The atlas paradox - olivie blake

Produkt The atlas paradox - olivie blake sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu The atlas paradox - olivie blake upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

The Atlas Paradox - Olivie Blake


Six magicians were presented with the opportunity of a lifetime.Five are now members of the Society.Two paths lie before them.All must pick a side.Alliances will be tested, hearts will be broken, and The Society of Alexandrians will be revealed for what it is: a secret society with raw, world-changing power, headed by a man whose plans to change life as we know it are already under way. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas Paradox - Olivie Blake , Vuch blake (8595692008622)

The Atlas Paradox - Olivie Blake


The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake is the sequel to The Atlas Six, the runaway TikTok must-read fantasy novel of the year. If you loved Ninth House and A Deadly Education, you'll love this. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas Paradox - Olivie Blake , Já, daniel, blake - dvd (n02068)

Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake


Atlasův paradox je dlouho očekávaným pokračováním bestselleru New York Times z pera Olivie Blakeové, Atlasovy šestky – nepochybně s ještě větší dávkou touhy, zrady, chaosu a nožů v zádech . Šesti mágům se naskytla životní příležitost. Pět je nyní členy Společnosti. Mají na výběr ze dvou cest. Všichni musí zvolit stranu. Spojenectví projdou zkouškou, srdce budou zlomena, a Alexandrijská společnost odhalí svou pravou tvář: že je tajnou společností s mocí změnit svět, a vede ji člověk, jehož plán na změnu známého světa je už v chodu. (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake , Sportovní kočárek playto sportovní olivie růžový

The Atlas Complex - Olivie Blake


The Atlas Complex marks the much-anticipated, heart-shattering conclusion in Olivie Blake's trilogy that began with the internationally bestselling dark academic phenomenon, The Atlas Six.Only the extraordinary are chosen. Only the cunning survive.An explosive return to the library leaves the six Alexandrians vulnerable to the lethal terms of their recruitment.Old alliances quickly fracture as the initiates take opposing strategies as to how to deal with the deadly bargain they have so far failed to uphold. Those who remain with the archives wrestle with the ethics of their astronomical abilities; elsewhere, an unlikely pair partner to influence politics on a global stage.And still the outside world mobilizes to destroy them ― while the Caretaker himself, Atlas Blakely, may yet succeed with a plan foreseen to have world-ending stakes. It’s a race to survive as the six Society recruits are faced with the question of what they're willing to betray for limitless power ― and who will be destroyed along the way.Discover the stunning finale to The Atlas Six trilogy that fans are dying to read (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas Complex - Olivie Blake , Blake (999-00-033-9845-1)

The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake


Secrets. Betrayal. Seduction. Welcome to the Alexandrian Society.When the world’s best magicians are offered an extraordinary opportunity, saying yes is easy. Each could join the secretive Alexandrian Society, whose custodians guard lost knowledge from ancient civilizations. Their members enjoy a lifetime of power and prestige.Yet each decade, only six practitioners are invited – to fill five places. Contenders Libby Rhodes and Nico de Varona are inseparable enemies, cosmologists who can control matter with their minds. Parisa Kamali is a telepath, who sees the mind’s deepest secrets.Reina Mori is a naturalist who can perceive and understand the flow of life itself. And Callum Nova is an empath, who can manipulate the desires of others. Finally there’s Tristan Caine, whose powers mystify even himself.Following recruitment by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they travel to the Society’s London headquarters. Here, each must study and innovate within esoteric subject areas. And if they can prove themselves, over the course of a year, they’ll survive.Most of them. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake , Blake johnathan: homeward bound - cd (3843190)

Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake - audiokniha


Audiokniha: Atlasův paradox je dlouho očekávané pokračování bestselleru Atlasova šestka – zaručeně obsahuje ještě víc touhy, podrazáctví, zrady a chaosu. Šesti čarodějům se naskytla životní příležitost. Pět z nich je nyní členy Společnosti. Před nimi leží dvě cesty. Všichni si musí vybrat stranu: chtějí svět zachovat – nebo ho zničit? V tomto elektrizujícím druhém dílu Atlasovy šestky je Alexandrijská společnost odhalena taková, jaká je: tajné společenství se syrovou, svět měnící mocí. Cena za poznání je však vysoká a vyžaduje, aby si každá postava vybrala stranu. Která spojenectví se udrží a která vás zahubí? ŠEST ČARODĚJŮ. DVĚ RIVALITY. JEDEN BADATEL. A MUŽ, KTERÝ DOKÁŽE PROCHÁZET SNY. „Atlasova šestka byla románem, který pochopil, po čem lidé volají – po postavách, které mají krajně pochybnou morálku a neustále bojují s nutkáním zabít nebo ošukat jeden druhého. To lidé chtějí. To chci já.“― chai, book reviewer @proyearner. „Pro nadšené fanoušky, dark academia‘.“― Publishers Weekly. „Fascinující příběh zvrácených ambicí a magie, který vás donutí pochybovat o vlastní morálce. Protože tuhle přehlídku nelítostných postav budete milovat i nenávidět.“― Amanda Foody, autorka bestsellerů podle New York Times. „Atlasův paradox pokračuje tam, kde Atlasova šestka skončila. Hrdinové se musí postavit proti sobě, protože dokonce i ve světě plném magie je v knihovnách méně pozic než kvalifikovaných uchazečů. Smutné, ale totálně sadisticky zábavné a sexy.“― CrimeReads. Jakub Saic se narodil v Praze a po studiu Taneční konzervatoře vystudoval herectví na DAMU. Během studií hostoval v Národním divadle, v Divadle Na Zábradlí a v Městských divadlech Pražských. Byl jedním z prvních členů Divadelního Spolku Kašpar, kde působil bezmála 10 let. Poté hostoval několik let v divadle Na Prádle. Účinkoval i v mnoha televizních pohádkách a inscenacích. V současné době se věnuje především dabingu a rozhlasové práci. Olivie Blake je pseudonym kalifornské spisovatelky Alexene Farol Follmuth, milovnice a vypravěčky příběhů, z nichž většina – nikoliv však všechny – obsahuje prvky fantasy či nadpřirozena. Pokaždé se ovšem její vyprávění zaměřuje na otázky, co to znamená být či nebýt člověkem a jak se vypořádat s nekončícími zákruty a zvraty života a lásky. Olivie se účastnila řady zajímavých projektů nezávislé sci-fi a fantasy scény, krom jiného webseriálu Clara and the Devil (spolu s ilustrátorkou vystupující jako Little Chmura). Pod svým skutečným jménem vydala YA román My Mechanical Romance. Žije v Los Angeles s manželem a děťátkem a je velmi vděčná, že ji i její rodinu toleruje jistý pitbull, kterého kdysi zachránila… Audiokniha: Olivie Blake: Atlasův paradox | Překlad Jiří Jaňák | Čte Jakub Saic | Režie Jitka Škápíková | Zvuk, střih a mastering Karolína Škápíková | Hudba Bohumil Kalina | Natočeno ve studiu S Pro Alfa CZ | Grafiku podle původní knižní obálky adaptovala Yvone Baalbaki | Produkce S Pro Alfa CZ | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr, v únoru 2024. Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy: Copyright © 2022 by Alexene Farol Follmuth | Copyright © 2023 for the Czech translation by Jiří Jaňák | Copyright © 2023 for Interior illustrations by Little Chmura | Jacket art and design by Jamie Stafford-Hil | Copyright © 2023 for the Czech edition by Euromedia Group a. s. | All Rights Reserved | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. v edici Laser v roce 2023. (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake - audiokniha , Mission šipky paradox - m2 - 19g (290119)

Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake - e-kniha


eBook: Atlasův paradox je dlouho očekávaným pokračováním bestselleru New York Times z pera Olivie Blakeové, Atlasovy šestky – nepochybně s ještě větší dávkou touhy, zrady, chaosu a nožů v zádech. Šesti mágům se naskytla životní příležitost. Pět je nyní členy Společnosti. Mají na výběr ze dvou cest. Všichni musí zvolit stranu. Spojenectví projdou zkouškou, srdce budou zlomena, a Alexandrijská společnost odhalí svou pravou tvář: že je tajnou společností s mocí změnit svět, a vede ji člověk, jehož plán na změnu známého světa je už v chodu. (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasův paradox - Olivie Blake - e-kniha , Mission šipky paradox - m2 - 21g (290120)

Alone With You in the Ether - Olivie Blake


Chicago, sometime. Two people meet in the armory of the Art Institute by chance. Prior to their encounter, he is a doctoral student who manages his destructive thoughts with compulsive calculations about time travel; she is a bipolar counterfeit artist undergoing court-ordered psychotherapy. After their meeting, those things do not change.Everything else, however, is slightly different.Both obsessive, eccentric personalities, Aldo Damiani and Charlotte Regan struggle to be without each other from the moment they meet. The truth - that he is a clinically depressed, anti-social theoretician and she is a manipulative liar with a history of self-sabotage - means the deeper they fall in love, the more troubling their reliance on each other becomes.Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake is a glimpse into the nature of love, what it means to be unwell, and how to face the fractures of yourself and still love as if you're not broken. (

Podobné produkty ako Alone With You in the Ether - Olivie Blake , Mission šipky paradox - m1 - 21g (290118)

Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake


Alexandrijská společnost, sdružení správců dávno ztraceného vědění největších civilizací a přední tajný spolek magických akademiků na světě. Ti, kdož si zaslouží místo mezi Alexandrijci, získají život plný bohatství, moci a věhlasu, dalece přesahující naše nejdivočejší představy.Při náboru nováčků se novici dovědí od tajemného Atlase Blakelyho, že mají přesně rok na to, aby se kvalifikovali k zasvěcení. Šest potenciálních kandidátů může mít všechno a vědět všechno.Ale za jakou cenu? (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake , Bodové svítidlo blake 1xgu10/40w/230v (106800)

Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake - audiokniha


Audiokniha: TAJEMSTVÍ. ZRADA. INTRIKY. VÍTEJTE V ALEXANDRIJSKÉ SPOLEČNOSTI! Přední tajný spolek na světě a pokladnice ztraceného vědění padlých civilizací. Ti, kdož si v něm vyslouží místo, získají život plný bohatství, moci a věhlasu, dalece přesahující naše nejdivočejší představy. Při náboru nováčků se novici od tajemného Atlase Blakelyho dovědí, že mají přesně rok na to, aby se kvalifikovali k zasvěcení. Šest potenciálních kandidátů může mít všechno a vědět všechno. Ale za jakou cenu? ŠEST NEOBYČEJNÝCH MÁGŮ PĚT ŠANCÍ NA VÍTĚZSTVÍ JEDEN TAJNÝ SPOLEK. „Smrtonosně zábavná kniha. Plná skvělých postav, které si jdou vzájemně po krku naprosto okouzlujícím způsobem. Atlasova šestka se na vás vrhne a nepustí, dokud nedočtete poslední stránku.“ ― Chloe Gong, autorka NYT bestselleru Naše zakázané vášně. „Virální senzace, která se přes noc stala hitem sociálních sítí a přes další noc bestsellerem New York Times. Pro nadšené fanoušky škol temné magie.“ ― Publishers Weekly. „Strhující, zábavné a návykové. Atlasova šestka je něco jako akademický darwinismus v praxi. Boj o přežití, kde se každý může ohánět magií.“ ― T. L. Huchu, autor Knihovny mrtvých. Olivie Blake je pseudonym kalifornské spisovatelky Alexene Farol Follmuth, milovnice a vypravěčky příběhů, z nichž většina – nikoliv však všechny – obsahují prvky fantasy či nadpřirozena. Pokaždé se ovšem její vyprávění zaměřuje na otázky, co to znamená být či nebýt člověkem a jak se vypořádat s nekončícími zákruty a zvraty života a lásky. Olivie se účastnila řady zajímavých projektů nezávislé sci-fi a fantasy scény, krom jiného web seriálu Clara and the Devil (spolu s ilustrátorkou vystupující jako Little Chmura). Pod svým skutečným jménem podepsala smlouvu na YA sérii My Mechanical Romance. Žije v Los Angeles s manželem a děťátkem a je velmi vděčná, že ji i její rodinu toleruje jistý pitbul, kterého kdysi zachránila. Jakub Saic (*1969) patří v oblasti dabingu k nejzkušenějším televizním profesionálům. Disponuje jedinečným, charakteristickým hlasem s mnoha barvami a polohami. Je to rozený vypravěč, v jeho hlase je drama, nadhled i humor. Saic má za sebou role ve filmu i v televizi, ale těžištěm jeho práce je dabing, namluvil i řadu audioknih. Ve filmu se objevil například ve snímku Krvavý román. Audiokniha Olivie Blake: Atlasova šestka | Čte Jakub Saic | Režie Jitka Škápíková | Zvuk, střih a mastering Karolína Škápíková | Hudba Vlastimil Peška | Natočeno ve studiu S Pro Alfa CZ | Grafiku CD podle původní knižní obálky adaptovala Yvone Baalbaki | Produkce S Pro Alfa CZ | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr v říjnu 2022 Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy The Atlas Six Copyright © 2021 by Alexene Farol Follmuth | Copyright © 2022 for the Czech translation by Jiří Jaňák | Copyright © 2022 for Interior illustrations by Little Chmura | Design by Neil Lang, Pan Macmillan Art Department, adapted from original design by Jamie Stafford-Hill | Obálku upravila Jana Šťastná | All rights reserved | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s., v edici Laser v roce 2022 (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake - audiokniha , Olivie se snaží (978-80-756-5438-0)

Masters of Death - Olivie Blake


From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Masters of Death by Olivie Blake is a gripping, page-turning fantasy with vampires, ghosts and death itself. This book is about an estate agent. Only she's a vampire, the house on sale is haunted, and its ghost was murdered. When Viola Marek hires Fox D'Mora to deal with her ghost-infested mansion, she expects a competent medium. But unbeknownst to Viola, Fox is a fraud - despite being the godson of Death. As the mystery unfolds, Viola and Fox are drawn into a quest that neither wants nor expects. And they'll need the help of a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel and a love-stricken reaper. And it transpires that the difference between a mysterious lost love and a dead body isn't nearly as distinct as you'd hope. This edition features beautiful interior illustrations from Little Chmura. (

Podobné produkty ako Masters of Death - Olivie Blake , Mission šipky steel paradox - m2 - 26g (290116)

One For My Enemy - Olivie Blake


In New York City, two rival witch families fight for the upper hand.The Antonova sisters are beautiful, cunning and ruthless. But their underground narcotics business is threatened by their long-standing adversaries, the Fedorov brothers. For twelve years, the families have maintained a fraught stalemate.Then everything is thrown into disarray. Bad blood carries them to the brink of disaster, even as a forbidden romance blossoms between two opposing sides. Yet the heirs still struggle for power, and internal conflicts could rot each family from within.That is, if the enmity between empires doesn’t destroy both sides first . . .One For My Enemy is an irresistible, romantic tale of ambition, sacrifice and the enduring power of family legacies, set in the criminal underbelly of magical Manhattan. Readers love One For My Enemy . . (

Podobné produkty ako One For My Enemy - Olivie Blake , Mission šipky steel paradox - m1 - 25g (290113)

Masters of Death (Defekt) - Olivie Blake


From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Masters of Death by Olivie Blake is a gripping, page-turning fantasy with vampires, ghosts and death itself. This book is about an estate agent. Only she's a vampire, the house on sale is haunted, and its ghost was murdered. When Viola Marek hires Fox D'Mora to deal with her ghost-infested mansion, she expects a competent medium. But unbeknownst to Viola, Fox is a fraud - despite being the godson of Death. As the mystery unfolds, Viola and Fox are drawn into a quest that neither wants nor expects. And they'll need the help of a demonic personal trainer, a sharp-voiced angel and a love-stricken reaper. And it transpires that the difference between a mysterious lost love and a dead body isn't nearly as distinct as you'd hope. This edition features beautiful interior illustrations from Little Chmura. (

Podobné produkty ako Masters of Death (Defekt) - Olivie Blake , Francúzsky paradox (978-80-569-0688-0)

One For My Enemy - Olivie Blake


In New York City where we lay our scene, two rival witch families fight to maintain control of their respective criminal ventures. On one side of the conflict are the Antonova sisters, each one beautiful, cunning, and ruthless, and their mother, the elusive supplier of premium intoxicants known only as Baba Yaga. On the other side, the influential Fedorov brothers serve their father, the crime boss known as Koschei the Deathless, whose community extortion ventures dominate the shadows of magical Manhattan.After twelve years of tenuous coexistence, a change in one family’s interests causes a rift in the existing stalemate. When bad blood brings both families to the precipice of disaster, fate intervenes with a chance encounter, and in the aftershocks of a resurrected conflict, everyone must choose a side. As each of the siblings struggles to stake their claim, fraying loyalties threaten to rot each side from the inside out.If, that is, the enmity between empires doesn’t destroy them first. (

Podobné produkty ako One For My Enemy - Olivie Blake , Corel paradox license, en (elektronická licence) (lcpdxengpca)

Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake - e-kniha


eBook: Alexandrijská společnost, sdružení správců dávno ztraceného vědění největších civilizací a přední tajný spolek magických akademiků na světě. Ti, kdož si zaslouží místo mezi Alexandrijci, získají život plný bohatství, moci a věhlasu, dalece přesahující naše nejdivočejší představy.Při náboru nováčků se novici dovědí od tajemného Atlase Blakelyho, že mají přesně rok na to, aby se kvalifikovali k zasvěcení. Šest potenciálních kandidátů může mít všechno a vědět všechno. Ale za jakou cenu? (

