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The Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: The Otis family move into a haunted house, Canterville Chase. The resident ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife there in 1575 and his guilt causes him to haunt the house. Sir Simon haunts with different coloured bloodstains, which appear on the floor everyday. It is all to no avail as nothing frightens the Otis family. Virginia Otis feels sorry for Sir Simon and when he tells her that his wife's death was an accident and how he is very unhappy and lonely, she is reduced to tears...
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Canterville Ghost - Oscar Wilde
When Mr Hiram B. Otis decides to buy Canterville Chase, everyone tells him that he is crazy because the house is haunted by a ghost. And when the American family comes to live there, strange things begin to happen: a bloodstain that changes colour, mysterious noises in the night, a journey to the Garden of Death… Dossiers:Oscar Wilde in Americaand others
Podívejte se také The Canterville Ghost/Strašidlo Cantervillské (978-80-7240-826-9)
PER | Level 4: The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
Classic / British EnglishThe famous Canterville Ghost haunts an old house, but the ghost becomes unhappy when the new owners play tricks on him! In the other stories, we meet Lord Arthur Savile, who has to murder someone before he can get married, and we discover the secret life of beautiful Lady Alroy.
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PER | Level 4: The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
Classic / British EnglishThe famous Canterville Ghost haunts an old house, but the ghost becomes unhappy when the new owners play tricks on him! In the other stories, we meet Lord Arthur Savile, who has to murder someone before he can get married, and we discover the secret life of beautiful Lady Alroy. ThisPack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha The Picture of Dorian Gray namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B1 pro středně pokročilé posluchače. Late nineteenth-century London: a city of contrasts. Great wealth and terrible poverty, beauty and ugliness, purity and immorality. Oscar Wilde takes the reader into this strange and fascinating world through the strange story of the picture of Dorian Gray. Young, handsome and innocent, the aristocratic Dorian is visiting his friend, the kind and gentle painter Basil Hallward, when he meets Lord Henry Wotton. Entertaining and cynical, Lord Henry introduces Dorian to the idea of a world where the only value is beauty, and everything must serve this ideal. But how can Dorian survive ageing and ugliness? In front of his beautiful portrait, painted by Hallward, Dorian makes a terrible wish. This wish will come true, dragging Dorian into a world of the senses, of beauty and joy, but also of terror, of fear and ultimately of murder…
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
The Canterville Ghost
Audiokniha MP3 Oscar Wilde, čte Rodilý mluvčí Obtížnost poslechu odpovídá jazykové úrovni B1 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce, tj. pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny.The Otis family move into a haunted house, Canterville Chase. The resident ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville killed his wife there in 1575 and his guilt causes him to haunt the house. Sir Simon haunts with different coloured bloodstains, which appear on the floor everyday. It is all to no avail as nothing frightens the Otis family. Virginia Otis feels sorry for Sir Simon and when he tells her that his wife's death was an accident and how he is very unhappy and lonely, she is reduced to tears....
Objev podobné jako The Canterville Ghost
Lady Fuckingham - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Všichni to přece dělají. Klasické dílo erotické literatury plné sexuálního napětí, sprostých slov, nadsázky, vzrušení a otevřené erotiky, která pobuřuje i ve 21. století. Slavná erotická novela, jejíž autorství se připisuje spisovateli Oscaru Wildovi, je koncipována jako důvěrná zpověď mladé patricijské dámy Beatrice. Inspirována přítelkyní, které se dostalo sexuálního probuzení od zmužilého komorníka, Beatrice neváhá a vydává se objevovat taje tělesných slastí. Zažívá potěšení všeho druhu, od svádění služebných až po orgie a zasvěco-vání nezkušených do umění lásky. Wildeho autorství je sporné, novela vycházela na pokračo-vání v erotickém časopise The Pearl mezi lety 1879 a 1880, a šířila se mezi nejvybranější společností. Již generace čtenářů si libují ve vzrušujících dobrodružstvích mladých aristokra-tických hrdinek. Zpověď dámy dodnes dokáže pohoršit a zapůsobit silněji než díla současné pornografie.
