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The Witches´ Blade - A. K. Mulford

The addictive second novel in the Five Crowns of Okrith series brings us into a new part of the world as the fae princess Rua joins forces with a truly unlikely ally - all with romance and adventure readers have come to expect from the viral sensation!!A magic sword. A powerful curse. An untested fae princess.And a continent on fire...Eighteen-year-old Ruadora Dammacus now possesses the Immortal Blade, a powerful artefact that might be enough to overthrow the cruel oppression threatening the land. Yet when Rua discovers the Northern Court King's uncle is not only alive but has cast a curse on the blue witch army, she realises that the battle has only just begun.Venturing into the enemy's court, Rua finds herself working closely with the young king. Her problems are mounting, and the handsome - and perhaps evil - royal is only one of them. With the eyes of her new-found family on her, Rua must prove herself worthy of the Immortal Blade if she is to break the spell over the blue witches.But the greatest challenge she will face is her growing connection to the Northern King and what it could mean for her people...and her heart.

Podívejte se také Burning Witches: Witch Of The North - CD (0727361593308)

cena 269.0 Kč

Ztracená koruna - A. K. Mulford

Děj romantické, akcí nabité epické fantasy série Pět korun Okrithu se posouvá na západ, kde mladá faeská válečnice Bri vyšetřuje vraždu královny a zároveň chrání krásnou princeznu, do které se možná zamilovala.Odhodlaná odhalit, kdo zabil západní královnu, faeská válečnice Briata Catullus vyráží na cestu, aby porazila lovce čarodějů a chránila princeznu. Když však dorazí do Západního dvora, věci jsou ještě horší, než se bála. Ledové přijetí ostatních fae je nejmenší z jejích problémů – slyšeli proroctví, že Bri uchvátí korunu svého vládce a rozhodně nechtějí, aby si uzurpovala trůn. Ne, lovci čarodějů jdou po královské krvi a Bri bude potřebovat všechno, co má, aby je udržela na uzdě.Nepomáhá jí ani to, že se jí princezna Abalina Thorne, která stále truchlí nad ztrátou matky, zdráhá důvěřovat a jen kvůli své sestřenici je ochotná dovolit Bri sloužit ve své stráži.Jak hrozba ze strany lovců čarodějů roste, ty dvě jsou nuceny úzce spolupracovat, aby odhalily tajné spiknutí nepřátel. Během toho si princezna uvědomí, že je Bri jednou z mála osob, kterým se dá věřit. Bri je však odhodlaná vydobýt si vlastní cestu a dokázat, že se proroctví spletlo, a tak se krásnou Linou nenechá rozptylovat od boje s lovci. Má povinnosti k princezně, k Západnímu dvoru i ke svému osudu.Ale co povinnost k vlastnímu srdci?

Podívejte se také Blade Trilogy: Blade + Blade 2 + Blade: Trinity - (3BD) - Blu-ray (W02750)

cena 411.0 Kč

Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford

Druhý díl ze série Pět korun Okrithu nás zavede do nové části světa, kdy se princezna víl Rua spojuje s opravdu nepravděpodobným spojencem - všechno s romantikou a dobrodružstvím, které čtenáři očekávají od virální senzace!! Kouzelný meč. Silná kletba. Netestovaná vílí princezna. A kontinent v plamenech... Osmnáctiletá Ruadora Dammacus nyní vlastní Nesmrtelný meč, mocný artefakt, který by mohl být dost silný, aby svrhl krutý útlak, která hrozí zemi. Když však Rua zjistí, že strýc severního krále nejenže přežil, ale uvrhl kletbu na armádu modrých čarodějek, uvědomí si, že bitva teprve začíná. Vydávajíc se do nepřátelského dvora, Rua se ocitne v těsné spolupráci s mladým králem. Její problémy se množí a krásný - a možná zlý - král je pouze jeden z nich. Pod dohledem své nově nalezené rodiny musí Rua prokázat, že je hodna Nesmrtelného meče, pokud chce zlomit kletbu nad modrými čarodějkami. Ale největší výzvou, kterou bude čelit, je její rostoucí vztah se severním králem a to, co by to mohlo znamenat pro její lid... a její srdce.

Podívejte se také YANKEE CANDLE Witches Brew 623 g (5038581140438)

cena 447.0 Kč

Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford

Vzrušující TikTok senzace od A.K. Mulford - plná romantiky, intrik, magie a vášně. První kniha série Pět korun Okrithu začíná cestu uprchlé rudé čarodějnice Remy, která bojuje o získání zpět svého království a objevování toho, co skrývá její srdce. Devatenáctiletá Remy ví, že je poslední živoucí rudou čarodějnicí a rozhodla se, že to tak zůstane. Nicméně, král Severního dvora, který povraždil její rodinu, má jiné plány a chce vyhubit její druh, dokud nezůstane nikdo. Když se do jejího útočiště v hospodě dostanou čtyři vílí válečníci, Remy se snaží uprchnout, ale její magie není dostatečně silná, aby zastavila tvrdohlavého - a pohledného - Prince Halea z Východního království. Tvrdí, že chce zabránit válce s Severním dvorem, než jeho království dopadne stejně jako Remyino. K tomu ale potřebuje rudou čarodějnici...a Remy je poslední svého druhu. Přestože se k němu cítí přitahována, neví, zda mu může důvěřovat. Ale pro šanci zachránit sama sebe, svůj lid a zbavit svět vražedného tyrana, musí Remy vložit svou víru do Hala a jeho společníků při nebezpečné cestě za ztracenými relikviemi...a zjistit, zda je připravená zajistit své dědictví.

