Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Guilty Couple - C. L. Taylor

What would you do if your husband framed you for murder? Five years ago, Olivia Sutherland was convicted of plotting to murder her husband.Now she's finally free, Olivia has three goals. Repair her relationship with her daughter. Clear her name.And bring down her husband - the man who framed her. Just how far is she willing to go to get what she wants? And how far will her husband go to stop her? Because his lies run deeper than Olivia could ever have imagined - and this time it's not her freedom that's in jeopardy, but her life... Your favourite authors LOVE The Guilty Couple! 'Shot through with a propulsive sense of gritty threat and high-stakes tension, this is bold, memorable, top-tier thriller writing.' - bestselling author B P Walter 'The Guilty Couple is a one-breath rollercoaster ride, with twists, turns, ups and downs...then just when you think it's over, there's another loop ahead! A proper, classy thriller.' - Janice Hallett, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Appeal 'CL Taylor has done it again. A fast paced, thrilling read that I couldn't put down. I loved it!' - bestselling author Heidi Perks 'I loved The Guilty Couple so much.

Podívejte se také Kniha Ostrov/The Island (978-80-7225-423-1)

cena 241.0 Kč

Strangers - C. L. Taylor

Ursula, Gareth and Alice have never met before.Ursula thinks she killed the love of her life.Gareth's been receiving strange postcards.And Alice is being stalked.None of them are used to relying on others - but when the three strangers' lives unexpectedly collide, there's only one thing for it: they have to stick together. Otherwise, one of them will die.Three strangers, two secrets, one terrifying evening.The million-copy bestseller returns with a gripping new novel that will keep you guessing until the end.

Podívejte se také The Sims 4: Island Living - Xbox Digital (7D4-00365)

cena 214.0 Kč

Zmizelý - C. L. Taylor

Pouto mezi matkou a dítětem je nezničitelné. Co když ale matka cosi děsivého skrývá?Čtrnáctiletý Billy uprostřed noci záhadně zmizel z domu. Každý člen rodiny to klade za vinu sobě samému, ale před ostatními pocit provinění tají. Wilkinsonovi jsou zkrátka tajnůstkáří, a tak trvá celý rok, než díky veřejné prosbě o pomoc začne vyvstávat na povrch děsivá pravda. Billyho matka Claire je na pokraji šílenství. V podivném stavu mysli se ocitá v omšelých hotelových pokojích nebo bloumá neznámými ulicemi, aniž by tušila, jak se tam vlastně dostala. V její kabelce se objeví předměty, které nikdy předtím neviděla. Claire ztrácí vědomí vlastní identity. Když se to stane poprvé, lékař to připisuje neobvykle silné reakci na stress. Když se ale jednoho dne Claire probudí s krví na rukách, nikdo nechápe, jak se to mohlo stát. A nejméně ze všech tomu rozumí právě Claire…

Podívejte se také Treasure Island

cena 349.0 Kč

Spánek - C. L. Taylor

Anna nechce nic než spát. Ale noční děsy vyvolané pocitem viny a vzpomínkami na jednu příšernou událost jí usnout nedovolí.Před svou minulostí utekla na skotský ostrov Rum, kde si našla práci v odlehlém hotýlku. Doufala, že jí tento únik před realitou pomůže začít nový život.Její záměr zhatí příjezd sedmi hostů, kteří Annin sen promění ve smrtící noční můru. Každý z těch sedmi má tajemství; jeden vyloženě lže. Zastírá svou identitu i důvod zdejšího pobytu. V hotelu Bay View se ubytoval vrah.A jeho pozornost směřuje k Anně...

Objev podobné jako Spánek - C. L. Taylor

cena 312.0 Kč

Neznámí - C. L. Taylor

Ursula, Gareth a Alice se nikdy nepotkali. Ursula si myslí, že zabila svou životní lásku. Gareth dostává záhadné pohlednice psané rukou svého zmizelého otce. Alici někdo sleduje. Nikdo z nich se nikdy nespoléhal na pomoc jiných lidí – když je ale podivné okolnosti svedou dohromady, nemají na výběr. Jinak jeden z nich zemře.

Objev podobné jako Neznámí - C. L. Taylor

cena 330.0 Kč

Neznámí - C. L. Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Alice pracuje jako vedoucí obchodu s oblečením. Když se po nevydařené schůzce s mužem z Tinderu seznámí se Simonem, vypadá to, že její milostný život se vrací do normálu. Jenomže pak jí začnou chodit varovné zprávy, a navíc to vypadá, že ji někdo sleduje. Ursula bývala skvělá učitelka, teď pracuje jako kurýrka. Do života jí totiž zasáhla tragédie a ona věří, že způsobila smrt své životní lásky. Jedinou útěchou jsou pro ni drobné krádeže, kvůli kterým ale přijde o střechu nad hlavou. A tak se nastěhuje k Edwardovi. Je to sice podivín a v jeho kuchyni to divně čpí, ale Ursula nemá na vybranou. Gareth je vedoucí ochranky v obchodním centru, kde Alice pracuje a Ursula krade. Bydlí se svou matkou, která trpí demencí. Když jí domů začnou chodit pohlednice zdánlivě napsané jejím manželem, který před dvaceti lety zmizel, je Gareth odhodlaný zjistit pravdu. Alice, Ursula a Gareth se neznají. Jejich životy se však jednoho večera nečekaně střetnou a oni musejí zapomenout na všechny své rozdíly a spolupracovat. Jinak jeden z nich zemře.

Objev podobné jako Neznámí - C. L. Taylor - e-kniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Her Last Holiday - C. L. Taylor

You come to Soul Shrink to be healed. You don't expect to die.Two years ago, Fran's sister Jenna disappeared on a wellness retreat in Gozo that went terribly wrong.Tom Wade, the now infamous man behind Soul Shrink Retreats, has just been released from prison after serving his sentence for the deaths of two people. But he has never let on what happened to the third victim: Jenna.Determined to find out the truth, Fran books herself onto his upcoming retreat - the first since his release - and finds herself face to face with the man who might hold the key to her sister's disappearance. The only question is, will she escape the retreat alive? Or does someone out there want Jenna's secrets to stay hidden?The master of suspense is back. Prepare yourself for the latest heart-in-mouth rollercoaster ride from the Sunday Times bestseller.

