Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries (9788024636566)
Elektronická kniha - autor , 160 stran Malá města v Evropě ve dvacátém a na počátku jedenadvacátého století jsou v historickém výzkumu opomíjená. Problematika kulturního dědictví ve vazbě na rozvojové strategie, je téma diskutované ekonomy více než historiky. Kolektivní monografie věnovaná fenoménu malého města, jenž má v Evropě specifickou, byť regionálně velmi diverzifikovanou podobu, se zaměřila na problémy, které řeší ve druhé polovině dvacátého a v první dekádě jednadvacátého století. Města nevýznamná, uprostřed zemědělského venkova či na periferii metropolí, se snaží najít motivaci k překonání ekonomických a sociálních problémů. V pěti kapitolách knihy autorky a autoři sledují malá města v několika málo evropských zemích a analyzují, jak lidé, kteří o městech rozhodují, architekti a urbanisté, přemýšleli o městě a organizovali prostor malých měst. Jedna z cest, kterou města využívají, vede přes zhodnocení kulturního dědictví a jeho využití jako nástroje k...
Podívejte se také Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present (978-80-210-8881-8)
Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha
eBook: Malá města v Evropě ve dvacátém a na počátku jedenadvacátého století jsou v historickém výzkumu opomíjená. Problematika kulturního dědictví ve vazbě na rozvojové strategie, je téma diskutované ekonomy více než historiky. Kolektivní monografie věnovaná fenoménu malého města, jenž má v Evropě specifickou, byť regionálně velmi diverzifikovanou podobu, se zaměřila na problémy, které řeší ve druhé polovině dvacátého a v první dekádě jednadvacátého století. Města nevýznamná, uprostřed zemědělského venkova či na periferii metropolí, se snaží najít motivaci k překonání ekonomických a sociálních problémů. V pěti kapitolách knihy autorky a autoři sledují malá města v několika málo evropských zemích a analyzují, jak lidé, kteří o městech rozhodují, architekti a urbanisté, přemýšleli o městě a organizovali prostor malých měst. Jedna z cest, kterou města využívají, vede přes zhodnocení kulturního dědictví a jeho využití jako nástroje k motivaci svého rozvoje. Tito lidé chtějí upozornit na své město a učinit z něj centrum regionálního rozvoje. Způsob využívání kulturního dědictví je velmi rozmanitý, jak dokazují výsledky výzkumu badatelů různých oborů. V mezinárodním autorském týmu najdou čtenáři historiky a historičky, sociology, architektky i historika umění, kteří spolupracují v Evropské asociaci pro urbánní historii.
Podívejte se také Portugal. The Man: In The Mountain In The Cloud - LP (7567864186)
Flowers! In the Art of the 20th and 21st Centuries - Stefanie Weißhorn-Ponert, Regina Selter
Flowers have been a popular motif in art for centuries. As the epitome of natural beauty and earthly mortality since the Baroque era, flowers have lost none of their fascination for artists in the 20th and 21st centuries. Why does modern and contemporary art turn so frequently to this multi-faceted subject?
Podívejte se také Uriah Heep: Live In Europe 1979 (2xCD) - CD (5050749233929)
Podívejte se také
- Flotsam And Jetsam: Blood In The Water - CD (0884860377126)
- Sounds in the Dark ()
- Tegan And Sara: Tonight We're In The Dark - LP (9362489506)
- Lincoln in the Bardo (1408871750)
- The Woman in white (9788853621108)
- A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
- Ghost in the Shell - DVD (P01050)
- Populist Political Parties in East-Central Europe (978-80-210-6105-7)
- The Dark Pictures: Volume 2 (House of Ashes and The Devil in Me) - Xbox (3391892023862)
- The Dark Pictures: Volume 2 (House of Ashes and The Devil in Me) - PS4 (3391892023848)
- Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s (1474601731)
- Trivium: In The Court Of The Dragon - CD (7567864122)
- The Dark Pictures - The Devil In Me - PS4 (3391892020151)
- The Dark Pictures - The Devil In Me - PS5 (3391892020175)
- Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) - CD (7559791740)
- The Story of Czechs and Slovaks in Canada (978-80-85948-85-1)
- Simon Paul: In The Blue - LP (0190758414515)
- Furay Richie: In The Country - LP (4050538716108)
- in
- The Girl in the pink (978-80-860-3755-4)
Mankind – Music – Technology / Technology in the Musical Thinking of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries - Martin Flašar
Člověk – hudba – technika. Technologie v hudebním myšlení 20. a počátku 21. století*****Kniha je výsledkem trvalého zaujetí autora pro hudbu 20. a počínajícího 21. století a jeho celoživotního zájmu o technologie. Jak artificiální komponovanou hudbu posledních desetiletí ovlivňuje vývoj techniky? Jak se nové technologie promítají do hudebního myšlení skladatelů? Právě na tyto otázky přináší kniha odpovědi.
Objev podobné jako Mankind – Music – Technology / Technology in the Musical Thinking of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries - Martin Flašar
Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar
The treatise deals with the historians who were members of the Dominican Order; living personalities were intentionally excluded from the survey. Due to the limited space available, I have focused on selected examples and also indicated internet resources which will allow the identification of more exhaustive bibliographies. I wish to stress that my treatment of the topic makes no claim to be exhaustive.
