Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Little Book of Hygge - The Danish Way to Live Well - Meik Wiking

Denmark is often said to be the happiest country in the world. That's down to one thing: hygge.'Hygge has been translated as everything from the art of creating intimacy to cosiness of the soul to taking pleasure from the presence of soothing things. My personal favourite is cocoa by candlelight...'You know hygge when you feel it. It is when you are cuddled up on a sofa with a loved one, or sharing comfort food with your closest friends. It is those crisp blue mornings when the light through your window is just right.Who better than Meik Wiking to be your guide to all things hygge? Meik is CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and has spent years studying the magic of Danish life. In this beautiful, inspiring book he will help you be more hygge: from picking the right lighting and planning a dinner party through to creating an emergency hygge kit and even how to dress.Meik Wiking is the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen. He is committed to finding out what makes people happy and has concluded that hygge is the magic ingredient that makes Danes the happiest nation in the world.

Podívejte se také The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441)

cena 402.0 Kč

The Litle Book of Lykke: The Danish - Meik Wiking

From the author of the international bestseller The Little Book of Hygge Lykke (Luu-kah) (n): Happiness It's easy to see why Denmark is often called the world's happiest country. Not only do they have equal parental leave for men and women, free higher education and trains that run on time, but they burn more candles per household than anywhere else. So nobody knows more about happiness - what the Danes call lykke - than Meik Wiking, CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and author of the bestselling sensation The Little Book of Hygge. But he believes that, whilst we can certainly learn a lot from the Danes about finding fulfilment, the keys to happiness are actually buried all around the globe. In this captivating book, he takes us on a treasure hunt to unlock the doors to inner fulfilment. From how we spend our precious time, to how we relate to our neighbours and cook dinner, he gathers evidence, stories and tips from the very happiest corners of the planet. This is the ultimate guide to how we can all find a little more lykke in our lives. Meik Wiking is the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen and is one of the world's leading experts in happiness. Committed to understanding happiness, subjective well-being and quality of life, Meik works with countries across the world to discover and explore global trends of life satisfaction. Only someone absolutely dedicated to happiness sits in coffee shops across the world counting peoples' smiles! His first book, The Little Book of Hygge, became an international bestseller and will soon be published in 31 countries. Read more at https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/305146/the-little-book-of-lykke/#jxpd6XvGtGBzo1mT.99

Podívejte se také The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

cena 303.0 Kč

Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Pride: Quotes to live by by Orange Hippo!, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Příběhy, na kterých záleží - sbírka citátů, které vyjadřují názory těch, kteří sehráli klíčovou roli na dlouhé cestě k symbolickému cíli Pride.

Podívejte se také Orchestra Of The Royal Danish Theatre: Orchestra Of The Royal Danish (10xCD) - CD (223548)

cena 229.0 Kč

The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

From the author of the million-copy bestseller, The Little Book of Hygge, comes a beautifully designed guide on how to get more out of work and live like the happiest people in the world: the Danish. We often look to the Danish lifestyle as a utopia: they enjoy long summer holidays and the cosiest, hyggelig winters, but their happiness isn’t just limited to their free time. Almost two thirds report high job satisfaction, and 58% say they would continue working even if they won the lottery.But what exactly are the ingredients of happiness at work? And how can we live more like that? Meik Wiking, the world’s favourite happiness expert, is back with more of his wise yet simple snippets of inspiration from Danish culture, and shows us that nurturing a sense of purpose, trust between you and your manager and freedom within your role can mean more than any job title. Based on stats from his own research and designed with his trademark style, this book is sure to improve your happiness levels. We will spend around a third of our lives at work, so why not feel happier while we do it?

Objev podobné jako The Art of Danish Living: How to Find Happiness In and Out of Work - Meik Wiking

cena 536.0 Kč

Hygge domov - Meik Wiking

"Hygge je umění navodit příjemnou atmosféru. Být s lidmi, které máme rádi, nebo jen v tichosti sami se sebou. Pocit, že jsme v bezpečí, chránění před světem a můžeme si dovolit polevit v ostražitosti. Hygge je pocit domova. Meik Wiking nám tentokrát poradí, jak z domu nebo bytu uděláme domov, místo, kde najdeme pohodlí a spojení – to je to pravé hygge. Zamyslete se nad tím, co rádi děláte, jak doma trávíte čas, jaké aktivity vám přinášejí radost a pohodu. Podle Meikových rad si pak vytvoříte přesně takový prostor, který vám umožní cítit se doma tak, jak si přejete, a podpoří vás v těch činnostech, kterým se toužíte věnovat. Tato kniha je založená na výsledcích nových výzkumů kodaňského Institutu pro výzkum štěstí. Přináší návrhy drobných změn, které budou mít velký dopad. Například jak v jednotlivých pokojích dosáhnout pocitu větší prostornosti, proč kulaté jídelní stoly vytvářejí víc radosti a také jak důležité je vhodné osvětlení. Nezáleží na tom, kolik máte prostoru či peněz. Meik Wiking vám ukáže, jak si vytvoříte vlastní útulný domov a budete žít jako nejšťastnější lidé na světě."

