Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Promise of Blood : Book 1 in the Powder Mage trilogy - Brian McClellan
It's a bloody business, overthrowing a king. Now, amid the chaos, a whispered rumour is spreading. A rumour about a broken promise, omens of death and the gods returning to walk the earth.No one really believes these whispers.Perhaps they should.Winner of the David Gemmell Morningstar Award, Promise of Blood is the explosive first novel in the most action-packed and acclaimed new fantasy series in years.
Podívejte se také Empire of the Vampire: Empire of the Vampire (1) (0008350442)
Hříchy říše - Brian McClellan
Nově vytvořený stát Fatrásta je rušným místem - pohraniční destinace pro kriminálníky, lovce pokladů, odvážné osadníky a kouzelníky hledající relikvie minulosti. Jen železná vůle lady kancléřky a její tajné policie drží hlavní město Zeměpád pohromadě proti nepokojům utlačovaného obyvatelstva a machinacím mocných říší. Povstání, které hrozí Zeměpádu, musí být potlačeno lstí a silou, úkol, jenž padne na bedra špeha jménem Michel Bravis, usvědčeného válečného zločince Bena Stykea a lady Vloru Flint, žoldnéřskou generálku s bouřlivou minulostí. Zatímco vzájemná pouta procházejí zkouškami, jsou ničena a posilována, je z půdy vykopán monolit, ponurý a prastarý jako čas sám, a lid Zěměpádu brzy odhalí, že nepokoje jsou jejich nejmenší starostí.
Podívejte se také Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
Krev říše - Brian McClellan
S blížící se závěrečnou bitvou, žoldnéř, špeh a generálka musí najít nepravděpodobné a nebezpečné spojence, aby v tomto epickém fantasy příběhu o magii a střelném prachu uznávaného autora Briana McClellana zvrátili směr války. Dynizané odemkli boží kámen a Michel Bravis má za úkol vrátit se do Zelenožárních Hlubin. Invaze Bena Styka do Dynize dostane trhliny, když bouře rozmetá jeho flotilu. Lady Vlora Flint, zbavená své magie a fyzicky i emocionálně zlomená, nyní pochoduje na Zeměpád v čele adranské armády a touží se pomstít těm, kteří se proti ní spikli. Zatímco se ji spojenečtí politici snaží rozebrat zevnitř, ona musí čelit chmurným vyhlídkám a největšímu generálovi Dynize.
Podívejte se také Wilson Brian: Brian Wilson (Extended Version) (2x LP) - LP (8122795167)
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- Snuts: Burn The Empire - LP (9029623535)
- PACO RABANNE Lady Million Empire EdP
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- LEGO Ninjago Prime Empire - pouzdro hranaté (5711013097752)
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- Klarstein Empire State, sloupový ventilátor, 45 ° oscilace, bílý
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- 3 Legged Thing PUNKS Brian 2.0, modrý (3110042)
- LEGO Ninjago Prime Empire - batoh do školky (5711013097646)
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- Cobble Hill Puzzle DoodleTown: Empire State 1000 dílků (53501)
Ve stínu blesku - Brian McClellan
Demir Grappo je vyděděnec - vzdal se života plného bohatství a moci a zřekl se svých povinností generála, guvernára a syna. Když je jeho matka brutálně zavražděna, musí se vrátit z vyhnanství, aby se domohl svého místa v čele rodu, a při vyšetřování odhalil pravdu, že boží sklo, magická síla, která udržuje civilizaci v chodu, dochází. Musí najít spojence a postavit se mocným cechovním rodům, jež hrají zákulisní hry a snaží se vytěžit jakékoliv zbytky božího skla. Pod tím vším Demir odhalí neviditelné spáry něčeho mnohem silnějšího, co ohrožuje říši. Blíží se válka - válka, která se nepodobá žádné jiné. A Demir a jeho sebranka přátel jsou jediným, co stojí v cestě konci života, jak ho svět zná.
Objev podobné jako Ve stínu blesku - Brian McClellan
Příběhy ze světa prachmistrů - Brian McClellan
Mladá prachmistra Erika Ja Leora žije v severním Kezu, kde je praktikování prachové magie zločinem. Ji ovšem chrání rodinný původ a majetek. Dokud tedy nenarazí na malé děvčátko a jeho pronásledovatele v čele s vévodou Nikslausem. Tehdy se jedinou nadějí stává zběsilý útěk k adranským hranicím... ... tam totiž sice prachmistry opovrhují, ale nevěší je. A jeden mladý muž právě učinil první krůčky na cestě k postu polního maršála. Muž, který se nezastaví před ničím, aby potrestal nespravedlnost a ochránil ty, na kterých mu záleží... ... třebas to po letech jeho syn Taniel vidí jinak. Během tažení na dalekém kontinentě však není čas přemýšlet o rodině. Kezané se neštítí jakékoliv brutality a jeden stěží trénovaný prachmistr může jen sotva změnit osud války. Nebo snad ano?... ...prach pokaždé mění šance. Ať jste na útěku, na vzestupu nebo hledáte sami sebe.
