Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
World Science - Ljudmila Kurbatova, Taisija Popova, Irina Abakumova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 29-30 June 2016. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. At the conference held e-Symposium "Society and Law ", "Technical Progress", "Cardiology: Experience and Discoveries", "Continuing Education", "Economics and Law: Vectors of Development". International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Podívejte se také World Science – 2019 (999-00-029-4914-2)
Advances of science - Kirill Vojnov, Irina Vagner, Aljona Tihon - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March 29-30, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
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World Science – 2019 - Yelena Mamonova, Natal'ya Serkhacheva - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « World Science – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, May 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.
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Science: discoveries and progress - Aleksandra Belinskaya, Irina Yary`gina, Stanislav Tkachenko - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science: discoveries and progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, April, 28-29. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako Science: discoveries and progress - Aleksandra Belinskaya, Irina Yary`gina, Stanislav Tkachenko - e-kniha
World Science - Bris Ponomarev, Al'bina Temerbekova, Tat'jana Regent - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, September, 28-29. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako World Science - Bris Ponomarev, Al'bina Temerbekova, Tat'jana Regent - e-kniha
Jákobův žebřík - Ljudmila Ulickaja - e-kniha
eBook: Píše se rok 1975 a moskevská scénografka Nora Osecká pohřbívá svou babičku Marusju. Z jejího bytu si odnese truhličku s rodinným archivem. Jeho první položky začal psát v roce 1911 kyjevský židovský intelektuál Jakov Oseckij, když posílal dopisy své nevěstě Marusje. Příběhy vnučky a jejího dědečka se v sobě zrcadlí a postupně se přibližují. Přidávají se k nim osudy dalších generací a množství vedlejších postav. Všechny dohromady vypovídají o tom, jaké katastrofy v posledních více než stech letech probíhaly na území postupně zanikajícího ruského impéria, počínaje židovskými pogromy v Kyjevě přes stalinské represe, konče válkou v Jižní Osetii. Román se opírá o reálnou korespondenci autorčiných prarodičů a vyšetřovací spis jejího nespravedlivě souzeného dědečka. Ljudmila Ulická (1943) patří stále k nejčtenějším ruským autorům, přestože ji Putinův režim označil za pátou kolonu. Popularitu jí přinesly romány, které kriticky reflektují události dvacátého století. Do literatury Ulická, vystudovaná genetička, vstoupila až poměrně pozdě, na konci osmdesátých let. Již v raných prózách se dotýkala nepohodlných a často tabuizovaných témat: v novele Soněčka (1992, č. 2004) to byly lágry, které ve třicátých letech čekaly navrátilce do SSSR, v románu Médea a její děti (1996) deportace menšin z Krymu, k nimž došlo na sklonku druhé světové války, v románu Daniel Stein, překladatel (2006, č. Paseka 2012) mimo jiné postavení křesťana v rodícím se státu Izrael. Ulickou zajímají především drobná hrdinství i selhání, malé příběhy, které se odehrávají v kontextu velkých dějin - jako ty v povídkovém souboru Ženské lži (2002, č. Paseka 2013), které jsou skrz naskrz prošité červenou nití neškodných i kolosálních výmyslů. Jako by autorka velkou historii zcela plánovitě utápěla v soukromé. Ve svém posledním románu Jákobův žebřík (2015) sáhla rovnou po korespondenci svých prarodičů, kterou nepřerušily ani lágry.
Objev podobné jako Jákobův žebřík - Ljudmila Ulickaja - e-kniha
Ukrajina na dosah - Irina Korotyč - e-kniha
eBook: Skutečné příběhy Ukrajinců od novinářky, která před válkou uprchla do Prahy Jmenuji se Irina a jsem uprchlice. Do mého domu na předměstí Kyjeva přišla válka a vyhnala mě do Česka – stejně jako statisíce mých krajanů. Jediné, co chci, je vrátit se domů. A mezitím jsem tady sepsala své deníkové záznamy i rozhovory s přáteli a blízkými. Mnozí z nich uprchli před válkou z Buči, Hostomelu, Mariupolu a dalších míst. Budeme vám vyprávět své příběhy. Protože válka je teď celému civilizovanému světu blíž než kdy jindy. Doslova na dosah.
