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The Man Who Was Thursday - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "The Man Who Was Thursday" by G. K. Chesterton. '"A man's brain is a bomb," he cried out, loosening suddenly his strange passion and striking his own skull with violence. "My brain feels like a bomb, night and day. It must expand! It must expand! A man's brain must expand, if it breaks up the universe".' In a park in London, secret policeman Gabriel Syme strikes up a conversation with an anarchist. Sworn to do his duty, Syme uses his new acquaintance to go undercover in Europe's Central Anarchist Council and infiltrate their deadly mission, even managing to have himself voted to the position of 'Thursday'. When Syme discovers another undercover policeman on the Council, however, he starts to question his role in their operations. And as a desperate chase across Europe begins, his confusion grows, as well as his confidence in his ability to outwit his enemies. But he has still to face the greatest terror that the Council has: a man named Sunday, whose true nature is worse than Syme could ever have imagined..." The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Podívejte se také Travis: The Man Who - LP (7209191)

cena 219.0 Kč

The Complete Father Brown Stories - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Father Brown first made his appearance in "The Innocence of Father Brown" in 1911. This collection contains all of the Father Brown stories, showing thr quiet wit and compassion that has endeared him to many, whilst solving his mysteries by a mixture of imagination and a sympathetic worldliness in a totally believable manner.

Podívejte se také Travis: The Man Who (2x CD) - CD (7209190)

cena 107.0 Kč

The Napoleon of Notting Hill - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

London, 1984. England has given up on democracy and selects its rulers by lottery. This time it is the turn of clerk Auberon Quin, a prankster who decrees that each borough of London become an independent mediaeval state, complete with costumes and coats of arms. The citizens bear his joke with varying levels of patience – until Adam Wayne, the intractable Provost of Notting Hill, sword in hand, takes the game far too seriously.First published in 1904, G. K. Chesterton''s deliriously eccentric debut novel is a wild, topsy-turvy satire on a land ruled by fools.

Podívejte se také Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

cena 295.0 Kč

The Uses of Diversity - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: G. K. Chesterton’s ‘The Uses of Diversity' is a collection of essays from the "Prince of Paradox". Written by the English writer and philosopher, Chesterton’s essays are full of exciting points, intelligent jokes, and intriguing insights, and beautifully showcase Chesterton’s thoughts and beliefs. Some of the essays featured in the collection include: ‘On Seriousness’, ‘Tennyson’, ‘The Japanese’, ‘Christian Science’, ‘The Evolution of Emma’, ‘Questions of Divorce’, ‘Mormonism’, ‘Dickens Again’, ‘George Wyndham’, and ‘On Monsters’. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton, which covers a wide array of topics on everything from religion and nationalities to poltics and different influential novelists.

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cena 138.0 Kč

The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: From London to Cornwall, then to Italy and France, a short, shabby priest runs to earth bandits, traitors, killers. Why is he so successful? The reason is that after years spent in the priesthood, Father Brown knows human nature and is not afraid of its dark side. Thus he understands criminal motivation and how to deal with it. The stories included are "The Paradise of Thieves," "The Duel of Dr. Hirsch," "The Man in the Passage," "The Mistakes of the Machine," "The Head of the Caesar," "The Purple Wig," "The Perishing of the Pendragons," "The God of the Gongs," "The Salad of the Colonel Cray," "The Strange Crime of John Boulnois" and "The Fairy Tale of Father Brown."

Objev podobné jako The Wisdom of Father Brown - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Most books of literary criticism are written long after their age has passed, but a rare few are written during their time - and G. K. Chesterton's 'The Victorian Age in Literature' is one of them. Born during the Victorian era, Chesterton gives an incredible insight into Victorian literature as it was perceived at the end of the 19th century. His witty accounts shine a light on the classic works of Dickens, Austen, and the Brontës, as well as leading poets of the period, from Tennyson to Browning. His discussion ranges from the politics of the day to the birth of radical philosophies and revelations within the sciences. Chesterton's work is a refreshingly personal look into the Victorian mind and an invaluable resource for any student of literary history.-

Objev podobné jako The Victorian Age in Literature - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

What's Wrong with the World - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Chesterton gives his remarkably perceptive analysis on social and moral issues more relevant today than even in his own time. In his light and humorous style, yet deadly serious and philosophical, he comments on feminism and true womanhood, errors in education, the importance of the child and other issues, using incisive arguments against the trendsetters' assaults against the family. Chesterton possessed the genius to foresee the dangers if modernist proposals were implemented. He knew that lax moral standards would lead to the dehumanization of man, and in this book he staunchly defends the family, its constituent elements and character over against those ideas and institutions that would subvert it and thereby deliver man into the hands of the servile state. In addressing what is wrong, he also shows clearly what is right, sane and sensible and how to change things in that direction.

