Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

NOSH Vegetarian NOSH for Students - Joy May

This is the 4th edition of "Vegetarian NOSH for Students", written as a sequel to "NOSH for Students" which was originally inspired by the author's son, Ben, who left for university, but was clueless in the kitchen. Joy has helped over half a million students get cooking with her straightforward and simple approach.

Podívejte se také Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

cena 295.0 Kč

NOSH NOSH for Students - Joy May

Inspired by her son, who left for university with no cooking skills, Joy May wrote NOSH for Students a simple cookbook specifically for students. What was needed was an easily attainable taste of home, oh, and pictures with every recipe! Joy helps to take the chore out of cooking, giving students a taste of success and fun in the kitchen.

Podívejte se také Barová židle May, bílá (C1003843)

cena 384.0 Kč

NOSH NOSH for Students Volume 2 - Joy May

After the success of the UK s #1 best selling student cookbook, NOSH for Students , we wanted to offer a follow-on book for those who had grown in confidence in the kitchen. We have imaginatively called this NOSH for Students Volume 2!! NOSH Volume 2 is the perfect partner to our original book.

Podívejte se také joy it

cena 295.0 Kč

NOSH for One - Joy May

NOSH for One. The perfect book for those cooking for themselves. Often the choice is between cooking once and eating left overs for days or wasting food. Reduce waste by only buying what you need with recipes designed specifically for one with little to no waste. Have something different every day of the week with minimum hassle.

Objev podobné jako NOSH for One - Joy May

cena 295.0 Kč

Pánské slipy 39868 Nosh 2 pack

Pánské slipy 39868 Nosh 2 pack HENDERSON 2ks v balení z přírodní bavlny v pase je guma v tunelu s nápisem HENDERSON slipy mají klasický střih s širšími boky dobře přiléhají na tělo a přední strana je pro větší pohodlí tvarovaná ideální na každodenní nošení výhodné balení dvou vzorů

Objev podobné jako Pánské slipy 39868 Nosh 2 pack

cena 526.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako adidas LIGHT NOSH 3PP L WHITE/WHITE/WHITE

cena 169.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako adidas LIGHT NOSH 3PP L BLACK/BLACK/BLACK

cena 219.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako adidas LIGHT NOSH 3PP M BLACK/BLACK/BLACK

cena 219.0 Kč

Noisy May Joy Šaty Modrá

Joy Šaty - Noisy May - Modrá.

Objev podobné jako Noisy May Joy Šaty Modrá

cena 949.0 Kč

AVID Pro Tools Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers (Digitální produkt)

DŮLEŽITÉ! Tento software je VZDĚLÁVACÍ verze programu Pro Tools Ultimate pro studenty a učitele. Vyžaduje se doklad o způsobilosti: https://www.avid.com/academic-eligibility Pro Tools je nejflexibilnější software pro produkci zvuku pro tvorbu hudby, filmů a televizních pořadů, který poskytuje kompletní soubor nástrojů pro vytváření, nahrávání, úpravu a mixování zvuku. Nechte se inspirovat a začněte tvořit hudbu s obrovskou sbírkou zásuvných modulů, nástrojů a zvuků. Pusťte se do realizace svých nejambicióznějších vizí díky pokročilým funkcím, které vám umožní realizovat i ty nejnáročnější projekty. Dodávejte mixy rychleji a v nejvyšší zvukové kvalitě díky praktickým ovládacím plochám a integrovaným zvukovým rozhraním.Pusťte se do největších a nejkomplexnějších produkcí s touto špičkovou nabídkou pro profesionály z oblasti zvukových postů a hudby, kteří vyžadují plný počet stop a vstupů/výstupů, pracovní postupy Pro Tools | HDX, zaručený výkon a pokročilé funkce, které Pro Tools nabízí. Pro Tools Ultimate poskytuje kompletní sadu nástrojů a obrovskou sbírku zásuvných modulů, zvuků a softwaru pro maximalizaci vašich tvůrčích možností. Snadno vytvářejte a mixujte největší a nejkomplexnější produkce – včetně Dolby Atmos a Ambisonics.Informace: https://www.avid.com/pro-tools Ke stažení: https://www.avid.com/redemption Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Licence: Předplatné;Educational Kompatibilní s: macOS;Windows Země původu: USA Typ: Multitrack;DAW

Objev podobné jako AVID Pro Tools Ultimate Annual New Subscription for Students & Teachers (Digitální produkt)

cena 7569.0 Kč

ECG Interpretation: Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students (978-80-8063-487-2)

Kniha - autor František Nehaj, 130 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students

Objev podobné jako ECG Interpretation: Easy and Comprehensible Textbook for students (978-80-8063-487-2)

cena 275.0 Kč

Urology for Medical Students - Hora Milan, Olga Dolejšová - e-kniha

eBook: Učebnice Urology for Medical Students je určena především studentům lékařských fakult. Přináší přehledné základní informace v celé šíři oboru – od vyšetřovacích metod, přes uroonkologii, litiázu, benigní hyperplázii prostaty až ke specializovanějším kapitolám, jakými jsou funkční urologie, andrologie a dětská urologie. Potřebné informace zde získají i rezidenti ve specializační přípravě v oborech chirurgie, gynekologie, nefrologie a všeobecného lékařství. Součástí textu jsou také přehledné tabulky s dávkováním antibiotik a schémata s principy vyšetřovacích a léčebných metod.

