Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Well at Morning - Selected Poems and Graphic Artworks 1925-1971 - Bohuslav Reynek
První překlad reprezentativního výběru básní Bohuslava Reynka do angličtiny si klade náročný cíl představit zahraničním čtenářům svébytného vysočinského tvůrce včetně dobového a výtvarného kontextu jeho díla. Krom vlastních překladů pořízených básníkem a překladatelem Justinem Quinnem kniha přináší také doprovodné texty, které reflektují obraz české poezie v zahraničí a ukazují B. Reynka jako evropského básníka. Literárněkritická studie M. C. Putny, translatologický esej J. Quinna a výběr 25 Reynkových grafik spolu se zasvěceným komentářem od autorova celoživotního kurátora J. Šerých činí z knihy komponovaný artefakt zajímavý i pro českého čtenáře.
Podívejte se také Bohuslav Reynek: překlady vydané Vlastimilem Vokolkem (978-80-7530-025-6)
The Well at Morning - Bohuslav Reynek - e-kniha
eBook: První překlad reprezentativního výběru básní Bohuslava Reynka do angličtiny si klade náročný cíl představit zahraničním čtenářům svébytného vysočinského tvůrce včetně dobového a výtvarného kontextu jeho díla. Krom vlastních překladů pořízených básníkem a překladatelem Justinem Quinnem kniha přináší také doprovodné texty, které reflektují obraz české poezie v zahraničí a ukazují B. Reynka jako evropského básníka. Literárněkritická studie M. C. Putny, translatologický esej J. Quinna a výběr 25 Reynkových grafik spolu se zasvěceným komentářem od autorova celoživotního kurátora J. Šerých činí z knihy komponovaný artefakt zajímavý i pro českého čtenáře.
Podívejte se také Morning Of The Earth , Soundtrack: Morning Of The Earth - LP (5054197111921)
Bohuslav Reynek
První výstava Bohuslava Reynka v Číně zaznamenala fenomenální úspěch. Během čtrnácti dnů ji v Národní galerii v Pekingu zhlédlo více než 58 000 návštěvníků. K této výstavě byla vydána kniha představující průřez autorovým dílem. Po vydání v čínštině byla okamžitě rozebrána. Nyní je tato kniha představena českým čtenářům. Obsahuje bezmála 140 děl Bohuslava Reynka, je doplněna fotografiemi Dagmar Hochové, Jaroslava Krejčí, Daniela Reynka a dalších. Vynikající kvalita tisku, grafická úprava v duchu tradičních čínských vazeb se zasvěcenými texty Oldřicha Krále, Aleše Rolečka a předního čínského historika umění Lang Šao-t´üna přináší neopakovatelný literární i výtvarný zážitek.
Podívejte se také Sofronitsky Vladimir: Etudes, Preludes, Poems and Dances - CD (4600383161983)
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Darling : New and Selected Poems - Kay Jackie
Humour, gender, sexuality, sensuality, identity, racism, cultural difference: when do any of these things ever come together to equal poetry? When Jackie Kay's part of the equation. Darling brings together into a vibrant new book many favourite poems from her four Bloodaxe collections, "The Adoption Papers", "Other Lovers", "Off Colour" and "Life Mask", as well as featuring new work, some previously uncollected poems, and some lively poetry for younger readers. Kay's poems draw on her own life and the lives of others to make a tapestry of voice and communal understanding. The title of her acclaimed short story collection, "Why Don't You Stop Talking", could be a comment on her own poems, their urgency of voice and their recognition of the urgency in all voice, particularly the need to be heard, to have voice. And what voice -- the voices of the everyday, the voices of jazz, the voices of this many-voiced United Kingdom.
Objev podobné jako Darling : New and Selected Poems - Kay Jackie
Rybí šupiny - Bohuslav Reynek
Rybí šupiny jsou první Reynkovou sbírkou, která obsahuje pouze básně v próze; po následující sbírce (Had na sněhu, 1924). Reynek tento tvar opouští a již ve třicátých letech se vrací k strohému veršovému útvaru, k "prostinké podobě verše" (M. Červenka). - V době vzniku představovala sbírka v různorodosti české poezie spolu s některými díly J. Durycha či J. Chaloupky expresionistickou tvář literatury; a reprezentuje samozřejmě i specificky viděný a vyhrocený křesťanský zážitek, tedy náboj, jímž motivované umělecké pokusy znamenají pro literaturu jeden z momentů povýtce kruciálních. Kniha vychází dle původního vydání s ilustracemi Josefa Čapka.
