Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Bouncing Back from Rejection : Build the Resilience You Need to Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Becker-Phelps Leslie

Go beyond your fear of rejection to develop confidence, compassionate self-awareness, and resilience!Do you have a fear of rejection? If so, you aren't alone. But if you have difficulty bouncing back after rejection, experience intense pain as a result, or if the fear of rejection is so crippling that it interferes with your everyday life, it's time to make a change. This groundbreaking guide can help.With this book, you'll learn why you fear rejection by gaining an understanding of your unique attachment style. Secure attachment is defined as a feeling of being protected and well-cared for. People who experience secure attachment as young children are more likely to be happy, healthy, and resilient adults. On the other hand, insecurely attached people are less likely to cope well with rejection, and may have trouble "bouncing back" after difficult experiences. Once you understand how your attachment style has informed your fears, you can begin the work needed to overcome them!Using the theory of attachment, and the five domains of awareness: Sensations, Thoughts, Emotions, Actions, and Mentalizing (STEAM), you'll learn to relate to yourself and to others in more positive ways, even when difficult situations arise. So, whether you experience rejection in a romantic relationship, at work, or with friends, you'll have the resilience needed to recover quickly and focus on what makes you special and unique.This isn't a book that promises to protect you from future rejection. Unfortunately, rejection happens to everyone and is a normal part of life. But you will learn skills to handle this rejection and come to see it as less scary. With this view, you'll gain confidence, self-awareness, and the resilience needed to bounce back, even when life throws you a curveball.

Podívejte se také Koziol Sklenice s nápisem I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK

cena 399.0 Kč

Insecure in Love : How Anxious Attachment Can Make You Feel Jealous, Needy, and Worried and What You Can Do About It - Becker-Phelps Leslie

Has your romantic partner called you clingy, insecure, desperate, or jealous? No one wants to admit that they possess these qualities; but if you find yourself constantly on the alert, anxious, or worried when it comes to your significant other, you may suffer from anxious attachment, a fear of abandonment that is often rooted in early childhood experiences.In Freeing Your Love From Insecurity, you'll learn how to overcome attachment anxiety using compassionate self-awareness, a technique that can help you recognize your negative thoughts or unhealthy behavior patterns and respond to them in a nurturing way-rather than beating yourself up. You'll also learn how insecurity can negatively affect healthy dialog between you and your partner (or potential partners) and develop the skills needed to stop you from reverting back to old patterns of neediness and possessiveness.If you suffer from anxious attachment, you probably know that you need to change, and yet you have remained stuck. With compassionate self-awareness, you can successfully explore old anxiety perpetuating perceptions and habits without being overwhelmed or paralyzed by them. By understanding the psychological factors at the root of your attachment anxiety, you will learn to cultivate secure, healthy relationships to last a lifetime.If you're ready to stop getting stuck in the same hurtful relationship patterns and finally break the cycle of heartache, this book can show you how to get the love you deserve-and keep it!

Podívejte se také Public Enemy: What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down? - CD (3515051)

cena 439.0 Kč

Láska bez úzkosti - Becker-Phelps Leslie, Dominika Trubačová

Nazval vás váš romantický partner závislou, neistou, zúfalou alebo žiarlivou? Nikto si nechce priznať, že tieto vlastnosti má, ale ak ste neustále v strehu, pociťujete vo vzťahu úzkosť alebo si robíte prehnanéobavy, môžete trpieť úzkostnou pripútanosťou a strachom z opustenia, ktoré sú často zakorenené v zážitkoch z raného detstva. V tejto knihe sa naučíte, ako prekonať svoju úzkosť pomocou súcitnéhosebauvedomenia, čo je technika, ktorá vám umožní rozpoznať svoje negatívne myšlienky či nezdravé vzorce. Postupne v štyroch častiach zistíte, ako a prečo vznikajú vaše konflikty vo vzťahu. Zmenu budete iniciovať tým, že sa začnete zaoberať prekážkami, ktoré vám bránia v pestovaní šťastných vzťahov. Naučíte sa vytvoriť si intímne spojenia s pocitom bezpečia. Nastal čas, aby ste zastavili utrpenie a prehnané analyzovanie svojho vzťahu. Raz a navždy sa zbavíte neistoty a naučíte sa, ako si vybudovať láskyplný vzťah, po akom ste vždy túžili.

Podívejte se také Halestorm: Back From The Dead (RSD 2022) - LP (7567864111)

cena 480.0 Kč

When You Get The Chance - Emma Lordová

When You Get The Chance is a heartwarming read from Emma Lord, the New York Times bestselling author of the Reese Witherspoon YA Book Club pick You Have a Match.Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price's dream of becoming a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super introverted dad, who raised Millie alone since she was a baby or her drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. Millie needs an ally. And when an accidentally left-open browser brings Millie to her dad's embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do - find her mum.But how can you find a new part of your life and expect it to fit into your old one without leaving any marks? And why is it that when you go looking for the past, it somehow keeps bringing you back to what you've had all along?

