Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Advances of science - Galina Babalova, Tat`yana Volokitina, Valentina Ignatova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March, 29-30, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Podívejte se také Advances of science (999-00-029-4892-3)
Advances of science - Anatoliy Arkhipov, Natal'ya Makovskaya, Madina Sirivlya - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of V International scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, February 27-28, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Podívejte se také Advances of science (999-00-029-4888-6)
Advances of science - Kirill Vojnov, Irina Vagner, Aljona Tihon - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March 29-30, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Podívejte se také kniha valentina
Podívejte se také
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Advances of science (999-00-029-4892-3)
Elektronická kniha - autor Galina Babalova, 423 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March, 29-30, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science (999-00-029-4892-3)
Advances of science (999-00-029-4888-6)
Elektronická kniha - autor Kirill Vojnov, 566 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March 29-30, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science (999-00-029-4888-6)
Advances of science (999-00-029-4905-0)
Elektronická kniha - autor Anatoliy Arkhipov, 417 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of V International scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, February 27-28, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science (999-00-029-4905-0)
Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Resonances science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018 November 07-08. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science XXI century», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, April 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.
Objev podobné jako Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
Momentálně nedostupná - Valentina Farinaccio - e-kniha
eBook: Když vám někdo, s kým se setkáte poprvé, řekne, že jste velmi fotogeničtí, není to kompliment. Sedmatřicetiletá Vittoria, která tuhle větu slýchá často, o tom už pár let ví své… Vittoria si píše blog o hudbě, vydělává si úklidem a sní o tom, že se jednou bude psaním živit. Stačí ale jedna náhodná fotka na Instagramu a v její kariéře nastane naprosto nečekaný obrat: její účet sledují tisíce followerů. A než se stihne vzpamatovat z nebývalého zájmu, je z ní instagramový guru životního stylu, nebo spíš rychlého stravování. Znenadání zjišťuje, že promuje jídlo. Pouliční jídlo, mražené jídlo, nezdravé jídlo. Protože ze všeho nejlépe Vittoria vždycky uměla jíst. Snímky s pizzou nebo burgerem – úspěch zaručen! Do toho stejně náhle vstoupí nový, podivně intenzivní a nezávazný vztah s Giuseppem a lukrativní pracovní nabídka pro televizi – první skutečná práce. Jenže Vittoria má v sobě spoustu nevyřešených problémů, minimum sebedůvěry a hlavně: hlad. Jídlem zaplňuje prázdnotu, jídlem léčí bolest, která přichází z hloubi duše a kterou se snaží nevnímat. Jediný, komu se svěřuje, je terapeutka Mina. Po třech letech má sice Vittoria stále spousty followerů na síti, momentálně se ale snaží udělat něco se svým skutečným životem. Valentina Farinaccio vypráví ten nejaktuálnější možný příběh a dělá to nejmodernějším možným způsobem: současným jazykem s minimální interpunkcí a maximální autentičností dává slovo mladé ženě, která má v sobě spoustu nejistot a nenaplněné lásky a prožívá velký virtuální úspěch, aby zjistila, že opravdový život je jinde.
