Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Beowulf: Dual Language and New Verse Translation - J. G. Nichols
Of unknown date, and surviving in a tenth-century manuscript, Beowulf is the tale of a young Geatish hero and his struggle with three deadly foes, beginning with the dread monster Grendel, who has been devouring warriors in the hall of the Danish King in their sleep.The most important Old English poem, and the first known major poem written in a European vernacular, Beowulf is a unique and compelling mix of sixth-century historical events, Christian commentary, Germanic myth and Anglo-Saxon culture. The poem is presented here in a dual-text format with a new translation by multi-award-winning translator J.G. Nichols.
Podívejte se také Dante Alighieri A1/A2 (978-80-266-1665-8)
Love That Moves the Sun and Other Stars - Dante Alighieri
''Happiness beyond all words! A life of peace and love, entire and whole!''A collection of cantos from Paradiso, the most original and experimental part of the Divina Commedia.One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics'' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
Podívejte se také Dante Alighieri: dvojjazyčná kniha pro začátečníky (IJ-ČJ) (978-80-266-1665-8)
Hostina - Dante Alighieri
Pri čítaní Danteho Hostiny sa stredovek vyjaví slovenskému čitateľovi v jeho najvynikajúcejšej podobe. Kniha rozkrýva, čo zamestnávalo mysle súčasníkov, a hovorí to jazykom, ktorý nás vtiahne do mentality a cítenia tej doby. Uvedomíme si, že Dante bol odvážny a stál si za svojím. Presne vedel, čo chce dosiahnuť, na koho sa obracia a proti komu. Ak je Božská komédia vrcholným dielom stredovekej literatúry, v Hostine Dante podáva návod, ako ju čítať. Svojou troškou chce k očareniu dávnymi časmi prispieť aj slovenský preklad tohto diela. A kto by sa do nich chcel vhĺbiť ešte viac, má poruke doslov a podrobné poznámky.
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Purgatory - Dante Alighieri
Describing Dante's second stage in his arduous journey to redemption, Purgatory features a host of unforgettable scenes and characters, and arguably some of the best poetry to be found in the Divine Comedy. The gloom, torments and evils of Hell have been left behind, but Dante's ascent of Mount Purgatory towards Paradise remains fraught with obstacles, not least the burden of his own mortality and his human passions. Purgatory is presented here in a new verse translation by acclaimed poet and prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols. Also included are the original Italian text, extensive notes and a critical apparatus focusing on Dante's life and works.
Objev podobné jako Purgatory - Dante Alighieri
Božská komedie - Dante Alighieri
Dantova Božská komedie (Commedia - přívlastek "Božská" v názvu připojil až později Boccaccio) je jedním ze základních literárních děl světové historie, které po celá staletí dodnes inspiruje mnohé umělce a pro každého, kdo se nechá vést uhrančivým rytmem nekonečné řady tercín, zůstává zdrojem úchvatného čtenářského dobrodružství. Dantova cesta záhrobní říší je především symbolickým obrazem lidského života, hledání pravé cesty, a naléhavost úkolu pracovat na zhodnocení vlastního života pociťuje člověk dnes stejně jako ve středověku i kdykoliv jindy v historii. Danta, který podle vlastních slov na prahu věku zralosti zabloudil, provází na cestě peklem a očistcem římský básník Vergilius, na prahu ráje se pak básníkovou průvodkyní stává milovaná Beatrice, ztělesnění ideální, absolutní lásky. Nemůže tomu být jinak, vždyť láska je nejvyšší hodnotou. Božská komedie byla v českém literárním prostředí známá už od doby Karla IV. Od 19. století, kdy se utvářela novodobá česká literatura, se pak stala výzvou pro nejlepší české překladatele (Jaroslava Vrchlického, O. F. Bablera a další), nejnověji se k nim připojil Vladimír Mikeš, jehož překlad vychází nyní ve druhém vydání.
