It looked like love. It felt like love. But this isn't a love story. Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry. Because if she works out what went wrong, perhaps she can finally learn how to get over him. (
Podobné produkty ako The Places I´ve Cried in Public (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová , Pandora places 788942c01 (5700302877151)Kniha - autor Holly Bourne, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná It looked like love. It felt like love. But this isn't a love story. Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry. Because if she works out what went wrong, perhaps she can finally learn how to get over him. (
Podobné produkty ako The Places I've Cried in Public (1474949525) , Portugal. the man: in the mountain in the cloud - lp (7567864186)Jak najít svůj hlas? Jak se zamilovat? Jak říkat pravdu? Středoškolačka Paige Vickersová, která pracuje pro školní noviny, je na vylhané příběhy zvyklá. Patří mezi ně třeba řeči o tom, jak je nejpopulárnější spolužačka Grace úžasná. Jenže to je lež. Jak Laura přebírá kluky jiným holkám. To je taky lež. A jak je její vlastní rodina dokonalá. I to je ale… lež. Teď populární Grace a její kamarádky vybírají do chystané ročenky ty „nejlepší středoškolské příběhy“. Jenže tyhle příběhy nejsou jen vylhané, jsou toxické! Page už má lží plné zuby. S pomocí Elijaha, jediného kluka, který ji kdy chápal, je odhodlaná povědět všem pravdu. A asi tím dostane pár lidí na kolena. (
Podobné produkty ako Ročenka - Holly Bourneová , Základy public relations (9788779689503)"Men see women in two separate categories. There are the women they sleep with, and the women they fall in love with. And they will treat you differently based on that."From the day they first meet as teenagers, Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other through everything. That is until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive. Now they haven't seen each other for more than ten years when Jessica unexpectedly arrives back in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can things really be that different between them now they are older? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself again?Set between the present day and past, GIRL FRIENDS is a smart funny novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most. (
Podobné produkty ako Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová , Sounds in the dark ()Román o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze vypráví o středoškolačce Evie. Právě nastoupila na novou školu, kde ji nikdo nezná jako "tu holku, co se zcvokla". Už nebere skoro žádné prášky, umí si poradit se svými úzkostmi a je na krok od toho, aby byla normální. Jenže co to je, být normální? Má skvělé kamarádky, chodí do kina a na koncerty. Ještě ji zbývá najít si kluka. Jenže vztahy s kluky jsou ošemetná věc, z těch by se zbláznila i normálně holka. Chytrý a vtipný bestseller, který by neměl chybět v žádné holčičí knihovně. (
Podobné produkty ako Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová , Ve jménu pomsty - in the name of revenge (978-80-266-0170-8)Amber, Evie a Lottie jsou tři holky, které čelí všem problémům pomocí přátelství, feminismu a sýrových křupek. Už jsem normální?!? byl Eviin příběh. Tenhle dojemný a zábavný román vypráví o Amber a o tom, jak těžká, plná bolesti, ale i radosti může být láska. Její matka nikdy nebyla příliš ukázkový rodič, ani předtím než se odstěhovala do Ameriky, znovu se vdala a podle všeho prodělala hotovou transplantaci osobnosti. Ale Amber doufá, že společné léto by to mohlo změnit. A pak je tu Král plesu Kyle, kluk, po kterém touží všechny holky. Opravdu by mohl mít o Amber zájem? Evie a Lottie si to myslí. A pokud ano, je tohle láska? Poutavý román pro chytré holky, které znají cenu skutečného přátelství. (
Podobné produkty ako Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)From the day they first meet as teenagers Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other throughout everything, navigating the difficulties of growing up and fitting in. That is, until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive.But now, more than ten years later, Jessica has unexpectedly reappeared in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can their relationship be different now they are older? Is it possible for either of them to rewrite the role that they have been cast in? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself?Set between the present day and the past, GIRL FRIENDS is a blisteringly funny and devastating novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most. (
Podobné produkty ako Girl Friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - Holly Bourneová , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)Olive cítí, že je toho na ni moc. Popravdě, nejspíš se každou chvíli psychicky zhroutí. Nejradši by to neřešila, jenže zároveň cítí, že potřebuje pomoc. Proto přijme pozvání na trochu divný letní tábor, kde by se měla dát psychicky do pořádku. Jenže jen co si na táboře Reset zvykne, začne jí to vrtat hlavou. Možná že "opravit" nepotřebuje ona a její kamarádi, ale celý náš podělaný svět? A tak vymyslí plán. Průlomová, brutálně upřímná kniha o duševním zdraví, přátelství a o tom, jak z tohohle šíleného světa udělat laskavější místo, od britské bestselleristky Holly Bourne. (
