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Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time.
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Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
THE MULTI-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLERSoon to be an Apple TV series starring Brie Larson'I loved it' NIGELLA LAWSON'Sparky, rip-roaring, funny' SUNDAY TIMES'The most charming, life-enhancing novel I've read in ages' INDIA KNIGHT'Brimming with life' RACHEL JOYCE___________Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time.__________A Book of the Year for: Guardian, Times, Sunday Times, Good Housekeeping, Woman & Home, Stylist, TLS, Oprah Daily, Newsweek, Mail on Sunday, New York Times, India Knight, Hay Festival, Amazon and many others'Biting and cheerIng in exactly the right measure' JOJO MOYES'I loved Lessons in Chemistry and am devastated to have finished it!' NIGELLA LAWSON'Laugh-out-loud funny and brimming with life, generosity and courage' RACHEL JOYCE'A novel that sparks joy with every page' ELIZABETH DAY'Elizabeth Zott is an iconic heroine' PANDORA SYKES'A page-turning and highly satisfying tale' MAGGIE SHIPSTEAD, author of GREAT CIRCLEThe multi-million copy bestsellerAs read on BBC Radio 4 Book at BedtimeWinner of the Goodreads Choice Best Debut Novel AwardBritish Book Awards Author of the Year
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Lessons in Chemistry - Bonnie Garmus
LIMITED FIRST PRINT RUN while stocks last – Discover this special hardback collector's limited edition of the New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller. THE 6-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING BOOKAUTHOR OF THE YEAR AT THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS'The most charming and life-enhancing novel I've read in ages' Sunday Times''Thought-provoking and stylish' Guardian----------------------------------Your ability to change everything - including yourself - starts hereChemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.But it's the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality. Forced to resign, she reluctantly signs on as the host of a cooking show, Supper at Six. But her revolutionary approach to cooking, fuelled by scientific and rational commentary, grabs the attention of a nation.Soon, a legion of overlooked housewives find themselves daring to change the status quo. One molecule at a time. __________This special clothbound edition makes the perfect gift, featuring stunning endpapers, sprayed edges, and never-before-seen, exclusive content by the author.A Book of the Year for:Guardian, Times, Sunday Times, New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Woman & Home, Stylist, TLS, Oprah Daily, Newsweek, Mail on Sunday, Entertainment Weekly, NPR, India Knight, Hay Festival, Waterstones, Amazon and many moreWinner of the Goodreads Choice Best Debut Novel AwardAuthor of the Year at the British Book AwardsAs read on BBC Radio FourA BBC TV 'Between the Covers' pickHay Festival Book of the YearWinner of the Books are My Bag Reader's Choice AwardWinner of the Books are My Bag Breakthrough Author AwardShortlisted for the HWA Crown Award'Biting and cheerIng in equal measure' Jojo Moyes'I loved Lessons in Chemistry and am devastated to have finished it!' Nigella Lawson'Laugh-out-loud funny and brimming with life, generosity and courage' Rachel Joyce'A novel that sparks joy with every page' Elizabeth Day'Witty and sometimes hilarious ... the Catch-22 of early feminism' Stephen King
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Lessons in Chemistry (1804990922)
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Objev podobné jako Lessons in Chemistry (1804990922)
Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus
Elizabeth Zottová je neobyčejná žena. Jenže je začátek šedesátých let a její výhradně mužský tým v Hastingsově výzkumném ústavu zastává nevědecký názor na rovnoprávnost. Až na jednu výjimku: Calvina Evanse, osamělého, geniálního, na Nobelovu cenu nominovaného záštiplného člověka, který se zamiluje – ze všeho nejvíc – do její mysli. A výsledkem je skutečná chemie.Stejně jako věda je ale i život nepředvídatelný. A proto se o pár let později Elizabeth Zottová ocitá v roli svobodné matky a vedle toho i nedobrovolné hvězdy Večeře v šest, nejoblíbenějšího amerického pořadu o vaření. Elizabethin neobvyklý přístup k vaření se totiž ukazuje jako revoluční. Přestože sledovanost jejího pořadu roste, ne všichni jsou nadšení. Zdá se totiž, že Elizabeth Zottová neučí ženy jen vařit. Vyzývá je, aby změnily status quo.