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cena 138.0 Kč

Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Chestertonova dnes už klasická romantická „Ortodoxie“ je osobní i univerzální obhajobou zdravého rozumu, hlubokého smyslu lidské existence, demokracie a vznešeného poslání Západní civilizace. Jeho zábavná a veselá polemika s morbidními kazisvěty té doby, kterých za sto let od napsání ješte přibylo, je návodem k aktivnímu, dobrodružnému a barvitému životu plnému fantazie. Mistr paradoxu mluví o „potřebě spojovat důvěrně známé s neznámým (s tajemnem) a dívat se na svět tak, abychom měli současně pocit úžasu, daru i toho, že jsme tu vítáni“. Má-li člověk v životě to pravé poslání, stává se každý den dobrodružstvím, každodennost zázrakem a zdánlivě malé věci vyrostou do nebeských výšin. Jako detektiv pátrá Chesterton metodicky po příčině psychologicky udržitelné radosti ze života, která může vycházet jenom z určité víry, tak jako každý pesimismus vychází z nevíry.V novém, stručném a soudobém překladu zní autorova gigantická životní energie naplno.

Objev podobné jako Ortodoxie - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 133.0 Kč

The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Step into an English realm of knights, elves, and priestly sermons. ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’, by G. K. Chesterton, is a masterful collection of poems that trace themes of morality, fairy tales, and religion. An early work by one of the 20th century’s most influential writers, this book of poems comes alive with pagan and Christian imagery intertwined. A profoundly thoughtful work that bears multiple readings and gives an earnest glimpse into the mind of Chesterton. Featuring works such as ‘Chord of Colour’, ‘The Donkey’, and ‘The Ballad of the Battle of Gibeon’, ‘The Wild Knight and Other Poems’ will inspire philosophers and artists alike. A perfect collection for readers of Philip Pullman’s ‘The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ’ or Simon Armitage’s ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’.

Objev podobné jako The Wild Knight and Other Poems - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Paradoxy pána Ponda je posledná kniha detektívnych príbehov od slávneho britského prozaika, novinára a katolíckeho filozofa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Poviedky sa najprv objavovali v literárnom časopise Storyteller a knižne vyšli až po spisovateľovej smrti. Hlavným hrdinom zbierky je bývalý štátny zamestnanec pán Pond, ktorý sa doslova vyžíva vo vyslovovaní svojráznych paradoxných výrokov a priateľov neprestáva ohromovať opisom svojich prazvláštnych životných skúseností. Vďaka nezvyčajnému pohľadu na svet a zmyslu pre detailný rozbor akokoľvek zložitej situácie si dokáže poradiť aj s tým najzamotanejším prípadom. Sám autor o svojej poslednej veľkej literárnej postave napísal: „Väčšina tých, čo hovoria v paradoxoch, sa len vyťahujú. No Pond je iný. On to robí, pretože sa vyťahovať nechce. Vieš, vyzerá ako taký sedavý typ, vedecký mužíček, akoby bol navždy prikovaný k stolu či písaciemu stroju, no zažil niekoľko skutočne vzrušujúcich príhod. Nerád o nich hovorí, to vlastne ani nechce. Najradšej by sa rozprával o úsudku, filozofii a teoretických veciach z kníh – dobre predsa vieš ako nesmierne miluje racionálnu literatúru osemnásteho storočia. Lenže počas toho abstraktného rozprávania občas znenazdania natrafí na čosi, čo sa mu aj naozaj stalo. No a vtedy – aby som to tak povedal – to všetko zhúžva dokopy. Snaží sa to natlačiť do malého priestoru a potom to jednoducho znie protichodne. Takmer každá z tých jeho pološialených viet predstavuje nejaké rozsiahlejšie dobrodružstvo v živote, ktorý by väčšina ľudí nazvala veľmi nedobrodružným.“

Objev podobné jako Paradoxy pána Ponda - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 360.0 Kč

Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkama, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.

Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 268.0 Kč

Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Hrdinom legendárneho románu Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936) z roku 1925 je Michael Herne, hĺbavý knihovník na panstve lorda Seawooda, ktorému dcéra jeho zamestnávateľa zverí úlohu kráľa Richarda Levie srdce v divadelnom predstavení s názvom Trubadúr Blondel. Herne berie svoju postavu nesmierne vážne, dôkladne skúma stredovek a po skončení hry si na zdesenie ostatných spoluúčinkujúcich odmietne vyzliecť kostým a naďalej zotrváva v charaktere zverenej postavy. Nielen jeho pôvodné oblečenie, ale aj všetko naokolo mu zrazu pripadá zvláštne nepochopiteľné. S nesmiernymi rozpakmi hľadí na negatívne javy moderného sveta a postupne sa s fanatickou náruživosťou vteľuje do úlohy novodobého dona Quiota, ktorý má všetky tie neduhy napraviť. Cez postavu Michaela Herna autor svojím očarujúcim a nenapodobiteľným spôsobom analyzuje nedostatky, absurdnosť a nelogickosť fungovania ľudskej spoločnosti. Už v tomto románe však čiastočne opúšťa svoj nevyhranený pesimizmus a smeruje k tomu, čo Karel Čapek nazval „geniálnym optimizmom“.

