, our inner lives become both stranger and more familiar when we explore them through fiction. Josh Cohen, a psychoanalyst and Professor of Modern Literary Theory, delves deep into the inner lives of the most memorable and vivid characters in literature. His analysis of figures such as Jay Gatsby and Mrs Dalloway offers insights into the greatest questions about the human experience, ones that we can all learn from. He walks us through the different stages of existence, from childhood to old age, showing that literature is much more than a refuge from the banality and rigour of everyday life – through the experiences of its characters, it can show us ways to be wiser, more open and more self-aware.
Objev podobné jako How to Live. What To Do.: How great novels help us change - Josh Cohen
How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live - Peter Cave
An entertaining guide to history’s most fascinating philosophers – from Sappho to Kant, and Aristotle to Simone de Beauvoir – which seeks to help us answer life’s big questions. In showing how the great philosophers of human history lived and thought – and what they thought about – Peter Cave provides an accessible and enjoyable introduction to thinking philosophically and how it can change our everyday lives. He addresses questions such as: Is there anything ‘out there’ that gives meaning to our lives? Does reality tell us how we ought to live? What indeed is reality and what is appearance – and how can we tell the difference?This book paints vivid portraits of an assortment of inspiring thinkers: from Lao Tzu to Avicenna to Iris Murdoch; from Hannah Arendt to Socrates and Plato to Karl Marx; from Kierkegaard and Nietzsche to Sartre to Samuel Beckett – and let us not forget Lewis Carroll for some thought-provoking fantasies and Ludwig Wittgenstein for the anguishes of a genius.As well as displaying optimists and pessimists, believers and non-believers, the book displays relevance to current affairs, from free speech to abortion to the treatment of animals to our leaders’ moral character. Cave brings to life these often prescient, always compelling philosophical thinkers, showing how their ways of approaching the world grew out of their own lives and times and how we may make valuable use of their insights today. Now, more than ever, we need to understand how to live, and how to understand the world around us.
Objev podobné jako How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live - Peter Cave
Manticora: To Live To Kill To Live - CD (7320470249680)
Hudební CD - V pořadí desáté album heavy metalové kapely Manticora z Dánska z roku 2020. V pořadí desáté album heavy metalové kapely Manticora z Dánska z roku 2020. Seznam stop Katana - The Moths and the Dragonflies/Katana - Mud / To Nanjing / The Farmer's Tale, Pt. 3 - Eaten by the Beasts / Slaughter in the Desert Room / Through the Eyes of the Killer - Filing Teeth / Katana - Death of the Meaning of Life / Tasered/Ice Cage / Goodbye Tina / Tasered/Removal / Stalin Strikes / Ten Thousand Cold Nights / Katana - Beheaded
Objev podobné jako Manticora: To Live To Kill To Live - CD (7320470249680)
Lily´s Promise : How I Survived Auschwitz and Found the Strength to Live - Ebert Lily, Dov Forman
When Holocaust survivor Lily Ebert was liberated in 1945, a Jewish-American soldier gave her a banknote on which he’d written ‘Good luck and happiness’. And when her great-grandson, Dov, decided to use social media to track down the family of the GI, 96-year-old Lily found herself making headlines round the world. Lily had promised herself that if she survived Auschwitz she would tell everyone the truth about the camp. Now was her chance.In Lily’s Promise she writes movingly about her happy childhood in Hungary, the death of her mother and two youngest siblings on their arrival at Auschwitz in 1944 and her determination to keep her two other sisters safe. She describes the inhumanity of the camp and the small acts of defiance that gave her strength. From there she and her sisters became slave labour in a munitions factory, and then faced a death march that they barely survived.Lily lost so much, but she built a new life for herself and her family, first in Israel and then in London. It wasn’t easy; the pain of her past was always with her, but this extraordinary woman found the strength to speak out in the hope that such evil would never happen again.'Utterly compelling, heartbreaking, truthful and yet redemptive, a memoir of the Holocaust, a testimony of irrepressible spirit and an unforgettable family chronicle, written in lucid prose by a truly remarkable woman about her life from Hungary to Auschwitz, Israel to London. I couldn't stop reading it.' Simon Sebag Montefiore
Objev podobné jako Lily´s Promise : How I Survived Auschwitz and Found the Strength to Live - Ebert Lily, Dov Forman
Inspired The Bata Way: How to be stronger and happier by adopting Thomas Bata’s principles to live b (978-80-908183-1-6)
Kniha - autor Gabriela Končitíková, 420 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá How to be stronger and happier by adopting Thomas Bata’s principles to live by “My system will not disappear. These buildings and machines, they're just piles of bricks and iron. But the system I have created will serve future generations.” Thomas Bata The present volume, Inspired the Bata Way, introduces 99 of the key ideas that Thomas Bata applied to shaping his philosophy of business and life. The Bata System of Management is no mere guide to how to run a business: above all, it provides the inspiration for how to begin to mould one's own personality. Thomas Bata was renowned for his application of sound common sense. He was typified by his adoption of simple solutions and an uncomplicated approach to life. Also typical of the man are the principles to which he adhered and which he required from those around him. You, reader, draw inspiration from them likewise.
