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The Sad Ghost Club 2 - Lize Meddings

A heart-warming series about friendship, compassion and finding your kindred spirits.When two strangers meet at a party and realise they both feel different from everyone else there, they start The Sad Ghost Club - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong.But when a third ghost wants to join the club, things get a bit more complicated. Can the two ghosts overcome their insecurities and uncertainties in their new friendship, and find a way to welcome new members to the club?Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 2 in a new graphic novel series, for fans of Heartstopper and Jennifer Niven, and for anyone who's ever felt invisible.

Podívejte se také The Canterville Ghost

cena 294.0 Kč

The Sad Ghost Club 3 - Lize Meddings

'We wanted to create a space where anyone who is feeling sad or alone could come and feel ... well, not so alone. Welcome ... to the Sad Ghost Club!'A heart-warming series about friendship, compassion and finding your kindred spirits.When one sad ghost, alone at a crowded party, spies another sad ghost across the room, what happens next changes everything. Because that night, they leave the party and start the The Sad Ghost Club - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong.Follow the Sad Ghost Club as they navigate the joys and complexities of opening up their community - and their hearts - to new members.Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 3 in the beloved graphic novel series perfect for fans of Heartstopper and for anyone who's ever felt invisible. Join the community of half a million ghosties on Instagram, @theofficialsadghostclub

Podívejte se také The Ghost Tree (1785659790)

cena 294.0 Kč

The Sad Ghost Club 1 - Lize Meddings

Ever felt anxious or alone? Like you don't belong anywhere? Like you're almost... invisible? Find your kindred spirits at The Sad Ghost Club.(You are not alone. Shhh. Pass it on.)This is the story of one of those days - a day so bad you can barely get out of bed, when it's a struggle to leave the house, and when you do, you wish you hadn't. But even the worst of days can surprise you. When one sad ghost, alone at a crowded party, spies another sad ghost across the room, they decide to leave together. What happens next changes everything.Because that night they start the The Sad Ghost Club - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong.Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 1 in a new graphic novel series, for fans of Heartstopper and Jennifer Niven, and for anyone who's ever felt invisible.

Podívejte se také The Grey Ghost (1405937076)

cena 294.0 Kč

The Sad Ghost Club Vol 4 - Lize Meddings

A heart-warming graphic novel series about friendship, compassion and finding your kindred spirits. When one sad ghost, alone at a crowded party, spies another sad ghost across the room, what happens next changes everything. Because that night, they leave the party and start the The Sad Ghost Club - a secret society for the anxious and alone, a club for people who think they don't belong.Follow the Sad Ghost Club as they navigate the joys and complexities of opening up their community - and their hearts - to new members. Welcome to Vol 4 - The Vacation Episode!In this volume, the Sad Ghost Club receives an anonymous note from a lonely ghost who is looking for connection. But the ghosts disagree on the best way to help them - especially when no one knows who they are! Can the club find a way to help this lonely ghost? Stunningly illustrated, this is Volume 4 in the beloved graphic novel series perfect for fans of Heartstopper and for anyone who's ever felt invisible.

Objev podobné jako The Sad Ghost Club Vol 4 - Lize Meddings

cena 384.0 Kč

The Thames and Tide Club: The Ghost Pirates - Katya Balen

When the mudlarking gang find a mysterious cutlass on the banks of the Thames, they immediately know that something fishy is afoot. When the cutlass vanishes, and Mrs Drummonds disappears too, it’s down to Clem and the gang to find them. The mystery leads them to a band of ghost pirates, who will stop at nothing to find their long-lost treasure. With the help from their friends in the Undercity, the gang must set sail on the seven seas, solve riddles and save the day! This is the third instalment in the critically acclaimed series from award-winning author Katya Balen.

Objev podobné jako The Thames and Tide Club: The Ghost Pirates - Katya Balen

cena 207.0 Kč

The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Headless Ghost - Marcus Rashford, Isaac Hamilton-McKenzie

The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Headless Ghost is the fifth book in an exciting mystery series by England International footballer, child food-poverty campaigner and bestselling author Marcus Rashford MBE. Inspired by Marcus's own experiences growing up! The perfect spooky read for Halloween. There’s only a week to go before the school play when things start going wrong in rehearsals.Sets crash over, lights go on and off and the fog machine has a mind of its own. There are rumours that a headless ghost has been haunting the dressing rooms and ruining rehearsals with its ear splitting screech. Marcus and his friends must work together to solve the mystery before opening night.The show must go on, so it’s a good thing the Breakfast Club Investigators never give up!Written with Isaac Hamilton-McKenzie and packed with tons of illustrations by Marta Kissi, The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Headless Ghost is the perfect book for children aged 8-11. Join the Breakfast Club Investigators on more adventures in The Phantom Thief and The Treasure Hunt Monster!

