Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

4-Hour Work Week : Escape The 9-5 Live Anywhere And Join The New Rich - Timothy Ferriss

This is a new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller on how to reconstruct your life so it's not all about work. Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred - life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. This step-by step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches: how Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per month and 4 hours per week; how to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want; how blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs; how to eliminate 50 per cent of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist; and how to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent 'mini-retirements'. This new updated and expanded edition includes: more than 50 practical tips and case studies from readers (including families) who have doubled their income, overcome common sticking points, and reinvented themselves using the original book as a starting point; real-world templates you can copy for eliminating email, negotiating with bosses and clients, or getting a private chef for less than GBP5 a meal; how lifestyle design principles can be suited to unpredictable economic times; and the latest tools and tricks, as well as high-tech shortcuts, for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.

Podívejte se také Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

cena 402.0 Kč

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich (0091929113)

Kniha - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Subtitled, "Escape The 9-5, Live Anywhere & Join The New Rich". An expanded edition of the bestseller about reconstructing life so that it's not all about work. With 50 new practical tips and case studies.

Podívejte se také The Sims 4 – Snowy Escape - Xbox Digital (7D4-00592)

cena 359.0 Kč

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (0307465357)

Kniha - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan--there is no need to wait, especially in unpredictable economic times. Ferriss offers more than 50 practical tips, real-world templates, and tools for living like a millionaire.

Podívejte se také Razors: Escape the Fire - CD (4251267706280)

cena 576.0 Kč

The 4-Hour Body - Timothy Ferriss

your physical goal, The 4-Hour Body eclipses every other health manual by sharing the best kept secrets in the latest science and research to provide new strategies for redesigning the human body. And you don't need to exhaust yourself. International bestselling author, Timothy Ferriss, helps you reach your true genetic potential in 3-6 months with a commitment of less than four hours per week.You can pick and choose from a menu of options, from simple to extreme, for dramatic body changes. Packed full of personal case studies, before and after photos, recipes and top tips, this book will help you achieve your body goals in record time.

Objev podobné jako The 4-Hour Body - Timothy Ferriss

cena 447.0 Kč

Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World - Timothy Ferriss

When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often - Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable - How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests - The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others - The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson - Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice - How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller - Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts - Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities - Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads.

Objev podobné jako Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World - Timothy Ferriss

cena 536.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss

Systém „otroč -> šetři -> odpočívej“, kdy člověk v mládí po celé dny dře a vlastní život jakoby odkládá na důchod, se evidentně přežil a Ferriss ve své knize představuje způsoby, jak si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Dokládá, že luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený jen milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému – a rychle rostoucí subkultura „nových bohatých“ to jen dokazuje. Stačí chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků.Že po žádné radikální změně svého života netoužíte? Přesto vám doporučujeme knihu přečíst – je přímo našlapána neobyčejnými postřehy a praktickými tipy, které jinde nenajdete. A je velmi vtipná.Kniha „The 4-Hour Workweek“ vyšla poprvé v dubnu 2007, v USA se dočkala 40 dotisků a byla přeložena do 35 jazyků. Český překlad vychází z nového, rozšířeného vydání knihy, které se objevilo v prosinci 2009 a jež navíc obsahuje případové studie mnoha lidí, kteří si životní styl „nových bohatých“ už vybudovali.Z angličtiny knihu přeložil Aleš Lisa, který má na svém překladatelském kontě mimo jiné i tituly Stephena Coveyho, včetně proslulých „7 návyků skutečně efektivních lidí”.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss

cena 429.0 Kč

Štvorhodinový pracovný týždeň - Timothy Ferriss

Životný štýl, keď mladý človek len drie a skutočný život odkladá na dôchodok, je dnes už prežitok, tvrdí autor. Vo svojej knihe vysvetľuje, že luxusný životný štýl, ktorý si pred dvadsiatimi rokmi užívali len milionári, je dnes dostupný každému. Stačí len využiť všetky moderné možnosti. Tim Ferriss sa tajomstvám Novodobých boháčov učil viac ako päť rokov. Táto rýchlo sa rozširujúca subkultúra združuje členov, ktorí prestali neustále odkladať vlastný život na potom a vyznávajú novú filozofiu času a mobility. Pomocou nej si vybudovali luxusný životný štýl tu a teraz. Či ste prepracovaný zamestnanec alebo podnikateľ uväznený vo vlastnej firme, táto kniha vám poslúži ako kompas v revolučnom novom svete. Pridajte sa k Timovi Ferrissovi a on vás naučí: Aký zásadný rozdiel je medzi absolútnym a relatívnym príjmom. Ako si vycvičiť vlastného šéfa tak, že viac ocení váš výkon ako prítomnosť, alebo ako odísť z práce (alebo vlastnej firmy), ak sa vaša situácia nedá zvrátiť. Aká múza vám zabezpečí automatický peňažný tok a ako si ju vytvoriť za 2 – 4 týždne. Ako si pestovať selektívnu ignoráciu a získať čas vďaka nízkoinformačnej diéte. Aké tajomstvá skrývajú riaditelia na diaľku. Ako sa zadarmo ubytovať kdekoľvek na svete a zohnať letenky o 50 – 80 % lacnejšie. Ako zaplniť prázdnotu a začať zmysluplne žiť, keď sa zbavíte práce a viac nemusíte sedieť v kancelárii. To všetko môžete dosiahnuť aj vy. SPRIEVODCA VYSNÍVANÝM ŽIVOTNÝM ŠTÝLOM Zabudnite na zastaraný koncept dôchodku a prestaňte svoj život neustále odkladať na neskôr. Nemusíte na nič čakať. Práve naopak, jestvuje nespočetne veľa dôvodov, prečo nečakať, hlavne v dnešnej dobe, keď nikto nevie, ktorým smerom sa bude uberať ekonomika. Ak snívate o tom, že sa prestanete neustále naháňať za peniazmi, túžite cestovať po svete, pričom by ste chceli mesačne zarábať päťcifernú sumu alebo skrátka chcete len menej pracovať a viac žiť, táto kniha je návod.

