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The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Step into an English realm of knights, elves, and priestly sermons. ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’, by G. K. Chesterton, is a masterful collection of poems that trace themes of morality, fairy tales, and religion. An early work by one of the 20th century’s most influential writers, this book of poems comes alive with pagan and Christian imagery intertwined. A profoundly thoughtful work that bears multiple readings and gives an earnest glimpse into the mind of Chesterton. Featuring works such as ‘Chord of Colour’, ‘The Donkey’, and ‘The Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon’, ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’ will inspire philosophers and artists alike. A perfect collection for readers of Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ or Simon Armitage’s ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’.
Podívejte se také The Kiltem Massacre and other horror stories ()
Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: "We must hit Capitalism, and hit it hard, for the plain and definite reason that it is growing stronger." Chesterton’s essays on the pitfalls of capitalism, written in the early 1900s, still strike true in the modern-day. One of England’s greatest essayists, Chesterton analyses the claims of capitalism without preaching or favouring Marxist and socialist thinkers. Instead, Chesterton’s anti-capitalist arguments are drawn from his own Christian ideals and philosophical reasoning, giving a unique perspective that is invaluable for historians and students of philosophy alike. Readers of Rebecca Henderson or Thomas Piketty should not miss this extraordinary glimpse into the ideologies of the past.
Podívejte se také The Other Hand (0340920246)
Wine, Water, and Song - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: A light-hearted collection of poems featuring G. K. Chesterton’s classic wit and cheer, ‘Wine, Water, and Song’ celebrates drink in all its forms, lampooning ideas of prohibition that were on the rise in 20th century London. Chesterton makes a merry satire of local politics and English traditions, with poems including ‘Wine and Water’, where he imagines a wine cellar aboard Noah’s Ark, and ‘The Logical Vegetarian’, where he sings the virtues of a liquid diet. For fans of Chesterton and poetry that provokes, this book is a perfect collection of clever rhymes and outspoken English humour.
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The Uses of Diversity - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: G. K. Chesterton’s ‘The Uses of Diversity' is a collection of essays from the "Prince of Paradox". Written by the English writer and philosopher, Chesterton’s essays are full of exciting points, intelligent jokes, and intriguing insights, and beautifully showcase Chesterton’s thoughts and beliefs. Some of the essays featured in the collection include: ‘On Seriousness’, ‘Tennyson’, ‘The Japanese’, ‘Christian Science’, ‘The Evolution of Emma’, ‘Questions of Divorce’, ‘Mormonism’, ‘Dickens Again’, ‘George Wyndham’, and ‘On Monsters’. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton, which covers a wide array of topics on everything from religion and nationalities to poltics and different influential novelists.
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The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest runs to earth bandits, traitors, killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Father Brown knows human nature and is not afraid of its dark side. Thus he understands criminal motivation and how to deal with it. The stories included are "The Paradise of Thieves," "The Duel of Dr. Hirsch," "The Man in the Passage," "The Mistakes of the Machine," "The Head of the Caesar," "The Purple Wig," "The Perishing of the Pendragons," "The God of the Gongs," "The Salad of the Colonel Cray," "The Strange Crime of John Boulnois" and "The Fairy Tale of Father Brown."
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Most books of literary criticism are written long after their age has passed, but a rare few are written during their time - and G. K. Chesterton's 'The Victorian Age in Literature' is one of them. Born during the Victorian era, Chesterton gives an incredible insight into Victorian literature as it was perceived at the end of the 19th century. His witty accounts shine a light on the classic works of Dickens, Austen, and the Brontës, as well as leading poets of the period, from Tennyson to Browning. His discussion ranges from the politics of the day to the birth of radical philosophies and revelations within the sciences. Chesterton's work is a refreshingly personal look into the Victorian mind and an invaluable resource for any student of literary history.-
Objev podobné jako The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Chesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysis on social and moral issues more relevant today than even in his own time. In his light and humorous style, yet deadly serious and philosophical, he comments on feminism and true womanhood, errors in education, the importance of the child and other issues, using incisive arguments against the trendsetters' assaults against the family. Chesterton possessed the genius to foresee the dangers if modernist proposals were implemented. He knew that lax moral standards would lead to the dehumanization of man, and in this book he staunchly defends the family, its constituent elements and character over against those ideas and institutions that would subvert it and thereby deliver man into the hands of the servile state. In addressing what is wrong, he also shows clearly what is right, sane and sensible and how to change things in that direction.
