From the number one bestselling author of Trainspotting Meet Lucy Brennan - an aggressive personal trainer who has just become a media hero after taking down a would-be gunman in Miami.The one witness to the daring rescue is Lena Sorensen - an overweight depressive who is becoming increasingly obsessed with Lucy...Irvine Welsh's latest creation captures the two great obsessions of our time - how we look and where we live - and tells a story so subversive and dark it blacks out the Florida sun. (
Podobné produkty ako The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins - Irvine Welsh , The secret lives of the planets: a user's guide to the solar system (1529319412)Kniha - česky Svůj román Welsh zasadil netypicky do USA, a hlavní postavy jsou tentokrát ženy. Jedna z nich je Lucy Brennanová, trenérka ve fit centru, která odzbrojí možného vraha, a přivolá tak na sebe pozornost policie a zpravodajských relací. Druhá je deprimovaná, nadváhou sužovaná a manipulativní Lena Sorensenová, která se stane svědkem celé příhody a zapíše se do Lucyina kursu, i když jí jde spíš o její tělo než o své vlastní. Obě ženy se víc a víc sbližují, a to nemůže zůstat bez následků. Krom mimořádných ženských postav se čtenář v románu setká se všemi rejstříky bohatého Welshova arzenálu. Nechybí vražda, zvrácenost, pomsta, spousta sexu a jídla... (
Podobné produkty ako Pohlavní životy siamských dvojčat: The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins (978-80-257-1599-4) , TwinsA beautiful hardback edition of the hilarious, dark, ingenious novel that changed the face of British fiction. Choose us. Choose life.Choose mortgage payments; choose washing machines; choose cars; choose sitting oan a couch watching mind-numbing and spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fuckin junk food intae yir mooth. Choose rotting away, pishing and shiteing yersel in a home, a total fuckin embarrassment tae the selfish, fucked-up brats ye've produced. Choose life.'The best book ever written by man or woman... Deserves to sell more copies than the Bible' Rebel Inc'Welsh writes with a skill, wit and compassion that amounts to genius' Sunday TimesVINTAGE QUARTERBOUND CLASSICS: Bound to be beautiful (
Podobné produkty ako Trainspotting: A special edition of the cult classic - Irvine Welsh , City of thorns: 'nine lives in the world''s largest refugee camp' (1250118735)Justice can be a blunt instrument "Men like him usually tell the story. In business. Politics. Media. But not this time: I repeat, he is not writing this story." Ritchie Gulliver MP is dead. Castrated and left to bleed in an empty Leith warehouse. Vicious, racist and corrupt, many thought he had it coming. But nobody could have predicted this. After the life Gulliver has led, the suspects are many: corporate rivals, political opponents, the countless groups he's offended. And the vulnerable and marginalised, who bore the brunt of his cruelty - those without a voice, without a choice, without a chance. As Detective Ray Lennox unravels the truth, and the list of brutal attacks grows, he must put his personal feelings aside. But one question refuses to go away... Who are the real victims here? (
Podobné produkty ako The Long Knives - Irvine Welsh , Against the current: past lives - cd (7567865501)Justice can be a blunt instrument "Men like him usually tell the story. In business. Politics. Media. But not this time: I repeat, he is not writing this story." Ritchie Gulliver MP is dead. Castrated and left to bleed in an empty Leith warehouse. Vicious, racist and corrupt, many thought he had it coming. But nobody could have predicted this. After the life Gulliver has led, the suspects are many: corporate rivals, political opponents, the countless groups he's offended. And the vulnerable and marginalised, who bore the brunt of his cruelty - those without a voice, without a choice, without a chance. As Detective Ray Lennox unravels the truth, and the list of brutal attacks grows, he must put his personal feelings aside. But one question refuses to go away... Who are the real victims here? (
Podobné produkty ako The Long Knives (Defekt) - Irvine Welsh , Cocteau twins: treasure hiding: the fontana years (2018) (4x cd) - cd (5771558)Justice can be a blunt instrument "Men like him usually tell the story. In business. Politics. Media. But not this time: I repeat, he is not writing this story." Ritchie Gulliver MP is dead. Castrated and left to bleed in an empty Leith warehouse. Vicious, racist and corrupt, many thought he had it coming. But nobody could have predicted this. After the life Gulliver has led, the suspects are many: corporate rivals, political opponents, the countless groups he's offended. And the vulnerable and marginalised, who bore the brunt of his cruelty - those without a voice, without a choice, without a chance. As Detective Ray Lennox unravels the truth, and the list of brutal attacks grows, he must put his personal feelings aside. But one question refuses to go away... Who are the real victims here? (
Podobné produkty ako The Long Knives (Defekt) - Irvine Welsh , The hound of the baskervillesTitul románu Filth (špína, svinstvo, hnus), zvolil autor tak, aby se dal vykládat na mnoho způsobů: jde o slangové označení policie, protože hlavní hrdina je policista, jde o označení svinstva, které nosí v břiše (tasemnice) i v duši, je to vlastnost, která nejvíc charakterizuje hlavního hrdinu? Policista Bruce se ve vnitřním monologu, do kterého vstupuje i cizopasník, kterého v sobě nosí, odhaluje jako bezskrupulózní mizera, což neznamená, že by žil v prostředí plném andělů. Welsh nezůstává nic dlužen své pověsti kronikáře lidské spodiny, jenž ve snaze o autenticitu nezavírá oči ani uši před špínou, kterou dokáže člověk zplodit. (