Objev podobné jako Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus
Hodiny chémie - Bonnie Garmus - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Chemička Elizabeth Zottová nie je priemerná žena a rada by poukázala na skutočnosť, že priemerná žena neexistuje. Ale začínajú sa šesťdesiate roky dvadsiateho storočia a jej čisto mužský tím v Hastingsovom výskumnom ústave má veľmi nevedecký pohľad na rovnosť pohlaví. Všetci okrem jedného – Calvina Evansa, samotárskeho, geniálneho kandidáta na Nobelovu cenu, ktorý nevie odpúšťať a ktorý sa zaľúbi práve do Elizabethino intelektu. A chémia predsa znamená zmenu pomerov... Lenže život je nepredvídateľný rovnako ako veda. Preto sa z Elizabeth o pár rokov stane slobodná matka a nedobrovoľná hviezda najobľúbenejšej relácie o varení v Amerike – Večera o šiestej. Elizabeth avšak ženy neučí iba variť, vyzýva ich, aby zmenili svoje postavenie v mužskom svete. "Deti, prestrite stôl. Vaša mama potrebuje chvíľu iba pre seba."
Objev podobné jako Hodiny chémie - Bonnie Garmus - audiokniha
Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus - audiokniha
Audiokniha: V lásce a chemii je dovoleno všechno. Nacházíme se v Kalifornii šedesátých let a jsou věci, které ženy zkrátka nedělají. Když se vědkyně Elizabeth Zottová ocitne v roli moderátorky televizního pořadu o vaření, odstartuje revoluci, která zpochybňuje vše, co se doteď považovalo za běžné. Ženy po celé Americe si každý všední večer naladí její pořad, kde se dočkají nejen vaření, ale i rad do života. Oslnivá Elizabeth je však zajímavá i mimo televizní kamery – svobodná matka nemanželské dcery, milovnice veslování a otevřená ateistka – a jako taková je velmi nekonvenční televizní hvězdou. Postavy tohoto vtipného, zábavného debutového románu, který Apple TV+ chystá jako seriál, si zamiluje. „Závan čerstvého vzduchu – vtipné, strhující a osvěžující …“ - CLAIRE LOMBARDO, autorka knihy Nejhezčí dny našich životů. „Vtipné a plné života, velkorysosti a odvahy.“ - RACHEL JOYCEOVÁ, Bestsellerová autorka. „Elizabeth Zottová je ikonická hrdinka…, která ve vás zanechá úplně novou zkušenost i optiku, kterou se díváte na svět.“ - PANDORA SYKES. „Je to svět versus Elizabeth Zottová, neměla jsem nejmenší problém vybrat si stranu…“ - MAGGIE SHIPSTEAD, autorka. „U téhle knihy jsem věděla už od první strany, že bude prostě skvělá! Nespletla jsem se.“ - YUN, GOODREADS. Jiskřivé, strhující, vtipné, s velkým srdcem, psychologicky propracované a sympatické postavy.“ - SUNDAY TIMES. BONNIE GARMUS je reklamní textařka a kreativní ředitelka, pracovala v oblastech technologií, medicíny a vzdělávání. Je plavkyní na otevřené vodě, veslařkou a matkou dvou úžasných dcer. Narodila se v Kalifornii, vyrostla v Seattlu a momentálně žije v Londýně se svým manželem a psem. DAGMAR ČÁROVÁ je česká herečka, ale hlavně dabérka. Narodila se v Litoměřicích, vystudovala Gymnázium Jana Nerudy s divadelní tradicí a následně DAMU. Poté byla v angažmá v Divadle E. F. Buriana, od roku 1993 je na volné noze a věnuje se téměř výhradně dabingu. Příležitostně se objevuje také v divadelních rolích, hostuje v Divadle Radka Brzobohatého, Prozatímním divadle Františka Ringo Čecha, Divadelním souboru Alexeje Pyška a dalších. Vidět ji můžete také v televizních seriálech, např. Policie Modrava. Při práci v nahrávacích studiích využívá znalost několika cizích jazyků, domluví se německy, rusky, anglicky a podle svých slov se popere i s italštinou a španělštinou. Seznam hvězd, které ve filmech dabuje nejčastěji, je úctyhodný, například Sandra Bullock, Jodie Foster, Kim Basinger, Sigourney Weaver, Susan Sarandon, Emma Thompson, či hlavní ženské seriálové postavy (Měsíční svit, Zoufalé manželky, Merlose Place) atd. V poslední době se věnuje též načítání audioknih. Audiokniha: Bonnie Garmus: Lekce chemie | Překlad Petra Pachlová | Čte Dagmar Čárová | Režie Daniel Tůma | Zvuk Daniel Tůma | Mix a mastering Ivan Mikota | Hudba Karpof Brothers | Natočeno ve studiu KARPOFON (AudioStory) | Grafiku podle knižní předlohy adaptovala Jana Rybová | Produkce AudioStory | Supervize Alena Brožová | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Témbr, v lednu 2024. Nahrávka vznikla podle knihy: Lessons in Chemistry © 2022 by Bonnie Garmus | Translation © 2022 by Petra Pachlová | Jacket design and art direction by Beci Kelly/TW. Photography by Colin Thomas | Zahraniční obálku upravila Soňa Šedivá | All rights reserved. | Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Ikar, 2022.
