Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The 4-Hour Body - Timothy Ferriss

your physical goal, The 4-Hour Body eclipses every other health manual by sharing the best kept secrets in the latest science and research to provide new strategies for redesigning the human body. And you don't need to exhaust yourself. International bestselling author, Timothy Ferriss, helps you reach your true genetic potential in 3-6 months with a commitment of less than four hours per week.You can pick and choose from a menu of options, from simple to extreme, for dramatic body changes. Packed full of personal case studies, before and after photos, recipes and top tips, this book will help you achieve your body goals in record time.

Podívejte se také Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

cena 447.0 Kč

4-Hour Work Week : Escape The 9-5 Live Anywhere And Join The New Rich - Timothy Ferriss

This is a new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller on how to reconstruct your life so it's not all about work. Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred - life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint. This step-by step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches: how Tim went from $40,000 dollars per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per month and 4 hours per week; how to outsource your life to overseas virtual assistants for $5 per hour and do whatever you want; how blue-chip escape artists travel the world without quitting their jobs; how to eliminate 50 per cent of your work in 48 hours using the principles of a forgotten Italian economist; and how to trade a long-haul career for short work bursts and frequent 'mini-retirements'. This new updated and expanded edition includes: more than 50 practical tips and case studies from readers (including families) who have doubled their income, overcome common sticking points, and reinvented themselves using the original book as a starting point; real-world templates you can copy for eliminating email, negotiating with bosses and clients, or getting a private chef for less than GBP5 a meal; how lifestyle design principles can be suited to unpredictable economic times; and the latest tools and tricks, as well as high-tech shortcuts, for living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.

Podívejte se také Imelda May: 11 Past the Hour - CD (0898646)

cena 402.0 Kč

Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World - Timothy Ferriss

When facing life's questions, who do you turn to for advice? We all need mentors, particularly when the odds seem stacked against us. To find his own, bestselling author and podcast guru Tim Ferriss tracked down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help. You will learn: - The three books legendary investor Ray Dalio recommends most often - Lessons and tips from elite athletes like Maria Sharapova, Kelly Slater, Tony Hawk and Dan Gable - How and why Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz says no to most incoming requests - The meditation and mindfulness practices of David Lynch, Jimmy Fallon, Sharon Salzberg, Rick Rubin, Sarah Elizabeth Lewis and others - The high-school loss that motivated actor Terry Crews for life . . . and how you can use the lesson - Why TED curator Chris Anderson thinks `pursue your passion' is terrible advice - How Yuval Noah Harari's Sapiens went from repeated rejections to global mega-bestseller - Why comedian Patton Oswalt wishes at least one catastrophic failure on anyone in the arts - Astrophysicist Janna Levin's unique reframe that helps her see obstacles as opportunities - Why actor Ben Stiller likes to dunk his head in a bucket of ice in the morning TIM FERRISS is one of Fast Company's `Most Innovative Business People' and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Alibaba and more. He is also the author of The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. The Observer and other media have named him `the Oprah of audio' due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 200 million downloads.

Podívejte se také Rabalux Timothy 5430 (5430)

cena 536.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss

Systém „otroč -> šetři -> odpočívej“, kdy člověk v mládí po celé dny dře a vlastní život jakoby odkládá na důchod, se evidentně přežil a Ferriss ve své knize představuje způsoby, jak si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Dokládá, že luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený jen milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému – a rychle rostoucí subkultura „nových bohatých“ to jen dokazuje. Stačí chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků.Že po žádné radikální změně svého života netoužíte? Přesto vám doporučujeme knihu přečíst – je přímo našlapána neobyčejnými postřehy a praktickými tipy, které jinde nenajdete. A je velmi vtipná.Kniha „The 4-Hour Workweek“ vyšla poprvé v dubnu 2007, v USA se dočkala 40 dotisků a byla přeložena do 35 jazyků. Český překlad vychází z nového, rozšířeného vydání knihy, které se objevilo v prosinci 2009 a jež navíc obsahuje případové studie mnoha lidí, kteří si životní styl „nových bohatých“ už vybudovali.Z angličtiny knihu přeložil Aleš Lisa, který má na svém překladatelském kontě mimo jiné i tituly Stephena Coveyho, včetně proslulých „7 návyků skutečně efektivních lidí”.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss

cena 429.0 Kč

Štvorhodinový pracovný týždeň - Timothy Ferriss

Životný štýl, keď mladý človek len drie a skutočný život odkladá na dôchodok, je dnes už prežitok, tvrdí autor. Vo svojej knihe vysvetľuje, že luxusný životný štýl, ktorý si pred dvadsiatimi rokmi užívali len milionári, je dnes dostupný každému. Stačí len využiť všetky moderné možnosti. Tim Ferriss sa tajomstvám Novodobých boháčov učil viac ako päť rokov. Táto rýchlo sa rozširujúca subkultúra združuje členov, ktorí prestali neustále odkladať vlastný život na potom a vyznávajú novú filozofiu času a mobility. Pomocou nej si vybudovali luxusný životný štýl tu a teraz. Či ste prepracovaný zamestnanec alebo podnikateľ uväznený vo vlastnej firme, táto kniha vám poslúži ako kompas v revolučnom novom svete. Pridajte sa k Timovi Ferrissovi a on vás naučí: Aký zásadný rozdiel je medzi absolútnym a relatívnym príjmom. Ako si vycvičiť vlastného šéfa tak, že viac ocení váš výkon ako prítomnosť, alebo ako odísť z práce (alebo vlastnej firmy), ak sa vaša situácia nedá zvrátiť. Aká múza vám zabezpečí automatický peňažný tok a ako si ju vytvoriť za 2 – 4 týždne. Ako si pestovať selektívnu ignoráciu a získať čas vďaka nízkoinformačnej diéte. Aké tajomstvá skrývajú riaditelia na diaľku. Ako sa zadarmo ubytovať kdekoľvek na svete a zohnať letenky o 50 – 80 % lacnejšie. Ako zaplniť prázdnotu a začať zmysluplne žiť, keď sa zbavíte práce a viac nemusíte sedieť v kancelárii. To všetko môžete dosiahnuť aj vy. SPRIEVODCA VYSNÍVANÝM ŽIVOTNÝM ŠTÝLOM Zabudnite na zastaraný koncept dôchodku a prestaňte svoj život neustále odkladať na neskôr. Nemusíte na nič čakať. Práve naopak, jestvuje nespočetne veľa dôvodov, prečo nečakať, hlavne v dnešnej dobe, keď nikto nevie, ktorým smerom sa bude uberať ekonomika. Ak snívate o tom, že sa prestanete neustále naháňať za peniazmi, túžite cestovať po svete, pričom by ste chceli mesačne zarábať päťcifernú sumu alebo skrátka chcete len menej pracovať a viac žiť, táto kniha je návod.

