The night circus (defekt) - erin morgensternová

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The Night Circus (Defekt) - Erin Morgensternová

The Night Circus (Defekt) - Erin Morgensternová

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. The black sign, painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, reads:Opens at NightfalllCloses at DawnAs the sun disappears beyond the horizon, all over the tents small lights begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. When the tents are all aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign appears.Le Cirque des RevesThe Circus of Dreams.Now the circus is open.Now you may enter. (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Circus (Defekt) - Erin Morgensternová , Funko pop! tv the office- erin w/happy box & champagne (889698573948)

The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová

The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. The black sign, painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, reads:Opens at NightfalllCloses at DawnAs the sun disappears beyond the horizon, all over the tents small lights begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. When the tents are all aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign appears.Le Cirque des RevesThe Circus of Dreams.Now the circus is open.Now you may enter. (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová , Antonin kratochvil circus sideshow

The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová


The circus arrives without warning. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon iron gates reads: Opens at Nightfall Closes at Dawn As dusk shifts to twilight, tiny lights begin to flicker all over the tents, as though the whole circus is covered in fireflies. When the tents are aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign lights up: Le Cirque des Reves The Circus of Dreams The gates shudder and unlock, seemingly by their own volition. They swing outward, inviting the crowd inside. Now the circus is open. Now you may enter. Discover this amazing fantasy read with a different kind of magic. The Starless Sea, the second novel from the author of the The Night Circus, is available for pre-order now. (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová , Bvlgari goldea the roman night edp

The Night Circus: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Erin Morgensternová


A beautiful hardback edition of the modern fantasy classic, from the bestselling author of The Starless Sea.'The only response to this novel is simply: wow. It is a breathtaking feat of imagination, a flight of fancy that pulls you in and wraps you up in its spell' The TimesThe circus arrives without warning.It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon an iron gates reads:Opens at NightfallCloses at DawnFull of breath-taking amazements, Le Cirque des Reves seems to cast a spell over all who wander its circular paths. But behind the glittering acrobats, fortune-tellers and contortionists a fierce competition is underway.Celia and Marco are two young magicians in the Circus, who have been trained since childhood for a deadly duel. With the lives of everyone at the Circus of Dreams at stake, they must test the very limits of the imagination, and of their love.The circus is open.Get ready to enter the fantastical world of the Night Circus.'Lush, evocative, dreamlike...a magical, coming-of-age story' Sunday Times'A beguiling, gripping read... Morgenstern has crafted a thrilling and transporting tale' EconomistVintage Quarterbound Classics: Bound to be beautiful (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Circus: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Erin Morgensternová , Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (ht4ya)

The Starless Sea (Defekt) - Erin Morgensternová


Are you lost or are you exploring? When Zachary Rawlins stumbles across a strange book hidden in his university library it leads him on a quest unlike any other. Its pages entrance him with their tales of lovelorn prisoners, lost cities and nameless acolytes, but they also contain something impossible: a recollection from his own childhood. Determined to solve the puzzle of the book, Zachary follows the clues he finds on the cover - a bee, a key and a sword. They guide him to a masquerade ball, to a dangerous secret club, and finally through a magical doorway created by the fierce and mysterious Mirabel. This door leads to a subterranean labyrinth filled with stories, hidden far beneath the surface of the earth. When the labyrinth is threatened, Zachary must race with Mirabel, and Dorian, a handsome barefoot man with shifting alliances, through its twisting tunnels and crowded ballrooms, searching for the end of his story. You are invited to join Zachary on the starless sea: the home of storytellers, story-lovers and those who will protect our stories at all costs. (

Podobné produkty ako The Starless Sea (Defekt) - Erin Morgensternová , Polštář 45x30 cm, pat&mat, defekt (99853a)

The Starless Sea - Erin Morgensternová


Are you lost or are you exploring? When Zachary Rawlins stumbles across a strange book hidden in his university library it leads him on a quest unlike any other. Its pages entrance him with their tales of lovelorn prisoners, lost cities and nameless acolytes, but they also contain something impossible: a recollection from his own childhood. Determined to solve the puzzle of the book, Zachary follows the clues he finds on the cover - a bee, a key and a sword. They guide him to a masquerade ball, to a dangerous secret club, and finally through a magical doorway created by the fierce and mysterious Mirabel. This door leads to a subterranean labyrinth filled with stories, hidden far beneath the surface of the earth. When the labyrinth is threatened, Zachary must race with Mirabel, and Dorian, a handsome barefoot man with shifting alliances, through its twisting tunnels and crowded ballrooms, searching for the end of his story. You are invited to join Zachary on the starless sea: the home of storytellers, story-lovers and those who will protect our stories at all costs. (

Podobné produkty ako The Starless Sea - Erin Morgensternová , Night trains: the rise and fall of the sleeper (1781255598)

The Night Circus (0345802624)

The Night Circus (0345802624)

Kniha - autor Erin Morgenstern, 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Circus (0345802624) , Bvlgari goldea the roman night absolute edp

Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová


Navštivte spolu s námi tajemný cirkus, jenž přijíždí bez ohlášení, aby na svá noční představení roztáhl černobílá šapitó a poskytl svým návštěvníkům opravdu nezapomenutelné zážitky, které nevypadají jako pouhé triky a iluze, ale spíše jako opravdová a mocná kouzla. Nebývale úspěšný románový debut Erin Morgensternové s podmanivou magickou atmosférou sleduje v několika dějových liniích a časových rovinách nebezpečnou hru dvou kouzelníků, v níž jsou v sázce životy jejich učedníků. Co když ale cirkus, jenž má být jevištěm nemilosrdného souboje, k sobě Celii a Marca připoutal mnohem víc, než by si jejich mistři vůbec dokázali představit? (