Objev podobné jako Momentálně nedostupná - Valentina Farinaccio - e-kniha
Chuť žiť - Valentína Sedileková - e-kniha
eBook: “Ničila ma, a pritom sa tvárila, že ma ľúbi. A ja som pri hľadaní vlastnej sebahodnoty bola ochotná obetovať aj vlastný život.”Chuť žiť je unikátne napísaná autobiografická kniha o živote s anorexiou. Jej obsahom je 43 písaných obrazov, teda situácií, ktoré opisujú vnútorné prežívanie. Nečakajte denné záznamy, práve naopak – knižka Vás zavedie do čistých útrob autorkinej duše. Obklopí Vás príbehom dôvery i boja s chorobou a ukáže, čo sa skutočne odohráva v mysli chorých dievčat a chlapcov. Autentické čriepky života dopĺňajú obrazy (arteterapické diela) dievčat, ktoré sa na mentálnu anorexiu liečia, ako aj potrebné a zaujímavé fakty a štyri odborné komentáre. Všetky časti dotvárajú ucelený obraz o vážnej psychickej chorobe s najvyššou úmrtnosťou vôbec a otvárajú dvere porozumeniu aj tipom ako pomôcť sebe či svojim blízkym. Valentína Sedileková je zakladateľkou celoslovenského projektu Chuť žiť venujúceho sa poruchám príjmu potravy, ktorými si sama prechádza. Jeho úlohami je šíriť informovanosť, povedomie, prevenciu a pomoc, ako aj zlepšovať a poukazovať na stav detskej psychiatrie na Slovensku. Okrem toho sa venuje písaniu kníh – autobiografickému dielu Chuť žiť o živote s anorexiou, či fantasy trilógii s politickým motívom Pokrvní. Zaujíma ju politika, školstvo, história a domáce i svetové dianie, o čom publikuje články do Denníka N a týždenníka Trend. Má osemnásť rokov a paralelne študuje v Bratislave na medzinárodnej škole LEAF Academy a v Banskej Bystrici na Gymnáziu Tajovského. Rozhovor s autorkou v TV Markíza
Objev podobné jako Chuť žiť - Valentína Sedileková - e-kniha
Co před ní tají? - Janice Maynardová - e-kniha
eBook: V rodinné firmě Zacha Stonea se děje cosi nekalého. Zach má podezření na špionáž, a aby měl v tomto ohledu jasno, najme uznávaného počítačového specialistu. Jak se ukáže, není jím nikdo jiný než Frances, dívka, která mu v mládí na střední připravila nejednu horkou chvíli. Teď, když mu dávno dospělá dlouhonohá kráska znovu vstoupila do života, představuje pro něj tvrdý oříšek. Ovšem stejně tak on pro ni…
Objev podobné jako Co před ní tají? - Janice Maynardová - e-kniha
Cizinec se zapalovačem - Valentina Vávrová - e-kniha
eBook: Mladá zdravotní sestra Olívie se přestěhovala do právě koupeného bytu. Hned první noc má zvláštní sen, ve kterém se poprvé setká s temným Cizincem v kápi. Sen se opakuje každou noc, je čím dál strašlivější a tíživější. Brzy ji začne Cizinec se zapalovačem trýznit i mimo spánek. Dějem se prolíná příběh dívky Valerie, která se Olívii zjevuje a pomáhá jí v boji proti Cizinci. Děsivé události přimějí Olívii pátrat a postupně zjišťuje pravdu o Valerii i o Cizincovi, na základě čehož kontaktuje médium Terezu. Následuje seance, která však nabere nečekaný směr...
Objev podobné jako Cizinec se zapalovačem - Valentina Vávrová - e-kniha
Death at Noon - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: Benvenuto a Santa Caterina - a picturesque Tuscan village where the bells of the local Abbey chime loudly across the idyllic green hillsides. But today, at noon, Sister Isabella notices an eerie quiet; the bells are silent. Puzzled, Isabella makes a horrific discovery: Sister Raffaella is lying lifeless in the cloister! Though it appears she fell from the belfry, a cryptic number etched in the dust near her body suggests otherwise... While Mother Superior is insisting that it's an accident, Isabella isn't convinced. Together with the young Carabiniere Matteo, Isabella begins an investigation of her own and soon uncovers a dark secret... now only divine intervention can help! Monastery, murder and dolce vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" will love this humorous cosy crime read. An intrepid nun makes it her life's work to solve crimes, large and small, that are committed in a picturesque Tuscan village, Santa Caterina. Carabiniere Matteo is happy for this heavenly help, because as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he certainly has his hands full! Valentina Morelli is a German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland, and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are a way of telling human stories.
Objev podobné jako Death at Noon - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
Death by the River - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: The nuns of Santa Caterina are back and sinister goings-on are afoot. Old Gaetano, an amiable local drifter, is a welcome and regular guest at the convent. But to everyone’s shock, Carabiniere Matteo finds his body down by the river, murdered in cold blood. The village is stunned – who would do such a thing? And where is Gaetano’s beloved Saint Bernard, Caesar? Determined to get to the bottom of it, Sister Isabella teams up with Matteo (whether he likes it or not) to follow the clues and solve the mystery. But, it may not be a simple murder case after all, and perhaps old Gaetano has not always been whom he claimed to be... A delicious, cosy crime that is as warm as the Tuscan sun, perfect for fans of Julia Chapman, Fiona Leitch and Richard Osman. Valentina Morelli is a German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland, and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are a way of telling human stories.
