Should we believe in God? In this new book, written for a new generation, the brilliant science writer and author of The God Delusion, explains why we shouldn't.Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the hypocrisies of all the religious systems and explain to readers of all ages how life emerged without a Creator, how evolution works and how our world came into being.For anyone hoping to grapple with the meaning of life and what to believe, Outgrowing God is a challenging, thrilling and revelatory read. (
Podobné produkty ako Outgrowing God : A Beginner´s Guide - Richard Dawkins , Lamb of god: lamb of god - cd (0727361537524)War has been a perennial feature of human history since ancient times, yet it remains a poorly understood phenomenon. It has done much to shape our world, from overthrowing leaders, establishing international governance, and inspiring social change, to destroying cities, dividing nations and breeding animosity.In this book, Dr Aaron Edwards succinctly combines political theories with historical realities. Using eyewitness accounts, war poetry and insightful analysis of a wide range of conflicts, War: A Beginner's Guide introduces the reader to the complexity and human face of war and invites readers to question whether violence is the most effective way to resolve disputes. (
Podobné produkty ako War : A Beginner"s Guide , Universal: a guide to the cosmos (1846144361)World acclaimed scientist Vaclav Smil reveals everything there is to know about nature's most sought-after resourceOil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without it, there would be no planes, no plastic, no exotic produce, and a global political landscape few would recognise. Humanity’s dependence upon oil looks set to continue for decades to come, but what is it?Fully updated and packed with fascinating facts to fuel dinner party debate, Professor Vaclav Smil's Oil: A Beginner's Guide explains all matters related to the ‘black stuff’, from its discovery in the earth right through to the controversy that surrounds it today. (
Podobné produkty ako Oil : A Beginner´s Guide - Václav Smil , Richard iii. ()Bass for Kids is a fun, easy course that teaches children to play bass guitar faster than ever before. Excerpts from popular songs such as "Crazy Train," "Every Breath You Take," "A Hard Day's Night" and "Wild Thing" keep kids motivated, and the clean, simple page layouts ensure their attention remains focused on one concept at a time. The method can be used in combination with a bass teacher or parent, even if they've never had any musical training themselves. Lesson topics include selecting a bass, holding the bass, hand position, reading music notation and counting, and more. Audio examples are accessed online for download or streaming. (
Podobné produkty ako Bass for Kids: A Beginner´s Guide with Step-by-Step Instruction for Bass Guitar - Johnson Chad , Karin a richard krajčovi: diář 2022/2023Drawing can improve your mood, release endorphins and make you happy - but for many, the fear of the blank page, combined with a lack of confidence and know-how, can be daunting.In her new book, Molly Egan encourages you to sketch like no one is watching! Once you stop caring what people think - just like when you were a child - your creativity will flow. Filled with drawing prompts and tutorials, Molly will help you to unleash your creativity and embrace your own unique style. Build your skills by revisiting the basics, such as shape, perspective and pattern, then learn how to draw from photographs and from real life, sketching people, nature, buildings, landscapes and more.Small enough to put in your bag, yet big enough to make impactful art, this fun title will reignite your passion for being creative. (
Podobné produkty ako Sketch Like No One is Watching: A beginner´s guide to conquering the blank page - Molly Egan , Carpenter richard: richard carpenter's piano songbook - cd (3850030)Candy Making Beginner s Guide Kniha v angličtině s podrobnými fotonávody a inspirací pro vaše tvoření, zdobení dortů. Jazyk: Angličtině (
Podobné produkty ako Candy Making Beginner´s Guide - Wilton , Carpenter richard: richard carpenters piano songbook - lp (3850032)The God Delusion caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between 'intelligent design' and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women's and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind. Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children.The God Delusion is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject. (
Podobné produkty ako The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins , Deuter guide 44+ modrý (4046051114361)Proč se básníci a jiní umělci tak často vyjadřují o vědě s pohrdáním? Proč bývá tak často vědecká literatura nudnější než telefonní seznam? Opravdu Newton svým slavným experimentem se skleněným hranolem a lomem světla zbavil duhu poetického kouzla? Biolog Richard Dawkins si podobné otázky ohledně smyslu, krásy a záhad našeho světa a lidské povahy kladl řadu let a své odpovědi na ně shrnul v hluboce humanistické knize Rozplétání duhy. Věčný skeptik provádí čtenáře světem přírodních věd i kultury s přesvědčením, že "v nejlepší vědě by mělo zbýt místo i pro poezii" a "záhady neztrácejí své kouzlo tím, že je vyřešíme, ale často se ukáže, že řešení je krásnější než záhada sama". (