Objev podobné jako The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Headless Ghost - Marcus Rashford, Isaac Hamilton-McKenzie

cena 214.0 Kč

The Bullet That Missed : (The Thursday Murder Club 3) (Defekt) - Richard Osman

** PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW **A new mystery is afoot in the third book in the Thursday Murder Club series from million-copy bestselling author Richard Osman. Coming Autumn 2022! ----PRAISE FOR THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB SERIES:'This is the most perfect Sunday afternoon read' RED'Full of humour and heart . .. I loved it' HARLAN COBEN'Superbly entertaining' GUARDIAN'It's like reading ice cream... a pure pleasure' LINWOOD BARCLAY'Thrilling, moving, laugh-out-loud funny' MARK BILLINGHAM'A great read, I really enjoyed it' GRAHAM NORTON'One of the most enjoyable books of the year' DAILY EXPRESS

Objev podobné jako The Bullet That Missed : (The Thursday Murder Club 3) (Defekt) - Richard Osman

cena 179.0 Kč

Šestnáct sezón v lize (Defekt) - Marcel Fišer

Publikace shrnuje historii slavného chebského fotbalového klubu od jeho vzniku v roce 1952 až do hořkého konce v roce 1996. Soustředí se zejména na období 80. a první půle 90. let, kdy dlouhých šestnáct sezón přerušených pouze jedním sestupem působil v první československé a potom i české lize. Klubem prošla řada mimořádných osobností českého fotbalu, namátkou Karel Kolský, František Plass, Dušan Uhrin, Jaroslav Šilhavý, Jozef Chovanec, Miroslav Kadlec, Michal Bílek, Tomáš Skuhravý, Ivo Knoflíček, Radek Drulák, Pavel Kuka a mnozí další.

Objev podobné jako Šestnáct sezón v lize (Defekt) - Marcel Fišer

cena 279.0 Kč

Tíha (Defekt) - Liz Moore

Bývalý vysokoškolský profesor Arthur váží 250 kg a už deset let nevyšel z domu. Sedmnáctiletý Kel Keller se musí potýkat se svým životem chudého kluka, jenž veškeré naděje vkládá do kariéry profesionálního hráče baseballu. Pojítkem těchto dvou zdánlivě nesouvisejících osudů je Kelova matka a Arthurova bývalá studentka Charlene. Tíha je příběh o lásce a rodině, kterou občas nacházíme na těch nejméně pravděpodobných místech.

Objev podobné jako Tíha (Defekt) - Liz Moore

cena 79.0 Kč

The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted are running out of time. With Infinity Group closing in on the vigilante teenagers, it's up to Dru and Kal to infiltrate the headquarters of the sinister corporation and try to uncover their plans.Rebel groups of Unlisted are emerging across the globe, ready to rise up. But Infinity Group is always one step ahead, with they have an army of teens completely under their influence. Now TheUnlisted are in more danger than ever.

Objev podobné jako The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

cena 49.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell 2 (978-80-7449-496-3)

Kniha - 306 stran, česky Komiks se odehrává pět let po událostech původní mangy. Major je momentálně známá jako Motoko Aramaki a dělá bezpečnostního důstojníka v obřím mezinárodním konglomerátu. Dokáže digitálně převádět své schopnosti a vědomí do těl kyborgů, které má rozmístěné po celém světě – což se hodí, když bojuje s průmyslovými špiony, zabijáky a hackery. Ovšem v hlubinách moderní technologie se začíná rodit umělá inteligence – a když se práce experta na tuhle oblast, doktora Rahampola, dostane do nepovolaných rukou, může to ohrozit jak celý svět, tak i samotnou Motoko.

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell 2 (978-80-7449-496-3)

cena 369.0 Kč

PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott

Original / British EnglishClaire is staying with her aunt Min. There is an old castle with a black tower in the village. It has a dangerous secret – accidents happen there, animals and people die. One day, Claire goes to the castle. She wants to know its secret.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Ghost of Genny Castle - John Escott

cena 210.0 Kč

Exchange: After The Firm (The Firm Series Book 2) (Defekt) - John Grisham

What became of Mitch and Abby McDeere after they exposed the crimes of Memphis law firm Bendini, Lambert and Locke and fled the country?The answer is in THE EXCHANGE, the riveting sequel to THE FIRM, the blockbuster thriller that launched the career of the world's bestselling author.It is now fifteen years later, and Mitch and Abby are living in Manhattan, where Mitch is a partner at the largest law firm in the world. When a mentor in Rome asks him for a favour that will take him far from home, Mitch finds himself at the centre of a sinister plot that has worldwide implications - and once again endangers his colleagues, friends and family.

Objev podobné jako Exchange: After The Firm (The Firm Series Book 2) (Defekt) - John Grisham

cena 149.0 Kč

Cizinec z Cornwallu (Defekt) - Liz Fenwick

Román plný romantiky a intrik, odehrávající se na nádherném pobřeží Cornwallu. Když je její samotářská babička již neschopná se o sebe starat sama, Gabriella se odstěhuje do daleké chaty ve Frenchmanově zátoce, která byla babiččiným domovem po celá léta. Babička Jaunty je sice uznávaná umělkyně, ale stále jí tíží vzpomínky na minulost – na válku a zejména na potopení lodi Lancasterie. Vše se zdá být v pořádku, dokud se neobjeví uprostřed bouře cizinec, který hledá pomoc. Fin je okouzlen prostředím a postupem času je vtažen do života Gabe a Jaunty a objevuje s nimi jejich příběh plný zrady a otázek týkajících se identity.

Objev podobné jako Cizinec z Cornwallu (Defekt) - Liz Fenwick

cena 119.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell 3D+2D (2 disky) - Blu-ray (P01062)

Film na Blu-ray - Major (Scarlett Johansson) je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Je dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. Ale ne vše je tak, jak by mělo být a minulost se nedá jen tak vymazat... Major (Scarlett Johansson) je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Příběh se odehrává v blízké budoucnosti, kdy je svět závislý na moderních technologiích ještě víc než dnes a každé narušení technologického řádu může mít nedozírné následky. Koneckonců i hrdinka filmu je hi-tech produktem, dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. S lidským mozkem a vyspělou robotickou schránkou se Major snaží dopadnout zločince, jehož cílem je zničení společnosti Hanka Robotics, lídra ve vývoji umělé inteligence. Major se však nepotýká pouze se zlem, ale také s vlastními pochybnostmi, když ji začíná zrazovat jediná nedokonalá část jejího jinak...