Objev podobné jako Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford

cena 447.0 Kč

Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha

eBook: Kouzelný meč. Silná kletba. Nezkušená fae princezna. A kontinent v plamenech… Osmnáctiletá Ruadora Dammacus nyní vlastní Nesmrtelnou čepel, mocný artefakt, který by mohl stačit ke svržení krutého útlaku, jenž zemi ohrožuje. Přesto když Rua zjistí, že strýc krále Severního dvora nejen žije, ale navíc seslal kouzlo na armádu modrých čarodějnic, uvědomí si, že boj teprve začíná. Rua se vydá na Severní dvůr a zjistí, že se její problémy hromadí. Pohledný– a možná zlý – král je jen jedním z nich. Dokáže Rua, když se na ni upírají oči její nově nalezené rodiny, že je hodna Nesmrtelné čepele a zlomí kletbu nad modrými čarodějnicemi, nebo bude příliš těžké magii zbraně ovládat? A možná ještě nebezpečnější je sílící spojenectví s mladým severním králem a co to znamená pro její lid… a její srdce. Nastává čas nebezpečí, intrik a vzrušující vášně. Čepel čarodějky - druhá kniha poutavé fantasy ságy Pět korun Okrithu - nás přivádí do nové části světa, kde fae princezna Rua spojí síly s opravdu nepravděpodobným spojencem – to vše se stejnou romantikou a dobrodružstvím, jaké čtenáři od knih A. K. Mulfordové očekávají!

Objev podobné jako Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha

eBook: Devatenáctiletá Remy ví, že je dost možná poslední rudou čarodějnicí, a je odhodlaná tak zůstat. Už třináct let se jí daří skrývat se před lovci čarodějnic po té, co král Severního dvora porazil její domovský dvůr a vypsal na hlavy červených čarodějnic odměnu.Když narazí ve zdánlivě bezpečném hostinci na čtyři válečníky, dojde ke střetu s princem fae na osudové misi. Pohledný princ Hale z Východního království chce zastavit válku se Severním dvorem, než jeho království potká stejný osud jako kdysi Remyno. K tomu ale potřebuje červenou čarodějnici. Živou. Může Remy princi důvěřovat? A může být její padlý dvůr vzkříšen ze spárů krále Severního dvora? Aby Remy měla šanci zachránit sebe i svůj lid, musí spolu s Halem a jeho společníky vyrazit na nebezpečnou výpravu za nalezením ztracených relikvií…První kniha napínavé fantasy ságy Pět korun Okrithu. Očekávejte nebezpečí, intriky a vzrušující vášeň!

Objev podobné jako Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Witches Abroad: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are going on a trip to avert certain disaster. Terry Pratchett's Discworld returns with another laugh-out-loud adventure dissecting everyone's favourite fairy tales.It seemed an easy job... After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a servant girl doesn't marry a prince?But for the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick, travelling to the distant city of Genua, things are never that simple...Servant girls have to marry the prince. That's what life is all about. You can't fight a Happy Ending.At least - up until now...

Objev podobné jako Witches Abroad: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 420.0 Kč

The Witches of Vardo - Anya Bergman

They will have justice. They will show their power. They will not burn.'Three women's fight for survival in a time of madness' Kiran Millwood Hargrave, author of The MerciesNorway, 1662. A dangerous time to be a woman, when even dancing can lead to accusations of witchcraft. After recently widowed Zigri's affair with the local merchant is discovered, she is sent to the fortress at Vardø to be tried as a witch.Zigri's daughter Ingeborg sets off into the wilderness to try to bring her mother back home. Accompanying her on this quest is Maren - herself the daughter of a witch - whose wild nature and unconquerable spirit gives Ingeborg the courage to venture into the unknown, and to risk all she has to save her family.Also captive in the fortress is Anna Rhodius, once the King of Denmark's mistress, who has been sent in disgrace to the island of Vardø. What will she do - and who will she betray - to return to her privileged life at court?These Witches of Vardø are stronger than even the King. In an age weighted against them, they refuse to be victims. They will have their justice. All they need do is show their power.'An intricately woven, timeless novel about prejudice, misogyny, freedom and the power and strength we can find within' - Christy Lefteri, author of The Beekeeper of Aleppo'A passionate indictment of the patriarchy ... a vibrant exaltation of the resilience of women ... Anya Bergman summons a historic witch trial with breathtaking detail and immediacy' Hannah Kent, author of Burial Rites'Brilliant and powerful. Haunting and beautifully written. A complex and gripping novel reclaiming and retelling the stories of the women accused of witchcraft in Norway. Hugely atmospheric. Read it!' - Liz Hyder, author of The Gifts

Objev podobné jako The Witches of Vardo - Anya Bergman

cena 295.0 Kč

The Age of Witches

'A MUST-READ FOR THOSE WHO LIKE MAGIC, LOVE AND A LITTLE BIT OF FEEL-GOOD FEMINISM IN THEIR HISTORICAL FICTION' Library Journal A young witch must choose between love and loyalty, power and ambition, in this magical novel set in Gilded Age New York and London.In 1692, Bridget Bishop was hanged as a witch. Two hundred years later, her legacy lives on in the scions of two very different lines: one dedicated to using their powers to heal and help women in need; the other, determined to grasp power for themselves.This clash will play out in the fate of Annis, a young woman in Gilded Age New York who finds herself a pawn in the family struggle for supremacy. She'll need to claim her own power to save herself - and resist succumbing to the darkness that threatens to overcome them all. 'An Austen-esque romance, a heart-racing mystery full of dangerous twists and an anxiety-inducing yet enthralling family feud, Louisa Morgan's The Age of Witches is anything but a traditional tale of good versus evil' BookPage 'Morgan's beautifully conjured tale of three women, social mores, and the sanctity of self-determination is thoroughly enthralling' Booklist '[A] robust tale of matriarchal magic in a lushly depicted Gilded Age New York . . . Readers will root for these powerful women as they struggle to overcome the social limitations of their time, whether through magic or force of personality' Publishers Weekly 'This is a book about witches, told from their perspective. As such, it's a lyrically and lovely written triumph about independent, unusual women' Book Riot

Objev podobné jako The Age of Witches

cena 360.0 Kč

Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

The funniest, most insighftul, clever and totally bonkers parody of all things Shakespeare, filled to the brim with Pratchett's signature style.'Pratchett uses his other world to hold up a distorting mirror to our own' The Times'The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies' Independent'An enduring, endearing presence in comic literature' GuardianWitches are not by nature gregarious, and they certainly don't have leaders.Granny Weatherwax was the most highly regarded of the leaders they didn't have.But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more difficult than certain playwrights would have you believe...

