Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Twelve Years a Slave - Solomon Northup - e-kniha
eBook: Filmatized in 2013 and the official recipient of three Oscars, Solomon Northup\'s powerful slave narrative \'Twelve Years a Slave\' depicts Nortup\\\'s life as he is sold into slavery after having spent 32 years of his life living as a free man in New York. Working as a travelling musician, Northup goes to Washington D.C, where he is kidnapped, sent to New Orleans, and sold to a planter to suffer the relentless and brutal life of a slave. After a dozen years, Northup escapes to return to his family and pulls no punches, as he describes his fate and that of so many other black people at the time. It is a harrowing but vitally important book, even today. For further reading on this subject, try \\\'Uncle Tom\\\'s Cabin\\\' by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Solomon Northup (c.1807-c.1875) was an American abolitionist and writer, best remembered for his powerful race memoir \\\'Twelve Years a Slave\\\'. At the age of 32, when he was a married farmer, father-of-three, violinist and free-born man, he was kidnapped in Washington D.C and shipped to New Orleans, sold to a planter and enslaved for a dozen years. When he gained his freedom, he wrote his famous memoir and spent some years lecturing across the US,on behalf of the abolitionist movement. \\\'Twelve Years a Slave\\\' was published a year after \\\'Uncle Tom\\\'s Cabin\\\' by Harriet Beecher Stowe and built on the anti-slavery momentum it had developed. Northup\\\'s final years are something of a mystery, though it is thought that he struggled to cope with family life after being freed.
Podívejte se také Years & Years: Night Call (Deluxe) - CD (3888754)
Secondary Level 3: Made in Dagenham - book+CD - Paul Shipton
We need to fight for what is right. And equal pay for women is right. The year is 1968. Rita OGrady and her friends work as machinists at the Ford car factory in Dagenham. It is detailed work, carried out in hot, noisy conditions. So why are the women paid the same as unskilled workers? Is it because the work is unskilled? Or is it because they are women?
Podívejte se také Anderson John: Years - CD (4050538593761)
Secondary Level 2: The Pink Panther - book+CD (do vyprodání zásob)
Its the World Cup. Someone has murdered the French football team coach and stolen the priceless Pink Panther diamond. Inspector Dreyfus puts Jacques Clouseau, the bumbling detective, on the case. But can Clouseau find the killer and the diamond before Dreyfus? Who will become the Pink Panther detective and win Frances highest honour?
Podívejte se také Simone Nina: Montreux Years (2x CD) - CD (4050538631272)
Podívejte se také
- McLaughlin John: Montreux Years - CD (4050538719789)
- Ten Years After: 1967-1974 (10x CD) - CD (5060516096084)
- Napalm Death: Time Waits For No Slave - CD (0194397498325)
- Simple Minds: Street Fighting Years - CD (7701566)
- Barking Heads Golden Years 12 kg (5060189110247)
- Chieftains: Chronicles: 60 Years (2x CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (3856381)
- Sting: Best Of 25 Years (2011) - CD (2783504)
- Running Wild: First Years Of Piracy - CD (4050538380880)
- Lawson,Jamie: The Years In Between - CD (9029546942)
- Slave: Stellar Fungk: The Best Of Slave (2x LP) - LP (0349784235)
- Years & Years: Night Call - LP (3838029)
- Frankenstein: Usborne English Readers Level 3 (9781474927857)
- Cocteau Twins: Treasure Hiding: The Fontana Years (2018) (4x CD) - CD (5771558)
- Marley Bob: Songs of Freedom: The Island Years (3x CD) - CD (5393128)
- Corea Chick: Chick Corea: The Montreux Years - CD (4050538800463)
- Simple Minds: Street Fighting Years ( Deluxe 2xCD ) - CD (7701565)
- Alexander Monty: Monty Alexander: The Montreux Years - CD (4050538767278)
- Spony Smart Level, 3 mm, 100 ks (KU1894)
- Strummer Joe, Mescaleros: Joe Strummer 002: The Mescaleros Years (4x CD) - CD (4050538791815)
Secondary Level 1: MrBean´s Holiday - book+CD (do vyprodání zásob)
Mr Bean is back and hes about to broaden his horizons! Equipped with his new camcorder, Mr Bean sets off on the Eurostar for France after winning a trip to the south of France. Mishap and mayhem ensue as our hero grapples with the food, the language and the French police!
