Girl friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - holly bourneová

Produkt Girl friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - holly bourneová sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Girl friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - holly bourneová upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Girl Friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - Holly Bourneová


From the day they first meet as teenagers Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other throughout everything, navigating the difficulties of growing up and fitting in. That is, until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive.But now, more than ten years later, Jessica has unexpectedly reappeared in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can their relationship be different now they are older? Is it possible for either of them to rewrite the role that they have been cast in? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself?Set between the present day and the past, GIRL FRIENDS is a blisteringly funny and devastating novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most. (

Podobné produkty ako Girl Friends: the unmissable, thought-provoking and funny new novel about female friendship - Holly Bourneová , No mercy: the brand new novel from the queen of crime (1472249445)

Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová


"Men see women in two separate categories. There are the women they sleep with, and the women they fall in love with. And they will treat you differently based on that."From the day they first meet as teenagers, Fern and Jessica are best friends. Despite their differences, they are there for each other through everything. That is until Jessica crosses a line that Fern can't forgive. Now they haven't seen each other for more than ten years when Jessica unexpectedly arrives back in Fern's life.A lot has changed for them both - but can things really be that different between them now they are older? Or will their shared history ultimately be doomed to repeat itself again?Set between the present day and past, GIRL FRIENDS is a smart funny novel: both a joyful celebration of female friendship and a razor-sharp look at the damage we can all cause to those we claim to love the most. (

Podobné produkty ako Girl Friends - Holly Bourneová , The friend: a novel (0735219451)

The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri


'Stunning... will long remain in the reader's mind' - Kristin HannahThis morning, I met the man who started the fire. He did something terrible, but then, so have I.I left him. I left him and now he may be dead. Once upon a time there was a beautiful village that held a million stories of love and loss and peace and war, and it was swallowed up by a fire that blazed up to the sky.The fire ran all the way down to the sea where it met with its reflection. A family from two nations, England and Greece, live a simple life in a tiny Greek village: Irini, Tasso and their daughter, lovely, sweet Chara, whose name means joy. Their life goes up in flames in a single day when one man starts a fire out of greed and indifference.Many are killed, homes are destroyed, and the region's natural beauty wiped out. In the wake of the fire, Chara bears deep scars across her back and arms. Tasso is frozen in trauma, devastated that he wasn't there when his family most needed him.And Irini is crippled by guilt at her part in the fate of the man who started the fire. But this family has survived, and slowly green shoots of hope and renewal will grow from the smouldering ruins of devastation. Once again, Christy Lefteri has crafted a novel which is intimate and epic, sweeping and delicate.The Book of Fire explores not only the damage wrought by human folly, and the costs of survival in our changing world, but also - and ultimately - our powers of redemption and renewal. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Fire: The moving, captivating and unmissable new novel from the author of THE BEEKEEPER OF ALEPPO - Christy Lefteri , Lässig lunch set about friends lion (4042183428383)

Mirror, Mirror : A Twisty Coming-of-Age Novel about Friendship and Betrayal from Cara Delevingne (Defekt) - Cara Delevingne


FRIEND. LOVER. VICTIM. TRAITOR. WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR, WHAT DO YOU SEE? Sixteen-year-old friends Red, Leo, Rose, and Naomi are misfits; still figuring out who they are and who they want to be. Life isn't perfect, but music unites them, and they're excited about what the future holds for their band, Mirror, Mirror. That is until Naomi vanishes before being pulled unconscious out of the river. She's left fighting for her life in a coma. The police claim it was a failed suicide attempt, but her friends aren't convinced. Will Naomi ever wake? What -- or perhaps who - led her to that hospital bed? How did her friends fail to spot the warning signs? While Rose turns to wild partying and Leo is shrouded by black moods, Red sets out to uncover the truth. It's a journey that will cause Red's world to crack, exposing the group's darkest secrets. Nothing will ever be the same again, because once a mirror is shattered, it can't be fixed. (

Podobné produkty ako Mirror, Mirror : A Twisty Coming-of-Age Novel about Friendship and Betrayal from Cara Delevingne (Defekt) - Cara Delevingne , Lässig lunch set about friends fox (4042183428390)

The Places I´ve Cried in Public (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová


It looked like love. It felt like love. But this isn't a love story. Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry. Because if she works out what went wrong, perhaps she can finally learn how to get over him. (

Podobné produkty ako The Places I´ve Cried in Public (Defekt) - Holly Bourneová , Lässig tiny backpack about friends beaver (4042183396804)

The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová

The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová

Who would you be, if you hadn't turned out to be the person you are now?Dawn is a death doula, and spends her life helping people make the final transition peacefully.But when the plane she's on plummets, she finds herself thinking not of the perfect life she has, but the life she was forced to abandon fifteen years ago - when she left behind a career in Egyptology, and a man she loved.Against the odds, she survives, and the airline offers her a ticket to wherever she needs to get to - but the answer to that question suddenly seems uncertain.As the path of her life forks in two very different directions, Dawn must confront questions she's never truly asked: What does a well-lived life look like? What do we leave behind when we go? And do we make our choices, or do our choices make us?Two possible futures. One impossible choice. (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Two Ways: A stunning novel about life, death and missed opportunities - Jodi Picoultová , Lässig tiny backpack about friends lion (4042183396392)

Ročenka - Holly Bourneová


Jak najít svůj hlas? Jak se zamilovat? Jak říkat pravdu? Středoškolačka Paige Vickersová, která pracuje pro školní noviny, je na vylhané příběhy zvyklá. Patří mezi ně třeba řeči o tom, jak je nejpopulárnější spolužačka Grace úžasná. Jenže to je lež. Jak Laura přebírá kluky jiným holkám. To je taky lež. A jak je její vlastní rodina dokonalá. I to je ale… lež. Teď populární Grace a její kamarádky vybírají do chystané ročenky ty „nejlepší středoškolské příběhy“. Jenže tyhle příběhy nejsou jen vylhané, jsou toxické! Page už má lží plné zuby. S pomocí Elijaha, jediného kluka, který ji kdy chápal, je odhodlaná povědět všem pravdu. A asi tím dostane pár lidí na kolena. (

