The lives of brian - brian johnson

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The Lives of Brian - Brian Johnson


'It wasn't me. I didn't do it. And I'll never do it again!' says Brian Johnson of The Lives of Brian. That AC/DC's legendary front man got to do it all is one of the most cheering and entertaining stories in rock 'n'roll history.The son of a British army sergeant-major and Italian mother, Brian grew up in Dunston, Tyne and Wear, as it emerged from the shadow of the Second World War. Then he saw Little Richard on the BBC and it changed the course of his life.The choirboy and cub scout was going to be singer.For over a decade he tried to make his mark with a succession of bands. He appeared on to Top of the Pops, toured Australia and yet the big time looked out of reach. Then he was invited to London for an audition for one of the world's biggest rock acts. AC/DC were a band in crisis following the tragic death of their lead singer, Bon Scott, but with Brian on board they would record their masterpiece: Back in Black. It became the biggest selling rock album of all time. The tour that followed played to packed out arenas. Quickly embraced by the band's fans, the new boy had earned his spurs. But there was to be a twist in the tale. In 2016, Brian was forced to quit the band after being diagnosed with hearing loss, only to make a triumphant return to the band he loved with the release of 2020's smash hit album Power Up.It's been a rollercoaster of a life, throughout which Brian's kept his feet firmly on the ground, never losing touch with his roots.Warm, vivid, evocative, life-affirming and often laugh-out-loud funny, The Lives of Brian tells the story of one of our most well-loved performers in his own inimitable voice (

Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Brian - Brian Johnson , Wilson brian: brian wilson (extended version) (2x lp) - lp (8122795167)

The Lives of Brian (Defekt) - Brian Johnson


The son of a British army sergeant major and Italian mother, Brian grew up in Dunston, Tyne and Wear, as it emerged from the shadow of the Second World War. Then he saw Little Richard on the BBC and it changed the course of his life.The choir boy and sea scout was going to be a singer.For over a decade he tried to make his mark with a succession of bands. He appeared frequently on TV and toured Europe and Australia with Geordie, yet real success slipped out of reach. Brian had a family to support and a mortgage to pay, so was forced to take a succession of jobs eventually leading to him running his own business. But if fate had a plan for Brian . . . fate didn't stand a chance.Out of the blue, he was invited to London for an audition for one of the world's best up-and-coming acts. AC/DC were a band in crisis following the tragic death of their lead singer, Bon Scott, but with Brian on board they would record their masterpiece: Back in Black. It became the biggest-selling rock album of all time. The tour that followed played to packed-out arenas and Brian was embraced by their fans. But there was to be a twist in the tale. In 2016, Brian was forced to quit the band after being diagnosed with hearing loss, only to make a triumphant return to the band he loved with the release of 2020's smash hit album Power Up. Brian has lived many lives within his lifetime, but somehow he's kept his feet on the ground, never losing touch with his roots.Touching, personal, indomitable, but always laugh-out-loud funny, The Lives of Brian is the story of one of the world's best-loved performers, told in his own inimitable and unique voice. 'Nine lives, Cat's Eyes. Abusing every one of them, and running wild.' (

Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Brian (Defekt) - Brian Johnson , Eno brian: foreverandevernomore - lp (4801356)

Životy Briana - Brian Johnson


Brian Johnson je už přes čtyřicet let zpěvákem AC/DC, jedné z nejslavnějších rockových kapel všech dob. Jeho cesta na rock’n’rollové výsluní však byla klikatá. Začala krátce po válce v chudé průmyslové oblasti na severu Anglie a Brian ji ve své knize vypravuje se vším všudy: od prvních klukovin, prvních lásek a prvních kapel přes všechny úspěchy a neúspěchy až k onomu zásadnímu telefonátu, který mu změnil život.Brian Johnson je nejen skvělý muzikant, ale i výborný vypravěč. U živě a vtipně líčených zážitků se budete smát, fandit, chytat se za hlavu a možná ukápne i slza, ale přesně tak to v životě chodí.Poznáte Brianovu italsko-anglickou rodinu, přátele i slavné parťáky z AC/DC – Anguse, Malcolma a další – a nakouknete do zákulisí vzniku Back in Black, druhého nejprodávanějšího alba všech dob. Brianův život, který by vydal hned za několik životů najednou, vás vtáhne od prvních stránek a už vás nepustí. (

Podobné produkty ako Životy Briana - Brian Johnson , May brian: another world - cd (3862303)

Životy Briana - Brian Johnson - e-kniha


eBook: Brian Johnson je už přes čtyřicet let zpěvákem AC/DC, jedné z nejslavnějších rockových kapel všech dob. Jeho cesta na rock’n’rollové výsluní však byla klikatá. Začala krátce po válce v chudé průmyslové oblasti na severu Anglie a Brian ji ve své knize vypravuje se vším všudy: od prvních klukovin, prvních lásek a prvních kapel přes všechny úspěchy a neúspěchy až k onomu zásadnímu telefonátu, který mu změnil život.Brian Johnson je nejen skvělý muzikant, ale i výborný vypravěč. U živě a vtipně líčených zážitků se budete smát, fandit, chytat se za hlavu a možná ukápne i slza, ale přesně tak to v životě chodí.Poznáte Brianovu italsko-anglickou rodinu, přátele i slavné parťáky z AC/DC – Anguse, Malcolma a další – a nakouknete do zákulisí vzniku Back in Black, druhého nejprodávanějšího alba všech dob. Brianův život, který by vydal hned za několik životů najednou, vás vtáhne od prvních stránek a už vás nepustí. (

Podobné produkty ako Životy Briana - Brian Johnson - e-kniha , May brian: another world - lp (3862299)

Guardians Of The Galaxy By Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus Vol. 1 - Brian Michael Bendis


