Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
How to Get Over a Breakup: An Ancient Guide to Moving On - Publius Ovidius Naso
A modern translation of the ancient Roman poet Ovid’s Remedies for Love—a witty and irreverent work about how to fall out of loveBreakups are the worst. On one scale devised by psychiatrists, only a spouse’s death was ranked as more stressful than a marital split. Is there any treatment for a breakup? The ancient Roman poet Ovid thought so.Having become famous for teaching the art of seduction in The Art of Love, he then wrote Remedies for Love (Remedia Amoris), which presents thirty-eight frank and witty strategies for coping with unrequited love, falling out of love, ending a relationship, and healing a broken heart. How to Get Over a Breakup presents an unabashedly modern prose translation of Ovid’s lighthearted and provocative work, complete with a lively introduction and the original Latin on facing pages. Ovid’s advice—which he illustrates with ingenious interpretations of classical mythology—ranges from the practical, psychologically astute, and profound to the ironic, deliberately offensive, and bizarre.Some advice is conventional—such as staying busy, not spending time alone, and avoiding places associated with an ex. Some is off-color, such as having sex until you’re sick of it. And some is simply and delightfully weird—such as becoming a lawyer and not eating arugula.Whether his advice is good or bad, entertaining or outrageous, How to Get Over a Breakup reveals an Ovid who sounds startlingly modern.
Podívejte se také Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí… ()
Ovide. Les Métamorphoses - Publius Ovidius Naso
In 1931, thanks to the help of Jacqueline Apollinaire, a young Albert Skira, only 25 years old and upon the suggestion of Pierre Matisse, convinced Pablo Picasso to illustrate Ovid’s Metamorphoses with 30 etchings. The exceptional edition, in only 145 copies, was the first publication of the new-born Skira, and was soon followed by the Poems of Mallarmé with 29 original etchings by Henri Matisse and Les Chants de Maldoror illustrated by Salvador Dalí with 42 etchings.For the 90th anniversary of the publishing house, in agreement with the Picasso Estate, Skira issued an anastatic copy of the work, slightly different in format. The volume boasts 412 pages including the etchings both in (15) and outside the text (15).The facsimile is perfect. The volume is in 24 x 30.5 cm format, it is a hardcover edition with paper foil stamping, just like the first edition in 1931. The work is contained in a box that, with the Metamorphoses, also bears an illustrated brochure narrating the birth and history of this legendary volume.Ovid’s Metamorphoses in 11,995 verses and 15 books gather and re-elaborate over 250 Greek myths. Thet have been called an “encyclopaedia of classical mythology”.Picasso’s etchings out of the text, focused on 15 myths, are of rare uniformity, in a style with clean edges and discrete eroticism. Instead, the etchings found at the start of the chapters do not relate to the text and portray faces, nude studies and a delightful litotes of the female body (27th etching).The book was printed on Picasso’s 50th birthday and was described by Christian Zervos as being “of almost Doric beauty”.The anastatic copy is, like the original edition, in French, with an introduction text in English.
Umění milovati - Publius Ovidius Naso - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Ovidiův dva tisíce let starý text dává rady mužům a ženám, kterak lásku získat a udržet si ji. Recitují Irena Kačírková a Miloš Kopecký
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Milostná poezie - Publius Ovidius Naso - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Komentář k původnímu albu DV 15297 Supraphonu z roku 1967: V kolikatisícovém nákladu by musely vyjít Ovidiovy milostné sbírky, aby se uspokojila touha čtenářů mít vlastní výtisk líbezného Ovidia! Ovidius je básník, který nestárne, poněvadž nestárne ani láska, kterou opěvuje. Proto takový zájem o jeho dílo. Nesmrtelnost a slávu po všechny budoucí věky si předpověděl Ovidius sám v závěrečných verších svého monumentálního díla Proměny. Ba dokonce se mýlil v stanovení hranic své proslulosti: jeho dílo oslňuje svou krásou nejen básníkovu rodnou Evropu, jejíž veliká část byla kdysi pod římskou mocí - ale i všechny ostatní světadíly a jeho nevšednímu umění se podivují vědci, právě v díle Ovidiově. Po dvou tisíciletích je jeho dílo tak živé, jako by je psal pro současné čtenáře. Ovidiovo umění zrálo v Římě, který byl tehdy středem celé kulturní Evropy a pokladnicí všeho, co vytvořily ruce Mistrů. Proto se nedivíme, že se Ovidius po svých studijních cestách vrátil trvale do Říma, kde žil až do svých jednapadesáti let, než musel nastoupit smutnou cestu do vyhnanství. Musel se rozloučit s kultivovanou společností, která ho svým uměleckým ruchem zcela uchvátila. A Ovidius nebyl jen jejím němým pozorovatelem a posluchačem. Jeho výjimečné nadání ho učinilo brzy miláčkem této společnosti, takže již po prvních básnických výtvorech stoupal nezadržitelně po žebříčku slávy. Tu mu získaly již první verše z jinošských let, zařazené později do sbírky Amores - Lásky, přednášené po celém Římě.