Objev podobné jako Návrat dona Quiota - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 450.0 Kč

Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Zbierka detektívnych poviedok Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa vyšla po prvý raz v roku 1922 a ide zrejme o najtemnejšie a najcynickejšie dielo slávneho britského prozaika, novinára, esejistu, historika a teológa Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 – 1936). Hrdinom mimoriadnych príbehov je Horne Fischer, ktorý vďaka svojej bystrej mysli a vynikajúcim deduktívnym schopnostiam dokáže vyriešiť aj tie najkomplikovanejšie kriminálne prípady. Spolu so začínajúcim novinárom Haroldom Marchom sa však pohybuje vo vyšších kruhoch britskej spoločnosti a výsledky svojho vyšetrovania musí podriadiť spoločenským a politickým záujmom krajiny. Problémom totiž nie je odhalenie páchateľa, ale či je vôbec vhodné postaviť ho pred súd. Horne Fisher je totiž spriaznený s takmer všetkými významnými aristokratmi aj vplyvnými politikmi krajiny a dobre preto pozná zákulisné zlozvyky ostrovného kráľovstva. Jednoducho vie priveľa, aby sa mohol rozhodovať len podľa litery zákona a svojich morálnych zásad.

Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý vedel priveľa - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 349.0 Kč

Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: From satires of Sherlock Holmes to lectures in defence of fairy tales, this collection of essays brings to life the smallest of trifles and turns them into debates on the meaning of life itself. G. K. Chesterton was one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century and produced a treasure trove of over four thousand essays. Of these, ‘Tremendous Trifles’ selects thirty-nine gems of good advice, fantastical storytelling, and philosophical ponderings to delight the reader. Including ‘The Dragon’s Grandmother’, ‘A Tragedy of Twopence’, and ‘The Shop of Ghosts’, this work brings together the best of classic Chesterton that will continue to amuse and outwit readers right up to the modern-day.

Objev podobné jako Tremendous Trifles - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: This collection of biographical essays by G. K. Chesterton gives a one-of-a-kind insight into some of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Chesterton lends his prolific wit to these extremely unique and personal biographies, capturing a perfect snapshot of British society in the 1900s. ‘Twelve Types’ covers the life and works of Charlotte Bronte, Alexander Pope, Lord Byron, Robert Louis Stevenson, William Morris, Saint Francis, Edmond Rostand, Charles II, Thomas Carlyle, Savonarola, and Leo Tolstoy. A pastiche of the Victorian society and artists that would birth the Romantic and Gothic movements in English literature, ‘Twelve Types’ is an unmissable collection for any student of 20th century Britain.

Objev podobné jako Twelve Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Queens and Emperors, artists and poets, priests and politicians: all are subject to G. K. Chesterton’s collected biographies. ‘Varied Types’ spans the streets of London, travels to the edges of the British empire and doubles back into the depths of history. In a series of essays, Chesterton paints the portraits of England’s most influential figures, from Walter Scott to Lord Tennyson, and favours each with his authoritative wit. This continuation of the collection ‘Twelve Types’ adds eight spectacular essays, featuring Queen Victoria, Alfred the Great, John Ruskin, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and many more. A superb collection for readers of Chesterton which dives deep into the history of classic English literature.

Objev podobné jako Varied Types - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Chestertonove detektívne poviedky môžeme smelo zaradiť k najlepším dielam klasickej detektívky a najmä k románom sira Arthura Conana Doyla. Nenápadný, ošumelý, postavou ťarbavý, na prvý pohľad naivný, ba až smiešny katolícky kňaz postupne rozuzlí navonok neriešiteľné kriminálne prípady a svojím racionalizmom a dôsledne logickým myšlienkovým postupom prekvapuje aj najskúsenejších profesionálnych detektívov. Na rozdiel od Sherlocka Holmesa, ktorý pri práci používa aj vedecké metódy, otec Brown dedukuje svoje závery pri odhaľovaní zločinu či zdanlivo nevysvetliteľnej "nadprirodzenej" situácie na základe dokonalej znalosti ľudskej povahy a psychológie.Treba priznať, že nejedna detektívkaje preplnená senzačnými zločinmiako Shakespearova dráma. Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Objev podobné jako Detektívne príbehy otca Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 360.0 Kč

Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: 12 detektivních příběhů z pera Gilberta K. Chestertona Vzhledově nenápadný, podsaditý a trochu směšný kněz s brejličkami, myslí ovšem brilantní detektiv, který svou důslednou logikou a racionalismem vyřeší i ty nejzapeklitější případy. V první sbírce příběhů otce Browna najdete kromě povídek Tajemná zahrada, Boží kladivo nebo Tři nástroje smrti, i tu nejznámější – Modrý kříž.