Objev podobné jako Hygge domov - Meik Wiking

cena 356.0 Kč

Hygge - Meik Wiking - e-kniha

eBook: Proč jsou Dánové nejšťastnějšími lidmi na světě? Odpovědí je hygge, říká Meik Wiking, ředitel Institutu pro výzkum štěstí v Kodani. Hygge je pocit, který zažíváte během bouřky, když jste v pohodlných ponožkách schoulení na pohovce, přikrytí měkkou dekou. Je to ten pocit, když u stolu osvětleném svíčkami společně se svými milovanými jíte své oblíbené jídlo a povídáte si. Je to pocit, který se vás zmocní, když se s šálkem oblíbené kávy v ruce díváte na rudé ranní světlo na jasné modré obloze. Hygge je o atmosféře a prožitku. Je to o sdílení se s lidmi, které máme rádi. Pocit domova. Pocit bezpečí. Pocit vnitřního klidu a blaženosti. Tato kniha vám nabídne rady a tipy, jak know-how nejšťastnějšího národa na světě můžete využít ve svém životě i vy. Udělejte si pohodlí. Dejte si přestávku. Buďte tady a teď. Vypněte telefony. Ztlumte světlo. Zapalte svíčky. Nalijte si víno. Pusťte si svůj oblíbený film. Budujte vztahy. Udělejte si čas na své blízké. Přestaňte jíst jen a pouze zdravě. Dort je zcela rozhodně hygge. Žijte dnes tak, jako by už zítřek nikdy neměl přijít. Jak být šťastný po dánsku Praktický průvodce dánskou životní filozofií *** „Kniha o hygge, která je v Británii bestsellerem, vás spolehlivě vtáhne do světa více než příjemného životního stylu.“The New York Times „Nakažlivě pozitivní… nejlepší průvodce pro začátečníky.“Mail on Sunday „Meik Wiking zná recept na štěstí, dělí se o něj ve svém skvostném průvodci dánským stavem bytí, který zahrnuje útulnost, družnost, vděčnost a dobré jídlo.“The Times

Objev podobné jako Hygge - Meik Wiking - e-kniha

cena 189.0 Kč

Hygge domov - Meik Wiking - e-kniha

eBook: Novinka od autora celosvětového bestselleru HYGGE – Prostě šťastný způsob životaHygge je umění navodit příjemnou atmosféru. Být s lidmi, které máme rádi, nebo jen v tichosti sami se sebou. Pocit, že jsme v bezpečí, chránění před světem a můžeme si dovolit polevit v ostražitosti. Hygge je pocit domova.Meik Wiking nám tentokrát poradí, jak z domu nebo bytu uděláme domov, místo, kde najdeme pohodlí a spojení – to je to pravé hygge. Zamyslete se nad tím, co rádi děláte, jak doma trávíte čas, jaké aktivity vám přinášejí radost a pohodu. Podle Meikových rad si pak vytvoříte přesně takový prostor, který vám umožní cítit se doma tak, jak si přejete, a podpoří vás v těch činnostech, kterým se toužíte věnovat.Tato kniha je založená na výsledcích nových výzkumů kodaňského Institutu pro výzkum štěstí. Přináší návrhy drobných změn, které budou mít velký dopad. Například jak v jednotlivých pokojích dosáhnout pocitu větší prostornosti, proč kulaté jídelní stoly vytvářejí víc radosti a také jak důležité je vhodné osvětlení.Nezáleží na tom, kolik máte prostoru či peněz. Meik Wiking vám ukáže, jak si vytvoříte vlastní útulný domov a budete žít jako nejšťastnější lidé na světě.Domov by měl být místem, kde se cítíte bezpečně a pohodlně, místem, kde se můžete projevit, tvořit, odpočívat, místem, kde prostě můžete být sami sebou.

Objev podobné jako Hygge domov - Meik Wiking - e-kniha

cena 258.0 Kč

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing : The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns - John C. Bogle

The best-selling index investing "bible" offers new information and is updated to reflect the latest market data The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is the classic guide to getting smart about the market. Legendary mutual fund veteran John C.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Common Sense Investing : The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns - John C. Bogle

