Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Never Split the Difference : Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It - Chris Voss, Tahl Raz

'A master of persuasion.' Forbes 'This book blew my mind.' Adam Grant, bestselling author of Originals A former FBI hostage negotiator offers a new, field-tested approach to negotiating - effective in any situation. After a stint policing the rough streets of Kansas City, Missouri, Chris Voss joined the FBI, where his career as a kidnapping negotiator brought him face-to-face with bank robbers, gang leaders and terrorists. Never Split the Difference takes you inside his world of high-stakes negotiations, revealing the nine key principles that helped Voss and his colleagues succeed when it mattered the most - when people's lives were at stake. Rooted in the real-life experiences of an intelligence professional at the top of his game, Never Split the Difference will give you the competitive edge in any discussion. 'Filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations.' Business Insider 'A stupendous book.' The Week 'It's rare that a book is so gripping and entertaining while still being actionable and applicable.' Inc.

Podívejte se také Rea Chris: On The Beach (Deluxe Edition, 2x CD) - CD (9029549224)

cena 268.0 Kč

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as If Your Life Depended on it (1847941494)

Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A guide to negotiation, from the FBI's former lead hostage negotiator. 'Filled with insights that apply to everyday negotiations.' "Business Insider"

Podívejte se také Make Your Bed: Small Things That Can Change Your Life...and Maybe the World (0718188861)

cena 289.0 Kč

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It - Kamal Ravikant

The bestselling self-published phenomenon addressing our urgent need for self-love in the world today.Now expanded with new reader oriented lessons, and a powerful and transformative personal story of the practice in action.Kamal Ravikant knows misery well. In 2011, the company Kamal had spent the last ten years of his life nurturing and growing, suddenly and embarrassingly went under. He experienced a profound depression, the kind that made him physically ill and bedridden. The only source of light in this darkest moment was a meditation, a chant that came to him and provided the only source of comfort he could muster: I love myself.Kamal began his transformational journey by repeating this over and over to himself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. Even when he didn’t believe it (especially when he didn’t believe it).This meditation grew in the form of a system of tools for keeping him positive, balanced, and moving forward. Kamal’s spiritual healing changed his physical and emotional states, and his entire person shifted for the better.Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It is the powerful story of Kamal’s radical self-growth journey and his specific practice for readers. Dynamic, vulnerable, page-turning and ultimately life-changing, these pages hold a universal appeal for anyone who has ever struggled to get out of bed in the morning or smile through profound sadness.

Podívejte se také Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)

cena 295.0 Kč

Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts (0143110179)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 352 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Negotiating the Nonnegotiable: How to Resolve Your Most Emotionally Charged Conflicts (0143110179)

cena 433.0 Kč

Write It All Down: How to Put Your Life on the Page - Cathy Rentzenbrink

'Cathy is the person who first told me to write about my mental health when I was nervous to do so. She is a great writer herself and this is brilliant.' - Matt Haig, bestselling author of Reasons to Stay Alive and The Midnight Library'A gentle, wise and witty book that will take you by the hand and guide your words onto the page - I truly wish I'd read it before I began to write.' - Raynor Winn, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Salt Path and The Wild SilenceWhy do we want to write and what stops us? How do we fight the worry that no-one will care what we have to say? What can we do to overcome the obstacles in our way? Sunday Times bestselling author Cathy Rentzenbrink shows you how to tackle all this and more in Write It All Down, a guide to putting your life on the page. Complete with a compendium of advice from amazing writers such as Dolly Alderton, Adam Kay and Candice Carty-Williams, this book is here to help you discover the pleasure and solace to be found in writing; the profound satisfaction of wrestling a story onto a page and seeing the events of your life transformed through the experience of writing a memoir.Perfect for seasoned writers as well as writing amateurs and everyone in between, this helpful handbook will steer you through the philosophical and practical challenges of writing, whether you're struggling with writers block or worrying what people will say. Intertwined with reflections and exercises, Write It All Down is at once an intimate conversation and an invitation to share your story.

Objev podobné jako Write It All Down: How to Put Your Life on the Page - Cathy Rentzenbrink

cena 402.0 Kč

Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss

Když jde o lidský život, nelze dělat kompromisy. To se naučil Chris Voss, bývalý hlavní vyjednavač u FBI. Přes svůj nekompromisní název jde o knížku nesmírně užitečnou pro nás všechny, kteří potřebujeme vyjednat třeba lepší obchodní podmínky, vyšší plat nebo přesvědčit své děti. Kniha je přímo nabita kontraintuitivními technikami, které jsou ilustrované napínavými příběhy z Vossovy kariéry. Je to paradox, ale přes tvrdý slogan není tato kniha návodem, jak z druhého při jednání sedřít kůži. Ve skutečnosti vás seznámí s nejnovějšími vyjednávacími postupy, s nimiž při zachování fair-play dosáhnete při jednání maxima. Život přináší různá vyjednávání, na něž bychom měli být připraveni: nákup auta, pořízení domu, sjednání zakázky, platu, nájmu či podmínek akvizice, smlouvání s partnerem, dětmi… Dnes již klasické knihy jako Getting to Yes nebo Crucial Conversations navždy obohatily arzenál všech vyjednávačů. Přesto se některé metody v praxi ukázaly jako neefektivní a volají po aktualizaci. Bývalý hlavní vyjednavač FBI s únosci Chris Voss přináší nový, v terénu tvrdě vyzkoušený a nejnovější neurovědou podpořený vhled. Začínal jako řadový policajt a postupně se vypracoval až do pozice, kdy sám vedl jednání s největšími zločinci, únosci, vrahy a teroristy. Stal se špičkovým specialistou na vyjednávání, v nichž jde o hodně: o lidský život. V takových jednáních nelze dělat kompromisy. Vossův přístup vycházející z dlouholeté praxe jeho jednotky i ze souvisejících výzkumů, na kterých se v FBI roky pracovalo v reakci na neefektivitu starých metod. Sice neboří předchozí školy, ale navazuje na ně, rozvíjí je a v mnoha ohledech je překonává. Věděli jste, že to byla právě FBI, která v jednáních aktivně začala pracovat s emocemi? Do té doby se na Harvardu a dalších předních školách vyučoval přístup vycházející z domněnky, že obě strany jednají převážně na základě racionálních pohnutek. Voss po 25 letech FBI opustil a v další práci se zaměřil na extrémně náročná vyjednávání v byznyse. Stal se vyhledávaným špičkovým konzultantem, který dnes v rámci své agentury Black Swan Group asistuje u náročných obchodních jednání firem z žebříčku Fortune 500 a o vyjednávání také přednáší např. na Harvardu, MIT a mnoha dalších prestižních školách. Jeho kniha je souhrnem poznatků nabytých v obou sférách a je významným, praktickým a nesmírně čtivým příspěvkem k tématu, které se týká našich osobních i pracovních životů.