Podobné produkty ako Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová , Elica circus ix/a/90 (68116392)

Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová


Zachary Ezra Rawlins je naprosto obyčejný mladík, který vede poklidný studentský život ve vermontském univerzitním kampusu. Vše ale změní jediná návštěva knihovny, při které Zachary na zaprášené polici objeví zvláštní knihu.. .. (

Podobné produkty ako Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová , Blind guardian: a night at the opera (0727361432805)

Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová


Navštivte spolu s námi tajemný cirkus, jenž přijíždí bez ohlášení, aby na svá noční představení roztáhl černobílá šapitó a poskytl svým návštěvníkům opravdu nezapomenutelné zážitky, které nevypadají jako pouhé triky a iluze, ale spíše jako opravdová a mocná kouzla. Nebývale úspěšný románový debut Erin Morgensternové s podmanivou magickou atmosférou sleduje v několika dějových liniích a časových rovinách nebezpečnou hru dvou kouzelníků, v níž jsou v sázce životy jejich učedníků. Co když ale cirkus, jenž má být jevištěm nemilosrdného souboje, k sobě Celii a Marca připoutal mnohem víc, než by si jejich mistři vůbec dokázali představit? (

Podobné produkty ako Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová , Def leppard: on through the night - cd (7779325)

Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová - audiokniha

Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Existují tři cesty do podzemního světa. Toto je jedna z nich. Hluboko v podzemí je knihovna plná ztracených měst a moří a zapomenutých příběhů. Kdesi v ní čeká na Zacharyho Ezru Rawlinse jeho úděl. Zachary Ezra Rawlins je obyčejný vysokoškolský student, který jednoho dne objeví v univerzitní knihovně zvláštní knihu. Nejprve se nedokáže odtrhnout od příběhů nešťastných milenců, sběratelů klíčů a bezejmenných akolytů, pak však narazí mezi řádky na něco nečekaného – na příběh z vlastního dětství. Stopy v podobě včely, klíče a meče ho postupně přivedou na maškarní večírek v New Yorku, do tajného klubu a obrovské knihovny, ukryté hluboko pod povrchem země. V domově ztracených měst a moří a dávno zapomenutých příběhů přestávají platit běžné zákony prostoru a času. Někteří tomuto tajnému archivu obětovali to nejcennější, ale existují i síly, které jej chtějí zničit. Spolu s odvážnou Mirabel a Dorianem, jehož věrností si nemůže být nikdo jistý, navštíví Zachary klikaté tunely, přeplněné taneční sály i konejšivá pobřeží kouzelné říše. Tam, někde daleko, na něj čeká jeho vlastní úděl… (

Podobné produkty ako Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová - audiokniha , Queen: a night at the odeon - cd (4750069)

Nočný cirkus - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

Nočný cirkus - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

eBook:,Svet požiera neľútostná vojna. Za okenicami chalupy obrastenej machom však popolavovlasé dievča rozpráva svoj príbeh. Pri svetle sviečok šepká o kľukatej ceste bojovníčky, o ohrdnutej sirote a zlomenom srdci. Škaredá jazva na jej tvári nepristane k zeleným očiam dieťaťa. Cirila nedokáže zaklínačovi Geraltovi a Yennefer odpustiť, že ju nechali napospas temným silám. No ona prinúti svojich nepriateľov striasť sa strachom. O jej osude nebude rozhodovať nik iný. Andrzej Sapkowski, držiteľ ceny World Fantasy Award za celoživotný prínos, vytvoril svojimi poviedkami o tajomnom zaklínačovi celosvetový fenomén, ktorý okrem knižných pultov a herných konzol dobyl aj televízne obrazovky fanúšikov po celom svete. Veža lastovičky je štvrtým dielom fenomenálnej románovej ságy o zaklínačovi Geraltovi z Rivie a princeznej Ciri. (

Podobné produkty ako Nočný cirkus - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha , Blocki the collection city racing - night race (kb0407)

Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

eBook:,Erin Morgenstern nám v novom románe otvára dvere do svojej zlatom pretkanej fantázie, pričom hľadá s čitateľmi odpoveď na otázku, aká je skutočná sila príbehov. Kultový román Nočný cirkus si získal srdcia a podmanil predstavivosť miliónov čitateľov po celom svete. Bezhviezdne more je spisovateľkiným vyznaním lásky všetkým čitateľom, neskutočne snovým, znepokojujúcim i vášnivým, prekypujúcim citmi a mystériami. Zachary Ezra Rawlins objaví v univerzitnej knižnici zvláštnu knihu a na jej stránkach jeden deň z vlastného detstva popísaný do neskutočných detailov. Kým nemo dumá nad touto nevysvetliteľnou záhadou, natrafí na tri stopy – včelu, meč a kľúč –, ktoré ho zavedú na literárny maškarný ples. Krátko nato sa ocitne v prastarej knižnici hlboko v podzemí, kde sa nachádzajú všetky zabudnuté mestá, obývajú ich odvekí milenci a nebožtíkovia šepocú zabudnuté príbehy. Zachary sa musí mať na pozore pred strážcami, ktorí obetovali priveľa, aby ochránili jedinečnú zbierku. Aj pred tými, ktorí robia všetko pre jeho skazu. Prečo mu však robí spoločnosť sympatický bosý mladík Dorian, kým sa túla vinutými podzemnými chodbami, zabudnutými schodiskami, preplnenými tanečnými sálami a aj neskutočne sladkými plážami Bezhviezdneho mora? Zachary napokon sám vyrozumie, ako musí konať – a to nielen v knižnom príbehu, ale aj v skutočnom svete. (

