Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Birth of the State - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: This book targets the problems of emergence and stabilization of the earliest state bodies in the pristine statehood foci of the Old World - Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. Charvát takes his readers through the essential economic, political and intellectual transformations induced in those societies by their transformations into early states. The author also provides a comprehensive view over the entire range of the discussed problems, attempting to perceive the process of establishment of the earliest states of the Old World in its complexity. The book gives the word to ancient statesmen, as well as to men of religion and letters of yore, voicing their alarm in crisis situations of their states, when they feared collapse of what they understood as "civilized society". Addressing their admonitions to kings, managers, generals and, where possible, the widest circles of society, such thinkers urged their contemporaries to defend the ideals on which their civilizations wer e built. The book is addressed to all those interested in the emergence and development of humankind´s earliest states including university students of humanity disciplines.

Podívejte se také Henderson Joe: State Of The Tenor: Live At The Village Vanguard, Volume 1 - LP (0860056)

cena 240.0 Kč

Shepherds of the Black-headed People - Petr Charvát, Lukáš Pecha, Kateřina Šašková - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace věnovaná archeologickému nálezu pečetí ve vykopávkách raně sumerského Uru (30.- 26. století př. n. l.).

Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw

cena 139.0 Kč

Zrození státu - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha obsahuje přehled nejnovějších poznatků o vzniku a vývoji rané státnosti ve čtyřech ohniscích zrodu prvotního státu Starého světa - v Egyptě, Mezopotámii, Číně a Indii. Autor analyzuje historické procesy, které vedou k ustavení rovnováhy mezi odstředivými tendencemi jednotlivých specializovaných společenských skupin a integrující rolí společenského ústředí. Trvalost této s námahou udržované rovnováhy určuje prostupování a vzájemné působení celé řady hospodářských, politických, mocenských, společenských, etických i duchovních faktorů. Knihu doplňují citace ze starověkých textů a jiné ilustrační materiály.

Podívejte se také The Hound of the Baskervilles

cena 210.0 Kč

Příběhy dávného času - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: Nová kniha historika a archeologa Petra Charváta poodhaluje historické pozadí proslulých vyprávění o nejstarších českých dějinách. Čtivým a poutavým způsobem zasazuje děje českého dávnověku do širších souvislostí, využívá přitom poznatky archeologie, religionistiky a dalších oborů. Pátrání po Krokovi, Libuši, Přemyslovi a dalších legendárních postavách přináší mnohá nečekaná překvapení. Čtenář knihy může sledovat stopy vedoucí do Skandinávie, spolu s Langobardy putovat do Itálie, na Střední Východ či do období řecké a římské antiky. Motivy objevující se ve starých pověstech, jako dívčí válka či silný Bivoj, mají své předobrazy v mnoha kulturách a prostředích. Pozornosti se dostává též tomu, kdo soubor starých pověstí poprvé zachytil v ucelené podobě, svatovítskému děkanovi a prvnímu českému kronikáři Kosmovi.

Objev podobné jako Příběhy dávného času - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Signs from Silence - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: Monografie Signs from Silence: Ur of the first Sumerians líčí příběh sumerského města Uru na počátku 3. tisíciletí před naším letopočtem (zhruba 2900–2700). V rámci bádání o vzniku jednoho z nejstarších státních organismů v dějinách lidstva – prvotního státu starověké Mezopotámie – podává autor svědectví o kritické fázi jeho sociálního vývoje. Právě na počátku třetího tisíciletí totiž obyvatelé Uru, nástupnického státu civilizace pozdní kultury urucké (3500–3200 př. n. l.), v jejímž rámci v Mezopotámii nejstarší tamní stát, organizované náboženství a první vědy a umění vznikly, rozhodovali o tom, zda se zdejší státnost udrží při životě, či zda zanikne bez náhrady, jako se to přihodilo v rámci jiných civilizačních komplexů. Autor pracuje s historickým dokladovým materiálem – psanými texty, archeologickými zjištěními a rozborem pramenů obrazové povahy. Na jeho základě pak zachycuje způsoby, jimiž urské elity pracovaly s hmotným a duchovním dědictvím civilizace urucké. Jejich činnost totiž určila soustavu souřadnic, na nichž se starověký mezopotamský stát vyvíjel po tři další tisíciletí své existence.

Objev podobné jako Signs from Silence - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

cena 290.0 Kč

Zrod českého státu 568-1055 - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

eBook: Jak probíhal příchod Slovanů do českých zemí a jaké byly jejich vztahy k domorodému obyvatelstvu? Kdo jsou „Bohemi“ západních pramenů? Jak došlo k utvoření přemyslovské dynastické pověsti? Proč nikdo nikdy nezpochybnil přemyslovský primát? Vyvážely se české granáty už v 7. století? Odkud přicházelo české stříbro, které v raně středověkých Čechách představovalo zjevně jeden z hlavních obchodních artiklů? Tyto a mnohé další otázky si klade kniha historika a archeologa Petra Charváta Zrod českého státu (568–1055). Zachycuje období od příchodu Slovanů po definitivní zformování českého státu za knížete Břetislava I. Autor, vědecký pracovník Orientálního ústavu Akademie věd ČR a uznávaný odborník v oborech středověká slovanská archeologie a klínopis, zasazuje dějiny slovanského etnika na našem území do širšího kontextu evropských politických, hospodářských, kulturních i náboženských dějin. Zabývá se politickými a společenskými proměnami, stejně jako strukturou dálkového obchodu raně středověké Evropy a vztahy pronikajícího křesťanství k přežívajícímu pohanství či k náboženstvím a kultům východu, například perskému mazdaismu.

