Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha
eBook: This textbook for medical students include an overview of essential information on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of developmental and acquired orthopedic diseases and disorders, including musculoskeletal injuries. It also includes an overview of essential conservative and surgical procedures used in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system in adult and child patients. As this textbook is intended as an aid for the preparation of the final state exam in surgical fields for the students at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, the chapters are arranged according to questions taken from the “pool” of Orthopedics and Traumatology used in this exam. However, we believe that this textbook can help students from other medical faculties of Charles University as a tool for quick and easy reference to a range of orthopedic diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
Podívejte se také Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)
Dentistry and Oral Diseases for Medical Students - Tatjana Dostálová, Michaela Seydlová
Anglická verze je překladem úspěšné domácí publikace a zastává kromě funkce učebnice i funkci důležité slovní databáze odborných anglických stomatologických výrazů. Je tak určena nejen anglicky mluvícím studentům medicíny a mladým lékařům (popřípadě zdravotním sestrám, zubním laborantům a hygienistkám jako stručný průvodce oborem), ale je vhodná i pro přípravu studenta na odbornou zkoušku z jazyka. Součástí knihy je interaktivní DVD, které publikaci doplňuje a obsahuje e-learningový kurz.
Podívejte se také Lean In: For Graduates (0753555808)
Hygiene and Epidemiology Selected Chapters - Vladimír Bencko
"Hygiena spolu s epidemiologií reprezentují integrální, biomedicínské základy veřejného zdravotnictví. Hrozby epidemií, devastujících populace venkova i měst a paralyzující bojující armády, vedly v 19. století ke vznku dvou nových medicínských disciplín.Hygiena je vědou o ochraně a podpoře zdraví. Původně se zabývala všemi faktory působícími na fyzické zdraví i psychiku člověka, medicínskými aspekty výskytu a předcházení nemocem. Pevná vazba mezi hygienickými teoriemi a zdravotním stavem populace zůstává v původní formě v prevenci infekčních nemocí, později v nově se formující epidemiologii, jejíž postupný rozvoj v dnešní epidemiologii neinfekčních nemocí je obdivuhodným úspěchem medicíny. Účelem učebního textu je podpora přípravy pregraduálních studentů na státní rigorózní zkoušku na žádoucí úrovni vědomostí."
Podívejte se také The Faithful and the Reasonable Chapters on Ecological Foolishness (978-80-210-9991-3)
Podívejte se také
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Urology for Medical Students - Hora Milan, Olga Dolejšová - e-kniha
eBook: Učebnice Urology for Medical Students je určena především studentům lékařských fakult. Přináší přehledné základní informace v celé šíři oboru – od vyšetřovacích metod, přes uroonkologii, litiázu, benigní hyperplázii prostaty až ke specializovanějším kapitolám, jakými jsou funkční urologie, andrologie a dětská urologie. Potřebné informace zde získají i rezidenti ve specializační přípravě v oborech chirurgie, gynekologie, nefrologie a všeobecného lékařství. Součástí textu jsou také přehledné tabulky s dávkováním antibiotik a schémata s principy vyšetřovacích a léčebných metod.
Objev podobné jako Urology for Medical Students - Hora Milan, Olga Dolejšová - e-kniha
English for Medical Students - Alena Holá, Tamara Kopřivová - e-kniha
eBook: Druhé, doplněné vydání učebnice English for Medical Students je určena studentům prvního ročníku lékařské fakulty s pokročilou znalostí anglického jazyka. Prioritou učebnice je seznámit studenty s anglickou odbornou terminologií, a to zejména na základě anatomických popisů jednotlivých tělních systémů. Texty jsou doplněny cvičeními, která slouží k zvládnutí a upevnění odborné slovní zásoby a k shrnutí témat jednotlivých lekcí. K jednotlivým kapitolám jsou přiřazeny Language spots (vybrané lingvistické jevy v lékařské angličtině), Reading spots (informace z lékařské praxe) a Grammar spots (vybraná gramatika v lékařském kontextu). Učební texty jsou doplněny o poslechová cvičení. Připojen je rovněž textový materiál, který se vztahuje k probíraným odborným tématům a obsahuje kontrolní cvičení. Na konci učebnice je zařazen přehled nejužívanějších zkratek a anglicko-český slovník. Učebnice je určena zejména posluchačům Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni, ale může sloužit i studentům ostatních lékařských fakult a odborné veřejnosti. Všechny přílohy k titulu najdete i v našem Archivu.
Objev podobné jako English for Medical Students - Alena Holá, Tamara Kopřivová - e-kniha
Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha
eBook: Předkládaná publikace je určena pro studenty lékařských fakult. Kniha přináší stručný a výstižný přehled současných zobrazovacích metod, jejich technických principů, základních indikací a kontraindikací. Studenti v učebnici nachází návod, jak diagnosticky postupovat u jednotlivých onemocnění, jsou seznamováni s možnostmi a výtěžností jednotlivých diagnostických metod u konkrétního onemocnění. Jsou jim rovněž předkládány základní univerzálně platné principy radiační ochrany. Publikace nemá a nemůže sloužit k postgraduálnímu specializačnímu vzdělávání, je určena výhradně pro studenty všeobecného lékařství, a ne pro začínající radiology ve specializační přípravě.
