Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Last Word - Taylor Adams
Emma is house-sitting on the rainy Washington coast with only her golden retriever for company. She likes the isolation, the peace and quiet, and the opportunity to read. But her latest pick, a poorly written and gruesome horror novel, is disappointing and Emma leaves a one-star review. A message dings back - the author, H.G. Kane, has replied and he's furious. Emma brushes it off, until disturbing incidents start to occur. Scratches in the night. A figure crawling around in the shadows. Kane has written sixteen other novels, all similarly sadistic tales of stalking and murder. He knows he's a brilliant writer - he just needs to make Emma understand... Expect the unexpected in this pulse-pounding novel of psychological suspense and terror from the critically acclaimed author of the TikTok sensation No Exit.
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The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ''Cosy crime of a superior order'' Sunday TimesWords can be dangerous. Sometimes they kill...Natalka and Edwin are running a detective agency in Shoreham, Sussex. Despite a steady stream of minor cases, Natalka is frustrated, longing for a big juicy investigation to come the agency''s way. Then a murder case turns up. Local writer, Melody Chambers, is found dead and her family are convinced it is murder. Edwin, a big fan of the obit pages, thinks there''s a link to the writer of Melody''s obituary who pre-deceased his subject. The trail leads them to a slightly sinister writers'' retreat. When another writer is found dead, Edwin thinks that the clue lies in the words. Seeking professional help, the amateur investigators turn to their friend, detective Harbinder Kaur, to find that they have stumbled on a plot that is stranger than fiction.The unmissable new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries.*****************************Praise for The Last Word''Outstanding and hugely entertaining'' Irish Independent ''Twisty'' Crime Monthly''The characters show real light and shade and there are ample comedic one-liners'' Belfast Telegraph''This mystery will have you hooked'' Candis''Kept me guessing to the end'' SagaA Sunday Times bestseller w/c 01/02/2024
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The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ''Cosy crime of a superior order'' Sunday TimesWords can be dangerous. Sometimes they kill...Natalka and Edwin are running a detective agency in Shoreham, Sussex. Despite a steady stream of minor cases, Natalka is frustrated, longing for a big juicy investigation to come the agency''s way. Then a murder case turns up. Local writer, Melody Chambers, is found dead and her family are convinced it is murder. Edwin, a big fan of the obit pages, thinks there''s a link to the writer of Melody''s obituary who pre-deceased his subject. The trail leads them to a slightly sinister writers'' retreat. When another writer is found dead, Edwin thinks that the clue lies in the words. Seeking professional help, the amateur investigators turn to their friend, detective Harbinder Kaur, to find that they have stumbled on a plot that is stranger than fiction.The unmissable new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries.*****************************Praise for The Last Word''Outstanding and hugely entertaining'' Irish Independent ''Twisty'' Crime Monthly''The characters show real light and shade and there are ample comedic one-liners'' Belfast Telegraph''This mystery will have you hooked'' Candis''Kept me guessing to the end'' SagaA Sunday Times bestseller w/c 01/02/2024
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FREDERIC: The Last Word in Chic - Dara Caponigro
A compilation of the most inspiring interiors featured in the pages of FREDERIC magazine Since its launch in 2021, Frederic magazine has become one of the design world’s most lauded publications, showcasing the work of legendary decorators and up-and-coming talents alike. In this volume, readers are invited to step inside a curated collection of the most memorable homes covered in its pages. FREDERIC: The Last Word in Chic visits the personal residences of Veere Grenney, Neisha Crosland, Anne-Marie Midy, and other notable figures, with never-before-seen images shot by the world’s leading interiors photographers. Projects from around the world by top decorators including Redd Kaihoi and Betsy Brown, architects Jeffrey Dungan and Joel Barkley, and industry insiders Elizabeth Mayhew and Dara Caponigro, to name a few, celebrate the joy of the unexpected, transcend rules and trends, and embrace personality and creativity. From lovingly restored historic houses to breathtaking new residences, each of the 28 homes within captures the commitment to originality and pursuit of beauty that makes this veritable treasure trove of inspiration essential reading for any design lover. A celebration of the power of design, FREDERIC is your guide to a more beautiful life. Unbeholden to trend and always open to the unexpected, FREDERIC showcases the work of the most interesting, important, and adventurous figures in the world of interior and garden design, architecture, fashion, art, travel, and more.
Objev podobné jako FREDERIC: The Last Word in Chic - Dara Caponigro
Every Last Word - Tamara Ireland Stoneová
A New York Times Best Seller If you could read my mind, you wouldn't be smiling. Samantha McAllister looks just like the rest of the popular girls in her junior class. But hidden beneath the straightened hair and expertly applied makeup is a secret that her friends would never understand: Sam has Purely-Obsessional OCD and is consumed by a stream of dark thoughts and worries that she can't turn off. Second-guessing every move, thought, and word makes daily life a struggle, and it doesn't help that her lifelong friends will turn toxic at the first sign of a wrong outfit, wrong lunch, or wrong crush. Yet Sam knows she'd be truly crazy to leave the protection of the most popular girls in school. So when Sam meets Caroline, she has to keep her new friend with a refreshing sense of humor and no style a secret, right up there with Sam's weekly visits to her psychiatrist. Caroline introduces Sam to Poet's Corner, a hidden room and a tight-knit group of misfits who have been ignored by the school at large. Sam is drawn to them immediately, especially a guitar-playing guy with a talent for verse, and starts to discover a whole new side of herself. Slowly, she begins to feel more "normal" than she ever has as part of the popular crowd . . . until she finds a new reason to question her sanity and all she holds dear. Praise for Every Last Word"Clueless meets Dead Poets Society with a whopping final twist." -Kirkus Reviews "This book is highly recommended-readers will connect with Sam, relating to her anxiety about her peers, and root for her throughout the book." -VOYA "A thoughtful romance with a strong message about self-acceptance, [this] sensitive novel boasts strong characterizations and conflicts that many teens will relate to. Eminently readable." -Booklist "A brilliant and moving story about finding your voice, the power of words, and true friendship. I couldn't put it down " -Elizabeth Eulberg, Author of The Lonely Hearts Club "Brilliant, brave, and beautiful." -Kathleen Caldwell, A Great Good Place for Books "A riveting story of love, true friendship, self-doubt and self-confidence, overcoming obstacles, and truly finding oneself." -Melanie Koss, Professor of Young Adult Literature, Northern Illinois University "Romantic, unpredictable, relatable, and so very enjoyable." -Arnold Shapiro, Oscar- and Emmy-winning Producer "Characters to love and a story to break your heart. Readers will want to turn page after page and read every last word. Then do it all over again." -Marianne Follis, Teen Librarian, Valley Ranch (Irving) Public Library
Objev podobné jako Every Last Word - Tamara Ireland Stoneová
Na dostřel - Taylor Adams
Další kniha od Taylora Adamse, autora strhujícího thrilleru Není úniku, mistra příběhů o mezních situacích, napínavých v každé vteřině a dramatických až do překvapivého závěru. Mladí manželé James a Elle Eversmanovi projíždějí Mohavskou pouští vstříc novému životu. Nečekaně se jim porouchá auto a oni uvíznou uprostřed pustiny, bez vody, mobilního signálu a jakékoli šance na záchranu. Z více jak kilometrové vzdálenosti je drží na mušce chladnokrevný a děsivě přesný odstřelovač. James s Elle jsou uvězněni za rozbitým autem a ze všech stran je obklopuje jen otevřené prostranství. Není kam se schovat ani kam utéct a nikdo nepřichází na pomoc. Dá se tohle vůbec přežít?