Objev podobné jako Příběhy ze světa prachmistrů - Brian McClellan
Ve stínu blesku - Brian McClellan - e-kniha
eBook: Demir Grappo je vyděděnec - vzdal se života plného bohatství a moci a zřekl se svých povinností generála, guvernéra a syna. Když je jeho matka brutálně zavražděna, musí se Demir vrátit z vyhnanství, aby se domohl svého místa v čele rodu, a při vyšetřování odhalil pravdu, že boží sklo, magická síla, která udržuje civilizaci v chodu, dochází. Musí najít spojence a postavit se mocným cechovním rodům, jež hrají zákulisní hry a snaží se vytěžit jakékoliv zbytky božího skla. Pod tím vším Demir odhalí neviditelné spáry něčeho mnohem silnějšího, co ohrožuje říši. Blíží se válka - válka, která se nepodobá žádné jiné. A Demir a jeho sebranka přátel jsou tím jediným, co stojí v cestě konci života, jak ho svět zná.
Objev podobné jako Ve stínu blesku - Brian McClellan - e-kniha
Bohové krve a prachu 2 - Zloba říše - Brian McClellan
Zemi zachvátil chaos. Hlavní město je obsazeno a na pochodu je půl milionu uprchlíků hledajících útočiště v pohraničí, které doprovázejí vojáci lady Flint. Avšak uniknout válce nikdy není snadné a nad nimi se klene hrozba bitvy, ať už jsou připraveni, nebo ne.Špeh Michel Bravis se snaží vyvádět z hlavního města co nejvíce uprchlíků. Ale vnitřní síly pracují proti němu. S nepřáteli na všech stranách může být Michael nucen najít pomoc u týchž okupantů, které se snaží oslabit.Mezitím Ben Styke buduje vlastní armádu. Spolu s jeho Šílenými kopiníky shromažďují každého schopného člověka, kterého mohou najít, a pátrají po starodávném artefaktu, který by mohl dokázat obrátit vývoj války v jejich prospěch. Ale co najdou, nemusí být to, co hledají.
Objev podobné jako Bohové krve a prachu 2 - Zloba říše - Brian McClellan
The Curse of Sins - Kate Dramis
He’d once called her dangerous. And he had been right. Aya was not a pawn .She was a spy. A warrior. A weapon. Aya has returned home at last. But she is not the same person who left Tala all those months ago. And Tala isn't the same either. The threat of war that could destroy the realm continues to grow and she is the only one who can save it. Because she is the Second Saint. The bringer of hope. The light in the darkness. Blessed with powers not seen in centuries.But there are those who stand to use her power for their own gain and Aya learns that danger is closer to home than she ever could have imagined.
Objev podobné jako The Curse of Sins - Kate Dramis
The Lives of Brian - Brian Johnson
'It wasn't me. I didn't do it. And I'll never do it again!' says Brian Johnson of The Lives of Brian. That AC/DC's legendary front man got to do it all is one of the most cheering and entertaining stories in rock 'n'roll history.The son of a British army sergeant-major and Italian mother, Brian grew up in Dunston, Tyne and Wear, as it emerged from the shadow of the Second World War. Then he saw Little Richard on the BBC and it changed the course of his life.The choirboy and cub scout was going to be singer.For over a decade he tried to make his mark with a succession of bands. He appeared on to Top of the Pops, toured Australia and yet the big time looked out of reach. Then he was invited to London for an audition for one of the world's biggest rock acts. AC/DC were a band in crisis following the tragic death of their lead singer, Bon Scott, but with Brian on board they would record their masterpiece: Back in Black. It became the biggest selling rock album of all time. The tour that followed played to packed out arenas. Quickly embraced by the band's fans, the new boy had earned his spurs. But there was to be a twist in the tale. In 2016, Brian was forced to quit the band after being diagnosed with hearing loss, only to make a triumphant return to the band he loved with the release of 2020's smash hit album Power Up.It's been a rollercoaster of a life, throughout which Brian's kept his feet firmly on the ground, never losing touch with his roots.Warm, vivid, evocative, life-affirming and often laugh-out-loud funny, The Lives of Brian tells the story of one of our most well-loved performers in his own inimitable voice
Objev podobné jako The Lives of Brian - Brian Johnson
The Trials of Empire - Richard Swan
The Trials of Empire is the epic conclusion to the bestselling Empire of the Wolf series, where Sir Konrad Vonvalt - the most powerful and feared of the Emperor''s Justices - must finally face the dark powers that seek to detroy the Empire.THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS AT HANDThe Empire of the Wolf is on its knees, but there''s life in the great beast yet.To save it, Sir Konrad Vonvalt and Helena must look beyond its borders for allies - to the wolfmen of the southern plains, and the pagan clans in the north. But old grievances run deep, and both factions would benefit from the fall of Sova.Even these allies might not be enough. Their enemy, the zealot Bartholomew Claver, wields infernal powers bestowed on him by a mysterious demonic patron. If Vonvalt and Helena are to stand against him, they will need friends on both sides of the mortal plane - but such allegiances carry a heavy price.As the battlelines are drawn in both Sova and the afterlife, the final reckoning draws close. Here, at the beating heart of the Empire, the two-headed wolf will be reborn in a blaze of justice . . . or crushed beneath the shadow of tyranny. Praise for the Empire of the Wolf series''A stunning piece of modern fantasy writing'' RJ Barker''Utterly compelling, thoroughly engrossing and written with such skilful assurance I could barely put it down'' Nicholas Eames''A fantastic debut'' Peter McLean''Equal parts heroic fantasy and murder mystery . . . Richard Swan''s sophisticated take on the fantasy genre will leave readers hungry for more'' Sebastien de Castell''Great characters, compelling and wonderfully written. A brilliant debut and fantastic start to the series'' James Islington''Totally addictive'' Novel Notions''A brilliant book, with intrigue, excellent character arcs, a brutal magic system and a story I just could not put down'' Grimdark Magazine''An absorbing fantasy murder mystery . . . I have been thoroughly hooked by this series and cannot wait for the next helping of political upheaval'' Fantasy Book Critic''Fantasy, mystery, drama, intrigue, action - The Justice of Kings has it all'' Bibliosanctum''One of those utterly compelling and believable books that begs to be read in one sitting. This is going to be one of the standouts of the year'' British Fantasy Society''Swan''s debut is a thrilling epic fantasy with a murder mystery and supernatural twist that will delight fans of Sherlock Holmes. It certainly delighted me'' Fantasy Hive''Swan has built a dark and gritty world, filled it with beautifully written characters and lays out a master-crafted story to create an incredible book that you can''t put down'' FanFiAddictThe Empire of the Wolf trilogyThe Justice of KingsThe Tyranny of FaithThe Trials of Empire