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell 3D+2D (2 disky) - Blu-ray (P01062)

cena 359.0 Kč

Bloodmoon Huntress : The Dragon Prince Graphic 2 (Defekt) - Nicole Andelfinger

Don't miss this original canon story set in the world of the Emmy Award-winning Netflix animated series The Dragon Prince, with story by the creators of the series and of the New York Times bestselling Through the Moon (The Dragon Prince Graphic Novel #1).Every Moonshadow elf child knows the scary stories of the Bloodmoon Huntress, the evil sorceress who steals your blood on the night of the Harvest Moon. Everyone also knows those legends aren't true.But for young Rayla, whose parents recently left her behind to fulfill their duty as members of the elite Dragonguard, this autumn is scarier than most. Her guardians, Runaan and Ethari, are still getting the hang of the whole parenting thing, and no one will tell Rayla what Runaan does for a living. She spends most of her time exploring the forest outside the Silvergrove. When Rayla discovers a young Skywing elf in danger just hours before the Harvest Moon will rise, the scary stories become real.Can she stop the Huntress before the moon reaches its zenith? Fans won't want to miss this exclusive, original graphic novel from Peter Wartman and Felia Hanakata, with story by The Dragon Prince creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond!

Objev podobné jako Bloodmoon Huntress : The Dragon Prince Graphic 2 (Defekt) - Nicole Andelfinger

cena 89.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (P01063)

Film na Blu-ray - Major je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Je dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. Ale ne vše je tak, jak by mělo být a minulost se nedá jen tak vymazat... Major (Scarlett Johansson) je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Příběh se odehrává v blízké budoucnosti, kdy je svět závislý na moderních technologiích ještě víc než dnes a každé narušení technologického řádu může mít nedozírné následky. Koneckonců i hrdinka filmu je hi-tech produktem, dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. S lidským mozkem a vyspělou robotickou schránkou se Major snaží dopadnout zločince, jehož cílem je zničení společnosti Hanka Robotics, lídra ve vývoji umělé inteligence. Major se však nepotýká pouze se zlem, ale také s vlastními pochybnostmi, když ji začíná zrazovat jediná nedokonalá část jejího jinak dokonalého těla - mozek....

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (P01063)

cena 719.0 Kč

The Canterville Ghost

Audiokniha MP3 Oscar Wilde, čte Rodilý mluvčí Obtížnost poslechu odpovídá jazykové úrovni B1 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce, tj. pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny.The Otis family move into a haunted house, Canterville Chase. The resident ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife there in 1575 and his guilt causes him to haunt the house. Sir Simon haunts with different coloured bloodstains, which appear on the floor everyday. It is all to no avail as nothing frightens the Otis family. Virginia Otis feels sorry for Sir Simon and when he tells her that his wife's death was an accident and how he is very unhappy and lonely, she is reduced to tears....

Objev podobné jako The Canterville Ghost

cena 99.0 Kč

The Grey Ghost (1405937076)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Grey Ghost (1405937076)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Ghost Tree (1785659790)

Kniha - autor Christina Henry, 508 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A brand-new chilling horror novel from the bestselling author of Alice and Lost Boy. When the bodies of two girls are found torn apart in her hometown, Lauren is surprised, but she also expects that the police won't find the killer. After all, the year before her father's body was found with his heart missing, and since then everyone has moved on. Even her best friend, Miranda, has become more interested in boys than in spending time at the old ghost tree, the way they used to when they were kids. So when Lauren has a vision of a monster dragging the remains of the girls through the woods, she knows she can't just do nothing. Not like the rest of her town. But as she draws closer to answers, she realizes that the foundation of her seemingly normal town might be rotten at the centre. And that if nobody else stands for the missing, she will.

Objev podobné jako The Ghost Tree (1785659790)

cena 289.0 Kč

The Police - Ghost In The Machine (LP)

Interpret / Téma: The Police Subžánr: Pop Rock;New Wave;Rock Pop;Pop;Rock Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Ghost In The Machine (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Pop;Rock Vydavatelství: Universal Music Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Police - Ghost In The Machine (LP)

cena 927.2 Kč

Tom Gates 10: Super Good Skills (Almost...) (Defekt) - Liz Pichon

Book 10 in the BRILLIANT Tom Gates series has arrived! Look out! Tom, Delia and the whole Gates family are going on holiday. How will Tom manage to keep himself busy on the most boring campsite ever? By doodling, of course! An exciting new story - with doodle your own elements!