Objev podobné jako Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss

cena 348.0 Kč

What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life (Defekt)

I'm still learning, still making mistakes, but I feel ready now - after a lot of twists and turns along the way - to share my journey with you.In his much-anticipated first book, celebrated singer-songwriter Craig David takes us on a journey of connecting, disconnecting and reconnecting, weaving together stories of his life and music - starting with his early days in Southampton working with The Artful Dodger, to his overnight chart-topping success, through to the present day, and everything in between.This is Craig as we've never seen him before - the always-positive showman, baring his soul for the first time.From physical pain, lost love, public humiliation and depression, Craig takes us past his comfort zone, in a raw, honest and courageous account of his own lived experience. In opening up about how he overcame these obstacles, Craig shares his insight and provides practical advice that will help us to navigate the daily challenges we all face.This is Craig's story of how he learned to tune into his best life.

Objev podobné jako What’s Your Vibe? Tuning into your best life (Defekt)

cena 49.0 Kč

Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss - audiokniha

Audiokniha: „Nikdy nedělej kompromis Chrise Vosse je tak trochu jiná kniha o byznysu. Je to kniha, která klade důraz na důležitost emoční inteligence bez obětování síly nezbytné k uzavření obchodu. Je z pera bývalého vyjednavače s únosci – někoho, kdo nesměl přijmout „ne“ jako odpověď – což z ní dělá fascinující čtivo. Přitom je výsostně praktická. Na stránkách Kompromisu najdete techniky,
s nimiž se dostanete k dohodě, po níž toužíte.“ – Daniel H. Pink, autor bestselleru Prodávat je lidské O knize Nikdy nedělej kompromis je strhující, nenahraditelná příručka vyjednávacích technik, vybroušených během zajímavé kariéry Chrise Vosse, který začínal jako pochůzkář v ulicích Kansasu, aby se později na desítky let stal hlavním vyjednavačem FBI s únosci. Dnes patří k nejvyhledávanějším lektorům prestižních podnikatelských škol a současně působí jako poradce velkých společností při jejich strategických jednáních. Vossovy techniky již prokázaly funkčnost v mnoha náročných situacích, od osvobození rukojmích po úspěšné miliardové fúze. A nyní je můžete využít i vy: ve své práci, pro získání lepšího místa, vyššího platu, či dokonce při přesvědčování svých dětí. Kniha se navíc čte lehce jako beletrie, protože autor svůj výklad prokládá napínavým popisem událostí, v nichž se Vossovi a jeho kolegům z FBI podařilo uspět v situacích, kdy šlo o všechno: o lidské životy. V knize se mimo jiné dozvíte: - jak používat metody aktivního naslouchání, zejména zrcadlení, mlčení a hlas nočního DJ - jak zklidnit situaci a vyvolat v protějšku pocit bezpečí, aby se nebál odhalit jak rozlišit mezi tím, co dotyčný chce a co nezbytně potřebuje - co to je taktická empatie a jak používat tzv. labeling - jak odzbrojit druhého v jeho stížnostech vůči vám - proč je „ne“ tím nejlepším začátkem a jak ho dosáhnout jak lze přimět druhou stranu k e-mailové reakci - co to jsou kalibrované otázky a jak je použít k nasměrování energie protějšku k řešení vašich problémů - jak efektivně smlouvat i v případě, že jednáte s agresivním protivníkem či se potýkáte s urážkami Získejte konkurenční výhodu v práci i osobním životě díky technikám bývalého hlavního vyjednavače FBI. Více o knize http://melvil.cz/kniha-nikdy-nedelej-kompromis Diskutujte o knize s hashtagem #knihakompromis

Objev podobné jako Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss - audiokniha

cena 389.0 Kč

If the Sun Never Sets - Ana Huang

A steamy second chance romance from Ana Huang, the New York Times bestselling author of the Kings of Sin and Twisted seriesFive years ago, he broke her heart. Now, he'll do anything to win her back. When Farrah walked into her lunch meeting, she didn't expect to see him.Blake Ryan. Her first love, her first heartbreak, and now, her first client as a freelance interior designer. It's been five years, but she'll never forget the way he shattered her.He whispers pretty words, but she'll never believe him. Her body craves his, but she'll never give him her heart. Not again.Not ever. ***Money. Looks.A booming sports bar empire. On the surface, Blake has it all. But inside, he's haunted - both by nightmares of a tragic loss and dreams of the girl he once betrayed.When fate reunites them, he sees it as a sign: it's time to get the love of his life back. No matter what it takes. If the Sun Never Sets is book two of the If Love duet.Recommended for 18+ due to adult language and explicit content.