Objev podobné jako Secondary Level 1: MrBean´s Holiday - book+CD (do vyprodání zásob)
Level 3: Angela´s Ashes+CD (Secondary ELT Readers) - Frank McCourt
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for motivating, contemporary graded material that will instantly appeal to students. Angela's Ashes is based on the bestselling novel by Frank McCourt.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Angela´s Ashes+CD (Secondary ELT Readers) - Frank McCourt
The Jungle Book + CD (Black Cat Readers Early Readers Level 3) - Rudyard Kipling
This book features essentials of the English language, such as introducing oneself and asking basic questions. It also offers young readers an excellent opportunity to learn other more unusual vocabulary items as the story develops in its jungle setting. Each chapter is preceded by a picture dictionary which helps children understand some of the less common words, and sparks off pre-reading classroom discussions. Following each chapter is a multiple-choice reading comprehension, a ‘fun activity’ – such as join the dots, listen and match, colouring in and much more. There is also an acting activity which encourages even the shyest child to learn and speak English. The accompanying cassette is of course, an essential prop for rehearsals.
Objev podobné jako The Jungle Book + CD (Black Cat Readers Early Readers Level 3) - Rudyard Kipling
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs - e-kniha
eBook: For those interested in the abolition of slavery and the Slavery Act in America, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' is an autobiography by Harriet Ann Jacobs, a mother and fugitive slave. The book covers Jacobs\' life as a slave and how she fought for freedom for herself and her children. With deep historical prominence, the autobiography covers the struggles she faced, including the sexual abuse that female slaves had to endure.Published in 1861 and filled with accounts of heroism and courage, \'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\' will leave you shocked and brimming with admiration for Harriet Jacobs. This is perfect for fans of Fredrick Douglass\' memoir \'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave\'.
Objev podobné jako Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs - e-kniha
Give Me Five! Level 3. Pupil´s Book Pack
Give Me Five! je nová šestidílná učebnice pro základní školy, která klade velký důraz na zapojení žáků a rozvoj dovedností 21. století. Dynamický a zábavný obsah zlepšuje a udržuje motivaci žáků a zvyšuje jejich úspěch ve zkouškách. Učebnice formuje sebevědomí žáků při výuce komunikačních dovedností a zvyšuje jejich zapojení. Give Me Five poskytuje jedinečné možnosti pro nácvik volné i řízené konverzace v rozličných kontextech. Důraz na aktivitu žáků, jejich autonomii a sociální kompetenci jim pomáhá dosáhnout jejich skutečného potenciálu. Projekty, které jsou připraveny k použití, podporují týmovou práci, spolupráci žáků, jejich kreativitu a rozvíjejí jejich myšlení. Integrované zkouškové materiály a a dodatečné materiály včetně videí, které ukazují postup při Trinity and Cambridge exams, pomáhají žákům seznámit se se zkouškovými technikami. Dobře zapamatovatelné písničky, dobrodružné příběhy a hry dělají výuku zábavnější. Lekce rozvíjejí schopnosti nezbytné v 21. století, každá z nich je navíc představena ve videu. Příběhy a kulturní kontext v lekcích pomáhají poznávat hodnoty a rozvíjejí kritické myšlení dětí. Živé animace, které děti od začátku zaujmou. Příprava na cambridgeské zkoušky dle úrovně. Snadno zapamatovatelné písničky, dobrodružné příběhy a hry přispívají k zábavnější výuce. Pupil's Book poskytuje nástroje k zapojení dětí do způsobu výuky, který je klíčový v 21. století. Balíček obsahuje Pupil's Book (papírovou a digitální) a přístupový kód k aplikaci Navio. Toto kombinované řešení umožňuje učitelům kurz snadno využívat ve výuce prezenční i dálkové.
Objev podobné jako Give Me Five! Level 3. Pupil´s Book Pack
Eyes Open Level 3 Student´s Book - Ben Goldstein
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education(TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. Four videos in every unit make learning relevant and create opportunities for deeper understanding. Guided, step-by-step activities and personalised learning tasks lead to greater speaking and writing fluency. Progress monitoring tools and flexible teaching support, including graded tests and extra practice activities, ensure that every learner can achieve success. Student's eBooks and a version of the Student's Book with access to the online learning management platform and online Workbook are also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 3 Student´s Book - Ben Goldstein
12 let v řetězech - DVD (D007177)
Film na DVD - Solomon Northup měl milující rodinu, dobrou práci, majetek, svobodu i právo na život. Žil idylický život. V jeden jediný nečekaný moment ale o to všechno přišel. Skončil jako otrok spoutaný v řetězech. Film podle skutečných událostí ověnčený Oskary. Solomon Northup měl milující rodinu, dobrou práci, talent, majetek, svobodu i právo na život. Žil idylický středostavovský život jako většina z nás. V jeden jediný nečekaný moment ale o to všechno přišel. Skončil jako otrok spoutaný v řetězech a jeho jediným osudem se stala dřina na plantáži "pod bičem otrokáře". Přesně to se v roce 1841 přihodilo Američanu Solomonu Northupovi (Chiwetel Ejiofor), který svůj skutečný příběh zachytil v autobiografické knize 12 Years a Slave. Solomon měl smůlu, že byl... černoch. Dva únosci ho pod příslibem houslového melouchu vylákali do Washingtonu, kde Solomon po první noci skončil spoutaný v řetězech. V následujících dnech byl prodán do otroctví na americkém Jihu....