Objev podobné jako Tom Gates 10: Super Good Skills (Almost...) (Defekt) - Liz Pichon

cena 59.0 Kč

What Once Was Mine : A Twisted Tale (Defekt) - Liz Braswell

The 12th installment in the New York Times best-selling series asks: What if Rapunzel's mother drank a potion from the wrong flower?Desperate to save the life of their queen and her unborn child, the good citizens of the kingdom comb the land for the all-healing Sundrop flower to cure her . . . but someone mistakenly picks the blossom of the Moondrop instead. This shimmering flower heals the queen and she delivers a healthy baby girl--with hair as silver and gray as the moon. But with her mysterious hair comes dangerous magical powers: the power to hurt, not heal. For the safety of the kingdom, Rapunzel is locked away in a tower and put under the care of the powerful goodwife, Mother Gothel.For eighteen years Rapunzel stays imprisoned in her tower, knowing she must protect everyone from her magical hair. When she finally decides to leave the only home she's ever known--to see the floating lights that appear on her birthday--she gets caught up in an unexpected adventure with two thieves: a would-be outlaw named Gina, and Flynn Rider, a rogue on the run. Before she can reach her happy ending, Rapunzel learns that there is far more to her story, and her magical hair, and her future than she ever knew.

Objev podobné jako What Once Was Mine : A Twisted Tale (Defekt) - Liz Braswell

cena 219.0 Kč

The Twelve - Liz Hyder

FROM THE AWARD-WINNING AUTHOR OF BEARMOUTH, COMES THIS HAUNTINGLY MAGICAL NEW NOVEL, HAILED BY READERS AS A MODERN CLASSIC______ 'Hauntingly beautiful' Hannah Gold, author of The Last Bear 'The Twelve reads like a modern classic, with echoes of Alan Garner, Marcus Sedgwick, and C.S. Lewis.' Essie Fox 'Dark, dreamy, surreal and beautiful.' Katya Balen, author of October, October______It's supposed to be a treat for Kit, a winter holiday by the coast with her sister Libby and their mum. But when Libby vanishes into thin air, and no one else remembers her, Kit is faced with a new reality - one in which her sister never existed. Then she meets Story, a local boy who remembers Libby perfectly. Together they embark on a journey beyond their wildest imagination into a world steeped in ancient folklore. Can Kit and Story uncover the secret of the Twelve and rescue Libby before Time runs out?

Objev podobné jako The Twelve - Liz Hyder

cena 443.0 Kč

The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

A warm and funny story for younger readers, about two foxes, a ghost and one of the biggest archaeological discoveries in living memory…‘A heartwarming tale for animal lovers and football fans alike’ GuardianIn a cosy den under a garden shed lives a family of foxes. They love to watch football, all foxes do. One day, they are surprised by a ghostly voice coming from deep underground. The stranger promises to grant the foxes their dearest wish if they only set him free.With their favourite football team on a losing streak, the foxes know exactly what to wish for. But can they trust the mysterious stranger?

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

The Police - Ghost In The Machine (180g) (LP)

Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: Pop;Rock Datum vydání: 2018-11-06 Subžánr: Pop Rock;Pop;Rock Pop;New Wave;Rock Varianta: Ghost In The Machine (180g) (Vinyl LP) Vydavatelství: A&M Records Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Interpret / Téma: The Police Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2018.0 Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako The Police - Ghost In The Machine (180g) (LP)

cena 1217.6 Kč

The God of the Woods - Liz Moore

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF JIMMY FALLON''S SUMMER READS BOOK CLUBSELECTED FOR BARACK OBAMA''S SUMMER 2024 READING LIST''I was totally gripped'' DOUGLAS STUART''Immersive and enthralling'' PAULA HAWKINS___________''If you venture into those woods you’re still sure of a big surprise’ The TimesSome said it was tragic, what happened to the Van Laars.Some said the family deserved it. That they never even thanked the searchers who stayed out for five nights in the freezing forest trying to help find their missing son.Some said there was a reason it took the family so long to call for help. That they knew what happened to the boy.Now, fifteen years later, the Van Laars'' teenage daughter has gone missing in the same wilderness as her brother. Some say the two disappearances aren’t connected.Some say they are.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-‘Brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced … I can''t remember the last time I felt so entangled in a novelist''s coils’ Clare Chambers, author of Small Pleasures''A beguiling novel with a relentless grip. You won''t be able to put it down'' Claire Fuller, author of Unsettled Ground''At once an immersive family saga and utterly propulsive mystery. Beautifully written'' Emilia Hart, author of Weyward‘A masterful literary thriller’ Lucy Clarke, author of The Hike‘Riveting from page one to the last breathless word … This book flew by at lightning speed, but will stick with me for a very long time’ Rebecca Makkai, author of I Have Some Questions For You‘Dickensian in scope … Very entertaining’ Vogue, Best Picks for Summer 2024The God of the Woods debuted at #3 on the New York Times bestseller list on 21 July 2024.

Objev podobné jako The God of the Woods - Liz Moore

cena 502.0 Kč

The Ghost Woods - C.J. Cooke

‘Haunting’ Sara Sheridan‘Intriguing, atmospheric, thought-provoking’ Alexandra Bell‘Beautifully crafted, thrilling and atmospheric’ Rebecca NetleyIn the midst of the woods stands a house called Lichen Hall.This place is shrouded in folklore – old stories of ghosts, of witches, of a child who is not quite a child.Now the woods are creeping closer, and something has been unleashed.Pearl Gorham arrives in 1965, one of a string of young women sent to Lichen Hall to give birth. And she soon suspects the proprietors are hiding something.Then she meets the mysterious mother and young boy who live in the grounds – and together they begin to unpick the secrets of this place.As the truth comes to the surface and the darkness moves in, Pearl must rethink everything she knew – and risk what she holds most dear.Praise for The Ghost Woods . . .‘Cooke has mixed the darkness of reality with a magical realism that will have you gripped’Woman & Home‘This chilling gothic tale is the perfect choice for a book club . . . atmospheric’ Prima‘Original and compelling, The Ghost Woods is a beautifully written, chilling tale that will stay with the reader long after the book is finished’ Elizabeth Lee‘[C.J. Cooke is] a master of the feminist gothic!’ Katherine May’The Ghost Woods rattles along, with a twisty plot that defies expectations right from the start . . . highly enjoyable’ Sally Hinchcliffe‘An eerie gothic thriller’ Samantha Downing‘Deliciously unsettling, strangely believable’ Carly Reagon‘With a great plot, this suspenseful and compelling story touches on the difficult history of women in mid-20th-century Scotland’Candis