Objev podobné jako Inspired The Bata Way: How to be stronger and happier by adopting Thomas Bata’s principles to live b (978-80-908183-1-6)
Too Many Reasons to Live - Burrow Rob
Winner of the Sports Book Awards 2022The updated edition of the huge Sunday Times number one bestselling inspirational memoir from rugby league legend Rob Burrow on his extraordinary career, his incredible friendship with fellow Rhino Kevin Sinfield, and his battle with motor neurone disease.‘A pocket rocket of a player and a giant of a character . . . He [was] one in a million and his story is truly inspirational’ – Clare BaldingI’m not giving in until my last breath – Rob BurrowRob Burrow was one of the greatest rugby league players of all time. And the most inspirational. As a boy, Rob was told he was too small to play the sport. Even when he made his debut for Leeds Rhinos, people wrote him off as a novelty. But Rob never stopped proving people wrong. During his time at Leeds he won eight Super League Grand Finals, two Challenge Cups and three World Club Challenges. He also played for his country in two World Cups.In December 2019, Rob was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, a rare degenerative condition, and given a couple of years to live. He was only thirty-seven, not long retired and had three young children. When he went public with the devastating news, the outpouring of affection and support was extraordinary. When it became clear that Rob was going to fight it all the way, sympathy turned to awe.Written with honesty and humour, Too Many Reasons to Live is the story of a man who resolved to turn a terrible situation into something positive. It is about the power of love, between Rob and his childhood sweetheart Lindsey, and of the life-changing bond of friendship between Rob, Kevin Sinfield, and their Rhino teammates.Far more than a sports memoir, this is a remarkable, awe-inspiring story of boundless courage and infinite kindness.
Objev podobné jako Too Many Reasons to Live - Burrow Rob
Toto je Island (978-80-551-8341-1)
Kniha - autor Nina Björk Jónsdóttir; Edda Magnus, 256 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem lesklá Krajina ohňa a ľadu, ako ju nepoznáte. Island je krajinou kontrastov: obrovské ľadovce aj aktívne sopky, letné polnočné slnko i najkratšie zimné dni, staroveký jazyk a moderné technológie. Žije tu národ s bohatou a rozmanitou kultúrou, rovnako jedinečný ako jeho ohromujúca krajina. Kniha Toto je Island vám priblíži život ostrovného severského národa a predstaví to najlepšie z islandskej hudby, literatúry, kultúrnych tradícií, zvykov, osláv a jedla. Prináša pohľad na pokrokový a mierumilovný národ s liberálnymi, modernými postojmi, ktorý si najviac cení slobodu, komunitu a rovnosť. Možno ste už na raňajky ochutnali skyr a cestou do práce počúvate Sigur Rós, no koľko toho naozaj viete o Islande a pohľade miestnych obyvateľov na svoj jedinečný ostrov? Vďaka tejto knihe, doplnenej nádhernými fotografiami, zistíte, prečo je Island jednou z najšťastnejších krajín na svete.
Objev podobné jako Toto je Island (978-80-551-8341-1)
Island život mezi živly (978-80-7508-755-3)
Kniha - autor Nína Björk Jónsdóttir; Edda Magnus, 224 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Islanďané žijí svérázným životem a pyšní se kulturou, která je jedinečná jako jejich ohromující krajina. Kniha proniká houževnatým ostrovanům doslova pod kůži a zachycuje zvláštní směsici severské moudrosti a liberálních postojů. V publikaci plné krásných fotografií pochopíte, proč Islanďané patří k nejšťastnějším národům na světě. Tento průvodce je plný tipů na cestování, kulturních a historických faktů i postřehů Islanďanů o tom, jak si všichni můžeme udělat život trochu islandštější. Island, známý pod názvem „Země ohně a ledu“, je zemí kontrastů. Najdete zde obrovské ledovce i aktivní sopky, letní půlnoční slunce i kratičký zimní den, starobylý jazyk i moderní technologie. Intenzivní krása ledovců je někdy až nadpozemská. Jak kdysi napsal nositel Nobelovy ceny Halldór Laxness ve své knize Světlo světa: „Kde se ledovec setkává s nebem, tam země přestává být zemí...