Objev podobné jako Zrod českého státu 568-1055 - Petr Charvát - e-kniha

cena 147.0 Kč

Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement - Burke Tarana

From the founder and activist behind one of the largest movements of the twenty-first century, the me too movement, Tarana Burke debuts a powerful memoir about her own journey to saying those two simple yet infinitely powerful words and how she brought empathy back to an entire generation'Searing. Powerful. Needed.' Oprah'I will never stop thinking about this book.' Glennon DoyleTarana didn't always have the courage to say me too. As a child, she reeled from her sexual assault, believing she was responsible. Unable to confess what she thought of as her own sins for fear of shattering her family, her soul split in two. One side was the bright, intellectually curious third generation Bronxite steeped in Black literature and power, and the other was the bad, shame ridden girl who thought of herself as a vile rule breaker, not of a victim. She tucked one away, hidden behind a wall of pain and anger, which seemed to work... until it didn't. Tarana fought to reunite her fractured soul, through organizing, pursuing justice, and finding community. In her debut memoir she shares her extensive work supporting and empowering Black and brown girls, and the devastating realisation that to truly help these girls she needed to help that scared, ashamed child still in her soul. Tarana has found that we can only offer empathy to others if we first offer it to ourselves. Unbound is the story of an inimitable woman's inner strength and perseverance, all in pursuit of bringing healing to her community and the world around her, but it is also a story of possibility, of empathy, of power, and of the leader we all have inside ourselves. In sharing her path toward healing and saying me too, Tarana reaches out a hand to help us all on our own journeys.

Objev podobné jako Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement - Burke Tarana

cena 294.0 Kč

Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha

eBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy.

Objev podobné jako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha

cena 350.0 Kč

The Divine Spark : Psychedelics, Consciousness and the Birth of Civilization - Graham Hancock

'I suspect the real breakthroughs in our understanding of consciousness are going to come from an entirely different direction. That direction, controversially, has to do with psychedelics - which, as many of the contributors to The Divine Spark argue, offer spectacular potential for the investigation of the "hard problem" of consciousness.' - Graham Hancock, from the Introduction. In The Divine Spark, bestselling author Graham Hancock brings us a groundbreaking collection of the latest thinking on consciousness and psychedelics. Graham has been writing and speaking about this to audiences worldwide, including a controversial TedX talk on ayahuasca and DMT, which received well over a million views on YouTube. Combining the wisdom of leading minds, The Divine Spark illuminates the topic like never before, with a particular focus on the use of psychedelics to open up the realm of the supernatural. The book unveils fresh theories on the relation of psychedelics to domains such as creativity, the survival of life on planet earth, interspecies communication, medicine and drug research, and many more. Contributors include: Mike Alvernia, Russell Brand, David Jay Brown, Paul Devereux, Rick Doblin, Nassim Haramein, Martina Hoffman, Don Lattin, Eduardo Luna, Dennis McKenna, Thad McKraken, Rak Razam, Gabriel Roberts, Thomas B. Roberts, Robert Schoch, Mark Seelig, Rick Strassman and Robert Tindall.

Objev podobné jako The Divine Spark : Psychedelics, Consciousness and the Birth of Civilization - Graham Hancock

cena 447.0 Kč

Ylla: The Birth of Modern Animal Photography - Pryor Dodge

Ylla (1911–1955) devoted herself exclusively to animal portraiture at a time when nobody had thought of only photographing animals. She created something new – the genre of expression and personality in animals. This is the story of a “New Woman” par excellence, Ylla was fearless and knew no limits, and of a pioneer animal photographer in Africa and India. The book tells Ylla’s exciting life: She was part of artists’ circles in Belgrade and Paris, during WWII she fled via Marseille to New York where she started her career again from scratch. Originally taking photos in her studio and in zoos she finally traveled to Africa and India where she died in a tragic accident during a water buffalo race. Her Animals in Africa is one of the first books on the subject. Ylla also introduced photography to children’s literature. Her books The Sleepy Little Lion and Two little bears are juvenile classics.

Objev podobné jako Ylla: The Birth of Modern Animal Photography - Pryor Dodge

cena 1298.0 Kč

Davis Miles: Music From and Inspired By Birth of the Cool - CD (0190759943526)

Hudební CD - Soundtrack k dokumentu Stanley Nelsona o Milesi Davisovi v roce 2020 Soundtrack k dokumentu Stanley Nelsona o Milesi Davisovi v roce 2020 Seznam stop CD Commentary: Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Heath / Milestones (1958) / Commentary: Greg Tate / Donna Lee (Charlie Parker with Miles Davis) (1947) / Commentary: Ashley Kahn, Symphony Sid Introduction / Moon Dreams (1949) / Commentary: George Wein / 'Round Midnight (1957) / Commentary: Carlos Santana / It Never Entered My Mind (1959) / Commentary: Vincent Bessieres / Generique (1958) / Commentary: Jimmy Cobb / So What (1959) / Commentary: Gil Evans / New Rhumba (1957) / Commentary: Frances Taylor Davis / The Pan Piper (Alborada de Vigo) (1960) / Commentary: Jack Chambers / Someday My Prince Will Come (1961) / Commentary: Wayne Shorter / Footprints (1967) / Commentary: Carlos Santana, Quincy Troupe / Miles Runs The Voodoo Down (45RPM Single Edit) (1970) / Commentary: Marcus Miller / Tutu (1986) /...