Objev podobné jako Nevinnost otce Browna - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Satirický příběh se odehrává na sklonku 20. století, kdy anglický král z rozmaru přikáže obnovit v londýnských čtvrtích středověké poměry. Zajímavý byl už výběr hlavy státu zabodnutím nože do telefonního seznamu... Dovoleno je vše, od diktatury po anarchii, alespoň není nuda...

Objev podobné jako Napoleon z Notting Hillu - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Wine, Water, and Song - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: A light-hearted collection of poems featuring G. K. Chesterton’s classic wit and cheer, ‘Wine, Water, and Song’ celebrates drink in all its forms, lampooning ideas of prohibition that were on the rise in 20th century London. Chesterton makes a merry satire of local politics and English traditions, with poems including ‘Wine and Water’, where he imagines a wine cellar aboard Noah’s Ark, and ‘The Logical Vegetarian’, where he sings the virtues of a liquid diet. For fans of Chesterton and poetry that provokes, this book is a perfect collection of clever rhymes and outspoken English humour.

Objev podobné jako Wine, Water, and Song - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Otec Brown na stopě - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Pokud si ceníte klasického britského kriminálního dramatu, tato kniha s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků vás zajisté nezklame. Otec Brown řeší vraždy tím způsobem, že kombinuje filozofické a duchovní úvahy s vědeckým pozorováním a obnovuje spravedlnost v malých komunitách, které navštěvuje po celé Anglii. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě. Pro zajímavost ´Otec Brown´ je britský detektivní dramatický televizní seriál, vysílaný od 14. ledna 2013 na stanici BBC One.

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cena 111.0 Kč

Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Príbeh metafyzického thrilleru Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok (1908) sa začína v edwardiánskom Londýne, kde mladý básnik Gabriel Syme vstupuje do služieb Scotland Yardu. Ako tajný agent špeciálneho policajného oddelenia na rozvrat anarchistického hnutia má za úlohu infiltrovať jednu z najmocnejších teroristických organizácií a v Paríži zabrániť bombovému atentátu na francúzskeho prezidenta. Románová fantázia, či skôr nočná mora, ktorú pri odhaľovaní obludného sprisahania zažíva hlavný hrdina patrí medzi najzaujímavejšie a zároveň najvtipnejšie literárne diela jedného z najplodnejších a najuznávanejších anglických prozaikov prvej polovice 20. storočia Gilberta Keitha Chestertona (1874 - 1936).

Objev podobné jako Muž, ktorý bol Štvrtok ... zlý sen - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

cena 360.0 Kč

What I Saw in America - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: In 1921, G.K. Chesterton, an Englishman, lectured throughout the United States. The following year, he published this record of his impressions. "I have never managed to lose my old conviction that travel narrows the mind," begins Chesterton, giving us some inkling of the aphoristic delights in store. He offers amusing insights on the architecture of American hotels and the real reasons for Prohibition. His purview also includes slavery, the Irish in America, the decline of the British Empire, Abraham Lincoln and the American businessman. Some of his conclusions are prophetic and others, we can say with hindsight, are wrong-headed, but refreshing.

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cena 138.0 Kč

Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Otec Brown na stopě II – klasické britské kriminální drama. Druhý díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků, které nenudí... Otec Brown, obyčejný kněz, jehož nevšední zevnějšek skrývá mimořádnou schopnost řešit zločiny, je oslavován pro svá řešení metafyzických záhad. Chestertonovo skvělé psaní a jeho vřelá a přitažlivá postava, otec Brown, čtenáře baví po celém světě.

Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě II - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 111.0 Kč

Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: Otec Brown na stopě III – klasické britské kriminální drama. Třetí díl s vybranými dvanácti povídkami ze čtyř svazků. Otec Brown je skromný anglický kněz s pozoruhodným talentem pro řešení záhad, který prochází řadou kriminálních situací, jež často odhalují hlubší morální ponaučení.