Podobné produkty ako Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha , Invsn: let the night love you - lp (4250795605058)

The Skeleton Key (Defekt) - Erin Kelly


A reunion leads to tragedy, and the unravelling of dark family secrets . . .It is the summer of 2021 and Nell has come home at her family's insistence to celebrate an anniversary. Her father, Sir Frank Churcher, is regarded as a cult figure by many. Fifty years ago he wrote The Golden Bones. Part picture book, part treasure hunt, it was a fairy story about Elinore, a murdered woman whose skeleton was scattered all over England. Clues and puzzles in the pages of The Golden Bones led readers to seven sites where jewels were buried - gold and precious stones, each a different part of a skeleton. One by one, the tiny golden bones were dug up until only Elinore's pelvis remained hidden. The book was a sensation. A community of treasure hunters called the Bonehunters formed, in frenzied competition, obsessed to a dangerous degree. People sold their homes to travel to England and search for Elinore. Marriages broke down as the quest consumed people. A man died. The book made Frank a rich man. And it ruined Nell's life.But Sir Frank has reunited the Churchers for a very particular reason. The book is being reissued, along with a new treasure hunt and a documentary crew are charting the anniversary. Nell is appalled, and fearful. During the filming, Frank finally reveals the whereabouts of the missing golden bone. And then all hell breaks loose.From the bestselling author of He Said/She Said and Watch Her Fall, this is a taut, mesmerising novel about a daughter haunted by her father's legacy . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Skeleton Key (Defekt) - Erin Kelly , Fleetwood mac: tango in the night - lp (8122793561)

Bezhvězdné moře - Morgensternová Erin

Bezhvězdné moře - Morgensternová Erin

Zachary Ezra Rawlins je naprosto obyčejný mladík, který vede poklidný studentský život ve vermontském univerzitním kampusu. Vše ale změní jediná návštěva knihovny, při které Zachary na zaprášené polici objeví zvláštní knihu. Bez dechu obrací stránku za stránkou, uchvácený osudy nešťastných milenců, sběratelů klíčů a bezejmenných akolytů, když vtom narazí na něco nečekaného – na příběh z vlastního dětství. Prapodivná kniha mu nedá spát, a tak se rozhodne odhalit její tajemství a sledovat tajuplné stopy v podobě včely, klíče a meče. Cesta plná dobrodružných zvratů ho postupně přivede na maškarní večírek v New Yorku, do tajného klubu a podzemní knihovny, ukryté hluboko pod povrchem země. To, co Zachary objeví, ovšem není jen podzemním útočištěm knih a jejich strážců – je to domov ztracených měst a moří, milenců, kteří si pode dveřmi a napříč časem posílají láskyplné vzkazy, a dávno zapomenutých příběhů vyprávěných uctivým šepotem. Setká se s těmi, kdo tajnému archivu obětovali zrak i jazyk, ale i s těmi, kdo jej naopak chtějí zničit. Spolu s Mirabel, nebojácnou ochránkyní tohoto světa, a Dorianem, pohledným mužem, jehož věrností si nemůže být nikdo jistý, navštíví klikaté tunely, temná schodiště, přeplněné taneční sály i sladká pobřeží kouzelné říše a odhalí pravou podstatu svého údělu. (

Podobné produkty ako Bezhvězdné moře - Morgensternová Erin , Def leppard: on through the night - lp (0800722)

Defy the Night (Defekt) - Brigid Kemmererová


'A kinetic tale of the tension between duty, love and trust' - Cassandra Clare'Defy the Night is everything I crave in a fantasy romance' - Stephanie Garber'Addicting from page one!' - Jennifer L. ArmentroutA spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT.In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harristan and his brother Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist.Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most.As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom ... and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy.From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a brand-new blockbuster fantasy series about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice. (

Podobné produkty ako Defy the Night (Defekt) - Brigid Kemmererová , Child desmond, rouge: runners in the night - cd (4050538611007)

All The Lovers In The Night (Defekt) - Mieko Kawakami


Bestselling author of Breasts and Eggs Mieko Kawakami invites readers back into her immediately recognizable fictional world with this new, extraordinary novel and demonstrates yet again why she is one of today's most uncategorizable, insightful, and talented novelists. Fuyuko Irie is a freelance copy editor in her mid-thirties. Working and living alone in a city where it is not easy to form new relationships, she has little regular contact with anyone other than her editor, Hijiri, a woman of the same age but with a very different disposition. When Fuyuko stops one day on a Tokyo street and notices her reflection in a storefront window, what she sees is a drab, awkward, and spiritless woman who has lacked the strength to change her life and decides to do something about it. As the long overdue change occurs, however, painful episodes from Fuyuko's past surface and her behavior slips further and further beyond the pale. All the Lovers in the Night is acute and insightful, entertaining and engaging; it will make readers laugh, and it will make them cry, but it will also remind them, as only the best books do, that sometimes the pain is worth it. "In the skilled hands of Bett and Boyd, Kawakami's prose is instantly recognizable--immediate, incisive, and unfailingly honest."--Katie Kitamura, Entertainment Weekly(A Most Anticipated Book of 2022) (

