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A River of Golden Bones - A.K. Mulford
From bestselling author and TikTok sensation A.K. Mulford comes the first riveting, enchanting book in the all-new Golden Court trilogy.A young heir begins a journey of self-discovery, romance, and adventure as she comes out of hiding to save her sister from a malicious, powerful sorceress and her dangerous sleeping curse…A sleeping curse. A fallen court. A secret twin.Twins Calla and Briar have spent their entire lives hiding from the powerful sorceress who destroyed their kingdom…and from the humans who don’t know they are Wolves. Each twin has their own purpose in life: Briar’s is to marry the prince of an ally pack and save the Golden Court. Calla’s purpose is to remain a secret, her twin’s shadow . . . the backup plan.No one knows who Calla truly is except for her childhood friend—and sister’s betrothed—the distractingly handsome Prince Grae. But when Calla and Briar journey out of hiding for Briar’s wedding, all of their well-made plans go awry. The evil sorceress is back with another sleeping curse for the last heir to the Golden Court.Calla must step out of the shadows to save their sister, their kingdom, and their own legacy. Continuing to hide as a human and denying who she truly is, Calla embarks on a quest across the realm, discovering a whole world she never knew existed. Outside the confines of rigid Wolf society, Calla begins to wonder: who could she be if she dared to try?Full of adventure, love, gender exploration, and self-discovery, A River of Golden Bones follows Calla’s journey through treacherous Wolf kingdoms, monster-filled realms, and the depths of their own heart in this thrilling romantic fantasy.
Podívejte se také GOLDEN CUP JH 020 A (JH020A)
Ztracená koruna - A. K. Mulford
Děj romantické, akcí nabité epické fantasy série Pět korun Okrithu se posouvá na západ, kde mladá faeská válečnice Bri vyšetřuje vraždu královny a zároveň chrání krásnou princeznu, do které se možná zamilovala.Odhodlaná odhalit, kdo zabil západní královnu, faeská válečnice Briata Catullus vyráží na cestu, aby porazila lovce čarodějů a chránila princeznu. Když však dorazí do Západního dvora, věci jsou ještě horší, než se bála. Ledové přijetí ostatních fae je nejmenší z jejích problémů – slyšeli proroctví, že Bri uchvátí korunu svého vládce a rozhodně nechtějí, aby si uzurpovala trůn. Ne, lovci čarodějů jdou po královské krvi a Bri bude potřebovat všechno, co má, aby je udržela na uzdě.Nepomáhá jí ani to, že se jí princezna Abalina Thorne, která stále truchlí nad ztrátou matky, zdráhá důvěřovat a jen kvůli své sestřenici je ochotná dovolit Bri sloužit ve své stráži.Jak hrozba ze strany lovců čarodějů roste, ty dvě jsou nuceny úzce spolupracovat, aby odhalily tajné spiknutí nepřátel. Během toho si princezna uvědomí, že je Bri jednou z mála osob, kterým se dá věřit. Bri je však odhodlaná vydobýt si vlastní cestu a dokázat, že se proroctví spletlo, a tak se krásnou Linou nenechá rozptylovat od boje s lovci. Má povinnosti k princezně, k Západnímu dvoru i ke svému osudu.Ale co povinnost k vlastnímu srdci?
Podívejte se také GOLDEN CUP JH 024 A (JH024A)
Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford
Druhý díl ze série Pět korun Okrithu nás zavede do nové části světa, kdy se princezna víl Rua spojuje s opravdu nepravděpodobným spojencem - všechno s romantikou a dobrodružstvím, které čtenáři očekávají od virální senzace!! Kouzelný meč. Silná kletba. Netestovaná vílí princezna. A kontinent v plamenech... Osmnáctiletá Ruadora Dammacus nyní vlastní Nesmrtelný meč, mocný artefakt, který by mohl být dost silný, aby svrhl krutý útlak, která hrozí zemi. Když však Rua zjistí, že strýc severního krále nejenže přežil, ale uvrhl kletbu na armádu modrých čarodějek, uvědomí si, že bitva teprve začíná. Vydávajíc se do nepřátelského dvora, Rua se ocitne v těsné spolupráci s mladým králem. Její problémy se množí a krásný - a možná zlý - král je pouze jeden z nich. Pod dohledem své nově nalezené rodiny musí Rua prokázat, že je hodna Nesmrtelného meče, pokud chce zlomit kletbu nad modrými čarodějkami. Ale největší výzvou, kterou bude čelit, je její rostoucí vztah se severním králem a to, co by to mohlo znamenat pro její lid... a její srdce.