Objev podobné jako Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

The Bell Witches - Lindsey Kelková

YOU’LL WANT TO BE ONE. UNTIL YOU KNOW THEIR SECRETS.After sixteen-year-old Emily’s father tragically dies, she is forced to live with the only family she has left, an aunt and grandmother in the heart of Savannah, Georgia in a house as beautiful as it is mysterious. But all is not what it seems with the Bell family; they’re hiding a magical secret. When Emily meets the alluring Wyn, she forms a connection that feels like it was always meant to be.As the spark between them grows more powerful, her life takes an exhilarating and terrifying turn; but every step closer to him, takes her a step further away from her family. Emily will find out that blood is always thicker than water… THERE’S NO BOND GREATER THAN MAGIC

Objev podobné jako The Bell Witches - Lindsey Kelková

cena 536.0 Kč

The King's Witches - Kate Foster

'A masterpiece . . . I literally didn't look up from the first page to the last' – Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The AppealThe King’s Witches by Kate Foster is a compelling and beautiful historical novel that gives voices to the women at the heart of the real-life witch trials in sixteenth-century Scotland. Women whisper secrets to each other; it is how we survive.1589. Princess Anna of Denmark is betrothed to King James VI of Scotland. Before they can wed, Anna must pass the trial period: one year of marriage to prove herself worthy of being Scotland's new Queen. Determined to fulfil her duties to King and country, Anna resolves to be the perfect royal bride. Until she meets Lord Henry . . .By her side is Kirsten Sorenson, her loyal and pious lady-in-waiting. But, whilst tending to Anna's every need, Kirsten has her own secret motives for the royal marriage to succeed . . .Meanwhile, in North Berwick, young housemaid Jura practises the healing charms taught to her by her mother. When she realizes she is no longer safe, she escapes to Edinburgh, only to find herself caught up in the witchcraft mania that has gripped not just the capital, but the new queen . . .'Enthralling, compelling and at times chilling . . . An utterly timely tale' – D. V. Bishop, prize-winning author of Ritual of Fire'A beautifully written tale of love and duty, fear and courage' – Jenny Ashcroft, bestselling author of The Echoes of Love'A gripping, poignant novel that gives voices to those so often unheard in historical accounts' – Elizabeth Lee, author of Cunning Women*The Maiden was longlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction on 05/03/2024

Objev podobné jako The King's Witches - Kate Foster

cena 502.0 Kč

The Lighthouse Witches - C.J. Cooke

Don’t miss this chilling gothic thriller from the bestselling author . . . ’Cooke has creatively interwoven the darkness of reality with a magical realism that will truly have you gripped’Woman & Home‘Fascinating and enthralling’ Prima‘Wonderfully atmospheric and compelling’ Rosamund Lupton‘A flawless read’ Elizabeth Lee‘Seething with gothic menace’ Caroline Lea‘This ghost story is a perfect mix of propulsive plot and shivers-up-the-spine spookiness’Good HousekeepingA deserted lighthouseUpon the cliffs of a remote Scottish island stands a lighthouse. Strange and terrible events have happened here. It started with a witch hunt. Now, centuries later, islanders are vanishing.A lost familyLiv Stay and her children don’t believe in witches or curses. But within months of arriving on the island, her daughter Luna is the only one of them left.An impossible childTwenty years later, Luna’s missing sister turns up out of the blue. She is exactly the girl Luna remembers. Same face. Same smile. Same age.Faced with the impossible, it’s up to Luna to find out what really happened at the lighthouse all those years ago.

Objev podobné jako The Lighthouse Witches - C.J. Cooke

cena 295.0 Kč

The Bell Witches - Lindsey Kelková

YOU'LL WANT TO BE ONE. UNTIL YOU KNOW THEIR SECRETS. After sixteen-year-old Emily's father tragically dies, she is forced to live with the only family she has left, an aunt and grandmother in the heart of Savannah, Georgia in a house as beautiful as it is mysterious. But all is not what it seems with the Bell family; they're hiding a magical secret. When Emily meets the alluring Wyn, she forms a connection that feels like it was always meant to be.As the spark between them grows more powerful, her life takes an exhilarating and terrifying turn; but every step closer to him, takes her a step further away from her family. Emily will find out that blood is always thicker than water...THERE'S NO BOND GREATER THAN MAGIC

Objev podobné jako The Bell Witches - Lindsey Kelková

cena 462.0 Kč

The Glutton - A. K. Blakemore

One man with an insatiable hunger: a novel of desire and destruction in Revolutionary France, based on a true story, from the Desmond Elliott Prize-winning author of The Manningtree Witches.

