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How the Two Ivans Quarrelled - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: The last story from the \"Mirgorod\" cycle, here Gogol presents two landowners deadlocked in an argument over a Turkish rifle, a brown pig, and a goose insult. What results is a playful satire and parody of the middle class Russian society and its war veterans. Quite memorable characters (the two Ivans), vivid imagery (though at time grotesquely depicted), humorous and witty dialogues, and an extraordinarily entertaining narrative make this short story a perfect read and a must for Gogol fans!

Podívejte se také How to Change: The Science of Self-Improvement (0593332598)

cena 124.0 Kč

The Lost Letter - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: \"The Lost Letter\" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection \"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka\". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously recounts the story about his grandfather\'s adventures. Assigned with the task of delivering an important letter to the Russian Czarina, the old man sets to a journey in which he encounters a Cossack man who claims to have sold his soul to the devil. That night, a demon steals the old man\'s hat with the letter tucked inside. Determined to fulfill his duty, the old man has to go through different obstacles that stand on his way. But will his determination make him enter the Hell itself?The story has numerous adaptations, among which an animated film of the same name (1945) directed by Brumberg sisters, which is considered the first Soviet cel-animated feature film, and the Soviet musical-tragicomedy film Propala Hramota (1972) which is praised as the pearl of Ukrainian cinema.

Podívejte se také Petrov Nikolai: Instrumental - CD (4600383130026)

cena 124.0 Kč

Dead Souls - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: Nikolai Gogol\'s novel Dead Souls is one of the best-known pieces of 19th-century Russian literature. Chichikov is a mysterious man, who arrives at a small town with a strange plan of acquiring \"dead souls.\" Marked by eccentric characters and heated town gossip, this story is a social satire that keeps the reader guessing. The writer himself described Dead Souls as an \"epic poem in prose\" and a \"novel in verse.\" Although intended by Gogol as the first part of a trilogy, the story never saw a follow-up before or after his death. The satiric story has been turned into theatre, opera, radio, television and film productions alike, including the Soviet television miniseries Dead Souls (1984).

Podívejte se také How We Understand the Beats (978-80-210-9048-4)

cena 194.0 Kč

Collected Stories - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: Teeming with dark humour, supernatural elements, and hard-to-believe situations, Nikolai Gogol\'s \"Collected Stories\" is a highest form of short story fiction. With stories like \"The Mantle\", \"The Nose\", and \"The Viy\", the author\'s attention focuses upon the satirical and nonsensical. Obsessions and schizophrenia run free in the stories, answering the social pressures and crisis of identity. Another important element is the praise of Russian folk tales and the supernatural, making the collection the perfect read while sitting in a dim-lighted room at midnight.

Objev podobné jako Collected Stories - Nikolai Gogol - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Revizor - Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol - e-kniha

eBook: Revizor je pětiaktová satirická komedie ruského prozaika a dramatika Nikolaje Vasiljeviče Gogola, patřící k nejslavnějším dílům světové dramatické literatury. Autor svou hrou, zachycující tupost, nevzdělanost a zkaženost úředníků v jednom ruském provinčním městečku prolezlém korupcí a různými jinými neřestmi, nastavil zrcadlo všem, jejichž charakter je pokřiven podlézavostí a úplatkářstvím.

Objev podobné jako Revizor - Nikolaj Vasiljevič Gogol - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Čokoládovna - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: OSUD DVOU ŽEN. RODINNÉ DĚDICTVÍ. PŘÍBĚH VELKÉ VÁŠNĚ. Stuttgart na počátku 20. století. Judith Rothmannová, dcera majitele čokoládovny, vede privilegovaný život v noblesní čtvrti Degerloch. Její skutečná vášeň však patří výrobě čokolády. Každou volnou chvilku tráví v tovární laboratoři vynalézáním nových cukrovinek a jednou by ráda řídila podnik. Otec s ní má ale jiné plány. Dojedná výhodný sňatek s mužem, kterého Judith nikdy nemůže milovat. A právě v tu chvíli jí zkříží cestu charismatický Viktor Rheinberger, jenž si hodlá ve Stuttgartu vybudovat novou existenci…

Objev podobné jako Čokoládovna - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 279.0 Kč

The Two Women - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1910, 'The Two Women' is a collection of two short stories from revered American author William Sidney Porter, better known by his pseudonym 'O. Henry'. The two stories include 'Fog in Santone' and 'A Medley of Moods'. Set in San Antonio, 'Fog in Santone' explores how the city has become a haven for tuberculosis patients and follows the experiences of a prostitute as one of the central characters. The second story draws on some of O. Henry's own life experiences and follows the tale of a man in New Orleans accused of embezzlement. With his usual warm style, and focus on the outcasts and underdogs of society, this is an intriguing pair of classic O. Henry tales.

