The careful use of compliments - alexander mccall smith

Produkt The careful use of compliments - alexander mccall smith sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The careful use of compliments - alexander mccall smith upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith


For philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought. And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with his father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters.Late motherhood is not the only challenge facing Isabel. Even as she negotiates a truce with her furious niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura. Perhaps most seriously of all, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the machiavellian and suspiciously handsome Professor Dove.A master storyteller whether debating ethics in Edinburgh or pursuing lady detectives in Africa, here Alexander McCall Smith is as witty and wise as his irresistibly spirited heroine. (

Podobné produkty ako The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith , Alexander monty: monty alexander: the montreux years - cd (4050538767278)

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith


During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage. (

Podobné produkty ako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith , Alexander monty: monty alexander: the montreux years (2x lp) - lp (4050538767247)

The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith


Precious Ramotswe learns valuable lessons about first impressions and forgiveness in this latest installment of the much-loved, best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. At Botswana's No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi are intrigued by the troubling dismissal of an employee at a thriving local business. The ladies proceed with investigations as they are inclined to do - with Mma Makutsi's customary vigour, and Mma Ramotswe's rather more subtle caution. Soon enough, interesting discoveries are made... marital subterfuge, undue influence and commercial chicanery! Clearly, there is more to this dismissal than at first imagined. While Mma Makutsi's focus, as self-appointed Principal Investigating Officer, is firmly on the case, Mma Ramotswe's attention is diverted by personal matters. Not only has her disgraced ex-husband reappeared in town, but she has stumbled on an unsettling family secret of her own - one that might threaten what she holds closest to her heart. As Precious contemplates this painful possibility, she must draw on her strength and compassion and confront The House of Unexpected Sisters. And for both Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe, the wise words of their mentor Clovis Andersen - 'the needle swings in confusing ways' - have never been more prescient . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith , Smith sam: thrill of it all (2017) - cd (5785578)

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith

It is a troublesome fact on which even Mma Ramotswe and her assistant Mma Makutsi agree: there are things that men know and ladies do not, and vice versa. It is unfortunate, for example, when Mma Ramotswe's newest client is the big-shot owner of the ailing Kalahari Swoopers, that one thing lady detectives know very little about is football. And when the glamorous Violet Sephotho sets her sights on Mma Makutsi's unsuspecting fiance, it becomes exasperatingly clear that some men do not know how to recognise a ruthless Jezebel even when she is bouncing up and down on the best bed in the Double Comfort Furniture Shop. In her attempt to foster understanding between the sexes and find the traitor on Mr Football's team, Mma Ramotswe ventures into new territory, drinks tea in unfamiliar kitchens and learns to trust in the observational powers of small boys. And, as wise and warm-hearted as his heroine, Alexander McCall Smith reminds us that we must dig deep to uncover the goodness of the human heart. (

Podobné produkty ako Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith , Smith / kotzen: smith / kotzen - cd (4050538657531)

The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith

The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith

Spring is coming slowly to Sweden - though not quite as slowly as Detective Ulf Varg's promised promotion at the Department of Sensitive Crimes. For Varg, referred by his psychoanalyst to group therapy at Malmoe's Wholeness Centre, life now seems mostly a circle of self-examination, something which may or may not be useful when it comes to the nature of his profession and the particularly sensitive cases that have recently come to light. All in a day's work for Detective Varg, except that one of his new investigations involves fellow detective Anna; it will require every ounce of self-discipline he has in order to remain professional. The other, more curious case is centred around internationally successful novelist Nils Personn-Cederstroem. According to his girlfriend, Cederstroem is being blackmailed - but by whom and for what reason? Accompanied by his irritating but kindly colleague Blomquist, Varg begins his enquiries and soon the answers fall neatly into place. Nothing and no one is ever that simple, however, and not for the first time he learns as much about his own emotional and moral landscape as he does about the motives of others. Now Varg must make a possibly life-changing decision. Will he choose his own happiness over that of his heart's desire? (

Podobné produkty ako The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith , Smith jimmy: back at the chicken shack - lp (3579051)

Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith


Precious and Grace is a story about life at Botswana's leading No. 1 Ladies' detective agency. (

Podobné produkty ako Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith , Smith / kotzen: smith / kotzen (coloured) - lp (4050538658149)

Písařská škola v Kalahari - Alexander McCall Smith


Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. Kromě toho se paní Ramotswe v pracovním i osobním životě potýká se spoustou dalších nečekaných situací. Jednak se poprvé setká s konkurencí, když se přímo v jejím bydlišti, hlavním městě Gaborone, objeví druhá detektivní kancelář s názvem Zaručená spokojenost, jejímž majitelem je sebevědomý Cephas Buthelezzi. Dále musí paní Ramotswe zastat roli matky dvou dětí, chlapce Pusa a dívky Motholeli, které před časem pan Matekoni, její snoubenec a majitel autoservisu Rychlé motory z naší ulice, adoptoval z místního sirotčince. Aby toho nebylo málo, pokusí se paní Ramotswe své stále svobodné asistentce najít manžela. A v neposlední řadě ji čekají hned dva svérázné detektivní případy, z nichž jeden se bezprostředně týká jejího nejbližšího okolí. Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. (

Podobné produkty ako Písařská škola v Kalahari - Alexander McCall Smith , Kph compliments zelené 200 (0010_9201z)

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,První díl z úspěšné série detektivních příběhů zachycuje období, kdy sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život.Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. Je vynikajícím vypravěčem a jeho text čtenáře spolehlivě přenese do prostředí odlišné africké kultury. Není bez zajímavosti, že režisér známých filmů Anglický pacient a Talentovaný pan Ripley Anthony Minghella natočil podle této literární předlohy detektivní seriál. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha , Kph compliments fialové 200 (0010_9201f)

Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

eBook:,Škola na plachetnici? Tam určite nebude núdza o dobrodružstvo! Školu, do ktorej chodia súrodenci Ben a Fee, by im určite kadekto závidel. Je totiž na mori, na palube plachetnice menom Tobermory! Jedného dňa sa pri lodi objaví filmový štáb a Ben dokonca dostane ponuku zahrať si vo filme ako komparzista. Potom si však všimne čudné veci a nadobudne zvláštne podozrenie. Ide naozaj o filmárov alebo je nakrúcanie iba zásterkou pre niečo nekalé? Ben, Fee a ich priatelia rozhodne musia zistiť pravdu. (

Podobné produkty ako Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Zábavné i napínavé příběhy první soukromé detektivky v Botswaně, jihoafrické zemi, kde život je tak odlišný od našeho - a vášně a zločiny jsou často stejné. Knihu zimbabwsko-britského spisovatele čte Jana Stryková. Sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne nám také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život. Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. Alexander McCall Smith (1948) Alexander McCall Smith je zimbabwsko-britský spisovatel, publicista a vysokoškolský pedagog. Své vzdělání získal ve Skotsku a v Zimbabwe. Jde o spisovatele a profesora lékařského práva na Edinburské univerzitě a je členem několika národních a mezinárodních institucí zabývajících se bioetikou. Jeho knihy zahrnují práce o lékařském právu, trestním právu a filozofii. Stejně tak je autorem řady knih pro děti, sbírek povídek a románů. Působil také na několika univerzitách v Africe včetně Botswany, kde nějakou dobu žil. Jana Stryková (1979) Vystudovala DAMU – obor činoherní herectví. Po absolvování DAMU v roce 2001 nastoupila angažmá v divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci, v sezóně 2003-2004 byla na volné noze a hrála v Divadle Bez Zábradlí, Letních shakespearovských slavností 2004, Divadle Viola, Divadle Radka Brzobohatého a Divadle v Celetné. Od roku 2004 má stálé angažmá v Divadle Rokoko. Také točí filmy, reklamy, dabuje, moderuje a příležitostně se věnuje modelingu – módní přehlídky pro herečky. Na obrazovce jsme ji mohli vidět v pohádce Hospoda U bílé kočky nebo v seriálu Dokonalý svět. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha , The turn of the screw

První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander

První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander

Zábavné i napínavé příběhy první soukromé detektivky v Botswaně, jihoafrické zemi, kde život je tak odlišný od našeho - a vášně a zločiny jsou často stejné. Knihu zimbabwsko-britského spisovatele čte Jana Stryková. Sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne nám také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život. Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander , Smith sam: thrill of it all (special edition, 2017) - cd (5793507)

Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander

Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander

Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. Kromě toho se paní Ramotswe v pracovním i osobním životě potýká se spoustou dalších nečekaných situací. Jednak se poprvé setká s konkurencí, když se přímo v jejím bydlišti, hlavním městě Gaborone, objeví druhá detektivní kancelář s názvem Zaručená spokojenost, jejímž majitelem je sebevědomý Cephas Buthelezzi. Dále musí paní Ramotswe zastat roli matky dvou dětí, chlapce Pusa a dívky Motholeli, které před časem pan Matekoni, její snoubenec a majitel autoservisu Rychlé motory z naší ulice, adoptoval z místního sirotčince. Aby toho nebylo málo, pokusí se paní Ramotswe své stále svobodné asistentce najít manžela. A v neposlední řadě ji čekají hned dva svérázné detektivní případy, z nichž jeden se bezprostředně týká jejího nejbližšího okolí. (

Podobné produkty ako Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander , Empire of the vampire: empire of the vampire (1) (0008350442)

The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith


Issac plays in his favourite pool on the mountainside.As rain starts to fall, he empties his little jar of water into the pool and races the sparkling streams as they tumble over waterfalls, rush through swollen rivers and burst out into the vast open sea.Where will my little jar of water go now? Issac wonders.On the other side of the world, Cassi welcomesthe rain to her parched village . . .From tiniest raindrop to deepest ocean, this breathtaking celebration of the water cycle captures the remarkable movement of water across the earth in all its majesty. A stunning new non-fiction picture book from Greenaway medal-winner, Grahame Baker-Smith. (

Podobné produkty ako The Rhythm of the Rain - Grahame Baker-Smith , The heart of the matter (0099478420)

The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie


'A masterwork, every page a sumptuous feast of colour and composition' - Financial Times, Summer Books of 2020 The lyrical, heart-warming new tale from the award-winning designer and creator of The Fox and the Star Bird loves to sing in the towering tree at the heart of the jungle. It feels like home.When the season changes she must say goodbye, but she isn't ready to let go.As she listens to the other animals, Bird learns to sing a new song. (

Podobné produkty ako The Song of the Tree - Bickford-Smith Coralie , The wisdom of crowds: the riotous conclusion to the age of madness (0575095989)

Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith

Following a run of New Year's concerts at San Francisco's legendary Fillmore, Patti Smith finds herself tramping the coast of Santa Cruz, about to embark on a year of solitary wandering. Unfettered by logic or time, she draws us into her private wonderland, with no design yet heeding signs, including a talking sign that looms above her, prodding and sparring like the Cheshire Cat. In February, a surreal lunar year begins, bringing with it unexpected turns, heightened mischief, and inescapable sorrow. In a stranger's words, "Anything is possible: after all, it's the year of the monkey." For Patti Smith - inveterately curious, always exploring, tracking thoughts, writing the year evolves as one of reckoning with the changes in life's gyre: with loss, aging, and a dramatic shift in the political landscape of America.Smith melds the Western landscape with her own dreamscape. Taking us from Southern California to the Arizona desert; to a Kentucky farm as the amanuensis of a friend in crisis; to the hospital room of a valued mentor; and by turns to remembered and imagined places - this haunting memoir blends fact and fiction with poetic mastery. The unexpected happens; grief and disillusionment. But as Patti Smith heads toward a new decade in her own life, she offers this balm to the reader: her wisdom, wit, gimlet eye, and above all, a rugged hope of a better world.Riveting, elegant, often humorous, illustrated by Smith's signature Polaroids, Year of the Monkey is a moving and original work, a touchstone for our turbulent times. (

Podobné produkty ako Year of the Monkey - Patti Smith , The legend of zelda: breath of the wild - nintendo switch (045496420055)

The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith


It is symbolic that Adam Smith's masterpiece of economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776, the same year as the Declaration of Independence. In his book, Smith fervently extolled the simple yet enlightened notion that individuals are fully capable of setting and regulating prices for their own goods and services. He argued passionately in favor of free trade, yet stood up for the little guy. The Wealth of Nations provided the first--and still the most eloquent--integrated description of the workings of a market economy. The result of Smith's efforts is a witty, highly readable work of genius filled with prescient theories that form the basis of a thriving capitalist system. This unabridged edition offers the modern reader a fresh look at a timeless and seminal work that revolutionized the way governments and individuals view the creation and dispersion of wealth--and that continues to influence our economy right up to the present day. (

Podobné produkty ako The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith , Empire of pain: the secret history of the sackler dynasty (1529063078)

Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith


The son of a wealthy plantation owner and a doting mother, Mungo St John is accustomed to the wealth and luxuries his privilege has afforded him. That is until he returns from university to discover his family ruined, his inheritance stolen and his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, taken by the conniving Chester Marion. Fuelled by anger, and love, Mungo swears vengeance and devotes his life to saving Camilla - and destroying Chester. Camilla, trapped in New Orleans, powerless to her position as a kept slave and suffering at the hands of Chester's brutish behaviour, must learn to do whatever it takes to survive. As Mungo battles his own fate and misfortune to achieve the revenge that drives him, and regain his power in the world, he must question what it takes for a man to survive when he has nothing, and what he is willing to do in order to get what he wants. (

Podobné produkty ako Call of the Raven - Wilbur Smith , Morning of the earth , soundtrack: morning of the earth - lp (5054197111921)

Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc'


It was beginning to look as though no one could prevent the annihilation of the civilized Universe. For a weird intelligence was directing the destruction of all civilization from the icy depths of outer space.Kim Kinnison of the Galactic Patrol was one of the few men who knew how near the end was. And in the last desperate stratagem to save the Universe from total destruction, he knew he had to use his children as bait for the evil powers of the hell-planet Ploor . . .Children of the Lens is the sixth self-contained novel in E. E. 'Doc' Smith's epic Lensman series, one of the all-time classics of adventurous, galaxy-spanning science fiction. (

Podobné produkty ako Children of the Lens - Smith E.E. 'Doc' , Tsfasman alexander: alexander tsfasmann and his jazz orchestra - cd (4600383268279)

Call of the Raven (Defekt) - Wilbur Smith


The son of a wealthy plantation owner and a doting mother, Mungo St John is accustomed to the wealth and luxuries his privilege has afforded him. That is until he returns from university to discover his family ruined, his inheritance stolen and his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, taken by the conniving Chester Marion. Fuelled by anger, and love, Mungo swears vengeance and devotes his life to saving Camilla - and destroying Chester. Camilla, trapped in New Orleans, powerless to her position as a kept slave and suffering at the hands of Chester's brutish behaviour, must learn to do whatever it takes to survive. As Mungo battles his own fate and misfortune to achieve the revenge that drives him, and regain his power in the world, he must question what it takes for a man to survive when he has nothing, and what he is willing to do in order to get what he wants. (

Podobné produkty ako Call of the Raven (Defekt) - Wilbur Smith , The lost book of the grail (1846884217)

Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles

Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles

The world expert in multisensory perception on the remarkable ways we can use our senses to lead richer lives 'Spence does for the senses what Marie Kondo does for homes - he shows us how to rearrange and declutter our way to better living' Avery Gilbert, author of What the Nose Knows How can the furniture in your home affect your well-being? What colour clothing will help you play sport better? And what simple trick will calm you after a tense day at work? In this revelatory book, pioneering and entertaining Oxford professor Charles Spence shows how our senses change how we think and feel, and how by 'hacking' them we can reduce stress, become more productive and be happier. We like to think of ourselves as rational beings, and yet it's the scent of expensive face cream that removes wrinkles (temporarily) and the noise of the crowd really does affect the referee's decision. Sensehacking explores how the senses are stimulated in nature, at home, in the workplace and at play. Using cutting-edge science, Spence shows how the senses interact and affect our minds and bodies. 'Everything you need to know about how to cope with the hidden sensory overload of modern life, engagingly told' Robin Dunbar, author of How Many Friends Does One Person Need? (

Podobné produkty ako Sensehacking : How to Use the Power of Your Senses for Happier, Healthier Living - Spence Charles , The ocean at the end of the lane (1472283368)

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith

SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own. (

Podobné produkty ako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life - Peter Godfrey-Smith , The narrative of arthur gordon pym of nantucket

Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

An entertaining and insightful exploration of schadenfreude: the deliciously dark and complex joy we've all felt, from time to time, at news of others' misfortunes. You might feel schadenfreude when... the boss calls himself "Head of Pubic Services" on an important letter.a cool guy swings back on his chair, and it tips over.a Celebrity Vegan is caught in the cheese aisle. an aggressive driver cuts you off - and then gets pulled over.your co-worker heats up fish in the microwave, then gets food urban unicyclist almost collides with a parked car.someone cuts the line for the ATM - and then it swallows their card.your effortlessly attractive friend gets dumped. We all know the pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. The Germans named this furtive delight in another's failure schadenfreude (from schaden damage, and freude, joy), and it has perplexed philosophers and psychologists for centuries. Why can it be so satisfying to witness another's distress? And what, if anything, should we do about it? Schadenfreude illuminates this hidden emotion, inviting readers to reflect on its pleasures, and how we use other people's miseries to feel better about ourselves. Written in an exploratory, evocative form, it weaves examples from literature, philosophy, film, and music together with personal observation and historical and cultural analysis. And in today's world of polarized politics, twitter trolls and "sidebars of shame," it couldn't be timelier. Engaging, insightful, and entertaining, Schadenfreude makes the case for thinking afresh about the role this much-maligned emotion plays in our lives -- perhaps even embracing it. (

Podobné produkty ako Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith , Yardbirds: the best of the yardbirds - cd (charly604cd)

Sam Smith - The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured) (LP)

Sam Smith - The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured) (LP)

Interpret / Téma: Sam Smith Varianta: The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured Vinyl LP) Barva podle výrobce: White Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: LP deska;Album;Barevná Barva: Bílá Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Blues;Pop Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Blues;Pop Datum vydání: 2017-11-03 Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2017.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Capitol Records Země původu: Evropská unie (

Podobné produkty ako Sam Smith - The Thrill Of It All (White Coloured) (LP) , The story of the trapp family singers (0060005777)

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life (Defekt) - Peter Godfrey-Smith


SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own. (

Podobné produkty ako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life (Defekt) - Peter Godfrey-Smith , The lord of the rings - elven - hrnek (3665361048251)

The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith


Discover how best to manage mental health issues - specifically depression - in bestselling pscyhologist Gwendoline Smith's evidence-based, practical guide. THE BOOK OF FEELING BLUE offers hope to those experiencing depression, explaining the nature of the condition and the many different forms it can take at different life stages, and offering straightforward advice about how to manage it. Written in a chatty, reassuring tone with supplementary illustrations included throughout to demonstrate key points, chapters cover all aspects of the condition, including how to support a family member or friend who may be suffering from it, providing a therapist's evidence-based, practical toolkit for dealing with this widespread and debilitating mental-health problem.'Provides a language to articulate things that can feel hard to express' - Pandora Sykes, Sunday Times on The Book of Overthinking (

Podobné produkty ako The Book of Feeling Blue: Understand and Manage Depression - Gwendoline Smith , The witcher - signs of the witcher - tričko (thewitchsgnnad)

The enemies of art - Robert Janás, Edward Lucie-Smith, Charles Thomson


Obsáhlý katalog aktuální tvorby mezinárodního hnutí Stuckistů vyšel k londýnské stejnojmenné výstavě, která proběhla v dubnu 2011. Výstavy se účastnili angličtí zakladatelé, řada autorů z různých zemí a také devět autorů českých (Valečka, Hauschka, Urbanová, Spěváček, Orlita, Salajka a další). Katalog je doprovázen třemi texty, mmj. i textem významného historika umění E. Lucie-Smitha, autora publikace ART TODAY. Texty jsou v angličtině a zahraničního diváka dobře informují o významu hnutí, jeho aktuální podobě a také významné a početné české sekci. (

Podobné produkty ako The enemies of art - Robert Janás, Edward Lucie-Smith, Charles Thomson , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Tools and Weapons : The Promise and The Peril of the Digital Age - Brad Smith, Carol Ann Browne

Tools and Weapons : The Promise and The Peril of the Digital Age - Brad Smith, Carol Ann Browne

"A clear, compelling guide to some of the most pressing debates in technology today." - Bill Gates, from the foreword From Microsoft's President and one of the tech industry's wisest thinkers, a frank and thoughtful reckoning with how to balance enormous promise and existential risk as the digitization of everything accelerates. __________ Microsoft President Brad Smith operates by a simple core belief: when your technology changes the world, you bear a responsibility to help address the world you have helped create. This might seem uncontroversial, but it flies in the face of a tech sector long obsessed with rapid growth and sometimes on disruption as an end in itself. Now, though, we have reached an inflection point: Silicon Valley has moved fast and it has broken things. A new understanding has emerged that companies that create technology must accept greater responsibility for the future. And governments will need to regulate technology by moving faster and catching up with the pace of innovation that is impacting our communities and changing the world. In Tools and Weapons, Brad Smith takes us into the cockpit of one of the world's largest and most powerful tech companies as it finds itself in the middle of some of the thorniest emerging issues of our time. These are challenges that come with no pre-existing playbook, including privacy, cybercrime and cyberwar, social media, the moral conundrums of AI, big tech's relationship to inequality and the challenges for democracy, far and near. While in no way a self-glorifying "Microsoft memoir," the book opens up the curtain remarkably wide onto some of the company's most crucial recent decision points, as it strives to protect the hopes technology offers against the very real threats it also presents. Every tool can be a weapon in the wrong person's hands, and companies are being challenged in entirely new ways to embrace the totality of their responsibilities. We have moved from a world in which Silicon Valley could take no prisoners to one in which tech companies and governments must work together to address the challenges and adapt to the changes technology has unleashed. There are huge ramifications to be thought through, and Brad Smith provides a marvellous and urgently necessary contribution to that effort. __________ In Tools and Weapons, Brad Smith takes us behind the scenes on some of the biggest stories to hit the tech industry in the past decade. From Edward Snowden's NSA leak to the NHS WannaCry ransomware attack, this book is essential reading to understand what's happening in the world around us. (