Objev podobné jako If the Sun Never Sets - Ana Huang

cena 286.0 Kč

Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss - e-kniha

eBook: „Nikdy nedělej kompromis Chrise Vosse je tak trochu jiná kniha o byznysu. Je to kniha, která klade důraz na důležitost emoční inteligence bez obětování síly nezbytné k uzavření obchodu. Je z pera bývalého vyjednavače s únosci – někoho, kdo nesměl přijmout „ne“ jako odpověď – což z ní dělá fascinující čtivo. Přitom je výsostně praktická. Na stránkách Kompromisu najdete techniky,
s nimiž se dostanete k dohodě, po níž toužíte.“ – Daniel H. Pink, autor bestselleru Prodávat je lidské O knizeNikdy nedělej kompromis je strhující, nenahraditelná příručka vyjednávacích technik, vybroušených během zajímavé kariéry Chrise Vosse, který začínal jako pochůzkář v ulicích Kansasu, aby se později na desítky let stal hlavním vyjednavačem FBI s únosci. Dnes patří k nejvyhledávanějším lektorům prestižních podnikatelských škol a současně působí jako poradce velkých společností při jejich strategických jednáních. Vossovy techniky již prokázaly funkčnost v mnoha náročných situacích, od osvobození rukojmích po úspěšné miliardové fúze. A nyní je můžete využít i vy: ve své práci, pro získání lepšího místa, vyššího platu, či dokonce při přesvědčování svých dětí. Kniha se navíc čte lehce jako beletrie, protože autor svůj výklad prokládá napínavým popisem událostí, v nichž se Vossovi a jeho kolegům z FBI podařilo uspět v situacích, kdy šlo o všechno: o lidské životy. V knize se mimo jiné dozvíte: - jak používat metody aktivního naslouchání, zejména zrcadlení, mlčení a hlas nočního DJ - jak zklidnit situaci a vyvolat v protějšku pocit bezpečí, aby se nebál odhalit jak rozlišit mezi tím, co dotyčný chce a co nezbytně potřebuje- co to je taktická empatie a jak používat tzv. labeling- jak odzbrojit druhého v jeho stížnostech vůči vám - proč je „ne“ tím nejlepším začátkem a jak ho dosáhnout jak lze přimět druhou stranu k e-mailové reakci - co to jsou kalibrované otázky a jak je použít k nasměrování energie protějšku k řešení vašich problémů - jak efektivně smlouvat i v případě, že jednáte s agresivním protivníkem či se potýkáte s urážkami Získejte konkurenční výhodu v práci i osobním životě díky technikám bývalého hlavního vyjednavače FBI. Diskutujte o knize s hashtagem #knihakompromis

Objev podobné jako Nikdy nedělej kompromis - Chris Voss - e-kniha

cena 259.0 Kč

Good Strategy / Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters (1781256179)

Kniha - autor Richard Rumelt, 322 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A Profile Business Classic edition of this critically acclaimed book on strategy. 'A business classic' "Management Today"

Objev podobné jako Good Strategy / Bad Strategy: The difference and why it matters (1781256179)

cena 302.0 Kč

Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters (0307886239)

Kniha - autor Richard Rumelt, 336 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Richard Rumelt, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá This witty and opinionated book is filled with new ideas and fascinating stories about the central task of managers in business, government, education, charitable organizations, and the arts: creating and implementing a strategy. Demystifies and debunks the visions, motivational schemes, and financial goals touted as strategy, while awakening an appreciation of the power of 'real' strategies.

Objev podobné jako Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters (0307886239)

cena 499.0 Kč

The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge

"A fascinating, entertaining and deeply smart journey into the storytelling brain" - Will Storr, bestselling author of The Status Game and The Science of Storytelling"Life - and the quite appalling behaviour of everyone I know - finally makes sense. Read this remarkable book" - Andrew Gold, author of The Psychology of Secrets and host of Heretics--------------------------We understand the world through stories. All of our experiences, all of our insights – psychologically, we interpret them through specific lenses that have been curated, perfected and passed down throughout human history. Internationally bestselling author Professor Ben Ambridge has quantified those lenses into eight distinct masterplots that can apply to any experience.The mother who wakes up an hour early every day to prep her child's breakfast? She's playing out the Sacrifice plot. The amateur sports team who go on to win the big trophy against all the odds? They're part of the Underdog narrative.Ambridge uses examples from fiction, real life, and popular psychology research to demonstrate how we not only naturally gravitate towards the masterplot narratives, but how we actually use those narratives to manipulate the world around us – like the addict who uses the Monster plot to paint their illness as something to overcome, or the boxer who relies on the Revenge narrative to motivate themselves to fight their way back after an embarrassing defeat.These masterplots do more for us than to help us understand the world; they’re vehicles through which humans have survived. The Stories of Your Life shares fascinating lessons about the nature of humanity, the power of psychology and – most importantly – the way we see ourselves.--------------------------"Stories are essential for human beings - they allow us to learn, to connect, to empathize. The best stories follow structures that catalyze and amplify their power. Ambridge expertly decodes and deciphers these masterplots so we can all benefit and grow" - Matt Abrahams, author of Think Faster Talk Smarter and host of Think Fast, Talk Smart

Objev podobné jako The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge

cena 650.0 Kč

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters - Rumelt Richard

When Richard Rumelt's Good Strategy/Bad Strategy was published in 2011, it immediately struck a chord, calling out as bad strategy the mish-mash of pop culture, motivational slogans and business buzz speak so often and misleadingly masquerading as the real thing. Since then, his original and pragmatic ideas have won fans around the world and continue to help readers to recognise and avoid the elements of bad strategy and adopt good, action-oriented strategies that honestly acknowledge the challenges being faced and offer straightforward approaches to overcoming them. Strategy should not be equated with ambition, leadership, vision or planning; rather, it is coherent action backed by an argument. For Rumelt, the heart of good strategy is insight into the hidden power in any situation, and into an appropriate response - whether launching a new product, fighting a war or putting a man on the moon. Drawing on examples of the good and the bad from across all sectors and all ages, he shows how this insight can be cultivated with a wide variety of tools that lead to better thinking and better strategy, strategy that cuts through the hype and gets results.