Objev podobné jako Rybí šupiny - Bohuslav Reynek
Rty a zuby - Bohuslav Reynek
Básník a grafik napsal celkem třináct básnických sbírek, které vyšly za jeho života s výjimkou poslední sbírky Odlet vlaštovek. Pátou básnickou sbírkou Rty a zuby se uzavírá jeho první tvůrčí období, pro něž je charakteristický intenzivní prožitek smutku a zániku a silná expresivita výrazu. Sbírka je v jistém smyslu klíčovou pro Reynkův básnický vývoj; dovršuje se v ní jednak expresionistická tendence, z níž Reynek vyšel, jednak se zde už anticipuje jeho budoucí oproštěnost a zakotvenost v horizontu rodného Petrkova na Českomoravské vysočině.
Objev podobné jako Rty a zuby - Bohuslav Reynek
Had na sněhu - Bohuslav Reynek
Bohuslav Reynek kdysi napsal: "Sníh je jedním z velkých divů země. Ba je to látka, která je zřejmě bližší podstatě andělské než přirozenosti lidské. Není proto divu, že tolik přitahoval výtvarníky, podivné tvory z okrajových oblastí pozemského života, napůl cesty mezi Rájem a Měsícem. Jsou to krajiny ticha, v němž je bolest sice přítomna, avšak mění svou povahu nebo aspoň skrývá svou tolik zmučenou tvář za chatrnou roušku svých dlaní." V Reynkově životě, v jeho snech, úvahách, básních i grafikách často sněžilo. Sníh je námětem mnoha jeho děl, jimž dává prostor a jas. K nim patří i básnická sbírka v próze Had na sněhu.
Objev podobné jako Had na sněhu - Bohuslav Reynek
Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 - Margaret Atwoodová
An extraordinary career-spanning collection from one of the most revered poets and storytellers of our ageTracing the legacy of Margaret Atwood – a writer who has fundamentally shaped our contemporary literary landscapes – Paper Boat assembles Atwood’s most vital poems in one essential volume. In pieces that are at once brilliant, beautiful and hyper-imagined, Atwood gives voices to remarkably drawn characters – mythological figures, animals and everyday people – all of whom have something to say about what it means to live in a world as strange as our own. ‘How can one live with such a heart?’ Atwood asks, casting her singular spell upon the reader, and ferrying us through life, death and whatever comes next.Walking the tightrope between reality and fantasy as only she can, Atwood’s journey through poetry illuminates our most innate joys and sorrows, desires and fears. Spanning six decades of work – from her earliest beginnings to brand new poems – this volume charts the evolution of one of our most iconic and necessary authors.
Objev podobné jako Paper Boat: New and Selected Poems 1961-2023 - Margaret Atwoodová
Pod prahem svítá + CD - Bohuslav Reynek
Výbor básní v uspořádání Jiřího Reynka bohatě doplněný grafickými listy.Kniha obsahuje mimo jiné CD zhudebněných básní Bohuslava Reynka uskupením Transitus Irregularis a jeden volně vložený grafický list.
Objev podobné jako Pod prahem svítá + CD - Bohuslav Reynek
Bohuslav Reynek v Petrkově - Sylvie Germainová
Dílo francouzské spisovatelky Sylvie Germainové (1954) je v literárním světě vysoce oceňováno a překládáno do mnoha jazyků. V Paříži vystudovala filozofii u profesora Emmanuela Lévinase Její prvotina, román Kniha nocí (česky 1997), byl odměněn šesti literárními cenami, velkou pozornost vzbudila i jeho dvě samostatná pokračování, Jantarová noc a Dny hněvu (česky 1995). V letech 1986-1993 působila na francouzském lyceu v Praze. Tomuto městu věnovala v roce 1992 do češtiny dosud nepřeloženou knihu Le Pleurante des rues de Prague (Plačka pražských ulic). V roce 1996 napsala předmluvu k dvojjazyčnému vydání básnické sbírky Bohuslava Reynka Le serpent sur la neige - Had na sněhu. Knihu Bohuslav Reynek v Petrkově: Poutník ve svém příbytku vydala v roce 1996 ve francouzském nakladatelství Christian Pirot s fotografiemi Tadeusze Kluby. Česky toto esejisticky laděné zamyšlení nad osudy dvou velkých umělců vyšlo poprvé v roce 2000 v překladu Petra Turka. Druhé vydání v nakladatelství Petrkov vychází v nové grafické úpravě s fotografiemi Daniela Reynka.