Podobné produkty ako Špína - Irvine Welsh , The turn of the screwOLD TRUTHS HAVE NEW CONSEQUENCESRay Lennox is determined to move on from his darkest days. The former detective has left Edinburgh for a fresh start in Brighton. Soon, his fixations and addictions have been replaced with quiet evenings and a rigorous fitness regime.Then Lennox meets Mathew Cardingworth.Rich, smooth-talking and immaculately dressed, he presents himself as a successful, and respectable, property developer. Yet their encounter reawakens memories that have haunted Lennox for decades, sending him into a spiral of confusion and rage.Lennox has no choice - he must confront the events of his childhood. But the more he identifies the links between Cardingworth, the disappearance of a group of foster care boys and the violence of his past, the more he finds himself asking:What will he sacrifice to achieve resolution at last? (
Podobné produkty ako Resolution - Irvine Welsh , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)Hrdinové Trainspottingu se vracejí na místo činu, do Edinburghu: Mark Renton z Amsterdamu, Simon Williamson z Londýna, Frank Begbie z vězení... Leith je příliš malý, než aby na sebe nenarazili. Všichni jsou o pár let starší, ze společné minulosti jako by přetrvaly hlavně křivdy, je lepší mít se před ostatními na pozoru - hlavně před Begbiem. Heroin je minulostí, finanční nouze je však věčná. Simon je odhodlaný prorazit v pornoprůmyslu, a groteskní peripetie natáčení pornofilmu Welsh s gustem líčí na mnoha stránkách svého románu. v pozadí však cítíme jiné téma: všichni hrdinové dospívají do věku, kdy rekapitulují dosavadní život, což nevede k radostným úvahám. Porno se stalo východiskem pro nový napjatě očekávaný film Dannyho Boyla, režiséra legendárního Trainspottingu, který dostal název T2 Trainspotting. (
Podobné produkty ako Porno - Irvine Welsh , The heart of the matter (0099478420)This book is shortlisted for the 2015 Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse prize for comic fiction. A rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh, but has top shagger, drug-dealer, gonzo-porn-star and taxi-driver, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, finally met his match in Hurricane 'Bawbag'? Can Terry discover the fate of the missing beauty, Jinty Magdalen, and keep her idiot-savant lover, the man-child Wee Jonty, out of prison? Will he find out the real motives of unscrupulous American businessman and reality-TV star, Ronald Checker? And, crucially, will Terry be able to negotiate life after a terrible event robs him of his sexual virility, and can a new fascination for the game of golf help him to live without...A Decent Ride? A Decent Ride sees Irvine Welsh back on home turf, leaving us in the capable hands of one of his most compelling and popular characters, 'Juice' Terry Lawson, and introducing another bound for cult status, Wee Jonty MacKay: a man with the genitals and brain of a donkey. In his funniest, filthiest book yet, Irvine Welsh celebrates an un-reconstructed misogynist hustler - a central character who is shameless but also, oddly, decent -and finds new ways of making wild comedy out of fantastically dark material, taking on some of the last taboos. So fasten your seatbelts, because this is one ride that could certainly get a little bumpy... (
Podobné produkty ako A Decent Ride - Irvine Welsh , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)Další a patrně poslední návrat k hrdinům Trainspottingu ke čtenáři opět přivádí starou známou čtveřici - Marka, Begbieho, Simona, Spuda. Všichni jsou zas o něco starší, v nových životních rolích. Mark vydělává slušné peníze pořádáním tanečních parties; nikde nezakotvil, cestuje po celém světě, ale ve světě letišť a hotelů spokojenost a spočinutí nenachází. Z Franka Begbieho se překvapivě stal uznávaný umělec, který dokáže zapomenout na staré křivdy a při náhodném setkání už nemá potřebu se Markovi pomstít. Simon i Spud mají vlastní projekty na hraně zákona i za ní; černý obchod s lidskými orgány je ale velké sousto i na ně. Opětovné shledání někdejších přátel nevede k idylickému vzpomínání, ale ke sledu nehod a krizí, který nemůže dopadnout dobře. Jeden z nich z tohoto románu nevyvázne živý. Někdo z nich nosí kalhoty mrtvého muže. Zběsile rychlý, přisprostle zábavný a znepokojivě dojemný návrat ke staré partě z Trainspottingu. (
Podobné produkty ako Kalhoty po mrtvém - Irvine Welsh , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)eBook:,Irvine Welsh vrací na scénu jednu ze svých nejznámějších a nejmilovanějších postav – Terryho „Juice“ Lawsona, který se poprvé objevil v románu Lepidlo. SLUŠNOU JÍZDOU se autor vrací do Edinburghu, dějiště mnoha jeho románů.Terry je mnoho mužů v jednom: je prvotřídní děvkař, dealer drog, příležitostný pornoherec i taxikář. Při společné jízdě v jeho taxíku ulicemi Eninburghu potkáme spoustu podivuhodných postav, z nichž každá představí své vlastní „jedinečné“ vlohy. Vyhraje svůj zápas s hurikánem? Podaří se mu využít „krásy“ Jinty Magdalen, aby dostal jejího přiblblého milence Wee Jontyho z vězení? Povede se mu odhalit skutečné úmysly bezohledného amerického obchodníka a hvězdy televizní reality show Ronalda Checkera? A především, bude Terry schopen překonat depku, když ho strašná událost připraví o jeho sexuální mužnost? Nebo mu nadšení pro golf bude stačit jako náhražka sexu? – SLUŠNÁ jízda? Už ten název moc nesedí, co? Takže připoutat prosím a připravte se na NEZAPOMENUTELNOU jízdu! (