Objev podobné jako Štvorhodinový pracovný týždeň - Timothy Ferriss

cena 482.0 Kč

The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco

THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE: NOW AN INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLER!Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slowlane" your plan for creating wealth? You know how it goes; it sounds a little something like this: "Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to the stock market, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich."The mainstream financial gurus have sold you blindly down the river to a great financial gamble: You've been hoodwinked to believe that wealth can be created by recklessly trusting in the uncontrollable and unpredictable markets: the housing market, the stock market, and the job market. This impotent financial gamble dubiously promises wealth in a wheelchair -- sacrifice your adult life for a financial plan that reaps dividends in the twilight of life.Accept the Slowlane as your blueprint for wealth and your financial future will blow carelessly asunder on a sailboat of HOPE: HOPE you can find a job and keep it, HOPE the stock market doesn't tank, HOPE the economy rebounds, HOPE, HOPE, and HOPE. Do you really want HOPE to be the centerpiece for your family's financial plan?Drive the Slowlane road and you will find your life deteriorate into a miserable exhibition about what you cannot do, versus what you can. For those who don't want a lifetime subscription to mediocrity and a slight chance of elderly riches, there is an alternative; an expressway to extraordinary wealth that can burn a trail to financial independence faster than any road out there.

Objev podobné jako The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco

cena 715.0 Kč

Nástroje titánů - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: ">> Zlepšit své zdraví a kondici, vydělávat víc peněz, lépe si užívat života. V jaké oblasti chcete poradit od těch nejlepších z nejlepších?

Objev podobné jako Nástroje titánů - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 499.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Ať jste přepracovaný zaměstnanec, nebo podnikatel lapený v pasti své vlastní firmy, tato audiokniha vám ukáže cestu k veselejšímu životu. Systém "otroč - šetři - odpočívej", kdy v mládí po celé dny dřete a vlastní život jakoby odkládáte na důchod, je již překonán. Je možné si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený pouze milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému a rychle rostoucí subkultura "nových bohatých" to dokazuje. Stačí jen chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků. "Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden je naprostou nezbytností pro všechny odvážné jedince, kteří chtějí žít svůj život naplno. Poslechněte si ho dřív, než bude pozdě." - John Lusk, MICROSOFT WORLD HEADQUARTERS

