Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Build the Life You Want - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

You can get happier. And getting there will be the adventure of a lifetime.In Build the Life You Want, Harvard Professor Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey invite you to begin a journey toward greater happiness, no matter how challenging your circumstances. Combining their decades of experience studying happiness from every angle, they show you how to improve your life right now - instead of waiting for the outside world to change. You will learn how to:- Manage your emotions so they no longer control your outlook and behaviour- Turn life's inevitable difficulties and challenges into opportunities for growth- Strengthen your family ties by managing your expectations and building trust- Create and preserve deep and lasting friendships at any age- Develop an approach to work that fits your life and brings satisfaction- Find your inner peace with a spiritual practiceBuild the Life You Want introduces you to the cutting-edge science that can change your life, in understandable terms and with actionable strategies. Along the way, Arthur and Oprah share hard-earned wisdom from their own lives and careers. In every page, your happiness skills will grow, and you will learn amazing information you can't wait to share with others. Build the Life You Want is your blueprint for a better life.

Podívejte se také The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

cena 536.0 Kč

Vytvorte si život, po akom túžite - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

V knihe Vytvorte si život, po akom túžite vás autori pozývajú na cestu za získanímpocitu šťastia bez ohľadu na to, s akými prekážkami sa v živote stretávate.Vychádzajúc z najnovších vedeckých poznatkov a z vlastnej dlhoročnej praxe,v ktorej pomáhajú ľuďom premieňať predstavy na činy, vám poradia, akozlepšiť svoj život hneď teraz – namiesto čakania, kým sa zmení svet okolovás. S nadhľadom aj dávkou súcitu a nádeje vám ukážu, ako môžu nástrojeemocionálneho sebaovládania zmeniť váš život – a to okamžite. Odporúčajúpraktické, na vedeckom výskume založené postupy na vybudovanie štyrochpilierov šťastia: rodiny, priateľstva, práce a viery. Popri tom sa s vami podeliao ťažko nadobudnutú múdrosť z vlastného života a kariéry, ako aj o svedectvábežných ľudí, ktorých život je napriek početným neúspechom a ťažkostiamradostný a naplnený. Keď budete vybavení týmito nástrojmi emocionálnehosebaovládania a pripravení budovať svoje štyri piliere šťastia, dokážete prevziaťkontrolu nad svojou prítomnosťou aj budúcnosťou namiesto toho, aby stelen dúfali a čakali, že sa okolnosti vášho života zlepšia samy od seba. KnihaVybudujte si svoj vytúžený život je vaša mapa k lepšiemu životu.

Podívejte se také Status Quo: Whatever You Want - CD (9825968)

cena 415.0 Kč

What Happened to You? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences – and how healing must begin with a shift to asking 'What happened to you?' rather than 'What’s wrong with you?'.Through wide-ranging and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood – both good and bad - influences the people we become.A simple change in perspective can open up a new and hopeful understanding about why we do the things we do, why we are the way we are – and provide a road map for repairing relationships, overcoming what seems insurmountable, and ultimately living better and more fulfilling lives.Many of us experience adversity and trauma during childhood that has lasting impact on our physical and emotional health. And as we’re beginning to understand, we are more sensitive to developmental trauma as children than we are as adults. ‘What happened to us’ in childhood is a powerful predictor of our risk for physical and mental health problems down the road, and offers scientific insights into the patterns of behaviours so many struggle to understand.A survivor of multiple childhood challenges herself, Oprah Winfrey shares portions of her own harrowing experiences because she understands the vulnerability that comes from facing trauma at a young age.Throughout her career, Oprah has teamed up with Dr Bruce Perry, one of the world’s leading experts on childhood trauma. He has treated thousands of children, youth, and adults and has been called on for decades to support individuals and communities following high-profile traumatic events.Now, Oprah joins with Dr Perry to marry the power of storytelling with the science and clinical experience to better understand and overcome the effects of trauma.Grounded in the latest brain science and brought to life through compelling narratives, this book shines a light on a much-needed path to recovery – showing us our incredible capacity to transform after adversity.

Podívejte se také build a bot kralicek

cena 357.0 Kč

You Do You : The Inspirational Guide To Getting The Life You Want - Charlotte Greedy

You deserve the absolute world even if right now you don't think you do. You are enough, and you CAN change your life and make a fresh start if you want it. I did it and so can you! - Charlotte GreedyThe motivational guide to celebrating your true authentic self and getting the life you want from social media sensation Charlotte Greedy.Have you ever felt completely lost, stuck in a place you don't want to be?One of Instagram's loudest and most loved voices, Charlotte Greedy had a rocky start in life. Now with her partner H, her two sons and her fur babies to contend with, every day is a joyful new lesson in learning to love herself again.Honest and hilarious, You Do You shares Charlotte's real-life experiences and the lessons she's learnt along the way to inspire you to begin your own journey of self-love, confidence and help you build the life you truly deserve.You Do You. Always.