Podobné produkty ako Ročenka - Holly Bourneová , Lässig tiny backpack about friends koala (4042183396811)

Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová

Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová

Román o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze vypráví o středoškolačce Evie. Právě nastoupila na novou školu, kde ji nikdo nezná jako "tu holku, co se zcvokla". Už nebere skoro žádné prášky, umí si poradit se svými úzkostmi a je na krok od toho, aby byla normální. Jenže co to je, být normální? Má skvělé kamarádky, chodí do kina a na koncerty. Ještě ji zbývá najít si kluka. Jenže vztahy s kluky jsou ošemetná věc, z těch by se zbláznila i normálně holka. Chytrý a vtipný bestseller, který by neměl chybět v žádné holčičí knihovně. (

Podobné produkty ako Už jsem normální?!? - Holly Bourneová , Lässig tiny backpack about friends racoon (4042183396781)

Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová

Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová

Amber, Evie a Lottie jsou tři holky, které čelí všem problémům pomocí přátelství, feminismu a sýrových křupek. Už jsem normální?!? byl Eviin příběh. Tenhle dojemný a zábavný román vypráví o Amber a o tom, jak těžká, plná bolesti, ale i radosti může být láska. Její matka nikdy nebyla příliš ukázkový rodič, ani předtím než se odstěhovala do Ameriky, znovu se vdala a podle všeho prodělala hotovou transplantaci osobnosti. Ale Amber doufá, že společné léto by to mohlo změnit. A pak je tu Král plesu Kyle, kluk, po kterém touží všechny holky. Opravdu by mohl mít o Amber zájem? Evie a Lottie si to myslí. A pokud ano, je tohle láska? Poutavý román pro chytré holky, které znají cenu skutečného přátelství. (

Podobné produkty ako Je tohle láska? - Holly Bourneová , The golden house: a novel (0399592806)

Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová

Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová

Olive cítí, že je toho na ni moc. Popravdě, nejspíš se každou chvíli psychicky zhroutí. Nejradši by to neřešila, jenže zároveň cítí, že potřebuje pomoc. Proto přijme pozvání na trochu divný letní tábor, kde by se měla dát psychicky do pořádku. Jenže jen co si na táboře Reset zvykne, začne jí to vrtat hlavou. Možná že "opravit" nepotřebuje ona a její kamarádi, ale celý náš podělaný svět? A tak vymyslí plán. Průlomová, brutálně upřímná kniha o duševním zdraví, přátelství a o tom, jak z tohohle šíleného světa udělat laskavější místo, od britské bestselleristky Holly Bourne. (

Podobné produkty ako Jsme všichni sněhové vločky? - Holly Bourneová , The witch elm: a novel (0735224641)

Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová

Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová

Amelie se do Reese zamilovala až po uši. A myslela si, že on ji taky miluje. Ale teď jí začíná docházet, že opravdová láska by takhle bolet neměla. A tak jde po stopách jejich příběhu, navštěvuje všechna místa, kde kvůli němu plakala. Protože když přijde na kloub tomu, co bylo v jejich vztahu špatně, možná konečně zjistí, jak se z něj vzpamatovat? Další z pronikavých románů britské populární spisovatelky Holly Bourne, která nejen rozumí lidské duši, ale zdá se, že ji umí svými příběhy i léčit. (

Podobné produkty ako Místa, kde jsem plakala - Holly Bourneová , The alice network: a novel (0062654195)

Mohla bys být krásná - Holly Bourneová


Ve světě Joni a Belle mají dívky na výběr ze dvou možností. První možnost: následuj pravidla Doktríny jako Belle, nos Masku, tvrdě dři, aby tě korunovali vítězkou Ceremoniálu, buď Krásná. Druhá možnost: vzepři se pravidlům jako Joni, nech svou tvář přirozenou, tvrdě dři, abys mohla nastoupit na Edukaci, buď Nepřístojná. Ale možná existuje ještě třetí možnost… změň pravidla. Vezmi si zpět svou moc. Pokud to dokážeš. Co si vybereš? (

Podobné produkty ako Mohla bys být krásná - Holly Bourneová , Lässig králík - tiny backpack about friends bunny (4042183420325)

Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová

Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová

Středoškolačka Lottie má plán. Odmaturuje se samými jedničkami, dostane se na Cambridge, stane se předsedkyní vlády, změní svět! Jenže když ji cestou do školy na ulici obtěžují dva dělníci, uvědomí si, že svět je potřeba začít měnit hned. A tak přijde s novým plánem: založí si vlog, pomocí kterého začne bojovat s všudypřítomným sexismem. Pomáhají jí nejen nejlepší kamarádky Evie a Amber, jejichž příběhy vyprávějí první dva díly série, ale taky nadějný filmař Will. Ten jí sice zpočátku úplně do oka nepadne, ale čím víc času spolu tráví, tím víc oba zjišťují, že protiklady se přitahují. Třetí díl série pro holky, které chtějí změnit svět. (

Podobné produkty ako Jsem holka. Co s tím? - Holly Bourneová , Hocus pocus and the all-new sequel (1368020038)

Být holka je dřina (box) - Holly Bourneová


Romány o skutečném holčičím přátelství a velké odvaze. Knihy pro všechny chytré holky, které nedělají to, co je snadné, ale to, co je správné. Jak být normální? Jak najít tu pravou lásku? Jak změnitsvět? Nejen na to hledají odpovědi tři kamarádky ze středoškolského Klubu odložených dívek Evie,Amber a Lottie. Dojemné, zábavné, poutavé romány britské autorky Holly Bourne by neměly chybětv žádné holčičí knihovně. (

Podobné produkty ako Být holka je dřina (box) - Holly Bourneová , About the sun, little pets and a mysterious night (978-80-735-3179-9)