Objev podobné jako Otec Brown na stopě III - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 111.0 Kč

Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

eBook: "We must hit Capitalism, and hit it hard, for the plain and definite reason that it is growing stronger." Chesterton’s essays on the pitfalls of capitalism, written in the early 1900s, still strike true in the modern-day. One of England’s greatest essayists, Chesterton analyses the claims of capitalism without preaching or favouring Marxist and socialist thinkers. Instead, Chesterton’s anti-capitalist arguments are drawn from his own Christian ideals and philosophical reasoning, giving a unique perspective that is invaluable for historians and students of philosophy alike. Readers of Rebecca Henderson or Thomas Piketty should not miss this extraordinary glimpse into the ideologies of the past.

Objev podobné jako Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Čtyři legendární příběhy světové literatury pro adventní čas Vánoční koleda Ch. Dickense je slavnou novelou o starém lakomci Scroogeovi, kterému duchové ukážou svět chudých a změní tak jeho smýšlení. Sherlock Holmes a doktor Watson řeší ve vánočním Londýně případ Modrá karbunkule. V detektivní povídce spisovatele G. K. Chestertona Létající hvězdy vyšetřuje páter Brown krádež vzácných klenotů v domě uprostřed zasněžené zahrady. Sněhová královna od H. Ch. Andersena je nejznámější zimní pohádkou pro celou rodinu. Literární díla pro posluchače všech generací v mimořádné interpretaci pánů Josefa Somra a Ladislava Freje.

Objev podobné jako Slavné vánoční příběhy - Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark

A gorgeously illustrated picture book edition of the beloved classic children''s story about overcoming fears.HRH the Duchess of Cambridge will be reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark on CBeebies Bedtime Stories on Sunday 13th February as part of Children’s Mental Health Week.Plop, the baby owl, is like every barn owl there ever was, except for one thing – he is afraid of the dark . . .The dark is brimming with excitement and magic. As Plop ventures into the night, he meets a boy who shows him fireworks, a black cat who takes him exploring, a girl who tells him about Father Christmas, among other surprising discoveries . . .Filled with gentle humour and heart-warming illustrations, this uplifting story about finding the courage to face your fears has been beloved of parents and children for decades – and its message of resilience is as timely as ever!An abridged picture book edition.

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cena 236.0 Kč

The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - Jill Tomlinsonová

One of our absolute favourites” – Zoe Ball ‘‘Utterly beguiling’ – Lucy Mangan, Guardian Plop, the Baby Barn Owl, is like every Barn Owl there ever was, except for one thing – he is afraid of the dark. "Dark is nasty" he says and so he won't go hunting with his parents. Mrs Barn Owl sends him down from his nest-hole to ask about the dark and he meets a little boy waiting for the fireworks to begin, an old lady, a scout out camping, a girl who tells him about Father Christmas, a man with a telescope and a black cat who takes him exploring.Perhaps there is magic in the dark after all . . .Filled with gentle humour and giving comforting reassurance to nightime fears and anxieties, Jill Tomlinson’s animal bedtime stories have been enjoyed by children for decades. This edition of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark is beautifully illustrated by Paul Howard.

Objev podobné jako The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark - Jill Tomlinsonová

cena 207.0 Kč

Travis: The Man Who - LP (7209191)

LP vinyl - The Man Who je druhé album skotské kapely Travis z roku 1999. Travis je skotská kapela, původem z města Glasgow. Vznikla v roce 1990 a hraje kytarový pop.tzv. "indies". Pro Travis jsou typické pomalejší kytarové skladby s melancholickými motivy. Travis jsou srovnáváni s kapelami Oasis, Coldplay, Keane nebo Snow Patrol. The Man Who je jejich druhé album z roku 1999. Obsah: Green Behind The Ears Only Molly Knows Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah High As A Kite Be My Baby Where Is The Love Village Man Slide Show (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) River Days Of Our Lives We Are Monkeys Baby One More Time (Live From The Bay Tavern / Robin Hoods Bay / 1999) Coming Around Just The Faces Change The Connection Rock 'N' (Salad) Roll The Weight

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cena 639.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice (0241988241)

Kniha - autor Richard Osman, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 276.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman

cena 241.0 Kč

The Man Who Didn't Burn - Moore Ian

When an English expat is brutally murdered, his charred corpse left on a Loire Valley hillside, the police turn to juge d’instruction Matthieu Lombard to find the perpetrator.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Didn't Burn - Moore Ian

cena 295.0 Kč

Travis: The Man Who (2x CD) - CD (7209190)