Objev podobné jako Davis Miles: Music From and Inspired By Birth of the Cool - CD (0190759943526)

cena 329.0 Kč

Miles Davis - Music From And Inspired by Birth of the Cool (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1940 - 1949 Subžánr: Bop;Post Bop;Cool Jazz;Free Jazz;Hard Bop;Jazz Rock;Jazz;Fusion Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Soul;Funk;Jazz Rok vydání: 2020.0 Vydavatelství: Columbia Datum vydání: 2020-03-13 Typ: LP deska;Album;Kompilace Interpret / Téma: Miles Davis Barva: Černá Země interpreta: USA Země původu: Německo;Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Music From And Inspired by Birth of the Cool (2 LP)

Objev podobné jako Miles Davis - Music From And Inspired by Birth of the Cool (2 LP)

cena 592.8 Kč

Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

The follow-up to the BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week Other MindsA Times and Sunday Times Book of the YearA Waterstones Best Book of 2020The scuba-diving philosopher explores the origins of animal consciousness.Dip below the ocean's surface and you are soon confronted by forms of life that could not seem more foreign to our own: sea sponges, soft corals and flower-like worms, whose rooted bodies and intricate geometry are more reminiscent of plant life than anything recognisably animal. Yet these creatures are our cousins. As fellow members of the animal kingdom - the Metazoa - they can teach us about the evolutionary origins of not only our bodies, but also our minds.In his acclaimed book, Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith explored the mind of the octopus - the closest thing to an intelligent alien on Earth. In Metazoa, he expands his inquiry to animals at large, investigating the evolution of experience with the assistance of far-flung species. Godfrey-Smith shows that the appearance of the first animal body form well over half a billion years ago was a profound innovation that set life upon a new path. He charts the ways that subsequent evolutionary developments - eyes that track, for example, and bodies that move through and manipulate the environment - shaped the lives of animals. Following the evolutionary paths of a glass sponge, soft coral, banded shrimp, octopus and fish, then moving onto land and the world of insects, birds and primates like ourselves, Metazoa gathers these stories together to bridge the gap between matter and mind and address one of the most important philosophical questions: what is the origin of consciousness?Combining vivid animal encounters with philosophy and biology, Metazoa reveals the impossibility of separating the evolution of our minds from the evolution of animals themselves.

Objev podobné jako Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness - Peter Godfrey-Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

Atlas rozšíření mnohonožek v České republice / Atlas of the Millipedes of the Czech Republic - Pavel Kocourek, Petr Dolejš, Alena Kovaříková - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace shrnuje poznatky o výskytu mnohonožek na území ČR s použitím metodiky síťového mapování. U každého druhu jsou k dispozici informace o stanovištních nárocích a stupni ochrany, mapa rozšíření, a přehled známých (publikovaných i nepublikovaných) nálezů a lokalit. Navíc byly u každého druhy aktualizovány ekologické charakteristiky, které umožní, aby mnohonožky mohly být využity coby bioindikátory v ochraně přírody. The book gathers knowledge about distribution of millipedes in the Czech Republic using the grid square mapping. In each species, there are information about habitat requirements and vulnerability, map of distribution, and an overwiev of known (both published and unpublished) records and localities. In addition, ecological characteristics were updated for each species, enabling thus using the millipedes as bioindicators for nature protection

Objev podobné jako Atlas rozšíření mnohonožek v České republice / Atlas of the Millipedes of the Czech Republic - Pavel Kocourek, Petr Dolejš, Alena Kovaříková - e-kniha

cena 130.0 Kč

Davis Miles: Music From and Insp. Birth of the Cool (2x LP) - LP (0194397237016)

LP vinyl - Miles Davis byl americký jazzový trumpetista, skladatel a vedoucí několika jazzových uskupení. Miles Davis byl americký jazzový trumpetista, skladatel a vedoucí několika jazzových uskupení. Patří k nejvýraznějším osobnostem hudby 20. století. Ve čtyřicátých letech 20. století byl jedním ze zakladatelů cool jazzu, v padesátých letech pak hard bopu a na konci šedesátých let stál u kořenů jazz-rocku. Seznam stop LP1 Commentary. Herbie Hancock, Jimmy Heath / Milestones / Commentary. Greg Tate / Donna Lee (with Charlie Parker) / Commentary. Ashley Kahn, Symphony Sid Introduction / Moon Dreams / Commentary. George Wein / 'Round Midnight / Commentary. Carlos Santana / It Never Entered My Mindt / Commentary. Vincent Bessieres / Générique Mono Version / Commentary. Jimmy Cobb / So WhatLP2 Commentary. Gil Evans / New Rhumba / Commentary. Frances Taylor Davis / The Pan Piper / Commentary. Jack Chambers / Someday My Prince Will Come / Commentary. Wayne...

