Reach for the skies : ballooning, birdmen and blasting into space - richard branson

Produkt Reach for the skies : ballooning, birdmen and blasting into space - richard branson sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Reach for the skies : ballooning, birdmen and blasting into space - richard branson upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Reach for the Skies : Ballooning, Birdmen and Blasting into Space - Richard Branson

Reach for the Skies : Ballooning, Birdmen and Blasting into Space - Richard Branson

As far back as stories go, pioneers have reached for the skies. In the last two hundred years, they have mastered the air and made the modern world possible. Today they are bringing outer space within our reach. They're inventors and toymakers, amateurs and adventurers, visionaries, dreamers and, yes, crackpots. Some have called them irresponsible, even dangerous. But Richard Branson has met many of them. He has worked with them, funded them, and flown with them. He admires them, and trusts them, and thinks they and their kind are our future. In this book Richard Branson looks at the history of flight through the stories and people who have inspired him throughout his life. In these pages you will find tales of miraculous rescues; of records made and broken; of surprising feats of endurance and survival, including some of his own adventures, as well as developments in the future of air travel (and space travel). It is a story of pioneers, and of course it includes the world famous Montgolfiers and the Wright brothers, but he also wants to describe some of the lesser-known trailblazers. People like Tony Jannus, who in 1914 created the first scheduled commercial flight in the world, flying his passengers over the waters of Tampa Bay at an altitude of just fifty feet! The 'bird man' Leo Valentin, who in the 1950s jumped from 9,000 feet with wooden wings attached to his shoulders. And Branson's friend Steve Fossett, who dedicated his life to breaking records and having adventures. This is their story. It is also, in a small way, his own. (

Podobné produkty ako Reach for the Skies : Ballooning, Birdmen and Blasting into Space - Richard Branson , Topq samsung j6 silikon reach for the stars 37887 (sun-37887)

Vadobag Batoh Paw Patrol The Mighty Movie Reach For The Skye (Dosáhnout na oblohu)

Vadobag Batoh Paw Patrol The Mighty Movie Reach For The Skye (Dosáhnout na oblohu)

Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 3 let Tento zábavný batoh PAW Patrol The Mighty Movie z kolekce Reach For The Skye je ideální taškou pro malé děti, které jsou absolutními fanoušky Skyiných dobrodružství. Batoh je růžový a má velkou hlavní přihrádku se zapínáním na zip Na přední straně batohu je další kapsa na zip s obrázkem psích hrdinů z PAW Patrol. Ramenní popruhy mají nastavitelnou délku, takže tašku lze přizpůsobit každému na míru Batoh je také opatřen potiskem psích tlapek z PAW Patrol a má praktické poutko v horní části tašky Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry výrobku (délka x šířka x výška): 30 x 25 x 11 cm Hmotnost: 0,28 kg Materiál a péče: Materiál: polyester (

Podobné produkty ako Vadobag Batoh Paw Patrol The Mighty Movie Reach For The Skye (Dosáhnout na oblohu) , Needtobreathe: into the mystery - cd (7567864364)

Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m

Nike ksa - reach for the stars  3pc box set 0-6m

Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m (

Podobné produkty ako Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m , Runto holder reach růžový (rt-reach-pink)

Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m

Nike ksa - reach for the stars  3pc box set 0-6m

Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m (

Podobné produkty ako Nike ksa - reach for the stars 3pc box set 0-6m , Goldbuch svatební ballooning (0100_8386)

TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887 (Sun-37887)

TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887 (Sun-37887)

Kryt na mobil - pro Samsung Galaxy J6, materiál silikon a TPU, měkký, výřezy pro konektory a tlačítka Chraňte svůj telefon proti poškození díky ochrannému krytu TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887. Jde o zadní kryt, který je svým zpracováním pojistkou velmi vysoké odolnosti. Materiál krytu je na dotek příjemný a nebude klouzat z rukou. Silikon je jedinečný pro svoji praktičnost, jednoduchost a zvýšenou odolnost. Jisté je, že u tohoto krytu na mobil TopQ zůstane zachován přístup k nabíjecímu portu i k dalším tlačítkům potřebným pro pohodlné užívání vašeho telefonu. Ochranný kryt je měkký a proto je jeho nasazení bezproblémové. Kryt na mobil pro Samsung Galaxy J6 zaručí vašemu telefonu ochranu před poškozením. Důležité parametry ochranného krytu na mobil TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887 Praktická ochrana mobilního telefonu Samsung Galaxy J6 Měkkost zaručuje snadnou instalaci krytu Ochranný kryt TopQ obsahuje otvory pro ovládací... (

Podobné produkty ako TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887 (Sun-37887) , Tiny love hudební kolotoč into the forest (7290108861365)

When The Heavens Went On Sale: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach - Ashlee Vance


A momentous look at the private companies driving the revolutionary new space race, from the 3-million copy, New York Times bestselling author of Elon MuskIn 2008, Elon Musk's SpaceX became the first private company to build a low-cost rocket that could reach orbit. Suddenly Silicon Valley, not NASA, was the epicentre of the new Space Age.Ashlee Vance follows four pioneering companies - Astra, Firefly, Planet Labs and Rocket Lab - as they race to control access to outer space. While the space tourism ambitions of billionaires such as Bezos and Branson make headlines, these under-the-radar companies are striving to monetise Earth's lower orbit; to connect, analyse and monitor everything on Earth.With unprecedented access to private company headquarters, labs and top-secret launch locations - from the US to New Zealand, Ukraine to India - Vance presents a gripping account of private jets, communes, gun-toting bodyguards, drugs, espionage investigations and multimillionaires guzzling booze as their fortunes disappear.This is the most pressing and controversial technology story of our time. Welcome to the new Wild West above the clouds. (