Objev podobné jako The Two Women - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Two Destinies - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: "The Two Destinies" is a manageable little number about George and Mary – star-crossed lovers from different social classes. The setting is mid-19th Century England – a convenient Collins favourite.But before you glance at your copy of Pride & Prejudice, groan about this novel being yet another installment of a tired old trope and unpause "Bootylicious", keep reading because there's more! Old fortune-telling crones, transatlantic voyages, fat inheritances, malicious scandals, starving children, attempted suicides, spectres and disabled people – the story is a hotpot of explosive adjectives and colourful nouns. For the period at least.

Objev podobné jako The Two Destinies - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Two Brothers - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

eBook: With a sweeping narrative that features revolution, restoration, and colonial war, \'The Two Brothers\' is Honore de Balzac at his masterful best.It focuses on the Bridau family, including Agathe, her two sons, and her elder brother, as they engage in increasingly undignified battles for their inheritance.The eldest son, Philippe, is a courageous soldier but a gambler and a crook. The youngest, Joseph, is a misunderstood artist.When the Bourbons are restored and Napoleon exiled, Philippe becomes embroiled in an anti-government conspiracy.Meanwhile, a mysterious \"long-lost uncle\" appears and worms his way into the family - with unsavoury intentions.With the plot\'s fuse lit, it burns through priceless paintings, racist persecution, a knife attack, a duel, and an explosive climax.If you like this, you will love \'Les Miserables\' by Victor Hugo and \'A Tale of Two Cities\' by Charles Dickens.

Objev podobné jako The Two Brothers - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Dcery štěstí - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: Bádensko a Württembersko, 1918. Pro mladičkou Lilly je to start do dospělého života: čerstvě vdaná opouští rodinný hostinec u Bodamského jezera, aby začala vysněné manželství po boku dědice stuttgartské továrny na mýdlo. Poslední rok války ale vše změní. Když je její manžel prohlášen za pohřešovaného, zhroutí se jí svět. Lilly však nerezignuje. Odvážně se ujme odpovědnosti za podnik svého muže, vyvíjí vlastní kosmetiku, spřádá plány do budoucna – dokud do jejího života nevstoupí tajemný Felix Benthin a nerozbouří její city. Lilly ví, že téhle lásce nesmí podlehnout…Strhující Bodamská sága pokračuje!

Objev podobné jako Dcery štěstí - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Dcery naděje - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: Meersburg, 1917. Romantické staré sídlo na břehu Bodamského jezera je pro Helenu a její sestry místem plným idylických vzpomínek na dětství. Tři roky války si však vybraly svou daň. Navzdory těžkým časům se Helena nevzdává svého snu probudit Lindenhof k novému životu a vybudovat z něj grandhotel. Když se zde nečekaně ubytuje mladý charismatický šlechtic, vyjdou záhy najevo skutečnosti, jež vedou hluboko do Heleniny minulosti, o níž dosud neměla ani tušení…

Objev podobné jako Dcery naděje - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Osudová léta - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: Stuttgart v létě 1936. Mladá čokolatiérka Viktoria musí přerušit školení ve Francii, neboť rodinná čokoládovna potřebuje její pomoc. Doba je nejistá, rodině Rothmannových hrozí vyvlastnění. Zatímco se Viktoria a její matka Judith brání všemi prostředky, objeví se ve Stuttgartu pohledný americký podnikatel Andrew Miller, který rozbouří nejen Viktoriin citový život, ale nabízí i východisko. Je však opravdu tím, kdo může firmu zachránit? V okamžiku, kdy se valí události jedna přes druhou, vychází na povrch dlouho střežené rodinné tajemství…

Objev podobné jako Osudová léta - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 309.0 Kč

Dcery zítřka - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: Mnichov a Meersburg roku 1927. Už od dětství u idylického Bodamského jezera Katharina ví, že její srdce patří medicíně. Podaří se jí získat vytoužené studijní místo v Mnichově a s velkým zápalem se věnuje gynekologii. Jako žena však musí čelit konzervativním postojům a morálním představám své doby. Spřízněnou duši najde v šaramantním lékaři Thomasu von Bogen. Když je ale Katharina falešně obviněna z trestného činu, visí nejen její profesní budoucnost na tenkém vlásku, ale i její láska k Thomasovi… Závěr úspěšné trilogie.