Objev podobné jako Her Last Holiday - C. L. Taylor

cena 241.0 Kč

Spánek - C. L. Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Anna nechce nic než spát. Ale noční děsy vyvolané pocitem viny a vzpomínkami na jednu příšernou událost jí usnout nedovolí.Před svou minulostí utekla na skotský ostrov Rum, kde si našla práci v odlehlém hotýlku. Doufala, že jí tento únik před realitou pomůže začít nový život.Její záměr zhatí příjezd sedmi hostů, kteří Annin sen promění ve smrtící noční můru. Každý z těch sedmi má tajemství; jeden vyloženě lže. Zastírá svou identitu i důvod zdejšího pobytu. V hotelu Bay View se ubytoval vrah.A jeho pozornost směřuje k Anně...

Objev podobné jako Spánek - C. L. Taylor - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

The Island - Victoria Hislop

*Pre-order THE FIGURINE, the brand-new novel from Victoria Hislop. Coming September 2023.****A beautiful 10th anniversary paperback edition that includes a new essay by Victoria Hislop on the impact of this million-copy bestseller.***''A moving and absorbing holiday read that pulls at the heartstrings'' Evening StandardThe acclaimed million-copy number one bestseller and winner of Richard & Judy''s Summer Read 2006. Victoria Hislop tells a dramatic tale of four generations, illicit love, violence and leprosy, from the thirties, through the war, to the present day.On the brink of a life-changing decision, Alexis Fielding longs to find out about her mother''s past. But Sofia has never spoken of it. All she admits to is growing up in a small Cretan village before moving to London. When Alexis decides to visit Crete, however, Sofia gives her daughter a letter to take to an old friend, and promises that through her she will learn more. Arriving in Plaka, Alexis is astonished to see that it lies a stone''s throw from the tiny, deserted island of Spinalonga - Greece''s former leper colony. Then she finds Fotini, and at last hears the story that Sofia has buried all her life: the tale of her great-grandmother Eleni and her daughters and a family rent by tragedy, war and passion. She discovers how intimately she is connected with the island, and how secrecy holds them all in its powerful grip...Praise for The Island. . .''A vivid, moving and absorbing tale'' Observer''Victoria Hislop . . . brings dignity and tenderness to her novel about lives blighted by leprosy'' Telegraph''Wonderful descriptions, strong characters and an intimate portrait of island existence'' Woman & Home''War, tragedy and passion unfurl against a Mediterranean backdrop in this engrossing debut novel'' You magazine''Hislop''s deep research, imagination and patent love of Crete creates a convincing portrait of times on the island''Evening Standard''A page-turning tale that reminds us that love and life continue in even the most extraordinary of circumstances''Sunday Express ''A beautiful tale of enduring love and unthinking prejudice''ExpressIn 2018, The Island was awarded a Nielsen Platinum Bestseller Award in recognition of selling over one million copies in the United Kingdom.

Objev podobné jako The Island - Victoria Hislop

cena 295.0 Kč

The Island - Armin Greder

In the morning the people of the island found a man sitting on the shore, where fate and the ocean currents had set him and his frail raft in the night. When he saw them coming towards him, he rose to his feet.He was not like them. This internationally acclaimed, award-winning picture book is astonishing, powerful and continues to be searingly relevant.''Starkly illustrated ... brilliant and haunting...'' - Julia Eccleshare, The Guardian

Objev podobné jako The Island - Armin Greder

cena 236.0 Kč

The Island - Sarah Goodwin

FYRE FESTIVAL meets ONE OF THE GIRLS in this psychological thriller with twists you''ll never see coming.''It''s the hottest ticket in town. But once you''re in, there''s no getting out.''Jody, Ari and Carla have won golden tickets to the summer’s hottest music festival, which promises to be full of glamour, mystique and lots of freebies.But, arriving on the sun-drenched shores of a private Greek island among influencers and celebrities, the trio are dismayed to find the small festival site far from the beacon of music, art and ‘immersive experiences’ they were promised. Disappointed but not deterred, they vow to make the most of the trip.But when a shocking discovery on day three turns the festival into a nightmare, the girls find themselves trapped on the island with no escape…

Objev podobné jako The Island - Sarah Goodwin

cena 295.0 Kč

The Midnight Bargain - C. L. Polk

Magic meets Bridgerton in the Regency fantasy everyone is talking about...Beatrice Clayborn is a sorceress who practices magic in secret, terrified of the day she will be locked into a marital collar to cut off her powers. She dreams of becoming a full-fledged mage, but her family are in severe debt, and only her marriage can save them.Beatrice finds a grimoire with the key to becoming a mage, but a rival sorceress swindles the book right out of her hands. Beatrice summons a spirit to help, but her new ally exacts a price: Beatrice's first kiss . . . with the sorceress's brother: the handsome, compassionate, and fabulously wealthy Ianthe Lavan.From the World Fantasy Award-winning author of Witchmark comes a sweeping, romantic new fantasy set in a world reminiscent of Regency England, where women's magic is taken from them when they marry. A sorceress must balance her desire to become the first great female magician against her duty to her family.

Objev podobné jako The Midnight Bargain - C. L. Polk

cena 268.0 Kč

The Island Swimmer - Lorraine Kelly

When Evie's father falls desperately ill, she finally returns to the family home on Orkney and the wild landscape she left as a teenager, swearing never to return. Not everyone is happy at her arrival, particularly her estranged sister Liv, their relationship broken after a childhood trauma. As Evie clears out her father's neglected house to prepare it for sale, lonely Evie finds herself drawn to a group of cold-water swimmers led by her old friend Freya, who find calmness beneath the waves. Together they help Evie face up to the mistakes in her past, unlocking a treasure of truths that will reverberate through the community, and shake her family to its core. Inspired by her passion for the Orkney islands and its people, The Island Swimmer is the captivating debut novel about the importance of being true to yourself from broadcaster Lorraine Kelly.