Podobné produkty ako When The Heavens Went On Sale: The Misfits and Geniuses Racing to Put Space Within Reach - Ashlee Vance , The lady and the generals: 'aung san suu kyi and burma''s struggle for freedom' (1846043735)

Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha

Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Kniha o leadershipu od autora, který v životě žádnou knihu o vedení lidí nečetl. Knížku Tak to dělá Virgin, která je primárně o vedení lidí, napsal autor, který otevřeně přiznává, že nikdy v životě nečetl žádnou knihu o leadershipu. Přesto vám tento úspěšný podnikatel umožní nahlédnout pod pokličku jeho jedinečného stylu řízení lidí. Dozvíte se jak zábava, rodina, vášeň pro věc či umění naslouchat utvářejí to, co Bransonovi lidé se šibalským mrknutím označují jako „styl Virgin“. Bransonova kniha o vedení lidí nepřináší žádné zaručené návody a pravdy. Je v ní pouze a jen popsána autorova zkušenost, to jak věci dělá, co mu dobře funguje a čemu je lepší se vyhnout. Jsou zde shrnuty základní principy, na kterých jsou postavené funkční vztahy a to nejen v byznysu – jako například – jít za svými sny, důvěřovat pocitům, naslouchat druhým, nechat se ovlivnit okolím (zpětná vazba), být odpovědný za své jednání, mít vášeň pro vše co děláme, komunikovat a spolupracovat, vyhnout se zbytečnému komplikování věcí, říkat, co si myslíme atd. Neobyčejné zkušenosti se vztahy nejen z oblasti byznysu vám předává člověk, který v šestnácti nedodělal školu, trpí dyslexií a v životě nepracoval pod žádným zaměstnavatelem – vždy řídil jen sám sebe. Sir Richard Branson je dnes velice úspěšný mezinárodní podnikatel, dobrodruh, světová ikona a zakladatel skupiny Virgin Group. Sir Richard Branson je velice úspěšný mezinárodní podnikatel, dobrodruh, ikona a zakladatel skupiny Virgin Group. Autobiografie Losing My Virginity (Jak jsem přišel o panictví) a jeho knihy o podnikání K čertu s tím, jdeme na to, Like a Virgin (Jako panna), Screw Business as Usual (Kašli na to jako obvykle) a Byznys v plné nahotě patří ke světovým bestsellerům. Kromě toho je i autorem knihy o letectví Reach for the Skies (Dotknout se nebe). Žije na ostrově Necker v souostroví Britských Panenských ostrovů se svou manželkou Joan, se kterou má dvě děti, Holly a Sama. Délka nahrávky: 40 740 min. (

Podobné produkty ako Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha , Think small: the surprisingly simple way to reach big goals (1782436324)

Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha

Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,V audioknize Tak to dělá Virgin vám Richard Branson umožní nahlédnout pod pokličku jeho jedinečného stylu vedení lidí. Dozvíte se, jak zábava, rodina, vášeň pro věc či umění naslouchat utvářejí to, co Bransonovi lidé označují jako „styl Virgin“. (

Podobné produkty ako Tak to dělá Virgin - Richard Branson - audiokniha , Guy chambers: go gentle into the light - cd (4050538478242)

Shoot For the Moon - Richard Wiseman

Shoot For the Moon - Richard Wiseman

20th July 1969: Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We've seen the footage, we've heard the history, we've marveled at mankind's great achievement. What we don't know is what it takes for astronauts to stay focused, calm and prepared when facing the impossible. Having studied mission archives and first-person accounts of the Apollo 11 moon landings and examined recent psychological and neuroscientific research, Psychologist Richard Wiseman has uncovered NASA's greatest untold discovery: the Apollo Mindset. And this is the missing manual. While mankind was making leaps in progress, the man who made it to the moon in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander had taken many small steps in his mind to reach this landmark moment. Richard Wiseman is here to share the seven psychological principles you need to accomplish the impossible. While most of us won't explore space, we can use the same ideas and techniques used by the team behind the Apollo 11 to accomplish your most far-reaching goals. Be it starting your own business, getting promoted or giving up the rat-race and pursuing your lifelong dream, the Apollo Mindset will help you to reach your own moon. (

Podobné produkty ako Shoot For the Moon - Richard Wiseman , Sanctuary: into the mirror black (2x cd) - cd (0194397975925)