Objev podobné jako Štvorhodinový pracovný týždeň - Timothy Ferriss

cena 482.0 Kč

Nástroje titánů - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: ">> Zlepšit své zdraví a kondici, vydělávat víc peněz, lépe si užívat života. V jaké oblasti chcete poradit od těch nejlepších z nejlepších?

Objev podobné jako Nástroje titánů - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 499.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Ať jste přepracovaný zaměstnanec, nebo podnikatel lapený v pasti své vlastní firmy, tato audiokniha vám ukáže cestu k veselejšímu životu. Systém "otroč - šetři - odpočívej", kdy v mládí po celé dny dřete a vlastní život jakoby odkládáte na důchod, je již překonán. Je možné si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený pouze milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému a rychle rostoucí subkultura "nových bohatých" to dokazuje. Stačí jen chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků. "Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden je naprostou nezbytností pro všechny odvážné jedince, kteří chtějí žít svůj život naplno. Poslechněte si ho dřív, než bude pozdě." - John Lusk, MICROSOFT WORLD HEADQUARTERS

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - audiokniha

cena 550.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinové tělo - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: Pokud znáte Ferrissův úspěšný a kontroverzní "Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden", je vám jasné, že si název jeho nového bestselleru příliš nevymýšlí. Stěží najdete na trhu knížku, která tak pragmaticky, vtipně a otevřeně šlape po uznávaných metodách hubnutí a vůbec tělesné práce na sobě. Ferriss přiznává, že většina z nás ve snaze zlepšit svou kondičku a fyzický vzhled nemá takovou vůli, aby dokázala denodenně desítky minut sportovat a na dlouhé měsíce se trápit odříkáním. Přichází s propracovaným tipy a triky, jak dosáhnout zlepšení za mnohem menšího (nikoli však zcela nulového) úsilí. V KNIZE SE DOČTETE:* Jak shodit 9 kg za 30 dnů (bez cvičení) na základě superjednoduché nízkosacharidové diety* Jak předejít nabírání tuku, když si dáváte do trumpety (Vánoce, svátky, víkendy)* Jak dosáhnout o 300 % vyššího úbytku tuku s pár pytlíky ledu* Jak Tim nabral 15,5 kg svalstva za 28 dnů, a to bez steroidů a při celkem 4 hodinách strávených za tu dobu v posilovně* Jak spát 2 hodiny denně a cítit se plně odpočatý* Jak zařídit 15-minutový ženský orgasmus* Jak ztrojnásobit testosteron, zdvojnásobit počet spermií a (doslova a do písmene) užít si sex jako pornohvězda* Jak se v běhu dostat z 5 na 50 kilometrů za 12 týdnů* Jak zvrátit „trvalé“ následky poranění* Jak za 6 měsíců přidat přes 68 kilogramů k vašim zdvihům* Jak si zaplatit dovolenou na pláži z jedné návštěvy nemocniceČtyřhodinové tělo není další knihou o životosprávě a tělesné kondici. Obsahuje kolektivní moudrost stovek špičkových sportovců, desítek lékařů a tisícovky hodin osobních experimentů, nad nimiž zůstává rozum stát.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinové tělo - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

eBook: „Ferriss přišel na to, jak se oprostit od dědictví dinosaurů – pracovní doby od 9 do 17, která se udržuje jen proto, že vaši šéfové jsou na ni zvyklí, taky z ní vzešli a celý svět podléhá dojmu, že jinak to nejde. A je čas to změnit.“– Petr Švihel, Lidové noviny„Ferriss do knihy vtělil svá tajemství, jak omezit plýtvání časem na minimum, pracovat efektivněji po krátkou dobu a zbytek dne trávit koníčky. (...) K tomu, abyste mohli žít život milionářů, nemusíte mít na účtu závratné sumy.“– Michal Kučera, Euro„Možná vás kniha Tima Ferrisse nezmění, ale rozhodně vás donutí zamyslet se nad tím, jak žijete a jak byste mohli žít. Kdybyste opravdu chtěli. A to za to stojí.”– Petr Mára, Digit.cz„Má to tenhle chlapík chytře vymyšlené. Jeho kniha je plná života, entusiasmu, snů, po kterých spousta lidí touží, a navíc je nabitá tolik, že nemusíte číst jakoukoliv jinou knihu tohoto druhu. Stačí se od ní odpíchnout a pak už jen myslet „jak já to udělám ve svém případě“.– Kateřina Karan# O KNIZEZapomeňte na staré koncepce! Zapomeňte na termíny, jako je osmihodinová pracovní doba, a slovo přesčas vůbec vymažte ze svého slovníku! Ať jste přepracovaný zaměstnanec, nebo podnikatel lapený v pasti své vlastní firmy, tato kniha vám ukáže cestu k veselejšímu životu. Systém „otroč -> šetři -> odpočívej“, kdy člověk v mládí po celé dny dře a vlastní život jakoby odkládá na důchod, se evidentně přežil a Ferriss ve své knize představuje způsoby, jak si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Dokládá, že luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený jen milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému – a rychle rostoucí subkultura „nových bohatých“ to jen dokazuje. Stačí chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků.Kniha „The 4-Hour Workweek“ vyšla poprvé v dubnu 2007, v USA se dočkala 40 dotisků a byla přeložena do 35 jazyků. Český překlad vychází z nového, rozšířeného vydání knihy, které se objevilo v prosinci 2009 a jež navíc obsahuje případové studie mnoha lidí, kteří si životní styl „nových bohatých“ už vybudovali.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden - Timothy Ferriss - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (0307465357)

Kniha - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan--there is no need to wait, especially in unpredictable economic times. Ferriss offers more than 50 practical tips, real-world templates, and tools for living like a millionaire.

Objev podobné jako The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (0307465357)

cena 576.0 Kč

The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich (0091929113)

Kniha - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Timothy Ferriss, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Subtitled, "Escape The 9-5, Live Anywhere & Join The New Rich". An expanded edition of the bestseller about reconstructing life so that it's not all about work. With 50 new practical tips and case studies.

Objev podobné jako The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich (0091929113)

cena 359.0 Kč

MÁDARA Rozjasňující korektor (The Concealer) 4 ml 40 Golden Hour

Rozjasňující a hydratační korektor zakryje tmavé kruhy, zarudnutí, rozšířené póry a další nedokonalosti, ale také přirozeně rozjasní oční okolí. Jeho jemnou textura nezatěžuje pleť a dokonale splyne s pokožkou.

