Speak up! a short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - markus öbrink - e-kniha

Produkt Speak up! a short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - markus öbrink - e-kniha sme našli 50+x, pokiaľ to nie je to čo hľadáte, skúste frázu Speak up! a short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - markus öbrink - e-kniha upraviť a produkt hľadať znova.

Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha


eBook: V dnešním světě, ve kterém se všechno zdá být digitální a neosobní, je stále velmi důležité umět mluvit přímo před lidmi. Přesto je pro většinu z nás velmi stresující stát na pódiu před publikem, někteří se takového vystoupení bojí. Tento text se zaměřuje na druh prezentací, které studenti a akademici dělají jako součást svých studijních či pracovních povinností, především je určen pro studenty angličtiny. Rady zde uvedené však platí pro všechny formy prezentací. Abyste využili tuto knihu, nemusíte však být student či akademik, spíše naopak: základní principy dobré prezentace platí pro obchodní sektor, v kulturním životě nebo v každé jiné oblasti, v níž chcete být aktivní. Kdokoliv může využít tento stručný návod jak hovořit před publikem. In today’s world, where everything seems to be digital and impersonal, being able to talk directly to people is still necessary. Yet, most of us are nervous, even afraid, of standing there on the stage. This text focuses on the kind of presentations students and academic staff need to do as part of their studies and work, and is aimed at students with English as second language. However, the ideas presented are just as valid for all other forms of presenting. You don’t have to be a student or an academic to use this book; rather the opposite. The basic principles are the same in the business world, in entertainment, in politics, or in any other field you might be active in. Anybody could use this short manual to learn how to present. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Speak up! A short manual for students (and everyone else) in how to present stuff in front of an audience - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha , How to safely invest in real estate

The Subtle Art of Being Understood - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha


eBook: Psát jasně a srozumitelně není snadné, zvláště v cizím jazyce. Cílem této knihy určené k samostudiu je pomoci studentům psát anglicky jasným a účinným způsobem. Publikace krok za krokem vysvětluje, proč často selháváme a co s tím můžeme dělat. Kniha poskytuje množství praktických rad a užitečných příkladů, které ukazují, jak psát texty, aby splnily svůj účel. Protože je kniha zaměřena hlavně na studenty, mnoho příkladů pochází z akademického světa. Prezentované myšlenky však mohou být stejně dobře použity v jakékoli jiné situaci, proto je v knize také řada příkladů z dalších žánrů. Přáním autora je, aby publikace pomohla čtenářům zlepšit psaní a být více úspěšní. Writing clearly is not easy, especially not in a foreign tongue. The aim of this self-study book is to help students of English as a second language at university level how to write in a clear and effective way. Step by step it explains why we often fail and what we can do about it. The book provides a mass of hands-on advice and useful examples to show how to compose texts that will deliver. Since it is mainly is aimed at students, many of the examples come from the academic world. But the ideas presented can just as well be used in any other situation, and there is a number of examples of other genres in the book. The hope is that it will help you to improve your writing skills and become more successful. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Subtle Art of Being Understood - Markus Öbrink - e-kniha , Thank you for being late: 'an optimist''s guide to thriving in the age of accelerations' (0241301440)

Mother Of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men (0008430810)

Mother Of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men (0008430810)

Kniha - autor Katrine Marçal, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Bestselling author Katrine Marcal reveals the shocking ways our deeply ingrained ideas about gender continue to hold us back. Every day, extraordinary inventions and innovative ideas are side-lined in a world that remains subservient to men But it doesn't have to be this way. From the beginning of time, women have been pivotal to our society, offering ingenious solutions to some of our most vexing problems. More recently, it is women who have transformed the way we shop online, revolutionised the lives of disabled people and put the climate crisis at the top of the agenda. Despite these successes, we still fail to find and fund the game-changing ideas that could alter the future of our planet, giving just 3% of venture capital to female founders. Instead, ingrained ideas about men and women continue to shape our economic decisions; favouring men and leading us to the same tired set... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Mother Of Invention: How Good Ideas Get Ignored in an Economy Built for Men (0008430810) , Front bottoms: in sickness & in flames - lp (7567864766)

Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha


eBook: This textbook for medical students include an overview of essential information on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of developmental and acquired orthopedic diseases and disorders, including musculoskeletal injuries. It also includes an overview of essential conservative and surgical procedures used in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system in adult and child patients. As this textbook is intended as an aid for the preparation of the final state exam in surgical fields for the students at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, the chapters are arranged according to questions taken from the “pool” of Orthopedics and Traumatology used in this exam. However, we believe that this textbook can help students from other medical faculties of Charles University as a tool for quick and easy reference to a range of orthopedic diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha , Front bottoms: in sickness & in flames - cd (7567864855)

A Short History of the World in 50 Lies - Natasha Tidd


Taking readers on a global journey through human history, Natasha Tidd examines how lies can change the world around us, from Julius Caesar’s deceptive PR machine to the cover-ups that caused Chernobyl.From forgeries that created centuries worth of conflict and domination, such as The Donation of Constantine, the Protocols of Zion and the mysterious Testament of Peter the Great, to mass political and press cover-ups including Britain’s Boer War concentration camps, a Pulitzer Prize-winning whitewash of the Ukraine Famine and the infamous Dreyfus Affair in France.Alongside these are examinations of how our retellings of history can turn fiction into fact, including The Spanish Inquisition’s deceitful legacy. Plus, there is an in-depth look at how historic lies can still impact our lives today, such as the deadly legacy of America’s Tuskegee Experiment.Meet incredible people, including Jeanne de Clisson who became the fourteenth century's most feared pirate – all because of a lie.A Short History of the World in 50 Lies details the profound impact of this secretive side of history and shows that the truth really is stranger – and far more dangerous – than any fiction. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Short History of the World in 50 Lies - Natasha Tidd , The sense of an ending. film tie-in (1784705632)

Modern New York: The Illustrated Story of Architecture in the Five Boroughs from 1920 to Present - Lukáš Novotný