Objev podobné jako Bohuslav Reynek v Petrkově - Sylvie Germainová
Trying Conclusions: New and Selected Poems, 1961 - 1991 - Howard Nemerov - e-kniha
eBook: Shot through with his trademark humour, ‘Trying Conclusions’ is the fourteenth collection of poems from the lauded writer. Containing twenty-three poems, the topics vary wildly, from short verses on waiting rooms and fast cars to longer musings on his family, war, and the US Congress. Nemerov’s sense of the satirical is best seen in shorter offerings, where he takes a literary look at life from the other end of the telescope. A superb introduction to the works of one of the 20th Century’s most subversive scribes. Howard Nemerov (1920 – 1991) was an American novelist and poet, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1978. His novels are characterised by the use of self-deprecating wit and an ongoing sense of irony. While his books tended to satirise 20th Century American life, his poems often focussed on the beauty and innocence of nature. In addition, Nemerov also worked as a scriptwriter, most notably on the film, ‘Tall Story,’ starring Anthony Perkins and Jane Fonda.
Objev podobné jako Trying Conclusions: New and Selected Poems, 1961 - 1991 - Howard Nemerov - e-kniha
Selected and Last Poems 1931-2004 - Czeslaw Milosz
The most beautiful and powerful of Milosz's poems from across his writing lifeThis selection brings together the most beautiful and powerful of Czeslaw Milosz's poems, spanning his writing life. In verses such as 'Cafe' he considers the upheaval, revolutions and two world wars that he had witnessed, while 'My Faithful Mother Tongue' reflects the loyalty he felt to his native Polish language. He also remembers his schooldays in 'The World', and in 'Bypassing Rue Descartes' recalls the Paris streets of his student years, displaying both tenderness and tough-minded fury towards those who shaped his experiences. Writing not about abstract emotions, but about the horrors and beauty that he directly observed, Milosz opens our eyes to the joy-bringing potential of the poetry to which he gave his life. Winner of the Nobel Prize for LiteratureCzeslaw Milosz (1911-2004) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980. Born in Lithuania while it was still part of the Russian Empire, he lived much of his life in Poland or exiled in California. He was the author of one of the definitive books on totalitarianism, The Captive Mind, but also wrote with extraordinary vividness and moral authority on his childhood, his experiences under Nazism and on the tragedy of Central Europe
Objev podobné jako Selected and Last Poems 1931-2004 - Czeslaw Milosz
Selected Poems (1847498671)
Kniha - 288 stran, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná, anglicky - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná During his short and restless life, Percy Bysshe Shelley produced a great number of poems, three verse plays and numerous prose works, as well as many essays in which he propounded his philosophical views and radical political ideas. These, together with his highly unconventional itinerant life and his literary connections, make him one of the most important and intriguing figures in British Romanticism. This volume provides a generous selection of his poetry, from the sonnet ?Ozymandias' to famous lyrics such as ?Ode to the West Wind' and ?Lines Written among the Euganean Hills', to the longer poems of his maturity, Adonais and Epipsychidion, all thoroughly annotated and presented in chronological order.
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Selected Poems - John Keats
John Keats is regarded as one of the greatest poets of the Romantic movement. But when he died at the age of only twenty-five, his writing had been attacked by critics and his talent remained largely unrecognized. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by Dr Andrew Hodgson. This volume, Selected Poems, reflects his extraordinary creativity and versatility, drawing on the collections published during his lifetime as well as posthumously. He wrote in many different forms - from his famous Odes to ballads such as ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci', and the epic Hyperion. Together, they celebrate a poet who wrote with unsurpassed insight and emotion about art and beauty, love and loss, suffering and nature. Review The imaginative impact of Keats's life - his "orphaned” childhood, his letters, his poetry, his friendships, his illness, his agonizing love affair - has continued unbroken for nearly two hundred years, New York Review of Books Keats's jazz-like improvisations, which give us, like no other writing in English, the actual rush of a man thinking, a mind hurtling forward unpredictably and sweeping us along -- Morris Dickstein, New York Times He left behind him some of Britain's best-loved poetry -- Alison Flood, Guardian A truly radical poet -- Lesley McDowell, Independent About the Author John Keats was born in London in 1795. He and his siblings were orphaned at a young age - his father died in a riding accident in 1804 and his mother died six years later. Keats then left Enfield school to train as an apothecary and a surgeon but he was to leave his profession to dedicate his time to poetry. His first volume, Poems, was published in 1817 and only two more volumes, in 1818 and 1820, were published during his lifetime. In 1818 he fell in love with his neighbour Fanny Brawne, but he broke off their engagement due to his increasing ill health and lack of funds. In 1820 he moved to Italy where he died a year later of tuberculosis, the disease that claimed his mother and his brother Tom.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems - John Keats
Selected Poems - Emily Dickinsonová
Gernerally considered among the greatest American poets, Emily Dickinson has been read, studied and admired by generations of literature students and poetry lovers. This modestly priced new edition presents over 100 of her best-known, best-loved poems, reprinted from authoritative early editions.