Objev podobné jako When You Get The Chance - Emma Lordová

cena 241.0 Kč

Principles: Your Guided Journal : Create Your Own Principles to Get the Work and Life You Want - Ray Dalio

In his international bestseller Principles, legendary investor Ray Dalio introduced millions of readers around the world to the unconventional approach he developed as the founder and builder of Bridgewater Associates, the largest and most successful hedge fund in the world. Dalio attributes his unique success to his process of recording, refining and acting on a set of well-defined principles, which are effectively decision-rules for getting what you want out of life and work. His goal in publishing the book was to show readers the value of principle-based thinking so that they could develop their own principles, aligned with their own values, for getting whatever they wanted out of life.With this new journal, Dalio takes his goal one step further to help readers reflect on and record their own principles. He does that by providing a series of guided exercises and questions for reflecting on what you're like, what you value, and what principles will best help you achieve your goals. These exercises draw from key concepts in the original Principles book, including:1. How to identify your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and preferences2. How to use the 'five-step process' to achieve your goals3. How to become both 'assertive and open-minded at the same time'4. How to maximise your learning from your mistakes (which are inevitable)All of these exercises can optionally be enhanced using the free Principles in Action iOS and Android app, which provides an even more interactive, multimedia experience, and they are followed by a number of blank journal pages containing thought-provoking and unconventional prompts from Principles aimed at helping you formulate your own principles. The experience concludes with a structured reflection on where you and your loved ones are along life's journey, leaving you with a highly personalised, practical playbook for achieving success in the years ahead.

Objev podobné jako Principles: Your Guided Journal : Create Your Own Principles to Get the Work and Life You Want - Ray Dalio

cena 536.0 Kč

The Beatles: Get Back - The Beatles

Unikátní pohled do zákulisí. Kniha The Beatles: Get Back vás přenese do posledního roku této celosvětově známé kapely. Fanoušci a všichni milovníci The Beatles se konečně dočkali. Přes deset let očekávaná kniha o legendární kapele je zcela jiná než jakákoli před ní. V The Beatles: Get Back je zaznamenáno vytvoření posledního alba Let It Be přímo vlastními slovy členů The Beatles, která jsou doplněna dříve nepublikovanými fotografiemi ze zkoušek pořízenými Ethanem A. Russellem a Lindou McCartneyovou. Padesát let po nahrávání alba Let It Be a natočení filmu, který je dokumentuje, vychází tato kniha jako doprovod třídílného dokumentárního filmu Petera Jacksona The Beatles: Get Back . Kniha nás přenese do ledna 1969, je to začátek posledního roku The Beatles jako kapely. Album The BEATLES (The White Album – Bílé album) je na prvních místech hitparád a známá čtyřka se schází v Londýně kvůli novému projektu. Po 21 dní v různých nahrávacích studiích s kamerami a rekordéry dokumentujícími každodenní zkoušení kapela nacvičuje a vylepšuje mnoho svých nových i starých skladeb. Vše vrcholí známým koncertem na střeše přinášejícím do centra Londýna krátký oddech od všeho shonu a nebývalý rozruch. The Beatles: Get Back vypráví příběh zkoušek kapely prostřednictvím přepisů konverzace jejích členů a všech přítomných. Díky jemným zásahům editora Johna Harrise máme jedinečnou možnost vše pozorovat z pohledu mouchy na stěně, být přímo u toho a hrát a zpívat a vymýšlet lepší verše současně s kapelou, která je fenoménem po několik desítek let. Tento naprosto unikátní pocit je ještě znásobený původními fotografiemi pořízenými přímo na místě či snímky ze zmíněného 55hodinového filmového záznamu. Vypráví se, že tyto zkoušky byly předzvěstí rozpadu kapely. Nicméně je nutné dodat, že to bylo zároveň nejplodnějším a vrcholným obdobím The Beatles, o kterém si nyní můžeme přečíst přímo od našich milovaných Brouků.

Objev podobné jako The Beatles: Get Back - The Beatles

cena 1049.0 Kč

Plakát The Beatles - Get Back

Plakát The Beatles - Get Back se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměry plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát The Beatles - Get Back

cena 169.0 Kč

When Life Gives You Mangoes - Kereen Gettenová

Nothing much happens in Sycamore, the small village where Clara lives - at least, that's how it looks. She loves eating ripe mangoes fallen from trees, running outside in the rainy season and escaping to her secret hideout with her best friend Gaynah. There's only one problem - she can't remember anything that happened last summer.When a quirky girl called Rudy arrives from England, everything starts to change. Gaynah stops acting like a best friend, while Rudy and Clara roam across the island and uncover an old family secret. As the summer reaches its peak and the island storms begin, Clara's memory starts to return and she must finally face the truth of what happened last year.

Objev podobné jako When Life Gives You Mangoes - Kereen Gettenová

cena 266.0 Kč

Build the Life You Want - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

You can get happier. And getting there will be the adventure of a lifetime.In Build the Life You Want, Harvard Professor Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey invite you to begin a journey toward greater happiness, no matter how challenging your circumstances. Combining their decades of experience studying happiness from every angle, they show you how to improve your life right now - instead of waiting for the outside world to change. You will learn how to:- Manage your emotions so they no longer control your outlook and behaviour- Turn life's inevitable difficulties and challenges into opportunities for growth- Strengthen your family ties by managing your expectations and building trust- Create and preserve deep and lasting friendships at any age- Develop an approach to work that fits your life and brings satisfaction- Find your inner peace with a spiritual practiceBuild the Life You Want introduces you to the cutting-edge science that can change your life, in understandable terms and with actionable strategies. Along the way, Arthur and Oprah share hard-earned wisdom from their own lives and careers. In every page, your happiness skills will grow, and you will learn amazing information you can't wait to share with others. Build the Life You Want is your blueprint for a better life.