Podobné produkty ako Slušná jízda - Irvine Welsh - e-kniha , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)Legendární spisovatel se vrací s postavou, která je stejně legendární, jako je on sám. Jim Francis vede spokojený život. Úspěšný malíř a sochař žije v klidu se svou ženou Melanií a dvěma dcerami v luxusním domě na pláži v Kalifornii. Někteří o něm říkají, že je to lhář a podvodník, zatímco jiní ho vidí jako vizionáře. Ale Jimova minulost je velmi temná. Žil zcela jinak a jeho žebříček hodnot byl od současnosti velmi odlišný. Melanie se podívá na Jima a stiskne mu ruku. Snaží se znovu spatřit muže, za něhož se provdala, kterého si sebou přivezla do Ameriky. Vidí však jen skotského kriminálníka, kterého potkala před lety, Francise Begbieho. Když cestuje přes Atlantik do rodného Skotska na pohřeb zavražděného syna, kterého sotva znal, jeho staří známí z Edinburghu ho už očekávají s touhou po krvavé pomstě. Když Melanie v Kalifornii objeví něco hrůzného, což naznačuje manželovu násilnou minulost, věci se dají rychle do pohybu. Elegantní a elektrizující román, v němž se opět setkáme s jednou z nejneslavnějších postav současné literatury – Francisem Begbiem z Trainspottingu. (
Podobné produkty ako Umělec na ostří nože - Irvine Welsh , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)Mark Renton is finally a success. An international jet-setter, he now makes significant money managing DJs, but the constant travel, airport lounges, soulless hotel rooms and broken relationships have left him dissatisfied with his life. He's then rocked by a chance encounter with Frank Begbie, from whom he'd been hiding for years after a terrible betrayal and the resulting debt. But the psychotic Begbie appears to have reinvented himself as a celebrated artist and - much to Mark's astonishment - doesn't seem interested in revenge. Sick Boy and Spud, who have agendas of their own, are intrigued to learn that their old friends are back in town, but when they enter the bleak world of organ-harvesting, things start to go so badly wrong. Lurching from crisis to crisis, the four men circle each other, driven by their personal histories and addictions, confused, angry - so desperate that even Hibs winning the Scottish Cup doesn't really help. One of these four will not survive to the end of this book. Which one of them is wearing Dead Men's Trousers? Fast and furious, scabrously funny and weirdly moving, this is a spectacular return of the crew from Trainspotting. (
Podobné produkty ako Dead Men´s Trousers - Irvine Welsh , Tři životy architekta: three lives of an architect (978-80-7437-347-3)Svůj román Welsh zasadil netypicky do USA, a hlavní postavy jsou tentokrát ženy. Jedna z nich je Lucy Brennanová, trenérka ve fit centru, která odzbrojí možného vraha, a přivolá tak na sebe pozornost policie a zpravodajských relací. Druhá je deprimovaná, nadváhou sužovaná a manipulativní Lena Sorensenová, která se stane svědkem celé příhody a zapíše se do Lucyina kursu, i když jí jde spíš o její tělo než o své vlastní. Obě ženy se víc a víc sbližují, a to nemůže zůstat bez následků. Krom mimořádných ženských postav se čtenář v románu setká se všemi rejstříky bohatého Welshova arzenálu. Nechybí vražda, zvrácenost, pomsta, spousta sexu a jídla... (
Podobné produkty ako Pohlavní životy siamských dvojčat - Irvine Welsh , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant (
Podobné produkty ako Lives of the Queens of England - Strickland Agnes , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)Hrdinové Trainspottingu se vracejí na místo činu, do Edinburghu: Mark Renton z Amsterdamu, Simon Williamson z Londýna, Frank Begbie z vězení... Leith je příliš malý, než aby na sebe nenarazili. Všichni jsou o pár let starší, ze společné minulosti jako by přetrvaly hlavně křivdy, je lepší mít se před ostatními na pozoru - hlavně před Begbiem. Heroin je minulostí, finanční nouze je však věčná. Simon je odhodlaný prorazit v pornoprůmyslu, a groteskní peripetie natáčení pornofilmu Welsh s gustem líčí na mnoha stránkách svého románu. v pozadí však cítíme jiné téma: všichni hrdinové dospívají do věku, kdy rekapitulují dosavadní život, což nevede k radostným úvahám. Porno se stalo východiskem pro nový napjatě očekávaný film Dannyho Boyla, režiséra legendárního Trainspottingu, který dostal název T2 Trainspotting. (
Podobné produkty ako Porno - Welsh Irvine , Creeper: sex, death and the infinite void - lp (9029528392)Enter the world of the Grishaverse and Shadow and Bone, soon to be a Netflix original series! Dive into the epic world of international bestselling author Leigh Bardugo with this beautifully illustrated replica of The Lives of Saints, the Istorii Sankt'ya, featuring tales of saints drawn from the beloved novels and beyond. Out of the pages of the Shadow and Bone trilogy, from the hands of Alina Starkov to yours, the Istorii Sankt'ya is a magical keepsake from the Grishaverse. These tales include miracles and martyrdoms from familiar saints like Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses and Sankt Ilya in Chains, to the strange and obscure stories of Sankta Ursula, Sankta Maradi, and the Starless Saint. This beautiful collection includes stunning full-colour illustrations of each story. (
Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Saints - Leigh Bardugová , Creeper: sex, death and the infinite void - lp (9029528391)'It wasn't me. I didn't do it. And I'll never do it again!' says Brian Johnson of The Lives of Brian. That AC/DC's legendary front man got to do it all is one of the most cheering and entertaining stories in rock 'n'roll history.The son of a British army sergeant-major and Italian mother, Brian grew up in Dunston, Tyne and Wear, as it emerged from the shadow of the Second World War. Then he saw Little Richard on the BBC and it changed the course of his life.The choirboy and cub scout was going to be singer.For over a decade he tried to make his mark with a succession of bands. He appeared on to Top of the Pops, toured Australia and yet the big time looked out of reach. Then he was invited to London for an audition for one of the world's biggest rock acts. AC/DC were a band in crisis following the tragic death of their lead singer, Bon Scott, but with Brian on board they would record their masterpiece: Back in Black. It became the biggest selling rock album of all time. The tour that followed played to packed out arenas. Quickly embraced by the band's fans, the new boy had earned his spurs. But there was to be a twist in the tale. In 2016, Brian was forced to quit the band after being diagnosed with hearing loss, only to make a triumphant return to the band he loved with the release of 2020's smash hit album Power Up.It's been a rollercoaster of a life, throughout which Brian's kept his feet firmly on the ground, never losing touch with his roots.Warm, vivid, evocative, life-affirming and often laugh-out-loud funny, The Lives of Brian tells the story of one of our most well-loved performers in his own inimitable voice (
Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Brian - Brian Johnson , Tewyx, the virus that has changed our lives (978-80-908244-1-6)Kniha - autor Kassia St Clair, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A mind-expanding tour of the world without leaving your paintbox. Every colour has a story, and here are some of the most alluring, alarming, and thought-provoking. Very hard painting the hallway magnolia after this inspiring primer. Simon GarfieldThe Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues. From blonde to ginger, the brown that changed the way battles were fought to the white that protected against the plague, Picasso s blue period to the charcoal on the cave walls at Lascaux, acid yellow to kelly green, and from scarlet women to imperial purple, these surprising stories run like a bright thread throughout history. In this book Kassia St Clair has turned her lifelong obsession with colours and where they come from (whether Van Gogh s chrome yellow sunflowers or punk s fluorescent pink) into a unique study of human... (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835) , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucketKniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (1529088038) , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.SPECIAL PAPERBACK FEATURE: This paperback edition includes the poignant short story 'Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!' set in the same extraordinary world.*A NEW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES AND INDIE BESTSELLER!**WINNER OF THE GOODREADS CHOICE AWARD FOR SCIENCE FICTION*In a small home, built into the branches of a tree, live a human named Victor and three robots. These are a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, a small vacuum desperate for love and attention, and a fatherly inventor-android named Giovanni Lawson. Together they're a family, hidden and safe.Then Vic salvages an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP'. He learns that Hap and Gio share a dark past, where they hunted humans. And Hap unwittingly gives away Gio's location. Before they know it, robots from Gio's former life arrive - to capture and return the android to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams.The rest of the unconventional family must travel across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommissioning. Or worse, reprogramming. Along the way, Vic must decide if he can handle his feelings for Hap - even if they come with strings attached.Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door.'A deeply stirring journey through a world of extraordinary robots' - Chuck Tingle, Hugo-shortlisted author of Camp Damascus (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)A revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of maths'Lively, satisfying, good at explaining difficult concepts' The Sunday TimesMathematics shapes almost everything we do. But despite its reputation as the study of fundamental truths, the stories we have been told about it are wrong. In The Secret Lives of Numbers, historian Kate Kitagawa and journalist Timothy Revell introduce readers to the mathematical boundary-smashers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today.Along the way, the mathematics itself is explained extremely clearly, for example, calculus is described using the authors' home baking, as they pose the question: how much cake is in our cake? This revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of mathematics is as entertaining as it is important. (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)The son of a British army sergeant major and Italian mother, Brian grew up in Dunston, Tyne and Wear, as it emerged from the shadow of the Second World War. Then he saw Little Richard on the BBC and it changed the course of his life.The choir boy and sea scout was going to be a singer.For over a decade he tried to make his mark with a succession of bands. He appeared frequently on TV and toured Europe and Australia with Geordie, yet real success slipped out of reach. Brian had a family to