The house of unexpected sisters (defekt) - alexander mccall smith

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The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith


Precious Ramotswe learns valuable lessons about first impressions and forgiveness in this latest installment of the much-loved, best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. At Botswana's No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi are intrigued by the troubling dismissal of an employee at a thriving local business. The ladies proceed with investigations as they are inclined to do - with Mma Makutsi's customary vigour, and Mma Ramotswe's rather more subtle caution. Soon enough, interesting discoveries are made... marital subterfuge, undue influence and commercial chicanery! Clearly, there is more to this dismissal than at first imagined. While Mma Makutsi's focus, as self-appointed Principal Investigating Officer, is firmly on the case, Mma Ramotswe's attention is diverted by personal matters. Not only has her disgraced ex-husband reappeared in town, but she has stumbled on an unsettling family secret of her own - one that might threaten what she holds closest to her heart. As Precious contemplates this painful possibility, she must draw on her strength and compassion and confront The House of Unexpected Sisters. And for both Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe, the wise words of their mentor Clovis Andersen - 'the needle swings in confusing ways' - have never been more prescient . . . (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith , House of the dragon - to the throne - tričko

Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith


Precious and Grace is a story about life at Botswana's leading No. 1 Ladies' detective agency. (

Podobné produkty ako Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith , Game of thrones - house of the dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146806)

The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith


For philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought. And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with his father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters.Late motherhood is not the only challenge facing Isabel. Even as she negotiates a truce with her furious niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura. Perhaps most seriously of all, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the machiavellian and suspiciously handsome Professor Dove.A master storyteller whether debating ethics in Edinburgh or pursuing lady detectives in Africa, here Alexander McCall Smith is as witty and wise as his irresistibly spirited heroine. (

Podobné produkty ako The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith , House of the dragon - diamond skull - tričko

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith


During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage. (

Podobné produkty ako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith , House of the dragon - king maker - tričko

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith

It is a troublesome fact on which even Mma Ramotswe and her assistant Mma Makutsi agree: there are things that men know and ladies do not, and vice versa. It is unfortunate, for example, when Mma Ramotswe's newest client is the big-shot owner of the ailing Kalahari Swoopers, that one thing lady detectives know very little about is football. And when the glamorous Violet Sephotho sets her sights on Mma Makutsi's unsuspecting fiance, it becomes exasperatingly clear that some men do not know how to recognise a ruthless Jezebel even when she is bouncing up and down on the best bed in the Double Comfort Furniture Shop. In her attempt to foster understanding between the sexes and find the traitor on Mr Football's team, Mma Ramotswe ventures into new territory, drinks tea in unfamiliar kitchens and learns to trust in the observational powers of small boys. And, as wise and warm-hearted as his heroine, Alexander McCall Smith reminds us that we must dig deep to uncover the goodness of the human heart. (

Podobné produkty ako Tea Time for the Traditionally Built - Alexander McCall Smith , The house by the lake: a story of germany (0099592045)

The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith

The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith

Spring is coming slowly to Sweden - though not quite as slowly as Detective Ulf Varg's promised promotion at the Department of Sensitive Crimes. For Varg, referred by his psychoanalyst to group therapy at Malmoe's Wholeness Centre, life now seems mostly a circle of self-examination, something which may or may not be useful when it comes to the nature of his profession and the particularly sensitive cases that have recently come to light. All in a day's work for Detective Varg, except that one of his new investigations involves fellow detective Anna; it will require every ounce of self-discipline he has in order to remain professional. The other, more curious case is centred around internationally successful novelist Nils Personn-Cederstroem. According to his girlfriend, Cederstroem is being blackmailed - but by whom and for what reason? Accompanied by his irritating but kindly colleague Blomquist, Varg begins his enquiries and soon the answers fall neatly into place. Nothing and no one is ever that simple, however, and not for the first time he learns as much about his own emotional and moral landscape as he does about the motives of others. Now Varg must make a possibly life-changing decision. Will he choose his own happiness over that of his heart's desire? (

Podobné produkty ako The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith , The house of the dead: remake - limidead edition - nintendo switch (3760156489629)

Písařská škola v Kalahari - Alexander McCall Smith


Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. Kromě toho se paní Ramotswe v pracovním i osobním životě potýká se spoustou dalších nečekaných situací. Jednak se poprvé setká s konkurencí, když se přímo v jejím bydlišti, hlavním městě Gaborone, objeví druhá detektivní kancelář s názvem Zaručená spokojenost, jejímž majitelem je sebevědomý Cephas Buthelezzi. Dále musí paní Ramotswe zastat roli matky dvou dětí, chlapce Pusa a dívky Motholeli, které před časem pan Matekoni, její snoubenec a majitel autoservisu Rychlé motory z naší ulice, adoptoval z místního sirotčince. Aby toho nebylo málo, pokusí se paní Ramotswe své stále svobodné asistentce najít manžela. A v neposlední řadě ji čekají hned dva svérázné detektivní případy, z nichž jeden se bezprostředně týká jejího nejbližšího okolí. Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. (

Podobné produkty ako Písařská škola v Kalahari - Alexander McCall Smith , The house of the dead: remake - limidead edition - xbox one (3701529502859)

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,První díl z úspěšné série detektivních příběhů zachycuje období, kdy sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život.Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. Je vynikajícím vypravěčem a jeho text čtenáře spolehlivě přenese do prostředí odlišné africké kultury. Není bez zajímavosti, že režisér známých filmů Anglický pacient a Talentovaný pan Ripley Anthony Minghella natočil podle této literární předlohy detektivní seriál. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha , Alexander monty: monty alexander: the montreux years - cd (4050538767278)

Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

eBook:,Škola na plachetnici? Tam určite nebude núdza o dobrodružstvo! Školu, do ktorej chodia súrodenci Ben a Fee, by im určite kadekto závidel. Je totiž na mori, na palube plachetnice menom Tobermory! Jedného dňa sa pri lodi objaví filmový štáb a Ben dokonca dostane ponuku zahrať si vo filme ako komparzista. Potom si však všimne čudné veci a nadobudne zvláštne podozrenie. Ide naozaj o filmárov alebo je nakrúcanie iba zásterkou pre niečo nekalé? Ben, Fee a ich priatelia rozhodne musia zistiť pravdu. (

Podobné produkty ako Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha , The seven sisters 03. the shadow sister (1447288629)

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

Audiokniha:,Zábavné i napínavé příběhy první soukromé detektivky v Botswaně, jihoafrické zemi, kde život je tak odlišný od našeho - a vášně a zločiny jsou často stejné. Knihu zimbabwsko-britského spisovatele čte Jana Stryková. Sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne nám také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život. Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. Alexander McCall Smith (1948) Alexander McCall Smith je zimbabwsko-britský spisovatel, publicista a vysokoškolský pedagog. Své vzdělání získal ve Skotsku a v Zimbabwe. Jde o spisovatele a profesora lékařského práva na Edinburské univerzitě a je členem několika národních a mezinárodních institucí zabývajících se bioetikou. Jeho knihy zahrnují práce o lékařském právu, trestním právu a filozofii. Stejně tak je autorem řady knih pro děti, sbírek povídek a románů. Působil také na několika univerzitách v Africe včetně Botswany, kde nějakou dobu žil. Jana Stryková (1979) Vystudovala DAMU – obor činoherní herectví. Po absolvování DAMU v roce 2001 nastoupila angažmá v divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci, v sezóně 2003-2004 byla na volné noze a hrála v Divadle Bez Zábradlí, Letních shakespearovských slavností 2004, Divadle Viola, Divadle Radka Brzobohatého a Divadle v Celetné. Od roku 2004 má stálé angažmá v Divadle Rokoko. Také točí filmy, reklamy, dabuje, moderuje a příležitostně se věnuje modelingu – módní přehlídky pro herečky. Na obrazovce jsme ji mohli vidět v pohádce Hospoda U bílé kočky nebo v seriálu Dokonalý svět. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha , Alexander monty: monty alexander: the montreux years (2x lp) - lp (4050538767247)

Call of the Raven (Defekt) - Wilbur Smith


The son of a wealthy plantation owner and a doting mother, Mungo St John is accustomed to the wealth and luxuries his privilege has afforded him. That is until he returns from university to discover his family ruined, his inheritance stolen and his childhood sweetheart, Camilla, taken by the conniving Chester Marion. Fuelled by anger, and love, Mungo swears vengeance and devotes his life to saving Camilla - and destroying Chester. Camilla, trapped in New Orleans, powerless to her position as a kept slave and suffering at the hands of Chester's brutish behaviour, must learn to do whatever it takes to survive. As Mungo battles his own fate and misfortune to achieve the revenge that drives him, and regain his power in the world, he must question what it takes for a man to survive when he has nothing, and what he is willing to do in order to get what he wants. (

Podobné produkty ako Call of the Raven (Defekt) - Wilbur Smith , Hooker john lee: house of the blues (coloured lp) - lp (8436559469500)

Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová


A promise to stay together. An unbreakable bond. A fierce will to survive. From international bestselling author Heather Morris comes the breath-taking conclusion to The Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy. When they are girls, Cibi, Magda and Livia make a promise to their father - that they will stay together, no matter what. Years later, at just 15 years old, Livia is ordered to Auschwitz by the Nazis. Cibi, only 19 herself, remembers their promise and follows Livia, determined to protect her sister, or die with her. In their hometown in Slovakia, 17-year-old Magda hides, desperate to evade the barbaric Nazi forces. But it is not long before she is captured and condemned to Auschwitz. In the horror of the death camp, these three beautiful sisters are reunited. Though traumatised by their experiences, they are together. They make another promise: that they will live. Their fight for survival takes them from the hell of Auschwitz, to a death march across war-torn Europe and eventually home to Slovakia, now under iron Communist rule. Determined to begin again, they embark on a voyage of renewal, to the new Jewish homeland, Israel. Rich in vivid detail, and beautifully told, Three Sisters will break your heart, but leave you amazed and uplifted by the courage and fierce love of three sisters, whose promise to each other kept them alive. Two of the sisters are in Israel today, surrounded by family and friends. They have chosen Heather Morris to reimagine their story in her astonishing new novel, Three Sisters. (

Podobné produkty ako Three Sisters : The conclusion to the Tattooist of Auschwitz trilogy (Defekt) - Heather Morrisová , The dark pictures anthology: house of ashes - xbox digital (g3q-00787)

The Starfish Sisters (Defekt) - Barbara O’Nealová


From the USA Today bestselling author of When We Believed in Mermaids comes an emotional novel about two women facing the betrayals, heartbreaks, and refuge of true friendship. Phoebe and Suze used to be closer than sisters. Growing up in a quiet and wildly beautiful coastal town in Oregon, they shared everything.Until the secrets they couldn't share threatened their bond and complicated their lives. Now, decades later, Suze, a famous actress desperate for safe haven following a brutal attack, is back in town. Phoebe, a successful illustrator and fabric designer, has discovered keeping a secret means she can't let anyone get close, aside from her beloved granddaughter, Jasmine.As Jasmine's move to London looms, Phoebe doesn't know how to face the return of her old friend and all that's still unsaid between them. Can the two women who've never confronted their past do it now when the choice is between healing and survival?Heartfelt and layered, The Starfish Sisters is a moving story about the complicated nature of female friendship, the joys and heartbreaks of life, and the resiliency and power that women possess. (

Podobné produkty ako The Starfish Sisters (Defekt) - Barbara O’Nealová , Byrds: best of live at the boarding house 1978 - lp (cl77109)