Objev podobné jako Build the Life You Want - Oprah Winfrey, Arthur C. Brooks

cena 536.0 Kč

Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life

Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Odvážné myšlenky o jednom z nejdůležitějších a nejoblíbenějších rituálů lidstva.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press How to Get Married, The School of Life

cena 629.0 Kč

The Beatles: Get Back (3BD) - Blu-ray (8717418604493)

Film na Blu-ray - The Beatles: Get Back je třídílný dokumentární televizní seriál, který zachycuje skupinu The Beatles během nahrávání posledního studiového alba Let It Be. „Jako by nás stroj času přenesl do roku 1969 a my seděli ve studiu a přihlíželi, jak čtyři přátelé vytvářejí úžasnou hudbu.” The Beatles: Get Back je třídílný dokumentární televizní seriál novozélandského filmového režiséra Petera Jacksona, který zachycuje skupinu The Beatles během nahrávání posledního studiového alba Let It Be. Má ukázat lepší stránku vztahů mezi členy kapely a zároveň tak přehodnotit původní vyznění snímku Let It Be z roku 1970, kdy byla atmosféra během nahrávání několik let považována za vysoce konfliktní. Dokument čerpá z původního materiálu, který pořídil režisér Michael Lindsay-Hogg pro film Let It Be v lednu 1969. Film vznikl ve spolupráci s Paulem McCartneyem, Ringo Starrem a vdovami po Johnu Lennonovi (Yoko Ono) a Georgovi Harrisonovi (Olivia Harrison). „Jsem...

Objev podobné jako The Beatles: Get Back (3BD) - Blu-ray (8717418604493)

cena 1099.0 Kč

The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black S

Subžánr: Pop;Rock Pohlaví: Unisex Barva: Černá Velikost: S Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Dodavatel: Rock Off Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země interpreta: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Materiál: Měkká bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Žánr: Rock

Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black S

cena 505.0 Kč

Halestorm - Back From The Dead (LP)

Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Žánr: Hard Rock Datum vydání: 2022-05-06 Vydavatelství: Atlantic Subžánr: Hard Rock Varianta: Back From The Dead (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Halestorm

Objev podobné jako Halestorm - Back From The Dead (LP)

cena 954.55 Kč

Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP)

Typ: Nové vydání;Album;LP deska;Barevná;Dotisk Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Barva podle výrobce: Blood Red Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Pop Punk Vydavatelství: Hopeless Records Datum vydání: 2024-02-23 Varianta: Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP) Barva: Červená Rok vydání: 2024.0 Interpret / Téma: Neck Deep

Objev podobné jako Neck Deep - Life's Not Out To Get You (Blood Red Coloured) (LP)

cena 843.0 Kč

Public Enemy: What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down? - CD (3515051)

Hudební CD - Public Enemy je americká hiphopová skupina, založená roku 1982 na Long Islandu. Patnácté studiové album. Public Enemy je americká hiphopová skupina, založená roku 1982 na Long Islandu. Tato formace se řadí se mezi nejstarší a zároveň nejdůležitější hiphopové skupiny. Charakteristické jsou jejich politicky a sociálně zaměřené texty. Patnácté studiové album. Seznam stop When The Grid Go Down... Featuring - George Clinton / Grid Featuring - Cypress Hill, George Clinton / State Of The Union (STFU) Featuring - DJ Premier / Interlude: Merica Mirror / Public Enemy Number Won Featuring - Ad Rock, Mike D, Run-DMC / Toxic / Yesterday Man Featuring - Daddy-O / Interlude: Crossroads Burning / Fight The Power Remix 2020 Featuring - Black Thought, Jahi, Nas, Questlove, Rapsody , YG / Beat Them All / Smash The Crowd Featuring - Ice-T, PMD / If You Can't Join Em Beat Em / Go At It Featuring - Jahi / Interlude: Don't Look At The Sky / Rest In Beats...

Objev podobné jako Public Enemy: What You Gonna Do When the Grid Goes Down? - CD (3515051)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Beatles: Get Back (978-80-7413-469-2)

Kniha - autor The Beatles, 240 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem matná Unikátní pohled do zákulisí. Kniha The Beatles: Get Back vás přenese do posledního roku této celosvětově známé kapely. Fanoušci a všichni milovníci The Beatles se konečně dočkali. Přes deset let očekávaná kniha o legendární kapele je zcela jiná než jakákoli před ní. V The Beatles: Get Back je zaznamenáno vytvoření posledního alba Let It Be přímo vlastními slovy členů The Beatles, která jsou doplněna dříve nepublikovanými fotografiemi ze zkoušek pořízenými Ethanem A. Russellem a Lindou McCartneyovou. Padesát let po nahrávání alba Let It Be a natočení filmu, který je dokumentuje, vychází tato kniha jako doprovod třídílného dokumentárního filmu Petera Jacksona The Beatles: Get Back . Kniha nás přenese do ledna 1969, je to začátek posledního roku The Beatles jako kapely. Album The BEATLES (The White Album – Bílé album) je na prvních místech hitparád a známá čtyřka se schází v Londýně kvůli...