Podobné produkty ako Rozplétání duhy - Richard Dawkins , God dethroned: illuminati - cd (0039841569605)Když známý britský evoluční biolog Richard Dawkins vydal v roce 2006 knihu The God Delusion, okamžitě tím rozpoutal živou diskusi ve sdělovacích prostředcích i na Internetu. Tento vědec již předtím napsal hodně děl o vztahu filozofie a vědy, v nichž kromě jiného usvědčoval víru v Boha z iracionality a poukazoval na její negativní vliv na společnost. V této poslední knize se však tomuto tématu věnoval naplno, aby zvýšil sebevědomí ateisty a podpořil všechny, kdož by chtěli odvrhnout náboženství, a ukázal jim, že i bez něj je možné žít plnohodnotný, mravní a šťastný život. Dawkinsovu knížku lze v zásadě rozdělit do tří částí. V první se autor soustřeďuje na tzv. hypotézu Boží existence, podle níž "existuje jakýsi nadčlověk, nadpřirozená inteligence, která úmyslně vyprojektovala a stvořila vesmír a všechno v něm včetně nás". Dawkins ukazuje, že hypotéza o existenci takové inteligentní bytosti je vědeckou hypotézou, kterou je nutno analyzovat jako kteroukoli jinou, a že existují jen chabé důvody pro její přijetí, kdežto důvody pro její odmítnutí jsou obrovské. "Iluzi dizajnu v živém světě mnohem úsporněji, nesrovnatelně elegantněji a bez potřeby nějakého inteligentního konstruktéra vysvětluje darwinovský přirozený výběr." V druhé části knížky autor usiluje o nalezení přirozených důvodů, pro které je náboženství všudypřítomné, a odpovídá na otázku, zda je náboženské přesvědčení nevyhnutelné pro naši morálku. V závěru vysvětluje, jaké důvody má pro svůj nekompromisní postoj k náboženství - jak kvůli náboženským dogmatům tisíce lidí v zemích třetího světa umírají na pohlavní přenosné nemoci, jak je dětem vnucována víra jejich rodičů mnohdy na základě fyzického i psychického teroru, jak náboženský fundamentalismus bojuje proti vědě, genetickému výzkumu a vyučování evoluční teorie ve školách a jak náboženský fanatismus stojí v pozadí terorizmu. (
Podobné produkty ako Boží blud - Richard Dawkins , Yate guide 3,8 červená (8595053924455)Druhý díl autobiografie nejznámějšího světového evolučního biologa, skeptika a ateisty se soustředí na dobu pozdějších úspěchů, kdy autor pokračuje na cestě intelektuálního vývoje a vědeckého zkoumání. Po vydání prvních knih, které se staly bestselery a přinesly s sebou i neočekávanou celosvětovou slávu, začaly přicházet pozvánky na světové konference a vystupování v televizi. Objevily se ale také první kontroverze, nesouhlas a boj s ignorancí, které však jen přispěly k posílení vlastních názorů a důrazu na otevřenou mysl. Kniha není psána vytvořena chronologicky. Jedná se spíše o řadu vzpomínek psaných s nadhledem, rozdělených tematicky a přerušovaných odbočkami a humornými historkami, jako je například televizní natáčení „taxíkové evoluční teorie“. Znovu se objevuje Oxford a další význačné univerzity – tentokrát jako místa, kde Dawkins vyučuje na profesorských postech. Spolu s autorem cestujeme po celém světě, připojujeme se k vědeckému výzkumu hmyzu v Panamském průplavu, želv na Galapágách či lemurů v Jižní Karolíně. Účastníme se vědecké konference na německém zámku, vystupování v japonské televizi nebo debaty týkající se náboženství na americké jižanské univerzitě. (
Podobné produkty ako Záblesk v temnotě - Richard Dawkins , Yate guide 3,8 modrá (8595053923465)V tomto svižném uvedení do moderního ateismu nám jeden z nejvýznamnějších vědců dneška vysvětluje, proč bychom neměli věřit v boha. Argumenty, které rozvíjel ve své dosavadní práci, představuje ve své nejnovější knize stručně, přehledně a působivě, se zřetelem na čtenáře, kteří nejsou zběhlí v soudobé evoluční biologii. Sám Dawkins byl v mládí natolik ohromen krásou a spletitostí stvoření, že věřil, že za ním musí stát nějaký tvůrce. Když se však seznámil s teorií evoluce, představu boha zavrhl. Ve své knize dává čtenářům možnost znovu promyslet zásadní otázky o životě a vesmíru. (
Podobné produkty ako Rozchod s bohem - Richard Dawkins , Rules for rulebreakers: a pussy riot guide to revolution (0062741586)Asi každý se někdy zasnil, jaké by to bylo roztáhnout křídla a vznést se do vzduchu jako pták. Někteří dobrodruzi tyto sny proměnili ve skutečnost a cestování letadlem nám dnes připadá stejně všední jako jízda vlakem. Ale jak vlastně ptáci létají? A co netopýři nebo motýli? K čemu je některým savcům či plazům schopnost plachtit? A v čem se létající živočichové liší od letadel vyrobených lidmi? Odpovědi na tyto a další otázky hledá ve své knize proslulý evoluční biolog a autor teorie sobeckého genu Richard Dawkins, který čtenáře provází světem létajících tvorů a popisuje odvěké snahy člověka se jim vyrovnat. Od nezávislé evoluce křídel u několika skupin organismů a jiných způsobů, jak se vzepřít gravitaci, zabrousí do historie balónového létání, připomene úspěch bratří Wrightů, vyloží fyzikální principy letu a objasní, proč by lidstvo mělo dobýt vesmír. Jeho čtivý a srozumitelný výklad doprovází poutavé ilustrace Jany Lenzové. (
Podobné produkty ako S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins , Ariana grande god is a woman edp 100 ml (812256028475)Biologická evoluce není "pouhou teorií", ale skutečností. Probíhá po miliardy let a vedla ke vzniku tolika podivuhodných životních forem, že si zaslouží označení za největší show na Zemi; a toto velkolepé představení přitom nepotřebovalo žádného režiséra. Současně se ale evoluce odehrává i přímo před našima očima, můžeme ji zaznamenat na sloních klech i ve vrtění psího ocasu. Kniha známého britského biologa a popularizátora vědy nám ukáže fungování evoluce z mnoha pohledů, od paleontologického záznamu přes molekulární genetiku a vývoj embrya až po domestikaci zvířat či to, jak se historie života promítla do geografického rozšíření současných druhů. (