Objev podobné jako Lady Fuckingham - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Bezvýznamná žena - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Bezvýznamná žena - audiokniha obsahuje konverzační komedii, jejímž autorem je Oscar Wilde. Účinkují Josef Červinka, Viktor Preiss, Dana Syslová, Svatopluk Beneš, Petra Špalková, Jaroslava Adamová, Pavel Chalupa a další. Režie Markéta Jahodová. Rozhlasová nahrávka z roku 1998. „Mluvte s každou ženou, jakoby kdybyste ji miloval, a s každým mužem, jako kdybyste se nudil. Až skončí vaše první sezona, budete mít pověst člověka s dokonalým společenským taktem.“ (Oscar Wilde: Bezvýznamná žena) Když v roce 1900 zemřel v pařížském hotelu d’Alsace v rue des Beaux-Arts těžce nemocný Sebastian Melmoth, dleli u jeho lůžka jen dva přátelé a jen málokdo tušil, že pod tímto jménem se skrývá známý irský dramatik Oscar Wilde. Narodil se roku 1854 v Dublinu v rodině očního a ušního chirurga. Oscara však – alespoň co se týče volby povolání – inspirovala spíše jeho matka Jane, která byla úspěšnou irskou spisovatelkou. Zpočátku byl jeho život poklidný a počestný – vystudoval klasickou filologii (s výborným prospěchem) a oženil se se zámožnou Constance Lloydovou. Zároveň se však stal jedním z předních představitelů dekadence, jednoho z vůdčích uměleckých směrů 19. století. S rozkoší provokoval anglickou usedlou smetánku a šlechtu a postavám z těchto kruhů vkládal do úst vždy ty nejnemorálnější odsudky a předsudečné úvahy. Proslavily jej nejen jeho dosud čtené romány Obraz Doriana Graye a Strašidlo cantervillské, pohádka Šťastný princ, ale také divadelní komedie a satiry, mezi nimi především Jak je důležité míti Filipa. A ovšem také báseň Balada o žaláři v Readingu. Do vězení se dostal především kvůli skandálnímu výsledku soudního sporu, při němž vyšla najevo jeho homosexualita, která byla tehdy brána jako přečin proti mravopočestnosti. Jaký div, že tuto společnost kritizoval a vysmíval se jejímu puritánství. Ve hře Bezvýznamná žena, kterou si teď můžete poslechnout, vítězí pravda a skutečná mravnost nad pokrytectvím a zábavnou sice, leč přeci jen dekadencí. Vybraná společnost se tu vzájemně častuje vtipnými glosami, ale za jejich úsměvy se často skrývá letargie či nihilismus. I když má tak šaramantní a přitažlivou tvář jako lord Illingworth ve vynikajícím podání Viktora Preisse. Přemysl Hnilička
Objev podobné jako Bezvýznamná žena - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Strašidlo cantervillské - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Účinkují Petr Čtvrtníček, Jiří Lábus, Jaroslava Kretschmerová, Jan Hartl, Růžena Merunková, Ondřej Rychlý, Tereza Císařová a další Původní česká dramatizace na motivy povídky Oscara Wildea. Režie: Jan Jiráň. Duchařská komedie z prostředí starobylého anglického zámku, který koupila bohatá americká rodina. V komnatách šlechtického sídla však již řadu staletí straší duch bývalého majitele… Wildeova svěžest absurdního humoru, ironičnost a nadsázka se skrývají v jeho nejslavnější próze Strašidlo cantervillské vydané v roce 1887. Od té doby patří mezi největší světové bestsellery. Proto i autoři dramatizace tohoto nadčasového díla k němu přistupovali s velkou pokorou, aby všichni posluchači této audio nahrávky měli stejně krásný pocit, jako při čtení samotné knihy.
Objev podobné jako Strašidlo cantervillské - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Obraz Doriana Graye - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Jediný půvab minulosti je v tom, že je to minulost.“ Oscar Wilde. Zatímco krásný Dorian zůstává stále dvacetiletý, do jeho věrného portrétu na malířském plátně se propisují všechny hříchy a poklesky živé předlohy. Slavný Wildeův román v sobě nese autobiografické rysy. Mladý muž se nechává portrétovat známým malířem, a když poprvé spatří svůj krásný portrét, projeví přání, aby sám nikdy nezestárl a všechny proměny tváře se objevovaly pouze na obraze… Román obsahuje hororové prvky i faustovský motiv, dotýká se i tématu homosexuality. Zatímco krásný Dorian Gray zůstává stále dvacetiletý, do jeho věrného portrétu na malířském plátně se propisují všechny hříchy a poklesky živé předlohy. Původně čistý a naivní mladík Dorian se vlivem okouzlujícího, ale amorálního Henryho, postupně mění. A mění se i obraz. Ivan Lupták v legendárním příběhu s hudbou Ondřeje Brouska.
Objev podobné jako Obraz Doriana Graye - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Obraz Doriana Graye - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Rozhlasová dramatizace slavného románu Oscara Wilda z roku 1980 o stále mladičkém Dorianovi, který nadchl Basila Hallwarda svým půvabem a nevinností, a tak jeho tvář zvěčnil na plátnu. Basilův přítel poté Doriánovi ukázal všechny krásné možnosti života včetně drogových dýchánků a rozkoše s dívkami. Přestože Dorián přišel o svou nevinnost, stále je mladý a ne a ne zestárnout.