Objev podobné jako The Glutton - A. K. Blakemore

cena 295.0 Kč

Anders Buaas - The Witches Of Finnmark III (Vinyl LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Folk Rock;Rock Žánr: Folk;Heavy Metal;Metal;Rock Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: Anders Buaas Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Apollon Records Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Norsko Typ: LP deska;Album Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Varianta: The Witches Of Finnmark Iii (Vinyl LP) Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019

Objev podobné jako Anders Buaas - The Witches Of Finnmark III (Vinyl LP)

cena 528.0 Kč

Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

Rage burns brighter than any spellfire... Deep in the birchwoods of Norway, magic courses through the veins of two sisters. For years they've been alone, but sweet-tempered Kaija is tired of living in shadows and longs for a life filled with community, even if it means stifling her magic. But Minna is a witch through and through, with wrath always simmering just below the surface. Different as they may be, both will never forget the day they were driven from their village. The day their mother burned. When Kaija leaves to pursue a new life, Minna is left alone in the darkness of the forest. Devastated and outraged at the betrayal, Minna casts a curse to punish those who took everything from her. What she doesn't realize is that this act will incite a deadly chain of events. Soon it will destroy everything, including the life Kaija has lovingly built. But once a witch's rage boils, regret means nothing-she can't take back what's already done. Someone will have to burn.

Objev podobné jako Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

cena 268.0 Kč

The School for Wicked Witches - Will Taylor

Ava isn't ready to leave her home in Oz - especially not to becomea witch. Then the worst thing that could possibly happen occurs- Ava's magic goes very wrong and she is banished to a school forwicked witches.

Objev podobné jako The School for Wicked Witches - Will Taylor

cena 236.0 Kč

The Ghost of Ivy Barn : The Witches of Woodville 3 - Mark Stay

August 1940 As the Battle of Britain rages overhead, a warlock leader from the Council of High Witches comes to Woodville with a ritual to repel the imminent Nazi invasion. The only catch is it involves full-frontal nudity on the White Cliffs of Dover. The Witches of Woodville are having none of it, but when more witches arrive they realise they might have a spy in their midst, and it's up to Faye Bright to uncover the traitor. But she's got enough on her plate already with the ghost of a Polish Hurricane pilot who may hold the key to the truth. For fans of Lev Grossman and Terry Pratchett comes the third novel in this delightful series of war, mystery and a little bit of magic . . .

Objev podobné jako The Ghost of Ivy Barn : The Witches of Woodville 3 - Mark Stay

cena 250.0 Kč

Burning Witches: Witch Of The North - CD (0727361593308)

Hudební CD - Burning Witches a jejich 4.album Witch Of The North. Burning Witches a jejich 4.album Witch Of The North. Rok vydání : 2021 (4.album) Seznam stop CD Winter's Wrath / The Witch Of the North / Tainted Ritual / We Stand As One / Flight Of The Valkyries / The Circle Of Five / Lady Of The Woods / Thrall / Omen / Nine Worlds / For Eternity / Dragon's Dream / Eternal Frost

Objev podobné jako Burning Witches: Witch Of The North - CD (0727361593308)

cena 459.0 Kč

Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! - Sophie Escabasse

Could there be even MORE witches in Brooklyn?!Effie is excited to meet so many witches, but what''s going on with her friends? Suddenly Effie isn''t the new kid in school anymore, and it seems like her friends are happy to grow their little group, but Effie isn’t so sure. On top of that, learning magic is HARD WORK!Effie just wants to have fun being a witch, but her life in Brooklyn is about to get weird(er).Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! is the second in an exciting full-colour graphic novel series, perfect for fans of Sabrina, The Awakening Storm and The Okay Witch.

Objev podobné jako Witches of Brooklyn: What the Hex?! - Sophie Escabasse

cena 295.0 Kč

The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches - Sangu Mandanna

She found magic in the most unlikely of places.The House in the Cerulean Sea meets Practical Magic in this cosy, heartwarming, and uplifting magical romance about an isolated witch whose opportunity to embrace a quirky new family - and a new love - changes the course of her life.As one of the few witches in Britain, Mika Moon has lived her life by three rules: hide your magic, keep your head down, and stay away from other witches. An orphan raised by strangers from a young age, Mika is good at being alone, and she doesn't mind it . . . mostly.But then an unexpected message arrives, begging her to travel to the remote and mysterious Nowhere House to teach three young witches, and Mika jumps at the chance for a different life.Nowhere House is nothing like she expects, and she's quickly tangled up in the lives and secrets of its quirky, caring inhabitants . . . and Jamie, the handsome, prickly librarian who would do anything to protect his charges, and who sees Mika's arrival as a threat. An irritatingly appealing threat.As Mika finds her feet, the thought of belonging somewhere starts to feel like a real possibility. But magic isn't the only danger in the world, and soon Mika will need to decide whether to risk everything to protect the found family she didn't know she was looking for . . .

Objev podobné jako The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches - Sangu Mandanna

cena 268.0 Kč

The Once and Future Witches: The spellbinding must-read novel - Alix E. Harrowová

Glorious . . . a tale that will sweep you away' Yangsze Choo, New York Times bestselling author of The Night Tiger 'A gorgeous and thrilling paean to the ferocious power of women' Laini Taylor, New York Times bestselling author of Strange the Dreamer In 1893, there's no such thing as witches. There used to be, in the wild, dark days before the burnings began, but now witching is nothing but tidy charms and nursery rhymes. If the modern woman wants any measure of power, she must find it at the ballot box. But when the three Eastwood sisters join the suffragists of New Salem, they begin to pursue the forgotten ways that might turn the women's movement into the witch's movement. Stalked by shadows and sickness, hunted by forces who will not suffer a witch to vote - and perhaps not even to live - the sisters must delve into the oldest magics, draw new alliances, and heal the bond between them if they want to survive. There's no such thing as witches. But there will be. Praise for The Once and Future Witches: 'A brilliant dazzle of a book . . . I devoured it in enormous gulps, and utterly loved it' Kat Howard, author of The Unkindness of Ghosts 'Compelling, exhilarating and magical - a must-read' Booklist (starred review) 'Delightful . . . a tale of women's battle for equality, of fairy tales twisted into wonderfully witchy spells, of magics both large and small, and history re-imagined' Louisa Morgan, author of A Secret History of Witches 'A love letter to folklore and the rebellious women of history' Publishers Weekly 'A breathtaking book - brilliant and raw and dark and complicated' Sarah Gailey, author of Magic for Liars

Objev podobné jako The Once and Future Witches: The spellbinding must-read novel - Alix E. Harrowová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie

The astonishing novel which launched Joe Abercrombie's career, THE BLADE ITSELF is a superb, dark and addictive epic fantasy.