Virgin - Hledání sebe sama - Richard Branson - e-kniha

Virgin - Hledání sebe sama - Richard Branson - e-kniha

eBook:,Nikdy neztraťte to vzrušení, když něco zkoušíte poprvé. Před padesáti lety začal sir Richard Branson podnikat. Ve své nové autobiografii sdílí zakladatel firmy Virgin své osobní, intimní myšlenky a zkušenosti, které za padesát let podnikání nabyl. Dozvíte se například, že Branson vytvořil 12 firem s miliardovou hodnotou a stovky dalších společností v desítkách nejrůznějších odvětví, které lámou rekordy na zemi, na moři i ve vzduchu. Pronikneme také do zákulisí první komerční světové vesmírné společnosti Virgin Galactic. Tato autobiografie je kombinací osobních prožitků s manželkou Joan a dětmi Holly a Samem a byznysem na světové úrovni. Přečtete si, jak se Bransonovi podařilo skloubit rodinný život s manželkou Joan a dětmi Holly a Samem s budováním a expandováním značky Virgin do všech koutů světa. Toto je skutečný příběh, jak zakladatel společnosti Virgin stvořil sám sebe a světovou značku 21. století. Nejlepší nápady nemusejí být vždy podložené podrobnými finančními propočty a složitými obchodními návrhy. Někdy se je podaří zformulovat na rub pivního tácku. Jeden takový případ vedl k založení nejrychleji rostoucí společnosti skupiny Virgin všech dob: Virgin Blue. (

Podobné produkty ako Virgin - Hledání sebe sama - Richard Branson - e-kniha , A dying planet: when the skies are grey - cd (lfr2052)

Shoot For the Moon (Defekt) - Richard Wiseman

Shoot For the Moon (Defekt) - Richard Wiseman

20th July 1969: Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We've seen the footage, we've heard the history, we've marveled at mankind's great achievement. What we don't know is what it takes for astronauts to stay focused, calm and prepared when facing the impossible. Having studied mission archives and first-person accounts of the Apollo 11 moon landings and examined recent psychological and neuroscientific research, Psychologist Richard Wiseman has uncovered NASA's greatest untold discovery: the Apollo Mindset. And this is the missing manual. While mankind was making leaps in progress, the man who made it to the moon in the Apollo 11 Lunar Lander had taken many small steps in his mind to reach this landmark moment. Richard Wiseman is here to share the seven psychological principles you need to accomplish the impossible. While most of us won't explore space, we can use the same ideas and techniques used by the team behind the Apollo 11 to accomplish your most far-reaching goals. Be it starting your own business, getting promoted or giving up the rat-race and pursuing your lifelong dream, the Apollo Mindset will help you to reach your own moon. (

Podobné produkty ako Shoot For the Moon (Defekt) - Richard Wiseman , 4home beránková deka into the woods, 150 x 200 cm

The Tugendhat house - A Space for Art and Spirit - Jan Sedlák, Libor Teplý


Vila Tugendhat - prostor ducha a umění je reprezentativní fotografická publikace, která slovem i obrazem představuje tuto památku UNESCO jako umělecký a architektonický skvost světového významu. Autor textu knihy prof. Jan Sedlák se zabývá smyslem a významem Vily Tugendhat, která se záhy po jejím dokončení stala pilířem moderní architektury a je jím doposud. Výtvarné fotografie ing. Libora Teplého pořízené záhy po znovuotevření Vily Tugendhat po její památkové obnově ukazují její krásu doslova v tom nejlepším světle. Kniha dává sloven i obrazem odpověď na otázku, v čem je Vila Tugendhat tak vyjímečná, že se stala "ikonou" světové moderní architektury. Kniha je samostatně v české a anglické mutaci. (

Podobné produkty ako The Tugendhat house - A Space for Art and Spirit - Jan Sedlák, Libor Teplý , Collins phil: dance into the light (2x cd) - cd (8122795212)

The Overstory : Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 - Richard Powers

The Overstory : Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 - Richard Powers

SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2018, a wondrous, exhilarating novel about nine strangers brought together by an unfolding natural catastrophe `The best novel ever written about trees, and really, just one of the best novels, period' Ann Patchett An artist inherits a hundred years of photographic portraits, all of the same doomed American chestnut. A hard-partying undergraduate in the late 1980s electrocutes herself, dies, and is sent back into life by creatures of air and light. A hearing- and speech-impaired scientist discovers that trees are communicating with one another. An Air Force crewmember in the Vietnam War is shot out of the sky, then saved by falling into a banyan. This is the story of these and five other strangers, each summoned in different ways by the natural world, who are brought together in a last stand to save it from catastrophe. (

Podobné produkty ako The Overstory : Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 - Richard Powers , Pop smoke: shoot for the stars aim for the moon - cd (0747475)

Školní batoh Reach for your dream (5903162076652)

Školní batoh Reach for your dream (5903162076652)

Školní batoh pro holky o objemu 19 l, hmotnost 0,4 kg, rozměry 41×31×18 cm, výbava: prodyšná zadní stěna, pevné dno a voděodolná úprava, vhodné od 7 let Školní batoh Barbie automaticky vzbudí zájem všech školáků svou stylovou vizáží a funkčními prvky. Vyšší komfort při nošení zaručují mimo jiné popruhy s možností vlastního nastavení délky. Díky objemu 19 l může školní batoh pojmout potřebné sešity a učebnice, čemuž viditelně pomáhá rozdělení batohu na praktické přihrádky. Určitě oceníte také to, že školní batoh Školní batoh Reach for your dream naloží na záda dítěte váhu jen 0,4 kg. Svým vzhledem se tento školní batoh Barbie hodí pro pro holky. Nejdůležitější vlastnosti školního batohu Školní batoh Reach for your dream Voděodolná svrchní úprava Ramenní popruhy školního batohu Barbie jsou nastavitelné Hmotnost se vyšplhala na 0,4 kg Určení: pro holky Výbava školního batohu Barbie Tento školní batoh má nastavitelné ramenní popruhy. Budete jej tak schopni... (