support and a mortgage to pay, so was forced to take a succession of jobs eventually leading to him running his own business. But if fate had a plan for Brian . . . fate didn't stand a chance.Out of the blue, he was invited to London for an audition for one of the world's best up-and-coming acts. AC/DC were a band in crisis following the tragic death of their lead singer, Bon Scott, but with Brian on board they would record their masterpiece: Back in Black. It became the biggest-selling rock album of all time. The tour that followed played to packed-out arenas and Brian was embraced by their fans. But there was to be a twist in the tale. In 2016, Brian was forced to quit the band after being diagnosed with hearing loss, only to make a triumphant return to the band he loved with the release of 2020's smash hit album Power Up. Brian has lived many lives within his lifetime, but somehow he's kept his feet on the ground, never losing touch with his roots.Touching, personal, indomitable, but always laugh-out-loud funny, The Lives of Brian is the story of one of the world's best-loved performers, told in his own inimitable and unique voice. 'Nine lives, Cat's Eyes. Abusing every one of them, and running wild.' (
Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Brian (Defekt) - Brian Johnson , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)Enter the world of the Grishaverse and Shadow and Bone, soon to be a Netflix original series! Dive into the epic world of international bestselling author Leigh Bardugo with this beautifully illustrated replica of The Lives of Saints, the Istorii Sankt'ya, featuring tales of saints drawn from the beloved novels and beyond. Out of the pages of the Shadow and Bone trilogy, from the hands of Alina Starkov to yours, the Istorii Sankt'ya is a magical keepsake from the Grishaverse. These tales include miracles and martyrdoms from familiar saints like Sankta Lizabeta of the Roses and Sankt Ilya in Chains, to the strange and obscure stories of Sankta Ursula, Sankta Maradi, and the Starless Saint. This beautiful collection includes stunning full-colour illustrations of each story. (
Podobné produkty ako The Lives of Saints (Defekt) - Leigh Bardugová , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričkoVeronica is late, and Julian is increasingly convinced she won't ever come home. To pass the time, he improvises a story about trees to coax his stepdaughter, Daniela, to sleep. He has made a life as a literature professor, developing a novel about a man tending to a bonsai tree on the weekends. He is a narrator, an architect, a chronicler of other people's stories. But as the night stretches on before him, and the hours pass with no sign of Veronica, Julian finds himself caught up in the slipstream of the story of his life - of their lives together. What combination of desire and coincidence led them here, to this very night? What will the future - and possibly motherless - Daniela think of him and his stories? Why tell stories at all? (
Podobné produkty ako The Private Lives of Trees - Alejandro Zambra , Invisibobble twins prima ballerina (hanging pack) (4063528010582)From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune , Penderyn welsh whisky myth 0,7l 41% (5011594001408)A father tries to protect his daughter from the legacy of his criminal past Bursting with imagination, THE TWELVE LIVES OF SAMUEL HAWLEY by Hannah Tinti has been described as 'One part Quentin Tarantino, one part Scheherazade' (Ann Patchett) and will appeal to fans of the Coen Brothers' True Grit or Emma Cline's The Girls. Hero. Villain. Father... After years spent living on the run, Samuel Hawley and his daughter Loo finally settle in Olympus, Massachusetts. Hawley takes up fishing, while Loo struggles with friendship and first love, and tries to piece together the puzzle surrounding her mother's death. Haunting them both are the twelve scars Hawley carries on his body, from twelve bullets in his criminal past - a past that is about to spill over into Loo's present, with explosive consequences. Biographical Notes Hannah Tinti is the author of the short story collection ANIMAL CRACKERS and co-founder and editor in chief of One Story magazine. Her first novel, THE GOOD THIEF, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and winner of the Centre for Fiction's First Novel Prize and a recipient of the American Library Association's Alex Award. (
Podobné produkty ako The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley - Hannah Tinti , The end of loneliness (1473654041)Pippa seems to have everything in life. But suddenly she finds her world beginning to unravel. Amid the buzzing lawnmowers and suburban coffee mornings, she starts to wonder how she came to be in this place. The answer is a story of wild youth, unexpected encounters, affairs and betrayals, and the dangerous security of marriage. It brilliantly reveals the challenges of modern life - and all the possibilities that it holds. (
Podobné produkty ako The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - Rebecca Miller , The tower of fools (1473226147)The Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues.From blonde to ginger, the brown that changed the way battles were fought to the white that protected against the plague, Picasso's blue period to the charcoal on the cave walls at Lascaux, acid yellow to kelly green, and from scarlet women to imperial purple, these surprising stories run like a bright thread throughout history. In this book Kassia St Clair has turned her lifelong obsession with colours and where they come from (whether Van Gogh's chrome yellow sunflowers or punk's fluorescent pink) into a unique study of human civilisation. Across fashion and politics, art and war, The Secret Lives of Colour tell the vivid story of our culture. (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Colour - Kassia St Clair , Orphans of the carnival (1782116567)From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door. (