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cena 268.0 Kč

The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie

Inquisitor Glokta, a crippled and increasingly bitter relic of the last war, former fencing champion turned torturer extraordinaire, is trapped in a twisted and broken body - not that he allows it to distract him from his daily routine of torturing smugglers.Nobleman, dashing officer and would-be fencing champion Captain Jezal dan Luthar is living a life of ease by cheating his friends at cards. Vain, shallow, selfish and self-obsessed, the biggest blot on his horizon is having to get out of bed in the morning to train with obsessive and boring old men.And Logen Ninefingers, an infamous warrior with a bloody past, is about to wake up in a hole in the snow with plans to settle a blood feud with Bethod, the new King of the Northmen, once and for all - ideally by running away from it. But as he's discovering, old habits die really, really hard indeed......especially when Bayaz gets involved. A bald old man with a terrible temper and a pathetic assistant, he could be the First of the Magi, he could be a spectacular fraud, but whatever he is, he's about to make the lives of Glotka, Jezal and Logen a whole lot more difficult...

Objev podobné jako The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie

cena 447.0 Kč

The Blade Itself: The First Law Book One (0575079797)

Kniha - autor Joe Abercrombie, 536 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Inquisitor Glokta, a crippled and increasingly bitter relic of the last war, former fencing champion turned torturer extraordinaire, is trapped in a twisted and broken body - not that he allows it to distract him from his daily routine of torturing smugglers.Nobleman, dashing officer and would-be fencing champion Captain Jezal dan Luthar is living a life of ease by cheating his friends at cards. Vain, shallow, selfish and self-obsessed, the biggest blot on his horizon is having to get out of bed in the morning to train with obsessive and boring old men. And Logen Ninefingers, an infamous warrior with a bloody past, is about to wake up in a hole in the snow with plans to settle a blood feud with Bethod, the new King of the Northmen, once and for all - ideally by running away from it. But as he's discovering, old habits die really, really hard indeed......especially when Bayaz gets...

Objev podobné jako The Blade Itself: The First Law Book One (0575079797)

cena 272.0 Kč

Baptiste: The Blade Must Fall - David Hewson

The official prequel to the hit television showFrance, 1976. Baptiste is an intelligent but somewhat naive detective, sent to work in Clermiers, a town filled with corruption. A girl goes missing, presumed dead after bloody clothes are found close to an illicit party near an abandoned chateau. Baptiste believes he''s nailed the culprit, the eccentric Gilles Mailloux. When he appears in court, the public call for the guillotine - and that''s the sentence Mailloux gets. But as Mailloux awaits an appeal for clemency, he asks to see Baptiste, who''s still haunted by the fact the girl''s body remains missing. As the clock ticks towards execution hour, Baptiste begins to realise he may have made a terrible mistake...

Objev podobné jako Baptiste: The Blade Must Fall - David Hewson

cena 295.0 Kč

A River of Golden Bones - A.K. Mulford

From bestselling author and TikTok sensation A.K. Mulford comes the first riveting, enchanting book in the all-new Golden Court trilogy.A young heir begins a journey of self-discovery, romance, and adventure as she comes out of hiding to save her sister from a malicious, powerful sorceress and her dangerous sleeping curse…A sleeping curse. A fallen court. A secret twin.Twins Calla and Briar have spent their entire lives hiding from the powerful sorceress who destroyed their kingdom…and from the humans who don’t know they are Wolves. Each twin has their own purpose in life: Briar’s is to marry the prince of an ally pack and save the Golden Court. Calla’s purpose is to remain a secret, her twin’s shadow . . . the backup plan.No one knows who Calla truly is except for her childhood friend—and sister’s betrothed—the distractingly handsome Prince Grae. But when Calla and Briar journey out of hiding for Briar’s wedding, all of their well-made plans go awry. The evil sorceress is back with another sleeping curse for the last heir to the Golden Court.Calla must step out of the shadows to save their sister, their kingdom, and their own legacy. Continuing to hide as a human and denying who she truly is, Calla embarks on a quest across the realm, discovering a whole world she never knew existed. Outside the confines of rigid Wolf society, Calla begins to wonder: who could she be if she dared to try?Full of adventure, love, gender exploration, and self-discovery, A River of Golden Bones follows Calla’s journey through treacherous Wolf kingdoms, monster-filled realms, and the depths of their own heart in this thrilling romantic fantasy.

Objev podobné jako A River of Golden Bones - A.K. Mulford

cena 295.0 Kč

Beast Quest: Pirano the Water Dragon - Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba''s Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. When Miandra and her companion, Azul, travel to the coast, they discover a mighty water-Beast terrorising the people of Bridgetown. Can they tackle this deadly enemy?There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don''t miss out!

Objev podobné jako Beast Quest: Pirano the Water Dragon - Adam Blade

cena 207.0 Kč

Beast Quest: Petrok the Stone Warrior - Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba''s Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. In the final part of this Quest, brave Nolan and his companion, Marilla, find themselves deep in a jungle where the mighty stone-fisted gorilla Petrok proves a fearsome foe!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don''t miss out!

Objev podobné jako Beast Quest: Petrok the Stone Warrior - Adam Blade

cena 207.0 Kč

Beast Quest: Lupix the Ice Wolf - Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba''s Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. Can Rafe and his companion, Rugara, fight back against a deadly ice wolf terrorising the southern city of Nakotan?There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don''t miss out!

