Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Way of Wisdom - Timothy Keller
New York pastor Timothy Keller is known for his ability to connect a deep understanding of the Bible with contemporary thought and the practical issues we all face. In this devotional - consisting of all-new material - Keller offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Proverbs. Working through the entire book, Keller brings this ancient wisdom to life and shows how to apply it to the realities of our daily lives. Just as My Rock; My Refuge taught readers how to pray, so this inspiring new devotional teaches us how to live lives that are rooted in wisdom.
Podívejte se také The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)
Tajemství Vánoc - Timothy Keller
Tajemství Vánoc - existuje vůbec ještě? Příběh o Ježíšově narození zná přeci každý zpaměti. Timothy Keller nabízí nové čtení dobře známého vyprávění. To, o čem jsme už tolikrát slyšeli, staví do nového světla a to, co bylo zapomenuté, znovu objevuje. Nabízí se nám možnost znovu zaslechnout dobrou zprávu: Bůh proměňuje svět svou blízkostí, která nikoho nenechává stranou.
Podívejte se také Way of the Hunter - Xbox Series X (9120080077974)
Králův kříž - Timothy Keller
Známý manhattanský pastor a myslitel označený časopisem Newsweek za "C. S. Lewise 21. století" předkládá čtenářům překvapivě svěží pohled na Ježíše Krista, v jehož příběhu vidí klíč ke smyslu našeho života i světa. Tak jako ostatní jeho knihy i tato je určena všem přemýšlivým čtenářům - věřícím, duchovně hledajícím i skeptikům.
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Naděje navzdory - Timothy Keller
Evangelijní svědectví o Ježíšově zmrtvýchvstání patří k nejpůsobivějším příběhům všech dob. Jednotlivé výpovědi se od sebe v mnohém liší, v jednom se ale shodují: vzkříšeného Krista nejprve nikdo z jeho následovníků nepoznával. Proč tomu tak bylo? V odpovědi na tuto otázku spočívá samotný základ křesťanství. Naděje navzdory je kniha o realitě vzkříšení a smyslu Velikonoc. S fascinujícím porozuměním biblickému textu i našemu aktuálnímu kontextu odhaluje čtenářům ústřední poselství křesťanské víry a představuje světu naději, která změnila - a ještě změní - svět.
Objev podobné jako Naděje navzdory - Timothy Keller
Dává Bůh smysl? - Timothy Keller
Žijeme ve věku skepticismu. Naše společnost tak hluboce věří v empirický rozum, dějinný pokrok a procítěné emoce, že je snadné položit si otázku: Proč by vůbec někdo měl věřit v křesťanství? Proč by měl někdo potřebovat náboženství? Autor vyvrací mylný dojem, že pod vlivem sekularismu a lidského pokroku zaniká náboženství. Náboženství je důležitější, než si myslíte. Přesvědčení o individuální svobodě, lidských právech a rovnosti se neslučuje s představou, že se lidské bytosti staly tím, čím jsou, na základě přežití nejzdatnějších. Křesťanství dává smysl. Keller vysvětluje, proč je rozumné věřit v Boha, a proč dává největší smysl víra v křesťanství. Tato kniha je jednou z nejlepších Kellerových knih pro věřící i skeptiky. V dnešní době nedává větší smysl jen víra v křesťanského Boha jako taková, ale v tomto šíleném světě dává Bůh větší smysl i samotné lidské existenci.
Objev podobné jako Dává Bůh smysl? - Timothy Keller
Svoboda sebezapomnění - Timothy Keller - e-kniha
eBook: Manhattanský kazatel bývá kritikou označován za C. S. Lewise 21. století. V této drobné knížce Timothy Keller představuje (s pomocí jedné pasáže z Pavlova 1. listu Korintským) křesťanskou metodu přístupu k vlastnímu egu, k vlastnímu já a k vidění sebe sama, jež se značně liší od metod tradičních i současných moderních a postmoderních kultur (i od současných metod psychologických). Na příkladech rozebírá povahu přirozeného lidského ega (jeho čtyři vlastnosti prázdnotu, bolavost, zaneprázdněnost a křehkost) a řešení potíží nemocného ega spatřuje v evangelijní pokoře, blaženém, požehnaném sebezapomnění, které neznamená ani myslet si o sobě víc (jak se doporučuje v moderních kulturách), ani myslet si o sobě méně (jak se doporučuje v kulturách tradičních), nýbrž prostě myslet na sebe méně. Autor proto všechny křesťany nabádá k rozvíjení evangelijní pokory a svobody sebezapomnění.
Objev podobné jako Svoboda sebezapomnění - Timothy Keller - e-kniha
Dává Bůh smysl? - Timothy Keller - e-kniha
eBook: Proč by měl někdo potřebovat náboženství? Autor vyvrací mylný dojem, že pod vlivem sekularismu a lidského pokroku zaniká náboženství. Náboženství je důležitější, než si myslíte. Přesvědčení o individuální svobodě, lidských právech a rovnosti se neslučuje s představou, že se lidské bytosti staly tím, čím jsou, na základě přežití nejzdatnějších. Křesťanství dává smysl. Keller vysvětluje, proč je rozumné věřit v Boha, a proč dává největší smysl víra v křesťanství. Tato kniha je jednou z nejlepších Kellerových knih pro věřící i skeptiky. V dnešní době nedává větší smysl jen víra v křesťanského Boha jako taková, ale v tomto šíleném světě dává Bůh větší smysl i samotné lidské existenci.