Objev podobné jako You Do You : The Inspirational Guide To Getting The Life You Want - Charlotte Greedy

cena 89.0 Kč

What I Know for Sure - Oprah Winfrey

Candid, moving, exhilarating, uplifting and frequently humorous, the words Oprah shares in What I Know For Sure shimmer with the sort of truth that readers will turn to again and again. As a creative force, student of the human heart and soul and champion of living the life you want, Oprah Winfrey stands alone. Over the years, she has made history with a legendary talk show (the highest-rated program of its kind), launched her own television network, become the USA's only African-American billionaire, and been awarded both an honorary degree by Harvard University and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.From all her experiences, she has gleaned life lessons - which, for fourteen years, she's shared in O, The Oprah Magazine's widely popular 'What I Know For Sure' column, a monthly source of inspiration and revelation. Now these thoughtful gems have been revised, updated and collected in What I Know For Sure, a beautiful book packed with insight and revelation from Oprah Winfrey. Organized by theme - joy, resilience, connection, gratitude, possibility, awe, clarity and power - these essays offer a rare, powerful and intimate glimpse into the heart and mind of one of the world's most extraordinary women, while providing readers a guide to becoming their best selves.

Objev podobné jako What I Know for Sure - Oprah Winfrey

cena 312.0 Kč

From Strength to Strength - Arthur C. Brooks

THE #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'In this book, Arthur C. Brooks helps people find greater happiness as they age and change' - The Dalai Lama 'This book is amazing' - Chris Evans'A valuable guide to finding new purpose and success in later life' - Daily Mail From the bestselling author and columnist behind The Atlantic’s popular 'How to Build a Life' series, a guide to transforming the life changes we fear into a source of strength. In the first half of life, ambitious strivers embrace a simple formula for success in work and life: focus single-mindedly, work tirelessly, sacrifice personally, and climb the ladder relentlessly. It works. Until it doesn’t. The second half of life is governed by different rules. In middle age, many strivers begin to find success coming harder and harder, rewards less satisfying, and family relationships withering. In response, they do what strivers always do: they double down on work in an attempt to outrun decline and weakness, and deny the changes that are becoming more and more obvious. The result is often anger, fear, and disappointment at a time in life that they imagined would be full of joy, fulfilment and pride. It doesn’t have to be that way. In From Strength to Strength, happiness expert and bestselling author Arthur C. Brooks reveals a path to beating the 'striver’s curse.' Drawing on science, classical philosophy, theology and history, he shares strategies for releasing old habits and forming new life practices, showing you how to: - Kick the habits of workaholism, success addiction, and self-objectification - Meditate on death – in order to beat fear and live well - Start a spiritual adventure - Embrace weakness in a way that turns it into strength. Change in your life is inevitable, but suffering is not. From Strength to Strength shows you how to accept the gifts of the second half of life with grace, joy, and ever deepening purpose.

Objev podobné jako From Strength to Strength - Arthur C. Brooks

cena 325.0 Kč

Čo sa vám stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey

Opýtali ste sa niekedy samých seba: „Prečo som to urobil?“ Alebo: „Prečojednoducho nedokážem ovládnuť svoje správanie?“ Možno ste sa zamyslelinad niekým iným: „Čo to je s ním? Prečo je taký?“Pri skúmaní vlastných emócií je ľahké skĺznuť do obviňovania saméhoseba a mať na seba aj na svoje okolie príliš vysoké požiadavky. Je však načase,aby sme si položili inú otázku. V hlboko osobných rozhovoroch ponúkajúOprah Winfrey a psychiater a uznávaný odborník na psychologické traumyz detstva Dr. Bruce Perry prelomovú a dôležitú zmenu pohľadu – posun odotázky „Čo vám je?“ na „Čo sa vám stalo?“.Známa moderátorka sa v knihe podelí o príbehy zo svojej minulosti,pričom na vlastnej skúsenosti ilustruje zdravotné i psychické problémy, ktorépramenia zo stretnutia s traumou a nepriaznivými podmienkami v mladomveku. V rozhovoroch sa s doktorom Perrym zameriavajú na pochopenie ľudí,ich správania a samých seba. Ide tu o jemný, ale významný posun v našomvnímaní traumy, ktorý nám pomôže porozumieť vlastnej minulosti a vyčistiťsi cestu do budúcnosti, pretože nám umožní otvoriť dvere pre uzdraveniea postupné vybudovanie si duševnej odolnosti.

Objev podobné jako Čo sa vám stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey

cena 540.0 Kč

Co se ti stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey

Řekli jste si někdy: „Co jsem to udělal?“ nebo „Proč jsem své chování neudržela na uzdě?“ Ostatní mohli nad vaším chováním uvažovat a říkat si, co je asi tak na vás špatného. Když přemýšlíme o svých pocitech, nemáme daleko k sebeobviňování nebo z toho, co děláme, udělat jakýsi podivný standard. Během hluboce osobních rozhovorů Oprah Winfrey s odborníkem na lidský mozek a trauma Brucem Perrym se otázka: „Co je na tobě špatného?“ proměnila v: „Co se ti stalo?“.Oprah Winfrey otevírá příběhy ze své minulosti, traumatické zkušenosti a nepřízeň osudu, a Bruce Perry nabízí poznatky o traumatu, psychické odolnosti a uzdravení z odborného pohledu. Kniha je plná příběhů, spojují se v ní prožitky známé americké moderátorky s tím, co zažily děti, s nimiž pracoval doktor Perry. Knihu ocení zájemci o téma traumatu, resilience a uzdravení, psychologové.Oprah Gail Winfrey je americká moderátorka, herečka a vydavatelka časopisu, která uváděla televizní pořad Oprah show. Je mnohonásobnou držitelkou ceny Emmy a byla nominována na Oscara.Bruce D. Perry je americký psychiatr, specializuje se na dětské duševní zdraví a neurovědu. V Portále vyšla jeho úspěšná kniha Chlapec, kterého chovali jako psa.