House of Hunger (Defekt) - Hendersonová Alexis


WANTED: A bloodmaid of exceptional taste. Must have a keen proclivity for life's finer pleasures. Girls of weak will need not apply.A young woman is drawn into the upper echelons of a society where blood is power, in this dark and enthralling Gothic novel from the author of The Year of the Witching.Marion Shaw has been raised in the slums, where want and deprivation are all she knows. Despite longing to leave the city and its miseries, she has no real hope of escape until the day she spots a strange advertisement in the newspaper, seeking a 'bloodmaid'.Though she knows little about the far north - where wealthy nobles live in luxury and drink the blood of those in their service - Marion applies to the position. In a matter of days, she finds herself at the notorious House of Hunger. There, Marion is swept into a world of dark debauchery - and there, at the centre of it all is her.Her name is Countess Lisavet. Loved and feared in equal measure, she presides over this hedonistic court. And she takes a special interest in Marion. Lisavet is magnetic, charismatic, seductive - and Marion is eager to please her new mistress. But when her fellow bloodmaids begin to go missing in the night, Marion is thrust into a vicious game of cat and mouse. She'll need to learn the rules of her new home - and fast - or its halls will soon become her grave. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Hunger (Defekt) - Hendersonová Alexis , The dark pictures: volume 2 (house of ashes and the devil in me) - ps4 (3391892023848)

House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová


'Such is the power and wealth of the Goldbaums that on dull days, it's said, they hire the sun just for themselves.' The Goldbaums' influence reaches across Europe. They are the confidants and bankers of governments and emperors. Little happens without their say-so and even less without their knowledge. But Greta Goldbaum has no say at all in who she'll marry. While power lies in wealth, strength lies in family. Greta's union with cousin Albert will strengthen the bond between the Austrian and the English branches of the dynasty. It is sensible and strategic. Greta is neither. Defiant and unhappy, she is desperate to find a place that belongs to her, free from duty and responsibility. But just as she begins to taste an unexpected happiness, the Great War is looming and even the Goldbaums can't alter its course. For the first time in two hundred years, the family will find themselves on opposing sides. The House of Goldbaum, along with Europe herself, is about to break apart. (

Podobné produkty ako House Of Gold (Defekt) - Natasha Solomonsová , The dark pictures: volume 2 (house of ashes and the devil in me) - xbox (3391892023862)

První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander

První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander

Zábavné i napínavé příběhy první soukromé detektivky v Botswaně, jihoafrické zemi, kde život je tak odlišný od našeho - a vášně a zločiny jsou často stejné. Knihu zimbabwsko-britského spisovatele čte Jana Stryková. Sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne nám také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život. Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. (

Podobné produkty ako První dámská detektivní kancelář - McCall Smith Alexander , Soundtrack: house of gucci - cd (5395781)

Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander

Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander

Paní Ramotswe, majitelka První dámské detektivní kanceláře ve státě Botswana, tentokrát na návrh své asistentky, paní Makutsi, absolventky Botswanské školy pro sekretářky, úspěšně rozšíří pole svého působení o školu psaní na stroji pro muže. Kromě toho se paní Ramotswe v pracovním i osobním životě potýká se spoustou dalších nečekaných situací. Jednak se poprvé setká s konkurencí, když se přímo v jejím bydlišti, hlavním městě Gaborone, objeví druhá detektivní kancelář s názvem Zaručená spokojenost, jejímž majitelem je sebevědomý Cephas Buthelezzi. Dále musí paní Ramotswe zastat roli matky dvou dětí, chlapce Pusa a dívky Motholeli, které před časem pan Matekoni, její snoubenec a majitel autoservisu Rychlé motory z naší ulice, adoptoval z místního sirotčince. Aby toho nebylo málo, pokusí se paní Ramotswe své stále svobodné asistentce najít manžela. A v neposlední řadě ji čekají hned dva svérázné detektivní případy, z nichž jeden se bezprostředně týká jejího nejbližšího okolí. (

Podobné produkty ako Písařská škola v Kalahari - McCall Smith Alexander , The golden house: a novel (0399592806)

House of Leaves (Defekt) - Mark Z. Danielewski


Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth -- musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies -- the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children. Now, for the first time, this astonishing novel is made available in book form, complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices. The story remains unchanged, focusing on a young family that moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. Of course, neither Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson nor his companion Karen Green was prepared to face the consequences of that impossibility, until the day their two little children wandered off and their voices eerily began to return another story -- of creature darkness, of an ever-growing abyss behind a closet door, and of that unholy growl which soon enough would tear through their walls and consume all their dreams. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Leaves (Defekt) - Mark Z. Danielewski , Funko pop! house of dragon - syrax (889698656054)

Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life (Defekt) - Peter Godfrey-Smith


SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2017 ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE What if intelligent life on Earth evolved not once, but twice? The octopus is the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien. What can we learn from the encounter? In Other Minds, Peter Godfrey-Smith, a distinguished philosopher of science and a skilled scuba diver, tells a bold new story of how nature became aware of itself – a story that largely occurs in the ocean, where animals first appeared. Tracking the mind’s fitful development from unruly clumps of seaborne cells to the first evolved nervous systems in ancient relatives of jellyfish, he explores the incredible evolutionary journey of the cephalopods, which began as inconspicuous molluscs who would later abandon their shells to rise above the ocean floor, searching for prey and acquiring the greater intelligence needed to do so – a journey completely independent from the route that mammals and birds would later take. But what kind of intelligence do cephalopods possess? How did the octopus, a solitary creature with little social life, become so smart? What is it like to have eight tentacles that are so packed with neurons that they virtually ‘think for themselves’? By tracing the question of inner life back to its roots and comparing human beings with our most remarkable animal relatives, Godfrey-Smith casts crucial new light on the octopus mind – and on our own. (