Podobné produkty ako Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová , Public enemy: what you gonna do when the grid goes down? - cd (3515051)Amelie se do Reese zamilovala až po uši. A myslela si, že on ji taky miluje. Ale teď jí začíná docházet, že opravdová láska by takhle bolet neměla. A tak jde po stopách jejich příběhu, navštěvuje všechna místa, kde kvůli němu plakala. Protože když přijde na kloub tomu, co bylo v jejich vztahu špatně, možná konečně zjistí, jak se z něj vzpamatovat? Další z pronikavých románů britské populární spisovatelky Holly Bourne, která nejen rozumí lidské duši, ale zdá se, že ji umí svými příběhy i léčit. (
Podobné produkty ako Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová , Vollenweider andreas: quiet places - cd (0885513022622)Ve světě Joni a Belle mají dívky na výběr ze dvou možností. První možnost: následuj pravidla Doktríny jako Belle, nos Masku, tvrdě dři, aby tě korunovali vítězkou Ceremoniálu, buď Krásná. Druhá možnost: vzepři se pravidlům jako Joni, nech svou tvář přirozenou, tvrdě dři, abys mohla nastoupit na Edukaci, buď Nepřístojná. Ale možná existuje ještě třetí možnost… změň pravidla. Vezmi si zpět svou moc. Pokud to dokážeš. Co si vybereš? (
Podobné produkty ako Mohla bys být krásná - Holly Bourneová , Starokladrubští koně ve světě: kladruber horses in the world (978-80-87731-32-1)A runaway queen. A reluctant prince. And a quest that may destroy them both.Eight years have passed since the Battle of the Serpent. But in the icy north, Lady Nore of the Court of Teeth, has reclaimed the Ice Needle Citadel. There she is using an ancient relic to create monsters of stick and snow who will do her bidding and exact her revenge.Suren, child queen of the Court of Teeth, and the one person with power over her mother, fled to the human world, where she lives feral in the woods. Lonely, and still haunted by the merciless torments she endured in the Court of Teeth, she bides her time by releasing mortals from foolish bargains. She believes herself forgotten until the storm hag Bogdana chases her through the night streets. Suren is saved by none other than Prince Oak, heir to Elfhame, to whom she was once promised in marriage and who she has resented for years.Now seventeen, Oak is charming, beautiful and manipulative. He's on a mission that will lead him into the north, and he wants Suren's help. But if she agrees, it will mean guarding her heart against the boy she once knew and a prince she cannot trust, as well as confronting all the horrors she thought she had left behind. (
Podobné produkty ako The Stolen Heir (Defekt) - Holly Black , Lincoln in the bardo (1408871750)A runaway queen. A reluctant prince. And a quest that may destroy them both.Eight years have passed since the Battle of the Serpent. But in the icy north, Lady Nore of the Court of Teeth, has reclaimed the Ice Needle Citadel. There she is using an ancient relic to create monsters of stick and snow who will do her bidding and exact her revenge.Suren, child queen of the Court of Teeth, and the one person with power over her mother, fled to the human world, where she lives feral in the woods. Lonely, and still haunted by the merciless torments she endured in the Court of Teeth, she bides her time by releasing mortals from foolish bargains. She believes herself forgotten until the storm hag Bogdana chases her through the night streets. Suren is saved by none other than Prince Oak, heir to Elfhame, to whom she was once promised in marriage and who she has resented for years.Now seventeen, Oak is charming, beautiful and manipulative. He's on a mission that will lead him into the north, and he wants Suren's help. But if she agrees, it will mean guarding her heart against the boy she once knew and a prince she cannot trust, as well as confronting all the horrors she thought she had left behind. (
Podobné produkty ako The Stolen Heir (Defekt) - Holly Black , The woman in white (9788853621108)Středoškolačka Lottie má plán. Odmaturuje se samými jedničkami, dostane se na Cambridge, stane se předsedkyní vlády, změní svět! Jenže když ji cestou do školy na ulici obtěžují dva dělníci, uvědomí si, že svět je potřeba začít měnit hned. A tak přijde s novým plánem: založí si vlog, pomocí kterého začne bojovat s všudypřítomným sexismem. Pomáhají jí nejen nejlepší kamarádky Evie a Amber, jejichž příběhy vyprávějí první dva díly série, ale taky nadějný filmař Will. Ten jí sice zpočátku úplně do oka nepadne, ale čím víc času spolu tráví, tím víc oba zjišťují, že protiklady se přitahují. Třetí díl série pro holky, které chtějí změnit svět. (
Podobné produkty ako Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová , Faux modry kozich hollyRomány o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze. Knihy pro všechny chytré holky, které nedělají to, co je snadné, ale to, co je správné. Jak být normální? Jak najít tu pravou lásku? Jak změnitsvět? Nejen na to hledají odpovědi tři kamarádky ze středoškolského Klubu odložených dívek Evie,Amber a Lottie. Dojemné, zábavné, poutavé romány britské autorky Holly Bourne by neměly chybětv žádné holčičí knihovně. (