Objev podobné jako Island život mezi živly (978-80-7508-755-3)
The Queen : Quotes to live by - Orange Hippo!
Queen Elizabeth II is a force of stability in a turbulent, changing world. Revered for her calm dignity and sense of duty, the queen has rarely put a foot wrong in her 68 years - and counting - on the British throne. Her extraordinary reign has seen many changes: in 1953, the year of her Coronation, Winston Churchill was prime minister, Harry Truman President of the United States, and Joseph Stalin leader of the Soviet Union.The Queen rarely lets her guard slip, but when she does, she often reveals a biting wit. Spanning the decades, this revealing guide to the words of Her Majesty is an inspiring tribute to a remarkable woman, and the perfect gift for any royal fan.'I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else: I can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.' First televised Christmas address, 1957. 'My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan's desire to create a new life as a young family.' Public statement, 13 January 2020.
Objev podobné jako The Queen : Quotes to live by - Orange Hippo!
Jehnny Beth - To Love Is To Live (LP)
Barva: Černá Subžánr: Spoken Word;Industrial;Alternative Rock;Indie Rock Rok vydání: 2020.0 Varianta: To Love Is To Live (LP) Datum vydání: 2020-06-12 Vydavatelství: Caroline Interpret / Téma: Jehnny Beth Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock;Elektronický Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Francie Typ: LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks
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I Decided to Live as Me - Suhyun Kim
Don’t be kind to those who aren’t kind to you.Remember that no one lives a perfect life.Don’t be swayed by what others say.Don’t try too hard to get along with everyone.As soon as Kim Suhyun graduated into the adult world, she faced a harsh reality. Everywhere she looked people stepped on each other to get ahead, obsessed over money, and judged others based on the unrealistic standards they saw on social media. It seemed impossible not to compare herself to others and feel that she was ever good enough.With words of comfort and charming illustrations throughout, Kim Suhyun will inspire you on your own journey of self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion. Blending self-help and memoir, I Decided to Live as Me will help you free yourself from the pressures of living up to other people’s expectations and focus on what truly matters: living not for anyone else, but for yourself.
Objev podobné jako I Decided to Live as Me - Suhyun Kim
I Decided to Live as Me - Suhyun Kim
The million-copy internationally bestselling illustrated life guide about how to stop comparing yourself to others—especially on social media—and how to find the strength to be yourselfIn a world where it can seem impossible to feel that you are ever good enough, and where it’s easy to judge yourself by the unrealistic standards of social media, I Decided to Live as Me offers guidance and encouragement for celebrating yourself and feeling comfortable in your own skin.With her charming illustrations and words of comfort, Kim Suhyun has reached millions of readers—including Jung Kook from the K-pop band BTS—who have found inspiration in her journey of self-love. She offers a checklist to guide you on your own journey, with advice including: Don’t be kind to those who aren’t kind to you. Remember that no one lives a perfect life. Don’t be swayed by others’ opinions. Crack corny jokes sometimes. Don’t try too hard to get along with everyone. Through these tips and more, I Decided to Live as Me teaches you that by freeing yourself from the pressure of other people’s expectations, you can focus on what truly matters: living not for anyone else, but for yourself.
Objev podobné jako I Decided to Live as Me - Suhyun Kim
Tom Tailor Time To Live! - EDP 50 ml
Time To Live je ženská vůně pro nezávislé a odvážné ženy. Svrchní tóny jsou ovocné - černý rybíz, citron a mandarinka. Srdce se skládá z broskve, konvalinky a jasmínu a hřejivou aromatickou kompozici dotvářejí jantarově-dřevité tóny santalového dřeva, pižma a vanilky. S vůní Time To Live je každý den nová příležitost využít všeho, co život nabízí.
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Tom Tailor Time To Live! - EDP 30 ml
Time To Live je ženská vůně pro nezávislé a odvážné ženy. Svrchní tóny jsou ovocné - černý rybíz, citron a mandarinka. Srdce se skládá z broskve, konvalinky a jasmínu a hřejivou aromatickou kompozici dotvářejí jantarově-dřevité tóny santalového dřeva, pižma a vanilky. S vůní Time To Live je každý den nová příležitost využít všeho, co život nabízí.
Objev podobné jako Tom Tailor Time To Live! - EDP 30 ml
The Little Guide to Coco Chanel : Style to Live By
The creative genius who gave us the Little Black Dress and Chanel No. 5. Almost 50 years after her death, Coco Chanel remains one of the world's most influential fashion designers. Her story is one of creative brilliance and innovation - she was a driving force in freeing women from the restrictive clothing they had been obliged to wear for generations. 'In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different,' Chanel would say, and throughout her life she demonstrated extraordinary passion and determination to change the world around her. There is much wisdom to glean from Chanel's self-reflections, while her sharp wit and joie de vivre will amuse, surprise and inspire in equal measure. This Little guide captures the essence of a woman not afraid to speak her mind.