Objev podobné jako Dcery zítřka - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Čokoládovna: Zlatá léta - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

eBook: DOBA PLNÁ POKUŠENÍ. RODINA V BOJI O ZÁCHRANU SVÉHO SNU. Stuttgart, 1926. Mladá Serafina milující dobrodružství se stěhuje k svému nevlastnímu bratrovi Victorovi do jeho přepychového sídla, jemuž nikdo neřekne jinak než „Čokoládová vila“. Neboť Rothmannovi jsou daleko za hranice města známí svými exkluzivními čokoládovými kreacemi.Celou svou duší se vrhá do víru vzrušující nové doby, a když pozná pohledného Antona, vášnivě se zamiluje. Anton má ale před zásnubami. Mezitím je existence čokoládového impéria Rothmannových ohrožena zákeřným sabotážním činem – a Serafinu dostihne temná kapitola její minulosti…

Objev podobné jako Čokoládovna: Zlatá léta - Maria Nikolai - e-kniha

cena 309.0 Kč

Ke Gogolovi a zpátky - Romana Riba-Rollingerová - e-kniha

eBook: Podzim roku 1989 a po něm hektická první léta devadesátá. Otevřené hranice, oceán nových možností a příležitostí. Taková je základna nového románu z prostředí studentského (nejen). Dětství a puberta hlavní hrdinky Anny Pišťárové, čerstvé studentky Fakulty architektury ČVUT, jsou zakotveny ve dvou předešlých knihách (Veškerá podobnost a jiné kotrmelce, 2001; Všechno, co svrbí, jednou svrbět přestane, 2007). Nyní ji čtenář má možnost sledovat v čase vypjatého politického konfliktu, kdy ale navrch získává groteska životního tápání, sveřepá snaha dotknout se skrz prizma hořkého humoru lidské podstaty. Anna prožívá první milostné soužití, potrat, rozpačitost ženské erotiky. Souběžně s jejím příběhem se v knize rozvíjí linie excentrického souputníka, důchodce Josefa Makowskiho a jeho lásky pozdního věku. V Anně, kromě jiného, uzrává i niterná potřeba generační konfrontace.

Objev podobné jako Ke Gogolovi a zpátky - Romana Riba-Rollingerová - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana - e-kniha

eBook: Most people go to an optician if their vision is bad. However, when Richard Henry Dana's sight was affected by measles while he was at Harvard College, he decided a sea voyage round Cape Horn was the best solution. He joined the crew of a merchant ship at Boston, kept a daily diary of his adventures, then produced this American classic. 'Two Years Before the Mast' is a vivid account of the true life of a common sailor at sea. Throughout his journey, Dana encounters indigenous people, describes being lowered down a cliff to retrieve cow hides, learns Spanish, acts as interpreter, and witnesses floggings. The return journey is hellish, and Dana's description of battling storms around the Cape moved 'Moby Dick' author, Herman Melville, to say it "must have been written with an icicle". A rollicking memoir that is better than fiction, ´Two Years Before the Mast´ is perfect for fans of the 'Bounty Trilogy' by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. Richard Henry Dana Jr. (1815-1882) was a Massachusetts-based American lawyer and politician who found fame for the classic memoir 'Two Years Before the Mast'. In both his legal career and his writing, he gained a reputation for standing up for the rights of the oppressed, including slaves on the run and freedmen. He became a prominent abolitionist, helping to found the anti-slavery Free Soil Party.

Objev podobné jako Two Years Before the Mast - Richard Henry Dana - e-kniha

cena 340.0 Kč

The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices - Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: “In the autumn month of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven… two idle apprentices, exhausted by the long, hot summer, and the long, hot work it had brought with it, ran away from their employer.”Under the pseudonyms of Francis Goodchild and Thomas Idle, Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins set off on a walking tour of the north-west of England, reporting back on their adventures for Dickens\'s magazine Household Words.A unique insight into the friendship of two of the towering figures of Victorian literature, and featuring a pair of chilling ghost stories from the leading exponents of the genre, The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices is a charming evocation of the adventures they experienced on their trip and the gently mocking nature of their relationship.

Objev podobné jako The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices - Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Odstraňte chaos a vytvořte si více místa v hlavě - Konrad Nikolai Boris - e-kniha

eBook: Máte pocit, že neustále zapomínáte, chodíte pozdě na schůzky a máte beznadějně přeplněnou hlavu? Rozhodně v tom nejste sami! Všude útočí příliš mnoho informací. Příliš mnoho dat k zapamatování. Příliš mnoho věcí, které vyžadují naši pozornost. Žijeme v době, kdy jsme všichni stále více ve stresu. Rodina, práce, vzdělání, přátelé a koníčky – to vše vyžaduje naši pozornost a soustředění. Ale je tu řešení! Autor – mistr světa v paměťových dovednostech – vás naučí, jak ze své paměti vytěžit maximum, vyrovnat se se záplavou informací a žít uvolněně. Jak vytvořit klid v hlavě a relaxovat. A už nikdy nezapomenete jméno nového souseda, heslo do internetového bankovnictví nebo polovinu svého nákupního seznamu!