Objev podobné jako Dává Bůh smysl? - Timothy Keller - e-kniha
Marnotratný bůh - Jak uzdravit srdce křesťanské víry - Timothy Keller
Newyorský kazatel a spisovatel Timothy Keller využívá Ježíšovo podobenství o starším a mladším bratrovi k ilustraci dvou základních cest, po nichž se lidé pokoušejí jít za naplněním: cesty mravního konformismu (starší bratr) a cesty sebeobjevování (mladší bratr). Každá z nich působí jako brýle se specificky zabarvenými skly, skrze něž pozorujeme život, nebo jako paradigma, na jehož základě obecně formujeme svoje porozumění světu kolem nás. Každá z nich představuje metodu nalezení osobní důležitosti a ceny, metodu pojmenování nešvarů světa. Čtenáře možná překvapí, že každá z nich představuje popření samotné podstaty křesťanské víry. Na jediném Ježíšově podobenství Keller přesvědčivě vysvětluje, co je – bez ohledu na příslušnost k té které církvi – jádrem pravého křesťanství.
Objev podobné jako Marnotratný bůh - Jak uzdravit srdce křesťanské víry - Timothy Keller
Schůzky s Ježíšem - Neočekávané odpovědi na největší otázky života - Timothy Keller
Lidé si myslí, že o křesťanství už vědí všechno. Možná právě to je dnes jednou z největších překážek přijetí křesťanské víry. Vědí ale ve skutečnosti, čemu křesťané věří? Když si přečteme pojednání o mužích a ženách, s nimiž se Ježíš během svého života setkal, zjistíme, že Ježíšovy rozhovory se netýkaly osobních hříchů či konkrétních náboženských názorů a praktik. Nepředstavovaly ani soubor diskusních témat, ani jakousi politickou platformu. Rozhovory Ježíše zachycují v okamžicích, kdy se setkal s lidmi hledajícími odpovědi na velké nevyslovené otázky. Kdo jsme? Proč tu jsme? Proč být dobrým člověkem? Proč vůbec druhé lidi milovat? Co se ve světě pokazilo? A může ještě něco svět napravit? Zatímco většina lidí toužících po duchovní zkušenosti začíná své hledání s obavami ze zklamání, Ježíš nám sděluje, že nabízí nekonečně víc. Vždycky překoná naše očekávání. Zbavme se předsudků a připravme se na změnu svých priorit a koncepčních schémat. Bez ohledu na to, co očekáváme, v co doufáme a o čem sníme – Ježíšovou zásluhou objevíme něco mnohem většího.
Objev podobné jako Schůzky s Ježíšem - Neočekávané odpovědi na největší otázky života - Timothy Keller
The Story of My Life - Helen Keller
When she was 19 months old, Helen Keller (1880-1968) suffered a severe illness that left her blind and deaf. Not long after, she also became mute. Her tenacious struggle to overcome these handicaps -- with the help of her inspired teacher, Anne Sullivan -- is one of the great stories of human courage and dedication. In this classic autobiography, first published in 1903, Miss Keller recounts the first 22 years of her life, including the magical moment at the water pump when, recognizing the connection between the word "water" and the cold liquid flowing over her hand, she realized that objects had names. Subsequent experiences were equally noteworthy: her joy at eventually learning to speak, her friendships with Oliver Wendell Holmes, Edward Everett Hale and other notables, her education at Radcliffe (from which she graduated cum laude), and-underlying all-her extraordinary relationship with Miss Sullivan, who showed a remarkable genius for communicating with her eager and quick-to-learn pupil. These and many other aspects of Helen Keller's life are presented here in clear, straightforward prose full of wonderful descriptions and imagery that would do credit to a sighted writer. Completely devoid of self-pity, yet full of love and compassion for others, this deeply moving memoir offers an unforgettable portrait of one of the outstanding women of the twentieth century.
Objev podobné jako The Story of My Life - Helen Keller
The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith
The International Bestseller 'A love story to the mountains in the mist, the pulsating northern lights and the red deer at dawn. And to independence' – The Washington Post'A Thoreauvian account of solitary life in the Scottish Highlands . . . delightful' – Kirkus Reviews'Ken Smith’s advice for staying alive in inclement conditions could equally be applied to achieving hard-won dreams' – Geographical'Ken Smith comes across as a thoughtful, resourceful and above all humane man . . . inspiring' – BBC Countryfile Magazine*****Could you leave behind the bustle of modern society and spend your days immersed in nature? In The Way of the Hermit, seventy-four-year-old Ken Smith recounts a life he has chosen to spend alone with the wilderness.Ken Smith has spent the past four decades in the Scottish Highlands. He lives alone, with no electricity or running water. His home is a log cabin nestled near Loch Treig, known as 'the lonely loch', where he lives off the land: he fishes for his supper, chops his own wood, and even brews his own tipple. He is, in the truest sense of the word, a hermit.For the first time, Ken shares the story of his life. From his working-class origins in Derbyshire, to the formative years he spent travelling in the Yukon and finally how he came to be the Hermit of Loch Treig. Looking back through decades of diary entries, Ken reflects upon the reasons he turned his back on society, the vulnerability of old age and the awe and wonder of a life lived in nature. The Way of the Hermit is a humorous, transcendent and life-affirming memoir.