Objev podobné jako The Island Swimmer - Lorraine Kelly

cena 591.0 Kč

Ostrov/ The Island - Milan Pitlach

Říkalo se, že každý Angličan je ostrov. Tak nějak sám za sebe. Přinejmenším na přelomu 60. a 70. let to neplatilo, stejně jako ve většině zemí euroamerické civilizace. Také mladá generace konzervativní Anglie se zapojila do vlny hippies, multikulturalismu, protestům proti tradičním hodnotám establishmentu a válkám, které ani po té druhé světové v mnoha koutech světa neskončily. Právě v té době přijel do ostrovního království československý student architektury Milan Pitlach a fotil. Stovky, možná tisíce černobílých snímků, zachycujících realitu kolem něj. Nejen tu poetickou v třetí, stejnojmenné, části jeho nejnovější fotografické publikace, v níž dominuje atmosféra tehdejších velkých hudebních festivalů evokujících sto let staré motto francouzských revolucionářů - volnost, rovnost, bratrství. Důležitější než tahle třešnička na dortu je ale možná první oddíl Pitlachovy fotoknihy, nazvaný Ulice. V něm totiž se vší syrovostí zachytil prostředí, z něhož velká část květinových dětí pocházela. Bezútěšnost čtvrtí a zákoutí, kam turisté nechodí, vybydlené bloky domů nebo jen oprýskané zdi s nápisy typu Ježíš byl bezdomovec… Bez lidí, s lidmi - těžko říct, které z nich jsou sugestivnější tíživou bezradností bytí. Oba tyto světy pak spojuje druhý oddíl s víceznačným názvem Tráva, byť fotografie v něm jsou jednoznačné. Rámec knihy tvoří první a poslední dvě fotografie, paradoxně z téhož roku. Na 160 stranách mezi nimi je zachycen dokument slavné doby ve slavném Albionu. Dokument, který leccos připomene i těm, kteří tehdy a tam nebyli.

Objev podobné jako Ostrov/ The Island - Milan Pitlach

cena 178.0 Kč

The Island of Missing Trees (0241988721)

Kniha - autor Elif Shafak, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A rich, magical new novel from the Booker-shortlisted author of 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World - now a top ten Sunday Times bestseller It is 1974 on the island of Cyprus. Two teenagers, from opposite sides of a divided land, meet at a tavern in the city they both call home. The tavern is the only place that Kostas, who is Greek and Christian, and Defne, who is Turkish and Muslim, can meet, in secret, hidden beneath the blackened beams from which hang garlands of garlic, chilli peppers and wild herbs. This is where one can find the best food in town, the best music, the best wine. But there is something else to the place: it makes one forget, even if for just a few hours, the world outside and its immoderate sorrows. In the centre of the tavern, growing through a cavity in the roof, is a fig tree. This tree will witness their hushed, happy meetings, their silent,...

Objev podobné jako The Island of Missing Trees (0241988721)

cena 276.0 Kč

The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

A rich, magical novel from the Booker-shortlisted author of 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World - now a top ten Sunday Times bestsellerIt is 1974 on the island of Cyprus. Two teenagers, from opposite sides of a divided land, meet at a tavern in the city they both call home. The tavern is the only place that Kostas, who is Greek and Christian, and Defne, who is Turkish and Muslim, can meet, in secret, hidden beneath the blackened beams from which hang garlands of garlic, chilli peppers and wild herbs. This is where one can find the best food in town, the best music, the best wine. But there is something else to the place: it makes one forget, even if for just a few hours, the world outside and its immoderate sorrows.In the centre of the tavern, growing through a cavity in the roof, is a fig tree. This tree will witness their hushed, happy meetings, their silent, surreptitious departures; and the tree will be there when the war breaks out, when the capital is reduced to rubble, when the teenagers vanish and break apart.Decades later in north London, sixteen-year-old Ada Kazantzakis has never visited the island where her parents were born. Desperate for answers, she seeks to untangle years of secrets, separation and silence. The only connection she has to the land of her ancestors is a Ficus Carica growing in the back garden of their home.The Island of Missing Trees is a rich, magical tale of belonging and identity, love and trauma, nature, and, finally, renewal.'This book moved me to tears . . . in the best way. Powerful and poignant' Reese Witherspoon'A brilliant novel -- one that rings with Shafak's characteristic compassion' Robert Macfarlane'This is an enchanting, compassionate and wise novel and storytelling at its most sublime' Polly Samson

Objev podobné jako The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

cena 268.0 Kč

The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See

A new novel from Lisa See, the New York Times bestselling author of The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, about female friendship and family secrets on a small Korean island.Mi-ja and Young-sook, two girls living on the Korean island of Jeju, are best friends that come from very different backgrounds. When they are old enough, they begin working in the sea with their village's all-female diving collective, led by Young-sook's mother. As the girls take up their positions as baby divers, they know they are beginning a life of excitement and responsibility but also danger.Despite their love for each other, Mi-ja and Young-sook's differences are impossible to ignore. The Island of Sea Women is an epic set over many decades, beginning during a period of Japanese colonialism in the 1930s and 1940s, followed by World War II, the Korean War and its aftermath, through the era of cell phones and wetsuits for the women divers. Throughout this time, the residents of Jeju find themselves caught between warring empires. Mi-ja is the daughter of a Japanese collaborator, and she will forever be marked by this association. Young-sook was born into a long line of haenyeo and will inherit her mother's position leading the divers in their village. Little do the two friends know that after surviving hundreds of dives and developing the closest of bonds, forces outside their control will push their friendship to the breaking point.This beautiful, thoughtful novel illuminates a world turned upside down, one where the women are in charge, engaging in dangerous physical work, and the men take care of the children. A classic Lisa See story-one of women's friendships and the larger forces that shape them-The Island of Sea Women introduces readers to the fierce and unforgettable female divers of Jeju Island and the dramatic history that shaped their lives. 'For centuries, women on Korea's Jeju island have been free-diving into the sea, a practice explored through this fictionalized story of two friends who struggle to stay close amid war, family rivalries, and a shifting cultural landscape. It's riveting, historical, and heartbreaking all at once' Marie Claire