Objev podobné jako Good Strategy/Bad Strategy : The difference and why it matters - Rumelt Richard

cena 325.0 Kč

The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life - Tara Swart

Life-changing opportunities pass us by every day - now we can train our minds to seize themSelf-help books like The Secret promise that we can tap into the 'law of attraction' to control our destiny, simply by changing our thoughts. If we strip away the mystique, at the heart of this idea is a fundamental truth that is backed up by the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience: most of the things we want from life - health, happiness, wealth, love - are governed by our ability to think, feel and act; in other words, by our brain.Dr Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and executive coach with a background in psychiatry, is convinced beyond all doubt of our ability to alter how our brains work - and transform our lives. In The Source, she draws on the latest cognitive science and her experience coaching highly successful people to reveal the secret to mastering our minds.With a four-step plan to awaken the power of your brain, this unique guide to life combines science and spirituality in a way that is open-minded and practical. Discover how to:- Challenge 'autopilot' thinking and rewire your brain's pathways to fulfil your potential- Manifest the things you want by directing your energy towards your deepest values and ambitions- Harness the power of visualisation to prime your brain to grab opportunities and take control of your future- Attack life with confidence, dispel fear and avoid negative thinkingUnlock your potential today - you are just four steps away from building a new confident you.

Objev podobné jako The Source: Open Your Mind, Change Your Life - Tara Swart

cena 357.0 Kč

As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow (Defekt) - Zoulfa Katouh

Burning with the fires of hope and possibility, AS LONG AS THE LEMON TREES GROW will sweep you up and never let you go.'I am owed a life that does not end in tragedy.'A year ago, before the revolution, Salama watched her brother marry her best friend, Layla, and wondered when her own love story might begin.Now she works at the hospital - helping those she can, closing the eyes of those she can't. Layla and her unborn baby are all Salama has left.Unless you count Khawf. But he's a hallucination; a symptom of the horrors she's seen. Every day he urges Salama to leave. Every day she refuses.Until she crosses paths with Kenan, the boy with the vivid green eyes, who wants to stay and risk his life for everything Syria could be ...

Objev podobné jako As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow (Defekt) - Zoulfa Katouh

cena 109.0 Kč

Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk

A legendary performance coach shares his simple, proven, and fun methods for cultivating motivation and keeping it.To be productive and optimistic about our personal and professional lives, we want to feel that we can understand and influence what is happening around us today, and that we have a reliable insight into what will happen tomorrow. We also require a rich, supportive, and secure social life. As more of us work remotely and the frequency of our in-person contact decreases, this desire for connection and trust has only become more important; the social drive is so strong that our body temperature drops when we feel excluded.To satisfy our psychological needs in today's professional world, we must pursue them consciously and purposefully-but unfortunately, most of us don't know how to do so effectively. Instead, we waste our time on ineffective coping strategies that often make us feel even worse. The true solution to becoming happier, healthier, and more productive is to become intrinsically motivated: To stop wasting time on activities that don't really contribute to our careers or our company's success, eschew the dog-eat-dog culture of modern business, and find ways to take pleasure in what we do-and to do it well.Motivation by Stefan Falk is a comprehensive guide to achieving this goal. Filled with methods and techniques he developed at McKinsey & Company and through 25 years as a senior executive and performance coach working with elite athletes, top executives, special operators in the armed forces, and leaders from all walks of life, this book will revolutionize your approach to success at work and beyond.Published as Intrinsic Motivation in the United States.

Objev podobné jako Motivation: How to Love Your Work and Succeed as Never Before - Stefan Falk

cena 402.0 Kč

Bet on It - Slaughter Jodie

Jodie Slaughter is must-buy author, and Bet on It is a perfect example of what makes her writing delicious. Aja and Walker's story is hot, sweet, and utterly unique, with a rock-solid emotional core. - Talia Hibbert, New York Times bestselling author of Act Your Age, Eve Brown The first time Aja Owens encounters the man of her dreams, she's having a panic attack in the frozen foods section of the Piggly Wiggly. The second time, he's being introduced to her as her favorite bingo buddy's semi-estranged grandson. From there, all it takes is one game for her to realize that he's definitely going to be a problem. And if there's anything she already has a surplus of, it's problems. In Walker Abbott's mind, there are only two worthwhile things in Greenbelt, South Carolina. The peach cobbler at his old favorite diner and his ailing grandmother. Dragging himself back after more than a decade away, he's counting down the days until Gram heals and he can get back to his real life. Far away from the trauma inside of those city limits. Just when he thinks his plan is solid, enter Aja to shake everything up. A hastily made bingo-based sex pact is supposed to keep this...thing between them from getting out of hand. Especially when submitting to their feelings means disrupting their carefully balanced lives. But emotions are just like bingo callers--they refuse to be ignored. Jodie Slaughter's Bet on It is a heart-stoppingly fun, emotional romance that will have readers falling in love until long after the last page is turned. "Bet on It reads like the first rays of sun on your face after a long winter. I loved Aja and Walker's story about two genuinely good people who are playful and sweet to each other, helping one another heal, while also having incredibly hot sex. With standout portrayals of beautiful, generous friendships in addition to the love story, this is a book to be savored." - Rosie Danan, author of The Intimacy Experiment and The Roommate

Objev podobné jako Bet on It - Slaughter Jodie

cena 357.0 Kč

The Unlisted 1 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

There's nothing Dru Sharma fears more than the dentist. So whenhis school runs a compulsory dental check, he convinces his identicaltwin, Kal, to take his spot. What Dru and Kal don't realise is that the check-up has been initiatedby the Infinity Group, a mysterious organisation that isinterested in a lot more than the students' dental health. Infinitywants to control the hearts, minds and bodies of every youngperson in the world, and it isn't long before Kal and the other studentsstart developing super strength, while the kids who resistedthe procedure start to go missing. With Dru 'Unlisted' and outside of Infinity Group's control, it'sa race against time to uncover the truth of the operation. Druand Kal - with the help of a group of underground teens - willhave to do whatever they can to stop Infinity Group before it's toolate.