Blockbuster writer Brian Michael Bendis takes on Marvel's misfit movie stars! Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon and Groot assemble alongside the Avengers to thwart Thanos' latest scheme - and they take Iron Man back into space with them! They'll face the wrath of the Badoon, Peter Quill's father and - once again - the infinite threat of Thanos! But can anything prepare them for Angela? The Guardians will add new recruits and fight alongside the X-Men, but which team members will end up star-crossed lovers? And when SECRET WARS obliterates the galaxy, what will be left to guard? Collecting AVENGERS ASSEMBLE (2012) #1-8, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2013) #0.1 and #1-27, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY ANNUAL (2014) #1, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: TOMORROW'S AVENGERS, ALL-NEW X-MEN (2012) #22-24, GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE #1-4, GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #1-2 and material from FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2014 (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY). (

Podobné produkty ako Guardians Of The Galaxy By Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus Vol. 1 - Brian Michael Bendis , Fallon brian: local honey - cd (73095cd)

Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson


Chci zásadně změnit způsob, jakým lidé přemýšlejí o svých životech, jak si ho plánují a jak ho formují. Chtěl bych jim pomoct pochopit skutečnost, že budoucnost není něco fixního, nýbrž je to něco, co každý den vytvářejí svými činy. Chtěl bych, aby lidé přijali fakt, že si svou budouc nost můžou vytvořit – ale pouze za předpokladu, že budou ochotní se na tomto procesu aktivně podílet. Pokaždé, když se poprvé setkám s někým, kdo má starost o svou budoucnost, mluvím o třech verzích vlastního já, které dohromady tvoří naši osobnost: Minulé já, Současné já a Budoucí já. Minulé já představuje vaši zkušenost a vzpo mínky – vaše radosti a smutky, vítězství i porážky, je to souhrn všech zkušeností, které jste kdy nabyli. Budoucí já představuje osobnost, jakou se chcete stát. Je to člověk, jakým byste byli rádi, a je to také někdo, kým být nechcete. A pak je tu vaše Přítomné já. Pro většinu z nás je Přítomné já Minulým já. Svoje životy totiž trávíme v minulosti. Ale co kdybyste toto nastavení ve své hlavě změnili a přeměnili svoje Přítomné já na Budoucí? V tom případě by osoba, jakou chcete být, byla reálnou osobou a přestaly by existovat limity pro tako vou změnu. Tuto knihu jsem napsal, abych vám pomohl uskutečnit právě tohle: změňte na stavení vlastní mysli a přeměňte svoje Přítomné já v tu nejlepší verzi svého Budoucího já. Jsem nadšený, že vám můžu poskytnout všechny nezbytné strategie a nástroje, a že s vámi můžu sdílet příběhy lidí, kteří se naučili využívat svoje Budoucí já. Slibuji vám, že svému Budoucímu já budete rozumět lépe než dosud. Budete nejen schopni vidět sami sebe v takové budoucnosti, ale poznáte, jaké kroky musíte udělat, abyste se tam dostali. Budete svým Budoucím já. A tato cesta začíná právě teď. (

Podobné produkty ako Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson , Bhm germany brian, 120 cm, černý (c1006031)

The Fortune of War - Patrick O´Brian

The Fortune of War - Patrick O´Brian

Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin tales are widely acknowledged to be the greatest series of historical novels ever written. Captain Jack Aubrey, RN, arrives in the Dutch East Indies to find himself appointed to the command of the fastest and best-armed frigate in the Navy. He and his friend Stephen Maturin take passage for England in a despatch vessel. But the war of 1812 breaks out while they are en route. Bloody actions precipitate them both into new and unexpected scenes where Stephen's past activities as a secret agent return on him with a vengeance. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fortune of War - Patrick O´Brian , Wilson brian: at my piano - cd (3850038)

Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Vaše budoucnost začíná teď. Uznávaný futurista Brian David Johnson tráví už více než čtvrt století tím, že pomáhá vládám, korporacím, školám a dalším organizacím plánovat úspěšné cesty vpřed tím, že jim ukazuje, jak bude svět brzy vypadat. V Budoucnosti pod kontrolou (v orig. The Future You – Budoucí Já, pozn. překladatele)) vám blíže představí svou práci jako aplikovaný futurista a poskytne praktické nástroje, které potřebujete k tomu, abyste si vytvořili budoucnost, jakou jste si vysnili. Audiokniha nabízí jedinečnou kombinaci praktických pokynů, interaktivních cvičení a působivých příběhů ze skutečného života. Vytvořte si budoucnost, jakou jste vždy chtěli. Pokud jste jako většina lidí, pomyšlení na zítřek ve vás vyvolává úzkost. Můžete snít tom, co chcete dělat nebo kde chcete být v příštích několika měsících, letech nebo desetiletích, ale máte strach, protože nevíte, co vás může čekat. Tato obava bohužel ovlivňuje, jak se dnes rozhodujete, a tedy i to, jaká bude vaše budoucnost. Ať už chcete najít svou novou vášeň, změnit svou kariéru nebo styl života, strach drží tolik z nás v zajetí a brání nám podniknout kroky nezbytné k tomu, abychom mohli začít hned. Díky audioknize Budoucnost pod kontrolou už nemusíte jen snít o lepší budoucnosti, můžete své plány, nápady a naděje proměnit ve skutečnost. Kniha je rozdělena do osmi kapitol, které vás provedou stejným procesem futurecastingu, který Brian používá se svými klienty. Jednotlivé kapitoly jsou okořeněné osobními příběhy, jež jsou nejen poutavé, ale ilustrují myšlenky, které Johnson uvádí. V každé z kapitol objevíte i dobře promyšlená rychlá cvičení, která budou užitečná v reálném uvědomění si a plánování budoucnosti, kterou opravdu chcete. Johnson ve své metodě nepoužívá kouzla, ani nespoléhá na křišťálovou kouli. Jeho metoda je založena na vědě. V tomto průkopnickém průvodci, který otevírá oči, zjistíte, že vy jste zodpovědní za vytvoření své budoucnosti a máte moc si ji naplánovat. Prolomte svůj strach a naplánujte si budoucnost svých snů. Z audioknihy: “Pro mnohé lidi je budoucnost něčím, co je v současnosti nepoznatelné a také nekoncepčně řízené. Připomíná mi to výrok Marka Twaina: „Pokud jde o svět, problém není v tom, že lidé o něm mnoho nevědí, ale spíše v tom, že vědí mnoho věcí, které nejsou pravdivé.“ Pokud chcete ovládat svou budoucnost, musíte se oprostit od dlouho tradovaných bludů. A přesně sem společně zamíříme.” “Poznání tajemství budoucnosti tedy spočívá v pochopení toho, co nás čeká, a přijetí faktu, že svou vlastní budoucnost můžeme formovat. A protože není mnoho dalších věcí, které by nám měly dělat starost, budoucnost se už pak nejeví jako něco drtivého.” (