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The Witches´ Blade - A. K. Mulford
The addictive second novel in the Five Crowns of Okrith series brings us into a new part of the world as the fae princess Rua joins forces with a truly unlikely ally - all with romance and adventure readers have come to expect from the viral sensation!!A magic sword. A powerful curse. An untested fae princess.And a continent on fire...Eighteen-year-old Ruadora Dammacus now possesses the Immortal Blade, a powerful artefact that might be enough to overthrow the cruel oppression threatening the land. Yet when Rua discovers the Northern Court King's uncle is not only alive but has cast a curse on the blue witch army, she realises that the battle has only just begun.Venturing into the enemy's court, Rua finds herself working closely with the young king. Her problems are mounting, and the handsome - and perhaps evil - royal is only one of them. With the eyes of her new-found family on her, Rua must prove herself worthy of the Immortal Blade if she is to break the spell over the blue witches.But the greatest challenge she will face is her growing connection to the Northern King and what it could mean for her people...and her heart.
Objev podobné jako The Witches´ Blade - A. K. Mulford
Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford
Vzrušující TikTok senzace od A.K. Mulford - plná romantiky, intrik, magie a vášně. První kniha série Pět korun Okrithu začíná cestu uprchlé rudé čarodějnice Remy, která bojuje o získání zpět svého království a objevování toho, co skrývá její srdce. Devatenáctiletá Remy ví, že je poslední živoucí rudou čarodějnicí a rozhodla se, že to tak zůstane. Nicméně, král Severního dvora, který povraždil její rodinu, má jiné plány a chce vyhubit její druh, dokud nezůstane nikdo. Když se do jejího útočiště v hospodě dostanou čtyři vílí válečníci, Remy se snaží uprchnout, ale její magie není dostatečně silná, aby zastavila tvrdohlavého - a pohledného - Prince Halea z Východního království. Tvrdí, že chce zabránit válce s Severním dvorem, než jeho království dopadne stejně jako Remyino. K tomu ale potřebuje rudou čarodějnici...a Remy je poslední svého druhu. Přestože se k němu cítí přitahována, neví, zda mu může důvěřovat. Ale pro šanci zachránit sama sebe, svůj lid a zbavit svět vražedného tyrana, musí Remy vložit svou víru do Hala a jeho společníků při nebezpečné cestě za ztracenými relikviemi...a zjistit, zda je připravená zajistit své dědictví.
Objev podobné jako Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford
Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha
eBook: Kouzelný meč. Silná kletba. Nezkušená fae princezna. A kontinent v plamenech… Osmnáctiletá Ruadora Dammacus nyní vlastní Nesmrtelnou čepel, mocný artefakt, který by mohl stačit ke svržení krutého útlaku, jenž zemi ohrožuje. Přesto když Rua zjistí, že strýc krále Severního dvora nejen žije, ale navíc seslal kouzlo na armádu modrých čarodějnic, uvědomí si, že boj teprve začíná. Rua se vydá na Severní dvůr a zjistí, že se její problémy hromadí. Pohledný– a možná zlý – král je jen jedním z nich. Dokáže Rua, když se na ni upírají oči její nově nalezené rodiny, že je hodna Nesmrtelné čepele a zlomí kletbu nad modrými čarodějnicemi, nebo bude příliš těžké magii zbraně ovládat? A možná ještě nebezpečnější je sílící spojenectví s mladým severním králem a co to znamená pro její lid… a její srdce. Nastává čas nebezpečí, intrik a vzrušující vášně. Čepel čarodějky - druhá kniha poutavé fantasy ságy Pět korun Okrithu - nás přivádí do nové části světa, kde fae princezna Rua spojí síly s opravdu nepravděpodobným spojencem – to vše se stejnou romantikou a dobrodružstvím, jaké čtenáři od knih A. K. Mulfordové očekávají!