Objev podobné jako 12 let v řetězech - DVD (D007177)
English World Level 3: Pupil s Book + eBook - Liz Hocking
The Pupil's Book contains twelve units with each unit designed to be taught over a two-week period. The key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are consistently covered and are underpinned by the firm foundation of the grammar syllabus. An eBook version of the Pupil's Book is included along with a CD-ROM with extra material.show more
Objev podobné jako English World Level 3: Pupil s Book + eBook - Liz Hocking
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha
eBook: Sometimes true life spins more shocking stories than the minds of writers. That is the case with \'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano\'. The understated title masks an autobiography where truth trumps fiction, featuring kidnapping, death, slavery, jail, transportation, rape, Christian faith and much more.It is also one of the most important books of its time, the late 18th century. For its publication told the truth about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and sowed the seeds for the abolition movement that eventually stopped it.The scandal of slavery that Equiano helped get into the public\'s consciousness has been featured in a host of films, including \'12 Years a Slave\', directed by Steve McQueen and based on a novel by Solomon Northup.
Objev podobné jako The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano - Olaudah Equiano - e-kniha
Super Minds Student’s Book with eBook Level 3, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Super Minds 2nd Edition is a thoroughly updated and enhanced new edition of a much-loved English course from a renowned author team. It combines rich learning experience with the latest pedagogical research. Follow lively characters through exciting adventures as they guide the learner through a rigorous English syllabus towards B1, with authentic CLIL content, creative projects and extensive skills practice. Much more than an English course, Super Minds 2nd Edition is aligned to Cambridge Life Competencies, with a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, helping to create curious and successful lifelong learners.
Objev podobné jako Super Minds Student’s Book with eBook Level 3, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta
Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Thor Ragnarok Book + Code Pack - Karen Holmes
This reader is accompanied by an audiobook and eBook. While Thor, the God of Thunder, is a prisoner of the King of Muspelheim, the King describes his terrible plans for Asgard, Thor's home. Thor realises then that he has to escape immediately - but how? And if he reaches Asgard, what will he find? Are other enemies also preparing to attack? Can Thor save his home, or will he have to accept Ragnarok - the end of Asgard?About the series Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.Through the imagination of some of the world's greatest authors, the english language comes to life in pages of our readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in english, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Thor Ragnarok Book + Code Pack - Karen Holmes
Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Black Panther Book + Code Pack - Lynda Edwards
This reader is accompanied by an audiobook and eBook.For thousands of years, tall mountains and thick forests have hidden the African country of Wakanda from the world. Using vibranium, the world's strongest metal, Wakanda is now also protected by its technology. After his father's death, T'Challa returns there to take his place as king. But then deadly challengers to his position appear. Can he protect his country from them? And when the fighting ends, will he still be king? About the series Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.Through the imagination of some of the world's greatest authors, the english language comes to life in pages of our readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in english, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Black Panther Book + Code Pack - Lynda Edwards
Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Doctor Strange Book + Code Pack - Tomalin Mary
This reader is accompanied by an audiobook and eBook. When Dr. Stephen Strange, one of the world's greatest surgeons, has a terrible car accident, his life changes completely. His hands are badly damaged, and he cannot work as a surgeon again. Then Strange learns about a mysterious place called Kamar-Taj, in Nepal. What happens there, and can it help him? Will it change his life again - forever?About the series Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities.Through the imagination of some of the world's greatest authors, the english language comes to life in pages of our readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in english, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 3 Marvel Doctor Strange Book + Code Pack - Tomalin Mary
Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King
Gordie Lanchance and his three friends are always ready for adventure.When they hear about a dead body in the forest they go to look for it. Then they discover how cruel the world can be.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 5 The Body Book with MP3 CD - Stephen King
Criminology Book Two for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
Endorsed by the WJEC Eduqas exam board as providing high quality support for students studying for the Level 3 Applied Diploma in Criminology, this updated new edition of Criminology Book Two provides everything students need for success.
Objev podobné jako Criminology Book Two for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
Endorsed by the WJEC Eduqas exam board as providing high quality support for students studying for the Level 3 Applied Certificate or Diploma in Criminology, this updated new edition of Criminology Book One provides everything students need for success.