Podobné produkty ako Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson - audiokniha , Little brian paint sticks standard, 6-pack (8595582232854)

The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches - MacArthur Brian

The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches - MacArthur Brian

*FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED*Whether it was Churchill rousing the British to take up arms or the dream of Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro inspiring the Cuban revolution or Barack Obama on Selma and the meaning of America, speeches have profoundly influenced the way we see ourselves and society.Gathered here are some of the most extraordinary and memorable speeches of the last century - from Lenin to Reagan, Thatcher to Malala. Some are well known, others less so, but all helped form the world we now inhabit. (

Podobné produkty ako The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches - MacArthur Brian , 3 legged thing punks brian 2.0, černý (31100423)

The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches - MacArthur Brian


From Moses to Nelson Mandela, speeches have changed the way we see the world and the way the world is shaped.The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches gathers together the world's greatest speeches, bringing together the words of over one hundred men and women. These brilliant and passionate declarations by Socrates, Robespierre, Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth I, Churchill, Washington, Pankhurst, Gandhi and many others provide a vivid glimpse of history in the making while retaining their power to move and inspire today.'Impeccable. MacArthur prefaces each address with a short but scholarly historical explanation that sets the scene perfectly. An attractive volume' Andrew Roberts, Sunday Times'Works well not just as an anthology but as a history' Independent on Sunday. (

Podobné produkty ako The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches - MacArthur Brian , 3 legged thing punks brian 2.0, modrý (3110042)

Survival of the Friendliest - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová


A powerful new theory of human nature suggests that our secret to success as a species is our unique friendliness"Brilliant, eye-opening, and absolutely inspiring--and a riveting read. Hare and Woods have written the perfect book for our time."--Cass R. Sunstein, author of How Change Happens and co-author of NudgeFor most of the approximately 300,000 years that Homo sapiens have existed, we have shared the planet with at least four other types of humans. All of these were smart, strong, and inventive. But around 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens made a cognitive leap that gave us an edge over other species. What happened?Since Charles Darwin wrote about "evolutionary fitness," the idea of fitness has been confused with physical strength, tactical brilliance, and aggression. In fact, what made us evolutionarily fit was a remarkable kind of friendliness, a virtuosic ability to coordinate and communicate with others that allowed us to achieve all the cultural and technical marvels in human history. Advancing what they call the "self-domestication theory," Brian Hare, professor in the department of evolutionary anthropology and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University and his wife, Vanessa Woods, a research scientist and award-winning journalist, shed light on the mysterious leap in human cognition that allowed Homo sapiens to thrive.But this gift for friendliness came at a cost. Just as a mother bear is most dangerous around her cubs, we are at our most dangerous when someone we love is threatened by an "outsider." The threatening outsider is demoted to sub-human, fair game for our worst instincts. Hare's groundbreaking research, developed in close coordination with Richard Wrangham and Michael Tomasello, giants in the field of cognitive evolution, reveals that the same traits that make us the most tolerant species on the planet also make us the cruelest.Survival of the Friendliest offers us a new way to look at our cultural as well as cognitive evolution and sends a clear message: In order to survive and even to flourish, we need to expand our definition of who belongs. (

Podobné produkty ako Survival of the Friendliest - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová , Eno brian, eno roger: mixing colours - cd (4837771)

Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson - e-kniha


eBook: Chci zásadně změnit způsob, jakým lidé přemýšlejí o svých životech, jak si ho plánují a jak ho formují. Chtěl bych jim pomoct pochopit skutečnost, že budoucnost není něco fixního, nýbrž je to něco, co každý den vytvářejí svými činy. Chtěl bych, aby lidé přijali fakt, že si svou budouc nost můžou vytvořit – ale pouze za předpokladu, že budou ochotní se na tomto procesu aktivně podílet. Pokaždé, když se poprvé setkám s někým, kdo má starost o svou budoucnost, mluvím o třech verzích vlastního já, které dohromady tvoří naši osobnost: Minulé já, Současné já a Budoucí já. Minulé já představuje vaši zkušenost a vzpo mínky – vaše radosti a smutky, vítězství i porážky, je to souhrn všech zkušeností, které jste kdy nabyli. Budoucí já představuje osobnost, jakou se chcete stát. Je to člověk, jakým byste byli rádi, a je to také někdo, kým být nechcete. A pak je tu vaše Přítomné já. Pro většinu z nás je Přítomné já Minulým já. Svoje životy totiž trávíme v minulosti. Ale co kdybyste toto nastavení ve své hlavě změnili a přeměnili svoje Přítomné já na Budoucí? V tom případě by osoba, jakou chcete být, byla reálnou osobou a přestaly by existovat limity pro tako vou změnu. Tuto knihu jsem napsal, abych vám pomohl uskutečnit právě tohle: změňte na stavení vlastní mysli a přeměňte svoje Přítomné já v tu nejlepší verzi svého Budoucího já. Jsem nadšený, že vám můžu poskytnout všechny nezbytné strategie a nástroje, a že s vámi můžu sdílet příběhy lidí, kteří se naučili využívat svoje Budoucí já. Slibuji vám, že svému Budoucímu já budete rozumět lépe než dosud. Budete nejen schopni vidět sami sebe v takové budoucnosti, ale poznáte, jaké kroky musíte udělat, abyste se tam dostali. Budete svým Budoucím já. A tato cesta začíná právě teď. BRIAN DAVID JOHNSON udělal z budoucnosti svou profesi. Jako futurista spolupracuje s organizacemi na rozvoji 10-15leté vize a na tom, jaké to bude žít v budoucnosti. Jeho práce se nazývá futurecasting a využívá etnografické terénní studie, technologický výzkum, kulturní historii, data trendů, globální rozhovory a dokonce sci-fi, aby poskytla pragmatickou mapu budoucnosti. Jako aplikovaný futurista Johnson spolupracoval s vládami, obchodními organizacemi, start-upy a nadnárodními korporacemi, aby jim nejen pomohl představit si budoucnost, ale také specifikovat kroky potřebné k dosažení jejich cílů. Johnson je v současné době futuristou v Centru pro vědu a představivost na Arizonské státní univerzitě a členem společnosti Frost & Sullivan. Žije v Portlandu v Oregonu. (