Objev podobné jako Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha
The MicroBook - Clinical Microbiology for Medical Students - Melter Oto, Castelhano Rute - e-kniha
eBook: Cílem této učebnice je pomoci studentům lékařských fakult s učením, pochopením a vytvořením přehledu z rozsáhlého oboru lékařské mikrobiologie. Může sloužit také jako praktický společník pro lékaře různých oborů, kteří v ní mohou najít základní informace týkající se diagnostiky nejdůležitějších původců infekčních nemocí. Text je zajímavý tím, že byl napsán pro studenty medicíny samotnými studenty medicíny. Jeho základ vznikl pod vedením doc. MVDr. Oto Meltera, Ph.D., který napsal některé kapitoly, uspořádal informace a pořídil originální fotografie. Většinu kapitol však sepsal tým studentů 2. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy pod vedením Rute Castelhano. Jazykovou úpravu provedla Shenali Amaratunga. Autoři se domnívají, že původní fotodokumentace a diagramy pomohou studentům lépe pochopit probíraná témata. Učebnice je doplněna také kazuistikami, jejichž cílem je pomoci studentům procvičit si základní znalosti z oboru.
Objev podobné jako The MicroBook - Clinical Microbiology for Medical Students - Melter Oto, Castelhano Rute - e-kniha
Selected chapters from occupational medicine - Alena Boriková - e-kniha
eBook: Although work is important for the self-realization of man, under certain circumstances it can cause health damage. And this is what these scripts are about. The main goal of the authors is to always include the possible influence of the working environment in your diagnostic and differential diagnostic considerations when solving your patients\' problems and to use the knowledge of the basics of occupational medicine for the benefit of patients and clients.
Objev podobné jako Selected chapters from occupational medicine - Alena Boriková - e-kniha
Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha
eBook: V dnešním světě, ve kterém se všechno zdá být digitální a neosobní, je stále velmi důležité umět mluvit přímo před lidmi. Přesto je pro většinu z nás velmi stresující stát na pódiu před publikem, někteří se takového vystoupení bojí. Tento text se zaměřuje na druh prezentací, které studenti a akademici dělají jako součást svých studijních či pracovních povinností, především je určen pro studenty angličtiny. Rady zde uvedené však platí pro všechny formy prezentací. Abyste využili tuto knihu, nemusíte však být student či akademik, spíše naopak: základní principy dobré prezentace platí pro obchodní sektor, v kulturním životě nebo v každé jiné oblasti, v níž chcete být aktivní. Kdokoliv může využít tento stručný návod jak hovořit před publikem. In today’s world, where everything seems to be digital and impersonal, being able to talk directly to people is still necessary. Yet, most of us are nervous, even afraid, of standing there on the stage. This text focuses on the kind of presentations students and academic staff need to do as part of their studies and work, and is aimed at students with English as second language. However, the ideas presented are just as valid for all other forms of presenting. You don’t have to be a student or an academic to use this book; rather the opposite. The basic principles are the same in the business world, in entertainment, in politics, or in any other field you might be active in. Anybody could use this short manual to learn how to present.
Objev podobné jako Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha
ECG Interpretation: Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students (978-80-8063-487-2)
Kniha - autor František Nehaj, 130 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students
Objev podobné jako ECG Interpretation: Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students (978-80-8063-487-2)
English for Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics - Šárka Dostálová, Ilona Havlíčková, Zuzana Katerová - e-kniha
eBook: Třetí vydání učebního textu, který je určen studentům Farmaceutické fakulty. Autorky této praktické příručky kladou důraz na procvičení a profesionální zvládnutí anglické farmaceutické terminologie a frazeologie. Každá z 30 lekcí obsahuje odborný text a praktická cvičení, zaměřená na porozumění psanému slovu, konverzaci a procvičování gramatiky. Připojen je i anglicko-český slovník s transkripcí slovní zásoby a rejstřík.
Objev podobné jako English for Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics - Šárka Dostálová, Ilona Havlíčková, Zuzana Katerová - e-kniha
Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)
Kniha - autor Andrea Demovičová; Zuzana Kurucová, 148 stran, slovensky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Učebnica Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy and International Relations vznikla na základe dopytu po nedostatkových učebných materiáloch potrebných pre vyššie odborné vzdelávanie v anglickom jazyku pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie. Autorky vychádzali zo skúseností s výučbou anglického jazyka pre študijný odbor medzinárodné právo, ako aj z dlhoročnej praxe v prednášaní právnej angličtiny pre študentov práva. Výber tém a ich náročnosť sú prispôsobené potrebám súčasných študentov.Učebnica je výborným pomocníkom pri štúdiu odborného anglického jazyka, a to nie len pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie, ale úžitok z nej môže čerpať aj širšia odborná verejnosť.