Objev podobné jako Co se ti stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey

cena 447.0 Kč

Principles: Your Guided Journal : Create Your Own Principles to Get the Work and Life You Want - Ray Dalio

In his international bestseller Principles, legendary investor Ray Dalio introduced millions of readers around the world to the unconventional approach he developed as the founder and builder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest and most successful hedge fund in the world. Dalio attributes his unique success to his process of recording, refining and acting on a set of well-defined principles, which are effectively decision-rules for getting what you want out of life and work. His goal in publishing the book was to show readers the value of principle-based thinking so that they could develop their own principles, aligned with their own values, for getting whatever they wanted out of life.With this new journal, Dalio takes his goal one step further to help readers reflect on and record their own principles. He does that by providing a series of guided exercises and questions for reflecting on what you're like, what you value, and what principles will best help you achieve your goals. These exercises draw from key concepts in the original Principles book, including:1. How to identify your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and preferences2. How to use the 'five-step process' to achieve your goals3. How to become both 'assertive and open-minded at the same time'4. How to maximise your learning from your mistakes (which are inevitable)All of these exercises can optionally be enhanced using the free Principles in Action iOS and Android app, which provides an even more interactive, multimedia experience, and they are followed by a number of blank journal pages containing thought-provoking and unconventional prompts from Principles aimed at helping you formulate your own principles. The experience concludes with a structured reflection on where you and your loved ones are along life's journey, leaving you with a highly personalised, practical playbook for achieving success in the years ahead.

Objev podobné jako Principles: Your Guided Journal : Create Your Own Principles to Get the Work and Life You Want - Ray Dalio

cena 536.0 Kč

What I Know For Sure - Tenth Anniversary Edition - Oprah Winfrey

In this updated edition of the bestseller published ten years ago, Oprah shares what she has come to know for sure in the last decade.After film critic Gene Siskel asked her, "What do you know for sure?" Oprah Winfrey began writing the "What I Know For Sure" column in O, The Oprah Magazine. Saying that the question offered her a way to take "stock of her life," Oprah has penned one column a month over the last twenty-four years, years in which she retired The Oprah Winfrey Show (the highest-rated program of its kind in history), launched her own television network, became America's only black billionaire, was awarded an honorary degree from Harvard University and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, watched friends and colleagues come and go, and celebrated milestone birthdays. Throughout it all, she's continued to offer her profound and inspiring words of wisdom in her "What I Know For Sure" column in O, The Oprah Magazine.Now, for the first time, these thoughtful gems have been revised, updated, and collected in What I Know For Sure, a beautiful book packed with insight and revelation from Oprah Winfrey. Organized by theme — joy, resilience, connection, gratitude, possibility, awe, clarity, and power — these essays offer a rare and powerful glimpse into the mind of one of the world's most extraordinary women. Candid, moving, exhilarating, uplifting, and dynamic, the words Oprah shares in What I Know For Sure shimmer with the sort of wisdom and truth that readers will turn to again and again.

Objev podobné jako What I Know For Sure - Tenth Anniversary Edition - Oprah Winfrey

cena 591.0 Kč

Co se ti stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey - e-kniha

eBook: Řekli jste si někdy: „Co jsem to udělal?“ nebo „Proč jsem své chování neudržela na uzdě?“ Ostatní mohli nad vaším chováním uvažovat a říkat si, co je asi tak na vás špatného. Když přemýšlíme o svých pocitech, nemáme daleko k sebeobviňování nebo z toho, co děláme, udělat jakýsi podivný standard. Během hluboce osobních rozhovorů Oprah Winfrey s odborníkem na lidský mozek a trauma Brucem Perrym se otázka: „Co je na tobě špatného?“ proměnila v: „Co se ti stalo?“. Oprah Winfrey otevírá příběhy ze své minulosti, traumatické zkušenosti a nepřízeň osudu, a Bruce Perry nabízí poznatky o traumatu, psychické odolnosti a uzdravení z odborného pohledu. Kniha je plná příběhů, spojují se v ní prožitky známé americké moderátorky s tím, co zažily děti, s nimiž pracoval doktor Perry. Knihu ocení zájemci o téma traumatu, resilience a uzdravení, psychologové.

Objev podobné jako Co se ti stalo? - Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey - e-kniha

cena 384.0 Kč

Girls Garage: How to Use Any Tool, Tackle Any Project, and Build the World You Want to See - Emily Pilloton

Girls Garage is the only book you'll ever need for a lifetime of building and repair. Packed with over 175 illustrated tool guides, 11 how-to projects, 21 essential skills, and 15 inspiring stories from real-world builder girls and women, Girls Garage will inspire you to fill up your toolbox and get building!With a background in architecture and construction, Emily Pilloton started the nonprofit Girls Garage to give girls the tools to build the world they want to see. Since 2013, girls ages 9-18 have come to Girls Garage's workshop eager to use power tools and build real-world projects for their community. The Girls Garage book puts that same power into girls' hands around the world, inviting them to join a thriving, diverse, and fierce movement of fearless builder girls.Not sure which screws to buy? Need to fix a running toilet? With Girls Garage, you'll have the expertise to tackle these problems with your own hands. Or maybe you want to get creative and build something totally new. A birdhouse? A bookshelf? Girls Garage has you covered. Girls Garage will be both a trusted household resource and a wellspring of inspiration and encouragement in the vein of Women in Science and Headstrong: 52 Women Who Changed Science and the World.