Podobné produkty ako Tools and Weapons : The Promise and The Peril of the Digital Age - Brad Smith, Carol Ann Browne , The end of loneliness (1473654041)

The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta - Dian Hanson, Dan Nadel, Zak Smith


Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed lord of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. His high energy oils of Tarzan, Conan, Vampirella and his signature Death Dealer define not just fantasy worlds, but the bodies that occupy them: fleshy, muscular, tactile and sensual. Winner of a 2023 Eisner Award. Also available in a Collector's Edition Frank Frazetta finally gets the big beautiful book he deserves Frank Frazetta has reigned as the undisputed lord of fantasy art for 50 years, his fame only growing in the 12 years since his death. With his paintings now breaking auction records (Egyptian Queen sold for $ 5.4 million in 2019) he’s long overdue for this ultimate monograph. Born to a Sicilian immigrant family in Brooklyn, 1928, Frazetta was a minor league athlete, petty criminal and serial seducer with movie star looks and phenomenal talent. He claimed to only make art when there was nothing better to do – he preferred playing baseball - yet began his professional career in comics at age 16. Strip work led him to the infamous EC Comics, then to oils for Tarzan and Conan pulp covers. Both characters were interpreted by many before him, but as he explained in the 1970s, “I’m very physical minded. In Brooklyn, I knew Conan, I knew guys just like him,” and he used this first-hand knowledge of muscle and macho to redefine fantasy heroes as more massive, more menacing, more testosterone-fueled than anything seen before. As counterbalance he created a new breed of women, nude as censorship allowed, with pixie faces and multiparous bodies: thick thighed, heavy buttocked, breasts cantilevered out to there, yet still, with their soft bellies and hints of cellulite, believably real. Add in the action, the creatures, the twilit worlds of haunting shadow and Frazetta’s art is addictive as potato chips. This monograph is the most complete ever produced on the artist, done in collaboration with the Frazetta familyand winner of a 2023 Eisner Award. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fantastic Worlds of Frank Frazetta - Dian Hanson, Dan Nadel, Zak Smith , The tower of fools (1473226147)

Principles of Quality Costs : Principles, Implementation and Use


This edition includes information on the quality costs systems involved with the education, service, banking and software development industries. Additional information on team-based problem-solving, customer satisfaction, and the costs involved with the defense industry are also offered. (

Podobné produkty ako Principles of Quality Costs : Principles, Implementation and Use , Orphans of the carnival (1782116567)

The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan

The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan

In this Indian-set mystery, Inspector Chopra inherits an elephant and an unsolved murder on his last day at work. A joyful, charming read for fans of Alexander McCall Smith and Rachel Joyce. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan , The age of innocence (9788853620293)

KPH Compliments zelené 200 (0010_9201Z)

KPH Compliments zelené 200 (0010_9201Z)

Fotoalbum zasunovací, pro fotografie o rozměrech 10 × 15 cm, pro 200 ks fotografií, 25 stran, modrá barva Dáváte si své fotografie tisknout a rozhodli jste se, že je na čase je uspořádat? Pak byste si měli pořídit fotoalbum KPH. Můžete do něj vkládat fotky o formátu 10 × 15 cm. Fotky zbývá jednoduše zasunout do předpřipravených kapes. Fotoalbum KPH Compliments zelené 200 obsahuje 25 stran a lze do něj umístit až 200 fotografií. Zajímavé přednosti fotoalba KPH Compliments zelené 200 Fotoalbum vám připomene nejrůznější chvíle Pojme fotografie o rozměru 10 × 15 cm Fotky stačí do fotoalba zastrčit Barevná varianta: modrá Můžete do něj umístit 200 fotografií Fotoalbum KPH má 25 stran Styl: klasické (

Podobné produkty ako KPH Compliments zelené 200 (0010_9201Z)

KPH Compliments fialové 200 (0010_9201F)

KPH Compliments fialové 200 (0010_9201F)

Fotoalbum zasunovací, pro fotografie o rozměrech 10 × 15 cm, pro 200 ks fotografií, 25 stran, fialová barva Necháváte si své fotografie vytisknout a chcete si je uchovávat pohromadě jako vzpomínku? Pak byste si měli pořídit fotoalbum KPH. Vejdou se do něj fotky ve formátu 10 × 15 cm. Fotky uvnitř drží předpřipravené kapsičky. Fotoalbum KPH Compliments fialové 200 v sobě má 25 stran a umístíte do něj až 200 fotografií. Zajímavé přednosti fotoalba KPH Compliments fialové 200 Díky fotoalbu budete mít uchované vzpomínky z různých okamžiků Rozměry fotografií jsou 10 × 15 cm Fotky stačí zasunout do fólie Barevné provedení: fialová Dá se do něj vložit 200 fotografií Fotoalbum KPH v sobě skrývá 25 stran Styl: klasické (

Podobné produkty ako KPH Compliments fialové 200 (0010_9201F)

KPH Compliments béžové 200 (0010_9201K)

KPH Compliments béžové 200 (0010_9201K)

Fotoalbum zasunovací, pro fotografie o rozměrech 10 × 15 cm, pro 200 ks fotografií, 25 stran, béžová barva Dáváte si své fotografie tisknout a chcete je uspořádat, abyste si mohli jednou za čas zavzpomínat? Pak pro vás představuje nejjednoduší řešení fotoalbum KPH. Lze do něj vkládat fotky ve formátu 10 × 15 cm. Fotky zbývá jednoduše zasunout do předpřipravených kapes. Fotoalbum KPH Compliments béžové 200 má 25 stran, které pojmou až 200 fotografií. Klíčové parametry fotoalba KPH Compliments béžové 200 S fotoalbem máte možnost vzpomínat kdykoliv se vám naskytne příležitost Pojme fotografie o rozměru 10 × 15 cm Fotky se zkrátka zasouvají do fólie Barevná varianta: béžová Vleze se do něj 200 fotografií Fotoalbum KPH vám poskytne 25 stran Styl: klasické (