Objev podobné jako Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)
Principles and Practicals in Medical Microbiology - Melter Oto, Annika Malmgren - e-kniha
eBook: The book has been created for medical students to ease the comprehension of the relations between theory and practice in current medical microbiology. The core comprehensive data are reviewed from prestigious publications in the field and professional experience of the authors. Each chapter contains a theoretical and a practical part. The practical part is divided into a few exercises which allows for the practice of some of the basic experimental procedures used in laboratories of medical microbiology. We believe that the original photographs and the diagrams that have been newly created by the authors will improve the understanding of the basic principles of microbiological diagnosis. Each chapter is complemented with a lab quiz intended to help students review their basic knowledge.
Objev podobné jako Principles and Practicals in Medical Microbiology - Melter Oto, Annika Malmgren - e-kniha
NOSH NOSH for Students - Joy May
Inspired by her son, who left for university with no cooking skills, Joy May wrote NOSH for Students a simple cookbook specifically for students. What was needed was an easily attainable taste of home, oh, and pictures with every recipe! Joy helps to take the chore out of cooking, giving students a taste of success and fun in the kitchen.
Objev podobné jako NOSH NOSH for Students - Joy May
Náprsní láhev Luckies of London For Medical Purposes
Náprsní láhev z kolekce Luckies of London. Model vyroben z nerezové ocele.
Objev podobné jako Náprsní láhev Luckies of London For Medical Purposes
Blood and Blood Components, Hematopoiesis, Selected Methods Used in Cytology, Histology and Hematology - Křížková Věra - e-kniha
eBook: Na téma krev a hematopoéza je možné se dívat z různých úhlů pohledu. Publikace obsahuje popisnou část i bohatou obrazovou dokumentaci jak mikrofotografií jednotlivých vývojových stadií krevních elementů a samotných krevních elementů, tak i jejich vybraných patologických odchylek. Krevní elementy jsou zachyceny v periferní krvi a v kostní dřeni. Zahrnuty jsou také elektronogramy a originální schémata vzniklá na jejich podkladě. Začleněn je popis krevních skupin a jejich vývoje. V neposlední řadě je publikace doplněna o vybrané metody zkoumání krve. Věříme, že se tak pre- i postgraduálním studentům medicíny a souvisejících disciplín dostane důležitá pomůcka nejen pro studium preklinických, ale i klinických oborů.
Objev podobné jako Blood and Blood Components, Hematopoiesis, Selected Methods Used in Cytology, Histology and Hematology - Křížková Věra - e-kniha
NOSH Vegetarian NOSH for Students - Joy May
This is the 4th edition of "Vegetarian NOSH for Students", written as a sequel to "NOSH for Students" which was originally inspired by the author's son, Ben, who left for university, but was clueless in the kitchen. Joy has helped over half a million students get cooking with her straightforward and simple approach.
Objev podobné jako NOSH Vegetarian NOSH for Students - Joy May
Forcing Justice: Violence and Nonviolence in Selected Texts by Thoreau and Gandhi - Mahátma Gándhí, Henry David Thoreau - e-kniha
eBook: Can justice be forced on individuals and communities? The essays in this collection by Henry David Thoreau urge us to consider the difficult matter of how to counter the specific injustice manifested in the practice of buying and selling human beings and how to implement laws and practices that help establish justice. Of the many philosophical ideas Thoreau explores, the central concern is how to end slavery and provide justice for all. It is no surprise to find Thoreau defending the idea of civil disobedience, but his defense of John Brown, who used violence, including murder, commands our attention. The Civil Rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in the U. S. was heavily influenced by the rhetoric, the actions, and the overall philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. , who famously combined civil disobedience and nonviolent action under the strong influence of Mohandas K. Gandhi. Although Gandhi staunchly defends and promotes the use of nonviolence, he is quick to condemn inaction as an even greater evil than violence. If forced to choose between doing nothing and using violence, he would choose violence; but his many writings and speeches are designed to show that we almost always have a nonviolent alternative to oppose injustice and foster justice. The lives of more than a billion residents of India have been profoundly shaped by the ideas Gandhi presents and defends in these selections from MY NONVIOLENCE. The liberation of India from British colonialism and the establishing of what Gandhi called "home rule" is powerful evidence of the role nonviolence can play in bringing about justice and eliminating injustice. Gandhi addresses not only matters of race and skin color but also the caste system and the social stratification that currently pervade the entire globe. These works by Thoreau and Gandhi consider the best way to promote justice and goodness not in utopia but in the actual world where we live.
Objev podobné jako Forcing Justice: Violence and Nonviolence in Selected Texts by Thoreau and Gandhi - Mahátma Gándhí, Henry David Thoreau - e-kniha
NOSH NOSH for Students Volume 2 - Joy May
After the success of the UK s #1 best selling student cookbook, NOSH for Students , we wanted to offer a follow-on book for those who had grown in confidence in the kitchen. We have imaginatively called this NOSH for Students Volume 2!! NOSH Volume 2 is the perfect partner to our original book.