Objev podobné jako Dominican Historical Scholarship of the 19th & 20th Centuries in Outline - A Chapter in the European Intellectual History (anglicky) - Jakub Zouhar
From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
eBook: Práce se zabývá především anglickým termínem wit v jeho moderním i historickém kontextu. Dále se zabývá literárními a estetickými důsledky pojmů wit a esprit a jejich použitím v teoretických spisech několika kritiků v období raně moderní Anglie a Francie. Práce má dva hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je přehodnocení anglického pojmu wit, který je dnes považován za poněkud zastaralý výrazový prostředek historických poetických systémů a prezentovat jej jako životaschopnou a užitečnou součást současného uměleckého diskurzu. Druhým cílem této práce je poskytnout srovnávací výklad raně moderních anglických a francouzských teoretických textů zabývající se termíny wit a esprit.
Objev podobné jako From Rhetoric to Aesthetics: Wit and Esprit in the English and French Theoretical Writings of the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries - Kl
Metadata: Rethinking Photography in the 21st Century
Accompanies major exhibition at The Ringling Museum of Art from March 6 - August 28, 2022 Explores the work of artists Mohsen Azar, Viktoria Binschtok, Mladen Bizumic, Joy Buolamwini, Ali Feser and Jason Lazarus, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Lilly Lulay, Trevor Paglen, and Penelope Umbrico What’s behind a picture? The term “metadata” is used to describe the information that travels with a digital image file but is unseen within the image itself. In our networked digital environment, metadata is accessed by both human users and artificial intelligences. Software algorithms orchestrate what images we see and exchange while collecting the valuable data generated by our interactions. In our moment, dominated by image-based social media and surveillance, we are becoming increasingly aware that understanding the information that circulates unseen around photographic images is just as important as seeing what they represent. This fascinating, fully-illustrated publication explores new paradigms for understanding the ecology of the photographic image through the work of an international selection of contemporary artists and visual activists. This includes not just the tags or descriptors attached to image files, but the power relationships, biases, and economic interests that are not always visible in the image itself.
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The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s - Jiří Holý
Publikace shrnuje příspěvky z mezinárodního workshopu konaného v listopadu 2011 v Praze. Seminář se zabýval tématem šoa/holokaustu v literatuře, v divadle a filmu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Navázal na předchozí workshopy v německém Gießenu a v polské Łódzi (2010, 2011). Jednotlivé příspěvky se soustřeďují zvláště na českou a polskou literaturu (Jiří Weil, Norbert Frýd, Jan Otčenášek, Ladislav Fuks, Josef Škvorecký, Adolf Rudnicki, diskurz šoa v polské literatuře), na drama a divadlo (Leon Kruczkowski, Ireneusz Iredyński, Hedda Zinner, západoněmecké drama s tématem šoa), film (Spalovač mrtvol, Jákob lhář), ale také na kresby dětí v Terezíně či zobrazení šoa z pohledu dítěte. Příspěvky vycházejí v anglickém a německém jazyce ve spolupráci s Centrem židovských studií FF UK.
Objev podobné jako The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s - Jiří Holý
Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph
A word of mouth bestseller which has become one of the best loved and most successful books in the parenting field. With around 20% new material, Steve Biddulph’s Raising Boys includes some startling new research on what helps – and what harms – boys.In this expanded and updated edition, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men.Boys need to be parented in a different way from girls with their own very special psychological and physical make-up. Home, society and education have failed boys badly – and these failures lead to unhappy men who cannot fully become happy, responsible, emotionally-confident adults.While it is essential that boys spend more time learning about manhood from their fathers, Biddulph updates his classic to include helpful information for mothers and single mothers with baby boys.This extended edition explores some important topics:.• How ADHD may be caused by stress in the first year of life.• Whether boys should start school later than girls.• How important it is to let boys cry, and how crying helps avoid violence, suicide, and risky behaviour.• Two completely new stages of boyhood we didn’t know about: the FULL ON FOURS and the EMOTIONAL EIGHTS• Help for single mothers raising sons.• How to choose a sport that does more good than harm.• What we can do about boys and binge drinking.• What science can tell us about teenage boys and driving – and how we can keep our sons safe.Raising Boys offers parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.