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Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions (0007547994)
Kniha - autor Brian Christian; Tom Griffiths, 364 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An exploration of how computer algorithms can be applied to our everyday lives, from the acclaimed author of "The Most Human Human" and a cognitive scientist.
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Tom Tailor Time to Live! parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml
Tom Tailor Time to Live!, 30 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Zahalte se i vy do vůně, díky níž budete mít skvělou náladu po celý den. Dámská parfémovaná voda Tom Tailor Time to Live! je vyjádřením optimismu a pocitu naprostého štěstí. ovocná vůně dřevitá vůně
Objev podobné jako Tom Tailor Time to Live! parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml
Tom Tailor Time to Live! parfémovaná voda pro ženy 50 ml
Tom Tailor Time to Live!, 50 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Zahalte se i vy do vůně, díky níž budete mít skvělou náladu po celý den. Dámská parfémovaná voda Tom Tailor Time to Live! je vyjádřením optimismu a pocitu naprostého štěstí. ovocná vůně dřevitá vůně
Objev podobné jako Tom Tailor Time to Live! parfémovaná voda pro ženy 50 ml
How I Live Now (0141318015)
Kniha - autor Meg Rosoff, 224 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Meg Rosoff, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Rejacketed reissue.
Objev podobné jako How I Live Now (0141318015)
Knížka Bloomsbury Publishing PLC How to Be a Woman Online, Nina Jankowicz
Kniha z kolekce Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Zpráva o znepokojivém fenoménu obtěžování a zneužívání žen v online prostoru – povinná četba pro všechny ženy na sociálních sítích.
Objev podobné jako Knížka Bloomsbury Publishing PLC How to Be a Woman Online, Nina Jankowicz
We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky - Mara Kardas-Nelson
A deeply reported work of journalism that explores the promises and perils of global microfinance, told through the eyes of those who work in small-scale lending and of women borrowers in Sierra Leone, West Africa. In the mid-1970s, Muhammad Yunus, an American-trained Bangladeshi economist, met a poor female stoolmaker who needed money to expand her business. In an act known as the beginning of microfinance, Yunus lent $27 to 42 women, hoping small credit would help them to pull themselves out of poverty. Soon, Yunus’s Grameen Bank was born and, very small but often high-interest loans for poor people took off. In 2006, Yunus and the Grameen Bank won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work on anti-poverty lending. But there’s a problem with this story. There are mounting concerns that these small loans are as likely to bury poor people in debt as they are to pull them from poverty, with borrowers facing consequences such as jail time and forced land sales. Hundreds have even reportedly committed suicide. What happened? Did microfinance take a wrong turn, or was microfinance flawed from the beginning?We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky is a story about unintended consequences, blind optimism, and the decades-long ramifications of seemingly small policy choices, rooted in the stories of women borrowers in Sierra Leone. Kardas-Nelson asks: What happens when a single, financially focused solution to global inequity ignores the real drivers of poverty? Who stands to benefit and, more importantly, who gets left behind?
Objev podobné jako We Are Not Able to Live in the Sky - Mara Kardas-Nelson
No F*cks Given: Life-Changing Words to Live By - Sarah Knight
A beautifully-packaged collection of inspirational quotes with a hilariously explicit twist from Sarah Knight's beloved No F*cks Given Guides series In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving A F*ck Sarah liberated you from people and things that don't make you happy; with Get Your Sh*t Together she provided a tough-love push towards getting organized to achieve your goals; You Do You offers a roadmap to embracing your individuality; Calm the F*ck Down delivers practical solutions for managing ever-more stressful times; and F*ck No! teaches you to set boundaries and stick to them with confidence and flair. No F*cks Given: Life-Changing Words to Live By gathers the very best of this no-bullsh*t, life-changing advice into one must-have gift book that enlightens and entertains on every page.