Podobné produkty ako Školní batoh Reach for your dream (5903162076652) , Tiny love hrací deka s hrazdou gymini into the forest (7290108861181)

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World

Kniha - autor Benjamin Alire Saenz, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Sáenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call me by your Name. A love story like no other. In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, two boys fell in love. Now they must discover what it means to stay in love and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence. Ari has spent all of high school hiding who he really is, staying silent and invisible. He expected his senior year to be the same. But something in him cracked open when he fell in love with Dante, and he can’t go back. Suddenly he finds himself reaching out to new friends, standing up to bullies and making his voice heard. And, always,... (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World , This land: the struggle for the left (0141994398)

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500 , Skies lil: unbothered - lp (7567864419)

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500

Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks Into Space INS01-6500 , Richard cliff: music... the air that i breath - cd (9029514095)

All the Living and the Dead: A Personal Investigation into the Death Trade


All the Living and the Dead is an exploration into the psychology of modern death, told through the remarkable people who deal with it every day. For readers of Caitlin Doughty's Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Jon Ronson's The Psychopath Test, Sue Black's All That Remains and Elinor Cleghorn's Unwell Women.We are surrounded by death. It is in our news, our nursery rhymes, our true-crime podcasts. Yet from a young age, we are told that death is something to be feared. How are we supposed to know what we're so afraid of, when we are never given the chance to look?Fuelled by a childhood fascination with death, journalist Hayley Campbell searches for answers in the people who make a living by working with the dead. Along the way, she encounters mass fatality investigators, embalmers, and a former executioner who is responsible for ending 62 lives. She meets gravediggers who have already dug their own graves, visits a cryonics facility in Michigan, goes for late-night Chinese with a detective, and questions a man whose job it is to make crime scenes disappear.Through Campbell's incisive and candid interviews with these people who see death every day, she asks: Why would someone choose this kind of life? Does it change you as a person? And are we missing something vital by letting death remain hidden?A dazzling work of cultural criticism, All the Living and the Dead weaves together reportage with memoir, history, and philosophy, to offer readers a fascinating look into the psychology of Western death.'Campbell is a gorgeous writer, capturing the exquisite pathos and gallows humour found in folks who spend their lives working with the dead' - Caitlin Doughty, New York Times bestselling author of Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (

Podobné produkty ako All the Living and the Dead: A Personal Investigation into the Death Trade , The healing self: a revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)

Finding My Virginity Môj druhý životopis - Branson Richard

Finding My Virginity Môj druhý životopis - Branson Richard

Svoj druhý životopis začína Richard Branson tam, kde skončil svoj prvý, na počiatku nového milénia, v roku 1999. V knihe Finding My Virginity sprevádza čitateľa expanziou leteckých spoločností skupiny Virgin na všetky kontinenty, ich bojmi o možnosti lietať na významné medzinárodné letiská, opisom nezlomného odhodlania udržať si licenciu na prevádzku hlavných britských železničných tratí či spomienkami na vstup skupiny Virgin do nových podnikateľských sfér – bankovníctva, mobilného telefonovania a súkromných letov do vesmíru. Pyšne opisuje svoje podnikateľské, dobročinné aj rodičovské úspechy, nevyhýba sa však ani nepríjemným témam, ktoré sa dostali do centra záujmu médií aj verejnosti. Vracia sa k havárii prvého raketoplánu spoločnosti Virgin Galactic, k nehode vlakovej súpravy Virgin Trains aj k ničivému požiaru na Neckerovom ostrove v čase, keď tam bola celá jeho rodina. Vyjadruje sa k svojim vzťahom s politikmi, či už ide o Nelsona Mandelu, Davida Camerona, Baracka Obamu, alebo Donalda Trumpa. Vysvetľuje dôvody svojej angažovanosti v bojoch proti drogám, klimatickým zmenám a vojnovým konfliktom, vracia sa aj k niektorým dôležitým súdnym sporom či nevydareným podnikateľským pokusom. Autor dopĺňa knihu o množstvo fotografií a nevšedný zoznam 76 situácií, pri ktorých mohol prísť o život. (

Podobné produkty ako Finding My Virginity Môj druhý životopis - Branson Richard , Queen for the day nafukovaci koruna

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 , Annihilator: for the demented - cd (9029694222)

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 , Blackfield: for the music - lp (9029513980)

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200

Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks 2-pack Into Space KISP02-2200 , The 1975: a brief inquiry into online relationships (2018) (2x lp) - lp (6796448)

The Greatest Show on Earth : The Evidence for Evolution - Richard Dawkins


Charles Darwin's masterpiece, "On the Origin of Species", shook society to its core on publication in 1859. This title takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection. (

Podobné produkty ako The Greatest Show on Earth : The Evidence for Evolution - Richard Dawkins , Richard iii. ()

Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz


The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved cult classic about family, friendship and first love, from award-winning author Benjamin Alire Saenz. This lyrical novel will enrapture readers of Adam Silvera (They Both Die at the End), The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call me by your Name.A love story like no other.In Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, two boys fell in love. Now they must discover what it means to stay in love and build a relationship in a world that seems to challenge their very existence.Ari has spent all of high school hiding who he really is, staying silent and invisible. He expected his senior year to be the same. But something in him cracked open when he fell in love with Dante, and he can't go back. Suddenly he finds himself reaching out to new friends, standing up to bullies and making his voice heard. And, always, there is Dante - dreamy, witty Dante - who can get on Ari's nerves and fill him with desire all at once.The boys are determined to forge a path for themselves in a world that doesn't understand them. But when Ari is faced with a shocking loss, he'll have to fight like never before to create a life that is truthfully, joyfully his own. (