Objev podobné jako MÁDARA Rozjasňující korektor (The Concealer) 4 ml 40 Golden Hour

cena 629.0 Kč

Mádara The Concealer krémový krycí korektor odstín #40 Golden Hour 4 ml

Mádara The Concealer, 4 ml, Korektory pro ženy, Korektor Mádara The Concealer zamaskuje veškeré nedokonalosti pleti a dodá vaší tváři bezchybný vzhled. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající efekt má lehkou texturu, která nezvýrazňuje vrásky rozjasňuje pleť Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte prstem nebo praktickým aplikátorem na různé nedostatky své pleti.

Objev podobné jako Mádara The Concealer krémový krycí korektor odstín #40 Golden Hour 4 ml

cena 567.0 Kč

The Way of Wisdom - Timothy Keller

New York pastor Timothy Keller is known for his ability to connect a deep understanding of the Bible with contemporary thought and the practical issues we all face. In this devotional - consisting of all-new material - Keller offers inspiration for every day of the year, based on the book of Proverbs. Working through the entire book, Keller brings this ancient wisdom to life and shows how to apply it to the realities of our daily lives. Just as My Rock; My Refuge taught readers how to pray, so this inspiring new devotional teaches us how to live lives that are rooted in wisdom.

Objev podobné jako The Way of Wisdom - Timothy Keller

cena 325.0 Kč

The Invisible Hour - Alice Hoffman

From the beloved New York Times bestselling author of the Practical Magic series comes an enchanting novel about love, heartbreak, self-discovery and the enduring magic of books. Sixteen-year-old Ivy is pregnant and alone. Cast out by her family, she runs away and finds safety in the arms of Joel Davis.He offers a simpler life than the one she had in Boston, a quiet, rural life of rules, peace and community. Little does she realise, Joel is the charismatic leader of a cult known as the Community, and all is not quite as it seems. Daughter Mia has only known the claustrophobic life of the Community.While out serving the Community one weekend, she secretly commits a transgression - reading. Discovering a world beyond the edges of the Community's property is intoxicating. But breaking rules carries serious consequences, and sends Mia on a path she could never have imagined.With two fiercely wonderful heroines, The Invisible Hour is a heart-breaking and hopeful novel of family, redemption and the power of love. Praise for Alice Hoffman 'Beautiful, harrowing, a major contribution to twenty-first century literature'Toni Morrison 'I am still reeling from The Dovekeepers - from the history Alice Hoffman illuminates, from the language she uses to bring these women to life. This novel is a testament to the human spirit and to love rising from the ashes of war.But most of all, this novel is one that will never be forgotten by a reader.'Jodi Picoult 'In her remarkable new novel, Alice Hoffman holds a mirror to our ancient past as she explores the contemporary themes of sexual desire, women's solidarity in the face of strife, and the magic that's quietly present in our day-to-day living. Put The Dovekeepers at the pinnacle of Hoffman's extraordinary body of work. I was blown away.'Wally Lamb 'Alice Hoffman takes seemingly ordinary lives and lets us see and feel extraordinary things.'Amy Tan 'Miss Hoffman heals wounds with the gentle touch of an angel'Joseph Heller 'Oh, what a book this is! Hoffman's exploration of the world of good and evil, and the constant contest between them, is unflinching; and the humanity she brings to us - it is a glorious experience.'Elizabeth Strout

Objev podobné jako The Invisible Hour - Alice Hoffman

cena 357.0 Kč

The Witching Hour - Catriona McPherson

♥️ '' . . . an absolute delight . . . these are the perfect reads for a night by the fire'' ♥️ ScotsmanWar is hovering on the horizon, and Dandy Gilver wants nothing more than to keep her friends and family close. But then a call in the night places her oldest friend Daisy at the centre of a murder investigation. With her friend''s future on the line, Dandy and her fellow sleuth Alec Osbourne must race to prove her innocence. But when they reach the idyllic Scottish village of Dirleton, residents confirm a woman was seen at the crime scene - an ancient stone called the louping stane, still spattered with the victim''s blood. And the longer the detectives spend in the village the more they question Daisy''s involvement. They''re not getting the answers they need, but are they asking the right questions? . . .

Objev podobné jako The Witching Hour - Catriona McPherson

cena 295.0 Kč

The Midnight Hour - Eve Chase

Read the new novel from Eve Chase, author of The Glass House and The Birdcage ‘Mesmerising - a book you want to race back to’ Lisa Jewell, Sunday Times bestselling author of None of This Is True''A wonderful twisty novel of family and secrets. The perfect summer read’ Kate Morton, bestselling author of Homecoming''A gripping tale of family secrets'' Woman''s Own''Moody, evocative, with a dream-like quality no other author can master'' Gillian McAllister, bestselling author of Just Another Missing Person---Notting Hill, London. One May evening, seventeen-year-old Maggie Parker''s mother walks out of their front door and doesn''t return . . . With her little brother in tow, desperate to find her mother, Maggie is drawn into a labyrinthine world of antiques and shadowy figures. There she befriends someone else living on their wits. But can he help solve the mystery of her mother’s disappearance? Twenty-one years later, in a Parisian apartment, Maggie’s phone rings and her hard-won grown-up life shatters. While in London, the new owner of the Parker’s old house is excavating the basement, unaware of what might lie beneath. Sweeping from bustling London streets, the boulevards of Paris to an old English country house, The Midnight Hour is a thrilling, richly woven story about a golden family with a hidden past – and a woman trying to turn back the hands of time before it’s too late. --- Her best yet! Beautifully written with characters that jumped off the page and a clever mystery that kept me gripped. I loved every word'' Claire Douglas, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Wrong Sisters ''A novel to immerse yourself in: lush, evocative, nostalgic; gripping . . . a true treat'' Sarah Vaughan, Sunday Times bestselling author of Anatomy of a Scandal Praise for Eve Chase: ''Atmospheric'' Jane Fallon ''Utterly intoxicating'' Veronica Henry ''Evocative'' Karen Swan''Page-turning'' Katie Fforde''Kept me absolutely gripped'' Rosie Walsh''Stunning'' Catherine Cooper

