Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Level 3: Mr Bean: The Palace of Bean+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Mr Bean character is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. Mr Bean: Royal Bean is based on an episode from the popular animated television series and is presented in an accessible comic-strip format. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Podívejte se také Mr. Bean 1 (digitálně remasterované) - DVD (U00596)
Level 2: Mr Bean Toothache+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Robin Newton
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Mr Bean character is popular with children around the world for his eccentric and hilarious behaviour. Mr Bean: Royal Bean is based on an episode from the popular animated television series and is presented in an accessible comic-strip format. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Podívejte se také Mr. Bean 3 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00598)
Popcorn ELT Readers 3: Kieran´s Karate Adventure with CD (do vyprodání zásob)
Kieran has a blue belt in karate but he is bullied and cant control his temper. Does he have the discipline he needs to be successful in the school karate competition?
Podívejte se také Mr. Bean 4 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00599)
Podívejte se také
- bean body
- Bean Ball didaktická pomůcka (25489)
- WOODWICK Vanilla Bean náplň (5038581105765)
- Mr&Mrs Fragrance Ultrazvukový difuzér Mr Bird (8053288290696)
- by inspire Mísa Bean S (8762-00-00)
- Little Big Town: MR. Sun - CD (4596409)
- WOODWICK Vanilla Bean 85 g (5038581056562)
- Bean Bag didaktická pomůcka červená (25507)
- Bean Bag didaktická pomůcka žlutá (26733)
- Bean Bag didaktická pomůcka modrá (26731)
- Lucaffé Mr. Exclusive, zrnková, 1000g (Lucaffe 100% ARABICA Mr Exclusive)
- BURBERRY Mr. Burberry EdT
- Magnat MR-780 (MNMR780.01)
- WOODWICK Elipsa Vanilla Bean 453,6 g (5038581056951)
- jelly bean fazolky gourmet mix box 225g
- by inspire Mísa Bean M (8763-00-00)
- by inspire Mísa Bean M (8763-01-00)
- BURBERRY Mr. Burberry Indigo EdT
- Traffic: Mr. Fantasy - LP (7751254)
- REVOLUTION RELOVE Roll Baby Tonka Bean 5 ml (5057566518147)
Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: the Smurfs - The Animals of Kung Fu Panda (do vyprodání zásob)
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, lowlevel reading material for younger learners. The Smurfs are popular with children all over the world, famous for their charming personalities and exciting adventures. What is a Smurf? Where do Smurfs live? What do Smurfs eat? These are just some of the questions readers will find the answers to in this book all about the Smurfs!
Objev podobné jako Popcorn ELT Readers Starter: the Smurfs - The Animals of Kung Fu Panda (do vyprodání zásob)
Zástěra mr. Bean (8592539284980)
Zástěra - pro dospělé, materiálem je polyester, se zavazováním v paserozměry 72 × 57 cm (V׊), vícebarevná Žádné vaření se neobejde bez praktické kuchyňské zástěry. Kdykoliv si do ní můžete otřít mokré ruce a nehrozí vám ušpinění vašeho oblečení. S kuchyňskou zástěrou DIVJA s motivem zapůsobíte na všechny strávníky, kteří přijdou ochutnávat. Berte v potaz i to, že má rozměry 72 × 57 cm. Základní parametry kuchyňské zástěry Zástěra mr. Bean Pořiďte si k vaření novou zástěru Pro tuto kuchyňskou zástěru byl vybrán stylový motiv Rozměry kuchyňské zástěry DIVJA činí 72 × 57 cm Po obléknutí kuchyňské zástěry Zástěra mr. Bean vás bude vaření dvojnásobně bavit, neboť si nezašpiníte oblečení
Objev podobné jako Zástěra mr. Bean (8592539284980)
Mr. Bean - největší filmová katastrofa (DVD)
Moc toho nenapovídá, ale jeho mimika poví vše: jako expert na umění odchází Dr.Bean do Los Angeles. Bohatý generál Newton tam daroval Griersonovu muzeu slavný obraz od Jamesa Whistlera. Bean jako delegát londýnské "National Gallery of Art" má za úlohu rokovat o koupi díla, hodného několika milionů. Jeho hostitel David Langley ho ubytuje u sebe doma, což manželka a děti už po několika minutách zhodnotí jako ne moc povedený nápad.
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean - největší filmová katastrofa (DVD)
Popcorn ELT Readers 2: RIO Learning to fly (do vyprodání zásob)
Blu, a rare blue Spixs macaw, has travelled to Rio in Brazil to meet the beautiful Jewel and save his species. But can Blu survive in the wild when he doesnt know how to fly?
Objev podobné jako Popcorn ELT Readers 2: RIO Learning to fly (do vyprodání zásob)
Popcorn ELT Readers 3: RIO Looking for Blu (do vyprodání zásob)
Linda loves her pet macaw Blu more than anything in the world. So when Blu is kidnapped in Rio by bird smugglers, she is prepared to do whatever it takes to find him again.