Objev podobné jako The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See

cena 295.0 Kč

Christmas at the Island Hotel - Jenny Colganová

Escape with Jenny Colgan this Christmas . . .''Nobody does cosy, get-away-from-it-all romance like Jenny Colgan'' Sunday Express''An evocative, sweet treat'' Jojo Moyes''This sweet romance will lift your spirits'' Sunday Mirror''Gorgeous, glorious, uplifting'' Marian Keyes''Irresistible'' Jill Mansell''Just lovely'' Katie Fforde''Naturally funny, warm-hearted'' Lisa Jewell''A gobble-it-all-up-in-one-sitting kind of book'' Mike Gayle''A sheer delight from start to finish'' Sophie Kinsella___________________________________On the tiny Scottish island of Mure, Christmas preparations are even more hectic than usual . . . Flora MacKenzie is worried about her brother. Fintan hasn''t got over the death of his partner, Colton, and Flora thinks he needs a project.The Rock - the rambling, disused hotel on the tip of the island - was Colton''s passion project before he died. With Flora''s help, Fintan is going to get the hotel up and running in time for Christmas, transforming it into a festive haven of crackling log fires and delicious food. But running a hotel, they are about to discover, is not that easy. Especially when their motley staff includes a temperamental French chef, a spoilt Norwegian kitchen boy who can''t peel a potato without mutilating his own hand and a painfully shy kitchen assistant who blushes when anyone speaks to her. Can they pull it together in time for the big opening? And can Flora help her family find happiness this Christmas?____________________ Why readers ADORE Jenny Colgan ''Jenny Colgan has a way of writing that makes me melt inside''''Her books are so good I want to start over as soon as I have finished''''There''s something so engaging about her characters and plots''''Her books are like a big, warm blanket''''Her stories are just so fabulous''''She brings her settings and characters so vividly to life''''The woman is just magic''

Objev podobné jako Christmas at the Island Hotel - Jenny Colganová

cena 250.0 Kč

The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder - C. L. Miller

Freya, it’s down to you to finish what I started . . .Freya Lockwood has avoided the quaint English village in which she grew up for the last 20 years. That is until news arrives that Arthur Crockleford, antiques dealer and Freya’s estranged mentor, has died – and the circumstances seem suspicious. You will uncover an invitation, I implore you to attend . . . But when a letter from Arthur is delivered, sent just days before his death, and an ordinary pine chest concealing Arthur’s journals are revealed, Freya finds herself sucked back into a life she’d sworn to leave behind.But beware, trust no-one. Your life depends on it . . . Joining forces with her eccentric Aunt Carole, Arthur’s staunch best friend, Freya follows both clues and her instincts to an old manor house for an ‘antiques enthusiasts weekend’. But not is all as it seems; the antiques are bad reproductions and the guests all have something to hide.Can Freya and Carole solve the mystery and unearth the killer before they strike again?

Objev podobné jako The Antique Hunter's Guide to Murder - C. L. Miller

cena 268.0 Kč

The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

Abandoned at a remote island school, Faye discovers she hasbeen sent there for a wicked crime. Can she tackle the sinistermysteries of the island and discover the secrets within herself?

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

The Island Queen - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: When their ship is destroyed at sea, the Rigonda siblings soon find themselves stranded on a deserted coral island. They attack their new lives with gusto and learn essential survival skills. Just as they think that they have established a new sense of normality, however, a huge storm brings another shipwreck to the island's shores, and with it an entire colony's worth of people. The previously established equilibrium is quickly shattered when fights begin to break out and Paulina Rigonda is asked to be the queen of the island. Perfect for fans of William Golding's 'Lord of The Flies', this quick-paced adventure will leave you captivated by Paulina, Dominick, and Otto's struggle for survival.

Objev podobné jako The Island Queen - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Anne of the Island - L.M. Montgomery - e-kniha

eBook: Join Anne as she waves goodbye to childhood in pursuit of new experiences in the third book in the hugely popular children’s series ´Anne of Green Gables´. Anne is eighteen and fulfilling her life’s dream by leaving for university, where new adventures await at Redmond College in the bustling city of Kingsport. But tragedy and an unexpected proposal leave Anne questioning if she’s ready for love. Will her newfound determination get in the way of her finding true love? This touching novel about growing up and leaving home for the first time is a must-read for fans of Alice Oseman. Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) was a Canadian author and poet, best known for her series of novels ‘Anne of Green Gables’ published in 1908. They have been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including the Netflix TV series ‘Anne with an E’.

Objev podobné jako Anne of the Island - L.M. Montgomery - e-kniha

cena 275.0 Kč

The Island at the End of Everything - Kiran Millwood Hargraveová

Amihan lives on Culion Island, where some of the inhabitants - including her mother - have leprosy. Ami loves her home - with its blue seas and lush forests, Culion is all she has ever known. But the arrival of malicious government official Mr Zamora changes her world forever: islanders untouched by sickness are forced to leave. Banished across the sea, she's desperate to return, and finds a strange and fragile hope in a colony of butterflies. Can they lead her home before it's too late?

Objev podobné jako The Island at the End of Everything - Kiran Millwood Hargraveová

cena 236.0 Kč

Kniha Ostrov/The Island (978-80-7225-423-1)

Kniha - autor Milan Pitlach, 160 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Říkalo se, že každý Angličan je ostrov. Tak nějak sám za sebe. Přinejmenším na přelomu 60. a 70. let to neplatilo, stejně jako ve většině zemí euroamerické civilizace. Také mladá generace konzervativní Anglie se zapojila do vlny hippies, multikulturalismu, protestům proti tradičním hodnotám establishmentu a válkám, které ani po té druhé světové v mnoha koutech světa neskončily. Právě v té době přijel do ostrovního království československý student architektury Milan Pitlach a fotil. Stovky, možná tisíce černobílých snímků, zachycujících realitu kolem něj. Nejen tu poetickou v třetí, stejnojmenné, části jeho nejnovější fotografické publikace, v níž dominuje atmosféra tehdejších velkých hudebních festivalů evokujících sto let staré motto francouzských revolucionářů – volnost, rovnost, bratrství. Důležitější než tahle třešnička na dortu je ale možná první oddíl Pitlachovy...