Objev podobné jako The Trials of Empire - Richard Swan
The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse
WAR MAKES MONSTERS OF EVERYONE.Foolish Cur, once named Wen Alder, finds that his allies in the rebellion might cross any line if it means freedom from the Empire. But he can't overcome a foe as strong as Emperor Tenet alone.REBELLION HAS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES.Koro Ha, Foolish Cur's former tutor, discovers the Empire is not so forgiving of those who raise a traitor. And their suspicion may cost him and his people more than he can imagine.THE GODS ARE LURKING IN THE SHADOWS.As war against the Empire rages, Foolish Cur knows there is a greater threat. The emperor plans his own coup against the gods, and they will wreak destruction if he tries. To stop him, Foolish Cur might have to risk everything - and resort to ancient magics that could tear the world apart.This is perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan.
Objev podobné jako The Garden of Empire - J.T. Greathouse
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 1
Return to the magical and thrilling world of Britannia with this new adventure from the creator of The Seven Deadly Sins, the manga that inspired the No. 1 hit Netflix Original Anime!Percival has always lived with his grandfather on the idyllic, remote God's Finger. And though Percival loves the simple life, he longs for adventure. That is, until adventure comes knocking at his door, tearing away everything he's ever known and leaving him alone in the world. Now Percival has no choice but to go out into the world and see what it holds... after all, it's his destiny! Four Knights of the Apocalypse is a new story in the world of The Seven Deadly Sins, but can be enjoyed totally on its own!
Objev podobné jako The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse 1
Rebellion (Eagles of Empire 22) - Simon Scarrow
An epic military adventure novel pits Roman army heroes Macro and Cato against Boudica: the terrifying Queen of the Britons. From bestselling Simon Scarrow, author of Death to the Emperor and The Honour of Rome1st-century Britannia is the setting for an epic and action-packed novel of tribal uprisings, battles to the death and unmatched courage in the Roman army ranks. The 22nd Eagles of the Empire novel.Two heroes of the Roman army - Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro, now battle-scarred veterans, tough and resilient - lead their best men into the midst of an enemy both fearless and resourceful. Far from Rome in cold, rainy, unwelcoming Britannia, the soldiers need all their training to stand strong and undaunted as constant attacks challenge morale. And a leader like no other sends fear through the ranks: Boudica.A stunning and unforgettable story of warfare, courage and sacrifice as brave men face an enemy who will fight to the death to free her people from the rule of the Empire!(P) 2023 Headline Publishing Group Ltd
Objev podobné jako Rebellion (Eagles of Empire 22) - Simon Scarrow
Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio
Hadrian Marlowe, a man revered as a hero and despised as a murderer, chronicles his tale in the galaxy-spanning debut of the Sun Eater series, merging the best of space opera and epic fantasy. It was not his war. On the wrong planet, at the right time, for the best reasons, Hadrian Marlowe started down a path that could only end in fire.The galaxy remembers him as a hero: the man who burned every last alien Cielcin from the sky. They remember him as a monster: the devil who destroyed a sun, casually annihilating four billion human lives--even the Emperor himself--against Imperial orders. But Hadrian was not a hero.He was not a monster. He was not even a soldier. Fleeing his father and a future as a torturer, Hadrian finds himself stranded on a strange, backwater world.Forced to fight as a gladiator and navigate the intrigues of a foreign planetary court, he will find himself fighting a war he did not start, for an Empire he does not love, against an enemy he will never understand.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Silence - Christopher Ruocchio
Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan
The birth of the Nyphron Empire has brought war to Melengar. To save her kingdom, Princess Arista runs a desperate gamble when she defies her brother and hires Royce and Hadrian to perform a dangerous mission behind the enemy's lines. As the power of the Nyphron Empire grows, so does Royce's suspicion that the wizard Esrahaddon is using the thieves as pawns in his own shadowy struggle for power. To find the truth, he must unravel the secret of Hadrian's past. What he discovers leads the thieves to the ends of the world on a journey amid treachery and betrayals, forcing Hadrian to face a past he hoped never to see again.
Objev podobné jako Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations - Michael J. Sullivan
Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff
It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise.For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own. Now, only a few tiny sparks of light endure in a sea of darkness.Gabriel de Leon, half man, half monster and last remaining silversaint - a sworn brother of the holy Silver Order dedicated to defending the realm from the creatures of the night - is all that stands between the world and its end.Now imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity's last remaining hope:The Holy Grail.