Objev podobné jako The Midnight Hour - Eve Chase

cena 502.0 Kč

The Invisible Hour - Alice Hoffman

From the beloved New York Times bestselling author of the Practical Magic series comes an enchanting novel about love, heartbreak, self-discovery and the enduring magic of books. Sixteen-year-old Ivy is pregnant and alone. Cast out by her family, she runs away and finds safety in the arms of Joel Davis. He offers a simpler life than the one she had in Boston, a quiet, rural life of rules, peace and community. Little does she realise, Joel is the charismatic leader of a cult known as the Community, and all is not quite as it seems. Daughter Mia has only known the claustrophobic life of the Community. While out serving the Community one weekend, she secretly commits a transgression – reading. Discovering a world beyond the edges of the Community’s property is intoxicating. But breaking rules carries serious consequences, and sends Mia on a path she could never have imagined. With two fiercely wonderful heroines, The Invisible Hour is a heart-breaking and hopeful novel of family, redemption and the power of love.Praise for Alice Hoffman ‘Beautiful, harrowing, a major contribution to twenty-first century literature’Toni Morrison ‘I am still reeling from The Dovekeepers – from the history Alice Hoffman illuminates, from the language she uses to bring these women to life. This novel is a testament to the human spirit and to love rising from the ashes of war. But most of all, this novel is one that will never be forgotten by a reader.’Jodi Picoult ‘In her remarkable new novel, Alice Hoffman holds a mirror to our ancient past as she explores the contemporary themes of sexual desire, women’s solidarity in the face of strife, and the magic that’s quietly present in our day-to-day living. Put The Dovekeepers at the pinnacle of Hoffman’s extraordinary body of work. I was blown away.’Wally Lamb ‘Alice Hoffman takes seemingly ordinary lives and lets us see and feel extraordinary things.’Amy Tan ‘Miss Hoffman heals wounds with the gentle touch of an angel’Joseph Heller 'Oh, what a book this is! Hoffman’s exploration of the world of good and evil, and the constant contest between them, is unflinching; and the humanity she brings to us – it is a glorious experience.'Elizabeth Strout

Objev podobné jako The Invisible Hour - Alice Hoffman

cena 295.0 Kč

The 24th Hour - James Patterson

The thrilling new instalment in the globally bestselling Women''s Murder Club series.___________________________________________________Trouble is never far away . . . The Women’s Murder Club is out celebrating an engagement at San Francisco’s finest restaurant when a blood-curdling scream interrupts the festivities.They soon discover a young woman who has been the victim of a violent assault. Sergeant Lindsay Boxer makes an arrest. Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano takes the case.But assigning blame is made impossible due to the victim’s chaotic version of events – and the shocking reason behind her ever-changing memory.As Yuki argues the toughest case of her career, Lindsay must chase down a high-society killer whose target practice may leave the Women’s Murder Club short a bridesmaid . . . or two.______________________________________________________Readers are loving The 24th Hour . . .''These ladies are like family to me''''James Patterson does it again as only he can''''I would highly recommend this whole series to anyone''''Such an enjoyable read, so entertaining''''Juggernaut speed until the very end''_______________________________________________PRAISE FOR THE WOMEN''S MURDER CLUB''Packed with action... a compelling read with great set pieces and, most of all, that charismatic cast of characters'' SUN''I couldn''t turn the pages quick enough. Great plot, fantastic storytelling and characters that spring off the page - all the right ingredients for a thriller!'' HEIDI PERKS''Fast-moving, intricately plotted... Boxer steals the show as the tough cop with a good heart.'' MIRROR''Terrific, high-octane, really pacy... every scene is a film, every character real, and every plot point leaves us breathless.'' JO SPAINThe 24th Hour was a No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 17/03/2024

Objev podobné jako The 24th Hour - James Patterson

cena 591.0 Kč

The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins

Discover the new gripping and atmospheric thriller from the global No.1 bestselling author of The Girl on the Train and A Slow Fire Burning.''A masterpiece! Gorgeous and chilling, and I couldn’t put it down.'' SHARI LAPENA‘The best Paula Hawkins yet, by a tense and haunting mile.’ LEE CHILD‘An atmospheric, stylish puzzle box of a thriller’ - LIZ MOORE*************She no longer sleeps when the tide is out, she only rests when the sea separates her from the land. When she knows no one can sneak up on her.Eris, an island with only one house, one inhabitant, one way out.Unreachable from the Scottish mainland for twelve hours each day.Once home to Vanessa. A famous artist whose notoriously unfaithful husband disappeared twenty years ago.Now home to Grace. A solitary creature of the tides, content in her own isolation.But when a shocking discovery is made in an art gallery far away in London, a visitor comes calling.And the secrets of Eris threaten to emerge . . .**Pre-order now to get your hands on a special foiled design beneath the jacket, EXCLUSIVE to the first print run while stocks last!***************Praise for The Blue Hour:‘The Blue Hour swept me along on a tide as unforgiving and irresistible as the one around the island of Eris.’ Val McDermid, Sunday Times bestselling author of the Karen Pirie series‘Extremely hard to put down’ Mick Herron, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Secret Hours‘An atmospheric and marvellously twisty novel.’ Danya Kukafka, author of New York Times Crime Novel of the Year, Notes on an Execution''Beautifully written, intriguing . . . a real page-turner.’ Belinda Bauer, Sunday Times bestselling author of Snap‘A tensely atmospheric and layered exploration of artistic drive and devotion; loyalty and betrayal; class, money and revenge . . . I loved it. - Charlotte Wood, author of Booker Prize 2024 Longlisted Stone Yard Devotional‘The Blue Hour is her finest work yet.’ - John Boyne, author of bestselling Richard and Judy pick, Our Heart’s Invisible Furies‘An addictive, exhilarating book.’ - Donal Ryan, bestselling author of The Queen of Dirt Island

Objev podobné jako The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins

cena 650.0 Kč

The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins

A GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICKTHE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER!The tense new crime thriller from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Girl on the Train.'The best Paula Hawkins yet.' LEE CHILD'Undoubtedly Hawkins' best novel yet.' The Observer'Paula's very best book... and a bloody good read.' LIZ NUGENT'A twisty dark thriller, this is Paula Hawkins' best book since The Girl on the Train.' Red'An atmospheric, stylish puzzle box of a thriller. . . truly exceptional.' LIZ MOORE------------WELCOME TO ERIS - A TIDAL ISLAND WITH ONLY ONE HOUSE, ONE INHABITANT, ONE WAY OUT. . .A place that is unreachable from the Scottish mainland for twelve hours each day.Once the hideaway of Vanessa, a famous artist whose husband disappeared twenty years ago.Now home to Grace. A solitary creature of the tides, content in her own isolation.But when a human bone is uncovered in Vanessa's artwork, far away in London, Grace receives an unexpected visitor.AND THE SECRETS OF ERIS THREATEN TO EMERGE. . .'A gripping, ambitious, big-skied novel about women who refuse to surrender to the tide.' ERIN KELLY------------Readers are OBSESSED with The Blue Hour!'This blew me away. I want to read it again IMMEDIATELY. It's creepy, unsettling and tense. ' 5-STAR Reader Review'I soaked up every bit of this book, savoured every word. I didn't want it to end but when it did, it did so in chilling style. Brilliant!' 5-STAR Reader Review'Once again, Hawkins has produced an irresistible, gripping story that I was completely immersed in from page one.' 5-STAR Reader Review------------More praise for The Blue Hour:'A fine, insidious thriller.' The Mail on Sunday'A masterpiece! Gorgeous and chilling.' SHARI LAPENA'Vivid, extremely tense, unnervingly unputdownable. This is a superb, powerful read.' The Independent'Extremely hard to put down.' MICK HERRON'Really, really, REALLY good. Highly recommended!' MARIAN KEYESThe Girl on the Train, global No.1 bestseller, The Bookseller Feb 2024Paula Hawkins, Sunday Times bestseller, October 2024