Objev podobné jako Odstraňte chaos a vytvořte si více místa v hlavě - Konrad Nikolai Boris - e-kniha

cena 305.0 Kč

Two Hussars - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha

eBook: \"He is a regular dare-devil, you know: a gambler, a duellist, a seducer, but a jewel of an hussar - a real jewel.\"A handsome young hussar rides through a small town, seduces a young widow and leaves nothing but havoc in his wake. But the young hussar is so pleasing and charming that no one really minds the trouble. When another young hussar, his son, comes to town twenty years later, however, the reaction is another. The hussar acts in the same mindless way as his father, but unlike him he is calculating and unlikeable.With \'Two Hussars\' Tolstoy pits two generations against each other; his own and the one preceding, underlining the nostalgia with which Tolstoy viewed the good old days.

Objev podobné jako Two Hussars - Leo Tolstoy - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

How Should One Read a Book - Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

eBook: In 1926 Virginia Woolf wrote an essay entitled, \"How Should One Read a Book?\" to deliver as a lecture at a private girls\' school in Kent, England. In revised form it appears to have been first published in The Yale Review, October, 1926. Along with other essays, it first appeared in book form in Woolf\'s The Common Reader: Second Series in 1932.

Objev podobné jako How Should One Read a Book - Virginia Woolfová - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

How to Run a Business Without Risk - Vladimír John - e-kniha

eBook: How to Run a Business Without Risk covers the ten most interesting business topics in interviews with expert advisors. Through the experiences and advice given in this book, entrepreneurs will learn, in a simple and effective way, how to avoid the most frequent mistakes and protect their businesses from risk, crises and even bankruptcy.

Objev podobné jako How to Run a Business Without Risk - Vladimír John - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

Two Girls and a Guy - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following \"He knew that she dreamed of having two lovers at once. But this was something else. They were both prisoners in her complete power.\" - The Geometry Lesson by Dave W\"Rock and roll meant fucking, too. The two friends made up their mind. They picked a guy and took him home.\"

Objev podobné jako Two Girls and a Guy - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Two Days' Solitary Imprisonment - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha

eBook: \'Two Days\' Solitary Imprisonment\' (1898) is a classic short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel \'Looking 2000-1887\' (1888).Wrongly accused of a crime he did not commit, a man is sent to solitary confinement but when confusion and incompetence convince his accusers of his guilt, will he be able to prove his innocence? This Kafkaesque tale about a man whose recurring dreams of unjust persecution come to pass is a gripping read and will captivate fans of Franz Kafka and Albert Camus.

Objev podobné jako Two Days' Solitary Imprisonment - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Two Articles by Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Two Articles by Frederick Douglass’ houses two of the abolitionist’s most important essays on race and equality. The first essay, ‘My Escape from Slavery’, details his daring bid for freedom from a plantation as well as his experiences on reaching New York. The second, ‘Reconstruction’, is an open letter to the white readers of the ‘Atlantic Monthly’ magazine, highlighting the importance of extending the vote to African Americans and the need for equal rights. The two essays are startling pieces of writing, with both documenting the struggles faced by African Americans at the time. ´Two Articles´ will delight any person already familiar with Douglass\' body of work. Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation. Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free. The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender. He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography \"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.\"

Objev podobné jako Two Articles by Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Two Little Pilgrims' Progress - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

eBook: In "Two Little Pilgrims' Progress " Mrs. Burnett is at her best. It is the story of two children — a little boy and girl — brought up on a Western farm, where they have been neglected by their aunt with whom they live, and who find their chief happiness in reading Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress " in a corner of the barn. Just then they hear of what must have been a glimpse of fairyland to so many Western children, the White City of the Chicago Exhibition, and they make up their minds to take their small savings and go to see the wonder. This is their pilgrims' progress, and their adventures, which in the end result most happily, are told by Mrs. Burnett in her well-known delightful manner. A book that has the potential to rival even "Fauntleroy " in popularity.