Podobné produkty ako KPH Compliments béžové 200 (0010_9201K)

Šanca pre Stelu - McCall Hoyleová


Ešte ako malé šteniatko Stelu cvičili, aby dokázala používať svoj citlivý bíglí ňufáčik na odhalenie nebezpečných chemikálií a pomáhať svojmu pánovi chrániť ľudí pred nebezpečenstvom. Lenže po jednej rutinnej bezpečnostnej kontrole sa Stele nepodarí vyňuchať výbušninu. Jej výbuch bol taký silný a hrôzostrašný, že spôsobuje Stele úzkosť, pre ktorú sa viac nedokáže vrátiť do práce a je nútená odísť na psí dôchodok. Keď sa objaví dievčatko Cloe a chce si Stelu adoptovať, bíglia sučka vie, že je to jej posledná šanca dokázať, že naozaj za niečo stojí. Lenže ako? Keď Stela zacíti zvláštnu chemickú látku v tele Cloe, ktorú jej telo vylučuje vždy pred záchvatom, Stelin ňufák si spojí súvislosti. Ako sa však naučí varovať svoju novú rodinu bez toho, aby si mysleli, že len prepadá panike? Ako ostatných presvedčí, že im môže opäť slúžiť ako záchranársky pes, ktorý dokáže upozorniť na nebezpečenstvo a zachrániť život? (

Podobné produkty ako Šanca pre Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

Menopauza - McCall Davina, Naomi Potter


Pridlho sme v tichosti trpeli, znášali návaly tepla, únavu, náladovosť a ďalšie nepríjemné pocity. Je načase poučiť sa, osvojiť si nové postoje, rozšíriť obzory, spoznať lepšie svoje telo a vziať život do vlastných rúk.Menopauza neobíde ani jednu z nás. Ako je teda možné, že vieme tak málo o niečom, čím práve teraz prechádzajú mnohé z nás? Je najvyšší čas nadobro sa rozlúčiť s pocitmi hanby, utajovaním, strachom a dezinformáciami o tejto závažnej téme. Skoncujme s tým HNEĎ A ZARAZ! Kvalitných informácií na túto tému nikdy nie je dosť.Spoluautorky v tejto knihe rozoberajú a vysvetľujú najnovšie vedecké poznatky, odhaľujú a uvádzajú na pravú mieru škodlivé mýty. Vzali si na mušku všetky tabu týkajúce sa perimenopauzy a menopauzy. Ich výklad sprevádzajú osobné príbehy celej plejády žien, ktoré boli ochotné zapojiť sa do diskusie. Názorne demonštrujú a pomáhajú pochopiť, že hoci priebeh menopauzy môže byť u každej ženy iný, všetky sme v tomto ohľade na jednej lodi, a to nás spája a učí spolupatričnosti.Je to vaše telo. Dožičte mu informácie, ktoré ho vyzbroja a pripravia na zvládnutie tejto dôležitej životnej etapy. Váš život sa nástupom menopauzy ani zďaleka nekončí. Práve naopak, je predzvesťou druhej jari, ktorú vám táto kniha pomôže v pohode a kvalitne prežiť. (

Podobné produkty ako Menopauza - McCall Davina, Naomi Potter

Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová


Každý pes si zaslouží druhou šanci.Už od štěněcího věku Stelu cvičili k tomu, aby svým geniálním bíglím nosem nacházela nebezpečné chemikálie a spolu se svou psovodkou pomáhala zajišťovat lidem bezpečí. Při jedné rutinní bezpečnostní prohlídce si však Stela nevšimne pachu výbušniny. Dojde k děsivé a hlučné explozi, která Stelu poznamená tak, že se už nemůže vrátit do práce. Tím její kariéra služebního psa skončí.Když se jí ujme dívka jménem Emilia, fenka ví, že je to její poslední šance, aby ukázala své schopnosti. Jednou Stela ucítí z Emiliina těla zvláštní pach, který zesílí těsně předtím, než se dívenky zmocní epileptický záchvat. Stelin nos si uvědomí souvislost. Jenže jak má příště varovat svou novou rodinu, aniž by v ní vzbudila dojem, že má jen další záchvat paniky? Chce všechny přesvědčit, že může znovu pracovat jako signální pes, který umí upozornit na skryté nebezpečí. Dokáže to? (

Podobné produkty ako Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith


Adam Smith (1723-1790) was one of the brightest stars of the eighteenth-century Scottish Enlightenment. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was his most important book. First published in London in March 1776, it had been eagerly anticipated by Smith's contemporaries and became an immediate bestseller.That edition sold out quickly and others followed. Today, Smith's Wealth of Nations rightfully claims a place in the Western intellectual canon. It is the first book of modern political economy, and still provides the foundation for the study of that discipline.But it is much more than that. Along with important discussions of economics and political theory, Smith mixed plain common sense with large measures of history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and much else. Few texts remind us so clearly that the Enlightenment was very much a lived experience, a concern with improving the human condition in practical ways for real people.A masterpiece by any measure, Wealth of Nations remains a classic of world literature to be usefully enjoyed by readers today. (

Podobné produkty ako Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

The Witcher Boxed Set : The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of The Swallow, The Lady of the