Objev podobné jako Božská komedie - Dante Alighieri
Ráj - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
eBook: Ráj (v italském originále Paradiso) je poslední ze tří částí eposu Božská komedie, jehož autorem je Dante Alighieri. Božská komedie je alegorického charakteru - znázorňuje cestu lidské duše přes peklo a očistec až do ráje k Bohu. Rájem ho provází sama Beatrice, jím v minulosti milovaná žena (Beatrice Portinari), která bývá vykládána jako symbol krásy, dokonalosti, církve, teologie či filozofie.
Objev podobné jako Ráj - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
Peklo - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
eBook: Peklo (v italském originále Inferno) je první ze tří částí eposu Božská komedie, jehož autorem je Dante Alighieri. Božská komedie je alegorického charakteru - znázorňuje cestu lidské duše přes peklo a očistec až do ráje k Bohu. Peklo popisuje Dantovu cestu pekelnou říší, na níž ho doprovází římský básník Vergilius. Peklo je zde popisováno jako devět soustředných kruhů utrpení hříšných duší, sestupujících až do jádra Země. Oba básníci společně postupují devíti kruhy pekla, kde se setkávají s různými osobnostmi z historie, až se dostanou k očistci.
Objev podobné jako Peklo - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
Circles of Hell - Dante Alighieri
Takes us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. This book features stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.
Objev podobné jako Circles of Hell - Dante Alighieri
Inferno (Collins Classics) - Dante Alighieri
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.'There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.'Considered one of the greatest medieval poems written in the common vernacular of the time, Dante's Inferno begins on Good Friday in the year 1300. As he wanders through a dark forest, Dante loses his way and stumbles across the ghost of the poet Virgil. Virgil promises to lead him back to the top of the mountain, but to do so, they must pass through Hell, encountering all manner of shocking horrors, sins and evil torments along the way, evoking questions about God's justice, human behaviour and Christianity.
Objev podobné jako Inferno (Collins Classics) - Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Translated by H. F. Cary With an introduction by Claire Honess. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) is one of the most important and innovative figures of the European Middle Ages. Writing his Comedy (the epithet Divine was added by later admirers) in exile from his native Florence, he aimed to address a world gone astray both morally and politically. At the same time, he sought to push back the restrictive rules which traditionally governed writing in the Italian vernacular, to produce a radically new and all-encompassing work. The Comedy tells of the journey of a character who is at one and the same time both Dante himself and Everyman through the three realms of the Christian afterlife: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. He presents a vision of the afterlife which is strikingly original in its conception, with a complex architecture and a coherent structure. On this journey Dante's protagonist - and his reader - meet characters who are variously noble, grotesque, beguiling, fearful, ridiculous, admirable, horrific and tender, and through them he is shown the consequences of sin, repentance and virtue, as he learns to avoid Hell and, through cleansing in Purgatory, to taste the joys of Heaven.
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso -- the three fates of the deceased become the three pillars of an epic poem. The Divine Comedy, written by Italian poet Dante Alighieri in the fourteenth century, is considered the foremost work in Italian literature. The journey begins with Dante's descent into the depths of Hell where he witnesses those eternally separated from God. Then he climbs the mountain of Purgatory where Christian souls undergo final purification, before finally touring the celestial circles of Heaven where he is filled with the image of God. An allegorical work, the comedy is representative of the soul's journey towards God. Influential for seven centuries, this classic is a must have for lovers of great literature, and the luxurious leather-bound edition from Canterbury Classics will make a stunning addition to any library. Lexile score: 1220L
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
Božská komedie - Dante Alighieri - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Umělecký přednes – Milan Friedl, Gabriela Filippi, Alfred Strejček, Rudolf Pellar. Hudba – Zdeněk Zahradník. "Danteho Božská komedie shrnuje poznání vrcholného středověku o uspořádání kosmu a smyslu člověka v něm. Po 700 letech zjišťujeme, že obsahovalo pravdivé jádro, které si teď žádá být zaoděno moderními termíny. Skutečně, sedm nebes a pekel existuje jako archetypy kolektivní psychologie a kulturní typy, které se v dějinách lidstva i ve vývoji jednotlivce střídají v pořadí, v jakém Dante putuje sférami andělských kůrů". Emil Páleš
Objev podobné jako Božská komedie - Dante Alighieri - audiokniha
Dante Alighieri - Valeria De Tommaso
Ponořte se s námi do životního osudu Danta Alighieriho. O jeho životě se toho ví málo, vlastnoruční rukopisy jeho děl beze stopy zmizely, ale velikost a význam jeho děl byly uznány již pár let po jeho smrti. Danteho příběh je napsaný zjednodušenou italštinou tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám začínajícího čtenáře. Na každé stránce naleznete český zrcadlový překlad, cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3 je zdarma ke stažení na webu.