¨ Inspirovala ho dívka, již sám nazývá Korinna. Ovidiova básnického génia lze po nejedné stránce srovnávat s nadáním našeho V. Nezvala. Charakteristické znaky Ovidiova umění se jevily již v jeho prvotinách: neuvěřitelná svěžest a lehkost, s níž tvořil, dokonalá uhlazenost veršů, virtuozita slova, vypravěčské umění, čistý lyrický projev obohacený smyslem pro realistickou drobnomalbu, hravá rozmarnost i strhující patos, křehká něžnost schopná vyjádřit veškerou barvitost a malebnost. K těmto složkám pak později přistoupilo i jedinečné dušezpytné umění, s nímž zachycoval vzrušené vlnění citů, jeho výbuchy i doznívání, dále formální dokonalost, živá, bohatá fantazie, bystrý postřeh, jiskřivá duchaplnost a vynalézavost, jež svědčí o duchu vpravdě tvůrčím. V druhé sbírce z mladých let, nazvané Héroides, Listy héróin, se Ovidius pokusil zachytit nitro milující ženy, toužíci i pobouřené zradou milence. Na této sbírce si velmi zakládal, přesvědčen, že v ní vytvořil mimořádné a originální dílo. Předchůdce fingovaných básnických listů měl snad jen v Propertiovi, u něhož v proslulé "královně elegií" utěšuje předčasně zemřelá Kornélia z hrobu svého žijícího manžela. V Héroidách zpracoval Ovidius náměty z bájné minulosti, a ty mu umožňovaly rozehrát bez hranic obdivuhodnou fantazii. S nevšedním uměním se vžívá do nitra těch dávných žen, osvětluje jejich vnitřní zápasy a motivy jejich jednání. První z Římanů zachytil i krásné přírodní scenérie, dokreslující nebo vysvětlující náladu líčených postav. Snad jen přílišný vliv rétoriky nám trochu vadí na této okouzlující sbírce Listů milostných, mnohem více než to, že Ovidius líčí tyto dávné ženy, píšíci v bolesti nebo v opuštěnosti fiktivní dopisy svým manželům a milencům, jako by žily v současné římské společnosti. Ale i přes tento rétorický prvek je v nich mnoho krásného a všelidsky jímavého, takže si uzavřené románky jednotlivých hrdinek přečteme nebo poslechneme s požitkem. Celá sbírka obsahuje jednadvacet listů. Posledních šest dopisů se týká mileneckých dvojic, z nichž nejznámější je záletný Paris a krásná Helena. Nejpověstnějším Ovidiovým dílem je Umění milovati. Hned na jeho začátku Ovidius říká, že opěvá "neškodnou lásku", ale i z této četby již napřed vylučuje "vážné a počestné římské paní", aby neutrpěly úhony. Umění milovati má tři knihy: v první radí básník mladým mužům, kde si mají hledat dívku a jak si získají její lásku, v druhé, jak si mohou její náklonnost udržet. V třetí knize dává podobné rady dívkám. I když jde o dílko "naučné", je míněno jako zábavná četba jiskřící duchaplným humorem a skvělými postřehy ze života tehdejší římské společnosti. Posledním dílkem Ovidiova prvního tvůrčího období byla Remedia amoris - Jak léčiti lásku, rozumí se lásku nešťastnou, bolestnou, bezvýhlednou. Toto dílko stojí umělecky níže než Umění milovat, kde triumfovala básníkova neselhávající duchaplnost. Některé pozdější generace se nedívaly na obě tyto Ovidiovy teorie lásky příliš laskavě, byli i mravokárci, kteří je zatracovali. Ale kdo zhodnotí celé dílo Ovidiovo a přihlédne ke všem okolnostem, ten se na miláčka lehkonohých Múz hněvat nebude. Opět bychom se v této souvislosti museli zmínit o mladistvých sbírkách Nezvalových - ani u Ovidia, ani u Nezvala je nemůžeme odloučit od uzavřeného celku, nechceme-li se ochudit o nejeden sváteční požitek. I Ovidius se později rozloučil s touto hravou poezií a naznačil, že ho čeká vážnější úkol. Tím úkolem, jejž na sebe vzal, bylo básnické skloubení nepřehledn
Objev podobné jako Milostná poezie - Publius Ovidius Naso - audiokniha
Umění milovat a nemilovat - Publius Ovidius Naso
Ovidius se svým Umění milovat a nemilovat je tu pro vás, kteří láskou žijete, koříte se jí, slastně stoupáte k jejím vrcholům i riskujete zničující pád. V Ovidiovi najdete – muži i ženy – zasvěceného průvodce tajemstvím lásky i podnět a inspiraci, kde a jak lásku hledat, jak a čím ji nalezenou živit, jak ji udržet, a když vztah někdy přijde o iluze, jak situaci napravit – vše v půvabných verších v rytmu moderního času.Často nemusíme pro lásku chodit daleko: Nevelím tomu, kdo hledá, / napnout plachty a s větrem plout: / ten, kdo chce najít, má leda / kousíček cesty před sebou. Praktická je rada, abychom vyvolený protějšek pozvali třeba na nějaké představení: Těsně vedle své paní / si sedni (co by ti bránilo?), / svým bokem tiskni se na ni, / co možná tělo na tělo… nebo na skleničku: Tam už nejednou mladá víla / mládenci srdce zcizila, / když plamen do ohně vlila / Venuše vínka napilá… Je třeba vytrvat a osvědčit se: Vlastnoručně nad ní vzpírej / řádně vypnutý slunečník, / vlastním tělem jí otevírej / cestu v návalu uličním a rozhodně nezapomínat na upravený zevnějšek: Noha ať neplave bezprizorně / ve vyčvachtané obuvi, / z ní jazyk ať netrčí vzdorně / a rzí ať háčky nemluví. … Ať také tvoje pohublost svědčí / o trýzni srdce…Ovidius si stále uchovává pověst ničitele mravů, ale když ho dnes čteme, nemusíme to skrývat. Dřív tomu bylo jinak – jako nemravnou tuto knihu veřejně spálili nejen ve Florencii (pravda, to bylo v roce 1497, a vlastně to dokazuje, jak musela být oblíbená) a ještě v třicátých letech dvacátého století ji ve více zemích zabavovaly úřady.Lásce je mnohem víc než dva tisíce let a těmto veršům je přibližně právě tolik. Nic nenasvědčuje, že by láska či verše ji oslavující měly zmizet ze světa.
Objev podobné jako Umění milovat a nemilovat - Publius Ovidius Naso
Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí… ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Publius Ovidius Naso, čte Luděk Munzar a Marie Málková Audiokniha Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životěPůvodní EP titul "Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí..." vydal Supraphon v roce 1965 - nyní titul ve skvostné interpretaci Luďka Munzara a Marie Málkové vychází poprvé digitálně.Publius Ovidius Naso byl jedním z nejnadanějších autorů světové literatury. Císařem Augustem byl vypovězen z Říma a poslední roky života žil ve vyhnanství na březích Černého moře. Až do smrti toužil po přátelích a své rodině v Římě. Svůj stesk vyjevil v prosebných listech i básnických Žalozpěvech (Tristia). Vše bylo marné, císař Augustu mu návrat do Říma nepovolil. Ovidius zemřel roku 17 nebo 18 po Kristu. Jeho poezie i dnes udivuje svojí neobyčejnou svěžestí a fantazií.