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Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: From satires of Sherlock Holmes to lectures in defence of fairy tales, this collection of essays brings to life the smallest of trifles and turns them into debates on the meaning of life itself. G. K. Chesterton was one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century and produced a treasure trove of over four thousand essays. Of these, ‘Tremendous Trifles’ selects thirty-nine gems of good advice, fantastical storytelling, and philosophical ponderings to delight the reader. Including ‘The Dragon’s Grandmother’, ‘A Tragedy of Twopence’, and ‘The Shop of Ghosts’, this work brings together the best of classic Chesterton that will continue to amuse and outwit readers right up to the modern-day.
Objev podobné jako Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: This collection of biographical essays by G. K. Chesterton gives a one-of-a-kind insight into some of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Chesterton lends his prolific wit to these extremely unique and personal biographies, capturing a perfect snapshot of British society in the 1900s. ‘Twelve Types’ covers the life and works of Charlotte Bronte, Alexander Pope, Lord Byron, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Morris, Saint Francis, Edmond Rostand, Charles II, Thomas Carlyle, Savonarola, and Leo Tolstoy. A pastiche of the Victorian society and artists that would birth the Romantic and Gothic movements in English literature, ‘Twelve Types’ is an unmissable collection for any student of 20th century Britain.
Objev podobné jako Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Queens and Emperors, artists and poets, priests and politicians: all are subject to G. K. Chesterton’s collected biographies. ‘Varied Types’ spans the streets of London, travels to the edges of the British empire and doubles back into the depths of history. In a series of essays, Chesterton paints the portraits of England’s most influential figures, from Walter Scott to Lord Tennyson, and favours each with his authoritative wit. This continuation of the collection ‘Twelve Types’ adds eight spectacular essays, featuring Queen Victoria, Alfred the Great, John Ruskin, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and many more. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton which dives deep into the history of classic English literature.
Objev podobné jako Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: 12 detektivních příběhů z pera Gilberta K. Chestertona Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkami, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.
Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Satirický příběh se odehrává na sklonku 20. století, kdy anglický král z rozmaru přikáže obnovit v londýnských čtvrtích středověké poměry. Zajímavý byl už výběr hlavy státu zabodnutím nože do telefonního seznamu... Dovoleno je vše, od diktatury po anarchii, alespoň není nuda...
Objev podobné jako Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Pokud si ceníte klasického britského kriminálního dramatu, tato kniha s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků vás zajisté nezklame. Otec Brown řeší vraždy tím způsobem, že kombinuje filozofické a duchovní úvahy s vědeckým pozorováním a obnovuje spravedlnost v malých komunitách, které navštěvuje po celé Anglii. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě. Pro zajímavost ´Otec Brown´ je britský detektivní dramatický televizní seriál, vysílaný od 14. ledna 2013 na stanici BBC One.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
What I Saw in America - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: In 1921, G.K. Chesterton, an Englishman, lectured throughout the United States. The following year, he published this record of his impressions. "I have never managed to lose my old conviction that travel narrows the mind," begins Chesterton, giving us some inkling of the aphoristic delights in store. He offers amusing insights on the architecture of American hotels and the real reasons for Prohibition. His purview also includes slavery, the Irish in America, the decline of the British Empire, Abraham Lincoln and the American businessman. Some of his conclusions are prophetic and others, we can say with hindsight, are wrong-headed, but refreshing.
Objev podobné jako What I Saw in America - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Otec Brown na stopě II – klasické britské kriminální drama. Druhý díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků, které nenudí... Otec Brown, obyčejný kněz, jehož nevšední zevnějšek skrývá mimořádnou schopnost řešit zločiny, je oslavován pro svá řešení metafyzických záhad. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Otec Brown na stopě III – klasické britské kriminální drama. Třetí díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků. Otec Brown je skromný anglický kněz s pozoruhodným talentem pro řešení záhad, který prochází řadou kriminálních situací, jež často odhalují hlubší morální ponaučení.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
The Complete Father Brown Stories - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Father Brown first made his appearance in "The Innocence of Father Brown" in 1911. This collection contains all of the Father Brown stories, showing thr quiet wit and compassion that has endeared him to many, whilst solving his mysteries by a mixture of imagination and a sympathetic worldliness in a totally believable manner.