Objev podobné jako The Ghost Woods - C.J. Cooke

cena 295.0 Kč

The Ghost Orchid - Jonathan Kellerman

''A novel full of surprises'' Sunday Times''A cracker'' Peterborough Telegraph___________________________Some secrets are worth killing for.In an upscale Bel Air property, two lovers are found dead in a swimming pool. The man is the playboy heir to a business empire, and the woman is his even wealthier married neighbour.An illicit affair is the perfect motive. But the house is untouched - no forced entry, no forensic evidence - and so LAPD homicide lieutenant Milo Sturgis and asks psychologist Alex Delaware to help unpick the case.It quickly becomes clear that both victims had troubled pasts. Now Alex and Milo must confront LA''s darkest side as they unravel a trail of deadly secrets . . .____________________________Praise for Jonathan Kellerman''s New York Times No.1 bestselling thrillers: ''Sophisticated, cleverly plotted and satisfying'' Sunday Telegraph ''High-octane entertainment'' The Times''Exceptionally exciting'' New York Times''Jonathan Kellerman has delivered the goods again, adding another instalment to a series that shows no sign of running out of steam'' Shots Magazine

Objev podobné jako The Ghost Orchid - Jonathan Kellerman

cena 650.0 Kč

The Ghost Theatre - Mat Osman

BOOK OF THE YEAR - EVENING STANDARD, THE OBSERVER and THE TIMES'Beautifully written and completely convincing' Observer'An excellent novel - riotous and abundant, full of vivid, dirty life' Guardian'Osman brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life' Sandra Newman, author of JuliaOn a rooftop in Elizabethan London two worlds collide. Shay is a messenger-girl and trainer of hawks who sees the future in the patterns of birds. Nonesuch is the dark star of the city's fabled child theatre scene, as famous as royalty yet lowly as a beggar.Together they create The Ghost Theatre: a troupe staging magical plays in London's hidden corners. As their hallucinatory performances incite rebellion among the city's outcasts, the pair's relationship sparks and burns against a backdrop of the plague and a London in flames. Their growing fame sweeps them up into the black web of the Elizabethan court, where Shay and Nonesuch discover that if they fly too high, a fall is sure to come...Fantastical and captivating, The Ghost Theatre charts the rise and dramatic destruction of a dream born from love and torn apart by betrayal.'Wildly inventive and full of fantastical elements jostling alongside gritty realism' The Times'Rich and evocative with shades of Angela Carter' Ever Dundas'A story of rebellion and magic, of mysticism and broken love in the streets and theatres and rooftops of Elizabethan London. Beautifully written, delicate and sad. I'm still haunted by it' Mariana Enriquez'Brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life with its child theatres, rioting apprentices and anarchic world, its jumble of squalor and glamour... larger-than-life heroes raise child rebellions; pursue exalted, treacherous love affairs... Glorious!' Sandra Newman'Hauntingly beautiful ... Thrilling and thought-provoking' Independent

Objev podobné jako The Ghost Theatre - Mat Osman

cena 268.0 Kč

The Ghost Lake - Wendy Pratt

''Remarkable'' OBSERVER‘Astounding’ ADAM FARRER''Brave and luminous'' SARAH LANGFORDThe Ghost Lake is a deeply personal, lyrical and stirring meditation on local history and changing landscapes that intertwines nature writing with an exploration of grief, belonging and the lives and legacies of rural working‐class people.I am setting out on a pilgrimage through an ancient landscape.I will begin at my daughter’s grave. Paleolake Flixton is an extinct lake in North Yorkshire. Human occupation of the site dates back thousands of years to prehistoric times. Over the millennia, the vast lake disappeared, turning to wetland and peaty fields. Today all that is left of it is a watermark.Wendy Pratt brings the reader on a pilgrimage around the ghost lake, to locations that have acted as journey markers in her own life. While traversing forests and fenland, she reflects on the process of finding belonging in nature as a woman who exists in a series of liminal spaces – as a working-class writer, an infertile woman in a fertile world and a bereaved mother in a society focused on children.An early draft of The Ghost Lake was longlisted for the 2021 Nan Shepherd Prize.‘In this lyric memoir, award-winning poet Pratt explores the landscape of the Yorkshire Moors, and the ancient lost lake of Flixton, weaving together nature writing with an exploration of grief, belonging and the lives of rural working-class people. THE BOOKSELLER‘There are some autobiographical writers who speak of utilising nature’s healing properties to overcome life challenges without fully acknowledging the role of luck in their trajectories. Not infrequently these writers become cultural spokespeople for or representatives of a demographic that they are actually no longer a part of, leaving those who are still grappling with their plights feeling as though it’s a personal failing that they can’t make their way out the same mires. This is a very different sort of book, a steadfastly honest one that views nature as a refuge rather than a cure. Many should find solace here. And others will simply gain pleasure from the descriptions of the archaeological finds unearthed from Yorkshire’s rich black peaty soils’GEOGRAPHICAL

Objev podobné jako The Ghost Lake - Wendy Pratt

cena 502.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell (DVD)

DVD film Ghost in the Shell [2017]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Scarlett Johansson. Vizuálně podmanivý snímek.