The 24-Hour Café

The 24-Hour Café

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Lido comes a story about following your dreams, set over one single day.'A moving and beautifully crafted novel about love, friendship and life' Mike Gayle***Welcome to the café that never sleeps.Day and night, Stella's Café opens its doors to the lonely and the lost, the morning people and the night owls. It's a place where everyone is always welcome, where life can wait at the door.Meet Hannah and Mona: best friends, waitresses, dreamers. They love working at Stella's - the different people they meet, the small kindnesses exchanged. But is it time to step outside and make their own way in life?Come inside and spend twenty-four hours at Stella's Café, where one day might just be enough to change your life . . .***Praise for The Lido, Libby Page's bestselling debut:'Tender, thought-provoking and uplifting' Daily Mail'Feel-good and uplifting, this charming novel is full of heart' Lucy Diamond'A joyful celebration of community and friendship' Observer'Did I #lovethelido? So much my heart broke a little turning the last page. A stunning debut' Clare Mackintosh'A standout hymn to female friendship and the power of collective action' Stylist'Such a kind and lovely novel, The Lido has a heart that shines from every page' A J Pearce (

Podobné produkty ako The 24-Hour Café , Curious minds: a knight and moon novel (147224138x)

Darling Girls: A heart-pounding suspense novel about sisters, secrets, love and murder that will keep you turning the pages - Sally Hepworthová


A thrilling page-turner about sisterhood, secrets, love and murder by Sally Hepworth, the New York Times bestselling author of The Soulmate and The Mother-in-LawIt’s not just secrets buried at Wild Meadows.For as long as they can remember, Jessica, Norah and Alicia have been told how lucky they are. Rescued from their own family tragedies, they were raised by a loving foster mother on an idyllic farming estate and given an elusive second chance for a happy family life.But the girls’ childhood wasn’t quite the fairy tale everyone thinks it was. And when a body is discovered under the home they grew up in, the three foster sisters find themselves thrust into the spotlight as key witnesses.It’s time for them to return home as adults. The only question is are they innocent victims or the prime suspects for murder?With darkly comic timing and insidiously twisting plots, Sally Hepworth’s novels are guaranteed to keep you turning the pages . . .Authors love Sally Hepworth:'Completely compulsive' - Jane Harper'Women’s fiction at its finest' - Liane Moriarty'Smart suspenseful, brimming with secrets' - Kate Morton'Clever, chilling and beautifully crafted’ - Adele ParksReviewers love Sally Hepworth:'Very sensitively told' - Daily Mail'Compels from the first page' - Heat'Stunningly clever' - PeopleReaders love Sally Hepworth:***** 'I absolutely loved it and couldn't put it down!'***** 'Twists and turns from start to finish!!'***** 'Suspenseful, and twisty, the most fantastically compulsive reading'***** 'I was gripped from start to finish and I literally couldn’t turn the pages fast enough' (

Podobné produkty ako Darling Girls: A heart-pounding suspense novel about sisters, secrets, love and murder that will keep you turning the pages - Sally Hepworthová , Frahm nils: old friends new friends (2x cd) - cd (4050538759693)

To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová

To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová

Hvězda young adult literatury Holly Bourne v této navýsost zábavné a dojemné knize řeší, co je to opravdová láska. Audrey má "lásky" plné zuby. Od chvíle, kdy se zhroutil vztah jejích rodičů, je její matka jako tělo bez duše. Audrey si najde brigádu v kině, aby nemusela sedět doma, a potká tam začínajícího filmaře Harryho. Nikdo nečeká, že se do sebe tak rychle a tak bezhlavě zamilují. Nebude to ale snadné, protože skutečná láska není jako ta ve filmech... Jejich love story neobsahuje scénu s líbáním ve sněhové vánici nebo zběsilý úprk chodbami letiště. Zato je v ní spousta zmatku a bolesti, ale také naděje a úžasu. A platí v ní úplný zákaz laciných klišé! (

Podobné produkty ako To se může stát jen ve filmu - Holly Bourneová , Vonný difuzér holly christmass and snow, 100 ml

A jak se vám líbím teď? - Holly Bourneová - e-kniha

A jak se vám líbím teď? - Holly Bourneová - e-kniha

eBook:,Román o tom, jaké to je, když je vám třicet a nechcete zůstat pozadu. Tori je ve svém životě nadmíru úspěšná. Její autobiografie se vyhřívá na knihkupeckých pultech mezi bestsellery, navíc patří mezi oblíbené motivační řečníky – a to je jí teprve něco málo přes třicet. Dny tráví posíláním inspirativních zpráv zástupům svých obdivovatelek a nabádá je, aby „žily takový život, jaký chtějí“. Její fanynky už ale nevědí, že Tori samotné se podle těchto rad žít příliš nedaří. S mužem, o němž básnila na konci své knihy, už půl roku nic neměla. Většinu nocí tráví na sociálních sítích, zatímco Tom vedle ní spí jako zabitý. Vypadá to, že všichni kolem se vdávají a žení, mají děti a říkají, jak je svět úžasný... Ale Tori jim na to nemíní skočit. Naštěstí má Dee – jediného člověka, který nad vším tím bláznovstvím taky kroutí hlavou. Jenže pak se Dee zamiluje a otěhotní a Tori najedou začne pochybovat o každém rozhodnutí, které v životě udělala... Autentická a vtipná kniha, se kterou se určitě ztotožníte. Já jsem to taky všechno prožila. Bridget Jonesová nové generace! - Carmel Harringtonová, spisovatelka V této knížce se najde každý, kdo se musel projít po emočním minovém poli, jakým je život po třicítce. - Red Online Tento román pozorně sleduje různé oblasti života dnešních mladých žen – feminismus, vztahy, duševní zdraví a mateřství –, a navíc je velice, velice zábavný. - The Bookseller Bourneová šikovně prozkoumává nesoulad mezi tím, jak sami sebe prezentujeme online a jak vypadá naše offline realita. - The Sunday Times (

Podobné produkty ako A jak se vám líbím teď? - Holly Bourneová - e-kniha , Dangerous minds: a knight and moon novel 02 (055339276x)

The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman - Henderson Julietta

The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman - Henderson Julietta

What do you get when you cross a painfully awkward son, lofty comedic ambition and a dead best friend? Norman. Norman and Jax were a legendary comedic duo in waiting. They had a plan to take them all the way to the Edinburgh Fringe in just 5 years' time. But when Jax dies before they turn twelve, Norman decides a tribute act for his best friend just can't wait... so he rewrites their plan: 1. Look after mum 2. Find Dad 3. Get to the Edinburgh Fringe Sadie won't win a mother of the year award anytime soon and not knowing exactly who her son's father is isn't topping her list of achievements. But if performing at the Fringe and finding his dad is what will help Norman through... they're going to make it happen. (