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Selected Poems - Džaláleddín Rúmí
The essential poems of the inspirational thirteenth-century Persian philosopher, scholar and mysticThe founder of the order of the Whirling Dervishes, Rumi was also a poet of transcendental power. His verse speaks with the universal voice of the human soul and brims with exuberant energy and passion. Rich in natural imagery, from flowers to birds and rivers to stars, the poems have an elemental force that has remained undiminished through the centuries. Their themes - tolerance, goodness, the experience of God, charity and awareness through love - still resonate with millions of readers around the world. Translated by Coleman Barks with John Moyne
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Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
Hailed as the greatest modern lyrical poet of Germany, Rainer Maria Rilke's genius lies in his passion for perfection, artistic integrity and `willingness to remain a perpetual beginner'. The verse contained in this selection ranges from the objective, naturalistic descriptions of his earliest works to the increasingly effusive outpourings of half-religious ecstasy and anguish that characterize his later poems and culminates in the overwhelmingly personal vision of the famous `Duino Elegies' and `The Sonnets to Orpheus', in which his most intense experiences of living and being find their noblest expression.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
Selected Poems: Rossetti - Christina Rossetti
This new selection of Rossetti''s poems brings together works by one of the most significant nineteenth-century English poets. It includes an illuminating introduction, a chronology of Rossetti''s life and works, and explanatory notes.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems: Rossetti - Christina Rossetti
Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
For poetry lovers and students of literature and literary criticism, a National Book Award-winning poet brings his prowess as a translator and critic to bear on the work of one of the major German poets of the century.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
Musíme všichni někam na poušť - Bohuslav Reynek, Miloš Doležal, Jan Franz
V životě básníka, grafika a překladatele Bohuslava Reynka patřilo přátelství s Janem Franzem mezi ty nejintenzivnější a nejniternější. Přestože byl Jan Franz, náročný literární kritik, překladatel a esejista, o osmnáct let mladší, vzniklo mezi nimi silné pouto, které přelomila až předčasná Franzova smrt (na válečné útrapy) v roce 1946. Oba spolu od počátku 30. let vedli korespondenční dialog, navzájem si hodnotili tvorbu a podporovali se v nelehkých chvílích. Navíc oba dva silně spojovalo jejich vysočinské venkovanství. Reynek žil v Petrkově u Havlíčkova Brodu, Franz (po studiích na pražské filozofické fakultě) často pobýval v rodném Jitkově u Havlíčkovy Borové. Kniha "Musíme všichni někam na poušť" představí příběh jejich neobyčejného přátelství, zpřístupní vzájemnou korespondenci, včetně dosud neznámých fotografií a archivních dokumentů. Edičně knihu připravil spisovatel Miloš Doležal, který se dlouhodobě věnuje odkazu obou mužů a graficky upravil Luboš Drtina. Kniha je vydávána u příležitosti 50. výročí smrti Bohuslava Reynka, tedy k 28. září 2021.
Objev podobné jako Musíme všichni někam na poušť - Bohuslav Reynek, Miloš Doležal, Jan Franz
Bohuslav Reynek: překlady vydané Vlastimilem Vokolkem (978-80-7530-025-6)
Kniha - 456 stran, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Svazek obsahuje vše, co básník a grafik B. Reynek vytvořil pro nakladatelství Vlastimila Vokolka; Reynkovy rozsáhlejší překlady i drobnější básně vycházely často také ve formě příležitostných tisků, z nichž většina je dnes nedostupná a málo známá. Knihy graficky vypravoval Vojmír Vokolek. Svazek edičně připravil Jan Šulc a provází jej studie Jiřího Pelána. Obsahuje např. dílo J. Giona: Vysočiny či Obranu Tartuffovu od Maxe Jacoba; dále jsou obsaženy sbírky či drobnější tisky autorů jako je R. M. Rilke, P. Valéry, F. Jammes, G. Bernanos, S. Renaud, J- Lebrau, Ch. d´Orléans a další...