Objev podobné jako The Unlisted 1 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

cena 49.0 Kč

The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

The Unlisted are running out of time. With Infinity Group closing in on the vigilante teenagers, it's up to Dru and Kal to infiltrate the headquarters of the sinister corporation and try to uncover their plans.Rebel groups of Unlisted are emerging across the globe, ready to rise up. But Infinity Group is always one step ahead, with they have an army of teens completely under their influence. Now TheUnlisted are in more danger than ever.

Objev podobné jako The Unlisted 2 (Defekt) - Flynn Justine, Kunz Chris

cena 49.0 Kč

If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

In this genre-bending, speculative YA debut, a Chinese American girl monetizes her strange new invisibility powers by discovering and selling her wealthy classmates' most scandalous secrets.Alice Sun has always felt invisible at her elite Beijing international boarding school, where she's the only scholarship student among China's most rich and influential teens. But then she starts uncontrollably turning invisible--actually invisible.When her parents drop the news that they can no longer afford her tuition, even with the scholarship, Alice hatches a plan to monetize her strange new power--she'll discover the scandalous secrets her classmates want to know, for a price.But as the tasks escalate from petty scandals to actual crimes, Alice must decide if it's worth losing her conscience--or even her life.

Objev podobné jako If You Could See the Sun (Defekt) - Ann Liang

cena 179.0 Kč

essence Light as a feather 3D faux mink umělé řasy 01 Light Up Your Life 2 ks

essence Light as a feather 3D faux mink, 2 ks, Umělé řasy pro ženy, Příroda vám nenadělila takové řasy, jaké byste si přáli? Jejich prodloužení a výrazný vzhled už pro vás nemusí být pouhým snem. Umělé řasy essence Light as a feather 3D faux mink zajistí dramatický a svůdný pohled i bez aplikace několika vrstev řasenky a aniž byste se museli kvůli prodloužení objednávat na kosmetiku – zvládnete to snadno a rychle v pohodlí domova. Užijte si mimořádnou délku, objem a hustotu, kdykoliv budete chtít. Vlastnosti: vytváří dramatický pohled působí velmi přirozeně jsou velmi lehké a na oku nejsou téměř cítit uchyceny na tenkém transparentním pásku Složení: syntetická vlákna Jak používat: Umělé řasy můžete nejprve zkrátit dle velikosti svých očí do požadované délky.

Objev podobné jako essence Light as a feather 3D faux mink umělé řasy 01 Light Up Your Life 2 ks

cena 56.0 Kč

Portugal. The Man - Chris Black Changed My Life (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Barva: Černá Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Psychedelic Rock;Rock Datum vydání: 2023-06-22 Varianta: Chris Black Changed My Life (LP) Vydavatelství: Atlantic Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2023.0 Interpret / Téma: Portugal. The Man Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: LP deska

Objev podobné jako Portugal. The Man - Chris Black Changed My Life (LP)

cena 863.1 Kč

The 5 AM Club : Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. - Robin S. Sharma

Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.Through an enchanting-and often amusing-story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:* How great geniuses, business titans and the world's wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements* A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day* A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth* A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed* `Insider-only' tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the worldPart manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.

Objev podobné jako The 5 AM Club : Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. - Robin S. Sharma

cena 357.0 Kč

The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)

Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)

cena 309.0 Kč

Klub (Defekt) - Matilda Voss Gustavsson

Poprvé po sedmdesáti pěti letech se v roce 2018 neudělovala Nobelova cena za literaturu. Důvodem bylo sexuální násilí a jeho krytí v kruzích blízkých Švédské akademii. Odhalily ho investigativní reportáže Matildy Voss Gustavsson - právě z nich vychází i kniha Klub, příběh o zneužívání moci, mlčení a strachu. Skandál #MeToo ve Švédsku? Mladá švédská reportérka tomu nejdřív nechtěla věřit. Poté co si vyslechla několik svědectví, se rozhodla pátrat dál. Jejím cílem nebylo jen usvědčit Jeana-Clauda Arnaulta, francouzského fotografa a významnou osobnost švédské kultury, manžela známé básnířky Katariny Frostenson členky Švédské akademie. Manželé vedli známé kulturní centrum Fórum a také grantová podpora této soukromé instituce odhalila do očí bijící střet zájmů. Matildě Voss Gustavsson se podařilo přesvědčit oběti, aby promluvily. Jako v podobných případech se spisovatelky nebo umělkyně bály, že pokud Arnaulta obviní, nikdo jim neuvěří a budou mít zavřené dveře do kulturního světa. Reportážní kniha Klub představuje necenzurovaný portrét zákulisí švédského kulturního života, a především boje o moc a jejího zneužívání. Jedním z jejich projevů byl i Arnaultův pocit beztrestnosti při sexuálním násilí na ženách. Během čtení nás napadá - pokud se tohle stalo v rovnostářském Švédsku, jací kostlivci ve skříni čekají v jiných zemích?

Objev podobné jako Klub (Defekt) - Matilda Voss Gustavsson

cena 169.0 Kč

At The Movies - Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska;Barevná Barva: Žlutá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Soundtrack;Stage & Screen Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Atomic Fire Datum vydání: 2022-01-28 Subžánr: Stage & Screen;Soundtrack Varianta: Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP) Interpret / Téma: At The Movies Barva podle výrobce: Yellow Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 2 ks

Objev podobné jako At The Movies - Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 2 (Yellow Vinyl) (LP)

cena 609.45 Kč

Mr. Tee Ladies Ring On It Tee white - S

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Ladies Ring On It Tee white - S

cena 422.8749 Kč

Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World - Scott Shigeoka

Open your mind, heal your relationships, and connect across divides with this groundbreaking guide to deep curiosity from internationally-recognized curiosity expert, Scott Shigeoka.At a time when tensions over race, religion, gender identity and more have fractured our lives and relationships, curiosity is the key to fostering connection, growth, and healing.Seek will help you build the courage to be transformed by the people, places and experiences you encounter – unlocking deep curiosity, and strengthening this fundamental human skill.Using Shigeoka's transformative four-step framework, you will enhance your capacity to:Detach: Let go of your ABCs (Assumptions, Biases, Certainty)Intend: Prepare your mindset and environmentValue: See the dignity of every person – including yourself!Embrace: Welcome the hard times in life as a catalyst for connection and transformationA must-read for our times, this book will help you to shift your perspective, understand differences and lead a more curious life.

