Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Nine Tailors - Dorothy Leigh Sayersová
The eleventh book in Dorothy L Sayers'' classic Lord Peter Wimsey series, introduced by writer Jill Paton Walsh - a must-read for fans of Agatha Christie''s Poirot and Margery Allingham''s Campion Mysteries. ''D. L. Sayers is one of the best detective story writers'' Daily TelegraphWhen his sexton finds a corpse in the wrong grave, the rector of Fenchurch St Paul asks Lord Peter Wimsey to find out who the dead man was and how he came to be there.The lore of bell-ringing and a brilliantly-evoked village in the remote fens of East Anglia are the unforgettable background to a story of an old unsolved crime and its violent unravelling twenty years later.''She brought to the detective novel originality, intelligence, energy and wit.'' P. D. James
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The Complete Father Brown Stories - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Father Brown first made his appearance in "The Innocence of Father Brown" in 1911. This collection contains all of the Father Brown stories, showing thr quiet wit and compassion that has endeared him to many, whilst solving his mysteries by a mixture of imagination and a sympathetic worldliness in a totally believable manner.
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The Napoleon of Notting Hill - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
London, 1984. England has given up on democracy and selects its rulers by lottery. This time it is the turn of clerk Auberon Quin, a prankster who decrees that each borough of London become an independent mediaeval state, complete with costumes and coats of arms. The citizens bear his joke with varying levels of patience – until Adam Wayne, the intractable Provost of Notting Hill, sword in hand, takes the game far too seriously.First published in 1904, G. K. Chesterton''s deliriously eccentric debut novel is a wild, topsy-turvy satire on a land ruled by fools.
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The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "The Man Who Was Thursday" by G. K. Chesterton. '"A man's brain is a bomb," he cried out, loosening suddenly his strange passion and striking his own skull with violence. "My brain feels like a bomb, night and day. It must expand! It must expand! A man's brain must expand, if it breaks up the universe".' In a park in London, secret policeman Gabriel Syme strikes up a conversation with an anarchist. Sworn to do his duty, Syme uses his new acquaintance to go undercover in Europe's Central Anarchist Council and infiltrate their deadly mission, even managing to have himself voted to the position of 'Thursday'. When Syme discovers another undercover policeman on the Council, however, he starts to question his role in their operations. And as a desperate chase across Europe begins, his confusion grows, as well as his confidence in his ability to outwit his enemies. But he has still to face the greatest terror that the Council has: a man named Sunday, whose true nature is worse than Syme could ever have imagined..." The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Objev podobné jako The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Vražda potřebuje reklamu - Dorothy Leigh Sayersová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Nastoupil, aby zjistil, proč ze schodů sletěl pan Dean. Až to vypátrá, ukloní se a půjde si zase pinkat kriket. V červnu 1933 ještě nebývalo na mediálním trhu obvyklé, aby pod schodištěm slovutné londýnské reklamní agentury dělala reklamu mrtvola. Ani firma pana Randalla nestojí o randál, takže na místo zavražděného textaře Deana záhy přijímá pana Deathe Bredona, který se uvede náručí štěpných sloganů. Leč pozor! Jen zasvěcenci vědí, jaký číman se tu dal ve skutečnosti zaměstnat – zato sám lord Petr Wimsey tuší, že pachatele zločinu je záhodno hledat přímo v budově. Pokud se vyrovná s hektickými nároky, jež na něj kladou klienti, uzávěrky a sazárna, může v agentuře slídit jako ostříž, oslnivě konverzovat a po práci ovívat krásky na večírcích zlaté mládeže. I kdyby mu hrozilo, že ho některá uloví, zůstane akční detektiv s modrou krví vždy a všude noblesním Britem a s přispěním švagra-policisty odhalí, jak rafinovaně se ve městě distribuoval kokain. A mezitím nás stvořitelka všímavého lorda Petra pobaví desítkami postřehů o reklamě, „reklamštině“ a jejích pěšácích, kteří tak rádi klamou masy i sebe.