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - audiokniha

cena 550.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinové tělo - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: Pokud znáte Ferrissův úspěšný a kontroverzní "Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden", je vám jasné, že si název jeho nového bestselleru příliš nevymýšlí. Stěží najdete na trhu knížku, která tak pragmaticky, vtipně a otevřeně šlape po uznávaných metodách hubnutí a vůbec tělesné práce na sobě. Ferriss přiznává, že většina z nás ve snaze zlepšit svou kondičku a fyzický vzhled nemá takovou vůli, aby dokázala denodenně desítky minut sportovat a na dlouhé měsíce se trápit odříkáním. Přichází s propracovaným tipy a triky, jak dosáhnout zlepšení za mnohem menšího (nikoli však zcela nulového) úsilí. V KNIZE SE DOČTETE:* Jak shodit 9 kg za 30 dnů (bez cvičení) na základě superjednoduché nízkosacharidové diety* Jak předejít nabírání tuku, když si dáváte do trumpety (Vánoce, svátky, víkendy)* Jak dosáhnout o 300 % vyššího úbytku tuku s pár pytlíky ledu* Jak Tim nabral 15,5 kg svalstva za 28 dnů, a to bez steroidů a při celkem 4 hodinách strávených za tu dobu v posilovně* Jak spát 2 hodiny denně a cítit se plně odpočatý* Jak zařídit 15-minutový ženský orgasmus* Jak ztrojnásobit testosteron, zdvojnásobit počet spermií a (doslova a do písmene) užít si sex jako pornohvězda* Jak se v běhu dostat z 5 na 50 kilometrů za 12 týdnů* Jak zvrátit „trvalé“ následky poranění* Jak za 6 měsíců přidat přes 68 kilogramů k vašim zdvihům* Jak si zaplatit dovolenou na pláži z jedné návštěvy nemocniceČtyřhodinové tělo není další knihou o životosprávě a tělesné kondici. Obsahuje kolektivní moudrost stovek špičkových sportovců, desítek lékařů a tisícovky hodin osobních experimentů, nad nimiž zůstává rozum stát.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinové tělo - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: „Ferriss přišel na to, jak se oprostit od dědictví dinosaurů – pracovní doby od 9 do 17, která se udržuje jen proto, že vaši šéfové jsou na ni zvyklí, taky z ní vzešli a celý svět podléhá dojmu, že jinak to nejde. A je čas to změnit.“– Petr Švihel, Lidové noviny„Ferriss do knihy vtělil svá tajemství, jak omezit plýtvání časem na minimum, pracovat efektivněji po krátkou dobu a zbytek dne trávit koníčky. (...) K tomu, abyste mohli žít život milionářů, nemusíte mít na účtu závratné sumy.“– Michal Kučera, Euro„Možná vás kniha Tima Ferrisse nezmění, ale rozhodně vás donutí zamyslet se nad tím, jak žijete a jak byste mohli žít. Kdybyste opravdu chtěli. A to za to stojí.”– Petr Mára, Digit.cz„Má to tenhle chlapík chytře vymyšlené. Jeho kniha je plná života, entusiasmu, snů, po kterých spousta lidí touží, a navíc je nabitá tolik, že nemusíte číst jakoukoliv jinou knihu tohoto druhu. Stačí se od ní odpíchnout a pak už jen myslet „jak já to udělám ve svém případě“.– Kateřina Karan# O KNIZEZapomeňte na staré koncepce! Zapomeňte na termíny, jako je osmihodinová pracovní doba, a slovo přesčas vůbec vymažte ze svého slovníku! Ať jste přepracovaný zaměstnanec, nebo podnikatel lapený v pasti své vlastní firmy, tato kniha vám ukáže cestu k veselejšímu životu. Systém „otroč -> šetři -> odpočívej“, kdy člověk v mládí po celé dny dře a vlastní život jakoby odkládá na důchod, se evidentně přežil a Ferriss ve své knize představuje způsoby, jak si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Dokládá, že luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený jen milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému – a rychle rostoucí subkultura „nových bohatých“ to jen dokazuje. Stačí chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků.Kniha „The 4-Hour Workweek“ vyšla poprvé v dubnu 2007, v USA se dočkala 40 dotisků a byla přeložena do 35 jazyků. Český překlad vychází z nového, rozšířeného vydání knihy, které se objevilo v prosinci 2009 a jež navíc obsahuje případové studie mnoha lidí, kteří si životní styl „nových bohatých“ už vybudovali.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder

Wilhelm von Habsburg wore the uniform of an Austrian officer, the court regalia of a Habsburg archduke, the simple suit of a Parisian exile, the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece and, every so often, a dress. He spoke the Italian of his archduke mother, the German of his archduke father, the English of his British royal friends, the Polish of the country his father wished to rule and the Ukrainian of the land Wilhelm wished to rule himself.Timothy Snyder's masterful biography is not only a reconstruction of the life of this extraordinary man - a man who remained loyal to his Ukrainian dreams even after the country's dissolution in 1921- but also charts the final collapse of the ancien regime in Europe and the rise of a new world order.

Objev podobné jako The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder

cena 357.0 Kč

Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape - Dermot O'Leary

From bestselling children''s author and TV broadcaster, Dermot O''Leary, comes an action-packed new adventure from Toto the ninja cat - a snake has escaped London Zoo and it''s up to her to find it! Purrfect for fans of The Aristocats, The Secret Life of Pets and Atticus Claw Breaks the Law.Toto the cat and her brother Silver live footloose and fancy-free in a townhouse in London. Toto is almost totally blind, and learned to trust her senses from a ninja cat-master who taught her back in Italy where they were born. By day, Toto and Silver seem to be ordinary cats, but by night, they love to have adventures! One evening, news reaches Toto that a king cobra has escaped from London Zoo! Together with help from a very posh cat and two hungry tigers, Toto and Silver must investigate. Can they find the giant snake, before it''s too late?Ideal for reading aloud or for children to curl up with and read alone, the story features brilliant black and white illustrations throughout by Nick East. With gentle themes of friendship, inclusivity and winning in the face of adversity, this is a hilarious must-read for all animal-loving kids! Dermot says: ''The idea for Toto first came to me when my wife and I rescued two stray cats from an olive grove in Italy. One of them, Toto, has been blind from birth, but we quickly realised she had ninja-like reactions. Like a lot of cat owners (or cat servants), we like to imagine our pets having secret lives when we''re out or asleep. So before I knew it I was writing about Toto and her brother Silver''s nocturnal adventures around London. I really hope that children who pick it up enjoy reading the adventures of our little Italian underdog (cat).''Have you seen Toto''s other adventures? The Incredible Cheese Heist, The Superstar Catastrophe, The Mystery Jewel Thief and The Legend of the Wildcat are out now, and make perfect gifts for young readers.For more animal adventures, discover Wings of Glory. Can one tiny bird help to win a world war? A funny action-adventure story with a feathery twist, from the bestselling children''s author of Toto the Ninja Cat, Dermot O''Leary, with glorious illustrations throughout by Claire Powell.

Objev podobné jako Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape - Dermot O'Leary

cena 236.0 Kč

The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work and Writings of Dr. Spencer Black (1594746168)

Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Philadelphia. The late 1870s. Home to the famous anatomist and surgeon Dr. Spencer Black. The son of a "resurrectionist" (aka grave robber), Dr. Black develops an unconventional hypothesis: What if the world's most celebrated mythological beasts--mermaids, minotaurs, and satyrs--were in fact the evolutionary ancestors of humankind?