Objev podobné jako Death by the River - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
Death in the Cloisters - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
eBook: Holy secrets. Unholy crimes. The heavenly peace of the monastery of Santa Caterina is under threat: construction work in the old walls is making quiet contemplation almost impossible! There’s something a little peculiar about the new nun, Sister Donna, too, but before Sister Isabella can get to the heart of Donna’s oddities, she’s found dead in the cloisters. With the nuns fearing for their lives, can Sister Isabella and Carabiniere Matteo solve the mystery before another murder takes place? Monastery, Murder and Dolce Vita - a crime series like a holiday under the Italian sun. Fans of Richard Osman's "Thursday Murder Club" will love this humorous cosy crime read. Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! This picturesque village in the heart of Tuscany is where Sister Isabella lives and works. But out of the blue, she suddenly finds herself investigating a murder case! From then on, this curious nun makes it her life's work to solve the crimes, large and small, that are committed in the village. Carabiniere Matteo is grateful for this heavenly help, because after all, as Santa Caterina's only policeman, he has his hands full... Valentina Morelli is a bestelling German author. With the Sister Isabella Series, she pays homage to her spiritual homeland and captures the unique feel of life in Tuscany. For her, murder mysteries are the true way of telling human stories.
Objev podobné jako Death in the Cloisters - Valentina Morelli - e-kniha
Amelia chce zůstat nad vodou - Ferrari Valentina - e-kniha
eBook: Amelia byla pilnou a zodpovědnou holčičkou, pak pilnou a zodpovědnou puberťačkou a dnes je rozčarovanou, zato pořád pilnou mladou ženou. Za sedm dní jí bude třicet a její nejnovější kratochvílí je sestavování seznamů vlastních neúspěchů. Ten poslední je delší, než by čekala: Bydlí u rodičů ve sklepě, aby se uživila, píše trendové články do hipsterského magazínu, který ale moc neplatí, takže musí taky třikrát denně venčit psa své sousedky… a dělat číšnici v baru plném opilých teenagerů v centru města. Její známí jsou šťastně zadaní, mají rozjetou kariéru, berou si hypotéky a plodí děti, zatímco ona neví, jakým směrem by se měla v životě ubírat. Její přítel je chudý básník, bydlí u své maminky a v dohledné době na tom nehodlá vůbec nic měnit. Nejlepšími přáteli a rádci v existenciálních otázkách jsou Amélii čtyři důchodci, se kterými se spřátelila při venčení psa – dokážou ji ale jejich svérázné rady navést na správnou cestu? Aby toho nebylo málo, šéfredaktor hipsterského magazínu, pro který pracuje, se jí rozhodl dát poslední šanci. Má napsat superúspěšný článek na téma 28 800 plastových kachniček, plovoucích v oceánu po námořní katastrofě. Na odevzdání jí dal přesně sedm dní, a tak začíná odpočet: Sedm dní na to, aby Amelia napsala nejvíc cool článek své kariéry a vyhnula se vyhazovu. Sedm dní na to, aby pochopila, jestli je vůbec zamilovaná – a do koho. Sedm dní, aby zjistila, co opravdu v životě chce. Je lepší se dál topit a máchat kolem sebe rukama jako o život, nebo do toho prostě skočit po hlavě a nechat se unášet proudem?
Objev podobné jako Amelia chce zůstat nad vodou - Ferrari Valentina - e-kniha
Dějiny science fiction v komiksu - Xavier Dollo - e-kniha
eBook: Vědeckofantastický žánr se stal nedílnou součástí literárního kánonu a získal si nespočet čtenářů po celém světě. Věnují se mu specializovaná nakladatelství či periodika a fanoušci sci-fi pořádají pravidelné sjezdy. Kdy to ale celé začalo? Jak se odvíjely dějiny sci-fi od počátků až do 21. století? Kteří významní autoři a autorky ji formovali? Výpravný komiks potěší jak skalní „scifisti“, tak ty, kteří se o žánru zkrátka chtějí dozvědět „něco víc“. „Ucelené dějiny science fiction převyprávěné vynalézavou komiksovou formou. (…) Čtenáři, kteří propadli záhadám a kouzlům sci-fi, si tento počin zamilují.“ – Publishers Weekly Z francouzštiny přeložila Vendula Něchajenko.