Modern New York: The Illustrated Story of Architecture in the Five Boroughs from 1920 to Today takes the reader on a roller-coaster ride through the changing fortunes of New York City throughout the last hundred years, from the heights of the Roaring Twenties and Mad Men Fifties, to the depths of the Great Depression Thirties, through to Fear City in the Seventies, and beyond. Many of the featured buildings won t be found in city guides and some of them are no longer around but each one played an integral part in the fascinating story of the five boroughs. The ten decades are explored through some 150 buildings in all corners of the city, from Rockefeller Center to the Pan Am Building to the Standard Hotel, as well as treasures lost, such as the 1927 Savoy-Plaza Hotel, and treasures rescued, such as the astonishingly glamourous 1924 American Radiator Building, now the Bryant Park Hotel.New York City has been described from every possible angle through thousands of books. But not many of them venture out of Manhattan, let alone visit all five boroughs. Out of these, only a handful is accessible to non-experts and fewer still are entertaining and illustrated.And none of them offer such a crisp and visually unified picture of the Big Apple. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Modern New York: The Illustrated Story of Architecture in the Five Boroughs from 1920 to Present - Lukáš Novotný , Who moved my cheese?: an amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life (0091816971)

Webster's Shape Up Your English: For Intermediate Speakers of English, Speak and Write More Fluent E (9781910965382)

Webster's Shape Up Your English: For Intermediate Speakers of English, Speak and Write More Fluent E (9781910965382)

Kniha - autor Betty Kirkpatrick, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá For competent readers and speakers of English (level B1/B2), thisbook aims to help take an understanding of written and spokenEnglish a few steps further, to help readers to speak idiomatic Englishfluently and comfortably, and to encourage a practical approach tomastering written English.In order to present yourself well, it is important to have a competentgrasp of 'good English'. But sometimes it is as important to knowwhen you can break the rules as it is to know the rules themselves.This book emphasizes that while it is essential to have a goodunderstanding of English grammar and usage it is also necessary tokeep that usage modern and natural sounding.Shape Up Your English presents this information in accessible, bitesizedchunks. The text has many headings and subheadings to makereading easier, and 'fact boxes' present vital tips and fascinatingsnippets of extra information in... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Webster's Shape Up Your English: For Intermediate Speakers of English, Speak and Write More Fluent E (9781910965382) , Les parisiennes: how the women of paris lived, loved and died in the 1940s (1474601731)

Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everbody for the Last 13000 Years (0099302780)

Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everbody for the Last 13000 Years (0099302780)

Kniha - autor Jared Diamond, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Jared Diamond, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A study of how Europe and the Near East became the cradles of modern society, eventually giving rise to capitalism and science, the dominant forces in today's world - and why, until more recent times, Africa, Australasia and the Americas lagged behind in both technological sophistication and political and military power. 32 illus. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everbody for the Last 13000 Years (0099302780) , How to search for new employees

Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha


eBook: Předkládaná publikace je určena pro studenty lékařských fakult. Kniha přináší stručný a výstižný přehled současných zobrazovacích metod, jejich technických principů, základních indikací a kontraindikací. Studenti v učebnici nachází návod, jak diagnosticky postupovat u jednotlivých onemocnění, jsou seznamováni s možnostmi a výtěžností jednotlivých diagnostických metod u konkrétního onemocnění. Jsou jim rovněž předkládány základní univerzálně platné principy radiační ochrany. Publikace nemá a nemůže sloužit k postgraduálnímu specializačnímu vzdělávání, je určena výhradně pro studenty všeobecného lékařství, a ne pro začínající radiology ve specializační přípravě. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Principles of Imaging Methods for Medical Students - Hana Malíková - e-kniha , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - cd (9029675259)

Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present? - Jirušek Martin - e-kniha

Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present? - Jirušek Martin - e-kniha

eBook:,Zhoršení vztahů mezi Ruskem a západními zeměmi v uplynulých deseti letech provázelo mimo jiné i vzájemné obviňování z politizace energetických dodávek. Rusko je v tomto smyslu nejčastěji obviňováno spotřebitelskými zeměmi, že dodávky energetických surovin zneužívá jako nátlakového nástroje k dosažení svých zahraničněpolitických cílů. Nejvyhrocenější spory se v tomto ohledu odehrály v souvislosti s přerušením dodávek ruského zemního plynu, které v lednu 2009 významně dopadlo zejména na region jihovýchodní Evropy. Dopad na státy v této části kontinentu byl tvrdý s ohledem na jejich závislost na energetických importech a struktuře ekonomiky. Autor v této knize odpovídá na otázku, zda Ruská federace skutečně zneužívá plynové dodávky jako mocenský nástroj a za jakých podmínek takovéto zneužití hrozí. Na případech 13 zemí zkoumá, na kolik Rusko skrze státem vlastněnou ruskou společnost Gazprom a její dceřiné společnosti jedná dle tzv. strategického přístupu k energetice, tj. zda tyto společnosti fungují jako nástroje ruské zahraniční politiky. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Politicization in the Natural Gas Sector in South-Eastern Europe: Thing of the Past or Vivid Present? - Jirušek Martin - e-kniha , Griff: one foot in front of the other - mixtape - lp (9029675261)

Beloved Beasts. Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction


In the late nineteenth century, humans came at long last to a devastating realisation: their rapidly industrialising and globalising societies were driving scores of animal species to extinction. In Beloved Beasts, acclaimed science journalist Michelle Nijhuis traces the history of the movement to protect and conserve other forms of life. From early battles to save charismatic species such as the American bison and bald eagle to today's global effort to defend life on a larger scale, Nijhuis's "spirited and engaging" account documents "the changes of heart that changed history" (Dan Cryer, Boston Globe).With "urgency, passion, and wit" (Michael Berry, Christian Science Monitor), she describes the vital role of scientists and activists such as Aldo Leopold and Rachel Carson, reveals the origins of vital organisations like the Audubon Society and the World Wildlife Fund, explores current efforts to protect species such as the whooping crane and the black rhinoceros and confronts the darker side of modern conservation, long shadowed by racism and colonialism. As the destruction of other species continues and the effects of climate change wreak havoc on our world, Beloved Beasts charts the ways conservation is becoming a movement for the protection of all species including our own. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Beloved Beasts. Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction , Introductory coursebook of english for students of diplomacy: and international relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

An Autumn Walk in the Woods - Cupido - e-kniha


eBook: There\'s nothing like the fresh mountain air, waves lapping against the beach, the wind caressing your chest, the water touching your crotch... This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short \"There\'s no doubt they\'ll have a good time here, in a rose-painted four-poster bed in a log cabin!\" - From A Different Angle by Sade, Oslo \"They wandered through the woods on an autumn day, but it was too cold to make love outdoors. The car was still warm.\" An Autumn Walk in the Woods by Suzette, Vojens \"The plum juice ran down her chin and dribbled onto her breasts, which were only sparsely covered my a small silk bra.\" - It was that summer ... by He who finally got to make love in the garden \"Stargazer gets jumped by woman in the snow. Snowballs and lots of cold snow. She seduces him ... and lights candles for breakfast.\" - Orion by Stargazer \"The woman next door asked him to come down on the lawn. They both wore sarongs. Hers hid it all, but his did not.\" (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Autumn Walk in the Woods - Cupido - e-kniha , Once upon a time in the east: a story of growing up (1784740683)