Objev podobné jako Na dostřel - Taylor Adams
Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams
Emma Carpenterová se svým zlatým retrívrem hlídá starý dům na pláži. Její jediný kontakt s lidmi je tajemný starý soused Deek a (prostřednictvím SMS) majitelka domu Jules. Když si Emma přečte mizerný, ale děsivý hororový román od jistého H. G. Kanea a napíše mu jednohvězdičkovou recenzi, vtáhne ji to do online sporu se samotným autorem. Brzy poté se v noci začnou dít znepokojující věci. To přece nemůže být náhoda. Že by ji spisovatel pronásledoval? Jak Emma pátrá po Kaneově životě a díle, dozvídá se, že vydal šestnáct dalších knih, a všechny s podobně sadistickými příběhy. Kdo to však je? Jak ji našel? A čeho je schopen?
Objev podobné jako Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams
Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams
Lenina sestra, dvojče, se zabila skokem z mostu. Jenže Lena této oficiální policejní verzi nevěří a je odhodlaná udělat cokoli, aby odhalila pravdu. A tak se rozhodne setkat se s policistou, který údajně nalezl mrtvé tělo. Ovšem na jeho líčení něco nesedí. A jakmile se začnou vyjasňovat poslední hodiny života její sestry, změní se Lenino pátrání v trýznivý, neúprosný boj o vlastní život – boj, který prověří vše, co si myslela, že kdy věděla o ní, a především o sobě samé...Most sebevrahů je novým strhujícím psychologickým thrillerem talentovaného Taylora Adamse, autora akčních bestsellerů Není úniku a Na dostřel.
Objev podobné jako Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams
Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Emma Carpenterová se svým zlatým retrívrem hlídá starý dům na pláži. Její jediný kontakt s lidmi je tajemný starý soused Deek a (prostřednictvím SMS) majitelka domu Jules. Když si Emma přečte mizerný, ale děsivý hororový román od jistého H. G. Kanea a napíše mu jednohvězdičkovou recenzi, vtáhne ji to do online sporu se samotným autorem. Brzy poté se v noci začnou dít znepokojující věci. To přece nemůže být náhoda. Že by ji spisovatel pronásledoval? Jak Emma pátrá po Kaneově životě a díle, dozvídá se, že vydal šestnáct dalších knih, a všechny s podobně sadistickými příběhy. Kdo to však je? Jak ji našel? A čeho je schopen? POKUD DÁTE TÉTO KNIZE JEN JEDNU HVĚZDIČKU, MŮŽETE SKONČIT MRTVÍ... Tady venku vás nikdo neuslyší křičet… Od autora akčního bestselleru Není úniku. TAYLOR ADAMS studoval film a scenáristiku na Eastern Washington University. Je autorem kritikou oceňovaných knižních bestsellerů Není úniku (ten kromě češtiny vyšel v dalších 31 jazycích a byl podle něj natočen film Bez východiska), Na dostřel a Most sebevrahů. NINA HORÁKOVÁ (1988) Narodila se v Olomouci. K divadlu přičichla již v šesti letech, kdy v první třídě na základní škole začala účinkovat v Ptenském dětském divadle. Během studia na gymnáziu nastoupila do dramatického kroužku a byla členkou prostějovského amatérského divadla Point, rovněž se začala aktivně věnovat zpěvu. V roce 2012 ukončila studium na DAMU v Praze obor činoherní herectví. V současné době je členkou Originálního pohybového divadla Veselé skoky (Chabrus line, Ve stanici nelze a Havran) a účinkuje v Divadla Na Fidlovačce ve hrách Šumař na střeše, My fair lady, Babička, Dům čtyř letor a Nevěsta. V divadle Kalich ji můžete vidět v roli Frenchy v muzikálu Pomáda. Věnuje se tanci, zpěvu i dabingu. VASIL FRIDRICH (1976) Po absolvování DAMU získal angažmá ve Švandově divadle, v letech 2002–2005 působil ve Středočeském divadle Kladno. Po dvanácti letech angažmá v Městských divadlech pražských (ABC a ROKOKO) odešel v roce 2017 na volnou nohu. Na Dvojce Českého rozhlasu moderuje talkshow Noční Mikrofórum a věnuje se také práci na poli rozhlasové činohry či natáčení audioknih. Zahrál si například ve dvoudílném televizním filmu Metanol a také ve snímcích Hodinový manžel, Teorie tygra či v seriálech Specialisté nebo Ulice. Audiokniha: Taylor Adams: POSLEDNÍ SLOVO | Překlad Irena Steinerová | Čte Nina Horáková a Vasil Fridrich | Režie Jan Drbohlav | Zvuk, střih a mastering Karolína Škápíková | Hudba Pavel Holý | Natočeno ve studiu S Pro Alfa CZ | Produkce S Pro Alfa CZ | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr, v srpnu 2024. Nahrávka vznikla podle knižní předlohy: THE LAST WORD Copyright © 2023 by Taylor Adams | Přeložila Irena Steinerová | Cover photo Valentino Sani / Arcangel | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. - v edici Kalibr v roce 2024.