Objev podobné jako NOSH NOSH for Students Volume 2 - Joy May
AVID Sibelius Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers
Objev podobné jako AVID Sibelius Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers
AVID Sibelius Ultimate Perpetual New License for Students & Teachers
Objev podobné jako AVID Sibelius Ultimate Perpetual New License for Students & Teachers
Discourses and Selected Writin - Epictetus
Epictetus, a Greek stoic and freed slave, ran a thriving philosophy school in Nicropolis in the early second century AD. Together with the "Enchiridion", a manual of his main ideas, this book argues that happiness lies in learning to perceive exactly what is in our power to change and what is not.
Objev podobné jako Discourses and Selected Writin - Epictetus
AVID Pro Tools Studio Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers
Objev podobné jako AVID Pro Tools Studio Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers
AVID Pro Tools Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teacher
Objev podobné jako AVID Pro Tools Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teacher
The Faithful and the Reasonable Chapters on Ecological Foolishness (978-80-210-9991-3)
Kniha - autor Lucie Galčanová; Lukáš Kala; Hana Librová; Vojtěch Pelikán, 264 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá This book follows the successful titles “The Colourful and the Green: Chapters on Voluntary Simplicity” and “The Half-Hearted and the Hesitant: Chapters on Ecological Luxury.” The author poses the question of why, at a time of continuing devastation of nature, people’s interest in nature conservation has been decreasing. Are the media to blame or is our numbness toward ecological problems rooted in our mental makeup that tends to supress unpleasant realities? The author also wants to find out why some people have remained faithful to nature. To get to the answers, she applies sociological, philosophical, psychological, and theological perspectives. An unexpected question that may surprise some readers then becomes: Actually, why should we protect nature when it can take care of itself? It is not weak; it is strong and cruel. Librová’s...
Objev podobné jako The Faithful and the Reasonable Chapters on Ecological Foolishness (978-80-210-9991-3)
Diaries and Selected Letters - Michail Bulgakov
The career of Mikhail Bulgakov, the author of Master and Margarita - now regarded as one of the masterpieces of twentieth-century literature - was characterized by a constant and largely unsuccessful struggle against state censorship. This suppression did not only apply to his art: in 1926 his personal diary was seized by the authorities. From then on he confined his thoughts to letters to his friends and family, as well as to public figures such as Stalin and his fellow Soviet writer Gorky, while also encouraging his wife Yelena to keep a diary, with many entries influenced or even dictated by him.This ample selection from the diaries and letters of the Bulgakovs, mostly translated for the first time into English, provides an insightful glimpse into a fascinating period of Russian history and literature, telling the tragic tale of the fate of an artist under a totalitarian regime.
Objev podobné jako Diaries and Selected Letters - Michail Bulgakov
Otorhinolaryngology (978-80-7492-394-4)
Kniha - autor David Slouka, 292 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá In this book, otorhinolaryngology is presented to students as a medical branch, individual chapters deal with particular “sub-branches” and common fields of medicine with other medical specializations. All chapters are divided into the theoretical part summarizing knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology and the part dealing with methods of investigation of the given branch and contextualizing obtained knowledge with an otorhinolaryngologists's job description in clinical practice. The scope of teaching material is composed and presented to the extent being necessary for students of medical faculties. Nevertheless, this textbook is convenient for university studies of nursing care. In the pictorial documentation, we put emphasis on simplicity as well as schematisation with respect to the current development of internet education where it is possible to find tens of pictures or...