Modality in Spanish and Combinations of Modal Meanings - Dana Kratochvílová - e-kniha

Modality in Spanish and Combinations of Modal Meanings - Dana Kratochvílová - e-kniha

eBook:,Monografie se zabývá španělskou modalitou. Analýza španělského modálního systému je postavena na teoretické koncepci vypracované Bohumilem Zavadilem, která pracuje se spektrem modálních významů. Práce se zaměřuje na oblasti, kde se jednotlivé modální významy prolínají nebo vzájemně ovlivňují. Teoretické zkoumání je doprovázeno korpusovými analýzami, které sledují použití slovesného způsobu ve vybraných konstrukcích, případně modální interpretaci konkrétních výpovědí v závislosti na kontextu. Je formulován závěr, že oblasti přechodu mezi dvěma modálními významy jsou zcela přirozenou součástí španělského modálního systému a kombinace dvou modálních významů uvnitř jediné výpovědi má přímé důsledky na volbu modu. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Modality in Spanish and Combinations of Modal Meanings - Dana Kratochvílová - e-kniha , Keep calm and speak vetna stavba 1 cas pritomny jiri janda e kniha

Cultural Differences in Concepts of Life and Partnership - Ulrike Notarp - e-kniha

Cultural Differences in Concepts of Life and Partnership - Ulrike Notarp - e-kniha

eBook:,Cílem studie je popsat základní hodnoty a postoje v rodinném životě a partnerství, které převažují v západním a východním Německu, České republice a Polsku. Analýza seznamovacích inzerátů umožnila identifikovat klíčové hodnoty a postoje, které utvářejí koncepci života a partnerství v každé z těchto čtyř společností. Srovnání ukázalo systematický vztah: specifika ekonomických podmínek, historického dědictví a národní minulosti ovlivňují myšlenku dobrého života a dobrého partnerství. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Cultural Differences in Concepts of Life and Partnership - Ulrike Notarp - e-kniha , Bernstein leonard: an american in paris / rhapsody in blue - lp (4260494436730)

Condensation of steam in nozzles and turbine cascades - Miroslav Šťastný - e-kniha


eBook: Metoda použitá pro popis kondenzace proudící páry je založena na homogenní (spontánní) kondenzaci páry, hetero-homogenní kondenzaci a rovněž na binární nukleaci vodních kapiček s reprezentativní chemickou nečistotou NaCl, která se v energetické páře nejčastěji vyskytuje. Stručně jsou popsány fyzikální a matematické modely kondenzace. Homogenní, hetero-homogenní a binární nukleační modely jsou potom použity pro výpočty proudění páry s kondenzací v 2D dýzách a 2D rozváděcích mřížích prvního stupně s vlhkostí v nízkotlaké části kondenzační turbíny pro uhelnou elektrárnu a v nízkotlaké části turbíny pro jadernou elektrárnu. Pro výpočty byl vyvinut program COCHEM Flow. Uvedeny jsou výsledky výpočtů a jejich rozbor. Popisuje se rovněž experimentální výzkum dvoufázového proudění vlhkého vzduchu s kondenzací v rozváděcí turbínové mříži. Pozornost je také věnována účinku chemických nečistot páry na turbínové lopatky v oblasti kondenzace páry v nízkotlaké části kondenzační turbíny. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Condensation of steam in nozzles and turbine cascades - Miroslav Šťastný - e-kniha , Modality in spanish and combinations of modal meanings (9788024639048)

An Education in Malice: the sizzling and addictive dark academia romance everyone is talking about! - S. T. Gibson


Love is sacrifice. One of us was always going to bleed for the other.Deep in the forgotten hills of Massachusetts stands Saint Perpetua's College. Isolated and ancient, it is not a place for timid girls.Here, secrets are currency, ambition is lifeblood, and strange ceremonies welcome students into the fold.On her first day of class, Laura Sheridan is thrust into an intense academic rivalry with the beautiful and enigmatic Carmilla. Together, they are drawn into the confidence of their demanding poetry professor, De Lafontaine, who holds her own dark obsession with Carmilla.But as their rivalry blossoms into something far more delicious, Laura must confront her own strange hungers. Tangled in a sinister game of politics, bloodthirsty professors and dark magic, Laura and Carmilla must decide how much they are willing to sacrifice in their ruthless pursuit of knowledge.Sumptuous and addictive, An Education in Malice is a dark academia tale of blood, secrets and insatiable hungers from Sunday Times bestselling author S.T.Gibson, author of the cult hit A Dowry of Blood. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Education in Malice: the sizzling and addictive dark academia romance everyone is talking about! - S. T. Gibson , Ecmo extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: manual for use in adult patients (978-80-7345-564-4)

How to ask a professor: Politeness in Czech academic culture - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

How to ask a professor: Politeness in Czech academic culture - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

eBook:,Publikace se věnuje zdvořilostním strategiím, které volí čeští univerzitní studenti při kontaktu s fakultou. Kniha se věnuje i zdvořilosti v České republice, např. diglosii (kontextům, v nichž je užívána spisovná či obecná čeština), jmennému a zájmennému oslovování v české společnosti a české akademické sféře, formulování žádostí v češtině v kontrastu k angličtině a dalším jazykům. Kniha zahrnuje dvě studie týkající se studentských žádostí adresovaných fakultě, první se věnuje e-mailům obsahujícím žádost o informaci, druhá analyzuje dotazy zveřejněné na studentském informačním webovém fóru. Pozornost je věnována oslovování, úvodním a závěrečným formulím, míře přímosti vyjádření a gramatickým, lexikálním i dalším modifikačním prostředkům. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako How to ask a professor: Politeness in Czech academic culture - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha , Lean in: for graduates (0753555808)