Objev podobné jako Urology for Medical Students - Hora Milan, Olga Dolejšová - e-kniha

cena 150.0 Kč

English for Medical Students - Alena Holá, Tamara Kopřivová - e-kniha

eBook: Druhé, doplněné vydání učebnice English for Medical Students je určena studentům prvního ročníku lékařské fakulty s pokročilou znalostí anglického jazyka. Prioritou učebnice je seznámit studenty s anglickou odbornou terminologií, a to zejména na základě anatomických popisů jednotlivých tělních systémů. Texty jsou doplněny cvičeními, která slouží k zvládnutí a upevnění odborné slovní zásoby a k shrnutí témat jednotlivých lekcí. K jednotlivým kapitolám jsou přiřazeny Language spots (vybrané lingvistické jevy v lékařské angličtině), Reading spots (informace z lékařské praxe) a Grammar spots (vybraná gramatika v lékařském kontextu). Učební texty jsou doplněny o poslechová cvičení. Připojen je rovněž textový materiál, který se vztahuje k probíraným odborným tématům a obsahuje kontrolní cvičení. Na konci učebnice je zařazen přehled nejužívanějších zkratek a anglicko-český slovník. Učebnice je určena zejména posluchačům Lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni, ale může sloužit i studentům ostatních lékařských fakult a odborné veřejnosti. Všechny přílohy k titulu najdete i v našem Archivu.

Objev podobné jako English for Medical Students - Alena Holá, Tamara Kopřivová - e-kniha

cena 220.0 Kč

Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

Kniha - autor Andrea Demovičová; Zuzana Kurucová, 148 stran, slovensky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Učebnica Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy and International Relations vznikla na základe dopytu po nedostatkových učebných materiáloch potrebných pre vyššie odborné vzdelávanie v anglickom jazyku pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie. Autorky vychádzali zo skúseností s výučbou anglického jazyka pre študijný odbor medzinárodné právo, ako aj z dlhoročnej praxe v prednášaní právnej angličtiny pre študentov práva. Výber tém a ich náročnosť sú prispôsobené potrebám súčasných študentov.Učebnica je výborným pomocníkom pri štúdiu odborného anglického jazyka, a to nie len pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie, ale úžitok z nej môže čerpať aj širšia odborná verejnosť.

Objev podobné jako Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

cena 386.0 Kč

Dentistry and Oral Diseases for Medical Students - Tatjana Dostálová, Michaela Seydlová

Anglická verze je překladem úspěšné domácí publikace a zastává kromě funkce učebnice i funkci důležité slovní databáze odborných anglických stomatologických výrazů. Je tak určena nejen anglicky mluvícím studentům medicíny a mladým lékařům (popřípadě zdravotním sestrám, zubním laborantům a hygienistkám jako stručný průvodce oborem), ale je vhodná i pro přípravu studenta na odbornou zkoušku z jazyka. Součástí knihy je interaktivní DVD, které publikaci doplňuje a obsahuje e-learningový kurz.

Objev podobné jako Dentistry and Oral Diseases for Medical Students - Tatjana Dostálová, Michaela Seydlová

cena 670.0 Kč

Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha

eBook: Předkládaná publikace je určena pro studenty lékařských fakult. Kniha přináší stručný a výstižný přehled současných zobrazovacích metod, jejich technických principů, základních indikací a kontraindikací. Studenti v učebnici nachází návod, jak diagnosticky postupovat u jednotlivých onemocnění, jsou seznamováni s možnostmi a výtěžností jednotlivých diagnostických metod u konkrétního onemocnění. Jsou jim rovněž předkládány základní univerzálně platné principy radiační ochrany. Publikace nemá a nemůže sloužit k postgraduálnímu specializačnímu vzdělávání, je určena výhradně pro studenty všeobecného lékařství, a ne pro začínající radiology ve specializační přípravě.