Podobné produkty ako All The Lovers In The Night (Defekt) - Mieko Kawakami , Nutini paolo: last night in the bittersweet - cd (9029622469)

The Moravian Night : A Story (Defekt)


Mysteriously summoned to a houseboat on the Morava River, a few friends, associates, and collaborators of an old writer listen as he tells a story that will last until dawn: the tale of the once well-known writer's recent odyssey across Europe. As his story unfolds, it visits places that represent stages of the narrator's and the continent's past, many now lost or irrecoverably changed through war, death, and the subtler erosions of time. His wanderings take him from the Balkans to Spain, Germany, and Austria, from a congress of experts on noise sickness to a clandestine international gathering of jew's-harp virtuosos. His story and its telling are haunted by a beautiful stranger, a woman who has a preternatural hold over the writer and appears sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the longed-for destination of his travels.Powerfully alive, honest, and at times deliciously satirical, The Moravian Night explores the mind and memory of an aging writer, tracking the anxieties, angers, fears, and pleasures of a life inseparable from the recent history of Central Europe. In crystalline prose, Peter Handke traces and interrogates his own thoughts and perceptions while endowing the world with a mythic dimension. (

Podobné produkty ako The Moravian Night : A Story (Defekt) , Young neil: roxy / tonight's the night live - cd (9362490796)

Flight of the Night Hawks (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist


Sorcerer Pug wakes from a nightmare that portends destruction for all of Midkemia, and his son Magnus learns the reason: a beacon draws an army of alien invaders, and nemesis Sidi, now Leso Varen. In Stardock town, two boys come of age and go deep into the Empire of Great Kesh. A dark plot implicates the highest-ranking nobles, and the Nighthawks clan of Assassins. (

Podobné produkty ako Flight of the Night Hawks (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist , Kiss: creatures of the night (40th anniversary) - cd (4805523)

The Shape of Night (Defekt) - Tess Gerritsen

The Shape of Night (Defekt) - Tess Gerritsen

We've all done things we're ashamed of . . .When Ava arrives at Brodie's Watch, she thinks she has found the perfect place to hide from her past. Something terrible happened, something she is deeply ashamed of, and all she wants is to forget.But the old house on the hill both welcomes and repels her and Ava quickly begins to suspect she is not alone. Either that or she is losing her mind.The house is full of secrets, but is the creeping sense of danger coming from within its walls, or from somewhere else entirely? (

Podobné produkty ako The Shape of Night (Defekt) - Tess Gerritsen , Adventure at piccadilly circus/dobrodružství na piccadilly circus: zrcadlový text pro začátečníky (978-80-7547-613-5)

Night Train to the Stars (Defekt) - Kendži Mijazawa


Japanese fairy tales - enchanting, enigmatic stories of animals, human beings and the great natural world.Dark and innocent, sublime and whimsical, Miyazawa's stories have the ageless feel of the best fairy tales. There are animal allegories such as 'The Ungrateful Rat' where a rude rodent insults all the objects he meets - until he meets the Rat Trap/ There are morality tales such as 'The Restaurant of Many Orders', where two hunters become the hunted. There are also transcendent stories of childhood and mortality like Miyazawa's best-known 'Night Train to the Stars', where a magical steam train carries children through the night and up to the heavens.These stories reveal the unique brilliance of one of Japan's most beloved early twentieth-century writers. (

Podobné produkty ako Night Train to the Stars (Defekt) - Kendži Mijazawa , Boma trading kusový koberec erin, 80 x 150 cm

The Night Watchman : Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction 2021 (Defekt) - Erdrich Louise

The Night Watchman : Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction 2021 (Defekt) - Erdrich Louise

It is 1953. Thomas Wazhushk is the night watchman at the first factory to open near the Turtle Mountain Reservation in rural North Dakota. He is also a prominent Chippewa Council member, trying to understand a new bill that is soon to be put before Congress. The US Government calls it an 'emancipation' bill; but it isn't about freedom - it threatens the rights of Native Americans to their land, their very identity. How can he fight this betrayal?Unlike most of the girls on the reservation, Pixie - 'Patrice' - Paranteau has no desire to wear herself down on a husband and kids. She works at the factory, earning barely enough to support her mother and brother, let alone her alcoholic father who sometimes returns home to bully her for money. But Patrice needs every penny to get if she's ever going to get to Minnesota to find her missing sister Vera.In The Night Watchman multi-award winning author Louise Erdrich weaves together a story of past and future generations, of preservation and progress. She grapples with the worst and best impulses of human nature, illuminating the loves and lives, desires and ambitions of her characters with compassion, wit and intelligence. (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Watchman : Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction 2021 (Defekt) - Erdrich Louise , Boma trading kusový koberec erin, 120 x 170 cm

House of Roots and Ruin (Defekt) - Erin A. Craigová


A modern masterpiece, this is a classic Gothic thriller-fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Erin A. Craig, about doomed love, menacing ambition, and the ghosts that haunt us forever.In a manor by the sea, one sister is still cursed.Despite dreams of adventures far beyond the Salann shores, seventeen-year-old Verity Thaumas has remained at her family’s estate, Highmoor, with her older sister Camille, while their sisters have scattered across Arcannia.When their sister Mercy sends word that the Duchess of Bloem—wife of a celebrated botanist—is interested in having Verity paint a portrait of her son, Alexander, Verity jumps at the chance, but Camille won’t allow it. Forced to reveal the secret she’s kept for years, Camille tells Verity the truth one day: Verity is still seeing ghosts, she just doesn’t know it. Stunned, Verity flees Highmoor that night and—with nowhere else to turn—makes her way to Bloem. At first, she is captivated by the lush, luxurious landscape and is quickly drawn to charming, witty, and impossibly handsome Alexander Laurent. And soon, to her surprise, a romance . . . blossoms. But it’s not long before Verity is plagued with nightmares, and the darker side of Bloem begins to show through its sickly-sweet façade. . . . (