Objev podobné jako Beast Quest: Lupix the Ice Wolf - Adam Blade

cena 207.0 Kč

Beast Quest: Heraxor the Fire Hawk - Adam Blade

Free the Beasts. Live the Adventure.Join the New Protectors as they battle Beasts and fight Evil in the bestselling adventure series for boys and girls aged 7 and up!In the land of Tangala, legend tells of the Metamorphia - a league of sorcerers who once defied the Emperor and used their magic to create mighty Beasts. Now the New Protectors are on the trail of four such Beasts, resurrected by the witch Zuba. Our brave young heroes must travel to the four corners of the kingdom to defeat Zuba''s Beasts before the realm is destroyed for ever . . . but fortunately they are joined by powerful animal companions of their own. When Katya travels through a portal to a faraway part of Tangala, she and her companion, Veradu, find themselves in terrible danger from Heraxor, a gigantic hawk with feathers like blades!There are FOUR thrilling adventures to collect in the latest set of this beloved series - don''t miss out!

Objev podobné jako Beast Quest: Heraxor the Fire Hawk - Adam Blade

cena 207.0 Kč

Witches - Roald Dahl

'A true genius . . . Roald Dahl is my hero' - David Walliams One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear. BEWARE. There are witches EVERYWHERE. Witches could be a cashier in a supermarket, a woman driving a fancy car, or even your own teacher. The only thing a witch cares about is squelching children. She hunts and squelches as many children as she possibly can. At least one a week. The Grand High Witch hates children most of all and plans to make every single one of YOU disappear. Only one boy and his grandmother can stop her. But if their plan fails, the Grand High Witch will frizzle them like fritters, and then what will happen? Soon to be a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring ANNE HATHAWAY, OCTAVIA SPENCER, STANLEY TUCCI and CHRIS ROCK, coming in October 2020. About the Author Roald Dahl was a spy, ace fighter pilot, chocolate historian and medical inventor. He was also the author of Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG and many more brilliant stories. He remains THE WORLD'S NUMBER ONE STORYTELLER. Quentin Blake has illustrated more than three hundred books and was Roald Dahl's favourite illustrator. In 1980 he won the prestigious Kate Greenaway Medal. In 1999 he became the first ever Children's Laureate and in 2013 he was knighted for services to illustration.

Objev podobné jako Witches - Roald Dahl

cena 223.0 Kč

The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

‘One of the best fantasy book series of the past decade’ TIMEThe twist of a knife. The birth of a legend. Step into the world of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas with this collection of prequel novellas. Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom’s most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful Assassin’s Guild and its scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, she yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. But when Arobynn dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, Celaena finds herself acting independently of his wishes and questioning her own allegiance. If she hopes to escape Arobynn’s clutches, Celaena will have to put her faith in her wits and her blade ... knowing that if she fails, she’ll lose not just a chance at freedom but her life. A prequel to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas explores the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling — and deadly — world. Included in this volume: The Assassin and the Pirate LordThe Assassin and the HealerThe Assassin and the DesertThe Assassin and the UnderworldThe Assassin and the Empire

Objev podobné jako The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová

cena 268.0 Kč

Alexander Gibson - Witches' Brew (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album;Audiofilní kvalita Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989 Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 200 g Barva: Černá Subžánr: Classical Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Interpret / Téma: Alexander Gibson Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Classical Rok nahrávky: 2012.0 Datum vydání: 2016-06-08 Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Rok vydání: 2016.0 Varianta: Witches' Brew (Vinyl LP)

Objev podobné jako Alexander Gibson - Witches' Brew (LP)

cena 1231.0 Kč

Bleach 8: The Blade and Me (978-80-7449-182-5)

Kniha - autor Tite Kubo, 192 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Zatímco se v Soul Society schyluje k Rukiině popravě, Ičigo se pod Uraharovým dohledem snaží získat schopnosti potřebné k jejímu vysvobození. Trénink však zdaleka nejde tak snadno, jak se mohlo zezačátku zdát. K tomu, aby se Ičigo stal plnohodnotným Sběračem duší, je totiž potřeba probudit jeho duševní ostří. Přemůže Ičigo vlastní strach a podaří se mu zjistit, jak se jeho duševní ostří vlastně jmenuje?

Objev podobné jako Bleach 8: The Blade and Me (978-80-7449-182-5)

cena 179.0 Kč

Blade of Secrets: Book 1 of the Bladesmith Duology - Tricia Levensellerová

Eighteen-year-old Ziva prefers metal to people. She spends her days tucked away in the forge, safe from society and the anxiety it causes her, using her gift to craft unique weapons imbued with magical power.When Ziva takes a job from a powerful warlord, the result is a sword capable of stealing its victims' secrets. A sword with the strength to topple kingdoms. The warlord's sinister plans for the weapon soon become clear, and Ziva has no choice but to take her sister and flee.So begins an epic quest to keep the sword safe until they can find someone worthy of wielding it - or a way to destroy it entirely.

Objev podobné jako Blade of Secrets: Book 1 of the Bladesmith Duology - Tricia Levensellerová

cena 268.0 Kč

Star Wars Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade - Delilah S. Dawson

When the Jedi Order falls, an Inquisitor Rises. Padawan Iskat Akaris has dedicated her life to traveling the galaxy alongside her master, learning the ways of the Force to become a good Jedi. Despite Iskat's dedication, peace and control have remained elusive, and with each setback, she feels her fellow Jedi grow more distrustful of her.Already uncertain about her future in the Jedi Order, Iskat faces tragedy when her master is killed and the Clone Wars engulf the galaxy in chaos. Now a general on the front lines contributing to that chaos, she is often reminded: Trust in your training. Trust in the wisdom of the Council.Trust in the Force. Yet as the shadows of doubt take hold, Iskat begins to ask questions that no Jedi is supposed to ask: Questions about her own unknown past. Questions the Jedi Masters would consider dangerous.As the years pass and the war endures, Iskat's faith in the Jedi wanes. If they would grant her more freedom, she is certain she could do more to protect the galaxy. If they would trust her with more knowledge, she could finally cast aside the shadows that have begun to consume her.When the Jedi Order finally falls, Iskat seizes the chance to forge a path of her own. She embraces the salvation of Order 66. As an Inquisitor, Iskat finds the freedom she has always craved: to question, to want.And with each strike of her red blade, Iskat moves closer to claiming her new destiny in the Force-whatever the cost.