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Hermit - Ken Smith
The Way of the Champion - Paul Rabil
Long before Paul Rabil had become lacrosses''s most acclaimed player, the sport''s first million-dollar man, and the cofounder of the Premier Lacrosse League, he always strove for greatness. The problem was he lacked a manual for how to achieve it - so, he set out to create one himself. He talked to Bill Belichick about how to prepare, Steph Curry about how to practice, Sue Bird about how to develop resilience, and Mark Cuban about how to build a career with longevity. From the wisdom of these and other legends, and through his own - often painful - trial and error, he forged himself into a true champion. And in doing so, he wrote the manual he always wanted. The Way of The Champion is the synthesis of everything Rabil learned on his path to becoming one of the greatest lacrosse players of all time. But this is not merely a sports book. It is a guide to embodying a champion''s mindset - in sports, in business, and in relationships. According to Paul Rabil, ''No one is born to be a champion. It can only be earned -through equal parts philosophy, execution, and sheer determination. I''ve won and lost championships, business deals, and relationships. I''ve learned that our best moments come after we''ve faced our most devastating defeats - when we choose to rise with unwavering resolve. That''s the way of the champion.''
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Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel
Discover 40 nature poems to read and treasure in this unmissable sequel to bestselling hit If You Go Down to the Woods Today.The time has come, my little cub, to pass into your paws The Wisdom of the Woods - a book of Nature''s ancient laws. Open this sumptuous treasury which has been in Bear''s family for generations. Discover 40 poems which conjure the everyday magic of Brown Bear Wood, from the beauty of a butterfly''s life cycle to the hidden communications of tree roots in the soil.This pocket-sized poetry book is perfect for children aged 4+· Features 40 poems, written to be read aloud from acclaimed poet Rachel Piercey· Promotes a sense of wonder in the natural world as they bear witness to nature''s power to amaze, console and bring joy· Gorgeous illustrations from bestselling artist Freya Hartas· Stunning pocket-sized case with gold foil on the coverPraise for If You Go Down to the Woods Today: ''A simple introduction to poetry, perfectly aimed at young children, that will be loved and enjoyed for a long time'', The Independent''s Best Kids'' Poetry Book 2021 ''A tour de force of interactive two-dimensional nature'', Kirkus starred review ''A simple yet magical first book of poetry'', The Telegraph
Objev podobné jako Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel
The Way of All Flesh - Ambrose Parry
Edinburgh, 1847. Will Raven is a medical student, apprenticing for the brilliant and renowned Dr Simpson. Sarah Fisher is Simpson's housemaid, and has all of Raven's intelligence but none of his privileges. As bodies begin to appear across the Old Town, Raven and Sarah find themselves propelled headlong into the darkest shadows of Edinburgh's underworld. And if either of them are to make it out alive, they will have to work together to find out who's responsible for the gruesome deaths.
Objev podobné jako The Way of All Flesh - Ambrose Parry
Avatar 2: The Way of Water (DVD)
DVD film Avatar 2: The Way of Water [2022]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Film Avatar: The Way of Water nabízí filmový zážitek na zcela nové úrovni. Film Avatar: The Way of Water nabízí filmový zážitek na zcela nové úrovni. James Cameron se vrací zpět do nádherného světa Pandory ve velkolepém a strhujícím dobrodružství plném akce. Po více jak deseti letech se znovu setkáváme s rodinou Jakea Sullyho a seznámíme se s impozantními mořskými tulkuny.
Objev podobné jako Avatar 2: The Way of Water (DVD)
The Way Of Shadows: Book 1 of the Night Angel - Brent Weeks
The razor-sharp first novel in the New York Times bestselling Night Angel series from master of modern fantasy Brent Weeks - an astonishing and epic tale of magic, violence and revenge.The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art. And he is the city's most accomplished artist, his talents required from alleyway to courtly boudoir.For Azoth, survival is precarious. Something you never take for granted. As a guild rat, he's grown up in the slums, and learned the hard way to judge people quickly - and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing himself to Durzo Blint.But to be accepted, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Stern, he must learn to navigate the assassins' world of dangerous politics and strange magics - and cultivate a flair for death.
Objev podobné jako The Way Of Shadows: Book 1 of the Night Angel - Brent Weeks
The Way of the Househusband 5 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!Tatsu is ambushed by a yakuza with a beef, and there's only one way to settle things-an epic rap battle! But this throwdown is only a warm-up for the buffet battle yet to come, because when you're the Immortal Dragon, you don't choose the househusband life, it chooses you!