Podobné produkty ako Být holka je dřina (box) - Holly Bourneová , Pandora places 799435c01 (ag925/1000, 2,4g) (5700302928624)Hvězda young adult literatury Holly Bourne v této navýsost zábavné a dojemné knize řeší, co je to opravdová láska. Audrey má "lásky" plné zuby. Od chvíle, kdy se zhroutil vztah jejích rodičů, je její matka jako tělo bez duše. Audrey si najde brigádu v kině, aby nemusela sedět doma, a potká tam začínajícího filmaře Harryho. Nikdo nečeká, že se do sebe tak rychle a tak bezhlavě zamilují. Nebude to ale snadné, protože skutečná láska není jako ta ve filmech... Jejich love story neobsahuje scénu s líbáním ve sněhové vánici nebo zběsilý úprk chodbami letiště. Zato je v ní spousta zmatku a bolesti, ale také naděje a úžasu. A platí v ní úplný zákaz laciných klišé! (
Podobné produkty ako To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová , Byrd donald: places and spaces - lp (3596800)eBook:,Román o tom, jaké to je, když je vám třicet a nechcete zůstat pozadu. Tori je ve svém životě nadmíru úspěšná. Její autobiografie se vyhřívá na knihkupeckých pultech mezi bestsellery, navíc patří mezi oblíbené motivační řečníky – a to je jí teprve něco málo přes třicet. Dny tráví posíláním inspirativních zpráv zástupům svých obdivovatelek a nabádá je, aby „žily takový život, jaký chtějí“. Její fanynky už ale nevědí, že Tori samotné se podle těchto rad žít příliš nedaří. S mužem, o němž básnila na konci své knihy, už půl roku nic neměla. Většinu nocí tráví na sociálních sítích, zatímco Tom vedle ní spí jako zabitý. Vypadá to, že všichni kolem se vdávají a žení, mají děti a říkají, jak je svět úžasný... Ale Tori jim na to nemíní skočit. Naštěstí má Dee – jediného člověka, který nad vším tím bláznovstvím taky kroutí hlavou. Jenže pak se Dee zamiluje a otěhotní a Tori najedou začne pochybovat o každém rozhodnutí, které v životě udělala... Autentická a vtipná kniha, se kterou se určitě ztotožníte. Já jsem to taky všechno prožila. Bridget Jonesová nové generace! - Carmel Harringtonová, spisovatelka V této knížce se najde každý, kdo se musel projít po emočním minovém poli, jakým je život po třicítce. - Red Online Tento román pozorně sleduje různé oblasti života dnešních mladých žen – feminismus, vztahy, duševní zdraví a mateřství –, a navíc je velice, velice zábavný. - The Bookseller Bourneová šikovně prozkoumává nesoulad mezi tím, jak sami sebe prezentujeme online a jak vypadá naše offline realita. - The Sunday Times (
Podobné produkty ako A jak se vám líbím teď? - Holly Bourneová - e-kniha , Kaktusy za oknem i ve sklenikuVyzkoušejte si výuku angličtiny poutavou a zajímavou formou. Tato anglicko-česká zrcadlová kniha s populárně naučnou tematikou Vás zavede na neobyčejně atraktivní místa po celé planetě. Projdete se po Velké čínské zdi, nahlédnete do Grand Canyonu, okusíte pocit gladiátora v Koloseu a stanete se svědky katastrofy ve starověkých Pompejích. Kniha přispívá k obohacení slovní zásoby a ke zdokonalení schopnosti čtení a pochopení cizojazyčného textu. (
Podobné produkty ako Top Places in the World - Corner Mark , The dark pictures - the devil in me - ps5 (3391892020175)Loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast, this dark, spicy romantasy will appeal to fans of V.E. Schwab and Leigh Bardugo."What are you?"Street thief Kierse should have known something wasn't right. Now she's trapped in the library of an old Brownstone...with a monster. His powers aren't supposed to exist. She can't run. She can't hide. And this man - this being, filled with terrible power and darkness - is well within his rights to kill her.Thirteen years ago, the monsters came into the light and brutalized the world. The Monster Treaty invoked a kind of peace - one that isn't always honoured. Now Kierse has broken the treaty. But instead of killing her, Graves does the unexpected: he offers her a job . . . a glimpse into who she really is. Kierse has always known she's different. That she can do things a little better, a little faster. And there's that sense she has when danger is only a breath away. But if the old tales are true, there are worse things in the world than monsters.Like a threat more ancient than legend. Like Graves. Or like Kierse herself... (