Podobné produkty ako Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz , Marketing for small and medium enterprises

Happy Socks 3-pack Into Space Liner INS18-6500

Happy Socks 3-pack Into Space Liner INS18-6500

Happy Socks 3-pack Into Space Liner INS18-6500 (

Podobné produkty ako Happy Socks 3-pack Into Space Liner INS18-6500 , Richard cliff, the shadows: 9 original albums (10x cd) - cd (600296)

The Silent Patient : The Richard and Judy bookclub pick and Sunday Times Bestseller - Alex Michaelides

The Silent Patient : The Richard and Judy bookclub pick and Sunday Times Bestseller - Alex Michaelides

Alicia Berenson lived a seemingly perfect life until one day six years ago.When she shot her husband in the head five times.Since then she hasn't spoken a single word.It's time to find out why.THE SILENT PATIENT is the gripping must-read debut thriller of 2020 - perfect for fans of THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW by A.J. Finn and THE GIRL BEFORE by JP Delaney. (

Podobné produkty ako The Silent Patient : The Richard and Judy bookclub pick and Sunday Times Bestseller - Alex Michaelides , Panic! at the disco: pray for the wicked - cd (7567865715)

Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound - Dave Chisholm


Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound is a synesthesia-inducing graphic novel that follows the many lives of music legend Miles Davis. With narration adapted from Davis’ own words and an innovative visual style that shifts to reflect Davis’ constant musical changes, this 150-page graphic novel follows Davis through four decades of musical innovation, all centered around his quest to find a mysterious sound he heard on a moonlit country road as a child. Meticulously researched and expertly crafted by writer/artist Dave Chisholm—a doctorate holder in jazz trumpet from the Eastman School of Music—Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound deftly explores the often volatile journey of Miles Davis and his world-renowned music.Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound is a graphic novel you’ll have to hear to believe–it’ll make you SEE music in a whole new light. (

Podobné produkty ako Miles Davis and the Search for the Sound - Dave Chisholm , Philips skies 17184/93/16 (915002147303)

Into the Void: From Birth to Black Sabbath - and Beyond - Geezer Butler


The new autobiography from Geezer Butler, bassist and lyricist of heavy metal music pioneers Black Sabbath With over 70 million records sold, heavy metal pioneers Black Sabbath are one of the most influential bands of all time. From the very beginning, Geezer Butler was at the heart of their success. He named the group, provided the bass behind their distinctive sound and wrote the lyrics that resonated so powerfully with fans around the world. At long last, Geezer is ready to tell his side of the Sabbath story, from early days as a scrappy blues quartet through to the many lineup changes, the record-breaking tours and the international hell-raising with Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi and Bill Ward. Featuring Geezer’s candid reflections on his working-class childhood in Luftwaffe-battered Birmingham, his almost-life as an accountant and his fascination with horror, religion and the occult, Into the Void reveals the softer side of the heavy metal legend, while holding nothing back. Like Geezer’s bass lines and the story of Black Sabbath themselves, Into the Void is original, dramatic and one hell of a ride. (

Podobné produkty ako Into the Void: From Birth to Black Sabbath - and Beyond - Geezer Butler , Protective p-blue skies black (sptrcc415nad)

The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani


THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL will soon be a major motion picture from Netflix, starring Academy Award winner Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Cate Blanchett, and many more! A beautiful Collector's Edition of the first in the bestselling School for Good and Evil series - perfect for gifting! Best friends Sophie and Agatha have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to become fairy-tale heroes and villains. One will train for Good, taking classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication. One will become Evil's new hope: learning Uglification and Death Curses.Sophie and Agatha think they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they're switched into the opposite schools. Together they'll discover who they really are and what they are capable of. Because the only way out of a fairy tale .. . is to live through it. (

Podobné produkty ako The School for Good and Evil (The School for Good and Evil, Book 1) - Soman Chainani , O.g. and the odd gifts: o.g. and the odd gifts - cd (100p019)

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)

Kniha - autor Napoleon Hill, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling success book of all time is updated and revised with contemporary ideas and examples. (

Podobné produkty ako Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331) , Armstrong louis: and the good book + louis and the angels - cd (8436563184369)

Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips


Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement (

Podobné produkty ako Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips

Wren and Cuff Forest For The Trees Kytarový efekt

Wren and Cuff Forest For The Trees Kytarový efekt

Forest For the Trees. Je to skutečný sen milovníka Muffů: upravte obvod ve 23 různých bodech, přepínejte mezi germaniovými nebo křemíkovými tranzistory, zcela obejděte tónovou sekci a ještě mnohem více. Na dosah ruky máte doslova miliony možných jedinečných nastavení. Muff zvuky, overdrive zvuky, boosty a další. The Forest For The Trees nabízí téměř nekonečnou paletu možností na dosah ruky. 100% analogový ve všech směrech. 100% zábava na celé dny.Abyste skutečně pochopili vše, čeho lze s Forest For The Trees dosáhnout, doporučujeme vám stáhnout si příručku a přečíst si ji. Naleznete zde návrhy, příklady a další. Balení obsahuje: Manuál Ovládání: Distortion;Tónová clona;Hlasitost Typ: Fuzz;Overdrive USB: Ne Vstupy: Jack 6,3 mm TS Adaptér součástí: Ne Provoz na baterie: Ne Výstupy: Jack 6,3 mm TS Napájení: Adaptér;9V Barva: Černá Hloubka (mm): 120.0 Typ baterie: 9V Hmotnost (g): 354.0 Počet tlačítek: 1 Šířka (mm): 94.0 Výška (mm): 40.0 True bypass: Ano Země původu: USA (