Objev podobné jako Girls Garage: How to Use Any Tool, Tackle Any Project, and Build the World You Want to See - Emily Pilloton

cena 644.0 Kč

The Answer: How to Take Charge of Your Life & Become the Person You Want to be (1409168298)

Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the bestselling duo behind The Definitive Book Of Body Language, here they share all their own tips and wisdom that they ve learnt on their journey to success.

Objev podobné jako The Answer: How to Take Charge of Your Life & Become the Person You Want to be (1409168298)

cena 259.0 Kč

Bouncing Back from Rejection : Build the Resilience You Need to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Becker-Phelps Leslie

Go beyond your fear of rejection to develop confidence, compassionate self-awareness, and resilience!Do you have a fear of rejection? If so, you aren't alone. But if you have difficulty bouncing back after rejection, experience intense pain as a result, or if the fear of rejection is so crippling that it interferes with your everyday life, it's time to make a change. This groundbreaking guide can help.With this book, you'll learn why you fear rejection by gaining an understanding of your unique attachment style. Secure attachment is defined as a feeling of being protected and well-cared for. People who experience secure attachment as young children are more likely to be happy, healthy, and resilient adults. On the other hand, insecurely attached people are less likely to cope well with rejection, and may have trouble "bouncing back" after difficult experiences. Once you understand how your attachment style has informed your fears, you can begin the work needed to overcome them!Using the theory of attachment, and the five domains of awareness: Sensations, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Mentalizing (STEAM), you'll learn to relate to yourself and to others in more positive ways, even when difficult situations arise. So, whether you experience rejection in a romantic relationship, at work, or with friends, you'll have the resilience needed to recover quickly and focus on what makes you special and unique.This isn't a book that promises to protect you from future rejection. Unfortunately, rejection happens to everyone and is a normal part of life. But you will learn skills to handle this rejection and come to see it as less scary. With this view, you'll gain confidence, self-awareness, and the resilience needed to bounce back, even when life throws you a curveball.

Objev podobné jako Bouncing Back from Rejection : Build the Resilience You Need to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Becker-Phelps Leslie

cena 399.0 Kč

The Roots - Do You Want More ?!!!??! (3 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Remastered;Luxusní edice Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 3 ks Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Datum vydání: 2021-06-25 Subžánr: Hip Hop;Alternative Žánr: Rap;Hip Hop Vydavatelství: Geffen Records Varianta: Do You Want More ?!!!??! (3 LP) Rok vydání: 2021.0 Interpret / Téma: The Roots

Objev podobné jako The Roots - Do You Want More ?!!!??! (3 LP)

cena 1380.0 Kč

Getting The Love You Want Revised Edition - Harville Hendrix

The 2-million-copy bestselling GETTING THE LOVE YOU WANT, now beautifully repackaged with a new introduction.

Objev podobné jako Getting The Love You Want Revised Edition - Harville Hendrix

cena 295.0 Kč

Knížka Ebury Publishing The Cook You Want to Be, Andy Baraghani

Kniha z kolekce Ebury Publishing. Debutová kuchařka Andiho Baraghaniho se 120 recepty a 120 nádhernými fotografiemi je novým pokrmem, který osvěží a rozšíří váš týdenní repertoár.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Ebury Publishing The Cook You Want to Be, Andy Baraghani

cena 1069.0 Kč


Hudební CD - George Roger Waters je britský rockový hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel. Rok vydání : 2017 ( 4.Album ) George Roger Waters (* 6. září 1943 Great Bookham, Surrey, Anglie) je britský rockový hudebník, zpěvák a skladatel. Proslavil se svým působením v kapele Pink Floyd v letech 1965-1985, kde hrál na baskytaru, zpíval a v pozdějších letech byl i hlavním skladatelem. Seznam stop When We Were Young / Déj? Vu / The Last Refugee / Picture That / Broken Bones / Is This The Life We Really Want? / Bird In A Gale / The Most Beautiful Girl / Smell The Roses / Wait For Her / Oceans Apart / Part of Me Died

Objev podobné jako WATERS, ROGER: IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT? -DIGI- (0889854364823)

cena 349.0 Kč

Roger Waters Is This the Life We Really Want? (2 LP)

Typ: Album;Otevírací obal;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP;Lyrics;Potištěný vnitřní obal;Kód ke stažení MP3 Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Německo;Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979 Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Rock;Progressive Rock;Psychedelic Rock;Art Rock Upozornění pro rodiče: Nevhodný obsah pro děti a nezletilé Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2017-06-02 Vydavatelství: Columbia Interpret / Téma: Roger Waters Rok nahrávky: 2017.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: Is This the Life We Really Want? (Gatefold Sleeve) (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2017.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Roger Waters Is This the Life We Really Want? (2 LP)

cena 787.0 Kč

The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks - Kirby Katie

Lottie Brooks is 11 ¾ and her life is ALREADY officially over.Not only is she about to start secondary school without any friends or glamorous swooshy hair, but she''s just discovered she''s too flat-chested to even wear A BRA!She might as well give up now and go into hibernation with her hamsters, Sir Barnaby Squeakington and Fuzzball the Third.Lottie navigates the perils of growing up in this fantastically funny new illustrated series for pre-teens filled with friendship, embarrassing moments and, of course, KitKat Chunkys.The first book in the hilarious new series for children by the bestselling creator of Hurrah For Gin. Perfect for fans of Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging and Dork Diaries.Readers LOVE Lottie Brooks:My daughter couldn''t put it down and read it in 2 days. Read at breakfast, walking downstairs, tea time, in the bath. My 9-year-old daughter devoured it in two nights, and all I could hear from her was giggling and the occasional "Mum! Listen to this! This is SO me!".My 12 year old reluctant reader took this book, read 100 pages in one night and proclaimed it ''the best book ever''Katie has managed to capture the essence of what this group think and feel in a positive, life-affirming fashion''Have you read all of Lottie''s embarrassing diaries?Book 1: The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie BrooksBook 2: The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie BrooksBook 3: The Mega-Complicated Crushes of Lottie BrooksBook 4: Lottie Brooks''s Totally Disastrous School-TripBook 5: The Completely Chaotic Christmas of Lottie BrooksBook 6: The Majorly Awkward BFF Dramas of Lottie BrooksAvailable to pre-order now: Lottie Brooks''s Totally Essential Guide to Life