Podobné produkty ako Největší show pod Sluncem - Richard Dawkins , Little richard: one in a milion - lp (4260494436013)In An Appetite for Wonder Richard Dawkins brought us his engaging memoir of the first 35 years of his life from early childhood in Africa to publication of The Selfish Gene in 1976, when he shot to fame as one of the most exciting new scientists of his generation. In Brief Candle in the Dark he continues his autobiography, following the threads that have run through the second half of his life so far and homing in on the key individuals, institutions and ideas that inspired and motivated him.He paints a vivid picture, coloured with wit, anecdote and digression, of the twenty-five postgraduate years he spent teaching at Oxford. He pays affectionate tribute to past colleagues and students, recalling with characteristic wry humour the idiosyncrasies of an establishment steeped in ancient tradition and arcane ritual while also recording his respect for the profound commitment to learning and discovery that lies at its core. He invites us to share the life of a travelling scientist, from fieldwork on the Panama Canal to conferences of stratospheric eminence in exotic locations in the company of some of the most prominent - and some of the most eccentric - of the world's scientific luminaries. And he describes his experiences with his many publishers, television producers, interviewers and partners in debate, not least in the heady period when, after publication of The God Delusion in 2006, he is dubbed the world's most outspoken and controversial atheist.Most important of all, for the first time he reviews with fresh and stimulating insights the evolving narrative of his ideas about science over the course of his highly distinguished career as thinker, teacher and writer. In Brief Candle in the Dark we are invited to enter with him a constantly stimulating world of discovery and to meet a fascinating cast of exceptional characters described by the talented pen of one of the most exceptional of them all. (
Podobné produkty ako Brief Candle in the Dark - Richard Dawkins , Immolation: act of god - cd (4065629634124)At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of science and the natural world in both fiction and non-fiction. It celebrates the courage of those who write about their experiences of escaping religion and embracing rationality, of protecting the truths of science and analytical rigour against charlatanry and obfuscation. (
Podobné produkty ako Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins , Sram organic/alu trail/guide (710845756856)Proč se básníci a jiní umělci tak často vyjadřují o vědě s pohrdáním? Proč bývá tak často vědecká literatura nudnější než telefonní seznam? Opravdu Newton svým slavným experimentem se skleněným hranolem a lomem světla zbavil duhu poetického kouzla? Biolog Richard Dawkins si podobné otázky ohledně smyslu, krásy a záhad našeho světa a lidské povahy kladl řadu let a své odpovědi na ně shrnul v hluboce humanistické knize Rozplétání duhy. Věčný skeptik provádí čtenáře světem přírodních věd i kultury s přesvědčením, že „v nejlepší vědě by mělo zbýt místo i pro poezii“ a „záhady neztrácejí své kouzlo tím, že je vyřešíme, ale často se ukáže, že řešení je krásnější než záhada sama“. (
Podobné produkty ako Rozplétání duhy - Dawkins Richard , God of war ragnarok - ps4 (ps719407294)eBook: Snili jste někdy, že umíte létat jako pták? Bez úsilí se vznášet nad vrcholky stromů, plachtit a pak se vrhnout k zemi, prostě se volně pohybovat ve třech rozměrech? Můžete to zažít v počítačových hrách, ve virtuální realitě nebo na psychedelickém tripu, ale do skutečnosti mají takové sny přece jen daleko. Není proto divu, že od nepaměti velcí myslitelé včetně Leonarda da Vinci zkoumali, jak toho dosáhnout. S hlavou v oblacích je kniha o létání, o různých způsobech, jak přemoct gravitaci a pokořit třetí rozměr. Lidé o tom sní stovky let, ale mnozí živočichové i rostliny našli různá řešení již před stovkami milionů let. Od mytického Ikara přes obrovského ptáka Argentavis magnificens a blechu až po balon, Boeing 747 a chmýří pampelišky - užijte si přehledně uspořádaný průzkum různých možností a jejich fyzikálních i evolučních omezení i výhod. Kniha je fascinující a elegantně napsaná a díky těsné spolupráci biologa světového formátu a talentované slovenské výtvarnice J. Lenzové je současně poučná, zábavná a mimořádně půvabná. (
Podobné produkty ako S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins - e-kniha , Blind guardian: god machine - cd (0727361575526)V tomto svižném uvedení do moderního ateismu nám jeden z nejvýznamnějších vědců dneška vysvětluje, proč bychom neměli věřit v boha. Argumenty, které rozvíjel ve své dosavadní práci, představuje ve své nejnovější knize stručně, přehledně a působivě, se zřetelem na čtenáře, kteří nejsou zběhlí v soudobé evoluční biologii. Sám Dawkins byl v mládí natolik ohromen krásou a spletitostí stvoření, že věřil, že za ním musí stát nějaký tvůrce. Když se však seznámil s teorií evoluce, představu boha zavrhl. Ve své knize dává čtenářům možnost znovu promyslet zásadní otázky o životě a vesmíru. (
Podobné produkty ako Rozchod s bohem - Dawkins Richard , Deuter guide lite 30+ červený (4046051114286)Charles Darwin's masterpiece, "On the Origin of Species", shook society to its core on publication in 1859. This title takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection. (