Objev podobné jako Popcorn ELT Readers 3: RIO Looking for Blu (do vyprodání zásob)
Mr. Bean 1 (digitálně remasterované) - DVD (U00596)
Film na DVD - Mr. Bean 1 - remasterováno - další epizody z oblíbeného TV seriálu. EPIZODA 1 - PAN BEAN Ať už je na ZKOUŠCE, kde nezná odpověď na jedinou otázku, nebo NA PLÁŽI, kde se pokouší převléknout do plavek bez svlékání kalhot, nebo v KOSTELE, kde se zoufale snaží neusnout, pan Bean vždycky najde netušený způsob, jak vše uskutečnit. EPIZODA 2 - NÁVRAT PANA BEANA Pan Bean dostal svou první kreditní kartu a je rozhodnutý ji použít v OBCHODNÍM DOMĚ. Jeho návštěva luxusní RESTAURACE se nevyvíjí podle plánu, když si špatně objedná. Pak čeká pana Beana před FILMOVÝM PŘEDSTAVENÍM setkání s královnou a na takovou velkou chvíli je potřeba se pečlivě přichystat. EPIZODA 3 - PROKLETÍ PANA BEANA Během návštěvy PLAVECKÉ HALY uchvátí pana Beana vidina skoku ze skokanské věže. Na LAVIČCE V PARKU pan Bean prokáže svůj neskutečný důvtip při přípravě sendviče. Nakonec se ukáže, jestli je HOROROVÝ FILM nejoblíbenější formou zábavy pana Beana. EPIZODA 4 - PAN BEAN JDE DO...
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean 1 (digitálně remasterované) - DVD (U00596)
Mr. Bean kolekce (6 DVD) - DVD (U00816)
Film na DVD - Čtyři remasterovaná DVD s nejlepšími kousky pana Beana + 2 jeho celovečerní filmy: Bean - největší filmová katastrofa a Prázdniny pana Beana. Jezdí žlutozeleným Mini, bytostně nesnáší tříkolky Reliant Regal, nosí tvídové sako a má plyšového medvídka Teddyho. Jo a taky je to ten největší smolař na světě... • Mr. Bean - největší filmová katastrofa (CZ dabing) • Prázdniny pana Beana (CZ dabing) • Epizody ze seriálu s Mr. Beanem (české titulky). Mr. Bean Remastered / 1990-1995 - DISK 1 EPIZODA 1 - PAN BEAN EPIZODA 2 - NÁVRAT PANA BEANA EPIZODA 3 - PROKLETÍ PANA BEANA EPIZODA 4 - PAN BEAN JDE DO MĚSTA EPIZODA 5 - TRABLE PANA BEANA Mr. Bean Remastered / 1990-1995 - DISK 2 EPIZODA 6 - PAN BEAN ZNOVU JEDE EPIZODA 7 - VESELÉ VÁNOCE, PANE BEANE EPIZODA 8 - PAN BEAN V POKOJI 426 EPIZODA 9 - POZOR NA DÍTĚ, PANE BEANE EPIZODA 10 - UDĚLEJ SI SÁM, PANE BEANE Mr. Bean Remastered / 1990-1995 - DISK 3 EPIZODA 11 - ZPÁTKY DO ŠKOLY, PANE...
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean kolekce (6 DVD) - DVD (U00816)
Mr. Bean: Největší filmová katastrofa - DVD (U00147)
Film na DVD - Mr. Bean je přírodní katastrofa o síle milionu atomových raket s velkým doletem Mr, Bean pracuje jako hlídač v Londýnské galerii a ostatní zaměstnanci se ho snaží zbavit - čím dál od nich bude, tím lépe. A tak jako "expert" na umění odchází Dr.Bean do Los Angeles... Bohatý generál Newton tam daroval Griersonovu muzeu slavný obraz od Jamesa Whistlera. Bean jako delegát londýnské "National Gallery of Art" má za úlohu rokovat o koupi díla, hodného několika milionů. A navíc pana Beana jeho hostitel David Langley ubytuje u sebe doma, což manželka a děti už po několika minutách zhodnotí jako ne moc povedený nápad...