Objev podobné jako The Extremely Embarrassing Life of Lottie Brooks - Kirby Katie

cena 236.0 Kč

Good Inside: A Practical Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be - Kennedy Becky

Wildly popular parenting expert Dr Becky Kennedy shares her groundbreaking approach to raising kids in a way that feels good. Over the past several years, Dr Becky Kennedy—known to her followers as ‘Dr Becky’—has been sparking a parenting revolution. Millions of parents, tired of following advice that either doesn’t work or simply doesn’t feel good, have embraced Dr Becky’s empowering and effective approach, a model that prioritises connecting with our kids over correcting them.From reward charts to time-outs, many popular parenting approaches are based on shaping behaviour, not raising humans. These techniques don’t build the skills kids need for life or account for their complex emotional needs. Add to that parents’ complicated relationships with their own upbringings and it’s easy to see why so many of them feel lost, burned out, and worried they’re failing their kids.In Good Inside, Dr Becky shares her parenting philosophy, complete with actionable strategies, that will help parents move from uncertainty and self-blame to confidence and sturdy leadership. Offering perspective-shifting parenting principles and troubleshooting for specific scenarios—including sibling rivalry, separation anxiety, tantrums, and more—Good Inside is a comprehensive resource for a generation of parents looking for a new way to raise their kids while still setting them up for a lifetime of self-regulation, confidence, and resilience.

Objev podobné jako Good Inside: A Practical Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be - Kennedy Becky

cena 443.0 Kč

What You Really Want to Know About Life with Dementia - Christine Reddall, Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo

Selected for Reading Well for Dementia 2024: endorsed by health experts, charities and people affected by dementia.A family-led vision of what carers of people with dementia need and want to know. Supporting families and carers in their day-to-day life with dementia, this unique resource combines real stories from families with expert responses and advice for specific issues and concerns.This resource is based on the real stories and real questions brought to the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline, peer support groups and clinical networks. Including questions around diagnosis, peer support, balancing risks, care transitions and end of life planning, the chapters are devised to support you, and give you the tools to live better, when dementia enters your life.

Objev podobné jako What You Really Want to Know About Life with Dementia - Christine Reddall, Karen Harrison Dening, Hilda Hayo

cena 473.0 Kč

Dámské tenisky ALL YOU WANT béžové barvy

Dámské tenisky ALL YOU WANT béžové barvy

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cena 489.09 Kč

Children of Memory: An action-packed alien adventure from the winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award - Adrian Tchaikovsky

From the award-winning master of sci-fi Adrian Tchaikovsky, Children of Memory is the unmissable follow-up space opera to the highly acclaimed Children of Time and Children of Ruin. They dreamed of a new homeThey woke to a nightmareOn Imir, Captain Holt founded a new colony on an empty world. In the process, he created hope and a new future for humanity.But generations later, his descendants are struggling to survive. As harvests worsen and equipment fails, strangers appear in a town where everyone knows their neighbour. Now the inexplicable lurks in the woods and the community fears it's being observed - that they're not alone.They'd be right, as explorers from the stars have arrived in secret to help this lost outpost. Confident of their superior technology, and overseen by the all-knowing construct of Doctor Avrana Kern, they begin to study their long-lost cousins from Earth. Yet the planet hides deeper mysteries.It seems the visitors aren't the only watchers. And when the starfarers discover the scale of their mistake, it will be far too late to escape. Children of Memory by Arthur C.Clarke Award-winning author Adrian Tchaikovsky is a far-reaching space opera spanning generations, species and galaxies.

Objev podobné jako Children of Memory: An action-packed alien adventure from the winner of the Arthur C. Clarke Award - Adrian Tchaikovsky

cena 268.0 Kč


Hudební CD - You Want It Darker je v řadě již čtrnáctým albem Leonarda Cohena You Want It Darker je v řadě již čtrnáctým albem Leonarda Cohena Rok vydání: 2016 ( 14. Album ) Seznam stop You Want It Darker / Treaty / On the Level / Leaving the Table / If I Didn't Have Your Love / Traveling Light / It Seemed the Better Way / Steer Your Way / String Reprise / Treaty

Objev podobné jako COHEN, LEONARD: YOU WANT IT DARKER -DIGI- (0889853650729)

cena 199.0 Kč

So Tell Me What You Want - Nicki Chapman

1987. Armed with a Filofax, a brick of a mobile phone and steely determination, 20-year-old Nicki Chapman is walking through the seedy streets of Soho towards her first job in the music biz.But how did Nicki go from being a looked-over assistant running promo packages over to BBC Radio 1 to a judge on Pop Idol with 15 million viewers tuning in for the nail-biting moment Will Young triumphed over Gareth Gates?Everyone knows there were the kingmakers in the heady days of 90s British pop music, but this is a queen''s side of the story; a down-to-earth, no-nonsense team player who fought to make it in an industry that was very much a man''s world.Empowering, entertaining and sprinkled with stardust, Nicki''s inspirational behind-the-scenes story takes in the rocketing highs and heart-breaking lows of promoting, managing and touring with the Spice Girls, Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Take That, Billie Piper, Phil Collins and S Club 7, all whilst confronting chauvinism and smashing through the career glass ceiling.