Podobné produkty ako The Greatest Show on Earth : The Evidence for Evolution - Richard Dawkins , Leki guide premium marine-white (sptlek1188nad)In An Appetite for Wonder Richard Dawkins brought us his engaging memoir of the first 35 years of his life from early childhood in Africa to publication of The Selfish Gene in 1976, when he shot to fame as one of the most exciting new scientists of his generation. In Brief Candle in the Dark he continues his autobiography, following the threads that have run through the second half of his life so far and homing in on the key individuals, institutions and ideas that inspired and motivated him. He paints a vivid picture, coloured with wit, anecdote and digression, of the twenty-five postgraduate years he spent teaching at Oxford. He pays affectionate tribute to past colleagues and students, recalling the idiosyncrasies of an establishment steeped in ancient tradition and arcane ritual while also recording his respect for the profound commitment to learning and discovery that lies at its core. He invites us to share the life of a travelling scientist, from fieldwork on the Panama Canal to conferences of stratospheric eminence in exotic locations in the company of some of the most prominent of the world’s scientific luminaries. And he describes his experiences with his many publishers, television producers, interviewers and partners in debate, not least in the heady period when, after publication of The God Delusion in 2006, he is dubbed the world’s most outspoken and controversial atheist. Most important of all, for the first time he reviews with fresh and stimulating insights the evolving narrative of his ideas about science over the course of his highly distinguished career as thinker, teacher and writer. In Brief Candle in the Dark we are invited to enter with him a constantly stimulating world of discovery and to meet a fascinating cast of exceptional characters described by the talented pen of one of the most exceptional of them all. (
Podobné produkty ako Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science - Richard Dawkins , God of war ragnarok - ps5 (ps719409090)A debut YA crime thriller as addictive as Serial as compelling as Riverdale and as page-turning as One of Us Is Lying The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth ... ? (
Podobné produkty ako Good girl´s guide to murder - Holly Jacksonová , Maths made easy: beginner, ages 9-10 (9781409344841)How do you move on after your life has fallen apart? When Leanne and her daughter-in-law Nichole went through divorces at the same time, they compiled a list to help them move on from the heartbreak. Now, two years on, these unlikely best friends have managed to pick up the pieces, and love is on the cards for both of them. (
Podobné produkty ako A Girl´s Guide To Moving On - Debbie Macomber , Maths made easy: beginner, ages 7-8 (9781409344803)Kitty Talbot needs a fortune. Love is not required...She's got just twelve weeks to find a rich husband and save her sisters - and she must use every ounce of cunning and ingenuity she possesses to climb London society if she is to succeed.The only person she can't fool is Lord Radcliffe, who sees straight through her plans, and is determined to stop her at any cost.There is not a day to lose and no one - not even a lord - will stand in her way... (
Podobné produkty ako A Lady´s Guide to Fortune-Hunting - Sophie Irwin , Maths made easy: beginner, ages 8-9 (9781409344827)Explore a wealth of new rules options for both players and Dungeon Masters in this supplement for the world's greatest roleplaying game.The beholder Xanathar--Waterdeep's most infamous crime lord--is known to hoard information on friend and foe alike. The beholder catalogs lore about adventurers and ponders methods to thwart them. Its twisted mind imagines that it can eventually record everything!Xanathar's Guide to Everything is the first major expansion for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, offering new rules and story options:- Over twenty-five new subclasses for the character classes in the Player's Handbook, including the Cavalier for the fighter, the Circle of Dreams for the druid, the Horizon Walker for the ranger, and many more- Dozens of new spells, a collection of racial feats, and a system to give your character a randomized backstory- A variety of tools that provide Dungeon Masters fresh ways to use traps, magic items, downtime activities, and more--all designed to enhance a D&D campaign and push it in new directionsAmid all this expansion material, Xanathar offers bizarre observations about whatever its eyestalks happen to glimpse. Pray they don't come to rest on you.Beauty and guile are in the eyes of the beholder! (
Podobné produkty ako Xanathar´s Guide to Everything (Defekt) - Wizards RPG Team , Richard jewell - dvd (w02413)No one knows Yami is gay, least of all her mum, and Yami intends to keep it that way . . . Until, uh oh, she's falling in love again.Yami prefers to be known for her killer eyeliner, not for being one of the only Mexican kids at her new, mostly white, rich Catholic school - or for being gay. So after being outed by her ex-best friend, before transferring to Slayton Catholic, Yami decides to lie low, make her mum proud and definitely NOT fall in love. The thing is, it's hard to fake being straight when Bo, the only openly queer girl at school, is so annoyingly perfect. And smart. And cute. So cute.Told in a captivating voice that is by turns hilarious, vulnerable, and searingly honest, The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School explores the joys and heartaches of living your full truth out loud. (
Podobné produkty ako The Lesbiana´s Guide To Catholic School - Sonora Reyes , Alois richard nykl (9788024634326)Popis edice: A three-level series that teaches students in higher education the skills essential for academic success. (
Podobné produkty ako New Headway - Academic skills 2, Teacher´s guide - Sarah Philpot , Král richard iii. / king richard iii (978-80-86573-41-0)Published 2011.Headway Academic Skills can be used alongside your coursebook or on it's own. The series improves students' academic skills by: Developing the specific skills required for academic reading, writing, listening and speaking through a wide range of serious topics and tasks relevant to Higher Education. Exploring strategies to help students with academic vocabulary, including recording and building their vocabulary. Offering guidance with academic research tasks, such as acknowledging sources. Providing freer tasks that encourage learner independence. Supporting and encouraging additional guided practice with new photocopiable worksheets in the Teacher's Guides. (