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean: Největší filmová katastrofa - DVD (U00147)
Mr. Bean - největší filmová katastrofa (BLU-RAY)
Moc toho nenapovídá, ale jeho mimika poví vše: jako expert na umění odchází Dr.Bean do Los Angeles. Bohatý generál Newton tam daroval Griersonovu muzeu slavný obraz od Jamesa Whistlera. Bean jako delegát londýnské "National Gallery of Art" má za úlohu rokovat o koupi díla, hodného několika milionů. Jeho hostitel David Langley ho ubytuje u sebe doma, což manželka a děti už po několika minutách zhodnotí jako ne moc povedený nápad.Bonusy:Beanovy dosud neuveřejněné scény
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean - největší filmová katastrofa (BLU-RAY)
Mr. Bean 4 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00599)
Film na DVD - Mr. Bean 4 - remasterováno - další epizody z oblíbeného TV seriálu NEJLEPŠÍ KOUSKY PANA BEANA Nejlepší kousky pana Beana vám přináší všechny nejlegračnější a nejoblíbenější momenty z neobyčejného života pana Beana. Pozorujte pana Beana a jeho medvídka, jak pátrá po deštníku na půdě a znovu si připomeňte jejich zábavné eskapády z minulosti. PAN BEAN U ZUBAŘE VÁNOCE PANA BEANA - S KROCANEM NA HLAVĚ PAN BEAN V HRŮZE NA SKOKANSKÉ VĚŽI PAN BEAN VYJÍŽDÍ Z PATROVÉHO PARKOVIŠTĚ (BEZ PLACENÍ) PAN BEAN SI BALÍ NA DOVOLENOU PAN BEAN ŘÍDÍ SVÉ MINI - Z KŘESLA NA STŘEŠE PAN BEAN SE SETKÁVÁ S KRÁLOVNOU MINI PANA BEANA JE ZNIČENO! BEANÚV PŘÍBĚH Tento film zachycuje zrození a vývoj nejproslulejší komediální postavy současnosti - pana Beana. Obsahuje rozhovory s Rowanem Atkinsonem a záznamy jeho ranných výstupů.
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean 4 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00599)
Mr. Bean 3 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00598)
Film na DVD - Mr. Bean S1 Vol.3 digitálně remastero EPIZODA 11 - ZPÁTKY DO ŠKOLY, PANE BEANE Po sledování několika VĚDECKÝCH pokusů je pan Bean doslova nabitý energií a následná HODINA KRESLENÍ v něm vyvolá pocit pohoršení. Po lekci JUDA někdo uteče v jeho kalhotách a na parkovišti se automobil pana Beana ocitne pod mírným tlakem, což oběma přivodí trvalé následky. EPIZODA 12 - ODPAL, PANE BEANE Pan Bean opět přichází o kalhoty, tentokrát v PRÁDELNĚ! Odpoledne má svou první lekci BLÁZNIVÉHO GOLFU a k úspěchu v této hře je pro něj nezbytný dobrý atlas, kompas a hodně peněz na autobus. EPIZODA 13 - DOBROU NOC, PANE BEANE Při návštěvě NEMOCNICE dojde panu Beanovi trpělivost, ale náramně si to užije na zámku Windsor se strážcem Její Výsosti. V noci sice trpí trochu NESPAVOSTÍ, ale předvede jeden ze svých nejlepších výkonů v roli zvířete. EPIZODA 14 - ÚČES OD PANA BEANA Z LONDÝNA Obvykle pan Bean návštěvy HOLIČE nenávidí, ale tentokrát si to skvěle užije. Báječně...
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean 3 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00598)
Mr. Bean: Největší filmová katastrofa - Blu-ray (U00131)
Film na Blu-ray - Mr. Bean je přírodní katastrofa o síle milionu atomových raket s velkým doletem Mr, Bean pracuje jako hlídač v Londýnské galerii a ostatní zaměstnanci se ho snaží zbavit - čím dál od nich bude, tím lépe. A tak jako „expert” na umění odchází Dr.Bean do Los Angeles... Bohatý generál Newton tam daroval Griersonovu muzeu slavný obraz od Jamesa Whistlera. Bean jako delegát londýnské „National Gallery of Art” má za úlohu rokovat o koupi díla, hodného několika milionů. A navíc pana Beana jeho hostitel David Langley ubytuje u sebe doma, což manželka a děti už po několika minutách zhodnotí jako ne moc povedený nápad... Bonusy: • Beanovy dosud neuveřejněné scény
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean: Největší filmová katastrofa - Blu-ray (U00131)
Mr. Bean 2 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00597)
Film na DVD - Mr. Bean 2- remasterováno - další epizody z oblíbeného TV seriálu. EPIZODA 6 - PAN BEAN ZNOVU JEDE Pan Bean přichází na pomoc oběti SRDEČNÍHO ZÁCHVATU, avšak pro nemocného to má hrozivé důsledky. Pokus ODESLAT DOPIS končí katastrofou, ale na dovolenou pan Bean po různých malérech nakonec šťastně ODLETÍ. EPIZODA 7 - VESELÉ VÁNOCE, PANE BEANE Nastal čas Vánoc a nadšený pan Bean během svátků působí svůj obvyklý zmatek. Zatímco dává pojmu „nadívaný” KROCAN úplně nový význam, jeho přítelkyně Irma se těší na velmi speciální vánoční dárek... EPIZODA 8 - PAN BEAN V POKOJI 426 Pan Bean si udělal radost víkendovým pobytem v HOTELU. Bohužel mu však v pokoji chybí jisté nezbytné vybavení. Problém vyřeší sobě vlastním způsobem, ale způsobí si další nesnáze, když se zamkne uvnitř pokoje. EPIZODA 9 - POZOR NA DÍTĚ, PANE BEANE Pana Beana ovládlo nadšení, že se dokázal dopravit na POUŤ, ale kvůli vlastní nerozvážnosti se musí postarat o malé dítě. Rázem stojí...