Objev podobné jako Star Wars Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade - Delilah S. Dawson

cena 312.0 Kč

League of Gentlewomen Witches - India Holton

Charlotte Pettifer belongs to a secret society skilled in witchcraft. When rumours of the Amulet of Black Beryl start to circulate, Charlotte is determined to find the jewel before it falls into the wrong hands. Which is what happens when the evil Lady Armitage reaches it first. Demanding the help of rakish pirate, Alex O'Riley, Charlotte sets off to find the jewel. There's just one problem: pirates and witches are sworn enemies. But little do they know, sparks are about to fly . . .

Objev podobné jako League of Gentlewomen Witches - India Holton

cena 268.0 Kč

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harknessová

*THE HIGHLY ANTICIPATED FIFTH NOVEL IN THE BELOVED NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING ALL SOULS SERIES, THE BLACK BIRD ORACLE, IS AVAILABLE TO ORDER.*''A masterpiece'' Reader Review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''Bewitches you and doesn''t set you free'' Reader Review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''One of the best books I have ever read'' Reader Review, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐The phenomenal first instalment in the Number One Sunday Times bestselling ALL SOULS series!It begins with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It begins with a discovery of witches.---A world of witches, daemons and vampires.A manuscript which holds the secrets of their past and the key to their future.Diana and Matthew - the forbidden love at the heart of it.When historian Diana Bishop opens an alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library, it''s an unwelcome intrusion of magic into her carefully ordered life. Though Diana is a witch of impeccable lineage, the violent death of her parents while she was still a child convinced her that human fear is more potent than any witchcraft. Now Diana has unwittingly exposed herself to a world she''s kept at bay for years; one of powerful witches, creative, destructive daemons and long-lived vampires. Sensing the significance of Diana''s discovery, the creatures gather in Oxford, among them the enigmatic Matthew Clairmont, a vampire geneticist. Diana is inexplicably drawn to Matthew and, in a shadowy world of half-truths and old enmities, ties herself to him without fully understanding the ancient line they are crossing. As they begin to unlock the secrets of the manuscript and their feelings for each other deepen, so the fragile balance of peace unravels...Fall under the spell of Diana and Matthew in the stunning first volume of the runaway Number One Sunday Times bestselling ALL SOULS series.---Five reasons to read A Discovery of Witches and the ALL SOULS series:''Haunting in every way. A story thick with family secrets, human heartache, and the kind of deep magic only Harkness can conjure. You will be enchanted'' LEIGH BARDUGO''Harkness''s lush prose makes a fantastical world real enough to touch'' JODI PICOULT''Rich, thrilling . . . A captivating and romantic ripping yarn'' E L JAMES''Intelligent and off-the-wall . . . irresistible to Twilight fans'' SUNDAY TIMES''A bubbling cauldron of illicit desire . . . an assured saga that blends romance with fantasy''DAILY MAIL

Objev podobné jako A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harknessová

cena 295.0 Kč

In Defence of Witches - Mona Chollet

'A rousing read' - Irish Times'A bright light of Francophone feminism' - New York TimesRenowned journalist Mona Chollet recasts the witch as a powerful role model: an emblem of strength, free to exist beyond the narrow limits society imposes on women. Taking three archetypes from historic witch hunts - independent women, women who avoid having children and women who embrace ageing - Chollet examines how women today have the same charges levelled against them. She calls for justice in healthcare, challenging the gender imbalance in science and questioning why female bodies must still controlled by men.Rich with popular culture, literary references and media insights, In Defence of Witches is a vital addition to the cultural conversation around women, witches and the misogyny that has shaped the world they live in. With a foreword by Carmen Maria Machado and translated from French by Sophie R. Lewis.

Objev podobné jako In Defence of Witches - Mona Chollet

cena 294.0 Kč

Kamenný dům - A. K. Benedictová

Poblíž školy Coal Hill stojí starý kamenný dům. Lidé kolem něj většinou procházejí se sklopenou hlavou. Všichni vědí, co se o tom místě povídá. Kdo se však před domem zastaví a podívá se nahoru, spatří obličej přitisknutý na okenní tabulku. Obličej křičící dívky. Tanyu kamenný dům něčím přitahuje. Je opředen záhadami a ona si umíní, že jim přijde na kloub. Čím hlouběji však pátrá, tím více si uvědomuje, že na ni v domě něco čeká. Něco, co už dlouhá léta láká do svých sítí nevinné. Něco hrozného…

Objev podobné jako Kamenný dům - A. K. Benedictová

cena 299.0 Kč

Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade - Xbox Digital (7D4-00340)

Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Akční, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Tři nové příběhy v Assassin's Creed OdysseyZískejte přístup ke třem zbrusu novým epizodám ve hře Assassin's Creed Odyssey pro Xbox One. V DLC Legacy of the First Blade budete bojovat po boku legendy, která jako první ovládla skrytou čepel. Změňte běh dějin a odhalte, proč se assassíni rozhodli bojovat ze stínů.Ke hraní je vyžadováno vlastnictví základní hry Assassin's Creed Odyssey pro Xbox One.