Objev podobné jako The Beatles: Get Back (978-80-7413-469-2)

cena 789.0 Kč

The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black L

Barva: Černá Dodavatel: Rock Off Subžánr: Pop;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Pohlaví: Unisex Velikost: L Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země interpreta: Spojené království Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Rock Materiál: Měkká bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké

Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black L

cena 505.0 Kč

The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black XL

Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979 Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Měkká bavlna Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Rock;Pop Země interpreta: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Délka rukávu: Krátké Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Spojené království Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Pohlaví: Unisex Velikost: XL Barva: Černá Dodavatel: Rock Off

Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black XL

cena 505.0 Kč

The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black 2XL

Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Subžánr: Pop;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Barva: Černá Velikost: 2XL Pohlaví: Unisex Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979 Délka rukávu: Krátké Materiál: Měkká bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Spojené království Věková skupina: Dospělý Žánr: Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black 2XL

cena 505.0 Kč

The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black M

Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969 Země původu: Spojené království Délka rukávu: Krátké Materiál: Měkká bavlna Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva podle výrobce: Black Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Subžánr: Rock;Pop Žánr: Rock Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva: Černá Velikost: M Dodavatel: Rock Off Pohlaví: Unisex Interpret / Téma: The Beatles

Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Get Back Gradient Unisex Black M

cena 505.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead - LP (7567864132)

LP vinyl - Produkci desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. Produkci desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. „Izolace a nemožnost koncertovat během pandemie mě uvrhly do temnoty, trpěla jsem krizí identity. Album je příběhem o tom, jak se z té propasti dostávám. Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth ”Lzzy" Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe Hottingera a baskytaristy...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead - LP (7567864132)

cena 669.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead - CD (7567864133)

Hudební CD - Produkci nové desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. Produkci nové desky skupiny Halestorm měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry), pilotním singlem je písnička The Steeple. „Na albu jsme pracovali už před covidem,” prozrazuje zpěvačka Lzzy Hale. „Izolace a nemožnost koncertovat během pandemie mě uvrhly do temnoty, trpěla jsem krizí identity. Album je příběhem o tom, jak se z té propasti dostávám.” Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth „Lzzy” Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe Hottingera a...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead - CD (7567864133)

cena 399.0 Kč

Cheap Trick: Out To Get You! Live 1977 (RSD) (2x LP) - LP (0194397305517)

LP vinyl - Živá nahrávka koncertu z roku 1977 na 2LP. Živá nahrávka koncertu z roku 1977 na 2LP. Rok vydání : 2020 (live) Seznam stop LP 1 Hello There / Come On, Come On / Oh Candy / Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace / Elo Kiddies / Hot Love / Southern Girls / Cry, Cry / Big Eyes / High Roller / He's A Whore / Daddy Should Have Stayed In High School LP 2 Can't Hold On / Clock Strikes Ten / Loser / Taxman, Mr. Thief / Ain't That A Shame / Oh Caroline / Oh Boy / You're All Talk / Auf Wiedersehen / Goodnight

Objev podobné jako Cheap Trick: Out To Get You! Live 1977 (RSD) (2x LP) - LP (0194397305517)

cena 649.0 Kč

The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

The Times Top 10 BestsellerTHE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER, WITH OVER THREE MILLION COPIES SOLD AROUND THE WORLD'Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?'The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling setbacks to dealing with rest and relationships, in a beautiful book combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations. Haemin Sunim's simple messages - which he first wrote when he responded to requests for advice on social media - speak directly to the anxieties that have become part of modern life and remind us of the strength and joy that come from slowing down.Hugely popular in Korea, Haemin Sunim is a Zen meditation teacher whose teachings transcend religion, borders and ages. With insight and compassion drawn from a life full of change, the bestselling monk succeeds at encouraging all of us to notice that when you slow down, the world slows down with you.

Objev podobné jako The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World - Haemin Sunim

cena 312.0 Kč

Growing Up for Girls: Everything You Need to Know - MacDonagh Emily

A reassuring, fact-packed book for girlson what to expect when growing up.From Dr Emily MacDonagh, practising NHS doctorand OK! magazine's popular Health and Parenting Columnist.Dr Emily talks about the physical and emotional changesof puberty in a simple and friendly way.Topics include:When and why will your body start to change?How will you feel different and why?What's happening to the boys?Plus expert tips on healthy eating, positivebody image, self-esteem, and lotsmore.With colourful illustrations and usefuldiagrams.Written in collaboration with a Consultant Paediatrician and SchoolNurse.Mother of two and step-mother to teenagers, Dr Emilylives with her husband Peter Andre and childrenin Surrey.Growing Up for Boys: Everything You Need to Know isout in May 2022.

Objev podobné jako Growing Up for Girls: Everything You Need to Know - MacDonagh Emily

cena 241.0 Kč

Growing Up for Boys: Everything You Need to Know - MacDonagh Emily

A reassuring, fact-packed book for boys on what to expect when growing up. From Dr Emily MacDonogh, OK! magazine's popular Health and Parenting Columnist.