Podobné produkty ako Atlasova šestka - Olivie Blake - e-kniha , Lego® friends 41713 olivie a vesmírná akademie (5702017154121)

Alone With You in the Ether: A love story like no other and a Heat Magazine Book of the Week - Olivie Blake


From the internationally bestselling author of The Atlas Six, Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake is a glimpse into the nature of love, what it means to be unwell, and how to face the fractures of yourself and still love as if you're not broken. Chicago, sometime. Two people meet in the armory of the Art Institute by chance.Prior to their encounter, he is a doctoral student who manages his destructive thoughts with compulsive calculations about time travel; she is a bipolar counterfeit artist undergoing court-ordered psychotherapy. After their meeting, those things do not change. Everything else, however, is slightly different.Both obsessive, eccentric personalities, Aldo Damiani and Charlotte Regan struggle to be without each other from the moment they meet. The truth - that he is a clinically depressed, anti-social theoretician and she is a manipulative liar with a history of self-sabotage - means the deeper they fall in love, the more troubling their reliance on each other becomes. Alone With You in the Ether by Olivie Blake is a literary, intimate study of time, space - and a love story like no other.Praise for Olivie Blake:'Olivie Blake is a mind-blowing talent' - Chloe Gong'This is a book to savor' - Publishers Weekly'Pages fly by in this character-driven novel that is intimate, complicated, and utterly romantic' - Booklist (

Podobné produkty ako Alone With You in the Ether: A love story like no other and a Heat Magazine Book of the Week - Olivie Blake , Blake james: friends that break your heart - lp (3842313)

The Performance Paradox - Eduardo Briceno


We all know we should be learning and growing. But how do you make time while under pressure to perform?Too many of us suffer from 'chronic performance': we feel constant pressure to look like we know what we're doing, to always be on, to rack up success after success and have all the answers, all because we assume that greater effort leads to greater success. But this temptation to portray ourselves as infallible is affecting both our work and personal lives and is blocking our ability for true growth.Through his work with over a hundred companies, co-founder of Mindset Works Eduardo Briceno has solved this by coming up with a game-changing framework that breaks our habit of chronic performance.He's discovered that long-term success as an individual or business - personal, financial and, organisational - relies on integrating and being proficient at learning and performing.In The Performance Paradox, you will learn how to:- Unlock the power of mistakes- Integrate learning into daily habits- Move seamlessly between learning and performing- Solicit the most useful feedback- Lead teams that constantly improve and outperform their targetsGround-breaking and empowering, The Performance Paradox will break your chronic performance habit and revolutionise the way you approach growth mindset to get you on your way to thriving in both work and life. (

Podobné produkty ako The Performance Paradox - Eduardo Briceno , Blake james: friends that break your heart - cd (3859577)

The Sizzle Paradox - Menon Lily


Lyric Bishop and Kian Montgomery, both graduate students, are best friends and roommates. When Lyric needs help cracking the Sizzle Paradox for her doctoral thesis on sexual chemistry--it seems the more attractive she finds a guy, the less "sizzle" there is when they actually have sex; but why?--Kian, who never has trouble in the bedroom, offers to tutor her on dating tactics. Lyric, being a self-proclaimed awkward potato, accepts the help she desperately needs.But once the two progress with their "tutoring sessions," they find that the solution to the Sizzle Paradox might actually be having sex with each other. Which is a problem, because they're best friends and absolutely, irrefutably nothing else... Right? (

Podobné produkty ako The Sizzle Paradox - Menon Lily , Altom 3dílná sada čajové konvice se sítkem a sklenicemi olivie

Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox - Eoin Colfer


*Soon to be a major film!* Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox is the sixth book in the criminally good Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. FORMER CRIMINAL MASTERMIND ARTEMIS FOWL HAS HOODWINKED FAIRIES AND BATTLED GOBLINS THIS TIME, IT'S PERSONAL Artemis's mother is gravely ill. Unfortunately the cure, an endangered lemur, was made extinct eight years ago . . . by Artemis Fowl. Talk about awkward. What if he could travel back in time, outwit his former self and bring the lemur home? With the right demon warlock, it might be possible. But we all remember the young Artemis. He was, to put it mildly, a pretty terrible human being, so this won't be easy. Artemis Fowl really is his own worst enemy . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox - Eoin Colfer , Atlas torvosaurus (8590331019014)

Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy - Angie Thomasová


From the superstar author of The Hate U Give comes a thrilling fantasy for readers aged 9+.It's not easy being Remarkable in a world where standing out is dangerous...Nic Blake is a Manifestor. All she wants is to learn the Gift, so she can be as powerful as her dad ... until she discovers a shocking secret. Now she must find a powerful magical weapon, or risk losing him for ever. (

Podobné produkty ako Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy - Angie Thomasová , Atlas divočák (8590331019298)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923)

The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923)

Kniha - autor Barry Schwartz, 284 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new, revised paperback edition of the business guide with author interviews, insights, features, suggested readings and a new preface from the author. First published in 2004, it argues that consumers want less choice, not more. (

Podobné produkty ako The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less (0062449923) , Atlas velociraptor (8590331018321)

The Atlas of Beauty (184614941X)

The Atlas of Beauty (184614941X)

Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A collection of 500 female portraits from more than 50 countries, Noroc successfully showcases the diversity and beauty all around us. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas of Beauty (184614941X) , Atlas andulka (8590331902668)

The Atlas of Happiness (147368823X)

The Atlas of Happiness (147368823X)

Kniha - 256 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas of Happiness (147368823X) , Atlas osel (8590331018727)