Objev podobné jako Mr. Bean 2 (digitálně remasterovaná edice) - DVD (U00597)
Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. Nanny McPhee is a unique character who appeals to children everywhere. Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the film of the same name.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Nanny McPhee & the Big Bang+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Thompson Emma
Level 2: Rango (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. Rango is based on the hit 2011 animation movie starring Johnny Depp.
Objev podobné jako Level 2: Rango (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
PER | Level 2: Mr Bean in Town - Atkinson Rowan
Contemporary / British EnglishMr Bean doesnt understand the world. There are problems for him everywhere. In the restaurant, he doesnt like his food. He tries to hide it in very strange places. Then Mr Bean goes to the launderette. What happens? He loses his trousers, of course!
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 2: Mr Bean in Town - Atkinson Rowan
Level 3: Puss in Boots - The Gold of San Ricardo+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reding material for younger learners. Puss-in-Boots: The Gold of San Ricardo is based on the blockbuster Puss-in-Boots film, a spin-off from the ever-popular Shrek film franchise.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Puss in Boots - The Gold of San Ricardo+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers)
Level 3: Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Ice Age films are popular with children around the world for their humorous, lovable characters and their themes of friendship. Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the third film in the franchise. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Readers) - Nicole Taylor
An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs
London is home to over 3,500 pubs. The trouble is that 95% are awful. Dark, sweaty and tired. Says who? Says us. This small paperback tells you the only ones you should know. Whether you''re after the perfect Sunday roast, great craft beer, a cosy spot to read a book, the best pint of bitter or a raucous gig, this guide highlights the capital''s most exciting and, crucially, most stylish saloons in which to find it all.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide To London Pubs
An Opinionated Guide to London - Hoxton Mini Press
This book is like a finely reduced sauce. It takes the best of our guides to the capital and tells you where to go and what to do in this vast, multicultural, chaotic city. London has pockets of wilderness complete with open air swimming and free-roaming deer; art galleries and museums full of masterpieces; restaurants serving some of the most exciting food in the world; history dating back centuries; parades of interesting indie shops; hundreds (no, thousands) of pubs and plenty to entertain overly energetic kids. Overwhelmed? Don''t be. All you need to know is in this handy pocket-sized and proudly opinionated guide. This is part of a series of opinionated guides which offer insider''s advice on what to do and see in cities around the world.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide to London - Hoxton Mini Press
Beauty Jar Mr. Coffee Bean čisticí pleťový peeling 50 g
Beauty Jar Mr. Coffee Bean, 50 g, Mechanické peelingy pro ženy, Pro účinnou exfoliaci předcházející vzniku neokonalostí pleti nemusíte chodit do kosmetického salonu. Pleťový peeling Beauty Jar Mr. Coffee Bean se o ni postará v pohodlí vašeho domova. Nejen že odstraní odumřelé kožní buňky, které mají tendenci ucpávat póry, způsobovat černé tečky či mdlý tón a zašedlost pleti, ale také zbaví pleť nečistot a celkově ji vyhladí. Vlastnosti: důkladně myje a čistí celý obličej vyhlazuje a zjemňuje pleť odstraňuje odumřelé kožní buňky Složení: veganský produkt obsahuje minimálně 98 % složek přírodního původu Jak používat: Naneste na vlhký obličej, jemně masírujte a poté pečlivě opláchněte vodou. Vyhněte se oblasti očí. Používejte 1–3× týdně.
Objev podobné jako Beauty Jar Mr. Coffee Bean čisticí pleťový peeling 50 g
An Opinionated Guide to London Bookshops - James Manning, Sonya Barber
Peruse the latest releases in indie favourites Pages of Hackney and Kirkdale Books, get wanderlust among the vast shelves of Stanfords and bag well-thumbed second-hand treasures in Bloomsbury''s Skoob. London is a world-leading literary mecca and bookshops here are more than just places to pick up paperbacks - from community favourite (and the city''s first Black bookshop) Beacon Books to queer Soho institution Gay''s the Word, these 50 shops are the capital''s finest places to seek out new stories. Time to clear some space on your to-be-read shelf. This is part of a growing series of opinionated guides which offer straight-talking insider''s advice on what to do and see in London.
Objev podobné jako An Opinionated Guide to London Bookshops - James Manning, Sonya Barber
Level 3: Angela´s Ashes+CD (Secondary ELT Readers) - Frank McCourt
Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for motivating, contemporary graded material that will instantly appeal to students. Angela's Ashes is based on the bestselling novel by Frank McCourt.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Angela´s Ashes+CD (Secondary ELT Readers) - Frank McCourt
Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Reader)s
Extensive reading is essential for improving fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for contemporary, low-level reading material for younger learners. The Kung Fu Panda films are popular with children around the world. Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom Popcorn ELT Reader is based on the second film in the franchise. This title comes with a CD recording of the story.