Objev podobné jako Raising Boys in the 21st Century - Steve Biddulph
Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard
An invaluable guide to a complex subject, this atlas:* gives a general introduction to the physical, ethnic and religious composition of the region* includes summary maps of Eastern Europe in 1900, 1923, and 1945* charts the ebb and flow of the first and second world wars in Eastern Europe* presents detailed information relating to consituent territories, elections, economic developments and land holding patterns for key individual countries in the inter-war years* provides crucial social and economic data, evidencing changes under communist domination* gives maps of the new states of the post-communist years with details of elections and economic indicators for Belarus, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovakia and others.* contains an extensive glossary listing the major towns of the area under their linguistic variants
Objev podobné jako Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard
Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred.“ Václav Havel. Martin Vopěnka weaves historical events with biographical narratives, describing the essence of a totalitarian society and the individual's yearning for truth. Are there gaps in your children's knowledge of 20th-century history? Would they struggle to assemble basic information about Václav Havel's life? This experienced author describes the personality of the first Czech president within the context of 20th-century history. He artfully combines historical occurrences with personal accounts, describing the nature of a totalitarian society and the unwavering pursuit of truth by individuals. Young readers will acquire a lucid understanding of figures like Masaryk and Hitler, the aftermath of the Munich Betrayal, and the milieu in which Václav Havel came of age. Following February 1948, the thoughtful, privileged child transformed into an undesirable son of a bourgeois family with the label "unsuitable for studies". Nevertheless, his heart and intellect were in the right place. His clear vision of the world around him and his personal charisma eventually propelled him into the unofficial leadership of the anti-regime movement and the presidency of our country.
Objev podobné jako Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha
The Summer We Crossed Europe in the Rain: Lyrics for Stacey Kent - Kazuo Ishiguro
Memorably introduced by Ishiguro himself, The Summer We crossed Europe in the Rain collects the sixteen song lyrics he wrote for world-renowned American singer, Stacey Kent, which were set to music by her partner Jim Tomlinson. An exquisite coming together of the literary and musical worlds, the lyrics are infused with a sense of yearning, melancholy, love, and the romance of travel and liminal spaces. Further exploring the notion of collaboration and interpretation, the collection is illustrated by the acclaimed Italian artist, Bianca Bagnarelli whose work perfectly captures the atmosphere and sensibility of the songs.
Objev podobné jako The Summer We Crossed Europe in the Rain: Lyrics for Stacey Kent - Kazuo Ishiguro
Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová
This biography is not just about Václav Havel and his legacy, but about the history of Central Europe in the 20th Century. It offers a foundation that anyone interested in this history should know. Václav Havel grew up during the great historical upheavals of the Second World War and the division of Europe by the Iron Curtain. Later he would make his own mark on history. Was he more powerful as a president struggling to bring a more human dimension to politics, or as a prisoner of the communist regime, acting in accordance with his conscience? In the face of the dangers and challenges of today, it becomes ever clearer that European politics in the decade since Havel's death has lacked figures of the same moral stature. Martin Vopěnka is the author of many successful books for children, young people and adults. His books have been translated into ten languages. Here, he once again shows his ability to select the most essential information and set it in comprehensible context. At the same time, he does not disguise the fact that the theme is a very personal one for him. Eva Bartošová's apt illustrations accompany his moving account of Havel's life and times.
Objev podobné jako Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová
Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
A fascinating journey through Western art from the 1910s to the 1960s, charting how artists wrestled with the headlong changes of a turbulent and conflict-ridden world From the chaos of the First World War to the ravages of the Second, from the Great Depression to the rise of consumer culture, artists we call “modern” faced the challenge of responding imaginatively to utterly new circumstances of life. Original thought, startling artistic techniques, and new attitudes to experimentation were required to produce exceptional and timely work.Make It Modern guides the reader through the art of the modern world. Works of celebrated artists, from Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky to Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollock, and Yayoi Kusama, alongside a panoply of undervalued or less-known figures, populate this decade-by-decade narrative. Make It Modern tells an unforgettable story of how art was changed forever.
Objev podobné jako Make It Modern: A History of Art in the 20th Century - Taylor Brandon
Who Are We - And Should It Matter in the 21st Century? - Gary Younge
The way we think and live, who we vote for and who we fear, has become ever more dictated by our personal identity. In his ground-breaking book, Gary Younge argues that we have recoiled into refuges of race or class, religion or national identity to survive in a state seemingly indifferent to our lives. Ranging from his Stevenage childhood to present day America, from the borders of Europe to division in South Africa, Younge explores the issues that bind the powerful elite and the poor immigrant, the fundamentalist and the conservative.In this powerful dissection of modern society Gary Younge challenges us not to succumb to what divides us, but through solidarity to search for a common - and higher - ground.
Objev podobné jako Who Are We - And Should It Matter in the 21st Century? - Gary Younge
A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha
eBook: Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté.
Objev podobné jako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha
On the Road in Europe - Sabine de Milliano
Inspirational guide to unforgettable road trips through Europe Mix of beautiful photography, travel stories, practical travel tips & maps Road trips in Europe made accessible for a wide audience Fits within the trend of wanting to fly less Over the past 15, Sabine de Milliano has driven through all the countries of Europe, covering a distance of over 150,000 km. As a photographer, she is constantly in search of the most beautiful views and spectacular roads, interspersed with visits to cozy villages and lively cities. Sabine shares her favourite road trips in Europe and offers lots of inspiration to anyone who wants to make an unforgettable journey by car. With colourful photography, clear maps and plenty of tips for hikes and trips, she helps you design your own road trip through the old continent. From a surprisingly spectacular week in the Benelux to a month through the Balkans: after reading this book you will want nothing more than to pack your bags and get in the car!
Objev podobné jako On the Road in Europe - Sabine de Milliano
A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
Elektronická kniha - ze série Spisy Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, autor Michal Křístek, 108 stran, anglicky Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté.