cena 620.0 Kč

Hygge - Prostě šťastný způsob života - Meik Wiking

Prostě šťastný způsob života. Pokud chcete být ve svém životě šťastní, musíte ho mít! To pravé HYGGE s modrobílou obálkou! Proč jsou Dánové nejšťastnějšími lidmi na světě? Odpovědí je hygge, říká Meik Wiking, ředitel Institutu pro výzkum štěstí v Kodani. Hygge je pocit, který zažíváte během bouřky, když jste v pohodlných ponožkách schoulení na pohovce, přikrytí měkkou dekou. Je to ten pocit, když u stolu osvětleném svíčkami společně se svými milovanými jíte své oblíbené jídlo a povídáte si. Je to pocit, který se vás zmocní, když se s šálkem oblíbené kávy v ruce díváte na rudé ranní světlo na jasné modré obloze. Hygge je o atmosféře a prožitku. Je to o sdílení se s lidmi, které máme rádi. Pocit domova. Pocit bezpečí. Pocit vnitřního klidu a blaženosti. Tato kniha vám nabídne rady a tipy, jak know-how nejšťastnějšího národa na světě můžete využít ve svém životě i vy. Udělejte si pohodlí. Dejte si přestávku. Buďte tady a teď. Vypněte telefony. Ztlumte světlo. Zapalte svíčky. Nalijte si víno. Pusťte si svůj oblíbený film. Budujte vztahy. Udělejte si čas na své blízké. Přestaňte jíst jen a pouze zdravě. Dort je zcela rozhodně hygge. Žijte dnes tak, jako by už zítřek nikdy neměl přijít. Praktický průvodce dánskou životní filozofií, který byl přeložen do 28 jazyků Další inspirativní nápady a návrhy, jak dosáhnout většího štěstí, naleznete v knize Lykke – Tajemství nejšťastnější lidí na světě.

Objev podobné jako Hygge - Prostě šťastný způsob života - Meik Wiking

cena 311.0 Kč

The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

The third book from the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute and internationally bestselling author of The Little Book of Hygge, Meik Wiking. Every year, we are given a fixed number of days. Some days pass us by without leaving a trace and some days we remember forever. Do you remember your first kiss? Or how the first rays of the spring sun feel? Or how about the best meal you ever had?These memorable experiences are characterized by intensity of perception, depth of feeling or sense of profound significance causing them to stand out in our mind and involve a heightened sense of wonder and awe. But what ingredients produce these happy memories? Why is it that a piece of music, a smell, a taste can take us back to something we had forgotten? And can we learn to create happy memories and be better at holding on to them? Combining research on happiness and mnemonics (learning techniques that aids memory retention or retrieval) Meik Wiking explores how peak experiences are made, stored and remembered. Using data and diaries, interviews, global surveys and studies and conducting real-life behavioural science and happiness experiments, the Happiness Research Institute will answer how we can we create perfect moments. Moments that will go down in history. Moments that will shape who we are.

Objev podobné jako The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

cena 357.0 Kč

The Little Guide to Coco Chanel : Style to Live By

The creative genius who gave us the Little Black Dress and Chanel No. 5. Almost 50 years after her death, Coco Chanel remains one of the world's most influential fashion designers. Her story is one of creative brilliance and innovation - she was a driving force in freeing women from the restrictive clothing they had been obliged to wear for generations. 'In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different,' Chanel would say, and throughout her life she demonstrated extraordinary passion and determination to change the world around her. There is much wisdom to glean from Chanel's self-reflections, while her sharp wit and joie de vivre will amuse, surprise and inspire in equal measure. This Little guide captures the essence of a woman not afraid to speak her mind.

Objev podobné jako The Little Guide to Coco Chanel : Style to Live By

cena 169.0 Kč

The Little Book of Calm (0241257441)

Kniha - autor Paul Wilson, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Feeling stressed? Need some help to regain balance in your life?The Little Book of Calm is full of wise advice to follow and thoughts to inspire. Pop it in your bag or pocket and dip in to it whenever you feel anxious. Open it at any page and you'll find a path to inner peace.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Calm (0241257441)

cena 159.0 Kč

The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

A pocket-sized, illustrated book depicting the work and history of the House of Hermès.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Hermes: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

cena 402.0 Kč

The Little Book of Audrey Hepburn (1787391329)

Kniha - 160 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Audrey Hepburn (1787391329)

cena 380.0 Kč

The Little Book of Vargas - Dian Hanson

Alberto Vargas took over Esquire magazine’s monthly pin-up post in late 1940. By 1942, when the U.S. joined the war, he had more than a million ardent enlisted fans who carried his pin-ups in backpacks and duffel bags as reminders of the American girls they'd left behind. When Esquire was charged with obscenity over a particularly spicy pin-up in 1943 the military stepped in to fight for The Varga Girl, declaring her necessary to maintain the morale of young fighting men. Today these wartime pin-ups are the most collectible of Vargas’s work. Find them all in this pocket-sized delight.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Vargas - Dian Hanson

cena 260.0 Kč

The Little Book of Movies - Orange Hippo!

The greatest movies endure for many reasons: they give us comfort, laughter, drama and suspense. They thrill us with their powerful storytelling and bring us fabulous characters that linger on in the imagination. And then, of course, they showcase the astonishing skill of the moviemaker.The Little Book About Movies is a celebration of filmmaking and the power of cinema to challenge, inspire and change us. Inside you'll find fabulous quotes from some of the world's best filmmakers and actors, as well as stirring lines from some of the finest movies ever made. Whether you're hoping to revisit some of cinema's greatest moments or looking for fresh viewing inspiration, this little volume is the perfect treat for any movie lover.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Movies - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

The Little Book of Champagne - Orange Hippo!