Objev podobné jako The Blue Hour - Paula Hawkins

cena 429.0 Kč

The 24th Hour - James Patterson

The thrilling new instalment in the globally bestselling Women's Murder Club series. ___________________________________________________Trouble is never far away . .. The Women’s Murder Club is out celebrating an engagement at San Francisco’s finest restaurant when a blood-curdling scream interrupts the festivities. They soon discover a young woman who has been the victim of a violent assault.Sergeant Lindsay Boxer makes an arrest. Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano takes the case. But assigning blame is made impossible due to the victim’s chaotic version of events – and the shocking reason behind her ever-changing memory.As Yuki argues the toughest case of her career, Lindsay must chase down a high-society killer whose target practice may leave the Women’s Murder Club short a bridesmaid . . .or two. ______________________________________________________Readers are loving The 24th Hour . .. 'These ladies are like family to me''James Patterson does it again as only he can''I would highly recommend this whole series to anyone''Such an enjoyable read, so entertaining''Juggernaut speed until the very end'_______________________________________________PRAISE FOR THE WOMEN'S MURDER CLUB'Packed with action... a compelling read with great set pieces and, most of all, that charismatic cast of characters' SUN'I couldn't turn the pages quick enough.Great plot, fantastic storytelling and characters that spring off the page - all the right ingredients for a thriller!' HEIDI PERKS'Fast-moving, intricately plotted... Boxer steals the show as the tough cop with a good heart.' MIRROR'Terrific, high-octane, really pacy... every scene is a film, every character real, and every plot point leaves us breathless.' JO SPAINThe 24th Hour was a No.1 Sunday Times Bestseller

Objev podobné jako The 24th Hour - James Patterson

cena 295.0 Kč

The Happy Hour - Cressida McLaughlin

Can they fall in love, sixty minutes at a time?''Cressida''s characters are wonderful'' Sarah Morgan''Bursting with warmth'' Kirsty Greenwood''We couldn''t put this down!'' BELLA''You''ll devour this'' Woman''s WeeklyThe deliciously captivating new standalone novel from the bestselling author of The Staycation and The Cornish Cream Tea series.Jess is happy working in Greenwich market selling trinkets to well-heeled locals and excitable tourists.Then one Sunday, Jess is thrown together with handsome, funny Ash, as they chase a pickpocket through the market, and before long they are making a habit of running into each other at the same time each week.Jess starts to realize that their hour together is the brightest part of her life. But Ash isn’t telling her everything – can she discover the truth before it’s too late?Readers LOVE The Happy Hour!''I fell hard for this book… A summer must-read'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A gorgeous romance'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Absolutely beautiful … heartwarming and romantic'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This is an amazing book!'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''I couldn’t put it down…'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This has everything I want in a good read'' Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Happy Hour - Cressida McLaughlin

cena 295.0 Kč

Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

Kniha - autor Jeffrey Archer, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The sixth and penultimate book in the spellbinding, number one bestselling Clifton Chronicles, now in paperback. Showcasing Jeffrey Archer's extraordinary storytelling with his trademark twists.

Objev podobné jako Cometh the Hour: The Clifton Chronicles 06 (150982037X)

cena 289.0 Kč

The Inner Game of Tennis - W. Timothy Gallwey

Described by Billie Jean King as her 'tennis bible', Timothy Gallwey's international bestseller has been essential reading for players of all abilities since it was first published in 1974. With a new foreword from Bill Gates.Instead of concentrating on how to improve your technique, Timothy Gallwey starts from the understanding that 'every game is composed of two parts, an outer game and an inner game'. The former is played against opponents on the court, but the latter is a battle within ourselves as we try and overcome self-doubt and anxiety. It is often won or lost before a ball has been hit.In his revolutionary approach, built on a foundation of Zen thinking and humanistic psychology, Gallwey will teach you how to trust the intuitive wisdom of your body and achieve a state of ‘relaxed concentration’. With lessons on gamesmanship and breaking bad habits, it is no surprise that Gallwey’s method has had a far-reaching impact both on and off the tennis court. Whether you want to win at tennis, write a novel, get ahead at work, or simply unwind after a stressful day, Gallwey shows you how to tap into your utmost potential.No matter your goals, The Inner Game of Tennis gives you the definitive framework for long-term success.

Objev podobné jako The Inner Game of Tennis - W. Timothy Gallwey

cena 325.0 Kč

The Infinite Minute (The Magic Hour #2) - David Wolstencroft

The second instalment in the time-twisting middle grade adventureseries where EVERY SECOND COUNTS.

Objev podobné jako The Infinite Minute (The Magic Hour #2) - David Wolstencroft

cena 236.0 Kč

Hour of the Star - Clarice Lispector

Living in the slums of Rio and eking out a living as a typist, Macabéa loves movies, Coca-Cola and her philandering rat of a boyfriend; she would like to be like Marilyn Monroe, but she is ugly and unloved. Yet telling her story is the narrator Rodrigo S.M., who tries to direct Macabéa''s fate but comes to realize that, for all her outward misery, she is inwardly free. Slyly subverting ideas of poverty, identity, love and the art of writing itself, Clarice Lispector''s audacious last novel is a haunting portrayal of innocence in a bad world.

Objev podobné jako Hour of the Star - Clarice Lispector

cena 236.0 Kč

The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa, Timothy Revell

Mathematics shapes almost everything we do. But despite its reputation as the study of fundamental truths, the stories we have been told about it are wrong. In The Secret Lives of Numbers, historian Kate Kitagawa and journalist Timothy Revell introduce readers to the mathematical boundary-smashers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today. This revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of mathematics is as entertaining as it is important.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa, Timothy Revell

cena 384.0 Kč

Specter of the Past: Star Wars Legends (The Hand of Thrawn) - Timothy Zahn

Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn makes his triumphant return to the Star Wars(r) universe in this first of an epic new two-volume series in which the New Republic must face its most dangerous enemy yet--a dead Imperial warlord.The Empire stands at the brink of total collapse. But they have saved their most heinous plan for last. First a plot is hatched that could destroy the New Republic in a bloodbath of genocide and civil war. Then comes the shocking news that Grand Admiral Thrawn--the most cunning and ruthless warlord in history--has apparently returned from the dead to lead the Empire to a long-prophesied victory. Facing incredible odds, Han and Leia begin a desperate race against time to prevent the New Republic from unraveling in the face of two inexplicable threats--one from within and one from without. Meanwhile, Luke teams up with Mara Jade, using the Force to track down a mysterious pirate ship with a crew of clones. Yet, perhaps most dangerous of all, are those who lurk in the shadows, orchestrating a dark plan that will turn the New Republic and the Empire into their playthings.