Objev podobné jako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discou (978-80-210-5944-3)
Prague - A Jewel in the Heart of Europe - Ivan Henn
Praha - Klenot v srdci Evropy je historickou exkurzí o vzniku a průběhu výstavby našeho hlavního města od jeho počátků až po současnost, to vše doplněno nespočtem krásných fotografií a několika doplňujících podrobných ilustrací nejdůležitějších památek včetně ilustrované mapy historického centra Prahy.
Objev podobné jako Prague - A Jewel in the Heart of Europe - Ivan Henn
The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - Rough Guides
The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - the latest picture-packed addition to Rough Guides'' Inspiration range - reveals 28 inspirational journeys across Europe by rail, road and sea in a brand-new coffee-table book.From scenic rail journeys to remote road trips and epic hikes, The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe highlights 28 no-fly adventures across Europe in this photo-rich, first edition gift book. As such, it''s the ideal gift for intrepid travellers who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and seek sustainable alternatives. Slow travel is as much about the journey as the destination, so every itinerary has been carefully handpicked by Rough Guides'' dedicated team of experts. From a wild camping adventure through Sweden to an extraordinary train odyssey from Berlin to Istanbul, this brand-new book aims to inspire readers to embrace immersive travel. At once inspirational and practical, each route will include a map, practical travel information and a short guide for each destination, including what to see and do, plus recommendations of independent shops, locally run hotels and restaurants.With every itinerary and recommendation selected by expert Rough Guides'' authors and editors, this brand-new book arms travellers with top tips and visual inspiration that''ll enthuse them to get out there and explore the world in a more planet-friendly way.Features of The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe- Stylish picture-packed coffee-table book with practical travel tips, maps and itineraries - Ideal gift for intrepid travellers who want to minimise their impact on the world they''re exploring- Suffused in Rough Guides'' "tell it like it is" ethos, and curated by Rough Guides'' team of expert authors and editors
Objev podobné jako The Rough Guide to Slow Travel in Europe - Rough Guides
The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey through Cities at the Heart of Europe - Marek Kohn
A fascinating journey through Europe’s old towns, exploring why we treasure them—but also what they hide about a continent’s fraught history Historic quarters in cities and towns across the middle of Europe were devastated during the Second World War—some, like those of Warsaw and Frankfurt, had to be rebuilt almost completely. They are now centers of peace and civility that attract millions of tourists, but the stories they tell about places, peoples, and nations are selective. They are never the whole story. These old towns and their turbulent histories have been key sites in Europe’s ongoing theater of politics and war. Exploring seven old towns, from Frankfurt and Prague to Vilnius in Lithuania, the acclaimed writer Marek Kohn examines how they have been used since the Second World War to conceal political tensions and reinforce certain versions of history. Uncovering hidden stories behind these old and old-seeming façades, Kohn offers us a new understanding of the politics of European history-making—showing how our visits to old towns could promote belonging over exclusion, and empathy over indifference.
Objev podobné jako The Stories Old Towns Tell: A Journey through Cities at the Heart of Europe - Marek Kohn
Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (LP)
Subžánr: Jazz;Swing;Vocal Jazz;Traditional Pop;Pop;Easy Listening Žánr: Jazz;Swing;Pop Varianta: In The Wee Small Hours (Vinyl LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Země interpreta: USA Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1930 - 1939;1970 - 1979;1940 - 1949;1980 - 1989;1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999 Interpret / Téma: Frank Sinatra Rok vydání: 2015.0 Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2015-12-04 Barva podle výrobce: Black
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Sinatra Frank: In The Wee Small Hours - LP (4260494437140)
LP vinyl - In the Wee Small Hours je považováno za jedno z prvních koncepčních alb vůbec. In the Wee Small Hours je považováno za jedno z prvních koncepčních alb vůbec. Bylo to deváté studiové album Franka Sinatry, které vydal Capitol v dubnu 1955 a produkoval Voyle Gilmore s aranžmá Nelsona Riddlea. Všechny písně na albu se zabývají takovými tématy, jako je osamělost, introspekce, melancholie, bezútěšnost, ztracená láska, neúspěšné vztahy, deprese a noční život. Sinatra rozvíjel myšlenku alba s konzistentním tématem od roku 1946 svým prvním albem The Voice. Úspěch této desky byl zásadní pro průlom 12palcového LP. Seznam stop Side A / In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning / Mood Indigo / Glad To Be Unhappy / I Get Along Without You Very Well / Deep In A Dream / I See Your Face Before Me / Can't We Be Friends? / When Your Lover Has Gone / Side B / What Is This Thing Called Love? / Last Night When We Were Young / I'll Be Around / Ill Wind / It Never...