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The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"! A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but! Tatsu is tasked with squeezing the locals for money owed to the association-the neighborhood association, that is. But when the former gangster tries to collect, what should be a quick and easy job ends up anything but! All your faves are back in action as the cozy yakuza comedy continues!
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono
The Way of the Househusband 6 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!All of Tatsu's hustling and networking since leaving the yakuza has earned him an offer he can't refuse-an invitation to run with the women's association, the movers and shakers of his neighborhood. But before he can be initiated, the Immortal Dragon must prove to the board's heavyweights that he truly can hack it as a homemaker. It will be the greatest test of this househusband's skills yet!
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The Way of the Househusband 2 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"! A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but! The legendary yakuza the Immortal Dragon has washed his hands of the gangster life for something far more dangerous-becoming a househusband! Cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, cooking... These days he's doing everything he can to succeed as man of the house, if it doesn't kill him first! The cozy yakuza comedy continues!
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 2 - Kósuke Óno
The Way of the Househusband 3 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!The Immortal Dragon, once the fiercest member of the yakuza, is now a married man devoted to supporting his loving wife-as a househusband! But when the gangster-turned-homemaker needs to make some quick cash to buy her a present, he turns to the only skills he knows-and gets his first part-time job! The cozy yakuza comedy continues!
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The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)
Kniha - autor Joe Abercrombie, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Concluding the AGE OF MADNESS trilogy, THE WISDOM OF CROWDS brings the series which is revolutionising fantasy to its stunning conclusion. . . Chaos. Fury. Destruction. The Great Change is upon us . . . Some say that to change the world you must first burn it down. Now that belief will be tested in the crucible of revolution: the Breakers and Burners have seized the levers of power, the smoke of riots has replaced the smog of industry, and all must submit to the wisdom of crowds. With nothing left to lose, Citizen Brock is determined to become a new hero for the new age, while Citizeness Savine must turn her talents from profit to survival before she can claw her way to redemption. Orso will find that when the world is turned upside down, no one is lower than a monarch. And in the bloody North, Rikke and her fragile Protectorate are running out of allies . . . while Black Calder...
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A Traveller at the Gates of Wisdom - John Boyne
The story of all of us, stretching across two millennia. Imaginative, unique, heart-breaking, this is John Boyne at his most creative and compelling. Some stories are universal. They play out across human history. And time is the river which will flow through them. It starts with a family, a family which will mutate. For now, it is a father, mother and two sons. One with his father's violence in his blood. One who lives his mother's artistry. One leaves. One stays. They will be joined by others whose deeds will change their fate. It is a beginning. Their stories will intertwine and evolve over the course of two thousand years - they will meet again and again at different times and in different places. From distant Palestine at the dawn of the first millennium to a life amongst the stars in the third. While the world will change around them, their destinies will remain the same. It must play out as foretold. It is written. A Traveller at the Gates of Wisdom is the extraordinary new novel from acclaimed writer John Boyne. Ambitious, far-reaching and mythic, it introduces a group of characters whose lives we will come to know and will follow through time and space until they reach their natural conclusion.
Objev podobné jako A Traveller at the Gates of Wisdom - John Boyne
Stormlight Archive 01. The Way of Kings (0575097361)
Kniha - autor Brandon Sanderson, 608 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The brand new epic fantasy series from the international bestseller, who is currently completing Robert Jordan's "Wheel Of Time" series. The legends say that mankind used to live in Heaven, but the Voidbringers captured it and throw out both man and God. But is it true?
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Way of the Argosi (1471405540)
Kniha - autor Sebastien de Castell, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Alchemist meets The Three Musketeers - with card tricks - in the first of two prequels to the best-selling Spellslinger series. A brilliant origin story of adventure, wit, and philosophy to enrapture devotees as well as newcomers to the series. Ferius Parfax has a simple plan: Kill every last inhabitant of the spell-gifted nation that destroyed her people, starting with the man who murdered her parents. Killing mages is a difficult and dangerous business, of course, but when she meets the inimitable and extraordinary Durrall Brown, she discovers that physical strength is not the only way to defeat evil of all kinds. So Ferius undertakes to study the ways of the Argosi: the loosely-knit tribe of tricksters known for getting the better of even the most powerful of spellcasters. But the Argosi have a price for their teachings, and by the time Ferius learns what it is, it may...