Around the World – The Atlas For Today

Around the World – The Atlas For Today

> Na tento produkt bohužel nelze uplatnit slevový poukaz.Looking through an atlas has always been a fascinating way to explore the world. Around the World is a contemporary evolution of an atlas tailored to our information age. With eye-catching graphics, current topics, and clear texts, the book is for anyone who is curious about the state of our planet and how we live today.Alongside classic facts about nature, history, population, culture, and politics, Around the World’s compelling information graphics thoroughly explain complex processes that impact our lives such as global trade and changing demographics. The book gives added insight into our modern world through its visual exploration of subjects such as eating habits, overfishing, and internet providers, as well as events that have left indelible marks on our collective conscience including September 11, the Olympic Games, Japan’s Fukushima disaster, and the sinking of the Titanic.Enthralling, attractive, and revealing, Around the World is a rich cornucopia of information about local peculiarities of global relevance that bring home the little differences—as well as the astoundingly large similarities—among the citizens of our world. (

Podobné produkty ako Around the World – The Atlas For Today , Atlas kůň (8590331019106)

Fireblood: The Frostblood Saga Book Two - Blake Elly


The fiery, action-packed sequel to the New York Times bestselling Frostblood, perfect for fans of Red Queen and Throne of Glass.'A fierce and vibrant world, a steamy romance, and page-turning twists' Morgan Rhodes, bestselling author'Hypnotising!' Benjamin of TomesIce and fire are still at war.Ruby has defeated the tyrannous Frost King, and Arcus, the exiled warrior who captured her heart, has taken his rightful place as ruler of the Frostblood kingdom.But Ruby is the only Fireblood in a castle of frost and ice, and the courtiers will not accept her. Even worse, the dark threat released from the Frost King's melted throne is stalking the land, bent on destruction - and as the one who set it free, only Ruby can stop it.To find the knowledge she needs, she must leave Arcus and journey south to the land of the Firebloods. But the homeland Ruby's never seen is treacherous, and friend and enemy wear the same face.If she's to save both kingdoms, Ruby must figure out who she can trust - and unleash a fire powerful enough to do battle with darkness . . . (

Podobné produkty ako Fireblood: The Frostblood Saga Book Two - Blake Elly , Atlas leopard (8590331018246)

The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence (009193558X)

The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence (009193558X)

Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, How Our Impulses & Emotions Can Determine Success & Happiness & How We Can Control Them. From the psychiatrist for the British Cycling team. (

Podobné produkty ako The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence (009193558X) , Atlas sveta (9789464541311)

The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth (0008194513)

The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth (0008194513)

Kniha - 210 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 210 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Find your way through every part of J.R.R. Tolkien s great creation, from the Middle-earth of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to the undying lands of the West...The Atlas of Tolkien s Middle-earth is an essential guide to the geography of Middle-earth, from its founding in the Elder Days as recounted in The Silmarillion to the Third Age of The Lord of the Rings, including the journeys of Bilbo, Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring.Hundreds of maps and diagrams survey the journeys of the principal characters day by day including all the battles and key locations of the First, Second and Third Ages. Plans and descriptions of castles, buildings and distinctive landforms accompany thematic maps describing climate, vegetation, languages and population throughout the history of Middle-earth. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth (0008194513) , Atlas sup (8590331902835)

The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age (0062843397)

The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age (0062843397)

Kniha - autor Steven R. Gundry, 272 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá From the author of the New York Times bestseller The Plant Paradox comes a groundbreaking plan for living a long, healthy, happy life. From the moment we are born, our cells begin to age. But aging does not have to mean decline. World-renowned surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry has been treating mature patients for most of his career. He knows that everyone thinks they want to live forever, until they hit middle age and witness the suffering of their parents and even their peers. So how do we solve the paradox of wanting to live to a ripe old age—but enjoy the benefits of youth? This groundbreaking book holds the answer. Working with thousands of patients, Dr. Gundry has discovered that the “diseases of aging” we most fear are not simply a function of age; rather, they are a byproduct of the way we have lived over the decades. In The Longevity Paradox, he maps out a new approach to aging... (

Podobné produkty ako The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age (0062843397) , Atlas velociraptor (8590331019021)

Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown


In her latest book, five-time #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr Brené Brown, writes, "If we want to find the way back to ourselves and each other, we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories, and to be stewards of the stories that we hear. This is the framework for meaningful connection."In Atlas of the Heart, Brown takes us on a journey through 87 of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. As she maps the necessary skills and lays out an actionable framework for meaningful connection, she gives us the language and tools to access a universe of new choices and second chances - a universe where we can share and steward the stories of our bravest and most heart-breaking moments with one another in a way that builds connection.Over the past two decades, Brown's extensive research into the experiences that make us who we are has shaped the cultural conversation and helped define what it means to be courageous with our lives. Atlas of the Heart draws on this research, as well as Brown's singular skills as a researcher/storyteller, to lay out an invaluable, research-based framework that shows us that naming an experience doesn't give the experience more power, it gives us the power of understanding, meaning and choice.Brown shares, "I want this to be an atlas for all of us, because I believe that, with an adventurous heart and the right maps, we can travel anywhere and never fear losing ourselves. Even when we have no idea where we are." (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown , Atlas pštros (8590331019144)

The Ancient Worlds Atlas - Russell Barnett


From the first cities of Sumer to the empire of the Incas, travel around the world and through 5,000 years of history in this illustrated guide to see where and how ancient peoples lived. From North America to New Zealand, this book takes you on a trip around the world and through history to visit ancient cities and empires, showing who lived where and explaining the unique features of each civilization. The Ancient Worlds Atlas is a pictorial guide to past civilizations, covering big history topics for curious kids aged 9-12 years.What was it like to live in the crowded city of Rome? Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? When did Samurai warriors first ride into battle? How did sailors first navigate the Pacific Ocean? Which Chinese emperor has a palace with 1,000 bedrooms? Find out the answers to these fascinating questions and much more in this lavishly illustrated guide to past civilizations. This fascinating children's book about ancient civilizations contains: - A visual guide to where our forebears lived, putting their lifestyles into context of where they lived and at what time. - An engaging, fact-packed, and educational book for children - especially those interested in history, ethnography, archaeology, and classics.- A timeline at the end of the book which traces the major events, battles, people, and inventions covered in the guide. - A stunning, retro illustration style combined with modern fonts that creates a fun and unique approach to this topic. Russell Barnett's hand-drawn illustrations literally put the past on map, showing where and why the world's great cities grew and how archaeological evidence has provided clues to the past.With stunning illustrations throughout, this large format book makes an appealing gift for young historians that will take pride of place on any bookshelf. (