Objev podobné jako Vražda potřebuje reklamu - Dorothy Leigh Sayersová - audiokniha
The Uses of Diversity - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: G. K. Chesterton’s ‘The Uses of Diversity' is a collection of essays from the "Prince of Paradox". Written by the English writer and philosopher, Chesterton’s essays are full of exciting points, intelligent jokes, and intriguing insights, and beautifully showcase Chesterton’s thoughts and beliefs. Some of the essays featured in the collection include: ‘On Seriousness’, ‘Tennyson’, ‘The Japanese’, ‘Christian Science’, ‘The Evolution of Emma’, ‘Questions of Divorce’, ‘Mormonism’, ‘Dickens Again’, ‘George Wyndham’, and ‘On Monsters’. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton, which covers a wide array of topics on everything from religion and nationalities to poltics and different influential novelists.
Objev podobné jako The Uses of Diversity - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Zrozen, aby byl králem - Dorothy Leigh Sayersová - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Cyklus 12 rozhlasových her o životě Ježíše Krista. Dorothy Leigh Sayersová se této látky chopila jako zkušená spisovatelka- a přitom s pokorou a s úctou k biblické látce, k níž přibrala pár legend, které se k biblickému vyprávění později připojili. V každém příběhu uslyšíte úryvek z Ježíšova příběhu, tak jak jej zachytil některý z evangelistů. Potom kulisy oživnou , rozpovídají se a vy jste svědky mezihry, která v bibli takto zapsána není. Tady už v sobě Dorothy Leigh Sayersová detektivářku nezapře.
Objev podobné jako Zrozen, aby byl králem - Dorothy Leigh Sayersová - audiokniha
The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest runs to earth bandits, traitors, killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Father Brown knows human nature and is not afraid of its dark side. Thus he understands criminal motivation and how to deal with it. The stories included are "The Paradise of Thieves," "The Duel of Dr. Hirsch," "The Man in the Passage," "The Mistakes of the Machine," "The Head of the Caesar," "The Purple Wig," "The Perishing of the Pendragons," "The God of the Gongs," "The Salad of the Colonel Cray," "The Strange Crime of John Boulnois" and "The Fairy Tale of Father Brown."
Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Most books of literary criticism are written long after their age has passed, but a rare few are written during their time - and G. K. Chesterton's 'The Victorian Age in Literature' is one of them. Born during the Victorian era, Chesterton gives an incredible insight into Victorian literature as it was perceived at the end of the 19th century. His witty accounts shine a light on the classic works of Dickens, Austen, and the Brontës, as well as leading poets of the period, from Tennyson to Browning. His discussion ranges from the politics of the day to the birth of radical philosophies and revelations within the sciences. Chesterton's work is a refreshingly personal look into the Victorian mind and an invaluable resource for any student of literary history.-
Objev podobné jako The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Chesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysis on social and moral issues more relevant today than even in his own time. In his light and humorous style, yet deadly serious and philosophical, he comments on feminism and true womanhood, errors in education, the importance of the child and other issues, using incisive arguments against the trendsetters' assaults against the family. Chesterton possessed the genius to foresee the dangers if modernist proposals were implemented. He knew that lax moral standards would lead to the dehumanization of man, and in this book he staunchly defends the family, its constituent elements and character over against those ideas and institutions that would subvert it and thereby deliver man into the hands of the servile state. In addressing what is wrong, he also shows clearly what is right, sane and sensible and how to change things in that direction.
Objev podobné jako What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Chestertonova dnes už klasická romantická „Ortodoxie“ je osobní i univerzální obhajobou zdravého rozumu, hlubokého smyslu lidské existence, demokracie a vznešeného poslání Západní civilizace. Jeho zábavná a veselá polemika s morbidními kazisvěty té doby, kterých za sto let od napsání ješte přibylo, je návodem k aktivnímu, dobrodružnému a barvitému životu plnému fantazie. Mistr paradoxu mluví o „potřebě spojovat důvěrně známé s neznámým (s tajemnem) a dívat se na svět tak, abychom měli současně pocit úžasu, daru i toho, že jsme tu vítáni“. Má-li člověk v životě to pravé poslání, stává se každý den dobrodružstvím, každodennost zázrakem a zdánlivě malé věci vyrostou do nebeských výšin. Jako detektiv pátrá Chesterton metodicky po příčině psychologicky udržitelné radosti ze života, která může vycházet jenom z určité víry, tak jako každý pesimismus vychází z nevíry.V novém, stručném a soudobém překladu zní autorova gigantická životní energie naplno.