Objev podobné jako Čepel čarodějky - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha
Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha
eBook: Devatenáctiletá Remy ví, že je dost možná poslední rudou čarodějnicí, a je odhodlaná tak zůstat. Už třináct let se jí daří skrývat se před lovci čarodějnic po té, co král Severního dvora porazil její domovský dvůr a vypsal na hlavy červených čarodějnic odměnu.Když narazí ve zdánlivě bezpečném hostinci na čtyři válečníky, dojde ke střetu s princem fae na osudové misi. Pohledný princ Hale z Východního království chce zastavit válku se Severním dvorem, než jeho království potká stejný osud jako kdysi Remyno. K tomu ale potřebuje červenou čarodějnici. Živou. Může Remy princi důvěřovat? A může být její padlý dvůr vzkříšen ze spárů krále Severního dvora? Aby Remy měla šanci zachránit sebe i svůj lid, musí spolu s Halem a jeho společníky vyrazit na nebezpečnou výpravu za nalezením ztracených relikvií…První kniha napínavé fantasy ságy Pět korun Okrithu. Očekávejte nebezpečí, intriky a vzrušující vášeň!
Objev podobné jako Dvůr vysoko v horách - A. K. Mulford - e-kniha
Death of a River Guide (Defekt) - Richard Flanagan
THE WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014'S MAGNIFICENT FIRST NOVEL Beneath a waterfall on the Franklin, Aljaz Cosini, river guide, lies drowning. Beset by visions at once horrible and fabulous, he relives not just his own life but that of his family and forebears. In the rainforest waters that rush over him he sees those lives stripped bare of their surface realities, and finds a world where dreaming reasserts its power over thinking. As the river rises his visions grow more turbulent, and in the flood of the past Aljaz discovers the soul of his country.
Objev podobné jako Death of a River Guide (Defekt) - Richard Flanagan
Not a River - Almada Selva
Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2024Three men go out fishing, returning to a favourite spot on the river despite their memories of a terrible accident there years earlier. As a long, sultry day passes, they drink and cook and talk and dance, and try to overcome the ghosts of their past. But they are outsiders, and this intimate, peculiar moment also puts them at odds with the inhabitants of this watery universe, both human and otherwise. The forest presses close, and violence seems inevitable, but can another tragedy be avoided?Rippling across time like the river that runs through it, Selva Almada’s latest novel is the finest expression yet of her compelling style and singular vision of rural Argentina. One of the Best Books of 2020 in Clarín and La NaciónShortlisted for the Mario Vargas Llosa Novel Prize
Objev podobné jako Not a River - Almada Selva
Go as a River - Shelley Read
DISCOVER THE BOOK THAT HAS STOLEN HEARTS EVERYWHERETHE BREATH-TAKING POWERFUL SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWhen a moment changes everything, how do you live the rest of your life?___________''A SWEEPING STORY OF SURVIVAL AND BECOMING'' WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTION''SPELLBINDING'' THE TIMES''BEAUTIFUL'' DAILY MAIL1940s Colorado: Teenage Victoria Nash is the only woman in a family of troubled men.When she meets Wilson Moon, a young drifter with a mysterious past, on a street corner, their connection is immediate. And dangerous.When tragedy strikes, Victoria is forced to leave her home and face a decision that will change her life forever.Loved deeply by readers, the reader follows the epic adventure of Victoria Nash, determined to save her family’s generational peach farm from destruction, as she falls in love, faces devastating tragedy, and finally faces what she must do to survive.For fans of Where the Crawdad’s Sing and Great Circle, this is a heartwrenching coming-of-age story.__________Readers are loving Go as a River:''An incredible read. Emotional heartbreaking, but very ''real'' Five stars *****''Oh, how i loved this book. Going to be Christmas presents for all my family'' Five stars *****''After reading non-stop all night, i''m feeling very emotional, still'' Five stars *****''From the moment i started reading, i found it very hard to put down'' Five stars *****Sunday Times bestseller, April 2023 Richard And Judy Book Club Pick, Spring 2024
Objev podobné jako Go as a River - Shelley Read
I Talk Like a River - Jordan Scott
What if words got stuck in the back of your mouth whenever you tried to speak?After a day of being unable to speak when asked, and of being stared at, a boy and his father go to the river for some quiet time. "It''s just a bad speech day," says Dad. But the boy can''t stop thinking about all the eyes watching his lips twisting and twirling. When his father points to the river bubbling, churning, whirling and crashing, the boy finds a way to think about how he speaks. Even the river stutters. Like him. "I talk like a river," he says.An incredibly moving picture book that offers understanding rather than a solution, and which will resonate with all readers, young and old. Masterfully illustrated by Sydney Smith, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal.