Objev podobné jako Dante Alighieri - Valeria De Tommaso
Očistec - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
eBook: Očistec (v italském originále Purgatorio) je druhá ze tří částí eposu Božská komedie, jehož autorem je Dante Alighieri. Božská komedie je alegorického charakteru - znázorňuje cestu lidské duše přes peklo a očistec až do ráje k Bohu. Hlavní postavou je sám autor, který se dostal vlastní vinou do potíží. Těch si v nebi všimla Beatrice Portinari (Danteho ideální žena, jím v minulosti milovaná), která mu na pomoc poslala básníka Vergilia, aby Danteho provedl Peklem a Očistcem. Po cestě se setkává se slavnými osobnostmi minulosti a osobnostmi ze svého vlastního života.
Objev podobné jako Očistec - Dante Alighieri - e-kniha
The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition - Dante Alighieri
Dante s dramatic journey down the circles of Hell, up the mountain of Purgatory and through the spheres of Heaven in search of redemption and his encounter with devils, monsters and the souls of sinners and saints is one of the cornerstones of Western literature, the summit of medieval thinking and arguably the highest poetic achievement of all time.This 700th Anniversary Edition of The Divine Comedy is presented in a verse translation by acclaimed poet and prize-winning translator J.G. Nichols, together with extensive notes, illustrations by Gustave Doré and a critical apparatus focusing on the author s life and works.Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise are also available in dual-language, single-volume editions.Part of Alma Classics Dante Collection to include Rime, Vita Nuova and Life of Dante by Giovanni Boccaccio
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy: Anniversary Edition - Dante Alighieri
La Vita Nuova: Love Poems - Dante Alighieri
In La Vita Nuova, Italy's greatest poet recounts the famous story of his passionate love for Beatrice. The drama of their relationship unravels through stunning poetry and prose in this, one of the most celebrated love stories in history. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers.These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. From the first time the poet sets eyes on Beatrice, he proclaims that 'love quite governed my soul' and his devotion to her knows no end. By recalling each meeting with Beatrice this short book is at once a heartfelt account of youthful love and a religious allegory.La Vita Nuova serves as an important precursor to Dante's masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. This edition is the English translation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti from the original Italian. It was first published in The Early Italian Poets in 1861 and then reissued in 1874 by Dante and his circle.It was met with great acclaim acknowledging Rossetti's skill as a meticulous and poetic translator.
Objev podobné jako La Vita Nuova: Love Poems - Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri A1/A2 - Valeria De Tommaso
Ponořte se s námi do životního osudu Danta Alighieriho. O jeho životě se toho ví málo, vlastnoruční rukopisy jeho děl beze stopy zmizely, ale velikost a význam jeho děl byly uznány již pár let po jeho smrti. Danteho příběh je napsaný zjednodušenou italštinou tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám začínajícího čtenáře. Na každé stránce naleznete český zrcadlový překlad, cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3 je zdarma ke stažení na webu.
Objev podobné jako Dante Alighieri A1/A2 - Valeria De Tommaso
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri, Doré Gustave
A landmark of world literature, The Divine Comedy tells of the poet Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise in search of salvation. Before he is redeemed by his love for the heavenly Beatrice, he learns the meaning of evil, sin, damnation and forgiveness through a series of unforgettable encounters. This edition features Longfellow's renowned translation and reproductions of Gustave Dore's classic engravings from the 1867 publication.