Podobné produkty ako The Ancient Worlds Atlas - Russell Barnett , Atlas dimetrodon (8590331018987)

The World Atlas of Wine (1784724033)

The World Atlas of Wine (1784724033)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá (

Podobné produkty ako The World Atlas of Wine (1784724033)

The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová


Magical, mysterious and sometimes mischievous, the fairy folk of the world are notoriously elusive, but this charming compendium will reveal their secrets. (

Podobné produkty ako The Fairy Atlas. Fairy Folk of the World - Anna Claybourneová

Panenka Olivie


Závěsná hračka na kočárek panenka Olivie je vyrobená z různě strukturovaných a barevných materiálů, které stimulují zrak, hmat a rozvíjí motoriku. Po zatřesení vydává hračka zvuky důležité pro rozvoj sluchu. Nožičky a šaty při doteku šustí. Barevné chrastítko s kuličkami (

Podobné produkty ako Panenka Olivie

Tom Morello - The Atlas Underground Fire (Orange Splatter Vinyl) (2 LP)

Tom Morello - The Atlas Underground Fire (Orange Splatter Vinyl) (2 LP)

Typ: LP deska;Barevná Varianta: The Atlas Underground Fire (Orange Splatter Vinyl) (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Tom Morello Země interpreta: USA Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Vydavatelství: Mom + Pop Barva podle výrobce: Orange Splatter Vinyl Žánr: Rock Barva: Oranžová Složení setu: 2 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Datum vydání: 2022-03-15 Subžánr: Alternative Rock Rok vydání: 2022.0 Rychlost: 45 RPM (

Podobné produkty ako Tom Morello - The Atlas Underground Fire (Orange Splatter Vinyl) (2 LP)

No Family Is Perfect : A Guide to Embracing the Messy Reality - Lucy Blake


A fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life and how, if we embrace it, we can improve our relationships and maybe even enjoy Christmas. What makes a good parent? Can sibling relationships survive to adulthood? Should love within a family really be unconditional? Wherever, whenever and however you learnt about family, it's likely that you have unshakeable answers to these questions. In this revelatory new book, family researcher Lucy Blake shows that, whatever your assumptions are, they are almost certainly wrong and probably doing damage to your closest relationships. Blake looks at how the expectations we have affect and even hinder our interactions with parents, siblings, relatives and our children. Drawing on her experience of interviewing hundreds of family members – of all backgrounds – she explores these unrealistic ideas, exposes the truth of what a family really is and explains how we can better understand and appreciate the one we have. No Family Is Perfect is a fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life, and a look at how we can change our beliefs about family for the better and maybe even enjoy Christmas. 'Provides a fresh context for exploring issues that engage us throughout our lives ... No Family is Perfect will change how we think and write about families' Terri Apter, author of Difficult Mothers and The Sister Knot (

Podobné produkty ako No Family Is Perfect : A Guide to Embracing the Messy Reality - Lucy Blake

A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González


There is something beautiful and wild in the impossible architecture of lighthouses. They have been the homes and workplaces of men and women whose romantic guardianship has saved countless lives from cruel seas. Yet while that way of life fades away, as the lights go out and the buildings crumble, we still have their stories.From a blind lighthouse keeper tending a light in the Arctic Circle, to an intrepid young girl saving ships from wreck at the foot of her father's lighthouse, and the plight of the lighthouse crew cut off from society for forty days, this is a glorious book full of illuminating stories that will transport the reader to the world's most isolated and inspiring lighthouses.With over thirty tales that explore the depths to which we can sink and the heights to which we can soar as human beings, and accompanied by beautiful illustrations, nautical charts, maps, architectural plans and curious facts, A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World is as full of wonder as the far flung lighthouses themselves.Translated from Spanish by Daniel Hahn (

Podobné produkty ako A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González

William Blake - William Blake


'To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour' William BlakeWilliam Blake was a poet and artist. Born in Soho in the eighteenth century, the son of a shopkeeper, he is now acclaimed as a radical left-field artist. Most recently, the Tate held an exhibition of his work: 'Magnificent ...reveal's Blake's vision at its most vivid and strange' GUARDIANBlake's written work was equally vivid. A major poet of the Romantic age, the full range of his poetry includes the joyful and sorrowful, the childlike and complex - and illustrates his original and prophetic vision. Considered mad by contemporaries for his idiosyncratic opinions, he is now revered for the depth of his poetry and art, and the philosophical undercurrents intrinsic to all his creative work.'If the Sun and Moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out''The imagination is not a state; it is the human existence itself' (

Podobné produkty ako William Blake - William Blake

Atlas rozšíření mnohonožek v České republice / Atlas of the Millipedes of the Czech Republic - Pavel Kocourek, Petr Dolejš, Alena Kovaříková - e-kniha


eBook: Publikace shrnuje poznatky o výskytu mnohonožek na území ČR s použitím metodiky síťového mapování. U každého druhu jsou k dispozici informace o stanovištních nárocích a stupni ochrany, mapa rozšíření, a přehled známých (publikovaných i nepublikovaných) nálezů a lokalit. Navíc byly u každého druhy aktualizovány ekologické charakteristiky, které umožní, aby mnohonožky mohly být využity coby bioindikátory v ochraně přírody. The book gathers knowledge about distribution of millipedes in the Czech Republic using the grid square mapping. In each species, there are information about habitat requirements and vulnerability, map of distribution, and an overwiev of known (both published and unpublished) records and localities. In addition, ecological characteristics were updated for each species, enabling thus using the millipedes as bioindicators for nature protection (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas rozšíření mnohonožek v České republice / Atlas of the Millipedes of the Czech Republic - Pavel Kocourek, Petr Dolejš, Alena Kovaříková - e-kniha