Objev podobné jako Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí… ()
How to Be Queer: An Ancient Guide to Sexuality - Nooter Sarah
An irresistible anthology of ancient Greek writings that explore queer desire and loveEros, limb-loosening, whirls me about again,that bittersweet, implacable creature. —SapphoThe idea of sexual fluidity may seem new, but it is at least as old as the ancient Greeks, who wrote about queer experiences with remarkable frankness, wit, and insight. How to Be Queer is an infatuating collection of these writings about desire, love, and lust between men, between women, and between humans and gods, in lucid and lively new translations.Filled with enthralling stories, this anthology invites readers of all sexualities and identities to explore writings that describe many kinds of erotic encounters and feelings, and that envision a playful and passionate approach to sexuality as part of a rich and fulfilling life. How to Be Queer starts with Homer’s Iliad and moves through lyric poetry, tragedy, comedy, philosophy, and biography, drawing on a wide range of authors, including Sappho, Plato, Anacreon, Pindar, Theognis, Aristophanes, and Xenophon. It features both beautiful poetry and thought-provoking prose, emotional outpourings and humorous anecdotes.From Homer’s story of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, one of the most intense between men in world literature, to Sappho’s lyrics on the pleasures and pains of loving women, these writings show the many meanings of what the Greeks called eros. Complete with brief introductions to the selections, and with the original Greek on facing pages, How to Be Queer reveals what the Greeks knew long ago—that the erotic and queer are a source of life and a cause for celebration.
Objev podobné jako How to Be Queer: An Ancient Guide to Sexuality - Nooter Sarah
Umění milovat a nemilovat (Defekt) - Publius Ovidius Naso
Ovidius se svým Umění milovat a nemilovat je tu pro vás, kteří láskou žijete, koříte se jí, slastně stoupáte k jejím vrcholům i riskujete zničující pád. V Ovidiovi najdete – muži i ženy – zasvěceného průvodce tajemstvím lásky i podnět a inspiraci, kde a jak lásku hledat, jak a čím ji nalezenou živit, jak ji udržet, a když vztah někdy přijde o iluze, jak situaci napravit – vše v půvabných verších v rytmu moderního času.Často nemusíme pro lásku chodit daleko: Nevelím tomu, kdo hledá, / napnout plachty a s větrem plout: / ten, kdo chce najít, má leda / kousíček cesty před sebou. Praktická je rada, abychom vyvolený protějšek pozvali třeba na nějaké představení: Těsně vedle své paní / si sedni (co by ti bránilo?), / svým bokem tiskni se na ni, / co možná tělo na tělo… nebo na skleničku: Tam už nejednou mladá víla / mládenci srdce zcizila, / když plamen do ohně vlila / Venuše vínka napilá… Je třeba vytrvat a osvědčit se: Vlastnoručně nad ní vzpírej / řádně vypnutý slunečník, / vlastním tělem jí otevírej / cestu v návalu uličním a rozhodně nezapomínat na upravený zevnějšek: Noha ať neplave bezprizorně / ve vyčvachtané obuvi, / z ní jazyk ať netrčí vzdorně / a rzí ať háčky nemluví. … Ať také tvoje pohublost svědčí / o trýzni srdce…Ovidius si stále uchovává pověst ničitele mravů, ale když ho dnes čteme, nemusíme to skrývat. Dřív tomu bylo jinak – jako nemravnou tuto knihu veřejně spálili nejen ve Florencii (pravda, to bylo v roce 1497, a vlastně to dokazuje, jak musela být oblíbená) a ještě v třicátých letech dvacátého století ji ve více zemích zabavovaly úřady.Lásce je mnohem víc než dva tisíce let a těmto veršům je přibližně právě tolik. Nic nenasvědčuje, že by láska či verše ji oslavující měly zmizet ze světa.
Objev podobné jako Umění milovat a nemilovat (Defekt) - Publius Ovidius Naso
Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí… - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Původní EP titul 20251 "Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí..." vydal Supraphon v roce 1965 - nyní titul ve skvostné interpretaci Luďka Munzara a Marie Málkové vychází poprvé digitálně.
Objev podobné jako Publius Ovidius Naso Básník o svém životě/ Ovidius radí… - audiokniha
How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management - Grillo Luca
An enriching collection of classical writings about how ancient Romans made—and thought about—moneyAncient Romans liked money. But how did they make a living and sometimes even become rich? The Roman economy was dominated by agriculture, but it was surprisingly modern in many ways: the Romans had companies with CEOs, shareholders, and detailed contracts regulated by meticulous laws; systems of banking and taxation; and a wide range of occupations, from merchant and doctor to architect and teacher. The Romans also enjoyed a relatively open society, where some could start from the bottom, work, invest, and grow rich.How to Make Money gathers a wide variety of ancient writings that show how Romans thought about, made, invested, spent, lost, and gave away money. The Roman elite idealized farming and service to the state but treated many other occupations with suspicion or contempt, from money lending to wage labor. But whatever their attitudes, pecunia made the Roman world go round.In the Satyricon, Trimalchio brags about his wealth. Seneca accumulated a fortune—but taught that money can’t buy happiness. Eumachia inherited a brick factory from her father, married well, and turned to philanthropy after she was widowed.How to Make Money also takes up some of the most troubling aspects of the Roman economy, slavery and prostitution, which the elite deemed unrespectable but often profited from. Featuring lively new translations, an illuminating introduction, and the original Latin and Greek texts on facing pages, How to Make Money offers a revealing look at the Roman worlds of work and money.
Objev podobné jako How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management - Grillo Luca
A Girl´s Guide To Moving On - Debbie Macomberová
How do you move on after your life has fallen apart? When Leanne and her daughter-in-law Nichole went through divorces at the same time, they compiled a list to help them move on from the heartbreak. Now, two years on, these unlikely best friends have managed to pick up the pieces, and love is on the cards for both of them.