Podobné produkty ako The Wren in the Holly Library - K. A. Linde , The dark pictures - the devil in me - xbox (3391892020137)A gorgeous international exclusive hardback edition featuring stencilled sprayed edges! Set in an alternate day New York filled with monsters, The Wren in the Holly Library is a dark, spicy romantasy loosely inspired by Beauty and the Beast - perfect for fans of V.E. Schwab and Leigh Bardugo.She stole from a monster . . . now she must pay the priceStreet thief Kierse should have known something wasn't right. Now she's trapped in a library - with a monster. She can't run. She can't hide. And this man - this being, filled with terrible power and darkness - is well within his rights to kill her.By trespassing, Kierse has broken the fragile peace treaty between monsters and humans. But instead of killing her, Graves does the unexpected: he offers her a job. A chance to find out who she really is.Kierse has always known she's different. That she can do things a little better, a little faster. And there's that sense she has when danger is only a breath away. But if the old tales are true, there are worse things in the world than monsters.Like a threat more ancient than legend. Like Graves. Or like Kierse herself . . . From bestselling author K. A. Linde comes the start of an addictive dark romantasy series where monsters live among humandkind, and ancient secrets threaten to destroy everything . . . (
Podobné produkty ako The Wren in the Holly Library - K. A. Linde , The dark pictures - the devil in me - ps4 (3391892020151)One of the all-time great animal stories. Kenneth Grahame's classic children's book, with exclusive illustrations from EH Shepard has delighted generations.The Wind in the Willows is one of the most famous and bestselling animal stories of all time. This exclusive 90th anniversary paperback edition celebrates E.H. Shepherd's classic illustrations that brought Mole, Ratty, Badger and Mr Toad to life 90 years ago and have captivated children and adults alike ever since.The Wild Wood seems a terrifying place to Mole, until one day he pokes his nose out of his burrow and finds it's full of friends. He meets brave Ratty, kind old Badger and the rascally Mr Toad, and together they go adventuring ... but the Wild Wood doesn't just contain friends, there are also the sinister weasels and stoats, and they capture Toad Hall when Mr Toad is in jail. How will he escape? And can the friends fight together to save Toad Hall?Kenneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows is a classic animal adventure that charms and enthrals. This new paperback edition contains the original black and white illustrations by E H Shepard, the man who drew Winnie-the-Pooh. The perfect adventure for children aged 9 and above. (
Podobné produkty ako The Wind in the Willows (Defekt) - Kenneth Grahame , Trivium: in the court of the dragon - cd (7567864122)Kniha - autor Eva Tinková; Mark Corner, 96 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Vyzkoušejte si výuku angličtiny poutavou a zajímavou formou. Tato anglicko-česká zrcadlová kniha s populárně naučnou tematikou Vás zavede na neobyčejně atraktivní místa po celé planetě. Projdete se po Velké čínské zdi, nahlédnete do Grand Canyonu, okusíte pocit gladiátora v Koloseu a stanete se svědky katastrofy ve starověkých Pompejích. Kniha přispívá k obohacení slovní zásoby a ke zdokonalení schopnosti čtení a pochopení cizojazyčného textu. (
Podobné produkty ako Top Places in the World: Anglicko české zrcadlové texty (978-80-7402-025-4) , Marketingová komunikace a public relations (9788024631240)Bestselling author of Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami invites readers back into her immediately recognizable fictional world with this new, extraordinary novel and demonstrates yet again why she is one of today's most uncategorizable, insightful, and talented novelists. Fuyuko Irie is a freelance copy editor in her mid-thirties. Working and living alone in a city where it is not easy to form new relationships, she has little regular contact with anyone other than her editor, Hijiri, a woman of the same age but with a very different disposition. When Fuyuko stops one day on a Tokyo street and notices her reflection in a storefront window, what she sees is a drab, awkward, and spiritless woman who has lacked the strength to change her life and decides to do something about it. As the long overdue change occurs, however, painful episodes from Fuyuko's past surface and her behavior slips further and further beyond the pale. All the Lovers in the Night is acute and insightful, entertaining and engaging; it will make readers laugh, and it will make them cry, but it will also remind them, as only the best books do, that sometimes the pain is worth it. "In the skilled hands of Bett and Boyd, Kawakami's prose is instantly recognizable--immediate, incisive, and unfailingly honest."--Katie Kitamura, Entertainment Weekly(A Most Anticipated Book of 2022) (
Podobné produkty ako All The Lovers In The Night (Defekt) - Mieko Kawakami , The stranger in the woods: the extraordinary story of the last true hermit (1524711098)Discover the comic that inspired the Netflix Original zombie series Kingdom!Years of war and famine and have plunged Joseon into chaos. The young Prince Yi Moon, having lost all his bodyguards to an assassination attempt, has no choice but to turn to the mountain bandit Jae-ha for help. But as the unlikely pair race to find safety in a world gone mad, it becomes horrifyingly clear that humans aren't the only thing they must fear!In a bonus story, a secluded island becomes a private battlefield as the notorious Japanese criminal Juu and the infamous Korean felon Han face off against each other. But they aren't the only ones on the island... (