Objev podobné jako Growing Up for Boys: Everything You Need to Know - MacDonagh Emily

cena 241.0 Kč

You Do You: (A No-F**ks-Given Guide) how to be who you are and use what you've got to get wh (1787470423)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná *From the author who brought you the genius bestsellers The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k and Get Your Sh*t Together* In The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, our favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight unleashed the power of saying no. In Get Your Sh*t Together, she prioritised the sh*t you need and want to do so you can achieve your hopes and dreams. Now she s back, doubling down on your happiness with her latest message: You Do You. Being yourself should be the easiest thing in the world. Yet instead of leaning in to who we are, we fight it, listening too closely to what society tells us. You Do You helps you shake off those expectations, say f**k perfect, start looking out for number one and keep on with your badass self. From career and finances to relationships and family, lifestyle and health, Sarah Knight rips up the rulebook. Writing about her mistakes and embarrassments in her own personal...

Objev podobné jako You Do You: (A No-F**ks-Given Guide) how to be who you are and use what you've got to get wh (1787470423)

cena 359.0 Kč

How Women Rise : Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back - Helgesen Sally

By the bestselling author of What Got You Here Won't Get You ThereDo you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues?If your answer to any of these is 'Yes', How Women Rise will help get you back on track. Inspiring and practical by turns, it identifies 12 common habits that can prove an obstacle to future success and tells you how to overcome them. In the process, it points the way to a career that will satisfy your ambitions and help you make the difference you want to make in the world.

Objev podobné jako How Women Rise : Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back - Helgesen Sally

cena 268.0 Kč

Circling Back to You - Tieu Julie

Julie Tieu, an exciting new and diverse voice in contemporary romance, returns with a hilarious and sexy new novel about colleagues who decide to take their relationship outside the office.Cadence Lim has transformed from behind-the-scenes number cruncher to an integral part of the sales team at Prism Realty. But despite moving up the corporate ladder, her complicated relationship with her estranged elderly father weighs heavily and she can't seem to shake the desire for a new beginning.At least Cadence can always lean on her favorite co-worker and co-conspirator, Matt Escanilla. A top broker with an unsuccessful love life, the forever single Matt is constantly being nagged by his loving Filipino family to settle down.Their relationship takes a turn when a business trip lands them both in their hometown and Matt enlists Cadence as a pretend girlfriend for a family gathering. The new after-hours setting forces the two friends to see each other in a new light, and their previously buried feelings rise quickly to the surface. When competing promotions threaten to separate Cadence and Matt, these office besties must work together to round up their ambitions and families to pursue their overdue romance.

Objev podobné jako Circling Back to You - Tieu Julie

cena 268.0 Kč

James Arthur - Back From The Edge (2 LP)

Subžánr: Soul;Pop;R&B Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: R&B;Pop;Soul Vydavatelství: Columbia Varianta: Back From The Edge (2 LP) Datum vydání: 2021-11-26 Interpret / Téma: James Arthur Rok vydání: 2021.0 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako James Arthur - Back From The Edge (2 LP)

cena 773.0 Kč

Half Moon Bay Zápisník Harry Potter - Muggles get you down

Zápisník Harry Potter - Muggles get you down Všechny nové kouzla a čáry na jednom místě? Nyní je budete mít všechny zapsané v zápisníku s nápisem Don´t let the Muggles get you down a na žádné nezapomenete. formát: A5

Objev podobné jako Half Moon Bay Zápisník Harry Potter - Muggles get you down

cena 449.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead (Extended Edition) - CD (7567862785)

Hudební CD - Rozšířená verze posledního alba Halestorm. Produkci desky Back From The Dead měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry) Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth „Lzzy” Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe Hottingera a baskytaristy Joshe Smithe. V roce 2005 podepsali nahrávací smlouvu se společností Atlantic, o rok později vydali koncertní EP One And Done. Debutové eponymní album vydali v roce 2009, přičemž jejich první singl Love Bites (So Do I), získal cenu Grammy pro nejlepší nahrávku v kategorii rock a heavy metal. Rozšířená verze posledního alba Halestorm. Produkci desky Back From The Dead měli na starost Nick Raskulinetz (Foo Fighters, Mastodon, Alice In Chains) a Scott Stevens (Shinedown, Daughtry),...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead (Extended Edition) - CD (7567862785)

cena 399.0 Kč

Halestorm: Back From The Dead (RSD 2022) - LP (7567864111)

LP vinyl - Kampaň Record Store Day (zkráceně RSD) se každoročně koná třetí dubnovou sobotu. Jejím účelem je podpořit tradiční kamenné obchody s hudbou. Kampaň Record Store Day (zkráceně RSD) se každoročně koná třetí dubnovou sobotu. Jejím účelem je podpořit tradiční kamenné obchody s hudbou. V rámci akce vyjadřují umělci po celém světě sympatie klasickým hudebním prodejnám a vydávají na jejich podporu na fyzických nosičích nejrůznější raritní nahrávky, jejichž prodej se může realizovat právě a jen staromódním způsobem, tedy klasickou distribucí. Takové nahrávky vycházejí často pouze v limitovaných sériích. Součástí RSD 2022 je i vinylový singl skupiny Halestorm. LP je k dispozici v nákladu 2.800 kopií. Halestorm je americká hardrocková skupina, kterou v roce 1997 založili dva sourozenci, tehdy teenageři z městečka Red Lion ve státě Pensylvánie. Je složena ze zpěvačky a kytaristky Elizabeth „Lzzy” Hale, jejího bratra, bubeníka Arejay Hale, kytaristy Joe...