Podobné produkty ako Budoucnost pod kontrolou - Brian David Johnson - e-kniha , May brian: back to the light (2021 mix) (coloured) (lp + 2x cd) - lp (3578943)

The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches (Defekt) - MacArthur Brian

The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches (Defekt) - MacArthur Brian

*FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED*Whether it was Churchill rousing the British to take up arms or the dream of Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro inspiring the Cuban revolution or Barack Obama on Selma and the meaning of America, speeches have profoundly influenced the way we see ourselves and society.Gathered here are some of the most extraordinary and memorable speeches of the last century - from Lenin to Reagan, Thatcher to Malala. Some are well known, others less so, but all helped form the world we now inhabit. (

Podobné produkty ako The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches (Defekt) - MacArthur Brian , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)

Survival of the Friendliest (Defekt) - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová


A powerful new theory of human nature suggests that our secret to success as a species is our unique friendliness"Brilliant, eye-opening, and absolutely inspiring--and a riveting read. Hare and Woods have written the perfect book for our time."--Cass R. Sunstein, author of How Change Happens and co-author of NudgeFor most of the approximately 300,000 years that Homo sapiens have existed, we have shared the planet with at least four other types of humans. All of these were smart, strong, and inventive. But around 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens made a cognitive leap that gave us an edge over other species. What happened?Since Charles Darwin wrote about "evolutionary fitness," the idea of fitness has been confused with physical strength, tactical brilliance, and aggression. In fact, what made us evolutionarily fit was a remarkable kind of friendliness, a virtuosic ability to coordinate and communicate with others that allowed us to achieve all the cultural and technical marvels in human history. Advancing what they call the "self-domestication theory," Brian Hare, professor in the department of evolutionary anthropology and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University and his wife, Vanessa Woods, a research scientist and award-winning journalist, shed light on the mysterious leap in human cognition that allowed Homo sapiens to thrive.But this gift for friendliness came at a cost. Just as a mother bear is most dangerous around her cubs, we are at our most dangerous when someone we love is threatened by an "outsider." The threatening outsider is demoted to sub-human, fair game for our worst instincts. Hare's groundbreaking research, developed in close coordination with Richard Wrangham and Michael Tomasello, giants in the field of cognitive evolution, reveals that the same traits that make us the most tolerant species on the planet also make us the cruelest.Survival of the Friendliest offers us a new way to look at our cultural as well as cognitive evolution and sends a clear message: In order to survive and even to flourish, we need to expand our definition of who belongs. (

Podobné produkty ako Survival of the Friendliest (Defekt) - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová , Little brian paint sticks metalické barvy, 6-pack (8595582232878)

Dune: The Battle of Corrin - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert


The third and final book in the LEGENDS OF DUNE series, based on the vision of Frank Herbert. The trilogy follows the campaigns of the Butlerian Jihad, the great war against the thinking machines. (

Podobné produkty ako Dune: The Battle of Corrin - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert , Little brian paint sticks zářivé barvy, 6-pack (8595582232861)

The Lives of Saints - Leigh Bardugová


Enter the world of the Grishaverse and Shadow and Bone, soon to be a Netflix original series! Dive into the epic world of international bestselling author Leigh Bardugo with this beautifully illustrated replica of The Lives of Saints, the Istorii Sankt'ya, featuring tales of saints drawn from the beloved novels and beyond. Out of the pages of the Shadow and Bone trilogy, from the hands of Alina Starkov to yours, the Istorii Sankt'ya is a magical keepsake from the Grishaverse. These tales include miracles and martyrdoms from familiar saints like Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses and Sankt Ilya in Chains, to the strange and obscure stories of Sankta Ursula, Sankta Maradi, and the Starless Saint. This beautiful collection includes stunning full-colour illustrations of each story. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Saints - Leigh Bardugová , Setzer brian: rockabilly riot! (coloured) (2x lp) - lp (0810020503425)

In the Lives of Puppets (1529088038)

In the Lives of Puppets (1529088038)

Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (1529088038) , Eno brian: ambient 1: music for airports (reedice 2018) - lp (6775054)

Fowl Language: Winging It: The Art of Imperfect Parenting - Brian Gordon


The perfect gift for baby showers and for those already in the throes of parenting, Fowl Language: Children are a Gift is here to let you know that you're not alone. Parenting is hard and often gross. Laughing about it helps. Everyone's favorite parenting cartoon featuring ducks presents a comprehensive view of the early parenting years in all of their maddening cuteness and sanity-depriving chaos. The new collection will include fifty comics that have appeared on the website and will feature fifty never-before-seen cartoons. Fowl Language: Children are a Gift is organized into 10 thematic chapters-including Babies: Oh Dear God, What Have we Done?; Pooping: Get Your S*** Together; and Holidays: Magic Traditions and Tragic Overeating-each of which begins with a hilarious, illustrated 500-word essay. (