Objev podobné jako Level 3: Kung Fu Panda 2+CD (Popcorn ELT Primary Reader)s
Good girl´s guide to murder - Holly Jacksonová
A debut YA crime thriller as addictive as Serial as compelling as Riverdale and as page-turning as One of Us Is Lying The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth ... ?
Objev podobné jako Good girl´s guide to murder - Holly Jacksonová
Lady"s Guide to Fortune-Hunting - Sophie Irwin
Kitty Talbot needs a fortune. Love is not required...She's got just twelve weeks to find a rich husband and save her sisters - and she must use every ounce of cunning and ingenuity she possesses to climb London society if she is to succeed.The only person she can't fool is Lord Radcliffe, who sees straight through her plans, and is determined to stop her at any cost.There is not a day to lose and no one - not even a lord - will stand in her way...
Objev podobné jako Lady"s Guide to Fortune-Hunting - Sophie Irwin
A Girl´s Guide To Moving On - Debbie Macomberová
How do you move on after your life has fallen apart? When Leanne and her daughter-in-law Nichole went through divorces at the same time, they compiled a list to help them move on from the heartbreak. Now, two years on, these unlikely best friends have managed to pick up the pieces, and love is on the cards for both of them.
Objev podobné jako A Girl´s Guide To Moving On - Debbie Macomberová
The Hitchhiker´s Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
One Thursday lunchtime Earth is unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new hyperspace bypass. For Arthur Dent, who has only just had his house demolished that morning, this is already more than he can cope with. Sadly, however, the weekend has only just begun. And the Galaxy is a very, very large and startling place indeed ...The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy became a massive cult success when it was first published and continues to sell all over the world. It introduced such memorable characters as Arthur Dent, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Zaphod Beeblebrox and, of course, the Vogons, and remains one of the funniest, most irreverent and entertaining novels ever.
Objev podobné jako The Hitchhiker´s Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The Lesbiana´s Guide To Catholic School - Sonora Reyes
No one knows Yami is gay, least of all her mum, and Yami intends to keep it that way . . . Until, uh oh, she's falling in love again.Yami prefers to be known for her killer eyeliner, not for being one of the only Mexican kids at her new, mostly white, rich Catholic school - or for being gay. So after being outed by her ex-best friend, before transferring to Slayton Catholic, Yami decides to lie low, make her mum proud and definitely NOT fall in love. The thing is, it's hard to fake being straight when Bo, the only openly queer girl at school, is so annoyingly perfect. And smart. And cute. So cute.Told in a captivating voice that is by turns hilarious, vulnerable, and searingly honest, The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School explores the joys and heartaches of living your full truth out loud.
Objev podobné jako The Lesbiana´s Guide To Catholic School - Sonora Reyes
Rich Dad´s Guide to Investing - Robert T. Kiyosaki
Investing means different things to different people...and there is a huge difference between passive investing and becoming an active, engaged investor. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, one of the three core titles in the Rich Dad Series, covers the basic rules of investing, how to reduce your investment risk, how to convert your earned income into passive income...plus Rich Dad's 10 Investor Controls. The Rich Dad philosophy makes a key distinction between managing your money and growing it...and understanding key principles of investing is the first step toward creating and growing wealth.This book delivers guidance, not guarantees, to help anyone begin the process of becoming an active investor on the road to financial freedom.
Objev podobné jako Rich Dad´s Guide to Investing - Robert T. Kiyosaki
A Demon´s Guide to Wooing a Witch - Sarah Hawley
Welcome back to Glimmer Falls!Calladia Cunnington knows she''s rough around the edges and her hot temper can getthe best of her. So when she stops a demon attack one night, she''s horrified to realize the man she saved is none other than the cold-hearted Astaroth.Astaroth is a legendary member of the demon high council - or at least he was. Suffering from amnesia after being stripped of his immortality and banished to the mortal plane, Astaroth doesn''t know why a demon named Moloch is after him, nor why the angry, hot-in-a-terrifying-way witch hates him so much.Calladia grudgingly agrees to help Astaroth find the witch who might be able to restore his memory, vowing that once Astaroth is cured, she''ll kick his ass. But the more time she spends with the snarky yet utterly charming demon, the more she realizes she likes this new, improved Astaroth... and maybe she doesn''t want him to recover his memories after all.Praise for Sarah Hawley ''Whimsically sexy, charmingly romantic, and magically hilarious'' Ali Hazelwood''Reading this book is like standing in the bright heart of magic. I laughed, I swooned, I sighed dreamily, often on the same page. It truly was a sparkling delight, and I can''t wait to see what spell Hawley weaves for us next!'' India Holton, bestselling author of THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEWOMEN WITCHES''If GOOD OMENS were a small-town, enemies-to-lovers romcom. It''s bright, bubbly, sexy, funny, and glorious.'' Vivien Jackson
Objev podobné jako A Demon´s Guide to Wooing a Witch - Sarah Hawley
An Astronaut´s Guide to Life on Earth - Chris Hadfield
Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, and been temporarily blinded while clinging to the exterior of an orbiting spacecraft. The secret to Col. Hadfield's success-and survival-is an unconventional philosophy he learned at NASA: prepare for the worst- and enjoy every moment of it.In An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, Col. Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories filled with the adrenaline of launch, the mesmerizing wonder of spacewalks, and the measured, calm responses mandated by crises, he explains how conventional wisdom can get in the way of achievement-and happiness. His own extraordinary education in space has taught him some counterintuitive lessons: don't visualize success, do care what others think, and always sweat the small stuff.You might never be able to build a robot, pilot a spacecraft, make a music video or perform basic surgery in zero gravity like Col. Hadfield. But his vivid and refreshing insights will teach you how to think like an astronaut, and will change, completely, the way you view life on Earth-especially your own.