Objev podobné jako Davis Miles: Music From and Insp. Birth of the Cool (2x LP) - LP (0194397237016)

cena 669.0 Kč

Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli

“Elvis who?” was photographer Alfred Wertheimer’s response when, in early 1956, RCA Victor asked him to photograph an up-and-coming crooner from Memphis. Little did Wertheimer know that this would be the job of his life: just 21 years old, Elvis Presley was—as we now know—about to become a legend. A fly on the wall in Presley's presence, Wertheimer took nearly 3,000 photographs of Elvis that year, creating a penetrating portrait of a man poised on the brink of superstardom.Extraordinary in its intimacy and unparalleled in its scope, Wertheimer's Elvis project immortalized a young man in the very process of making history. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll collects Wertheimer’s most remarkable Elvis shots from that magical year, along with a selection of his historic 1958 pictures of the star being shipped off to an army base in Germany. Each chapter is illustrated with a poster by Hatch Show Print, one of the oldest letterpress print shops in America, which created many early Elvis posters in the 1950s.

Objev podobné jako Alfred Wertheimer. Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll - Robert Santelli

cena 1244.0 Kč


Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Dekorace stěn, které Vás prostě inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Obraz na plátně GEOPOLITICUS CHILD WATCHING the BIRTH OF NEW MAN – Sal

cena 1082.0 Kč

The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

eBook: "I hate every wave of the ocean," the seasick Charles Darwin wrote to his family during his five-year voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle. It was this world-wide journey, however, that launched the scientist’s career.The Voyage of the Beagle is Darwin's fascinating account of his trip - of his biological and geological observations and collection activities, of his speculations about the causes and theories behind scientific phenomena, of his interactions with various native peoples, of his beautiful descriptions of the lands he visited, and of his amazing discoveries in the Galapagos archipelago.

Objev podobné jako The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Archibald Hunter arrives at Cruden Bay for his yearly seaside vacation, looking for nothing more than peace and quiet. Then all of a sudden his life becomes plagued by intimidating visions and omens of impending disaster. What are these creepy ghosts trying to tell him? And what is the mystery behind the strange cipher that has inexplicably fallen into his lap?A mystery novel at first but transforms into an exciting adventure full of intrigue, romance and treasure hunting. 'The Mystery of The Sea' is a stark but refreshing contrast to Bram Stoker's well-known horror classic 'Dracula', famously portrayed by film star Bela Lugosi. Highly recommended for avid fans of H.P. Lovecraft's supernatural stories, and its HBO adaptation 'Lovecraft Country'. Also a perfect fit for 'Robinson Crusoe' fans seeking a sinister adventure story about a lone man taking on the malignant forces of nature.-

Objev podobné jako The Mystery of the Sea - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: Business magnate Roger Melton has passed on, leaving behind one of the grandest fortunes of his time. To the family's astonishment, Roger has bequeathed his vast estate to the black sheep of the family, his young nephew Rupert Sent Leger. But Rupert's inheritance involves the most extraordinary conditions, including one stating that he must reside in the ancient castle of Vissarion in the Land of the Blue Mountains. Rupert travels to Vissarion with his Aunt Janet, who possesses the occult power of Second Sight. But despite all the precautions Rupert is visited by a mysterious woman veiled in a burial shroud. Beguiled by her otherworldly and ethereal beauty, Rupert ponders whether she is a vampire, a ghost, or another sort of mystic creature altogether. Determined to find out for himself, but has no idea of what dangers he has to face.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Shroud - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Voice of the City - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: Another poignant short story collection from the famed writer, formed as an ode to O. Henry's favourite place, New York City. Seeking to find the genuine voice of this megapolis, O. Henry portrays a variety of characters in their own peculiarity and uniqueness . In the first short of the same name, we are brought to the cacophonous chanting of a New York class room where students eagerly recite their lessons, before we are brought on a sweeping journey throughout the city. We meet policemen, poets and newsboys who each eagerly accounts for the true voice of their famed city. It is an excellent read, that constitutes essential reading for any fan of O. Henry, or those of you with a big love for the Big Apple who want to see just exactly how this wondrous city came to captivate the world.

Objev podobné jako The Voice of the City - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

eBook: Close your eyes and imagine the horrors of being sentenced to hard labour at an isolated Siberian prison camp. The torturous conditions, the brutality of the guards and the suffering of your everyday life!"The House of the Dead" is a semi-autobiographical novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The author uses autofiction to be able to use facts, fiction and to discuss topics that have happened to him while he was imprisoned. The primitive conditions and horrifying episodes in the prison camp mirror the author's own exile in such a camp for four years in 1849. The novel focuses on the exploration of the Russian character, mostly depicted in times of trouble and hardship. The themes of crime, punishment and isolation run potent in this haunting novel where the reader has to suffer and endure the arduous path through the house of the dead in order to be born again into freedom. A five-star reading recommendation.

Objev podobné jako The House of the Dead - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

eBook: We all know what it's like to be in love, but when love is placed within the context of anxieties, desires and beliefs, will it survive?The sisters Bianca and Katherine might be as opposite as chalk and cheese, yet marriage finds its way into both their lives. Prompted by the notion of a love free of idealism, Petruchio is ready to marry Katherine with or without her will. Can she learn to love him? Or will marriage without love always be filled with terror and deception?Although believed to be written in the late 1500s, this classic romance is still very relevant today. Whether you will perceive Katherina and Petruchio's relationship as romantic and energetic or violent and oppressive, this play unmistakably offers us a perpetual take on the major theme: the battle of the sexes. But unlike most modern day romances emotional desires are put second in this play's exploration of love, marriage and courtship.If you saw and loved director Gil Junger's "10 Things I Hate About You", this is the best-seller behind the film.