Objev podobné jako I Talk Like a River - Jordan Scott
Unicorn academy figurky 11 cm Isabel a River
Oslavte pouto mezi jezdcem a jednorožcem se sadou figurek Isabel a Řeky! Tato sada inspirovaná animovaným seriálem od NETFLIXu a bestsellerovou knižní sérií, kde přátelství drží otěže osudu, podnítí nekončící nápaditá vyprávění. 11,5cm figurka Isabel se pyšní realisticky věrnými
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The River of Silver - Shannon Chakraborty
Bestselling author Shannon Chakraborty expands the acclaimed, Hugo-nominated Daevabad Trilogy with this magical compilation of stories from before, during, and after the events of the series.Told from the perspective of characters beloved and hated, and even those never heard from until now, these tales of Daevabad enrich a world already teeming with magic and wonder.A prospective new queen joins a court whose lethal history may overwhelm her own political savvy...An imprisoned royal from a fallen dynasty and a young woman wrenched from her home cross paths in an enchanted garden ...A pair of scouts in a cursed winter wood stumble upon a secret that will turn over their world ...
Objev podobné jako The River of Silver - Shannon Chakraborty
City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
First in Cassandra Clare’s internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series about the Shadowhunters. Love. Blood. Betrayal. Demons. First in the New York Times No. 1 bestselling series that has swept the globe, City of Bones is also a major movie and Shadowhunters, the TV series based on the book, is currently airing on Netflix. Irresistibly drawn towards a group of demon hunters, Clary encounters the dark side of New York City and the dangers of forbidden love. This edition contains exclusive bonus content as well as a map and a new foreword by Cassandra Clare. Read all the sensational books in The Shadowhunter Chronicles: The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Bane Chronicles, The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours and The Shadowhunter's Codex.
Objev podobné jako City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
Bag of Bones - Stephen King
Hodder are boosting Stephen King's backlist with new covers, new author brand lettering and a marketing campaign which directs readers to the right King title for them.
Objev podobné jako Bag of Bones - Stephen King
The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Commissioner Sanders is back again! However, this adventure sees him set against the backdrop of London rather than Africa. When a bunch of small-time crooks decide to try and steal a diamond mine, Sanders must decide whether he\'s up to the job, or whether to hand it over to someone more qualified. Full of twists and turns, \'The River of Stars\' sees our hero at his most vulnerable and introduces a bevy of fascinating characters. A film adaptation of \'The River of Stars\' was made in 1921.This is a superb read for fans of the ´Sanders of the River´ series. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako The River of Stars - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Map of Bones - Kate Mosse
A sweeping story of love, adventure and adversity, The Map of Bones by Kate Mosse is an epic tale of courageous women battling to survive in a hostile land. Olifantshoek, Southern Africa, 1688. When the violent Cape wind blows from the south-east, they say the voices of the unquiet dead can be heard whispering through the deserted valley.Suzanne Joubert, a Huguenot refugee from war-torn France, arrives in search of her cousin — the notorious she-captain and pirate commander Louise Reydon-Joubert — who landed at the Cape of Good Hope more than sixty years before, then disappeared without a trace . . .Franschhoek, Southern Africa, 1862. Nearly one hundred and eighty years after Suzanne’s perilous journey, another intrepid and courageous woman of the Joubert family — Isabelle Lepard — has journeyed to the small frontier town once known as Oliftantshoek in search of her long-lost relations. Intent on putting the women of her family back into the history books, she quickly discovers that the crimes and tragedies still shadow the present.And now, Isabelle faces a race against time if she is to discover the truth, and escape with her life . . .
Objev podobné jako The Map of Bones - Kate Mosse
Mortal Instruments 01. City of Bones (1406307629)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná First in a trilogy, a witty, action-packed urban fantasy of vampires, warlocks and shapeshifters that fans of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" will enjoy. Ages: 14+
Objev podobné jako Mortal Instruments 01. City of Bones (1406307629)
A Room Full of Bones - Elly Griffiths
WINNER OF THE 2016 CWA DAGGER IN THE LIBRARY. Halloween night, and the dead are closer than ever for Dr Ruth Galloway. She is used to long-dead bodies, but a fresh corpse in the middle of a museum is a new challenge. The fourth beguiling Dr Ruth Galloway mystery.''A wonderfully rich mix of ancient and contemporary'' GuardianIt is Halloween in King''s Lynn, and forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway is attending a strange event at the local history museum - the opening of a coffin containing the bones of a medieval bishop. But then Ruth finds the body of the museum''s curator lying beside the coffin. Soon the museum''s wealthy owner lies dead in his stables too. These two deaths could be from natural causes but DCI Harry Nelson isn''t convinced, and it is only a matter of time before Ruth and Nelson cross paths once more. When threatening letters come to light, events take an even more sinister turn. But as Ruth''s friends become involved, where will her loyalties lie? As her convictions are tested, she and Nelson must discover how Aboriginal skulls, drug smuggling and the Aboriginal ritual of The Dreaming may hold the answer to these deaths - and be the key to their own survival.