Podobné produkty ako Fowl Language: Winging It: The Art of Imperfect Parenting - Brian Gordon , May brian: another world (coloured) (2x cd + lp) - cd-lp (3862307)

In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune


From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.SPECIAL PAPERBACK FEATURE: This paperback edition includes the poignant short story 'Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!' set in the same extraordinary world.*A NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES AND INDIE BESTSELLER!**WINNER OF THE GOODREADS CHOICE AWARD FOR SCIENCE FICTION*In a small home, built into the branches of a tree, live a human named Victor and three robots. These are a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, a small vacuum desperate for love and attention, and a fatherly inventor-android named Giovanni Lawson. Together they're a family, hidden and safe.Then Vic salvages an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP'. He learns that Hap and Gio share a dark past, where they hunted humans. And Hap unwittingly gives away Gio's location. Before they know it, robots from Gio's former life arrive - to capture and return the android to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams.The rest of the unconventional family must travel across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommissioning. Or worse, reprogramming. Along the way, Vic must decide if he can handle his feelings for Hap - even if they come with strings attached.Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door.'A deeply stirring journey through a world of extraordinary robots' - Chuck Tingle, Hugo-shortlisted author of Camp Damascus (

Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune , Redman joshua, mehldau brad, mcbride christian, blade brian: longgone - lp (7559791001)

The Lives of Saints (Defekt) - Leigh Bardugová


Enter the world of the Grishaverse and Shadow and Bone, soon to be a Netflix original series! Dive into the epic world of international bestselling author Leigh Bardugo with this beautifully illustrated replica of The Lives of Saints, the Istorii Sankt'ya, featuring tales of saints drawn from the beloved novels and beyond. Out of the pages of the Shadow and Bone trilogy, from the hands of Alina Starkov to yours, the Istorii Sankt'ya is a magical keepsake from the Grishaverse. These tales include miracles and martyrdoms from familiar saints like Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses and Sankt Ilya in Chains, to the strange and obscure stories of Sankta Ursula, Sankta Maradi, and the Starless Saint. This beautiful collection includes stunning full-colour illustrations of each story. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Saints (Defekt) - Leigh Bardugová , Vyrazecka brian s net zero 2 jr bila junior obraceny gard

In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune


From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door. (

Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune , Dereliction of duty: johnson, mcnamara, the joint chiefs of staff, and the lies that led to vietnam (0060929081)

Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson


Collected for the first time, these three previously unpublished Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder. Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes. (

Podobné produkty ako Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson , City of thorns: 'nine lives in the world''s largest refugee camp' (1250118735)

Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert


Collected for the first time, these Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder.Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes. (

Podobné produkty ako Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert , Against the current: past lives - cd (7567865501)

Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert


Collected for the first time, these Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder.Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes. (

Podobné produkty ako Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert , Johnson jack: meet the moonlight - lp (4538663)

Promise of Blood : Book 1 in the Powder Mage trilogy - Brian McClellan


It's a bloody business, overthrowing a king. Now, amid the chaos, a whispered rumour is spreading. A rumour about a broken promise, omens of death and the gods returning to walk the earth.No one really believes these whispers.Perhaps they should.Winner of the David Gemmell Morningstar Award, Promise of Blood is the explosive first novel in the most action-packed and acclaimed new fantasy series in years. (

Podobné produkty ako Promise of Blood : Book 1 in the Powder Mage trilogy - Brian McClellan , The hound of the baskervilles

In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ Klune


From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door. (

Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ Klune , The turn of the screw

The Immortality Key : The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (Defekt) - Muraresku Brian C.


THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER As seen on The Joe Rogan Experience! A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and the real-life quest for the Holy Grail that could shake the Church to its foundations. The most influential religious historian of the 20th century, Huston Smith, once referred to it as the best-kept secret in history. Did the Ancient Greeks use drugs to find God? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same, secret tradition? A profound knowledge of visionary plants, herbs and fungi passed from one generation to the next, ever since the Stone Age? There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist - the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains an article of faith for today's 2.5 billion Christians. In an unprecedented search for real answers, The Immortality Key examines the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity's founding event. And after centuries of debate, to solve history's greatest puzzle once and for all. Before the birth of Jesus, the Ancient Greeks found salvation in their own sacraments. Sacred beverages were routinely consumed as part of the so-called Ancient Mysteries - elaborate rites that led initiates to the brink of death. The best and brightest from Athens and Rome flocked to the spiritual capital of Eleusis, where a holy beer unleashed heavenly visions for two thousand years. Others drank the holy wine of Dionysus to become one with the god. In the 1970s, renegade scholars claimed this beer and wine - the original sacraments of Western civilization - were spiked with mind-altering drugs. In recent years, vindication for the disgraced theory has been quietly mounting in the laboratory. The constantly advancing fields of archaeobotany and archaeochemistry have hinted at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity. And with a single dose of psilocybin, the psychopharmacologists at Johns Hopkins and NYU are now turning self-proclaimed atheists into instant believers. But the smoking gun remains elusive. If these sacraments survived for thousands of years in our remote prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, did they also survive into the age of Jesus? Was the Eucharist of the earliest Christians, in fact, a psychedelic Eucharist? With an unquenchable thirst for evidence, Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre Museum to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He unravels the Ancient Greek of the New Testament with the world's most controversial priest. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity's oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from the archaeological chemists at the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity. The Immortality Key reconstructs the suppressed history of women consecrating a forbidden, drugged Eucharist that was later banned by the Church Fathers. Women who were then targeted as witches during the Inquisition, when Europe's sacred pharmacology largely disappeared. If the scientists of today have resurrected this technology, then Christianity is in crisis. Unless it returns to its roots. Featuring a Foreword by Graham Hancock, the New York Times bestselling author of America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization. (

Podobné produkty ako The Immortality Key : The Secret History of the Religion with No Name (Defekt) - Muraresku Brian C. , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