Podobné produkty ako The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman - Henderson Julietta , Friends - the one with the quotes - zápisník (5051265732415)

Harlequin´s Millions - A Novel - Bohumil Hrabal

Harlequin´s Millions - A Novel - Bohumil Hrabal

By the writer Milan Kundera called Czechoslovakia's greatest contemporary writer comes a novel (now in English for the first time) peopled with eccentric, unforgettable inhabitants of a home for the elderly who reminisce about their lives and their changing country. Written with a keen eye for the absurd and sprinkled with dialogue that captures the poignancy of the everyday, this novel allows us into the mind of an elderly woman coming to terms with the passing of time. Praise for "Too Loud a Solitude" "Short, sharp and eccentric. Sophisticated, thought-provoking and pithy." --"Spectator" "Unmissable, combines extremes of comedy and seriousness, plus pathos, slapstick, sex and violence all stirred into one delicious brew." --"The Guardian" "In imaginative riches and sheer exhilaration it offers more than most books twice its size. At once tender and scatological, playful and sombre, moving and irresistibly funny." --"The Independent" on Sunday Praise for "I Served the King of England" "A joyful, picaresque story, which begins with Baron Munchausen-like adventures and ends in tears and solitude." -- James Wood, The "London Review of Books" "A comic novel of great inventiveness ... charming, wise, and sad--and an unexpectedly good laugh." "--The Philadelphia Inquirer" "An extraordinary and subtly tragicomic novel." --"The New York Times" ""Dancing Lessons" unfurls as a single, sometimes maddening sentence. The gambit works. Something about that slab of wordage carries the eye forward, promising an intensity simply unattainable by your regularly punctuated novel." --Ed Park, The New York Times Book Review (

Podobné produkty ako Harlequin´s Millions - A Novel - Bohumil Hrabal , The upstarts: how uber, airbnb, and the killer companies of the new silicon valley are changin (0316554561)

The Truth About COVID-19 : Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal - Joseph Mercola


Multiple New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummins, founder and director of the Organic Consumers Association, team up to expose the truth-and end the madness-about COVID-19. Since early 2020, the world has experienced a series of catastrophic events-a global pandemic caused by what appears to be an engineered coronavirus; international lockdowns and border closings causing widespread business closures, economic collapse, and massive unemployment; and an unprecedented curtailment of civil liberties and freedoms in the name of keeping people safe by locking them up in their homes. We are now living in a world that is increasingly ruled, not by our democratic systems and institutions, but by public health fiat, carried out by politicians who rule by instilling fear and panic. In The Truth About COVID-19, Dr. Mercola and Cummins reveal new and emerging evidence that: The SARS-CoV-2 virus was, indeed, lab-engineered and emerged from a negligently managed bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China The global pandemic was long anticipated by global elites who have used it to facilitate and hide the largest upward transfer of wealth in human history PCR testing, case counts, morbidity, and vaccine safety and efficacy data have been widely manipulated and misrepresented Obesity, diabetes, and heart disease are known to worsen COVID-19 outcomes, but the junk food industry continues to push its agenda at the expense of public health Safe, simple, and inexpensive treatment and prevention for COVID-19 have been censored and suppressed to create a clear path for vaccine acceptance Effectiveness of the vaccines has been wildly exaggerated and major safety questions have gone unanswered The good news in all of this is that we can take control of our health and that, together, we have the power to unite and fight back for our health, democracy, and freedom. The time is now for a global awakening. As Dr. Mercola and Cummins remind us, this is the fight of our lives. (

Podobné produkty ako The Truth About COVID-19 : Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal - Joseph Mercola , Altom porcelánový hrnek friendship, 250 ml

Unreliable Man - Jostein Gaarder


From the creative genius of Jostein Gaarder, author of modern classic Sophie's World, comes a novel about loneliness and the power of words Jakop is a lonely man. Divorced from his wife, with no friends apart from his constant companion Pelle, he spends his life attending the funerals of people he doesn't know, obscuring his identity in a web of improbable lies. As his addiction spirals out of control, he is forced to reconcile his love of language and stories with the ever more urgent need for human connection. An Unreliable Man is a moving and thought-provoking novel about loneliness and truth, about seeking a place in the world, and about how storytelling gives our lives meaning. Decades after his global bestseller Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder has written a poignant and funny book for our times - full of life and hope. (

Podobné produkty ako Unreliable Man - Jostein Gaarder , Vonný difuzér holly christmass and snow, 100 ml, svěží bavlna

No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445) , Blue oyster cult & friends: in the movies with friends - lp (4260494435450)

Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

Annie is born into a world where like most of us she meets her Granny. She plays with her, she learns from her, they talk together and they even share their secrets together. As Annie grows and comes to know the world, Granny slowly leaves it. Annie is there with Granny right to the end and even plays with her afterwards. Now how does she do that? (

Podobné produkty ako Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková , Maybelline new york city mini palette 480 matte about town (3600531548766)

Katerina : The new novel from the author of the bestselling A Million Little Pieces - James Frey

Katerina : The new novel from the author of the bestselling A Million Little Pieces - James Frey

A kiss, a touch. A smile and a beating heart. Love and sex and dreams, art and drugs and the madness of youth. Betrayal and heartbreak, regret and pain, the melancholy of age. Katerina, James Frey's explosive new novel, is a sweeping love story alternating between 1992 Paris and Los Angeles in 2017.At its centre are a young writer and a young model on the verge of fame, both reckless, impulsive, and deeply in love. Twenty-five years later, the writer is rich, famous and numb, and he wants to drive his car into a tree, when he receives an anonymous message that draws him back to the life, and possibly the love, he abandoned years prior. Written in the same percussive, propulsive, dazzling, breathtaking style as A Million Little Pieces, Katerina echoes and complements that most controversial of memoirs, and plays with the same issues of fiction and reality that created, nearly destroyed, and then recreated James Frey in the global imagination. (

Podobné produkty ako Katerina : The new novel from the author of the bestselling A Million Little Pieces - James Frey , Pathologist: putrefactive and cadaverous odes about necroticism - lp (sm21001-1)