Objev podobné jako An Astronaut´s Guide to Life on Earth - Chris Hadfield
The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy Illustrated Edition - Douglas Adams
Gorgeous 42nd Anniversary gift edition of Douglas Adams's pop-culture classic, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, stunningly illustrated throughout by Costa Award-winner Chris Riddell.It's an ordinary Thursday lunchtime for Arthur Dent until his house gets demolished. The Earth follows shortly afterwards to make way for a new hyperspace express route, and Arthur's best friend has just announced that he's an alien. At this moment, they're hurtling through space with nothing but their towels and a book inscribed in large, friendly letters: DON'T PANIC.The book is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the weekend has only just begun . . .Douglas Adams's mega-selling pop-culture classic sends logic into orbit, plays havoc with physics and twists time, but most importantly it's very, very funny.
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A Witch´s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon - Sarah Hawley
Mariel Spark knows not to trust a demon, especially one that wants her soul, but what's a witch to do when he won't leave her side - and she kind of doesn't want him to?Mariel Spark is prophesied to be the most powerful witch seen in centuries of the famed Spark family, but to the displeasure of her mother, she prefers baking to brewing potions and gardening to casting hexes. When a spell to summon flour goes very wrong, Mariel finds herself staring down a demon - one she inadvertently summoned for a soul bargain.Ozroth the Ruthless is a legend among demons. Powerful and merciless, he drives hard bargains to collect mortal souls. But his reputation has suffered ever since a bargain went awry - if he can strike a deal with Mariel, he will earn back his deadly reputation. Ozroth can't leave Mariel's side until they complete a bargain, which she refuses to do (turns out some humans are attached to their souls).But the witch is funny. And curvy. And disgustingly yet endearingly cheerful. Becoming awkward roommates quickly escalates when Mariel, terrified to confess the inadvertent summoning to her mother, blurts out that she's dating Ozroth. As Ozroth and Mariel struggle to maintain a fake relationship, real attraction blooms between them. But Ozroth has a limited amount of time to strike the deal, and if Mariel gives up her soul, she'll lose all her emotions - including love - which will only spell disaster for them both.
Objev podobné jako A Witch´s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon - Sarah Hawley
A Nobleman´s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel - K. J. Charles
Bridgerton goes Gothic in this sweeping Regency romance by celebrated author KJ Charles. Major Rufus d'Aumesty has unexpectedly become the Earl of Oxney, master of a remote Norman manor on the edge of the infamous Romney Marsh. There he's beset on all sides, his position contested both by his greedy uncle and by Luke Doomsday, son of a notorious smuggling clan.The earl and the smuggler should be natural enemies, but cocksure, enragingly competent Luke is a trained secretary and expert schemer-exactly the sort of man Rufus needs by his side. Before long, Luke becomes an unexpected ally...and the lover Rufus had never hoped to find. But Luke came to Stone Manor with an ulterior motive, one he's desperate to keep hidden even from the lord he can't resist.As the lies accumulate and family secrets threaten to destroy everything they hold dear, master and man find themselves forced to decide whose side they're really on...and what they're willing to do for love. Readers Rave about KJ Charles:"KJ Charles is one of the best romance novelists writing today. Historical romance at its finest." -Sarah MacLean, New York Times bestselling author"Once again KJ Charles has produced an absolute masterpiece!" -Joanna Shupe, USA Today bestselling author"A romantic, swashbuckling tale from start to finish."-Manda Collins, Bestselling Author of A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Mayhem
Objev podobné jako A Nobleman´s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel - K. J. Charles
The Beauty Brief : An Insider´s Guide to Skincare - Service Katie
Katie Service has years of experience in the beauty industry, working as the Editorial Beauty Director at Harrods and with world-famous makeup artists such as Charlotte Tilbury, and top brands from Chanel to Tom Ford. Here, she shares her secret tips and tricks, giving you the low-down on which ingredients, products and procedures to adopt or avoid, whatever your skin type or budget. You’ll find advice on the essentials of good skincare, morning routines, ‘on-the-go’ products, evening regimes, SOS skin repair tips and dermatological treatments. Katie even decodes the ingredient lists and symbols on our beauty products, featuring case studies of global best-sellers, from Weleda Skin Food to Glossier Solution. Packed with first-hand insider knowledge and advice from experts in the industry, The Beauty Brief will have you thinking smarter – and looking better.