Objev podobné jako Halestorm: Back From The Dead (RSD 2022) - LP (7567864111)

cena 939.0 Kč

Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha

eBook: Ever wondered how criminal investigators persuade others to reveal their secrets? Or perhaps your personal or professional life could benefit from more open, trusting interactions? Whatever it may be, \'Unlocking Secrets\' provides the answers you need to harness your interpersonal and communication skills to get others to open up and talk. Through real-life examples, Dr David Craig shows how these skills can be applied in everyday life, whilst divulging some of the most enhanced psychological methods used in the world of covert operations. All in an accessible, bitesize way, perfect for anyone looking to advance their career or enrich personal relationships. Dr David Craig has been teaching and researching techniques in covert operations since the early 2000s. Having assisted undercover operations around the world, he spent over two decades as a Federal Agent, and now runs a consultancy for covert operations in Australia and overseas. Craig is the author of the bestselling psychological books ‘Unlocking Secrets : How to get people to tell you everything’ and ‘Lie Catcher: Become a Human Lie Detector in Under 60 Minutes’. Craig believes that everybody can and should benefit from covert skills in their everyday lives.

Objev podobné jako Unlocking Secrets: How to Get People To Tell You Everything - Dr. David Craig - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson

Discover the funny, uplifting story of second chances and becoming the person you were always meant to be, the perfect holiday read from the author of Richard & Judy Book Club pick, The Funny Thing About Norman Foreman. ‘The literary equivalent of a hug . .. supremely heart-warming and an immensely funny read that will pull you in from beginning to end’ - Glamour'A book that will make you smile in just about every possible way' Matson Taylor, bestselling author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick The Miseducation of Evie Epworth'Clever, thought-provoking and huge-hearted. Pure Joy!' Hazel Prior, bestselling author of Away With the Penguins---------When reality comes calling, do you face it .. . or keep running?Meet Danny – the definition of a man who 'could do better'.He drinks more than he should, lives in his best friend's garden shed. . .and he hasn't spoken to his sister in sixteen years. But when Danny winds up in a misleading newspaper article, claiming his lifestyle might be quite enlightened, he is thrust into the limelight. Letters begin to flood in from strangers seeking his guidance.Wolfie is the daughter of Danny's estranged sister. She's never met her uncle, but her mother is struggling and Wolfie needs help. So when she sees Danny's picture in the paper, she sets out to find him.Within a week, Danny goes from being responsibility-free to a big brother, an uncle and an unwitting existential 'guru' to some very lost souls. Can he become the man they all need him to be?(Previously published as Sincerely, Me)------------‘A gorgeous novel that will instantly leave you wanting more’ - Holly Miller, author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, The Sight of You'Emotional and joyous!' Sun'Such a wonderful, heartwarming book. Everyone needs Danny Mulberry in their lives’ Alice Clark-Platts, author of The Flower Girls and The Cove'Gorgeous, funny and heartfelt' Eleanor Ray, author of The Art of BelongingREADERS ARE ENJOYING HOW TO GET A LIFE:***** An utterly enchanting and emotional novel***** An absolute emotional rollercoaster yet funny along the way***** A joy to read from start to finish***** Easy to read and leaves you feeling happy***** One of my favourite books this year

Objev podobné jako How to Get a Life - Julietta Henderson

cena 268.0 Kč

Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World (0241989698)

Kniha - autor Václav Smil, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World (0241989698)

cena 279.0 Kč

I Love You to the Moon And Back - Tim Warnes, Amelia Hepworth, Little Tiger Press

So snuggle safely in my arms; our day is nearly done. I love you to the moon and stars, my precious little one. A beautiful hardback gift edition of the international best-seller I Love You to the Moon and Back, a bedtime favourite with familiar and reassuring text by Amelia Hepworth and heartwarming illustrations by Tim Warnes. When the sun comes up, Big Bear and Little Bear think of new ways to share their love. Big Bear loves Little Bear more and more as each day passes, right up to each new moon – and back. Now this joyful celebration of the love between a parent and child can be treasured forever with this elegant cloth-textured, silver foil and peep-through cover edition – the perfect gift for a special person in your life. Ideal for fans of Guess How Much I Love You and While We Can''t Hug.

Objev podobné jako I Love You to the Moon And Back - Tim Warnes, Amelia Hepworth, Little Tiger Press

cena 266.0 Kč

I Love You to the Moon And Back - Tim Warnes, Amelia Hepworth, Little Tiger Press

When the sun comes up, Big Bear and Little Bear think of new ways to share their love. Big Bear loves Little Bear more and more as each day passes, right up to each new moon – and back. A joyful celebration of the love between parent and child, this lovely chunky board book is perfect for reading with your special little person. With sturdy pages that are easy for little hands to turn and beautiful illustrations by Tim Warnes, I Love You to the Moon and Back will soon become a firm bedtime favourite.Fans of this book might also like I Love You More and More by Nicky Benson and Jonny Lambert and I Love You Just the Way You Are by Tammi Salzano and Ada Grey.