Objev podobné jako Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Step into an English realm of knights, elves, and priestly sermons. ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’, by G. K. Chesterton, is a masterful collection of poems that trace themes of morality, fairy tales, and religion. An early work by one of the 20th century’s most influential writers, this book of poems comes alive with pagan and Christian imagery intertwined. A profoundly thoughtful work that bears multiple readings and gives an earnest glimpse into the mind of Chesterton. Featuring works such as ‘Chord of Colour’, ‘The Donkey’, and ‘The Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon’, ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’ will inspire philosophers and artists alike. A perfect collection for readers of Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ or Simon Armitage’s ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’.
Objev podobné jako The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Paradoxy pána Ponda je posledná kniha detektívnych príbehov od slávneho britského prozaika, novinára a katolíckeho filozofa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Poviedky sa najprv objavovali v literárnom časopise Storyteller a knižne vyšli až po spisovateľovej smrti. Hlavným hrdinom zbierky je bývalý štátny zamestnanec pán Pond, ktorý sa doslova vyžíva vo vyslovovaní svojráznych paradoxných výrokov a priateľov neprestáva ohromovať opisom svojich prazvláštnych životných skúseností. Vďaka nezvyčajnému pohľadu na svet a zmyslu pre detailný rozbor akokoľvek zložitej situácie si dokáže poradiť aj s tým najzamotanejším prípadom. Sám autor o svojej poslednej veľkej literárnej postave napísal: „Väčšina tých, čo hovoria v paradoxoch, sa len vyťahujú. No Pond je iný. On to robí, pretože sa vyťahovať nechce. Vieš, vyzerá ako taký sedavý typ, vedecký mužíček, akoby bol navždy prikovaný k stolu či písaciemu stroju, no zažil niekoľko skutočne vzrušujúcich príhod. Nerád o nich hovorí, to vlastne ani nechce. Najradšej by sa rozprával o úsudku, filozofii a teoretických veciach z kníh – dobre predsa vieš ako nesmierne miluje racionálnu literatúru osemnásteho storočia. Lenže počas toho abstraktného rozprávania občas znenazdania natrafí na čosi, čo sa mu aj naozaj stalo. No a vtedy – aby som to tak povedal – to všetko zhúžva dokopy. Snaží sa to natlačiť do malého priestoru a potom to jednoducho znie protichodne. Takmer každá z tých jeho pološialených viet predstavuje nejaké rozsiahlejšie dobrodružstvo v živote, ktorý by väčšina ľudí nazvala veľmi nedobrodružným.“
Objev podobné jako Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkama, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.
Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Hrdinom legendárneho románu Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936) z roku 1925 je Michael Herne, hĺbavý knihovník na panstve lorda Seawooda, ktorému dcéra jeho zamestnávateľa zverí úlohu kráľa Richarda Levie srdce v divadelnom predstavení s názvom Trubadúr Blondel. Herne berie svoju postavu nesmierne vážne, dôkladne skúma stredovek a po skončení hry si na zdesenie ostatných spoluúčinkujúcich odmietne vyzliecť kostým a naďalej zotrváva v charaktere zverenej postavy. Nielen jeho pôvodné oblečenie, ale aj všetko naokolo mu zrazu pripadá zvláštne nepochopiteľné. S nesmiernymi rozpakmi hľadí na negatívne javy moderného sveta a postupne sa s fanatickou náruživosťou vteľuje do úlohy novodobého dona Quiota, ktorý má všetky tie neduhy napraviť. Cez postavu Michaela Herna autor svojím očarujúcim a nenapodobiteľným spôsobom analyzuje nedostatky, absurdnosť a nelogickosť fungovania ľudskej spoločnosti. Už v tomto románe však čiastočne opúšťa svoj nevyhranený pesimizmus a smeruje k tomu, čo Karel Čapek nazval „geniálnym optimizmom“.