Objev podobné jako The Beauty Brief : An Insider´s Guide to Skincare - Service Katie
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Making Enemies - Louie Stowell
Loki's fourth doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series. Loki has made a fair few enemies during his time in Asgard. Too many to count and certainly too many to remember.When the elf, Vinir beams Loki aboard his chariot and challenges him to a magical duel, Loki hasn't got a clue why. Sweet talking his way out of a fight by pointing out there's little honour in duelling someone who can't remember how they wronged you, and even less in picking on a child, Loki is returned safely to school. That is until Vinir shows up in child form, as resolute as ever about seeking that duel... and vengeance.
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Making Enemies - Louie Stowell
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Being Good - Louie Stowell
Wry, witty and very funny diary-style story packed with doodles and comic strips about the frustration trickster god Loki feels at having to live trapped in the body of a weedy eleven-year-old boy.After one trick too many, Loki is banished to live on Earth as a "normal" school boy. Forbidden from using his AWESOME godly powers, Loki must show moral improvement. As he records his lies THE TRUTH in his magical (judgemental) diary, it becomes clear Loki hasn’t a clue how to tell good from evil, trust from tricks, or friends from enemies.
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Being Good - Louie Stowell
The MR PORTER Guide to a Better Day
A dawn-to-dusk instruction manual for living effortlessly and elegantly in the modern worldThe MR PORTER Guide To A Better Day covers all aspects of a man’s daily life, from morning rituals, to flawless grooming to handy tips for taking the work out of your working and social life. Compiled by MR PORTER’s Editors and featuring wisdom from Messrs Tom Ford, Laird Hamilton and more, this book is packed with expert advice, helpful illustrations and full-colour photography that explores the habits and routines of the world’s most stylish men. Of course, it’s also got the wardrobe side of things covered: between each chapter, a dedicated section on ‘How To Dress’ offers a deep dive into the ins and outs of contemporary menswear, offering rules and guidelines on what to wear and how to wear it, whether you’re heading out for a fancy dinner, or spending a weekend recovering from just such a thing. Drawing on MR PORTER’s unparalleled experience of dressing discerning gentlemen across the globe, it is the definitive volume that every man of taste should have on his bookshelf this season.Table of ContentsIntroduction • 1. Morning Routine • 2. Fitness • 3. Grooming • 4. Work • 5. Wellness/Mental Health • 6. Eating & Drinking • 7. Socialising • 8. Home • 9. Play
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Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
Loki's third doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series. When Heimdall and Hyrrokkin abandon their "children" to go on holiday, Odin sends Baldur - Thor's half brother and god of making Loki look bad - to babysit. As Baldur and Thor bond, Loki's attempts to prove he's good start getting a bit desperate.After the drama teacher casts him as the villain in the school play, Loki starts to wonder whether there's any point in being good when everyone seems convinced of his villainy. That is until he discovers a rather unusual ring among the costumes and props. A ring that looks suspiciously like the cursed ring of Andvari, one that promises Loki the world if only he gives in to his deepest, darkest desires...
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Taking the Blame - Louie Stowell
Loki might not have shown any moral improvement (yet) but Odin has given him another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard by keeping Earth safe from the threat of Frost Giants. But eleven-year-old Loki has more important things to worry about:Parents Evening. After a series of 1-star reviews from his teachers, Loki is jealous of the glowing adoration bestowed upon Thor and swears vengeance.So when Thor has a birthday party and his favourite hammer, Mjolnir, goes missing, everyone suspects Loki. To clear his name, Loki must find Thor’s hammer and find out who the real thief is…
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Taking the Blame - Louie Stowell
A British Girl´s Guide to Hurricanes and Heartbreak - Laura Taylor Namey
In this highly anticipated companion to the New York Times bestseller and Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club YA Pick A Cuban Girl's Guide to Tea and Tomorrow, Flora Maxwell heads to Miami to find a path for her future . . . and finds her heart along the way.Winchester has always been home for Flora, but when her mother dies, Flora feels untethered. Her family expects her to apply to university and take a larger role in their tea-shop business, but Flora isn't so sure. More than ever, she's the chaotic 'hurricane' in her household, and she doesn't always know how to manage her stormy emotions. So she decides to escape to Miami without telling anyone - especially her longtime friend Gordon Wallace.But Flora's tropical change of scenery doesn't cast away her self-doubt. When it comes to university, she has no idea which passions she should follow. That's also true in romance. Flora's summer abroad lands her in the flashbulb world of teen influencer Baz Marin, a Miami Cuban who shares her love for photography. But Flora's more conflicted than ever when she begins to see future architect Gordon in a new light.