Podobné produkty ako The Kingdom of the Gods (Defekt) - In-wan Youn , Ghost in the shell - dvd (p01050)IT WAS A CASE THAT GRIPPED THE NATION LUKE RYDER'S MURDER HAS NEVER BEEN SOLVED In October 2003, Luke Ryder was found dead in the garden of the family home in London, leaving behind a wealthy older widow and three stepchildren. Nobody saw anything. Now, secrets will be revealed - live on camera. Years later a group of experts re-examine the evidence on Infamous, a true-crime show - with shocking results. Does the team know more than they've been letting on? Or does the truth lie closer to home? Can you solve the case before they do? The truth will blow your mind. Over a million copies sold of Cara Hunter books across all formats (paperback, ebook and audio) as of 1st July 2023 MURDER IN THE FAMILY was a #7 Sunday Times bestseller for week ending 3rd September 2023 About the Author Cara Hunter is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling crime novels Close to Home, In the Dark, No Way Out, All the Rage, The Whole Truth and Hope to Die, all featuring DI Adam Fawley and his Oxford-based police team. Close to Home was a Richard and Judy Book Club pick, as was The Whole Truth, and was shortlisted for Crime Book of the Year in the British Book Awards 2019. No Way Out was selected by the Sunday Times as one of the 100 best crime novels since 1945. Cara's novels have sold over a million copies worldwide, and the TV rights to the series have been acquired by the Fremantle group. She lives in Oxford. Murder in the Family is her first stand-alone crime novel. The Fawley series will also continue. (
Podobné produkty ako Murder in the Family (Defekt) - Cara Hunterová , The girl in the pink (978-80-860-3755-4)WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017 THE NO. 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LONGLISTED FOR THE GORDON BURN PRIZE 2017 The American Civil War rages while President Lincoln's beloved eleven-year-old son lies gravely ill. In a matter of days, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returns to the crypt several times alone to hold his boy's body. From this seed of historical truth, George Saunders spins an unforgettable story of familial love and loss that breaks free of realism, entering a thrilling, supernatural domain both hilarious and terrifying. Willie Lincoln finds himself trapped in a transitional realm - called, in Tibetan tradition, the bardo - and as ghosts mingle, squabble, gripe and commiserate, and stony tendrils creep towards the boy, a monumental struggle erupts over young Willie's soul. Unfolding over a single night, Lincoln in the Bardo is written with George Saunders' inimitable humour, pathos and grace. Here he invents an exhilarating new form, and is confirmed as one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Deploying a theatrical, kaleidoscopic panoply of voices - living and dead, historical and fictional - Lincoln in the Bardo poses a timeless question: how do we live and love when we know that everything we hold dear must end? (
Podobné produkty ako Lincoln in the Bardo (Defekt) - George Saunders , Daitsu holly cadr 350 (zcnda03102)2018 Most Anticipated Young Adult book that is part Wonder Woman, part Vikings―and all heart. Raised to be a warrior, seventeen-year-old Eelyn fights alongside her Aska clansmen in an ancient, god-decreed rivalry against the Riki clan. Her life is brutal but simple: train to fight and fight to survive. Until the day she sees the impossible on the battlefield—her brother, fighting with the enemy—the brother she watched die five years ago. Eelyn loses her focus and is captured. Now, she must survive the winter in the mountains with the Riki, in a village where every neighbor is an enemy, every battle scar possibly one she delivered. But when the Riki village is raided by a ruthless clan settling in the valley, Eelyn is even more desperate to get back to her beloved Aska clan, which is rumored to have been decimated by the same horde. She is given no choice but to trust Fiske, her brother’s friend who tried to kill her the day she was captured. They must do the impossible: unite the clans to fight together, or risk being slaughtered one by one. Driven by a love for her clan and her growing love for Fiske, Eelyn must confront her own definition of loyalty and find a way to forgive her brother while daring to put her faith in the people she’s spent her life killing. (
Podobné produkty ako Sky in the Deep (Defekt) - Adrienne Youngová , Buddy holly story - lp (7217112)The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (
Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears , Člověk ve zdraví i v nemoci (9788024638294)The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (
Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears , Small towns in europe in the 20th and 21st centuries (9788024636566)The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (
Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears , Public relations (978-80-247-4229-8)The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last. (