Objev podobné jako A Girl´s Guide To Moving On - Debbie Macomberová
Rady a zlomyslnosti. Ze světa aforismu a epigramu - Karel Čapek, William Shakespeare, Jan Neruda, Eurípidés, Aristotelés, Publius Ovidius Naso, Jean B
Audiokniha: Z komentáře k LP albu 1118 3295, které vydal Supraphon v roce 1983: AFORISMUS je - jak praví slovník - "jadrná a stručná věta, jíž se vyslovuje nějaká myšlénka neb důležitá zásada." Z toho vyplývá, že aforistický sloh "libuje si ve stručných větách". Takže ten, kdo se snaží s aforismem jakýmkoliv způsobem zacházet, je chtěj nechtěj nucen shromažďovat jadrné a stručné věty a libovat si v nich. EPIGRAM, česky prostě nápis, "slove kratičká básnička, vyjadřující s duchaplnou pointou vážnou neb satirickou myšlénku výrazně úsečnou formou, se vztahem k určité věci neb osobě." ...A konečně pro ty, kdo si nelibují v definicích, lze doporučit jako mnemotechnickou pomůcku fakt, že slovo AFORISMUS zahrnuje jaksi slůvko "fór", což člověku připomene, že je tu často co do činění s humorem, zatímco EPIGRAM zase obsahuje slovíčko "gram", které upozorňuje na to, že jde o útvar v každém případě malý.... Tomáš Vondrovic
Objev podobné jako Rady a zlomyslnosti. Ze světa aforismu a epigramu - Karel Čapek, William Shakespeare, Jan Neruda, Eurípidés, Aristotelés, Publius Ovidius Naso, Jean B
How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson
Discover the funny, uplifting story of second chances and becoming the person you were always meant to be, the perfect holiday read from the author of Richard & Judy Book Club pick, The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman. ‘The literary equivalent of a hug . .. supremely heart-warming and an immensely funny read that will pull you in from beginning to end’ - Glamour'A book that will make you smile in just about every possible way' Matson Taylor, bestselling author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick The Miseducation of Evie Epworth'Clever, thought-provoking and huge-hearted. Pure Joy!' Hazel Prior, bestselling author of Away With the Penguins---------When reality comes calling, do you face it .. . or keep running?Meet Danny – the definition of a man who 'could do better'.He drinks more than he should, lives in his best friend's garden shed. . .and he hasn't spoken to his sister in sixteen years. But when Danny winds up in a misleading newspaper article, claiming his lifestyle might be quite enlightened, he is thrust into the limelight. Letters begin to flood in from strangers seeking his guidance.Wolfie is the daughter of Danny's estranged sister. She's never met her uncle, but her mother is struggling and Wolfie needs help. So when she sees Danny's picture in the paper, she sets out to find him.Within a week, Danny goes from being responsibility-free to a big brother, an uncle and an unwitting existential 'guru' to some very lost souls. Can he become the man they all need him to be?(Previously published as Sincerely, Me)------------‘A gorgeous novel that will instantly leave you wanting more’ - Holly Miller, author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, The Sight of You'Emotional and joyous!' Sun'Such a wonderful, heartwarming book. Everyone needs Danny Mulberry in their lives’ Alice Clark-Platts, author of The Flower Girls and The Cove'Gorgeous, funny and heartfelt' Eleanor Ray, author of The Art of BelongingREADERS ARE ENJOYING HOW TO GET A LIFE:***** An utterly enchanting and emotional novel***** An absolute emotional rollercoaster yet funny along the way***** A joy to read from start to finish***** Easy to read and leaves you feeling happy***** One of my favourite books this year
Objev podobné jako How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson
Audiokniha MP3 Vladimir John, čte Julie Dawn Cole, David Riley, Richard Allinson As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it.
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (0312430000)
Kniha - autor Atul Gawande, 216 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The modern world has given us stupendous know-how. Yet avoidable failures continue to plague us in health care, government, the law, the financial industry-in almost every realm of organized activity. And the reason is simple: the volume and complexity of knowledge today has exceeded our ability as individuals to properly deliver it to people-consistently, correctly, safely. We train longer, specialize more, use ever advancing technologies, and still we fail. Atul Gawande makes a compelling argument that we can do better, using the simplest of methods: the lowly checklist.
Objev podobné jako The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (0312430000)
How to get your teenager out of their bedroom - Anita Cleare
Be the parent your teenager needs. Parenting coach and expert in child development Anita Cleare shares her practical answer to the most common question she receives from parents: how to deal with their withdrawn teenager, with tried-and-tested methods that really work.
Objev podobné jako How to get your teenager out of their bedroom - Anita Cleare
HOW TO GET A COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS - Vladimír John - audiokniha
Audiokniha: As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it.
Objev podobné jako HOW TO GET A COMPANY THROUGH A CRISIS - Vladimír John - audiokniha
You Do You: (A No-F**ks-Given Guide) how to be who you are and use what you've got to get wh (1787470423)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná *From the author who brought you the genius bestsellers The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k and Get Your Sh*t Together* In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, our favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight unleashed the power of saying no. In Get Your Sh*t Together, she prioritised the sh*t you need and want to do so you can achieve your hopes and dreams. Now she s back, doubling down on your happiness with her latest message: You Do You. Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world. Yet instead of leaning in to who we are, we fight it, listening too closely to what society tells us. You Do You helps you shake off those expectations, say f**k perfect, start looking out for number one and keep on with your badass self. From career and finances to relationships and family, lifestyle and health, Sarah Knight rips up the rulebook. Writing about her mistakes and embarrassments in her own personal...
Objev podobné jako You Do You: (A No-F**ks-Given Guide) how to be who you are and use what you've got to get wh (1787470423)
Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean (1529038340)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean (1529038340)
Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Odvážné myšlenky o jednom z nejdůležitějších a nejoblíbenějších rituálů lidstva.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life
Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential - Adam Alter
Anatomy of a Breakthrough is a groundbreaking guide to optimising your life, overcoming obstacles, and reaching your full potential.All of us go through episodes of simply being stuck, whether we're trapped in a thankless job, wrestling writer's block, muddling through a midlife crisis, or trying to remedy a fraying friendship. The resulting emotion is a mix of anxiety, uncertainty, fear, anger, and numbness, and it's often chronic, dangerous to our mental health, and with severe consequences to our success and development. What if someone told you that there is a proven plan to break through and to get unstuck?Anatomy of a Breakthrough is the remedy to identifying and overcoming the friction points holding us back. Professor of Marketing and bestselling author Adam Alter offers a brilliant new framework for not only getting unstuck but also going on to flourish. Critically, he introduces us to the Friction Audit - a test to work out where our sticking points lie between our HEAD, HEART or HABITS - and then takes us on a roadmap to break through.Alter illustrates his formula by sharing the stories of great 'unstickers' among us: the sub-elite swimmer who unstuck himself twice to win two Olympic gold medals; the actor who faced countless rejections before gaining worldwide fame; the renowned painter who became paralyzed and had to relearn to paint with a brush strapped to his wrist; as well as Alter's own story of breaking away from a college degree that made him deeply unhappy.Artfully weaving together scientific studies, anecdotes, and interviews, Anatomy of a Breakthrough will inspire you to boldly break away from the things holding you back, and to realise your goals.