Objev podobné jako The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

eBook: For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, \'The Meaning of the War\' by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores \'Life & Matter in Conflict\', as the subtitle of the book tells us. A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud\'s essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Castaways of the Flag - Jules Verne - e-kniha

eBook: ‘The Castaways of the Flag’ is the sequel to ‘Their Island Home’ and the 47th book of the ‘Extraordinary Voyages’ series. A huge fan of ‘The Swiss Family Robinson,’ by Johann David Wyss, Verne decided to pick up the thread and, with the addition of ‘Their Island Home,’ turn one story into an unofficial trilogy. This, the final instalment, follows the fortunes of the family, as they finally leave the island and head for home. However, will its shores prove too difficult to escape from forever? A fitting finale to Wyss’ original tale, this book is for lovers of Verne and Wyss, alike. Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who became known as the ‘Father of Science Fiction.’ He wrote more than 60 novels, including ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ (1864), ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ (1870) which was also released as a film, starring James Mason, and ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ (1873), which has been released as a TV drama, featuring former Dr Who star, David Tennant.

Objev podobné jako The Castaways of the Flag - Jules Verne - e-kniha

cena 145.0 Kč

The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (April 1, 1875 – February 10, 1932) was an English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels. In the 1920s, one of Wallace\'s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He is most famous today as the co-creator of King Kong, writing the early screenplay and story for the movie, as well as a short story \"King Kong\" (1933) credited to him and Draycott Dell. He was known for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, The Four Just Men, The Ringer, and for creating the Green Archer character during his lifetime. (wikipedia.org) THE PEOPLE OF THE RIVER is set in Colonial Africa, British colonial official Sanders fights for British power and to protect his colonial charges set against the backdrop of mostly-unexplored Africa.

Objev podobné jako The People of the River - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Brother of the Other - Radka Klvaňová - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha se věnuje kulturním procesům vyjednávání symbolických hranic přináležení v českém imigračním kontextu. Na základě kvalitativní analýzy biografických rozhovorů s přistěhovalci z Běloruska, Ukrajiny a Ruska žijících v České republice autorka zjišťuje, jak se utvářejí symbolické hranice přináležení skrze stigma v každodenních interakcích v sociálním a kulturním kontextu imigrace. Kniha si všímá rozporuplné kulturní reprezentace této skupiny migrantů v českém prostoru etnizovaných vztahů – zvláštního napětí mezi pozicí ‚Druhého‘ (‚Other) a ‚Bratra‘ (‚Brother‘) ve vztahu k Čechům. Toto napětí odráží minulé i současné procesy vytváření národa ve střední a východní Evropě, historické politické vztahy mezi socialistickým Československem a Sovětským svazem a migrační procesy v období po roce 1989. Kniha nabízí nový vhled do kulturního repertoáru českého imigračního kontextu a vyjednávání hranic češství.

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cena 353.0 Kč

The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha

eBook: This novel, although not as well-known as Radcliffe's later works, is thought to represent her work at its best. More than just a work of suspense and mystery, it is a work of ideas--a discussion of the contrasts between hedonistic doctrines and a system of education and values.

Objev podobné jako The Romance of the Forest - Ann Radcliffe - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha

eBook: La Fortune des Rougon (The Fortune of the Rougons), originally published in 1871, is the first novel in Émile Zola's monumental twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart. The novel is partly an origin story, with a large cast of characters - many of whom become the central figures of later novels in the series - and partly an account of the December 1851 coup d´etat that created the French Second Empire under Napoleon III. The events are experienced through the eyes of a large provincial town in southern France. The title refers not only to the "fortune" chased by protagonists Pierre and Felicité Rougon, but also to the fortunes of the various disparate family members Zola introduces, whose lives are of central importance to later books in the series.

Objev podobné jako The Fortune of the Rougons - Émile Zola - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Doom of the Griffiths' is a haunting short story by the acclaimed Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. A long-forgotten curse was placed upon the Griffiths family by the last native Prince of Wales, Owain Glyndŵr, following a betrayal by a member of the Griffiths family. The curse foretells that the Griffiths family line will end 'with the murder of the eighth generation Griffiths by the ninth'. Many years later, will the ominous prophecy upon the condemned family come true? A dark tale of revenge, jealousy, and treachery.

Objev podobné jako The Doom of the Griffiths - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

eBook: Considered wildly controversial at the time of its release, \'The Fruit of the Tree\' is a departure from the norm for Edith Wharton. While her trademark eye for social detail and psychological insights are present and correct, this novel deals with more melancholic themes, such as divorce, addiction, euthanasia, poor working conditions, and extravagance. It follows the story of George Amhurst, the assistant manager of a textile mill in New England. While his heart might be in the right place, when he marries the widow of a mill owner, he might be forced to compromise in his ideals. A striking book from the pen that wrote \'The Age of Innocence,\' which became a film, starring Michelle Pfeiffer and Daniel Day-Lewis.