Objev podobné jako Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Na dostřel - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Když mladí manželé James a Elle Eversmanovi projíždějí Mohavskou pouští vstříc novému životu, nečekaně se jim porouchá auto. Uvíznou uprostřed pustiny, bez vody, mobilního signálu a bez jakékoli šance na záchranu. K tomu je z více než kilometrové vzdálenosti drží na mušce chladnokrevný a děsivě přesný odstřelovač. Není kam se schovat ani kam utéct a nikdo nepřichází na pomoc…
Objev podobné jako Na dostřel - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Lenina sestra, dvojče, se zabila skokem z mostu. Jenže Lena této oficiální policejní verzi nevěří a je odhodlaná udělat cokoli, aby odhalila pravdu. Proto se rozhodne setkat se s policistou, který nalezl mrtvé tělo. Na jeho líčení ovšem něco nesedí. A jakmile se začnou vyjasňovat poslední hodiny života její sestry, změní se Lenino pátrání v trýznivý, neúprosný boj o vlastní život – boj, který prověří vše, co si myslela, že kdy věděla o ní, a především o sobě samé...
Objev podobné jako Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams - audiokniha
Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams - e-kniha
eBook: Emma Carpenterová se svým zlatým retrívrem hlídá starý dům na pláži. Její jediný kontakt s lidmi je tajemný starý soused Deek a (prostřednictvím SMS) majitelka domu Jules. Když si Emma přečte mizerný, ale děsivý hororový román od jistého H. G. Kanea a napíše mu jednohvězdičkovou recenzi, vtáhne ji to do online sporu se samotným autorem. Brzy poté se v noci začnou dít znepokojující věci. To přece nemůže být náhoda. Že by ji spisovatel pronásledoval? Jak Emma pátrá po Kaneově životě a díle, dozvídá se, že vydal šestnáct dalších knih, a všechny s podobně sadistickými příběhy. Kdo to však je? Jak ji našel? A čeho je schopen?
Objev podobné jako Poslední slovo - Taylor Adams - e-kniha
Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams - e-kniha
eBook: Lenina sestra, dvojče, se zabila skokem z mostu. Jenže Lena této oficiální policejní verzi nevěří a je odhodlaná udělat cokoli, aby odhalila pravdu. A tak se rozhodne setkat se s policistou, který údajně nalezl mrtvé tělo. Ovšem na jeho líčení něco nesedí. A jakmile se začnou vyjasňovat poslední hodiny života její sestry, změní se Lenino pátrání v trýznivý, neúprosný boj o vlastní život – boj, který prověří vše, co si myslela, že kdy věděla o ní, a především o sobě samé...Most sebevrahů je novým strhujícím psychologickým thrillerem talentovaného Taylora Adamse, autora akčních bestsellerů Není úniku a Na dostřel.
Objev podobné jako Most sebevrahů - Taylor Adams - e-kniha
Ansel Adams in the Canadian Rockies - Ansel Adams
The first book of Ansel Adam's early photographs of the Canadian Rockies. 'These mountains are breathtaking - utterly different than anything we have seen. The peaks and forest and 'tone' fulfill almost every ideal I have had of what 'my' mountains could be. . . These are the great mountains we dream about.'- Ansel Adams to his wife Virginia, 1928 The Sierra Club's twenty-ninth annual outing or 'High Trip' was Ansel Adams's first as official photographer. It was during this expedition to the Canadian Rockies in 1928 that Ansel began to find his voice as a photographer. In ANSEL ADAMS IN THE CANADIAN ROCKIES, we discover images of celebrated natural sites including Mount Robson, Amethyst Lake, Drawbridge Peak, and Bennington Glacier that foreshadow the majestic mountain vistas for which Adams would become renowned. A fine chronicle of one of Ansel Adams's earliest major photographic expeditions, and the only one he ever made outside of the United States, this book also serves as a record of Ansel's emerging style during these crucial years in his artistic development.
Objev podobné jako Ansel Adams in the Canadian Rockies - Ansel Adams
Her Last Holiday - C. L. Taylor
You come to Soul Shrink to be healed. You don't expect to die.Two years ago, Fran's sister Jenna disappeared on a wellness retreat in Gozo that went terribly wrong.Tom Wade, the now infamous man behind Soul Shrink Retreats, has just been released from prison after serving his sentence for the deaths of two people. But he has never let on what happened to the third victim: Jenna.Determined to find out the truth, Fran books herself onto his upcoming retreat - the first since his release - and finds herself face to face with the man who might hold the key to her sister's disappearance. The only question is, will she escape the retreat alive? Or does someone out there want Jenna's secrets to stay hidden?The master of suspense is back. Prepare yourself for the latest heart-in-mouth rollercoaster ride from the Sunday Times bestseller.