Objev podobné jako The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri, Doré Gustave
Inferno: The Divine Comedy I - Dante Alighieri
Part of Penguin''s beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. Describing Dante''s descent into Hell midway through his life with Virgil as a guide, Inferno depicts a cruel underworld in which desperate figures are condemned to eternal damnation for committing one or more of seven deadly sins. As he descends through nine concentric circles of increasingly agonising torture, Dante encounters doomed souls including the pagan Aeneas, the liar Odysseus, the suicide Cleopatra, and his own political enemies, damned for their deceit. Led by leering demons, the poet must ultimately journey with Virgil to the deepest level of all. For it is only by encountering Satan, in the heart of Hell, that he can truly understand the tragedy of sin.
Objev podobné jako Inferno: The Divine Comedy I - Dante Alighieri
Dante Alighieri A1/A2 (978-80-266-1665-8)
Elektronická kniha - autor Valeria De Tommaso, 80 stran, česky Učte se italsky s Dantem! Ponořte se s námi do životního osudu Danta Alighieriho. O jeho životě se toho ví málo, vlastnoruční rukopisy jeho děl beze stopy zmizely, ale velikost a význam jeho děl byly uznány již pár let po jeho smrti. Danteho příběh je napsaný zjednodušenou italštinou tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám začínajícího čtenáře. Na každé stránce naleznete český zrcadlový překlad, cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3 v příloze.
Objev podobné jako Dante Alighieri A1/A2 (978-80-266-1665-8)
Dante Alighieri A1/A2 - Valeria De Tommaso - e-kniha
eBook: Učte se italsky s Dantem! Ponořte se s námi do životního osudu Danta Alighieriho. O jeho životě se toho ví málo, vlastnoruční rukopisy jeho děl beze stopy zmizely, ale velikost a význam jeho děl byly uznány již pár let po jeho smrti. Danteho příběh je napsaný zjednodušenou italštinou tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám začínajícího čtenáře. Na každé stránce naleznete český zrcadlový překlad, cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3 v příloze.
Objev podobné jako Dante Alighieri A1/A2 - Valeria De Tommaso - e-kniha
Diaboliad and Other Stories: New Translation - Michail Bulgakov
In Bulgakov's 'Diaboliad', the modest and unassuming office clerk Korotkov is summarily sacked for a trifling error from his job at the Main Central Depot of Match Materials, and tries to seek out his newly assigned superior, responsible for his dismissal. His quest through the labyrinth of Soviet bureaucracy takes on the increasingly surreal dimensions of a nightmare. This early satirical story, reminiscent of Gogol and Dostoevsky, was first published in 1924 and incurred the wrath of pro-Soviet critics.Along with the three other stories in this volume, which also explore the themes of the absurd and bizarre, it provides a fascinating glimpse into the artistic development of the author of The Master and Margarita.
Objev podobné jako Diaboliad and Other Stories: New Translation - Michail Bulgakov
Dante Alighieri: dvojjazyčná kniha pro začátečníky (IJ-ČJ) (978-80-266-1665-8)
Kniha - autor Valeria De Tommaso, 80 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Ponořte se s námi do životního osudu Danta Alighieriho. O jeho životě se toho ví málo, vlastnoruční rukopisy jeho děl beze stopy zmizely, ale velikost a význam jeho děl byly uznány již pár let po jeho smrti. Danteho příběh je napsaný zjednodušenou italštinou tak, aby vyhovoval potřebám začínajícího čtenáře. Na každé stránce naleznete český zrcadlový překlad, cvičení na konci knihy jsou vhodná pro ověření získaných znalostí. Audionahrávka ve formátu MP3 je zdarma ke stažení na webu.
Objev podobné jako Dante Alighieri: dvojjazyčná kniha pro začátečníky (IJ-ČJ) (978-80-266-1665-8)
NIV Bible for Journalling and Verse-Mapping - New International Version
This NIV Journalling Bible, with a cover inspired by the Japanese ceramic art form, kintsugi, is a beautifully presented Bible for you to treasure. The New International Version of the Scriptures is printed in clear, easy-to-read 9PT British Text on thicker than usual Bible paper, with a five centimetre blank margin on every page, giving you lots of extra room for notes, reflections, illustrations or Bible studies. A 32-page concordance can be found at the back. The Bible text is interspersed with 32 pages introducing the art of verse-mapping. This Bible study method encourages you to prayerfully choose a verse, compare it with other translations, study the context, including the history and characters mentioned, and then reflect and allow the Spirit to guide you in application. There are also verses to colour in, with lots of space around them for you to add your own illustrations, and many other pages with creative prompts for Bible journalling.