Objev podobné jako Kniha Ostrov/The Island (978-80-7225-423-1)

cena 192.0 Kč

Island in the Sun - Katie Ffordeová

Dominica. A beautiful remote island where the sun shines and the living is easy. And where Cass goes to photograph a rare stone carving as a favour to her father.With her is Ranulph, a deeply attractive, much-travelled journalist, who offers to help Cass with her quest. But Dominica has just been hit be a severe hurricane, and Cass and Ranulph are spending all of their time helping the local community. Cass knows she must not fall in love with him… He is just looking out for her.He’s being kind. There is no way he could be even the slightest bit interested in her. Could he?

Objev podobné jako Island in the Sun - Katie Ffordeová

cena 268.0 Kč

Island in the Sun - Katie Fforde

An island in the Caribbean. A centuries-old secret. A life adventure awaits. . . Discover the latest tale of friendship, courage and romance from the Sunday Times bestselling romance writer.''The queen of uplifting, feel good romance.'' AJ Pearce‘An immersive, uplifting read that Fforde fans will love.’ Woman’s Weekly''All the elements of a moving love story are blended to perfection.'' The Lady''A force to be reckoned with for her uplifting tales of romance'' Daily Express''Top-drawer romantic escapism.'' Daily Mail''Warm, brilliant and full of love.'' Heat''A charming romance about discovering your own worth'' Woman''s Own____________Dominica. A beautiful remote island where the sun shines and the living is easy.And where Cass goes to photograph a rare stone carving as a favour to her father.With her is Ranulph, a deeply attractive, much-travelled journalist, who offers to help Cass with her quest.But Dominica has just been hit be a severe hurricane, and Cass and Ranulph are spending all of their time helping the local community.Cass knows she must not fall in love with him… He is just looking out for her. He’s being kind.There is no way he could be even the slightest bit interested in her. Could he?_________Readers can''t get enough of Island in the Sun . . .***** ''There is mystery, intrigue, romance and danger all set against the beautiful backdrop of Dominica – and I loved it so much I was reading far into the night as I couldn’t put it down.''***** ''It was such an easy and sweet read and I curled up on the sofa and lost myself in it ... Perfect escapism.''***** ''This is a great beach read ... Katie Fforde always writes a great moving story about love and friendship and self discovery and inner strength.''***** ''A wonderful read that will keep you engrossed from start to finish.''***** ''This book has everything I’ve come to expect from this author, great writing, humour, love and a little suspense, all cleverly wrapped up in a fabulous book.''-One Enchanted Evening, Sunday Times bestseller, November 2023

Objev podobné jako Island in the Sun - Katie Fforde

cena 502.0 Kč

The Coral - Coral Island (2 LP)

Varianta: Coral Island (2 LP) Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Indie Rock Datum vydání: 2021-04-30 Interpret / Téma: The Coral Rok vydání: 2021.0 Vydavatelství: Modern Sky UK Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako The Coral - Coral Island (2 LP)

cena 564.2 Kč

The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha

What will two children do to win an island? From Costa-winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk. Skylar's old friends felt sorry for her but they were too afraid to talk to her. Yakov's old friends were far away, blown across continents by war . . . When Skylar meets Yakov she is still reeling from the news of her grandfather's stroke.Yakov is just desperate to go home. They recognise something in each other: a need for friendship, but something else fizzy beneath the surface. A refusal to accept what life has dealt them; a reckless desire to change things up for the better.So when there's a competition to own nearby Golden Island, it's no surprise they want it. But how can two children possibly win an island? And what will they risk to call it their own?Exquisitely told, with compassion and empathy: an unmissable, life-affirming novel from the inimitable Natasha Farrant. Natasha Farrant's book Voyage of the Sparrowhawk won the Costa Children's Book Award 2020.

Objev podobné jako The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha

cena 236.0 Kč

The Queen of Dirt Island - Donal Ryan

From the Booker longlisted author, and an Irish Times No.1 bestseller - a searing, jubilant novel about four generations of women and the stories that bind them.''Beautiful, compassionate ... Donal Ryan at his inimitable best.'' MAGGIE O''FARRELL''One of the finest novelists writing today... a haunting, exquisite masterpiece.'' RACHEL JOYCE___________This is a story about family, about all of the things it should be - and sometimes isn''t.In Nenagh, County Tipperary, four generations of Aylward women live and love. The head of the family, Nana, is a woman who has buried two sons and whose life has been the family farm. Her daughter-in-law, Eileen, is estranged from her own parents, having ''shamed'' them and given birth to Saoirse. And then there''s Saoirse herself, eavesdropping on lives she cannot comprehend. It is only when they must battle for the inheritance of Dirt Island - a narrow strip of land adjacent to Eileen''s childhood home - that they truly understand the roots that bind their lives together._________''The prose drips like honey off a spoon'' SUNDAY TIMES''Beautifully poised, sad, poetic and human....I loved every single line.'' IAN RANKIN''A generous mosaic of a novel about the staying power of love and pride and history and family'' COLUM McCANN''His paragraphs are unnoticeably beautiful, his heart always on show'' ANNE ENRIGHT''Endlessly surprising and incredibly moving'' DAVID NICHOLLS''A life-enhancing talent'' SEBASTIAN BARRY''I would struggle to think of any other Irish author working today who writes with as much compassion as Donal Ryan'' LOUISE O''NEILL

Objev podobné jako The Queen of Dirt Island - Donal Ryan

cena 295.0 Kč

The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

BOOK 14 IN THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S SERIES, FROM THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER JODI TAYLOR. 'Brilliant, hilarious, keeps you on your toes' Reader review 'The characters make me come back time and time again' Reader review 'I have not found another author who can tell a story involving time travel as well' Reader review St Mary's is under investigation. Their director has been shot and Max is Number One Suspect.Can things get any worse? We all know the answer to that one. Max needs to get away - fast - and a Brilliant Idea soon leads her to a full-scale uprising in twentieth-century China. If she can come by a historical treasure or two in the process, even better.That is, if she makes it out alive. Then there's the small matter of Insight - the sinister organisation from the future hell bent on changing History for their own dark ends. Having successfully infiltrated their ranks, Max is perfectly placed to stop them.But she knows her cover will soon be blown - because it's already happened. Can Max take down Insight before they come after her? The circle is closing, and only one can survive... For fans of Terry Pratchett, Jasper Fforde, Richard Osman's Thursday Murder Club series and Doctor Who.