Podobné produkty ako Headway Academic Skills3 Listening & Speaking Teacher´s Guide - E. Pathare , Král richard iii. / king richard iii (978-80-86573-10-6)A beautiful gift for anyone interested in the night sky.Follow the progress of constellations throughout the seasons with this beautiful companion to the night sky from Astronomy experts Collins.With the aid of easy-to-understand monthly calendars and maps, you will chart the rhythm of the lunar phases, discover events that light up the sky for brief periods, and explore the rich tapestry of characters that adorn the starry canvas overhead.never miss a night sky event wherever you are in the world with this month-by-month guidego meteor spotting, track the phases of the moon and explore the constellationsworldwide coverage - with details for both the Northern and Southern hemispheresdiscover fascinating celestial facts and notable astronomical anniversariesWritten and illustrated by astronomical experts, Storm Dunlop and Wil Tirion, and approved by the astronomers of the Royal Observatory Greenwich. (
Podobné produkty ako Night Sky Almanac 2023 : A Stargazer´s Guide - Dunlop Storm , Money maths made easy: beginner, ages 7-8 (9780241241370)Welcome back to Glimmer Falls!Calladia Cunnington knows she's rough around the edges and her hot temper can getthe best of her. So when she stops a demon attack one night, she's horrified to realize the man she saved is none other than the cold-hearted Astaroth.Astaroth is a legendary member of the demon high council - or at least he was. Suffering from amnesia after being stripped of his immortality and banished to the mortal plane, Astaroth doesn't know why a demon named Moloch is after him, nor why the angry, hot-in-a-terrifying-way witch hates him so much.Calladia grudgingly agrees to help Astaroth find the witch who might be able to restore his memory, vowing that once Astaroth is cured, she'll kick his ass. But the more time she spends with the snarky yet utterly charming demon, the more she realizes she likes this new, improved Astaroth... and maybe she doesn't want him to recover his memories after all.Praise for Sarah Hawley 'Whimsically sexy, charmingly romantic, and magically hilarious' Ali Hazelwood'Reading this book is like standing in the bright heart of magic. I laughed, I swooned, I sighed dreamily, often on the same page. It truly was a sparkling delight, and I can't wait to see what spell Hawley weaves for us next!' India Holton, bestselling author of THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEWOMEN WITCHES'If GOOD OMENS were a small-town, enemies-to-lovers romcom. It's bright, bubbly, sexy, funny, and glorious.' Vivien Jackson (
Podobné produkty ako A Demon´s Guide to Wooing a Witch - Sarah Hawley , Lamb of god: omens (limited) - lp (4065629657048)Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, and been temporarily blinded while clinging to the exterior of an orbiting spacecraft. The secret to Col. Hadfield's success-and survival-is an unconventional philosophy he learned at NASA: prepare for the worst- and enjoy every moment of it.In An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, Col. Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories filled with the adrenaline of launch, the mesmerizing wonder of spacewalks, and the measured, calm responses mandated by crises, he explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement-and happiness. His own extraordinary education in space has taught him some counterintuitive lessons: don't visualize success, do care what others think, and always sweat the small stuff.You might never be able to build a robot, pilot a spacecraft, make a music video or perform basic surgery in zero gravity like Col. Hadfield. But his vivid and refreshing insights will teach you how to think like an astronaut, and will change, completely, the way you view life on Earth-especially your own. (
Podobné produkty ako An Astronaut´s Guide to Life on Earth - Chris Hadfield , A field guide to the flora of ladakh (978-80-200-2826-6)THE WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014'S MAGNIFICENT FIRST NOVEL Beneath a waterfall on the Franklin, Aljaz Cosini, river guide, lies drowning. Beset by visions at once horrible and fabulous, he relives not just his own life but that of his family and forebears. In the rainforest waters that rush over him he sees those lives stripped bare of their surface realities, and finds a world where dreaming reasserts its power over thinking. As the river rises his visions grow more turbulent, and in the flood of the past Aljaz discovers the soul of his country. (
Podobné produkty ako Death of a River Guide - Richard FlanaganMingle with the most extravagant handlebar moustaches in Britain, pay your respects at the dog cemetery in Hyde Park, visit a Masonic temple, take trapeze lessons in a former power station, pray in a floating church, sail on a disused reservoir, discover the stone from which Arthur drew Excalibur, admire the sacred penis of a pharaoh, take aim on the City's last bowling green, go stargazing at Greenwich Observatory, examine a rare cucumber straightener, a stuffed mermaid or a cow's heart... Far from the crowds and the usual cliches, London still holds hidden treasures for those who know how to wander off the beaten track. An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew London well, or who would like to discover the hidden face of the city. (
Podobné produkty ako Secret London - an Unusual Guide - Richard HowardŠkola hry na baskytaru The Bass Guitarist´s Guide to Reading Music - Intermediate Level je druhým dílem z třídílné série, která má za cíl vás seznámit se čtením hudby (notového zápisu) pro baskytaru. Publikace navazuje na základy položené prvním dílem a seznámí vás s komplexnějšími rytmy s použitím triol a šestnáctinových not, komplexnějšími rytmickými celky (takty) a stupnicemi. Na stránkách vydavatele (Bassline Publishing) je možné stáhnout doprovodné audio. (