Objev podobné jako Two Little Pilgrims' Progress - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Scroll Zombies: How Social Media Addiction Controls our Lives - Sven Rollenhagen - e-kniha

eBook: Almost everyone is doing it. Aimlessly scrolling through their social media feeds. From presidents to the postmen, most people you know and probably even yourself. Mindlessly, your fingers move across the screen, and content, from selfies to memes, flickers by at a blistering pace. Why is it that the screen sometimes seems more important than looking up and being present in real life? And what does it mean that more and more people are turning into so-called \"Scroll Zombies\"?Sven Rollenhagen thoughtfully discusses social media use and how it affects us both psychologically and physically. How the rise of social media has created an onslaught of mental health problems in young people. And how withdrawal can lead to symptoms, not unlike those caused by more familiar dependencies such as drugs and alcohol. But, are we really addicted? And if so, how can we be cured?Rollenhagen does not advocate for throwing away your phone or logging off Instagram forever, he acknowledges the powerful connection that social media has in connecting friends, family and strangers across the globe. Instead, this book contains practical tips and solutions for kicking dependency and finding true digital balance.

Objev podobné jako Scroll Zombies: How Social Media Addiction Controls our Lives - Sven Rollenhagen - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Know-how lektora klinické praxe - Martina Reľovská, Danka Boguská, Slávka Mrosková - e-kniha

eBook: Klinická odborná praxe poskytuje jedinečnou zkušenost, při níž jsou studenti vystaveni složitým problémům s mnoha různorodými řešeními a prožívají situace, které jsou jedinečné a někdy i konfliktní. Vzdělávací instituce by proto měly mít organizovanou a metodicky dobře řízenou odbornou praxi. Kniha řeší výuku klinické praxe z pohledu lektora v souladu s nejnovějšími poznatky pedagogické praxe a s důrazem na individualitu žáků. Proces vzdělávání v klinické odborné praxi se zaměřuje na rozvíjení kognitivních, psychomotorických, interpersonálních a organizačních dovedností studenta. Zároveň pokládá základy profesní socializace a adaptace ve smyslu učení se samostatnosti, zodpovědnosti či práci v týmu. Publikace přibližuje podmínky úspěšného vedení praxe v jednotlivých zdravotnických oborech, včetně organizace a inovací odborné praxe, s důrazem na psychosociální a komunikační aspekty. Autorky mají dlouholeté zkušenosti s řízením odborné praxe. Nabízejí množství praktických informací o problematice vedení klinické praxe tak, aby se lektor stal špičkovým pedagogem.

Objev podobné jako Know-how lektora klinické praxe - Martina Reľovská, Danka Boguská, Slávka Mrosková - e-kniha

cena 246.0 Kč

Ready Player Two: Nová hra začíná - Ernest Cline - e-kniha

eBook: Nová fantastická honba za pokladem. V sázce jsou tentokrát dva světy. Jste připraveni? Po vítězství v soutěži vyhlášené zakladatelem bezplatného kyberprostoru Oasis narazí Wade Watts na něco, co znovu zamíchá osudem jeho i celého lidstva. Ve hře se objeví nové a poslední velikonoční vejce s tajemným obsahem, které může Oasis povýšit na zcela novou úroveň a učinit tuto virtuální realitu ještě podivuhodnější – a mnohem návykovější. Wadeovi přibude další soupeř, neskutečně silný a nebezpečný, který neváhá obětovat miliony životů, aby dostal, co chce…

Objev podobné jako Ready Player Two: Nová hra začíná - Ernest Cline - e-kniha

cena 369.0 Kč

The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (0393343405)

Kniha - autor Stephen Greenblatt, 356 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it.

Objev podobné jako The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (0393343405)

cena 249.0 Kč

How the World Made the West - Josephine Quinn

A Guardian, Financial Times, New Statesman, The Rest is Politics and Waterstones Highlight for 2024''Quinn has done a lot more than reinvent the wheel. What we have here is a truly encyclopaedic and monumental account of the ancient world'' THE TIMES''A work of great confidence, empathy, learning and imagination'' RORY STEWART''Bold, beautifully written and filled with insights . . . Extraordinary'' PETER FRANKOPAN''One of the most fascinating and important works of global history to appear for many years'' WILLIAM DALRYMPLEThe West, the story goes, was built on the ideas and values of Ancient Greece and Rome, which disappeared from Europe during the Dark Ages and were then rediscovered by the Renaissance. But what if that isn’t true?In a bold and magisterial work of immense scope, Josephine Quinn argues that the real story of the West is much bigger than this established paradigm leads us to believe. So much of our shared history has been lost, drowned out by the concept – developed in the Victorian era – of separate ‘civilisations’.Moving from the Bronze Age to the Age of Exploration, How the World Made the West reveals a new narrative: one that traces the millennia of global encounters and exchange that built what is now called the West, as societies met, tangled and sometimes grew apart. From the creation of the alphabet by Levantine workers in Egypt, who in a foreign land were prompted to write things down in their own language for the first time, to the arrival of Indian numbers in Europe via the Arab world, Quinn makes the case that understanding societies in isolation is both out-of-date and wrong. It is contact and connections, rather than solitary civilisations, that drive historical change. It is not peoples that make history – people do.