Podobné produkty ako In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ KluneA rampaging force of nature is wreaking havoc on the streets of Edinburgh. But has 'Juice' Terry Lawson finally met his match in Hurricane 'Bawbag'? In his funniest, filthiest book yet, Irvine Welsh celebrates an un-reconstructed misogynist hustler - a central character who is shameless but also, oddly, decent - and finds new ways of making wild comedy out of fantastically dark material. (
Podobné produkty ako A Decent Ride - Welsh IrvineDalší a patrně poslední návrat k hrdinům Trainspottingu ke čtenáři opět přivádí starou známou čtveřici – Marka, Begbieho, Simona, Spuda. Všichni jsou zas o něco starší, v nových životních rolích. Mark vydělává slušné peníze pořádáním tanečních parties; nikde nezakotvil, cestuje po celém světě, ale ve světě letišť a hotelů spokojenost a spočinutí nenachází. Z Franka Begbieho se překvapivě stal uznávaný umělec, který dokáže zapomenout na staré křivdy a při náhodném setkání už nemá potřebu se Markovi pomstít. Simon i Spud mají vlastní projekty na hraně zákona i za ní; černý obchod s lidskými orgány je ale velké sousto i na ně. Opětovné shledání někdejších přátel nevede k idylickému vzpomínání, ale ke sledu nehod a krizí, který nemůže dopadnout dobře. Jeden z nich z tohoto románu nevyvázne živý. Někdo z nich nosí kalhoty mrtvého muže. Zběsile rychlý, přisprostle zábavný a znepokojivě dojemný návrat ke staré partě z Trainspottingu. (
Podobné produkty ako Kalhoty po mrtvém - Welsh IrvineMore than half a century after her death, Marilyn Monroe is arguably still one of the most famous people in the world. Her life was a contrast of public brilliance and private misery, her death a tragedy suffused by dark questions - about her relations with President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. Drawing on more than 600 first-hand interviews, Anthony Summers offers the classic, definitive biography of a woman who captivated the world. Marilyn's tragic story is clouded by gossip-reporting more than almost any other. GODDESS, however, delivers new, fully documented yet exciting fact. (
Podobné produkty ako Goddess : The Secret Lives Of Marilyn Monroe - Anthony SummersLara Love Hardin recounts her slide from soccer mom to opioid addict to jailhouse shot caller and her unlikely comeback as a highly successful ghostwriter in this harrowing, hilarious, no-holds-barred memoir. No one expects the police to knock on the door of the million-dollar two-story home of the perfect cul-de-sac housewife. But soccer mom Lara Love Hardin has been hiding a shady secret: she is funding her heroin addiction by stealing her neighbors' credit cards.Lara is convicted of thirty-two felonies and becomes inmate S32179. She finds that jail is a class system with a power structure that is somewhere between an adolescent sleepover party and Lord of the Flies. Furniture is made from tampon boxes, and Snickers bars are currency.But Lara quickly learns the rules and brings love and healing to her fellow inmates as she climbs the social ladder and acquires the nickname "Mama Love," showing that jailhouse politics aren't that different from the PTA meetings she used to attend. When she's released, she reinvents herself as a ghostwriter. Now, she's legally co-opting other people's identities and getting to meet Oprah, meditate with the Dalai Lama, and have dinner with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.But the shadow of her past follows her. Shame is a poison worse than heroin-there is no way to detox. Lara must learn how to forgive herself and others, navigate life as a felon on probation, and prove to herself that she is more good than bad, among other essential lessons.The Many Lives of Mama Love is a heartbreaking and tender journey from shame to redemption, despite a system that makes it almost impossible for us to move beyond the worst thing we have ever done. (
Podobné produkty ako The Many Lives of Mama Love - Lara Love HardinBridgerton meets Poldark in this sweeping Regency romance of smugglers, adventure, mystery, and life-changing love from celebrated author KJ Charles.Abandoned by his father, Gareth Inglis grew up lonely, prickly, and well-used to disappointment. Still, he longs for a connection. When he meets a charming man in a London molly house, he falls head over heels-until everything goes wrong and he's left alone again. Then Gareth's father dies, turning the shabby London clerk into Sir Gareth, with a grand house on the remote Romney Marsh and a family he doesn't know.The Marsh is another world, a strange, empty place notorious for its ruthless gangs of smugglers. And one of them is dangerously familiar...Joss Doomsday has run the Doomsday smuggling clan since he was a boy. When the new baronet-his old lover-agrees to testify against Joss's sister, Joss acts fast to stop him. Their reunion is anything but happy, yet after the dust settles, neither can stay away. Soon, all Joss and Gareth want is the chance to be together. But the bleak, bare Marsh holds deadly secrets. And when Gareth finds himself threatened from every side, the gentleman and the smuggler must trust one another not just with their hearts, but with their lives."This felt like KJ's very own sexy and skullduggerous take on the romcom trend, and I loved it."