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Avatar 2: The Way of Water (2 BLU-RAY)
Blu-ray film Avatar 2: The Way of Water HD [2022]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Film Avatar: The Way of Water nabízí filmový zážitek na zcela nové úrovni. Film Avatar: The Way of Water nabízí filmový zážitek na zcela nové úrovni. James Cameron se vrací zpět do nádherného světa Pandory ve velkolepém a strhujícím dobrodružství plném akce. Po více jak deseti letech se znovu setkáváme s rodinou Jakea Sullyho a seznámíme se s impozantními mořskými tulkuny.Bonusy:Více než 3 hodiny bonusového materiálu:• Nové postavy na Pandoře• Náročné natáčení ve vodách Pandory• Jak oživit Pandoru• Známé postavy z Pandory
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Five Finger Death Punch - The Way Of The Fist (LP)
Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Typ: Album;LP deska Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2018.0 Interpret / Téma: Five Finger Death Punch Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Varianta: The Way Of The Fist (LP) Žánr: Heavy Metal;Metal Vydavatelství: Eleven Seven Music Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Metal Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA
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The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (0241299624)
Kniha - autor Graeme Wood, 318 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Trade paperback. A book on the history, psychology, character and aims of the terrorist group 'Islamic State', based on the author's unprecendented access to its supporters, recruiters, and high-ranking members.
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (0241299624)
The Wisdom of Sheep & Other Animals - Rosamund Young
FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE SECRET LIFE OF COWS''Elegiac, funny, warm and wise, The Wisdom of Sheep will delight country folk and city dwellers alike.'' KATHERINE MAYWe talk about people behaving like sheep, which assumes that sheep all behave in the same way. That has not been my experience.Some are affectionate, others prone to head-butting. Some are determinedly self-sufficient, others seek our help when they need it. And some can be trusted to lead the flock home. They are as individual as we are.Farm animals are familiar to us from childhood stories, but little did we know that their inner lives are full of complexity, deep bonds and family dramas. Rosamund Young has been an organic farmer for over forty years and this is her record of a life at the beck and call of the animals while observing and preserving the abundant wildlife at Kite’s Nest Farm. It is a story of joy, discovery, cooperation and sometimes heartbreak. We learn about sheep growing old disgracefully, the intelligence of supposedly ‘bird-brained’ hens, ‘conversations’ between cows and why you should never send a text whilst milking . . .''Delightful.'' ALAN BENNETT, ON THE SECRET LIFE OF COWS
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Sheep & Other Animals - Rosamund Young
Specter of the Past: Star Wars Legends (The Hand of Thrawn) - Timothy Zahn
Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn makes his triumphant return to the Star Wars(r) universe in this first of an epic new two-volume series in which the New Republic must face its most dangerous enemy yet--a dead Imperial warlord.The Empire stands at the brink of total collapse. But they have saved their most heinous plan for last. First a plot is hatched that could destroy the New Republic in a bloodbath of genocide and civil war. Then comes the shocking news that Grand Admiral Thrawn--the most cunning and ruthless warlord in history--has apparently returned from the dead to lead the Empire to a long-prophesied victory. Facing incredible odds, Han and Leia begin a desperate race against time to prevent the New Republic from unraveling in the face of two inexplicable threats--one from within and one from without. Meanwhile, Luke teams up with Mara Jade, using the Force to track down a mysterious pirate ship with a crew of clones. Yet, perhaps most dangerous of all, are those who lurk in the shadows, orchestrating a dark plan that will turn the New Republic and the Empire into their playthings.
Objev podobné jako Specter of the Past: Star Wars Legends (The Hand of Thrawn) - Timothy Zahn
The Way of These Women - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
eBook: Wealthy playwright Sir Jermyn Annerley finds himself caught up in a love-triangle between the beautiful actress Sybil Cluley and his rival for her love, Lord Lakenham. Secrets from their pasts all start to surface however, and a dramatic turn of events results in a shocking murder. Who is responsible? Is there still a chance for true love to blossom? An intriguing dark romance from prolific author E. Phillips Oppenheim. E.
Objev podobné jako The Way of These Women - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
Winnie-the-Pooh´s Little Book Of Wisdom - Alan Alexander Milne
Winnie-the-Pooh may be a Bear of Very Little Brain but this adorable little book is teeming with Wise Words and Useful Advice.Covering important subjects such as 'Manners', 'Keeping Trim' and 'Gastronomic Disappointment', this charming and humorous book gives you Pooh's unique take on life. Based on the classic Winnie-the-Pooh stories by A.A.Milne and featuring E.H.Shepard's timeless decorations.A lovely gift for a friend or loved one.Also available:Winnie-the Pooh: Love From Pooh
Objev podobné jako Winnie-the-Pooh´s Little Book Of Wisdom - Alan Alexander Milne
Way of the Hunter - PS5 (9120080077943)
Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, české titulky, žánr: simulátor a střílečky, - Tento autentický lovecký zážitek vám umožní objevovat velká otevřená prostředí v USA a v Evropě a lovit v nich. Objevte věrně ztvárněná zvířata v nádherné přírodě a používejte různé detailní a vysoce realistické zbraně. Zažijte skutečný lovAbsolvujte autentický lovecký zážitek. Vytvořte si v Way of the Hunter PS5 svého loveckého avatara a vydejte se s ním na lov zvířat v otevřeném světě. Vychutnávejte si herní příběh, nebo se prostě jen dejte do prostého střílení zvěře. Optimalizujte v Way of the Hunter PS5 svou výbavuLovte jako profesionál díky pestré škále vybavení. Naučte se pracovat se svou zbraní. Nastavte si jí podle potřeby a následně eliminujte ta nejvzácnější zvířata USA a Evropy. Získávejte z nich trofeje a následně si je vystavte ve...