With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix

With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix

In this unprecedented book, palliative medicine pioneer Dr Kathryn Mannix explores the biggest taboo in our society and the only certainty we all share: death.A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Told through a series of beautifully crafted stories taken from nearly four decades of clinical practice, her book answers the most intimate questions about the process of dying with touching honesty and humanity. She makes a compelling case for the therapeutic power of approaching death not with trepidation but with openness, clarity and understanding.With the End in Mind is a book for us all: the grieving and bereaved, ill and healthy. Open these pages and you will find stories about people who are like you, and like people you know and love. You will meet Holly, who danced her last day away; Eric, the retired head teacher who, even with Motor Neurone Disease, gets things done; loving, tender-hearted Nelly and Joe, each living a lonely lie to save their beloved from distress; and Sylvie, 19, dying of leukaemia, sewing a cushion for her mum to hug by the fire after she has died.These are just four of the book's thirty-odd stories of normal humans, dying normal human deaths. They show how the dying embrace living not because they are unusual or brave, but because that's what humans do. By turns touching, tragic, at times funny and always wise, they offer us illumination, models for action, and hope. Read this book and you'll be better prepared for life as well as death. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako With the End in Mind: Dying, Death and Wisdom in an Age of Denial - Mannix , In quest of history on czech statehood and identity (9788024642888)

Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha


eBook: Unleash your inner desires and immerse yourself in the realm of unchecked passion with 'Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido'.With stories ranging from the exhilarating dynamics of threesomes to the tantalizing thrill of public escapades, this collection of sexy stories is sure to satisfy every curiosity.This collection includes compilations such as 'An unexpected threesome', 'Only good neighbours', 'The work trip', 'Ex-wife in Need', 'Revising at the Library', 'The School of Love', 'The Director of Sex Education', and many more! (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Ex-wife in Need - and Other Erotic Short Stories from Cupido - Cupido - e-kniha , How to change: the science of self-improvement (0593332598)

Acquisition of morphological categories and vocabulary in early ontogenesis of Czech child - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

Acquisition of morphological categories and vocabulary in early ontogenesis of Czech child - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha

eBook:,The presented monograph introduces the processes of vocabulary and grammar (primarily morphology) acquisition in one Czech child over a long time span. The research is based solely on the analysis of authentic material (the corpus of transcriptions of audio recordings and the parental diary), and it covers the period from the onset of speech until three and half years of age in the target child’s development. The longitudinal study is oriented toward the acquisition of a lexicon and the acquisition of grammatical categories of inflectional parts of speech, namely, nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs. The analysis is largely building on the concepts of premorphology, protomorphology and modularised morphology. The results support the assertion that both grammatical and pragmatic competences are interrelated and that one limits the other. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Acquisition of morphological categories and vocabulary in early ontogenesis of Czech child - Pavla Chejnová - e-kniha , Politicization in the natural gas sector in south-eastern europe: thing of the past or vivid present (978-80-210-8881-8)

Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha


eBook: Imprisoned for three decades. His face never seen. Who was \"The Man in the Iron Mask?\" In the novel \"The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later\", Dumas revealed the man to be Louis XIV\'s identical twin. But that’s far from the definitive answer. Here, Dumas dives into the real events that inspired his story, and dissects the other theories of the time. Was the prisoner in fact The Duke of Monmouth, illegitimate son to England’s King Charles II? Or the disgraced French minister Nicolas Fouquet? A recommended read for fans of Dumas’ novel, but also anyone who loves a great unsolved mystery. Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th Century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright, but later gained international fame with his historical fiction. Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from France’s past. Among the best known are \"The Three Musketeers\", and its sequels \"Twenty Years After\", and \"Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later\". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing D’Artagnan—from hot-headed soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV. Dumas’ other novels include \"The Count of Monte Cristo\" and \"The Black Tulip\". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including The Man in the Iron Mask starring Leonardo DiCaprio. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha , The healing self: a revolutionary plan for wholeness in mind, body and spirit (1846045703)

Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person - Květoslav Minařík - e-kniha

Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person - Květoslav Minařík - e-kniha

eBook:,The theme of this book is Yoga and Buddhism as a way of life. It is a small selection of texts that Květoslav Minařík wrote during three decades as answers to the questions and problems of those interested in the spiritual life and spiritual teachings. Květoslav Minařík chose and prepared those texts for translation in 1973. 2nd edition. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Yoga and Buddhism in the life of a contemporary person - Květoslav Minařík - e-kniha , The age of american unreason in a culture of lies (0525436529)

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha

eBook:,Monografie Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian demonstruje aplikaci Firbasovy teorie aktuálního členění na norských psaných textech a zkoumá norskou existenciální konstrukci („presenteringskonstruksjonen“) z hlediska syntaxe, statické sémantiky, dynamické sémantiky a aktuálního členění větného. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Syntactic and FSP Aspects of the Existential Construction in Norwegian - Pavel Dubec - e-kniha , Bohemian stories: an illustrated history of czechs in the usa (978-80-7252-817-2)

In-finite: A Collection of Threesome, Group and Polyamorous Erotica - LUST authors - e-kniha


eBook: ‘In-finite: A Collection of Threesome, Group and Polyamorous Erotica’ is a collection from LUST that explores the passions and steamy encounters of sex when more than two people are involved. From group sex and sex club orgies to threesomes and polyamory, there’s a sexy scenario for every reader to join in. This collection includes: The Boss's Daughters Desire 5: Threesome December 6: Santa-Boy Student accommodation Spray, Part 1 Spray, Part 2 Yukako December 24: The Forbidden Threesome Madame 1: Foreplay The Sex Club La Cabaña The Ice Hotel 1: Lips of Ice Strip Poker Sex on Show A Polyamorous Christmas Delirium The Medical Interns The Love Islands Swingers All-Inclusive - The Confessions of an Escort Part 2 The Secrets of Angkor 1: Reliefs The Secrets of Angkor 2: A Bud Bursting into Bloom The Secrets of Angkor 3: A Broken Lock The Piano Teacher LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow us to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako In-finite: A Collection of Threesome, Group and Polyamorous Erotica - LUST authors - e-kniha , An ember in the ashes 4. a sky beyond the storm (0448494531)

In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha

In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha

eBook:,The monograph In the Shadow of Totalitarianism Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945–1989 is devoted to the history of sport in selected countries of Central Europe from the end of World War II until the end of the 80s, i. e. communist regimes downfall. The development of sport and the Olympic Movement in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary are observed in mutual interaction with ideologically homogenous and totalitarian systems whose metamorphoses of power were different within the chronological development in the above mentioned period of time. _x000D_ _x000D_ (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989 - Marek Waic - e-kniha , What we do now: 'standing up for your values in trump''s america' (1612196594)