-USA Today bestseller Talia Hibbert for The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen - K. J. CharlesKniha - 280 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of the Planets: A User's Guide to the Solar System (1529319412)Svůj román Welsh zasadil netypicky do USA, a hlavní postavy jsou tentokrát ženy. Jedna z nich je Lucy Brennanová, trenérka ve fit centru, která odzbrojí možného vraha, a přivolá tak na sebe pozornost policie a zpravodajských relací. Druhá je deprimovaná, nadváhou sužovaná a manipulativní Lena Sorensenová, která se stane svědkem celé příhody a zapíše se do Lucyina kursu, i když jí jde spíš o její tělo než o své vlastní. Obě ženy se víc a víc sbližují, a to nemůže zůstat bez následků. Krom mimořádných ženských postav se čtenář v románu setká se všemi rejstříky bohatého Welshova arzenálu. Nechybí vražda, zvrácenost, pomsta, spousta sexu a jídla... (
Podobné produkty ako Pohlavní životy siamských dvojčat - Welsh IrvineJim Francis vede spokojený život. Úspěšný malíř a sochař žije v klidu se svou ženou Melanií a dvěma dcerami v luxusním domě na pláži v Kalifornii. Někteří o něm říkají, že je to lhář a podvodník, zatímco jiní ho vidí jako vizionáře. Ale Jimova minulost je velmi temná. Žil zcela jinak a jeho žebříček hodnot byl od současnosti velmi odlišný. Když cestuje přes Atlantik do rodného Skotska na pohřeb zavražděného syna, kterého sotva znal, jeho staří známí z Edinburghu ho už očekávají s touhou po krvavé pomstě. Když Melanie v Kalifornii objeví něco hrůzného, což naznačuje manželovu násilnou minulost, věci se dají rychle do pohybu. Elegantní a elektrizující román, v němž se opět setkáme s jednou z nejneslavnějších postav současné literatury – Francisem Begbiem z Trainspottingu. (
Podobné produkty ako Umělec na ostří nože - Welsh IrvineTHE TOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERAmory Clay's first memory is of her father doing a handstand – but it is his absences that she chiefly remembers. Her Uncle Greville, a photographer, gives her both the affection she needs and a camera, which unleashes a passion that irrevocably shapes her future. She begins an apprenticeship with him in London, photographing socialites for magazines. But Amory is hungry for more and her search for life, love and artistic expression will take her to the demi-monde of 1920s Berlin, New York in the 1930s, the Blackshirt riots in London, and France during the Second World War, where she becomes one of the first women war photographers.In this enthralling story of a life fully lived, William Boyd has created a sweeping panorama of the twentieth century, told through the camera lens of one unforgettable woman. (
Podobné produkty ako Sweet Caress - The Many Lives of Amory Clay - William BoydTo be a bookseller or librarian . . .You have to play detective.Be a treasure hunter.A matchmaker. A brilliant listener.A person who creates a kind of magic by pulling a book from a shelf, handing it to someone and saying, 'You've got to read this. You're going to love it'.In this love letter to the heroes of literacy, James Patterson uncovers true stories from booksellers and librarians.Prepare to enter a world where you can feed your curiosities, discover new voices, and find whatever you need.Meet the smart and talented people who live between the shelves - and who can't wait to help you find your next great read. (
Podobné produkty ako The Secret Lives of Booksellers & Librarians - James Patterson, Matt EversmannAn eerie tale of young girls' obsession and what happens when it grows out of hand, perfect for fans of dark academia, The Secret History and Picnic at Hanging Rock.1864. Banished from her parents' farm to a boarding school for young ladies, Ivy feels utterly alone. In a crumbling and isolated seminary that has seen better days, she is shunned by the other pupils for her working-class origins, and mourns for her sister, who died not long after she was sent away.Hope comes in the form of a new teacher, Miss Emily White, but almost immediately, suspicions are raised that she is not all she should be. Ivy is captivated, yet as her devotion grows, odd reports begin to circulate that Miss White has been glimpsed in the garden picking flowers whilst also teaching a class, leaving the school but stalking the halls at the same time.As increasingly strange rumours abound, Ivy's obsession spins out of control, and with Emily White's future at stake, she will do anything to keep her only friend. (
Podobné produkty ako The Other Lives of Miss Emily White - Elwood A. J.Jacques Rossi skončil jako mladý polsko-francouzský agent Kominterny za stalinských čistek v roce 1937 v Gulagu. SSSR se mu podařilo opustit teprve v r. 1961 a svůj další život zasvětil demaskování „největší lži 20. století“. Jako autor monumentálního a oceňovaného "The Gulag Handbook" demonstroval svoje mimořádné lingvistické nadání a skvělou paměť, v "Útržcích životů" čtenáře fascinuje přesným pozorováním každodenností gulagu, mrazivým podáním osudů lidí, které tam potkal, a především nezlomnou schopností vypointovaného humoru a vnitřní svobody. (
Podobné produkty ako Fragments of Lives Chronicles of the Gulag - Jacques RossiAleksandar Hemon grew up in a blissful Sarajevo, where his childhood was consumed by football, his adolescence by friends, movies and girls and where, as a young man, he poked at the pretensions of his beloved city with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then at twenty-seven Hemon flew to Chicago for a month-long visit. A matter of weeks later Sarajevo was engulfed in an atrocious war and Hemon found himself an exile - he wouldn't return home for five years, and when he did, he found his city irrevocably changed. (