Objev podobné jako The Complete Father Brown Stories - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Napoleon of Notting Hill - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
London, 1984. England has given up on democracy and selects its rulers by lottery. This time it is the turn of clerk Auberon Quin, a prankster who decrees that each borough of London become an independent mediaeval state, complete with costumes and coats of arms. The citizens bear his joke with varying levels of patience – until Adam Wayne, the intractable Provost of Notting Hill, sword in hand, takes the game far too seriously.First published in 1904, G. K. Chesterton''s deliriously eccentric debut novel is a wild, topsy-turvy satire on a land ruled by fools.
Objev podobné jako The Napoleon of Notting Hill - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "The Man Who Was Thursday" by G. K. Chesterton. '"A man's brain is a bomb," he cried out, loosening suddenly his strange passion and striking his own skull with violence. "My brain feels like a bomb, night and day. It must expand! It must expand! A man's brain must expand, if it breaks up the universe".' In a park in London, secret policeman Gabriel Syme strikes up a conversation with an anarchist. Sworn to do his duty, Syme uses his new acquaintance to go undercover in Europe's Central Anarchist Council and infiltrate their deadly mission, even managing to have himself voted to the position of 'Thursday'. When Syme discovers another undercover policeman on the Council, however, he starts to question his role in their operations. And as a desperate chase across Europe begins, his confusion grows, as well as his confidence in his ability to outwit his enemies. But he has still to face the greatest terror that the Council has: a man named Sunday, whose true nature is worse than Syme could ever have imagined..." The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Objev podobné jako The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Northern Lights and Other Poems - Violet Jacob - e-kniha
eBook: As an aristocrat by birth, Violet Jacob\'s decision to write poetry in Scots dialect risked ridicule from her peers, who considered it vulgar. Most others would struggle to take her efforts seriously - until they read it.\'Northern Lights and Other Poems\' shows her consummate knowledge and use of the vernacular.The verses are packed with rich detail about people and places - exploring emotions, the natural world, sexuality and a love for Scotland.This collection is perfect for fans of the poetry of Marion Angus and William Dunbar.
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Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Chestertonova dnes už klasická romantická „Ortodoxie“ je osobní i univerzální obhajobou zdravého rozumu, hlubokého smyslu lidské existence, demokracie a vznešeného poslání Západní civilizace. Jeho zábavná a veselá polemika s morbidními kazisvěty té doby, kterých za sto let od napsání ješte přibylo, je návodem k aktivnímu, dobrodružnému a barvitému životu plnému fantazie. Mistr paradoxu mluví o „potřebě spojovat důvěrně známé s neznámým (s tajemnem) a dívat se na svět tak, abychom měli současně pocit úžasu, daru i toho, že jsme tu vítáni“. Má-li člověk v životě to pravé poslání, stává se každý den dobrodružstvím, každodennost zázrakem a zdánlivě malé věci vyrostou do nebeských výšin. Jako detektiv pátrá Chesterton metodicky po příčině psychologicky udržitelné radosti ze života, která může vycházet jenom z určité víry, tak jako každý pesimismus vychází z nevíry.V novém, stručném a soudobém překladu zní autorova gigantická životní energie naplno.
Objev podobné jako Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Paradoxy pána Ponda je posledná kniha detektívnych príbehov od slávneho britského prozaika, novinára a katolíckeho filozofa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Poviedky sa najprv objavovali v literárnom časopise Storyteller a knižne vyšli až po spisovateľovej smrti. Hlavným hrdinom zbierky je bývalý štátny zamestnanec pán Pond, ktorý sa doslova vyžíva vo vyslovovaní svojráznych paradoxných výrokov a priateľov neprestáva ohromovať opisom svojich prazvláštnych životných skúseností. Vďaka nezvyčajnému pohľadu na svet a zmyslu pre detailný rozbor akokoľvek zložitej situácie si dokáže poradiť aj s tým najzamotanejším prípadom. Sám autor o svojej poslednej veľkej literárnej postave napísal: „Väčšina tých, čo hovoria v paradoxoch, sa len vyťahujú. No Pond je iný. On to robí, pretože sa vyťahovať nechce. Vieš, vyzerá ako taký sedavý typ, vedecký mužíček, akoby bol navždy prikovaný k stolu či písaciemu stroju, no zažil niekoľko skutočne vzrušujúcich príhod. Nerád o nich hovorí, to vlastne ani nechce. Najradšej by sa rozprával o úsudku, filozofii a teoretických veciach z kníh – dobre predsa vieš ako nesmierne miluje racionálnu literatúru osemnásteho storočia. Lenže počas toho abstraktného rozprávania občas znenazdania natrafí na čosi, čo sa mu aj naozaj stalo. No a vtedy – aby som to tak povedal – to všetko zhúžva dokopy. Snaží sa to natlačiť do malého priestoru a potom to jednoducho znie protichodne. Takmer každá z tých jeho pološialených viet predstavuje nejaké rozsiahlejšie dobrodružstvo v živote, ktorý by väčšina ľudí nazvala veľmi nedobrodružným.“
Objev podobné jako Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkama, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.
Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Hrdinom legendárneho románu Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936) z roku 1925 je Michael Herne, hĺbavý knihovník na panstve lorda Seawooda, ktorému dcéra jeho zamestnávateľa zverí úlohu kráľa Richarda Levie srdce v divadelnom predstavení s názvom Trubadúr Blondel. Herne berie svoju postavu nesmierne vážne, dôkladne skúma stredovek a po skončení hry si na zdesenie ostatných spoluúčinkujúcich odmietne vyzliecť kostým a naďalej zotrváva v charaktere zverenej postavy. Nielen jeho pôvodné oblečenie, ale aj všetko naokolo mu zrazu pripadá zvláštne nepochopiteľné. S nesmiernymi rozpakmi hľadí na negatívne javy moderného sveta a postupne sa s fanatickou náruživosťou vteľuje do úlohy novodobého dona Quiota, ktorý má všetky tie neduhy napraviť. Cez postavu Michaela Herna autor svojím očarujúcim a nenapodobiteľným spôsobom analyzuje nedostatky, absurdnosť a nelogickosť fungovania ľudskej spoločnosti. Už v tomto románe však čiastočne opúšťa svoj nevyhranený pesimizmus a smeruje k tomu, čo Karel Čapek nazval „geniálnym optimizmom“.
Objev podobné jako Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Maud and Other Poems - Alfred Tennyson - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Maud and Other Poems’ is a collection of eight poems, including the famous ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade.’ Through his works, Tennyson explores a range of subjects, such as love, death, marriage, regret, God, and war. The title poem follows the narrator’s love for Maud, from its initial unsteadiness to its all-consuming passion. Tennyson’s poetic skills move the poem from wistful lament to hot-blooded action. A superb read for fans of one of the greatest poets of all time. One of the most popular and prolific poets of the Victorian age, Alfred Tennyson (1809 – 1892) was born in Lincolnshire. The son of a rector, he was one of 11 children. The size of the family meant that Tennyson was educated at a local grammar school in order to reduce expenditure. At the age of 18, Tennyson was accepted into Trinity College, Cambridge. There, he befriended the poet, Arthur Hallam, and was awarded the Chancellor’s Gold Medal for one of his earliest works, ‘Timbuktu’. During his career, Tennyson wrote over 100 poems, including ‘In Memoriam A.H.H.’, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, and ‘Crossing the Bar’.
Objev podobné jako Maud and Other Poems - Alfred Tennyson - e-kniha
Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Zbierka detektívnych poviedok Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa vyšla po prvý raz v roku 1922 a ide zrejme o najtemnejšie a najcynickejšie dielo slávneho britského prozaika, novinára, esejistu, historika a teológa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Hrdinom mimoriadnych príbehov je Horne Fischer, ktorý vďaka svojej bystrej mysli a vynikajúcim deduktívnym schopnostiam dokáže vyriešiť aj tie najkomplikovanejšie kriminálne prípady. Spolu so začínajúcim novinárom Haroldom Marchom sa však pohybuje vo vyšších kruhoch britskej spoločnosti a výsledky svojho vyšetrovania musí podriadiť spoločenským a politickým záujmom krajiny. Problémom totiž nie je odhalenie páchateľa, ale či je vôbec vhodné postaviť ho pred súd. Horne Fisher je totiž spriaznený s takmer všetkými významnými aristokratmi aj vplyvnými politikmi krajiny a dobre preto pozná zákulisné zlozvyky ostrovného kráľovstva. Jednoducho vie priveľa, aby sa mohol rozhodovať len podľa litery zákona a svojich morálnych zásad.
Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Chestertonove detektívne poviedky môžeme smelo zaradiť k najlepším dielam klasickej detektívky a najmä k románom sira Arthura Conana Doyla. Nenápadný, ošumelý, postavou ťarbavý, na prvý pohľad naivný, ba až smiešny katolícky kňaz postupne rozuzlí navonok neriešiteľné kriminálne prípady a svojím racionalizmom a dôsledne logickým myšlienkovým postupom prekvapuje aj najskúsenejších profesionálnych detektívov. Na rozdiel od Sherlocka Holmesa, ktorý pri práci používa aj vedecké metódy, otec Brown dedukuje svoje závery pri odhaľovaní zločinu či zdanlivo nevysvetliteľnej "nadprirodzenej" situácie na základe dokonalej znalosti ľudskej povahy a psychológie.Treba priznať, že nejedna detektívkaje preplnená senzačnými zločinmiako Shakespearova dráma. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Objev podobné jako Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Tamerlane and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: Virtually ignored when first published and almost lost entirely, these are the first published works of one of America's great writers.Edgar Allen Poe's 'Tamerlane and Other Poems' contains many early sparks of his creative genius and writing power.The poems were inspired by a who's who of great Percy Bysshe Shelley, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Lord Byron.The main poem, 'Tamerlane', tells of a great conqueror on his death bed, wishing he had stayed with his childhood sweetheart and ignored his ambition.Others focus on the themes of love, loss, rejection, egotism, and death.Having been called "the trumpet blast announcing that a new poet has stepped upon the stage", Poe's entrance into the literary world is confident and filled with promise.'Tamerlane and Other Poems' is ideal for those interested in reading Poe's first published work.
Objev podobné jako Tamerlane and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Príbeh metafyzického thrilleru Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok (1908) sa začína v edwardiánskom Londýne, kde mladý básnik Gabriel Syme vstupuje do služieb Scotland Yardu. Ako tajný agent špeciálneho policajného oddelenia na rozvrat anarchistického hnutia má za úlohu infiltrovať jednu z najmocnejších teroristických organizácií a v Paríži zabrániť bombovému atentátu na francúzskeho prezidenta. Románová fantázia, či skôr nočná mora, ktorú pri odhaľovaní obludného sprisahania zažíva hlavný hrdina patrí medzi najzaujímavejšie a zároveň najvtipnejšie literárne diela jedného z najplodnejších a najuznávanejších anglických prozaikov prvej polovice 20. storočia Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 - 1936).
Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde containing five stories, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, and The Remarkable Rocket.
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The Orange and other poems - Cope Wendy
My heart has made its mind upAnd I''m afraid it''s you.The Orange provides the perfect introduction to Wendy Cope, one of Britain''s wittiest, best-selling and best-loved poets.In poems that can turn from laugh-out-loud funny to deeply moving, Wendy Cope offers reflections on love and life. From the joy of falling - and being - in love to ways to help you deal with a painful break-up or the memories of people loved and lost, this is a book you will want to savour and share with all your friends.''Wendy Cope''s readership, numerous and adoring, is the envy of most poets. Cope''s real strength lies not in charm or insight (she has buckets of both) but in the pitch perfect exactitude of her writing.'' Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako The Orange and other poems - Cope Wendy
Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Čtyři legendární příběhy světové literatury pro adventní čas Vánoční koleda Ch. Dickense je slavnou novelou o starém lakomci Scroogeovi, kterému duchové ukážou svět chudých a změní tak jeho smýšlení. Sherlock Holmes a doktor Watson řeší ve vánočním Londýně případ Modrá karbunkule. V detektivní povídce spisovatele G. K. Chestertona Létající hvězdy vyšetřuje páter Brown krádež vzácných klenotů v domě uprostřed zasněžené zahrady. Sněhová královna od H. Ch. Andersena je nejznámější zimní pohádkou pro celou rodinu. Literární díla pro posluchače všech generací v mimořádné interpretaci pánů Josefa Somra a Ladislava Freje.
Objev podobné jako Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
The Hill We Climb and Other Poems - Gorman Amanda
The breakout poetry collection by Sunday Times bestselling author and presidential inaugural poet Amanda Gorman'This is poetry rippling with communal recognition and empathy' Guardian'This is more than protest. It's a promise.'Including The Hill We Climb, the stirring poem read at the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden, this luminous poetry collection by Amanda Gorman captures a shipwrecked moment in time and transforms it into a lyric of hope and healing. In Call Us What We Carry, Gorman explores history, language, identity, and erasure through an imaginative and intimate collage.Harnessing the collective grief of a global pandemic, these seventy poems shine a light on a moment of reckoning and reveal that Gorman has become our messenger from the past, our voice for the future.