Podobné produkty ako MS The Bass Guitarist´s Guide to Reading Music - Intermediate LevelGorgeous 42nd Anniversary gift edition of Douglas Adams's pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, stunningly illustrated throughout by Costa Award-winner Chris Riddell.It's an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent until his house gets demolished. The Earth follows shortly afterwards to make way for a new hyperspace express route, and Arthur's best friend has just announced that he's an alien. At this moment, they're hurtling through space with nothing but their towels and a book inscribed in large, friendly letters: DON'T PANIC.The book is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the weekend has only just begun . . .Douglas Adams's mega-selling pop-culture classic sends logic into orbit, plays havoc with physics and twists time, but most importantly it's very, very funny. (
Podobné produkty ako The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy Illustrated Edition - Douglas AdamsKatie Service has years of experience in the beauty industry, working as the Editorial Beauty Director at Harrods and with world-famous makeup artists such as Charlotte Tilbury, and top brands from Chanel to Tom Ford. Here, she shares her secret tips and tricks, giving you the low-down on which ingredients, products and procedures to adopt or avoid, whatever your skin type or budget. You’ll find advice on the essentials of good skincare, morning routines, ‘on-the-go’ products, evening regimes, SOS skin repair tips and dermatological treatments. Katie even decodes the ingredient lists and symbols on our beauty products, featuring case studies of global best-sellers, from Weleda Skin Food to Glossier Solution. Packed with first-hand insider knowledge and advice from experts in the industry, The Beauty Brief will have you thinking smarter – and looking better. (
Podobné produkty ako The Beauty Brief : An Insider´s Guide to Skincare - Service KatieMariel Spark knows not to trust a demon, especially one that wants her soul, but what's a witch to do when he won't leave her side - and she kind of doesn't want him to?Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch seen in centuries of the famed Spark family, but to the displeasure of her mother, she prefers baking to brewing potions and gardening to casting hexes. When a spell to summon flour goes very wrong, Mariel finds herself staring down a demon - one she inadvertently summoned for a soul bargain.Ozroth the Ruthless is a legend among demons. Powerful and merciless, he drives hard bargains to collect mortal souls. But his reputation has suffered ever since a bargain went awry - if he can strike a deal with Mariel, he will earn back his deadly reputation. Ozroth can't leave Mariel's side until they complete a bargain, which she refuses to do (turns out some humans are attached to their souls).But the witch is funny. And curvy. And disgustingly yet endearingly cheerful. Becoming awkward roommates quickly escalates when Mariel, terrified to confess the inadvertent summoning to her mother, blurts out that she's dating Ozroth. As Ozroth and Mariel struggle to maintain a fake relationship, real attraction blooms between them. But Ozroth has a limited amount of time to strike the deal, and if Mariel gives up her soul, she'll lose all her emotions - including love - which will only spell disaster for them both. (
Podobné produkty ako A Witch´s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon - Sarah HawleyIn this highly anticipated companion to the New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club YA Pick A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow, Flora Maxwell heads to Miami to find a path for her future . . . and finds her heart along the way.Winchester has always been home for Flora, but when her mother dies, Flora feels untethered. Her family expects her to apply to university and take a larger role in their tea-shop business, but Flora isn't so sure. More than ever, she's the chaotic 'hurricane' in her household, and she doesn't always know how to manage her stormy emotions. So she decides to escape to Miami without telling anyone - especially her longtime friend Gordon Wallace.But Flora's tropical change of scenery doesn't cast away her self-doubt. When it comes to university, she has no idea which passions she should follow. That's also true in romance. Flora's summer abroad lands her in the flashbulb world of teen influencer Baz Marin, a Miami Cuban who shares her love for photography. But Flora's more conflicted than ever when she begins to see future architect Gordon in a new light. (
Podobné produkty ako A British Girl´s Guide to Hurricanes and Heartbreak - Laura Taylor NameyA behind-the-scenes look at the world of the Land of Stories - the No.1 New York Times bestselling series, from Golden Globe-winning actor, Chris Colfer. A combination travel guide, encyclopedia, and exciting fan compendium, this ultimate guidebook includes sections such as "Who's Who," "Places to Go," and "Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Things" that explore the backgrounds and histories of the many characters, places, and magic items throughout the beloved Land of Stories series. Perfect for new and mega-fans alike, this full-colour guidebook illustrated by series artist Brandon Dorman captures the magical ins and outs of the Land of Stories we know and love and delivers new, never-before-seen art and information sure to thrill and satisfy readers. (