An Erotic Christmas Calendar: A Collection of Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha


eBook: \'An Erotic Christmas A Collection of Short Stories\' published by LUST features an erotic sex story for every day of advent. The perfect collection for some festive fun and passionate, this collection of Erotic Short Stories includes the 1: Santa Claus is cumming to town\'\'December 2: Winter Wedding\'\'December 3: The Gingerbread Man\'\'December 5: The Christmas Party\'\'December 6: Santa-Boy\'\'December 7: The Phantom Itch\'\'December 8: Reborn\'\'December 9: Christmas Cheer\'\'December 10: Naked Lucia\'\'December 11: The Christmas Recital\'\'December 13: St. Stephan and the horny stable boys\'\'December 14: Cum in Your White Gown\'\'December 16: A Special Christmas Delivery\'\'December 17: The Mountain Cabin\'\'December 18: The Jazz Club\'\'December 19: Tranquility Bay\'\'December 20: Midwinter Sin\'\'December 22: Anton the Red-Nosed Reindeer\'\'December 23: Mr S\'\'December 24: The Forbidden Threesome\' (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Erotic Christmas Calendar: A Collection of Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha , To zvladnu jutta heller e kniha

Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in an Economy that Hates You - Chris Guillebeau


From the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup, comes a captivating guide that explains how to thrive in todays turbulent global economy.Burdened with massive debt, stagnant wages and the ever-rising cost of living, a growing number of millennials and gen-Z are abandoning the traditional nine-to-five model of work, instead turning to the ecosystem of largely unregulated, decentralized platforms to pursue a host of novel ways to make money.In Gonzo Capitalism, New York Times bestselling author and serial entrepreneur Chris Guillebeau explores this brave new world – from the Texas software rep who earned $80,000 sending potatoes in the mail, to the British teenager who earned nearly $500,000 naming other people’s babies, to the community of online gamers getting ‘paid to play’.Along the way, he shows you how our economy really works and reveals how you can capitalize on the new tools and platforms at our disposal, and come up with your own unconventional ways to turn your time and talents into income. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Gonzo Capitalism: How to Make Money in an Economy that Hates You - Chris Guillebeau , How to get a company through a crisis

Strap-On And Other Erotic Short Stories for An Adventurous Reader - LUST authors - e-kniha


eBook: ‘Strap-On And Other Erotic Short Stories for An Adventurous Reader’ is a collection of erotica short stories from LUST. Exploring a range of sexual adventures these stories delve into bondage and roleplay, strap-ons and submission, and taboo fantasies. This collection contains the following; ‘Evening Walk’, ‘Peach Delight’, ‘Secret Santa’, ‘Freedom in Bondage’, ‘Role Play: Cops & Robbers’, ‘At My Master's Mercy’, ‘Polyamory in Paris’, ‘Kisses and Spanking’, ‘Flesh’, ‘Valentine's Night’, ‘Midsummer Night’, ‘DILF’, ‘Strap-on’, ‘Submission’, ‘The Police’, ‘December 4: Fuckin’ around the Christmas tree’, ‘My Abduction Fantasy’, ‘The Porn Star’, ‘At Your Service!’, ‘Body on Fire’, ‘The Apprentice’, ‘Show Girl’, ‘The Watcher’, ‘The Artist's Muse’, ‘The Ballet Master’, ‘Lights, Camera, Sex!’, ‘A Three-Step Waltz’, ‘Princess Poetess’, ‘Don’t touch the art, touch me’, ‘Lust in Imperial Russia’, ‘The Writer’, ‘Being My Own Director’, ‘Objectify me’, ‘Under Observation’, ‘A Free Woman’, ‘Calendar Sex’, ‘Horny as Hell’, ‘MILF’, ‘Coffee’, ‘Pool Boy’, ‘Stephanie, the Voyeur without Inhibitions’, ‘Workout buddies’, ‘Void’, ‘Sex Please, Doctor!’, ‘Dangerous Desire’, and ‘Father’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Strap-On And Other Erotic Short Stories for An Adventurous Reader - LUST authors - e-kniha , How to be a young #writer (0198376480)

An Erotic Christmas Calendar and Other Steamy Christmas Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha


eBook: ‘An Erotic Christmas Calendar and Other Steamy Christmas Short Stories’ is a collection of sexy tales from LUST that will get you in the mood for pleasure this holiday season. From workplace NSFW moments at the Christmas party to forbidden and taboo threesomes, your countdown to Christmas can be merry and horny. This collection includes the stories; ‘A Polyamorous Christmas’, ‘Oh, Unholy Night’, ‘Player’, ‘The Christmas Cruise’, ‘Nettles and Sauna’, ‘The Merry Widow’, ‘A Fire of Desire’, ‘A Spark of Lust’, ‘December 1: Santa Claus is cumming to town’, ‘December 2: Winter Wedding’, ‘December 3: The Gingerbread Man’, ‘December 5: The Christmas Party’, ‘December 6: Santa-Boy’, ‘December 7: The Phantom Itch’, ‘December 8: Reborn’, ‘December 9: Christmas Cheer’, ‘December 10: Naked Lucia’, ‘December 11: The Christmas Recital’, ‘December 13: St. Stephan and the horny stable boys’, ‘December 14: Cum in Your White Gown’, ‘December 16: A Special Christmas Delivery’, ‘December 17: The Mountain Cabin’, ‘December 18: The Jazz Club’, ‘December 19: Tranquility Bay’, ‘December 20: Midwinter Sin’, ‘December 22: Anton the Red-Nosed Reindeer’, ‘December 23: Mr S’, and ‘December 24: The Forbidden Threesome’. LUST is a publishing house that publishes a collection of sexy and imaginative erotica. They’re on a mission to publish erotic literature that will appeal to every different kind of person, by representing different types of lust and desire to allow ourselves to understand that it’s okay to think about your sexuality, sex, and what turns you on. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Erotic Christmas Calendar and Other Steamy Christmas Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha , How to raise successful people: simple lessons for radical results (1787462161)

How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving - David Richo


This beloved book has touched hundreds of thousands of lives with its profound and actionable advice. Retaining the core message of becoming more mindful in our relationships, this edition includes new and revised material that addresses how we live and love today. A new preface touches on David Richo’s experience with the book over time and outlines the key updates, including attention to online dating and modern communication styles as well as new perspectives on anger and ending relationships. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving - David Richo , Ecg interpretation: easy and comprehensible textbook for students (978-80-8063-487-2)