Objev podobné jako Otorhinolaryngology (978-80-7492-394-4)
MS Ancient masters for trumpet in Bb and piano/organ
Noty na trubku Publikace Ancient Masters obsahuje 29 známých skladeb klasické hudby (období baroka, klasicismu a ranného romantismu) od hudebních velikánů jako Bach, Haydn, Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert a dalších v úpravách pro sólovou trubku s doprovodem aranžovaným pro klavír/varhany. Seznam autorů a skladeb: • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Arie / Aria (Seht was die Liebe tut), Bist Du bei mir / Be Thou With Me, Marche, Musette • Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713): Gavotta, Sarabande • Michel Corrette (1707 - 1795): Fanfare • Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Air, Gavotta, Impertinence, Ombra mai fu • Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714 - 1787): Ballo • Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809): Andantino • Michael Haydn (1737 - 1806): Marsch / March • Leopold Mozart (1719 - 1787): Bourée • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791): Ave verum corpus • Johann Pachelbel (1653 - 1706): Sarabande • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725): Arie / Aria (No, no, non ? possibile) • Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828): Ave Maria, Litanei / Litany, Marie • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767): Dolce, Passepied, Rigaudon, Rondeau, Suite, Viste • Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741): Largo
Objev podobné jako MS Ancient masters for trumpet in Bb and piano/organ
MS Ancient masters for clarinet in Bb and piano/organ
Noty pro klarinet Publikace Ancient Masters obsahuje 29 známých skladeb klasické hudby (období baroka, klasicismu a ranného romantismu) od hudebních velikánů jako Bach, Haydn, Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert a dalších v úpravách pro sólový Bb klarinet s doprovodem aranžovaným pro klavír/varhany. Seznam autorů a skladeb: • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Arie / Aria (Seht was die Liebe tut), Bist Du bei mir / Be Thou With Me, Marche, Musette • Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713): Gavotta, Sarabande • Michel Corrette (1707 - 1795): Fanfare • Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Air, Gavotta, Impertinence, Ombra mai fu • Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714 - 1787): Ballo • Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809): Andantino • Michael Haydn (1737 - 1806): Marsch / March • Leopold Mozart (1719 - 1787): Bourée • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791): Ave verum corpus • Johann Pachelbel (1653 - 1706): Sarabande • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725): Arie / Aria (No, no, non ? possibile) • Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828): Ave Maria, Litanei / Litany, Marie • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767): Dolce, Passepied, Rigaudon, Rondeau, Suite, Viste • Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741): Largo
Objev podobné jako MS Ancient masters for clarinet in Bb and piano/organ
MS Ancient masters for horn in F and piano/organ
Noty na lesní roh Publikace Ancient Masters obsahuje 29 známých skladeb klasické hudby (období baroka, klasicismu a ranného romantismu) od hudebních velikánů jako Bach, Haydn, Vivaldi, Mozart, Schubert a dalších v úpravách pro sólový lesní roh s doprovodem aranžovaným pro klavír/varhany. Seznam autorů a skladeb: • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Arie / Aria (Seht was die Liebe tut), Bist Du bei mir / Be Thou With Me, Marche, Musette • Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713): Gavotta, Sarabande • Michel Corrette (1707 - 1795): Fanfare • Georg Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): Air, Gavotta, Impertinence, Ombra mai fu • Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714 - 1787): Ballo • Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809): Andantino • Michael Haydn (1737 - 1806): Marsch / March • Leopold Mozart (1719 - 1787): Bourée • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791): Ave verum corpus • Johann Pachelbel (1653 - 1706): Sarabande • Alessandro Scarlatti (1660 - 1725): Arie / Aria (No, no, non ? possibile) • Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828): Ave Maria, Litanei / Litany, Marie • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681 - 1767): Dolce, Passepied, Rigaudon, Rondeau, Suite, Viste • Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741): Largo
Objev podobné jako MS Ancient masters for horn in F and piano/organ
Darling : New and Selected Poems - Kay Jackie
Humour, gender, sexuality, sensuality, identity, racism, cultural difference: when do any of these things ever come together to equal poetry? When Jackie Kay's part of the equation. Darling brings together into a vibrant new book many favourite poems from her four Bloodaxe collections, "The Adoption Papers", "Other Lovers", "Off Colour" and "Life Mask", as well as featuring new work, some previously uncollected poems, and some lively poetry for younger readers. Kay's poems draw on her own life and the lives of others to make a tapestry of voice and communal understanding. The title of her acclaimed short story collection, "Why Don't You Stop Talking", could be a comment on her own poems, their urgency of voice and their recognition of the urgency in all voice, particularly the need to be heard, to have voice. And what voice -- the voices of the everyday, the voices of jazz, the voices of this many-voiced United Kingdom.
Objev podobné jako Darling : New and Selected Poems - Kay Jackie
Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson
Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions; monitoring and control; and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating. The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notes are available online. It is also ideal for self-study.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson
AVID Pro Tools Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers (Digitální produkt)