Objev podobné jako Dějiny science fiction v komiksu - Xavier Dollo - e-kniha
World Science – 2019 - Yelena Mamonova, Natal'ya Serkhacheva - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « World Science – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, May 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako World Science – 2019 - Yelena Mamonova, Natal'ya Serkhacheva - e-kniha
Resonances science - Viktor Fatuev, Elena Vasil'eva, Azamat Kade - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Resonances science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, August 29-30, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
Objev podobné jako Resonances science - Viktor Fatuev, Elena Vasil'eva, Azamat Kade - e-kniha
World Science - Bris Ponomarev, Al'bina Temerbekova, Tat'jana Regent - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, September, 28-29. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako World Science - Bris Ponomarev, Al'bina Temerbekova, Tat'jana Regent - e-kniha
World Science - Ljudmila Kurbatova, Taisija Popova, Irina Abakumova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 29-30 June 2016. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. At the conference held e-Symposium "Society and Law ", "Technical Progress", "Cardiology: Experience and Discoveries", "Continuing Education", "Economics and Law: Vectors of Development". International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako World Science - Ljudmila Kurbatova, Taisija Popova, Irina Abakumova - e-kniha
Science, society, progress - 2019 - Natal'ya Lazareva, Alla Yurina - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, society, progress - 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, June 28-29, 2019 and entries of the II International Championship "Quality of Education - 2018/2019". The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, society, progress - 2019 - Natal'ya Lazareva, Alla Yurina - e-kniha
Science, society, progress - Sofija Gaponova, Marina Suhomlinova, Tat'jana Zajachuk - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the III International scientific conference «Science, society, progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, October 20-21. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.
Objev podobné jako Science, society, progress - Sofija Gaponova, Marina Suhomlinova, Tat'jana Zajachuk - e-kniha
Timelines of Science
Discover the world of science as never before in this richly illustrated guide bringing key milestones and events to life in visual timelines. Offering a uniquely accessible and visual approach, this visual science book shows as never before where scientific ideas came from and how they have shaped all of our lives. The history of humankind has been driven by scientific discovery.From our distant ancestors learning to use tools and fire for the first time, to the modern breakthroughs that have shaped the world we live in today, science has defined the story of humans for thousands of years. Using beautiful illustrations and clear, easy-to-read text, Timelines of Science explains the history of science as it unfolded across the globe, and delves into the story of scientific ideas, practice, and progress one step at a time.
Objev podobné jako Timelines of Science
Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2019, december, 24-25. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan. The collection includes the best competitive works of the V International competition of educational and scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students "Quality Education - 2019 (within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)".
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016 - Aleksan Arzumanjan, Larisa Baranovskaja, Svetlana Makarova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 24-25 December 2016. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016 - Aleksan Arzumanjan, Larisa Baranovskaja, Svetlana Makarova - e-kniha
Science: discoveries and progress - Aleksandra Belinskaya, Irina Yary`gina, Stanislav Tkachenko - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science: discoveries and progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, April, 28-29. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako Science: discoveries and progress - Aleksandra Belinskaya, Irina Yary`gina, Stanislav Tkachenko - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2017», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 24-25, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
Science: discoveries and progress - Varvara Markaryan, Liliya Trudova, O. N. Misko - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the IV International scientific conference «Science: discoveries and progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2019, March 29-30. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science.
Objev podobné jako Science: discoveries and progress - Varvara Markaryan, Liliya Trudova, O. N. Misko - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, Technology and Life – 2018», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 28-29, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
Methodology of Science - František Ochrana
This publication covers the essential problems of the methodology of science. The methodology of science is understood to mean primarily a theory of scientific methods and techniques; the use of scientific methods in scientific research and in the construction of scientific theories. It examines in detail the axiomatic-deductive and inductive approaches in constructing a scientific theory. It analyzes the role of explanation and prediction in scientific research and the role of narration in social sciences. Using the comparative method, it compares scientific explanation, interpretative exposition in social sciences and defines the points of departure of the integrative approach to the examination of social phenomena. The publication also contains an index of essential terms, subject index and bibliography. The book is a useful study tool for students from faculties other than faculty of arts, particularly from the faculty of social sciences, as well as for all those who want to become acquainted with the crucial problems of philosophy and methodology of science.