Objev podobné jako Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Zbierka detektívnych poviedok Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa vyšla po prvý raz v roku 1922 a ide zrejme o najtemnejšie a najcynickejšie dielo slávneho britského prozaika, novinára, esejistu, historika a teológa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Hrdinom mimoriadnych príbehov je Horne Fischer, ktorý vďaka svojej bystrej mysli a vynikajúcim deduktívnym schopnostiam dokáže vyriešiť aj tie najkomplikovanejšie kriminálne prípady. Spolu so začínajúcim novinárom Haroldom Marchom sa však pohybuje vo vyšších kruhoch britskej spoločnosti a výsledky svojho vyšetrovania musí podriadiť spoločenským a politickým záujmom krajiny. Problémom totiž nie je odhalenie páchateľa, ale či je vôbec vhodné postaviť ho pred súd. Horne Fisher je totiž spriaznený s takmer všetkými významnými aristokratmi aj vplyvnými politikmi krajiny a dobre preto pozná zákulisné zlozvyky ostrovného kráľovstva. Jednoducho vie priveľa, aby sa mohol rozhodovať len podľa litery zákona a svojich morálnych zásad.
Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: From satires of Sherlock Holmes to lectures in defence of fairy tales, this collection of essays brings to life the smallest of trifles and turns them into debates on the meaning of life itself. G. K. Chesterton was one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century and produced a treasure trove of over four thousand essays. Of these, ‘Tremendous Trifles’ selects thirty-nine gems of good advice, fantastical storytelling, and philosophical ponderings to delight the reader. Including ‘The Dragon’s Grandmother’, ‘A Tragedy of Twopence’, and ‘The Shop of Ghosts’, this work brings together the best of classic Chesterton that will continue to amuse and outwit readers right up to the modern-day.
Objev podobné jako Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: This collection of biographical essays by G. K. Chesterton gives a one-of-a-kind insight into some of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Chesterton lends his prolific wit to these extremely unique and personal biographies, capturing a perfect snapshot of British society in the 1900s. ‘Twelve Types’ covers the life and works of Charlotte Bronte, Alexander Pope, Lord Byron, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Morris, Saint Francis, Edmond Rostand, Charles II, Thomas Carlyle, Savonarola, and Leo Tolstoy. A pastiche of the Victorian society and artists that would birth the Romantic and Gothic movements in English literature, ‘Twelve Types’ is an unmissable collection for any student of 20th century Britain.
Objev podobné jako Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Queens and Emperors, artists and poets, priests and politicians: all are subject to G. K. Chesterton’s collected biographies. ‘Varied Types’ spans the streets of London, travels to the edges of the British empire and doubles back into the depths of history. In a series of essays, Chesterton paints the portraits of England’s most influential figures, from Walter Scott to Lord Tennyson, and favours each with his authoritative wit. This continuation of the collection ‘Twelve Types’ adds eight spectacular essays, featuring Queen Victoria, Alfred the Great, John Ruskin, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and many more. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton which dives deep into the history of classic English literature.
Objev podobné jako Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Chestertonove detektívne poviedky môžeme smelo zaradiť k najlepším dielam klasickej detektívky a najmä k románom sira Arthura Conana Doyla. Nenápadný, ošumelý, postavou ťarbavý, na prvý pohľad naivný, ba až smiešny katolícky kňaz postupne rozuzlí navonok neriešiteľné kriminálne prípady a svojím racionalizmom a dôsledne logickým myšlienkovým postupom prekvapuje aj najskúsenejších profesionálnych detektívov. Na rozdiel od Sherlocka Holmesa, ktorý pri práci používa aj vedecké metódy, otec Brown dedukuje svoje závery pri odhaľovaní zločinu či zdanlivo nevysvetliteľnej "nadprirodzenej" situácie na základe dokonalej znalosti ľudskej povahy a psychológie.Treba priznať, že nejedna detektívkaje preplnená senzačnými zločinmiako Shakespearova dráma. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Objev podobné jako Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: 12 detektivních příběhů z pera Gilberta K. Chestertona Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkami, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.
Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Satirický příběh se odehrává na sklonku 20. století, kdy anglický král z rozmaru přikáže obnovit v londýnských čtvrtích středověké poměry. Zajímavý byl už výběr hlavy státu zabodnutím nože do telefonního seznamu... Dovoleno je vše, od diktatury po anarchii, alespoň není nuda...
Objev podobné jako Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Wine, Water, and Song - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: A light-hearted collection of poems featuring G. K. Chesterton’s classic wit and cheer, ‘Wine, Water, and Song’ celebrates drink in all its forms, lampooning ideas of prohibition that were on the rise in 20th century London. Chesterton makes a merry satire of local politics and English traditions, with poems including ‘Wine and Water’, where he imagines a wine cellar aboard Noah’s Ark, and ‘The Logical Vegetarian’, where he sings the virtues of a liquid diet. For fans of Chesterton and poetry that provokes, this book is a perfect collection of clever rhymes and outspoken English humour.
Objev podobné jako Wine, Water, and Song - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Pokud si ceníte klasického britského kriminálního dramatu, tato kniha s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků vás zajisté nezklame. Otec Brown řeší vraždy tím způsobem, že kombinuje filozofické a duchovní úvahy s vědeckým pozorováním a obnovuje spravedlnost v malých komunitách, které navštěvuje po celé Anglii. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě. Pro zajímavost ´Otec Brown´ je britský detektivní dramatický televizní seriál, vysílaný od 14. ledna 2013 na stanici BBC One.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Príbeh metafyzického thrilleru Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok (1908) sa začína v edwardiánskom Londýne, kde mladý básnik Gabriel Syme vstupuje do služieb Scotland Yardu. Ako tajný agent špeciálneho policajného oddelenia na rozvrat anarchistického hnutia má za úlohu infiltrovať jednu z najmocnejších teroristických organizácií a v Paríži zabrániť bombovému atentátu na francúzskeho prezidenta. Románová fantázia, či skôr nočná mora, ktorú pri odhaľovaní obludného sprisahania zažíva hlavný hrdina patrí medzi najzaujímavejšie a zároveň najvtipnejšie literárne diela jedného z najplodnejších a najuznávanejších anglických prozaikov prvej polovice 20. storočia Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 - 1936).
Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton
What I Saw in America - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: In 1921, G.K. Chesterton, an Englishman, lectured throughout the United States. The following year, he published this record of his impressions. "I have never managed to lose my old conviction that travel narrows the mind," begins Chesterton, giving us some inkling of the aphoristic delights in store. He offers amusing insights on the architecture of American hotels and the real reasons for Prohibition. His purview also includes slavery, the Irish in America, the decline of the British Empire, Abraham Lincoln and the American businessman. Some of his conclusions are prophetic and others, we can say with hindsight, are wrong-headed, but refreshing.
Objev podobné jako What I Saw in America - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Otec Brown na stopě II – klasické britské kriminální drama. Druhý díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků, které nenudí... Otec Brown, obyčejný kněz, jehož nevšední zevnějšek skrývá mimořádnou schopnost řešit zločiny, je oslavován pro svá řešení metafyzických záhad. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: Otec Brown na stopě III – klasické britské kriminální drama. Třetí díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků. Otec Brown je skromný anglický kněz s pozoruhodným talentem pro řešení záhad, který prochází řadou kriminálních situací, jež často odhalují hlubší morální ponaučení.
Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
eBook: "We must hit Capitalism, and hit it hard, for the plain and definite reason that it is growing stronger." Chesterton’s essays on the pitfalls of capitalism, written in the early 1900s, still strike true in the modern-day. One of England’s greatest essayists, Chesterton analyses the claims of capitalism without preaching or favouring Marxist and socialist thinkers. Instead, Chesterton’s anti-capitalist arguments are drawn from his own Christian ideals and philosophical reasoning, giving a unique perspective that is invaluable for historians and students of philosophy alike. Readers of Rebecca Henderson or Thomas Piketty should not miss this extraordinary glimpse into the ideologies of the past.