Objev podobné jako Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha

cena 130.0 Kč

Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson

Cambridge English for Engineering develops the communication skills and specialist English language knowledge of engineering professionals, enabling them to communicate more confidently and effectively with colleagues and customers. The ten standalone units cover topics common to all kinds of engineering (including civil, electrical and mechanical) such as procedures and precautions; monitoring and control; and engineering design. Authentic activities, from describing technical problems and suggesting solutions to working with drawings, make the course relevant and motivating. The course requires no specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher and comprehensive teacher's notes are available online. It is also ideal for self-study.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge English for Engineering Students Book with Audio CDs (2) - Mark Ibbotson

cena 569.0 Kč

The MicroBook - Clinical Microbiology for Medical Students - Melter Oto, Castelhano Rute - e-kniha

eBook: Cílem této učebnice je pomoci studentům lékařských fakult s učením, pochopením a vytvořením přehledu z rozsáhlého oboru lékařské mikrobiologie. Může sloužit také jako praktický společník pro lékaře různých oborů, kteří v ní mohou najít základní informace týkající se diagnostiky nejdůležitějších původců infekčních nemocí. Text je zajímavý tím, že byl napsán pro studenty medicíny samotnými studenty medicíny. Jeho základ vznikl pod vedením doc. MVDr. Oto Meltera, Ph.D., který napsal některé kapitoly, uspořádal informace a pořídil originální fotografie. Většinu kapitol však sepsal tým studentů 2. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy pod vedením Rute Castelhano. Jazykovou úpravu provedla Shenali Amaratunga. Autoři se domnívají, že původní fotodokumentace a diagramy pomohou studentům lépe pochopit probíraná témata. Učebnice je doplněna také kazuistikami, jejichž cílem je pomoci studentům procvičit si základní znalosti z oboru.

Objev podobné jako The MicroBook - Clinical Microbiology for Medical Students - Melter Oto, Castelhano Rute - e-kniha

cena 270.0 Kč

The Magpie Society 02: Two for Joy (0241402387)

Kniha - autor Zoe Sugg; Amy McCulloch, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Audrey and Ivy, determined to bring their fellow student Lola Radcliffe's killer to justice, find themselves in the middle of another mystery when a friend disappears in suspicious circumstances. Their only clue is a mysterious card left by the enigmatic Magpie Society. With time running out and the police baffled, Audrey and Ivy must delve deeper than ever into the dark secrets that their school is hiding. But someone is playing a deadly game. And to beat them, Audrey and Ivy have to start rewriting the rules...

Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society 02: Two for Joy (0241402387)

cena 236.0 Kč

The Joy Journal For Grown-ups - Laura Brand

Fifty imaginative ideas for crafts that encourage a sense of joy and mindfulness. Includes a foreword by Melissa Hemsley.The Joy Journal For Grown-ups invites you to experiment, play and unlock your creative potential with a range of simple crafts that can bring a little more calm into your everyday life. Using store-cupboard ingredients and easily foraged supplies, this beautifully illustrated handbook includes new and inspiring ideas for adding a personal touch to celebrations, creating unique gifts, and making stunning keepsakes. Whether you are a beginner or confident crafter, bestselling author Laura Brand gently guides you through a host of delightful projects including beautiful flower-pressed candles, scented body butter, and origami hearts.She invites you to carve out 'me time' and enjoy shared creative experiences with friends that can help us to feel more connected and harness the freedom of play from childhood. Imaginative, engaging and easy to follow, this gorgeous, step-by-step guide features all the encouragement you need to find inspiration, awaken your creativity and brighten your mood.

Objev podobné jako The Joy Journal For Grown-ups - Laura Brand

cena 473.0 Kč

The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová

THE CHILLING CONCLUSION TO #1 BESTSELLING SERIES THE MAGPIE SOCIETYA DEADLY DISAPPEARANCEA RACE AGAINST TIMEAnd, at the eleventh hour . . .A SHOCKING REVELATIONAudrey and Ivy, determined to bring their fellow student Lola Radcliffe's killer to justice, find themselves in the middle of another mystery when a friend disappears in suspicious circumstances.Their only clue is a mysterious card left by the enigmatic Magpie Society. With time running out and the police baffled, Audrey and Ivy must delve deeper than ever into the dark secrets that their school is hiding.But someone is playing a deadly game. And to beat them, Audrey and Ivy have to start rewriting the rules...

Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová

cena 232.0 Kč

Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth

Your students * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. * be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index. * learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building. * be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages * be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.

Objev podobné jako Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ CD-ROM Pack (w/ key) - Steve Elsworth

cena 499.0 Kč

The Vegetarian (9781846276033)

Kniha - anglicky Yeong-hye and her husband are ordinary people. He is an office worker with moderate ambitions and mild manners; she is an uninspired but dutiful wife. The acceptable flatline of their marriage is interrupted when Yeong-hye, seeking a more 'plant-like' existence, decides to become a vegetarian, prompted by grotesque recurring nightmares. In South Korea, where vegetarianism is almost unheard-of and societal mores are strictly obeyed, Yeong-hye's decision is a shocking act of subversion. Her passive rebellion manifests in ever more bizarre and frightening forms, leading her bland husband to self-justified acts of sexual sadism. His cruelties drive her towards attempted suicide and hospitalisation. She unknowingly captivates her sister's husband, a video artist. She becomes the focus of his increasingly erotic and unhinged artworks, while spiralling further and further into her fantasies of abandoning her fleshly prison and becoming - impossibly,...