Objev podobné jako I Love You to the Moon And Back - Tim Warnes, Amelia Hepworth, Little Tiger Press

cena 177.0 Kč

Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World - Václav Smil

Is flying dangerous? How much do the world's cows weigh? And what makes people happy? From earth's nations and inhabitants, through the fuels and foods that energize them, to the transportation and inventions of our modern world - and how all of this affects the planet itself - in Numbers Don't Lie, Professor Vaclav Smil takes us on a fact-finding adventure, using surprising statistics and illuminating graphs to challenge lazy thinking. Packed with 'Well-I-never-knew-that' information and with fascinating and unusual examples throughout, we find out how many people it took to build the Great Pyramid, that vaccination yields the best return on investment, and why electric cars aren't as great as we think (yet). There's a wonderful mix of science, history and wit, all in bite-sized chapters on a broad range of topics. Urgent and essential, Numbers Don't Lie inspires readers to interrogate what they take to be true in these significant times. Smil is on a mission to make facts matter, because after all, numbers may not lie, but which truth do they convey?

Objev podobné jako Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World - Václav Smil

cena 312.0 Kč

Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

Typ: Album;Dotisk;LP deska Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Rock Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Varianta: Where You Want to Be (LP) Rok vydání: 2012.0 Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Emo;Pop Punk Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Victory Records Datum vydání: 2012-07-31 Interpret / Téma: Taking Back Sunday

Objev podobné jako Taking Back Sunday Where You Want to Be (LP)

cena 870.0 Kč

You Do You : The Inspirational Guide To Getting The Life You Want - Charlotte Greedy

You deserve the absolute world even if right now you don't think you do. You are enough, and you CAN change your life and make a fresh start if you want it. I did it and so can you! - Charlotte GreedyThe motivational guide to celebrating your true authentic self and getting the life you want from social media sensation Charlotte Greedy.Have you ever felt completely lost, stuck in a place you don't want to be?One of Instagram's loudest and most loved voices, Charlotte Greedy had a rocky start in life. Now with her partner H, her two sons and her fur babies to contend with, every day is a joyful new lesson in learning to love herself again.Honest and hilarious, You Do You shares Charlotte's real-life experiences and the lessons she's learnt along the way to inspire you to begin your own journey of self-love, confidence and help you build the life you truly deserve.You Do You. Always.

Objev podobné jako You Do You : The Inspirational Guide To Getting The Life You Want - Charlotte Greedy

cena 89.0 Kč

150 Restaurants You Need to Visit Before You Die - Amelie Vincent

These culinary hotspots promise a unique experience to the diners, through exquisite menus, original designs and creative chefs. Founder of The Foodalist Communication Agency (www.thefoodalist.com), Amélie Vincent, is an expert in revealing culinary trends worldwide. She has the world's best chefs in her network, and works with the most influential media around the world.

Objev podobné jako 150 Restaurants You Need to Visit Before You Die - Amelie Vincent

cena 890.0 Kč

Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) - Kate Muir

Muir draws on interviews with the leading medical experts in the field, interlaced with her own tumultuous journey through the menopause and the personal stories of women from all walks of life, sharing their varied experiences and hard-earned wisdom.Muir also questions why the current medical establishment is getting the menopause so wrong, as she debunks the myths that surround hormone replacement therapy and exposes the sloppy science and hysterical headlines that have had a negative impact on women's health for the last twenty years.It's essential that we understand the biology of our own bodies during this critical period that will define the latter half of our lives. With the help of a panel of doctors, scientists and health experts, Muir unpacks the science behind hormones and ageing, and takes a close look at the different options available for treating both body and mind during the profound changes that take us into midlife and beyond.What she discovers is that both symptoms and treatment are far more extensive and diverse than we might expect. The menopause is the whole package, and the treatment needs to be too, with impacts as wide ranging as preventing Alzheimer's, boosting sex drive and protecting mental health.This ground-breaking guide is a social, cultural and scientific exploration into a criminally overlooked and under-discussed phenomenon that will affect one billion of us by 2025. And it is a manifesto for change, calling for equality in healthcare and an entirely new approach to women's health.

Objev podobné jako Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause (but were too afraid to ask) - Kate Muir

cena 268.0 Kč

Why Did You Come Back Every Summer - Belen Lopez Peiro

A fractured account of family abuse, secrets, and the cost of pursuing the truth. In the most private spaces, the most intimate betrayals occur. Belén López Peiró places us squarely in the tenderest of times—young teenagehood, in a home about to be ruptured by sexual assault. In this home, for this young woman, your assailant is your uncle, and also a police commissioner. The people who shelter you will reject you: your mother is his sister-in-law, your beloved aunt his wife and your cousin and friend his daughter. And the truth of what happened will depend entirely on you. Why Did You Come Back Every Summer is a document of uncertainty, self-doubt, and the appearance of progress when there is none. A chorus of voices interrupt and overtake each other; interviews and reports are filed. The truth will be heard but how and by whom? Loyalties will shift and slip. And certain questions have no easy answers. What do you owe to your family? What do they owe you? How far will you go to get yourself back?