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cena 886.0 Kč

How to ask a professor: Politeness in Czech academic culture - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace se věnuje zdvořilostním strategiím, které volí čeští univerzitní studenti při kontaktu s fakultou. Kniha se věnuje i zdvořilosti v České republice, např. diglosii (kontextům, v nichž je užívána spisovná či obecná čeština), jmennému a zájmennému oslovování v české společnosti a české akademické sféře, formulování žádostí v češtině v kontrastu k angličtině a dalším jazykům. Kniha zahrnuje dvě studie týkající se studentských žádostí adresovaných fakultě, první se věnuje e-mailům obsahujícím žádost o informaci, druhá analyzuje dotazy zveřejněné na studentském informačním webovém fóru. Pozornost je věnována oslovování, úvodním a závěrečným formulím, míře přímosti vyjádření a gramatickým, lexikálním i dalším modifikačním prostředkům.

Objev podobné jako How to ask a professor: Politeness in Czech academic culture - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

cena 180.0 Kč

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

Celebrate the holidays with Dr. Seuss! Featuring designs and patterns based on the best-selling How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, this coloring book for all ages is the perfect way to relax and exercise your imagination during the holiday season.With intricate illustrations, playful patterns, iconic images, and quotations to color from How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, artists 3 to 103 can color and celebrate the holiday season. A perfect gift—especially when paired with the picture book How the Grinch Stole Christmas!—it’s sure to entertain every Who in Who-ville and beyond.

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cena 447.0 Kč

An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume Two - John Locke - e-kniha

eBook: ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding’ is philosopher John Locke\'s pioneering examination of the origins of human knowledge and understanding. First published in 1690, it set the agenda for modern philosophy and influenced psychology and political theory. In ‘An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Volume Two’ Locke discusses our use of language and its imperfections. He talks of the ‘Abuse of Words’ and laments the creation of words with no distinct meaning. The book also covers Locke’s ideas on truth, judgement, probability, enthusiasm and reason. His radical theories on the nature of human knowledge and where it comes from went on to change the face of philosophy. Regarded as Locke’s most powerful and important philosophical work, ‘An Essay on Human Understanding’ still resonates today. John Locke (1632-1704) was an English philosopher and political theorist, whose work built the foundations of modern liberalism, political theory and economics. Commonly known as the \"Father of Liberalism\" he is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers. Locke’s ideas on ‘identity’ and ‘self’ and the notion we are born with a ‘blank slate’, helped shape the work of philosophers such as Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire, while his essays on religious tolerance were an early model for the separation of church and state. The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by Locke’s political ideas on government, creating the foundation for the freedoms enjoyed by Americans today.

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cena 333.0 Kč

Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha

eBook: Ever wondered how criminal investigators persuade others to reveal their secrets? Or perhaps your personal or professional life could benefit from more open, trusting interactions? Whatever it may be, \'Unlocking Secrets\' provides the answers you need to harness your interpersonal and communication skills to get others to open up and talk. Through real-life examples, Dr David Craig shows how these skills can be applied in everyday life, whilst divulging some of the most enhanced psychological methods used in the world of covert operations. All in an accessible, bitesize way, perfect for anyone looking to advance their career or enrich personal relationships. Dr David Craig has been teaching and researching techniques in covert operations since the early 2000s. Having assisted undercover operations around the world, he spent over two decades as a Federal Agent, and now runs a consultancy for covert operations in Australia and overseas. Craig is the author of the bestselling psychological books ‘Unlocking Secrets : How to get people to tell you everything’ and ‘Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’. Craig believes that everybody can and should benefit from covert skills in their everyday lives.

Objev podobné jako Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

How the World Eats - Julian Baggini

An exploration of how we grow, make, buy and eat our food around the world, which proposes the principles for a perennial and global philosophy of food; from the Sunday Times-bestselling author of How the World Thinks.

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cena 738.0 Kč

How the World Thinks - Julian Baggini

The first ever global overview of philosophy: how it developed around the world and impacted the cultures in which it flourished, now in paperback.

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cena 325.0 Kč

Dva kavalíři z Verony / Two Gentlemen of Verona - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

eBook: Komedie plná zvratů o souboji mezi přátelstvím a láskou. Do pošetilého jednání kavalírských milenců pozoruhodně vstupují i dva sluhové a jeden pes. Ženy tu sice hrají prim, ale svému údělu se nevyhnou. Druhé, přepracované vydání.