O žabce Olívii

O žabce Olívii

Žabka Olívie je velmi veselá a zažívá mnohá dobrodružství se svými kamarády. Ale ne všechny dny jsou růžové. Jednoho dne se stane, že Olívie zjistí, že se její kamarádka ještěrka Berta stěhuje pryč. Olívii opustí všechno veselí. Začne se zase smát? Vysvětlí jí kamarádi a rodiče, že nemusí být smutná, že si mohou psát dopisy a vidět se o prázdninách? Na knize spolupracovala autorka textu Ana Serna s dětským psychologem Henarem Inigem. Kniha kromě prvního čtení a větších písmen, také učí děti jak zvládnout smutek. Kniha je doprovázena krásnými ilustracemi Kasandry. Je vhodná i pro genetikou metodu čtení. (

Podobné produkty ako O žabce Olívii

The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk


A ground-breaking survey of more than 650 of the most exceptional cars ever designed, organized geographically The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. Organized geographically then chronologically by decade, the book covers more than a century of exceptional and noteworthy car design – from Japanese cult classics, French Art-Deco masterpieces, German iconic models, Italian icons, and British performance machines, to American styling sensations, and pop culture and family favorites. This fresh take on an eternally popular subject, charts car design’s evolution across centuries and continents. Packed with images, combining period photography, studio shots, and original car advertising, the book’s oversized format generously displays the cars in all their remarkable detail. With captivating texts that tell stories of engineering feats, economic twists and turns, high-society lifestyles, and the desires of the masses, this book is a must-have for car and design fans of every kind. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk

The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk


A ground-breaking survey of more than 650 of the most exceptional cars ever designed, organized geographically The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. Organized geographically then chronologically by decade, the book covers more than a century of exceptional and noteworthy car design – from Japanese cult classics, French Art-Deco masterpieces, German iconic models, Italian icons, and British performance machines, to American styling sensations, and pop culture and family favorites. This fresh take on an eternally popular subject, charts car design’s evolution across centuries and continents. Packed with images, combining period photography, studio shots, and original car advertising, the book’s oversized format generously displays the cars in all their remarkable detail. With captivating texts that tell stories of engineering feats, economic twists and turns, high-society lifestyles, and the desires of the masses, this book is a must-have for car and design fans of every kind. (

Podobné produkty ako The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk

Olívie - Táňa Keleová-Vasilková


Olívie, mladá hrdinka tohoto příběhu, miluje housle a svou rodinu. Touží po klidném životě, v němž by se mohla věnovat hudbě a sama sobě... Život je však složitý a ne vždy se nám podaří splnit si své sny. Olívie se potácí v problémech, které ji připravují o úsměv, ale situace, které ji hřejí u srdce, jí dodávají víru a sílu pokračovat. A protože osud je nevyzpytatelný, připlete se jí do cesty někdo, kdo ji zahrne laskavostí a pochopením. Přeji vám krásné čtení a doufám, že si Olívii a její rodinu zamilujete stejně jako já. Mně nejvíc přirostla k srdci Sofie. Myslím, že je to úžasná a obdivuhodná žena, a těším se, že ji poznáte i vy. Táňa Keleová-Vasilková (

Podobné produkty ako Olívie - Táňa Keleová-Vasilková

Poems of William Blake - William Blake - e-kniha


eBook: The following work is a collection of poems written by William Blake. He was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognized during his life, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual art of the Romantic Age. What he called his "prophetic works" were said by 20th-century critic Northrop Frye to form "what is in proportion to its merits the least read body of poetry in the English language". Titles to be found in this book include 'The Echoing Green', 'The Lamb', and 'The Blossom.' (

Podobné produkty ako Poems of William Blake - William Blake - e-kniha

Olivie a Vločka - Sykesová Julie

Olivie a Vločka - Sykesová Julie

Olivie je na Akademii jednorožců moc šťastná! Jen doufá, že její milovaná jednorožčí společnice Vločka objeví svoje kouzlo ještě před závěrečným plesem! Všichni mají plné ruce práce s přípravami a zdobením, ale zdá se, že někdo se oslavu snaží za každou cenu překazit… Je na Olivii a Vločce, aby sebraly všechnu odvahu a zachránily nejen tenhle mimořádný den, ale i celou školu! Kniha je určena dětem od 7 let. (

Podobné produkty ako Olivie a Vločka - Sykesová Julie

Olivie se snaží - Phillipsová Emily

Olivie se snaží - Phillipsová Emily

Olivie s Felixem se snaží o dítě. Dokonce se kvůli tomu, že chtějí založit rodinu, přestěhovali na předměstí. Přestože však ke svému sexuálnímu životu přistupují s vojenskou precizností, po prckovi není stále ani stopy, a přitom potomci nejbližších přátel jako by přicházeli na svět každý týden. Olivie se ale nesnaží jen o dítě, snaží se i o povýšení v zaměstnání, a když do firmy nastoupí nový (a také velice pohledný) šéf, vydá se po nebezpečné cestě, na které může ztratit všechno, na čem jí v životě záleží. Nesmírně vtipný a upřímný román o tom, co čekat, když nejste v očekávání. Je vůbec nutné mít dítě, aby se člověk cítil šťastný a spokojený? (