Objev podobné jako Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha
Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Čtyři legendární příběhy světové literatury pro adventní čas Vánoční koleda Ch. Dickense je slavnou novelou o starém lakomci Scroogeovi, kterému duchové ukážou svět chudých a změní tak jeho smýšlení. Sherlock Holmes a doktor Watson řeší ve vánočním Londýně případ Modrá karbunkule. V detektivní povídce spisovatele G. K. Chestertona Létající hvězdy vyšetřuje páter Brown krádež vzácných klenotů v domě uprostřed zasněžené zahrady. Sněhová královna od H. Ch. Andersena je nejznámější zimní pohádkou pro celou rodinu. Literární díla pro posluchače všech generací v mimořádné interpretaci pánů Josefa Somra a Ladislava Freje.
Objev podobné jako Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
The Hollow - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's ingenious mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Lucy Angkatell invited Hercule Poirot to lunch. To tease the great detective, her guests stage a mock murder beside the swimming pool. Unfortunately, the victim plays the scene for real. As his blood drips into the water, John Christow gasps one final word: `Henrietta'. In the confusion, a gun sinks to the bottom of the pool. Poirot's enquiries reveal a complex web of romantic attachments. It seems everyone in the drama is a suspect - and each a victim of love.
Objev podobné jako The Hollow - Agatha Christie
The Sittaford Mystery - Agatha Christie
A seance in a snowbound Dartmoor house predicts a grisly murder... In a remote house in the middle of Dartmoor, six shadowy figures huddle around a small table for a seance. Tension rises as the spirits spell out a chilling message: `Captain Trevelyan... dead... murder.' Is this black magic or simply a macabre joke? The only way to be certain is to locate Captain Trevelyan. Unfortunately, his home is six miles away and, with snow drifts blocking the roads, someone will have to make the journey on foot...
Objev podobné jako The Sittaford Mystery - Agatha Christie
The Last Seance - Agatha Christie
From the Queen of Crime, all of her spookiest and most macabre stories collected in one volume, including her earliest published story, ''The Wife of the Kenite'', which is exclusive to this collection.‘From behind the curtains there still sounded the terrible high long-drawn scream – such a scream as Raoul had never heard. It died away with a horrible kind of gurgle. Then there came the thud of a body falling…’For lovers of the supernatural and the macabre comes this collection of ghostly and chilling tales from Agatha Christie. Acknowledged the world over as the undisputed Queen of Crime, in fact she dabbled in her early writing career with mysteries of a more unearthly kind – stories featuring fantastic psychic visions, spectres looming in the shadows, encounters with deities, eerie messages from the Other Side, even a man who switches bodies with a cat…This haunting compendium gathers together all of Christie’s spookiest and most macabre short stories, some featuring her timeless detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Finally together in one volume, it shines a light on the darker side of Agatha Christie, one that she herself relished, identifying ten of them as ‘my own favourite stories written soon after The Mysterious Affair at Styles, some before that’.Contains 20 stories:The Last Séance • In a Glass Darkly • The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb • SOS • The Fourth Man • The Idol House of Astarte • The Gipsy • Philomel Cottage • The Dream • The Lamp • Wireless • The Mystery of the Blue Jar • The Blue Geranium • The Wife of the Kenite • The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael • The Call of Wings • The Red Signal • The Flock of Geryon • The Dressmaker’s Doll • The Hound of Death‘Reading a perfectly plotted Agatha Christie is like crunching into a perfect apple: pure, crisp, absolute satisfaction.’ TANA FRENCH
Objev podobné jako The Last Seance - Agatha Christie
The Big Four - Agatha Christie
A ruthless international cartel seeks world domination... Framed in the doorway of Poirot's bedroom stood an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man's gaunt face stared for a moment, then he swayed and fell. Who was he? Was he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what was the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life to uncover the truth about `Number Four'.
Objev podobné jako The Big Four - Agatha Christie
The ABC Murders - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's world-famous serial killer mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. There's a serial killer on the loose, bent on working his way through the alphabet. And as a macabre calling card he leaves beside each victim's corpe the ABC Railway Guide open at the name of the town where the murder has taken place. Having begun with Andover, Bexhill and then Churston, there seems little chance of the murderer being caught - until he makes the crucial and vain mistake of challenging Hercule Poirot to frustrate his plans...