Podobné produkty ako Other Minds : The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life (Defekt) - Peter Godfrey-Smith , Hra králem: house of cards - to play the king (978-80-257-2527-6)

The FALL of the House of FIFA - David Conn

The FALL of the House of FIFA - David Conn

The Fall of the House of Fifa is the definitive story of Fifa's rise - and the most spectacular fall sport has ever seen. 1904: 'No person should be allowed to arrange matches for personal profit' - Fifa congress A century later: 'Fifa is a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organisation (RICO) enterprise' - A judge in Brooklyn, using a term originally coined for the mafia For forty years Joao Havelange and then Sepp Blatter presided over a Fifa now plagued with scandal - dawn raids, FBI investigations, allegations of money laundering, industrial-scale bribery, racketeering, tax evasion, vote-buying and theft. Now David Conn, football's most respected investigative journalist, chronicles the extraordinary history and staggering scale of corruption. He paints revealing portraits of the men at the centre of Fifa - the power brokers, the indicted, the legends like Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini - and puts the allegations to Blatter himself in an extended interview. (

Podobné produkty ako The FALL of the House of FIFA - David Conn , Smith sam: thrill of it all (2017) - cd (5785578)

The House of Hades - Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan


The stakes have never been higher. If Percy Jackson and Annabeth fail in their quest, there'll be hell on Earth. Literally. Wandering the deadly realm of Tartarus, every step leads them further into danger. And, if by some miracle they do make it to the Doors of Death, there's a legion of bloodthirsty monsters waiting for them. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Hades - Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan , Smith / kotzen: smith / kotzen - cd (4050538657531)

Heroes of Olympus 4. The House of Hades (0141339209)

Heroes of Olympus 4. The House of Hades (0141339209)

Kniha - autor Rick Riordan, 598 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The penultimate book in the high-octane Percy Jackson series, now available in paperback and coinciding with publication of the 5th and final in the series. The stakes have never been higher. It Percy and Annabeth fail in their quest, there'll be hell on earth. Literally. (

Podobné produkty ako Heroes of Olympus 4. The House of Hades (0141339209) , Smith jimmy: back at the chicken shack - lp (3579051)

The House Of Ulloa - Emilia Bazan

The House Of Ulloa - Emilia Bazan

Set in a Spanish mansion, this is the story of innocent and timid Father Julian Alvarez as he tries to turn the aristocratic owner away from drinking, womanizing and emptying the last of the family coffers. (

Podobné produkty ako The House Of Ulloa - Emilia Bazan , Funko pop! house of dragon - viserys targaryen (889698656085)

The House Of Fame - Oliver Harris

The House Of Fame - Oliver Harris

Amber Knight is London's hottest ticket - pop star, film star, front-page, gossip. Nick Belsey is less celebrated. He can't shake his habit of getting into serious trouble. His career at Hampstead CID is coming to a dishonourable end. He is currently of no fixed address. (

Podobné produkty ako The House Of Fame - Oliver Harris , House of lords: saints and sinners - cd (8024391125427)

The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová


Lily Bart is twenty-nine, beautiful and charming. She has expensive tastes, loves to gamble and socializes with the wealthy upper-class families of New York. But her meagre finances are dwindling and her place in society is slipping away from her. Her only hope of security is to find a suitable husband. However, Lily has an independence of spirit that stands in the way of her committing to the suitors available to her. As her options diminish, her friends become her enemies and her situation grows increasing perilous.In The House of Mirth, Edith Wharton gives us a witty and piercingly insightful dark satire about the privileged society of early twentieth-century New York.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The House of Mirth features an introduction by novelist Danuta Reah.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Mirth - Edith Whartonová , Funko pop! house of dragon - alicent hightower (889698656061)

The House of Eve - Sadeqa Johnson


Philadelphia, 1948: Fifteen-year-old Ruby's dreams are almost within reach. She's going to be the first in her family to attend college, despite having a mother more interested in keeping a man than raising her only daughter.But falling madly in love with the one boy she is forbidden from threatens to pull Ruby back into poverty and desperation. When she's imprisoned in a home for unwed mothers - locked in the House of Eve with other 'fallen girls' - everything she's worked so hard for starts slipping through her fingers. Washington, DC, 1948: Eleanor arrives in the city with ambition, hope and a past she's trying her hardest to run from.When she meets William at Howard University, with his inky black eyes and broad shoulders, it's love at first sight. But William hails from one of Washington, DC's elite Black families, who don't let just anyone into their inner circle - especially not a girl from 'the wrong side of the tracks'. Eleanor hopes that a baby will mean they finally accept her, and that her secrets won't see the light of day - but fate has other plans in store...In the dawn of the 1950s, Ruby and Eleanor are complete strangers - until their paths unexpectedly collide. Forced to make the most heartbreaking decisions of their lives, will their choices save them... or be their undoing?Fans of Kate Quinn, Lisa Wingate and Kristin Harmel will fall head over heels for this totally gripping and heart-wrenching historical-fiction page-turner. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Eve - Sadeqa Johnson , Funko pop! house of dragon - daemon targaryen (889698656078)

The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová


Thea Brandt is about to turn eighteen, and at the theatre in Amsterdam's golden city centre she has met the love of her life. At home, the Brandt family faces ruin, and Thea's aunt Nella is convinced the only solution is to find Thea a wealthy husband among the city's elite. As Thea and Nella clash over the demands of duty and the heart, past secrets begin to overwhelm their present.Will each woman be able to rescue her destiny from the whims of fortune?Returning the reader to the resplendent world of the million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist, The House of Fortune is a story of love, fate, and two women determined to make their own way. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Fortune - Jessie Burtonová , Funko pop! house of dragon - rhaenyra targaryen (889698656047)