Podobné produkty ako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears , Cara alessia: in the meantime - cd (3861543)Caught up in an experiment gone wrong, Joseph Schwartz is transported forward in time from post-war Chicago to the heyday of the first Galactic Empire. Earth, he soon learns, is a backwater, despised by the other two hundred million planets of the Empire because its people dare to claim it as the original home of man. And Earth is poor, with great areas of radioactivity ruining much of its soil - so poor that everyone is sentenced to death at the age of sixty.And Joseph Schwartz is sixty-two. Asimov's Galactic Empire novels are among the earliest stories by one of the twentieth century's greatest visionaries. Filled with ideas and wonders, they are classic adventures from science fiction's Golden Age. (
Podobné produkty ako Pebble in the Sky (Defekt) - Isaac AsimovThe tree in the courtyard was a horse chestnut. Her leaves were green stars; her flowers foaming cones of white and pink. Seagulls flocked to her shade. She spread roots and reached skyward in peace. The tree watched a little girl, who played and laughed and wrote in a diary. When strangers invaded the city and warplanes roared overhead, the tree watched the girl peek out of the curtained window of the annex. It watched as she and her family were taken away—and when her father returned after the war, alone. The tree died the summer Anne Frank would have turned eighty-one, but its seeds and saplings have been planted around the world as a symbol of peace. Its story, and Anne’s story, are beautifully told and illustrated in this powerful picture book. (
Podobné produkty ako Tree In the Courtyard (Defekt) - Jeff GottesfeldThe untapped natural resources of Sweden's far north are sparking a gold rush, with the criminal underworld leading the charge. But it's not the prospect of riches that brings Lisbeth Salander to the small town of Gasskas. Her niece's mother is the latest woman in the region to have vanished without trace.Two things soon become clear: Svala is a remarkably gifted teenager -- and she's being watched.Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is also heading north. He has seen better days.Millennium magazine is in its final print issue, and relations with his daughter are strained. Worse still, there are troubling rumours surrounding the man she's about to marry. When the truth behind the whispers explodes into violence, Salander emerges as Blomkvist's last hope.The new thriller from Swedish bestselling author Karin Smirnoff will submerge you in a world of conspiracy and betrayal, old enemies and new friends, snow-bound wilderness and corporate greed.Lisbeth Salander is BACK. (
Podobné produkty ako The Girl in the Eagle´s Talons (Defekt) - Karin SmirnoffA dramatic account of the 33 miners of the San Jose mine in Chile by novelist and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hector Tobar, in official collaboration with 'The 33' and with the full cooperation of the Chilean authorities behind the daring rescue ope (
Podobné produkty ako The 33 (Film Tie In) (Defekt) - Hector TobarFor fans of BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD, fairy tale and magic are weaved together in sparse language that belies a flooring emotional punch. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami _______________________________ Would you share your deepest secrets to save a friend? In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining. At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch: if they don't leave the castle by five o'clock, they will be punished. As time passes, a devastating truth emerges: only those brave enough to share their stories will be saved. Tender, playful, gripping, LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR is a mesmerizing tale about the importance of reaching out, confronting anxiety and embracing human connection. (
Podobné produkty ako Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Defekt) - Mizuki TsujimuraFrom New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ KluneThe "brilliant, funny, meaningful novel" (The New Yorker) that established J. D. Salinger as a leading voice in American literature--and that has instilled in millions of readers around the world a lifelong love of books. "If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth." The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caufield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days. (
Podobné produkty ako Catcher in the Rye (Defekt) - David Jerome SalingerFilm tie-in edition of Bernhard Schlink's exceptionally powerful novel - 'A thriller, a love story and a deeply moving examination of a German conscience' [Independent on Saturday] (