The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946–2016 - Kaarle Nordenstreng - e-kniha

The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946–2016 - Kaarle Nordenstreng - e-kniha

eBook:,This is a unique history of what in the 1980s was the world’s largest association in the media field. However, the IOJ was embroiled in the Cold War: the bulk of 300,000 members were in the socialist East and developing South. Hence the collapse of the Soviet-led communist order in central-eastern Europe in 1989–91 precipitated the IOJ’s demise. The author – a Finnish journalism educator and media scholar – served as President of the IOJ during its heyday. In addition to a chronological account of the organization, the book includes testimonies by actors inside and outside the IOJ and comprehensive appendices containing unpublished documents. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946–2016 - Kaarle Nordenstreng - e-kniha

Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha


eBook: Kniha představuje sumu badatelské činnosti prof. Pavla Štěpánka, specialisty na problematiku španělské a ibero-americké kultury, zejména vizuální. Publikace shromažďuje jedenáct studií, které v pozoruhodné šíři témat mapují vztahy mezi španělskou kulturou a českými zeměmi v širokém časovém horizontu od středověku po umění 20. století. Současně je tato problematika sledována na půdorysu nejrůznějších výtvarných médií a projevů – architektura, malířství, sochařství, kresba, či umělecké řemeslo. Čtenář se díky této knize může seznámit s pozoruhodným fenoménem „španělské přítomnosti“ ve střední Evropě, díky níž může sledovat komplexní fenomény kulturní výměny, stejně jako to umožňuje nahlížet na středoevropský prostor jako na místo jedinečných průniků uměleckých vlivů a kreativní prostor kulturní adaptace. The book presents the sum of research of an outstanding art historian Prof. Pavel Štěpánek, a specialist on Spanish and Ibero-American culture, especially the visual arts. The publication collects eleven studies that display in notable scope of topics the relations between Spanish culture and Bohemian lands. These studies covers the extensive chronological space since the Middle Ages up to 20th century. The essays also deal with wide range of visual media as architecture, painting, sculpture, drawing and also many artifacts of the “minor arts”. A reader can meet, thanks to this book, an extraordinary phenomenon of “Spanish presence” in the Central Europe. It provides also opportunity to see the Central-Europe as dynamic space of cultural exchange, artistic intersections and creative cultural adaptations. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Trajectories of Spanish Art and Culture in Bohemia: Studies and essays about Spanish and Ibero-American Art - Pavel Štěpánek - e-kniha

Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - LP (9029675261)

Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - LP (9029675261)

LP vinyl - Debutový mixtape zpěvačky, která zkraje roku obdržela cenu kritiků na Brit Awards. K dispozici na CD a LP. Sarah Faith Griffiths se narodila v Anglii, ale po rodičích má jamajské a čínské kořeny. Za pár dnů jí bude teprve dvacet let, přesto už má za sebou několik úspěchů. Debutový mixtape zpěvačky, která zkraje roku obdržela cenu kritiků na Brit Awards. K dispozici na CD a LP. Sarah Faith Griffiths se narodila v Anglii, ale po rodičích má jamajské a čínské kořeny. Za pár dnů jí bude teprve dvacet let, přesto už má za sebou několik úspěchů. Byla nominována na cenu Ivor Novello Awards udělovanou nejlepším autorům, kterou dříve získali třeba Adele, David Bowie, Bono z U2, Lana Del Rey nebo skupina Radiohead. V roce 2020 si společnost Disney vybrala její skladbu Love Is A Compass pro tradiční vánoční kampaň, jejíž výtěžek už 40 let putuje na dobročinné účely. Při udělování výročních hudebních cen Brit Awards obdržela cenu kritiků Rising Star. Rok... (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - LP (9029675261)

Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - CD (9029675259)

Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - CD (9029675259)

Hudební CD - Debutový mixtape zpěvačky, která zkraje roku obdržela cenu kritiků na Brit Awards. K dispozici na CD a LP. Sarah Faith Griffiths se narodila v Anglii, ale po rodičích má jamajské a čínské kořeny. Za pár dnů jí bude teprve dvacet let, přesto už má za sebou několik úspěchů. Debutový mixtape zpěvačky, která zkraje roku obdržela cenu kritiků na Brit Awards. K dispozici na CD a LP. Sarah Faith Griffiths se narodila v Anglii, ale po rodičích má jamajské a čínské kořeny. Za pár dnů jí bude teprve dvacet let, přesto už má za sebou několik úspěchů. Byla nominována na cenu Ivor Novello Awards udělovanou nejlepším autorům, kterou dříve získali třeba Adele, David Bowie, Bono z U2, Lana Del Rey nebo skupina Radiohead. V roce 2020 si společnost Disney vybrala její skladbu Love Is A Compass pro tradiční vánoční kampaň, jejíž výtěžek už 40 let putuje na dobročinné účely. Při udělování výročních hudebních cen Brit Awards obdržela cenu kritiků Rising Star. Seznam stop (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Griff: One Foot In Front Of The Other - Mixtape - CD (9029675259)

A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha

A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha

eBook:,Práce poskytuje srovnání teoretických přístupů k problematice stylu, a to v rámci českého a anglosaského (především britského) kontextu. Cílem bylo ukázat a srovnat odlišná metodologická pojetí založená na odlišných teoretických východiscích – proto byly zvoleny dva odlišné kulturní okruhy: pozornost je však samozřejmě věnována také vztahů mezi nimi. Dvacáté století bylo vybráno úmyslně, jako období, v němž se v obou prostředích stylistika konstituovala jako moderní teoretická disciplína opírající se o základnu lingvistiky a literární vědy. Práci mohou využít jak domácí, tak zahraniční studenti a vyučující, především bohemisté a anglisté. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Comparison of 20th Century Theories of Style (in the Context of Czech and British Scholarly Discourses) - Michal Křístek - e-kniha

Sex is an Art Form - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha


eBook: 'Sex is an Art Form - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories' is an anthology of erotic stories in which sex and the human body are a work of art. An outrageous artist wants more, always more, more love, more passion, more pleasure… She wants to scream even louder.This compilation of short stories includes the following: 'Lust in Imperial Russia', 'Objectify Me', 'The Writer', 'Lights, Camera, Sex!', 'The Apprentice', 'Princess Poetess', 'The Porn Star', 'Show Girl', 'A Three-Step Waltz', 'Lucia', and 'LeXuS: Theodora, The Workers - erotic dystopia' – featuring the city of Belgrame, where, under a strict totalitarian regime, sex has become a privilege which can be bought, sold or earned. Having the right to sex indicates social success. One particular group, known as Workers, showcase their art by providing the best possible sex to other citizens. However, all is not well in Belgrame. A group of renegades are leading a rebellion to overthrow the LeXuS regime and grant sexual freedom to all... (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Sex is an Art Form - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories - LUST authors - e-kniha