Objev podobné jako Sinatra Frank: In The Wee Small Hours - LP (4260494437140)
Nuts and Bolts: Seven Small Inventions That Changed the World (in a Big Way) - Roma Agrawalová
Smartphones, skyscrapers, spacecraft. Modern technology seems mind-bogglingly complex. But beneath the surface, it can be beautifully simple.In Nuts and Bolts, award-winning engineer and broadcaster Roma Agrawal deconstructs our most complex feats of engineering into seven fundamental inventions: the nail, spring, wheel, lens, magnet, string and pump. Each of these objects is itself a wonder of design, the result of many iterations and refinements. Together, they have enabled humanity to see the invisible, build the spectacular, communicate across vast distances, and even escape our planet.Tracing the surprising journeys of each invention through the millennia, Roma reveals how handmade Roman nails led to modern skyscrapers, how the potter's wheel enabled space exploration, and how humble lenses helped her conceive a child against the odds.She invites us to marvel at these small but perfectly formed inventions, sharing the stories of the remarkable, and often unknown, scientists and engineers who made them possible. The nuts and bolts that make up our world may be tiny, and are often hidden, but they've changed our lives in dramatic ways.
Objev podobné jako Nuts and Bolts: Seven Small Inventions That Changed the World (in a Big Way) - Roma Agrawalová
Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present? - Jirušek Martin - e-kniha
eBook: Zhoršení vztahů mezi Ruskem a západními zeměmi v uplynulých deseti letech provázelo mimo jiné i vzájemné obviňování z politizace energetických dodávek. Rusko je v tomto smyslu nejčastěji obviňováno spotřebitelskými zeměmi, že dodávky energetických surovin zneužívá jako nátlakového nástroje k dosažení svých zahraničněpolitických cílů. Nejvyhrocenější spory se v tomto ohledu odehrály v souvislosti s přerušením dodávek ruského zemního plynu, které v lednu 2009 významně dopadlo zejména na region jihovýchodní Evropy. Dopad na státy v této části kontinentu byl tvrdý s ohledem na jejich závislost na energetických importech a struktuře ekonomiky. Autor v této knize odpovídá na otázku, zda Ruská federace skutečně zneužívá plynové dodávky jako mocenský nástroj a za jakých podmínek takovéto zneužití hrozí. Na případech 13 zemí zkoumá, na kolik Rusko skrze státem vlastněnou ruskou společnost Gazprom a její dceřiné společnosti jedná dle tzv. strategického přístupu k energetice, tj. zda tyto společnosti fungují jako nástroje ruské zahraniční politiky.
Objev podobné jako Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present? - Jirušek Martin - e-kniha
The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 (0141027827)
Kniha - autor Christopher Clark, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The moments that it took Gavrilo Princip to step forward to the stalled car and shoot dead Franz Ferdinand and his wife were perhaps the most fateful of the modern era. An act of terrorism of staggering efficiency, it fulfilled its every aim.
Objev podobné jako The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 (0141027827)
Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present (978-80-210-8881-8)
Elektronická kniha - ze série Ediční řada Monografie, autor Martin Jirušek, 288 stran, anglicky Zhoršení vztahů mezi Ruskem a západními zeměmi v uplynulých deseti letech provázelo mimo jiné i vzájemné obviňování z politizace energetických dodávek. Rusko je v tomto smyslu nejčastěji obviňováno spotřebitelskými zeměmi, že dodávky energetických surovin zneužívá jako nátlakového nástroje k dosažení svých zahraničněpolitických cílů. Nejvyhrocenější spory se v tomto ohledu odehrály v souvislosti s přerušením dodávek ruského zemního plynu, které v lednu 2009 významně dopadlo zejména na region jihovýchodní Evropy. Dopad na státy v této části kontinentu byl tvrdý s ohledem na jejich závislost na energetických importech a struktuře ekonomiky. Autor v této knize odpovídá na otázku, zda Ruská federace skutečně zneužívá plynové dodávky jako mocenský nástroj a za jakých podmínek takovéto zneužití hrozí. Na případech 13 zemí...
Objev podobné jako Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present (978-80-210-8881-8)
Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
Why did jazz become a dominant popular music genre in the 1920s and rock 'n' roll in the 1950s? Why did heavy metal, punk rock and hiphop find their way from sub-cultures to the established music industry? What are the effects of new communication technologies and the Internet on the creation of music in the early 21st century? These and other questions are answered by Peter Tschmuck through an integrated model of creativity and innovation that is based on an international history of music industry since Thomas A. Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. Thus, the history of the music industry is described in full detail. By discussing the historic process of music production, distribution and reception the author highlights several revolutions in the music industry that were caused by the inference of aesthetic, technological, legal, economic, social and political processes of change. On the basis of an integrated model of creativity and innovation, an explanation is given on how the processes and structures of the present music industry will be altered by the ongoing digital revolution, which totally changed the value-added network of the production, dissemination and use of music. For the second edition, the author has reworked chapter 9 in order to include all the developments which shaped the music industry in the first decade of the 21st century - from Napster to cloud-based music services and even beyond.