Objev podobné jako Obraz Doriana Graye - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Šťastný princ a jiné pohádky - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Pohádky tohoto anglického básníka, dramatika a prozaika irského původu nejsou odvozeny z lidových pramenů, nýbrž jsou tvorbou výlučně literární. Vznikaly v poslední třetině devatenáctého století a projevuje se v nich výraznou měrou secesní zdobnost, ornamentálnost a příklon k symbolismu. Je v nich patrná i určitá míra dekadence, jíž byl autor literárním představitelem - projevuje se melancholií, střetem snového světa s realitou, tématem smysluplného utrpení ve jménu lásky. Nevítězí v nich vždycky dobro a ani zlo není pokaždé ve své skutečné podobě potrestáno. Wildovy pohádky však mají obrovskou sílu mravního přesvědčení o absolutních lidských hodnotách. Do pohádkových příběhů, které Oscar Wilde údajně napsal pro své syny, vložil celé své srdce a vypravěčský um i básnické nadání. Nahrávka je určena starším dětem i dospělým posluchačům.
Objev podobné jako Šťastný princ a jiné pohádky - Oscar Wilde - audiokniha
The Canterville Ghost/Strašidlo Cantervillské (978-80-7240-826-9)
Kniha - autor Oscar Wilde, 144 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Známý příběh ve dvojjazyčné verzi. Rodina Otisových se nastěhuje do strašidelného domu, Cantervillského zámku. Duch, který v domě sídlí, sir Simon de Canterville, tam zavraždil v roce 1575 svou manželku, a za svou vinu je potrestán tak, že musí v domě strašit. Sir Simon straší pomocí krvavých skvrn různých barev, které se každý den objevují na podlaze. Všechno je to k ničemu, protože Otisovu rodinu nic nevystraší. Virginii Otisové je sira Simona líto, a když jí řekne, že smrt jeho ženy zavinila nehoda a jak moc je nešťastný a osamělý, dožene ji to k slzám...
Objev podobné jako The Canterville Ghost/Strašidlo Cantervillské (978-80-7240-826-9)
Strašidlo Cantervillské /The Canterville - Zrcadlová četba (nahrávka zdarma na internetu) - Oscar Wilde
Anglicko-český zrcadlový text pro mírně pokročilé. Když se jedna americká rodina nastěhuje do starého domu v Anglii, nečeká, že jej bude obývat společně s někým neznámým. Stejně tak – onen neznámý – velmi starý duch, který bydlel v Cantervillském zámku stovky let, také neočekává, že bude muset sdílet svůj domov s nimi! Naneštěstí pro toho starého, velmi mrzutého cantervillského ducha se mu jeho záměr vyhnat nechtěné hosty z domu jen tak nepodaří.
Objev podobné jako Strašidlo Cantervillské /The Canterville - Zrcadlová četba (nahrávka zdarma na internetu) - Oscar Wilde
Lordi - Oscar Wilde, Robbie Ross - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Úspěšná divadelní hra s populárními herci, nevhodná pro mládež do 15 let Audiozáznam divadelní hry Lordi vychází u příležitosti 15. narozenin této velmi úspěšné inscenace, která byla původně přeložená pouze do slovenštiny. Herci se však rozhodli hru uvádět dále jen ve slovenštině a nepřekládat ji do češtiny s odůvodněním, že v českém překladu by ztratila jistý šarm. Jde o pikantní salonní komedii o třech lordech, kteří mezi sebou v utajení hrají delikátní hru. Rozdělují si dámy ze svého okolí a za úspěchy či neúspěchy s dámami si nadělují červené a černé body. Avšak jednoho dne jeden z lordů poruší pravidla hry… Celkový čas: 1 hod. 57 min.