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for (0141986301)

The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for (0141986301)

Kniha - autor Jonathan Haidt; Grag Lukianoff, 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Have good intentions, over-parenting and the decline in unsupervised play led to the emergence of modern identity politics and hypersensitivity? In this book, free speech campaigner Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt investigate a new cultural phenomenon of "safetyism", beginning on American college campuses in 2014 and spreading throughout academic institutions in the English-speaking world. Looking at the consequences of paranoid parenting, the increase in anxiety and depression amongst students and the rise of new ideas about justice, Lukianoff and Haidt argue that well-intended but misguided attempts to protect young people are damaging their development and mental health, the functioning of educational systems and even democracy itself. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for (0141986301)

New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson - Tomáš Kačer - e-kniha

New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson - Tomáš Kačer - e-kniha

eBook:,Publikace představuje specifický typ dramatické postavy, pojmenovaný „nový posel“, kterého lze chápat jako následovníka konvenčního typu postavy známé z tradičních dramat nejčastěji jako „posel“. Přítomnost posla v tradičním dramatu má určité funkce, které plní i nový posel. Toho však odlišuje fakt, že se nejedná o samostatnou postavu, ale jeho roli v současném anglicky psaném mainstreamovém dramatu přejímá některá z hlavních postav. Mezi takové postavy patří především rozliční novináři či reportéři, politici či jejich asistenti, vědci či učitelé, detektivové či policisté, historické postavy, filozofové a literární vědci atd. Publikace v konkrétních případech analyzuje dramata dvou britských dramatiků, Michaela Frayna a Toma Stopparda, a afroamerického dramatika Augusta Wilsona. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson - Tomáš Kačer - e-kniha

Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight


It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is hereto help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grownup responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making YOUR life easier and more fun.You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one - Sarah Knight

Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha


eBook: Over the past thirty years, the Czech public administration has been the subject of research rooted in law, economics, and history. However, only minimal attention has been paid to what Czech public officials actually do on the job (policy work) and the extent of politically motivated interference in their work (politicisation). This book aims to fill this gap by presenting the evidence derived from a large-N survey of the Czech ministries, the first of its kind in the country. The findings presented in the book offer new insights into the activities within the “ivory towers” of the Czech ministries and defy popular notions of an appallingly politicised bureaucracy. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Policy Work and Politicisation in the Ministries of the Czech Republic: The Dilemmas of State Service - Jan Kohoutek - e-kniha

Beast in the Night - An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha


eBook: Justice may not be enough... Amidst a spree of violent murders targeting women in Denmark, Police Commissioner Cecilie Mars is pulled into the shadows of a hidden underworld. Tracing these heinous acts back to a long-forgotten rape, Mars is pointed towards a sinister group of men bound by a deep hatred for women: incels. As her relentless approach earns her foes within the police force and at home, Mars quickly becomes the target of the very rage she\'s hunting... A gripping scandi-noir exploring extremist responses to the MeToo movement, \"Beast in the Night\" is the standalone continuation to the critically acclaimed bestseller \"Darkness Calls\". Lauded for his multi-award-winning work by critics and readers alike, Michael Katz Krefeld (b. 1966) is one of Denmark’s most widely read home-grown crime fiction authors, best known for the internationally bestselling detective series featuring his protagonist Ravn. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Beast in the Night - An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller - Michael Katz Krefeld - e-kniha

A Short History of Drunkenness


Almost every culture on earth has drink, and where there's drink there's drunkenness. But in every age and in every place drunkenness is a little bit different. Tracing humankind's love affair with booze from our primate ancestors through to Prohibition, it answers every possible question:What did people drink? How much? Who did the drinking? Of the many possible reasons, why?On the way, learn about the Neolithic Shamans, who drank to communicate with the spirit world (no pun intended), marvel at how Greeks got giddy and Romans got rat-arsed, and find out how bars in the Wild West were never like the movies.This is a history of the world at its inebriated best.'This book is a laugh riot. I mean the way the author has presented it is hilarious and to the point' Goodreads Reviewer (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako A Short History of Drunkenness

Church Caritas Ministry in the Perspective of Caritas-Theology and Catholic Social Teaching - Jakub Doležel - e-kniha


eBook: Ohniskem zájmu této publikace je církevní charitativní služba ve vztahu ke katolické sociální nauce. Autoři této společné monografie dávají odpověď na otázky, jaké jsou podoby a důvody jejich vzájemného odcizení, jak se pozice charitativní služby změnila vydáním encykliky Deus caritas est a zejména Motu proprio Intima ecclesiae natura, jak a proč lze legitimně konceptualizovat teologii charitativní služby, jak a kde je taková teologie ve světě rozvíjena a jak lze obě linie sociopastorální mise církve v dnešní době přivést do rovnováhy v integrálním modelu charitativní praxe. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Church Caritas Ministry in the Perspective of Caritas-Theology and Catholic Social Teaching - Jakub Doležel - e-kniha

Managing Copyright: Emerging Business Models in the Individual and Collective Management of Rights - Rudolf Leška - e-kniha