Objev podobné jako The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work and Writings of Dr. Spencer Black (1594746168)

cena 599.0 Kč

The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge - The Week Junior

Let your imagination run wild with The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge! Packed to the brim with brain-expanding facts and mind-blowing information, this book from multi-award-winning children’s magazine The Week Junior is the perfect gift for curious children.How much would someone pay for a painting done by a pig? Why did a Japanese company send a hamster to space? What do Star Wars and King Charles III have in common? And how can poo save your life?!This fun-packed book is stuffed with facts – everything from the unbelievable to the essential! Whether you want to know about science or sport, inventions or art, amazing life on earth or what’s up there in space, this is the book for you. With incredible true stories, and the world’s most astonishing facts, The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge has everything children love about the UK’s most popular children’s magazine The Week Junior – in book form. With brilliant photos, easy explanations and colourful design throughout, this book will boost your brain and help you astonish your friends!Ideal as a Christmas or birthday gift or just as a way to inspire young minds, this large-format, full-colour hardback is a must-have for every child''s bookshelf.It''s time to answer all the questions you never knew you had!

Objev podobné jako The Week Junior Big Book of Knowledge - The Week Junior

cena 591.0 Kč

The Doors - Live In New York (LP)

Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Žánr: Rock;Blues;Hard Rock Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rock;Blues;Psychedelic Rock;Acid Rock Typ: LP deska;Album;Live Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979 Datum vydání: 2010-09-07 Interpret / Téma: The Doors Varianta: Live In New York Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Bright Midnight Records;Rhino Records;Atlantic Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2010.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako The Doors - Live In New York (LP)

cena 1038.0 Kč

The Imposter Cure: How to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome - Jessamy Hibberd

A newly updated edition for 2024'You've definitely heard of it, you've almost certainly felt it and it's actively stopping you from being your best self. In a new book on imposter syndrome Dr Jessamy Hibberd provides a definitive guide to understanding and tackling the psychological mind trap.' - The Sunday Times 'Dr Jessamy teaches you the tools to break free from those self-sabotaging thought patterns that are holding you back from your own success.' - Hazel Wallace, The Food Medic'If you suffer from imposter syndrome, this is definitely a must-read!' - Goodreads reviewer'I have suffered with imposter syndrome my entire life [...] In the few days I have been reading this book I have done an almost complete 180.' - Goodreads reviewer'Dr Jessamy writes in a clear and accessible way and includes lots of practical solutions for overcoming the imposter thoughts.' - Goodreads reviewerImposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which people believe they are not worthy of success. They convince themselves that they have done well due to luck and are terrified their shortcomings will eventually be exposed, making it impossible to enjoy their accomplishments.The Imposter Cure explores the psychological impact of imposter syndrome and exposes the secrets fears and insecurities felt by millions of men and women. Dr Jessamy Hibberd provides sound expert advice to help the reader better understand the problem and overcome it, so they think differently, gain self-belief and learn to see themselves as others do. Filled with case studies to bring the concepts alive and packed with strategies to increase confidence, this book is a must-read for anyone who has struggled with their achievements.

Objev podobné jako The Imposter Cure: How to stop feeling like a fraud and escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome - Jessamy Hibberd

cena 349.0 Kč

Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni

The first book to explore two of the biggest names in modern and contemporary art side by side, Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons In the first half of the 20th century, Marcel Duchamp redefined what we consider art and what it means to be an artist. Many of his ideas return, transformed, in the work of Jeff Koons, born when Duchamp was 68 years old and whose own career lit up the art world of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This is the first book to explore the affinities between these two highly influential artists, whose creative universes similarly question the function of objects and the allure of commodities. International art historians, writers, and curators contribute their expertise on topics such as each artist's persona, as well as reflecting on the influence of technology and sexuality on their work. The publication of this intriguing book coincides with an exhibition at the Museo Jumex in Mexico City, opening in May 2019.

Objev podobné jako Appearance Stripped Bare: Desire and the Object in the Work of Marcel Duchamp and Jeff Koons, Even - Gioni

cena 1557.0 Kč

The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

The Magic Lantern is one of those rare books that capture history in the making, written by an author who was witness to some of the most remarkable moments that marked the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.Timothy Garton Ash was there in Warsaw, on 4 June, when the communist government was humiliated by Solidarity in the first semi-free elections since the Second World War. He was there in Budapest, twelve days later, when Imre Nagy - thirty-one years after his execution - was finally given his proper funeral. He was there in Berlin, as the Wall opened. And most remarkable of all, he was there in Prague, in the back rooms of the Magic Lantern theatre, with Vaclav Havel and the members of Civic Forum, as they made their 'Velvet Revolution'.