Podobné produkty ako Olivie se snaží - Phillipsová Emily

Olivie se snaží - Emily Phillipsová

Olivie se snaží - Emily Phillipsová

Olivie s Felixem se snaží o dítě. Dokonce se kvůli tomu, že chtějí založit rodinu, přestěhovali na předměstí. Přestože však ke svému sexuálnímu životu přistupují s vojenskou precizností, po prckovi není stále ani stopy, a přitom potomci nejbližších přátel jako by přicházeli na svět každý týden. Olivie se ale nesnaží jen o dítě, snaží se i o povýšení v zaměstnání, a když do firmy nastoupí nový (a také velice pohledný) šéf, vydá se po nebezpečné cestě, na které může ztratit všechno, na čem jí v životě záleží. Nesmírně vtipný a upřímný román o tom, co čekat, když nejste v očekávání. Je vůbec nutné mít dítě, aby se člověk cítil šťastný a spokojený? (

Podobné produkty ako Olivie se snaží - Emily Phillipsová

Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker


Spanning a lifetime of love and loss, crossing borders and oceans, Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt, co-authored by her son Harry Whittaker, draws Lucinda Riley's Seven Sisters series to its stunning, unforgettable conclusion.1928, ParisA boy is found, moments from death, and taken in by a kindly family. Gentle, precocious, talented, he flourishes in his new home, and the family show him a life he hadn't dreamed possible. But he refuses to speak a word, or reveal a single detail about who he is.As he grows into a young man, falling in love and taking classes at the prestigious Conservatoire de Paris, he can almost forget the terrors of his past, or the promise he has made. But in 1930s Europe, an evil is rising across the continent and no one's safety is certain. In his heart, he knows the time will come where he must flee once more.2008, the AegeanAll the seven sisters are gathered for the first time, on board the Titan to say a final goodbye to the enigmatic father they loved so dearly.To the surprise of everyone, it is the missing sister who Pa Salt has chosen to entrust with the clue to their pasts. But for every truth revealed, another question emerges. The sisters must confront the idea that their adored father was someone they barely knew. And, even more shockingly, that the secrets of his past may still have consequences for them today. (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker

The Vincent van Gogh Atlas - Nienke Denekamp, René van Blerk


A fascinating guide to Van Gogh's itinerant life, with vibrant images and stories about the many places he lived and worked. Vincent van Gogh travelled widely through various countries in Europe - on foot, by boat and, above all, by train. He wrote countless letters to his family as he went, and used the world around him as the subject for hundreds of drawings and paintings. And in his day, that world looked very different from ours. Brimming with colourful pictures, historic photographs, letters, detailed maps and other documents, this book enables readers to join Vincent on his journeys from Z to A: from Zundert in the southern Netherlands (where he was born), through London and Paris, to Auvers-sur-Oise in France (where he died). Offering a detailed introduction to Vincent's personal quest and the contemporary world of his time, this book will immerse young readers in the history of the 19th century and the turbulent life of Vincent van Gogh, the artist and man. (

Podobné produkty ako The Vincent van Gogh Atlas - Nienke Denekamp, René van Blerk

Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard


An invaluable guide to a complex subject, this atlas:* gives a general introduction to the physical, ethnic and religious composition of the region* includes summary maps of Eastern Europe in 1900, 1923, and 1945* charts the ebb and flow of the first and second world wars in Eastern Europe* presents detailed information relating to consituent territories, elections, economic developments and land holding patterns for key individual countries in the inter-war years* provides crucial social and economic data, evidencing changes under communist domination* gives maps of the new states of the post-communist years with details of elections and economic indicators for Belarus, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovakia and others.* contains an extensive glossary listing the major towns of the area under their linguistic variants (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century - Crampton Richard

Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker


Discover how the story ends – and how it all began. Maia, Ally, Star, CeCe, Tiggy, Electra and their long-lost missing sister are gathered together for the first time, on board the Titan, to say a final goodbye to the enigmatic father they loved so dearly. He has entrusted each of them with a clue to their past.But for every truth revealed another question emerges. How did Pa Salt amass his fortune? Why did he choose to adopt the sisters and why were they chosen from such different parts of the world? Have the answers been there all along, if only they had known where to find them?The sisters must confront the idea that their adored father was someone they barely knew – and, even more shockingly, that his long-buried secrets may still echo through the generations today. In this epic conclusion to the internationally bestselling Seven Sisters series, everything will be revealed at last. (

Podobné produkty ako Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt - Lucinda Rileyová, Harry Whittaker
VUCH Blake (8595692008622), Já, Daniel, Blake - DVD (N02068), Sportovní kočárek PlayTo Sportovní Olivie růžový, Blake (999-00-033-9845-1), Blake Johnathan: Homeward Bound - CD (3843190), Mission Šipky Paradox - M2 - 19g (290119), Mission Šipky Paradox - M2 - 21g (290120), Mission Šipky Paradox - M1 - 21g (290118), Bodové svítidlo BLAKE 1xGU10/40W/230V (106800), Olivie se snaží (978-80-756-5438-0), Mission Šipky Steel Paradox - M2 - 26g (290116), Mission Šipky Steel Paradox - M1 - 25g (290113), Francúzsky paradox (978-80-569-0688-0), Corel Paradox License, EN (elektronická licence) (LCPDXENGPCA), LEGO® Friends 41713 Olivie a vesmírná akademie (5702017154121), Blake James: Friends That Break Your Heart - LP (3842313), Blake James: Friends That Break Your Heart - CD (3859577), Altom 3dílná sada čajové konvice se sítkem a sklenicemi Olivie, Atlas Torvosaurus (8590331019014), Atlas Divočák (8590331019298), Atlas Velociraptor (8590331018321), Atlas Andulka (8590331902668), Atlas Osel (8590331018727), Atlas Kůň (8590331019106), Atlas Leopard (8590331018246), Atlas sveta (9789464541311), Atlas Sup (8590331902835), Atlas Velociraptor (8590331019021), Atlas Pštros (8590331019144), Atlas Dimetrodon (8590331018987)