Objev podobné jako Lordi - Oscar Wilde, Robbie Ross - audiokniha
The Happy Prince - Oscar Wilde
In a town where a lot of poor people suffer and where there are a lot of miseries, a swallow who was left behind after his flock flew off to Egypt for the winter, meets the statue of the late ‘Happy Prince’, who in reality has never experienced true sorrow, for he lived in a palace where sorrow isn’t allowed to enter. Viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument, the Happy Prince asks the swallow to take the ruby from his hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the golden leaf covering his body to give to the poor. As the winter comes and the Happy Prince is stripped of all of his beauty, his lead heart breaks when the swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds and severe cold.The statue is then brought down from the pillar and melted in a furnace leaving behind the broken heart and the dead swallow and they are thrown in a dust heap. These are taken up to heaven by an angel that has deemed them the two most precious things in the city. This is affirmed by God and they live forever in his city of gold and garden of paradise.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Dorian Gray is young, arrogant, and devastatingly handsome. Confronted by his beauty in the form of a portrait, and struck by the terrible realization that he will age, Dorian wishes to retain his charms forever and finds his desire granted. He abandons himself to a life of hedonism, vice and murder, yet his face remains unmarked by his evil. But, hidden in his attic, the painting ages and corrupts, and one day Dorian must stand face to face with the man he has become.A perfect depiction of fin-de-siecle decadence, Oscar Wilde's only novel highlights the tension between the polished surface and murky depths of Victorian high society.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray features an afterword by the playwright and actor Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Happy Prince & Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
The richness of Oscar Wilde's way with words and ideas is given full range in this sparkling collection of short stories written between 1887 and 1891. From the comic tales of The Canterville Ghost and Lord Arthur Savile's Crime to the marvelous fairy stories and fantasies of The Selfish Giant, The Happy Prince and The Star Child, we are treated to the extravagance and dexterity of Wilde's exceptional wit, in stories that will appeal to both adults and children. Beautifully illustrated by Wilde's fellow decadent and aestheticist, the inimitable Aubrey Beardsley, this Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Happy Prince & Other Stories also features an afterword by author David Stuart Davies. Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. Author Information Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin in 1854. He studied there, at Trinity College, and then at Oxford, where he founded the cult of aestheticism. He published several books of stories, and one novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, in 1891. He had many successes as a playwright, first with Lady Windermere's Fan in 1892, and all his plays were performed in London between 1892 and 1895. A dazzling wit and flamboyant figure, Wilde's career was cut short after his homosexuality was exposed, and he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in 1895. Released in 1897, he fled to France where he died a broken man in 1900.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince & Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
When the beautiful young Dorian Gray sees his portrait, he understands that it will remain beautiful forever and that he will grow old. He makes a wish that will change not only his looks but also his soul. As he lives a life of pleasure and sin, the portrait shows the signs of his corruption. DOSSIERSOscar WildeVictorian EntertainmentWomen in Victorian EnglandCinema: Dorian Gray
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Dorian Gray is having his picture painted by Basil Hallward, who is charmed by his looks. But when Sir Henry Wotton visits and seduces Dorian into the worship of youthful beauty with an intoxicating speech, Dorian makes a wish he will live to regret: that all the marks of age will now be reflected in the portrait rather than on Dorian's own face. The stage is now set for a masterful tale about appearance, reality, art, life, truth, fiction and the burden of conscience. Oscar Wilde's only full-length novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray is a lasting gem of sophisticated wit and playfulness, which brings together all the best elements of his talent in a reinterpretation of the Faustian myth.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.Enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, Dorian Gray exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life; indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his decadence. The novel was a succes de scandale and the book was later used as evidence against Wilde at the Old Bailey in 1895. It has lost none of its power to fascinate and disturb.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Chiltern Publishing creates the most beautiful editions of the World's finest literature. Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, golden edges, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
''The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.''When Dorian Gray has his portrait painted, he is captivated by his own beauty. Tempted by his world-weary, decadent friend Lord Henry Wotton, he wishes to stay forever young, and pledges his very soul to keep his good looks. Set in fin-de-siécle London, the novel traces a path from the studio of painter Basil Hallward to the opium dens of the East End. As Dorian''s slide into crime and cruelty progresses he stays magically youthful, while his beautiful portrait changes, revealing the hideous corruption of moral decay.Ever since its first publication in 1890 Wilde''s only novel has remained the subject of critical controversy. Acclaimed by some as an instructive moral tale, it has been denounced by others for its implicit immorality. Combining elements of the supernatural, aestheticism, and the Gothic, The Picture of Dorian Gray is an unclassifiable and uniquely unsettling work of fiction. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World''s Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford''s commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
''A triumph of execution ... one of the best narratives of the "double life" of a Victorian gentleman'' Peter AckroydOscar Wilde''s alluring novel of decadence and sin was a succès de scandale on publication. It follows Dorian Gray who, enthralled by his own exquisite portrait, exchanges his soul for eternal youth and beauty. Influenced by his friend Lord Henry Wotton, he is drawn into a corrupt double life, indulging his desires in secret while remaining a gentleman in the eyes of polite society. Only his portrait bears the traces of his depravity. This definitive edition includes a selection of contemporary reviews condemning the novel''s immorality.Edited with an Introduction and notes by ROBERT MIGHALL
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Philosophy of Dress - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: "Fashion is ephemeral. Art is eternal. Indeed, what is a fashion really? A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so absolutely unbearable that we have to alter it every six months!" ‘The Philosophy of Fashion’ is the article that elevated Wilde from the position of a commercial journalist to a writer of repute. In this essay, Wilde dismantles the concept of fashion, with his characteristic wit and biting social criticism. Funny and fascinating, ‘The Philosophy of Fashion’ is a wry look at social conventions, through the eyes of a dedicated dandy. For anyone with an interest in fashion or works commenting on societal trends. Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
Objev podobné jako The Philosophy of Dress - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
The Decay of Lying - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: In the library of a country house in Nottinghamshire, Vivian is writing an article about the importance of lying, when he is interrupted by Cyril, who tries to tempt him away, but instead is drawn into a discussion about art, nature, literature and imagination.The Decay of Lying sees Wilde explore his deepest preoccupations about the relationship between life and art, and examine the work of such writers as Shakespeare and Balzac.