Hudební CD - The Man Who je druhé album skotské kapely Travis z roku 1999. Travis je skotská kapela, původem z města Glasgow. Vznikla v roce 1990 a hraje kytarový pop.tzv. „indies”. Pro Travis jsou typické pomalejší kytarové skladby s melancholickými motivy. Travis jsou srovnáváni s kapelami Oasis, Coldplay, Keane nebo Snow Patrol. The Man Who je jejich druhé album z roku 1999. Seznam stop Green Behind The Ears / Only Molly Knows / Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah / High As A Kite / Be My Baby / Where Is The Love / Village Man / Driftwood (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) / The Urge For Going / Slide Show (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) / River / Days Of Our Lives / We Are Monkeys / Baby One More Time (Live From The Bay Tavern / Robin Hoods Bay / 1999) / Coming Around / Just The Faces Change / The Connection / Rock 'N' (Salad) Roll / The Weight

Objev podobné jako Travis: The Man Who (2x CD) - CD (7209190)

cena 409.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

cena 109.0 Kč

The Man Who Fell to Earth - Walter Tevis

The remarkable novel upon which the stunning cult film was based.'Beautiful ... The story of an extraterrestrial visitor from another planet is designed mainly to say something about life on this one' NEW YORK TIMESThomas Jerome Newton is an extraterrestrial from the planet Anthea, which has been devastated by a series of nuclear wars, and whose inhabitants are twice as intelligent as human beings. When he lands on Earth - in Kentucky, disguised as a human - it's with the intention of saving his own people from extinction. Newton patents some very advanced Anthean technology, which he uses to amass a fortune. He begins to build a spaceship to help the last 300 Antheans migrate to Earth. Meanwhile, Nathan Bryce, a chemistry professor in Iowa, is intrigued by some of the new products Newton's company brings to the market, and already suspects Newton of being an alien. As Bryce and the FBI close in, Newton finds his own clarity and sense of purpose diminishing.Discover the book which inspired the classic film with David Bowie and the new Paramount+ series with Chiwetel Ejiofor!

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Fell to Earth - Walter Tevis

cena 268.0 Kč

Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent - Judi Dench

Taking a curtain call with a live snake in her wig; being painted green and cavorting naked through the Warwickshire countryside; acting opposite a child with a pumpkin on his head... these are just a few things Dame Judi Dench has done in the name of Shakespeare.In this book, Judi tells us about every Shakespearean role she's played throughout her career. Written in dialogue with fellow artist Brendan O'Hea, Judi guides us through Shakespeare's plays with incisive clarity, reveals the secrets behind her rehearsal process and invites us to share in her triumphs, disasters and backstage shenanigans.As Judi herself says 'Shakespeare is an international language, a beacon for humanity, and a bridge across cultures.Everything you have felt or are yet to feel is all in there in his plays.'

Objev podobné jako Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent - Judi Dench

cena 447.0 Kč

The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein

The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis'' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In 1974, French aerialist Philippe Petit threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent an hour walking, dancing, and performing high-wire tricks a quarter mile in the sky. This picture book captures the poetry and magic of the event. The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is the winner of the 2004 Caldecott Medal, the winner of the 2004 Boston Globe - Horn Book Award for Picture Books, and the winner of the 2006 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children''s Video.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein

cena 325.0 Kč

The Man Who Wore All His Clothes - Allan Ahlberg

The first of Allan Ahlberg's mini-masterpieces for early readers, with striking illustrations by Katharine McEwen.Winner of the Red House Children's Book Award, this book is the first in a series of brilliantly funny early readers by Allan Ahlberg. One morning Mr Gaskitt puts on all his clothes, Mrs Gaskitt picks up a robber in her taxi, Gus and Gloria have trouble with a teacher, Horace the cat goes to a friend's house to watch TV and the car radio gets things wrong. What follows is an action-packed, massively swift-paced and farcical romp as different plots interweave and end in a thrilling car chase with Mr Gaskitt saving the day! With lively illustrations by Katharine McEwen.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Wore All His Clothes - Allan Ahlberg

cena 178.0 Kč

The Man Who Swallowed the Wind - Olga Walló - e-kniha

eBook: How to survive in Prague. The path of exemplary orphan Ivan begins at a children’s institution in the 1950s, leading him to a seminary, madhouse and philosophical faculty, before culminating at a Mexican Embassy in the 1990s. Along the way, he encounters secret agents, a foolish actress, mysterious handwritten texts, and even his own stomach. Will he find his father? Or the Father Almighty? Will he find himself? Detective story turned inside out, or picaresque tale?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Swallowed the Wind - Olga Walló - e-kniha

cena 139.0 Kč

Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

LP vinyl - Reedice třetího studiového alba původně vydaného v roce 1970. Pro protagonistu znamenala deska přechod od folkové polohy k tvrdšímu rockovému zvuku. U příležitosti padesátého výročí britského vydání je na picture discu k dispozici remasterovaná verze z roku 2015. Reedice třetího studiového alba původně vydaného v roce 1970. Pro protagonistu znamenala deska přechod od folkové polohy k tvrdšímu rockovému zvuku. U příležitosti padesátého výročí britského vydání je na picture discu k dispozici remasterovaná verze z roku 2015. Jedna z největších osobnostní světové hudby, proslulý hudební chameleon a průkopník hned několika hudebních směrů. Za svůj život vydal tento britský umělec rovných dvacet pět alb, z nichž velká část se zařadila do zlatého fondu populární hudby a ovlivnila hned několik generací hudebníků z několika hudebních žánrů. Své poslední album Black Star David Bowie vydal 8. ledna 2016 v den svých šedesátých devátých narozenin a pouhé dva dny...