Objev podobné jako The Fruit of the Tree - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha

eBook: Do you like Stieg Larsson\'s \'Millennium\', James Bond and dystopian dramas like \'The Man in the High Castle\'? The 1903 spy thriller \'The Riddle of the Sands\' has elements of all three - and then some. Ken Follett, author of \'The Pillars of the Earth\', called \'The Riddle of the Sands\' the \"first modern thriller\". It centres on a suspected plot by the German Empire to invade Britain. The plot proved to be almost prophetic, bearing in mind what was to follow in the First World War and the Second World War in the coming decades. Minor civil servant Carruthers and his friend, Davies are the men investigating the plot while on a yachting holiday in the Baltic Sea. They are drawn into an intricate story that includes secret treasure, a British traitor and a race against time to save Britain from the grip of the Kaiser. In 1979 \'The Riddle of the Sands\' was made into a spy thriller movie, starring Michael York, Jenny Agutter and Simon MacCorkindale. Childers\' technique of including a great deal of detail that could be verified was later used by authors including: John Buchan, who wrote \'The Thirty-Nine Steps\'; \'James Bond\' author Ian Fleming and John Le Carré. Erskine Childers (1870-1922) was an Anglo-Irish writer whose only true literary success came with \'The Riddle of the Sands\'. Instead, he found infamy through his political activism. Having been a prospective Liberal parliamentary candidate, he left the party and took up the cause of Irish Republicanism. He smuggled guns into Ireland on his yacht, but was executed during the Irish Civil War. His son, Erskine Hamilton Childers, became the 4th president of Ireland.

Objev podobné jako The Riddle of the Sands - Childers Erskine - e-kniha

cena 270.0 Kč

The Last of the Vikings - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

eBook: Dangerous storms, treacherous waters and friends who sometimes turn out to be enemies. The life of the Norwegian fishermen was never easy. If you love \'The Vikings\' series on Netflix, you will love this book!Set against the harsh beauty of the Lofoten Islands, \'The Last of the Vikings\' is a stirring depiction, both of man\'s perseverance and of the end of an era. Its action centres upon a single fishing season, when the Norwegian peasantry, descendants of the Vikings, make their annual voyage to the islands.For the people at home, fishing was just as hard, but in a different way. The knowledge that your husband, son or father was away for months, risking his life, wore on those staying at home. The main character\'s wife is described as hating the sea - she never saw God in the sea. He just existed back at her childhood farm.This is a tale of the poor and their ongoing struggle to live and provide for their families. Full of adventures and tales, though quite sad in places, this classic book makes for an interesting read and is one of those stories that should be read at least once in a lifetime!

Objev podobné jako The Last of the Vikings - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

eBook: Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, but is this possible?An idealistic physician, shaped by his reformist mother, decides to practice medicine in a cold area in the far north of Norway among the Sami people. He returns home with his stylish new wife and sets about looking into the social factors that contribute to illness. This leads him into difficulty not least from his jealous wife.Will Dr. Mark\'s epiphany for social justice outweigh his ability to function rationally in his role as physician and husband? An insightful novel from Northern Norway at the turn of the 20th century

Objev podobné jako The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Often referred to as the sequel to \'The Two Dianas,\' \'The Page of the Duke of Savoy\' tells the story of the Duke of Savoy and his mysterious page. The Duke decides to fight the French at the Battle of St. Quentin, with potentially disastrous consequences. In typical Dumas style, this story is rife with political intrigue, double identities, and swashbuckling swordplay.However, at its heart, this is a historical romance which shows the lengths people will go to for love. A real page-turner for fans of Dumas and those who want an introduction to his work.

Objev podobné jako The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

The Book of the Hamburgs - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

eBook: Best known as the author of the ‘Wizard of Oz’ series of children’s stories, L. Frank Baum also worked as a poultry farmer before he found literary fame. ‘The Book of the Hamburgs’ is a short informative guide to the Hamburg breed of chicken, one of his favourites. This book explores characteristics, the history of the breed, and information for those looking to exhibit their Hamburgs. A charming guide to one of the author’s little-known passions.

Objev podobné jako The Book of the Hamburgs - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Rover of the Andes - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: The 'Rover of the Andes' follows a group of travelers as they navigate their way across the wilds of Argentina and Peru. With each surprise, acquaintance, and lesson that their adventure brings, we are reminded that not everything is as it seems. This adventure is unmissable for those who enjoyed Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Treasure Island'.

Objev podobné jako The Rover of the Andes - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: Ever wondered how to combat the deep-seated urge to do wrong? Maybe Edgar Allen Poe can help. In "The Imp of the Perverse" (1845) Poe sets out to explain the Imp – the archetype responsible for persuading us to do what we know in our minds we shouldn't. Poe, supposedly distraught with his own self-destructive impulses, lets the story take place primarily in the narrator's mind as he frets the day he will have to come clean. At the heart of this short story is the question of how far we can justify our wrongdoings. It explores our self-destructive impulses and urges, the abandonment of reason and our inherent wickedness. Join Poe as he takes the reader from the sunny valleys of reason to the darkest regions of the human soul. A descent into madness.

Objev podobné jako The Imp of the Perverse - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: In England, fans of Charles Dickens were gripped by the four ghosts that visited Ebenezer Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol' to get him to change his mean ways. At the same time, Edgar Allen Poe's 'Angel of the Odd', made out of a keg and wine bottles, drops in on the narrator, who does not believe in strange occurrences. He chases the angel away and has a booze-induced afternoon nap. When he wakes, his house is on fire. A ladder appears at the window and down he climbs - only to collide with a pig, fracturing his arm in the fall. Things cannot get worse, can they? They sure can! For he is given the elbow by his would-be wife, who notices that he wears a wig because it was burnt off in the blaze. The mishaps just keep coming. But when the 'Angel of the Odd' reappears, will the poor man swallow his pride and halt the barrage of blows?'Angel of the Odd' is the ideal read for those interested in Poe's lesser-known works.