Objev podobné jako NIV Bible for Journalling and Verse-Mapping - New International Version
Meditations: A New Translation (0812968255)
Kniha - 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "The emperor Marcus Aelius Aurelius Antoninus was the only Roman emperor besides Caesar whose writings became a Western classic. His ""Meditations"" is a loosely-organized set of thoughts relating to his stoic philosophy, now in an acclaimed new translation."
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The Double : New Translation - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij
Constantly rebuffed from the social circles he aspires to frequent, the timid clerk Golyadkin is confronted by the sudden appearance of his double, a more brazen, confident and socially successful version of himself, who abuses and victimizes the original. As he is increasingly persecuted, Golyadkin finds his social, romantic and professional life unravelling, in a spiral that leads to a catastrophic denouement. The Double, Dostoevsky's second published work of fiction, which foreshadows in its themes many of his mature novels, is the surreal and hallucinatory tale of an unfortunate anti-hero, at once chilling in its depiction of the dark sides of human nature and exuberantly comical.
Objev podobné jako The Double : New Translation - Fjodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij
Beowulf: A New Translation - Maria Dahvana Headleyová
A new, feminist translation of Beowulf by the author of the much-buzzed-about novel The Mere Wife Brash and belligerent, lunatic and envigorating, with passages of sublime poetry punctuated by obscenities and social-media shorthand. --Ruth Franklin, The New Yorker The author of the crazy-cool Beowulf-inspired novel The Mere Wife tackles the Old English epic poem with a fierce new feminist translation that radically recontextualizes the tale.--Barbara VanDenburgh, USA Today Nearly twenty years after Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf--and fifty years after the translation that continues to torment high-school students around the world--there is a radical new verse translation of the epic poem by Maria Dahvana Headley, which brings to light elements that have never before been translated into English, recontextualizing the binary narrative of monsters and heroes into a tale in which the two categories often entwine, justice is rarely served, and dragons live among us. A man seeks to prove himself as a hero. A monster seeks silence in his territory. A warrior seeks to avenge her murdered son. A dragon ends it all. The familiar elements of the epic poem are seen with a novelist's eye toward gender, genre, and history--Beowulf has always been a tale of entitlement and encroachment, powerful men seeking to become more powerful, and one woman seeking justice for her child, but this version brings new context to an old story. While crafting her contemporary adaptation of Beowulf, Headley unearthed significant shifts lost over centuries of translation.
Objev podobné jako Beowulf: A New Translation - Maria Dahvana Headleyová
English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for
The complete and comprehensive way to support your studies and assessments in 2021 and exams in 2022. Quickly get to grips with key writing skills, including planning and writing your own texts in the exam and writing about fiction and non-fiction extracts. Build confidence with key definitions, examples, regular tests and ‘Top tips'' for improvement. Perfect your techniques and write mark-maximising answers with the targeted ‘Aiming high'' tips. Power up your writing skills and feel fully ready and equipped to excel in any test or assessment. For the first time, York Notes bring you a Revision and Exam Practice guide to help you improve your writing skills for the whole of your English Language and English Literature GCSE 9-1 courses. So whether you''re studying at home, online or in the classroom, York Notes is your best bet for the best grades. Packed with more powerful features than any other guide, our Writing Skills: Revision and Exam Practice guide is easy to use, brimming with essential info and will quickly become your go-to buddy as you navigate your GCSE course, build your confidence, stay motivated and get ready to impress in any test, assessment or exam.