DŮLEŽITÉ! Tento software je VZDĚLÁVACÍ verze programu Pro Tools Ultimate pro studenty a učitele. Vyžaduje se doklad o způsobilosti: https://www.avid.com/academic-eligibility Pro Tools je nejflexibilnější software pro produkci zvuku pro tvorbu hudby, filmů a televizních pořadů, který poskytuje kompletní soubor nástrojů pro vytváření, nahrávání, úpravu a mixování zvuku. Nechte se inspirovat a začněte tvořit hudbu s obrovskou sbírkou zásuvných modulů, nástrojů a zvuků. Pusťte se do realizace svých nejambicióznějších vizí díky pokročilým funkcím, které vám umožní realizovat i ty nejnáročnější projekty. Dodávejte mixy rychleji a v nejvyšší zvukové kvalitě díky praktickým ovládacím plochám a integrovaným zvukovým rozhraním.Pusťte se do největších a nejkomplexnějších produkcí s touto špičkovou nabídkou pro profesionály z oblasti zvukových postů a hudby, kteří vyžadují plný počet stop a vstupů/výstupů, pracovní postupy Pro Tools | HDX, zaručený výkon a pokročilé funkce, které Pro Tools nabízí. Pro Tools Ultimate poskytuje kompletní sadu nástrojů a obrovskou sbírku zásuvných modulů, zvuků a softwaru pro maximalizaci vašich tvůrčích možností. Snadno vytvářejte a mixujte největší a nejkomplexnější produkce – včetně Dolby Atmos a Ambisonics.Informace: https://www.avid.com/pro-tools Ke stažení: https://www.avid.com/redemption Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Licence: Předplatné;Educational Kompatibilní s: macOS;Windows Země původu: USA Typ: Multitrack;DAW
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Sheludyakov Anatoly: P.I. Tchaikovsky - Selected works for Piano - CD (RCD16181)
Hudební CD - Anatoly Sheludyakov je klasický pianista a skladatel. Anatoly Sheludyakov je klasický pianista a skladatel. (1 -25) - Recorded at the Moscow Recording House in 1991 (26 - 31) - Live recording on January 13, 2016 from the Concert Hall University of Georgia USA Seznam stop CD TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Il'yich (1840-1893) Song without words Op.2 No.3 in F Major / Romance Op.5 in F minor / Evening Dream Op.19 No.1 in G minor / Humorous Scherso Op.19 No.2 in D Major / Sheet from the albom Op.19 No.3 in D Major / Nocturne Op.19 No.4 in C sharp minor / Capriccioso Op.19 No.5 in B flat Major Original Theme with Variations Op.19 No.6 in F Major Theme. Andante non tanto / Variation I. L'istesso tempo / Variation II. L'istesso tempo / Variation III. Allegretto / Variation IV. Allegro vivace leggiero / Variation V. Andante amoroso / Variation VI. Allegro risoluto / Variation VII. Moderato assai / Variation VIII. Allegro / Variation IX. Alla mazurka...
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Belle and Sebastian - What To Look For In Summer (2 LP)
Žánr: Rock;Folk;Pop Vydavatelství: Matador Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Skotsko Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Belle & Sebastian Subžánr: Indie Pop;Folk Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2020.0 Varianta: What To Look For In Summer (2 LP) Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2020-12-11
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Topographical Anatomy with autopsy guide and clinical notes - Jiří Valenta, Pavel Fiala - e-kniha
eBook: This short synopsis of topographical anatomy is intended for medical students who already have a good knowledge of systematic anatomy. The chapters follow the arrangement usual in anatomy coursebooks, i. e. according to parts of the human body: head, neck, chest, pelvis, back and extremities. For a better understanding, the text is accompained by simplified drawings.
Objev podobné jako Topographical Anatomy with autopsy guide and clinical notes - Jiří Valenta, Pavel Fiala - e-kniha
Selected and Last Poems 1931-2004 - Czeslaw Milosz
The most beautiful and powerful of Milosz's poems from across his writing lifeThis selection brings together the most beautiful and powerful of Czeslaw Milosz's poems, spanning his writing life. In verses such as 'Cafe' he considers the upheaval, revolutions and two world wars that he had witnessed, while 'My Faithful Mother Tongue' reflects the loyalty he felt to his native Polish language. He also remembers his schooldays in 'The World', and in 'Bypassing Rue Descartes' recalls the Paris streets of his student years, displaying both tenderness and tough-minded fury towards those who shaped his experiences. Writing not about abstract emotions, but about the horrors and beauty that he directly observed, Milosz opens our eyes to the joy-bringing potential of the poetry to which he gave his life. Winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureCzeslaw Milosz (1911-2004) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. Born in Lithuania while it was still part of the Russian Empire, he lived much of his life in Poland or exiled in California. He was the author of one of the definitive books on totalitarianism, The Captive Mind, but also wrote with extraordinary vividness and moral authority on his childhood, his experiences under Nazism and on the tragedy of Central Europe
Objev podobné jako Selected and Last Poems 1931-2004 - Czeslaw Milosz
Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
The Faithful and the Reasonable - Chapters on Ecological Foolishness - Lucie Galčanová, Lukáš Kala, Hana Librová, Vojtěch Pelikán
This book follows the successful titles “The Colourful and the Green: Chapters on Voluntary Simplicity” and “The Half-Hearted and the Hesitant: Chapters on Ecological Luxury.” The author poses the question of why, at a time of continuing devastation of nature, people’s interest in nature conservation has been decreasing. Are the media to blame or is our numbness toward ecological problems rooted in our mental makeup that tends to supress unpleasant realities? The author also wants to find out why some people have remained faithful to nature. To get to the answers, she applies sociological, philosophical, psychological, and theological perspectives. An unexpected question that may surprise some readers then becomes: Actually, why should we protect nature when it can take care of itself? It is not weak; it is strong and cruel. Librová’s students Vojtěch Pelikán, Lucie Galčanová, and Lukáš Kala interview the children of “the Colourful,” too: have they inherited their parents’ modest lifestyle?