Objev podobné jako Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World - Scott Shigeoka

cena 402.0 Kč

Laney BCC The Difference Engine

Kytarový efekt Pedálový efekt Laney BCC The Difference Engine nabízí v kompaktním šasi tři typy efektu delay, které zásadním způsobem definovaly konkrétní éru - modeling klasického analogového páskového echa vystavěného na zvuku klasiky RE501 (max delay time 1250 ms), digitální delay postavený na základech osmdesátkových delay pedálů jako KORG SDD3000 (max delay time 2500 ms) s benefity v podobě funkcí tap tempo a freeze a dynamic digital delay vystavený na velkém pulzujícím zvuku delayů z 90. let (max delay time 2500 ms). Samozřejmostí je možnost nastavení charakteru jednotlivých typů efektu, tj. zvuku z jedné nebo více hlav virtuálního magnetofonového pásku, simulace stáří pásky, nastavení nástupu/attack a dozvuku/release u dynamického delaye nebo volitelná funkce trails, tj. zda delay efekt dozní po vypnutí krabičky. Základní ovladače určují množství modulace delay signálu (Colour), hlasitost delayed signálu (Mix), počet opakování (Repeats), EQ delayed signálu (Tone) a delay time (Edit). BCC The Difference Engine je k dispozici se 100 přednahranými presety z nichž 50 bylo vytvořeno známými muzikanty (Tony Iommi, Lari Basilio, Tom Quayle, Martin Miller, Billy Duffy, Alex Hutchings, Vernon Reid…). Bez dlouhého rozmýšlení se tak můžete pustit do experimentování s jednotlivými patchy, k listování v databázi presetů použijete knob Edit nebo (v operačním modu Preset) footswitche. V modu Live slouží footswitche k aktivaci pedálu a nastavení funkcí tap tempo a freeze. Laney BCC The Difference Engine můžete použít s elektrickými kytarami, baskytarami i klávesovými nástroji. V rámci propojení nabízí volitelné mono/stereo zapojení, vstup pro expression pedál (ovládání parametrů) a ovládání přes MIDI I/O. Mnozí jistě ocení flexibilní signálový routing (Mono, Stereo, XFB, Ping Pong, Wet/Dry). K napájení pedálu je zapotřebí 9V adaptér (není součástí balení). Řada BBC (Black Country Customs) britské značky Laney představuje kytarové pedálové efekty zhotovené v UK z kvalitních součástek a materiálů. Každý z pedálů série nabízí optimální dávku zvukového koření, tak aby podpořil a vyšperkoval zvuk a výkon vašeho aparátu a snímačů kytary.

Objev podobné jako Laney BCC The Difference Engine

cena 8090.0 Kč

The Answer: How to Take Charge of Your Life & Become the Person You Want to be (1409168298)

Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the bestselling duo behind The Definitive Book Of Body Language, here they share all their own tips and wisdom that they ve learnt on their journey to success.

Objev podobné jako The Answer: How to Take Charge of Your Life & Become the Person You Want to be (1409168298)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Lying Life of Adults (Defekt) - Elena Ferrante

Giovanna's pretty face has changed: it's turning into the face of an ugly, spiteful adolescent. But is she seeing things as they really are? Into which mirror must she look to find herself and save herself? She is searching for a new face in two kindred cities that fear and detest one another: the Naples of the heights, which assumes a mask of refinement, and the Naples of the depths, which professes to be a place of excess and vulgarity. She moves between these two cities, disoriented by the fact that, whether high or low, the city seems to offer no answer and no escape. Elena Ferrante is unsurpassed in her ability to draw readers into her books from the very first page and she proves this again with The Lying Life of Adults, pulling us into what the Italian trade magazine Il libraio described as 'not a mere story but an entire world.' The millions of readers who found themselves addicted to My Brilliant Friend and the Neapolitan quartet will find that this new novel has the same addictive, do-not-disturb-I'm-reading qualities.

Objev podobné jako The Lying Life of Adults (Defekt) - Elena Ferrante

cena 89.0 Kč

The Life Scientific: Virus Hunters (Defekt) - Buckley Anna

The inspiring life stories of leading scientists as heard on BBC Radio 4 BBC Radio 4's celebrated THE LIFE SCIENTIFIC has featured some of the world's most renowned experts in the field of deadly viruses. The interviews make sobering reading, a reminder of all the deadly viruses that have threatened global health, and why for the scientists working on the front line in the war against viruses, the arrival of Covid-19 came as no surprise. Among the contributors to this all-too-timely book are:Jeremy Farrar, before he became Director of the Wellcome Trust, worked in an Infectious Diseases Hospital in Vietnam. He was on the frontline tackling SARS and nine months later a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu, H5N1. Peter Piot was at the forefront of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. He was the first to identify HIV in Africa. It took him fifteen years to persuade the world that it was also a heterosexual disease. Later as Executive Director of UN AIDS he fought for years to get the UN to take the threat of HIV seriously.Jonathan Ball studies how viruses operate at the molecular level, hoping to find their Achilles' heel and so develop effective vaccines. During the West Africa Ebola epidemic, he studied how the genome of the Ebola virus evolved as it spread from Guinea to Liberia and Sierra Leone. He has shown that as this virus (which more happily lives in bats) infects more humans, it becomes ever more infectious.Wendy Barclay seeks to understand how viruses are able to jump from animals to humans and why some viruses are so much more dangerous to humans than others. Most Londoners had no idea they were infected during the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009. The Bird Flu epidemic in Asia claimed thousands of livesKate Jones is a bat specialist who works on how ecological changes and human behaviour accelerate the spread of animal viruses into humans. Bats have been infected with coronaviruses for more than 10,000 years.