Objev podobné jako The Good, The Bad and The History - Jodi Taylor

cena 268.0 Kč

The Coral Island - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1857, 'The Coral Island' is one of Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne's best-loved children's books. When the good ship 'Arrow' is wrecked in the Pacific Ocean, the sole survivors are three young Jack, Ralph, and Peterkin. Washed up on the shore of an unfamiliar island paradise, the boys must learn quickly in order to survive. There are plenty of twists and turns ahead in this classic adventure story, which is packed full of danger and excitement. An instant success upon publication, 'The Coral Island' was the inspiration behind famous author Robert Louis Stevenson's later adventure tale 'Treasure Island'. -

Objev podobné jako The Coral Island - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (6x LP) - LP (5393132)

LP vinyl - Songs of Freedom je sada tří CD nebo šesti LP od Boba Marleyho. Songs of Freedom je sada tří CD nebo šesti LP od Boba Marleyho. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 / High Tide or Low Tide / Slave Driver / No More Trouble / Concrete Jungle / Get Up, Stand Up / Rastaman Chant / Burnin' and Lootin' / Iron Lion Zion / Lively Up Yourself / LP 2 / Natty Dread / I Shot the Sheriff / No Woman No Cry / Who the Cap Fit / Jah Live / Crazy Baldhead / War / LP 3 / Johnny Was / Rat Race / Jammin' / Waiting in Vain / Exodus / Natural Mystic / Three Little Birds / Running Away / LP 4 / Keep on Moving / Easy Skanking / Is This Love / Smile Jamaica / Time Will Tell / Africa Unite / Survival / One Drop / One Dub / LP 5 / Zimbabwe / So Much Trouble in the World / Ride Natty Ride / Babylon System / Coming in from the Cold / Real Situation / Bad Card / LP 6 / Could You Be Loved / Forever Loving Jah / Rastaman Live Up / Give Thanks & Praises / One Love /...

Objev podobné jako Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (6x LP) - LP (5393132)

cena 3419.0 Kč

Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (3x CD) - CD (5393128)

Hudební CD - Songs of Freedom je sada tří CD nebo šesti LP od Boba Marleyho. Songs of Freedom je sada tří CD nebo šesti LP od Boba Marleyho. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD 1 / High Tide or Low Tide / Slave Driver / No More Trouble / Concrete Jungle / Get Up, Stand Up / Rastaman Chant / Burnin' and Lootin' / Iron Lion Zion / Lively Up Yourself / Natty Dread / I Shot the Sheriff / No Woman No Cry / Who the Cap Fit / Jah Live / Crazy Baldhead / War / Johnny Was / Rat Race / CD 2 / Jammin' / Waiting in Vain / Exodus / Natural Mystic / Three Little Birds / Running Away / Keep on Moving / Easy Skanking / Is This Love / Smile Jamaica / Time Will Tell / Africa Unite / Survival / One Drop / One Dub / CD 3 / Zimbabwe / So Much Trouble in the World / Ride Natty Ride / Babylon System / Coming in from the Cold / Real Situation / Bad Card / Could You Be Loved / Forever Loving Jah / Rastaman Live Up / Give Thanks & Praises / One Love / People Get Ready /...

Objev podobné jako Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (3x CD) - CD (5393128)

cena 1039.0 Kč

Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD)

Interpret / Téma: Bob Marley Datum vydání: 2021-02-05 Žánr: Reggae;Ska Typ: Collection;Box Set;CD;Limitovaná edice Země interpreta: Jamajka Rok vydání: 2021.0 Subžánr: Rocksteady;Reggae;Ska Varianta: Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD) Vydavatelství: Universal Music Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 3 ks

Objev podobné jako Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD)

cena 1138.1 Kč

Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (Vinyl Box)

Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Box Set;Album;Limitovaná edice;LP deska Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 6 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Universal Music Subžánr: Reggae;Rocksteady;Ska Žánr: Reggae Varianta: Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (Vinyl Box) Interpret / Téma: Bob Marley Rok vydání: 2021.0 Země interpreta: Jamajka Datum vydání: 2021-02-05

Objev podobné jako Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (Vinyl Box)

cena 3429.0 Kč

Taylor 114ce-S C-Class Bracing

Elektroakustická kytara Elektroakustická kytara 114ce-S C-Class Bracing americké značky Taylor je Grand Auditorium, tj. naprosto všestranný nástroj vhodný pro hru trsátkem i prstovou technikou. Přední deska kytary je zhotovena z masivu smrku Sitka, zadní deska a luby z vrstveného sapele. K javorovému krku je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaceti pražci a polohovými tečkami z imitace perleti. Dohmat na vyšších polohách hmatníku usnadňuje jemný zaoblený spodní výřez těla (Venetian Cutaway). Akustické kvality kytary pozvedává na vyšší úroveň nové asymetrické C-Class žebrování. Struny jsou přes sedlo z micarty a nultý pražec z materiálu NuBone uchyceny v chromovaných die-cast mechanikách značky Taylor. Pěkné zpracování podtrhují tradiční prvky v podobě rozety složené ze tří prstenců, černé lemovky těla a praktického černého pickguardu. O snímání zvuku se stará Taylor Expression System 2. Toto je zcela unikátní způsob snímání, který posouvá možnosti realistického podání zvuku do dosud nebývalých rozměrů. Pro snímání jsou použity tři speciálně designované nezávislé piezoelektrické snímače umístěné za kobylkou. Narozdíl od konvenčních snímačů nesnímají pohyb desky nahoru a dolu, ale přirozené vibrace kobylkového sedla vpřed a vzad. Díky tomu je zvuk mnohem přirozenější, barevnější a příjemnější a lépe reaguje na dynamiku Vaší hry. Zároveň díky novému preampu je signal o 25 % silnější. Samozřejmostí je eliminace zpětné vazby a možnost nastavit hlasitost, basy a výšky. Nástroj je dodáván v obalu (gig bag). Nástroje z řady 100 jsou vyráběny v továrně v mexickém Tecate, což jim ale nijak neubírá na kvalitě. Tecate je od kalifornského EL Cajonu totiž vzdáleno pouhých pár desítek kilometrů, a tak je výroba náležitě kontrolována.