Objev podobné jako The Faithful and the Reasonable - Chapters on Ecological Foolishness - Lucie Galčanová, Lukáš Kala, Hana Librová, Vojtěch Pelikán
Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in German for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Athénaïse and Other Selected Stories - Kate Chopin - e-kniha
eBook: Written by Chopin the author of the much celebrated novel \"The Awakening\" comes another classic rich piece of late 19th century feminist american literature. Set in the heart of America’s deep south, \"Athénaïse\" is a short story exploring the timeless theme of women conforming to society’s expectations, rebellion, relationships and coming of age. From the cotton plantations to New Orleans we follow the title character, Athénaïse, a strong, independent and daring young woman on her journey of self-discovery. Feeling trapped in her marriage Athénaïse with the help of her brother flees to New Orleans. She soon discovers she is pregnant; will this change her perspective on her marriage? Will her husband accept her back? An American novelist and short story writer of French and Irish descent, Kate Chopin (1850 -1904) is one of the most celebrated feminist authors of the twentieth century. Most of her fiction is set in Louisiana where she lived depicting the lives of intelligent young women, Creole culture and society in the American south. She wrote over 100 short stories including children’s tales that were all published in some of the most prestigious magazines but her most notable work is her novel ‘The Awakening’ which firmly has a place in American literature.
Objev podobné jako Athénaïse and Other Selected Stories - Kate Chopin - e-kniha
Castle and Cathedral in Modern Prague: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age - Bruce R. Berglund
Prague in the early twentieth century was the city of cubists, surrealists, and the Good Soldier vejk. This book takes a new approach to interwar Prague by identifying religion as an integral part of the city s cultural history. As Prague emerged as a modern city and the Czech nation gained independence, Catholics, Protestants, and those who imagined a non-sectarian religion debated questions of faith and morality. Contrary to the conventional view of modern Czech elites as atheistic, Berglund shows how they were deeply concerned with the place of religion in modern life.Based upon a wide array of sources, the monograph explores the linkages between politics, theology, and architecture in the building of new symbols and a civil religion for the first Czechoslovak republic (1918-1938). Berglund views the contest of the sacred and secular in Prague within the broader context of religious change in twentieth-century Europe. His book lays a foundation for understanding both Czech culture of the interwar period as well as the nation s and Europe s religious history in the modern age. The author takes an approach that is both interdisciplinary and biographical by focusing on important figures in the politics and culture of interwar Prague, including Tomá Masaryk, the philosopher who became Czechoslovakia s first president; his daughter Alice, founding director of the Czechoslovak Red Cross; and Joze Plecnik, the Slovenian architect who directed the renovations of Prague Castle and designed one of the city s most renowned churches. This study of the beliefs and doubts held by these and other figures shows the transition from a (mostly) Catholic tradition to a new religious conception that was modern, humanistic, and detached from any institution much like the religious beliefs held by many Europeans today.
Objev podobné jako Castle and Cathedral in Modern Prague: Longing for the Sacred in a Skeptical Age - Bruce R. Berglund
Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth
Your students * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. * be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index. * learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building. * be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages * be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.
Objev podobné jako Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth
Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 - Margaret Atwoodová
An extraordinary career-spanning collection from one of the most revered poets and storytellers of our ageTracing the legacy of Margaret Atwood – a writer who has fundamentally shaped our contemporary literary landscapes – Paper Boat assembles Atwood’s most vital poems in one essential volume. In pieces that are at once brilliant, beautiful and hyper-imagined, Atwood gives voices to remarkably drawn characters – mythological figures, animals and everyday people – all of whom have something to say about what it means to live in a world as strange as our own. ‘How can one live with such a heart?’ Atwood asks, casting her singular spell upon the reader, and ferrying us through life, death and whatever comes next.Walking the tightrope between reality and fantasy as only she can, Atwood’s journey through poetry illuminates our most innate joys and sorrows, desires and fears. Spanning six decades of work – from her earliest beginnings to brand new poems – this volume charts the evolution of one of our most iconic and necessary authors.
Objev podobné jako Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 - Margaret Atwoodová
Angličtina pro lékařskou praxi / English in Medical Practice - Jonathan Murray
Proces evropské integrace zasahuje i do povolání lékaře. V rámci spolupráce mezi evropskými lékařskými fakultami dochází k rozvoji programů mezinárodních výměn, stáží a nemocničních praxí. Cílem této příručky je praktickým způsobem pomoci medikům, lékařům a dalším zdravotnickým pracovníkům rychle si osvojit odbornou slovní zásobu v angličtině tak, aby byli schopni se bez problémů dohovořit s anglicky mluvícími pacienty či zvládnout anglicky psanou dokumentaci. Příručka může ovšem být užitečná i pro zahraniční studenty při hledání vhodného českého ekvivalentu.První část uvádí základní slovní zásobu potřebnou k získání úplné anamnézy a provedení důkladného vyšetření. Druhá část obsahuje 21 kazuistik, popisujících celou škálu naléhavých stavů, s nimiž se lékaři běžně setkávají. Do třetí části jsou zařazeny další, tematicky pestré rozhovory. Ve čtvrté a páté části najdete tematické slovníčky, šestá část obsahuje seznamy důležitých nemocí a problémů řazené oborově. Obsáhlý seznam lékařských zkratek a několik příkladů lékařské korespondence je uvedeno v sedmé části. Poslední, osmá část pak přináší rozsáhlý a velmi užitečný soubor hovorových výrazů a obratů, s nimiž by lékař měl být obeznámen.