Objev podobné jako No F*cks Given: Life-Changing Words to Live By - Sarah Knight
Bourjois Fabuleux Ink tekutá rtěnka odstín 07 Raisin To Live 3.5 ml
Bourjois Fabuleux Ink, 3.5 ml, Rtěnky pro ženy, Zapomeňte na rozmazané líčení rtů, které musíte neustále kontrolovat. Barva na rty Bourjois Fabuleux Ink se postará o maximální výdrž, ale na rozdíl od dlouhotrvajících matných rtěnek nepokryje povrch rtů vysušující vrstvou. Místo toho kůži rtů doslova obarví tak, že i když ji po zaschnutí otřete, zůstane zabarvení jasně viditelné. Protože splyne s vašimi rty tak dokonale, jako by byla jejich přirozenou součástí, vyhnete se nepřirozenému či extrémně vysušenému vzhledu i nežádoucímu zvýraznění nerovností a jiných nedokonalostí rtů. Vlastnosti: rty vypadají plně a zdravě dlouhotrvající výdrž snadno se nanáší hydratuje a pečuje o rty tekutá textura saténový efekt zajišťuje vysoký lesk Jak používat: Naneste na rty rovnoměrnou vrstvu pomocí aplikátoru.
Objev podobné jako Bourjois Fabuleux Ink tekutá rtěnka odstín 07 Raisin To Live 3.5 ml
How Do You Live? - Yoshino Genzaburo
The beloved multi-million copy bestselling Japanese classic about finding one's place in the worldA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAcademy Award-winning anime master Hayao Miyazaki's favourite childhood book and the inspiration behind the Studio Ghibli film'In How Do You Live?, Copper, our hero, and his uncle are our guides in science, in ethics, in thinking. And on the way they take us, through a school story set in Japan in 1937, to the heart of the questions we need to ask ourselves about the way we live our lives. We will experience betrayal and learn about how to make tofu.We will examine fear, and how we cannot always live up to who we think we are, and we learn about shame, and how to deal with it. We will learn about gravity and about cities, and most of all, we will learn to think about things - to, as the writer Theodore Sturgeon put it, ask the next question' - from the foreword by Neil Gaiman
Objev podobné jako How Do You Live? - Yoshino Genzaburo
In Order to Live: 'A North Korean Girl''s Journey to Freedom' (0241973031)
Kniha - autor Yeonmi Park, 274 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The autobiography of Yeonmi Park: a North Korean defector who escaped across the Gobi desert and is now a leading spokesperson for human rights at just 21-years-old. Park has appeared on ITV's "This Morning", and "In Order To Live" was a Radio 4 Book of the Week in hardback.
Objev podobné jako In Order to Live: 'A North Korean Girl''s Journey to Freedom' (0241973031)
The Little Book of Hygge - The Danish Way to Live Well - Meik Wiking
Denmark is often said to be the happiest country in the world. That's down to one thing: hygge.'Hygge has been translated as everything from the art of creating intimacy to cosiness of the soul to taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things. My personal favourite is cocoa by candlelight...'You know hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your window is just right.Who better than Meik Wiking to be your guide to all things hygge? Meik is CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and has spent years studying the magic of Danish life. In this beautiful, inspiring book he will help you be more hygge: from picking the right lighting and planning a dinner party through to creating an emergency hygge kit and even how to dress.Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Hygge - The Danish Way to Live Well - Meik Wiking
How Languages are Learned - Patsy Lightbown, Nina Spada
This book is part of the Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers series. This highly regarded series covers the topics language teachers want to know more about. Recommended for reference, or for language teacher educators to use as a basis for teacher education courses or seminars.
Objev podobné jako How Languages are Learned - Patsy Lightbown, Nina Spada
The Devil Never Sleeps : Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters - Kayyem Juliette
The future may still be unpredictable, but nowadays, disasters are not. We live in a time of constant, consistent catastrophe, where things more often go wrong than they go right. So why do we still fumble when disaster hits? Why are we always one step behind?In The Devil Never Sleeps, Juliette Kayyem lays the groundwork for a new approach to dealing with disasters.Presenting the basic themes of crisis management, Kayyem amends the principles we rely on far too easily. Instead, she offers us a new framework to anticipate the "devil's" inevitable return, highlighting the leadership deficiencies we need to overcome and the forward thinking we need to harness. It's no longer about preventing a disaster from occurring, but learning how to use the tools at our disposal to minimize the consequences when it does.Filled with personal anecdotes and real-life examples from natural disasters like the California wildfires to man-made ones like the Boeing 737 MAX crisis, The Devil Never Sleeps is a guide for governments, businesses, and individuals alike on how to alter our thinking so that we can develop effective strategies in the face of perpetual catastrophe.