Objev podobné jako A Room Full of Bones - Elly Griffiths
Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville
‘Somerville’s infectious enthusiasm and wry humour infuse his journey from the Isle of Lewis to southern England, revealing our rich geological history with vibrant local and natural history’ Observer‘A meticulous exploration of the ground beneath our feet. Glorious’ Katharine Norbury‘A remarkable achievement’ Tom Chesshyre‘His writing is utterly enticing’ Country Walking...............................................................................................................................................The influence Britain’s geology has had on our daily lives is profound. While we may be unaware of it, every aspect of our history has been affected by events that happened ten thousand, a million, or a thousand million years ago.In Walking the Bones of Britain, Christopher Somerville takes a journey of a thousand miles, beginning in the far north, at the three-billion-year-old rocks of the Isle of Lewis, formed when the world was still molten, and travelling south-eastwards to the furthest corner of Essex, where new land is being formed. Crossing bogs, scaling peaks and skirting quarry pits, he unearths the stories bound up in the layers of rock beneath our feet, and examines how they have influenced everything from how we farm to how we build our houses, from the Industrial Revolution to the current climate crisis.Told with characteristic humour and insight, this gripping exploration of the British landscape and its remarkable history cannot fail to change the way you see the world beyond your door.‘Somerville is a walker’s writer’ Nicholas Crane
Objev podobné jako Walking the Bones of Britain - Christopher Somerville
Savage Gear Gumová nástraha 3D River Roach Bulk Golden Ambulance
Perfektní 3D sken skutečné živé plotice! Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Perfektní 3D sken skutečné živé plotice! Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. 3D skenované detaily Vůně vyvolávající útoky Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas Otvory na chrastítko
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The Mortal Instruments 01. City of Bones (1406362166)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 504 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Mortal Instruments 01. City of Bones (1406362166)
The Crown of Gilded Bones - Jennifer L. Armentrout
Bow Before Your Queen Or Bleed Before Her...From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her Blood and Ash series.She's been the victim and the survivor...Poppy never dreamed she would find the love she's found with Prince Casteel. She wants to revel in her happiness but first they must free his brother and find hers. It's a dangerous mission and one with far-reaching consequences neither dreamed of. Because Poppy is the Chosen, the Blessed. The true ruler of Atlantia. She carries the blood of the King of Gods within her. By right the crown and the kingdom are hers.The enemy and the warrior...Poppy has only ever wanted to control her own life, not the lives of others, but now she must choose to either forsake her birthright or seize the gilded crown and become the Queen of Flesh and Fire. But as the kingdoms' dark sins and blood-drenched secrets finally unravel, a long-forgotten power rises to pose a genuine threat. And they will stop at nothing to ensure that the crown never sits upon Poppy's head.A lover and heartmate...But the greatest threat to them and to Atlantia is what awaits in the far west, where the Queen of Blood and Ash has her own plans, ones she has waited hundreds of years to carry out. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossible-travel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. And as shocking secrets and the harshest betrayals come to light, and enemies emerge to threaten everything Poppy and Casteel have fought for, they will discover just how far they are willing to go for their people-and each other.And now she will become Queen...
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Loréal Paris Age Perfect Golden Age Rosy oční krém proti ochabování a k obnově jasu 15 ml
Loréal Paris Age Perfect Golden Age Rosy oční krém proti ochabování a k obnově unavené pleti, které postupně pomáhá získat zpět svoji přirozenou barvu a hutnost.