eBook: Managing Copyright brings together prominent contributors in a collection of academic papers as well as business oriented reports which encompasses our current knowledge in the field of collective management of authors’ and related rights. This volume, published in cooperation with the Association littéraire et artistique internationale, is an output of the 2019 ALAI Congress held in Prague where scholars and practitioners met to discuss outstanding issues related to collective management. In the book, the reader finds large studies by well-known copyright scholars (Gervais, Drexl, Nérisson, Synodinou, Ficsor, Axhamn and others) and reports on every issue in this highly dynamic field of copyright law. The book is essential for policy makers, scholars and practitioners in the field of collective management of copyright and neighbouring rights around the globe if they want to keep pace with the new developments in the field. Features: Extensive report on dozens of national laws on collective management of rights Conflict of laws, the music industry and collective management European and global comparison of different national regulatory approaches Reports on experience and transposition of the EU Collective Management Directive Presentation of alternative models of copyright management, independent management entities and beyond Reciprocal agreements between collective management organizations Regulation of competition in the copyright administration Territoriality, cyberspace, metadata, geoblocking and digital content portability Tariff litigation Outline of future policy development (WIPO, EU and individual countries) Benefits: Getting informed about current research problems, policy considerations and regulatory challenges in collective management Overview of national legislations from dozens of countries and all continents Combination of scholarly studies and business-oriented reports from the industry insiders Kniha shrnuje současný stav poznání v oblasti kolektivní správy autorských práv a práv souvisejících a zároveň reflektuje praktické výzvy, kterým tato dynamická disciplína v dnešní době čelí. Obsahuje rozsáhlé studie známých autorů v oblasti autorského práva (Gervais, Drexl, Nérisson, Synodinou, Ficsor, Axhamn a dalších) a je vydávána společně s ALAI ČR, českou pobočkou Mezinárodní učené společnosti pro zkoumání autorského práva v návaznosti na mezinárodní kongres ALAI, který se konal v roce 2019 v Praze. Svazek by neměl chybět v knihovně žádného akademika či praktika po celém světě, kteří se zaměřují na tuto oblast, pokud chtějí držet krok s novými vývoji v této oblasti. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Managing Copyright: Emerging Business Models in the Individual and Collective Management of Rights - Rudolf Leška - e-kniha

Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha

Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha

eBook:,Malá města v Evropě ve dvacátém a na počátku jedenadvacátého století jsou v historickém výzkumu opomíjená. Problematika kulturního dědictví ve vazbě na rozvojové strategie, je téma diskutované ekonomy více než historiky. Kolektivní monografie věnovaná fenoménu malého města, jenž má v Evropě specifickou, byť regionálně velmi diverzifikovanou podobu, se zaměřila na problémy, které řeší ve druhé polovině dvacátého a v první dekádě jednadvacátého století. Města nevýznamná, uprostřed zemědělského venkova či na periferii metropolí, se snaží najít motivaci k překonání ekonomických a sociálních problémů. V pěti kapitolách knihy autorky a autoři sledují malá města v několika málo evropských zemích a analyzují, jak lidé, kteří o městech rozhodují, architekti a urbanisté, přemýšleli o městě a organizovali prostor malých měst. Jedna z cest, kterou města využívají, vede přes zhodnocení kulturního dědictví a jeho využití jako nástroje k motivaci svého rozvoje. Tito lidé chtějí upozornit na své město a učinit z něj centrum regionálního rozvoje. Způsob využívání kulturního dědictví je velmi rozmanitý, jak dokazují výsledky výzkumu badatelů různých oborů. V mezinárodním autorském týmu najdou čtenáři historiky a historičky, sociology, architektky i historika umění, kteří spolupracují v Evropské asociaci pro urbánní historii. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Small Towns in Europe in the 20th and 21st Centuries. - Luďa Klusáková - e-kniha

An Explanation of the Inverted-U Relationship between Profitability and Innovation - Krčál Ondřej - e-kniha

An Explanation of the Inverted-U Relationship between Profitability and Innovation - Krčál Ondřej - e-kniha

eBook:,V této knize jsou formulovány dva inovační modely, které vysvětlují vztah mezi ziskovostí a inovacemi ve tvaru obráceného U a vztahy mezi ziskovostí a rozdíly mezi produktivitou jednotlivých firem v daném odvětví, které nachází Aghion et al. (2005) a Hashmi (2005). Základní model (basic model) přináší jednoduché a obecné vysvětlení těchto stylizovaných faktů a prospektově teoretický model (prospect-theory model) předkládá specifické vysvětlení stylizovaných faktů, které obsahuje behaviorální teorii manažerského rozhodování. Pro určité hodnoty parametrů generují oba modely predikce, které odpovídají vztahům, jež nachází Aghion et al. (2005) a Hashmi (2005). Dále je zde ukázáno, že oba modely vytvářejí realistické předpovědi i pro širší rozmezí parametrů kolem těchto specifických hodnot. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako An Explanation of the Inverted-U Relationship between Profitability and Innovation - Krčál Ondřej - e-kniha

Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s (1474601731)

Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s (1474601731)

Kniha - autor Anne Sebba, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná How Parisian women loved, lived and died in the 1940s - under Occupation and then after Liberation. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s (1474601731)

Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

Kniha - autor Andrea Demovičová; Zuzana Kurucová, 148 stran, slovensky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Učebnica Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy and International Relations vznikla na základe dopytu po nedostatkových učebných materiáloch potrebných pre vyššie odborné vzdelávanie v anglickom jazyku pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie. Autorky vychádzali zo skúseností s výučbou anglického jazyka pre študijný odbor medzinárodné právo, ako aj z dlhoročnej praxe v prednášaní právnej angličtiny pre študentov práva. Výber tém a ich náročnosť sú prispôsobené potrebám súčasných študentov.Učebnica je výborným pomocníkom pri štúdiu odborného anglického jazyka, a to nie len pre študentov medzinárodných vzťahov a diplomacie, ale úžitok z nej môže čerpať aj širšia odborná verejnosť. (alza.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Introductory Coursebook of English for Students of Diplomacy: and International Relations (978-80-571-0497-1)

Up in the Clouds - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha


eBook: Celebrations. Transport. Science lessons. Today, balloons are a casual part of everyday life, noticed but not really considered. Can you imagine a world in which balloons are the newest, most exciting development in technology? RM Ballantyne explores the earliest attempts to fly using balloons in his short story 'Up in the Clouds', and his lively prose makes this adventure just as exciting to read as it would be to experience (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Up in the Clouds - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one (Defekt) - Sarah Knight


It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is hereto help! With her no-bullsh*t bible for the modern adult, you'll become more self-aware, self-sufficient and resourceful - and turn grownup responsibilities into exciting opportunities for making YOUR life easier and more fun.You'll learn:- How to anticipate consequences and orchestrate outcomes- Four keys to effective communication- Strategies for slaying self-care- The perks of being independent and dependableAnd much more!Packed with practical advice and pro-dult tips for everything from balancing your budget to impressing your in-laws, Grow the F*ck Up is the perfect guide for anyone - at any age - who wants to be an adult and get treated like one.SARAH KNIGHT's No F*cks Given Guides have sold 3 million copies and her TEDx talk has been viewed 10 million times. (knihydobrovsky.cz)

Podobné produkty ako Grow the F*ck Up: How to be an adult and get treated like one (Defekt) - Sarah Knight
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