Objev podobné jako The Hill We Climb and Other Poems - Gorman Amanda
The Poems and Verses - Charles Dickens - e-kniha
eBook: The majority of the poems in this collection ‘The Poems and Verses’ are a classic collection of poetic works by Charles Dickens. They are brought together in this anthology after appearing in Dickens\' other works, including ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and several plays that he wrote together with Wilkie Collins. Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in \'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and \'A Christmas Carol\' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
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Poems - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: ‘Poems’ was published at Wilde’s expense less than 10 years before he wrote his acclaimed novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray.’ It contains some of his best-loved poetry, including ‘Ravenna,’ ‘The Ballad of Reading Gaol,’ and ‘Sonnet On Hearing The Dies Irae Sung In The Sistine Chapel.’ Despite being criticised in the Press, ‘Poems’ sold out during its first run and further editions had to be printed in the same year. Wilde went on to gift copies of the book to assorted dignitaries, including Albert Edward, the then Prince of Wales. The anthology is an insightful exploration of human emotions and a landmark in his career. Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
Objev podobné jako Poems - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
Raven and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore.” With that undying line Edgar Allan Poe ensured his immortality in the annals of American letters. What student of literature or lover of poetry is not familiar with his poem "The Raven,” and the heartbreaking message implicit in its melancholy refrain? "The Raven” is by far Poe's best-known poem and it is one of more than forty to be found in The Raven and Other Poems, a volume that collects the best of Poe's exercises in verse. Here, readers are treated to such masterpieces as "Annabel Lee,” "The Haunted Palace,” "The Conqueror Worm,” "The City in the Sea,” "Lenore,” and many more. These poems are imbued with the somber seriousness that we associate with Poe's macabre fiction, but also with his marvelous appraisals of the mysteries of our and other worlds, and his fervent belief in undying love.
Objev podobné jako Raven and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
Raven and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
The undisputed pioneer of the horror, detective and science-fiction genres, Edgar Allan Poe was just as influential as a poet as he is now a celebrated writer of short stories. The present edition contains a large selection of his works in verse, from those he published during his lifetime - such as his famous ballads 'The Raven' and 'Lenore' - to those that were collected immediately after his premature death in 1849, including the ones he wrote in his youth.Also included in this volume is a selection of Poe's essays on poetical composition and prosody, revealing that poetry was at the core of the American master's vision of literature - something also demonstrated by the accomplished productions and enduring legacy he has left behind in this field.
Objev podobné jako Raven and Other Poems - Edgar Allan Poe
The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
eBook: Fast-paced and fun, ‘The Thief in the Night and Other Stories’ is a collection of six tales from the pen of one of the 20th Century’s most prolific writers. The title story follows Inspector Jack Danton as he investigates a proliferation of poison pen letters and thefts to and from wealthy young debutantes. Other novelettes, such as ‘Findings are Keepings’ and ‘The Compleat Criminal,’ are laced with Wallace’s trademark wit and critical appraisal of life in the upper echelons during the early 20th century. A superb read for fans of Wallace's body of work.
Objev podobné jako The Thief in the Night and Other Stories - Edgar Wallace - e-kniha
The Beautifull Cassandra and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Beautiful Cassandra and Other Stories’ (1793) was written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen, best-known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811) and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813). This collection of short stories, written when the author was very young, deals with an abundance of topics, such as murder, theft, deceit, imprisonment, romance, and intrigue. A fascinating and entertaining insight into the young Jane Austen’s mind, this collection is a sensational read for those contemplating reading some of Austen\'s famous novels later down the line, or for those already familiar with her brilliant body of work! There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide. Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations. Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage and radio.