Objev podobné jako Taylor 114ce-S C-Class Bracing

cena 22940.0 Kč

The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

Kniha - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new edition of Shorto's history of Dutch Manhattan, New York (formerly New Amsterdam). Reissued to tie in with the paperback edition of "Amsterdam".

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

cena 318.0 Kč

The Last Word - Taylor Adams

Emma is house-sitting on the rainy Washington coast with only her golden retriever for company. She likes the isolation, the peace and quiet, and the opportunity to read. But her latest pick, a poorly written and gruesome horror novel, is disappointing and Emma leaves a one-star review. A message dings back - the author, H.G. Kane, has replied and he's furious. Emma brushes it off, until disturbing incidents start to occur. Scratches in the night. A figure crawling around in the shadows. Kane has written sixteen other novels, all similarly sadistic tales of stalking and murder. He knows he's a brilliant writer - he just needs to make Emma understand... Expect the unexpected in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense and terror from the critically acclaimed author of the TikTok sensation No Exit.

Objev podobné jako The Last Word - Taylor Adams

cena 402.0 Kč

The Late Americans - Taylor Brandon

‘Funny, merciless, brilliant . . . I loved it’ CURTIS SITTENFELDSeamus, Fyodor, Ivan, Noah and Fatima are running out of time to decide on their futures, in the new novel from the Booker-shortlisted author of Real Life.In a university town, a circle of lovers and friends navigate tangled webs of connection while they try to work out what they want, and who they are.As they test their own desires in a series of relationships, these young men and women ask themselves and each other: what is the right thing to stake a life on? Work, love, money, dance, poetry? And what does true connection look like, in an age of precarity?‘A constellation of characters shines in [this] campus-set tale of aspiring artists’ Financial Times‘Intimate, hilarious, poignant . . . A gorgeously written novel of youth’s promise’ Oprah Daily‘Elegant and razor-sharp’ EMMA CLINE* A Daily Telegraph and FT Book of the Year *

Objev podobné jako The Late Americans - Taylor Brandon

cena 295.0 Kč

The Second Midnight - Andrew Taylor

From the No. 1 Sunday Times bestselling author comes a World War Two tale of one boy's fight for survival in Nazi EuropeA secret mission...1939. As Europe teeters on the brink of war, Alfred Kendall is tasked with carrying out a minor mission for the British Intelligence Service. Travelling to Prague, he takes his troubled young son, Hugh, as cover.A terrible choice...When Hitler invades Czechoslovakia, Alfred is given an ultimatum by the Czech Resistance. They will arrange for him to return to England, but only if he leaves his son Hugh behind as collateral.A young boy stranded in Nazi terrain...Hugh is soon taken under the wing of a Nazi colonel - Helmuth Scholl. But even though Scholl treats Hugh well, his son, Heinz, is suspicious of this foreigner. And as the war across the continent intensifies, they are set on a path that will ultimately lead towards destruction...

Objev podobné jako The Second Midnight - Andrew Taylor

cena 232.0 Kč

The Sims 4: Island Living - Xbox Digital (7D4-00365)

Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Simulátor, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra % Simíci se rozhodli, že vyrazí na dovolenou. A kam jinam než na ostrov. Užijte si nová dobrodružství s vašimi oblíbenými postavami v palmovém ráji. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Naplánujte si svou dokonalou dovolenou zalitou sluncem, pískem, zábavou a bezstarostností. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Vytvořte si svůj vlastní ráj podle vašich představ. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Zvolte si svou činnost

Objev podobné jako The Sims 4: Island Living - Xbox Digital (7D4-00365)

cena 1049.0 Kč

Illustrated Readers 2 The Mysterious Island - Readers - Jules Verne

Klasické povídky představují přitažlivý způsob výuky angličtiny. Výukový komplet knihy, pracovního sešitu, audiokazety nebo audio CD nabízí širokou škálu využití ve vyučování. Vhodné i pro samostudium. Kniha pro učitele obsahuje odpovědi ke cvičením v pracovním sešitu, dva závěrečné testy s klíčem a výukový plán.

Objev podobné jako Illustrated Readers 2 The Mysterious Island - Readers - Jules Verne

cena 142.0 Kč

There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

This is the story of one lost poem, two great rivers, and three remarkable lives – all connected by a single drop of water. In the ruins of Nineveh, that ancient city of Mesopotamia, there lies hidden in the sand fragments of a long-forgotten poem, the Epic of Gilgamesh. In Victorian London, an extraordinary child is born at the edge of the dirt-black Thames.Arthur’s only chance of escaping poverty is his brilliant memory. When his gift earns him a spot as an apprentice at a printing press, Arthur’s world opens up far beyond the slums, with one book soon sending him across the seas: Nineveh and Its Remains. In 2014 Turkey, Narin, a ten-year-old Yazidi girl, waits to be baptised in the waters of the River Tigris.The ceremony is cruelly interrupted, and soon Narin and her grandmother must journey across war-torn lands in the hope of finding the sacred valley of their people. In 2018 London, broken-hearted Zaleekhah, a hydrologist, moves to a houseboat on the Thames to escape the wreckage of her marriage. Zaleekhah foresees a life drained of all love and meaning – until an unexpected connection to her homeland changes everything.A dazzling feat of storytelling from one of the greatest writers of our time, Elif Shafak’s There are Rivers in the Sky is a rich, sweeping novel that spans centuries, continents and cultures, entwined by rivers, rains, and waterdrops:‘Water remembers. It is humans who forget.’