Podobné produkty ako The Land of Stories: The Ultimate Book Hugger´s Guide - Chris ColferA debut YA crime thriller as addictive as Serial as compelling as Riverdale and as page-turning as One of Us Is Lying The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth … ? Perfect for fans of One of Us Is Lying, Gone Girl, We Were Liars and Riverdale Holly Jackson started writing stories from a young age, completing her first (poor) attempt at a novel aged fifteen. She lives in London and aside from reading and writing, she enjoys playing video games and watching true crime documentaries so she can pretend to be a detective. A Good Girl's Guide to Murder is her first novel. (
Podobné produkty ako A Good Girl´s Guide to Murder (TV Tie-In) - Holly JacksonováTHE HILARIOUS BOOK FROM TIKTOK AND INSTA SENSATION HAYLEY MORRIS, AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOW_____Brain: We left the oven on!Me: No don't say that, I've not got time for this!Brain: The house is probably on fire!Me: Stop it, I need to write this book description. Brain: But the blazing fire. Me: We didn't even use the oven today.Brain: But what if -Me: No. We're not doing this, I'm finishing this description. Hello there! Hayley Morris here.Or you might know me as the Brain Girl, and don't be's not because I'm outrageously smart. Just an avid overthinker. I'm on a mission to prove once and for all that You.Are. Normal. Running through imaginary arguments whilst showering, hiding your knickers in the nurse's office before they look directly into your vagina, or not knowing how to be a normal human when you have the plumber over.I've spent the majority of my life saying and doing embarrassing things that wake me up in a cold sweat at 3am as my Brain reminds me of every minor detail. In this book, I've overthought absolutely everything so you don't have to. I'll be talking about everything from dating to discharge, mental health to menstrual cups.I might not be able to banish your anxiety or make you feel 100% comfortable in your skin, but I hope I can at least give you a break from the constant brain chatter and we can rejoice and laugh at how similar we actually all are. DON'T OVERTHINK IT. PRE-ORDER NOW. (
Podobné produkty ako Me vs Brain: An Overthinker´s Guide to Life (Defekt) - Hayley MorrisWhat secret power is hiding within you?There is an untamed wildness within each of us. Once found and nurtured, this wild power can lead to true and boundless freedom, creativity and purpose. In Wild Once, internationally renowned High Wiccan Priestess, Vivianne Crowley, reveals the secret riches to be found on a hidden path.This is the extraordinary and inspiring guide to a life lived magically, of adventures into the unknown and of finding spiritual nourishment. It shows what can happen when you have the courage to step into the unexplainable and live untamed. It is also an evocative, intricate account of a hidden world, a rich tour of modern magical practices, from meditation to manifestation, shamanism to spellwork.Magic is waiting to be discovered. It is here, just beneath the surface, if only you know where to look... We all have wild magic within us; this book will inspire you to find it.___________________PRAISE FOR WILD ONCE'Utterly contemporary, yet drawing on ancient wisdom' - Philip Carr-Gomm, author of The Prophecies and DruidCraft: The Magic of Wicca & Druidry'A memoir of beautifully told tales about her magical and well-lived life that will awaken the magic within and guide you to the enchanted adventure that awaits' - Phyllis Curott, Priestess of Ara, author of The Witches' Wisdom Tarot'The best book on the experience of magic that I have ever read' - Ronald Hutton, author of The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles'Heartfelt and often beautiful ... Witches, look no further! This is the guide you need' - Diane Purkiss 'Wonderfully inspirational and highly practical - if you have ever wondered what it's like to be a witch in Real Life, just read this book!' - Rodney Orpheus, author of Abrahadabra and founding member of The Cassandra Complex (
Podobné produkty ako Wild Once: A high priestess´s guide to modern spirituality - Vivianne CrowleyLove isn't always part of the plan . . . A charming, heartwarming story following a Miami girl who unexpectedly finds love - and herself - in a small English town.Soon to be a movie starring Heartstopper's Kit Connor and Pretty Little Liars' Maia Reficco!For Lila Reyes, a summer in England hadn't been on the cards. Certainly not one stuck in the small town of Winchester with a lack of sun and zero Miami flavour. But when Lila meets Orion Maxwell in the local tea shop, her nightmare trip starts to look up. With a bright new future suddenly on the horizon, will Lila leave behind everything she's ever planned and follow her heart? (
Podobné produkty ako A Cuban Girl´s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow - Laura Taylor NameyIn this ground-breaking book, Dr Daniel Levitin uses cutting-edge research from neuroscience and psychology to demonstrate the importance of the stage that follows the middle-age. Packed with engaging interviews with successful, creative individuals far beyond the conventional age of 'retirement', this book also reflects on challenges many readers will recognize. Full of accessible and conversation-sparking takeaways, it demonstrates the importance of the distinct advantages and consequences of getting older. Levitin offers a realistic personal plan full of practical, cognitive enhancing tricks for everyone to follow as they age. Successful Ageing is a radical exploration of what we all can learn from those who age joyously, a new model for a positive elderly experience. This book will revolutionize the way we plan for old age as individuals, family members, and citizens of a society in which the average life expectancy continues to rise. (