Objev podobné jako Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

cena 749.0 Kč

Anansi's Gold: The man who swindled the world - Yeebo Yepoka

The astounding, never-before-told story of how an ingenious Ghanaian con artist ran one of the 20th century’s longest and most audacious frauds. When Ghana declared independence from Britain in 1957, it immediately became a target for opportunists determined to lay hold of whatever assets colonialism hadn’t already stripped. The military ousted the new nation’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, then falsely accused him of stealing the country’s gold and hiding it overseas.Into this story stepped one of history’s most charismatic scammers, John Ackah Blay-Miezah – a con man to rival the trickster god Anansi. Born into poverty, Blay-Miezah declared himself the custodian of an alleged Nkrumah trust fund worth billions. You, too, could claim a piece, if only you would help him rescue it – with a small investment.Over the 1970s and ’80s, he grew his scam to epic proportions, amassing hundreds of millions of pounds from thousands of marks all over the world. He baffled Henry Kissinger, scandalised Shirley Temple-Black, and had Nixon’s former attorney-general at his beck and call. Many tried to stop him, but Blay-Miezah continued to live in luxury, protected by ex-SAS soldiers while he deceived lawyers, businessmen and investigators around the globe.In Anansi’s Gold, Yepoka Yeebo chases the ever-wilder trail of Blay-Miezah – and unfolds a riveting account of Cold War entanglements and African dreams – revealing the untold story of the grifter who beat the West at its own thieving game.

Objev podobné jako Anansi's Gold: The man who swindled the world - Yeebo Yepoka

cena 357.0 Kč

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat (1447275403)

Kniha - autor Oliver Sacks, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A classic and international bestselling work of psychology, now a "Picador Classic".

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat (1447275403)

cena 299.0 Kč

The Man Who Wasn´t There - Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt

On the side of a mountain in Sweden, six bodies have been found. Skeletons, more precisely. These bodies were buried a long time ago. And for Sebastian Bergman that just makes the investigation into who they are, who killed them, and why, even more complex. Because Bergman has, of course, found himself on the investigating team. At first it was a chance to escape his ex-girlfriend and spend some time with his daughter, Vanja. An opportunity to try and build a relationship with her before it's too late. But soon he finds that he's more involved than he would ever want to be. And his personal life is horribly, disastrously, tangled up in it all ...

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Wasn´t There - Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt

cena 259.0 Kč

The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz - Denis Avey, Rob Broomby

THE MAN WHO BROKE INTO AUSCHWITZ is the extraordinary true story of a British soldier who marched willingly into Buna-Monowitz, the concentration camp known as Auschwitz III. In the summer of 1944, Denis Avey was being held in a POW labour camp, E715, near Auschwitz III. He had heard of the brutality meted out to the prisoners there and he was determined to witness what he could. He hatched a plan to swap places with a Jewish inmate and smuggled himself into his sector of the camp. He spent the night there on two occasions and experienced at first-hand the cruelty of a place where slave workers, had been sentenced to death through labour. Astonishingly, he survived to witness the aftermath of the Death March where thousands of prisoners were murdered by the Nazis as the Soviet Army advanced. After his own long trek right across central Europe he was repatriated to Britain. For decades he couldn't bring himself to revisit the past, but now Denis Avey feels able to tell the full story - a tale as gripping as it is moving - which offers us a unique insight into the mind of an ordinary man whose moral and physical courage are almost beyond belief.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz - Denis Avey, Rob Broomby

cena 149.0 Kč

David Bowie. The Man Who Fell to Earth. 40th Ed.