Originally served at the coronations of French kings, Champagne is now popular around the world and sales increase year on year as people discover this delicious, delightful, de-lovely drink. Although Champagne only comes from a small area, there are many producers, ranging from the globally famous houses such as Dom Perignon, Moet & Chandon and Taittinger to the 19,000 vignerons who produce on a much smaller (but no less delicious) scale.Champagne has its own vocabulary, etiquette and special place in popular and culinary culture and The Little Book of Champagne traces the history of the drink from its early years to the present day and examines what makes Champagne so special. We delve into the intricacies of chilling (very cold), pouring (one inch, let the bubbles settle, then two-thirds) and drinking (slowly). There are also fun facts, quotes and sayings relating to Champagne's unique position in popular culture. So pop that cork, fill your glass and slowly sip your way slowly through the pages of this joyful celebration.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Champagne - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

The Little Book of Superman - Paul Levitz

Since first appearing in Action Comics No. 1 in April 1938, Superman has stood as the pre-eminent symbol of truth and justice. Captivating minds for over 75 years, the Last Son of Krypton has appeared in thousands of comic books, cartoons, TV shows, and movies. His tragic beginning led to a life as an outsider, fighting for his adopted home while securing his standing as humanity’s iconic protector and champion. With 192 pages of the best images of the Man of Steel and text by Paul Levitz, author of the Eisner Award–winning 75 Years of DC Comics, The Little Book of Superman is your definitive guide to the biggest Super Hero of them all.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Superman - Paul Levitz

cena 260.0 Kč

The Little Book Of Calm - Paul Wilson

*OVER TWO MILLION COPIES SOLD WORLDWIDE*Bestselling author and ''Guru of calm'', Paul Wilson, has written the ultimate pocket-sized guide to harnessing daily calm and serenity in your life.How can we find calm during life''s most difficult moments?Carry the bestselling The Little Book of Calm with you wherever you go for comfort and practical advice. This book is the perfect antidote to a global stress epidemic. If you can feel your stress or anxiety levels increasing and are searching for a way to regain balance, this book is the pocket guide to turn to in times of need.Paul Wilson''s expert advice is guaranteed to help you rediscover a sense of calm even in the most difficult moments. Providing accessible advice, tips and inspirational thoughts, such as:· Sip a peppermint herbal tea to find calm · Be captivated by your breath and discover peace · Seek the best in everything - people and situations · Concentrate on the present, worry when the time comes · Pretend you''re human and leave it to others to be perfectThe Little Book of Calm is designed to always be by your side to help you steal moments of peace and tranquillity - open on any page, at any time, in any place.__________________________''His mixture of traditional meditation, alternative therapy, positive thinking and common sense has not only enabled him to maintain an impressive degree of calm but has persuaded millions to buy into his philosophy'' Financial Times

Objev podobné jako The Little Book Of Calm - Paul Wilson

cena 148.0 Kč

The Little Book of Negroni - Paul Knorr

With 40 delicious variations on the classic Negroni cocktail, this is the go-to gift for Negroni lovers everywhere.In a sea of cocktails, one is rocks above the rest: the Negroni. With its divine trinity of gin, Campari and sweet vermouth, it’s a drink simultaneously timeless and contemporary. Easy to make but complex in taste, with endless opportunities of being reimagined.Savour a Napoli or stir a Palmasera as this brilliantly illustrated book journeys across the ages to bring you everything there is to know about the world''s most beloved cocktail.Whether you''re a seasoned mixologist or a curious newcomer, cheers to the cocktail that defies convention and delights the senses.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Negroni - Paul Knorr

cena 295.0 Kč

The Little Book of Colour - Karen Haller

A SUNDAY TIMES DESIGN BOOK OF THE YEAR_________________________________________The definitive guide to using the power of colour to improve your happiness, wellbeing and confidence.What if I told you that all around you is something that can increase your motivation and positively influence how you feel?It''s called colour.Building on over 20 years of experience, Applied Colour & Design Psychology Specialist Karen Haller puts this life-changing solution in your hands. With her unmatched expertise, she demonstrates the many practical ways in which you can use colour to transform your life. Whether you''re decorating an interior or revamping your wardrobe, get ready to be inspired by the possibilities to:- Create a home that reflects your personality- Grow your confidence in using colour- Add colour to your workplace- Choose clothes that express the true you- Find your unique colour palette & design compatibilityIn the first book that mixes the science, psychology and emotional impact of colour, Karen Haller takes you on a journey through rediscovering the joy of colour.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Colour - Karen Haller

cena 443.0 Kč

The Little Book of Sanuk - Karen Sinotok

We all need a little more sanuk in our lives Sanuk is a Thai concept that can loosely be translated as meaning ‘fun’. Though sanuk is in fact much more than that; it’s about achieving pleasure and joy in all aspects of life. For Thai people, if it’s not sanuk, it’s not worth doing.Thai people believe that it’s the little things that add up to a joyful life. Whether it’s raising happy kids, enjoying a quick chat with your neighbour or having a laugh with friends, they try to bring a sense of joy into their daily routines. This easygoing, fun-loving way of life is why Thailand is often called The Land of Smiles.But how can we learn to prioritise this sense of fun and pleasure in our own lives? With recent clinical studies showing a clear link between a person’s outlook on life and their health, a mindset of optimism and positivity has obvious benefits. Being a glass half full kind of person doesn’t just help us live longer, it helps us live better. Embracing sanuk and approaching life a glass-half-full attitude can make you happier, healthier and more productive – and this book will show you how.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Sanuk - Karen Sinotok

cena 357.0 Kč

The Little Book of Horrors - Orange Hippo!