So Close: The unmissable Sunday Times bestseller - Sylvia Day


You can't believe all of them . . . But can you trust any of them? Widower Kane Black has never got over the death of his wife, Lily. Until he sees a woman with her inimitable beauty on Manhattan's streets, and whisks her up to his towering penthouse. But not everyone is ready to accept Lily's return. Aliyah, Kane's mother, thinks that "Lily" exerts dangerous control, and there is only room in this family for one queen. While Kane's sister-in-law, Amy, has been hurt in the past, and now is out for revenge. Three women, linked by buried secrets, circle the man who so willingly accepts the return of his dead wife. But Kane is happier than he has ever been, and will do anything to keep it that way. A lushly gothic novel of domestic suspense, So Close is an emotionally intense and addictive story of love, greed and ambition from multimillion-copy international bestseller Sylvia Day. (

Podobné produkty ako So Close: The unmissable Sunday Times bestseller - Sylvia Day , Talking heads: more songs about buildings and food - lp (8122796358)

The Great Deceiver: The gripping new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries - Elly Griffiths


The next gripping volume in The Brighton Mysteries series by bestselling author Elly Griffiths. It starts with a magician and a murder in a Brighton boarding house; throw in a show on Brighton pier, a sinister radio personality and a potential serial killer, and you've got the next gripping book in the Brighton Mysteries series. Magician Max Mephisto, now divorced and living in London, is on his way to visit daughter Ruby and her new-born baby when he is hailed by a voice from the past, fellow performer Ted English, aka the Great Deceiver. Ted's assistant, Cherry, has been found dead in her Brighton boarding house and he's convinced that he'll be accused of her murder. Max agrees to talk to his friend, Superintendent Edgar Stephens, who is investigating the case. What Max doesn't know is that the girl's family have hired private detective duo Emma Holmes (aka Mrs Stephens) and Sam Collins to do some digging of their own. The inhabitants of the boarding house, most of whom are performing in an Old Time Music Hall show on Brighton pier, are a motley crew. The house is also connected to a sinister radio personality called Pal. When a second magician's assistant is killed, Edgar suspects a serial killer. He persuades Max to come out of semi-retirement and take part in a summer show. But who can pose as his assistant? Edgar shocks the team by recommending someone close. . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Great Deceiver: The gripping new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries - Elly Griffiths , Pathologist: putrefactive and cadaverous odes about necroticism - cd (sm21006-2)

Forever Never: an unmissable and steamy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score


You don't fall for your brother's high school sweetheart, your boss's daughter, or your ex-wife's best friend. Especially when they're all the same woman.Under Brick Callan's mile-wide chest beats a loyal heart with a few cracks in it. He's the steadfast, overprotective type. Especially when it comes to the one woman he can never have. When Remi Ford returns to Mackinac Island in the dead of winter with a secret, Brick makes it his mission to find out what put the shadows in those green eyes. Even if it means breaking down the walls he's built between them. Even if it means falling for the one girl he'll never get over. (

Podobné produkty ako Forever Never: an unmissable and steamy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score , Thrice the brinded cat hath mew'd: a flavia de luce novel (0425286630)

Home Fire - Shamsie Kamila

Home Fire - Shamsie Kamila

LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2018 SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA NOVEL AWARD 2017 LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017 CHOSEN AS BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, OBSERVER, TELEGRAPH, NEW STATESMAN, EVENING STANDARD AND NEW YORK TIMES 'Occasionally you know that one of the writers alive at the same time as you has written the book they were born to write … Home Fire has lit a light that'll never go out' Ali Smith, Guardian, Books of the Year 'A timely rejoinder to all the cant and prejudice. An intelligent, thought-provoking and beautifully written novel about family, identity and divided loyalties' Mail on Sunday 'Gripping ... Home Fire is a literary thriller about prejudice and the slide into radicalisation, but it is also an expansive novel about love' Financial Times How can love survive betrayal? For as long as they can remember, siblings Isma, Aneeka and Parvaiz have had nothing but each other. But darker, stronger forces will divide Parvaiz from his sisters and drive him to the other side of the world, as he sets out to fulfil the dark legacy of the jihadist father he never knew. (

Podobné produkty ako Home Fire - Shamsie Kamila , The girl with the lower back tattoo (0008172382)

Home Fire (Defekt) - Shamsie Kamila


LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2018 SHORTLISTED FOR THE COSTA NOVEL AWARD 2017 LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017 CHOSEN AS BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE GUARDIAN, OBSERVER, TELEGRAPH, NEW STATESMAN, EVENING STANDARD AND NEW YORK TIMES 'Occasionally you know that one of the writers alive at the same time as you has written the book they were born to write … Home Fire has lit a light that'll never go out' Ali Smith, Guardian, Books of the Year 'A timely rejoinder to all the cant and prejudice. An intelligent, thought-provoking and beautifully written novel about family, identity and divided loyalties' Mail on Sunday 'Gripping ... Home Fire is a literary thriller about prejudice and the slide into radicalisation, but it is also an expansive novel about love' Financial Times How can love survive betrayal? For as long as they can remember, siblings Isma, Aneeka and Parvaiz have had nothing but each other. But darker, stronger forces will divide Parvaiz from his sisters and drive him to the other side of the world, as he sets out to fulfil the dark legacy of the jihadist father he never knew. (

Podobné produkty ako Home Fire (Defekt) - Shamsie Kamila , The new choice primary dictionary (9781910965306)

The Once and Future Witches: The spellbinding must-read novel - Alix E. Harrowová


Glorious . . . a tale that will sweep you away' Yangsze Choo, New York Times bestselling author of The Night Tiger 'A gorgeous and thrilling paean to the ferocious power of women' Laini Taylor, New York Times bestselling author of Strange the Dreamer In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box. But when the three Eastwood sisters join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote - and perhaps not even to live - the sisters must delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive. There's no such thing as witches. But there will be. Praise for The Once and Future Witches: 'A brilliant dazzle of a book . . . I devoured it in enormous gulps, and utterly loved it' Kat Howard, author of The Unkindness of Ghosts 'Compelling, exhilarating and magical - a must-read' Booklist (starred review) 'Delightful . . . a tale of women's battle for equality, of fairy tales twisted into wonderfully witchy spells, of magics both large and small, and history re-imagined' Louisa Morgan, author of A Secret History of Witches 'A love letter to folklore and the rebellious women of history' Publishers Weekly 'A breathtaking book - brilliant and raw and dark and complicated' Sarah Gailey, author of Magic for Liars (