Podobné produkty ako The Book of My Lives - Aleksandar HemonAnts have been walking the Earth since the age of the dinosaurs. Today there are one million ants for every one of us. The closer you get to ants, the more human they look: they build megacities, grow crops, raise livestock, tend their young and infirm, and even make vaccines. They also have a darker side: they wage war, enslave rivals and rebel against their oppressors. From fearsome army ants, who stage twelve-hour hunting raids where they devour thousands, to gentle leaf-cutters gardening in their peaceful underground kingdoms, every ant is engineered by nature to fulfil their particular role.Acclaimed biologist Susanne Foitzik has travelled the globe to study these master architects of Earth. Joined by journalist Olaf Fritsche, Foitzik invites readers deep into her world - in the field and in the lab - and will inspire new respect for ants as a global superpower.Fascinating and action-packed, Empire of Ants will open your eyes to the secret societies thriving right beneath your feet. (
Podobné produkty ako Empire of Ants: The hidden worlds and extraordinary lives of Earth's tiny conquerors - Olaf Fritsche, Susanne Foitzik'Deeply moving' Katie Fforde'Wise and wonderful' Veronica Henry'Compelling and beautifully written' Sarah MorganThe McKenzies are your average complicated family: knotted together by in-jokes, arguments and a few closely-guarded secrets. Thirty-something sisters Leni and Alice became inseparable following the divorce of their parents, Belinda and Tony, with younger brother Will always trying to keep up. They're not perfect, but they love each other - most of the time, anyway.But then one ordinary summer day, an accident changes the family forever. Questions arise, guilt surfaces and secrets begin to emerge. Scattered by grief and seeking comfort in the unlikeliest of places, can the McKenzies find their way back to each other?Set over the course of one life-changing year, The Best Days of Our Lives is a warm, big-hearted and poignant story, full of hope, heartache and love. (
Podobné produkty ako The Best Days of Our Lives - Lucy DiamondBritský deník Daily Telegraph pozval sedm rozdílných anglických autorů na jeden víkend do Súdánu, "aby se osobně angažovali ve válce, která byla do té doby mimo jejich dosah..." Každý z autorů je mistrem svého žánru - a každý z nich musel vykročit ze svého odlišného, nicméně podobně výlučného světa. Irvine Welsh, znalec drogové subkultury Edinburghu; Alex Garland, nonkonformní autor dobrodružných románů; Victoria Glendinningová, autorka zachycující životy z jiných století; Andrew O'Hagan, pronikavý kronikář současných životů; Bill Deedes, který je již 70 let novinářem, psal poprvé v životě beletrii a Tony Hawks se pokoušel složit se súdánskými domorodci píseň. Pouze Giles Foden se skupinou necestoval. Jeho příspěvek, o který jsme požádali až později, jelikož jeho zkušenosti z Afriky dodaly knize další rozměr, byl napsán před hrozivými událostmi 11. září . (
Podobné produkty ako Na víkend do Afriky - Andrew O'Hagan, Irvine Welsh, Alex Garland, Giles Foden, Tony Hawks, William F. Deedes, Victoria GlendinningováBy the end of this century, living beyond 100 will be the rule rather than the exception. What medical breakthroughs and new technologies will make this possible?In this brilliantly wide-ranging, one-stop guide WIRED journalist James Temperton outlines the medical revolutions that are transforming healthcare. He looks at the burgeoning immune therapies that could one day cure such life-threatening diseases as cancer. He explores the science - and ethics - of genetic engineering and its potential to create 'designer babies'. He considers the role that cutting-edge medical research could play in the treatment of mental and neurological disorders ranging from depression to autism. And he addresses the fundamental question: could medical technology become so sophisticated that we witness the end of ageing? (
Podobné produkty ako The Future of Medicine: How We Will Enjoy Longer, Healthier Lives - James TempertonKniha - autor Ben Rawlence, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (
Podobné produkty ako City of Thorns: 'Nine Lives in the World''s Largest Refugee Camp' (1250118735)A playful, ambitious and action-packed novel that explores the turbulent story of twentieth-century Korea through the life of one remarkable, charismatic - and unreliable - woman SLAVE. ESCAPE-ARTIST. MURDERER. TERRORIST. SPY. LOVER. MOTHER. TRICKSTER.At the Golden Sunset retirement home, it is not unusual for residents to invent stories. So when elderly Ms Mook first begins to unspool her memories, the obituarist listening to her is sceptical. Stories of captivity, friendship, murder, adventure, assumed identities and spying. Stories that take place in WWII Indonesia; in Busan during the Korean war; in cold-war Pyongyang; in China. The stories are so colourful and various, at times so unbelievable, that they cannot surely all belong to the same woman. Can they? As playful and thought-provoking as it is compelling, as brutal and harrowing as it is achingly poignant and tender, this is a novel about love and war, deceit and betrayal, about identity, storytelling and the trickery required for survival. (
Podobné produkty ako 8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster - Mirinae Lee