Objev podobné jako The Decay of Lying - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
The Happy Prince and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.`Dear Prince, I must leave you, but I will never forget you, and next spring I will bring you back two beautiful jewels in place of those you have given away. The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea.'In `The Happy Prince' a statue - jewelled and opulent - keeps careful watch over the city and its inhabitants. Enlisting the help of a swallow, his selfless acts bring comfort to those most in need. `The Nightingale and the Rose' is a tragic tale of personal sacrifice in the name of love, while in `The Selfish Giant' the end of an eternal winter finally brings springtime and happiness.In this collection of enchanting tales from a master storyteller, Oscar Wilde has entranced readers both young and old since publication in the late nineteenth century.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince and Other Stories - Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays - Oscar Wilde
The four great comedies of Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan, A Woman of No Importance, An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest, were all written at the height of the controversial Irish author's powers in his last, doomed decade, the 1890s. They remain among the most-loved, and most-quoted, of all drama in the English language. Along with Salome, his darkly decadent dramatization of the Bible story, these immortal plays continue to pack theatres, and have been adapted for every kind of media. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays echoes the book form in which Wilde originally insisted his plays were published, and includes illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley and an afterword by Ned Halley.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Importance of Being Earnest & Other Plays - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Collins Classics) - Oscar Wilde
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.''How sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrid, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young… If it was only the other way!''Wilde''s first and only published novel recounts the story of handsome Dorian Gray who upon having his portrait painted desires that it will age and grow ugly while he may remain eternally beautiful. The painting, which reflects each of Gray''s sins and transgressions in its hideousness, haunts him until it finally becomes unbearable. In this dark tale of duplicity and mortality, Wilde creates a world where art and reality collide.
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray (Collins Classics) - Oscar Wilde
The Rise of Historical Criticism - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: One of Wilde’s first published pieces, ‘The Rise of Historical Criticism’ is an essay, written while he was a student at Oxford, during the 1870s. In it, he dissects the notions of historical and literary criticism. His belief that criticism is a form of revolt and, with an associated action, can engender revolution and promote democracy, has been the subject of debate between academics for years. In addition, Wilde finds a platform on which to discuss the purpose of true Art. Often funny and eternally fascinating, ‘The Rise of Historical Criticism’ is a crucial read for any fans of the acid-tongued author. Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.
Objev podobné jako The Rise of Historical Criticism - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
Reading & Training : The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
Two men have secret lives. Two women want to marry a man called Earnest. But who is Earnest? Is he a badly behaved brother, the ideal fiancé or Lady Bracknell’s nephew and fun-loving bachelor, Algernon Moncrieff? Follow the incredible events that lead to the discovery of the importance of being Earnest in this adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s witty and highly entertaining play. Dossiers:The dandyVictorian values and morals
Objev podobné jako Reading & Training : The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
Portrét pana W.H. / The Portrait of Mr. W.H. - Oscar Wilde
Literární záhada všech dob konečně vyřešena! Známý spisovatel Oscar Wilde objevil a se svou obvyklou bravurou literárně zpracoval převratnou teorii o tom, kdo byl oním tajemným panem W. H., kterému největší básník a dramatik všech dob William Shakespeare věnoval své úchvatné Sonety. Tato sličná novela se čte jako detektivka a potěší jak literární znalce, tak i milovníky rébusů a šarád.
Objev podobné jako Portrét pana W.H. / The Portrait of Mr. W.H. - Oscar Wilde
PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Classic / British EnglishAn artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his face stays young and handsome. But the picture changes. Why can’t Dorian show it to anybody? What is its terrible secret?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
eBook: The Happy Prince and Other Tales is a collection of stories for children by Oscar Wilde containing five stories, The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, and The Remarkable Rocket.