Objev podobné jako The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

cena 312.0 Kč

Slade - Live At The New Victoria (White & Blue Splatter) (LP)

Typ: Barevná;LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Bílá Země původu: Německo Vydavatelství: Warner Music Subžánr: Hard Rock;Glam Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Glam;Hard Rock Varianta: Live At The New Victoria (White/Black Splatter Coloured) (LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2024.0 Interpret / Téma: Slade Barva podle výrobce: White & Blue Splatter

Objev podobné jako Slade - Live At The New Victoria (White & Blue Splatter) (LP)

cena 849.0 Kč

Agatha Christie: Radio 4 Book of the Week - Lucy Worsleyová

She went surfing in Hawaii, she loved fast cars, and she was intrigued by the new science of psychology, which helped her through devastating mental illness. So why - despite all the evidence to the contrary - did Agatha present herself as a retiring Edwardian lady of leisure? She was born in 1890 into a world which had its own rules about what women could and couldn't do. Lucy Worsley's biography is not just of an internationally renowned bestselling writer.It's also the story of a person who, despite the obstacles of class and gender, became an astonishingly successful working woman. With access to personal letters and papers that have rarely been seen, Lucy Worsley's biography is both authoritative and entertaining and makes us realise what an extraordinary pioneer Agatha Christie was - truly a woman who wrote the twentieth century.

Objev podobné jako Agatha Christie: Radio 4 Book of the Week - Lucy Worsleyová

cena 626.0 Kč

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

Kniha - autor Napoleon Hill, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling success book of all time is updated and revised with contemporary ideas and examples.

Objev podobné jako Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Why Are You Here Cafe: A New Way of Finding Meaning in Your Life and Your Work (0749927178)

Kniha - autor John Strelecky, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor John Strelecky, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Low on petrol after taking a long detour on his road trip, John finds a small cafĂ©, the only establishment in a remote area that appears to be in the middle of nowhere. Despite his intention only to refuel and be on his way, he finds himself sitting at one of the cafĂ©'s comfortable booths, facing a platter of food and three questions on the menu: Why Are You Here? Do You Fear Death? Are You Fulfilled? With these questions to ponder, and with the guidance of his waitress, Casey, the owner/cook, Mike, and fellow patron Anne, John embarks on a journey of self-discovery that takes him from the executive suites of the advertising world to the sandy beaches of tropical islands.

Objev podobné jako The Why Are You Here Cafe: A New Way of Finding Meaning in Your Life and Your Work (0749927178)

cena 265.0 Kč

Xerjoff Join the Club Fatal Charme parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

Xerjoff Join the Club Fatal Charme, 50 ml, Parfémované vody unisex, ovocná vůně

Objev podobné jako Xerjoff Join the Club Fatal Charme parfémovaná voda unisex 50 ml

cena 4023.0 Kč

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (0753541645)

Kniha - autor Sheryl Sandberg, 230 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of this provocative and inspiring work on overcoming the obstacles facing women on the path to leadership, from "Fortune"'s 10th Most Powerful Woman in Business. Updated with the latest statistics.

Objev podobné jako Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead (0753541645)

cena 355.0 Kč

Wes Anderson: The Iconic Filmmaker and his Work - Ian Nathan

The definitive reference for all Wes Anderson fans. Loaded with rich imagery and detailed analysis of his incredible films – including the classics The Grand Budapest Hotel, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums and Moonrise Kingdom as well as Anderson's highly anticipated new releaseThe French Dispatch – this is the first book to feature all of Wes Anderson's movies in a single volume. Acclaimed film journalist Ian Nathan provides an intelligent and thoughtful examination of the work of one of contemporary film’s greatest visionaries, charting the themes, visuals, and narratives that have come to define Anderson’s work and contributed to his films an idiosyncratic character that's adored by his loyal fans. From Anderson’s regular cast members – including Bill Murray and Owen Wilson – to his instantly recognisable aesthetic, recurring motifs and his scriptwriting processes, this in-depth collection will reveal how Wes Anderson became one of modern cinema’s most esteemed and influential directors. Presented in a slipcase with 8-page gatefold section, this stunning package will delight all Wes Anderson devotees and movie lovers in general. Unauthorised and Unofficial.

Objev podobné jako Wes Anderson: The Iconic Filmmaker and his Work - Ian Nathan

cena 899.0 Kč

The Secret Body: How the New Science of the Human Body Is Changing the Way We Live - Daniel M. Davis

Welcome to a revolution in the science of you - this is the landmark new book from award-winning scientist Daniel M. Davis.Imagine taking drugs to help you acquire new skills, or knowing years in advance the precise likelihood of developing specific cancers, or following a diet and health regime tailored to your microbiome, or even having continuous monitoring of your body's workings and well-being. Written by an award-winning scientist, this landmark book shows how these radical and disconcerting possibilities have been made real. It is at once a gripping drama of scientific ingenuity, discovery and collaboration, and a vision of the human body of dizzying complexity and wonder.'The startling new discoveries...are radically altering our understanding of how we function and what our future holds' BRIAN COX'A big-picture forecast of how medicine stands on the threshold of a revolution that will radically change all of our lives' The Times

Objev podobné jako The Secret Body: How the New Science of the Human Body Is Changing the Way We Live - Daniel M. Davis

cena 299.0 Kč

Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha

eBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy.