Halloween is a very special time of year and takes on huge significance for a vast number of people in different ways. For many, it's a chance to dress up, wander the streets for a trick or treat session, gorge on candy and have a party, whereas for others it is a time of remembrance, of visits to ancestors' graves, or prayers at this holy time.But what are the real origins and meanings of this festival that's commonly associated with darkness, witches, ghosts and ghouls? The oldest known Halloween celebration was the Celtic Samhain, a time when the souls and spirits of the dead would find it easiest to return to visit the living. Food was offered to keep the spirits happy and eventually the festival was formalised by the church as a time of remembrance in advance of All Saints Day.This fun little guide looks at the history of all things Halloween, from the earliest feasts and customs to the latest fun and games that are common around the world. We delve into the meanings of many of the symbols of Halloween, like pumpkins, black cats, apples, witches and ghosts, and examine the many different ways people celebrate around the world. There is plenty of fun stuff too: freaky facts, scary poems, classic candy, spooky songs, stunning stats, horror film suggestions and all manner of puns, jokes and sayings all relating to the creepiest day of the year.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Horrors - Orange Hippo!

cena 199.0 Kč

The Little Book of Kenergy - Matt Riarchi

Kenergy. The phrase on everybody's lips. But what actually is Kenergy? And how can you unlock your own Kenergy from within? Kenergy is main-side-kick-character energy. It's carrying someone's purse like your life depends on it. It's letting your girlfriend test out her makeup ideas on you first to check they look good. It's hiding in your girlfriend's suitcase to surprise her on vacation, then happily getting the 6 hour flight home alone when she says she doesn't want you there. Someone with Kenergy always takes care of his appearance, but only to make his girlfriend look even hotter - not that it's even possible. He's (somehow) always got a tan and his abs are so shredded you could grate cheese on them. And he polishes his motorcycle every morning just in case he learns to ride it one day. But Kenergy is not all smiles and sparkles. Sometimes he wants so badly to be admired and adored that he can barely carry on when he doesn't get the praise he craves so deeply. But he patiently waits for the crippling invasive thoughts to pass, then merrily resumes making his strawberry daiquiri. In a nutshell, Kenergy is joyful, whimsical and - above all - delights in the absurd. And with this book, you'll become an expert in identifying Kenergy, harnessing your Kenergy, embodying your Kenergy, and learning how to be the ultimate hype-man.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Kenergy - Matt Riarchi

cena 232.0 Kč

The Little Book of Hulk - Roy Thomas

In 1962, he was created by exposure to gamma radiation in Incredible Hulk No. 1. Though it took a few years for him to develop his now-famous personality, he was nonetheless a weapon of destruction from that first appearance. Not only did the Hulk fight anyone who got in his way, but his alter ego, Bruce Banner, fought the multiple personality disorder that transformed him, spawning many other versions of the Hulk, each of whom were aspects of Bruce's personality. Despite that, the Hulk took down the Leader, the Abomination, and Wolverine, among hundreds of other great villains. The star of a smash-hit TV show, two blockbuster movies, and hundreds of great comics, he's one of the most instantly recognizable characters in the world. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Hulk will be an indispensable guide to comics' most savage hero! (c) 2020 MARVEL

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Hulk - Roy Thomas

cena 232.0 Kč

My Hygge Home : How to Make Home Your Happy Place (Defekt) - Meik Wiking

'Comforting and cosy for the heart and soul' Fearne Cotton'This book will help you make your home somewhere you feel comfortable, safe and calm' Emma GunsA gorgeous guide to the Danish art of creating a cosy, happy home from the internationally bestselling author, Meik Wiking. Our homes should be a place of comfort, a place to feel safe when we shut the door. Somewhere to be ourselves, to unwind and create special memories.Inspired by Danish design and traditions, this beautiful new book from Meik Wiking shares how to turn your home into a sanctuary and live like the happiest people in the world. With simple tips based on new research from The Happiness Institute in Copenhagen, this book reveals what makes a happy home tick. No matter how much space you have or what your budget is, Meik shows how you can use colour, light and space to create your happy place and celebrate cosiness the Danish way.PRE-ORDER THE NEW BOOK FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE LITTLE BOOK OF HYGGE NOW!

Objev podobné jako My Hygge Home : How to Make Home Your Happy Place (Defekt) - Meik Wiking

cena 339.0 Kč

The Little Book of Shane Warne - Orange Hippo!

Widely regarded as one of the greatest bowlers in the history of cricket, Shane Warne was a giant of his time. A sporting hero and national icon, young cricketers today are inspired by his leg spin legacy.Perhaps the most charismatic personality of any sport, Shane Warne's triumphs restored craft and subtlety to the foreground of the game. Taking the highest number of Test wickets when he retired - 708 at 25.14 apiece, he was chosen by Wisden as one of the five outstanding players of the 20th century. The rebel who used his injury in his early years to build strength in his wrists and upper body, his unwavering optimism and unassailable competitive spirit became a defining feature of the leading man of cricket.Packed with quotes and insights The Little Book of Shane Warne explores the man who, by unanimous consent, pitched the ball of the century, and earned his place in the pantheon of exceptional players.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Shane Warne - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

The Little Book of Golden Girls - Orange Hippo!