Objev podobné jako Way of the Hunter - PS5 (9120080077943)
Way of the Chosen - Amanda Jenkins
Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God. We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The third season of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen, picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives. The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes: Forgiving the way Jesus does Going when and where He says to go Grieving what He grieves Standing firm on His words and character Delighting in the things that please Him Asking because He says to Welcoming those He welcomes Trusting His will and way Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.
Objev podobné jako Way of the Chosen - Amanda Jenkins
Enneagram: The Wisdom of the Enneagram (978-80-7370-395-0)
Kniha - autor Eva Velechovská; Don Richard Riso; Russ Hudson, 416 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu matná Kniha s předmluvou Evy Velechovské Objevte hlubokou moudrost enneagramu Enneagram je dynamický psychologicko-spirituální systém, který jedinečným způsobem popisuje devět základních vzorců lidské duše, devět způsobů bytí ve světě – devět typů osobnosti, jejich hluboké vnitřní motivy jednání a chování. Don Richard Riso a Russ Hudson, dva přední světoví odborníci na enneagram, vám v této knize přinášejí dosud nejobsáhlejší představení systému enneagramu a devíti typů osobnosti a představují účinné způsoby použití enneagramu jako nástroje osobní transformace a rozvoje. Ukazují, jak překonat vnitřní překážky, využít vaše výjimečná nadání a schopnosti i jak nově nasměrovat váš život. Enneagram vám může posloužit jako cenná praktická pomůcka nejen v jakékoliv terapii, psychologické a duchovní práci, ale i v oblasti partnerských a rodinných vztahů a ve světě...
Objev podobné jako Enneagram: The Wisdom of the Enneagram (978-80-7370-395-0)
The Inner Game of Tennis - W. Timothy Gallwey
Described by Billie Jean King as her 'tennis bible', Timothy Gallwey's international bestseller has been essential reading for players of all abilities since it was first published in 1974. With a new foreword from Bill Gates.Instead of concentrating on how to improve your technique, Timothy Gallwey starts from the understanding that 'every game is composed of two parts, an outer game and an inner game'. The former is played against opponents on the court, but the latter is a battle within ourselves as we try and overcome self-doubt and anxiety. It is often won or lost before a ball has been hit.In his revolutionary approach, built on a foundation of Zen thinking and humanistic psychology, Gallwey will teach you how to trust the intuitive wisdom of your body and achieve a state of ‘relaxed concentration’. With lessons on gamesmanship and breaking bad habits, it is no surprise that Gallwey’s method has had a far-reaching impact both on and off the tennis court. Whether you want to win at tennis, write a novel, get ahead at work, or simply unwind after a stressful day, Gallwey shows you how to tap into your utmost potential.No matter your goals, The Inner Game of Tennis gives you the definitive framework for long-term success.
Objev podobné jako The Inner Game of Tennis - W. Timothy Gallwey
The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder
Wilhelm von Habsburg wore the uniform of an Austrian officer, the court regalia of a Habsburg archduke, the simple suit of a Parisian exile, the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece and, every so often, a dress. He spoke the Italian of his archduke mother, the German of his archduke father, the English of his British royal friends, the Polish of the country his father wished to rule and the Ukrainian of the land Wilhelm wished to rule himself.Timothy Snyder's masterful biography is not only a reconstruction of the life of this extraordinary man - a man who remained loyal to his Ukrainian dreams even after the country's dissolution in 1921- but also charts the final collapse of the ancien regime in Europe and the rise of a new world order.
Objev podobné jako The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder
The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (Defekt) - Wood Graeme
A radical rethinking of what ISIS is and what it really wants From Graeme Wood, author of the explosive Atlantic cover story "What ISIS Really Wants," comes the definitive book on the history, psychology, character, and aims of the Islamic State. Based on Wood's unprecedented access to supporters, recruiters, and high-ranking members of the most infamous jihadist group in the world, The Way of the Strangers is a riveting, fast-paced deep dive into the apocalyptic dogma that informs the group's worldview, from the ideas that motivate it, to the "fatwa factory" that produces its laws, to its very specific plans for the future. By accepting that ISIS truly believes the end is nigh, we can understand its strategy-and predict what it will do next.
Objev podobné jako The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State (Defekt) - Wood Graeme
The Wit And Wisdom Of Discworld (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett
'A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear that only the other one snores.' From, THE FIFTH ELEPHANT 'Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened.' From, MOVING PICTURES The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld is a collection of the wittiest, pithiest and wisest quotations from this extraordinary universe, dealing one-by-one with each book in the canon. Guaranteed to transport you back to your favourite or forgotten Discworld moments it is the perfect book for die-hard Pratchett fans, as well as anyone coming to the Discworld for the first time.