Objev podobné jako Specter of the Past: Star Wars Legends (The Hand of Thrawn) - Timothy Zahn

cena 214.0 Kč

Midnight is the Darkest Hour - Ashley Winstead

From TikTok sensation Ashley Winstead comes her newest thriller. For fans of Verity and A Flicker in the Dark, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is a twisted tale of murder, obsessive love, and the beastly urges that lie dormant within us all... In her small hometown, librarian Ruth Cornier has always felt like an outsider, even as her beloved father rains fire-and-brimstone warnings from the pulpit at Holy Fire Baptist.Unfortunately for Ruth, the only things the townspeople fear more than the God and the Devil are the myths that haunt the area, like the story of the Low Man, a vampiric figure said to steal into sinners' bedrooms and kill them on moonless nights. When a skull is found deep in the swamp next to mysterious carved symbols, Bottom Springs is thrown into uproar?and Ruth realizes only she and Everett, an old friend with a dark past, have the power to comb the town's secret underbelly in search of true evil. A dark and powerful novel like fans have come to expect from Ashley Winstead, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is an examination of the ways we've come to expect love, religion, and stories to save us, the lengths we have to go to in order to take back power, and the monstrous work of being a girl in this world.'Where The Crawdads Sing meets Twilight meets Thelma and Louise in this brilliantly realized, totally original thriller. Absolutely sensational! I couldn't put it down.' Clare Mackintosh, New York Times bestselling author

Objev podobné jako Midnight is the Darkest Hour - Ashley Winstead

cena 299.0 Kč

Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová

The sixth book in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors seriesJoin the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour.The time has come for Fireheart--now Firestar, leader of ThunderClan--to face his destiny. Tigerstar's sinister ambitions have brought the whole forest to the brink of a terrible and deadly battle. Now prophecies will unfold, and heroes will rise....

Objev podobné jako Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová

cena 241.0 Kč

The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder

Wilhelm von Habsburg wore the uniform of an Austrian officer, the court regalia of a Habsburg archduke, the simple suit of a Parisian exile, the decorations of the Order of the Golden Fleece and, every so often, a dress. He spoke the Italian of his archduke mother, the German of his archduke father, the English of his British royal friends, the Polish of the country his father wished to rule and the Ukrainian of the land Wilhelm wished to rule himself.Timothy Snyder's masterful biography is not only a reconstruction of the life of this extraordinary man - a man who remained loyal to his Ukrainian dreams even after the country's dissolution in 1921- but also charts the final collapse of the ancien regime in Europe and the rise of a new world order.

Objev podobné jako The Red Prince : The Fall of a Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Europe - Timothy Snyder

cena 357.0 Kč

Wind in the Willows anniversary gift picture book - Knapman Timothy

A stylish foiled picture book adaptation – celebrating 90 years of E. H. Shepard’s iconic original illustrations!A stylish foiled picture book adaptation – celebrating 90 years of E. H. Shepard’s iconic original illustrations!“Don’t you know?” grinned Rat. “Oh, Mole! There is nothing half so much fun as simply messing about in boats!”A world of wonders awaits Mole as he emerges from his little underground home one spring day. He discovers the sights and delights of the river aboard Rat’s rowing boat. He ventures into the Wild Wood, home to kindly Badger. In the company of fun-loving Toad, he feels the thrill of the open road.But Mole soon learns that where there is Toad, there is trouble. Toad has a dangerous new hobby, and Mole and his friends must use all their wits and courage to keep him from disaster!Kenneth Grahame’s delightful characters, Mole, Rat, Badger and Toad, have entertained generations of children. This stunning anniversary picture book, adapted by bestselling author Timothy Knapman, introduces their famous adventures to readers aged 4+, with timeless illustrations from E. H. Shepard, the artist who created the world-famous images of Winnie-the-Pooh.

Objev podobné jako Wind in the Willows anniversary gift picture book - Knapman Timothy

cena 214.0 Kč

Imelda May: 11 Past the Hour - CD (0898646)

Hudební CD - 11 Past the Hour je šesté studiové album irské písničkářky Imeldy May vydané 23. dubna 2021. 11 Past the Hour je šesté studiové album irské písničkářky Imeldy May vydané 23. dubna 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (6.album) Seznam stop 11 Past The Hour / Breathe / Made To Love / Different Kinds Of Love / Diamonds / Don't Let Me Stand On My Own / What We Did In The Dark / Can't Say / Just One Kiss / Solace / Never Look Back

Objev podobné jako Imelda May: 11 Past the Hour - CD (0898646)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Hundred-Mile-an-Hour Dog - Jeremy Strong

The Hundred-Mile-an-Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong has become a children''s classic!From The Hundred-Mile-an-Hour Dog to karate princesses and hot cross bottoms, there''s a Jeremy Strong story to suit every child''s sense of humour. Jeremy''s readers range from 7 to teen, perfect for fans of Roald Dahl and Morris Gleitzman.Streaker is a mixed-up kind of dog...with quite a bit of Ferrari and a large chunk of whirlwind.Streaker is no ordinary dog. She''s a rocket on four legs with a woof attached, and Trevor has got until the end of the holidays to train her. If he fails, he''ll lose his bet with horrible Charlie Smugg, and something very, very yucky involving frogspawn will happen...Award-winning Jeremy Strong has written many funny books for kids aged 7-teen, including My Dad''s Got an Alligator and My Brother''s Famous Bottom. Most of which are illustrated by Nick Sharratt, who also illustrates for Jacqueline Wilson! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog is back causing more chaos and getting into more trouble in Return of the Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog, Lost! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog, Wanted! The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog, Christmas Chaos for the Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog and The Hundred-Mile-An-Hour Dog Goes for Gold - guaranteed to have you laughing your socks off!