Objev podobné jako Methodology of Science - František Ochrana
Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life - Scott Jon
Written by a team of dedicated and passionate academics, and shaped by feedback from over 55 institutions, its straightforward narrative, reinforced by key concept overview videos for every chapter, communicate key ideas clearly: the right information is provided at the right time, and at the right depth.Its pause and think features, self-check quizzes, and graded end of chapter questions, augmented by flashcards of key terms, directly support active learning. The combination of narrative text and learning features promote a rich, active learning experience: read, watch, and do.Its combination of Quantitative Toolkits, Scientific Process panels, and the Life and its Exploration chapters provide more insight and support than any other general biology text; they prepare students to engage with this quantitative and experimental discipline with confidence, and set them on a path for success throughout their future studies.With coverage that spans the full scale of biological science - from molecule to ecosystem - and with an approach that fully supports flexible, self-paced learning, Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life will set you on a path towards a deeper understanding of the key concepts in biology, and a greater appreciation of biology as a dynamic experimental science.
Objev podobné jako Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life - Scott Jon
Disney Twisted-Wonderland 3: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Still trying to get his friend Ace out of trouble, Yu attends one of Heartslabyul Dorm’s traditional unbirthday parties. But instead of solving Ace’s problems or having a bit of fun, they wind up incurring the wrath of the housewarden, Riddle!
Objev podobné jako Disney Twisted-Wonderland 3: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Taj Mahal - Labor of Love (2 LP)
Typ: Stereo;LP deska;Audiofilní kvalita;Otevírací obal;Album Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2016.0 Interpret / Téma: Taj Mahal Subžánr: Blues Vydavatelství: Analogue Productions Žánr: Blues Varianta: Labor of Love (2 LP) (200 Gram) Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Datum vydání: 2016-12-16 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako Taj Mahal - Labor of Love (2 LP)
Classic Tales of Science Fiction & Fantasy (1626868018)
Kniha - autor Jules Verne; H. G. Wells; Edgar Rice Burroughs, 1024 stran, anglicky, pevná, kůže Blast off into the unknown with this collection of ten classical works of science fiction and fantasy. Long before we ventured into outer space or explored the most remote regions of the planet, writers have spun stories of what might lie in those unknown worlds, or what awaits humanity in the future. Classic Tales of Science Fiction & Fantasy is a collection of ten novels and short stories that blazed the trail for the popular genre. Works by acclaimed authors such as Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack London, and H. P. Lovecraft will transport the reader to distant places and times—and set the imagination ablaze!
Objev podobné jako Classic Tales of Science Fiction & Fantasy (1626868018)
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science - Claudia Martin
Step into the scintillating world of science with this eye-opening hardback encyclopedia, brimming with full-colour illustrations that bring subjects to life! From brain cells and birds to energy and elements, this ultimate guide brings together cutting-edge knowledge, awe-inspiring ideas, and intriguing imagery. Inside readers will uncover key ideas about physics, chemistry and biology - including answers to questions that young readers most want answered. Topics include: • Matter, Atoms and Elements • Life, Evolution and Habitats • The Human Body • Forces and Energy • Earth and Space Featuring a quiz section and a useful glossary, this memorable book is your complete guide to understanding the key concepts in science for children aged 8+.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Illustrated Encyclopedia series brings together beautifully illustrated, fact-packed encyclopedias for children. Entertaining, visually appealing and accessible, these hardback guides are perfect for any child''s bookshelf.
Objev podobné jako The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science - Claudia Martin
Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science - Jane Chisholm
Provides a reference point for students studying for their SATs and GCSEs. This title is split into three sections, each covering the key aspects of the curriculum for Physics, Biology and Chemistry, and including important charts, tables and lists.
Objev podobné jako Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Science - Jane Chisholm
Classic Recipes of Tuscany - Valentina Harris
Explore the culinary delights of Tuscany with 25 classic dishes, presented in a gorgeous little giftbook.
Objev podobné jako Classic Recipes of Tuscany - Valentina Harris
Classic Recipes of Rome - Valentina Harris
A gift-sized guide to the world-famous cuisine of Rome and Lazio region, all delectably photographed.