The Golden Girls: the show that changed American TV, found an audience all around the world, and made a global legend out of Betty White.1985 was the year of Live Aid, Back to the Future and the Nintendo. It also saw the start of one of the most well-known and well-loved sitcoms of all time: The Golden Girls. With a cast comprising women over 50, the show was as groundbreaking as it was hilarious. Averaging 25 million viewers an episode - and counting the Queen Mother among them - the show is still ranked among the best US sitcoms ever. And it continues to find a new audience today in younger generations on streaming, with merchandise as popular as ever.Packed with quotes and facts, this little book is perfect for any Golden Girls fan.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Golden Girls - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

The Little Book of Charles Dickens - Orange Hippo!

The author of 20 much-loved novels and novellas, Charles Dickens combined humour and pathos to explore Victorian society in all its shades. Widely praised for his rich narratives and larger-than-life characters, he was not only a celebrity author but also an admired social reformer. Moving from the refined drawing rooms of the upper classes to the horrors of the workhouse or the filthy back streets of London, Dickens' writings shone a light on the harsh inequalities of the times.The Little Book of Charles Dickens showcases wonderful quotes from the author's writings, alongside fascinating facts about his life and achievements. By turns witty, comic, insightful and wise, this delightful volume is a fitting tribute to a literary giant.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Charles Dickens - Orange Hippo!

cena 178.0 Kč

The Little Book of Wonder Woman - Paul Levitz

Debuting in All Star Comics No. 8 in December 1941, the warrior Amazon Princess is a feminist icon whose strength is equaled by her empathy and compassion. Appearing in comic books, newspaper strips, and TV shows for almost 75 years, Wonder Woman stands as a towering figure in pop culture, and a role model in her fight for justice, love, peace, and gender equality. Her creator, William Moulton Marston, said she was as beautiful as Aphrodite, as wise as Athena, as fast as Mercury, and as strong as Hercules—but she’s all that and more! With 192 pages of the greatest Wonder Woman images and text by Paul Levitz, author of the Eisner Award–winning 75 Years of DC Comics, The Little Book of Wonder Woman is your definitive guide to the most popular female comic-book Super Hero of all time.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Wonder Woman - Paul Levitz

cena 260.0 Kč

The Little Book of Iron Man - Roy Thomas

He made his debut in 1963, in Tales of Suspense No. 39, wearing a cumbersome gray exoskeleton that looked more like a robot than a man. After a re-design, he became an integral member of the Avengers, and he fought evil at every turn ... as well as intense personal demons. More than fifty years and countless comics adventures later, Iron Man became a box-office smash, and one of the most popular super heroes in the world. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Iron Man will be your favorite guide to comics' greatest armored hero! (c) 2020 MARVEL

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Iron Man - Roy Thomas

cena 232.0 Kč

The Little Book of Gratitude - Robert A. Emmons

Gratitude is, first and foremost, a way of seeing that alters our gaze.Gratitude is the simple, scientifically proven way to increase happiness and encourage greater joy, love, peace, and optimism into our lives. It''s not just good medicine though, a nice sentiment, a warm fuzzy feeling, or a strategy or tactic for being happier or healthier. It is also the truest approach to life. We did not create or fashion ourselves, and we did not get to where we are in life by ourselves.Living gratefully begins with affirming the good and recognizing its sources. It is the understanding that life owes you nothing and all the good you have is a gift, accompanied by an awareness that nothing can be taken for granted.Featuring beautiful illustrations and simple exercises, this is the perfect little book to help you:- Practice gratitude- Improve your health and wellbeing- Enhance your relationships- Encourage healthy sleep- Heighten feelings of connectedness

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Gratitude - Robert A. Emmons

cena 266.0 Kč

The Little Book of Meditation - Collard Patrizia Dr.

The Little Book of Meditation is a beautifully color-illustrated guide to daily meditations for a happier and healthier life. From the bestselling author of The Little Book of Mindfulness. Meditation is an easy way to bring more peace and tranquillity into your life. Packed with practical advice, useful meditations and affirming thoughts, this little book teaches you how to be happier, healthier and more relaxed - without sitting for hours on a meditation cushion. Dr Patrizia Collard, bestselling author of The Little Book of Mindfulness, shows you another way, with these fun and efficient exercises: just 5 to 10 minutes a day is enough to strengthen your immune system, relieve stress and clear your head. Whether you like mindfulness or movement meditations, or simple mantras, everyone will find a meditation to suit them. This edition of The Little Book of Meditation is hardcover with a stunning new cover and completely new illustrations and design.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Meditation - Collard Patrizia Dr.