Objev podobné jako Bohuslav Reynek: překlady vydané Vlastimilem Vokolkem (978-80-7530-025-6)
Selected Poems: Faber Modern Classics (0571322778)
Kniha - autor Thomas Stearns Eliot, 114 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An ideal introduction to the work of one of the defining figures of the 20th century, containing 'The Waste Land' and 'The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock', issued into the launch list of "Faber Modern Classics", featuring an introductory essay by Seamus Heaney.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems: Faber Modern Classics (0571322778)
Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinsonová
Although Emily Dickinson wrote nearly 2,000 poems, only a handful were ever published in her lifetime, and those anonymously. Today, she is recognized as one of the most important American poets of the nineteenth century, one whose unconventional use of language and rhyme anticipated the break with tradition of much modern poetry written after it. The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson collects more than 150 of Dickinson's brief but memorable poems. Bursting with insights about life, love, nature, death, and immortality, these poems are among the best loved and most reprinted in English literature. The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an elegantly designed bonded-leather binding, with distinctive gilt edging.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinsonová
The Poems and Verses - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
eBook: The majority of the poems in this collection ‘The Poems and Verses’ are a classic collection of poetic works by Charles Dickens. They are brought together in this anthology after appearing in Dickens\' other works, including ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and several plays that he wrote together with Wilkie Collins. Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in \'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and \'A Christmas Carol\' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
Objev podobné jako The Poems and Verses - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
Dream of a Journey: Selected Poems - Kateřina Rudčenková
Edited and Translated by Alexandra Büchler. A book of poems by Katerina Rudcenková selected from her four poetry books by the editor/translator Alexandra Büchler who will also write an introduction.
Objev podobné jako Dream of a Journey: Selected Poems - Kateřina Rudčenková
Brontes: Selected Poems - Anne Brontëová, Emily Brontëová, Charlotte Brontë
The Bronte sisters lives and works have become modern-day cultural touchstones.Emily Bronte, best known for her novel WUTHERING HEIGHTS, began writing poetry first and, before her untimely death, wrote some of the most touching and emotive poems which often reflected the landscape of her Yorkshire home.Charlotte Bronte, whose novel JANE EYRE has had numerous TV and film adaptations, took responsibility for finding a home for their work. In her own words, '' We had very early cherished the dream of one day becoming authors''.Anne Bronte, author of AGNES GREY, often used autobiographical elements in her poems, giving us a hints of the struggles and turmoil of her life.These poems offer glimpses of the joys and sorrows of the Brontes and are a beautifully compelling introduction to their writing and lives.
Objev podobné jako Brontes: Selected Poems - Anne Brontëová, Emily Brontëová, Charlotte Brontë
The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
Robert Burns is more than Scotland's national poet. With Shakespeare, Burns is an icon for the UK and Scotland he is a national symbol. This volume of poems and songs is a best selling, beautiful edition of his work.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Poems and Songs of Robert Burns - Burns Robert
The Orange and other poems - Cope Wendy
My heart has made its mind upAnd I''m afraid it''s you.The Orange provides the perfect introduction to Wendy Cope, one of Britain''s wittiest, best-selling and best-loved poets.In poems that can turn from laugh-out-loud funny to deeply moving, Wendy Cope offers reflections on love and life. From the joy of falling - and being - in love to ways to help you deal with a painful break-up or the memories of people loved and lost, this is a book you will want to savour and share with all your friends.''Wendy Cope''s readership, numerous and adoring, is the envy of most poets. Cope''s real strength lies not in charm or insight (she has buckets of both) but in the pitch perfect exactitude of her writing.'' Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako The Orange and other poems - Cope Wendy
Iron and Wine - Around The Well (3 LP)
Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: 12" vinylová deska;LP deska;Jednostranná deska;Kompilace;Zdobené leptáním Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Rok vydání: 2009.0 Interpret / Téma: Iron and Wine Varianta: Around The Well (3 LP) Žánr: World Music;Country;Rock;Folk Vydavatelství: Sub Pop Datum vydání: 2009-05-18 Subžánr: Indie Rock;Akustický;Folk Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 3 ks Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá
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The Hill We Climb and Other Poems - Gorman Amanda
The breakout poetry collection by Sunday Times bestselling author and presidential inaugural poet Amanda Gorman'This is poetry rippling with communal recognition and empathy' Guardian'This is more than protest. It's a promise.'Including The Hill We Climb, the stirring poem read at the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, this luminous poetry collection by Amanda Gorman captures a shipwrecked moment in time and transforms it into a lyric of hope and healing. In Call Us What We Carry, Gorman explores history, language, identity, and erasure through an imaginative and intimate collage.Harnessing the collective grief of a global pandemic, these seventy poems shine a light on a moment of reckoning and reveal that Gorman has become our messenger from the past, our voice for the future.
Objev podobné jako The Hill We Climb and Other Poems - Gorman Amanda
Poems and Songs (0307595838)
Kniha - autor Leonard Cohen, 246 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A magnificent selection of song lyrics and poems from across the storied career of one of the most daring and affecting poet-ongwriters in the world. In the more than half century since his first book of poems was published, Leonard Cohen has evolved into an international cult figure who transcends genres and generations. This anthology contains a cross section of his five decades of influential work, including such legendary songs as "Suzanne," "Sisters of Mercy," "Bird on the Wire," "Famous Blue Raincoat," and "I'm Your Man" and searingly memorable poems from his many acclaimed poetry collections, including "Flowers for Hitler, Beautiful Losers, "and "Death of a Lady's Man." Encompassing the erotic and the melancholy, the mystical and the sardonic, this volume showcases a writer of dazzling intelligence and live-wire emotional immediacy.