Objev podobné jako Ukrajina na dosah - Irina Korotyč - e-kniha
Obchod so šťastím - Irina Semina - e-kniha
eBook: Vstúpte do kúzelného obchodu, v ktorom nájdete všetko od metly na negatívne pocity až po mlynček na problémy.Ako sa vyrovnať so vzťahmi, nešťastnou láskou, finančnými problémami, ako nájsť zmysel života? Vydajte sa na cestu k spokojnejšiemu a šťastnejšiemu životu! Zamerajte sa na to, čo vám naozaj robí radosť. Byť šťastný je predsa také ľahké!
Objev podobné jako Obchod so šťastím - Irina Semina - e-kniha
Drama a příběh - Irina Ulrychová - e-kniha
eBook: Další z řady skript Katedry výchovné dramatiky DAMU, v nichž autorka vede čtenáře k tvorbě scénáře příběhového dramatu v dramatické výchově. Poté, co se věnuje jednotlivým pojmům, jako je „situace“ „příběh“, „příběhové drama“, rozebírá pojem „problémová situace“ a dochází k „plánování dramatu“. Na závěr informuje o práci s literární předlohou. Určeno nejen pro studenty DAMU!
Objev podobné jako Drama a příběh - Irina Ulrychová - e-kniha
The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha
eBook: This little girl likes pink. She likes it so much that you would not find other colour around her room. This could be the reason why everyone calls her " The Girl in Pink".
Objev podobné jako The Girl in the pink - Irina Klomp - e-kniha
Pavouček a Měsíční svit - Viktor Pivovarov, Irina Pivovarová - e-kniha
eBook: Jedná se o první české vydání knihy Pavouček a Měsíční svit. Knihu ilustroval Viktor Pivovarov a autorkou pohádek byla Irina Pivovarova, jeho tehdejší manželka. Jde o 9 krátkých pohádkovych příběhů ze života hmyzu, ve kterých se vypráví o tom, proč má beruška na krovkách 7 teček, jak přišla světluška ke svému světélkujicimu plášti nebo proč žijí mravenci pohromadě a staví si společně mraveniště.Publikace dáva možnost českým dětem seznámit se s tvorbou Viktora Pivovarova, jehož dílo v oblasti knižní ilustrace u nás není známé tak, jak by si zasloužilo. Věříme, že toto speciální vydání přinese dětem spoustu radosti.
Objev podobné jako Pavouček a Měsíční svit - Viktor Pivovarov, Irina Pivovarová - e-kniha
World Science (999-00-029-4887-9)
Elektronická kniha - autor Ljudmila Kurbatova, 263 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 29-30 June 2016. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia. At the conference held e-Symposium "Society and Law ", "Technical Progress", "Cardiology: Experience and Discoveries", "Continuing Education", "Economics and Law: Vectors of Development". International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako World Science (999-00-029-4887-9)
World Science (999-00-029-4904-3)
Elektronická kniha - autor Bris Ponomarev, 490 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «World Science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, September, 28-29. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako World Science (999-00-029-4904-3)
Dějiny science fiction v komiksu - Xavier Dollo - e-kniha
eBook: Vědeckofantastický žánr se stal nedílnou součástí literárního kánonu a získal si nespočet čtenářů po celém světě. Věnují se mu specializovaná nakladatelství či periodika a fanoušci sci-fi pořádají pravidelné sjezdy. Kdy to ale celé začalo? Jak se odvíjely dějiny sci-fi od počátků až do 21. století? Kteří významní autoři a autorky ji formovali? Výpravný komiks potěší jak skalní „scifisti“, tak ty, kteří se o žánru zkrátka chtějí dozvědět „něco víc“. „Ucelené dějiny science fiction převyprávěné vynalézavou komiksovou formou. (…) Čtenáři, kteří propadli záhadám a kouzlům sci-fi, si tento počin zamilují.“ – Publishers Weekly Z francouzštiny přeložila Vendula Něchajenko.