Podobné produkty ako The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well - Daniel J. LevitinPatricia Campbell's life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she's always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they're as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn't felt in years. But when children on the other side of town go missing, their deaths written off by local police, Patricia has reason to believe James Harris is more of a Bundy than a Brad Pitt. The real problem? James is a monster of a different kind-and Patricia has already invited him in.Little by little, James will insinuate himself into Patricia's life and try to take everything she took for granted-including the book club-but she won't surrender without a fight in this blood-soaked tale of neighborly kindness gone wrong. (
Podobné produkty ako The Southern Book Club´s Guide to Slaying Vampires : A Novel - Grady HendrixIn this ground-breaking book, Dr Daniel Levitin uses cutting-edge research from neuroscience and psychology to demonstrate the importance of the stage that follows the middle-age. Packed with engaging interviews with successful, creative individuals far beyond the conventional age of 'retirement', this book also reflects on challenges many readers will recognize. Full of accessible and conversation-sparking takeaways, it demonstrates the importance of the distinct advantages and consequences of getting older. Levitin offers a realistic personal plan full of practical, cognitive enhancing tricks for everyone to follow as they age. Successful Ageing is a radical exploration of what we all can learn from those who age joyously, a new model for a positive elderly experience. This book will revolutionize the way we plan for old age as individuals, family members, and citizens of a society in which the average life expectancy continues to rise. (
Podobné produkty ako The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well (Defekt) - Daniel J. LevitinMemory gets worse with age - right? A fact of life. But what if we told you that wasn't necessarily true? That memory decline isn't inevitable. In The Complete Guide to Memory, renowned neurologist and bestselling author Dr Richard Restak distils the wisdom of an entire career into a one-stop guide to the science of memory.Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, case studies, famous anecdotes and more, he offers tips and tricks for anyone who wants to strengthen their memory, protect themselves from diseases like Alzheimer's and think smarter. Learn how to boost your memory through techniques like:-Mind mapping and making lists-Reading more novels than non-fiction-'Chunking' several pieces of information together to make them easier to remember-Choosing manual methods over technological solutions like phones and GPSPacked full of information for anyone curious about the power of their memory, this is the only guide you need to train your memory and make it stronger. (
Podobné produkty ako The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard RestakMr Bean is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. In Mr Beans Guide to London Mr Bean and Teddy visit all their favourite London sights, including the London Eye, Madame Tussauds and Buckingham Palace! (
Podobné produkty ako Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: Mr Bean - Mr Bean´s Guide to London with CD - Fiona Davis'The Wonder Down Under is set to do for the vagina what Guilia Enders' Gut did for our digestive system a few years ago.' - Stylist'This new guide should be on every woman's shelf' - Emerald Street'A vital publication - it deserves to be a hit' - The Press Association'Tells you everything you need to know' - FabulousThe Wonder Down Under explains everything you ever wanted to know about the vagina but didn't dare ask. Learn the truth about the clitoris' inner life, the menstrual hormone dance and whether the vaginal orgasm really exists. The book helps you understand how different types of contraception work in the body, what a "normal" vulva looks like and how wearing socks can change your sex life.Medical students and sex educators Nina Brochmann and Ellen Stokken Dahl draw on their medical expertise to bring vagina enlightenment to the world. Their no-nonsense approach, written with great humour, makes this a must-read for women (and men!) of all ages.Say goodbye to the myths and misconceptions surrounding female anatomy, this is a timely and empowering book that will inspire women to make informed choices about their sexual health.Listen to Nina and Ellen on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour here: watch their myth-busting TED talk 'The virginity fraud': (
Podobné produkty ako The Wonder Down Under: A User´s Guide to the Vagina - Nina Brochmann, Ellen Stokken DahlDoplněk k jakémukoli kurzu pro začátečníky a mírně pokročilé. Kulturní informace a reálie Velké Británie. Každý díl má 8 episod (např. Sport, Média, Škola, Domov, Populární hudba, Životní prostředí, Svátky). (
Podobné produkty ako Window on Britain 2 Video Guide - MacAndrew RichardTHE WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014'S MAGNIFICENT FIRST NOVEL Beneath a waterfall on the Franklin, Aljaz Cosini, river guide, lies drowning. Beset by visions at once horrible and fabulous, he relives not just his own life but that of his family and forebears. In the rainforest waters that rush over him he sees those lives stripped bare of their surface realities, and finds a world where dreaming reasserts its power over thinking. As the river rises his visions grow more turbulent, and in the flood of the past Aljaz discovers the soul of his country. (
Podobné produkty ako Death of a River Guide (Defekt) - Richard Flanagan