Objev podobné jako The Vegetarian (9781846276033)

cena 242.0 Kč

BOOTH: Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2022 - Karen Joy Fowlerová

LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2022A SUNDAY TIMES HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2022AS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4 OPEN BOOK'Brilliantly recounts the story of the American theatrical dynasty that produced Lincoln's assassin' Sunday Times Book of the MonthIn 1822, a stage is set: Englishman Junius Booth - celebrated Shakespearean actor and man of mesmerising charm and instability - moves to a remote cabin outside Baltimore with his wife, who bears him ten children.Of the six who survive infancy, one is John Wilkes - the hot-tempered but much-loved middle son who, in 1865, fatally shoots Abraham Lincoln in a Washington theatre, changing the course of history.What makes a murderer? His family or the world? And how can those who love him ever come to terms with his actions? Strikingly relevant to the world today, Booth is the story of one extraordinary family and the terrible act that shattered their bonds forever.

Objev podobné jako BOOTH: Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2022 - Karen Joy Fowlerová

cena 268.0 Kč

Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy - Mo Gawdat

Solve for Happy is the equation for happiness.This is a startlingly original book about creating and maintaining happiness, written by a top Google executive with an engineer's training and fondness for thoroughly analyzing a problem. In 2001, Mo Gawdat, a remarkable thinker whose gifts had landed him top positions in half a dozen companies and who – in his spare time – had created significant wealth, realized that he was desperately unhappy. A lifelong learner, he attacked the problem as an engineer would, examining all the provable facts and scrupulously following logic. When he was finished, he had discovered the equation for enduring happiness.Ten years later, that research saved him from despair when his college-aged son, Ali – also intellectually gifted – died during routine surgery. In dealing with the loss, Mo found his mission: he would pull off the type of 'moonshot' that he and his Google [X] colleagues were always aiming for: he would help ten million people become happier by pouring his happiness principles into a book and spreading its message around the world.One of Solve for Happy's key premises is that happiness is a default state. If we shape expectations to acknowledge the full range of possible events, unhappiness is on its way to being defeated. To steer clear of unhappiness traps, we must dispel the six illusions that cloud our thinking (e.g., the illusion of time, of control, and of fear); overcome the brain's seven deadly defects (e.g., the tendency to exaggerate, label, and filter), and embrace five ultimate truths (e.g., change is real, now is real, unconditional love is real).By means of several highly original thought experiments, Mo helps readers find enduring contentment by questioning some of the most fundamental aspects of their existence.

Objev podobné jako Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy - Mo Gawdat

cena 303.0 Kč

Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha

eBook: V dnešním světě, ve kterém se všechno zdá být digitální a neosobní, je stále velmi důležité umět mluvit přímo před lidmi. Přesto je pro většinu z nás velmi stresující stát na pódiu před publikem, někteří se takového vystoupení bojí. Tento text se zaměřuje na druh prezentací, které studenti a akademici dělají jako součást svých studijních či pracovních povinností, především je určen pro studenty angličtiny. Rady zde uvedené však platí pro všechny formy prezentací. Abyste využili tuto knihu, nemusíte však být student či akademik, spíše naopak: základní principy dobré prezentace platí pro obchodní sektor, v kulturním životě nebo v každé jiné oblasti, v níž chcete být aktivní. Kdokoliv může využít tento stručný návod jak hovořit před publikem. In today’s world, where everything seems to be digital and impersonal, being able to talk directly to people is still necessary. Yet, most of us are nervous, even afraid, of standing there on the stage. This text focuses on the kind of presentations students and academic staff need to do as part of their studies and work, and is aimed at students with English as second language. However, the ideas presented are just as valid for all other forms of presenting. You don’t have to be a student or an academic to use this book; rather the opposite. The basic principles are the same in the business world, in entertainment, in politics, or in any other field you might be active in. Anybody could use this short manual to learn how to present.

Objev podobné jako Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha

cena 99.0 Kč

A Garland for Girls - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

eBook: 'A Garland for Girls' is a collection of stories written by Alcott for her own amusement in a time of "enforced confinement". The collection is a wonderful assortment of hopelessly sweet tales of the everyday lives and troubles of a number of young girls. The girls are discovering who they are, how capable they are and learning some valuable life lessons along the way. It is a collection that exemplifies Alcott's feminist beliefs, by highlighting the importance of virtue, patience and self-reliance. The collection offers a fantastic and compelling read, perfect for anyone who loved 'Pride and Prejudice' or 'Sense and Sensibility'.