House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová


Sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller. Sarah J. Maas's sexy, groundbreaking CRESCENT CITY series continues with this second installment.Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar have made a pact. As they process the events of the Spring they will keep things . platonic . until the Solstice. But can they resist when the crackling tension between them is enough to set the whole of Crescent City aflame?And they are not out of danger yet. Dragged into a rebel movement they want no part of, Bryce, Hunt and their friends find themselves pitted against the terrifying Asteri - whose notice they must avoid at all costs. But as they learn more about the rebel cause, they face a choice: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight. And they've never been very good at staying silent.In this sexy, action-packed sequel to the #1 bestseller House of Earth and Blood, Sarah J. Maas weaves a captivating story of a world about to explode - and the people who will do anything to save it. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová , Smith / kotzen: smith / kotzen (coloured) - lp (4050538658149)

House of Roots and Ruin (Defekt) - Erin A. Craigová


A modern masterpiece, this is a classic Gothic thriller-fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Erin A. Craig, about doomed love, menacing ambition, and the ghosts that haunt us forever.In a manor by the sea, one sister is still cursed.Despite dreams of adventures far beyond the Salann shores, seventeen-year-old Verity Thaumas has remained at her family’s estate, Highmoor, with her older sister Camille, while their sisters have scattered across Arcannia.When their sister Mercy sends word that the Duchess of Bloem—wife of a celebrated botanist—is interested in having Verity paint a portrait of her son, Alexander, Verity jumps at the chance, but Camille won’t allow it. Forced to reveal the secret she’s kept for years, Camille tells Verity the truth one day: Verity is still seeing ghosts, she just doesn’t know it. Stunned, Verity flees Highmoor that night and—with nowhere else to turn—makes her way to Bloem. At first, she is captivated by the lush, luxurious landscape and is quickly drawn to charming, witty, and impossibly handsome Alexander Laurent. And soon, to her surprise, a romance . . . blossoms. But it’s not long before Verity is plagued with nightmares, and the darker side of Bloem begins to show through its sickly-sweet façade. . . . (

Podobné produkty ako House of Roots and Ruin (Defekt) - Erin A. Craigová , Osiřelé sestry: the orphan sisters (978-80-277-0371-5)

House of Flame and Shadow (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová


Bryce Quinlan never expected to see a world other than Midgard, but now that she has, all she wants is to get back. Everything she loves is in Midgard: her family, her friends, her mate. Stranded in a strange new world, she's going to need all her wits about her to get home again. And that's no easy feat when she has no idea who to trust. Hunt Athalar has found himself in some deep holes in his life, but this one might be the deepest of all. After a few brief months with everything he ever wanted, he's in the Asteri's dungeons again, stripped of his freedom and without a clue as to Bryce's fate. He's desperate to help her, but until he can escape the Asteri's leash, his hands are quite literally tied. In this sexy, breathtaking sequel to the #1 bestsellers House of Earth and Blood and House of Sky and Breath, Sarah J. Maas's Crescent City series reaches new heights as Bryce and Hunt's world is brought to the brink of collapse-with its future resting on their shoulders. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Flame and Shadow (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová , The hound of the baskervilles

House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová


THE DEADLIEST POWER.THE FIERCEST PASSION.THE CRUELLEST FATE.The #1 Sunday Times bestseller and sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller. Sarah J. Maas's sexy, groundbreaking CRESCENT CITY series continues with this second instalment.Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar have made a pact. As they process the events of the Spring they will keep things platonic until Winter Solstice. But can they resist when the crackling tension between them is enough to set the whole of Crescent City aflame?And they are not out of danger yet. Dragged into a rebel movement they want no part of, Bryce, Hunt and their friends find themselves pitted against the terrifying Asteri - whose notice they must avoid at all costs. But as they learn more about the rebel cause, they face a choice: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight. And they've never been very good at staying silent.In this sexy, action-packed sequel to the #1 bestseller House of Earth and Blood, Sarah J. Maas weaves a captivating story of a world about to explode - and the people who will do anything to save it. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová

House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová


Sequel to the #1 New York Times bestseller. Sarah J. Maas's sexy, groundbreaking CRESCENT CITY series continues with this second installment.Bryce Quinlan and Hunt Athalar have made a pact. As they process the events of the Spring they will keep things . platonic . until the Solstice. But can they resist when the crackling tension between them is enough to set the whole of Crescent City aflame?And they are not out of danger yet. Dragged into a rebel movement they want no part of, Bryce, Hunt and their friends find themselves pitted against the terrifying Asteri - whose notice they must avoid at all costs. But as they learn more about the rebel cause, they face a choice: stay silent while others are oppressed, or fight. And they've never been very good at staying silent.In this sexy, action-packed sequel to the #1 bestseller House of Earth and Blood, Sarah J. Maas weaves a captivating story of a world about to explode - and the people who will do anything to save it. (

Podobné produkty ako House of Sky and Breath (Defekt) - Sarah J. Maasová

The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng


LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2023A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERA FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEARA NEW YORKER BOOK OF THE YEARA WASHINGTON POST BOOK OF THE YEARWillie Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest writers of the early twentieth century. But in 1921 he is beleaguered by an unhappy marriage, ill-health and business interests that have gone badly awry. He is also struggling to write.His friend Robert Hamlyn offers an escape in the Straits Settlements of Penang, where Robert's steely wife Lesley learns to see Willie as he is - a man who has no choice but to mask his true self. As Willie prepares to leave, Lesley confides in him secrets of her own, including how she came to know the charismatic revolutionary Dr Sun Yat Sen. And more scandalous still, her connection to an Englishwoman charged with murder in the Kuala Lumpur courts - a tragedy drawn from fact, and worthy of fiction. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng


It is 1921 and at Cassowary House in the Straits Settlements of Penang, Robert Hamlyn is a well-to-do lawyer and his steely wife Lesley a society hostess. Their lives are invigorated when Willie, an old friend of Robert's, comes to stay.Willie Somerset Maugham is one of the greatest writers of his day. But he is beleaguered by an unhappy marriage, ill-health and business interests that have gone badly awry. He is also struggling to write. The more Lesley's friendship with Willie grows, the more clearly she see him as he is - a man who has no choice but to mask his true self.As Willie prepares to leave and face his demons, Lesley confides secrets of her own, including how she came to know the charismatic Dr Sun Yat Sen, a revolutionary fighting to overthrow the imperial dynasty of China. And more scandalous still, she reveals her connection to the case of an Englishwoman charged with murder in the Kuala Lumpur courts - a tragedy drawn from fact, and worthy of fiction.From Man Booker Prize-shortlisted Tan Twan Eng, The House of Doors is a masterful novel of public morality and private truth a century ago. Based on real events it is a drama of love and betrayal under the shadow of Empire. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Doors - Tan Twan Eng

The Head of the House of Coombe - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha


eBook: Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Head of the House of Coombe was published first in 1922 in Canada. Revolving around the life of Lord Coombe and his mysterious past, it presents the raw and intelligent little Robin trying to cope with the adversities of life and accurately describes the social life of pre-war London. (

Podobné produkty ako The Head of the House of Coombe - Frances Hodgsonová-Burnettová - e-kniha

The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan

The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan

In this Indian-set mystery, Inspector Chopra inherits an elephant and an unsolved murder on his last day at work. A joyful, charming read for fans of Alexander McCall Smith and Rachel Joyce. (

Podobné produkty ako The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra - Vaseem Khan

The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon - Gina McIntyre


Discover the filmmaking secrets behind HBO and Sky's HOUSE OF THE DRAGON!Witness the genesis of a Targaryen dynasty with this deluxe book that explores the creation of HBO's hit series House of the Dragon.Based on visionary author George R. R. Martin's book Fire & Blood, House of the Dragon charts the earth-shattering events that led to the fall of Westeros's most powerful family, House Targaryen. Brought to the screen by showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, the ambitious prequel series required a striking new vision that would transport viewers back in time, two centuries before the events of Game of Thrones. With unparalleled access to the show's cast and crew, including Condal, Sapochnik, and Martin, this book tells the incredible story of their creative journey, from the initial scriptwriting process to the epic international shoot. Illustrated with a remarkable wealth of concept art, on-set photography, and other key visuals, this is the ultimate companion to House of the Dragon and a must-have for fans.EXCLUSIVE ACCESS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon and discover exclusive insights and secrets from the show's ambitious shoot.REVEALING INTERVIEWS: Go behind the scenes of House of the Dragon through in-depth interviews with showrunners Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, creator George R. R. Martin, and the incredible cast including Matt Smith, Paddy Considine, Emma D'Arcy, Olivia Cooke, Milly Alcock, and Emily Carey.STUNNING IMAGERY: Explore a treasure trove of never-before-seen images, including concept designs for the show's dragons, locations, and costumes, plus candid on-set photos.OFFICIALLY LICENSED: The only officially licensed making-of book for HBO's House of the Dragon.COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION:The perfect companion to The Art of Game of Thrones and Game of Thrones: The Costumes. (

Podobné produkty ako The Making of HBO’s House of the Dragon - Gina McIntyre

The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul


From international drag superstar and pop culture icon RuPaul, comes his most revealing and personal work to date-a brutally honest, surprisingly poignant, and deeply intimate memoir of growing up Black, poor, and queer in a broken home to discovering the power of performance, found family, and self-acceptance. A profound introspection of his life, relationships, and identity, The House of Hidden Meanings is a self-portrait of the legendary icon on the road to global fame and changing the way the world thinks about drag. Central to RuPaul's success has been his chameleonic adaptability.From drag icon to powerhouse producer of one of the world's largest television franchises, RuPaul's ever-shifting nature has always been part of his brand as both supermodel and super mogul. Yet that adaptability has made him enigmatic to the public. In this memoir, his most intimate and detailed book yet, RuPaul makes himself truly known.Stripping away all artifice, RuPaul recounts the story of his life with breath taking clarity and tenderness, bringing his signature wisdom and wit to his own biography. From his early years growing up as a queer Black kid in San Diego navigating complex relationships with his absent father and temperamental mother, to forging an identity in the punk and drag scenes of Atlanta and New York, to finding enduring love with his husband Georges LeBar and self-acceptance in sobriety, RuPaul excavates his own biography, uncovering new truths and insights in his personal history. Here in RuPaul's singular and extraordinary story is a manual for living-a personal philosophy that testifies to the value of chosen family, the importance of harnessing what makes you different, and the transformational power of facing yourself fearlessly.If we're all born naked and the rest is drag, then this is RuPaul totally out of drag. This is RuPaul stripped bare. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Hidden Meanings: A Memoir - RuPaul

The House of Fortune: Sequel to The Miniaturist (1509886095)

The House of Fortune: Sequel to The Miniaturist (1509886095)

Kniha - autor Jessie Burton, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The sequel to the million-copy bestseller The Miniaturist, The House of Fortune returns us to the mysterious Brandt family in Amsterdam in 1705 for a story of fate and ambition, secrets and dreams, and one young woman's determination to rule her own destiny. Thea Brandt is turning eighteen, and is ready to welcome adulthood with open arms. At the theatre, Walter, the love of her life, awaits her, but at home in the house on the Herengracht, winter has set in – her father Otto and Aunt Nella argue endlessly, and the Brandt family are selling their furniture in order to eat. On Thea’s birthday, also the day that her mother Marin died, the secrets from the past begin to overwhelm the present. Nella is desperate to save the family and maintain appearances, to find Thea a husband who will guarantee her future, and when they receive an invitation to Amsterdam’s most exclusive ball, she is overjoyed... (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Fortune: Sequel to The Miniaturist (1509886095)