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Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková
Annie is born into a world where like most of us she meets her Granny. She plays with her, she learns from her, they talk together and they even share their secrets together. As Annie grows and comes to know the world, Granny slowly leaves it. Annie is there with Granny right to the end and even plays with her afterwards. Now how does she do that?
Objev podobné jako Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková
The Evening and the Morning - Ken Follett
A Time of ConflictIt is 997 CE, the end of the Dark Ages. The king’s grip on the country is fragile and chaos reigns.A young boat builder dreams of a better future after a devastating Viking raid shatters the life he hoped for. Lives Intertwined A Norman noblewoman follows her husband to a new land only to find her life there shockingly different; and a capable monk at Shiring Abbey has a vision of transforming his humble home into a centre of learning admired throughout Europe. The Dawn of a New AgeNow, with England at the dawn of the Middle Ages, these three people will each come into dangerous conflict with a ruthless bishop, who will do anything to increase his wealth and power, in an epic tale of ambition, rivalry, love and hate.Over three decades ago we were introduced to Kingsbridge in The Pillars of the Earth, and now in this masterful prequel international bestseller Ken Follett will take us on a journey into a rich past, which will end where his masterpiece begins. More than 175 million copies sold worldwide. Published in over eighty territories and thirty-seven languages.The international no.1 bestselling phenomenon returns.
Objev podobné jako The Evening and the Morning - Ken Follett
The Northern Lights and Other Poems - Violet Jacob - e-kniha
eBook: As an aristocrat by birth, Violet Jacob\'s decision to write poetry in Scots dialect risked ridicule from her peers, who considered it vulgar. Most others would struggle to take her efforts seriously - until they read it.\'Northern Lights and Other Poems\' shows her consummate knowledge and use of the vernacular.The verses are packed with rich detail about people and places - exploring emotions, the natural world, sexuality and a love for Scotland.This collection is perfect for fans of the poetry of Marion Angus and William Dunbar.
Objev podobné jako The Northern Lights and Other Poems - Violet Jacob - e-kniha
The Penguin Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (0670919845)
Kniha - autor Edgar Allan Poe, 1040 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Fall of the House of Usher, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Gold-Bug - some of the most famous tales of terror and the most macabre detective stories ever written. Acknowledged master of suspense, Poe was also a poet and - as his stories of mesmerism and time travel prove - a pioneer of science fiction. In this collection, probing to the depths of the human psyche, Poe's haunted genius will chill and enthral you.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (0670919845)
The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Step into an English realm of knights, elves, and priestly sermons. ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’, by G. K. Chesterton, is a masterful collection of poems that trace themes of morality, fairy tales, and religion. An early work by one of the 20th century’s most influential writers, this book of poems comes alive with pagan and Christian imagery intertwined. A profoundly thoughtful work that bears multiple readings and gives an earnest glimpse into the mind of Chesterton. Featuring works such as ‘Chord of Colour’, ‘The Donkey’, and ‘The Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon’, ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’ will inspire philosophers and artists alike. A perfect collection for readers of Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ or Simon Armitage’s ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’.
Objev podobné jako The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics. Edgar Allan Poe was a writer of uncommon talent; in The Murders in the Rue Morgue he created the genre of detective fiction while his genius for finding the strangeness lurking within us all has been an influence on everyone from Freud to Hollywood. This complete collection of all his short stories and novellas contains well-known tales 'The Pit and the Pendulum' and 'The Tell-Tale Heart' alongside hidden gems that both unsettle and enthrall the reader.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe
The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (0525562796)
Kniha - autor Toni Morrison, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná These pages give us her searing prayer for the dead of 9/11, her Nobel lecture on the power of language, her searching meditation on Martin Luther King Jr., her heart-wrenching eulogy for James Baldwin. She looks deeply into the fault lines of culture and freedom: the foreigner, female empowerment, the press, money, “black matter(s),” human rights, the artist in society, the Afro-American presence in American literature. And she turns her incisive critical eye to her own work (The Bluest Eye, Sula, Tar Baby, Jazz, Beloved, Paradise) and that of others. An essential collection from an essential writer, The Source of Self-Regard shines with the literary elegance, intellectual prowess, spiritual depth, and moral compass that have made Toni Morrison our most cherished and enduring voice.