Objev podobné jako Empire of the Vampire - Jay Kristoff
The Empire of Time - David Wingrove
There is only the war. Otto Behr is a German agent, fighting his Russian counterparts across three millennia, manipulating history for moments in time that can change everything. Only the remnants of two great nations stand and for Otto, the war is life itself, the last hope for his people.
Objev podobné jako The Empire of Time - David Wingrove
Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová
Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová
Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
The highly anticipated sequel to the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE 'Bloody brilliant'V.E. Schwab'A ripping read'Joe AbercrombieGabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost.After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed.A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine.
Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová
Only the greatest sacrifice can turn the tide of war. War is brewing in the fifth book of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The long path to the throne has only just begun for Aelin Galathynius as war looms on the horizon. Loyalties have been broken and bought, friends have been lost and gained, and those who possess magic find themselves increasingly at odds with those who don't. With her heart sworn to the warrior-prince by her side and her fealty pledged to the people she is determined to save, Aelin will delve into the depths of her power to protect those she loves. But as monsters emerge from the horrors of the past, dark forces stand poised to claim her world. The only chance for salvation lies in a desperate quest that may take more from Aelin than she has to give, a quest that forces her to choose what - and who -she's willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. Kingdoms collide in this fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Storms - Sarah J. Maasová
Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
From holy cup comes holy light;The faithful hands sets world aright.And in the Seven Martyrs' sight,Mere man shall end this endless night.Gabriel de Leon has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost. Drawn into an uneasy alliance with the mysterious vampire Liathe, Gabriel must now deliver the Grail to ancients of the Blood Esani, and learn the truth of how Daysdeath might be finally undone.But the Last Silversaint faces peril, within and without.Pursued by terrors of the Blood Voss, drawn into warfare between the Blood Dyvok and duskdancers of the frozen Highlands, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the Grail learn her truth.And that truth may be too awful for any to imagine.
Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
The highly anticipated sequel to the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling EMPIRE OF THE VAMPIRE ''Bloody brilliant''V.E. Schwab‘A ripping read’Joe AbercrombieGabriel de León has saved the Holy Grail from death, but his chance to end the endless night is lost.After turning his back on his silversaint brothers once and for all, Gabriel and the Grail set out to learn the truth of how Daysdeath might finally be undone.But the last silversaint faces peril, within and without. Pursued by children of the Forever King, drawn into wars and webs centuries in the weaving, and ravaged by his own rising bloodlust, Gabriel may not survive to see the truth of the Grail revealed.A truth that may be too awful for any to imagine.
Objev podobné jako Empire of the Damned - Jay Kristoff
Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan
The birth of the Nyphron Empire has brought war to Melengar. To save her kingdom, Princess Arista runs a desperate gamble when she defies her brother and hires Royce and Hadrian to perform a dangerous mission behind the enemy's lines. As the power of the Nyphron Empire grows, so does Royce's suspicion that the wizard Esrahaddon is using the thieves as pawns in his own shadowy struggle for power. To find the truth, he must unravel the secret of Hadrian's past. What he discovers leads the thieves to the ends of the world on a journey amid treachery and betrayals, forcing Hadrian to face a past he hoped never to see again.
Objev podobné jako Rise Of Empire : The Riyria Revelations (Defekt) - Michael J. Sullivan
Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala
From the first time he was stopped and searched as a child, to the day he realised his mum was white, to his first encounters with racist teachers - race and class have shaped Akala's life and outlook. In this unique book he takes his own experiences and widens them out to look at the social, historical and political factors that have left us where we are today.Covering everything from the police, education and identity to politics, sexual objectification and the far right, Nativesspeaks directly to British denial and squeamishness when it comes to confronting issues of race and class that are at the heart of the legacy of Britain's racialised empire.Natives is the searing modern polemic and Sunday Times bestseller from the BAFTA and MOBO award-winning musician and political commentator, Akala.
Objev podobné jako Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala
Empire of the Summer Moon - S.C. Gwynne
In the tradition of Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, a stunningly vivid historical account of the forty-year battle between Comanche Indians and white settlers for control of the American West, centering on Quanah, the greatest Comanche chief of them all. Empire of the Summer Moon spans two astonishing stories. The first traces the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian tribe in American history. The second is the epic saga of the pioneer woman Cynthia Ann Parker and her mixed-blood son Quanah, who became the last and greatest chief of the Comanches. Although readers may be more familiar with the tribal names Apache and Sioux, it was in fact the legendary fighting ability of the Comanches that determined just how and when the American West opened up. Comanche boys became adept bareback riders by age six; full Comanche braves were considered the best horsemen who ever rode. They were so masterful at war and so skillful with their arrows and lances that they stopped the northern drive of colonial Spain from Mexico and halted the French expansion westward from Louisiana. White settlers arriving in Texas from the eastern United States were surprised to find the frontier being rolled backward by Comanches incensed by the invasion of their tribal lands. Against this backdrop Gwynne presents the compelling drama of Cynthia Ann Parker, a nine-year-old girl who was kidnapped by Comanches in 1836. She grew to love her captors and became infamous as the "White Squaw" who refused to return until her tragic capture by Texas Rangers in 1860. More famous still was her son Quanah, a warrior who was never defeated and whose guerrilla wars in the Texas Panhandle made him a legend. S. C. Gwynne''s account of these events is meticulously researched, intellectually provocative, and, above all, thrillingly told.