Objev podobné jako The Happy Prince and Other Tales - Oscar Wilde - e-kniha
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) - Oscar Wilde
Horror hides behind an attractive face in The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde's tale of a notorious Victorian libertine and his life of evil excesses. Though Dorian's hedonistic indulgences leave no blemish on his ageless features, the painted portrait imbued with his soul proves a living catalogue of corruption, revealing in its every new line and lesion the manifold sins he has committed. Desperate to hide the physical evidence of his unregenerate spirit, Dorian will stop at nothing—not even murder—to keep his picture's existence a secret. A scandalous story when it was first published in 1890, The Picture of Dorian Gray is acknowledged as a landmark of literature today and a tale emblematic of its time. This volume is one of Barnes & Noble's Collectible Editions classics. Each volume features authoritative texts by the world's greatest authors in an exquisitely designed foil-stamped binding, with distinctive colored edging and an attractive ribbon bookmark. Decorative, durable, and collectible, these books offer hours of pleasure to readers young and old and are an indispensable cornerstone for any home library.Ukázky z knih
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions) - Oscar Wilde
Četba pro začátečníky - The Happy Prince (Šťastný princ) (A1 - A2) - Oscar Wilde
Na sloupu vysoko nad městem stojí socha Šťastného prince, celá pokrytá tenkými plátky zlata. Když princ vidí chudobu a zoufalství svého lidu, požádá dobrosrdečnou vlaštovku o pomoc. Oba obětují mnohem víc než jen bohatství, aby zachránili ty méně šťastné. Dojemný příběh o soucitu a šlechetnosti. High above the city on a column stands the statue of the Happy Prince, all gilded with thin leaves of gold. When he sees the poverty and desperateness of his people, the Prince asks a kind-hearted swallow for help. They both sacrifice much more than just the riches to save the less fortunate. Touching story of compassion and generosity.
Objev podobné jako Četba pro začátečníky - The Happy Prince (Šťastný princ) (A1 - A2) - Oscar Wilde
The Picture of Dorian Gray - angličtina na úrovni B1 - Oscar Wilde, Gerhard Symons
The Picture of Dorian Gray od Oscara Wilda je pro středně pokročilé (B1-B2) studenty anglického jazyka. Naše speciální edice "Dorian Gray" byla v minulém roce testována českými studenty. Zpětná vazba od nich byla pozitivní, přičemž četba velmi příznivě ovlivnila jejich angličtinu. Kolektiv talentovaných ilustrátorů nakreslil 15+ krásných ilustrací, které vás prostřednictvím světoznámého příběhu ponoří do ulic Londýna 19. století. Součástí knihy je slovník s více jak 200 slovíčky přeložených z angličtiny do češtiny. Spolupracovali jsme s britským rodilým mluvčím, který zjednodušil originální text. Victorian London. One afternoon, a beautiful young man is sitting in an artist's studio. His name is Dorian Gray. He is discussing life in the company of friends. One of his friends convinces him that youth and beauty are the most important things in life. Dorian Gray fears growing old and ugly. He accepts this idea without question, and decides to make a terrible deal with the devil… Every sin that Dorian commits has a cost. Every picture must be seen. Every pleasure that Dorian enjoys has a price. And Dorian will pay a terrible price for eternal youth…
Objev podobné jako The Picture of Dorian Gray - angličtina na úrovni B1 - Oscar Wilde, Gerhard Symons
PER | Level 2: The Importance of Being Earnest Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
Gwendolen thinks that she loves Ernest. Cecily thinks that she loves Ernest too. But who is Ernest really? What kind of man is he? Read this funny play and laugh. Or act it to your friends and they will laugh. This is a wonderful play by one of the greatest writers of his time.This Pack contains a Book and MP3
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: The Importance of Being Earnest Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
Classic / British EnglishAn artist paints a picture of the young and handsome Dorian Gray. When he sees it, Dorian makes a wish that changes his life. As he grows older, his face stays young and handsome. But the picture changes. Why can’t Dorian show it to anybody? What is its terrible secret?
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Picture of Dorian Gray Bk/MP3 Pack - Oscar Wilde
The Grey Ghost (1405937076)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Grey Ghost (1405937076)
The Ghost Tree (1785659790)
Kniha - autor Christina Henry, 508 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A brand-new chilling horror novel from the bestselling author of Alice and Lost Boy. When the bodies of two girls are found torn apart in her hometown, Lauren is surprised, but she also expects that the police won't find the killer. After all, the year before her father's body was found with his heart missing, and since then everyone has moved on. Even her best friend, Miranda, has become more interested in boys than in spending time at the old ghost tree, the way they used to when they were kids. So when Lauren has a vision of a monster dragging the remains of the girls through the woods, she knows she can't just do nothing. Not like the rest of her town. But as she draws closer to answers, she realizes that the foundation of her seemingly normal town might be rotten at the centre. And that if nobody else stands for the missing, she will.