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The Mortal Word (1509830723)
Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Mortal Word (1509830723)
42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams - Douglas Adams
'Douglas's slanted way of looking at reality makes the fuzzy sharp and the improbable probable. In a cock-eyed universe the level gaze is not much use' STEPHEN FRY'Douglas was something that we don't have a word for yet - a futurologist or an explainer' NEIL GAIMAN"In lieu of a conventional autobiography, this collection of letters, jottings and ephemera - interspersed with heartfelt tributes from admirers including Stephen Fry and Neil Gaiman - will have to serve as the definitive insight into this brilliant man's life and work." Alexander Larman'All your readers have Douglas Adams Circuits in their heads, now: a glowing synaptic lens that has made the whole of space seem like a place as familiar and human as Earth. That makes us approach new tech, and the future, without fear' CAITLIN MORANWhen Douglas Adams died in 2001, he left behind 60 boxes full of notebooks, letters, scripts, jokes, speeches and even poems. In 42, compiled by Douglas's long-time collaborator Kevin Jon Davies, hundreds of these personal artefacts appear in print for the very first time.Douglas was as much a thinker as he was a writer, and his artefacts reveal how his deep fascination with technology led to ideas which were far ahead of their time: a convention speech envisioning the modern smartphone, with all the information in the world living at our fingertips; sheets of notes predicting the advent of electronic books; journal entries from his forays into home computing - it is a matter of legend that Douglas bought the very first Mac in the UK; musings on how the internet would disrupt the CD-Rom industry, among others.42 also features archival material charting Douglas's school days through Cambridge, Footlights, collaborations with Graham Chapman, and early scribbles from the development of Doctor Who, Hitchhiker's and Dirk Gently. Alongside details of his most celebrated works are projects that never came to fruition, including the pilot for radio programme They'll Never Play That on the Radio and a space-inspired theme park ride.Douglas's personal papers prove that the greatest ideas come from the fleeting thoughts that collide in our own imagination, and offer a captivating insight into the mind of one of the twentieth century's greatest thinkers and most enduring storytellers.
Objev podobné jako 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams - Douglas Adams
The Final Word - Liza Marklundová
Annika Bengtzon has spent her career telling stories that need to be heard. As a journalist, she's always been at the front line of criminal reporting, alongside the investigating officers. And now a court case that she's been reporting on - the savage murder of a homeless man - has begun to attract a lot of attention. With the stakes rising by the day, Annika is once again flung to the heart of a complex case. But nagging at the back of her mind is her sister's mysterious absence. After a series of anxious text messages, she's not heard another word. In the midst of a tense public situation, Annika's own complicated past looks set to rear its head. Some voices refuse to be silenced.
Objev podobné jako The Final Word - Liza Marklundová
The Bravest Word - Kate Foster
A rescue story of love and trust between a boy and a dog from the talented author of Paws.Matt is a football superstar. He can handle anything. Except lately his chest feels empty and his head is screaming. He can’t concentrate in school or enjoy football any more, and he is so, so tired. When Matt stumbles across an abandoned dog, there’s no doubt in his mind that he has to save him.But maybe the dog isn’t the only one who needs help.
Objev podobné jako The Bravest Word - Kate Foster
The Last Kids on Earth and the Forbidden Fortress (The Last Kids on Earth) - Max Brallier
Terrifyingly fun! Max Brallier's The Last Kids on Earth delivers big thrills and even bigger laughs.' Jeff Kinney, author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Wimpy Kid meets The Walking Dead in this hilarious series packed with monsters and zombies. The highly-anticipated eighth book in the #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling series, with over 10 million copies in print! Picking up after Quint and Dirk's Hero Quest, the Last Kids are happily reunited―but quickly faced with a monstrous new mission. Inside an other-dimensional fortress, the evil Thrull, alongside a vile new villain, is carrying out a sinister plan. Jack, Quint, June and Dirk must make their own plans to infiltrate the stronghold before Thrull gets any closer to completing the mysterious Tower, a structure that could ultimately spell doom for this dimension. The Last Kids on Earth series:The Last Kids on EarthThe Last Kids on Earth and the Zombie ParadeThe Last Kids on Earth and the Nightmare KingThe Last Kids on Earth and the Cosmic BeyondThe Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight BladeThe Last Kids on Earth and the Skeleton Road And don’t miss the full-colour graphic novel:The Last Kids on Earth: Thrilling Tales from the Tree House
Objev podobné jako The Last Kids on Earth and the Forbidden Fortress (The Last Kids on Earth) - Max Brallier
The Last Unicorn (0451450523)
Kniha - autor Peter S. Beagle, 212 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Peter S. Beagle, 212 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Adults and children the world over have fallen in love with Beagle's timeless classic, The Last Unicorn. Now, in this historic publication, Beagle's richly inventive novel springs to life in beautifully rendered illustrations that perfectly evoke the mystery and magic of one of man's favorite myths.
Objev podobné jako The Last Unicorn (0451450523)
The Last Wish (1473226406)
Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Last Wish (1473226406)
The Last Graduate (1529100909)
Kniha - autor Naomi Novik, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Return to the Scholomance - and face an even deadlier graduation - in the stunning sequel to the ground-breaking, Sunday Times bestselling A Deadly Education. The dark school of magic has always done its best to devour its students, but now that El has reached her final year — and somehow won herself a handful of allies along the way — it's suddenly developed a very particular craving . . . For her. As the savagery of the school ramps up, El is determined that she will not give in; not to the mals, not to fate, and especially not to the Scholomance. But as the spectre of graduation looms — the deadly final ritual that leaves few students alive — if she and her allies are to make it out, El will need to realise that sometimes winning the game means throwing out all the rules.
Objev podobné jako The Last Graduate (1529100909)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
'One of the greatest achievements in comedy. A work of staggering genius' - David WalliamsAn international phenomenon and pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has been a radio show, TV series, novel, stage play, comic book and film. Following the galactic (mis)adventures of Arthur Dent, Hitchhiker’s in its various incarnations has captured the imaginations of curious minds around the world . . .It's an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent until his house gets demolished. The Earth follows shortly afterwards to make way for a new hyperspace express route, and his best friend has just announced that he's an alien. At this moment, they're hurtling through space with nothing but their towels and an innocuous-looking book inscribed, in large friendly letters, with the words: DON'T PANIC. The weekend has only just begun . . .This 42nd Anniversary Edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by former Doctor Who showrunner, Russell T Davies.Continue Arthur Dent's intergalactic adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.
Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
War: Deliver The Word - LP (0349784493)
LP vinyl - V rámci katalogové kampaně vycházejí v reedici desky skupiny War. Pro zájemce tak jesou na vinylech k dispozici alba War (1971), All Day Music (1971), The World Is A Ghetto (1972), Deliver The Word (1973) a Why Can't We Be Friends? (1975). V rámci katalogové kampaně vycházejí v reedici desky skupiny War. Pro zájemce tak jesou na vinylech k dispozici alba War (1971), All Day Music (1971), The World Is A Ghetto (1972), Deliver The Word (1973) a Why Can't We Be Friends? (1975). War (původně Eric Burdon and War) je americká funk-rocková kapela z Long Beach v Kalifornii, známá několika hitovými písněmi, včetně Spill the Wine, The World Is a Ghetto, The Cisco Kid, Low Rider a Summer). Jejich album The World Is a Ghetto bylo nejprodávanějším albem Billboard Chart roku 1973. Rok vydání : 1973 (6.album) Rok reedice : 2022 Seznam stop LP H2 Overture / In Your Eyes / Gypsy Man / Me and Baby Brother / Deliver the Word / Southern Part of Texas / Blisters
Objev podobné jako War: Deliver The Word - LP (0349784493)
The Word Is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
She planned her own funeral. But did she arrange her own murder? Buried secrets, murder and a trail of bloody clues lie at the heart of Anthony Horowitz''s page-turning detective series.''EASILY THE GREATEST OF OUR CRIME WRITERS'' Sunday Times_________________A woman is strangled six hours after organising her own funeral.Did she know she was going to die? Did she recognise her killer?Enter Daniel Hawthorne, a detective with a genius for solving crimes and an ability to hold secrets very close.With him is his writing partner, Anthony Horowitz. Together they will set out to solve his most puzzling of mysteries.What neither of them know is that they are about to embark on a dark and dangerous journey whether the twists and turns are as unexpected as they are bloody._________________''Raises the game-playing to Olympic level'' Guardian Books of the Year''A real page-turner. I loved it!'' Aled Jones''Horowitz blurs the line between fact and fiction'' Financial Times''Splendidly entertaining, absorbing and difficult to put down. Hawthorne is an intriguing character'' Daily Express''Sharp-witted readers who think they''ve solved the puzzle early on can rest assured that they''ve opened only one of many dazzling Christmas packages Horowitz has left beautifully wrapped under the tree'' Kirkus Reviews''Deduction and wit are well-balanced, and fans of Peter Lovesey and other modern channelers of the spirit of the golden age of detection will clamor for more'' Publishers Weekly
Objev podobné jako The Word Is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
Following the smash-hit sci-fi comedy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is the second part in Douglas Adams' multi-media phenomenon and cult classic series. This edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by Monty Python star, Terry Jones.If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe?Which is exactly what Arthur Dent and the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea.And did anyone actually make a reservation?Follow Arthur Dent's galactic (mis)adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.
Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams
The Twilight Garden - Sara Nisha Adams
The spellbinding new novel from the acclaimed author of The Reading ListWelcome to The Twilight Garden – the neighbourhood''s best-kept secret…‘It was a complete joy’ Sally Page, bestselling author of The Keeper of Stories__________________________________________________________For too long, Winston has lived a quiet life.But when a mystery parcel drops on his doormat – a curious collection of photographs showing a community garden, his garden, bursting with life years ago – it sparks a bigger change than he could ever imagine.Who is the secret gardener? And what are they trying to tell him?All Winston knows is The Twilight Garden holds an extraordinary story; humming with memories just waiting to be unearthed. And the garden can work its magic on the community again – if only he finds the courage to invite people in…Readers love Sara Nisha Adams’ storytelling:‘I laughed, smiled, cried, and didn''t want it to end’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘So beautifully written and I loved every single character! This is so much hope and love in every page’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Thoroughly uplifting and at times poignant. Wonderful book!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘One of the most heartwarming and inspiring books I''ve ever read’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘If you need a book that gives you hope, this is it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Twilight Garden - Sara Nisha Adams
The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams
A faded list.Nine favourite stories.For two strangers, friendship is only a page away . . .When Mukesh Patel pops to the local library, forgoing his routine of grocery shopping and David Attenborough documentaries, he has no idea his life's about to change.He meets Aleisha, a reluctant librarian and the keeper of a curious reading list - just a scrappy piece of paper with the names of 9 stories. It doesn't seem anything special. Yet something tells her to keep it close . . .Story by story, Mukesh and Aleisha work their way through the list - their worries slipping away with every encounter, with every world discovered in their unlikely book club of two.A fresh chance at life, at friendship, wasn't on the cards for these lonely souls - but every story starts somewhere . . .
Objev podobné jako The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams
KUMU Tričko The Last Cast - S
"Poslední nához." Inspirace v tetování ze staré školy a skvělá barevná kombinace! "Poslední nához." Inspirace v tetování ze staré školy a skvělá barevná kombinace! Silně inspirované tetováním ze staré školy a dost možná v naší nejoblíbenější barevné kombinaci, kterou jsme pro vás připravili. Naše The Last Cast Tee(v překladu "Poslední nához") je určitě budoucí klasikou. Šestibarevný sítotisk na naší super měkké 140g látce s tkanými detaily na bočních záložkách. Velikost S-XXL Materiál : 100% bavlna
Objev podobné jako KUMU Tričko The Last Cast - S
KUMU Tričko The Last Cast
"Poslední nához." Inspirace v tetování ze staré školy a skvělá barevná kombinace! "Poslední nához." Inspirace v tetování ze staré školy a skvělá barevná kombinace! Silně inspirované tetováním ze staré školy a dost možná v naší nejoblíbenější barevné kombinaci, kterou jsme pro vás připravili. Naše The Last Cast Tee(v překladu "Poslední nához") je určitě budoucí klasikou. Šestibarevný sítotisk na naší super měkké 140g látce s tkanými detaily na bočních záložkách. Velikost S-XXL Materiál : 100% bavlna
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The Last Worker - PS5 (5060188673323)
Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), kompatibilní s PS VR2, krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Pohlcující příběhové dobrodružství, které se soustředí na poslední obranu osamělého dělníka ve stále automatizovanějším světě a je jedinečnou kombinací simulace práce a strategické hry ve stylu stealth. Továrna s jedním dělníkemPříběhová akční adventura The Last Worker z vás udělá doslova posledního zaměstnance továrního komplexu, o který se přeci jen někdo musí starat. Ponořte se do hraní a poznejte taje tohoto fascinujícího místa. Podívejte se v The Last Worker na život dělníka z jiné perspektivyPřenášejte jednu krabici za druhou. Přesouvejte zboží mezi regály a pomaličku poznávejte útroby ručně malovaných úrovní továrny, která se na řadu hodin stane vašim domovem. Překvapivě hluboká rozhodnutíKrom skutečně...