Objev podobné jako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha

cena 350.0 Kč

The Present: Enjoying Your Work and Life in Changi - Spencer Johnson

A Timely Gift From the Author of Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson, M.D. Dr. Spencer Johnson’s stories of timeless, simple truths have changed the work and lives of millions of readers around the world. Now comes an insightful new tale of inspiration and practical guidance for these turbulent times. The Present The Present is the best gift you can receive because it makes you happy and successful! Whether it means … • Having peace of mind and feeling more alive; or • Being more productive and more prosperous; or • Finding whatever is important to you and to those you work and live with. The Present The Gift that Makes You Happy and Successful at Work and in Life For over two decades, Spencer Johnson has been inspiring and entertaining millions with his simple yet insightful stories of work and life that speak directly to the heart and soul. The Present is an engaging story of a young man’s journey to adulthood, and his search for The Present, a mysterious and elusive gift he first hears about from a great old man. This Present, according to the old man, is “the best present a person can receive.” Later, when the young boy becomes a young man, disillusioned with his work and his life, he returns to ask the old man, once again, to help him find The Present. The old man responds, “Only you have the power to find The Present for yourself.” So the young man embarks on a tireless search for this magical gift that holds the secret to his personal happiness and business success. It is only after the young man has searched high and low and given up his relentless pursuit that he relaxes and discovers The Present—and all of the promises it offers. The Present will help you focus on what will make you happy and successful in your work and in your personal life. Like the young man, you may find that it is the best gift you can ever give yourself

Objev podobné jako The Present: Enjoying Your Work and Life in Changi - Spencer Johnson

cena 221.0 Kč

Lean In : Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - Sandbergová Sheryl

Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In is a massive cultural phenomenon and its title has become an instant catchphrase for empowering women. The book soared to the top of bestseller lists internationally, igniting global conversations about women and ambition. Sandberg packed theatres, dominated opinion pages, appeared on every major television show and on the cover of Time magazine, and sparked ferocious debate about women and leadership. Ask most women whether they have the right to equality at work and the answer will be a resounding yes, but ask the same women whether they'd feel confident asking for a raise, a promotion, or equal pay, and some reticence creeps in. The statistics, although an improvement on previous decades, are certainly not in women's favour - of 197 heads of state, only twenty-two are women. Women hold just 20 percent of seats in parliaments globally, and in the world of big business, a meagre eighteen of the Fortune 500 CEOs are women. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO and one of Fortune magazine's Most Powerful Women in Business - draws on her own experience of working in some of the world's most successful businesses and looks at what women can do to help themselves, and make the small changes in their life that can effect change on a more universal scale.

Objev podobné jako Lean In : Women, Work, and the Will to Lead - Sandbergová Sheryl

cena 268.0 Kč

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Finally No. 1 (The Fabulous Live Recordings ) - LP (4260494435238)

LP vinyl - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers byla rocková skupina, většina jejích členů pochází ze Spojených států. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers byla rocková skupina, většina jejích členů pochází ze Spojených států. Vznikla v roce 1976 a zakládající členové byli: Tom Petty (kytara a zpěv), Mike Campbell (kytara), Benmont Tench (klavír, varhany, harmonium a zpěv), Ron Blair (baskytara a zpěv) a Stan Lynch (bicí a zpěv). Seznam stop LP 1 Strana A / Jammin' Me / Runnin' Down A Dream / Swingin' / Listen To Her Heart / Marry Jane's Last Dance / Hey Mona / LP 1 Strana B / Even The Losers / Room At The Top / Walls / Petty's Shuffle / Free Fallin / Free Girl Now

Objev podobné jako Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Finally No. 1 (The Fabulous Live Recordings ) - LP (4260494435238)

cena 579.0 Kč

The Sims 4: Snowy Escape DLC - PC DIGITAL (1560088)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Origin, žánr: Party, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Nové dobrodružství The Sims 4: Snowy Escape PC pro simíky je na obzoru. V expanzi Snowy Escape (Život na horách) přivítá vaše virtuální lidičky svět Mt. Komorebi. V The Sims 4: Snowy Escape PC ovládnete svahy Budou simíci hvězdy na snowboardu, lyžích... nebo zdolávat skalní stěny? Je jen na vás, kterou cestou se vydají. Saně a boby pro mladší simíky jsou samozřejmě také k dispozici. ...

Objev podobné jako The Sims 4: Snowy Escape DLC - PC DIGITAL (1560088)

cena 563.0 Kč

The Sims 4 – Snowy Escape - Xbox Digital (7D4-00592)

Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Simulátor, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra - Zažijte adrenalinové zimní sporty, odpočiňte si v přírodních horkých pramenech a navrhněte si vlastní bydlení inspirované Japonskem Nové dobrodružství pro simíky je na obzoru. V expanzi Snowy Escape Xbox (Život na horách) přivítá vaše virtuální lidičky svět Mt. Komorebi. V The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Xbox ovládnete svahy Budou simíci hvězdy na snowboardu, lyžích... nebo zdolávat skalní stěny? Je jen na vás, kterou cestou se vydají. Saně a boby pro mladší...

Objev podobné jako The Sims 4 – Snowy Escape - Xbox Digital (7D4-00592)

cena 1049.0 Kč

MÁDARA Rozjasňující korektor (The Concealer) 4 ml 40 Golden Hour

Rozjasňující a hydratační korektor zakryje tmavé kruhy, zarudnutí, rozšířené póry a další nedokonalosti, ale také přirozeně rozjasní oční okolí. Jeho jemnou textura nezatěžuje pleť a dokonale splyne s pokožkou.