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After the Funeral - Agatha Christie
There are certain things that are best left unsaid. Though tragedy had touched the life of the wealthy Richard Abernethie, his sudden death seemed pretty unremarkable for a man of his age. So why would his sister wait until his funeral to say he had been murdered? When she is savagely killed with a hatchet the next day, her extraordinary remark suddenly takes on a chilling significance. In desperation, the family solicitor turns to Hercule Poirot to unravel the mystery...
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The Body in the Library - Agatha Christie
A young woman found murderedA scandal in the makingWhen Mrs Bantry wakes to find a body in her library, there's only one woman to call: her good friend Jane Marple.But she hasn't called her old friend for comfort.The body in her library has been murdered and Miss Marple is so very good at solving murders.Her investigations uncover a scandal far darker than either of them could have imagined, and this time she may be out of her depth.Never underestimate Miss Marple
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The Seven Dials Mystery - Agatha Christie
A healthy young man dies in his sleep, despite the ringing of eight separate alarm clocks...Gerry Wade had proved himself to be a champion sleeper; so the other house guests decided to play a practical joke on him. Eight alarm clocks were set to go off, one after the other, starting at 6.30 a.m. But when morning arrived, one clock was missing and the prank had backfired with tragic consequences. For Jimmy Thesiger in particular, the words 'Seven Dials' were to take on a new and chilling significance...
Objev podobné jako The Seven Dials Mystery - Agatha Christie
The Secret of Chimneys - Agatha Christie
A young drifter finds more than he bargained for when he agrees to deliver a parcel to an English country house... Little did Anthony Cade suspect that a simple errand on behalf of a friend would make him the centrepiece of a murderous international conspiracy. Someone would stop at nothing to prevent the monarchy being restored in faraway Herzoslovakia. The combined forces of Scotland Yard and the French Surete can do no better than go in circles - until the final murder at Chimneys, the great country estate that yields up an amazing secret...
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Evil Under the Sun - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie’s seaside mystery thriller, based on the Devon location of Burgh Island, now reissued as a hardback ‘Special Edition’ with a gorgeous new artwork cover. ’It is peaceful. The sun shines.The sea is blue. But you forget, there is evil everywhere under the sun.’ It was not unusual to find the beautiful bronzed body of the sun-loving Arlena Stuart stretched out on a beach, face down. Only, on this occasion, there was no sun… she had been strangled.Ever since Arlena’s arrival at the resort, Hercule Poirot had detected sexual tension in the seaside air. But could this apparent ‘crime of passion’ have been something more evil and premeditated altogether?
Objev podobné jako Evil Under the Sun - Agatha Christie
The Mysterious Mr Quin - Agatha Christie
A mysterious stranger appears at a New Year's Eve party, becoming the enigmatic sleuthing sidekick to the snobbish Mr Satterthwaite... So far, it had been a typical New Year's Eve house party. But Mr Satterthwaite - a keen observer of human nature - sensed that the real drama of the evening was yet to unfold. So it proved when a mysterious stranger arrived after midnight. Who was this Mr Quin? And why did his presence have such a pronounced effect on Eleanor Portal, the woman with the dyed-black hair?
Objev podobné jako The Mysterious Mr Quin - Agatha Christie
Absent in the Spring - Agatha Christie
A striking novel of truth and soul-searching.Returning from a visit to her daughter in Iraq, Joan Scudamore finds herself unexpectedly alone and stranded in an isolated rest house by flooding of the railway tracks.Looking back over the years, Joan painfully re-examines her attitudes, relationships and actions and becomes increasingly uneasy about the person who is revealed to her…Famous for her ingenious crime books and plays, Agatha Christie also wrote about crimes of the heart, six bittersweet and very personal novels, as compelling and memorable as the best of her work.
Objev podobné jako Absent in the Spring - Agatha Christie
Evil Under The Sun - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's exotic seaside mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. It was not unusual to find the beautiful bronzed body of the sun-loving Arlena Stuart stretched out on a beach, face down. Only, on this occasion, there was no sun...she had been strangled. Ever since Arlena's arrival at the resort, Hercule Poirot had detected sexual tension in the seaside air. But could this apparent 'crime of passion' have been something more evil and premeditated altogether?