Objev podobné jako The Wit And Wisdom Of Discworld (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett
Finding the Mother Tree: Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest (0241389356)
Kniha - autor Suzanne Simard, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the world’s leading forest ecologist who forever changed how people view trees and their connections to one another and to other living things in the forest–a moving, deeply personal journey of discovery. In her first book, Simard brings us into her world, the intimate world of the trees, in which she brilliantly illuminates the fascinating and vital truths – that trees are not simply the source of timber or pulp, but are a complex, interdependent circle of life; that forests are social, cooperative creatures connected through underground networks by which trees communicate their vitality and vulnerabilities with communal lives not that different from our own.
Objev podobné jako Finding the Mother Tree: Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest (0241389356)
The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)
Kniha - autor Alan Watts, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing from Eastern philosophy and religion, Watts argues that it is only by acknowledging what we do not and cannot know that we can find something truly worth knowing. In order to lead a fulfilling life, one must embrace the present--live fully in the now.
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety (0307741206)
Way Of The Househusband 8 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!The cozy yakuza comedy continues as everyone's favorite househusband finds himself in even more crazy high jinks. Between a donut showdown and a new lady cop on the beat, Tatsu may have finally met his match! It's just another day for the Immortal Dragon.
Objev podobné jako Way Of The Househusband 8 - Kósuke Óno
Way of the Hunter - PC DIGITAL (2075089)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: simulátor a střílečky, Zažijte skutečný lovAbsolvujte autentický lovecký zážitek. Vytvořte si v Way of the Hunter PC DIGITAL svého loveckého avatara a vydejte se s ním na lov zvířat v otevřeném světě. Vychutnávejte si herní příběh, nebo se prostě jen dejte do prostého střílení zvěře. Optimalizujte v Way of the Hunter PC DIGITAL svou výbavuLovte jako profesionál díky pestré škále vybavení. Naučte se pracovat se svou zbraní. Nastavte si jí podle potřeby a následně eliminujte ta nejvzácnější zvířata USA a Evropy. Získávejte z nich trofeje a následně si je vystavte ve své síni slávy. Kooperujte s přáteliV Way of the Hunter PC DIGITAL nemusíte být na lov zvířat sami. Přítomná je tu také kooperace, v jejímž rámci se k vám mohou kamarádi...
Objev podobné jako Way of the Hunter - PC DIGITAL (2075089)
Way Of The Househusband 1 - Kósuke Óno
It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"!A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but!He was the fiercest member of the yakuza, a man who left countless underworld legends in his wake. They called him "the Immortal Dragon." But one day he walked away from it all to walk another path-the path of the househusband! The curtain rises on this cozy yakuza comedy!
Objev podobné jako Way Of The Househusband 1 - Kósuke Óno
The Way of Kings: The first book of the breathtaking epic Stormlight Archive from the worldwide fantasy sensation - Brandon Sanderson
''I loved this book. What else is there to say?'' Patrick RothfussAccording to mythology mankind used to live in The Tranquiline Halls. Heaven. But then the Voidbringers assaulted and captured heaven, casting out God and men. Men took root on Roshar, the world of storms. And the Voidbringers followed...They came against man ten thousand times. To help them cope, the Almighty gave men powerful suits of armor and mystical weapons, known as Shardblades. Led by ten angelic Heralds and ten orders of knights known as Radiants, mankind finally won.Or so the legends say. Today, the only remnants of those supposed battles are the Shardblades, the possession of which makes a man nearly invincible on the battlefield. The entire world is at war with itself - and has been for centuries since the Radiants turned against mankind. Kings strive to win more Shardblades, each secretly wishing to be the one who will finally unite all of mankind under a single throne.On a world scoured down to the rock by terrifying hurricanes that blow through every few day a young spearman forced into the army of a Shardbearer, led to war against an enemy he doesn''t understand and doesn''t really want to fight. What happened deep in mankind''s past? Why did the Radiants turn against mankind, and what happened to the magic they used to wield?Readers absolutely love The Way of Kings:''Incredible, impressive or fantastic, all these words are an understatement to the quality this book holds. The Way of Kings is the beginning of a masterpiece series in epic fantasy'' Novel Notions''It''s multi-POV, action-packed, heartfelt, exciting, thrilling, and I am running out of adjectives'' Goodreads Reviewer, Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''The story is mind-blowing, the ideas and thoughts create a world that is believable and intriguing. A strong tale with a well fleshed out world and multidimensional characters that are easy to care about'' Goodreads Reviewer, Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''The Way of Kings is a huge opening act to The Stormlight Archive which took every single one of these elements of a good fantasy story and elevated the art of storytelling to a different league'' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''Brandon Sanderson is probably the most gifted storyteller of his generation. He''s a silent force that strikes you when you least expect it, and with The Way of Kings he introduces a series that will change the history of Fantasy'' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''I''ve been struck speechless. I''ve loved Sanderson''s books in the past, but this one completely blew me away. I really wish I could give The Way of Kings a sixth star'' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Objev podobné jako The Way of Kings: The first book of the breathtaking epic Stormlight Archive from the worldwide fantasy sensation - Brandon Sanderson
The Way of Integrity : Finding the path to your true self - Beck Martha
OPRAH''S BOOK CLUB PICKA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER''A roadmap on the journey to truth and authenticity... [The Way of Integrity] is filled with aha moments and practical exercises that can guide us as we seek enlightenment'' Oprah Winfrey''This radiant book will not only change your life, but perhaps even save it'' Elizabeth Gilbert''Martha Beck''s genius is that her writing is equal parts comforting and challenging. A teacher, a mother, a sage, she holds our hand as she leads us back home to ourselves'' Glennon Doyle_____________________Bestselling author, life coach and sociologist Martha Beck explains why ''integrity'' - being in harmony with ourselves - is the key to a meaningful and joyful lifeIn The Way of Integrity, Beck presents a four-stage process that anyone can use to find integrity, and with it, a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. Much of what plagues us-people pleasing, staying in stale relationships, negative habits-all point to what happens when we are out of touch with what truly makes us feel whole.Inspired by The Divine Comedy, Beck uses Dante''s classic hero''s journey as a framework to break down the process of attaining personal integrity into small, manageable steps. She shows how to read our internal signals that lead us towards our true path, and to recognize what we actually yearn for versus what our culture sells us.With techniques tested on hundreds of her clients, Beck brings her expertise as a social scientist, life coach and human being to help readers to uncover what integrity looks like in their own lives. She takes us on a spiritual adventure that not only will change the direction of our lives, but bring us to a place of genuine happiness.