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Tree (1785659790)
The Police - Ghost In The Machine (LP)
Interpret / Téma: The Police Subžánr: Pop Rock;New Wave;Rock Pop;Pop;Rock Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Rok vydání: 2019.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2019-11-08 Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: Ghost In The Machine (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Pop;Rock Vydavatelství: Universal Music Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako The Police - Ghost In The Machine (LP)
Oscar Peterson The Best Of The Mps Years (2 LP)
Země interpreta: Kanada Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1940 - 1949;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1950 - 1959;2000 - 2009 Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Kompilace;LP deska;Stereo Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Žánr: Jazz Subžánr: Jazz Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: MPS Varianta: The Best Of The Mps Years (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Oscar Peterson Barva: Černá
Objev podobné jako Oscar Peterson The Best Of The Mps Years (2 LP)
The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo
A warm and funny story for younger readers, about two foxes, a ghost and one of the biggest archaeological discoveries in living memory…‘A heartwarming tale for animal lovers and football fans alike’ GuardianIn a cosy den under a garden shed lives a family of foxes. They love to watch football, all foxes do. One day, they are surprised by a ghostly voice coming from deep underground. The stranger promises to grant the foxes their dearest wish if they only set him free.With their favourite football team on a losing streak, the foxes know exactly what to wish for. But can they trust the mysterious stranger?
Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo
The Police - Ghost In The Machine (180g) (LP)
Barva: Černá Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: Pop;Rock Datum vydání: 2018-11-06 Subžánr: Pop Rock;Pop;Rock Pop;New Wave;Rock Varianta: Ghost In The Machine (180g) (Vinyl LP) Vydavatelství: A&M Records Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999 Interpret / Téma: The Police Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2018.0 Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Spojené království
Objev podobné jako The Police - Ghost In The Machine (180g) (LP)
The Ghost Woods - C.J. Cooke
‘Haunting’ Sara Sheridan‘Intriguing, atmospheric, thought-provoking’ Alexandra Bell‘Beautifully crafted, thrilling and atmospheric’ Rebecca NetleyIn the midst of the woods stands a house called Lichen Hall.This place is shrouded in folklore – old stories of ghosts, of witches, of a child who is not quite a child.Now the woods are creeping closer, and something has been unleashed.Pearl Gorham arrives in 1965, one of a string of young women sent to Lichen Hall to give birth. And she soon suspects the proprietors are hiding something.Then she meets the mysterious mother and young boy who live in the grounds – and together they begin to unpick the secrets of this place.As the truth comes to the surface and the darkness moves in, Pearl must rethink everything she knew – and risk what she holds most dear.Praise for The Ghost Woods . . .‘Cooke has mixed the darkness of reality with a magical realism that will have you gripped’Woman & Home‘This chilling gothic tale is the perfect choice for a book club . . . atmospheric’ Prima‘Original and compelling, The Ghost Woods is a beautifully written, chilling tale that will stay with the reader long after the book is finished’ Elizabeth Lee‘[C.J. Cooke is] a master of the feminist gothic!’ Katherine May’The Ghost Woods rattles along, with a twisty plot that defies expectations right from the start . . . highly enjoyable’ Sally Hinchcliffe‘An eerie gothic thriller’ Samantha Downing‘Deliciously unsettling, strangely believable’ Carly Reagon‘With a great plot, this suspenseful and compelling story touches on the difficult history of women in mid-20th-century Scotland’Candis
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Woods - C.J. Cooke
The Ghost Orchid - Jonathan Kellerman
''A novel full of surprises'' Sunday Times''A cracker'' Peterborough Telegraph___________________________Some secrets are worth killing for.In an upscale Bel Air property, two lovers are found dead in a swimming pool. The man is the playboy heir to a business empire, and the woman is his even wealthier married neighbour.An illicit affair is the perfect motive. But the house is untouched - no forced entry, no forensic evidence - and so LAPD homicide lieutenant Milo Sturgis and asks psychologist Alex Delaware to help unpick the case.It quickly becomes clear that both victims had troubled pasts. Now Alex and Milo must confront LA''s darkest side as they unravel a trail of deadly secrets . . .____________________________Praise for Jonathan Kellerman''s New York Times No.1 bestselling thrillers: ''Sophisticated, cleverly plotted and satisfying'' Sunday Telegraph ''High-octane entertainment'' The Times''Exceptionally exciting'' New York Times''Jonathan Kellerman has delivered the goods again, adding another instalment to a series that shows no sign of running out of steam'' Shots Magazine
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Orchid - Jonathan Kellerman
The Ghost Theatre - Mat Osman