Objev podobné jako English Language and Literature Writing Skills Revision and Exam Practice: York Notes for GCSE: everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for
A Level and AS French Grammar & Translation Workbook - Steve Harrison
Written for students transitioning from GCSE to AS, taking the Edexcel, WJEC and Eduqas exams, this AS and A Level French Grammar & Translation Workbook can be used for homework, revision and independent study. It includes thorough revision of key grammar points and embedded translation practice, giving students confidence in language manipulation skills to meet the demands of the 2016 specifications.Please note: If you''re taking the AQA exam, please search for AQA AS and A Level French Grammar and Translation Workbook for the AQA edition of this workbook.
Objev podobné jako A Level and AS French Grammar & Translation Workbook - Steve Harrison
Studio Edexcel GCSE French Grammar and Translation Workbook - Stuart Glover
A dedicated workbook to support and consolidate grammar learning and translation skills for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) French. Includes: explanations of key grammar points, verb tables, and exercises to embed grammar knowledge translation exercises and strategies for translation both into French and into English a bank of revision translations bringing together grammar and vocabulary learning from throughout the course clear links to the ''Studio'' Student Books from the same series.
Objev podobné jako Studio Edexcel GCSE French Grammar and Translation Workbook - Stuart Glover
Studio AQA GCSE French Grammar and Translation Workbook - Stuart Glover
A dedicated workbook to support and consolidate grammar learning and translation skills for AQA GCSE French for first teaching from 2016. Includes: explanations of key grammar points, verb tables, and exercises to embed grammar knowledge translation exercises and strategies for translation both into French and into English a bank of revision translations bringing together grammar and vocabulary learning from throughout the course clear links to the Student Books from the same series.
Objev podobné jako Studio AQA GCSE French Grammar and Translation Workbook - Stuart Glover
New Opportunities Beginner Language Powerbook Pack - Amanda Maris
New Opportunities Beginner Language Powerbook + CD-ROM - učebnice angličtiny, pro střední školy, Pearson, maturita z angličtinyVíce o produktu na: http://www.venturesbooks.cz/pro-stredni-skoly/new-opportunities
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Beginner Language Powerbook Pack - Amanda Maris
New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook - Patricia Reilly
* New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. * New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. * New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. * Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. * Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook - Patricia Reilly
New Opportunities Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Dean
Pracovní sešit k učebnici New Opportunities. Based on feedback from teachers and students around the world, New opportunities now comes with exciting new features and components to make your lessons even more motivating and successful. New Opportunities is compatible with the Common European Framework of Reference and has a CEFR-friendly Photocopiable Learner Diary to track progress.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Dean
New Opportunities Elementary Language Powerbook Pack - Olivia Johnston
New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students. Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Elementary Language Powerbook Pack - Olivia Johnston
New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook - Michael Harris
* New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. * New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. * New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students * Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. * Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. * Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook - Michael Harris
AQA Spanish A Level and AS Grammar & Translation Workbook - Vincent Everett
Written especially for students transitioning from GCSE to AS and those working towards the AQA A Level exams, the AQA AS and A Level Spanish Grammar & Translation Workbook can be used for homework, revision and independent study. It includes thorough revision of key grammar points and embedded translation practice, giving students confidence in language manipulation skills when meeting the rigorous demands of the 2016 specification.Please note: If you''re taking the Edexcel, WJEC or Eduqas exam, please search for AS and A Level French Grammar and Translation Workbook edition of this workbook.