Objev podobné jako The Way of Integrity : Finding the path to your true self - Beck Martha
The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa, Timothy Revell
Mathematics shapes almost everything we do. But despite its reputation as the study of fundamental truths, the stories we have been told about it are wrong. In The Secret Lives of Numbers, historian Kate Kitagawa and journalist Timothy Revell introduce readers to the mathematical boundary-smashers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today. This revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of mathematics is as entertaining as it is important.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa, Timothy Revell
Cesta pravého muže: The Way of the Superior Man (978-80-7370-520-6)
Kniha - česky Má můj život smysl a cíl? Jaké je moje životní poslání? Co vlastně ženy doopravdy chtějí? A jak je milovat a zůstat při tom volný? Těmito a podobnými otázkami se již někdy zaobíral každý muž. Nebylo na ně ale snadné nalézt odpověď. Nyní před sebou máte knihu, která vám v tom může pomoci. Cesta pravého muže by měla být „povinnou“ četbou. David Deida, jeden z nejpřevratnejších a nejprovokativnějších duchovních učitelů současnosti, učí muže, jak být muži, a ženy, jak být ženami, jak mužům porozumět a jak je v jejich mužství podpořit. Nejde přitom jen o psychologické poučky, neboť Deida vysvětluje, jak se liší a doplňují naše mužské a ženské energie, což je v dnešní „zrovnoprávněné“ společnosti zcela klíčové. Tato kniha zásadním způsobem podporuje životní směrování mužů, jejich sílu a celistvost a zároveň lehkost bytí, hluboké uvolnění a zářící radost jejich partnerek.
Objev podobné jako Cesta pravého muže: The Way of the Superior Man (978-80-7370-520-6)
The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough - Chas Newkey-Burden
A fascinating and entertaining collection of facts, quotes and stories, celebrating Sir David Attenborough's wicked sense of humour and astute wisdom. David Attenborough is a national treasure, known for his soothing voice, calming presence, passion for the natural world, and his humble, easy-going nature. Despite his incredible talent and influence, he tends to play it all down, one time stating that, 'I can't believe I'm still employed'.So if he won't celebrate himself, we'll have to do it for him. Filled with facts, tributes and anecdotes, as well as beautiful illustrations, this enormously positive book celebrates Sir David, providing a fascinating insight into his life as well as showcasing his brilliant sense of humour. Running chronologically, this book begins with his early days, to his first job at the BBC, to eventually becoming the most esteemed naturalist on the planet, as he is today.Such revelations include:- There are 18 plants and animals named after him- When asked by a reporter how many degrees he had, he said it would be 'rude to count'*- The single thing that would improve his quality of life is 'good, workable knees'. Blending his quips galore with his powerful messages on the environment and future of the planet, this timely book showcases everything we love about Sir David, making it the perfect gift for any fan. * He has over thirty!
Objev podobné jako The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough - Chas Newkey-Burden
The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest runs to earth bandits, traitors, killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Father Brown knows human nature and is not afraid of its dark side. Thus he understands criminal motivation and how to deal with it. The stories included are "The Paradise of Thieves," "The Duel of Dr. Hirsch," "The Man in the Passage," "The Mistakes of the Machine," "The Head of the Caesar," "The Purple Wig," "The Perishing of the Pendragons," "The God of the Gongs," "The Salad of the Colonel Cray," "The Strange Crime of John Boulnois" and "The Fairy Tale of Father Brown."
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister - George R.R. Martin
This book showcases the best and most humorous quotes from George R.R. Martin's favourite character Tyrion Lannister, the worldly, jaded, funny, highly intelligent, cynical, womanizing star of the books. A perfect stocking-filler for every fan of the books, and of HBO's award-winning television series.
Objev podobné jako The Wit and Wisdom of Tyrion Lannister - George R.R. Martin
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