Objev podobné jako Criminology Book One for the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate & Diploma - Annie Townend, Rob Webb
Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Reader)s
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Kung Fu Panda films are popular with children around the world. Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the second film in the franchise. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Reader)s
The City & Guilds Textbook: Plumbing Book 1, Second Edition: For the Level 3 Apprenticeship (9189), Level 2 Technical Certificate (8202), Level 2 Dipl
Equip learners with the tools for success in a career as a plumber with this comprehensive and updated edition of our bestselling textbook, published in association with City & Guilds.The new edition will help learners to: - Study with confidence, covering all core content for the 6035, 9189 and 8202 specifications, as well as the 355 and 356 plumbing and heating T Level occupational specialisms.- Target learning with detailed qualification mapping grids.- Get to grips with technical content presented in accessible language.- Enhance their understanding of plumbing practice with clear and accurate illustrations and diagrams demonstrating the technical skills you need to master.- Practise maths and English in context, with embedded ''Improve your maths'' and ''Improve your English'' activities.- Test their knowledge with end-of-chapter practice questions, synoptic assessments and practical tasks.- Prepare for the workplace with up-to-date information on relevant key regulations and industry standards.- Keep their knowledge current, with clear coverage of major modern cold water, hot water, central heating, sanitation, rainwater systems and environmental technologies.
Objev podobné jako The City & Guilds Textbook: Plumbing Book 1, Second Edition: For the Level 3 Apprenticeship (9189), Level 2 Technical Certificate (8202), Level 2 Dipl
Years & Years: Night Call - CD (3838024)
Hudební CD - Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop CD Consequences / Starstruck / Night Call / Intimacy / Crave / Sweet Talker by Years & Years & Galantis / Sooner Or Later / 20 Minutes / See You Again / Make It Out Alive / Strange and Unusual
Objev podobné jako Years & Years: Night Call - CD (3838024)
Cambridge Lower Secondary English Learner's Book 9 with Digital Access (1 Year) - Graham Elsdon
Discover our new resources for the Cambridge International Primary and Lower Secondary Curriculum Frameworks You will develop your English skills as you become a travel writer and perform a scene from a detective story. You''ll find a wide range of international fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama throughout the book to help develop your understanding of different genres and text types. Each unit is packed with activities that cover reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as opportunities to develop 21st century skills – such as collaboration and critical thinking. Units end with a project, like analysing story endings, to help you communicate confidently and understand how to apply your learning to real-world scenarios.
Objev podobné jako Cambridge Lower Secondary English Learner's Book 9 with Digital Access (1 Year) - Graham Elsdon
Level 3: Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Ice Age films are popular with children around the world for their humorous, lovable characters and their themes of friendship. Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the third film in the franchise. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Great Writing 4: Student's Book - Folse Keith, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Solomon
The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and National Geographic content to spark ideas, students have the tools they need to become confident writers. Updated in this Edition:Clearly organized units offer the practice students need to become effective independent writers. Each unit includes: Part 1: Elements of Great Writing teaches the fundamentals of organized writing, accurate grammar, and precise mechanics. Part 2: Building Better Vocabulary provides practice with carefully-selected, level-appropriate academic words. Part 3: Building Better Sentences helps writers develop longer and more complex sentences. Part 4: Writing activities allow students to apply what they have learned by guiding them through writing, editing, and revising. Part 5: New Test Prep section gives a test-taking tip and timed task to prepare for high-stakes standardized tests, including IELTs and TOEFL. The new guided online writing activity takes students through the entire writing process with clear models for reference each step of the way.
Objev podobné jako Great Writing 4: Student's Book - Folse Keith, April Muchmore-Vokoun, Elena Solomon
Years & Years: Night Call (Deluxe) - CD (3888754)
Hudební CD - Night Call je třetí studiové album britského hudebníka Ollyho Alexandra, vydané v rámci jeho sólového projektu Years & Years v roce 2022. Deluxe verze je rozšířena o dvě skladby. Rok vydání : 2022 (3.album) Seznam stop CD Consequences / Starstruck / Night Call / Intimacy / Crave / Sweet Talker by Years & Years & Galantis / Sooner Or Later / 20 Minutes / See You Again / Make It Out Alive / Strange and Unusual Bonus A Second to Midnight by Kylie Minogue & Years & Years / Starstruck (Remix) by Years & Years & Kylie Minogue
Objev podobné jako Years & Years: Night Call (Deluxe) - CD (3888754)
Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Nanny McPhee is a unique character who appeals to children everywhere. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the film of the same name.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma
Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD)
Interpret / Téma: Bob Marley Datum vydání: 2021-02-05 Žánr: Reggae;Ska Typ: Collection;Box Set;CD;Limitovaná edice Země interpreta: Jamajka Rok vydání: 2021.0 Subžánr: Rocksteady;Reggae;Ska Varianta: Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD) Vydavatelství: Universal Music Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: CD Složení setu: 3 ks
Objev podobné jako Bob Marley - Songs Of Freedom: The Island Years (Limited Edition) (3 CD)
Level 3: Mr Bean: The Palace of Bean+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Mr Bean character is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. Mr Bean: Royal Bean is based on an episode from the popular animated television series and is presented in an accessible comic-strip format. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Mr Bean: The Palace of Bean+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Level 3: Puss in Boots - The Gold of San Ricardo+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. Puss-in-Boots: The Gold of San Ricardo is based on the blockbuster Puss-in-Boots film, a spin-off from the ever-popular Shrek film franchise.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Puss in Boots - The Gold of San Ricardo+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Twice - Fancy you (3 Versions) (Random Shipping) (Photobook) (CD+Book)
Země původu: Německo Žánr: Pop Rok vydání: 2019.0 Subžánr: K-Pop Typ: CD;Mini Album Vydavatelství: Jyp Entertainment Interpret / Téma: Twice Varianta: Fancy you (3 Versions Randomly Shipped) ( Photobook) (CD+Book) Balení obsahuje: CD Datum vydání: 2019-05-24 Složení setu: 1 ks
Objev podobné jako Twice - Fancy you (3 Versions) (Random Shipping) (Photobook) (CD+Book)
Education and Early Years T Level: Early Years Educator - Janet King, Penny Tassoni, Louise Burnham
Begin your path to a career in Education and Early Years with this T Level textbook that covers both the core content and the early years educator specialism content you will need to understand to be successful in your qualification. For first teaching from September 2023.Develop your understanding of the key principles, concepts, theories and skills that will give you a solid foundation of knowledge to support you during your industry placement.Created in partnership with NCFE and written by highly respected authors Penny Tassoni, Louise Burnham and Janet King, you can feel confident relying on the insights and experience of these experts.- Track and consolidate your learning using the learning outcomes at the beginning of every unit and Test Yourself questions throughout each unit- Ensure you don''t miss any important terminology with key terms highlighted and defined in context- Contextualise your learning with case studies, reflection tasks and practice points- Prepare for your examinations with knowledge-based practice questions- Understand how to approach your assignments with practical tasks and model answers
Objev podobné jako Education and Early Years T Level: Early Years Educator - Janet King, Penny Tassoni, Louise Burnham
Simone Nina: Montreux Years (2x CD) - CD (4050538631272)
Hudební CD - Album „The Montreux Years” je průřezem z všech pěti vystoupení Niny Simone na slavném jazzovém festivalu ve švýcarském Montreux z let 1968, 1976, 1981, 1987 a 1990. Album „The Montreux Years” je průřezem z všech pěti vystoupení Niny Simone na slavném jazzovém festivalu ve švýcarském Montreux z let 1968, 1976, 1981, 1987 a 1990. Americká zpěvačka, skladatelka, pianistka, aranžérka a také politická aktivistka je výraznou postavou jazzové scény zejména padesátých a šedesátých let dvacátého století. Rok vydání : 2021 (live) Seznam stop CD1 Someone To Watch Over Me / Backlash Blues / I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free / See -Line Woman / Little Girl Blue / Don't Smoke in Bed / Stars / What A Little Moonlight Can Do / African Mailman / Four Women / No Woman No Cry / Liberian Calypso / Ne Me Quitte Pas / Montreux Blues / My Baby Just Cares for Me CD2 Intro / Go to Hell / Just In Time / When I Was AYoung Girl / Don't Let Me Be...
Objev podobné jako Simone Nina: Montreux Years (2x CD) - CD (4050538631272)
Chieftains: Chronicles: 60 Years (2x CD) - CD (3856363)
Hudební CD - Skvělá kolekce se skvělými hity a nevydanými písněmi. Album vychází 12. listopadu 2021 na oslavu 60tého výročí činnosti nejslavnější tradiční irské kapely. Skvělá kolekce se skvělými hity a nevydanými písněmi. Album vychází 12. listopadu 2021 na oslavu 60tého výročí činnosti nejslavnější tradiční irské kapely. Rok vydání : 2021 (kompilace) Seznam stop CD 1 Away We Go Again / The Rocky Road To Dublin with The Rolling Stones / The Morning Dew (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto, 1976) / Brian Boru's March / Carolina Rua/The Ladies Pantalettes (Reel) with Imelda May / Round The House And Mind The Dresser / O'Sulllivan's March / Danny Boy with Alison Krauss, Bishop Nathaniel Townsley Jr & Gospel Jubilee and Malachy Robinson / The McCarthy Theme: The Wandering with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra / Down In The Willow Garden with Bon Iver / No.6 The Coombe / The Timpán Reel / Drowsy Maggie / Molly Bán (Bawn) with Alison Krauss /...