Podobné produkty ako The Once and Future Witches: The spellbinding must-read novel - Alix E. Harrowová

Pablo and Splash: the hilarious kids´ graphic novel - Sheena Dempsey


Join time-travelling penguins Pablo and Splash on an unexpected adventure to the time of the dinosaurs in this brilliantly funny full-colour graphic novel. Perfect for fans of Bunny vs Monkey and Bumble and Snug. Antarctic penguins Pablo and Splash are polar opposites and besties for life.Pablo is a home-bird and a careful planner. Splash is easily bored and hungry for adventure. Sick to her flippers of the harsh, freezing weather, Splash persuades Pablo to go on a holiday with her.But far from the luxury beach destination that Splash has in mind, the pair end up in a time-travel machine that takes them back to the age of the dinosaurs! Suddenly their icy homeland doesn't seem so dull …A fantastically funny, full-colour graphic novel about time-travelling penguins, which young fans of Dog Man or Bumble and Snug will love. This is the first book in a series and further time-travel adventures await for Pablo and Splash. (

Podobné produkty ako Pablo and Splash: the hilarious kids´ graphic novel - Sheena Dempsey

Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel

Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel

Kniha - autor Leigh Bardugo; Dani Pendergast, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná The Darkling's origin story comes alive in this exquisitely illustrated prequel to Shadow and Bone, the hit Netflix original series. Before he led Ravka's Second Army, before he created the Fold, and long before he became the Darkling, he was just a lonely boy burdened by an extraordinary power. Eryk and his mother, Lena, have spent their lives on the run. But they will never find a safe haven. They are not only Grisha - they are the deadliest and rarest of their kind. Feared by those who wish to destroy them and hunted by those who would exploit their gifts, they must hide their true abilities wherever they go. But sometimes deadly secrets have a way of revealing themselves . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel

The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

Kniha - 912 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)

Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Weather - Katie Daynes


What are rainbows made of? How hot is the sun? When do hurricanes happen? Discover the answers to these questions and many more in this fascinating information book, with over 60 flaps to lift. There's also a quiz, a make your own water cycle experiment, and Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more amazing facts. (

Podobné produkty ako Lift-the-flap Questions and Answers about Weather - Katie Daynes

Lift-The-Flap Questions and Answers about Food - Katie Daynes


How much food do we need each day?', 'Why does cheese smell?', 'Where does my food go?' - lift the flaps to find out the interesting answers to these questions and many more. Children will be largely satisfied with the information provided and can impress friends and family with their new knowledge at mealtimes. With smart illustrations and over 60 flaps to lift, this will keep children entertained for hours. (

Podobné produkty ako Lift-The-Flap Questions and Answers about Food - Katie Daynes

Artifacts: Fascinating Facts about Art, Artists, and the Art World


The perfect miscellany for every art lover – an essential and engaging collection of facts, figures, and findings about art, artists, and the art world, past and present This extraordinary compendium of compelling facts, figures, and findings gathers and distils obscure and fascinating information about art, artists, and the art world. Fun, surprising, and compelling, in this covetable book you will learn: – which artist’s work is stolen most often (Picasso) – names of artists’ pets: Fat Fat & Cous-Cous (Louise Nevelson’s cats), Giotto and Goya (John Baldessari’s dogs) – artist couples (Nancy Rubins and Chris Burden; Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely; Dorothea Tanning and Max Ernst) – things artists collect: prosthetic arms and legs (Sophie Calle), glass eyes (Hiroshi Sugimoto) – odd jobs and side hustles: telephone marketer (Tomma Abts), crop duster (James Turrell) – artists who were rejected from art school (Francisco Goya, Auguste Rodin) ... and hundreds of other miscellaneous details. Thoughtfully and thoroughly researched, this intriguing book offers refreshing and surprising perspectives on the world of art. The five page-turning chapters cover: – Artists – Art School – Art Studio – Art Museum – Art World (

Podobné produkty ako Artifacts: Fascinating Facts about Art, Artists, and the Art World

Percy Jackson and the Titan´s Curse: The Graphic Novel (Book 3) - Rick Riordan


Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero.It's not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human.But when you're the son of a Greek God, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a Goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster.Oh and guess what. The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Percy Jackson and the Titan´s Curse: The Graphic Novel (Book 3) - Rick Riordan

The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence


Second novel in the chilling and epic new fantasy series from the bestselling and critically-acclaimed author of PRINCE OF THORNS and RED SISTER. 'If you like dark you will love Mark Lawrence. And when the light breaks through and it all makes sense, the contrast is gorgeous' ROBIN HOBB On Abeth there is only the ice. And the Black Rock. For generations the priests of the Black Rock have reached out from their mountain to steer the ice tribes’ fate. With their Hidden God, their magic and their iron, the priests’ rule has never been challenged.But nobody has ever escaped the Pit of the Missing before. Yaz has lost her friends and found her enemies. She has a mountain to climb and even if she can break the Hidden God’s power her dream of a green world lies impossibly far to the south across a vast emptiness of ice. Before the journey can even start she has to find out what happened to the ones she loves and save those that can be saved. Abeth holds its secrets close, but the stars shine brighter for Yaz and she means to unlock the truth. To touch the sky, be prepared to climb (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl and the Mountain - Mark Lawrence

The Girl and the Stars - Mark Lawrence


From the critically-acclaimed author of Prince of Thorns and Red Sister comes a chilling new epic fantasy series. 'If you like dark you will love Mark Lawrence. And when the light breaks through and it all makes sense, the contrast is gorgeous' – Robin Hobb Only when it's darkest can you see the stars. East of the Black Rock, out on the ice, lies a hole down which broken children are thrown On the vastness of the ice there is no room for individuals. No one survives alone. To resist the cold, to endure the months of night when even the air itself begins to freeze, requires a special breed. Variation is dangerous, difference is fatal. And Yaz is different. Torn from her family, from the boy she thought she would spend her life with, Yaz has to carve a new path for herself in a world whose existence she never suspected. A world full of danger. Beneath the ice, Yaz will learn that Abeth is older and stranger than she had ever imagined. She will learn that her weaknesses are another kind of strength. And she will learn to challenge the cruel arithmetic of survival that has always governed her people. (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl and the Stars - Mark Lawrence