Objev podobné jako Classic Recipes of Rome - Valentina Harris
Disney Twisted-Wonderland 4: The Manga:Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Now that he’s officially a student at Night Raven College, Yu has to deal with Heartslabyul housewarden Riddle when his magic and emotions go wild! Yu and his fellow students Grimm, Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater confront the rampaging Riddle. But is he too powerful for them to get back under control?
Objev podobné jako Disney Twisted-Wonderland 4: The Manga:Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
The Beatles Tričko Sea of Science Black 2XL
Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: 2XL Pohlaví: Unisex Barva podle výrobce: Černá;Black Věková skupina: Dospělý Žánr: Pop;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Beatles Dodavatel: Rock Off Subžánr: Pop;Rock Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969 Země interpreta: Spojené království Země původu: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako The Beatles Tričko Sea of Science Black 2XL
Disney Twisted-Wonderland 2: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Yu is formally enrolled in Night Raven College. He's even a prefect...of Ramshackle Dorm. But that doesn't mean things are getting any easier for him. When his classmate Ace shows up on his doorstep after getting in trouble, Yu faces his biggest challenge yet!
Objev podobné jako Disney Twisted-Wonderland 2: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Disney Twisted-Wonderland 1: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
Manga based on the hit mobile video game from Disney, Twisted Wonderland!Stranded in the world of Twisted Wonderland, Yu must brave a magical school filled with ghosts, monsters, and uncooperative students!Yu is whisked away to Night Raven College, an arcane academy in the world of Twisted Wonderland. Stranded until he can find a way home, Yu is allowed to stay on campus despite having no magic of his own. But when his new friends land him in trouble with the headmage, his future at the school looks bleak.Now Yu's fate hinges on bringing together a pair of argumentative first-years and a fire-breathing monster cat...
Objev podobné jako Disney Twisted-Wonderland 1: The Manga: Book of Heartslabyul - Yana Toboso
The Science of Superwomen - Mark Brake
Celebrate the rise of superwomen and discover the science behind the abilities of Wonder Woman, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Catwoman, and more! Superhero fiction has been with us for almost a century; high-octane tales crammed with concepts and contrasting themes, from superpowers and the post-human, to masked vigilantes and immortality. In that time, superwomen have evolved from comic book caricatures (created by men, for men) to stronger representations of female power.The Science of Superwomen looks at this evolution, from its hypersexualised origins to today’s more nuanced diversity. Focusing on characters from Star Wars and X-Men, as well as the likes of Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Captain Marvel, Harley Quinn, Wednesday Addams, Doctor Who, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Science of Superwomen explores the relationship between superhero film and fiction and the underlying science of our ever-evolving universe.
Objev podobné jako The Science of Superwomen - Mark Brake
The Science of Storytelling - Will Storr
SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER‘If you want to write a novel or a script, read this book’ Sunday Times‘The best book on the craft of storytelling I’ve ever read’ Matt Haig‘Rarely has a book engrossed me more, and forced me to question everything I’ve ever read, seen or written. A masterpiece’ Adam RutherfordWhy stories make us human and how to tell them better.There have been many attempts to understand what makes a good story – but few have used a scientific approach.In this incisive, thought-provoking book, award-winning writer Will Storr demonstrates how master storytellers manipulate and compel us.Applying dazzling psychological research and cutting-edge neuroscience to the foundations of our myths and archetypes, he shows how we can use these tools to tell better stories – and make sense of our chaotic modern world.INCLUDES NEW MATERIAL.
Objev podobné jako The Science of Storytelling - Will Storr
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Wollstonecraft Mary - e-kniha
eBook: A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) is a work of crucial importance in intellectual history. Considered by most as Western feminism’s central heroine, Wollstonecraft argues that women must be educated to develop their reason in order to throw off the frivolous, debilitating role of man’s plaything. Rather than cultivating power from sexual allure, women should be honest, intelligent, and independent. Her concern about how women’s innate worth is denigrated by improper definitions of the feminine in novels, in advice literature, and in educational systems has inspired women for over two centuries to contemplate the connections between power and femininity. About the Author:As a young woman Mary Wollstonecraft worked in most of the few acceptable occupations for genteel women: lady’s companion, governess, seamstress, and schoolteacher. Unsatisfied by these conventional positions, Wollstonecraft carved out a career as a female polemicist, publishing in a wide range of genres: articles, reviews, novels, children’s stories, educational tracts, histories, travel writing, and textbooks.