Objev podobné jako The Angel of the Odd - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Lady of the Camellias - Alexandre Dumas Jr. - e-kniha

eBook: When Armand Duvall meets Marguerite Cautier for the first time, he falls head over heels in love. It doesn't matter that Marguerite is a courtesan – and a way too expensive woman for an ordinary man like Armand. But Armand is not ready to give up. He is determined to win Marguerite's heart – at any cost.'The Lady of the Camellias' is a novel by Alexandre Dumas Jr. It has been filmed into a movie several times. The best known version is from 1936 and it stars Greta Garbo.

Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Camellias - Alexandre Dumas Jr. - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Lily of the Valley - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

eBook: Felix was rejected as a child by his mother and those scars never fully heal. In a book with great emotional depth, Honore de Balzac explores Felix\' two major adult relationships with women through the form of a single letter. With the beautiful, but married, Madame Mortsauf, maternal love grows into a passion - but never crosses into physical infidelity. As the years pass by, Felix falls for sensuous Englishwoman Lady Arabelle. Torn between \"the wife of the spirit\" and \"the mistress of the flesh\", he becomes the laughing stock of the French Court.How will he untie his emotional knot without causing emotional damage to the two women? The insights and descriptions are exquisite - and there is an unexpected twist at the end. \'The Lily of the Valley\' is perfect reading for fans of other books featuring a love triangle, including Margaret Mitchell\'s \'Gone With the Wind\' and Emily Brontë\'s \'Wuthering Heights\'. Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called \'The Human Comedy\'.His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters. The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert. The first novel he published under his own name was \'Les Chouans\' in 1829.In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was \'The Human Comedy\', which comprised three categories: \'Analytic Studies\'; \'Philosophical Studies\'; and \'Studies of Manners\'.

Objev podobné jako The Lily of the Valley - Honoré De Balzac - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Call of the Wild (YA) - Jack London - e-kniha

eBook: In this dark and dangerous survival tale, man’s best friend, Buck, is abducted when the Gold Rush hits. Taken from his home - and his trusted owner - Buck faces up to the brutal realities of frontier life. Can his owner get him back? And will his perfectly peaceful life ever be restored? Adapted into the blockbuster hit starring Harrison Ford and Omar Sy, ‘The Call of the Wild’ weaves a rip-roaring tale of love, loss, and the unbreakable bonds between man and dog. Perfect for fans of Michael Morpurgo, Robert Macfarlane, and Rosanne Parry. Popular with history and adventure fans, Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist, journalist, and social activist. He is celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and dubbed an innovator in the sci-fi genre. London’s popular works span ‘The Call of the Wild’, ‘White Fang’, and ‘Sea Wolf’, and he remains today a writer of tense and thrilling adventure tales.

Objev podobné jako The Call of the Wild (YA) - Jack London - e-kniha

cena 145.0 Kč

The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: Known across the UK as ‘The Moat Farm Murder,’ ‘The Secret of Moat Farm’ sees Wallace as his investigative-journalist best. At the age of 28, the author was sent to cover the developments in this true-crime story. In 1903, Camille Holland and Samuel Dougal apparently went on a shopping trip. However, suspicions arose when Dougal returned alone, saying that Camille had caught a train to London. Wallace offers insights into the criminal mind, alongside all the facts that made this one of the most gripping and tragic stories of its time. A must for fans of true-crime such as Netflix\'s ´Night Stalker: The Hunt For a Serial Killer´, and those who want an introduction to Wallace’s work. Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street. He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’ Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts). However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Moat Farm - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

eBook: In the midst of an epidemic, Commissioner Sanders hears of a local woman with a remarkable gift that could transcend the limits of modern medicine. He, along with his trusted advisors, examine a series of miraculous cases tied to this extraordinary figure. In The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Sanders embraces the unknown encountering new and surprising obstacles. Within the Belgian Congo, stories of a woman healer called M\'lama are spreading among the native people. Soon, military men begin to question their validity and M’lama’s powerful influence. Commissioner Sanders seeks to uncover the truth about her rumored ability to cure the sick and even raise the dead. It’s a curious expedition that blurs the line between the physical and supernatural realm. With The Keepers of the King’s Peace, Edgar Wallace highlights a cultural clash between Africans and Europeans during the colonial period. Sanders and his crew must step outside their comfort zones to fully explore native customs and spiritual practices. This illuminating story was originally published in The Windsor Magazine in 1917 as an entry in the Sanders of the River series. With an eye-catching new cover, and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of The Keepers of the King’s Peace is both modern and readable. Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.

Objev podobné jako The Keepers of the King's Peace - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Land of the Vine Leaf - Jan Kostrhun - e-kniha

eBook: This book describes fascinating natural landscapes of south Moravia and river Dyje (the area partially protected by UNESCO). It talks about people and yearly events in the region. The stories are characteristic of its poetics, style and beautiful language.

Objev podobné jako The Land of the Vine Leaf - Jan Kostrhun - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

The Argonauts of the Air - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

eBook: Written just eight years before the Wright brothers made their first powered flight, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ follows the fortunes of eccentric millionaire, Monson. Monson is determined to build the world’s first flying machine. However, with his fortune dwindling and time against him, will he be successful in his mission? Another example of Wells’ extraordinary prescience, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ is a thought-provoking and taut read, and possibly the only book to put London’s Worcester Park on the literary map. H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.