The Girl and the Mermaid - Hollie Hughes


Alina and her granny live in a lighthouse by the sea: a home filled with the warmth of Granny's magical stories.But Alina is worried. Granny's memories and stories are starting to fade away, and she doesn't know how to bring them back. Then one day, she meets a mermaid on the rocks near the lighthouse - and she's swept into a magical deep-sea adventure that will change everything.An instant classic from the bestselling creators of The Girl and the Dinosaur. (

Podobné produkty ako The Girl and the Mermaid - Hollie Hughes

Daisy Jones and The Six: Read the book everyone's talking about this summer (1787462145)

Daisy Jones and The Six: Read the book everyone's talking about this summer (1787462145)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Daisy Jones and The Six: Read the book everyone's talking about this summer (1787462145)

8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee


SLAVE. ESCAPE-ARTIST. MURDERER.TERRORIST. SPY. LOVER.MOTHER. TRICKSTER. At the Golden Sunset retirement home, it is not unusual for residents to invent stories.So when elderly Ms Mook first begins to unspool her memories, the obituarist listening to her is sceptical. Stories of captivity, friendship, murder, adventure, assumed identities and spying. Stories that take place in WWII Indonesia; in Busan during the Korean war; in cold-war Pyongyang; in China.The stories are so colourful and various, at times so unbelievable, that they cannot surely all belong to the same woman. Can they?As playful and thought-provoking as it is compelling, as brutal and harrowing as it is achingly poignant and tender, this is a novel about love and war, deceit and betrayal, about identity, storytelling and the trickery required for survival. (

Podobné produkty ako 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee

The Trainspotter´s Notebook: The unmissable book from TikTok´s trainspotting sensation - Francis Bourgeois


The adventure filled memoir from the world's most beloved trainspotter, TikTok sensation Francis Bourgeois. 'Francis is one of the kindest, most genuine people I've met in a long time. His passion and unadulterated happiness is inspiring.I can't wait for more magical adventures with him.' - Joe Jonas'A National Treasure Of The TikTok Age.' - Grazia'Thrashing builds and builds. I look down and pull up my sleeve: I've got goosebumps, making all the hairs on my arm stand on end. I'm absolutely buzzing.' From sleeping in a car to get a good shot of 73962 Dick Mabbutt to trainspotting with Niall Horan, Francis Bourgeois has been on one hell of a ride over the past year.Bringing joy to millions, his epic journeys have highlighted the importance of connecting with your passions. In The Trainspotter's Notebook, Francis shares his greatest trainspotting adventures and takes you with him across the fields and footbridges of Britain, passing through historic terminals and backwater stations in pursuit of tones, thrash and locomotive perfection. Told in his inimitable style, these hilarious and heart-warming tales take you behind the scenes of his most popular videos, and celebrate the places and people of the railway.Are you ready to depart?'Oh for goodness sake, I'm on the wrong platform!' (

Podobné produkty ako The Trainspotter´s Notebook: The unmissable book from TikTok´s trainspotting sensation - Francis Bourgeois

The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic - de Visé Daniel


The Blues Brothers hit theatres on June 20, 1980. Their scripted mission was to save a local Chicago orphanage; but Aykroyd, who conceived and wrote much of the film, had a greater mission: to honour the then-seemingly forgotten tradition of rhythm and blues, some of whose greatest artists - Aretha Franklin, James Brown, John Lee Hooker, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles - made the film as unforgettable as its wild car chases. Much delayed and vastly over budget, beset by mercurial and oft drugged-out stars, The Blues Brothers opened to outraged reviews.However, in the 44 years since it has been acknowledged a classic: inducted into the National Film Registry for its cultural significance, even declared a 'Catholic classic' by the Church itself, and re-aired thousands of times on television to huge worldwide audiences. It is, undeniably, one of the most significant films of the 20th century.The saga behind The Blues Brothers, as Daniel de Vise reveals, is epic, encompassing the colourful childhoods of Belushi and Aykroyd; the comedic revolution sparked by Harvard's Lampoon and Chicago's Second City; the birth and anecdote-rich, drug-filled early years of Saturday Night Live, where the Blues Brothers were born as an act amidst turmoil and rivalry; and, of course, the indelible behind-the-scenes narrative of how the film was made, scene by memorable scene. Based on original research and dozens of interviews probing the memories of principals from director John Landis and producer Bob Weiss to Aykroyd himself, The Blues Brothers illuminates an American masterpiece while vividly portraying the creative geniuses behind modern comedy. (

Podobné produkty ako The Blues Brothers: An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic - de Visé Daniel

8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee


A playful, ambitious and action-packed novel that explores the turbulent story of twentieth-century Korea through the life of one remarkable, charismatic - and unreliable - woman SLAVE. ESCAPE-ARTIST. MURDERER. TERRORIST. SPY. LOVER. MOTHER. TRICKSTER.At the Golden Sunset retirement home, it is not unusual for residents to invent stories. So when elderly Ms Mook first begins to unspool her memories, the obituarist listening to her is sceptical. Stories of captivity, friendship, murder, adventure, assumed identities and spying. Stories that take place in WWII Indonesia; in Busan during the Korean war; in cold-war Pyongyang; in China. The stories are so colourful and various, at times so unbelievable, that they cannot surely all belong to the same woman. Can they? As playful and thought-provoking as it is compelling, as brutal and harrowing as it is achingly poignant and tender, this is a novel about love and war, deceit and betrayal, about identity, storytelling and the trickery required for survival. (