Objev podobné jako Anatomy of a Breakthrough: How to get unstuck and unlock your potential - Adam Alter
Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha
eBook: Ever wondered how criminal investigators persuade others to reveal their secrets? Or perhaps your personal or professional life could benefit from more open, trusting interactions? Whatever it may be, \'Unlocking Secrets\' provides the answers you need to harness your interpersonal and communication skills to get others to open up and talk. Through real-life examples, Dr David Craig shows how these skills can be applied in everyday life, whilst divulging some of the most enhanced psychological methods used in the world of covert operations. All in an accessible, bitesize way, perfect for anyone looking to advance their career or enrich personal relationships. Dr David Craig has been teaching and researching techniques in covert operations since the early 2000s. Having assisted undercover operations around the world, he spent over two decades as a Federal Agent, and now runs a consultancy for covert operations in Australia and overseas. Craig is the author of the bestselling psychological books ‘Unlocking Secrets : How to get people to tell you everything’ and ‘Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’. Craig believes that everybody can and should benefit from covert skills in their everyday lives.
Objev podobné jako Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha
Shut Up and Run : How to Get Up, Lace Up, and Sweat with Swagger - Arzon Robin
An ultra marathoner and running coach captures the energy and joy of running in this illustrated, full-color motivational interactive fitness guide and journal that will inspire every type of runner--from beginner to experienced marathoner--to shut up and run. Running isn't just an activity, it's a lifestyle that connects runners with the world around them, whether they're pounding the pavement of crowded big city streets or traversing trails through quiet woods and fields. Reflecting the excitement, color, and focus of the running experience, Shut Up and Run offers tips, tricks, and visual motivation to help every runner cultivate miles of sweat, laughter, swagger, and friendship. Combining a fitness manual, training program, and self-help advice book in one, this gorgeous, four-color book--filled with anecdotes and stunning action imagery, and supported by graphic inspirational quotes--contains essential training tips for every level, including meditation and visualization techniques, that address a runner's body and mind. Robin Arzon offers unique style tips and practical gear recommendations to help you show off your best stuff mile after mile, and tells you everything you need to know, from how to pick the best running shoes to how to get off that sofa and go. No detail is left to chance; Shut Up and Run is loaded with information on every aspect of the runner's world, from gear and music to training for a half marathon and post-race recovery tips. Robin includes space at the end of each chapter to track your progress as you build up to your first marathon or other running goals. Designed to help readers find the information quickly and easily, loaded with practical advice, style, and attitude, this practical guide--written by a runner for runners--makes it clear that to succeed, all you need to do is shut up and run!
Objev podobné jako Shut Up and Run : How to Get Up, Lace Up, and Sweat with Swagger - Arzon Robin
How to Hangover: An illustrated guide - Stephen Wildish
Headache? Confusion? Waves of nausea and regret?Luckily, thanks to this handy book, a hangover no longer has to mean a ruined day.Use infographics and flowcharts to diagnose which hangover type you are suffering from and find the best treatments to help you on the road back to full health:The bottomless pitThe 'I'm still drunk'The ExorcistThe emotional boomerangThe lucky escapeThe undeservedIf you are spraying the walls with last night's kebab and this morning's Berocca, you are going to need a very big glass of water...With simple hangover cures and advice on how to tackle the clean-up (social AND physical) this book is the perfect remedy for all your 'morning after' regrets.
Objev podobné jako How to Hangover: An illustrated guide - Stephen Wildish
How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator - Theodore Papakostas
''Irresistibly fascinating'' MARIE CLAIRE GREECE''Essential'' VICTORIA HISLOP''Brilliantly conceived'' PAUL CARTLEDGEAn enormous bestseller in Greece, this is a bold, witty retelling of the story of Ancient Greece by a rising star in archaeologyTwo strangers meet in a trapped elevator. One is an archaeologist, the other isn’t. A simple question, ‘What do you do?’, becomes the springboard for a dialogue that weaves a fascinating tale.Archaeologist Theodore Papakostas takes us on a spectacularly iconoclastic and hugely engrossing journey through ancient Greece, from its beginnings in prehistory to its end. Marvelling at the exalted moments in history as well as the more mundane, Papakostas introduces the reader to countless fascinating stories about the cradle of western civilisation – many of which upend received wisdom about the empire as well as about archaeology itself. Along the way, he settles questions such as: What did a Minoan princess pack for a trip to Egypt? How did a raunchy dance lead to the birth of Democracy? Why did Heraclitus suggest that Homer should be slapped?A whistle-stop tour through three hundred years of Greek history, How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator is an unforgettable love letter to the treasures we’ve inherited from the ancient world, as well as to those who have helped us unearth them.
Objev podobné jako How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator - Theodore Papakostas
Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - an Illustrated Guide - Isabella Tree
Shortlisted for The Wainwright Prize for Nature and Conservation Writing for ChildrenWilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - An Illustrated Guide is a stunningly beautiful gift book written by Isabella Tree, which tells the story of the Knepp Estate in West Sussex.It is illustrated in full colour with lino prints and watercolours by Angela Harding, photographs from Knepp, and easy in-garden activities to 're-wild' your own spaces.Knepp is now home to some of the rarest and most beautiful creatures in the UK, including nightingales, peregrine falcons, scarce chaser dragonflies, and purple emperor butterflies. When you walk out into the scrubland on an early spring morning the sound of birdsong is so loud it feels like it’s vibrating in your lungs. This is the story of Knepp, and a guide telling you how to bring wildlife back where you live.Includes timelines, an in-depth look at rewilding, spotlight features about native animals including species that have returned and thrive - butterflies, bats, owls and beetles.The book encourages you to slow down and observe the natural world around you, understand the connections between species and habitats, and the huge potential for life right on your doorstep.'Perfect for anyone looking to make the life of even a hedgehog a little easier' – Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako Wilding: How to Bring Wildlife Back - an Illustrated Guide - Isabella Tree
Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight
It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is hereto help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grownup responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making YOUR life easier and more fun.You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times.