Objev podobné jako Dějiny science fiction v komiksu - Xavier Dollo - e-kniha
World Science – 2019 (999-00-029-4914-2)
Elektronická kniha - autor Yelena Mamonova, 191 stran, rusky Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « World Science – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, May 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako World Science – 2019 (999-00-029-4914-2)
Resonances science - Viktor Fatuev, Elena Vasil'eva, Azamat Kade - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Resonances science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, August 29-30, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
Objev podobné jako Resonances science - Viktor Fatuev, Elena Vasil'eva, Azamat Kade - e-kniha
Science, society, progress - 2019 - Natal'ya Lazareva, Alla Yurina - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, society, progress - 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, June 28-29, 2019 and entries of the II International Championship "Quality of Education - 2018/2019". The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, society, progress - 2019 - Natal'ya Lazareva, Alla Yurina - e-kniha
Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Resonances science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018 November 07-08. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Resonances science - Valentina Ponikarova, N.N. Masjuk, Natal'ja Lazareva - e-kniha
Školní vzdělávání v Ruské federaci - Irina Abankina, Taťjana Abankina, Věra Ježková, Eliška Walterová - e-kniha
eBook: Analyticko-srovnávací studie je čtvrtou publikací řady Školní vzdělávání v zahraničí. Předchozí tři publikace jsou Školní vzdělávání v Německu, Školní vzdělávání ve Velké Británii a Školní vzdělávání ve Švédsku. Část studie, vypracovaná českými autorkami, zprostředkuje na školní vzdělávání "pohled zvenku", který lze považovat za "objektivní", "neutrální", pouze minimálně ovlivněný přímými zkušenostmi. "Pohled zevnitř" přináší závěrečná kapitola ruských spoluautorek. Těžiště studie tvoří problémy, které se jeví jako zásadní v ruském školním vzdělávání a jsou aktuální také pro rozvoj českého školního vzdělávání. Skládá z devíti kapitol. První kapitola uvádí do širšího kontextu země, v němž změny školního vzdělávání probíhají. Ve druhé kapitole, věnované vzdělávací politice, se pozornost obrací ke kodifikaci nového pojetí vzdělávání a vývoji legislativy od 90. let minulého století. Třetí kapitola posuzuje současný vzdělávací systém Ruska, orientuje v jeho diverzifikované struktuře a podstatných dimenzích, v nichž došlo k zásadním změnám. Obsahem čtvrté kapitoly jsou pedagogické experimenty, alternativní pedagogické koncepce a autorské školy. Pátá kapitola je věnována problematice kurikula s důrazem na federální vzdělávací standardy. Šestá kapitola seznamuje se systémem evaluace a problémy souvisejícími se zaváděním pro ruské prostředí netradičních forem a nástrojů hodnocení. Specifiky multinárodnostního ruského státu a jeho mnohojazyčné společnosti, která jsou pro Ruskou federaci příznačná a mají důsledky pro vzdělávací politiku a praxi, se zabývají kapitoly sedmá a osmá. V poslední, deváté kapitole dostávají prostor ruské autorky, prezentující vnitřní pohled na ruskou vzdělávací reformu. Studie je určena výzkumníkům a odborníkům v oblasti vzdělávání, vyučujícím i studentům pedagogických fakult a dalších fakult připravujících učitele, představitelům Ministerstva školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy České republiky i dalším pracovníkům působícím ve státní správě zabývajícím se vzděláváním.
Objev podobné jako Školní vzdělávání v Ruské federaci - Irina Abankina, Taťjana Abankina, Věra Ježková, Eliška Walterová - e-kniha
Advances of science - Anatoliy Arkhipov, Natal'ya Makovskaya, Madina Sirivlya - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of V International scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, February 27-28, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science - Anatoliy Arkhipov, Natal'ya Makovskaya, Madina Sirivlya - e-kniha
Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science XXI century», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, April 29-30, 2019. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.
Objev podobné jako Science XXI century - Valentina Ponikarova, Lyudmila Zolotova, Yelena Shirinkina - e-kniha
Science, society, progress - Sofija Gaponova, Marina Suhomlinova, Tat'jana Zajachuk - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the III International scientific conference «Science, society, progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2018, October 20-21. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine.
Objev podobné jako Science, society, progress - Sofija Gaponova, Marina Suhomlinova, Tat'jana Zajachuk - e-kniha
Kill Hitler - World History - e-kniha
eBook: Six attempts were made by German officers to kill Hitler in autumn 1943 and summer 1944. Explosives in personal gifts, assassins armed with hand grenades and pistols, and even suicide bombers with pockets full of explosives hunted the Führer, who undoubtedly recognised the danger. The security arrangements around the leader of the Nazi regime were therefore enormous when, in July 1944, Officer Claus von Stauffenberg travelled to Hitler's Führerbunker in East Prussia to kill first Adolf Hitler and then the entire Third Reich. Claus von Stauffenberg was not alone. He was just a pawn in a group of noble officer's plan to overthrow the Nazis and then make gentle peace with the British, Russians and Americans before Germany was destroyed by its enemies. How close was the group to succeeding? World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako Kill Hitler - World History - e-kniha
Amy's World - Amélie Hrabáková - e-kniha
eBook: Ahoj, jmenuji se Amy a už od dvanácti sdílím svůj každodenní život na sociálních sítích prostřednictvím kanálu Amy's World. V této knize se s vámi otevřeně dělím o své osobní zážitky, od dětství a nezapomenutelných prázdnin na venkově přes první lásky až po současnost. Najdete tu moje zkušenosti se sociálními sítěmi, online světem a spolupracemi. Poradím vám, jak se v dnešní době prosadit, a mnoho dalšího. Jste připraveni vydat se na tuto cestu se mnou?