Sins of Empire - Brian McClellan

Sins of Empire - Brian McClellan

Enter a war-torn world where gunpowder and magic collideThe nation of Fatrasta is a haven for criminals, rebels, adventurers and sorcerers seeking relics of the past. As insurrection grows, only the iron will of the Lady Chancellor holds the capital city of Landfall together.Yet an ancient power as old as time is rising, and the fate of this young nation now rests in the hands of a spy, a disgraced war hero and a mercenary general with a past as turbulent as Landfall's present.Sins of Empire is the bold new epic fantasy from Gemmell Award-winning author Brian McClellan.Praise for Brian McClellan'Gunpowder and magic. An explosive combination' Peter Brett'Brings a welcome breath of gunpowder-tinged air to epic fantasy' Anthony Ryan'Tense action, memorable characters, rising stakes . . . Brian McClellan is the real thing' Brent Weeks'Innovative magic, quick-paced plot, interesting world. I had a blast' Brandon Sanderson. (

Podobné produkty ako Sins of Empire - Brian McClellan , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

Lives of the Queens of England - Strickland Agnes

Lives of the Queens of England - Strickland Agnes

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant (

Podobné produkty ako Lives of the Queens of England - Strickland Agnes , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

Promise of Blood : Book 1 in the Powder Mage trilogy (Defekt) - Brian McClellan


It's a bloody business, overthrowing a king. Now, amid the chaos, a whispered rumour is spreading. A rumour about a broken promise, omens of death and the gods returning to walk the earth.No one really believes these whispers.Perhaps they should.Winner of the David Gemmell Morningstar Award, Promise of Blood is the explosive first novel in the most action-packed and acclaimed new fantasy series in years. (

Podobné produkty ako Promise of Blood : Book 1 in the Powder Mage trilogy (Defekt) - Brian McClellan , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

Brian Eno & David Byrne - My Life In the Bush of Ghosts (2 LP)

Brian Eno & David Byrne - My Life In the Bush of Ghosts (2 LP)

Žánr: Rock;Soul;Elektronický;Funk Typ: LP deska;Album;Otevírací obal;Remastered;Nové vydání Země interpreta: Skotsko;Spojené království Subžánr: Avantgarde;Experimental;Funk Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2019-02-03 Interpret / Téma: Brian Eno & David Byrne Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2019.0 Hmotnost: 140 g Rok nahrávky: 1981.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Nonesuch Varianta: My Life In the Bush of Ghosts (2 LP) Země původu: Evropská unie (

Podobné produkty ako Brian Eno & David Byrne - My Life In the Bush of Ghosts (2 LP)

The Universe: The book of the BBC TV series presented by Professor Brian Cox (Defekt) - Andrew Cohen


Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell.We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that's barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe - at least for now.With a foreword from Professor Brian Cox, and access to all the latest stunning NASA photography, Andrew Cohen takes readers on a voyage of discovery, via the probes and telescopes exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, revealing how it was formed and how it will inevitably be destroyed by the enigmatic black hole at its heart. And beyond our galaxy, the expanding Universe, which holds clues to the biggest mystery of all - how did it all begin? We now know more about those first moments of existence than we ever thought possible, and hidden in this story of how it all began are the clues to the fate of the Universe itself and everything in it. (

Podobné produkty ako The Universe: The book of the BBC TV series presented by Professor Brian Cox (Defekt) - Andrew Cohen

The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835)

The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835)

Kniha - autor Kassia St Clair, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A mind-expanding tour of the world without leaving your paintbox. Every colour has a story, and here are some of the most alluring, alarming, and thought-provoking. Very hard painting the hallway magnolia after this inspiring primer. Simon GarfieldThe Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues. From blonde to ginger, the brown that changed the way battles were fought to the white that protected against the plague, Picasso s blue period to the charcoal on the cave walls at Lascaux, acid yellow to kelly green, and from scarlet women to imperial purple, these surprising stories run like a bright thread throughout history. In this book Kassia St Clair has turned her lifelong obsession with colours and where they come from (whether Van Gogh s chrome yellow sunflowers or punk s fluorescent pink) into a unique study of human... (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835)

The Alignment Problem - Brian Christian


Artificial intelligence is rapidly dominating every aspect of our modern lives influencing the news we consume, whether we get a mortgage, and even which friends wish us happy birthday. But as algorithms make ever more decisions on our behalf, how do we ensure they do what we want? And fairly?This conundrum - dubbed 'The Alignment Problem' by experts - is the subject of this timely and important book.From the AI program which cheats at computer games to the sexist algorithm behind Google Translate, bestselling author Brian Christian explains how, as AI develops, we rapidly approach a collision between artificial intelligence and ethics. If we stand by, we face a future with unregulated algorithms that propagate our biases - and worse - violate our most sacred values. Urgent and fascinating, this is an accessible primer to the most important issue facing AI researchers today. (

Podobné produkty ako The Alignment Problem - Brian Christian

Diary of a Somebody - Brian Bilston

Diary of a Somebody - Brian Bilston

It's January 1st and Brian Bilston's life needs to change. His ex-wife has taken up with a new man, a motivational speaker and marketing guru to boot; he seems to constantly disappoint his long-suffering son; and at work he is drowning in a sea of spreadsheets and management jargon.Brian resolution is to write a poem every day; poetry will be his salvation. But there is an obstacle to his happiness in the form of Toby Salt, his arch nemesis in the Poetry Group and rival suitor to Liz, Brian's new poetic inspiration. When Toby goes missing, Brian is the number one suspect.Part tender love story, part murder mystery, part coruscating description of a wasted life, and interspersed with some of the funniest poems about the mundane and the profound, Diary of a Somebody is a unique, original and hilarious novel. (

Podobné produkty ako Diary of a Somebody - Brian Bilston

The Fall of Numenor: and Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-earth - Brian Sibley, J. R. R. Tolkien