Objev podobné jako The Life Scientific: Virus Hunters (Defekt) - Buckley Anna

cena 139.0 Kč

If Then : How One Data Company Invented the Future (Defekt) - Lepore Jill

The Simulmatics Corporation, founded in 1959, mined data, targeted voters, accelerated news, manipulated consumers, destabilized politics, and disordered knowledge--decades before Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Cambridge Analytica. Silicon Valley likes to imagine it has no past but the scientists of Simulmatics are the long-dead grandfathers of Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk. Borrowing from psychological warfare, they used computers to predict and direct human behavior, deploying their "People Machine" from New York, Cambridge, and Saigon for clients that included John Kennedy's presidential campaign, the New York Times, Young & Rubicam, and, during the Vietnam War, the Department of Defence. In If Then, distinguished Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer, Jill Lepore, unearths from the archives the almost unbelievable story of this long-vanished corporation, and of the women hidden behind it. In the 1950s and 1960s, Lepore argues, Simulmatics invented the future by building the machine in which the world now finds itself trapped and tormented, algorithm by algorithm.

Objev podobné jako If Then : How One Data Company Invented the Future (Defekt) - Lepore Jill

cena 149.0 Kč

Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

eBook: A satirical story with a moral tint, "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" follows a narrator, fashioned after Poe himself, who is attacked by critics for his inability to produce a moral literary piece. To counter his critics, the narrator tells the story of a friend fond for rhetorically invoking the Devil, and his unusual end. A blend of supernatural and the bizarre, make the story a light-hearted, provocatively funny read that is doomed to be loved by anyone.

Objev podobné jako Never Bet the Devil Your Head - Edgar Allan Poe - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Příběh kouzelnictví (Defekt) - Chris Colfer

Už je to skoro rok, co Brystal Vždyzelená uzavřela se smrtí dohodu, že výměnou za svůj život najde a zničí Nesmrtelnou. Dosud však neobjevila jedinou stopu, kdo to je a kde se nachází. Z hlubin země se navíc začíná šířit temnota a ohrožuje vše živé. Pokud chtějí víly a čarodějky probouzející se zlo zastavit, musí spolupracovat se všemi, včetně Spravedlivého bratrstva a jeho Armády mrtvých. Co když ale za zdánlivě novou hrozbou stojí někdo dobře známý?

Objev podobné jako Příběh kouzelnictví (Defekt) - Chris Colfer

cena 159.0 Kč

Smrtící Apollo (Defekt) - Chris Hadfield

NASA se chystá vypustit Apollo 18. Zatímco mise byla účtována jako vědecká, letový kontrolorZemeckis ví, že je její cíl mnohem temnější. Rozvědka totiž objevila tajnou sovětskou vesmírnoustanici špehující Ameriku a Apollo 18 může být jedinou šancí, jak ji zastavit.Výjimečný debut a „vzrušující cesta“ do temného srdce studené války a vesmírných závodů odbestsellerového autora New York Times a astronauta Chrise Hadfielda — Andy Weir, autor románůMarťan a Spasitel.

Objev podobné jako Smrtící Apollo (Defekt) - Chris Hadfield

cena 179.0 Kč

Mr. Tee Ladies Ring On It Tee white - XL

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Ladies Ring On It Tee white - XL

cena 422.8749 Kč

Portugal. The Man - Chris Black Changed My Life (Purple Coloured) (Indie) (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Typ: LP deska;Barevná Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Subžánr: Rock;Psychedelic Rock;Alternative Rock Žánr: Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Fialová Rok vydání: 2023.0 Varianta: Chris Black Changed My Life (Purple Coloured) (Indie) (LP) Země původu: Německo Interpret / Téma: Portugal. The Man Vydavatelství: Atlantic Barva podle výrobce: Purple Datum vydání: 2023-06-23

Objev podobné jako Portugal. The Man - Chris Black Changed My Life (Purple Coloured) (Indie) (LP)

cena 863.6 Kč

The Fosters: Keep Your Frenemies Close (Defekt) - Stacy Kravetz

As a companion to ABC Family's show The Fosters, this first book in a potential series takes place over a weekend community service/extra school credit trip Callie is required to take in order to boost her history grade. To complicate things, she's thrown together with Talya and the forced relationship between Callie and Talya takes a series of turns over the course of the book. The bright spot is a new guy, Austin, who flirts with them both and stirs up even more trouble between the two. Callie and Talya reveal secrets to each other, find common ground, find confidantes in each other, and bond over the work they're doing. Also, the relationships with the other kids on the weekend trip -- a new cast of characters which will be ongoing in the book series -- both create tension as well as draw Callie and Talya together. Ultimately, they see each other as something other than rivals and find they have more in common than they'd thought. On the bus ride back home, they're forced to consider whether this newfound friendship will outlast the weekend. Especially when the unthinkable happens.