Objev podobné jako The Last Worker - PS5 (5060188673323)
Plakát The Last of Us
Plakát The Last of Us se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm
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The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show.Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin.Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good . . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.Translated by Danusia Stok.Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. The Last Wish is the perfect introduction to this one-of-a-kind fantasy world.
Objev podobné jako The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Last Graduate - Naomi Noviková
Return to the Scholomance - and face an even deadlier graduation - in the stunning sequel to the ground-breaking, Sunday Times bestselling A Deadly Education.The dark school of magic has always done its best to devour its students, but now that El has reached her final year -- and somehow won herself a handful of allies along the way -- it's suddenly developed a very particular craving . . .For her.As the savagery of the school ramps up, El is determined that she will not give in; not to the mals, not to fate, and especially not to the Scholomance. But as the spectre of graduation looms -- the deadly final ritual that leaves few students alive -- if she and her allies are to make it out, El will need to realise that sometimes winning the game means throwing out all the rules. Wry, witty, endlessly inventive, and mordantly funny -- yet with a true depth and fierce justice at its heart -- this enchanting novel reminds us that there are far more important things than mere survival.
Objev podobné jako The Last Graduate - Naomi Noviková
The Last Continent - Terry Pratchett
The Discworld is very much like our own – if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that is . . . 'Anything you do in the past changes the future. The tiniest little actions have huge consequences. You might tread on an ant now and it might entirely prevent someone from being born in the future.' The Discworld's most inept wizard has found himself on the Discworld’s last continent, a completely separate creation. It's hot. It's dry . . . very dry.There was this thing once called The Wet, which no one believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best bloody place in the world, all right?And in a few days, it will be except . . . Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior, beer drinker, bush ranger, and someone who'll even eat a Meat Pie Floater when he's sober? A man in a hat whose luggage follows him on little legs, who's about to change history by preventing a swagman stealing a jumbuck by a billabong?Yes . . . all this place has between itself and wind-blown doom is Rincewind, the inept wizard who can't even spell wizard.Still . . . no worries, eh?
Objev podobné jako The Last Continent - Terry Pratchett
The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
Introducing Geralt the Witcher - revered and hated - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show.NAMED ONE OF FORBES'' GREATEST BOOK SERIES OF ALL TIME 2024Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin.Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good . . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.Translated by Danusia Stok.Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. The Last Wish is the perfect introduction to this one-of-a-kind fantasy world.
Objev podobné jako The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Last Party - Clare Mackintosh
On New Year's Eve, Rhys Lloyd has a house full of guests.He's celebrating the success of his lakeside holiday homes, and has generously invited the village to drink champagne with their wealthy new neighbours.By midnight, Rhys will be floating dead in the freezing waters of the lake.On New Year's Day, DC Ffion Morgan has a village full of suspects.She grew up in the tiny community, so the murder suspects are her neighbours, friends and family - and Ffion has her own secrets to protect.With a lie uncovered at every turn, soon the question isn't who wanted Rhys dead . . . but who finally killed him.
Objev podobné jako The Last Party - Clare Mackintosh
The Last Legacy - Adrienne Youngová
New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with The Last Legacy, a captivating standalone about family and blood ties, reinventing yourself, and controlling your own destiny.When a letter from her uncle Henrick arrives on Bryn Roth's eighteenth birthday, summoning her back to Bastian, Bryn is eager to prove herself and finally take her place in her long-lost family.Henrik has plans for Bryn, but she must win everyone's trust if she wants to hold any power in the delicate architecture of the family. It doesn't take long for her to see that the Roths are entangled in shadows. Despite their growing influence in upscale Bastian, their hands are still in the kind of dirty business that got Bryn's parents killed years ago. With a forbidden romance to contend with and dangerous work ahead, the cost of being accepted into the Roths may be more than Bryn can pay.
Objev podobné jako The Last Legacy - Adrienne Youngová
The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch
The phenomenal international bestseller - with over 8 million copies sold. When Randy Pausch, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon, was asked to give 'a last lecture' lecture, he didn't have to imagine it as his last, since he had recently been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. But the lecture he gave, 'Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams', wasn't about dying. It was about the importance of overcoming obstacles, of enabling the dreams of others, of seizing every moment (because time is all you have and you may find one day that you have less than you think). It was a summation of everything Randy had come to believe. It was about living. A lot of professors give talks titled 'The Last Lecture'. Professors are asked to consider their demise and to ruminate on what matters most to them: What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance? If we had to vanish tomorrow, what would we want as our legacy? In this book, Randy Pausch has combined the humour, inspiration, and intelligence that made his lecture such a phenomenon and given it an indelible form. It is a book that will be shared for generations to come.