Objev podobné jako Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight
Mother Of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men (0008430810)
Kniha - autor Katrine Marçal, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling author Katrine Marcal reveals the shocking ways our deeply ingrained ideas about gender continue to hold us back. Every day, extraordinary inventions and innovative ideas are side-lined in a world that remains subservient to men But it doesn't have to be this way. From the beginning of time, women have been pivotal to our society, offering ingenious solutions to some of our most vexing problems. More recently, it is women who have transformed the way we shop online, revolutionised the lives of disabled people and put the climate crisis at the top of the agenda. Despite these successes, we still fail to find and fund the game-changing ideas that could alter the future of our planet, giving just 3% of venture capital to female founders. Instead, ingrained ideas about men and women continue to shape our economic decisions; favouring men and leading us to the same tired set...
Objev podobné jako Mother Of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men (0008430810)
The Unofficial Guide to the Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
"Hello my newly dead friends. Gather round. My name is Bastet and I'm going to be your tour guide to the afterlife. Please make sure your bandages don't trail as we walk along."Bastet is a mummified cat who is here to take you on a journey through the mystical death rituals of Ancient Egypt. Starting with some routine disembowelment and mummification, she explains about the role of the coffins, the separation of your soul, the importance of amulets and the various types of Egyptian tombs. Together, you will cross the river Styx and face the gods in one final judgement - the weighing of the heart. Bastet will make sure you have everything you need in the afterlife, because, it turns out, you can take it with you after all!This is a light-hearted, but nonetheless informative insight into the fascinating beliefs and traditions of Ancient Egypt. Bright, textural illustrations by Laura Winstone bring a freshness of tone to a subject matter that might be ancient, but never grows old.
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Anouk - To Get Her Together (Coloured Vinyl) (LP)
Datum vydání: 2022-06-17 Žánr: Pop;Rock Varianta: To Get Her Together (Coloured Vinyl) (LP) Subžánr: Pop Rock;Blues Rock;Akustický Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Interpret / Téma: Anouk Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Země interpreta: Nizozemsko Typ: Limitovaná edice;Barevná;LP deska;Album Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Clear Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Čirá Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP
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Time to Get Tough (Defekt) - Donald J. Trump
A New York Times bestseller! For the first time in his own words, President-elect Donald J. Trump explains his plan to make America great again! He wants to "put America's interests first--and that means doing what's right for our economy, our national security, and our public safety." Throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump conjured images of American strength and culture when small towns boomed with industry, mom and pop shops bustled, and people said, "Merry Christmas!" The media scoffed at Trump's vision and the people who supported him; they were blinded by the Clinton machine. But their eyes were opened after Trump won 62 million votes and the Oval Office. Even Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said, "Donald Trump heard a voice in this country that no one else heard." As Trump says in Time to Get Tough, "I've built businesses across the globe. I've dealt with foreign leaders. I've created tens of thousands of American jobs. My whole life has been about executing deals and making real money--massive money. That's what I do for a living: make big things happen..." Trump is about to make the biggest deals of his life, and he's going to make them for America!From reversing lax immigration policies to eliminating regulations that restrict small businesses, Donald Trump understands that America "doesn't need cowardice, it needs courage." President Elect Trump is about to "Make America Great Again" and Time to Get Tough is his blueprint!
Objev podobné jako Time to Get Tough (Defekt) - Donald J. Trump
How to be a BAWSE : A Guide to Conquering - Singh Lilly
The official debut book from YouTube phenomenon Lilly Singh.'The ultimate no-nonsense manual for millennials how how to make it to the top' Marie ClaireFrom actress, comedian and YouTube sensation Lilly Singh (aka Superwoman) comes the definitive guide to being a BAWSE - a person who exudes confidence, reaches goals, gets hurt efficiently, and smiles genuinely because they've fought through it all and made it out the other side. Told in her hilarious, bold voice that's inspired over 9 million fans, and using stories from her own life to illustrate her message, Lilly proves that there are no shortcuts to success. WARNING: This book does NOT include hopeful thoughts, lucky charms, and cute quotes. That's because success, happiness and everything else you want in life needs to be fought for - not wished for. In Lilly's world, there are no escalators. Only stairs.
Objev podobné jako How to be a BAWSE : A Guide to Conquering - Singh Lilly
An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs
London is home to over 3,500 pubs. The trouble is that 95% are awful. Dark, sweaty and tired. Says who? Says us. This small paperback tells you the only ones you should know. Whether you''re after the perfect Sunday roast, great craft beer, a cosy spot to read a book, the best pint of bitter or a raucous gig, this guide highlights the capital''s most exciting and, crucially, most stylish saloons in which to find it all.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs
How To Be an Antiracist (1847925995)
Kniha - 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako How To Be an Antiracist (1847925995)
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone - Alex Norris
A brilliantly witty and wise illustrated guide to relationships for teens – by the hugely popular webcomic artist and creator of Oh No!Isn’t it wonderful when love strikes? When you encounter someone beautiful and interesting and suddenly: feelings. But what do you do when that first crush squashes you flat, when sparks fly but fizzle out, when you and your other half just don’t click together? Enter How to Love! Your funny, wise and very different guide to relationships of all shapes and sizes, covering topics from singlehood to jealousy to happily ever after – all delivered in Alex Norris’s clever, accessible and bright graphic style. Full colour throughout and in an Agony Aunt format, with each chapter posed as a question – answered in comic book form. Inclusive of all genders and sexualities, and created by a queer non-binary artist.
Objev podobné jako How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone - Alex Norris
Stillness is the Key: An Ancient Strategy for Modern Life (1788162064)
Kniha - autor Ryan Holiday, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Throughout history, there has been one quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focused and calm in a constantly busy world. Drawing on a wide range of history's greatest thinkers, Holiday shows us how crucial stillness is, and how it can be cultivated in our own lives today. Just as Winston Churchill, Oprah Winfrey and baseball player Sadaharu Oh have done, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions - whether building a business or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction. Stillness is the key to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.