Objev podobné jako A Garland for Girls - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Vegetarian - Han Kang

Yeong-hye and her husband are ordinary people. He is an office worker with moderate ambitions and mild manners; she is an uninspired but dutiful wife. The acceptable flatline of their marriage is interrupted when Yeong-hye, seeking a more 'plant-like' existence, decides to become a vegetarian, prompted by grotesque recurring nightmares. In South Korea, where vegetarianism is almost unheard-of and societal mores are strictly obeyed, Yeong-hye's decision is a shocking act of subversion. Her passive rebellion manifests in ever more bizarre and frightening forms, leading her bland husband to self-justified acts of sexual sadism. His cruelties drive her towards attempted suicide and hospitalisation. She unknowingly captivates her sister's husband, a video artist. She becomes the focus of his increasingly erotic and unhinged artworks, while spiralling further and further into her fantasies of abandoning her fleshly prison and becoming - impossibly, ecstatically - a tree. Fraught, disturbing and beautiful, The Vegetarian is a novel about modern day South Korea, but also a novel about shame, desire and our faltering attempts to understand others, from one imprisoned body to another.

Objev podobné jako The Vegetarian - Han Kang

cena 268.0 Kč

Roots of Happiness: 100 Words for Joy and Hope - Susie Dent

Susie Dent, bestselling author, broadcaster and word expert, is on a mission to find light in the deepest, darkest corners of our language.It takes just a short browse through the dictionary to spot how it is filled with negative words. But Susie has searched far and wide to unearth happy and uplifting words and phrases that, in some cases, are long forgotten, while others have only just been discovered.Paired with beautiful illustrations, this is the perfect book to lift you out of your mubble fubbles (a slightly sad mood), make you grin like a gigglemug (someone who never stops smiling), and have you feeling forblissed (extremely happy) in no time.This joyous collection of 100 positive words and their origins will show readers young and old just how wonderful language can be - and how you can use your words to make the world a happier place.

Objev podobné jako Roots of Happiness: 100 Words for Joy and Hope - Susie Dent

cena 89.0 Kč

Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha

eBook: This textbook for medical students include an overview of essential information on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of developmental and acquired orthopedic diseases and disorders, including musculoskeletal injuries. It also includes an overview of essential conservative and surgical procedures used in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system in adult and child patients. As this textbook is intended as an aid for the preparation of the final state exam in surgical fields for the students at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, the chapters are arranged according to questions taken from the “pool” of Orthopedics and Traumatology used in this exam. However, we believe that this textbook can help students from other medical faculties of Charles University as a tool for quick and easy reference to a range of orthopedic diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Objev podobné jako Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha

cena 290.0 Kč

The Levantine Vegetarian - Salma Hage

Vibrant vegetarian home-cooking recipes, capturing the essence of the Middle East, from the award-winning author of the best-selling The Lebanese Kitchen This glorious celebration of a bold vegetarian cuisine features 140 easy-to-make, bright, uplifting plant-based recipes, including classics such as falafels, hummus, and tabbouleh, as well as unique dishes reflective of region, religion, and culture across the Levantine. The food is fresh and delicious, whether it’s garlic-laced mezze dishes, pittas stuffed with pickles, tahini, and grilled vegetables, or sweet and spicy desserts. Covering a vast area straddling Africa, Asia, and the gateway to Europe, the book embraces the culinary traditions of all corners of the Cradle of Civilization. Hage, one of the world’s authorities on Middle Eastern home-cooking, has taken her inspiration widely and created new ‘fusion’ dishes alongside classics. Featured recipes include: Parsnip and Cumin Beignets; Sesame Halloumi Fries with Chilli Yogurt; Black Lime and Herb Tofu; and Za’atar Cucumber Noodle Salad; and each is accompanied by newly-commissioned photography and double-page tablescapes that capture the vibrancy and the plentiful, sharing nature of the Middle Eastern dining table.

Objev podobné jako The Levantine Vegetarian - Salma Hage

cena 886.0 Kč

Pink Floyd Tričko Games For May B&W Unisex White L

Barva podle výrobce: White Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země interpreta: Spojené království Materiál: Bavlna Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Art Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: Pink Floyd Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019 Barva: Bílá Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: L Věková skupina: Dospělý Pohlaví: Unisex Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako Pink Floyd Tričko Games For May B&W Unisex White L

cena 433.0 Kč

Vegetarián (978-80-270-7539-3)

Kniha - autor Aleš Vodička; Jarka Kovaříková; Karel Bis, 116 stran, česky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Všechno, co potřebujete vědět o vegetariánství, kompletní návod, výhody a problémy. Jídla pro každého, snadné & originální vegerecepty. Co mám dělat, když chce být dítě veganem? Jak se vyhnout nedostatku železa a vitamínu D. Kniha Vegetarián je určena všem, kdo přemýšlí o svém životě a nechtějí být jen poslušnou součástí stáda.