Objev podobné jako The Argonauts of the Air - Herbert George Wells - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Kingdom of the Blind - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha

eBook: Written and published during the early years of WWI ‘The Kingdom of the Blind’ by E. Phillips Oppenheim is set against the backdrop of this international conflict. Hugh Thomson is on the hunt for a German super-spy who seems able to cross international borders without detection. Contrasting the bloody battlefields with the ignorance and glamour of London high society, and the cowardice of politicians with the bravery of the military, this novel provides a fascinating insight into attitudes of the time, whilst also being a thrilling tale.

Objev podobné jako The Kingdom of the Blind - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Giant of the North - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1882 ‘The Giant of the North’ is an imaginative children’s adventure tale from prolific Scottish author R.M. Ballantyne. Captain Vane, along with his son Benjamin and nephews Leo and Alf are on an adventure, searching for the elusive North Pole. When their ship runs aground, the group must venture out across the icy expanse to find help, and along the way they find themselves caught up in a series of mishaps and escapades as they navigate this unfamiliar terrain.

Objev podobné jako The Giant of the North - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

The Eight Strokes of the Clock - Maurice Leblanc - e-kniha

eBook: The Eight Strokes of the Clock (1922) is a collection of short stories by Maurice Leblanc. Partly based on the life of French anarchist Marius Jacob, Arsène Lupin first appeared in print in 1905 as an answer to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Blending crime fiction, fantasy, and mystery, Leblanc crafts original and entertaining tales of adventure starring one of the greatest literary characters of all time—Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief. Arsène Lupin is the world’s greatest thief, an unmatched force for good whose exploits threaten the wealth and standing of France’s most wicked men. In this debut installment of Leblanc’s beloved series, Lupin uses his remarkable wit and chameleon-like ability to move undetected through aristocratic society in order to steal, trick, and cheat his way through life. Despite his criminal nature, he operates under a strict moral code, only taking from those who have taken from the poor all their lives. In this collection of short stories, Lupin reveals the adventures of a strangely familiar figure—himself. Using the alias Prince Rénine, he recalls some of his most thrilling escapades. With the help of his beautiful comrade Hortense, the Prince sets out to solve the mysterious disappearance and murder of several women. When Hortense goes missing, he fears for the worst, and must race against time in order to save her life. The Eight Strokes of the Clock is a story of romance, mystery, and crime that continues to astound over a century after it was published. This edition of Maurice Leblanc’s The Eight Strokes of the Clock is a classic of French literature reimagined for modern readers. Since our inception in 2020, Mint Editions has kept sustainability and innovation at the forefront of our mission. Each and every Mint Edition title gets a fresh, professionally typeset manuscript and a dazzling new cover, all while maintaining the integrity of the original book. With thousands of titles in our collection, we aim to spotlight diverse public domain works to help them find modern audiences. Mint Editions celebrates a breadth of literary works, curated from both canonical and overlooked classics from writers around the globe.

Objev podobné jako The Eight Strokes of the Clock - Maurice Leblanc - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Well of the Saints - John Millington Synge - e-kniha

eBook: J.M. Synge’s ‘The Well of the Saints’ is a three-act darkly comedic play that explores themes of myth, vision and journeys. Two blind beggars, Martin and Mary Doul, are cured of their blindness by a passing saint. Unable to reckon with the ugliness of a world they have never seen, their relationship is torn apart by their new gift. Now able to integrate into society, they try and live as they have always wanted to, only to be met with cruelty at every turn. ‘The Well of the Saints’ is a hilarious and thought-provoking play that will enrapture fans of Irish literature or comedy. A cross between ‘Waiting for Godot’ and ‘Trading Places’, ‘The Well of the Saints’ is a dark delight to be enjoyed by all. Edmund John Millington Synge (1871 – 1909) was an Irish poet, playwright, and defining figure of the Irish Literary Revival. Born in County Dublin to upper-middle-class Protestants, Synge suffered from Hodgkin’s disease which led to his home-schooling. Soon after graduating from Trinity College Dublin, Synge became a renowned poet and playwright, but his success was short-lived as he passed away from cancer at 37. He is best remembered for his play ‘The Playboy of the Western World’, an incredibly controversial work at the time of its publication and performance. Regarded by Yeats as ‘the greatest dramatic genius of Ireland’, Synge has had a lasting legacy, being a key influence for acclaimed Irish playwright Samuel Beckett and the subject of Joseph O’Connor’s novel ‘Ghost Light’ (2010).

Objev podobné jako The Well of the Saints - John Millington Synge - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel - Baroness Orczy - e-kniha

eBook: Who is the Scarlett Pimpernel? Will his identity finally be revealed? Will the elusive hero succeed in liberating Marguerite and escaping his pursuers yet again? Find out in \'The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel\' by Baroness Orczy. In 1794, the reign of terror is still raging in Paris, while people are imprisoned and executed indiscriminately in the name of the revolution. The Scarlett Pimpernel, much to the chagrin of his enemies, is still at large, but Agent Chauvelin refuses to give up. He captures the Pimpernel\'s beloved Marguerite in the hope of luring out his enemy. The Scarlett Pimpernel has been adapted for movies and TV over the years with the most well known being from 1982 starring Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen. Baroness Orczy was a British author, born in Hungary, who lived in the period 1865 – 1947. Her literary legacy consists of a series of novels and playwrights. She gained wide popularity in 1905 with the publication of \"The Scarlet Pimpernel\", a play which she wrote together with her husband. The interest that followed after the first publication led to several sequels. Baroness Orczy was also an important figure during World War I as she established an organization that was women-orientated and aimed to encourage them to seek active service in the armed forces.

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cena 249.0 Kč

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