Objev podobné jako Loréal Paris Age Perfect Golden Age Rosy oční krém proti ochabování a k obnově jasu 15 ml
Dictionary of Zen Buddhist Terminology (A-K) (978-80-725-4438-7)
Elektronická kniha - autor Kamil V. Zvelebil, 168 stran The purpose of the present work is to be a handy, ready-to-use aid to those who practice Zen Buddhism rather than a detailed scholarly work destined for „Buddhologists“. To compile an exhaustive dictionary of Zen Buddhist terms in English, Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese is beyond the capability of an individual. Hence, what is offered for daily use of the practitioners is a basic and indispensable „pocket“ glossary of Zen Buddhist terminology, of words encountered in temples and monasteries as well as in some basic literature. The author has received Buddhist precepts in the ceremony of lay ordination on 4. 9. 1989 in Kyoto, Japan. He is also a former professor of Indian studies at the universities of Prague, Heidelberg, Chicago, Utrecht and the College de France. Every single entry in the glossary was sent off for criticism and approval to Daitsu Tom Wright, a Zen Buddhist monk...
Objev podobné jako Dictionary of Zen Buddhist Terminology (A-K) (978-80-725-4438-7)
Dictionary of Zen Buddhist Terminology (A-K) - Kamil V. Zvelebil - e-kniha
eBook: The purpose of the present work is to be a handy, ready-to-use aid to those who practice Zen Buddhism rather than a detailed scholarly work destined for „Buddhologists“. To compile an exhaustive dictionary of Zen Buddhist terms in English, Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese is beyond the capability of an individual. Hence, what is offered for daily use of the practitioners is a basic and indispensable „pocket“ glossary of Zen Buddhist terminology, of words encountered in temples and monasteries as well as in some basic literature. The author has received Buddhist precepts in the ceremony of lay ordination on 4. 9. 1989 in Kyoto, Japan. He is also a former professor of Indian studies at the universities of Prague, Heidelberg, Chicago, Utrecht and the Collège de France. Every single entry in the glossary was sent off for criticism and approval to Daitsu Tom Wright, a Zen Buddhist monk and professor at the university in Kyoto, who offered wise advice and critical approval. Needless to say that the author, Dosho K. V. Zvelebil, is most grateful for his cooperation, while being fully responsible for any errors, omissions and inadequacies found in the text.
Objev podobné jako Dictionary of Zen Buddhist Terminology (A-K) - Kamil V. Zvelebil - e-kniha
The Mortal Instruments 1: City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
Celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Cassandra Clare's City of Bones with this gorgeous new Collector's Edition, complete with stunning new cover artwork and a special letter from Cassie - a must-have gift for any Shadowhunter fan. This is the book where Clary Fray first discovered the Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of warriors dedicated to driving demons out of our world and back to their own. The book where she first met Jace Wayland, the best Shadowhunter of his generation.The book that started it all.
Objev podobné jako The Mortal Instruments 1: City of Bones - Cassandra Clare
The Bones of Barry Knight - Emma Musty - e-kniha
eBook: A child with a love of wizards and an ageing rock star share their fate with a disparate collection of visitors when their paths collide in a remote refugee camp.Years later they find a way to tell their stories.A tale of grief and resilience against the odds, The Bones of Barry Knight asks how we can better care for one another on a global scale.
Objev podobné jako The Bones of Barry Knight - Emma Musty - e-kniha
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - s
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - s
Goddess of the River - Vaishnavi Patel
A powerful reimagining of the story of Ganga, goddess of the river, and her doomed mortal son, from Vaishnavi Patel, author of the instant New York Times bestseller Kaikeyi.A mother and a son. A goddess and a prince. A curse and an oath. A river whose course will change the fate of the world.Ganga, joyful goddess of the river, serves as caretaker to the mischievous godlings who roam her banks. But when their antics incur the wrath of a powerful sage, Ganga is cursed to become mortal, bound to her human form until she fulfils the obligations of the curse.Though she knows nothing of mortal life, Ganga weds King Shantanu and becomes a queen, determined to regain her freedom no matter the cost. But in a cruel turn of fate, just as she is freed of her binding, she is forced to leave her infant son behind.Her son, prince Devavrata, unwittingly carries the legacy of Ganga''s curse. And when he makes an oath that he will never claim his father''s throne, he sets in motion a chain of events that will end in a terrible and tragic war.As the years unfold, Ganga and Devavrata are drawn together again and again, each confluence another step on a path that has been written in the stars, in this deeply moving and masterful tale of duty, destiny, and the unwavering bond between mother and son.