Objev podobné jako Empire of the Summer Moon - S.C. Gwynne
The Architecture of Modern Empire - Arundhati Royová
From the bestselling author of Azadi and My Seditious Heart, a piercing exploration of modern empire, nationalism and rising fascism that gives us the tools to resist and fight backâ€~I try to create links, to join the dots, to tell politics like a story, to make it real…’Over a lifetime spent at the frontline of solidarity and resistance, Arundhati Roy’s words have lit a clear way through the darkness that surrounds us. Combining the skills of the architect she trained to be and the writer she became, she illuminates the hidden structures of modern empire like no one else, revealing their workings so that we can resist. Her subjects: war, nationalism, fundamentalism and rising fascism, turbocharged by neoliberalism and now technology.But also: truth, justice, freedom, resistance, solidarity and above all imagination – in particular the imagination to see what is in front of us, to envision another way, and to fight for it. Arundhati Roy’s voice – as distinct and compelling in conversation as in her writing – explores these themes and more in this essential collection of interviews with David Barsamian, conducted over two decades, from 2001 to the present. WITH AN AFTERWORD FROM NAOMI KLEIN
Objev podobné jako The Architecture of Modern Empire - Arundhati Royová
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit.
Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)
Guardians Of The Galaxy By Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus Vol. 1 - Brian Michael Bendis
Blockbuster writer Brian Michael Bendis takes on Marvel's misfit movie stars! Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon and Groot assemble alongside the Avengers to thwart Thanos' latest scheme - and they take Iron Man back into space with them! They'll face the wrath of the Badoon, Peter Quill's father and - once again - the infinite threat of Thanos! But can anything prepare them for Angela? The Guardians will add new recruits and fight alongside the X-Men, but which team members will end up star-crossed lovers? And when SECRET WARS obliterates the galaxy, what will be left to guard? Collecting AVENGERS ASSEMBLE (2012) #1-8, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2013) #0.1 and #1-27, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY ANNUAL (2014) #1, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: TOMORROW'S AVENGERS, ALL-NEW X-MEN (2012) #22-24, GUARDIANS OF KNOWHERE #1-4, GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #1-2 and material from FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2014 (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY).
Objev podobné jako Guardians Of The Galaxy By Brian Michael Bendis Omnibus Vol. 1 - Brian Michael Bendis
The Broken Empire 1. Prince of Thorns (1937007685)
Kniha - autor Mark Lawrence, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When he was nine, he watched his mother and brother killed before him. By the time he was 13, he was the leader of a band of bloodthirsty thugs. By 15, he intends to be king. It's time for Prince Honorous Jorg Ancrath to return to the castle he turned his back on and take what's rightfully his.
Objev podobné jako The Broken Empire 1. Prince of Thorns (1937007685)
EastWest Sounds VOICES OF THE EMPIRE (Digitální produkt)
Strašidelně krásné. Etnicky rozmanité. Jedinečně silné. EastWest Voices of the Empire je knihovna virtuálních nástrojů, která přináší úchvatné vokály pro vaše další filmové dílo.Kniha Voices of the Empire, v níž vystupuje jedinečný talent Uyanga Bold, nabízí podmanivou směs východních a západních hudebních vlivů. Uyanga, klasicky školená operní zpěvačka s bezkonkurenčním hlasovým rozsahem, vdechuje svým vystoupením syrové emoce a nepopiratelnou autenticitu.Uvolněte svou kreativitu s:Desítky vokálních nástrojů s mnoha samply: Prozkoumejte rozsáhlou sbírku vokálních stylů inspirovaných Mongolskem, Bulharskem a Západem, které jsou ideální pro vytváření jedinečných zvukových textur.Expresivní fráze v každé tónině: S obrovskou knihovnou předem nahraných frází, které se přizpůsobí jakékoli hudební tónině, rychle vytvoříte působivé vokální linky.Jemnost legata: Vytvářejte expresivní a přirozeně znějící vokální výkony pomocí mnoha legatových artikulací, včetně dvou jedinečných mongolských stylů.EastWest Voices of the Empire je ideálním nástrojem pro skladatele a producenty, kteří chtějí pozvednout své soundtracky, hudbu k videohrám a další díla pomocí nezapomenutelných vokálů.DOWNLOAD: http://eastwestsounds.com/register Kompatibilita: Windows 10 <;MacOS 10.13 < Podporované formáty pluginů: AAX;VST2;VST3;AU Licence: Plná verze Hardwarové požadavky: Quad-Core Processor;16 GB RAM Typ: Vokální
Objev podobné jako EastWest Sounds VOICES OF THE EMPIRE (Digitální produkt)
Lady of the Drowned Empire - Frankie Diane Mallis
Lady of the Drowned Empire is the third book in a sensational romantic series. Perfect for fans of Jennifer L. Armentrout, Danielle L. Jensen, and Rebecca Yarros.Claim the fire, or be consumed.Blindsided by betrayal and stripped of their royal titles, Lyr and her sisters'' only hope of survival is to throw themselves into the Bamarian Court. Struggling to hide their illegal magic while living amongst their enemies.But the Imperators are determined to set their plans into motion, with Lyr''s true identity placing her at the centre of their twisted game. As Morgana''s magic intensifies to its breaking point, she comes face to face with the Lumerian Empire''s most insidious secret - one that threatens all their lives.To save her sisters, Lyr must escape Bamaria with Rhyan. Hunted by demons and tracked across borders by the Empire''s forces, they''re determined to solve the puzzle Lyr''s mother left behind. But claiming Lyr''s power may not be enough as an ancient evil returns to Lumeria.A LUSH ROMANTASY, INSPIRED BY CLEOPATRA AND FEATURING A HIGH-STAKES MILITARY ACADEMY AND DEADLY FORBIDDEN ROMANCE. ''One fantastical world. One fierce heroine to take it down! Daughter of the Drowned Empire is sexy, thrilling, and pure magic!'' Cecy Robson, author of BloodguardReaders love the Drowned Empire series!''I haven''t read a book that''s dragged me in as much as this since I discovered Throne of Glass'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''I loved this. The tension, angst - it was exactly what I look for in a good back!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''The romance is *chefs kiss*. For fans of Throne of Glass or people who like high fantasy!! It''s worth it, I promise you'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This is the kind of book that I can definitely see conquering the heart of many and being the next surprise hit'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''If you are ready for an ancient world full of mages, warriors, fallen gods, and forbidden love, then you need to read Daughter of the Drowned Empire IMMEDIATELY'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako Lady of the Drowned Empire - Frankie Diane Mallis
The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Brian Selznick
An orphan and thief, Hugo lives in the walls of a busy train station. He desperately believes a broken automaton will make his dreams come true. But when his world collides with an eccentric girl and a bitter old man, Hugo's undercover life are put in jeopardy. Turn the pages, follow the illustrations and enter an unforgettable new world!