The Summer House (Defekt) - James Patterson


Four Army Rangers are accused of murdering civilians in cold blood in this scorching summer thriller from the worldwide bestseller James Patterson. ________________ THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER For seven unsuspecting victims, death comes in the dark . . . Once a luxurious getaway for a wealthy Southern family, the Summer House has long since fallen into disrepair. Its fall from grace is complete when it becomes the scene of a horrific mass murder. Shocking evidence points to four Army Rangers recently returned from Afghanistan. The Army sends Major Jeremiah Cook, a war veteran and former NYPD cop, to investigate. As Cook and his team struggle to put together pieces of evidence that just won't fit, powerful forces rally against them to try to ensure that damning secrets are buried along with the victims. ________________ 'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD (

Podobné produkty ako The Summer House (Defekt) - James Patterson

The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe


Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics. Edgar Allan Poe was a writer of uncommon talent; in The Murders in the Rue Morgue he created the genre of detective fiction while his genius for finding the strangeness lurking within us all has been an influence on everyone from Freud to Hollywood. This complete collection of all his short stories and novellas contains well-known tales 'The Pit and the Pendulum' and 'The Tell-Tale Heart' alongside hidden gems that both unsettle and enthrall the reader. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Selected Stories - Edgar Allan Poe

The House of Heine Brothers - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha


eBook: Set in Munich, this is a delightful short story from much-loved author Anthony Trollope. Young English bank clerk Herbert Onslow is working for small German banking firm Heine Brothers, where he encounters the beautiful and strong-willed Isa Heine, daughter of one of the banks partners. Love inevitably follows, but the path to their happiness will not be smooth. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Heine Brothers - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha

Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Doom Metal;Groove Metal;Stoner Metal Interpret / Téma: Orange Goblin Typ: Otevírací obal;Nové vydání;Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Vydavatelství: Rise Above Žánr: Metal Země původu: Evropská unie Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Rok nahrávky: 2003.0 Datum vydání: 2018-07-26 Rok vydání: 2018.0 Barva: Černá Varianta: Thieving From The House Of God (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: Spojené království (

Podobné produkty ako Orange Goblin - Thieving From The House Of God (LP)

The House of Glam – Lush Interiors and Design Extravaganza

The House of Glam – Lush Interiors and Design Extravaganza

Vítejte v The House of Glam — svěží interiéry a extravagantní design. Náročná konvence s maximalistickým vkusem, očekávejte vlastní tapety, elegantní látky a bohatý mramor, stejně jako designové ikony z poloviny století, geometrii a ozvěny Memphisu. Nová, mladá generace interiérových designérů jako David Alhadeff, Cristina Celestino a Nina Yashar s důrazem na osobnost vytváří domy, které touží být stejně jedinečné jako jejich obyvatelé, a posouvají rezidenční design do budoucnosti.Tato rozmanitá architektonická krajina knihy je pastvou pro oči, kde se výrazné barvy, textury, neobvyklé formy a exotické materiály spojují a vytvářejí současnou interpretaci interiéru ve stylu art deco nebo klasického hollywoodského filmu z 50. let. Koneckonců, designéři jsou vrození milovníci historie a existuje spousta historie v architektuře, dekorativním umění, módě a filmu v průběhu věků, s níž si můžete vybrat a hrát si. Tyto domy mají velký sen.The House of Glam vás zve do těch nejzajímavějších domovů, od Itálie po USA, které ztělesňují tento dekadentní, hravý trend, profilující klíčová studia a designéry v popředí hnutí. (

Podobné produkty ako The House of Glam – Lush Interiors and Design Extravaganza

The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - PS4 (3701529502903)

The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - PS4 (3701529502903)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: střílečky a arkády, - Pusťte se proto sami nebo s přítelem do boje proti zombiím a dalším stvořením z nočních můr v téhle krvavé, ničím nespoutané střílečce z vlastního pohledu. Zombie přicházejí!Postavte se v The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition PS4 armádě nemrtvých, které má na svědomí šílený vědátor. Odhodlejte se k průzkumu jeho sídla a najděte způsob, jak zastavit zlo, které se tu skrývá. The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition PS4 vám nabídne klasiku v novém hávuVychutnejte si kultovní hru v moderní grafice a především s vylepšeným ovládáním. Koste zombíky přesně mířenými údery díky zdokonalenému zaměřování, se kterým už nikdy neminete svůj cíl. Nebojujte proti zlu samiLikvidace zombíků... (

Podobné produkty ako The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - PS4 (3701529502903)

The House of the Spirits: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Isabel Allende


A beautiful hardback edition of a Latin American classic - the enthralling saga of three generations of a proud and passionate family, secret loves and violent revolution.'Extraordinary... Powerful... Sharply observant, witty and eloquent' New York TimesAs a girl, Clara del Valle can read fortunes, make objects move as if they had lives of their own, and predict the future.Following the mysterious death of her sister, Rosa the Beautiful, Clara is mute for nine years. When she breaks her silence, it is to announce that she will be married soon to the stern and volatile landowner Esteban Trueba.Set in an unnamed Latin American country over three generations, The House of the Spirits is a magnificent epic reminiscent of the writing of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.'A novel to be read for its brilliant craftsmanship and its narrative of inescapable power' El Pais'Intensely moving. Both entertaining and deeply serious' Evening StandardVintage Quarterbound Classics: Bound to be beautiful (

Podobné produkty ako The House of the Spirits: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Isabel Allende

Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte


After the stunning success of DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte Smith offers another irresistible glimpse inside the wardrobe every women would love to own Inheriting a priceless vintage clothing collection sounds like every woman's dream come true.But when Charlotte Smith discovered that her American godmother, Doris Darnell, had made her custodian of more than three thousand pieces dating from 1790 to 1995, including originals by Chanel and Dior, she was more than a little daunted. From the moment Charlotte uncovered her first treasure, an exquisite 1920s evening dress, she was enchanted. But when she found her godmother's book of stories, the true value of her inheritancehit home. this wasn't a mere collection of beautiful things, it was a preciouscollection of women's lives. tiny glimpses of our joys and disappointments, our entrances and exits, triumphant and tragic. In DREAMING OF DIOR, Charlotte shared some of her treasures and the stories of the women who wore them for the first time. Now, in DREAMING OF CHANE;, with special appearances by Chanel, VivienneWestwood, Zandra Rhodes, Pucci and many more, Charlotte offers another unforgettable glimpse inside the magic wardrobe every woman would love to own. Charlotte Smith is custodian of a priceless vintage clothing collection, the Darnell Collection, she inherited from her Quaker godmother, Doris Darnell. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the United States, Charlotte has a degree in art history and has lived and worked in the United States, England and France. She now lives in Australia. After studying fashion design Grant Cowan moved to London to further his career and has worked as an illustrator on magazines like Harper's Bazaar, Elle, Glamour and Red Magazine. (

Podobné produkty ako Dreaming of Chanel (Defekt) - Smith Charlotte

The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha


eBook: The chilling classic that inspired the new Netflix horror drama, \"The Fall of the House of Usher\". Venture, if you dare, into the House of Usher...The narrator visits his friend, Roderick Usher in his decaying mansion, only to witness the harrowing unravellings of Usher\'s mind and the dark family secrets lurking beneath the crumbling ancestral home. A classic tale of gothic horror that has haunted readers for generations. This collection includes \"The Raven\", \"The Tell-Tale Heart\", “The Cask of Amontillado”, \"The Masque of the Red Death\", \"The Purloined Letter\", \"The Pit and the Pendulum\", \"Berenice\", \"The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether\", \"The Fall of the House of Usher\", and \"MS. found in a Bottle\". Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849) was an American writer renowned for his macabre and horror-themed tales. His poetic and mysterious style explored themes of death, love, and madness, leaving a lasting impact on gothic literature. Poe\'s notable works include \'The Raven,\' \'The Tell-Tale Heart,\' and \'The Fall of the House of Usher. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Stories - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

The Fall of the House of Byron : Scandal and Seduction in Georgian England - Brand Emily


In the early eighteenth century, Newstead Abbey was among the most admired aristocratic homes in England. It was the abode of William, 4th Baron Byron - a popular amateur composer and artist - and his teenage wife Frances. But by the end of the century, the building had become a crumbling and ill-cared-for ruin. Surrounded by wreckage of his inheritance, the 4th Baron's dissipated son and heir William, 5th Baron Byron - known to history as the 'Wicked Lord' - lay on his deathbed alongside a handful of remaining servants and amidst a thriving population of crickets.This was the home that a small, pudgy boy of ten from Aberdeen - who the world would later come to know as Lord Byron, the Romantic poet, soldier, and adventurer - would inherit in 1798. His family, he would come to learn, had in recent decades become known for almost unfathomable levels of scandal and impropriety, from elopement, murder, and kidnapping to adultery, coercion, and thrilling near-death experiences at sea. Just as it had shocked the society of Georgian London, the outlandish and scandalous story of the Byrons - and the myths that began to rise around it - would his influence his life and poetry for posterity.The Fall of the House of Byron follows the fates of Lord Byron's ancestors over three generations in a drama that begins in rural Nottinghamshire and plays out in the gentlemen's clubs of Georgian London, amid tempests on far-flung seas, and in the glamour of pre-revolutionary France. A compelling story of a prominent and controversial characters, it is a sumptuous family portrait and an electrifying work of social history. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fall of the House of Byron : Scandal and Seduction in Georgian England - Brand Emily

House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko

Tričko -, krátké rukávy a kulatý výstřih, bavlna Pak by se vám mohlo hodit tričko PCMerch. (

Podobné produkty ako House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko
House of the Dragon - To The Throne - tričko, Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - kšiltovka (8718526146806), House of the Dragon - Diamond Skull - tričko, House of the Dragon - King Maker - tričko, The House by the Lake: A Story of Germany (0099592045), The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - Nintendo Switch (3760156489629), The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition - Xbox One (3701529502859), Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years - CD (4050538767278), The Seven Sisters 03. The Shadow Sister (1447288629), Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years (2x LP) - LP (4050538767247), Hooker John Lee: House Of The Blues (Coloured LP) - LP (8436559469500), The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00787), Byrds: Best of Live At The Boarding House 1978 - LP (CL77109), The Dark Pictures: Volume 2 (House of Ashes and The Devil in Me) - PS4 (3391892023848), The Dark Pictures: Volume 2 (House of Ashes and The Devil in Me) - Xbox (3391892023862), Soundtrack: House Of Gucci - CD (5395781), The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806), Funko POP! House of Dragon - Syrax (889698656054), Hra králem: House of Cards - To Play the King (978-80-257-2527-6), Smith Sam: Thrill Of It All (2017) - CD (5785578), Smith / Kotzen: Smith / Kotzen - CD (4050538657531), Smith Jimmy: Back At The Chicken Shack - LP (3579051), Funko POP! House of Dragon - Viserys Targaryen (889698656085), House Of Lords: Saints And Sinners - CD (8024391125427), Funko POP! House of Dragon - Alicent Hightower (889698656061), Funko POP! House of Dragon - Daemon Targaryen (889698656078), Funko POP! House of Dragon - Rhaenyra Targaryen (889698656047), Smith / Kotzen: Smith / Kotzen (Coloured) - LP (4050538658149), Osiřelé sestry: The Orphan Sisters (978-80-277-0371-5), The Hound of the Baskervilles