Objev podobné jako Dva kavalíři z Verony / Two Gentlemen of Verona - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

cena 148.0 Kč

How the Just So Stories Were Made: The Brilliance and Tragedy Behind Kipling's Celebrated Tales for Little Children How the Just So Stories Were Made

A fascinating, richly illustrated exploration of the poignant origins of Rudyard Kipling’s world-famous children’s classic From "How the Leopard Got Its Spots" to "The Elephant’s Child," Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories have delighted readers across the world for more than a century. In this original study, John Batchelor explores the artistry with which Kipling created the Just So Stories, using each tale as an entry point into the writer’s life and work―including the tragedy that shadows much of the volume, the death of his daughter Josephine. Batchelor details the playful challenges the stories made to contemporary society. In his stories Kipling played with biblical and other stories of creation and imagined fantastical tales of animals' development and man's discovery of literacy. Richly illustrated with original drawings and family photographs, this account reveals Kipling’s public and private lives―and sheds new light on a much-loved and tremendously influential classic.

Objev podobné jako How the Just So Stories Were Made: The Brilliance and Tragedy Behind Kipling's Celebrated Tales for Little Children How the Just So Stories Were Made

cena 662.0 Kč

How to be a successfull real estate agent without losing your mind? - Jan Píbil - e-kniha

eBook: How to Succeed in Real Estate? How to Become a Successful Real Estate Agent? The job of a real estate agent is anything but simple, and there’s a lot you need to know and be able to do to succeed in this field. Would you also like to learn which common mistakes to avoid, how to find new listings, or how to sell a property quickly and efficiently? How can you build a reputation and gain satisfied clients? This book is a guide from someone with nearly 20 years of experience in real estate, as an agent, owner of a real estate agency, and developer. It offers valuable tips and instructions on how to become a successful real estate agent and potentially a property investor. The book is intended for anyone considering a career in real estate as well as for experienced agents looking to make their work more effective and successful.

Objev podobné jako How to be a successfull real estate agent without losing your mind? - Jan Píbil - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

How The Light Gets In - Louise Pennyová

NOMINATED FOR THE CWA GOLD DAGGERThere is more to solving a crime than following the clues.Welcome to Chief Inspector Gamache's world of facts and feelings.As a fierce, unrelenting winter grips Quebec, shadows are closing in on Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. When he receives a message about a mysterious case in Three Pines, he is compelled to investigate - a woman who was once one of the most famous people in the world has vanished.The investigation gathers momentum and Gamache is drawn into a web of murder, lies and unimaginable corruption at the heart of the city. Facing his most challenging, and personal, case to date, can he save the reputation of the Surete, those he holds dear and himself?Ten million readers.Three pines.One inimitable Chief Inspector Gamache.

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cena 279.0 Kč

How the Grinch Lost Christmas! - Dr. Seuss

The Grinch's newfound Christmas spirit is in jeopardy with the arrival of the Whoville's Christmas tree competition, but can one special Who remind him of what's really important? A sequel to the timeless classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas! featuring all your favourite characters! The Grinch has grown to LOVE Christmas, so when the Grinch sees a poster for Who-ville's Christmas tree contest, he has an awfully crafty idea... he will show off his new festive spirit by making the tallest, most spectacular Christmas tree the Whos have ever seen! But when things don't go as planned, will the Grinch return to his grinchy ways, or can one special Who remind him of the true meaning of Christmas? Celebrate the season alongside all your favourite characters with this sequel to the timeless classic How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

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cena 499.0 Kč

How the Grinch Stole Christmas - Dr. Seuss

The ghastly Grinch refuses to be moved by the Christmas spirit in this must-have paperback version of Dr. Seuss's classic tale.

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cena 232.0 Kč

The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: \'The Ant and The Grass Hopper\' is a fable that teaches the importance of planning, of self-reliance and hard work. The frolicking grass hopper spends his summer dancing and never working while the ant makes sure to put aside supplies for the coming winter. It is a tale that resonates to this day thanks to its important message of the importance of hard work as well as having fun. It is great reading for all ages on the importance of being able to plan and support yourself.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Ant and the Grasshopper - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Crow - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sweet words and manipulative compliments can make everyone\'s head spin. The \"Fox and the Crow\" teaches us to keep clear mind in the face of flattery. Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

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cena 124.0 Kč

The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we cannot reach our goal. And, of course, it is much easier to claim our goal undesirable than to admit defeat. There is hardly a child who does not know the fox who called the grapes sour but Aesop\'s fables offer so much more...Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Grapes - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

eBook: Is talent more important to success than hard work? Sometimes if we are determined and focused on our goals, we can overcome even the strongest opponents. And vise we should not only rely on talent to win. In his timeless fables, Aesop whispers from the past knowledge which we think we know, but very often forget.Aesop\'s fables feature animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics. All the stories story lead to a particular moral lesson.