Objev podobné jako Creativity and Innovation in the Music Industry
The Dream of Europe : Travels in a Troubled Continent - Mak Geert
How did the great European dream turn sour? And where do we go from here?From the author of the internationally acclaimed In Europe, a stunning history of our present, examining the first two decades of this most fragile and fraught new millennium.The great European project was built out of a common desire for peace, prosperity and freedom; a wish for a united Europe striving towards a common goal. The EU was to set an example: an arena for close cooperation, tackling crucial shared concerns from climate change to organized crime, promoting open borders and social security.But the first two turbulent decades of this century have been times of rapid and profound change. From the shores of Lampedusa to Putin's Moscow, the continent threatens to tear itself apart. What's happened to Europe's optimism and euphoria? How has it given way to nostalgia, frustration and fear, the fragile European dream in danger of turning into a nightmare?In The Dream of Europe, Geert Mak, one of Europe's best-loved commentators, charts the seismic events that have shaped people's lives over the past twenty years. Mak's monumental book In Europe defined the continent on the verge of a new millennium. The Dream of Europe brings us up to the present day, through the rocky expansion of the EU, the aftermath of 9/11 and terrorist attacks across Europe, the 2008 financial crash and the euro crisis, the tragedy of the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean, the rise of right-wing populism and Brexit.Like no other, Mak blends history, politics and culture with the stories and experiences of the many Europeans he meets on his travels. He brings this continent to life, and asks what role does Europe play now, and how might we face our challenges together, in the spirit of solidarity and connection.
Objev podobné jako The Dream of Europe : Travels in a Troubled Continent - Mak Geert
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (0141198974)
Kniha - autor Edgar Allan Poe, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Penguin English Library Edition of The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales by Edgar Allan Poe '... an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of Poe's brilliant tales, including - among others - the bloody, brutal and baffling murder of a mother and daughter in Paris in 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue', the creeping insanity of 'The Tell-Tale Heart', the Gothic nightmare of 'The Masque of the Red Death', and the terrible doom of 'The Fall of the House of Usher'. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Objev podobné jako The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales (0141198974)
Rabbit and Bear 02: The Pest in the Nest (1444921711)
Kniha - 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Hilarious, gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is 'a perfect animal double-act' (The Times, book of the week).'Rabbit's Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children's fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.' Neil GaimanFrom novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, comes a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and bear who discover that things are always better when they're shared with a friend ..."PEACE AND QUIET," shouts Rabbit. "THAT'S ALL I WANT."Owch. He's hurt his own ears again.What with Bear's snoring, and a BANG!BANG!BANG! noise from up in the tree, Rabbit knows that Something Simply Has To Be Done.But high in the branches, perhaps Bear can show Rabbit how to see the world...
Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear 02: The Pest in the Nest (1444921711)
Rabbit and Bear: The Pest in the Nest - Julian Gough
Gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and a bear whose friendship is tested by a very noisy woodpecker ... Ideal for readers moving on from picture books.''A perfect animal double-act.'' (The Times, Book of the Week)''PEACE AND QUIET,'' shouts Rabbit. ''THAT''S ALL I WANT.''Owch. He''s hurt his own ears again.What with Bear''s snoring, and a BANG!BANG!BANG! noise from up in the tree, Rabbit knows that Something Simply Has To Be Done.But high in the branches, perhaps Bear can show Rabbit how to see the world from a different place ...From novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, this is a tale of friendship, wisdom, and how to be REALLY NOISY.''Rabbit''s Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children''s fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.'' Neil Gaiman*Shortlisted for the Sainsbury''s Children''s Book Award and the Children''s Book of the Year in the Irish Book Awards*Read all the Rabbit and Bear books: 1. Rabbit''s Bad Habits2. The Pest in the Nest3. Attack of the Snack4. A Bite in the Night5. A Bad King is a Sad Thing6. This Lake is Fake!
Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear: The Pest in the Nest - Julian Gough
Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová
Emily Windsnap, the mermaid next door, is back in this third book in the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series, now in a new edition with a gorgeous cover look. The magic ring that Emily Windsnap - half mermaid, half ordinary girl - finds buried in the sand belongs to Neptune, and he wants it back. But the ring, once on, won't come off, and an angry Neptune sends Emily's boat spinning away across the sea. When it comes to rest, she and her best friend, Shona, can see a mysterious castle shimmering in the mist on the horizon... Another magical adventure full of fun and friendship!
Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist - Liz Kesslerová
Us in the Before and After - Valentine Jenny
A tear-jerking, heart-breakingly beautiful novel from the award-winning Jenny Valentine, perfect for fans of Adam Silvera, Kathleen Glasgow and Laura Nowlin.There is one side of that moment, and the other Before After I have dreamed about it ever since At the start of a long, hot summer best friends Elk and Mab face the fallout of a sudden death, and the lifelong consequences of a single tragic act.An intensely emotional story that raises questions about love, ghosts, and the unshakeable bonds of friendship. Praise for Us in the Before and After: ‘A masterpiece. A beautiful and breathtaking story of friendship, love and loss, that will shatter your heart into a thousand tiny pieces and then slowly put it back together again.’ – Danielle Jawando, author of When Our Worlds Collided ‘An ode to life and love and loss and friendship – and the devastating beauty of it all. This is the kind of book that grips you by the heart and doesn’t let go.’ – Katherine Webber, author of Twin Crowns ‘A gorgeous, heartbreaking and lyrical new YA novel from the wonderful Jenny Valentine about grief, friendship and love.’ – Laura Bates, author of Sisters of Sword and Shadow ‘An absolute page-turner from one of our most vital YA voices. Nobody writes like Jenny Valentine – she is a true original.’ – Phil Earle, author of When the Sky Falls ‘A gorgeous journey on friendship, love and death. Jenny Valentine has written a book that you will want to read over and over again.’ – Abiola Bello, author of Only for the Holidays
Objev podobné jako Us in the Before and After - Valentine Jenny
In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha
eBook: The monograph In the Shadow of Totalitarianism Sport and the Olympic Movement in the \"Visegrád Countries\" 1945–1989 is devoted to the history of sport in selected countries of Central Europe from the end of World War II until the end of the 80s, i. e. communist regimes downfall. The development of sport and the Olympic Movement in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary are observed in mutual interaction with ideologically homogenous and totalitarian systems whose metamorphoses of power were different within the chronological development in the above mentioned period of time. _x000D_ _x000D_
Objev podobné jako In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha
Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)
Kniha - autor Napoleon Hill, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The bestselling success book of all time is updated and revised with contemporary ideas and examples.