Objev podobné jako Amy's World - Amélie Hrabáková - e-kniha
Advances of science - Galina Babalova, Tat`yana Volokitina, Valentina Ignatova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Advances of science», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, March, 29-30, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Advances of science - Galina Babalova, Tat`yana Volokitina, Valentina Ignatova - e-kniha
Battle of Britain - World History - e-kniha
eBook: Britain’s finest hour In the summer of 1940, darkness was falling over Europe. The Soviet Union had formed an unholy alliance with Nazi Germany. Norway was all but occupied. And France would soon be overrun by Germans. In July, only Great Britain remained as the last defence against Europe under the swastika’s brutal arms. But Britain was no longer the invincible empire that had subjugated more than a fifth of the Earth’s landmass over the previous 400 years, and the Battle of Britain would prove to be the British Empire’s last moment of glory. Led by Winston Churchill, the British rediscovered the virtues that had made a humble people the rulers of the world. Ingenuity, resourcefulness and – above all – indomitable courage enabled the Royal Air Force to take on the Luftwaffe and hold off the Germans. In June 1940, Winston Churchill called the battle Britain’s “finest hour”, and he was right. The British Empire would not survive for long after World War II, but the Battle of Britain was its magnificent swansong, and the thousands of British lives lost saved Europe from Nazi tyranny. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako Battle of Britain - World History - e-kniha
The Arctic Convoys - World History - e-kniha
eBook: As World War II raged across the Russian steppes, in Africa and especially in the skies over Europe, elite German and Soviet forces fought a bitter battle in an isolated northern corner of Europe. Here, the battle was for control of the ice-free port of Murmansk, where the Soviet Union received convoy after convoy loaded with British and American tanks, guns, fuel, small arms, food and aircraft. Supplies from the Allied convoys kept the Soviet Union alive at a critical time during the early stages of the war, and Hitler therefore tried every means to stop the convoys. At the beginning of the campaign against the Soviet Union, he hoped to capture Murmansk and thus weaken his archenemy. Later, when he realised that fighting in the barren, mountainous terrain of the north was unwinnable, he set his sights on destroying the convoys. The Luftwaffe and U-boats attacked the Allied sailors throughout the perpetual daylight of polar summer while crushing ice and raging storms threatened during the dark winter months. The men aboard the Arctic convoys dreaded the voyages, and it was with good reason that the crews dubbed them “suicide convoys”. If they fell overboard in a storm, a quick death awaited them in the icy sea, and if the ships’ holds, filled with fuel and ammunition, were hit by a torpedo or a bomb, everything exploded in a sea of flames. The Arctic convoy trips and the fighting on the Northern Front challenged some of the war’s toughest men. Read their stories here. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako The Arctic Convoys - World History - e-kniha
The Blindman's World - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Blindman\'s World\' (1898) is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel \'Looking 2000-1887\' (1888).The Professor of Astronomy and Higher Mathematics at Abercrombie College is an expert on Mars. One night, while observing the cold, red planet, he collapses and is found lifeless on the floor by the janitor. However, something far stranger than death has visited the Professor.This short story is a quick read filled with strange encounters and philosophical perspectives on human existence and will delight fans of Andy Weir\'s ´The Martian´.
Objev podobné jako The Blindman's World - Edward Bellamy - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2019», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2019, december, 24-25. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan. The collection includes the best competitive works of the V International competition of educational and scientific works of students, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students "Quality Education - 2019 (within the framework of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard)".
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2019 - N.V. Dronyakina, Natal'ya Zubareva, J.M. Kozlova - e-kniha
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016 - Aleksan Arzumanjan, Larisa Baranovskaja, Svetlana Makarova - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 24-25 December 2016. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia. International scientific conference was supported by the publishing house of the International Centre of research projects.
Objev podobné jako SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND LIFE - 2016 - Aleksan Arzumanjan, Larisa Baranovskaja, Svetlana Makarova - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference « Science, Technology and Life – 2017», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 24-25, 2017. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2017 - Ol'ga Moskalenko, Elena Harlanova, Vladimir Okorkov - e-kniha
Science: discoveries and progress - Varvara Markaryan, Liliya Trudova, O. N. Misko - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the IV International scientific conference «Science: discoveries and progress», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, 2019, March 29-30. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science.