Meet Geralt of Rivia - the Witcher - who holds the line against the monsters plaguing humanity in the bestselling series that inspired the Witcher video games and a major Netflix show.The Witcher's magic powers and lifelong training have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin.Yet he is no ordinary killer: he hunts the vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent.But not everything monstrous-looking is evil; not everything fair is good . . . and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.Translated by Danusia Stok and David French.Andrzej Sapkowski, winner of the World Fantasy Lifetime Achievement award, started an international phenomenon with his Witcher series. This boxed set contains all eight books: THE LAST WISH, SWORD OF DESTINY, BLOOD OF ELVES, TIME OF CONTEMPT, BAPTISM OF FIRE, THE TOWER OF THE SWALLOW, THE LADY OF THE LAKE, SEASON OF STORMS. (

Podobné produkty ako The Witcher Boxed Set : The Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of The Swallow, The Lady of the

A Book of Days - Patti Smith


A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith's singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message "Hello Everybody!" Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith's world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she's reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus. Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith's unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother's keychain, and a husband's Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are never-before-seen photos of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby. In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world.With 365 photographs, taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful - and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process - A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist's life. (

Podobné produkty ako A Book of Days - Patti Smith

A Book of Days - Patti Smith


A deeply moving and brilliantly idiosyncratic visual book of days by the National Book Award-winning author of Just Kids and M Train. More than 365 images chart Smith’s singular aesthetic - inspired by her wildly popular InstagramIn 2018, without any plan or agenda for what might happen next, Patti Smith posted her first Instagram photo: her hand with the simple message “Hello Everybody!” Known for shooting with her beloved Land Camera 250, Smith started posting images from her phone including portraits of her kids, her radiator, her boots, and her Abyssinian cat, Cairo. Followers felt an immediate affinity with these miniature windows into Smith’s world, photographs of her daily coffee, the books she’s reading, the graves of beloved heroes - William Blake, Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath, Simone Weil, Albert Camus.Over time, a coherent story of a life devoted to art took shape, and more than a million followers responded to Smith’s unique aesthetic in images that chart her passions, devotions, obsessions, and whims. Original to this book are vintage photographs: anniversary pearls, a mother’s keychain, and a husband’s Mosrite guitar. Here, too, are never-before-seen photos of life on and off the road, train stations, obscure cafés, a notebook always nearby.In wide-ranging yet intimate daily notations, Smith shares dispatches from her travels around the world. With 365 photographs, taking you through a single year, A Book of Days is a new way to experience the expansive mind of the visionary poet, writer, and performer. Hopeful, elegiac, playful - and complete with an introduction by Smith that explores her documentary process - A Book of Days is a timeless offering for deeply uncertain times, an inspirational map of an artist’s life. (

Podobné produkty ako A Book of Days - Patti Smith

Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte


After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine. (

Podobné produkty ako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte

I Know What I´m Doing: Experiences of Women who Use Methamphetamine - Magda Frišaufová


Ženy jako uživatelky drog jsou v hledáčku sociologů již několik desetiletí. Výzkumníci publikovali mnohé o specifičnosti jejich situace, zvláště v souvislosti s genderovou nerovností. Psali o výraznější stigmatizaci žen nebo o obtížnějším přístupu k léčbě a sociálním službám. Naopak málo pozornosti věnovali strategiím, pomocí nichž se uživatelky drog snaží své situaci vzdorovat, nebo těžkostem, se kterými se potýkají v každodenním životě. A právě tento neobvyklý pohled nabízí autorka knihy Vím, co dělám. Prostřednictvím narativní analýzy opakovaných hloubkových rozhovorů a fokusních skupin se sedmi ženami, které mají zkušenost s dlouhodobým užíváním metamfetaminu/pervitinu, zkoumá nejen problémy, jimž ženy čelí, ale také sílu k jednání, kterou používají, aby mohly opět převzít kontrolu nad svým životem a prosadit své potřeby a zájmy v okolním světě. (

Podobné produkty ako I Know What I´m Doing: Experiences of Women who Use Methamphetamine - Magda Frišaufová

Rostislav Fraš Quartet feat. Antonio Farao & Jeff "Tain" Watts: Use The Moment (CD)

Rostislav Fraš Quartet feat. Antonio Farao & Jeff "Tain" Watts: Use The Moment (CD)

Saxofonista a skladatel Rostislav Fraš si na své nové album nazvané "Use the Moment" pozval hvězdy světového jazzu. Jsou jimi italský pianista Antonio Fara? a legendární americký bubeník Jeff "Tain" Watts. Sestavu doplňuje Frašův častý... Saxofonista a skladatel Rostislav Fraš si na své nové album nazvané "Use the Moment" pozval hvězdy světového jazzu. Jsou jimi italský pianista Antonio Fara? a legendární americký bubeník Jeff "Tain" Watts. Sestavu doplňuje Frašův častý spolupracovník - kontrabasista Josef Fečo. Album, nahrané v závěru krátkého turné této sestavy, přináší Frašovy a Faraovy skladby v prvotřídní a úderné interpretaci a přibližuje českou jazzovou scénu zase o kus blíž světovým měřítkům.Tracklist:1. Use The Moment 06:47 2. N.W. 08:35 3. Black Inside 08:31 4. Blues After Showers 05:39 5. Arabesco 07:34 6. Silent Yearning 05:11 7. Dark Side 09:17 (

Podobné produkty ako Rostislav Fraš Quartet feat. Antonio Farao & Jeff "Tain" Watts: Use The Moment (CD)