Objev podobné jako Stillness is the Key: An Ancient Strategy for Modern Life (1788162064)
How to Be an Overnight Success (1785037323)
Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá You are not born an entrepreneur. It s a skill that you learn along the way When the skincare company Rodial launched its cult s nake serum, the press quickly called the business an overnight success . However, Rodial s founder Maria Hatzistefanis had been toiling for 18 years, building the company from scratch in her bedroom. Now, the beauty boss sets out to demonstrate in this very accessible book that its success stemmed from sheer hard work, tireless efforts and a lot of patience. Fashion-loving Maria set out with a dream to build a beauty business and - despite not excelling at school, and being fired from her first job - she has achieved it. She did it by dreaming big, working hard, surrounding herself with the best, taking risks, creating buzz and building her own personal brand, which is now a favourite with high-profile models and media personalities including Poppy Delevingne, Daisy Lowe and...
Objev podobné jako How to Be an Overnight Success (1785037323)
Stillness is the Key : An Ancient Strategy for Modern Life - Ryan Holiday
Throughout history, there has been one quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focused and calm in a constantly busy world. Drawing on a wide range of history's greatest thinkers, Holiday shows us how crucial stillness is, and how it can be cultivated in our own lives today. Just as Winston Churchill, Oprah Winfrey and baseball player Sadaharu Oh have done, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions - whether building a business or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction. Stillness is the key to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.
Objev podobné jako Stillness is the Key : An Ancient Strategy for Modern Life - Ryan Holiday
MAC Cosmetics Tvářenka (Extra Dimension Blush) 4 g Hard To Get
Moderní tvářenka s jemností krému a efektem pudru poskytuje dlouhotrvající barvou, která vydrží až 10 hodin. Tvářím dodá ultra lehký efekt, lze nanášet v mokrém nebo suchém stavu.
Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Tvářenka (Extra Dimension Blush) 4 g Hard To Get
An Opinionated Guide to New York - Devra Ferst
The original metropolis, the city of cities: New York is mythic in stature and impossible to pin down. The planet''s most surreal urban experiment is a dizzying feast of iridescent skyscrapers, iconic landmarks and heavyweight cultural institutions - it''s irresistible, even if all you can afford is a bagel and a walk through Central Park. Luckily, we''ve got the inside scoop on the island''s most treasured local delis, historic bookshops, memorable bars and beloved neighbourhoods Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten / From the Battery to the top of Manhattan. This is part of a growing series of opinionated guides which offer no-nonsense insider''s advice on what to do and see in cities around the world.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide to New York - Devra Ferst
An Opinionated Guide to London - Hoxton Mini Press
This book is like a finely reduced sauce. It takes the best of our guides to the capital and tells you where to go and what to do in this vast, multicultural, chaotic city. London has pockets of wilderness complete with open air swimming and free-roaming deer; art galleries and museums full of masterpieces; restaurants serving some of the most exciting food in the world; history dating back centuries; parades of interesting indie shops; hundreds (no, thousands) of pubs and plenty to entertain overly energetic kids. Overwhelmed? Don''t be. All you need to know is in this handy pocket-sized and proudly opinionated guide. This is part of a series of opinionated guides which offer insider''s advice on what to do and see in cities around the world.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide to London - Hoxton Mini Press
How To Be An Anti-Racist : How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist: Why Can´t Escape Its Racist America - Amen Sara
1- How To Be An Anti-racist2- How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist3- Why Can't escape its Racist AmericaEuropean racism spread to America alongside the Europeans, but establishment views were questioned when applied to indigenous peoplesAfter the invention of the New World, many of the clergy sent to the New World who were educated within the new humane values of the Renaissance, still new in Europe and not ratified by the Vatican, began to criticize Spain and their own Church's treatment and views of indigenous peoples and slaves
Objev podobné jako How To Be An Anti-Racist : How To Helping You Be An Anti-Racist: Why Can´t Escape Its Racist America - Amen Sara
How To Live An Extraordinary Life - Pompliano Anthony
Anthony Pompliano writes 65 letters to his children with inspiring lessons on how to succeed in business, have great relationships, do well with money, and live a healthier and happier life. What does it take to make the most of what really matters (and to know what that is before it passes you by)? To overcome obstacles that set most people back (and to see them coming beforehand)? To flourish not just financially – but also in your family, free time, and the world of business?What does it take to live an extraordinary life?The answers will surprise you. Anthony Pompliano has lived in a war zone, met and interviewed the world's wealthiest people, built and sold companies, invested in more than 200 businesses, formed friendships around the globe, started a loving family, and found happiness.Along the way, he has kept a personal list of the lessons he has learned. Now, in How to Live an Extraordinary Life, he writes 65 letters to his children laying out each lesson and how he learned it, and explaining how it can be applied by anyone in their life today. The result is a compelling collection of practical and inspiring life strategies that anyone can use to build an extraordinary life.You will find unique advice about using your childhood as a chisel, understanding that luck is not real, living your life as a documentary, developing unshakable resilience, becoming a happier person, and much, much more. Most importantly, Anthony shows that an extraordinary life is within reach for anyone who wants it. You can start right now.
Objev podobné jako How To Live An Extraordinary Life - Pompliano Anthony
How to Win an Information War - Peter Pomerantsev
BY THE AUTHOR OF NOTHING IS TRUE AND EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE''Both history and a rallying cry . . . an illuminating guide to the nature and possibilities of propaganda.'' TLSFrom one of our leading experts on disinformation, the incredible true story of the complex and largely forgotten WWII propagandist Sefton Delmer - and what we can learn from him today. In the summer of 1941, Hitler and his allies ruled Europe from the Atlantic to the Black Sea. Britain was struggling to combat the powerful Nazi propaganda machine, which crowed victory and smeared its enemies.However, inside Germany, there was one notable voice of dissent from the very heart of the military machine – Der Chef, a German whose radio broadcasts skilfully questioned Nazi doctrine. He had access to high-ranking military secrets and spoke of internal rebellion. His listeners included German soldiers and citizens. But what these audiences didn’t know was that Der Chef was a fiction, a character created by the British propagandist Sefton Delmer, just one player in his vast counter-propaganda cabaret, a unique weapon in the war.As author Peter Pomerantsev uncovers Delmer''s story, he is called into a wartime propaganda effort of his own: the global response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. This book is the story of Delmer and his modern-day investigator, as they each embark on their own quest to seduce and inspire the passions of supporters and enemies, and to turn the tide of information wars.