Objev podobné jako The Devil Never Sleeps : Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters - Kayyem Juliette
Vinohrady, dobrá čtvrť pro dobré bydlení / A Good Quarter to Live in - Pavla Státníková
Publikace je již čtvrtým dílem mnohaletého projektu Muzea hlavního města Prahy o pražských čtvrtích. Představuje pozoruhodnou oblast Prahy v celé její pestrosti a mnohovrstevnatosti. K tématice rozvoje města se dochovalo poměrně velké množství fotografií, pohlednice a dalšího ikonografického materiálu, prostřednictvím kterého bude čtenář seznámen s vývojem města.S knihou v ruce můžeme putovat časem i prostorem, od dávných dob ke vzniku samostatných Vinohrad, od doby, kdy za pražskou hradbou byla jen volná plocha, využívaná k vinařství a zemědělství a s mnoha samostatnými usedlostmi, až po expanzivní rozvoj města. Můžeme sledovat vývoj noblesní pražské čtvrt, související s bořením pražského opevnění, až ke vzniku pevně strukturované pražské čtvrti. Byla budována do velké míry regulovaně a do nových činžovních domů se stěhovala zejména vyšší střední vrstva obyvatelstva – z Prahy, nejbližšího okolí i celých Čech. V poměrně krátké době vznikla do velké míry pravidelná síť vzdušných ulic, včetně všech atributů nového města: kostel, radnice, divadlo, společenský dům ale i oddechové plochy, nemocnice a hřbitov.
Objev podobné jako Vinohrady, dobrá čtvrť pro dobré bydlení / A Good Quarter to Live in - Pavla Státníková
Vinohrady, dobrá čtvrť pro dobré bydlení / A Good Quarter to Live in (Defekt) - Pavla Státníková
Publikace je již čtvrtým dílem mnohaletého projektu Muzea hlavního města Prahy o pražských čtvrtích. Představuje pozoruhodnou oblast Prahy v celé její pestrosti a mnohovrstevnatosti. K tématice rozvoje města se dochovalo poměrně velké množství fotografií, pohlednice a dalšího ikonografického materiálu, prostřednictvím kterého bude čtenář seznámen s vývojem města.S knihou v ruce můžeme putovat časem i prostorem, od dávných dob ke vzniku samostatných Vinohrad, od doby, kdy za pražskou hradbou byla jen volná plocha, využívaná k vinařství a zemědělství a s mnoha samostatnými usedlostmi, až po expanzivní rozvoj města. Můžeme sledovat vývoj noblesní pražské čtvrt, související s bořením pražského opevnění, až ke vzniku pevně strukturované pražské čtvrti. Byla budována do velké míry regulovaně a do nových činžovních domů se stěhovala zejména vyšší střední vrstva obyvatelstva – z Prahy, nejbližšího okolí i celých Čech. V poměrně krátké době vznikla do velké míry pravidelná síť vzdušných ulic, včetně všech atributů nového města: kostel, radnice, divadlo, společenský dům ale i oddechové plochy, nemocnice a hřbitov.
Objev podobné jako Vinohrady, dobrá čtvrť pro dobré bydlení / A Good Quarter to Live in (Defekt) - Pavla Státníková
Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Pride: Quotes to live by by Orange Hippo!, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Příběhy, na kterých záleží - sbírka citátů, které vyjadřují názory těch, kteří sehráli klíčovou roli na dlouhé cestě k symbolickému cíli Pride.
Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Pride: Quotes to live by by Orange Hippo!, English
How Language Works : How Babies Babble, Words Change Meaning and Languages Live or Die - David Crystal
In this fascinating survey of everything from how sounds become speech to how names work, David Crystal answers every question you might ever have had about the nuts and bolts of language in his usual highly illuminating way. Along the way we find out about eyebrow flashes, whistling languages, how parents teach their children to speak, how politeness travels across languages and how the way we talk show not just how old we are but where we’re from and even who we want to be.
Objev podobné jako How Language Works : How Babies Babble, Words Change Meaning and Languages Live or Die - David Crystal
Us & Our Planet: This is How We Live - Maisie Skidmore
In collaboration with IKEA, this inspirational study explores how to live more sustainably and well based on the experience of both ordinary and extraordinary lives, showing how small changes at home will work positively towards sustainability for our planetEver since the 1950s, IKEA retailers have visited homes all over the world to find out more about how we live. Inspired by this approach, Inter IKEA Systems and Phaidon have teamed up to explore the greatest challenge of our generation - living sustainably - through the lives of activists, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and many more.Achieving a more sustainable life at home is one of the most pressing social and environmental challenges we face today as a society. Together with IKEA, we visit homes, workplaces and shared spaces from Mexico to Moscow, Bali to Beirut to find ways in which we can improve how we live. Our everyday actions might seem inconsequential, but the future of our planet starts with us.