Objev podobné jako Why Did You Come Back Every Summer - Belen Lopez Peiro

cena 354.0 Kč

Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight

The latest no-f**ks-given guide from New York Times bestselling author of the international sensation The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do YouDo you waste time overthinking things you can't do anything about? Do you freak out when things don't go to plan? Does anxiety get in the way of you living your best life? When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back. Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so.

Objev podobné jako Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight

cena 294.0 Kč

RightOnStraps Legend Get Back Kytarový pás Black/White

Věrná rekonstrukce kytarového popruhu použitého během nahrávacích seancí Let It Be, který se objevuje ve filmu. Kytarový popruh „LEGEND Get Back“ se objevuje během všech zkoušek v dokumentu The Beatles Get Back s McCartneyho basem Hofner 550/1 a barevnou kytarou Stratocaster Rocky George Harrisona. Tento popruh je veganská verze, která simuluje hladkou bílou kůži na koncích popruhu, má stříbrnou přezku a vícebarevný textilní design, ale navíc je polstrovaný pro velké pohodlí. Na jeho výrobu byly použity veganské materiály, které neobsahují žádné zvířecí části, tento popruh je 100% bez jakýchkoli zvířecích částí. Kytarový popruh „LEGEND Get Back“ se opakovaně objevuje ve filmu The Beatles Get Back a dokonce v některých záběrech můžete vidět Mal Evanse (Road Manager a asistent), jak jej upravuje po výměně mezi dvěma Beatles: Paula a George. Země původu: Španělsko Typ: Kytarový řemen Barva podle výrobce: Black/White Šířka: 6 cm Materiál: Textilie Minimální délka (cm): 85.0 Barva: Černá Maximální délka (cm): 150.0 Interpret / Téma: Paul McCartney

Objev podobné jako RightOnStraps Legend Get Back Kytarový pás Black/White

cena 1492.0 Kč

Life Is Tough (But So Are You): How to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped - Briony Benjamin

Perfect for fans of life-changing personal development manuals like The Resilience Project, The Happiness Project and When Life Is Not Peachy.'This is the book everyone needs to read when life takes an unexpected turn.' - Mia Freedman, MamaMiaNot all storms come to disrupt your life. Some come to clear your path.Viral video producer Briony Benjamin was a few months into a new job when she started feeling crappy... All. The. Time. Doctors told her she was just stressed and should rest more and learn to meditate. But it turns out she had cancer all through her body.Turning the camera on herself, Briony started documenting her journey in the short video 'You Only Get One Life'. Its raw portrayal of her experience went viral, touching millions.Here Briony shares some of the important lessons learnt through her illness and recovery - everything from how to assemble your A Team in times of crisis and learning to make friends with the pain, to happy hacks for cutting yourself some slack and some great tips on being a kick-arse support human when a friend is going through the rough stuff.If you want to live the richest version of your life, bring some more joy into your day-to-day existence and have some tools up your sleeve for when things get tricksy, this book is for you. Because - spoiler alert - we all have to deal with our fair share of tough times sooner or later. It's how we handle them and bounce back afterwards that really matters.

Objev podobné jako Life Is Tough (But So Are You): How to rise to the challenge when things go pear-shaped - Briony Benjamin

cena 402.0 Kč

The 1975 - I Like It When You Sleep.. (2 LP)

Subžánr: Rock;Pop;Alternative Rock;Indie Rock Žánr: Rock;Pop Varianta: I Like It When You Sleep.. (2 LP) Barva: Čirá Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;Barevná;LP deska Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Barva podle výrobce: Clear Země interpreta: Spojené království Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Interpret / Téma: The 1975 Datum vydání: 2016-02-26 Vydavatelství: Polydor Rok vydání: 2016.0

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cena 1108.0 Kč

What You Need to Be Warm - Neil Gaiman

A fantastic Christmas present for Neil Gaiman super fans** AS SEEN ON CHANNEL 4 NEWS **Sometimes it only takes a stranger in a dark place... to say we have the right to be here, to make us warm in the coldest season. In 2019, Neil Gaiman asked his Twitter followers: What reminds you of warmth? Over 1,000 responses later, Neil began to weave replies from across the world into a poem in aid of the UNHCR’s winter appeal. It revealed our shared desire to feel safe, welcome and warm in a world that can often feel frightening and lonely.Sales of every copy of this book will help support the work of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, which helps forcibly displaced communities and stateless people across the world.Now publishing in hardback and illustrated by a group of artists from around the world, What You Need to Be Warm is an exploration of displacement and flight from conflict through the objects and memories that represent warmth. It is about our right to feel safe, whoever we are and wherever we are from. It is about holding out a hand to welcome those who find themselves far from home. Featuring new, original illustrations from Chris Riddell, Benji Davies, Yuliya Gwilym, Nadine Kaadan, Daniel Egnéus, Pam Smy, Petr Horácek, Beth Suzanna, Bagram Ibatoulline, Marie-Alice Harel, Majid Adin and Richard Jones, with a thought-provoking cover from Oliver Jeffers.

Objev podobné jako What You Need to Be Warm - Neil Gaiman

cena 384.0 Kč

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