Objev podobné jako The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Brian Selznick
Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie - Conn Iggulden
IF THESE STONES COULD SPEAK . . . THEY WOULD CALL FOR WAR. In Shiang, the young king rules without dissent. Mazer swordsmen stand watch on every corner, looking for the first sign of rebellion. This city is a place of quiet and slow dignity, like a man eating rice with a razor pressed against his throat. Yet with one sharp movement, order is overturned. The balance of centuries is undone in the sudden spill of blood - and in the darkness, something terrible returns to Shiang. Far to the west, four Shiang masters approach the city walls of Darien. The sword saint and his companions have crossed a continent to bring an old man home for punishment. They will not be denied, even if the whole city stands in their way. TWO ANCIENT CITIES. ONE FINAL WAR.
Objev podobné jako Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie - Conn Iggulden
Empire of Pain : The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty - Patrick Radden Keefe
The shocking story of three generations of the Sackler family and their roles in the stories of Valium, OxyContin and the opioid crisis. The inspiration behind the Netflix series Painkiller, starring Uzo Aduba and Matthew Broderick.Winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-FictionThe Sunday Times BestsellerA BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week'Shortlisted for the Financial Times/McKinsey Business Book of the Year AwardOne of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of the YearShortlisted for the Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger for Non-Fiction'I gobbled up Empire of Pain . . . a masterclass in compelling narrative nonfiction.' – Elizabeth Day, The Guardian '30 Best Summer Reads'The Sackler name adorns the walls of many storied institutions like Harvard and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. They are one of the richest families in the world, known for their lavish donations in the arts and the sciences. The source of the family fortune was vague, however, until it emerged that the Sacklers were responsible for making and marketing Oxycontin. A blockbuster painkiller that was a catalyst for the opioid crisis – an international epidemic of drug addiction which has killed nearly half a million people.In this masterpiece of narrative reporting and writing, award-winning journalist and author of Say Nothing (soon to be streaming on Disney+), Patrick Radden Keefe, exhaustively documents the jaw-dropping reality. Empire of Pain is the story of a dynasty, and twenty-first-century greed.'There are so many "they did what?" moments in this book, when your jaw practically hits the page' – Sunday Times‘You feel almost guilty for enjoying it so much’ – The Times
Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain : The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty - Patrick Radden Keefe
The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis - Whatmore Richard
''A brilliant and revelatory book about the history of ideas'' David Runciman ''Fascinating and important'' Ruth Scurr The Enlightenment is popularly seen as the Age of Reason, a key moment in human history when ideals such as freedom, progress, natural rights and constitutional government prevailed. In this radical re-evaluation, historian Richard Whatmore shows why, for many at its centre, the Enlightenment was a profound failure.By the early eighteenth century, hope was widespread that Enlightenment could be coupled with toleration, the progress of commerce and the end of the fanatic wars of religion that were destroying Europe. At its heart was the battle to establish and maintain liberty in free states – and the hope that absolute monarchies such as France and free states like Britain might even subsist together, equally respectful of civil liberties. Yet all of this collapsed when states pursued wealth and empire by means of war. Xenophobia was rife and liberty itself turned fanatic.The End of Enlightenment traces the changing perspectives of economists, philosophers, politicians and polemicists around the world, including figures as diverse as David Hume, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecraft. They had strived to replace superstition with reason, but witnessed instead terror and revolution, corruption, gross commercial excess and the continued growth of violent colonialism.Returning us to these tumultuous events and ideas, and digging deep into the thought of the men and women who defined their age, Whatmore offers a lucid exploration of disillusion and intellectual transformation, a brilliant meditation on our continued assumptions about the past, and a glimpse of the different ways our world might be structured - especially as the problems addressed at the end of Enlightenment are still with us today.