Objev podobné jako Vegetarián (978-80-270-7539-3)

cena 259.0 Kč

Japan: The World Vegetarian - Reiko Hashimoto

One of the first books in a brand-new series, Reiko Hashimoto introduces the incredibly varied world of vegetarian Japanese food. Vegetarianism has long been a feature of the Japanese diet, and in this book Reiko walks us through the history of vegetarianism in the country, as well as providing tips on the key ingredients – such as miso, tofu and seaweed – that are most used in Japanese vegetarian cooking to help you create a mouth-watering Japanese vegetarian feast at home.. Alongside this, Reiko offers 70 delectable recipes including traditional sushi and noodle dishes, such as gyoza dumplings, fried tofu yakitori, nigiri zushi, tempura, tofu katsu curry and aubergine and padron pepper with somen noodles.All recipes are accompanied by stunning photography. Also in the series: India, Mexico and Italy

Objev podobné jako Japan: The World Vegetarian - Reiko Hashimoto

cena 599.0 Kč

BBQ nejen pro vegetariány - Oliver Sievers

Šampion v grilování Oliver Sievers ví, proč dát velký prostor bezmasým dobrotám. Jeho vegetariánské recepty ukazují, jak rozmanité a lahodné mohou být díky koření a bylinkám zeleninové pokrmy. Ten, kdo je ochutná, na maso už ani nepomyslí. Kreativní recepty z této kuchařské knihy přinesou čtenářům fantastické chuťové zážitky.

Objev podobné jako BBQ nejen pro vegetariány - Oliver Sievers

cena 319.0 Kč

Vegetarián - Jarka Kovaříková, Vodička Aleš, Karel Bis

Všechno, co potřebujete vědět o vegetariánství, kompletní návod, výhody a problémy. Jídla pro každého, snadné & originální vegerecepty. Co mám dělat, když chce být dítě veganem? Jak se vyhnout nedostatku železa a vitamínu D. Kniha Vegetarián je určena všem, kdo přemýšlí o svém životě a nechtějí být jen poslušnou součástí stáda.

Objev podobné jako Vegetarián - Jarka Kovaříková, Vodička Aleš, Karel Bis

cena 339.0 Kč

Encyclopedia of Vegetarian Cuisine - Estérelle Payany, Nathalie Carnet

Vegetarian diets range from flexitarian to lacto-ovo vegetarian to vegan, and this exhaustive encyclopedia contains dishes to delight the whole family. Step-by-step kitchen techniques demonstrate how to prepare and cook the essential ingredients?from fruits and vegetables to rice, wheat, or soybeans, and from mushrooms and seaweed to eggs and dairy products. Recipes include vegan and gluten-free options and reveal the infinite possibilities of vegetarian cooking to create healthy, tasty, and hearty meals. From Shiitaki, bok choy, and cashew fried rice to Palaak paneer; from Fennel tortilla to Pumpkin, red onion, and walnut kibbé; and from Passion fruit and pomegranate pavlova to Hazelnut maple syrup tarts, recipes are organized by main ingredient, graded for difficulty, and include ten “challenge” recipes contributed by international Michelin star chefs. A practical guide provides useful information on the different types of vegetarianism, how to achieve a balanced diet, product substitutions and seasonality charts, with illustrated guides to staple ingredients. The volume is completed with a bibliography and indexes to main ingredients, vegan recipes, and gluten-free recipes.

Objev podobné jako Encyclopedia of Vegetarian Cuisine - Estérelle Payany, Nathalie Carnet

cena 984.0 Kč

Vaříme pro vegetariány - Zeleninový zážitek bez hranic - Marianne Zunner

Rádi si pochutnáte na jídle bez masa? Možná ne vždy, ale stále častěji? Pak jste našli tu správnou knihu. Centrem našeho zájmu je vždy chuťový zážitek. Vaření bez masa nemusí znamenat, že se o něco ochudíte, jak si mnozí myslí. Naopak máte možnost rozšířit si své obzory – ty zajímavé vůně zeleniny, bylinek a koření a nekonečné možnosti jejich kombinací! Při přípravě receptů do této kuchařky se nechala autorka inspirovat částmi světa, v nichž má zelenina v kuchyni své nezastupitelné a léty prověřené místo – Středomořím včetně arabských zemí, Asií a Střední Amerikou. Zeleninu jako základ ale najdeme samozřejmě i v našich středoevropských končinách, a tak nechybějí ani recepty, které voní domovem. Každý recept je alespoň třikrát vyzkoušený.