Objev podobné jako Chieftains: Chronicles: 60 Years (2x CD) - CD (3856363)
Král Ivan: Later Years (3x CD) - CD (9029523750)
Hudební CD - Box Later Years je kompletem posledních autorských alb Ivana Krale - Always (2014), Colors (2018) a Smile (2020), jehož vydání se už bohužel nedožil. Box Later Years je kompletem posledních autorských alb Ivana Krale - Always (2014), Colors (2018) a Smile (2020), jehož vydání se už bohužel nedožil. Alba s nezaměnitelným rukopisem a písněmi o lásce, partnerství a dalších mezilidských vztazích připomínají hudební legendu, která zemřela po těžké nemoci na počátku roku 2020. Skladatel, hudebník, zpěvák a producent Ivan Kral se zapsal do historie světového rocku především díky spolupráci s Patti Smith, Iggy Popem a Johnem Calem. Jeho skladby hráli například David Bowie a U2. Od roku 1966 žil v USA. V devadesátých letech se začal vracet do Čech, kde spolupracoval mj. se skupinami Lucie, Mňága a Žďorp, Alice, s Lenkou Dusilovou a Jiřím Suchým. Za svoje album Nostalgia získal cenu Akademie populární hudby a další si odnesl jako producent v letech 1995 a...
Objev podobné jako Král Ivan: Later Years (3x CD) - CD (9029523750)
Anderson John: Years - CD (4050538593761)
Hudební CD - V pořadí dvaadvacáté album amerického country hudebníka „Years” z roku 2020 vyšlo po téměř pětileté odmlce od alba „Goldmine”. V pořadí dvaadvacáté album amerického country hudebníka „Years” z roku 2020 vyšlo po téměř pětileté odmlce od alba „Goldmine”. John Anderson je americký country hudebník, narozený v roce 1954 na Floridě. Svou kariéru začal v roce 1977 singlem "I've Got a Feelin' (Somebody's Been Stealin') Seznam stop CD I'm Still Hangin' On / Celebrate / Years / Tuesday I'll Be Gone (feat. Blake Shelton) / What's a Man Got To Do / Wild and Free / Slow Down / All We're Really Looking For / Chasing Down a Dream / You're Nearly Nothing
Objev podobné jako Anderson John: Years - CD (4050538593761)
Cold Years: Paradise - CD (0638812805423)
Hudební CD - Album Cold Years od skupiny Paradise. Album Cold Years od skupiny Paradise. Seznam stop 31 / Life With A View / Night Like This / Northern Blue / Breathe / The Waits / Burn The House Down / Electricity / Too Far Gone / Hold On / Dropout / 62 (My Generation's Falling Apart) / Hunter
Objev podobné jako Cold Years: Paradise - CD (0638812805423)
Shires: Good Years - CD (4050538565515)
Hudební CD - Album „Good Years” natočili The Shires v roce 2020 v kolébce žánru country, v americkém Nashvillu. Album „Good Years” natočili The Shires v roce 2020 v kolébce žánru country, v americkém Nashvillu. The Shires jsou nejprodávanější britskou country skupinou. Jejich debutové album „Brave” bylo první country album, které proniklo do britské Top 10. Druhé album „My Universe” je v Británii nejrychleji prodávaným country albem všech dob. Seznam stop CD Lightning Strikes / On The Day I Die / Good Years / No Secrets / About Last Night / New Year / Only Always / Independence Day / Thank You Whiskey / People Like Us / Better Place / Crazy Days
Objev podobné jako Shires: Good Years - CD (4050538565515)
Ten Years After: 1967-1974 (10x CD) - CD (5060516096084)
Hudební CD - Alba skupiny Ten Years After z let 1967 až 1974 a to jak ta živá tak řadová. Alba skupiny Ten Years After z let 1967 až 1974 a to jak ta živá tak řadová. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD 1 Ten Years After I Want To Know (Mono) / Adventures Of A Young Organ (Mono) / Spoonful (Mono) / Losing The Dogs (Mono) / Feel It For Me (Mono) / Love Until I Die (Mono) / Don't Want You, Woman (Mono) / Help Me (Mono) CD 2 Undead I May Be Wrong, But I Won't Be Wrong Always (Live „Undead” Version) / (At The) Woodchopper's Ball [Live „Undead” Version] / Spider In My Web (Live „Undead” Version) / Summertime/Shantung Cabbage (Live „Undead” Version) / I'm Going Home (Live „Undead” Version) CD 3 Stonedhenge Going To Try / I Can't Live Without Lydia / Woman Trouble / Skoobly-Oobly-Doobob / Hear Me Calling / A Sad Song / Three Blind Mice / No Title / Faro / Speed Kills CD 4 SSSSH Bad...