Podobné produkty ako Wren and Cuff Forest For The Trees Kytarový efekt

Fossil Men : The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind - Pattison Kermit

Fossil Men : The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind - Pattison Kermit

"Brilliant. ... A work of staggering depth. ... Pattison deftly weaves strands of science, sociology and political science into a compelling tale that stretches over decades." -Minneapolis Star TribuneA decade in the making, Fossil Men is a scientific detective story played out in anatomy and the natural history of the human body: the first full-length account of the discovery of a startlingly unpredicted human ancestor more than a million years older than LucyIt is the ultimate mystery: where do we come from? In 1994, a team led by fossil-hunting legend Tim White uncovered a set of ancient bones in Ethiopia's Afar region. Radiometric dating of nearby rocks indicated the resulting skeleton, classified as Ardipithecus ramidus-nicknamed "Ardi"-was an astounding 4.4 million years old, more than a million years older than the world-famous "Lucy." The team spent the next 15 years studying the bones in strict secrecy, all while continuing to rack up landmark fossil discoveries in the field and becoming increasingly ensnared in bitter disputes with scientific peers and Ethiopian bureaucrats. When finally revealed to the public, Ardi stunned scientists around the world and challenged a half-century of orthodoxy about human evolution-how we started walking upright, how we evolved our nimble hands, and, most significantly, whether we were descended from an ancestor that resembled today's chimpanzee. But the discovery of Ardi wasn't just a leap forward in understanding the roots of humanity--it was an attack on scientific convention and the leading authorities of human origins, triggering an epic feud about the oldest family skeleton.In Fossil Men, acclaimed journalist Kermit Pattison brings us a cast of eccentric, obsessive scientists, including White, an uncompromising perfectionist whose virtuoso skills in the field were matched only by his propensity for making enemies; Gen Suwa, a Japanese savant whose deep expertise about teeth rivaled anyone on Earth; Owen Lovejoy, a onetime creationist-turned-paleoanthropologist with radical insights into human locomotion; Berhane Asfaw, who survived imprisonment and torture to become Ethiopia's most senior paleoanthropologist; Don Johanson, the discoverer of Lucy, who had a rancorous falling out with the Ardi team; and the Leakeys, for decades the most famous family in paleoanthropology.Based on a half-decade of research in Africa, Europe and North America, Fossil Men is not only a brilliant investigation into the origins of the human lineage, but the oldest of human emotions: curiosity, jealousy, perseverance and wonder. (

Podobné produkty ako Fossil Men : The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind - Pattison Kermit

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (1623611245)

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (1623611245)

Kniha - autor Jack Canfield; Mark Victor Hansen, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (1623611245)

The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora


The book features fifty-five plant profiles ranging from the everyday to the utterly unique, from broccoli to cape gooseberries. Each profile has a hero illustration and an easy-to-comprehend table detailing the most important information: when to sow and harvest; growing time; space needed between plants; optimal soil pH; whether the plant will tolerate pots and frost; and each plant's companions and dislikes.A planting chart summarising the most useful information from the plant profiles is also included, along with guidance on the different climate zones and how best to start your kitchen garden. With an emphasis on seasons rather than months, the book is a beautiful and practical gift for a garden enthusiast, whether they live in the northern or southern hemisphere. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kitchen Garden: Sowing, growing and cooking for the garden enthusiast - Lucy Mora

Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries - Renata Kociánová


The "Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries" is based on national studies which are systematically compared in an attempt to address four key themes. First, the authors place the education of older adults in context, along with focusing on political, legal, economic, social and cultural aspects. Second, the publication, which is also dedicated to the working life of older adults and examines the labour market, the issues of discrimination and equal treatment, age management, education and human development in organizations. Third, the system of older adult education is described, including the process of institutionalization, the providers of older adult education, and the content of this education. Fourth, the publication explores the themes of traditional methods, current trends and outlooks for the education of older adults. (

Podobné produkty ako Analysis and Comparison of Forms and Methods for the Education of Older Adults in the V4 Countries - Renata Kociánová

Bean Counters : The Triumph of the Accountants and How They Broke Capitalism - Richard Brooks

Bean Counters : The Triumph of the Accountants and How They Broke Capitalism - Richard Brooks

'A devastating expose.' Mail on Sunday They helped cause the 2008 financial crash. They created a global tax avoidance industry. They lurk behind the scenes at every level of government... The world's 'Big Four' accountancy firms - PwC, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG - have become a gilded elite, with an average partner's salary rivalling that of a Premier League footballer. How has this seemingly humdrum profession achieved this, and what price are we paying for their excesses? Informed by numerous insider interviews, investigative journalist Richard Brooks charts the profession's rise to global influence and offers a gripping expose of the accountancy industry. This is essential reading for anyone interested in how our economy really less (

Podobné produkty ako Bean Counters : The Triumph of the Accountants and How They Broke Capitalism - Richard Brooks

Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 8th Edition - Richard Gross