cena 266.0 Kč

The Little Book of X-Men - Roy Thomas

They debuted in 1963, but weren't the instant sensations that the Fantastic Four or Spider-Man had been; twenty years later, they were the most exciting (or x-citing!) property in comics. Fans couldn't get enough of Wolverine! Storm! Cyclops! Beast! Nightcrawler! Jean Grey! Not to mention Professor X, and his nemesis, Magneto! The X-Men brought a level of nuance and storytelling sophistication that hadn't been seen in mainstream comics, and now, with thousands of comics, and ten feature films to date, the X-Men have cemented their place as one of the greatest super hero teams in history. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of X-Men will be your favorite guide to comics' greatest mutant team! (c) 2020 MARVEL

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of X-Men - Roy Thomas

cena 232.0 Kč

The Little Book of Fantastic Four - Roy Thomas

Cosmic rays gave them their powers, and they formed one of the greatest superhero squads of all time. Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing are iconic as individuals, invincible as a team: With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, welcome to your comprehensive guide to the greatest super quartet! © MARVEL They debuted in Fantastic Four No. 1 in November 1961, and have gone on to be iconic not only as a team, but as individuals. Reed “Mister Fantastic” Richards, Sue “Invisible Girl” Storm, Johnny “Human Torch” Storm, and Ben “The Thing” Grimm are all iconic heroes, who love and fight with each other as only families can … and they take down otherworldly bad guys like Dr. Doom and Galactus in the process. More than 50 years, thousands of comics, four animated series and three feature films later, they remain one of the most enduring and exciting super-teams in pop culture. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Fantastic Four is your comprehensive guide to this famous foursome! © MARVEL

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Fantastic Four - Roy Thomas

cena 232.0 Kč

The Little Book of Tom. Bikers - Dian Hanson

Tom of Finland fell for Marlon Brando as The Wild One and created a fantasy world of hyper-masculine motorcycle outlaws – loving other hyper-masculine outlaws. Get your hands on his avatar Kake, and over 200 more leather-clad hard riders – and we mean hard – in 192 compact pages.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Tom. Bikers - Dian Hanson

cena 402.0 Kč

The Little Book of HP Lovecraft - Howard P. Lovecraft

Howard Phillips Lovecraft had a short life, and he died of cancer in 1936 at the age of 46. But in that relatively short time he had a significant, varied and outstanding output, and although he was not a well-known writer during the time he lived, he has since been hailed as one of the great supernatural fiction writers. Although a huge influence on many writers since his death, and now someone with significant book sales every year, Lovecraft never managed to make a living from writing during his lifetime. Lovecraft spent much time battling various physical and mental issues, but he was able to form bonds and relationships with key people in his life, some of which influenced his thinking and his work. These included his mother, grandfather, aunt, wife and famous figures from the time including Harry Houdini and Robert E Howard; comments from many are included. Lovecraft's sensitivity comes through in his writing, and this book also contains numerous quotes from his famous fictional works. Samples from his poems, letters and other writings serve to paint a full portrait of this master of his chosen genre, horror, but who also contributed significantly to science fiction and fantasy; he truly possessed outstanding talent, as celebrated inside.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of HP Lovecraft - Howard P. Lovecraft

cena 169.0 Kč

The Little Book of Things To Do - Martin Ellis

Pocket-sized book full of ideas for children’s activities - on their ownor with other children, inside or in a garden, park or on a beach, on ajourney or on holiday.

Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Things To Do - Martin Ellis

cena 118.0 Kč

Little Book of Valentino: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

To have a colour named after you is one of the highest accolades in fashion. Valentino Garavani is one such icon. Since the founding of the House of Valentino in 1950s Rome, Garavani has been celebrated for the desirability of his designs. His stunning gowns in his signature Valentino Red have been sought after by the jet set for over half a century, and still signify the very epitome of red carpet glamour. Little Book of Valentino tells the story of this most elegant of brands. Beginning with Garavani's initiation into the world of haute couture in 1950s Paris, progressing through the glittering social scene of 1970s New York and Valentino's domination of Hollywood from the 1980s to the present day, images of every dazzling era are beautifully reproduced alongside text exploring the significance of each stunning piece.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Valentino: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

cena 399.0 Kč

Little Book of Givenchy: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

"It's a fabulous thing to give life to fabric, to make something move well, the harmony of colour" - Hubert de Givenchy Ever since Audrey Hepburn stood outside Tiffany's, croissant in hand, Givenchy has been the last word in elegant couture. The clean, sweeping lines and classic, feminine silhouettes have enthralled women from the Duchess of Sussex to Kendall Jenner, all of whom adore the romanticism and sophistication of a Givenchy ensemble. More sculptor than designer, Hubert de Givenchy created a house that is utterly timeless. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the brand, from its creation in 1952 to its current leadership and designs. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and key moments, this book shines a light on the dazzling world of Givenchy.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Givenchy: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