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell (DVD)

cena 99.0 Kč

Sade The Best of Sade (2 LP)

Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;LP deska;Nové vydání;Kompilace;Otevírací obal;Audiofilní kvalita;The Greatest Hits Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Spojené království Subžánr: Jazz;Smooth Jazz;Pop;Soul Země původu: Německo;Evropská unie Varianta: The Best of Sade (2 LP) Žánr: Jazz;Soul;Pop Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks Rok vydání: 2016.0 Datum vydání: 2016-03-11 Interpret / Téma: Sade Rok nahrávky: 1994.0 Vydavatelství: Sony Music Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Sade The Best of Sade (2 LP)

cena 753.0 Kč

Sada na opravu defektu pneumatiky CAR TIRE REPAIR SET 2 SIXTOL

Sada na opravu defektu pneumatiky CAR TIRE REPAIR SET 2 Užitečná sada na opravu defektu pneumatiky CAR TIRE REPAIR SET 2 je nezbytným pomocníkem každého řidiče. Umožní vám snadno, rychle a dočasně vyřešit nečekaný defekt bez nutnosti navštívit servis bez ohledu na to, zda jste na dlouhé cestě, v práci nebo doma. Návod k použití: Najděte místo, kde je pneumatika propíchnutá, případně odstraňte předmět, který způsobil defekt. Do otvoru zasuňte průtažník a následně ho protahujte směrem nahoru a dolu - do doby než bude snadno procházet otvorem - tímto je otvor vyčištěn a připraven. Knot zbavený ochranné fólie provlékněte otvorem vidlice a naneste na něj vulkanizační roztok. Zastrčte vidlici s nasazeným knotem do otvoru tak, aby jeho polovina zůstala z vnější strany pneu, poté otočte vidlicí a pomalu ji vytáhněte. Odřízněte zbytek knotu co nejblíže k pneumatice. Hlavní výhody: Jednoduché použití Dobře skladné Použití: Oprava defektu pneumatiky Obsah balení: 1x průtažník 1x vidlice 5x gumový knot 1x vulkanizační roztok Technické parametry: Rozměry sady: 28 x 16,5 x 2,5 cm Hmotnost: 193 g Materiál: guma, kov

Objev podobné jako Sada na opravu defektu pneumatiky CAR TIRE REPAIR SET 2 SIXTOL

cena 69.0 Kč

The Secret Shore - Liz Fenwick

The next gloriously uplifting, escapist, historical read from ‘the queen of the contemporary Cornish novel’ (Guardian)As one of the Navy''s most skilled mapmakers, Merry knows that lives depend on her work in the War Office. But when a family crisis draws her back to her beloved Cornwall, she finds herself working alongside Jake, an enigmatic American officer, on secret operations spanning the rugged coasts of Cornwall and Brittany which she knows so well.As rumours and suspicion swirl around her family, Merry is increasingly drawn to Jake, despite the defences she''s built around her heart. It''s a dangerous time to fall in love; the tides of war are rising and there is everything to lose…The award-winning author Liz Fenwick returns with a glorious, sweeping novel full of intrigue and passion.Praise for The Secret Shore:''Arguably Liz Fenwick’s best book to date. Merry is a wonderful narrator… fascinating and complex… It’s beautifully researched and the life and landscape of the secret part of Cornwall around the Helford river gloriously evoked. What a pleasure to read!’ Rachel Hore‘The Secret Shore is such a wonderful, evocative novel, brimful of atmosphere and tension, with an unforgettable heroine… With her meticulous research and brilliant storytelling, Liz Fenwick has once again swept me away. What a treat!’ Jenny Ashcroft‘Feel-good and beautifully written’ Woman''A beautifully researched, romantic read full of mystery and atmosphere, I loved it'' Deborah Carr‘Liz Fenwick weaves intrigue and romance into this profound, luminous novel’ Woman’s Own‘Liz Fenwick has created a stirring tale of intrigue, passion and espionage, set in a corner of Cornwall she knows intimately, against the backdrop of WWII. The compelling and unusual love story at its heart… will sweep you away on dangerous tides’ Jane Johnson‘A gorgeous, sweeping novel, impeccably researched and threaded with mystery and romance’ Amanda Geard''A gripping, action-packed, love-filled odyssey… A must read this summer'' The Star

Objev podobné jako The Secret Shore - Liz Fenwick

cena 295.0 Kč

The Hidden Sea - Liz Flanagan

The third book in The Wildsmith series. Rowan has been working as a wildsmith, rescuing magical animals. But when she finds herself alone and far from home, this time Rowan is the one who needs to be rescued! She travels deep into enemy territory and makes some surprising discoveries, coming face to face with great danger. With the help of new friends – and old ones – will she ever make it home again?Illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanton.