Objev podobné jako Science: discoveries and progress - Varvara Markaryan, Liliya Trudova, O. N. Misko - e-kniha
Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
eBook: Proceedings includes materials of the international scientific conference «Science, Technology and Life – 2018», held in Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary-Russia, Moscow, December 28-29, 2018. The main objective of the conference - the development community of scholars and practitioners in various fields of science. Conference was attended by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan.
Objev podobné jako Science, Technology and Life – 2018 - T.V. Bogomolova, N.A. Solopova, V.M. Fedorov - e-kniha
Skejuš – Skejušané – Skejušan. Rusíni v Chomutově, původ, historie a současnost - Jaroslav Otčenášek, Věra Lendělová, Irina Malinová - e-kniha
eBook: Interdisciplinární publikace Skejuš, Skejušané, Skejušan. Rusíni v Chomutově, původ, historie, současnost se věnuje tématu v několika rovinách. Nejprve se autoři vyjadřují ke stále značně živé problematice uchopení Rusínů jako etnika, zde je prezentován odborný náhled na Rusíny ve světle současné teorie etnicity, doplněný o lingvistické stanovisko, současné pojetí Rusínů v Česku, na Slovensku, v Ukrajině a rámcově v celé Evropě. Následně se autoři zaměřují na vznik a rozvoj rusínského osídlení v Banátu (obec Skejuš) a charakteristiku jejich tradičního způsobu života až do období po druhé světové válce, kdy se značná část Skejušanů rozhoduje pro migraci do Československa, díky čemuž vzniká i rusínská menšina v Chomutově. Další rozsáhlou oblastí, jíž se publikace poté věnuje, je folklorní činnost chomutovských Rusínů, především pak jejich soubor Skejušan. Kniha je doplněna množstvím černobílých a barevných fotografií, map, malým rusínsko-českým slovníčkem a přiloženým CD s nahrávkami rozhovorů s Rusíny i s jejich tradičními písňovými skladbami.
Objev podobné jako Skejuš – Skejušané – Skejušan. Rusíni v Chomutově, původ, historie a současnost - Jaroslav Otčenášek, Věra Lendělová, Irina Malinová - e-kniha
History's Greatest Tank Battle - World History - e-kniha
eBook: By 1943, Adolf Hitler had realised that the German Army was no longer capable of fighting an offensive war. The army was short of men, guns and tanks, and the Luftwaffe could not afford to lose more aircraft. Consequently, when Hitler flew to his forward headquarters in Ukraine in February 1943, he brought with him a clear message: the German Army would no longer go on the offensive. For the next year, it would instead defend its positions and let the Red Army exhaust itself in futile attacks. As we know, that’s not how history turned out. At the meeting in Ukraine, Hitler’s generals identified a vulnerable spot on the front line where hundreds of thousands of enemies could be captured and the Soviets weakened before they launched their summer offensive. After weeks of deliberation, the Führer was persuaded to make a fateful decision: All forces were to be deployed to the front line salient where they would trap the Red Army near the city of Kursk, 500 kilometres southwest of Moscow. For the next few months, both the German Army and the Red Army staked everything on winning the coming Battle of Kursk. Soviets in their thousands built impenetrable defensive lines, while German units transported newly developed Tiger tanks and Wespe (Wasp) guns by the hundreds to the front line. Finally, on 5th July 1943, Soviet artillery shattered the silence of the balmy Russian summer night. The Battle of Kursk was underway, and the winner of World War II would be decided during the following week’s engagements. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako History's Greatest Tank Battle - World History - e-kniha
The Description of a New World Called The Blazing-World - Margaret Cavendish - e-kniha
eBook: A young women is kidnapped and made Empress of The Blazing World. Taking root in this new community, she adapts to the culture and ways of the alien population, exploring the vast universe with their help. But when an invasion looms, she undertakes the role of a military leader. Will our protagonist follow in the footsteps of Earth’s Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar? And more importantly, can she conquer the land she once called home? Serving as the only known female work of utopian fiction in the 17th century, Margaret Cavendish’s quick witted and insightful novella weaves adventure, romance and autobiography in one impressive epic. Ideal for fans of Apple TV’s hit adaption of Isaac Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ series. Scare seekers will also admire 2021’s fantasy horror-thriller ‘The Blazing World’, inspired by Cavendish’s text. ‘The Blazing World’ is a must read for utopian fanatics who dare to question it all. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, (1623-1673) was an English philosopher, poet, scientist, fiction writer and playwright. Spending most of the English Civil War in France, she wrote in her own name during a period when most female writers remained anonymous. Celebrated today as the first female writer of utopian and science fiction, her work spans topics of gender, power, scientific methods and philosophy. ‘The Blazing World’ remains as one of the earliest works of science fiction today. Challenging the contemporary belief that women were inferior to men, Cavendish advocated for women’s education and became the first woman to attend a meeting at the Royal Society of London.