BOOK OF THE YEAR - EVENING STANDARD, THE OBSERVER and THE TIMES'Beautifully written and completely convincing' Observer'An excellent novel - riotous and abundant, full of vivid, dirty life' Guardian'Osman brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life' Sandra Newman, author of JuliaOn a rooftop in Elizabethan London two worlds collide. Shay is a messenger-girl and trainer of hawks who sees the future in the patterns of birds. Nonesuch is the dark star of the city's fabled child theatre scene, as famous as royalty yet lowly as a beggar.Together they create The Ghost Theatre: a troupe staging magical plays in London's hidden corners. As their hallucinatory performances incite rebellion among the city's outcasts, the pair's relationship sparks and burns against a backdrop of the plague and a London in flames. Their growing fame sweeps them up into the black web of the Elizabethan court, where Shay and Nonesuch discover that if they fly too high, a fall is sure to come...Fantastical and captivating, The Ghost Theatre charts the rise and dramatic destruction of a dream born from love and torn apart by betrayal.'Wildly inventive and full of fantastical elements jostling alongside gritty realism' The Times'Rich and evocative with shades of Angela Carter' Ever Dundas'A story of rebellion and magic, of mysticism and broken love in the streets and theatres and rooftops of Elizabethan London. Beautifully written, delicate and sad. I'm still haunted by it' Mariana Enriquez'Brings the underworld of Elizabethan London to life with its child theatres, rioting apprentices and anarchic world, its jumble of squalor and glamour... larger-than-life heroes raise child rebellions; pursue exalted, treacherous love affairs... Glorious!' Sandra Newman'Hauntingly beautiful ... Thrilling and thought-provoking' Independent
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Theatre - Mat Osman
The Ghost Lake - Wendy Pratt
''Remarkable'' OBSERVER‘Astounding’ ADAM FARRER''Brave and luminous'' SARAH LANGFORDThe Ghost Lake is a deeply personal, lyrical and stirring meditation on local history and changing landscapes that intertwines nature writing with an exploration of grief, belonging and the lives and legacies of rural working‐class people.I am setting out on a pilgrimage through an ancient landscape.I will begin at my daughter’s grave. Paleolake Flixton is an extinct lake in North Yorkshire. Human occupation of the site dates back thousands of years to prehistoric times. Over the millennia, the vast lake disappeared, turning to wetland and peaty fields. Today all that is left of it is a watermark.Wendy Pratt brings the reader on a pilgrimage around the ghost lake, to locations that have acted as journey markers in her own life. While traversing forests and fenland, she reflects on the process of finding belonging in nature as a woman who exists in a series of liminal spaces – as a working-class writer, an infertile woman in a fertile world and a bereaved mother in a society focused on children.An early draft of The Ghost Lake was longlisted for the 2021 Nan Shepherd Prize.‘In this lyric memoir, award-winning poet Pratt explores the landscape of the Yorkshire Moors, and the ancient lost lake of Flixton, weaving together nature writing with an exploration of grief, belonging and the lives of rural working-class people. THE BOOKSELLER‘There are some autobiographical writers who speak of utilising nature’s healing properties to overcome life challenges without fully acknowledging the role of luck in their trajectories. Not infrequently these writers become cultural spokespeople for or representatives of a demographic that they are actually no longer a part of, leaving those who are still grappling with their plights feeling as though it’s a personal failing that they can’t make their way out the same mires. This is a very different sort of book, a steadfastly honest one that views nature as a refuge rather than a cure. Many should find solace here. And others will simply gain pleasure from the descriptions of the archaeological finds unearthed from Yorkshire’s rich black peaty soils’GEOGRAPHICAL
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Lake - Wendy Pratt
Ghost in the Shell (DVD)
DVD film Ghost in the Shell [2017]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Scarlett Johansson. Vizuálně podmanivý snímek.
Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell (DVD)
Ghost in the Shell - Širó Masamune
Píše se jednadvacáté století a hranice mezi člověkem a strojem je čím dál nejasnější. Lidé mají mechanické implantáty a stroje jsou vylepšovány pomocí lidské tkáně. Agentka Motoko Kusanagi je členem speciální jednotky, která pronásleduje nebezpečné teroristy a kyberzločince. Především vražedné hackery, kteří se dokáží nabourat i do lidského mozku. A za tím vším stojí možná ještě něco víc... Crew tento rok splatí jeden ze zásadních komiksových dluhů! Vydá kultovní mangu, která inspirovala několik proslulých filmů, počítačových her a úžasný animovaný seriál. Ghosti in the Shell je dílo, které položilo základy pro moderní mangu. Kreslíř a scenárista Masamune Širó je tak ikonickou postavou, že při nákupu práv se muselo podepsat, že i v českém komiksu zůstanou jím napsané zvukové efekty a poznámky – a budou se překládat zvlášť. Tohle zkrátka není jen akční sci-fi. Širó do mangy vložil vlastní filozofii, teze o sociálních problémech i následcích technologického vývoje. I proto se k Ghost in the Shell stále vrací jak čtenáři, tak tvůrci, kteří hledají inspiraci.
Objev podobné jako Ghost in the Shell - Širó Masamune
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