Objev podobné jako MÁDARA Rozjasňující korektor (The Concealer) 4 ml 40 Golden Hour

cena 629.0 Kč

The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future (0593491785)

Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the New York Times bestselling author comes the astonishingly frank and intimate story of Silicon Valley's dominant venture-capital firms-and how their strategies and fates have shaped the path of innovation and the global economy Innovations rarely come from experts. Elon Musk was not an electric car person before he started Tesla. When it comes to improbable innovations, a legendary tech VC told Sebastian Mallaby, the future cannot be predicted, it can only be discovered. It is the nature of the venture-capital game that most attempts at discovery fail, but a very few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else. That extreme ratio of success and failure is the power law that drives the VC business, all of Silicon Valley, the wider tech sector, and, by extension, the world. In The Power Law, Sebastian Mallaby has parlayed unprecedented access to the most celebrated...

Objev podobné jako The Power Law: Venture Capital and the Making of the New Future (0593491785)

cena 475.0 Kč

The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

A brand new book from the Sunday Times and internationally bestselling author of The Silk Roads 'Masterly mapping out of a new world order' – Evening Standard Revised and updated edition The New Silk Roads takes a fresh look at the relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the ancient trade routes today. The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties are being strengthened and mutual cooperation established. This prescient contemporary history provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west. The New Silk Roads asks us to re-examine who we are and where we stand in the world, illuminating the themes on which all our lives and livelihoods depend. The Silk Roads, a major reassessment of world history, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

Objev podobné jako The New Silk Roads : The Present and Future of the World - Peter Frankopan

cena 399.0 Kč

Kiss: Live At The Ritz New York 1988 - LP (SRFM0009CV)

LP vinyl - Live koncert z edice Live Radio Broadcast Kiss v Ritzz New York z roku 1988 Live koncert z edice Live Radio Broadcast Kiss v Ritz New York z roku 1988 Seznam stop A1 Deuce / A2 Love Gun / A3 Cold Gin / A4 Crazy. Crazy Nights / A5 Calling Dr. Love / B1 I Love It Loud / B2 Shout It Out Loud / B3 Lick It Up / B4 Rock 'N' Roll All Nite / B5 Detroit Rock City

Objev podobné jako Kiss: Live At The Ritz New York 1988 - LP (SRFM0009CV)

cena 499.0 Kč

GOSH COPENHAGEN Join The Hype Gift Box set řasenky a laminačního gelu na obočí

Nadělte svým blízkým pořádnou dávku péče a zkrášlení! Značka GOSH COPENAHGEN pro vás letos připravila dárkové balíčky svých bestsellerových produktů, které navíc získáte za mimořádně zvýhodněnou cenu oproti té běžné. PRO VÝRAZNÉ ŘASY A TRENDY OBOČÍ Sada JOIN THE HYPE Giftbox obsahuje bestsellerovou řasenku Catchy Eyes Mascara Drama s ještě více projmutým kartáčkem pro natočení a zvýraznění řas. A dále trendy laminační gel na obočí brow Lift Lamination Gel v bezbarvém provedení, který pro svoje vlastnosti přináší bezkonkurenčí zcela bezkonkurenční produkt. Touto sadou jistě potěšíte všechny, kteří se nebojí výrazného líčení a milují trendy! Sada obsahuje: Catchy Eyes Mascara Drama - v obalu z recyklovaného plastu pro extra natočení, oddělení a zvýraznění řas. Brow Lift Lamination Gel - trendy laminační gel na obočí. Oba produkty mají prestižní známku Allergy Certified a byly vyrobeny v Dánsku. Sada je oproti běžné ceně produktů cenově zvýhodněná o více jak 35 %

Objev podobné jako GOSH COPENHAGEN Join The Hype Gift Box set řasenky a laminačního gelu na obočí

cena 300.0 Kč

Lampičky The Anywhere Light

Lampička na čtení s klipem - moderní styl, napájení na baterie, růžová barva, rozměry 12,5 × 13,2 × 3,6 cm (š × v × d)

Objev podobné jako Lampičky The Anywhere Light

cena 399.0 Kč

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

Today Rich Dad Poor Dad consistently ranks among bestsellers around the world in the categories of Personal Finance, Parenting, and Investing, has been translated into 38 languages, and has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide.Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads - his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad - and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explainsthe difference between working for money and having your money work for you.In many ways, the messages of Rich Dad Poor Dad, messages that were challenged and criticized 25 ago, are more meaningful, relevant, and important today than ever.

Objev podobné jako Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! - Robert T. Kiyosaki

cena 268.0 Kč

Razors: Escape the Fire - CD (4251267706280)

Hudební CD - První oficiální vydání nevydaného alba skupiny Razor z roku 1984. První oficiální vydání nevydaného alba skupiny Razor z roku 1984. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD City Of Damnation / Time Bomb / Distant Thunder / Gatecrasher / Metal Avenger / Heavy Metal Attack / Frostbite / Deathrace / Ready For Action / Escape The Fire / March Of Death

Objev podobné jako Razors: Escape the Fire - CD (4251267706280)

cena 509.0 Kč

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

Kniha - autor Judea Pearl; Dana Mackenzie, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (0141982411)

cena 309.0 Kč

Isadora Moon and the New Girl - Harriet Muncaster

Isadora Moon is special because she''s different. Her mum is a fairy, her dad is a vampire, and she''s a bit of both.When a new girl, Ava, joins her class, Isadora is keen to make friends. But Ava''s not interested. She''d much rather be back at her old school, with her old friends, who are much more fun to play with.Isadora''s classmates are happy to leave Ava on her own since she clearly doesn''t like them, but Isadora figures out that there''s something more going on beneath Ava''s unfriendly surface.Can Isadora help Ava to let her guard down, and give her new school a chance?A magical story about the power of kindness, inclusivity, and friendship.With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout, Isadora Moon is a unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family!

Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon and the New Girl - Harriet Muncaster

cena 207.0 Kč

Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed 40 (Live) (5 LP)

Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: An Approved Recordings;Silver Lining Music;Militia Guard Music Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Rock Typ: LP deska;Album;Limitovaná edice;Číslovaná edice Rok vydání: 2019.0 Žánr: Heavy Metal;Rock Datum vydání: 2019-08-02 Interpret / Téma: Saxon Složení setu: 5 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: The Eagle Has Landed 40 (Live) (5 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed 40 (Live) (5 LP)

cena 3664.0 Kč

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human - Siddhartha Mukherjee

The Song of the Cell is the vivid, thrilling and suspenseful story of the fundamental unit of life. It describes how scientists discovered cells, began to understand them, and are now using that knowledge to create new humans. Both panoramic and intimate, it is Siddhartha Mukherjee's most spectacular book yet.In the late 1600s, a distinguished English polymath, Robert Hooke, and an eccentric Dutch cloth-merchant, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, look down their hand-made microscopes.What they see introduces a radical concept that alters both biology and medicine forever. It is the fact that complex living organisms are assemblages of tiny, self-contained, self-regulating units. Our organs, our physiology, our selves, are built from these compartments.Hooke christens them 'cells'.The discovery of cells announced the birth of a new kind of medicine. A hip fracture, a cardiac arrest, Alzheimer's, AIDS, lung cancer - all could be re-conceived as the results of cells, or a cellular ecosystem, functioning abnormally. And all could be treated by therapeutic manipulations of cells.This revolution in cell biology is still in progress: it represents one of the most significant advances in science and medicine.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors, and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is the third book in this extraordinary writer's exploration of what it means to be human.

Objev podobné jako The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human - Siddhartha Mukherjee

cena 449.0 Kč

Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

Kniha - autor Jeffrey Archer, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The sixth and penultimate book in the spellbinding, number one bestselling Clifton Chronicles, now in paperback. Showcasing Jeffrey Archer's extraordinary storytelling with his trademark twists.

Objev podobné jako Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

cena 289.0 Kč

Escape Room Puzzles: Escape the Space Station! - Em Bruce

Bring the excitement of an escape room into your own home, with this ingenious hardback puzzle book! It seemed like a dream come true when you won the opportunity to visit the Orbital Space Laboratory. But when other astronauts are trapped in hyper-sleep, the experience has proved more exciting and dangerous than you could have ever imagined! Can you solve the mysteries, uncover the secrets, and rescue everyone on board? • This book''s branching narrative puts YOU in the driving seat. Once you have found the solution to a puzzle, turn to the next entry as clearly indicated in the text. • Use your observation, lateral thinking, and logic skills to uncover clues and solve mysteries. The beautifully detailed illustrations are packed with information, so keep your eyes peeled! • Are you a novice adventurer, a seasoned explorer, or a true master of mystery? Choose your difficulty level, then race against the clock to solve the mystery! Inspired by the popular escape room trend, this delightfully illustrated, full-color interactive book is great fun for children aged 8+.ABOUT THE SERIES: The vibrantly illustrated Escape Room Adventures series puts young puzzlers in control of their very own adventure. In these narrative puzzle stories, readers must correctly solve the riddles and conundrums to proceed to the next ''room'' in a thrilling race against time!

Objev podobné jako Escape Room Puzzles: Escape the Space Station! - Em Bruce

cena 384.0 Kč

Mádara The Concealer krémový krycí korektor odstín #40 Golden Hour 4 ml

Mádara The Concealer, 4 ml, Korektory pro ženy, Korektor Mádara The Concealer zamaskuje veškeré nedokonalosti pleti a dodá vaší tváři bezchybný vzhled. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající efekt má lehkou texturu, která nezvýrazňuje vrásky rozjasňuje pleť Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte prstem nebo praktickým aplikátorem na různé nedostatky své pleti.

Objev podobné jako Mádara The Concealer krémový krycí korektor odstín #40 Golden Hour 4 ml

cena 567.0 Kč

The Way of Wisdom - Timothy Keller

New York pastor Timothy Keller is known for his ability to connect a deep understanding of the Bible with contemporary thought and the practical issues we all face. In this devotional - consisting of all-new material - Keller offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Proverbs. Working through the entire book, Keller brings this ancient wisdom to life and shows how to apply it to the realities of our daily lives. Just as My Rock; My Refuge taught readers how to pray, so this inspiring new devotional teaches us how to live lives that are rooted in wisdom.

Objev podobné jako The Way of Wisdom - Timothy Keller

cena 325.0 Kč

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