Objev podobné jako Ten Years After: 1967-1974 (10x CD) - CD (5060516096084)
New Horizons 3 Student´s Book with CD-ROM Pack - Paul Radley
New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence. New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam.A wide range of topics engage teenagers’ interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students’ confidence in communication. Key futures •Brand-new features, fun activities and 100% rewritten texts and exercises •Clear structure and a moderate pace to suit classes with lower weekly contact hours, or mixed-ability classes •Dual entry points at levels 1 and 2 mean that students can work towards the B1 exam at their own pace •Updated and systematic exam training in levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the different requirements of their school-leaving exams •Language review at the end of every two units recycles and revises language as the course progresses
Objev podobné jako New Horizons 3 Student´s Book with CD-ROM Pack - Paul Radley
McLaughlin John: Montreux Years - CD (4050538719789)
Hudební CD - Album „The Montreux Years” přináší nahrávky Johna McLaughlina v různých uskupeních ze slavného jazzového festivalu ve švýcarském Montreux. Album „The Montreux Years” přináší nahrávky Johna McLaughlina v různých uskupeních ze slavného jazzového festivalu ve švýcarském Montreux. John McLaughlin je fenomenální britský kytarista a skladatel. I když jeho nahrávky se pohybují většinou v širokém spektru jazzu, spolupracoval i s popovými interprety (např. David Bowie). Rok vydání : 2022 Seznam stop CD John McLaughlin & The Mahavishnu Orchestra - Radio Activity (Live - Montreux Jazz Festival 1984) / John McLaughlin & The Mahavishnu Orchestra - Nostalgia (Live - Montreux Jazz Festival 1984) / John McLaughlin & The Heart of Things - Acid Jazz (Live - Montreux Jazz Festival 1998) / John McLaughlin & Paco de Lucia - David (Live - Montreux Jazz Festival 1987) / John McLaughlin & The Free Spirits - Sing Me Softly of the Blues (Live -...
Objev podobné jako McLaughlin John: Montreux Years - CD (4050538719789)
Chieftains: Chronicles: 60 Years (2x CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (3856381)
Hudební CD - Skvělá kolekce se skvělými hity a nevydanými písněmi. Album vychází 12. listopadu 2021 na oslavu 60tého výročí činnosti nejslavnější tradiční irské kapely. Skvělá kolekce se skvělými hity a nevydanými písněmi. Album vychází 12. listopadu 2021 na oslavu 60tého výročí činnosti nejslavnější tradiční irské kapely. Rok vydání : 2021 (kompilace) Seznam stop CD 1 Away We Go Again / The Rocky Road To Dublin with The Rolling Stones / The Morning Dew (Live At Massey Hall, Toronto, 1976) / Brian Boru's March / Carolina Rua/The Ladies Pantalettes (Reel) with Imelda May / Round The House And Mind The Dresser / O'Sulllivan's March / Danny Boy with Alison Krauss, Bishop Nathaniel Townsley Jr & Gospel Jubilee and Malachy Robinson / The McCarthy Theme: The Wandering with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra / Down In The Willow Garden with Bon Iver / No.6 The Coombe / The Timpán Reel / Drowsy Maggie / Molly Bán (Bawn) with Alison Krauss /...
Objev podobné jako Chieftains: Chronicles: 60 Years (2x CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (3856381)
Anderson John: 40 Years & Still Swingin' (2x CD) - CD (BBMG317)
Hudební CD - 40 Years & Still Swingin 'je ultimátní balíček, který musí mít každý fanoušek Johna Andersona. Jedná se o sbírku 40 písní oslavujících 40 let jeho tvorby. 40 Years & Still Swingin 'je ultimátní balíček, který musí mít každý fanoušek Johna Andersona. Jedná se o sbírku 40 písní oslavujících 40 let jeho tvorby. Rok vydání : 2021 (kompilace) Seznam stop CD 1,2 I'm Just An Old Chunk Of Coal / I've Got It Made / Freedom Isn't Free / Straight Tequila Night / Would You Catch A Fallen Star / Magic Mama / When I Get Down / Money In The Bank / I Loved You A Thousand Ways / Chicken Truck / I Will Cross Over The River / Small Farm In Kentucky / Bend It Till It Breaks / Somebody Slap Me / Long Black Veil / Goldmine / Peace In The Valley / She Just Started Liking Cheatin' Songs / I Just Came Home To Count The Memories / Seminole Wind / Black Sheep / Your Lyin' Blue Eyes / Song The Mountain Sings / When It Comes To You / Back Home /...
Objev podobné jako Anderson John: 40 Years & Still Swingin' (2x CD) - CD (BBMG317)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Book & CD (0141380934)
Kniha - autor Eric Carle, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná This bestselling story has now been brilliantly adapted for audio CD and there are two readings - the first is a straight reading with music, and the second has a "special sound" to indicate where to turn each page as you read along in the book.