Objev podobné jako The Hidden Sea - Liz Flanagan

cena 236.0 Kč

The Blood Promise - Liz Mistry

''Page-turning and chilling'' The Sun''The story was full of twists and was intense and immersive. A fantastic start to an intriguing new series’ Angela MarsonsA deadly giftImogen Clark wakes up on her 16th birthday to find her parents dead at the breakfast table, along with a message from their killer.A twist of fateDetectives Jazzy Solanki and Annie McQueen join the investigation, but the more they discover, the more Jazzy suspects that the killing is a twisted message for her. Jazzy shares the same birthday as Imogen, and believes that this is more than a coincidence.A race to catch a killerWhen Jazzy discovers the connection between the killer and the stalker who has been following her for years, she is forced to confront the dark past she was desperate to keep hidden. She must stop at nothing to solve the case, before she becomes the next victim…Don''t miss the first book in the Solanki and McQueen Crime Series, perfect for fans of Stuart MacBride, Val McDermid and Marion Todd.''Dark, disturbing and compelling'' Neil Lancaster''Gritty and gutsy, with assured writing and a stellar plot. I loved it’ Ruth Dugdall''A superbly-crafted story with writing so vivid the atmosphere floats from the pages. A compelling launch in a terrific new series'' Rick MofinaReaders LOVE The Blood Promise!''This book was insane! It was twisted, it was gripping but it was so darn good!'' NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Captivating, compelling, and brilliant'' NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''An impressive start to a new series and I look forward with great anticipation to the next book'' NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Stunning, clever, brilliant and all the other superlatives'' NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Blood Promise - Liz Mistry

cena 295.0 Kč

The Right Move - Liz Tomforde

RYAN She's a distraction, that's what she is. I'm the newest Captain of the Devils, Chicago's NBA team, and the last thing I needed this year was for Indy Ivers, my sister's best friend, to move into my apartment. She's messy, emotional, and way too tempting. But when the team's General Manager vocalizes his blatant disapproval of my promotion to Captain, referring to me as an unapproachable lone wolf with no work-life balance, I can't think of a better way to convince him otherwise than pretending to date my outgoing roommate. The only problem? Faking it feels far too natural. Having a fake girlfriend wasn't supposed to be messy but having Indy under my roof and in my bed is complicated, especially when she wants all the romantic parts of life that I could never give her. INDY I never imagined I'd be living with my best friend's brother, NBA superstar Ryan Shay. Even more unbelievable? He needs me to act as his loving girlfriend who's suddenly changed him into a friendly and approachable guy. Because, well . . . he's not. He's controlling of his space and untrusting of others. Our arrangement isn't one-sided, though. I'm in a wedding coming up, one where every one of my childhood friends, including my ex-boyfriend, will be in attendance, and there's no better date than my ex's celebrity hero. Blurred lines make it almost impossible to separate real from fake. Falling for my roommate was never part of the deal, especially when Ryan is quick to remind me that he doesn't believe in love. I'm a romantic and can't help fantasizing that he'll change, but soon enough, I find myself questioning if sharing a roof with my best friend's brother was the right move after all . . .

Objev podobné jako The Right Move - Liz Tomforde

cena 268.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell - Širó Masamune

Píše se jednadvacáté století a hranice mezi člověkem a strojem je čím dál nejasnější. Lidé mají mechanické implantáty a stroje jsou vylepšovány pomocí lidské tkáně. Agentka Motoko Kusanagi je členem speciální jednotky, která pronásleduje nebezpečné teroristy a kyberzločince. Především vražedné hackery, kteří se dokáží nabourat i do lidského mozku. A za tím vším stojí možná ještě něco víc... Crew tento rok splatí jeden ze zásadních komiksových dluhů! Vydá kultovní mangu, která inspirovala několik proslulých filmů, počítačových her a úžasný animovaný seriál. Ghosti in the Shell je dílo, které položilo základy pro moderní mangu. Kreslíř a scenárista Masamune Širó je tak ikonickou postavou, že při nákupu práv se muselo podepsat, že i v českém komiksu zůstanou jím napsané zvukové efekty a poznámky – a budou se překládat zvlášť. Tohle zkrátka není jen akční sci-fi. Širó do mangy vložil vlastní filozofii, teze o sociálních problémech i následcích technologického vývoje. I proto se k Ghost in the Shell stále vrací jak čtenáři, tak tvůrci, kteří hledají inspiraci.

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell - Širó Masamune

cena 491.0 Kč

Ghost in the Shell - DVD (P01050)

Film na DVD - Major (Scarlett Johansson) je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Je dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. Ale ne vše je tak, jak by mělo být a minulost se nedá jen tak vymazat... Major (Scarlett Johansson) je velitelkou Sekce 9, speciální policejní jednotky, která bojuje proti těm nejhorším kyberzločinům. Příběh se odehrává v blízké budoucnosti, kdy je svět závislý na moderních technologiích ještě víc než dnes a každé narušení technologického řádu může mít nedozírné následky. Koneckonců i hrdinka filmu je hi-tech produktem, dokonale vyváženou kombinací robota a člověka. S lidským mozkem a vyspělou robotickou schránkou se Major snaží dopadnout zločince, jehož cílem je zničení společnosti Hanka Robotics, lídra ve vývoji umělé inteligence. Major se však nepotýká pouze se zlem, ale také s vlastními pochybnostmi, když ji začíná zrazovat jediná nedokonalá část jejího jinak...

Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell - DVD (P01050)

cena 89.0 Kč

The Ghost of Gosswater - Lucy Strange

The Earl of Gosswater has died, and Agatha has been cast out ofher ancestral home by her cruel cousin, Clarence. In a tiny tumbledowncottage, she struggles to adjust to her new life. And onthe shores of Gosswater Lake, the spirit of another young girl willnot rest ...