Podobné produkty ako House of Roots and Ruin (Defekt) - Erin A. Craigová , Erdenko nikolay, lopato, ludmila: the night is bright - the best russian romances - cd (4600383140186)

Kočičí válečníci - Nové proroctví 2: Východ měsíce (Defekt) - Erin Hunterová


Ostrodráp a jeho společníci jsou právě v polovině své strastiplné výpravy. Loučí se s Půlnocí a vydávají se na cestu zpět do lesa, aby svým klanům vyřídili, jak se mohou zachránit před zkázou. Jenže ve skalách na ně číhá smrtící nebezpečí… Dostanou se všichni v pořádku domů? (

Podobné produkty ako Kočičí válečníci - Nové proroctví 2: Východ měsíce (Defekt) - Erin Hunterová , The buying of lot 37: welcome to night vale (006279809x)

Ghosts from Our Past (Defekt) - Gilbert Erin


Offers information such as: the frightening childhood experiences that inspired the authors' lifelong passion for the paranormal; the history and science behind ghosts and other supernatural entities, with an illustrated guide to each class of spook; and, helpful sidebars like Is It a Ghost? A Handy Quiz, Ectoplasm Clean-up Tips, and more. (

Podobné produkty ako Ghosts from Our Past (Defekt) - Gilbert Erin , Donnas: spend the night (deluxe edition) (2x lp) - lp (8122790972)

Erasure: The Circus - CD (2561035E)

Erasure: The Circus - CD (2561035E)

Hudební CD - Druhé studiové album anglické synthpopové dvojice Erasure vydané v roce 198. Druhé studiové album anglické synthpopové dvojice Erasure vydané v roce 198. Reedice doplněná o bonusy vyšla v roce 2011 Seznam stop CD It Doesn't Have To Be / Hideaway / Don't Dance / If I Could / Sexuality / Victim Of Love / Leave Me To Bleed / Sometimes / The Circus / Spiralling Bonus In The Hall Of The Mountain King / Sometimes / It Doesn't Have To Be (Boop Oopa Doo Mix) (

Podobné produkty ako Erasure: The Circus - CD (2561035E) , Odsavac par elica circus ix a 60 nerez

The Circus Train - Amita Parikh


An electrifying, magical debut novel about a young girl whose life with a travelling circus is upended as Europe is ravaged by the Second World War. Brought together by magic. Torn apart by war. Europe, 1938. Even as the daughter of the extraordinary headlining illusionist, Lena Papadopoulos has never quite found her place within the World of Wonders - a travelling circus that traverses the continent in a luxury steam engine. Brilliant and curious, Lena yearns for the real-world magic of science and medicine, despite the limitations she feels in her wheelchair. But when a young French orphan, Alexandre, comes aboard the circus train, Lena's life is infused with magic and wonder for the first time.But outside the bright lights of the circus, darkness is descending on Europe. War is about to shatter Lena's world, and take away everything she holds dear. And to recover what she has lost, Lena will have to believe in the impossible. A must-read for fans of Water for Elephants, The Circus Train will take readers on a heart-wrenching two-decade journey across a continent in which great beauty and unimaginable horror live side by side. (

Podobné produkty ako The Circus Train - Amita Parikh , Dolce & gabbana the one royal night edp 100 ml m (1150143)

The Circus Train - Amita Parikh


Brought together by magic. Torn apart by war. _________Europe, 1938.Even as the daughter of the extraordinary headlining illusionist, Lena Papadopoulos has never quite found her place within the World of Wonders - a travelling circus that traverses the continent in a luxury steam engine. Brilliant and curious, Lena yearns for the real-world magic of science and medicine, despite the limitations she feels in her wheelchair. But when a young French orphan, Alexandre, comes aboard the circus train, Lena's life is infused with magic and wonder for the first time.But outside the bright lights of the circus, darkness is descending on Europe. War is about to shatter Lena's world, and take away everything she holds dear. And to recover what she has lost, Lena will have to believe in the impossible.A must-read for fans of Water for Elephants, The Circus Train will take readers on a heart-wrenching two-decade journey across a continent in which great beauty and unimaginable horror live side by side. (

Podobné produkty ako The Circus Train - Amita Parikh , Nutini paolo: last night in the bittersweet (2x lp) - lp (9029622470)

The Circadian Code : Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy and Sleep Well Every Night (Defekt) - Satchin Panda


Change your daily routine, transform your health.Circadian rhythms are biological processes or clocks that exist in each one of our cells. Programmed to turn genes on or off at different times of the day or night, they influence every aspect of our health from weight and energy levels through to resistance to disease and infection, and how well we sleep.Now, in The Circadian Code, this new science is revealed, showing that the timings of our day (when we eat, sleep, exercise, work) are more crucial than we ever thought before. And that, most importantly, if your daily schedule is out of sync with your circadian rhythms, you can fix it!Whether you are a shift worker, a frustrated dieter, someone suffering from sleep problems or chronic illness, whatever your health concern, The Circadian Code is the key to unlocking your health. (

Podobné produkty ako The Circadian Code : Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy and Sleep Well Every Night (Defekt) - Satchin Panda , Young neil: roxy - tonight's the night live (2x lp) - lp (9362490700)

Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise - Reese Witherspoon


Busy Betty has always been busy. Every day she wakes up with a million questions and a billion ideas! And today she has an amazing idea: she's throwing her mum a birthday party. Shhh . . . It's a surprise!Then Betty and her best friend, Mae, have the best idea of all: What if they threw Mum a circus surprise party?! It will be the greatest day in the history of the universe!Everything is perfect until Betty realises - oh, no! - Mum's birthday isn't today . . . it's next month. Whatever will they do with their circus surprise now?Reese Witherspoon's Busy Betty is an exuberant, smart, and larger-than-life character who encourages young readers to tackle each obstacle with enthusiasm, excitement, and big ideas. (

Podobné produkty ako Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise - Reese Witherspoon , Bvlgari goldea the roman night absolute sensuelle edp 30 ml (783320408885)

The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling


Magic doesn't always play by the rules.Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She's formed a powerful new coven with her family; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn 'Wells' Penhallow.Wells has come to Graves Glen for two reasons: to re-establish his family's connection to the town and to make a new life for himself away from his father. But when he opens a magic shop of his own just across the street from Gwyn's, he quickly learns that going up against her won't be as easy as he thought . . . especially after an accidental magic-inspired - and very hot - kiss. While Gwyn and Wells are fully committed to their witchy rivalry, they soon find themselves thrown together once again to deal with the sudden appearance of a mysterious new coven and Gwyn's growing concern that something - or someone - is messing with her magic . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling


Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She, her mom, and her cousin have formed a new and powerful coven; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's started mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn "Wells" Penhallow. Wells has come to Graves Glen to re-establish his family's connection to the town they founded as well as to make a new life for himself after years of being the dutiful son in Wales. When he opens up a shop of his own, Penhallow's, just across the street from Something Wicked, he quickly learns he's gotten more than he bargained for in going up against Gwyn. When their professional competition leads to a very personal - and very hot - kiss, both Wells and Gwyn are determined to stay away from each other, convinced the kiss was just a magical fluke. But when a mysterious new coven of witches come to town and Gwyn's powers begin fading, she and Wells must work together to figure out just what these new witches want and how to restore Gwyn's magic before it's too late. (

Podobné produkty ako The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová


From the author of House of Salt and Sorrows comes the breathtaking fairytale retelling readers have been waiting for When death calls, she must answer. Hazel Trepas has always known she was different from her siblings. A thirteenth child, she was promised to one of the gods at birth - Merrick, the god of death. When he finally arrives, Hazel learns the art - and magic - of healing. Word of her extraordinary gift to know the cure for every ailment spreads throughout the kingdom. But all gifts come with a price. When Death claims a soul for himself, it is Hazel who must end their suffering... permanently. Soon, destiny brings her to the royal court where she meets Leopold, an infuriatingly alluring prince with a disdain for everything and everyone. Here, Hazel faces her biggest dilemma yet: to carry out her duties or follow the urges of her own heart. Can she go against the will of Death himself to save someone who is marked to die? (

Podobné produkty ako The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová

Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo


Šokující příběh o případu sériového vraha, který inspiroval oblíbený seriál na Netflixu! Kniha, která byla pečlivě zpracovávána po tři roky na základě téměř sta hodin exkluzivních rozhovorů s Richardem Ramirezem z kalifornské cely smrti, je definitivním příběhem nejobávanějšího amerického sériového vraha. Od Ramirezových prvních střetů se zákonem přes jeho nejvražednější pronásledovatelské výpravy až po bezprecedentní policejní hon, který vyústil v jeden z nejsenzačnějších soudních procesů v dějinách Kalifornie, je tato kniha děsivým a uhrančivým sestupem do samého nitra lidského zla. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo

Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo


Šokující příběh o případu sériového vraha, který inspiroval oblíbený seriál na Netflixu! Kniha, která byla pečlivě zpracovávána po tři roky na základě téměř sta hodin exkluzivních rozhovorů s Richardem Ramirezem z kalifornské cely smrti, je definitivním příběhem nejobávanějšího amerického sériového vraha. Od Ramirezových prvních střetů se zákonem přes jeho nejvražednější pronásledovatelské výpravy až po bezprecedentní policejní hon, který vyústil v jeden z nejsenzačnějších soudních procesů v dějinách Kalifornie, je tato kniha děsivým a uhrančivým sestupem do samého nitra lidského zla. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo

Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo


Šokující příběh o případu sériového vraha, který inspiroval oblíbený seriál na Netflixu! Kniha, která byla pečlivě zpracovávána po tři roky na základě téměř sta hodin exkluzivních rozhovorů s Richardem Ramirezem z kalifornské cely smrti, je definitivním příběhem nejobávanějšího amerického sériového vraha. Od Ramirezových prvních střetů se zákonem přes jeho nejvražednější pronásledovatelské výpravy až po bezprecedentní policejní hon, který vyústil v jeden z nejsenzačnějších soudních procesů v dějinách Kalifornie, je tato kniha děsivým a uhrančivým sestupem do samého nitra lidského zla. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo

Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies


'The desert hides dark secrets...' MARRAKECH 1966 Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met. It's an epic journey that'll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains - and closer to the answers she's been craving all her life. But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes.And in unlocking the mystery of Clemence's past, Vicky will unearth great danger too . . .Five-star reader reviews for Night Train to Marrakech 'A love story and a thriller all in one' 'Epic storytelling' 'Utterly spellbinding' 'A book to lose yourself in' 'Fabulous, heart-stopping read, absolutely unputdownable in places' 'Full of mystery and drama' 'Political tensions, murders and love, this book has them all....' 'Full of twists and turns' 'A historical novel, this is also a suspenseful thriller' 'Atmospheric, drew me into the souks of Marrakech' 'This is a story of family, friendships, love and war' 'An utterly atmospheric, gripping read that transports you to Marrakech . . .a real page-turner' SUSAN LEWIS 'A world of stunning beauty and extreme danger . . .Dinah Jefferies is at the top of her game' GILL PAUL 'A mouthwatering read, intense and emotional. I loved it. Its characters hooked me irresistibly and stole my heart .. . a wonderful, heart-wrenching tale of love, danger and bone-chilling secrets' KATE FURNIVALL ''The seductive colours, sights, sounds and aromas of Marrakech, with a hidden, darker side, are so powerfully evoked that you are instantly transported there' LIZ TRENOW Available to pre-order now! (

Podobné produkty ako Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies

Hercule Poirot's Silent Night (Defekt) - Sophie Hannahová


The world's greatest detective, Hercule Poirot - legendary star of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile and A Haunting in Venice - puts his little grey cells to work solving a baffling Christmas mystery. (

Podobné produkty ako Hercule Poirot's Silent Night (Defekt) - Sophie Hannahová

Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies


'The desert hides dark secrets...' MARRAKECH 1966 Vicky Baudin steps onto a train winding through Morocco, looking for the grandmother she has never met. It's an epic journey that'll take her to the edge of Atlas Mountains - and closer to the answers she's been craving all her life. But dark secrets whisper amongst the dunes.And in unlocking the mystery of Clemence's past, Vicky will unearth great danger too . . .Five-star reader reviews for Night Train to Marrakech 'A love story and a thriller all in one' 'Epic storytelling' 'Utterly spellbinding' 'A book to lose yourself in' 'Fabulous, heart-stopping read, absolutely unputdownable in places' 'Full of mystery and drama' 'Political tensions, murders and love, this book has them all....' 'Full of twists and turns' 'A historical novel, this is also a suspenseful thriller' 'Atmospheric, drew me into the souks of Marrakech' 'This is a story of family, friendships, love and war' 'An utterly atmospheric, gripping read that transports you to Marrakech . . .a real page-turner' SUSAN LEWIS 'A world of stunning beauty and extreme danger . . .Dinah Jefferies is at the top of her game' GILL PAUL 'A mouthwatering read, intense and emotional. I loved it. Its characters hooked me irresistibly and stole my heart .. . a wonderful, heart-wrenching tale of love, danger and bone-chilling secrets' KATE FURNIVALL ''The seductive colours, sights, sounds and aromas of Marrakech, with a hidden, darker side, are so powerfully evoked that you are instantly transported there' LIZ TRENOW Available to pre-order now! (

Podobné produkty ako Night Train to Marrakech (Defekt) - Dinah Jefferies

Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo


Šokující příběh o případu sériového vraha, který inspiroval oblíbený seriál na Netflixu! Kniha, která byla pečlivě zpracovávána po tři roky na základě téměř sta hodin exkluzivních rozhovorů s Richardem Ramirezem z kalifornské cely smrti, je definitivním příběhem nejobávanějšího amerického sériového vraha. Od Ramirezových prvních střetů se zákonem přes jeho nejvražednější pronásledovatelské výpravy až po bezprecedentní policejní hon, který vyústil v jeden z nejsenzačnějších soudních procesů v dějinách Kalifornie, je tato kniha děsivým a uhrančivým sestupem do samého nitra lidského zla. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo

Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo


Šokující příběh o případu sériového vraha, který inspiroval oblíbený seriál na Netflixu! Kniha, která byla pečlivě zpracovávána po tři roky na základě téměř sta hodin exkluzivních rozhovorů s Richardem Ramirezem z kalifornské cely smrti, je definitivním příběhem nejobávanějšího amerického sériového vraha. Od Ramirezových prvních střetů se zákonem přes jeho nejvražednější pronásledovatelské výpravy až po bezprecedentní policejní hon, který vyústil v jeden z nejsenzačnějších soudních procesů v dějinách Kalifornie, je tato kniha děsivým a uhrančivým sestupem do samého nitra lidského zla. (

Podobné produkty ako Richard Ramirez: Night Stalker (Defekt) - Philip Carlo

The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

Kniha - autor Elie Wiesel, 340 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wiesel's trilogy of Holocaust stories offers meditations on mankind's attraction to violence and on the temptation of self-destruction. (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová


The sixth book in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors seriesJoin the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour.The time has come for Fireheart--now Firestar, leader of ThunderClan--to face his destiny. Tigerstar's sinister ambitions have brought the whole forest to the brink of a terrible and deadly battle. Now prophecies will unfold, and heroes will rise.... (

Podobné produkty ako Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová

Warrior Cats: Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová


Take your first steps into the wilderness with Rusty the house cat as he leaves his home to go and live in the wild. A thrillling new feline fantasy series that draws you into a vivid animal world.When ‘kittypet’ Rusty strays into the forest beyond his owner’s garden and is ambushed by a wild cat, life as he knows it is over.After a brave fight, he is invited to leave the ‘twoleg’ world and join Thunderclan, one of four cat tribes, to train as a warrior.Rusty becomes Firepaw and learns laws of the wild – hunting and fighting to protect the clan’s survival.When the fearsome Shadowclan threaten Thunderclan’s territory his warrior skills are put to the test. But how can he protect the clan when he suspects their own deputy of trechery? (