Objev podobné jako So Tell Me What You Want - Nicki Chapman

cena 650.0 Kč

Motivační obraz na zeď If you want something

Obraz na plátně s realistický zobrazeným motivem ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých rozměrech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a moderní interiér. Motiv v digitální kvalitě vytištěn na kvalitním plátně, které je natažené na dřevěném rámu. Plátno natažené i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt. Ekologický výrobek bez zápachu. Obrazy na stěnu, které Vás prostě inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Motivační obraz na zeď If you want something

cena 288.0 Kč

Do You Want a Hug? - Bernard Duisit, Olivia Cosneau

What surprises await beneath the flaps? Find out in this charming book in the bestselling Flip Flap Pop-Up series.Everybody needs a hug, as this delightful addition to the Flip Flap Pop-Up series demonstrates. Packed with interactive tabs, this pop-up book is full of flaps to lift, tabs to pull and plenty of surprises!

Objev podobné jako Do You Want a Hug? - Bernard Duisit, Olivia Cosneau

cena 299.0 Kč

Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

Typ: Album;Dotisk;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Varianta: Where You Want to Be (LP) Rok vydání: 2012.0 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Emo;Pop Punk Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Victory Records Datum vydání: 2012-07-31 Interpret / Téma: Taking Back Sunday

Objev podobné jako Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

cena 870.0 Kč

Call It What You Want: A Novel - DeRogatis Alissa

A situationship, a heartbreak, a mistake—you can call it what you want. But was it love?It’s 2016, and Sloane Hart’s senior year of college is bound to be the best one yet. Her nights consist of drinking cheap vodka and singing along to The Chainsmokers with her friends, and her days are spent writing as she prepares for the post-grad life in New York City she’s always dreamed of.The last thing she needs is for a guy to get in the way of her goals. With graduation so close, she just needs to focus on landing a job and enjoying this last year with her best friends all under one roof. But that plan becomes a little more complicated when her upstairs neighbor, Ethan Brady, enters the picture.Ethan’s pull is undeniable. He’s tall, mysterious, and handsome as hell, and when Sloane is with him, the entire world slows to a halt. But Ethan’s guarded past is too hurtful for him to face, and if letting Sloane in means that the walls he’s built around his heart would come crumbling down, he may not be willing to let that happen.As their chemistry and connection intensify, Sloane finds herself falling deeper and deeper, but will Ethan ever be ready to catch her? Nostalgic, heartfelt, and profoundly cathartic, Call It What You Want is an ode to almost-love stories—the kinds with no labels, no promises, and the potential to turn your entire world upside down.

Objev podobné jako Call It What You Want: A Novel - DeRogatis Alissa

cena 268.0 Kč

Motivační nástěnná malba IF YOU WANT SOMETHING 100x150 cm

Obraz na plátně s realistickým motivem vyobrazeným ve vysoké kvalitě dostupný v různých velikostech. Moderní obrazy pro moderní bydlení a současné interiéry. Motiv digitální kvality vytištěný na kvalitní plátno napnuté na dřevěném rámu. Plátno napnuté i po stranách rámu vytváří na stěně neopakovatelný 3D efekt.

Objev podobné jako Motivační nástěnná malba IF YOU WANT SOMETHING 100x150 cm

cena 817.0 Kč

Jovan I Want You To Want Me parfémovaná voda pro ženy 50 ml

Jovan I Want You To Want Me, 50 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Každá žena si zaslouží pugét nádherných květin. Parfémovaná voda Jovan I Want You To Want Me je jako kytice uvázaná z těch nejkrásnějších květinových tónů, které dohromady tvoří spojení plné smyslnosti a ženskosti s kapkou romantiky. kořenitá vůně pižmová vůně květinová vůně

Objev podobné jako Jovan I Want You To Want Me parfémovaná voda pro ženy 50 ml

cena 379.0 Kč

So You Want To Be A Game Master - Justin Alexander

Become the Ultimate Game MasterThanks to tabletop roleplay, millions of fans are creating unforgettable collaborative stories. No matter what roleplaying game you want to play, this book is the key to unlocking endless adventure!Award-winning game designer Justin Alexander has created an incredible compendium of advice and maps, perfect for any aspiring Game Master. This book is packed with the strategies you need to create amazing dungeons, battles, roleplay encounters, and more. Full of practical, hands-on advice and sample maps, just reading the first chapter of this book will have you ready to run a game in less than an hour. From there, Justin teaches you all the skills and techniques you need to explore dungeons, solve mysteries, steal priceless artifacts, unravel strange conspiracies, and venture forth on epic journeys!No matter what game you’re playing, this book is the key to unlocking the limitless realms of your imagination.

Objev podobné jako So You Want To Be A Game Master - Justin Alexander

cena 561.0 Kč

Nástěnná kovová cedule If You Want - 50*20 cm 6Y4340

Nástěnná kovová cedule If You Want - 50*20 cm Barva: vícebarevnáMateriál: kovHmotnost: 0,358 kg

Objev podobné jako Nástěnná kovová cedule If You Want - 50*20 cm 6Y4340

cena 269.0 Kč

Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous - Henry Carroll

So you've got an Instagram account, you're posting pictures, but your follower count has flatlined. Read This If You Want to Be Instagram Famous holds the answers to fixing up your feed and finding thousands of new followers. Packed with the essential secrets of the hottest Instagrammers around, the book features tips covering photographic techniques, captioning, codes of conduct, kit and managing your account. Put the advice into practice and soon you too will be hailed as an Instagram icon.