Objev podobné jako Us & Our Planet: This is How We Live - Maisie Skidmore
The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma
A REVOLUTIONARY METHOD TO BECOME TRULY WEALTHYThe Wealth Money Can't Buy offers you a completely life-changing new philosophy and methodology for enjoying an honestly rich life, one filled with personal power, authenticity, exceptionally fulfilling work and a beautiful lifestyle that will cause you to feel like real fortune has finally smiled on you. Based on The 8 Forms of Wealth learning model that Robin Sharma - legendary personal growth expert and famed mentor to billionaires, professional sports superstars and heads of state - has taught to his clients with transformational results, this masterwork is sure to become your daily guide to enjoying the lifetime of your highest dreams. Discover the hidden habits to live your richest life and avoid the lasting regrets of potential unfulfilled.'Robin Sharma has been an amazing mentor to me. He is a major influencer of our time' - Deepak Chopra
Objev podobné jako The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma
Love How You Live: Adventures in Interior Design - Rodman Primack, Rudy Weissenberg
The first book from the AD100 interior designer renowned for joyful, vibrant, intensely personal homes imbued with art, pattern, and craftsmanship A decidedly global outlook best described as ‘a punk take on preppy’ brings passion and a playful spirit to AD100 designer Rodman Primack’s projects. His work with his partner Rudy Weissenberg has garnered attention over two decades for breaking hierarchies by layering textures, patterns, art, and bold colors to create vibrant, joyful spaces. The first book from the globetrotting designer, Love How You Live takes readers to thirteen international projects―including Primack and Weissenberg’s own homes―each reflecting the culture and conditions of their locations and the passions of their inhabitants while embodying Primack’s radical philosophy. The book reveals that spontaneity, juxtaposition, collection, and emotion in any setting lead to satisfying spaces, and that objects we value need not be expensive, making high design relatable. Callout features highlighting fourteen artists and artisans living across the United States and around the world encourage readers to look to their own local sources and craftspeople―from farmers markets to art fairs―for inspiration and accent pieces to give rooms depth, joy, and personality. A belief that beauty can always be found in site-specific authenticity enriches all the projects presented in this book, spanning locations from Mexico City, Guatemala, and London to New York, California, Kentucky, Hawaii, Cape Cod, and Miami. Primack and Weissenberg’s international interiors practice is driven by cultural amplification and cross-disciplinary conversations, and is focused on collaborative relationships with architects, artists, and craftspeople. The firm is included in Architectural Digest’s AD100 list of the world’s top design talent, the Wallpaper US 300, and has had projects featured in the New York Times T Magazine, W, World of Interiors, Vogue Mexico, Casa Vogue Brasil, Elle Decor Japan, Architectural Digest, and Architectural Digest Spain, among other publications.
Objev podobné jako Love How You Live: Adventures in Interior Design - Rodman Primack, Rudy Weissenberg
12 Bytes: How artificial intelligence will change the way we live and love (1529112974)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako 12 Bytes: How artificial intelligence will change the way we live and love (1529112974)
Icelandic Mare
Icelandic Mare z kategorie Zvířata, od značky Bullyland, máme skladem. Do 3 dnů u Vás.
Objev podobné jako Icelandic Mare
Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead (1444792385)
Kniha - autor Laszlo Bock, 406 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Google receives over 1,500,000 unique applications for jobs every year. This book shows you why. How to learn from your best employees - and your worst. Why you should only hire people who are smarter than you are. Take away managers' powers over employees. And why not to trust your gut instinct. 'We spend more time working than doing anything else in life. It's not right that the experience should be so demotivating and dehumanizing.' So says Laszlo Bock, visionary head of People Operations at the company that transformed how the world interacts with knowledge: this insight is the heart of his brilliant first book. A compelling manifesto with the potential to change how we work and live, Work Rules! offers both a new philosophy of the new world of work and a blueprint for attracting the most spectacular talent and ensuring the brightest and best prosper. Your workplace and how you...
Objev podobné jako Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead (1444792385)
Strašidláci nebrečí - Kalle Güettler, Rake Helmsdal, Áslaug Jónsdóttir
"Islandská série kreslených příběhů strašidláka a strašidýlka se stala v severských zemích fenoménem. Posbírala řadu cen ve Skandinávii, ale také např. ve Francii a její překlady vyšly v několika zemích. Prostřednictvím jednoduchých příběhů dvou kamarádů, který je každý docela jiný, se děti seznamují se situacemi, jimž budou muset někdy v životě čelit, a učí se poznávat rozmanitost mezilidských vztahů. Strašidlák by se rád se strašidýlkem kamarádil, jenže si vedle něj připadá hloupý a nešikovný. Strašidýlko už umí číst a krásně kreslí, všechno ví a zná nejlíp. Není tedy divu, že o všem rozhoduje. A teď se dokonce začalo posmívat strašidlákovu tatínkovi. Chudák strašidlák je už úplně zoufalý.