Objev podobné jako Goddess of the River - Vaishnavi Patel
Savage Gear Gumová nástraha 3D River Roach Bulk Golden Ambulance - 5g 8cm
Perfektní 3D sken skutečné živé plotice! Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Perfektní 3D sken skutečné živé plotice! Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. 3D skenované detaily Vůně vyvolávající útoky Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas Otvory na chrastítko
Objev podobné jako Savage Gear Gumová nástraha 3D River Roach Bulk Golden Ambulance - 5g 8cm
The Mortal Instruments 1: City of Bones (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
Celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Cassandra Clare's City of Bones with this gorgeous new Collector's Edition, complete with stunning new cover artwork and a special letter from Cassie - a must-have gift for any Shadowhunter fan. This is the book where Clary Fray first discovered the Shadowhunters, a secret cadre of warriors dedicated to driving demons out of our world and back to their own. The book where she first met Jace Wayland, the best Shadowhunter of his generation.The book that started it all.
Objev podobné jako The Mortal Instruments 1: City of Bones (Defekt) - Cassandra Clare
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xl
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xl
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xxxl
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xxxl
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - m
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - m
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - l
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - l
4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xxl
Velký motiv Moonlight ghost of river na zádech a malý motiv vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.
Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko moonlight ghost of river - xxl
Night Side of the River - Jeanette Wintersonová
Our lives are now digital, exposed and always-on. We have changed, but our ghosts have not. They’ve simply adapted and innovated.They inhabit our apps and wander the metaverse just as they haunt our homes and our memories, always seeking new ways to connect… To live amongst us. To remind us. To tempt us.To take their revenge. These stories are not ours to tell. They are the stories of the dead – of those we’ve lost, loved, forgotten…and feared.Some are fiction. But some may not be.
Objev podobné jako Night Side of the River - Jeanette Wintersonová
Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 8 cm 5 g
Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. • 3D skenované detaily • Vůně vyvolávající útoky • Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas • Otvory na chrastítko
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 8 cm 5 g
Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 10 cm 10 g
Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. • 3D skenované detaily • Vůně vyvolávající útoky • Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas • Otvory na chrastítko
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 10 cm 10 g
Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 14 cm 28 g
Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. • 3D skenované detaily • Vůně vyvolávající útoky • Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas • Otvory na chrastítko
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 14 cm 28 g
Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 12 cm 17 g
Vyniká neuvěřitelnými detaily, fotochromatickými barvami a lákavou vůní, kterou je tělo napuštěno. Speciálně navržený lopatkovitý ocas dává nástraze super živou kopavou akci. Obsahuje také otvor na chrastítko, takže v případě zájmu můžete nástraze přidat i zvukovou atraktivitu. Jedná se o skvělou gumovou nástrahu na okouny, štiky a candáty, ale dokáže chytit prakticky jakéhokoliv dravce. • 3D skenované detaily • Vůně vyvolávající útoky • Živý kopavý lopatkovitý ocas • Otvory na chrastítko
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 3d river roach golden ambulance - 12 cm 17 g
The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha
What will two children do to win an island? From Costa-winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk. Skylar's old friends felt sorry for her but they were too afraid to talk to her. Yakov's old friends were far away, blown across continents by war . . . When Skylar meets Yakov she is still reeling from the news of her grandfather's stroke.Yakov is just desperate to go home. They recognise something in each other: a need for friendship, but something else fizzy beneath the surface. A refusal to accept what life has dealt them; a reckless desire to change things up for the better.So when there's a competition to own nearby Golden Island, it's no surprise they want it. But how can two children possibly win an island? And what will they risk to call it their own?Exquisitely told, with compassion and empathy: an unmissable, life-affirming novel from the inimitable Natasha Farrant. Natasha Farrant's book Voyage of the Sparrowhawk won the Costa Children's Book Award 2020.