Objev podobné jako Read This if You Want to Be Instagram Famous - Henry Carroll

cena 357.0 Kč

Dare Me To Want You - Katee Robert

I can't resist you Lucy Baudin's ex dented her self-esteem, but it's time for her to regain control. In her job as a lawyer, she's bold, confident. But in the bedroom, she needs inspiration to reawaken her inner seductress.Asking her friend Gideon Novak for help seems wrong...yet so deliciously right!*Happy-go-lucky Trish has nothing in common with her grumpy new boss - and her brother's best friend - Cameron, but the red-hot chemistry between them is undeniable! Cameron knows he mustn't give in, but a kiss in an elevator leaves him wanting more. So when Trish gives him an electrifying private show on a work trip, he's powerless to resist. Can this unlikely couple turn their desire into something more?*Three months ago, fitness instructor Becka gave Aaron the most satisfying night of his life...and then walked away.Now the wildest, sexiest woman he's ever met is pregnant with his child. Despite persuading Becka to move into Aaron's Manhattan penthouse, she wants nothing to do with his upscale CEO life. She may let him back into her bed, but getting into her guarded heart is a whole other challenge!

Objev podobné jako Dare Me To Want You - Katee Robert

cena 447.0 Kč

Bread - Baby I'm A Want You (LP)

Typ: Nové vydání;Remastered;Limitovaná edice;Audiofilní kvalita Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Baby I'm A Want You (Vinyl LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Barva: Černá Subžánr: Pop Rock;Soft Rock Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979 Interpret / Téma: Bread Rok nahrávky: 1971.0 Vydavatelství: Mobile Fidelity Rok vydání: 2019.0 Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako Bread - Baby I'm A Want You (LP)

cena 1197.9 Kč

Černé body s výstřihem I Want You

Černé body s výstřihem I Want You z kategorie Dámské body značky Marilyn, velikost L, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Černé body s výstřihem I Want You

cena 1319.0 Kč

Černé body s výstřihem I Want You

Černé body s výstřihem I Want You z kategorie Dámské body značky Marilyn, velikost M, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Černé body s výstřihem I Want You

cena 1319.0 Kč

Book You Want Everyone You Love* To Read *(and maybe a few you don't) - Philippa Perryová

Life is all about relationships and the quality of those connections, whether that's with family, partners, friends, colleagues or most importantly yourself. If you can get those relationships on a functional and even keel, then the other tricky stuff that life throws your way becomes easier to manage.In this warm, practical and witty book, No.1 Sunday Times bestselling psychotherapist Philippa Perry shows you how to approach life's big problems.How do you find and keep love? What can you do to manage conflict better? How can you get unstuck and cope with change and loss? What does it mean to you to be content? Are other people just annoying or are you the problem?With a healthy dose of sanity, Philippa Perry's compassionate advice could help you become a happier, wiser person.Includes some material adapted from the Ask Philippa columns in Observer Magazine.

Objev podobné jako Book You Want Everyone You Love* To Read *(and maybe a few you don't) - Philippa Perryová

cena 89.0 Kč

Rimmel Moisture Renew hydratační rtěnka odstín 360 As You Want Victoria 4 g

Rimmel Moisture Renew, 4 g, Rty pro ženy, Krásné zvýrazněné rty nikdy nevyjdou z módy. Rtěnka Rimmel Moisture Renew pokryje povrch vašich rtů souvislou vrstvou neodolatelné syté barvy, a perfektně tak podtrhne jakékoli líčení, ať už se chystáte do práce, na schůzku či třeba večírek. Umožní vám však rty nejen zvýraznit, ale také jim dodat žádoucí tvar, případně jim i dopomoci k plnějšímu vzhledu. Během chvilky vám zkrátka pomůže dosáhnout nádherně zbarvených a dokonale tvarovaných rtů, které doslova přitahují pohledy a svádí k polibkům. Vlastnosti: hydratuje a pečuje o rty vysoká pigmentace rty vypadají plně a zdravě dlouhotrvající výdrž Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.

Objev podobné jako Rimmel Moisture Renew hydratační rtěnka odstín 360 As You Want Victoria 4 g

cena 68.0 Kč

The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros

Is dread the first thing you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you working in the evenings and on weekends to catch up? Have you already beat burnout once, only to find it creeping back? If you answered yes to any of these, you're in need of a cure for burnout. Burnout management coach Emily Ballesteros combines scientific and cultural research and the tried-and-true strategies she's successfully implemented with clients around the globe to demystify burnout - and set you on a path towards a life of personal and professional balance. Ballesteros outlines five areas in which you can build healthy habits - mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, and stress management.She offers clear and simple tools to help you find greater balance, energy and fulfilment, showing you how to:· Break burnout habits that keep you in a pattern of chronic overwhelm· Create sustainable work/life balance through predictable personal care· Get more done in less time while creating forward momentum towards a meaningful life· Identify and set your personal and professional limits, guilt-free· Master your stress and detach from your stressorsThe Cure for Burnout provides a holistic method for burnout management, empowering us to reclaim control of our own lives once and for all.