Objev podobné jako Strašidláci nebrečí - Kalle Güettler, Rake Helmsdal, Áslaug Jónsdóttir
Ne! Řeklo strašidýlko - Kalle Güettler, Rake Helmsdal, Áslaug Jónsdóttir
Série kreslených příběhů strašidláka a strašidýlka se stala v severských zemích fenoménem. Posbírala řadu cen ve Skandinávii, ale také např. ve Francii a její překlady vyšly v několika zemích. Prostřednictvím jednoduchých příběhů dvou kamarádů, který je každý docela jiný, se děti seznamují se situacemi, kterým budou muset někdy v životě čelit, a učí se poznávat rozmanitost mezilidských vztahů. "
Objev podobné jako Ne! Řeklo strašidýlko - Kalle Güettler, Rake Helmsdal, Áslaug Jónsdóttir
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (0241257409)
Kniha - autor Brene Brown, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative, or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings - we strive to appear perfect. In a powerful new vision Dr. Brene Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability, and dispels the widely accepted myth that it's a weakness. She argues that, in truth, vulnerability is strength and when we shut ourselves off from vulnerability - fromrevealing our true selves - we distance ourselves from the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives.Daring Greatly is the culmination of 12 years of groundbreaking social research, across every area of our lives including home, relationships, work, and parenting. It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees.This...
Objev podobné jako Daring Greatly: How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (0241257409)
MAGNUS Scottova lavice MAGNUS EXTREME MX2081
Posilovací lavice - na paže Scottova lavice MAGNUS EXTREME MX2081 vytvoří z běžné posilovací lavice řešení pro efektivní posilování bicepsových svalů. Nabízí komfortní opěrku pro hrudník i lokty. Tvořená je odolnou konstrukcí a velmi kvalitním polstrováním o síle 5 cm, které zajistí pohodlí při cvičení. Scottova lavice MAGNUS EXTREME MX2081 zaručí perfektní oporu hrudníku a loktům. Klíčové vlastnosti Scottovy lavice MAGNUS EXTREME MX2081Praktická Scottova laviceVytvoří z běžné posilovací lavice řešení pro efektivní posilování bicepsových svalůMAGNUS EXTREME MX2081 nabízí komfortní opěrku pro hrudník i loktyTvořená odolnou konstrukcí a velmi kvalitním polstrováním o síle 5 cmBarevné provedení: černo-červené
Objev podobné jako MAGNUS Scottova lavice MAGNUS EXTREME MX2081
Icelandic Eagle gin 43% 0,7l
Premiový gin z vulkanického Islandu vzniká z šesti botanicals a unikátní islandské vody. Icelanci Eagle Gin tvoří pečlivě vybrané jalovcové bobule, koriandr, zázvor a andělika. Jeho nasládlou a svěží chuť dokreslují kousky pomerančů a citrónů. Na zdraví!
Objev podobné jako Icelandic Eagle gin 43% 0,7l
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead - Brené Brown
Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative, or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings - we strive to appear perfect. In a powerful new vision Dr. Brené Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability, and dispels the widely accepted myth that it's a weakness. She argues that, in truth, vulnerability is strength and when we shut ourselves off from vulnerability - fromrevealing our true selves - we distance ourselves from the experiences that bring purpose and meaning to our lives. Daring Greatly is the culmination of 12 years of groundbreaking social research, across every area of our lives including home, relationships, work, and parenting. It is an invitation to be courageous; to show up and let ourselves be seen, even when there are no guarantees. This is vulnerability. This is daring greatly.
Objev podobné jako Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead - Brené Brown
MAGNUS Hrazda na strop MAGNUS POWER MP1024
Hrazda - závěsná, na strop, nosnost 210 kg Rozhodli jste se pustit se naplno do cvičení a tak si chcete pořídit hrazdu? Jestli s tímto souhlasíte, mohla by na vás udělat dojem hrazda MAGNUS. Závěsnou hrazdu upevníte do stropu s pomocí šroubů. Díky tomu má vyšší nosnost a odolnost. Nosnost hrazdy dosahuje 210 kg. Zajímavé přednosti produktu MAGNUS Hrazda na strop MAGNUS POWER MP1024 Myslete na zdraví a pravidelně cvičte Hrazda najde využití u posilování, ale i samotného protahování Hrazda umožňuje upevnění na na strop Druh hrazdy: závěsná Nosnost hrazdy dosahuje 210 kg
Objev podobné jako MAGNUS Hrazda na strop MAGNUS POWER MP1024
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