Podobné produkty ako Warrior Cats: Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová

The Night Visitor (1786482185)

The Night Visitor (1786482185)

Kniha - autor Lucy Atkins, 544 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The stunning new domestic noir thriller from the author of the bestselling The Missing One and The Other Child. Perfect for fans of I Let You Go and The Ice Twins.She knows what you have done . . .London-based TV historian Olivia Sweetman has everything - a successful career, three beautiful children, and a talented writer husband. In a small Sussex museum one day she meets Vivian, the socially awkward sixty year old housekeeper of nearby Ileford Manor. When Vivian shows Olivia the sensational Victorian diary she has found, Olivia is desperate to write a book about it. But in order to secure access, Olivia must put her misgivings aside and hire Vivian as her research assistant. Eighteen months later, with the book finished and tipped as a bestseller, Olivia is relieved to be shot of the difficult, if highly efficient, Vivian. She takes a much-needed summer holiday with family and... (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Visitor (1786482185)

The Night Gate (1784295086)

The Night Gate (1784295086)

Kniha - autor Peter May, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a sleepy French village, the body of a man shot through the head is disinterred by the roots of a fallen tree. A week later a famous art critic is viciously murdered in a nearby house. The deaths occurred more than seventy years apart. Asked by a colleague to inspect the site of the former, forensics expert Enzo Macleod quickly finds himself embroiled in the investigation of the latter. Two extraordinary narratives are set in train - one historical, unfolding in the treacherous wartime years of Occupied France; the other contemporary, set in the autumn of 2020 as France re-enters Covid lockdown. And Enzo's investigations reveal an unexpected link between the murders - the Mona Lisa. Tasked by the exiled General Charles de Gaulle to keep the world's most famous painting out of Nazi hands after the fall of France in 1940, 28-year-old Georgette Pignal finds herself swept along by the tide... (

Podobné produkty ako The Night Gate (1784295086)

Defy the Night (1526632802)

Defy the Night (1526632802)

Kniha - autor Brigid Kemmerer, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT. In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harriston and Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist. Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most. As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom ... and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy. From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a brand-new blockbuster fantasy series about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice. (

Podobné produkty ako Defy the Night (1526632802)

The Iliad and the Odyssey (Defekt) - Homér


Translated by George Chapman, with Introductions by Jan Parker. Hector bidding farewell to his wife and baby son, Odysseus bound to the mast listening to the Sirens, Penelope at the loom, Achilles dragging Hector's body round the walls of Troy - scenes from Homer have been reportrayed in every generation. The questions about mortality and identity that Homer's heroes ask, the bonds of love, respect and fellowship that motivate them, have gripped audiences for three millennia.Chapman's Iliad and Odyssey are great English epic poems, but they are also two of the liveliest and readable translations of Homer. Chapman's freshness makes the everyday world of nature and the craftsman as vivid as the battlefield and Mount Olympus. His poetry is driven by the excitement of the Renaissance discovery of classical civilisation as at once vital and distant, and is enriched by the perspectives of humanist thought. (

Podobné produkty ako The Iliad and the Odyssey (Defekt) - Homér

The Beatles: Get Back (Defekt) - The Beatles


Unikátní pohled do zákulisí. Kniha The Beatles: Get Back vás přenese do posledního roku této celosvětově známé kapely. Fanoušci a všichni milovníci The Beatles se konečně dočkali. Přes deset let očekávaná kniha o legendární kapele je zcela jiná než jakákoli před ní. V The Beatles: Get Back je zaznamenáno vytvoření posledního alba Let It Be přímo vlastními slovy členů The Beatles, která jsou doplněna dříve nepublikovanými fotografiemi ze zkoušek pořízenými Ethanem A. Russellem a Lindou McCartneyovou. Padesát let po nahrávání alba Let It Be a natočení filmu, který je dokumentuje, vychází tato kniha jako doprovod třídílného dokumentárního filmu Petera Jacksona The Beatles: Get Back . Kniha nás přenese do ledna 1969, je to začátek posledního roku The Beatles jako kapely. Album The BEATLES (The White Album – Bílé album) je na prvních místech hitparád a známá čtyřka se schází v Londýně kvůli novému projektu. Po 21 dní v různých nahrávacích studiích s kamerami a rekordéry dokumentujícími každodenní zkoušení kapela nacvičuje a vylepšuje mnoho svých nových i starých skladeb. Vše vrcholí známým koncertem na střeše přinášejícím do centra Londýna krátký oddech od všeho shonu a nebývalý rozruch. The Beatles: Get Back vypráví příběh zkoušek kapely prostřednictvím přepisů konverzace jejích členů a všech přítomných. Díky jemným zásahům editora Johna Harrise máme jedinečnou možnost vše pozorovat z pohledu mouchy na stěně, být přímo u toho a hrát a zpívat a vymýšlet lepší verše současně s kapelou, která je fenoménem po několik desítek let. Tento naprosto unikátní pocit je ještě znásobený původními fotografiemi pořízenými přímo na místě či snímky ze zmíněného 55hodinového filmového záznamu. Vypráví se, že tyto zkoušky byly předzvěstí rozpadu kapely. Nicméně je nutné dodat, že to bylo zároveň nejplodnějším a vrcholným obdobím The Beatles, o kterém si nyní můžeme přečíst přímo od našich milovaných Brouků. (

Podobné produkty ako The Beatles: Get Back (Defekt) - The Beatles

The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)


A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years. (

Podobné produkty ako The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)
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