Objev podobné jako The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (0525562796)
Sofronitsky Vladimir: Etudes, Preludes, Poems and Dances - CD (4600383161983)
Hudební CD - Vladimir Vladimirovich Sofronitsky představitel klasické klavírní sovětské školy. Vladimir Vladimirovich Sofronitsky představitel klasické klavírní sovětské školy. (1) - January 1952. Live recording in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonics (2-4), (12,13) - June 1958. Live recording at the Maly Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire (5-9), (14,15, 28, 29) - January 1961. Live recording in the Scriabin Museum (10, 11) - Recorded 1946 (17) - Recorded 1953 (18, 19) - Recorded 1952 (20) - Recorded 1948 (21) - Recorded 1950 (22-26) - Recorded 1959 (27) - January 1955. Live recording at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatoire Seznam stop CD SCRIABIN, Alexander Nikolaevich (1872-1915) Etudes Op. 42 No. 2 in F-Sharp minor / Op. 42 No. 3 in F-Sharp major / Op. 42 No. 4 in F-Sharp major / Op. 42 No. 5 in C-Sharp minor / Op. 49 No. 1 in E-flat major Four Preludes Op.39 No.1 in F-Sharp major / No. 2 in D major / No. 3 in G major / No. 4 in A-Flat major...
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Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho - Sappho
More or less 150 years after Homer''s Iliad, Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos, west off the coast of what is present Turkey. Little remains today of her writings, which are said to have filled nine papyrus rolls in the great library at Alexandria some 500 years after her death. The surviving texts consist of a lamentably small and fragmented body of lyric poetry - among them poems of invocation, desire, spite, celebration, resignation and remembrance - that nevertheless enables us to hear the living voice of the poet Plato called the tenth Muse. This is a new translation of her surviving poetry.
Objev podobné jako Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho - Sappho
New Poems, and Variant Readings - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
eBook: ‘New Poems, and Variant Readings’ represents the adoration for which Stevenson’s fans have for his work. This collection of dozens of poems has been painstakingly gathered piece by piece by his fans from individual collectors the world over to create this book. They are incredibly personal, insightful and intimate looks in to the life of this legendary author, with the love poems in particular being a stand out attraction. These pieces were created over many years, and kept safe by Stevenson across his many globe-trotting travels, yet never published in his lifetime. For fans of Stevenson this collection gives an incredible insight in to the mind of one of history’s best writers while allowing you the chance to revel in one of literatures best kept secrets.
Objev podobné jako New Poems, and Variant Readings - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha
Bizzy Bear: Find and Follow At the Zoo
Join Bizzy Bear at the zoo in this chunky new board book with sliding counters. Bizzy Bear is helping look after the animals today. The perfect book for children who love animals, zoos and who love being in control of the story!Other titles in the series include: On the Building Site, On the Farm and In Space.
Objev podobné jako Bizzy Bear: Find and Follow At the Zoo
The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)
Kniha - autor Deepak Chopra; Rudolph E. Tanzi, 290 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Healing Self: Supercharge your immune system and stay well for life (1846045711)
The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)
Kniha - 912 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Evening and the Morning: The Prequel to The Pillars of the Earth, A Kingsbridge Novel (1447278828)
The Poems - Lopéz García
Sbírka básní Lopéze Garcíi je založena na originálním, ale přitom archetypálním pojímání tělesnosti prostřednictvím subjekt-objektového rozostření. Je to právě tělo, které vnímá, tělo, které se stává měřítkem věcí, a tělo, které cítí, bojuje a bolí. García ve své intimní lyrické sbírce využívá toho nejjednoduššího, nejupřímnějšího a nejvlastnějšího - tělesnosti v konkrétním čase a prostoru, tělesnosti s jizvami. Biblické noli me tangere, zjitřující staré rány, však nakonec přebije touha fyzické i psychické blízkosti, touha na návrat.