Objev podobné jako The Fosters: Keep Your Frenemies Close (Defekt) - Stacy Kravetz

cena 49.0 Kč

At The Movies: Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 1 (CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (4251981700779)

Hudební DVD - Repertoár skupiny tvoří oblíbené skladby členů skupiny z filmů z osmdesátých (Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 1) Repertoár skupiny tvoří oblíbené skladby členů skupiny z filmů z osmdesátých (Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 1) Album vychází vždy ve dvou různých vinylových podobách a v limitované edici CD, ke které je přiloženo i DVD s klipy kapely. At The Movies je švédská rocková „all-stars” skupina, kterou tvoří členové skupin Pretty Maids, HammerFall, King Diamond, Therion, The Nightflight Orchestra, Royal Hunt a dalších. Seznam stop CD+DVD (limitovaná edice) Intro / No Easy Way Out / Maniac / St. Elmo's Fire / A View To A Kill / (I've Had) The Time Of My Life / Wouldn't It Be Good / We Don't Need Another Hero (Thunderdome) [feat. Ronnie Atkins, Bruce Kulick, Jacob Hansen] / The Power Of Love / The Heat Is On / The Neverending Story / Far From Over / Last Christmas

Objev podobné jako At The Movies: Soundtrack Of Your Life - Vol. 1 (CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (4251981700779)

cena 419.0 Kč

Own It: The Secret to Life

The entrepreneur and philanthropist's A-Z guide and manifesto for personal growth and for turning problems into assets In the newest entry in Phaidon's popular advice series, the internationally renowned fashion designer and philanthropist Diane von Furstenberg shares her accessible, empowering manifesto: connect, expand, inspire, advocate. In an easy-to-navigate A-Z format, Own It is her blueprint for enjoying both personal and professional growth at any age. 'The secret of life is one thing: OWN IT. Own your imperfections. Own your vulnerability; it becomes your strength. Whatever your challenge is, own it. Owning it is the first step to everything.' Diane von Furstenberg began her fashion career in 1970. In a 1976 cover story, Newsweek declared her 'the most remarkable woman since Coco Chanel.' Her global brand is now available in more than 70 countries worldwide. An active philanthropist, she was president of the Council of Fashion Designers of America from 2006-2019. She has written several books, including Diane: A Signature Life and The Woman I Wanted to Be.

Objev podobné jako Own It: The Secret to Life

cena 330.0 Kč

Never Give Up : A Life of Adventure, The Autobiography - Bear Grylls

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. And above all, never ever give up.In Never Give Up, global adventurer, Chief Scout and TV presenter Bear Grylls immerses readers in some truly remarkable adventures. As Bear shares personal stories from his toughest expeditions, this inspiring autobiography captures the exhilarating reality behind some of his hairiest survival missions.In this eagerly awaited follow up to his Number One bestseller Mud, Sweat and Tears, Bear takes readers behind the scenes on 'Man vs. Wild', the series that spawned an entire adventure industry. He also provides a unique and revealing insight into what it's really like to go 'Running Wild' with guests including President Obama, Roger Federer and Julia Roberts, to name but a few of his global superstar guests.Along the way, Bear opens up about his most personal challenges, discovers the true value of adventure, and embodies the enduring power of courage, kindness and a never give up spirit.

Objev podobné jako Never Give Up : A Life of Adventure, The Autobiography - Bear Grylls

cena 536.0 Kč

4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - s

Velký motiv Details make the difference na zádech a malý motiv návazce vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.

Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - s

cena 639.0 Kč

The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros

Is dread the first thing you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you working in the evenings and on weekends to catch up? Have you already beat burnout once, only to find it creeping back? If you answered yes to any of these, you're in need of a cure for burnout. Burnout management coach Emily Ballesteros combines scientific and cultural research and the tried-and-true strategies she's successfully implemented with clients around the globe to demystify burnout - and set you on a path towards a life of personal and professional balance. Ballesteros outlines five areas in which you can build healthy habits - mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries, and stress management.She offers clear and simple tools to help you find greater balance, energy and fulfilment, showing you how to:· Break burnout habits that keep you in a pattern of chronic overwhelm· Create sustainable work/life balance through predictable personal care· Get more done in less time while creating forward momentum towards a meaningful life· Identify and set your personal and professional limits, guilt-free· Master your stress and detach from your stressorsThe Cure for Burnout provides a holistic method for burnout management, empowering us to reclaim control of our own lives once and for all.

Objev podobné jako The Cure For Burnout: Build Better Habits, Find Balance and Reclaim Your Life - Emily Ballesteros

cena 402.0 Kč

Decision Time: How to Make the Choices Your Life Depends On - Laurence Alison, Neil Shortland

Should I change careers? Is it time to end my relationship? Can I move halfway across the world?We have to make choices everyday, big and small, but it's the life-changing ones that often cause us to freeze or react too quickly, without thinking. What can we do differently?Laurence Alison and Neil Shortland have spent over 20 years helping soldiers, police officers, doctors and other professionals in high-stakes environments make tough decisions when lives are on the line. In Decision Time, they show us how those same decision-making techniques apply to everyday life, whether that's deciding to take a new job or change career later in life, end a relationship, move across the world or declaring your undying love for your best friend.With tips, studies, interviews and observations from their training with police officers together with role-play scenarios for you to try, this book will help you identify and fight off the common enemies of good decision-making - inertia, procrastination and indecision - and empower you to make the choices that matter the most.Highly accessible and interactive, Decision Time will guide you through each step of the decision-making process so next time you a find yourself at the crossroads, you'll be able to make your way with confidence.

Objev podobné jako Decision Time: How to Make the Choices Your Life Depends On - Laurence Alison, Neil Shortland

cena 402.0 Kč

If I Never Met You (0008169489)

Kniha - 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako If I Never Met You (0008169489)

cena 233.0 Kč

4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - l

Velký motiv Details make the difference na zádech a malý motiv návazce vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.

Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - l

cena 799.0 Kč

4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - m

Velký motiv Details make the difference na zádech a malý motiv návazce vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.

Objev podobné jako 4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - m

cena 639.0 Kč

4anglersdesign tričko details make the difference - xxl

Velký motiv Details make the difference na zádech a malý motiv návazce vpředu na hrudi. Trička jsou vyrobena z velice kvalitní bavlny, která splňuje certifikaci Národní kontrolní unie a dále je certifikována Oeko-tex, Peta-Vegan a Fair Wear. Materiál: 100% bavlna. Dostupné ve velikostech S-XXXL.

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cena 639.0 Kč

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