Objev podobné jako Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus - audiokniha
Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus - e-kniha
eBook: Elizabeth Zottová je neobyčejná žena. Jenže je začátek šedesátých let a její výhradně mužský tým v Hastingsově výzkumném ústavu zastává nevědecký názor na rovnoprávnost. Až na jednu výjimku: Calvina Evanse, osamělého, geniálního, na Nobelovu cenu nominovaného záštiplného člověka, který se zamiluje – ze všeho nejvíc – do její mysli. A výsledkem je skutečná chemie.Stejně jako věda je ale i život nepředvídatelný. A proto se o pár let později Elizabeth Zottová ocitá v roli svobodné matky a vedle toho i nedobrovolné hvězdy Večeře v šest, nejoblíbenějšího amerického pořadu o vaření. Elizabethin neobvyklý přístup k vaření se totiž ukazuje jako revoluční. Přestože sledovanost jejího pořadu roste, ne všichni jsou nadšení. Zdá se totiž, že Elizabeth Zottová neučí ženy jen vařit. Vyzývá je, aby změnily status quo.
Objev podobné jako Lekce chemie - Bonnie Garmus - e-kniha
Lessons in Crime
With a cohort of writers including Dorothy L. Sayers, Ethel Lina White, Jacqueline Wilson, Arthur Conan Doyle, Michael Innes and Edmund Crispin, this new anthology offers a selection of classics and rarities to provide a rewarding education in the beguiling art of mystery writing.
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Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
When the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has closed, eleven-year-old Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. 2,000 miles from his mother's protective love, stranded at an unusual boarding school, his vulnerability attracts piano teacher Miss Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade. Now, when his wife vanishes, leaving him alone with his tiny son, Roland is forced to confront the reality of his restless existence.As the radiation from Chernobyl spreads across Europe, he begins a search for answers that looks deep into his family history and will last for the rest of his life.From the Suez Crisis to the Cuban Missile Crisis, the fall of the Berlin Wall to the current pandemic and climate change, Roland sometimes rides with the tide of history, but more often struggles against it. Haunted by lost opportunities, he seeks solace through every possible means - music, literature, friends, sex, politics and, finally, love cut tragically short, then love ultimately redeemed. His journey raises important questions for us all.Can we take full charge of the course of our lives without damage to others? How do global events beyond our control shape our lives and our memories? And what can we really learn from the traumas of the past?Epic, mesmerising and deeply humane, Lessons is a chronicle for our times - a powerful meditation on history and humanity through the prism of one man's lifetime.
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Lessons (Defekt) - Ian McEwan
While the world is still counting the cost of the Second World War and the Iron Curtain has descended, young Roland Baines's life is turned upside down. Stranded at boarding school, his vulnerability attracts his piano teacher, Miriam Cornell, leaving scars as well as a memory of love that will never fade.Twenty-five years later Roland's wife mysteriously vanishes, and he is left alone with their baby son. Her disappearance sparks of journey of discovery that will continue for decades, as Roland confronts the reality of his rootless existence and attempts to embrace the uncertainty - and freedom - of his future.