Objev podobné jako A British Girl´s Guide to Hurricanes and Heartbreak - Laura Taylor Namey
Wild Once: A high priestess´s guide to modern spirituality - Vivianne Crowley
What secret power is hiding within you?There is an untamed wildness within each of us. Once found and nurtured, this wild power can lead to true and boundless freedom, creativity and purpose. In Wild Once, internationally renowned High Wiccan Priestess, Vivianne Crowley, reveals the secret riches to be found on a hidden path.This is the extraordinary and inspiring guide to a life lived magically, of adventures into the unknown and of finding spiritual nourishment. It shows what can happen when you have the courage to step into the unexplainable and live untamed. It is also an evocative, intricate account of a hidden world, a rich tour of modern magical practices, from meditation to manifestation, shamanism to spellwork.Magic is waiting to be discovered. It is here, just beneath the surface, if only you know where to look... We all have wild magic within us; this book will inspire you to find it.___________________PRAISE FOR WILD ONCE'Utterly contemporary, yet drawing on ancient wisdom' - Philip Carr-Gomm, author of The Prophecies and DruidCraft: The Magic of Wicca & Druidry'A memoir of beautifully told tales about her magical and well-lived life that will awaken the magic within and guide you to the enchanted adventure that awaits' - Phyllis Curott, Priestess of Ara, author of The Witches' Wisdom Tarot'The best book on the experience of magic that I have ever read' - Ronald Hutton, author of The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles'Heartfelt and often beautiful ... Witches, look no further! This is the guide you need' - Diane Purkiss 'Wonderfully inspirational and highly practical - if you have ever wondered what it's like to be a witch in Real Life, just read this book!' - Rodney Orpheus, author of Abrahadabra and founding member of The Cassandra Complex
Objev podobné jako Wild Once: A high priestess´s guide to modern spirituality - Vivianne Crowley
A Good Girl´s Guide to Murder (TV Tie-In) - Holly Jacksonová
The New York Times No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller that everyone is talking about!TIKTOK AUTHOR OF THE YEAR, 2023‘A taut, compulsively readable, elegantly plotted thriller'' – GuardianThe case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it.But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn''t so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth … ?
Objev podobné jako A Good Girl´s Guide to Murder (TV Tie-In) - Holly Jacksonová
The Southern Book Club´s Guide to Slaying Vampires : A Novel - Grady Hendrix
Patricia Campbell's life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she's always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they're as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she hasn't felt in years. But when children on the other side of town go missing, their deaths written off by local police, Patricia has reason to believe James Harris is more of a Bundy than a Brad Pitt. The real problem? James is a monster of a different kind-and Patricia has already invited him in.Little by little, James will insinuate himself into Patricia's life and try to take everything she took for granted-including the book club-but she won't surrender without a fight in this blood-soaked tale of neighborly kindness gone wrong.
Objev podobné jako The Southern Book Club´s Guide to Slaying Vampires : A Novel - Grady Hendrix
The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well - Daniel J. Levitin
In this ground-breaking book, Dr Daniel Levitin uses cutting-edge research from neuroscience and psychology to demonstrate the importance of the stage that follows the middle-age. Packed with engaging interviews with successful, creative individuals far beyond the conventional age of 'retirement', this book also reflects on challenges many readers will recognize. Full of accessible and conversation-sparking takeaways, it demonstrates the importance of the distinct advantages and consequences of getting older. Levitin offers a realistic personal plan full of practical, cognitive enhancing tricks for everyone to follow as they age. Successful Ageing is a radical exploration of what we all can learn from those who age joyously, a new model for a positive elderly experience. This book will revolutionize the way we plan for old age as individuals, family members, and citizens of a society in which the average life expectancy continues to rise.
Objev podobné jako The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well - Daniel J. Levitin
The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well (Defekt) - Daniel J. Levitin
In this ground-breaking book, Dr Daniel Levitin uses cutting-edge research from neuroscience and psychology to demonstrate the importance of the stage that follows the middle-age. Packed with engaging interviews with successful, creative individuals far beyond the conventional age of 'retirement', this book also reflects on challenges many readers will recognize. Full of accessible and conversation-sparking takeaways, it demonstrates the importance of the distinct advantages and consequences of getting older. Levitin offers a realistic personal plan full of practical, cognitive enhancing tricks for everyone to follow as they age. Successful Ageing is a radical exploration of what we all can learn from those who age joyously, a new model for a positive elderly experience. This book will revolutionize the way we plan for old age as individuals, family members, and citizens of a society in which the average life expectancy continues to rise.
Objev podobné jako The Changing Mind : A Neuroscientist´s Guide to Ageing Well (Defekt) - Daniel J. Levitin
Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Emma T. Pk with CD - Jane Austenová
zjednodušená anglická četba, vhodná při přípravě na zkoušku FCE jako doplňkový materiál ( úroveň B1 - Intermediate, slovní zásoba 1 600 slov) Kniha je balena s audio CD a obsahuje 8 stran cvičení.věk 15+
Objev podobné jako Macmillan Readers Intermediate: Emma T. Pk with CD - Jane Austenová
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