Objev podobné jako Angličtina pro lékařskou praxi / English in Medical Practice - Jonathan Murray
The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)
Kniha - 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Healing Self: A revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)
Linux Basics for Hackers: Getting Started with Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali (1593278551)
Kniha - autor Occupytheweb, 248 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This practical, tutorial-style book uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers. If you're getting started along the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and pentesting, Linux Basics for Hackers is an excellent first step. Using Kali Linux, an advanced penetration testing distribution of Linux, you'll learn the basics of using the Linux operating system and acquire the tools and techniques you'll need to take control of a Linux environment. First, you'll learn how to install Kali on a virtual machine and get an introduction to basic Linux concepts. Next, you'll tackle broader Linux topics like manipulating text, controlling file and directory permissions, and managing user environment...
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Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Kir
The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE History Designed for hassle-free, independent study and priced to meet both your and your students'' budgets, this combined Revision Guide and Workbook is the smart choice for those revising for Edexcel GCSE (9-1) History and includes: A FREE online edition One-topic-per-page format ''Now Try This'' practice questions on topic pages Exam skills pages including Worked examples with exemplar answers Exam-style practice pages with practice questions in the style of the exams Guided support and hints providing additional scaffolding, to help avoid common pitfalls Full set of practice papers written to match the specification exactly Includes access to a FREE eBook version of your Revision Guide. Revise anytime, anywhere with an eBook Revision Guide on the new Pearson Revise online revision platform. Includes free knowledge checks, quick quizzes and worked solution videos to help you focus your revision. Simply use the code on the inside cover of the book to access your online version. Available for core subjects including AQA and Pearson Edexcel maths, science, English and Pearson Edexcel history and business studies.
Objev podobné jako Pearson REVISE Edexcel GCSE History Medicine in Britain: Revision Guide and Workbook incl. online revision and quizzes - for 2025 and 2026 exams - Kir
The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (0525562796)
Kniha - autor Toni Morrison, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná These pages give us her searing prayer for the dead of 9/11, her Nobel lecture on the power of language, her searching meditation on Martin Luther King Jr., her heart-wrenching eulogy for James Baldwin. She looks deeply into the fault lines of culture and freedom: the foreigner, female empowerment, the press, money, “black matter(s),” human rights, the artist in society, the Afro-American presence in American literature. And she turns her incisive critical eye to her own work (The Bluest Eye, Sula, Tar Baby, Jazz, Beloved, Paradise) and that of others. An essential collection from an essential writer, The Source of Self-Regard shines with the literary elegance, intellectual prowess, spiritual depth, and moral compass that have made Toni Morrison our most cherished and enduring voice.
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Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos : Complexity Theory, Deleuze,Guattari and Psychoanalysis for a Climate in Crisis - Dodds Joseph
This book argues that psychoanalysis has a unique role to play in the climate change debate through its placing emphasis on the unconscious dimensions of our mental and social lives. Exploring contributions from Freudian, Kleinian, Object Relations, Self Psychology, Jungian, and Lacanian traditions, the book discusses how psychoanalysis can help to unmask the anxieties, deficits, conflicts, phantasies and defences crucial in understanding the human dimension of the ecological crisis.Yet despite being essential to studying environmentalism and its discontents, psychoanalysis still remains largely a 'psychology without ecology.' The philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, combined with new developments in the sciences of complexity, help us to build upon the best of these perspectives, providing a framework able to integrate Guattari's 'three ecologies' of mind, nature and society. This book thus constitutes a timely attempt to contribute towards a critical dialogue between psychoanalysis and ecology.
Objev podobné jako Psychoanalysis and Ecology at the Edge of Chaos : Complexity Theory, Deleuze,Guattari and Psychoanalysis for a Climate in Crisis - Dodds Joseph
Trying Conclusions: New and Selected Poems, 1961 - 1991 - Howard Nemerov - e-kniha
eBook: Shot through with his trademark humour, ‘Trying Conclusions’ is the fourteenth collection of poems from the lauded writer. Containing twenty-three poems, the topics vary wildly, from short verses on waiting rooms and fast cars to longer musings on his family, war, and the US Congress. Nemerov’s sense of the satirical is best seen in shorter offerings, where he takes a literary look at life from the other end of the telescope. A superb introduction to the works of one of the 20th Century’s most subversive scribes. Howard Nemerov (1920 – 1991) was an American novelist and poet, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1978. His novels are characterised by the use of self-deprecating wit and an ongoing sense of irony. While his books tended to satirise 20th Century American life, his poems often focussed on the beauty and innocence of nature. In addition, Nemerov also worked as a scriptwriter, most notably on the film, ‘Tall Story,’ starring Anthony Perkins and Jane Fonda.
Objev podobné jako Trying Conclusions: New and Selected Poems, 1961 - 1991 - Howard Nemerov - e-kniha
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