Objev podobné jako Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Legacy of the First Blade - Xbox Digital (7D4-00340)

cena 649.0 Kč

Blade Trilogy: Blade + Blade 2 + Blade: Trinity - (3BD) - Blu-ray (W02750)

Film na Blu-ray - Blade, denní tvor - napůl člověk a napůl upír je jedinou nadějí na přežití lidstva ve válce upírů s lidskou rasou... Kompletní kolekce obsahuje filmy Blade, Blade 2, Blade: Trinity Blade, denní tvor - napůl člověk a napůl upír je jedinou nadějí na přežití lidstva ve válce upírů s lidskou rasou... BLADE (1998) Boj o lidský svět právě vrcholí, upír Deacon Frost vyhlásil lidské rase válku. Blade je poslední nadějí na přežití lidstva... BLADE 2 (2002) Když je svět ohrožen nový a ještě smrtonosnějším druhem superupírů, musí legendární Blade (Wesley Snipes) a jeho rádce Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) spojit síly s elitním týmem bojovníků Bloodpack, který sestává z jeho zapřisáhlých nepřátel... BLADE: TRINITY (2004) Blade dlouhé roky vedl svůj boj s upíry pod rouškou tmy. Když ale padne do hledáčku FBI, je nucen vyjít na denní světlo a spojit síly s Nočními lovci - lidským klanem zabijáků upírů...

Objev podobné jako Blade Trilogy: Blade + Blade 2 + Blade: Trinity - (3BD) - Blu-ray (W02750)

cena 579.0 Kč

YANKEE CANDLE Witches Brew 623 g (5038581140438)

Svíčka - vonná, skleněná nádoba, dřevitá vůně Hlavní přednosti svíčky YANKEE CANDLE Witches Brew 623 g Vonná svíčka YANKEE CANDLE navodí příjemnou atmosféru v každém interiéru Svíčka ve skle navodí příjemnou atmosféru v každém domově Jedná se o velkou svíčku Vaše smysly okouzlí její dřevitá vůně Obsahuje standardní bavlněný knot Hmotnost činí 623 g

Objev podobné jako YANKEE CANDLE Witches Brew 623 g (5038581140438)

cena 599.0 Kč

Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers: Myths and Legends

The supernatural figure of the sorcerer, someone with magic powers for both good and evil, features in storytelling and legends all over the world. As shown in this collection of wonderful stories, wicked Witches and revered Wizards have appeared in fairy tales, legends and myths for thousands of years and continue to inspire contemporary fantasy writers. Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers: Myths and Legends is part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, pocket-sized classics bound in real cloth with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers.These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This lively, carefully chosen collection brings together ancient stories and famous myths, each by a different writer, from a range of cultures and eras. Some of the nineteen stories come from well known names such as Irish poet W. B. Yeats, Andrew Lang and Brothers Grimm as well as some intriguing new discoveries from Poland, Russia, India and much more.

Objev podobné jako Witches, Wizards and Sorcerers: Myths and Legends

cena 312.0 Kč

Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02496)

Film na Blu-ray - Počátkem 21. století dosáhla společnost Tyrell ve výzkumu robotů fáze Nexus. Její výrobky byly téměř identické s lidmi. Po krvavé vzpouře replikantů byl robotům zakázán pobyt na Zemi. Na plnění tohoto nařízení dohlížely speciální jednotky Blade Runner... Zdokonalená futuristická vize: Definitivní verze kultovního díla sci-fi filmu Počátkem 21. století dosáhla společnost Tyrell ve výzkumu robotů fáze Nexus. Její výrobky byly téměř identické s lidmi. Po krvavé vzpouře replikantů byl robotům zakázán pobyt na Zemi. Na plnění tohoto nařízení dohlížely speciální jednotky Blade Runner... Vizuálně velkolepý, plný strhující akce a již od svého vzniku působivě prorocký Blade Runner se vrací v definitivním sestřihu Ridleyho Scotta, který obsahuje rozšířené scény a dosud neviděné zvláštní efekty. Bonusy: Obsahuje přes 7 hodin bonusů: • Představení filmu režisérem Ridleym Scottem • Tři komentáře tvůrců • Nebezpečné dny: Jak se točil...

Objev podobné jako Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02496)

cena 799.0 Kč

LARRY JUNE - Spaceships On The Blade (Orange And Cream Quad Coloured) (2 LP)

Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;Barevná;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Béžová;Oranžová Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: Spaceships On The Blade (Orange And Cream Quad Coloured) (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2023.0 Barva podle výrobce: Orange And Cream Quad Žánr: Hip Hop Subžánr: Hip Hop Interpret / Téma: Larry June Vydavatelství: Empire

Objev podobné jako LARRY JUNE - Spaceships On The Blade (Orange And Cream Quad Coloured) (2 LP)

cena 1289.0 Kč

C. a k. polní maršálek (DVD)

DVD film C. a k. polní maršálek [1930]. Československý film pro pamětníky. Dolby Digital. Vlasta Burian v prvním českém mluveném filmu. Vysloužilý setník Procházka stále vzpomíná na dobu své aktivní služby. Když se mu naskytne příležitost, neváhá si vyzkoušet maršálskou uniformu. Díky vojáckému chování a skvěle padnoucí uniformě ho všichni považují za skutečného maršálka na inspekci. Bonusy: • Slovo filmového historika • Fotografie • Biografie a filmografie • Soudobá dokumentace

Objev podobné jako C. a k. polní maršálek (DVD)

cena 99.0 Kč

Wiccapedia: A Modern-Day White Witches' Guide (1454913746)

Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Shawn Robbinsonová; Leanna Greenaway, 304 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Wiccapedia: A Modern-Day White Witches' Guide (1454913746)

cena 381.0 Kč

Paraván Witches' forest Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 3-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 135 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cmRozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Witches' forest Dekorhome 135x172 cm (3-dílný)

cena 3790.0 Kč

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