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Lessons in Stoicism - John Sellars
''Excellent. . . Sellars gives a lucid, easy-to-follow account of what Stoicism as a way of life amounts to, and how you might start to put it into practice'' Nigel Warburton How can Stoicism inspire us to lead more enjoyable lives?In the past few years, Stoicism has been making a comeback. But what exactly did the Stoics believe? In Lessons in Stoicism, philosopher John Sellars weaves together the key ideas of the three great Roman Stoics -- Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius -- with snapshots of their fascinating lives, to show us how their ideas can help us today. In vivid prose, Sellars shows how the works of these three Stoics have inspired readers ever since, speaking as they do to some of the perennial issues that face anyone trying to navigate their way through life. Their works, fundamentally, are about how to live -- how to understand one''s place in the world, how to cope when things don''t go well, how to manage one''s emotions and how to behave towards others. Consoling and inspiring, Lessons in Stoicism is a deeply thoughtful guide to the philosophy of a good life.
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Unladylike Lessons in Love - Amita Murray
Fast-paced and feisty Regency fiction with a dazzlingly daring heroine who breaks the mould. 'Sizzling romance with a splash of intrigue' Julia Quinn, author of Bridgerton Not every Regency lady is looking for a husband... As the daughter of an English earl and his Indian mistress, impulsive Lila Marleigh has already broken the rules of society into tiny pieces.When a face she never thought she would see again appears and begs for help, Lila must court notoriety once more and pit her wits against the annoyingly handsome aristocrat, Ivor Tristram. But does she risk opening her heart to the one person who can break it...?
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Samael - Era One /Lessons In Magic #1 (2 LP)
Rok nahrávky: 2006.0 Vydavatelství: Back On Black Subžánr: Symphonic Black Metal;Industrial Metal Interpret / Téma: Samael Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-05-17 Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029 Varianta: Era One /Lessons In Magic #1 (2 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: Švýcarsko Hmotnost: 180 g Barva: Černá Žánr: Metal
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Dům v plamenech (Defekt) - Kistler Bonnie
Pete a Leigh slaví výročí a tak nechají své děti samotné doma. Čtrnáctiletá Chrissy zjistí, že se rodiče vrátí dřív, a tak spěchá bratra varovat na večírek, ale když se vrací domů, mají autonehodu. Chrissy po několika hodinách umírá. Kip je obviněn z jejího zabití. Nakonec však změní svou výpověď a tvrdí, že neřídil, a protože je známý tím, že často lže, nikdo mu nevěří. Dozví se všichni nakonec pravdu? A jak to s Kipem nakonec dopadne?
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Our Malady : Lessons in Liberty from a Hospital Diary - Timothy Snyder
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller On Tyranny comes an impassioned condemnation of America's pandemic response and an urgent call to rethink health and freedom. On December 29, 2019, historian Timothy Snyder fell gravely ill. Unable to stand, barely able to think, he waited for hours in an emergency room before being correctly diagnosed and rushed into surgery. Over the next few days, as he clung to life and the first light of a new year came through his window, he found himself reflecting on the fragility of health, not recognized in America as a human right but without which all rights and freedoms have no meaning. And that was before the pandemic. We have since watched American hospitals, long understaffed and undersupplied, buckling under waves of ill patients. The federal government made matters worse through willful ignorance, misinformation, and profiteering. Our system of commercial medicine failed the ultimate test, and thousands of Americans died. In this eye-opening cri de coeur, Snyder traces the societal forces that led us here and outlines the lessons we must learn to survive. In examining some of the darkest moments of recent history and of his own life, Snyder finds glimmers of hope and principles that could lead us out of our current malaise. Only by enshrining healthcare as a human right, elevating the authority of doctors and medical knowledge, and planning for our children's future can we create an America where everyone is truly free.