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The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha
eBook: With handsome rich men and ladies of leisure fluttering their eyelids trying to catch their attention, \'The Three Sisters\' reads like a humorous trial run for \'Pride and Prejudice\'. Told via correspondence, this is in fact a tale of a single man, Mr. Watts, who is in possession of a good fortune and is in want of a wife. Mrs. Stanhope is the mother of a family of girls who is very much in want of a son-in-law. And the girls? Despite one of them being \"the happiest creature on the planet\", they aren\'t actually all that happy at all. This satirical narrative of courtship and self-interest by the young Jane Austen is a must for any fan of the modern Chick-Lit novel or Rom-Com film. As an extra treat, this edition includes four additional writings from Jane Austen, making this essential reading for any Austen fan or study.These additional pieces• A Fragment written to inculcate the practice of Virtue• A beautiful description of the different effects of sensibility on different minds• The Generous Curate.• Ode to Pity
Objev podobné jako The Three Sisters and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha
The Garden Party and Other Stories - Katherine Mansfield - e-kniha
eBook: Written during the final stages of her illness, The Garden Party and Other Stories is full of a sense of urgency and was Katherine Mansfield\'s last collection to be published during her lifetime. The fifteen stories, many of them set in her native New Zealand, vary in length and tone from the opening story, \"At the Bay,\" a vivid impressionistic evocation of family life, to the short, sharp skectch \"Mrs. Brill,\" in which a lonely woman\'s precarious sense of self is brutally destroyed when she overhears two young lovers mocking her. Sensitive revelations of human behaviour, these stories reveal Mansfield\'s supreme talent as an innovator who freed the story from its conventions and gave it a new strength and prestige.
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Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems - William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge - e-kniha
eBook: Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson; Merry and Pippin; Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy...great duos often help to make great literature. So when two soon-to-be luminaries of the English Romantic movement came together to produce a book of their poems, the result was inevitable. \'Lyrical Ballads\' by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a slow burner for readers, but grew to be lauded as a landmark piece of work, taking English writing in a new direction.Wordsworth does most of the heavy lifting by contributing the majority of the poems, but Coleridge\'s efforts include the famous \'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner\'. The pair aimed to prick the bubble of what they felt was a snobbish approach to 18th century poetry. In \'Lyrical Ballads\', they use everyday language, add the voices of the poor and focus on the original state of nature. The result is an accessible, original collection that remains fresh to this day.-
Objev podobné jako Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems - William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge - e-kniha
The Old Nurse's Story and Other Tales - Elizabeth Gaskellová - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Old Nurse’s Story and Other Tales’ is a collection of eleven short stories from the much-loved Victorian author, Elizabeth Gaskell. The title story follows the strange and supernatural happenings which have affected four generations of the Furnivall family, who live in a spooky gothic mansion in the midst of a bleak and deserted moorland. A haunting and atmospheric collection of spooky short stories, which fans of Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ and Henry James’ ‘The Turn of the Screw’ will also enjoy.
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The Call of the Wild and Other Stories - Jack London
When the pampered Buck is kidnapped from his beloved home in the Santa Clara Valley and forced to work as a sled-dog in the frozen wilderness of the Yukon, he must forget the long, lazy days of sleeping in the sunshine, and face a life of constant toil and danger, where survival itself must be fought for. But with his primal instincts reawakened, how long can Buck resist the call of the wild?Set at the time of the Klondike gold rush, The Call of the Wild is one of the great evocations of the natural world, and perhaps the best example of London's famously urgent and vivid style. This edition includes also Moon-Face, Brown Wolf, That Spot, To Build a Fire and Batard. It also contains a section of extra material for young readers including a section about the Artic Gold Rush, a quiz and test yourself.
Objev podobné jako The Call of the Wild and Other Stories - Jack London
The Adventures of Mr. Harley and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha
eBook: \'Mr. Harley was one of many children. Destined by his father for the church and by his mother for the sea, desirous of pleasing both, he prevailed on Sir John to obtain for him a chaplaincy on board a Man of War. He accordingly cut his hair and sailed.\' A short but interesting flash fiction story dedicated to a midshipman on board the Perseverance. Written by a teenage Jane Austen, who loved to read her work to her family, these short stories are a perfect insight into the mind of young Austen.