Build a solid foundation for students to develop the skills and knowledge they need to progress with the updated edition of Richard Gross's best-selling introduction to Psychology. This 8th edition of Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour is the essential guide to studying Psychology, helping over half a million students during its 30 years of publication. - Easily access psychological theories and research with user-friendly content and useful features including summaries, critical discussion and research updates.- Develop evaluative skills, with new evaluation boxes, encouraging students to put classic and contemporary studies into context. - Consolidate understanding by identifying common misconceptions. - Stay up to date with revised content and the latest psychological research.- Understand the research process with updated contributions from leading Psychologists including Elizabeth Loftus, Alex Haslam and David Canter. (

Podobné produkty ako Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour 8th Edition - Richard Gross

Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips


Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement (

Podobné produkty ako Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips

The Prince of the Skies - Antonio G. Iturbe


From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz, Antonio Iturbe, comes a captivating historical novel based on a true story – the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince. Writer. Romantic. Pilot. Hero. All Antoine de Saint Exupéry wants to do is be a pilot. But flying is a dangerous dream and one that sets him at odds with his aristocratic background and the woman he loves. Despite attempts to keep him grounded, Antoine is determined to venture forwards into the unknown. Together with his friends, Jean and Henri, he will pioneer new mail routes across the globe and help change the future of aviation. In the midst of his adventures, Antoine also begins to weave a children's story that is destined to touch the lives of millions of readers around the world. A story called The Little Prince . . . Fame and fortune may have finally found Antoine, but as the shadow of the Second World War begins to threaten Europe, he's left to wonder whether his greatest adventure is yet to come . . . Translated by Lilit Žekulin Thwaites, The Prince of the Skies is a moving tale of love and friendship, war and heroism, and the power of the written word. (

Podobné produkty ako The Prince of the Skies - Antonio G. Iturbe

Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Dur (1849833192)

Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Dur (1849833192)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Accessible guide to deciphering corporate financial statements, with anecdotes and quotes from the man himself. (

Podobné produkty ako Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the Company with a Dur (1849833192)

Detransition, Baby: Longlisted for the Women's Prize 2021 and Top Ten The Times Bestseller (1788167228)

Detransition, Baby: Longlisted for the Women's Prize 2021 and Top Ten The Times Bestseller (1788167228)

Kniha - autor Torrey Peters, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A voraciously knowing, compulsively readable novel' Chris Kraus 'Tremendously funny and sexy as hell' Juliet Jacques 'I loved this very smart book from start to finish, with its beautifully drawn, complicated, and winning characters.' Madeleine Miller Reese nearly had it all: a loving relationship with Amy, an apartment in New York, a job she didn't hate. She'd scraped together a life previous generations of trans women could only dream of; the only thing missing was a child. Then everything fell apart and three years on Reese is still in self-destruct mode, avoiding her loneliness by sleeping with married men. When her ex calls to ask if she wants to be a mother, Reese finds herself intrigued. After being attacked in the street, Amy de-transitioned to become Ames, changed jobs and, thinking he was infertile, started an affair with his boss Katrina. Now Katrina's pregnant. Could the... (

Podobné produkty ako Detransition, Baby: Longlisted for the Women's Prize 2021 and Top Ten The Times Bestseller (1788167228)

The Summer Skies - Jenny Colganová


Born into a family of successful pilots, Morag is used to flying high.But when a tragic accident above the clouds grounds her, could the future she'd always imagined be suddenly out of reach?When she receives a call telling her that her beloved grandfather has been taken ill, Morag leaves her fast-paced life in London to return home to the tranquil Scottish Highlands. With her grandfather out of action, Morag has no choice but to take over flying the local route in his rickety old plane, ferrying locals across the beautiful islands of the archipelago. But as the weather takes a dramatic turn, Morag is forced to crash-land on a remote island and suddenly finds herself far from civilisation and all alone.Then she discovers Gregor, the gruff and reclusive ornithologist taking care of the island for the season. Though the pair don't see eye to eye, Morag is forced to seek shelter at his cabin and it seems the pair are stuck together until help arrives. However long that may be . . . As she awaits rescue, might Morag discover that a remote Scottish island, cut off from real-life, is exactly the place she needs to be? (

Podobné produkty ako The Summer Skies - Jenny Colganová

Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

Kniha - autor Jeff VanderMeer, 196 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako Annihilation: The Southern Reach Trilogy 1 (0008139105)

The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic and the Urgent Need for Radical Change (0241993938)

The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic and the Urgent Need for Radical Change (0241993938)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In this powerful collection of interviews, Noam Chomsky exposes the problems of our world today, as we stand in this period of monumental change, preparing for a more hopeful tomorrow. 'For the left, elections are a brief interlude in a life of real politics, a moment to ask whether it's worth taking time off to vote . . . Then back to work. The work will be to move forward to construct the better world that is within reach.' He sheds light into the phenomenon of right-wing populism, and exposes the catastrophic nature and impact of authoritarian policies on people, the environment and the planet as a whole. He captures the dynamics of the brutal class warfare launched by the masters of capital to maintain and even enhance the features of a dog-eat-dog society. And he celebrates the recent unprecedented mobilizations of millions of people internationally against neoliberal capitalism, racism and police violence.... (

Podobné produkty ako The Precipice: Neoliberalism, the Pandemic and the Urgent Need for Radical Change (0241993938)

The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735)

The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735)