Objev podobné jako Vaříme pro vegetariány - Zeleninový zážitek bez hranic - Marianne Zunner

cena 160.0 Kč

Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Vegetarian Student Meals - Hamlyn

A definitive guide to creating delicious vegetarian meals at universityThis flexible cookbook allows you to choose from a range of budget-friendly, easy and delicious vegetarian recipes. Even on days where you only have 10 minutes to cook, or when you don''t have time for your food shop, you can still impress your friends with these tempting recipes. With handy tips and tricks for cooking in a small university kitchen, this book will show you how to create a variety of nutritious and satisfying vegetarian dishes. Learn how to make quick breakfasts and midweek meals, and feast on snacks and delicious desserts with your friends.Even if you''re a complete novice in the kitchen, you won''t run out of recipe inspiration with this book.CONTENTS INCLUDE:Snacks & Light BitesDeluxe eggs florentine; Camembert ''fondue'' with honey & walnuts; Hot crumbed mozzarella ballsSoups & SaladsHearty minestrone; Tricolore avocado & couscous salad; Broccoli & lemon pasta saladMidweek MealsCreamy courgette orzo pasta; Flash-in-the-pan ratatouille; Spring onion, dill & chive pancakesComfort FoodPesto & antipasti puff tart; Spicy szechuan tofu & vegetable stir-fry; Autumnal vegetable tagineDessertsCookie dough brownies; Quick mini lemon meringue pies; Luscious Victoria & strawberry sponge

Objev podobné jako Hamlyn All Colour Cookery: 200 Vegetarian Student Meals - Hamlyn

cena 236.0 Kč

The Accidental Vegetarian: Delicious Food Without Meat - Simon Rimmer

When Simon Rimmer bought a small vegetarian restaurant he had no idea how to cook. Armed with two cookbooks and heaps of enthusiasm, he and a friend created the best vegetarian restaurant in Manchester, Greens, famous for its inventive, delicious food and terrific atmosphere. The Accidental Vegetarian is the culmination of Simon’s culinary adventure. A confirmed meat eater, Simon had to rethink his cooking style as he opened his restaurant, and in this book he presents original and easy-to-prepare vegetarian recipes that will please even the most dedicated carnivore, and win over the most intimidated would-be chef. Simon borrows cooking styles and ideas from all corners of the globe to create unique combinations of ingredients that result in flavorful and interesting dishes such as Green Papaya Salad, Eggplant Tikka, Pumpkin Enchiladas with Mole sauce, Filo Strudel with Port Wine Sauce and Red Thai Bean Curry. From his more exotic inventions to good old favorites, The Accidental Vegetarian will help forever retire the bean-sprout and tofu image of vegetarian meals from the minds of people everywhere.

Objev podobné jako The Accidental Vegetarian: Delicious Food Without Meat - Simon Rimmer

cena 205.0 Kč

365 Days of Feel-good Art: For Self-Care and Joy, Every Day of the Year - Lorna Scobie

In 365 Days of Feel-good Art, Lorna Scobie explores art-based tasks which will help to boost your overall confidence, wellbeing and happiness.Full of tips that will encourage you to nurture your creativity, 365 Days of Feel-good Art teaches readers of all artistic levels how to tackle creative tasks, even if they are unsure of where to start.With breakout 'Expand' exercises, readers will be able to immerse themselves in more involved activities such as making cards for loved ones, or keeping a gratitude diary. And for those looking for a swift creative challenge there will be quick-hit happiness activities throughout the book that can be slotted into any busy day. Journal pages encourage readers to record their thoughts and reflect on their creative journey, wherever they may be on it.The accessible format of the book allows readers to work their way through the activities in any order that they would like, making it perfect for anyone who is looking for creative inspiration that isn't too involved and doesn't require any specialist equipment.

Objev podobné jako 365 Days of Feel-good Art: For Self-Care and Joy, Every Day of the Year - Lorna Scobie

cena 491.0 Kč

Sportovní výživa pro vegetariány a vegany - Mareike Grosshauser - e-kniha

eBook: Je maso nezbytnou součástí naší stravy? Dokáže nám i bezmasá strava zajistit dostatečný přísun základních živin? To jsou snad nejčastěji diskutované otázky z oblasti výživy, kterými se dlouhodobě zabývá mnoho odborných institucí. Podíváme-li se na historii člověka, maso a ryby byly pro rozvoj lidských zdrojů velmi důležité. Stále se však setkáváme s větším množstvím lidí, kteří živočišné produkty do svého jídelníčku z různých důvodů nezařazují. Z nutričního hlediska však vyvstává otázka, zda vegetariánská, nebo dokonce veganská strava dokáže splnit všechny požadavky na správnou výživu sportovců a zajistit jim tak dostatečný přísun základních živin; zda lze prostřednictvím bezmasé stravy získat potřebný objem svalové hmoty a zajistit dostatek železa a dalších důležitých látek, potřebných ke sportovním výkonům.Autorka, sportovní výživová specialistka, čtenářům vysvětluje výhody a nevýhody (ale i potenciální rizika) sportujících vegetariánů, radí, jak se udržet v kondici, a nezapomíná ani na mnoho užitečných rad a také receptů na vhodná a chutná vegetariánská a veganská jídla.