J.R.R. Tolkien’s writings on the Second Age of Middle-earth, collected for the first time in one volume. J.R.R. Tolkien famously described the Second Age of Middle-earth as a ‘dark age, and not very much of its history is (or need be) told’. And for many years readers would need to be content with the tantalizing glimpses of it found within the pages of The Lord of the Rings and its appendices, including the forging of the Rings of Power, the building of the Barad-dûr and the rise of Sauron. It was not until Christopher Tolkien published The Silmarillion after his father’s death that a fuller story could be told. Although much of the book’s content concerned the First Age of Middle-earth, there were at its close two key works that revealed the tumultuous events concerning the rise and fall of the island of Númenor. Raised out of the Great Sea and gifted to the Men of Middle-earth as a reward for aiding the angelic Valar and the Elves in the defeat and capture of the Dark Lord Morgoth, the kingdom became a seat of influence and wealth; but as the Númenóreans’ power increased, the seed of their downfall would inevitably be sown, culminating in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Even greater insight into the Second Age would be revealed in subsequent publications, first in Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth, then expanded upon in Christopher Tolkien’s magisterial twelve-volume The History of Middle-earth, in which he presented and discussed a wealth of further tales written by his father, many in draft form. Now, adhering to the timeline of ‘The Tale of Years’ in the appendices to The Lord of the Rings, editor Brian Sibley has assembled into one comprehensive volume a new chronicle of the Second Age of Middle-earth, told substantially in the words of J.R.R. Tolkien from the various published texts, with new pencil illustrations by the doyen of Tolkien art, Alan Lee. J.R.R. Tolkien's book 'The Fall of Númenor' was a Sunday Times bestseller w/c 07-11-2022. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fall of Numenor: and Other Tales from the Second Age of Middle-earth - Brian Sibley, J. R. R. Tolkien

The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa


A revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of maths'Lively, satisfying, good at explaining difficult concepts' The Sunday TimesMathematics shapes almost everything we do. But despite its reputation as the study of fundamental truths, the stories we have been told about it are wrong. In The Secret Lives of Numbers, historian Kate Kitagawa and journalist Timothy Revell introduce readers to the mathematical boundary-smashers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today.Along the way, the mathematics itself is explained extremely clearly, for example, calculus is described using the authors' home baking, as they pose the question: how much cake is in our cake? This revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of mathematics is as entertaining as it is important. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa

The Private Lives of Trees - Alejandro Zambra


Veronica is late, and Julian is increasingly convinced she won't ever come home. To pass the time, he improvises a story about trees to coax his stepdaughter, Daniela, to sleep. He has made a life as a literature professor, developing a novel about a man tending to a bonsai tree on the weekends. He is a narrator, an architect, a chronicler of other people's stories. But as the night stretches on before him, and the hours pass with no sign of Veronica, Julian finds himself caught up in the slipstream of the story of his life - of their lives together. What combination of desire and coincidence led them here, to this very night? What will the future - and possibly motherless - Daniela think of him and his stories? Why tell stories at all? (

Podobné produkty ako The Private Lives of Trees - Alejandro Zambra

The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley - Hannah Tinti

The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley - Hannah Tinti

A father tries to protect his daughter from the legacy of his criminal past Bursting with imagination, THE TWELVE LIVES OF SAMUEL HAWLEY by Hannah Tinti has been described as 'One part Quentin Tarantino, one part Scheherazade' (Ann Patchett) and will appeal to fans of the Coen Brothers' True Grit or Emma Cline's The Girls. Hero. Villain. Father... After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley and his daughter Loo finally settle in Olympus, Massachusetts. Hawley takes up fishing, while Loo struggles with friendship and first love, and tries to piece together the puzzle surrounding her mother's death. Haunting them both are the twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past - a past that is about to spill over into Loo's present, with explosive consequences. Biographical Notes Hannah Tinti is the author of the short story collection ANIMAL CRACKERS and co-founder and editor in chief of One Story magazine. Her first novel, THE GOOD THIEF, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and winner of the Centre for Fiction's First Novel Prize and a recipient of the American Library Association's Alex Award. (

Podobné produkty ako The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley - Hannah Tinti

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Miller

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Miller

Pippa seems to have everything in life. But suddenly she finds her world beginning to unravel. Amid the buzzing lawnmowers and suburban coffee mornings, she starts to wonder how she came to be in this place. The answer is a story of wild youth, unexpected encounters, affairs and betrayals, and the dangerous security of marriage. It brilliantly reveals the challenges of modern life - and all the possibilities that it holds. (

Podobné produkty ako The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Miller

The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins - Irvine Welsh


From the number one bestselling author of Trainspotting Meet Lucy Brennan - an aggressive personal trainer who has just become a media hero after taking down a would-be gunman in Miami.The one witness to the daring rescue is Lena Sorensen - an overweight depressive who is becoming increasingly obsessed with Lucy...Irvine Welsh's latest creation captures the two great obsessions of our time - how we look and where we live - and tells a story so subversive and dark it blacks out the Florida sun. (

Podobné produkty ako The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins - Irvine Welsh

The Secret Lives of Colour - Kassia St Clair


The Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues.From blonde to ginger, the brown that changed the way battles were fought to the white that protected against the plague, Picasso's blue period to the charcoal on the cave walls at Lascaux, acid yellow to kelly green, and from scarlet women to imperial purple, these surprising stories run like a bright thread throughout history. In this book Kassia St Clair has turned her lifelong obsession with colours and where they come from (whether Van Gogh's chrome yellow sunflowers or punk's fluorescent pink) into a unique study of human civilisation. Across fashion and politics, art and war, The Secret Lives of Colour tell the vivid story of our culture. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Colour - Kassia St Clair

Goddess : The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe - Anthony Summers