Objev podobné jako AQA Spanish A Level and AS Grammar & Translation Workbook - Vincent Everett
New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Patricia Reilly
New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students. Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Patricia Reilly
New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Harris
New Reading and Listening Texts motivate students to speak and think in English. New exam zones in the Powerbook build students' exam skills and confidence. New comprehensive testing programme provides total evaluation for students. Grammar and skills development give students a solid base for learning. Training in independent study skills ensures good learning habits. Cross curricular and cross cultural topics motivate students and engage their interest in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Upper Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack - Michael Harris
The Holy Qur'an: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English Translation
The Holy Quran with Original Arabic Text, transliteration in Roman script by Muhammed Abdul Haleem Eliasii, and English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali" is an outstanding and comprehensive edition of the Quran that presents the text in multiple formats for the benefit of readers. One of the key features of this edition is the inclusion of the original Arabic text of the Quran, which is presented in clear and readable script. The Arabic text is important because it is the original language of the Quran and is considered the word of God. This edition also includes transliteration in Roman script by Muhammed Abdul Haleem Eliasii, which provides a phonetic representation of the Arabic text and is especially helpful for non- Arabic speakers who are learning to recite the Quran. Furthermore, this edition includes an accurate and widely acclaimed English translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, which makes the text accessible to readers who do not understand Arabic. The translation is renowned for its clarity, accuracy, and faithfulness to the original text, and it is widely used and respected by scholars and students of Islam around the world. What makes this edition unique is the presentation of the Arabic text, transliteration, and English translation on the same page side by side. This format allows readers to compare and contrast the different versions of the text and gain a deeper understanding of the Quranic text and its meaning. This feature is particularly useful for students of Islam who are learning the Quran and for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the holy text.
Objev podobné jako The Holy Qur'an: Transliteration in Roman Script with Arabic Text and English Translation
The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian
Why should we learn more than one language?Can it change the way we think?Does it have the power to transform how we see the world? You may think you speak only one language. In fact, your mind is interpreting multiple codes of communication. Some people speak Spanish, some Mandarin. Some speak poetry, some are fluent in maths. Humans are built for multilingualism. Drawing on cutting-edge research and theory, delivered with wit and lucid insight, psycholinguist Viorica Marian explores the ways in which the mind uses multiple languages and how, in doing so, we can open the doors to unique forms of creativity, brain health and cognitive control. Every new language we speak - whether it is coding or musical notes, Hindi or Arabic - shapes how we extract and interpret information. It alters what we remember, how we perceive ourselves and those around us, how we feel, the insights we have, the decisions we make and the actions we take. The Power of Language lays bare how we use different linguistic codes to think about the world - and change our place within it.Empowering and practical, this is the perfect guide for anyone interested in how language really works.
Objev podobné jako The Power of Language: Multilingualism, Self and Society - Viorica Marian
Viva! Edexcel GCSE Spanish Grammar and Translation Workbook - Traynor Tracy, Ian Kendrick, John Halksworth
A dedicated workbook to support and consolidate grammar learning and translation skills for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Spanish. Includes: explanations of key grammar points, verb tables, and exercises to embed grammar knowledge translation exercises and strategies for translation both into Spanish and into English a bank of revision translations bringing together grammar and vocabulary learning from throughout the course clear links to the Viva! Student Books from the same series.
Objev podobné jako Viva! Edexcel GCSE Spanish Grammar and Translation Workbook - Traynor Tracy, Ian Kendrick, John Halksworth
New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack CZ Edition - Patricia Reilly
New Opportunities jsou moderní učebnice vydané přímo pro věkovou skupinu středoškoláků a zajišťují komplexní přípravu k úspěšnému složení maturity. Cvičení a úkoly jsou v maturitních formátech a jsou vhodné pro obě části nové maturitní zkoušky.
Objev podobné jako New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate Language Powerbook Pack CZ Edition - Patricia Reilly
The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová
Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Love speaks in flowers. Truth requires thorns.Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price.Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, no. 1 New York Times-bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love.Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange - to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse.This collection of six stories includes three brand-new tales, all of them lavishly illustrated with art by Sara Kiplin that changes with each turn of the page, culminating in six stunning full-spread illustrations as rich in detail as the stories themselves.