Podobné produkty ako The Reader (film tie in) (Defekt) - Bernhard Schlink'A startling psychological mystery' Michael Greenberg. Benjamín Chaparro is a man haunted by his past. A retired detective, he remains obsessed with the decades-old case of the rape and murder of a young woman in her own bedroom. As he revisits the details of the investigation, he is reacquainted with his similarly long, unrequited love for Irene Hornos, then just an intern, now a respected judge. Set in the Buenos Aires of the 1970s, The Secret in Their Eyes reveals the underpinnings of Argentina's Dirty War, and asks what justice really means. And it explores the boundaries of love in all its forms: adoration, devotion and, finally, obsession. (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret in Their Eyes (Defekt) - Eduardo SacheriTHE RUNAWAY SUNDAY TIMES NO.1 BESTSELLER AND THRILLER OF THE YEAR 'Really great suspense novel. Kept me up most of the night. The alcoholic narrator is dead perfect' STEPHEN KING Rachel catches the same commuter train every morning. She knows it will wait at the same signal each time, overlooking a row of back gardens. She's even started to feel like she knows the people who live in one of the houses. ‘Jess and Jason', she calls them. Their life - as she sees it - is perfect. If only Rachel could be that happy. And then she sees something shocking. It's only a minute until the train moves on, but it's enough. Now everything's changed. Now Rachel has a chance to become a part of the lives she's only watched from afar. Now they'll see; she's much more than just the girl on the train… (
Podobné produkty ako The Girl on the Train film tie-in (Defekt) - Paula HawkinsKniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him. Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation, when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister's recent death.When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it's unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the 'natural wonders' of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It's only with Violet that Finch can be himself - a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who's not such a freak after all. And it's only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet's world grows, Finch's begins to shrink. How far will Violet go to save the boy she has come to love?An intense, gripping... (
Podobné produkty ako All the Bright Places (0385755910)Kniha - anglicky Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him. Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation, when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister's recent death. When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it's unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the 'natural wonders' of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It's only with Violet that Finch can be himself - a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who's not such a freak after all. And it's only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet's world grows, Finch's begins to shrink. An intense, gripping YA novel, perfect for fans of John Green, Jay Asher, Rainbow Rowell, Gayle Forman and Jenny... (
Podobné produkty ako All the Bright Places (9780141357034)The classic Cold War thriller, published as a Penguin Essential for the first time. Alec Leamas is tired. It's the 1960s, he's been out in the cold for years, spying in Berlin for his British masters, and has seen too many good agents murdered for their troubles. Now Control wants to bring him in at last - but only after one final assignment. He must travel deep into the heart of Communist Germany and betray his country, a job that he will do with his usual cynical professionalism. But when George Smiley tries to help a young woman Leamas has befriended, Leamas's mission may prove to be the worst thing he could ever have done. In le Carre's breakthrough work of 1963, the spy story is reborn as a gritty and terrible tale of men who are caught up in politics beyond their imagining. (
Podobné produkty ako The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (Defekt) - John le CarréA brilliant novel from Pulitzer Prize-winning Annie Proulx, author of 'The Shipping News' and 'Brokeback Mountain'. (
Podobné produkty ako That Old Ace in the Hole (Defekt) - Annie ProulxA SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER, NOW A MAJOR FILM STARRING HELEN MIRREN AND IAN MCKELLENThis is a life told back to front.This is a man who has lied all his life.Roy is a conman living in a leafy English suburb, about to pull off the final coup of his career. He is going to meet and woo a beautiful woman and slip away with her life savings.But who is the man behind the con and what has he had to do to survive this life of lies?And why is this beautiful woman so willing to be his next victim?______________________________________________'You will have your socks knocked, nay, blown off' Stylist'An assured thriller in the footsteps of le Carré, Highsmith and Rendell' Guardian'A part-thriller, part-human condition novel that packs a tremendous punch' Financial Times (