More than half a century after her death, Marilyn Monroe is arguably still one of the most famous people in the world. Her life was a contrast of public brilliance and private misery, her death a tragedy suffused by dark questions - about her relations with President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. Drawing on more than 600 first-hand interviews, Anthony Summers offers the classic, definitive biography of a woman who captivated the world. Marilyn's tragic story is clouded by gossip-reporting more than almost any other. GODDESS, however, delivers new, fully documented yet exciting fact. (

Podobné produkty ako Goddess : The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe - Anthony Summers

The Many Lives of Mama Love - Lara Love Hardin


Lara Love Hardin recounts her slide from soccer mom to opioid addict to jailhouse shot caller and her unlikely comeback as a highly successful ghostwriter in this harrowing, hilarious, no-holds-barred memoir. No one expects the police to knock on the door of the million-dollar two-story home of the perfect cul-de-sac housewife. But soccer mom Lara Love Hardin has been hiding a shady secret: she is funding her heroin addiction by stealing her neighbors' credit cards.Lara is convicted of thirty-two felonies and becomes inmate S32179. She finds that jail is a class system with a power structure that is somewhere between an adolescent sleepover party and Lord of the Flies. Furniture is made from tampon boxes, and Snickers bars are currency.But Lara quickly learns the rules and brings love and healing to her fellow inmates as she climbs the social ladder and acquires the nickname "Mama Love," showing that jailhouse politics aren't that different from the PTA meetings she used to attend. When she's released, she reinvents herself as a ghostwriter. Now, she's legally co-opting other people's identities and getting to meet Oprah, meditate with the Dalai Lama, and have dinner with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.But the shadow of her past follows her. Shame is a poison worse than heroin-there is no way to detox. Lara must learn how to forgive herself and others, navigate life as a felon on probation, and prove to herself that she is more good than bad, among other essential lessons.The Many Lives of Mama Love is a heartbreaking and tender journey from shame to redemption, despite a system that makes it almost impossible for us to move beyond the worst thing we have ever done. (

Podobné produkty ako The Many Lives of Mama Love - Lara Love Hardin

The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - K. J. Charles


Bridgerton meets Poldark in this sweeping Regency romance of smugglers, adventure, mystery, and life-changing love from celebrated author KJ Charles.Abandoned by his father, Gareth Inglis grew up lonely, prickly, and well-used to disappointment. Still, he longs for a connection. When he meets a charming man in a London molly house, he falls head over heels-until everything goes wrong and he's left alone again. Then Gareth's father dies, turning the shabby London clerk into Sir Gareth, with a grand house on the remote Romney Marsh and a family he doesn't know.The Marsh is another world, a strange, empty place notorious for its ruthless gangs of smugglers. And one of them is dangerously familiar...Joss Doomsday has run the Doomsday smuggling clan since he was a boy. When the new baronet-his old lover-agrees to testify against Joss's sister, Joss acts fast to stop him. Their reunion is anything but happy, yet after the dust settles, neither can stay away. Soon, all Joss and Gareth want is the chance to be together. But the bleak, bare Marsh holds deadly secrets. And when Gareth finds himself threatened from every side, the gentleman and the smuggler must trust one another not just with their hearts, but with their lives."This felt like KJ's very own sexy and skullduggerous take on the romcom trend, and I loved it."-USA Today bestseller Talia Hibbert for The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - K. J. Charles

Paul of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert


The untold story of the twelve lost years between DUNE and DUNE MESSIAH based on Frank Herbert's own notes and hints. (

Podobné produkty ako Paul of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert

The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)

The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)

Kniha - 280 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)

Sweet Caress - The Many Lives of Amory Clay - William Boyd

Sweet Caress - The Many Lives of Amory Clay - William Boyd

THE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERAmory Clay's first memory is of her father doing a handstand – but it is his absences that she chiefly remembers. Her Uncle Greville, a photographer, gives her both the affection she needs and a camera, which unleashes a passion that irrevocably shapes her future. She begins an apprenticeship with him in London, photographing socialites for magazines. But Amory is hungry for more and her search for life, love and artistic expression will take her to the demi-monde of 1920s Berlin, New York in the 1930s, the Blackshirt riots in London, and France during the Second World War, where she becomes one of the first women war photographers.In this enthralling story of a life fully lived, William Boyd has created a sweeping panorama of the twentieth century, told through the camera lens of one unforgettable woman. (

Podobné produkty ako Sweet Caress - The Many Lives of Amory Clay - William Boyd

The Secret Lives of Booksellers & Librarians - James Patterson, Matt Eversmann


To be a bookseller or librarian . . .You have to play detective.Be a treasure hunter.A matchmaker. A brilliant listener.A person who creates a kind of magic by pulling a book from a shelf, handing it to someone and saying, 'You've got to read this. You're going to love it'.In this love letter to the heroes of literacy, James Patterson uncovers true stories from booksellers and librarians.Prepare to enter a world where you can feed your curiosities, discover new voices, and find whatever you need.Meet the smart and talented people who live between the shelves - and who can't wait to help you find your next great read. (

Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Booksellers & Librarians - James Patterson, Matt Eversmann

The Other Lives of Miss Emily White - Elwood A. J.


An eerie tale of young girls' obsession and what happens when it grows out of hand, perfect for fans of dark academia, The Secret History and Picnic at Hanging Rock.1864. Banished from her parents' farm to a boarding school for young ladies, Ivy feels utterly alone. In a crumbling and isolated seminary that has seen better days, she is shunned by the other pupils for her working-class origins, and mourns for her sister, who died not long after she was sent away.Hope comes in the form of a new teacher, Miss Emily White, but almost immediately, suspicions are raised that she is not all she should be. Ivy is captivated, yet as her devotion grows, odd reports begin to circulate that Miss White has been glimpsed in the garden picking flowers whilst also teaching a class, leaving the school but stalking the halls at the same time.As increasingly strange rumours abound, Ivy's obsession spins out of control, and with Emily White's future at stake, she will do anything to keep her only friend. (

Podobné produkty ako The Other Lives of Miss Emily White - Elwood A. J.
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