First advertised as a “mind-stretching experience,” Nicolas Roeg’s 1976 The Man Who Fell to Earth stunned the cinema world. A tour-de-force of science fiction as art form, the movie brought not only hallucinatory visuals and a haunting exploration of contemporary alienation, but also glam-rock legend David Bowie in his lead role debut as paranoid alien Newton. Based on Walter Tevis’s 1963 sci-fi fable of the same title, The Man Who Fell to Earth follows alien Newton from his arrival on earth in search of water; his transition to wealthy entrepreneur, leveraging the advanced technologies of his native planet; his sexual awakening with the young Mary-Lou; and then the discovery of his alien identity, his imprisonment, abandonment, and descent into alcoholism.Throughout, Roeg coaxed a beguiling performance from his cast, presenting not only Bowie in ethereal space-traveler glory, but also pitch-perfect supporting performances from Candy Clark, Rip Torn, and Buck Henry. TASCHEN’s The Man Who Fell to Earth presents a plenitude of stills and behind-the-scenes images by unit photographer David James, including numerous shots of Bowie at his playful and ambiguous best. A fresh introductory essay explores the shooting of the film and its lasting impact, drawing upon an exclusive interview with David James, who brings first-hand insights into the making of this sci-fi masterwork.

Objev podobné jako David Bowie. The Man Who Fell to Earth. 40th Ed.

cena 749.0 Kč

The Man Who Swallowed the Wind (978-80-87260-44-9)

Elektronická kniha - autor Olga Walló, 350 stran A detective inside out or a picaresque story? // Detektivka naruby nebo pikareskní příběh? The path of Ivan, an exemplary orphan, leads from an orphanage in the fifties through the Theological Seminary, a madhouse and the Faculty of Arts up to the Mexican embassy in the nineties. Will he find his father? Or the Father Almighty? Ivan meets secret agents, a foolish actress, a mysterious manuscript, his own stomach… will he find himself? A detective inside out or a picaresque story? Cesta vzorného sirotka Ivana vede ze sirotčince v letech padesátých přes teologický seminář, blázinec a filosofickou fakultu až na mexické velvyslanectví v letech devadesátých. Najde svého otce? Nebo Otce Všemohoucího? Potkává tajné agenty, pošetilou herečku, tajuplný rukopis, svůj vlastní žaludek, najde sám sebe? Detektivka naruby nebo pikareskní příběh?

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cena 139.0 Kč

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Oliver Sacks

Celebrating Fifty Years of Picador BooksIf a man has lost a leg or an eye, he knows he has lost a leg or an eye; but if he has lost a self – himself – he cannot know it, because he is no longer there to know it. In this extraordinary book, Dr. Oliver Sacks recounts the stories of patients struggling to adapt to often bizarre worlds of neurological disorder. Here are people who can no longer recognize everyday objects or those they love; who are stricken with violent tics or shout involuntary obscenities, and yet are gifted with unusually acute artistic or mathematical talents. If sometimes beyond our surface comprehension, these brilliant tales illuminate what it means to be human. A provocative exploration of the mysteries of the human mind, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat is a million-copy bestseller by the twentieth century's greatest neurologist.Part of the Picador Collection, a series showcasing the best of modern literature.

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cena 325.0 Kč

The Man That Was Used Up - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: A short story that is shrouded in mystery, "The Man that Was Used Up" follows a narrator who wants to learn more about an important military figure. A satirical tale that mocks a real person, its strengths as a literary piece lie in the grotesque and immensely humorous episode in which the General is presented. Comic and amusing, the story is a must for Poe fans, even though the supernatural element is left aside, while the paradoxical roams free.

Objev podobné jako The Man That Was Used Up - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

This Was A Man: The Clifton Chronicles 07 (1509834885)

Kniha - autor Jeffrey Archer, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná THIS WAS A MAN is the captivating final instalment of the Clifton Chronicles, a series of seven novels that has topped the bestseller lists around the world, and enhanced Jeffrey Archer's reputation as a master storyteller. THIS WAS A MAN opens with a shot being fired, but who pulled the trigger, and who lives and who dies? .

Objev podobné jako This Was A Man: The Clifton Chronicles 07 (1509834885)

cena 209.0 Kč

The Man Who Planted Trees: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Jean Giono

''And so, with great care, he planted his hundred acorns''While hiking through the wild lavender in a wind-swept, desolate valley in Provence, a man comes across a solitary shepherd called Elzéard Bouffier. Staying with him, he watches Elzéard sorting and then planting hundreds of acorns as he walks through the wilderness.Ten years later, after surviving the First World War, he visits the shepherd again. A young forest is slowly spreading over the valley - Elzéard has continued his work. Year after year the narrator returns to see the miracle being created: a verdant, green landscape that is testament to one man''s creative instinct. miracle he is gradually creating: a verdant, green landscape that is a testament to one man''s creative instinct.''I love the humanity of this story and how one man''s efforts can change the future for so many'' Michael Morpurgo, IndependentVINTAGE EARTH is a series of books that reveals our ever-changing relationship with the environment. These are stories old and young, set in worlds real or imagined, that allow us to explore our connection to the natural world. Transformative, wild, surprising and essential, these novels take on the most urgent story of our times.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Planted Trees: A novel from the Vintage Earth collection - Jean Giono

cena 223.0 Kč

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