Objev podobné jako Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (1585424331)
Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (180 g) (Limited Edition) (LP)
Datum vydání: 2024-08-02 Žánr: Pop;Swing;Jazz Interpret / Téma: Frank Sinatra Varianta: In The Wee Small Hours (180 g) (Limited Edition) (LP) Barva: Černá Subžánr: Pop;Jazz;Swing Vydavatelství: Number One Essentials Rok vydání: 2024.0 Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1930 - 1939;1970 - 1979;1940 - 1949 Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Limitovaná edice;LP deska;Album Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks
Objev podobné jako Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (180 g) (Limited Edition) (LP)
MAC Cosmetics Oční stíny Frost (Small Eyeshadow) 1,5 g In the Shadows
Vysoce pigmentované oční stíny pro dokonalou krásu vašich očí.
Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Oční stíny Frost (Small Eyeshadow) 1,5 g In the Shadows
The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant.
Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (0141983310)
Kniha - autor Matthew Desmond, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this is a true account of those living in poverty in the USA, from abandoned slums to shelters, eviction courts and ghettos. 'A monumental and vivid study of urban poverty...' Ed Caesar, "Sunday Times"
Objev podobné jako Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City (0141983310)
Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979 Typ: Audiofilní kvalita;Album;LP deska Žánr: Rock;Gospel;Folk;Country;Latino Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 200 g Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2014.0 Subžánr: Folk;Folk Rock;Gospel;Latin;Country Rok nahrávky: 1989.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Interpret / Téma: Joan Baez Složení setu: 1 ks Varianta: Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring (Vinyl LP)
Objev podobné jako Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust in the Bullring (LP)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales - Edgar Allan Poe
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales" by Edgar Allan Poe. '...an agility astounding, a strength superhuman, a ferocity brutal, a butchery without motive, a grotesquerie in horror absolutely alien from humanity...' Horror, madness, violence and the dark forces hidden in humanity abound in this collection of Poe's brilliant tales, including - among others - the bloody, brutal and baffling murder of a mother and daughter in Paris in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", the creeping insanity of "The Tell-Tale Heart", the Gothic nightmare of "The Masque of the Red Death", and the terrible doom of "The Fall of the House of Usher". "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Objev podobné jako The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Other Tales - Edgar Allan Poe
The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.
Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
PER | Level 2: The Room in the Tower and Other Stories Bk and MP3 Pack - Rudyard Kipling
Classic / British EnglishThree stories, three ghosts. A young woman marries an older man. His first wife is dead. Or is she …? Why does a dead man walk through his house each night? An old woman has a house with a tower. Why does she visit a young man in his dreams?This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Room in the Tower and Other Stories Bk and MP3 Pack - Rudyard Kipling
Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)
Kniha - autor Alex Ross, 784 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Alex Ross, renowned New Yorker music critic and author of the international bestseller and Pulitzer Prize finalist The Rest Is Noise, reveals how Richard Wagner became the proving ground for modern art and politics?an aesthetic war zone where the Western world wrestled with its capacity for beauty and violence. For better or worse, Wagner is the most widely influential figure in the history of music. Around 1900, the phenomenon known as Wagnerism saturated European and American culture. Such colossal creations as The Ring of the Nibelung, Tristan und Isolde, and Parsifal were models of formal daring, mythmaking, erotic freedom, and mystical speculation. A mighty procession of artists, including Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann, Paul Cézanne, Isadora Duncan, and Luis Bunuel, felt his impact. Anarchists, occultists, feminists, and gay-rights pioneers saw him as a kindred spirit. Then Adolf...
Objev podobné jako Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music (000842294X)
Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel
Kniha - autor Leigh Bardugo; Dani Pendergast, 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná The Darkling's origin story comes alive in this exquisitely illustrated prequel to Shadow and Bone, the hit Netflix original series. Before he led Ravka's Second Army, before he created the Fold, and long before he became the Darkling, he was just a lonely boy burdened by an extraordinary power. Eryk and his mother, Lena, have spent their lives on the run. But they will never find a safe haven. They are not only Grisha - they are the deadliest and rarest of their kind. Feared by those who wish to destroy them and hunted by those who would exploit their gifts, they must hide their true abilities wherever they go. But sometimes deadly secrets have a way of revealing themselves . . .