Podobné produkty ako The Good Liar (Film Tie In) (Defekt) - Nicholas SearleA poignant reflection on alienation and belonging, told through the lives of five remarkable people who struggled against nationalism and intolerance in one of Europe’s most stunning cities.What does it mean to belong somewhere? For many of Prague’s inhabitants, belonging has been linked to the nation, embodied in the capital city. Grandiose medieval buildings and monuments to national heroes boast of a glorious, shared history. Past governments, democratic and Communist, layered the city with architecture that melded politics and nationhood. Not all inhabitants, however, felt included in these efforts to nurture national belonging. Socialists, dissidents, Jews, Germans, and Vietnamese―all have been subject to hatred and political persecution in the city they called home.Chad Bryant tells the stories of five marginalized individuals who, over the last two centuries, forged their own notions of belonging in one of Europe’s great cities. An aspiring guidebook writer, a German-speaking newspaperman, a Bolshevik carpenter, an actress of mixed heritage who came of age during the Communist terror, and a Czech-speaking Vietnamese blogger: none of them is famous, but their lives are revealing. They speak to tensions between exclusionary nationalism and on-the-ground diversity. In their struggles against alienation and dislocation, they forged alternative communities in cafes, workplaces, and online. While strolling park paths, joining political marches, or writing about their lives, these outsiders came to embody a city that, on its surface, was built for others.A powerful and creative meditation on place and nation, the individual and community, Prague envisions how cohesion and difference might coexist as it acknowledges a need common to all. (
Podobné produkty ako Prague : Belonging in the Modern City (Defekt) - Chad BryantA sharp, witty and hugely entertaining debut novel, The Devil Wears Prada is The Nanny Diaries set in the world of high fashion. Welcome to the dollhouse, baby! When Andrea first sets foot in the plush Manhattan offices of Runway she knows nothing. She's never heard of the world's most fashionable magazine, or its feared and fawned-over editor, Miranda Priestly. But she's going to be Miranda's assistant, a job millions of girls would die for. A year later, she knows altogether too much: That it's a sacking offence to wear anything lower than a three-inch heel to work. But that there's always a fresh pair of Manolos for you in the accessories cupboard. That Miranda believes Hermes scarves are disposable, and you must keep a life-time supply on hand at all times. That eight stone is fat. That you can charge cars, manicures, anything at all to the Runway account, but you must never, ever, leave your desk, or let Miranda's coffee get cold. And that at 3 a.m. on a Sunday, when your boyfriend's dumping you because you're always at work, and your best friend's just been arrested, if Miranda phones, you jump. Most of all, Andrea knows that Miranda is a monster who makes Cruella de Vil look like a fluffy bunny. But also that this is her big break, and it's going to be worth it in the end. Isn't it? (
Podobné produkty ako The Devil Wears Prada (tie-in) (Defekt) - Lauren WeisbergerEveryone wants to succeed in life. But what causes some of us to be more successful than others? Is it really down to skill and strategy - or something altogether more unpredictable? This book intends to change the way you think about business and the world. (
Podobné produkty ako Fooled by Randomness : The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (Defekt) - Nassim Nicholas TalebWhat's in the Witch's KitchenBritain's most popular artist presents a brilliantly original format that very young children will delight in time and again.The witch has hidden a trick and a treat in her magical kitchen cupboards! Which one you find depends on how you open the doors. Whether it's frogspawn or popcorn, lollipops or rabbit plops, there are hilarious rhymes to discover inside in this innovative new novelty book from Nick Sharratt. Perfect for children to read again and again, this spooky title is great not only for Halloween but all year round. (
Podobné produkty ako What´s in the Witch´s Kitchen? (Defekt) - Nick SharrattOne of Cosmopolitan's Best Romance Novels EverTurns out that reading nothing but true crime isn't exactly conducive to modern dating--and one woman is going to have to learn how to give love a chance when she's used to suspecting the worst.PhD candidate Phoebe Walsh has always been obsessed with true crime. She's even analyzing the genre in her dissertation--if she can manage to finish writing it. It's hard to find the time while she spends the summer in Florida, cleaning out her childhood home, dealing with her obnoxiously good-natured younger brother, and grappling with the complicated feelings of mourning a father she hadn't had a relationship with for years.It doesn't help that she's low-key convinced that her new neighbor, Sam Dennings, is a serial killer (he may dress business casual by day, but at night he's clearly up to something). It's not long before Phoebe realizes that Sam might be something much scarier--a genuinely nice guy who can pierce her armor to reach her vulnerable heart. (
Podobné produkty ako Love In The Time Of Serial Killers (Defekt) - Alicia Thompson