Objev podobné jako The Description of a New World Called The Blazing-World - Margaret Cavendish - e-kniha
Toxic people rule the world - David Hanzlík - e-kniha
eBook: Chceš zábavu plnou ironie a sarkasmu? V tom případě je tohle kniha přesně pro tebe! Influencer a bavič David Hanzlík v ní spojuje své nejrůznější hlášky. Každá stránka je plná ostře upřímných postřehů a přináší nekompromisní pohled na život a mezilidské vztahy. Pokud máš den, kdy tě všechno štve, nebo se chceš jen tak pobavit, tohle je kniha, kterou rozhodně potřebuješ. David ti ukáže, že ostrý jazyk a sebeironie jsou ty nejlepší zbraně i v momentech, kdy bys nejraději zaryl/a hlavu do písku.
Objev podobné jako Toxic people rule the world - David Hanzlík - e-kniha
The Home and the World - Tagore Rabindranath - e-kniha
eBook: Written by the 1913 winner of the Nobel Price in Literature, Rabindranath Tagore, \'The Home and the World\' follows the characters of Nikhil and Sandip, who have very different ideals around using violence to reach their goals. The novel illustrates the battle Tagore had with himself, between the ideas of Western culture and revolution against the Western culture. This is ultimately shown through Nikhil and Sandip.Covering themes such as truth, love and union, religion vs nationalism, and the role of women, \'The Home and the World\' gives a real insight into societal problems in the Bengal region following the turn of the 19th century. -
Objev podobné jako The Home and the World - Tagore Rabindranath - e-kniha
The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha
eBook: Is there anything wrong with a man that wants to change the world? What happens when he goes a little too far against the wishes of his family? All Dr. Mark wants to do is help, but is this possible?An idealistic physician, shaped by his reformist mother, decides to practice medicine in a cold area in the far north of Norway among the Sami people. He returns home with his stylish new wife and sets about looking into the social factors that contribute to illness. This leads him into difficulty not least from his jealous wife.Will Dr. Mark\'s epiphany for social justice outweigh his ability to function rationally in his role as physician and husband? An insightful novel from Northern Norway at the turn of the 20th century
Objev podobné jako The Face of the World - Johan Bojer - e-kniha
Beyond the World of Men - Geoffrey Chew - e-kniha
eBook: Tato sbírka otevírá okno do světa českého ženského psaní přelomu 19. a 20. století. Příběhy žen nucených ke sňatku, žen dohnaných k sebevraždě, o svádění, samotě i o rozpadu lesbického vztahu představují široké spektrum života žen v této době. Díla čerpají z města i venkova, z vyšší společnosti i ze skromnějších poměrů, nechybí ani několik překladů z němčiny, které připomínají, že česká literatura je společným dědictvím všech spisovatelů a spisovatelek, kteří žili a tvořili v Čechách a na Moravě. Výběr povídek spojuje nespravedlnost patriarchální společnosti a už samotná rozmanitost příběhů, které zde najdeme, svědčí o bohatství a hloubce zápasů, myšlení a zkušeností těchto žen.
Objev podobné jako Beyond the World of Men - Geoffrey Chew - e-kniha
A World Apart and Other Stories - Hayes Kathleen - e-kniha
eBook: “It grew dark and a mist spread over the countryside like a curtain. We were at the Bohemian border. Customs control, shouting, the din of the station, and finally the train moved on with a monotonous drone. ‘It was right here that I met Teresa Elinson,’ Marta said, in the corner of the cozy compartment. I replied: ‘Who is Teresa Elinson? I don’t remember you ever mentioning her.’ ‘No, never. It was a kind of adventure. That time too the train hurtled into the dark, where red sparks flew and lights flashed, scattering in the mist...’” Thus begins the story by Růžena Jesenská that gives this book its name. In this anthology, Kathleen Hayes has selected and translated eight stories by Czech female authors at the turn of the 19th and 20th century: a period of female political emancipation and impressive literary development. All of the writers included in the present volume were recognized in their own day and constitute a cross-section of the literary styles of the period. Tilschová’s “A Sad Time” is written in a Naturalist style; Jesenská’s “A World Apart” presents themes and motifs that appealed to the Decadents. Malířová’s “The Sylph” is both diaristic and satirical, while Svobodová’s ironical “A Great Passion”, with its rural setting and folklore motifs, reminds one of the writings of Karel Jaromír Erben. Preissová’s short story may be read as a celebration of folk culture. Benešová’s “Friends” is interesting for its psychological presentation of a child’s point of view and its implicit criticism of anti-Semitism. The book is accompanied by the biographies of each author and an introduction by Kathleen Hayes.