Objev podobné jako The Adventures of Mr. Harley and Other Stories - Jane Austenová - e-kniha
The Happy Prince and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.`Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you, and next spring I will bring you back two beautiful jewels in place of those you have given away. The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea.'In `The Happy Prince' a statue - jewelled and opulent - keeps careful watch over the city and its inhabitants. Enlisting the help of a swallow, his selfless acts bring comfort to those most in need. `The Nightingale and the Rose' is a tragic tale of personal sacrifice in the name of love, while in `The Selfish Giant' the end of an eternal winter finally brings springtime and happiness.In this collection of enchanting tales from a master storyteller, Oscar Wilde has entranced readers both young and old since publication in the late nineteenth century.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
eBook: The chilling classic that inspired the new Netflix horror drama, \"The Fall of the House of Usher\". Venture, if you dare, into the House of Usher...The narrator visits his friend, Roderick Usher in his decaying mansion, only to witness the harrowing unravellings of Usher\'s mind and the dark family secrets lurking beneath the crumbling ancestral home. A classic tale of gothic horror that has haunted readers for generations. This collection includes \"The Raven\", \"The Tell-Tale Heart\", “The Cask of Amontillado”, \"The Masque of the Red Death\", \"The Purloined Letter\", \"The Pit and the Pendulum\", \"Berenice\", \"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether\", \"The Fall of the House of Usher\", and \"MS. found in a Bottle\". Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) was an American writer renowned for his macabre and horror-themed tales. His poetic and mysterious style explored themes of death, love, and madness, leaving a lasting impact on gothic literature. Poe\'s notable works include \'The Raven,\' \'The Tell-Tale Heart,\' and \'The Fall of the House of Usher.
Objev podobné jako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha
The Hermit and the Wild Woman - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha
eBook: \'The Hermit and the Wild Woman\' is a collection of short stories through which Wharton explores the themes of choice and morality. A surprising read, the stories feature a wide variety of central protagonists, including a lawyer\'s wife, a struggling artist, a governor, and a monk living in cloisters. Shot through with wry humour, cultural criticism, and psychological observations, this book is perfect for fans of Wharton, who want to get to know the author a little better.
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The Wild Life of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Mike Barfield
Take a colourful tour through the prehistoric animal kingdom with this hilarious collection of non-fiction comics from award-winning author Mike Barfield and illustrator Paula Bossio.From the earliest life forms living under the ocean, to the most fearsome dinosaurs, all the way through to early mammals like the woolly mammoth, this book tells the story of what life was really like on early Earth. Discover what these animals looked like, where they lived and how they survived (or didn’t) in the most extreme conditions.Split into chapters covering the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras, the book covers animals from all over the world, with each one telling its own life story. Also featured are ‘Dead Cool’ pages showing some of the stranger animals of each period, and ‘Living Legends’ pages looking at the true survivors who are still around today.This is a funny, accessible guide to the astonishing animals who once thrived in a world that looked very different to the world of today.Also available in the series:The Wild Life of Animals 9781780558196
Objev podobné jako The Wild Life of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Mike Barfield
The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Great Keinplatz Experiment’ is a collection of short stories by the prolific ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Due to Doyle’s fascination with the supernatural, several of the stories have a supernatural element. Stories in the collection include Egyptian archaeology thriller ‘Lot No. 249’ and the dark, atmospheric séance story in ‘Playing with Fire’. Full of humour as well as mystery, this is a fascinating collection of stories from Doyle.
Objev podobné jako The Great Keinplatz Experiment and Other Tales of Twilight and the Unseen - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - e-kniha
The Urge: 4 Erotic Series and Other Steamy Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha
eBook: ‘The Urge: 4 Erotic Series and Other Steamy Short Stories’ is a collection from LUST which includes the four series of erotic stories ‘Nova’, ‘The Train Journey’, ‘Handyman Wanted’ and ‘Spray’, plus other sexy stories to satisfy your urges. From taboo encounters on public transport to fantasies about a visit from a handyman, this collection has something for every mood. This collection includes: Nova 1: The Reunion Nova 2: Juice Nova 3: Salt and Pepper Nova 4: The Student Nova 5: The Celt The Train Journey 1: Venetian Nights The Train Journey 2: Cinque Terre The Train Journey 3: The Sweet Smell of Provence The Train Journey 4: Moon over Marseille The Train Journey 5: The Night Train to Berlin Handyman Wanted Part 1 Handyman Wanted Part 2 Spray, Part 1 Spray, Part 2 The Urge The Neck: The Water Spirit Sixty-Four Tour de chambre Silent Retreat The Lifeguard Alice's Awakening The Switch The Postwoman’s Sexy Secrets LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on.
Objev podobné jako The Urge: 4 Erotic Series and Other Steamy Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha
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