Objev podobné jako The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch
The Last Seance - Agatha Christie
From the Queen of Crime, all of her spookiest and most macabre stories collected in one volume, including her earliest published story, ''The Wife of the Kenite'', which is exclusive to this collection.‘From behind the curtains there still sounded the terrible high long-drawn scream – such a scream as Raoul had never heard. It died away with a horrible kind of gurgle. Then there came the thud of a body falling…’For lovers of the supernatural and the macabre comes this collection of ghostly and chilling tales from Agatha Christie. Acknowledged the world over as the undisputed Queen of Crime, in fact she dabbled in her early writing career with mysteries of a more unearthly kind – stories featuring fantastic psychic visions, spectres looming in the shadows, encounters with deities, eerie messages from the Other Side, even a man who switches bodies with a cat…This haunting compendium gathers together all of Christie’s spookiest and most macabre short stories, some featuring her timeless detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Finally together in one volume, it shines a light on the darker side of Agatha Christie, one that she herself relished, identifying ten of them as ‘my own favourite stories written soon after The Mysterious Affair at Styles, some before that’.Contains 20 stories:The Last Séance • In a Glass Darkly • The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb • SOS • The Fourth Man • The Idol House of Astarte • The Gipsy • Philomel Cottage • The Dream • The Lamp • Wireless • The Mystery of the Blue Jar • The Blue Geranium • The Wife of the Kenite • The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael • The Call of Wings • The Red Signal • The Flock of Geryon • The Dressmaker’s Doll • The Hound of Death‘Reading a perfectly plotted Agatha Christie is like crunching into a perfect apple: pure, crisp, absolute satisfaction.’ TANA FRENCH
Objev podobné jako The Last Seance - Agatha Christie
The Last Visitor - Martin Griffin
''Inventive, thrilling and with a fine sense of place, it glistens with menace'' DAILY MAIL''Grips you from start to finish'' KATE RHODESThe island was abandoned for fifty years. So how did the body get there? Five-hundred kilometres from land in the middle of Atlantic Ocean lies Navigaceo. A tiny island that was hastily abandoned fifty years ago and has been uninhabited ever since. Until now. Tess Macfarlane is a documentary filmmaker tasked with capturing the wild beauty of Navigaceo. Accompanied by a small team of researchers, her job is to film everything she sees. But Tess sees too much: a body. It''s clearly recent. It shouldn''t be there. And the victim is wearing the same expedition uniform as her colleagues. Someone has been here already and everyone on the team is a suspect. More than one of them could be a murderer. With five days until they are returned to the mainland, Tess must be careful, or hers might be the next body found on the shore . . .REAL READER REVIEWS OF THE LAST VISITOR''A great book for those Looking for an intriguing, well plotted mystery'' ''My heart was racing, and I couldn''t put the book down. Lucky this was such a fast paced and quick read!''''The huge twist later on kept me right on the edge literally of those rocky escarpments''''Completely devourable. I haven''t read anything by Martin before, but I will be sure to now''''The writing is atmospheric and the description of the isolation of the location is superb''''Griffin demonstrates a talent for captivating readers and holding their attention with compelling characters and a well-crafted plot''
Objev podobné jako The Last Visitor - Martin Griffin
The Last Remains - Elly Griffiths
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AND FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE DR RUTH GALLOWAY MYSTERIESRuth and DCI Nelson are working on a murder case in which their friend Cathbad emerges as the prime suspect. Can they uncover the truth in time to save him?''Galloway now seems as real as Marple and Morse'' The TimesWhen builders renovating a café in King''s Lynn unearth a human skeleton, they call for DCI Harry Nelson and Dr Ruth Galloway, Head of Archaeology at the University of North Norfolk. Ruth is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with Nelson.The bones are identified as those of Emily Pickering, an archaeology student who went missing in the 1990s. Emily attended a course run by her Cambridge tutor. Suspicion falls on him and on another course member - Ruth''s friend Cathbad, who is still frail following his near death from Covid. As they investigate, Nelson and his team uncover a tangled web of relationships within the student group and the adults leading them. Then, just when the team seem to be making progress, Cathbad disappears.The trail leads Ruth and Nelson to the Neolithic flint mines in Grime''s Graves. The race is on, first to find Cathbad and then to exonerate him, but will Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to save their friend?*******************************Praise for The Last Remains''One of our very best writers. Bravo!'' The Times ''A great pleasure to read'' 5* Reader Review''Typically intriguing'' Sunday Times''Couldn''t put it down. Great characters, great plot'' 5* Reader Review ''One of Ruth''s best investigations'' Belfast Telegraph''Kept you guessing until the very end'' 5* Reader Review
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The Last Passenger - Will Dean
A luxury cruise liner, abandoned with no crew, steaming into the mid-Atlantic. And you are the only passenger left on board. ''Astonishing'' IAN RANKIN ''The premise is excellent... [a] mile-a-minute, bite-your-nails-to-the-quick ride of a novel, but I will tell you to trust this writer because I guarantee you''ll enjoy where he takes you. Extra kudos for the final twist, which brought me great pleasure'' OBSERVER ''Oh my goodness, what a rollercoaster of a read!'' PRIMA Caz Ripley, a cafe owner from a small, ordinary town, boards the RMS Atlantica with her boyfriend Pete and a thousand fellow passengers destined for New York. The next morning, she wakes to discover that everyone else on board has disappeared. And that''s just the beginning. Caz must prepare for a crossing that will be anything but plain sailing ... With the drama of The Woman in Cabin 10 and the tension of And Then There Were None , The Last Passenger is a psychological thriller set aboard a cruise ship about a woman whose seemingly ordinary life is suddenly thrown dramatically off course. Will Dean is The Master of Intense Suspense and this novel is full of his trademark twists and turns. ''A rollercoaster ride. I barely had any nails left by the end!'' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ''This heart-stopping premise is one of the best openings to a book I''ve read'' SUNDAY EXPRESS ''The apex of suspense writing'' STEVE CAVANAGH ''Thrilling and terrifying in equal measure with a brilliantly heart-stopping ending. So good!'' B.A. PARIS ''Expect not just the unexpected but strokes of genius'' IMRAN MAHMOOD ''''Brilliant, twisted and oh so clever. The Last Passenger is Will Dean at the top of his game. And just wait for that killer last line'' CHRIS WHITAKER ''A fast-paced, snakily plotted treat for fans of the modern psychological thriller'' VASEEM KHAN ''Will Dean is a master storyteller - this book is real edge of the seat stuff! I loved it. And what an ending!'' CATHERINE COOPER ''I *guarantee* you will never read another thriller like this one. Sharp, unique, terrifying, page-turning and glorious. Clearly Stephen King and James Herbert had a baby and his name is Will Dean. It''s bloody brilliant'' JOANNA CANNON
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The Last Shield - Johnston Cameron
A gender-flipped Die Hard set in a mysterious castle, Cameron Johnston's The Last Shield is an engaging fantasy read, perfect for fans of John Gwynne and Mark Lawrence.