Objev podobné jako There are Rivers in the Sky: From the bestselling author of The Island of Missing Trees - Elif Shafaková

cena 509.0 Kč

Taylor 224ce-K DLX C-Class Bracing

Elektroakustická kytara Taylor 224ce-K DLX C-Class Bracing je elektroakustická kytara typu Grand Auditorium, tj. naprosto všestranný nástroj vhodný pro hru trsátkem i prstovou technikou. Tělo kytary je zhotoveno z havajského koa - přední deska z masivu, zadní deska a luby z vrstveného koa. Kresbu koa zvýrazňuje lesklý lak a barevná úprava Shaded Edgeburst. Akustické kvality kytary pozvedává na vyšší úroveň nové asymetrické C-Class žebrování. K mahagonovému krku je přilepen ebenový hmatník osazený dvaceti pražci. Dohmat na vyšších polohách hmatníku usnadňuje jemný zaoblený spodní výřez těla (Venetian Cutaway). Stabilitu ladění zaručuje uchycení strun přes nultý pražec z materiálu NuBone v ebenové kobylce a mechanikách Taylor ve zlatém provedení. Stylový vzhled nástroje podtrhují tradiční prvky v podobě černého pickguardu, perleťové rozety a firemního loga na hlavici kytary. O snímání zvuku se stará Taylor Expression System 2. Toto je zcela unikátní způsob snímání, který posouvá možnosti realistického podání zvuku do dosud nebývalých rozměrů. Pro snímání jsou použity tři speciálně designované nezávislé piezoelektrické snímače umístěné za kobylkou. Na rozdíl od konvenčních snímačů nesnímají pohyb desky nahoru a dolu, ale přirozené vibrace kobylkového sedla vpřed a vzad. Díky tomu je zvuk mnohem přirozenější, barevnější, příjemnější a lépe reaguje na dynamiku hry. Díky novému preampu je signál zároveň o 25 % silnější. Samozřejmostí je eliminace zpětné vazby a možnost nastavit hlasitost, basy a výšky. Kytara je dodávána v kufru (hardshell case). Americká firma Taylor je proslulá výrobou akustických kytar, které jsou velmi kvalitně zpracované a nabízí špičkový zvuk. Nástroje z řady 200 jsou vyráběny v továrně v mexickém Tecate, což jim ale nijak neubírá na kvalitě. Tecate je od kalifornského EL Cajonu totiž vzdáleno pouhých pár desítek kilometrů, a tak je výroba náležitě kontrolována.

Objev podobné jako Taylor 224ce-K DLX C-Class Bracing

cena 53490.0 Kč

Emily Windsnap and the Falls of Forgotten Island - Liz Kesslerová

Emily Windsnap, an ordinary girl on land and a magical mermaid in water, is overdue a break from excitement - as her exhausted best friend Shona keeps reminding her! So, promising Shona she'll stay free of trouble and just 'swill out' ('chill out' for mermaids), Emily invites her best friend and her boyfriend Aaron along for a relaxing family holiday in the sun . . . But it seems adventure is hot on her heels - and her tail. Soon, Emily discovers a hidden world beyond the falls of mysterious Forgotten Island - but it's not quite the paradise it seems. With a curse hanging over the island and a catastrophic disaster looming, Emily finds herself suddenly entangled in an ancient Prophecy. She must embark on a dangerous mission to seek the legendary giant the islanders believe will save them all, before it's too late. But how can Emily save the day when rifts are forming between her and the very people she needs by her side? Must promises always be kept? And what happens when they are broken?

Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Falls of Forgotten Island - Liz Kesslerová

cena 223.0 Kč

Urban Classics Pattern Swim Shorts island aop - L

Urban Classics100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Urban Classics Pattern Swim Shorts island aop - L

cena 462.29358 Kč

The Shadows of London - Andrew Taylor

Over 1 Million Andrew Taylor Novels Sold!A Times Historical Crime Novel of the year‘An absolute delight in a series that goes from strength to strength’ S. G. McLean, prize-winning author of the Seeker series‘This is Taylor at his unassailable best’ Financial TimesLondon 1671The damage caused by the Great Fire still overshadows the capital.The disfigured body of a man is unearthed in the ruins of the old almshouse, forcing architect Cat Hakesby to stop restoration work. It is clear he has been murdered, and Whitehall secretary James Marwood is ordered to investigate.When the man’s identity is revealed, it’s clear that there are larger forces at play, and Marwood comes under serious pressure to solve the case. But an old adversary is attempting to stop him.As Cat and Marwood follow the threads of corruption into the heart of government, the king himself is being distracted from affairs of state. A young, impoverished Frenchwoman has caught his eye – a quiet affair that will have monumental consequences.

Objev podobné jako The Shadows of London - Andrew Taylor

cena 295.0 Kč

The Christmas Club - Mel Taylor-Bessent

The Christmariffic Carrolls hit NEW YORK! Funny festive middle grade from the founder of Authorfy, perfect for 8+ fans of Matt Haig, Ben Miller, Sibeal Pounder’s Tinsel, and the Nativity! films The Christmas-crazy Carrolls are back – and this time, they’re in NEW YORK! Holly and her family are about to lead the famous Christmas parade in New York City! But there’s a hitch. They have been invited to join the EXCLUSIVE Christmas Club, whose members are among the MOST CHRISTMASSY FAMILIES IN THE WORLD. They simply have to follow the mysterious White Reindeer to find the Christmas Club’s secret headquarters in Manhattan. But when the White Reindeer shows up in the MIDDLE of the Christmas parade, the Carrolls are faced with a dilemma . . . Should they stay, or should they go?

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Club - Mel Taylor-Bessent

cena 236.0 Kč

The Christmas Carrolls - Mel Taylor-Bessent

Wish it could be Christmas every day? Well, for nine-year-old Holly Carroll and her family, it is! Living her merriest life in a house with year-round fairy lights and Christmas trees, a carol-singing toilet and a diva donkey who thinks he’s a reindeer, home-schooled Holly tries to spread cheer wherever she goes. But when she goes to a new school with a singing Santa backpack and first day Christmas cards (during a heatwave in September!), she realises not everyone shares her enthusiasm for spreading cheer. In fact, when the neighbours try to remove the Carrolls from the street and Holly discovers a group of children that may not get a Christmas at all, her snowglobe world begins to crack. Is the world’s most Christmassy girl about to lose her Christmas spirit? The Christmas Carrolls is a heartwarming, hilarious and inclusive tale about the power of spreading cheer, the magic of friendship and what really matters at this most wonderful time of the year.

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Carrolls - Mel Taylor-Bessent

cena 236.0 Kč

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