Objev podobné jako The Poems - Lopéz García
Poems of the Decade
Agbabi, Armitage, Burnside, Duffy, Dunmore, Fanthorpe, Heaney, Motion, Nagra, O''Brien and more Poems of the Decade brings together more than one hundred poems from the many thousands submitted to the Forward Prizes for Poetry in the first decade of the 21st century.The Forwards are among the world''s most coveted poetry honours. They have been awarded annually since 1992 for the Best Collection, Best First Collection and Best Single Poem published in Britain and Ireland, and the roster of winning, shortlisted and highly commended poets regularly juxtaposes familiar canonical names with fresh voices.This anthology of anthologies draws on the ten Forward Books of Poetry published to accompany the prizes between 2001 and 2010. It is the perfect introduction to a wide range of contemporary poetry: works that speak of violence, danger and fear, of love and all that opposes love, in forms of language broken and reshaped by the need to communicate what it is to be alive now, here.''These annual anthologies of the poems in the running for the Forward Prizes remain the best way of encountering the richness that new poetry has to offer.'' Daily Telegraph
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Christmas at the Keep and Other Stories - Marcia Willett
Nestled in the Devon countryside, the Keep has always been a refuge for the Chadwick family: forever warm and welcoming through the challenges life has thrown at them. And the current occupants have certainly seen their share of challenges...Lulu and her small son, Oliver, are staying at the Keep while they find their feet. Freddie''s commission as a naval chaplain has just ended and he too is grateful to have been welcomed at the Keep whilst he decides where to go next. And now Ed, the black sheep of the family, is finally coming home after ten years living in the USA.Ed''s strange, secretive behaviour means that he often clashes with his family. But as the autumn draws to a close and a sprinkling of snow dusts the moors, could the promise of a family Christmas at the Keep be enough to ease tensions and soothe the sting of a long-buried secret?The Chadwicks all know one thing for certain - no matter the circumstances, the Keep will always be there to welcome them home.Praise for Marcia Willett:''A warm and engaging read.'' Trisha Ashley''A beautifully woven tale of families and their secrets...'' Liz Fenwick, bestselling author of The Cornish House''Riveting, moving and utterly feel-good.'' Daily Mail''Sweeping powers of description transport her readers to another time and place.'' Rosanna Ley
Objev podobné jako Christmas at the Keep and Other Stories - Marcia Willett
Tales and Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
This mesmerising, macabre collection contains Edgar Allan Poe's best-known poetry, including 'The Raven', 'Annabel Lee' and 'Lenore', and a selection of his very best stories, along with his finest tales from the last decade of his tragically short life. Many of these stories and poems explore the familiar Poe themes of murder, obsession and love, but this volume also contains many overlooked tales of the fantastic, black comedies, parodies and hoaxes, such as 'The Unparalleled Adventure of Hans Pfaall', 'Mesmeric Revolution', 'Hop-Frog', and 'The Imp of the Perverse'.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of Tales and Poems features an afterword by David Pinching.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako Tales and Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Five Nights at Freddy´s 1 - The Silver Eyes (Graphic Novel) - Scott Cawthon
Don't miss the first-ever graphic novel for FiveNights at Freddy's, an adaptation of the #1 New York Timesbestselling novel, The Silver Eyes, illustrated by fan-favouritegame artist Claudia Schroeder!Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzathat ripped their town apart, Charlie - whose father ownedthe restaurant - and her childhood friends reunite on theanniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza placewhich had been locked up and abandoned for years. After theydiscover a way inside, they realize that things are not as theyused to be. The four adult-sized animatronic mascots that once entertainedpatrons have changed. They now have a dark secret ...and a murderous agenda.Complete with new information and tense, terrifying illustrations,fans won't want to miss this graphic novel adaptation by ScottCawthon, Kira Breed-Wrisley and Claudia Schroeder, whose stunningartwork has been featured in the games.
Objev podobné jako Five Nights at Freddy´s 1 - The Silver Eyes (Graphic Novel) - Scott Cawthon
The Fourth Closet (Five Nights at Freddy´s Graphic Novel 3) - Scott Cawthon
From the creator of the horror video game sensation FiveNights at Freddy's comes this pulse-poundinggraphic novel adaptation of the bestselling trilogy's thrillingconclusion!What really happened to Charlie?It's the question that John can't seem to shake, along with thenightmares of Charlie's seeming death and miraculous reappearance.John just wants to forget the whole terrifyingsaga of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, but the pastisn't so easily buried. Meanwhile, there's a new animatronicpizzeria opening in Hurricane, along with a newrash of kidnappings that feel all too familiar.Bound together by their childhood loss, John reluctantly teamsup with Jessica, Marla and Carlton to solve the case and find themissing children. Along the way, they'll unravel the twistedmystery of what really happened to Charlie, and thehaunting legacy of her father's creations.Told through delightfully scary artwork from artist DianaCameroWith even more horror than ever beforeFans won't want to miss this graphic novel adaptationstraight from the mind of Five Nights at Freddy's creatorScott Cawthon.
Objev podobné jako The Fourth Closet (Five Nights at Freddy´s Graphic Novel 3) - Scott Cawthon
At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails (0099554887)
Kniha - autor Sarah Bakewell, 440 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of the personal journey through the story of modern existentialism, which blends philosophy with biography. Focuses on Paris in 1933 as Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Raymond Aron devised a radical new way of thinking. As read on BBC Radio 4's "Book Of The Week".
Objev podobné jako At the Existentialist Café: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails (0099554887)
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