Objev podobné jako The Hundred-Mile-an-Hour Dog - Jeremy Strong

cena 236.0 Kč

Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour (2021) (LP)

Žánr: R&B;Pop;Soul Subžánr: Pop;Soul;Contemporary R&B;Rhythm & Blues Typ: LP deska;Album;Nové vydání Varianta: In The Lonely Hour (2021) (LP) Rok vydání: 2021.0 Datum vydání: 2021-11-26 Vydavatelství: EMI Interpret / Téma: Sam Smith Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour (2021) (LP)

cena 720.8 Kč

Midnight is the Darkest Hour (Defekt) - Ashley Winstead

From TikTok sensation Ashley Winstead comes her newest thriller. For fans of Verity and A Flicker in the Dark, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is a twisted tale of murder, obsessive love, and the beastly urges that lie dormant within us all... In her small hometown, librarian Ruth Cornier has always felt like an outsider, even as her beloved father rains fire-and-brimstone warnings from the pulpit at Holy Fire Baptist.Unfortunately for Ruth, the only things the townspeople fear more than the God and the Devil are the myths that haunt the area, like the story of the Low Man, a vampiric figure said to steal into sinners' bedrooms and kill them on moonless nights. When a skull is found deep in the swamp next to mysterious carved symbols, Bottom Springs is thrown into uproar?and Ruth realizes only she and Everett, an old friend with a dark past, have the power to comb the town's secret underbelly in search of true evil. A dark and powerful novel like fans have come to expect from Ashley Winstead, Midnight is the Darkest Hour is an examination of the ways we've come to expect love, religion, and stories to save us, the lengths we have to go to in order to take back power, and the monstrous work of being a girl in this world.'Where The Crawdads Sing meets Twilight meets Thelma and Louise in this brilliantly realized, totally original thriller. Absolutely sensational! I couldn't put it down.' Clare Mackintosh, New York Times bestselling author

Objev podobné jako Midnight is the Darkest Hour (Defekt) - Ashley Winstead

cena 129.0 Kč

American Crew Body 24-Hour Deodorant Body Wash sprchový gel s deodoračním účinkem 24h 450 ml

American Crew Body 24-Hour Deodorant Body Wash, 450 ml, Sprchové gely a mýdla pro muže, Chcete proměnit obyčejné sprchování v nevšední zážitek prodchnutý příjemnou vůní? Sprchový gel American Crew Body 24-Hour Deodorant Body Wash vám s tím pomůže. Zatímco vaše smysly bude hýčkat jeho neodolatelná vůně, jeho pěnivá textura účinně zbaví pokožku veškerých nečistot, aniž by ji zbytečně vysušila. Ze sprchy či koupele tak budete vycházet s dokonale čistou, ale i sametově hebkou a krásně provoněnou pokožkou. I proto se tento sprchový gel stane nezbytnou součástí vaší každodenní hygieny a povýší ji na příjemný rituál, na který se budete těšit. Vlastnosti: šetrně myje pokožku celého těla po použití dodá pocit svěžesti a energie zmírňuje napětí pokožky a chrání ji před podrážděním Jak používat: Aplikujte při sprchování či koupeli. Naneste na pokožku celého těla a poté opláchněte teplou vodou.

Objev podobné jako American Crew Body 24-Hour Deodorant Body Wash sprchový gel s deodoračním účinkem 24h 450 ml

cena 190.0 Kč

Valmont Hydratační tělový krém proti stárnutí Body 24 Hour Energy (Anti-Aging Body Cream) 150 ml

Dlouhotrvající tělový hydratační krém obsahuje aktivní složky, které pomáhají předcházet viditelným známkám stárnutí. Bohatá a krémová textura okamžitě proniká do pokožky. Je vhodný pro všechny typy pokožky, zejména pro suchou a dehydratovanou.

Objev podobné jako Valmont Hydratační tělový krém proti stárnutí Body 24 Hour Energy (Anti-Aging Body Cream) 150 ml

cena 2419.0 Kč

The Midnight Hunt (The Midnight Hour book 3) - Benjamin Read, Laura Trinder

The third and final adventure in Benjamin Read and Laura Trinder's magical Midnight Hour series! 'A fantastic magical adventure featuring a cast of Ghibli-esque characters, a feisty heroine and a hedgehog. I loved it.' M.G. LEONARD, author of BEETLE BOY on book 1'Fans of Nevermoor will love this' THE BOOKSELLER on book 1 'I haven't enjoyed this kind of caper so much since Harry Potter' NEW STATESMAN on book 1 'Pure delight' THE GUARDIAN ON BOOK 1 Emily is locked out of the Midnight Hour, and things have grown dangerously dark in Victorian London. Her friends and family are on the run from the terrifying Midnight Hunt, while the foul Make Britain Dark Again party schemes to break the spell that keeps both worlds safe. It's going to take more than just Emily's big mouth to fix this one. But how's a girl meant to save the day (and night) when she's all out of snacks and her possibly-magic pocket hedgehog is hibernating? The ingeniously-plotted finale to the much-loved Midnight Hour trilogy, which began with The Midnight Hour and The Midnight Howl A hilarious, spooky adventure full of genuine scares and belly laughs! Coraline meets A Wrinkle in Time: all the makings of a modern classic

Objev podobné jako The Midnight Hunt (The Midnight Hour book 3) - Benjamin Read, Laura Trinder

cena 241.0 Kč

Revel In Flesh: Hour of the Avenger - CD (4046661653328)

Hudební CD - Revel In Flesh a jejich album Hour of the Avenger. Revel In Flesh a jejich album Hour of the Avenger. Seznam stop CD The Hour Of The Avenger / My Trial 3. Blood Oath / The Nihilistic Nothingness / Sky Burial 6. Deathblow / Pervitin Speed Kill / The Wayfarer / Skull Sacrifice / The Nightbreed / Rock Out (MOTÖRHEAD-Cover)

Objev podobné jako Revel In Flesh: Hour of the Avenger - CD (4046661653328)

cena 429.0 Kč

Suede: The Blue Hour (2xCD / 3xLP / DVD) - LP (9029564266)

LP vinyl - Na osmém studiovém albu slavné britksé kapely najdeme českou stopu. Podílela se na ni pražská filharmonie! Suede na nahrávce opět hledají nové světy, kromě výrazných smyčcových aranží je tu i mluvené slovo a sborový zpěv. Album produkoval Aln Moulder. Na osmém studiovém albu slavné britksé kapely najdeme českou stopu. Podílela se na ni pražská filharmonie! Suede na nahrávce opět hledají nové světy, kromě výrazných smyčcových aranží je tu i mluvené slovo a sborový zpěv. Album produkoval Aln Moulder. Deska je k dispozici na CD, 2LP a v jedinečném sběratelském boxu obsahujícím obě zmíněné verze, bonusové CD s instrumentálními verzemi jednotlivých skladeb, DVD s komentářem členů kapely, producenta a dosud nevydaným videem Don't Be Afraid If Nobody Loves You a dále též sedmipalcový singl Manipulation. Britští Suede patřili k nejzářivějším hvězdám ostrovní rockové scény devadesátých let. Počátkem nultých let se vytratili a zdálo se, že to definitivně...