Objev podobné jako A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Wollstonecraft Mary - e-kniha
The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: Often referred to as the sequel to \'The Two Dianas,\' \'The Page of the Duke of Savoy\' tells the story of the Duke of Savoy and his mysterious page. The Duke decides to fight the French at the Battle of St. Quentin, with potentially disastrous consequences. In typical Dumas style, this story is rife with political intrigue, double identities, and swashbuckling swordplay.However, at its heart, this is a historical romance which shows the lengths people will go to for love. A real page-turner for fans of Dumas and those who want an introduction to his work.
Objev podobné jako The Page of the Duke of Savoy - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha
eBook: Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake. It appeared in two phases. A few first copies were printed and illuminated by William Blake himself in 1789; five years later he bound these poems with a set of new poems in a volume titled Songs of Innocence and of Experience Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. William Blake was also a painter before the songs of innocence and experience and made paintings such as Oberon, Titania, and Puck dancing with fairies.
Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha
Summer of Caprice - Vladislav Vančura - e-kniha
eBook: Rozmarné léto je humoristickou novelou Vladislava Vančury z roku 1926, která navozuje ovzduší dobré pohody a smíchu, humor zde je spíš shovívavý než útočný. Vančurovi se podařilo vystihnout poklidnou atmosféru malého českého města poetickým jazykem a pro něj příznačnou hrou se slovy a metaforami. A právě zde tkví komika příběhu: mezi vznešeností jazyka vypravěče a hrdinů příběhu a mezi všedností jejich rozprav. Vančurovo Rozmarné léto bývá často považováno za nepřeložitelné. Souvisí to jak s jazykovými prostředky, jimiž vytváří autor styl svého vyprávění, tak s vývojem kontextu, v němž se kniha již osmdesát let pohybuje. „(Specifičnost Vladislava Vančury tkví v tom), že skrze avantgardní hledání došel posléze ke klasickému pojetí epiky, pro niž se mu však jako žádnému světovému prozaikovi podařilo vyvlastnit všechny podstatné objevy lyrického moderního básnictví.“ —M. Kundera, Umění románu
Objev podobné jako Summer of Caprice - Vladislav Vančura - e-kniha
Roads of Destiny - O. Henry - e-kniha
eBook: From the king of short stories comes another wonderful collection of twenty two tales. "Roads of Destiny" takes us on a globe-trotting adventure, visiting exotic locations and places dear to O. Henry's heart. His passion for life is imbued in these tales, lending it a wonderful air of authenticity and creativity. The humorous, often satirical nature, typical of O.Henry's work is combined with a level of thoughtfulness and consideration that creates a truly special read. Some of the best-known tales among them include "The Discounters of Money", "A Retrieved Reformation", and "Friends in San Rosario". These tales will leave you very happy you picked this book up, but also with something to think on. A collection perfect for any fans with an adventurous streak, who loved 'Around the World in Eighty Days' or 'Jumanji'
Objev podobné jako Roads of Destiny - O. Henry - e-kniha
Battle of Britain - World History - e-kniha
eBook: Britain’s finest hour In the summer of 1940, darkness was falling over Europe. The Soviet Union had formed an unholy alliance with Nazi Germany. Norway was all but occupied. And France would soon be overrun by Germans. In July, only Great Britain remained as the last defence against Europe under the swastika’s brutal arms. But Britain was no longer the invincible empire that had subjugated more than a fifth of the Earth’s landmass over the previous 400 years, and the Battle of Britain would prove to be the British Empire’s last moment of glory. Led by Winston Churchill, the British rediscovered the virtues that had made a humble people the rulers of the world. Ingenuity, resourcefulness and – above all – indomitable courage enabled the Royal Air Force to take on the Luftwaffe and hold off the Germans. In June 1940, Winston Churchill called the battle Britain’s “finest hour”, and he was right. The British Empire would not survive for long after World War II, but the Battle of Britain was its magnificent swansong, and the thousands of British lives lost saved Europe from Nazi tyranny. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako Battle of Britain - World History - e-kniha
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