Objev podobné jako The Language of Thorns : Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic - Leigh Bardugová
Pearson REVISE AQA GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
GUIDED REVISION WORKBOOK Even more guided support for those students who feel they need it. Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for AQA GCSE (9-1) English Language. This book will help you to: Organise your revision with the one-topic-per page format Prepare for your GCSE exam with a book full of exam-style practice questions and even more guided solutions to boost confidence on every page Simplify your revision by writing straight into the book just as you would in an exam Improve your understanding, and exam technique, with more hints and partial answers than the traditional Workbook.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE AQA GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Guided Revision Workbook Even more guided support for those students who feel they need it. Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) English Language. This book will help you to: Organise your revision with the one-topic-per page format Prepare for your GCSE exam with a book full of exam-style practice questions and even more guided solutions to boost confidence on every page Simplify your revision by writing straight into the book just as you would in an exam Improve your understanding, and exam technique, with more hints and partial answers than the traditional Workbook.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE English Language Guided Revision Workbook: For 2025 and 2026 assessments and exams
Knaanic Language: Structure and Historical Background - Robert Dittmann, Lenka Uličná, Ondřej Bláha
Canaanite glosses, i.e. medieval Slavic, especially Czech glosses, recorded in Hebrew script, have aroused the interest of researchers since the first half of the19th century. Despite long-term research their appearance has not been sufficiently described and explained until today. A conference, the contributions to which are contained in this book, was organized as a part of and supported by the grant project of the Czech Science Foundation No. P406/11/0861 Kenaanské glosy ve středověkých hebrejských rukopisech s vazbou na české země (Canaanite Glosses in Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts Related to the Czech Lands). Its goal was to diminish the number of unresolved questions by focusing on the problem of Knaanic language proper as well as connected phenomena. Many leading scholars in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Slavic linguistics have contributed to the volume. To illuminate the problem from different perspectives, scholars from related fields were welcome to contribute. In total, seventeen contributions have been gathered bringing new findings contextualizing the Canaanite glosses as well as new findings of the glosses themselves. Further achievements are new facts about related phenomena like a literary depiction of Prague´s pogrom of 1389, etymology of the word for Jew in Common Slavic, biblical usage of the word Canaan or glosses of a small corpus of Judeo-Portuguese, all of which are published in the present volume. The contributors to the volume adopted various methodological approaches, which was encouraged to show the plurality of perspectives and open further discussions. The editors hope that these proceedings substantially contribute to many of the topics of the most recent research and open new research horizons in this field for the future
Objev podobné jako Knaanic Language: Structure and Historical Background - Robert Dittmann, Lenka Uličná, Ondřej Bláha
DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/NEW ROMA II. 1+2
Sestava obsahuje: 1x Zahradní teakový stůl DANTE 75x75 cm, 2x Zahradní teakové křeslo ROMA NEW
Objev podobné jako DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/NEW ROMA II. 1+2
DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/NEW ROMA I. 1+2
Sestava obsahuje: 1x Zahradní teakový stůl DANTE 70x70 cm, 2x Zahradní teakové křeslo ROMA NEW
Objev podobné jako DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/NEW ROMA I. 1+2
DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/ROMA NEW IV. 1+4
Sestava obsahuje: 1x Zahradní teakový stůl DANTE 160x90 cm, 4x Zahradní teakové křeslo ROMA NEW
Objev podobné jako DEOKORK Zahradní teaková sestava DANTE/ROMA NEW IV. 1+4
Experiments on Plant Hybrids: Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. New Translation with Commentary (978-80-210-9554-0)
Kniha - autor Gregor Johann Mendel, 194 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Název v češtině: Pokusy s hybridy rostlin. Nový překlad s komentářem Díky jeho experimentům s rostlinami hrachu, které byly poprvé představeny v roce 1866, je Gregor Mendel obvykle nazýván otcem moderní genetiky. Ale byl to opravdu jeho záměr - objevit zákony dědičnosti a specifické vlastnosti genů - nebo mu byla tato motivace zpětně připisována až na základě současných znalostí? Tyto otázky byly předmětem dlouho trvající diskuze mezi historiky bádajícími v oblasti přírodních věd, jejímž ústředním tématem byl překlad Mendelova originálního díla do angličtiny. Jeho nový překlad, doprovázený rozsáhlým komentářem, který vydalo Mendelovo muzeum s podporou Britské společnosti pro historii vědy, má snahu přinést cenné, významné a nové poznatky, které přispějí ke splnění dlouhodobého úkolu - pochopení a porozumění Mendela.
Objev podobné jako Experiments on Plant Hybrids: Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden. New Translation with Commentary (978-80-210-9554-0)
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