Kniha - autor Peter Popham, 462 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A revealing insight into the life of Aung San Suu Kyi following her release from house arrest in 2010, and the subsequent hope felt by the Burmese people. (

Podobné produkty ako The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735)

Warhol After Warhol: Power and Money in the Modern Art World - Richard Dorment


Long-time art critic Richard Dorment reveals the corruption and lies of the art world, and its mystifying authentication processLate one afternoon in the winter of 2003 art critic Richard Dorment answered a telephone call from a stranger. The caller was Joe Simon, an American film producer and art collector. He was ringing at the suggestion of David Hockney, his neighbour in Malibu. A committee of experts called the Andy Warhol Art Authentication Board had declared the two Warhols in his collection to be fake. He wanted to know why and thought Dorment could help.This call would mark the beginning of an extraordinary story that would play out over the next ten years and would involve a cast of characters straight out of fiction. From rock icons and film stars; art dealers and art forgers; to a murdered Russian oligarch and a lawyer for the mob; from courtrooms to auction houses: all took part in a bitter struggle to prove the authenticity of a series of paintings by the most famous American artist of the 20th century.Part detective story, part art history, part memoir, part courtroom drama, Warhol After Warhol is a spellbinding account of the dark connection between money, power and art. (

Podobné produkty ako Warhol After Warhol: Power and Money in the Modern Art World - Richard Dorment

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard

When Richard Rumelt's Good Strategy/Bad Strategy was published in 2011, it immediately struck a chord, calling out as bad strategy the mish-mash of pop culture, motivational slogans and business buzz speak so often and misleadingly masquerading as the real thing. Since then, his original and pragmatic ideas have won fans around the world and continue to help readers to recognise and avoid the elements of bad strategy and adopt good, action-oriented strategies that honestly acknowledge the challenges being faced and offer straightforward approaches to overcoming them. Strategy should not be equated with ambition, leadership, vision or planning; rather, it is coherent action backed by an argument. For Rumelt, the heart of good strategy is insight into the hidden power in any situation, and into an appropriate response - whether launching a new product, fighting a war or putting a man on the moon. Drawing on examples of the good and the bad from across all sectors and all ages, he shows how this insight can be cultivated with a wide variety of tools that lead to better thinking and better strategy, strategy that cuts through the hype and gets results. (

Podobné produkty ako Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters (Defekt) - Rumelt Richard

The School for Good and Evil - Soman Chainani


Soon to be a major Netflix film starring Charlize Theron, Kerry Washington, Laurence Fishburne, Michelle Yeoh, Sofia Wylie, Sophie Anne Caruso, Jamie Flatters, Earl Cave, Kit Young, and many more! The first in the New York Times bestselling School for Good and Evil series. A dark and enchanting fantasy adventure perfect for those who prefer their fairy tales with a twist. Two best friends have been chosen to be students at the fabled School for Good and Evil, where ordinary boys and girls are trained to be fairy-tale heroes and villains.One will train for Good, one will become Evil's new hope. Each thinks they know where they belong, but when they are swept into the Endless Woods, they're switched into the opposite schools. Together they'll discover who they really are and what they are capable of.. . because the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through it.Features cover artwork from Netflix's The School for Good and Evil film and includes Soman Chainani's exclusive on-set movie diary! (

Podobné produkty ako The School for Good and Evil - Soman Chainani

The School for Good and Evil 01 (006210490X)

The School for Good and Evil 01 (006210490X)

Kniha - autor Soman Chainani, 512 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Soman Chainani, 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The School for Good and Evil 01 (006210490X)
TopQ Samsung J6 silikon Reach For The Stars 37887 (Sun-37887), Needtobreathe: Into The Mystery - CD (7567864364), Runto holder REACH růžový (RT-REACH-PINK), GOLDBUCH Svatební Ballooning (0100_8386), Tiny Love Hudební kolotoč Into the Forest (7290108861365), The Lady and the Generals: 'Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma''s Struggle for Freedom' (1846043735), Think Small: The Surprisingly Simple Way to Reach Big Goals (1782436324), Guy Chambers: Go Gentle Into The Light - CD (4050538478242), Sanctuary: Into the Mirror Black (2x CD) - CD (0194397975925), A Dying Planet: When the Skies Are Grey - CD (LFR2052), 4Home Beránková deka Into the woods, 150 x 200 cm, Collins Phil: Dance Into The Light (2x CD) - CD (8122795212), Pop Smoke: Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon - CD (0747475), Tiny Love Hrací deka s hrazdou Gymini Into the Forest (7290108861181), This Land: The Struggle for the Left (0141994398), Skies Lil: Unbothered - LP (7567864419), Richard Cliff: Music... The Air That I Breath - CD (9029514095), The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703), queen for the day nafukovaci koruna, Annihilator: For The Demented - CD (9029694222), Blackfield: For The Music - LP (9029513980), The 1975: A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships (2018) (2x LP) - LP (6796448), Richard III. (), MARKETING FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, Richard Cliff, The Shadows: 9 Original Albums (10x CD) - CD (600296), Panic! At The Disco: Pray For The Wicked - CD (7567865715), Philips Skies 17184/93/16 (915002147303), Protective P-Blue Skies black (SPTrcc415nad), O.G. And The Odd Gifts: O.G. And The Odd Gifts - CD (100P019), Armstrong Louis: And the Good Book + Louis and the Angels - CD (8436563184369)