Objev podobné jako Suede: The Blue Hour (2xCD / 3xLP / DVD) - LP (9029564266)

cena 1919.0 Kč

Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour (Anniversary Edition) (LP)

Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2024-08-02 Interpret / Téma: Sam Smith Rok vydání: 2024.0 Žánr: Soul;R&B;Pop Subžánr: Soul;Pop;R&B Varianta: In The Lonely Hour (Anniversary Edition) (LP) Vydavatelství: EMI Typ: LP deska;Jubilejní edice;Album Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour (Anniversary Edition) (LP)

cena 811.0 Kč

On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (Graphic Edition) - Timothy Snyder

A captivating graphic edition of Timothy Snyder's bestselling book of lessons for surviving and resisting the arc toward authoritarianism. Timothy Snyder's On Tyranny is one of the essential books of recent years, using the darkest moments in twentieth-century history to teach twenty lessons on resisting modern-day authoritarianism. These include a warning to be aware of how symbols used today could affect tomorrow, an urgent reminder to research everything for yourself and to the fullest extent, and an encouragement to use personalised and individualised speech rather than clichéd phrases when arguing a point In this graphic edition, Nora Krug draws from her highly inventive style in Heimat - at once a graphic memoir, collage-style scrapbook, historical narrative and trove of memories - to breathe new life, colour and power into Snyder's modern classic, turning a quick-read pocket guide of lessons into a visually striking rumination and call for action. 'On Tyranny is a must read, a clear-eyed guidebook' Ken Burns History does not repeat, but it does instruct. In a time of great uncertainty and instability, this edition of On Tyranny emphasises the importance of being active, conscious, and deliberate participants in resistance.

Objev podobné jako On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century (Graphic Edition) - Timothy Snyder

cena 499.0 Kč

Elizabeth Arden Hydratační tělové mléko Eight Hour (Hydrating Body Lotion) 380 ml

Dlouhotrvající hydratační mléko s přírodním bambuckým máslem a avokádovým olejem pro ochranu suché pokožky. Posiluje kožní bariéru a zanechává pokožku hebkou, zářivou a zdravě vypadající.

Objev podobné jako Elizabeth Arden Hydratační tělové mléko Eight Hour (Hydrating Body Lotion) 380 ml

cena 619.0 Kč

The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

The Magic Lantern is one of those rare books that capture history in the making, written by an author who was witness to some of the most remarkable moments that marked the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.Timothy Garton Ash was there in Warsaw, on 4 June, when the communist government was humiliated by Solidarity in the first semi-free elections since the Second World War. He was there in Budapest, twelve days later, when Imre Nagy - thirty-one years after his execution - was finally given his proper funeral. He was there in Berlin, as the Wall opened. And most remarkable of all, he was there in Prague, in the back rooms of the Magic Lantern theatre, with Vaclav Havel and the members of Civic Forum, as they made their 'Velvet Revolution'.

Objev podobné jako The Magic Lantern : The Revolution of ´89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague - Timothy Garton Ash

cena 312.0 Kč

Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden (978-80-87270-02-8)

Kniha - autor Timothy Ferriss, 416 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem matná Systém „otroč -> šetři -> odpočívej“, kdy člověk v mládí po celé dny dře a vlastní život jakoby odkládá na důchod, se evidentně přežil a Ferriss ve své knize představuje způsoby, jak si užívat života i v produktivním věku. Dokládá, že luxusní životní styl, ještě před dvaceti lety vyhrazený jen milionářům, je dnes dostupný každému – a rychle rostoucí subkultura „nových bohatých“ to jen dokazuje. Stačí chytře využívat všech možností, které nám moderní svět nabízí, a osvojit si několik nových návyků. Že po žádné radikální změně svého života netoužíte? Přesto vám doporučujeme knihu přečíst – je přímo našlapána neobyčejnými postřehy a praktickými tipy, které jinde nenajdete. A je velmi vtipná. Kniha „The 4-Hour Workweek“ vyšla poprvé v dubnu 2007, v USA se dočkala 40 dotisků a byla přeložena do 35 jazyků. Český překlad vychází z nového, rozšířeného vydání knihy, které se objevilo v prosinci 2009...

Objev podobné jako Čtyřhodinový pracovní týden (978-80-87270-02-8)

cena 339.0 Kč

Elizabeth Arden Hydratační tělové mléko Eight Hour (Hydrating Body Lotion) 380 ml - TESTER

Dlouhotrvající hydratační mléko s přírodním bambuckým máslem a avokádovým olejem pro ochranu suché pokožky. Posiluje kožní bariéru a zanechává pokožku hebkou, zářivou a zdravě vypadající.

Objev podobné jako Elizabeth Arden Hydratační tělové mléko Eight Hour (Hydrating Body Lotion) 380 ml - TESTER

cena 569.0 Kč

Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour: Drowning Shadows Edition (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 2 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Subžánr: Vocal;Synth-pop;Ballad Žánr: Elektronický;Pop Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Varianta: In The Lonely Hour: Drowning Shadows Edition (2 LP) Datum vydání: 2015-11-06 Rok vydání: 2015.0 Interpret / Téma: Sam Smith Vydavatelství: Capitol Records Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour: Drowning Shadows Edition (2 LP)

cena 1049.0 Kč

Ve službách Meče - Světy Honor Harringtonové 4 - Timothy Zahn, David Weber, John Ringo

Stav průměrný. V této sbírce povídek vypráví Jane Lindskoldová příběh matnichorského prince a mimořádné graysonské ženy Judith, oběti masadské brutality, která se pustila do zoufalého boje proti obrovské přesile, aby zajistila svobodu svým sestrám. Timothy Zahn nás zavede na palubu těžkého křižníku HMS Neohrožený, který pátrá po tajné zbrani nepřátel a málem se stane její obětí, zatímco John Ringo nás ve svých povídkách zavede nejprve na palubu poněkud netypické graysonské lodi a pak na planetu Praha, kde se rozhodnou strávit své volno dva příslušníci mantichorské námořní pěchoty. Eric Flint nás zase seznámí s ambicioózním mladým důstojníkem, který se ocitne po pádu Oscar Saint-Justa v pravý čas na pravém místě, aby uplatnil svůj vliv v celém sektoru - jestli se mu podaří zůstat dost dlouho naživu. A konečně David Weber přichází s příběhem první graysonské kadetky na její první plavbě.

Objev podobné jako Ve službách Meče - Světy Honor Harringtonové 4 - Timothy Zahn, David Weber, John Ringo

cena 232.0 Kč

The Body Shop Pomáda na obočí Frame It (Brow Pomade) 4 ml Blonde

Pomáda na obočí s panenským olivovým olejem vytvaruje vaše obočí přesně podle vašich představ.

Objev podobné jako The Body Shop Pomáda na obočí Frame It (Brow Pomade) 4 ml Blonde

cena 360.0 Kč

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