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The Last Goodbye - Tim Weaver
Unsettling, brilliantly plotted, and satisfyingly complex, these books are unputdownable. If you haven't yet met Raker, you're in for a treat' MICK HERRON'Grips like a vice and twists like a rollercoaster. Impossibly clever.Impossible to put down' CHRIS WHITAKERONE DAY AGO... On the night Tom Brenner and his nine-year-old son Leo visit the Seven Peaks theme park, they head straight for the ghost house. They go in.But they don't come out. Somewhere inside the ride, impossible as it seems, the two of them simply vanish. FORTY YEARS AGO...When Rebekah Murphy was three, her mother walked out of their childhood home and never returned. Nearly four decades on, Fiona Murphy is still missing. But then, out of the blue, a letter arrives in the post.It says it's from Fiona. NOW... Missing persons investigator David Raker is hired by Rebekah to find out if the letter is actually from her mother - and soon makes a connection to the Brenners.But these are mysteries whose secrets were never meant to be found. And with his closest ally under arrest and about to reveal some truths of his own, the danger to Raker is coming from all sides... Praise For Tim Weaver:'Terrific' Sunday Times'A writer at the top of his game' Claire Douglas'Packed with twists' Daily Express'Genuinely original' Gillian McAllister'What a talent' Daily Mail'Impressive' Guardian
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The Last Supper - Rosemary Shrager
Traditional crime in the spirit of Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sawyers and M C Beaton written by TV celebrity chef Rosemary Shrager
Objev podobné jako The Last Supper - Rosemary Shrager
The Last Dance - Mark Billingham
THE FIRST NEW SERIES FROM #1 BESTSELLER MARK BILLINGHAM IN 20 YEARS. 'Readers rejoice! A captivating new series from Mark Billingham, the very best in the business' --- RICHARD OSMANMeet Detective Miller: unique, unconventional, and criminally underestimated... He's a detective, a dancer, he has no respect for authority Â- and he's the best hope Blackpool has for keeping criminals off the streets.Meet Detective Declan Miller. A double murder in a seaside hotel sees a grieving Miller return to work to solve what appears to be a case of mistaken identity. Just why were two completely unconnected men taken out?Despite a somewhat dubious relationship with both reality and his new partner, can the eccentric, offbeat Miller find answers where his colleagues have found only an impossible puzzle?'Funny, moving, and full of surprises . . . an absolute treat' --- MICK HERRON'Billingham blends caustic humour, raw emotion and rollercoaster thrills.His new series is bursting with wit, charm and intriguing, complex characters' --- JANICE HALLETT
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The Last Bear - Hannah Gold
Imagine making friends with a polar bear... The Last Bear is perfect for readers of 8+, beautifully illustrated throughout by Levi Pinfold - winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and illustrator of Harry Potter 20th anniversary edition covers.
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The Last Resort - Heidi Perksová
‘Gripping, twisty and dark’ Lucy Clarke‘Nail-biting!’ Jane Corry‘Dark and intriguing’ Alice Clark-Platts''Quietly menacing. . .'' Isabel Ashdown__________________________________Two people.Two sides of the story.Whose do you trust?When Erin and Will start having couples therapy, they hope it''ll fix the rift that has appeared out of nowhere in their marriage.But their therapist Maggie cannot work out whose version of the truth she can trust.Then Erin is brought into hospital in a critical condition following a hit-and-run accident. Now everyone is desperate to unravel the truth.Because if this isn''t an accident, then someone close to Erin must be responsible . . .__________________________________Praise for Heidi Perks:''Another winner from [Heidi] Perks'' Daily Mail''A gripping thriller.... with a killer twist'' CLAIRE DOUGLAS''Kept me up late into the night'' LUCY CLARKE''I flew through this book in three days'' LISA JEWELL''Reads like Liane Moriarty at her Big Little Lies best'' TONY PARSONS
Objev podobné jako The Last Resort - Heidi Perksová
The Last Firefox - Lee Newbery
Winner of the Wales Book of the Year People''s Choice Award! A heartwarming story about family, friendship and finding your inner fire.Between bullies at school and changes at home, Charlie Challinor finds life a bit scary. And when he''s made guardian of a furry fox cub called Cadno, things get a whole lot scarier.Because Cadno isn''t just any fox: he''s a firefox - the only one of his kind - and a sinister hunter from another world is on his trail.Swept up into an unexpected adventure to protect his flammable friend, Charlie''s going to need to find the bravery he never thought he had, if he''s going to save the last firefox . . .''Comic, adventurous and charming'' - Guardian''Magical'' - Sunday Express''Funny, sweet and charming - a real delight!'' Sam Copeland, author of Charlie Changes Into a Chicken''Utterly gorgeous storytelling, adorable characters and a blazing adventure - The Last Firefox will long burn bright in your heart.'' Jenny Pearson, author of The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates''Crackles with adventure and love.'' Maria Kuzniar, author of The Ship of Shadows.''Lee Newbery gives us an enchanting fantasy adventure as warm as a firefox''s tail. Heart and humour abound in this fun, fast-paced story of how a boy finds inner strength by helping a magical creature. A joyous gem!'' Lesley Parr, author of The Valley of Lost Secrets''A heart (and tail!) warming adventure about family, friendship and one flamin'' cute fox cub'' Thomas Taylor, author of Malamander
Objev podobné jako The Last Firefox - Lee Newbery
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- Adams Bryan: So Happy It Hurts - LP (4050538712612)
- Microsoft Word LTSC 2021 (elektronická licence) (DG7GMGF0D7D3)
- Word 2013 (978-80-247-4727-9)
- Word 2007 (978-80-247-1958-0)
- Word 2010 (978-80-247-3497-2)
- Word 2013 (978-80-247-4730-9)
- Word 2007 (978-80-247-1959-7)
- Target - darts Letky PHIL TAYLOR - The Power G5 - Vision Ultra Vapor S - Ghost-Red 34333570 (194109)
- Microsoft Word 2010 (978-80-251-3925-7)
- Mabel: About Last Night - CD (3833099)
- Harris Emmylou: Last Date - LP (7559792676)