Objev podobné jako The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis - Whatmore Richard
Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden
Pericles returns home more than a hero: he's the leader of Athens, the empire's beacon of light in the dark.But even during times of peace, the threat of Sparta - Athens's legendary rival - looms large on the horizon. When a sudden catastrophe brings Sparta to its knees, Pericles sees a golden opportunity to forever shift the balance of power in his city's favour.For sometimes, the only way to win lasting peace is to wage war.Sparta may be weak, but their power is far from extinguished. Soon a ruthless young boy steps forward to lead the Spartans back to greatness.As the drums of battle draw closer, can Pericles rise once more or will the world's greatest empire fall under his watch?
Objev podobné jako Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden
The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan
'A tour de force of accessible scholarship' The Guardian'Impressive ... It is a complicated story that still reverberates, and Gingeras narrates it with lucid authority' New StatesmanThe Ottoman Empire had been one of the major facts in European history since the Middle Ages. Stretching from the Adriatic to the Indian Ocean, the Empire was both a great political entity and a religious one, with the Sultan ruling over the Holy Sites and, as Caliph, the successor to Mohammed.Yet the Empire's fateful decision to support Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914 doomed it to disaster, breaking it up into a series of European colonies and what emerged as an independent Saudi Arabia. Ryan Gingeras's superb new book explains how these epochal events came about and shows how much we still live in the shadow of decisions taken so long ago. Would all of the Empire fall to marauding Allied armies, or could something be saved? In such an ethnically and religiously entangled region, what would be the price paid to create a cohesive and independent new state? The story of the creation of modern Turkey is an extraordinary, bitter epic, brilliantly told here.
Objev podobné jako The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire - Gingeras Ryan
The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches - MacArthur Brian
*FULLY REVISED AND UPDATED*Whether it was Churchill rousing the British to take up arms or the dream of Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro inspiring the Cuban revolution or Barack Obama on Selma and the meaning of America, speeches have profoundly influenced the way we see ourselves and society.Gathered here are some of the most extraordinary and memorable speeches of the last century - from Lenin to Reagan, Thatcher to Malala. Some are well known, others less so, but all helped form the world we now inhabit.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Book of Modern Speeches - MacArthur Brian
The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches - MacArthur Brian
From Moses to Nelson Mandela, speeches have changed the way we see the world and the way the world is shaped.The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches gathers together the world's greatest speeches, bringing together the words of over one hundred men and women. These brilliant and passionate declarations by Socrates, Robespierre, Lincoln, Queen Elizabeth I, Churchill, Washington, Pankhurst, Gandhi and many others provide a vivid glimpse of history in the making while retaining their power to move and inspire today.'Impeccable. MacArthur prefaces each address with a short but scholarly historical explanation that sets the scene perfectly. An attractive volume' Andrew Roberts, Sunday Times'Works well not just as an anthology but as a history' Independent on Sunday.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Book of Historic Speeches - MacArthur Brian
Paul of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
The untold story of the twelve lost years between DUNE and DUNE MESSIAH based on Frank Herbert's own notes and hints.
Objev podobné jako Paul of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
Survival of the Friendliest - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová
A powerful new theory of human nature suggests that our secret to success as a species is our unique friendliness"Brilliant, eye-opening, and absolutely inspiring--and a riveting read. Hare and Woods have written the perfect book for our time."--Cass R. Sunstein, author of How Change Happens and co-author of NudgeFor most of the approximately 300,000 years that Homo sapiens have existed, we have shared the planet with at least four other types of humans. All of these were smart, strong, and inventive. But around 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens made a cognitive leap that gave us an edge over other species. What happened?Since Charles Darwin wrote about "evolutionary fitness," the idea of fitness has been confused with physical strength, tactical brilliance, and aggression. In fact, what made us evolutionarily fit was a remarkable kind of friendliness, a virtuosic ability to coordinate and communicate with others that allowed us to achieve all the cultural and technical marvels in human history. Advancing what they call the "self-domestication theory," Brian Hare, professor in the department of evolutionary anthropology and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University and his wife, Vanessa Woods, a research scientist and award-winning journalist, shed light on the mysterious leap in human cognition that allowed Homo sapiens to thrive.But this gift for friendliness came at a cost. Just as a mother bear is most dangerous around her cubs, we are at our most dangerous when someone we love is threatened by an "outsider." The threatening outsider is demoted to sub-human, fair game for our worst instincts. Hare's groundbreaking research, developed in close coordination with Richard Wrangham and Michael Tomasello, giants in the field of cognitive evolution, reveals that the same traits that make us the most tolerant species on the planet also make us the cruelest.Survival of the Friendliest offers us a new way to look at our cultural as well as cognitive evolution and sends a clear message: In order to survive and even to flourish, we need to expand our definition of who belongs.
Objev podobné jako Survival of the Friendliest - Brian Hare, Vanessa Woodsová
House of M - Ultimate Edition - Brian Michael Bendis
The Marvel Heroes have faced the most dangerous threats and saved the Earth and the Universe on occasions too numerous to count. But what do heroes do when the fabric of reality is threatened by one of their own? It is a question that heroes such as Spider-Man, Wolverine, the X-Men and the Avengers all have to face as former Avenger and daughter of Magneto, the Scarlet Witch succumbs to insanity and makes the world over into her maniacal father''s view of utopia, ruled over by the house of Magnus.
Objev podobné jako House of M - Ultimate Edition - Brian Michael Bendis
Sands of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
Collected for the first time, these three previously unpublished Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder. Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes.