Objev podobné jako The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros

cena 402.0 Kč

You Don't Have to be Loud - Ben Brooks

A shy kid's guide to thriving in their own (quiet) way.Do you sometimes feel afraid of talking in front of people, making a mistake or saying the wrong thing? While everywhere else you look there are loud, confident people?You're not alone. Ben Brooks also grew up as a shy child (so much so that he'd rather have cut his own hair or spend a week at a Silent Retreat then have to speak to other people). But he soon realised that being quiet doesn't make you strange or wrong or boring. In fact, being shy can give you great skills such as listening, kindness and compassion. It's something to embrace and be proud of.In this book, Ben introduces readers to some of the most famous, talented and brilliant shy people - including Charles Darwin, David Bowie, Greta Thunberg, Rosa Parks, Beyonce and Emma Watson - who used their special quietness to achieve awesome things, and he shares his tips for growing up shy in a world that can sometimes feel, well, LOUD.Because you don't have to be loud to be liked, and you definitely don't have to be loud to make an impact.

Objev podobné jako You Don't Have to be Loud - Ben Brooks

cena 299.0 Kč

Doves: The Universal Want - CD (0888809)

Hudební CD - Páté studiové album kapely Doves z roku 2020. Doves je anglická indie rocková kapela z Cheshiru. Jejími členy jsou dvojčata Jez Williams a Andy Williams a Jimi Goodwin. Páté studiové album kapely Doves z roku 2020. Doves je anglická indie rocková kapela z Cheshiru. Jejími členy jsou dvojčata Jez Williams a Andy Williams a Jimi Goodwin. Seznam stop Carousels / I Will Not Hide / Broken Eyes / For Tomorrow / Cathedrals Of The Mind / Prisoners / Cycle Of Hurt / Mother Silver Lake / Universal Want / Forest House

Objev podobné jako Doves: The Universal Want - CD (0888809)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Rhyming Alphabet - Felicity Brooks

A lively cast of characters from aardvarks to zebras decide to disrupt and rewrite an alphabet book to make it more fun. Rhyming text and appealing illustrations combine perfectly to bring the story of big blue bear, elegant eel, fabulous flamingo, snazzy snail and talented toucan to life as each animal claims its rightful place in the book.

Objev podobné jako The Rhyming Alphabet - Felicity Brooks

cena 299.0 Kč

Minecraft: The Village - Max Brooks

The final book in Max Brooks's official Minecraft trilogy! The New York Times bestselling author of Minecraft: The Island details the story of two stranded heroes whose block-breaking expedition lands them squarely in the middle of a conflict which only they can resolve. Journeying into the unknown is a scary prospect, but together, Guy and Summer can navigate any challenge. The two castaways strike out in this curious, blocky world, searching for a way home.As they cross the Overworld-traversing frozen wastelands and baking deserts-the pair make an exciting discovery: a community populated by villagers! Guy and Summer settle in to learn more about their new friends, trading with the residents and exploring the surrounding area as they work out the next steps in their voyage. But with monstrous mobs and perilous pitfalls around every corner, they soon find that they might be needed here more than they thought. When a villager disappears, their investigation uncovers new foes-ones so powerful that it might spell the end of their adventure.Drawing on the lessons they've learned along the way, Guy and Summer must work together to protect the village.

Objev podobné jako Minecraft: The Village - Max Brooks

cena 266.0 Kč

Minecraft: The Village - Max Brooks

The final book in Max Brooks's official Minecraft trilogy! The New York Times bestselling author of Minecraft: The Island details the story of two stranded heroes whose block-breaking expedition lands them squarely in the middle of a conflict which only they can resolve.Journeying into the unknown is a scary prospect, but together, Guy and Summer can navigate any challenge. The two castaways strike out in this curious, blocky world, searching for a way home. As they cross the Overworld-traversing frozen wastelands and baking deserts-the pair make an exciting discovery: a community populated by villagers!Guy and Summer settle in to learn more about their new friends, trading with the residents and exploring the surrounding area as they work out the next steps in their voyage. But with monstrous mobs and perilous pitfalls around every corner, they soon find that they might be needed here more than they thought.When a villager disappears, their investigation uncovers new foes-ones so powerful that it might spell the end of their adventure. Drawing on the lessons they've learned along the way, Guy and Summer must work together to protect the village.

Objev podobné jako Minecraft: The Village - Max Brooks

cena 357.0 Kč

The Crucible - Arthur Miller

Shows how the small city of Salem is stirred into madness by superstition, paranoia and malice, culminating in a violent climax, is a savage attack on the evils of mindless persecution and the terrifying power of false accusations. This is a depiction of innocent men and women destroyed by malicious rumour, and more.

Objev podobné jako The Crucible - Arthur Miller

cena 266.0 Kč

The Crucible - Arthur Miller

Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!In a small tight-knit community, gossip and rumour spread like wildfire, inflaming personal grievances until no-one is safe from accusation and vengeance. The Crucible is Arthur Miller''s classic dramatisation of the witch-hunt and trials that besieged the Puritan community of Salem in 1692. Seen as a chilling parallel to the McCarthyism and repressive culture of fear that gripped America in the 1950s, the play''s timeless relevance and appeal remains as strong as when the play opened on Broadway in 1953.This new edition includes an introduction by Soyica Diggs Colbert, that explores the play''s production history as well as the dramatic, thematic, and academic debates that surround it; a must-have resource for any student exploring The Crucible.

Objev podobné jako The Crucible - Arthur Miller

cena 266.0 Kč

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