Objev podobné jako Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone Graphic Novel
Rats in the Walls and Other Tales - Howard P. Lovecraft
When the descendant of an ancient aristocratic family moves from Massachusetts to Exham Priory, his ancestral home in the south of England, he is plagued by the constant noise of rats scurrying within its walls. As the sound begins to haunt his dreams, he investigates the house and discovers a horrific secret underneath, which will bring him to the point of madness.Considered one of the most accomplished examples of the horror genre, 'The Rats in the Walls' is presented here alongside other quintessentially Lovecraftian tales - such as 'The Dunwich Horror', 'At the Mountains of Madness', 'The Colour out of Space' and 'The Horror at Red Hook' - in a brand-new collection which will delight new readers and those familiar with the blood-curdling imaginary worlds of the twentieth century's master of terror.
Objev podobné jako Rats in the Walls and Other Tales - Howard P. Lovecraft
Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night - Julian Gough
Gorgeously illustrated and with a classic feel, this is a brilliantly funny story of a rabbit and a bear who discover that things are always better when they''re shared with a friend. Ideal for readers moving on from picture books. ''A perfect animal double-act.'' (The Times, Book of the Week)Rabbit is surprised: some of the trees in the valley seem to be flying south for the winter. His friend Bear is sure that trees can''t fly.Then there''s a loud CRUNCH! from Very Near By. It sounds like the world''s largest rabbit, eating the world''s largest carrot. There''s a new creature in Rabbit and Bear''s valley, and he''s trying to Change Everything. From novelist and playwright Julian Gough, and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, this is a tale of friendship, Progess, and all kinds of getting muddy.''Rabbit''s Bad Habits is a breath of fresh air in children''s fiction, a laugh-out-loud story of rabbit and wolf and bear, of avalanches and snowmen. The sort of story that makes you want to send your children to bed early, so you can read it to them.'' Neil Gaiman
Objev podobné jako Rabbit and Bear: A Bite in the Night - Julian Gough
Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugová
See the Grishaverse come to life on screen with the Netflix series, Shadow and Bone - Season 2 streaming now! Discover the origin story of the Darkling from Shadow and Bone in this beautifully illustrated, first-ever Grishaverse graphic novel.Before he led Ravka's Second Army, before he created the Fold, and long before he became the Darkling, he was just a lonely boy burdened by an extraordinary power. Eryk and his mother, Lena, have spent their lives on the run. But they will never find a safe haven. They are not only Grisha - they are the deadliest and rarest of their kind. Feared by those who wish to destroy them and hunted by those who would exploit their gifts, they must hide their true abilities wherever they go. But sometimes deadly secrets have a way of revealing themselves . . .Discover the start of a grand and sinister destiny in this must-have graphic novel prequel to the bestselling series and international Netflix sensation Shadow and Bone from spectacular new talent Dani Pendergast and No.1 New York Times bestseller Leigh Bardugo.Read all the books in the Grishaverse!The Shadow and Bone TrilogyShadow and BoneSiege and StormRuin and RisingThe Six of Crows DuologySix of CrowsCrooked KingdomThe King of Scars DuologyKing of ScarsRule of WolvesThe AnthologiesThe Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous MagicThe Lives of SaintsPraise for the Grishaverse:"A master of fantasy." - The Huffington Post"Utterly, extremely bewitching." - The Guardian"The best magic universe since Harry Potter." - Bustle"This is what fantasy is for." - The New York Times Book Review"[A] world that feels real enough to have its own passport stamp." - NPR"The darker it gets for the good guys, the better." - Entertainment Weekly"Sultry, sweeping and picturesque. . . Impossible to put down." - USA Today"There's a level of emotional and historical sophistication within Bardugo's original epic fantasy that sets it apart." - Vanity Fair"Unlike anything I've ever read." - Veronica Roth, bestselling author of Divergent"Bardugo crafts a first-rate adventure, a poignant romance, and an intriguing mystery!" - Rick Riordan, bestselling author of the Percy Jackson series
Objev podobné jako Demon in the Wood: A Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugová
Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala
From the first time he was stopped and searched as a child, to the day he realised his mum was white, to his first encounters with racist teachers - race and class have shaped Akala's life and outlook. In this unique book he takes his own experiences and widens them out to look at the social, historical and political factors that have left us where we are today.Covering everything from the police, education and identity to politics, sexual objectification and the far right, Nativesspeaks directly to British denial and squeamishness when it comes to confronting issues of race and class that are at the heart of the legacy of Britain's racialised empire.Natives is the searing modern polemic and Sunday Times bestseller from the BAFTA and MOBO award-winning musician and political commentator, Akala.
Objev podobné jako Natives : Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala
Terciel and Elinor: The newest adventure in the bestselling Old Kingdom series (1471410897)
Kniha - autor Garth Nix, 480 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The long awaited new novel from multi bestselling Garth Nix set in the much-loved Old Kingdom. A thrilling, atmospheric dive into the history of the Abhorsen, exploring for the first time the adventures of Sabriel's parents, Terciel and Elinor.
Objev podobné jako Terciel and Elinor: The newest adventure in the bestselling Old Kingdom series (1471410897)
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