Objev podobné jako Sands of Dune - Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson
Empire Of The Sun - Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP)
Barva: Průhledná Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Album Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Datum vydání: 2024-07-26 Subžánr: Synthpop;Electropop Vydavatelství: EMI Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP) Barva podle výrobce: Clear Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Elektronický Balení obsahuje: LP
Objev podobné jako Empire Of The Sun - Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP)
Empire Of The Sun - Two Vines (Transparent Green Coloured) (LP)
Barva: Zelená Žánr: Rock;Elektronický;Pop Barva podle výrobce: Transparent Green Typ: Barevná;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: New Wave;Synth-pop;Electropop;Dance Rock Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: Two Vines (Transparent Green Coloured) (LP) Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2024-06-28
Objev podobné jako Empire Of The Sun - Two Vines (Transparent Green Coloured) (LP)
John Williams - Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP)
Země interpreta: USA Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1950 - 1959;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979 Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Red Typ: LP deska;Barevná Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: Lalaland Records Interpret / Téma: John Williams Rok vydání: 2019.0 Subžánr: Soundtrack Žánr: Soundtrack;Stage & Screen Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Barva: Červená Varianta: Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP)
Objev podobné jako John Williams - Empire Of The Sun (Red Coloured) (2 LP)
The The Art of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Discover the electrifying artwork behind the action-packed blockbuster, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Dive into the creation of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire with this deluxe art book. Featuring commentary from the filmmakers, this volume explores how a team of world-class artists brought stunning creatures and epic battles to life for an all-new, big screen Monsterverse adventure. Illustrated with stunning visuals from the production, including never-before-seen concept art and storyboards, this book is the ultimate companion to one of the most highly anticipated films of 2024.
Objev podobné jako The The Art of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff
Meet the Murdochs and the disastrously dysfunctional family of Fox News. Until recently, they formed the most powerful media and political force in America. Now their empire is cracking up and crashing down. In his irresistible trilogy on the chaotic Trump presidency - Fire and Fury, Siege, and Landslide - the journalist Michael Wolff led readers deep into the twisted corridors of the White House. Drawing on years of unprecedented access to the Murdoch family and key players, he plunges us behind the scenes of another empire of influence, and the result is astonishing and unforgettable. Here is Rupert Murdoch, the ninety-two-year-old billionaire - concerned about his legacy, but more concerned about profits. Here are his contentious children, jockeying to take over when the old man is gone. Here is star anchor Tucker C arlson considering a run for the presidency while his bosses have other plans for him. Sean Hannity, the richest man in television, has his own plans: to put Trump back in office. While presenter Laura Ingraham is just trying to survive in a man's world. As the fallout from the 2020 election and the Dominion lawsuit pummels the reputation of the network, the battling Murdoch heirs position themselves for the final act in this riveting drama.
Objev podobné jako The Fall: The End of the Murdoch Empire - Michael Wolff
Tom Clancy Act of Defiance - Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson
FOR JACK RYAN, THE GREATEST THREAT LURKS BENEATH THE WAVES . . . AGAIN When a Russian superweapon is let loose under the waves, it''s up to President Jack Ryan to find a countermove in the latest entry in this #1 New York Times bestselling series.US intelligence is reporting turmoil in the Russian navy. Their deadliest submarine, the Belgorod, has unexpectedly launched. Who authorised the departure? What mission is it on? And, most disturbing of all, what weapons do the giant doors on the sub''s bow hide?It''s been four decades since a similar incident with the Soviet sub, Red October, ended happily, thanks to a young CIA analyst named Jack Ryan.Now, President Jack Ryan finds himself with fleets of ships, squadrons of jets, and teams of SEALs at his command, but what he doesn''t have is insight into the plans of the Belgorod''s commander. It falls to a younger generation of Ryans to do the dangerous work that will reveal that information.But there''s always a price to be paid. When the final moments tick away, will Jack Ryan have to choose between the safety of his country and the safety of his child?___________PRAISE FOR TOM CLANCY''Constantly taps the current world situation for its imminent dangers and spins them into an engrossing tale''NEW YORK TIMES''Exhilarating. No other novelist is giving so full a picture of modern conflict''SUNDAY TIMES''A brilliantly constructed thriller that packs a punch''DAILY MAIL''Heart-stopping action . . . entertaining and eminently topical''WASHINGTON POST
Objev podobné jako Tom Clancy Act of Defiance - Brian Andrews, Jeffrey Wilson
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
Collected for the first time, these Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder.Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes.
Objev podobné jako Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
Collected for the first time, these Dune novellas by bestselling authors Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson shine a light upon the darker corners of the Dune universe. Spanning space and time, Sands of Dune is essential reading for any fan of the series.The world of Dune has shaped an entire generation of science fiction. From the sand blasted world of Arrakis, to the splendor of the imperial homeworld of Kaitain, readers have lived in a universe of treachery and wonder.Now, these stories expand on the Dune universe, telling of the lost years of Gurney Halleck as he works with smugglers on Arrakis in a deadly gambit for revenge; inside the ranks of the Sardaukar as the child of a betrayed nobleman becomes one of the Emperor's most ruthless fighters; a young firebrand Fremen woman, a guerrilla fighter against the ruthless Harkonnens, who will one day become Shadout Mapes.
Objev podobné jako Sands of Dune: Novellas from the world of Dune - Kevin James Anderson, Brian Herbert
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