cena 449.0 Kč

Little Book of Alexander McQueen: The story of the iconic brand - Karen Homerová

"Give me time and I'll give you a revolution" – Alexander McQueen Ever since its creation in 1992, the House of Alexander McQueen has been synonymous with drama, risk-taking and cutting-edge innovation. From iconic collaborations, like with Lady Gaga for her "Bad Romance" music video, to shockingly controversial runway shows like The Horn of Plenty, Alexander McQueen was beloved for his fantastical silhouettes and blurring of gender lines. This exquisitely illustrated volume explores the story behind the House, from McQueen's own early days to the current leadership of Sarah Burton. Through a carefully curated collection of finished designs, close-up details and sketches, this book pulls back the veil on the wonderful world of McQueen.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Alexander McQueen: The story of the iconic brand - Karen Homerová

cena 449.0 Kč

Little Book of Balmain: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

"Good fashion is evolution, not revolution" – Pierre Balmain One of the original big Parisian couture houses, alongside the likes of Dior and Chanel, Pierre Balmain reigned supreme over the 1950s fashion world with his spectacular and intricate evening wear. Now, in the twenty-first century, Balmain's ultra-modern look – still with the spirit of Pierre – is worn by the likes of Beyoncé, Kristen Stewart, Kate Moss and Kendall Jenner. Heavily embellished, dazzling detail meets futuristic silhouettes for an instantly recognisable look.Known for their strong social media presence driven by their "Balmain army" of fans, Balmain holds a unique position among the top couture houses today

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Balmain: The story of the iconic fashion house - Karen Homerová

cena 357.0 Kč

Little Book of Tokyo Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Emmanuelle Dirix

'If you go to Tokyo, I think it becomes very obvious that there's this almost seamless mixture of popular culture and Japanese traditional culture.' - Kazuo IshiguroFrom the youthful maximalism of Harajuku to the luxurious sophistication of Ginza, Tokyo is the city of a thousand styles. With diverse and unique subcultures like the kitsch Sweet Lolitas, the dark and dramatic goths and punks, the retro rockbillys and the elegant and traditional Wa Lolitas, Tokyo is home to an explosion of fashion like no other. This instalment of the beautiful Little Books of City Style series will look at the style evolution of this incredible capital, providing an exquisitely illustrated guide to dressing like a true Tokyoite.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Tokyo Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Emmanuelle Dirix

cena 357.0 Kč

Little Book of Louis Vuitton: The Story of the Iconic Fashion House - Karen Homerová

Little Book of Louis Vuitton is the pocket-sized and fully illustrated story of one of the world's most luxurious fashion houses.Louis Vuitton's monogrammed bags have been seen on the arms of celebrities and royals alike for over 150 years. From the young Louis seeking his fortune in Paris through to two world wars, the Great Depression, the Jazz Age and the Swinging Sixties, there is no era in which this most opulent of brands hasn't thrived.Detailing the global expansion of Louis Vuitton in the 1980s, the creation of the powerful fashion conglomerate LVMH, and the appointment in 1997 of Marc Jacobs, this is the story of a transformation from luggage company to high-fashion label. Louis Vuitton's continued evolution under the creative direction of Nicolas Ghesquiere and Virgil Abloh is also depicted through fabulous images and captivating text.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of Louis Vuitton: The Story of the Iconic Fashion House - Karen Homerová

cena 357.0 Kč

Knížka QeeBoo The Little Book of Champagne, Orange Hippo!, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Vše o šampaňském v kompaktním vydání.

Objev podobné jako Knížka QeeBoo The Little Book of Champagne, Orange Hippo!, English

cena 259.0 Kč

Little Book of New York Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Kristen Bateman

From Carrie Bradshaw to Grace Jones, and from Nicki Minaj to Blair Waldorf, New York is the fashion 'it girl' capital of the world.Home of both laid-back street style and the luxury of the MET Gala, New York has earned its reputation as one of the most stylish capitals in the world. From the eclectic looks of Brooklyn to chic Manhattan elegance, it is a city that hums with style. This instalment of the beautiful Little Books of City Style series will explore the fashion history of the city that never sleeps, providing an exquisitely illustrated guide to dressing like a Native New Yorker.

Objev podobné jako Little Book of New York Style: The Fashion History of the Iconic City - Kristen Bateman

cena 357.0 Kč

Knížka Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Little Book of Mindfulness, Tiddy Rowan

Kniha z kolekce Quadrille Publishing Ltd. Dokonalý malý dárek, který přinese trvalé štěstí a klid do každého domova, kde se objeví.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Little Book of Mindfulness, Tiddy Rowan

cena 289.0 Kč

Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Tarot by Katalin Patnaik, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Příručka ukazuje zajímavé způsoby využití tarotových karet, včetně umělecké a básnické inspirace, magie a spirituality, a učí čtenáře jinému pohledu na karty.

Objev podobné jako Knížka home & lifestyle The Little Book of Tarot by Katalin Patnaik, English

cena 289.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Chords

Noty pro kytaru LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF CHORDS Tato knížka z edice Little Black Book obsahuje 1100 akordů a jejich značek a prstokladů, se kterými zvládnete zahrát snad cokoli.

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cena 439.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book Of Scales

Škola hry na kytaru LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF SCALES Tato knížka z edice Little Black Book obsahuje několik stovek stupnic, jejich tabulatur a prstokladů a rad, jak s nimi pracovat, díky čemuž zvládnete zahrát snad cokoli.

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cena 539.0 Kč

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