Objev podobné jako The Hare and the Tortoise - Ezop - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: \"There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch...This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"He is laying naked in the forest when he sees a girl approaching. She hids from him – and peep at him. No wonder he is getting excited!\" – The Dryad by Christian, Oslo 1\"The man with a big M swept her off her feet. They were supposed to be at a party, but they headed straight for the forest!\" – A Summer Hike in the Forest by Elisabeth, Stavanger\"I want to take off all your clothes, and then I want you to walk on naked – all the way to the top.\" – Erotics in the Mountains by Torje Sauna, Jølster\"The dream was a hole-in-one – straight into the hole on the first try. But the dream hole seemed completely out of reach.\" – The 19th Hole by Magne L., Hedmark\"He found his place by the sea. He stripped naked, stretched out, and his blood quickly found its way to the right place.\"

Objev podobné jako The Dryad - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some people have never questioned whether they\'re gay or not. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples harden or their cock erect.This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"She\'d never before experienced such intense emotions for another girl. It both scared and excited her.\" - The Temptress by Angelita\"She secretly loved women, but it was difficult since she had a man and children. That all changed when she met Aina.\"

Objev podobné jako The Temptress - Cupido - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

eBook: Na světě je více než sedm miliard lidí – vrážíme do sebe v davu, nadáváme si v nekonečných kolonách aut, dokonce i v přírodě je čím dál těžší najít tiché zákoutí, kde bychom mohli být alespoň chvilku sami se sebou. Přesto se řada z nás cítí osamělá. Proč tomu tak je? Proč je stále složitější najít v přelidněném světě spřízněnou duši? V této knize najdete odpovědi na mnohé často kladené otázky. Je na vině moderní doba se svým důrazem na seberealizaci jednotlivců, s rozpadem tradiční rodiny a obrovskou fluktuací obyvatelstva? Anebo jsme to spíš my sami, protože nejsme schopni vytvářet blízké vazby, opakujeme ve vztazích stále tytéž chyby, popřípadě vůbec „nejsme stvořeni“ pro partnerství či život v rodině? Zamyslete se spolu s námi nad vykořeněním ve světě, zdánlivě dokonale propojeném prostřednictvím internetu a moderních technologií, či nad tím, jakou citovou daň platíme v neustálé honbě za osobním úspěchem. Rozebereme si působení rodičů a dětských traumat na naši schopnost utvářet vztahy k lidem a vysvětlíme si také rozdíly mezi extroverty a introverty, protože každý typ osobnosti přistupuje k problému osamělosti jinak. Na příkladu modelové rodiny, jejíž zajímavý a ryze současný příběh se vine celou knihou, se dozvíte, jak se ve své vlastní osamělosti zorientovat a překonat ji. Knihu pro její čtivost ocení široký okruh čtenářů. Zajímavé podněty a inspirace v ní najde i odborná veřejnost z okruhu psychologů, psychiatrů, koučů osobního rozvoje, pedagogů a pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích, včetně studentů těchto oborů.

Objev podobné jako Osamělost - The Beastess - e-kniha

cena 195.0 Kč

The Clouds - Aristophanes - e-kniha

eBook: Comedies, including The Clouds (423 BC) and Lysistrata (411 BC), of Greek playwright Aristophanes satirize Athenian society, politics, and philosophy.

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cena 138.0 Kč

Rockonomics : How the Music Industry Can Explain the Modern Economy - Krueger Alan

Alan Krueger, the former chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, uses the music industry, from rock artists to music executives, from managers to promoters, as a way in to explain the principles of economics, and the forces shaping our economic lives.The music industry is often a leading indicator of today's economy; it is among the first to be disrupted by the latest wave of technology, and examining the ins and outs of how musicians create and sell new songs and plan concert tours offers valuable lessons for what is in store for businesses and employees in other industries that are struggling to adapt.Drawing on interviews with leading band members, music executives, managers, promoters, and using the latest data on revenues, royalties, tour dates, and merchandise, Rockonomics takes readers backstage to show how the music industry really works - who makes money, how the economics of the music industry has undergone a radical transformation during the last twenty years, and what this tells us about our wider economy today.

Objev podobné jako Rockonomics : How the Music Industry Can Explain the Modern Economy - Krueger Alan

cena 294.0 Kč

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