Objev podobné jako The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha
A Drop of Golden Sun - Kate Saunders
It’s 1973 and Jenny has been cast in a major motion picture. Her ordinary life is about to become extraordinary! From the Costa-winning author of Five Children on the Western Front.12-year-old Jenny is in shock. She''s just been cast as one of the lead roles in a feature film. She''s going to be a child actor! Soon she must jet off to France, to the idyllic Château Mouchotte, where she will join her film family: three other children and two renowned actors.The glitz and glamour of being on set is a million miles away from Jenny''s normal life, but showbiz is never straightforward and there''s one fierce and famous actor that threatens the whole shoot. It''s up to Jenny and her friends to keep the peace and save the film. Jenny is about to experience a life-changing summer in the spotlight!''Joyous... Soaked in sunshine and the warmth of friendship.'' The Sunday Times - Book of the Week''As warm and welcoming as its title, it''s sure to be a hit.'' Guardian''Generous and life-affirming. Tender and glorious to the end.'' The Times - Book of the Week
Objev podobné jako A Drop of Golden Sun - Kate Saunders
Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: The first book in the ´Sanders of the River´ series and set in the Edwardian era, \'Sanders of the River\' focuses on the eponymous Governor of Nigeria. Commissioner Sanders struggles to balance the requests of The Crown against the needs of the natives. As he strives to juggle the demands from both parties, Sanders finds himself facing political turmoil that might push his colony to the brink of war. As a story, the reader is introduced to the struggles faced by an invading force. As a historical piece of fiction, this is an important document of the impact British colonialism had on West Africa. An excellent introduction to one of the most opinionated minds of the 20th Century.\'Sanders of the River\' is ideal for those interested in literature with a British Colonial setting. Prior to the success of ´King Kong´, which he co-created, Edgar Wallace published a selection of tales about Commissioner Sanders and his adventures in Africa under British rule.
Objev podobné jako Sanders of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Another exciting title in the Sanders of the River adventure series, featuring Commissioner Sanders.
Objev podobné jako Bosambo of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
Taste of the Wild Canyon River Feline 6,6kg
Kompletní krmivo pro kočky vhodné pro všechna stádia života. Lehké rybí proteiny v podobě čerstvého pstruha a uzeného lososa si vaše kočka zamiluje. Ve složení dále najdete ovoce, zelenina a také nezbytný taurin pro ostrý kočičí zrak. Neobsahuje obiloviny. Krmivo neobsahuje jateční odpad, rostlinné a živočišné vedlejší produkty, barviva a ochucovadla. Složení pstruh (19 %), moučka z mořských ryb, batáty, brambory, hrachový protein, bramborová bílkovina, řepkový olej, uzený losos (4 %), minerály, sušený čekankový kořen, rajčata, borůvky, maliny, extrakt z Yucca schidigera. Analytické složky protein 32,0 %, obsah tuku 16,0 %, hrubá vláknina 3,0 %, hrubý popel 8,0 %, vlhkost 10,0 %, omega-6 mastné kyseliny 2,4 %, omega-3 mastné kyseliny 0,3 %. Stopové prvky hydrát chelátu železa a aminokyselin 40 mg/kg, hydrát chelátu mědi a aminokyselin 7,5 mg/kg, monohydrát síranu železnatého 40 mg/kg, pentahydrát síranu měďnatého 7,5 mg/kg, jodid draselný 1,8 mg/kg, hydrát...
Objev podobné jako Taste of the Wild Canyon River Feline 6,6kg
Savage gear gumová nástraha 4d lb river roach golden ambulance-18 cm 70 g
Štíhlé tělo s perfektním pádlovacím ocasem, tzv. „kopýtkem“. Nástraha bude plavat i „kopat“ i při pomalé rychlosti. Skvělá akce, která je pro štiky neodolatelná. 3d scan reálné plotice Skvělá akce díky kopýtku
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 4d lb river roach golden ambulance-18 cm 70 g
Savage gear gumová nástraha 4d lb river roach golden ambulance-22 cm 125 g
Štíhlé tělo s perfektním pádlovacím ocasem, tzv. „kopýtkem“. Nástraha bude plavat i „kopat“ i při pomalé rychlosti. Skvělá akce, která je pro štiky neodolatelná. 3d scan reálné plotice Skvělá akce díky kopýtku
Objev podobné jako Savage gear gumová nástraha 4d lb river roach golden ambulance-22 cm 125 g
The Little Book of Golden Girls - Orange Hippo!
The Golden Girls: the show that changed American TV, found an audience all around the world, and made a global legend out of Betty White.1985 was the year of Live Aid, Back to the Future and the Nintendo. It also saw the start of one of the most well-known and well-loved sitcoms of all time: The Golden Girls. With a cast comprising women over 50, the show was as groundbreaking as it was hilarious. Averaging 25 million viewers an episode - and counting the Queen Mother among them - the show is still ranked among the best US sitcoms ever. And it continues to find a new audience today in younger generations on streaming, with merchandise as popular as ever.Packed with quotes and facts, this little book is perfect for any Golden Girls fan.
Objev podobné jako The Little Book of Golden Girls - Orange Hippo!
The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.
Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
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