Objev podobné jako Evil Under The Sun - Agatha Christie
The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
Can you work out whodunnit, with what and why like Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot? Put your armchair detective abilities to the ultimate test... Do you have the flair, order and method of Poirot, or the unassuming, shrewd intelligence of Miss Marple? You're going to need it... Brush off your moustache, collect your knitting needles and put your little grey cells to good use in the case of the missing librarian.With a murderous culprit leaving behind 100 of the most perplexing puzzles to solve, can you complete them to follow the trail of the crime? Immerse yourself in the world of Agatha Christie with this new and official puzzling series of events.
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While the Light Lasts - Agatha Christie
Some of Agatha Christie's earliest stories - including her very first - which show the Queen of Crime in the making...A macabre recurring dream ...revenge against a blackmailer ...jealousy, infidelity and a tortured conscience ...a stolen gemstone ...the haunting attraction of an ancient relic ...a race against time ...a tragic love triangle ...a body in a box ...an unexpected visitor from beyond the grave...Nine quintessential examples of Agatha Christie's brilliance are contained in this new collection of early short stories - including the very first one she ever wrote - and provide a unique glimpse of the Queen of Crime in the making.
Objev podobné jako While the Light Lasts - Agatha Christie
Death On The Nile - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's most exotic murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile is shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway has been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful, a girl who had everything - until she lost her life. Hercule Poirot recalls an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: 'I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.' Yet in this exotic setting' nothing is ever quite what it seems...
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The Thirteen Problems (Marple) - Agatha Christie
This new mini hardback edition completes the series of collectable Miss Marple hardbacks - the first time all 14 Marple books have had their own uniform hardback series. A weekly dinner party Ten amateur sleuths The Tuesday Club murders On a quiet Tuesday in St Mary Mead, a group of friends gather for dinner. A policeman, a clergyman, a solicitor, an author, an artist, and an unassuming lady with a shrewd gaze - Miss Jane Marple.Conversation naturally turns to crime. Each recounts a seemingly unsolvable mystery. Each thinks they know the answer.But it's the one they least expect who understands the true nature of each wicked act... Never underestimate Miss Marple
Objev podobné jako The Thirteen Problems (Marple) - Agatha Christie
Death on the Nile - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie’s most exotic murder mystery in a sumptuous hardback Special Edition.The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile is shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway has been shot through the head. She was young, stylish and beautiful, a girl who had everything – until she lost her life.Hercule Poirot recalls an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: ‘I’d like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger.’ Yet in this exotic setting nothing is ever quite what it seems…
Objev podobné jako Death on the Nile - Agatha Christie
Death in the Clouds - Agatha Christie
A woman is killed by a poisoned dart in the enclosed confines of a commercial passenger plane…From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp.What Poirot did not yet realize was that behind him, in seat No.2, sat the slumped, lifeless body of a woman.
Objev podobné jako Death in the Clouds - Agatha Christie
Cards On the Table - Agatha Christie
A flamboyant party host is murdered in full view of a roomful of bridge players...Mr Shaitana was famous as a flamboyant party host. Nevertheless, he was a man of whom everybody was a little afraid. So, when he boasted to Poirot that he considered murder an art form, the detective had some reservations about accepting a party invitation to view Shaitana's private collection. Indeed, what began as an absorbing evening of bridge was to turn into a more dangerous game altogether...
Objev podobné jako Cards On the Table - Agatha Christie
The Man in the Brown Suit - Agatha Christie
A young woman investigates an accidental death at a London tube station, and finds herself of a ship bound for South Africa... Pretty, young Anne came to London looking for adventure. In fact, adventure comes looking for her - and finds her immediately at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Anne is present on the platform when a thin man, reeking of mothballs, loses his balance and is electocuted on the rails. The Scotland Yard verdict is accidental death. But Anne is not satisfied. After all, who was the man in the brown suit who examined the body? And why did he race off, leaving a cryptic message behind: `17-122 Kilmorden Castle'?
Objev podobné jako The Man in the Brown Suit - Agatha Christie
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