Objev podobné jako The Ghost of Gosswater - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha

Audiokniha: The Otis family move into a haunted house, Canterville Chase. The resident ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife there in 1575 and his guilt causes him to haunt the house. Sir Simon haunts with different coloured bloodstains, which appear on the floor everyday. It is all to no avail as nothing frightens the Otis family. Virginia Otis feels sorry for Sir Simon and when he tells her that his wife's death was an accident and how he is very unhappy and lonely, she is reduced to tears...

Objev podobné jako The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha

cena 99.0 Kč

Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No. 12 Superglas 2-pack

Sada sklenic z kolekce Koziol. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No. 12 Superglas 2-pack

cena 449.0 Kč

Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No.15 Superglas 2-pack

Sada sklenic z kolekce Koziol. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No.15 Superglas 2-pack

cena 509.0 Kč

Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No.16 Superglas 2-pack

Sada sklenic z kolekce Koziol. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Sada sklenic na víno Koziol Club No.16 Superglas 2-pack

cena 399.0 Kč

Sada skleniček Koziol Club No. 22 Superglas 250 ml 2-pack

Sada skleniček z kolekce Koziol. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Sada skleniček Koziol Club No. 22 Superglas 250 ml 2-pack

cena 449.0 Kč

Téměř ctihodná liga pirátů 3 - Pirátská čest (Defekt) - Caroline Carlsonová, Dave Phillips

Neodolatelně zábavný závěr trilogie o statečné pirátce a mluvícím chrličiKdyž kapitán Černozub spojenectvím se Vzbouřenci ukáže svoji prolhanou tvář, složí Hilary zbraně a doufá, že Téměř ctihodná liga pirátů jednou získá nového ctihodného (nebo alespoň téměř ctihodného) prezidenta.Její oddaná posádka je přesvědčená, že by se na tuto pozici skvěle hodila právě ona. A tak Hilary s pomocí přátel — upovídaného chrliče nevyjímaje — vyzve Černozuba k bitvě na Širých mořích. Pokud vyhraje, stane se novou prezidentkou Ligy. Ale co když prohraje?V sázce je ovšem mnohem víc! Kapitán Černozub a jeho hanební kamarádíčkové totiž opět usilují o převrat a království Augusta i všechna jeho magie se tak ocitá v ohrožení. Hilary Westfieldová tasí meč a neohroženě se vydává do rozhodující bitvy. Pro čtenáře od deseti let"

Objev podobné jako Téměř ctihodná liga pirátů 3 - Pirátská čest (Defekt) - Caroline Carlsonová, Dave Phillips

cena 99.0 Kč

The Good Menopause Guide - Earle Liz

'Filled with a wealth of invaluable information...after reading this you will feel empowered and ready to take on the world' - Lorraine Kelly OBEThe ultimate guide to looking and feeling your radiant best throughout the perimenopause, menopause and beyond'I have always found it curious that we talk openly about pregnancy and birth but when it comes to an equally important phase in our lives - the menopause - there is an audible silence... I want all of you who read this book to know you have the tools to feel and look your radiant best. And more than that, I want my daughters - and yours - to embrace the menopause as simply another phase in our lives which is natural and liberating.'Liz Earle, MBE, is one of the world's most respected and trusted authorities on wellbeing. Following on from her bestselling books Skin and The Good Gut Guide, this beautifully illustrated guide shares all of the information, tips and advice you need for a healthy menopause. She provides guidance on how to balance your hormones, the importance of a nourishing diet, the myths and facts about HRT, osteoporosis, how to optimise bone health, and how to boost energy and self-esteem.An expert on beauty, Liz Earle also provides advice on how to take special care of skin, hair and nails, and how to combat ageing with supplements. She also shares 60 nutritious recipes - including many suitable for vegetarians - to help you feel and look your best.'Liz Earle's practical, honest and uplifting book will help women become stronger as we navigate the Menopause. It's time to celebrate a new chapter in our lives' - Kirsty Wark

Objev podobné jako The Good Menopause Guide - Earle Liz

cena 626.0 Kč

The Night In Question - Lawson Liz

It's not that Alice wants someone to die. It's just that things were a lot more interesting when she and Iris were investigating a murder. Two months after Alice and Iris solved the murder of Brooke Donovan, Steve Anderson has become a semi-celebrity; Iris Adams and Cole Fielding are almost dating; and Alice Ogilvie is bored out of her brain.Reluctantly attending the school dance at Levy Castle, Alice sneaks away from the party to do some snooping while Iris gets close to Cole. But when she pushes open the door to what was once Charles Levy's study, she quite literally falls onto her next case...

Objev podobné jako The Night In Question - Lawson Liz

cena 241.0 Kč

Into the Dark Forest - Liz Flanagan

When war threatens her beloved city, Rowan and her mother must flee to the Dark Forest, meeting Grandpa and his white wolf Arto for the first time. Though she misses her father, Rowan makes new friends - including a trio of powerful witches. When she rescues a baby dragon from poachers, she discovers the secret of her own identity. Could Rowan really be a wildsmith?Fostering a whole clutch of dragons, the summer speeds by. But when danger threatens, Rowan and Grandpa must call on all their friends for help.

Objev podobné jako Into the Dark Forest - Liz Flanagan

cena 236.0 Kč

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