The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki


An epic fantasy written and illustrated by the legendary director Hayao Miyazaki!An addition to the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli art books-which include interviews, concept sketches, and finished animation cels-of classic animated films such as Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro.Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, based on his own manga, was released in 1984 and has been a cult classic ever since. In a long-ago war, humankind set off a devastating ecological disaster. The earth is slowly submerging beneath the expanding Sea of Decay, an enormous toxic forest that creates mutant insects and poisonous spores. Beyond the sea lies the Valley of the Wind, a kingdom of barely 500 citizens and home to Nausicaa, who risks everything to save her people and bring peace and health to the valley. Includes sketches, developmental water colors, cel animation, and more. (

Podobné produkty ako The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Hayao Miyazaki

The Glamourist (The Vine Witch, 2) - Luanne G. Smith


A spellbinding novel of bloodlines, self-discovery, and redemption by the author of the Washington Post bestseller The Vine Witch.Abandoned as a child in turn-of-the-century Paris, Yvette Lenoir has longed to uncover the secrets of her magical heritage and tap her suppressed powers. But what brave and resourceful Yvette has done to survive the streets has made her a fugitive. With a price on her head, she clings to a memento from her past-what she believes to be a grimoire inherited from the mother she never knew. To unlock the secrets of her past, Yvette trusts in one woman to help solve the arcane riddles among its charmed pages.Elena Boureanu is the vine witch of Chateau Renard, noted for its renowned wines. Even as she struggles with her own bloodline-and its poisonous threat to her future-Elena can't ignore a friend on the run. Joined by a cunning thief, the proprietor of an enchanted-curio shop, and a bewitching black cat, Elena and Yvette are determined to decode Yvette's mysterious keepsake. But what restless magic will be unleashed? And what are Yvette and Elena willing to risk to become the witches they were destined to be? (

Podobné produkty ako The Glamourist (The Vine Witch, 2) - Luanne G. Smith

The Conjurer (The Vine Witch, 3) - Luanne G. Smith


A beguiling novel of revenge, deliverance, and a powerful sisterhood of magic by the Washington Post bestselling author of The Vine Witch and The Glamourist.Sidra didn't murder her husband. Yet even a jinni can't wish away a wrongful imprisonment. Determined to prove her innocence, she returns to her adopted home-a French village renowned for its perfume witches-with her friends Elena and Yvette by her side. Here is where Sidra's true destiny awaits, but danger also lurks in the village's narrow lanes.On her trail is Jamra, another jinni, who's after more than revenge for the murder of his brother. He also seeks vengeance for the indignities inflicted on jinn by mortals over the centuries. When he learns of an ancient relic capable of unleashing chaos on the world, and that the weapon is in the hands of his murderous sister-in-law, he vows to destroy Sidra to get it.Relying on a sisterhood of magic, a mysteriously faithful dog, and a second-rate sorcerer, Sidra defends herself using the village's greatest asset: its perfume. It's as beguiling a lure as it is a formidable shield. But is it enough for Sidra to protect herself and those she loves from powers yet to be released? (

Podobné produkty ako The Conjurer (The Vine Witch, 3) - Luanne G. Smith

The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear

The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear

Supernatural hounds, a family curse, a mysterious cipher and the return of a deadly enemy . . . Sherlock Holmes will have to utilize every skill he has to solve the two classic mysteries collected here. The Hound of the Baskervilles sees Holmes and Dr Watson travel to the misty wilds of Dartmoor to confront a devilish apparition, while in The Valley of Fear the pair investigate a gruesome murder that may be the work of the dastardly Professor Moriarty himself.In this Macmillan Collector's Library edition, Sherlock scholar David Stuart Davies provides both an illuminating afterword and a fascinating chronology of the Sherlock Holmes stories.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The Hound of the Baskervilles & The Valley of Fear

Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo


Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America. (

Podobné produkty ako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo

Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová - e-kniha


eBook: Každý pes si zaslouží druhou šanci. Už od štěněcího věku Stelu cvičili k tomu, aby svým geniálním bíglím nosem nacházela nebezpečné chemikálie a spolu se svou psovodkou pomáhala zajišťovat lidem bezpečí. Při jedné rutinní bezpečnostní prohlídce si však Stela nevšimne pachu výbušniny. Dojde k děsivé a hlučné explozi, která Stelu poznamená tak, že se už nemůže vrátit do práce. Tím její kariéra služebního psa skončí. Když se jí ujme dívka jménem Emilia, fenka ví, že je to její poslední šance, aby ukázala své schopnosti. Jednou Stela ucítí z Emiliina těla zvláštní pach, který zesílí těsně předtím, než se dívenky zmocní epileptický záchvat. Stelin nos si uvědomí souvislost. Jenže jak má příště varovat svou novou rodinu, aniž by v ní vzbudila dojem, že má jen další záchvat paniky? Chce všechny přesvědčit, že může znovu pracovat jako signální pes, který umí upozornit na skryté nebezpečí. Dokáže to? (

Podobné produkty ako Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová - e-kniha

Precious and Grace: 'No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency 17' (0349142033)

Precious and Grace: 'No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency 17' (0349142033)

Kniha - autor Alexander McCall Smith, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá One bright morning, Precious Ramotswe - head of Botswana's No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - receives a visitor: a woman from Australia. This woman asks Precious to take on a case: to find the nursemaid who raised her during her childhood in Botswana. The woman wants to thank her for being such an important part of her life. Precious has a history of successfully solving cases, but this one proves difficult and throws up a number of surprises and challenges. Back in her office, next door to the Speedy Motors Garage on Twokleng Road, Precious also has a team to manage: Mr Polopetsi, a part-time science teacher and new assistant at the agency; she mentors Charlie, a former apprentice and young man too handsome and charming for his own good - a man who has gotten himself in deep water; and then there is Precious's tumultuous but heart-warming friendship with her co-director, the... (

Podobné produkty ako Precious and Grace: 'No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency 17' (0349142033)
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