Objev podobné jako The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Book & CD (0141380934)
MS The Tin Whistle Book (CD Edition)
Škola hry na irskou flétnu Publikace The Tin Whistle Book (CD Edition) vás krok za krokem provede základy hry na irskou flétnu. Na známých písničkách s jednoduchou melodickou linkou si rychle osvojíte správné návyky a dovednosti. V publikaci jsou obsaženy lidové písně ze Skotska, Irska, Anglie, Walesu, USA, Kanady a Austrálie. Přibalené CD obsahuje cvičení a 31 písniček a melodií z publikace. Notový zápis v publikaci je psán pro irskou flétnu laděnou v D.
Objev podobné jako MS The Tin Whistle Book (CD Edition)
Stray Kids - Noeasy (Photobook + Lyrics Book) (CD)
Typ: Album;CD;Rezervovat Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: Rezervovat;CD Složení setu: 1 ks Datum vydání: 2021-09-03 Interpret / Téma: Stray Kids Varianta: Noeasy (Photobook + Lyrics Book) (CD) Žánr: Pop Vydavatelství: Jyp Entertainment Subžánr: K-Pop Rok vydání: 2021.0
Objev podobné jako Stray Kids - Noeasy (Photobook + Lyrics Book) (CD)
Popis edice: Jazyková úroveň:(False) Beginner až IntermediatePopis:Učebnice, učebnice s CD-Rom, český pracovní sešit, učitelská příručka, kazety, audio CD, videoHlavní rysy:• Je určený pro studenty středních škol ve věku 14-19 let • Každý díl je určený p
Objev podobné jako HORIZONS 1 STUDENTS BOOK+CD - Paul Radley
Funnybones : Book & CD - Allan Ahlberg, Janet Ahlberg
This is how the story begins.On a dark dark hillthere was a dark dark town.In the dark dark townthere was a dark dark street . . .This new edition of the classic story includes an accompanying CD, featuring the story read by acclaimed comic actor Stephen Mangan.Janet and Allan's frightfully funny Hallowe'en classic tells the story of three skeletons - a big skeleton, a little skeleton and a dog skeleton - who venture out of their cellar one night to find someone to scare, only to find that everyone is in bed. Who will they scare now?!
Objev podobné jako Funnybones : Book & CD - Allan Ahlberg, Janet Ahlberg
Spandau Ballet: 40 Years - The Greatest Hits (3x CD) - CD (9029520005)
Hudební CD - Nová kompilace největších hitů britské popové skupiny Spandau Ballet, která je vydána ku příležitosti podpisu jejich nahrávacího kontraktu před čtyřiceti lety. Nová kompilace největších hitů britské popové skupiny Spandau Ballet, která je vydána ku příležitosti podpisu jejich nahrávacího kontraktu před čtyřiceti lety. K dispozici jsou varianty 2LP, 3CD Na 3CD jsou největší hity skupiny, ale také dříve nevydaná coververze skladby The Boxer od dvojice Simon & Garfunkel, kterou Spandau Ballet natočili v roce 1990 společně s legendárním producentem Michaelem Kamenem. Spandau Ballet vznikli na konci sedmdesátých let v Londýně. Jsou jedním z hlavních reprezentantů tzv. nové vlny a stylu new romance. Největší slávy se formace dočkala v roce 1983, když se její singl True dostal až na vrchol britského žebříčku. Skupina se rozpadla v roce 1990, před pěti lety se však znovu dala dohromady a vydala desku s příznačným názvem Once More. Seznam stop CD1 To...
Objev podobné jako Spandau Ballet: 40 Years - The Greatest Hits (3x CD) - CD (9029520005)
Marmalade: The Orange Panda (Book & CD) - David Walliams
Cuddle up and laugh with this heart-warming and funny children's picture book from number-one bestselling author David Walliams, gloriously illustrated by the awesome Adam Stower!One morning, deep in the forest, a beautiful baby panda was born. The panda was different to all the others, as he had dazzling orange fur."I will call you Marmalade," his mummy whispered. . .Meet Marmalade, the little panda who goes on a big adventure as he sets off to explore the forest one day to find where he belongs. Along the way, he meets all sorts of animals . . . until he sees he has come full circle and is back home with his mum, which is where he always did belong, of course!This gorgeous and endearing story is a celebration of family love, being yourself and finding your place in the world. It is the perfect story to share with your special someone - big or little.
Objev podobné jako Marmalade: The Orange Panda (Book & CD) - David Walliams
Mina Fossati - Mina Fossati (Deluxe Hardcover Book) (CD)
Interpret / Téma: Mina Fossati Rok vydání: 2019.0 Varianta: Mina Fossati (Deluxe Hardcover Book) (CD) Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Žánr: Pop Datum vydání: 2019-11-22 Vydavatelství: Sony Music Subžánr: Chanson;Vocal Balení obsahuje: CD Typ: CD;Rezervovat;Luxusní edice Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: Itálie Složení setu: 1 ks
Objev podobné jako Mina Fossati - Mina Fossati (Deluxe Hardcover Book) (CD)
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