Objev podobné jako How to Win an Information War - Peter Pomerantsev
U2 - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (LP)
Země interpreta: Irsko Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok nahrávky: 2004.0 Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Album Vydavatelství: Universal Music Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Post Punk;Rock Datum vydání: 2017-03-16 Varianta: How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (Vinyl LP) Rok vydání: 2017.0 Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: U2 Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako U2 - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (LP)
How to Run an Indie Label - Alan McGee
A no-holds-barred rampage through gigs, clubs, boardrooms, drugs and booze, mad scenes, brilliant signings, machine gun quotes and a resilient wild spirit.''A true believer in the power of music and more importantly a believer in the people that make music'' Noel Gallagher''McGee was our Malcolm McLaren and Tony Wilson. An instigator and motivator, a born upsetter. I''ve never met anyone like him'' Bobby GillespieMusic is like no other business. It''s about being at the right place at the right time, following your nose and diving in feet first. It''s about being plugged into the mystical electricity and about surfing on the wild energy. It''s about how to fuck up and how to survive and be sustained by the holy grail of the high decibel.No-one captures this wild feral spirit better than Alan McGee whose helter-skelter career through music has made him a major force. Wilder than his bands, more out of control than his most lunatic singer, more driven than his contemporaries and closer in spirit to the rock''n''roll star he could never be himself, McGee was always in a rush. Creation would sign people and not just the music. McGee understood that running an indie label is mainly about the charisma, the game changers, the iconography and the story. It''s about never being boring.His ability to start a raw power ruckus brought the visceral danger back to a moribund mid-eighties music scene. His nose for danger and his ear for classic guitar rock''n''roll brought us The Jesus and Mary Chain, Primal Scream, My Bloody Valentine, Teenage Fanclub and Ride before topping out in the nineties with the biggest band in the world, Oasis.By no means a conventional instruction manual or business book, How To Run an Indie Label tells you everything you need to know about how to be a creative force.
Objev podobné jako How to Run an Indie Label - Alan McGee
How to Kill an Asteroid - Robin George Andrews
A gripping account of the “city-killer” asteroids that could threaten Earth and the race to build a planetary defense system
Objev podobné jako How to Kill an Asteroid - Robin George Andrews
How to Think Like an Economist - Robbie Mochrie
An entertaining collection of biographical portraits of history's most influential and inspiring economists from Aristotle to Keynes, and Karl Marx to Friedrich Hayek and what they can teach us about the world today. We all live in the economy, whether we know it or not. The current cost-of-living crisis is an economic problem. Brexit might be a political project, but it has already changed how much money we have to spend and which products we can buy.Climate change may seem to be an ecological, or a social, or a technological problem, but it is also an economic problem, because its solution will transform the structure of the global economy. This book provides a readable and entertaining guide to the great thinkers who help us understand how economics works. It looks at how Aristotle invented the household budget, why Adam Smith wanted to abolish rent, and how modern Nobel prize winners shape the world around us.From the Greeks and Romans to the thinkers behind Enron and the financial crash of 2008, this is the ultimate guide to the greatest economists of the human age, and what their extraordinary thinking can teach us about how to see the world. Mochrie explores how the largely Western, White and male dominated field of economics is beginning to diversify, and shows how the great ideas of complex economics can be applied to our day-to-day existence.
Objev podobné jako How to Think Like an Economist - Robbie Mochrie
Celtic Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Miranda Aldhouse-Green
From gods, heroes, and monsters to Druids, sorcerers, and talking animals, The Celtic Myths explores every aspect of Irish and Welsh myths in this appealing and authoritative guide. Besides vividly retelling the tales, Miranda Aldhouse-Green brings her expertise in the archaeology of the Iron Age and particularly shamanism to bear on the mythical world she describes, with evidence as diverse as the Gundestrup Cauldron and the famous bog bodies. Starting with a discussion of how myths are transmitted and by whom, Aldhouse-Green continues with an account of Irish and Welsh myths, their key actors and motifs, and themes such as heroes, animals, women, environment, and the Otherworld. The book concludes with a look at the influence of monastic chroniclers on the tales, which they preserved and adapted. Boxed features, quotes from primary texts and contemporary sources, two-color illustrations, photographs, and drawings all come together to create a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in Celtic history or the history of myth as well as anyone who simply loves a good story.
Objev podobné jako Celtic Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends - Miranda Aldhouse-Green
The Aztec Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Stories and Legends - Townsend Camilla
The essential guide to the world of Aztec mythology, based on Nahuatl-language sources that challenge the colonial history passed down to us by the Spanish. How did the jaguar get his spots? What happened to the four suns that came before our own? Where was Aztlan, mythical homeland of the Aztecs? For decades, the popular image of the Mexica people - better known today as the Aztecs - has been defined by the Spaniards who conquered them. Their salacious stories of pet snakes, human sacrifice and towering skull racks have masked a complex world of religious belief. To reveal the rich mythic tapestry of the Aztecs, Camilla Townsend returns to the original tales, told at the fireside by generations of Indigenous Nahuatl-speakers. Through their voices we learn the contested histories of the Mexica and their neighbours in the Valley of Mexico - the foundations of great cities, the making and breaking of political alliances, the meddling of sometimes bloodthirsty gods - and understand more clearly how they saw their world and their place in it. The divine principle of Ipalnemoani connected humans with all of nature and spiritual beliefs were woven through the fabric of Aztec life, from the sacred ministrations of the ticitl, midwives whose rituals saw women through childbirth, to the inevitable passage to Mictlan, 'our place of disappearing together' - the land of the dead.
Objev podobné jako The Aztec Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Stories and Legends - Townsend Camilla
Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP)
Typ: Nové vydání;Album;LP deska;Barevná;Dotisk Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Barva podle výrobce: Blood Red Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Pop Punk Vydavatelství: Hopeless Records Datum vydání: 2024-02-23 Varianta: Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP) Barva: Červená Rok vydání: 2024.0 Interpret / Téma: Neck Deep
Objev podobné jako Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP)
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