Objev podobné jako Sportovní výživa pro vegetariány a vegany - Mareike Grosshauser - e-kniha

cena 169.0 Kč

More! 2 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

MORE! is a four-level course from a highly respected author team that's bursting with features for lower secondary students. With dedicated reading, culture, grammar, vocabulary, skills and cross-curricular learning sections, plus a wide range of flexible components, you really do get more with MORE! Each level of MORE! contains 80-90 hours of class material. Teachers can draw on a wide range of multimedia components to make lessons and homework varied and enjoyable, such as the free Student's Book CD-ROM, Classware DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM, DVDs, Cyber Homework, and MORE! Online which can be accessed via the website. Students put new vocabulary to immediate communicative use through the 'Language Focus' in every unit of the Student's Book and extra exercises from the Teacher's Resource Pack. They can build their writing skills in the 'Writing for your portfolio' section in every unit and using the tips on writing in levels 3 and 4. The Cyber Homework option offers two sets of online exercises per unit which include automatic marking and messaging with students. Teachers can introduce cross-curricular learning (CLIL) in subjects such as Maths, Geography, Music, Science and Technology using the twelve dedicated 'Learn MORE through English' pages in each Student's Book. Classes can learn to 'Read MORE for pleasure' with the extra reading pages in every module of the Student’s Book. There is thorough grammar coverage thanks to a dedicated 'Grammar' section in every unit in the Student's Book and extra exercises in the Teacher's Resource Pack. Students explore the culture of English-speaking countries through the 'Learn MORE about Culture' sections in every module. Students are encouraged to assess their own progress in the 'Check progress' section every two units. Flexible resources enable easy testing: individual unit tests, two and four unit revision tests, entry level tests, final tests, plus The Teacher's Resource Pack 'Testbuilder CD-ROM Extra' for the creation of customised assessments. Each level of MORE! has a Classware interactive whiteboard software CD-ROM, mirroring the content from the Student's Book in an easy-to-use, interactive format.

Objev podobné jako More! 2 Students Book - Herbert Puchta

cena 342.0 Kč

Focus 4 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.

Objev podobné jako Focus 4 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

cena 584.0 Kč

Focus 3 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

Focus je zcela nová a unikátní učebnice pro studenty středních škol a gymnázií, koncipovaná jako komplexní příprava na jazykové zkoušky - Cambridge English, PTE a jiné.K titulu existuje česká edice Maturita Focus 3 Czech Edition Student's Book.

Objev podobné jako Focus 3 Students´ Book - Vaughan Jones

cena 584.0 Kč

Exam Accelerator Students´ Book - Bob Hastings

Verified combination of textbook and workbook in one book with Audio CD

Objev podobné jako Exam Accelerator Students´ Book - Bob Hastings

cena 666.0 Kč

Messages 4 Students Book - Diana Goodey

Messages is a motivating lower-secondary course. Teachers and students are rewarded with immediate results at every 'Step' of each unit. Students can use their English to explore a complete set of online 'Infoquest' websites. Reading skills are developed through continuous stories and regular 'Life and culture' sections. KET- and PET-style exercises help develop exam skills. Exercises where students can work to their level make the course ideal for mixed-ability classes. Fast finishers can complete the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook. Messages has been correlated against the CEF. The 'Coursework' activities at the end of each module provide students with examples of work to add to it. Regular 'Learning diary', 'How's it going?' and 'Study skills' sections create independent learners who take responsibility for their own progress. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. Key features 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results. 'Life and culture' sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students' interest. Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year. A variety of exercises such as the 'Try this!' sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level. Teacher's Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills. KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams. Student's Book description Each unit of the Student's Book is divided into 3 manageable steps with clear aims and outcomes. Students can see quick results through regular 'Use what you know' sections at the end of each step.'Life and culture' sections and a continuous story provides rich reading material while stimulating students' imaginations. There is a variety of exercises where students can work to their own level, making the course ideal for mixed ability classes.Coursework activities per module allow students to build up portfolios of work while online 'Infoquests' send students on a journey of discovery in English.

Objev podobné jako Messages 4 Students Book - Diana Goodey

cena 503.0 Kč

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