Objev podobné jako A World Apart and Other Stories - Hayes Kathleen - e-kniha
What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Chesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysis on social and moral issues more relevant today than even in his own time. In his light and humorous style, yet deadly serious and philosophical, he comments on feminism and true womanhood, errors in education, the importance of the child and other issues, using incisive arguments against the trendsetters' assaults against the family. Chesterton possessed the genius to foresee the dangers if modernist proposals were implemented. He knew that lax moral standards would lead to the dehumanization of man, and in this book he staunchly defends the family, its constituent elements and character over against those ideas and institutions that would subvert it and thereby deliver man into the hands of the servile state. In addressing what is wrong, he also shows clearly what is right, sane and sensible and how to change things in that direction.
Objev podobné jako What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
U-Boat Hunters in the Atlantic - World History - e-kniha
eBook: For six years, Britain and Nazi Germany fought a bitter battle for control of the Atlantic. Allied offensives against Hitler's armies on the continent were conditioned by their bases on the British Isles, which made air strikes and landings possible. But during 1939, the Germans began to ‘starve’ the British into surrender by cutting off vital supplies of food and equipment from the Allies. This was done with the help of U-boats that tried to sink more cargo ships than the shipyards could produce - even when these actions were suicidal. Over 100,000 soldiers and sailors lost their lives in these battles. In this book, we meet the soldiers at the front and hear civilians talk about everyday life in a world where even the most seaworthy ship can suddenly be hit by a German torpedo. World History invites you on a fascinating journey to bygone eras, allowing you to explore the greatest events in history. Take a trip back in time - to the frontlines of World War 2, to the Viking raids, and to the religious rituals of ancient Egypt. World History is for everyone who would like to know more about the exciting and dramatic events of the past.
Objev podobné jako U-Boat Hunters in the Atlantic - World History - e-kniha
Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne - e-kniha
eBook: Around the World in Eighty Days (1872) is an adventure novel written by the French writer Jules Verne. Written during the Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871), the story takes you on Phileas Fogg's escapades with his newly employed French valet Passepartout, when they attempt to orbit the world in 80 days on a £20,000 wager. Foggs’s ventures into new lands, his encounters with new people and his enumerable exciting experiences will take you on an enthralling journey of never-ending quests.
Objev podobné jako Around the World in 80 Days - Jules Verne - e-kniha
Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
eBook: What makes a serial killer? There is a huge difference between killers who kill once in the heat of the moment, mass murderers who slaughter many people at once, and serial killers who follow a specific pattern to kill carefully selected victims. A serial killer is an ice-cold predator who enjoys the hunt, is driven by ritual or a particular impulse, and who becomes increasingly dependent on the release that the murder provides. A serial killer's brain demands multiple victims.German killer Volker Eckert was morbidly obsessed with women's long hair. Jeffrey Dahmer achieved sexual release by dismembering people and eating selected pieces. Alexander Pichushkin was preoccupied with chess and decided to murder 64 people, one per square on a chessboard. Finally, David Berkowitz believed that demons ordered him to kill. The stories told here reveal what drives serial killers and how they carry out their murders. The content is violent and gruesome and certainly not for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - Addicted to Death - World History - e-kniha
Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
eBook: From singling out victims at bus stops, targeting women with long, blonde hair, saving trophies, or dismembering and even eating their victims, each serial killer set a unique ritual for their murder, and these rituals are what betrays them in the end. Serial killers often begin with a few unplanned murders, where they experiment with which actions give them the greatest release.Moving on they start to carefully select their victims, either by stalking them or staking out special locations where their victim – such as prostitute or child – can be found alone.But after a while the killer's hunt for satisfaction makes him overconfident.Follow on the heels of the police in their hunt for four relentless serial killers. These stories contain gruesome details and are not suitable for children.-
Objev podobné jako Ice Cold Killers - The Rituals of Murderers - World History - e-kniha
Barevný svět/Our Colourful World - Zuzana Pospíšilová, Michal Sušina - e-kniha
eBook: V téhle knížce najdeš krátké zábavné texty, které si můžeš nejdříve přečíst v angličtině a pak si na vedlejší straně ověřit porozumění pomocí českého překladu. Alenka Bílá pozoruje pestrobarevný svět kolem nás a vtipně ho popisuje. Díky ní se hravě naučíš nová slovíčka na téma barvy. Enjoy the short amusing texts of this book, reading them in English first and checking their Czech translation on the next page to make sure you have understood them well. Alice White observes the colourful world around us, describing it with wit. Join her, and you will learn many new words concerning colours.