Podobné produkty ako 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee

Malvina, or Spoken and Written Word in the Novel - Ewa Szary-Matywiecka


Studie Szary-Matywiecké představuje román (1816) Marie Wirtemberské, první polský psychologický román, jako dílo hodné kritické pozornosti. Navzdory svému didaktickému poselství o nadřazenosti srdce nad rozumem se dílo brzy setkalo s úspěchem. Studie se zabývá hned několika aspekty románu, přičemž využívá metody vypracované strukturalisty a formalisty, včetně koncepce formálního mimetismu Michała Głowińskiho. Zároveň se opírá o současné teorie jazyka a dokazuje, že Malvína není pouze sentimentální kniha. Román využívá tradičního motivu dvojčat odloučených hned po narození, které se setkávají o léta později, a zároveň zachycuje obraz tehdejší varšavské společnosti. Příběh prostupuje téma zdvojení - dvě hlavní mužské postavy, dvojí literární energie, dvojí já Wirtemberské jakožto vypravěčky a autorky. (

Podobné produkty ako Malvina, or Spoken and Written Word in the Novel - Ewa Szary-Matywiecka

Ice Is Nice! All About the North and South Poles - Bonnie Worth

Ice Is Nice! All About the North and South Poles - Bonnie Worth

Chill out with the Cat in the Hat as he takes Sally and Dick to visit the North and South Poles in this very cool Cat in the Hat Learning Library book! As the Cat and Co. mingle with reindeer, musk oxen, polar bears, caribou, and all sorts of penguins, they discover how the animals stay warm in freezing temeratures, why it's colder at the South Pole than at the North Pole, that one pole is located on land and the other isn't, and how scientists are studying climate change to keep both poles icy cold. Perfect for fans of the hit PBS kids TV show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That, this is a great choice for curling up with on a winter's day! (

Podobné produkty ako Ice Is Nice! All About the North and South Poles - Bonnie Worth

The New Girl - Cassandra Calinová


Instagram sensation and Tapas webcomic superstar Cassandra Calin makes her long-form debut with this funny, feel-good middle-grade graphic novel about change. Goodbye, old life... Lia and her family are waiting to board a flight across the Atlantic, leaving behind family, friends, and Romania -- the only home Lia has ever known.But Lia's heartache is overshadowed by the discomfort of her first period. As if things weren't difficult enough! Now Lia is thrust into a world where everything is different: her home, her language, and even her body. With so many changes happening at once, Lia struggles with schoolwork, has trouble communicating with classmates, and has no idea how to manage her unpleasant periods.Will she ever feel like herself again? Inspired by the author's own immigration experience, The New Girl is a comically charming story about change and acceptance. The long-form debut from the hilarious Instagram sensation, Cassandra Calin A comically heart-warming graphic novel about change and acceptance Inspired by the author's own immigration experience (

Podobné produkty ako The New Girl - Cassandra Calinová

Preloved - Bravo Lauren


PRE-ORDER PROBABLY NOTHING, THE BRAND NEW LAUREN BRAVO NOVEL COMING SUMMER 2024! 'Lauren Bravo is one of my very favourite writers.' Dolly Alderton Gwen is coasting through life. She's in her mid-thirties, perpetually single, her friends are busy procreating in the countryside and conversations with her parents seem to revolve entirely around the council's wheelie-bin timetable. And she's lonely. But then, isn't everyone? When she's made redundant from a job she hardly cares about, she takes herself out for a fancy dinner. There she has the best sticky toffee pudding of her life and realises she has no one to tell. She vows to begin living her life fully, reconnect with her friends and family, and finally book that dentist's appointment. Gwen decides to start where all things get a second chance: her local charity shop. There, with the help of the weird and wonderful people and donated items bursting with untold stories, Gwen will find a way to move forward with bravery, tenacity, and more regular dental care. Dazzlingly witty, Preloved is a tale about friendship, loss and being true to yourself no matter the expectations. Lovingly celebrating the enduring power and joy of charity shops.Praise for Preloved 'An absolute gem of a novel' Sarra Manning 'I think I've been waiting for a novel like Preloved for my whole reading life.' Daisy Buchanan'Preloved is full of sharp observations on life, loss, regret and self-preservation.' Julietta Henderson, author of The Funny Thing about Norman Foreman'Just like that once-in-a-lifetime charity shop find, Preloved is a gleaming prize to be treasured.' Caroline O'Donohue, author of Promising Young Woman 'Preloved has taken up residence in my heart and I will be recommending it to everyone I know... I'm officially obsessed.' Lucy Vine'Laugh-out-loud funny but also poignant and tender' Laura Price, author of Single Bald Female (

Podobné produkty ako Preloved - Bravo Lauren
No Mercy: The brand new novel from the Queen of Crime (1472249445), The Friend: A Novel (0735219451), Lässig Lunch Set About Friends Lion (4042183428383), Lässig Lunch Set About Friends Fox (4042183428390), Lässig Tiny Backpack About Friends beaver (4042183396804), Lässig Tiny Backpack About Friends lion (4042183396392), Lässig Tiny Backpack About Friends koala (4042183396811), Lässig Tiny Backpack About Friends racoon (4042183396781), The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806), The Witch Elm: A Novel (0735224641), The Alice Network: A Novel (0062654195), Lässig králík - Tiny Backpack About Friends Bunny (4042183420325), Hocus Pocus and The All-New Sequel (1368020038), About the Sun, little pets and a mysterious night (978-80-735-3179-9), Curious Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel (147224138X), Frahm Nils: Old Friends New Friends (2x CD) - CD (4050538759693), Vonný difuzér Holly Christmass and snow, 100 ml, Dangerous Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel 02 (055339276X), Friends - The One With The Quotes - zápisník (5051265732415), The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the Killer Companies of the New Silicon Valley Are Changin (0316554561), Altom Porcelánový hrnek Friendship, 250 ml, Vonný difuzér Holly Christmass and snow, 100 ml, svěží bavlna, Blue Oyster Cult & Friends: In The Movies With Friends - LP (4260494435450), MAYBELLINE NEW YORK City Mini Palette 480 Matte About Town (3600531548766), Pathologist: Putrefactive And Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism - LP (SM21001-1), Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food - LP (8122796358), Pathologist: Putrefactive And Cadaverous Odes About Necroticism - CD (SM21006-2), Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd: A Flavia de Luce Novel (0425286630), The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (0008172382), The New Choice Primary Dictionary (9781910965306)