Objev podobné jako Barevný svět/Our Colourful World - Zuzana Pospíšilová, Michal Sušina - e-kniha
The Playboy of the Western World - John Millington Synge - e-kniha
eBook: On a quiet autumn evening, the inhabitants of Flaherty\'s ramshackle pub are interrupted by the arrival of Christy Mahon, a fugitive claiming to have murdered his father. Enamoured by his story, the whole village soon find themselves toasting Christy as a hero, whilst Flaherty\'s daughter Pegeen falls in love with his roguish charm. However, an unexpected arrival from Christy\'s past threatens to collapse his newfound fame. J.M. Synge\'s \'The Playboy of the Western World\' (1907) is a hilarious three-act play that honours the Irish lyrical speech. A highly controversial play of its time, riots formed on the opening night of the play to protest what they saw as offensive content that mocked the Irish. As Synge\'s most popular play it has had numerous adaptations on stage and screen. The play is riveting, with central character Christy Mahon playing like a cross between \'Harry Potter\'s\' Gilderoy Lockhart and Jim Carrey\'s Truman from \'The Truman Show\'. For any fans of comedy, or for those who are looking to understand more about the beauty of the Irish dialect, \'The Playboy of the Western World\' is a must read!-
Objev podobné jako The Playboy of the Western World - John Millington Synge - e-kniha
Hivemind: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World (1409194329)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Sarah Rose Cavanagh, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Hivemind: A collective consciousness in which we share consensus thoughts, emotions, and opinions; a phenomenon whereby a group of people function as if with a single mind. Our views of the world are shaped by the stories told by our self-selected communities. Whether seeking out groups that share our tastes, our faith, our heritage, or other interests, since the dawn of time we have taken comfort in defining ourselves through our social groups. But what happens when we only socialize with our chosen group, to the point that we lose the ability to connect to people who don't share our passions? What happens when our tribes merely confirm our world view, rather than expand it? Leading a narrative journey from the site of the Charlottesville riots to the boardrooms of Facebook, considering such diverse topics as zombies,...
Objev podobné jako Hivemind: The New Science of Tribalism in Our Divided World (1409194329)
Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
eBook: This book offers an introduction to the important idea and practice of unconditional basic income, which is becoming a topic increasingly discussed not only among researchers but also among citizens and the politicians who represent them. The topic is also increasingly making its way into the mass media. Unconditional basic income is a financial sum that is provided to all citizens (or otherwise legally defined residents) by the state (or a city, a county etc.) at regular intervals (usually monthly) without any conditions being attached, i.e. regardless of whether the citizen has other income from wages or other sources, regardless of age, sex and gender, marital status or other characteristics. The provision of a basic income enables citizens' basic needs to be met and their creative potential to be unlocked for their other activities which could then significantly raise their standard of living. This book discusses basic income by presenting the main arguments and experiments with basic income in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Basic income offers the possibility of a major social and civilizational change for all.
Objev podobné jako Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
eBook: This book offers an introduction to the important idea and practice of unconditional basic income, which is becoming a topic increasingly discussed not only among researchers but also among citizens and the politicians who represent them. The topic is also increasingly making its way into the mass media. Unconditional basic income is a financial sum that is provided to all citizens (or otherwise legally defined residents) by the state (or a city, a county etc.) at regular intervals (usually monthly) without any conditions being attached, i.e. regardless of whether the citizen has other income from wages or other sources, regardless of age, sex and gender, marital status or other characteristics. The provision of a basic income enables citizens' basic needs to be met and their creative potential to be unlocked for their other activities which could then significantly raise their standard of living. This book discusses basic income by presenting the main arguments and experiments with basic income in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Basic income offers the possibility of a major social and civilizational change for all.
Objev podobné jako Basic Income in the World - Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec, Markéta Minářová - e-kniha
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