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Screw It, Let´s Do It : Lessons In Life - Richard Branson
Throughout my life I have achieved many remarkable things. In Screw It, Let's Do It, I will share with you my ideas and the secrets of my success, but not simply because I hope they'll help you achieve your individual goals. Today we are increasingly aware of the effects of our actions on the environment, and I strongly believe that we each have a responsibility, as individuals and organisations, to do no harm. I will draw on Gaia Capitalism to explain why we need to take stock of how we may be damaging the environment, and why it is up to big companies like Virgin to lead the way in a more holistic approach to business. In Screw It, Let's Do It I'll be looking forwards to the future. A lot has changed since I founded Virgin in 1968, and I'll explain how I intend to take my business and my ideas to the next level and the new and exciting areas - such as launching Virgin Fuels - into which Virgin is currently moving. But I have also brought together all the important lessons, good advice and inspirational adages that have helped me along the road to success. Ironically, I have never been one to do things by the book, but I have been inspired and influenced by many remarkable people. I hope that you too might find a little inspiration between these pages.
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I Can Name 50 Trees Today! All About Trees (Defekt) - Bonnie Worth
While stopping to admire some of the world's most amazing trees, the Cat and Co. teach beginning readers how to identify different species from the shape of their crowns, leaves, lobes, seeds, bark, and fruit. Kids will learn about many trees common to North America.
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The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons in Creative Leadership from the CEO of the Walt Disney Company (1787630471)
Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age - Bohumil Hrabal
This ebullient, gallivanting novel encapsulates the world vision of the Czech Republic's best-loved author in one tumbling, breathtaking sentence. Saints and sinners, emperors and embezzlers, barmaids and balalaikas all play their part in the bawdy reminiscences of Hrabal's cobbler as he charms an audience of young beauties.
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Eve - Cat Bohannon
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERLONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2024FOYLE''S NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023LONGLISTED FOR BLACKWELL''S NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023ONE OF THE GUARDIAN''S BEST IDEAS BOOKS OF 2023ONE OF THE TELEGRAPH''S FIFTY BEST BOOKS OF 2023ONE OF PROSPECT''S BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2023ONE OF DUA LIPA''S SERVICE95 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ''5 INSPIRING READS TO KICK START THE NEW YEAR''''Funny and very important'' Chris van Tulleken, bestseling author of Ultra-Processed People''Educates and emboldens'' Bonnie Garmus, bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry''Enchantingly written, the pages sparkle with delightful and novel facts'' Walter Gilbert, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980''Should revolutionise our understanding of human life'' George Monbiot, bestselling author of Regenesis''A vast and revolutionary history of female evolution'' Sunday TimesHow did wet nurses drive civilization? Are women always the weaker sex? Is sexism useful for evolution? And are our bodies at war with our babies?In Eve, Cat Bohannon answers questions scientists should have been addressing for decades. With boundless curiosity and sharp wit, she covers the past 200 million years to explain the specific science behind the development of the female sex. Eve is not only a sweeping revision of human history, it''s an urgent and necessary corrective for a world that has focused primarily on the male body for far too long. Bohannon''s findings, including everything from the way C-sections in the industrialized world are rearranging women''s pelvic shape to the surprising similarities between pus and breast milk, will completely change what you think you know about evolution and why Homo sapiens have become such a successful and dominant species, from tool use to city building to the development of language.
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Maame - Jessica George
Hilarious, honest and heartbreaking, MAAME is the most moving debut of 2023 - and a heroine you'll never forget. Maame (ma-meh) has many meanings in Twi, but in my case, it means woman. Meet Maddie Wright. All her life, she's been told who she is. To her Ghanaian parents, she's Maame: the one who takes care of the family. Her mum's stand-in. The primary carer for her father, who suffers from Parkinson's. The one who keeps the peace - and the secrets. It's time for her to speak up. When she finally gets the chance to leave home, Maddie is determined to become the kind of woman she wants to be. One who wears a bright yellow suit, dates men who definitely aren't on her mum's list of prospective husbands, and stands up to her boss's microaggressions. Someone who doesn't have to google all her life choices. But when tragedy strikes, Maddie is forced to face the risks - and rewards - of putting her heart on the line. But will it take losing everything to find her voice?As blisteringly funny and achingly relatable as its heroine, MAAME is an unforgettable coming-of-age story about finally becoming the heroine of your own life. Review 'Lively, funny, poignant . . . Prepare to fall in love with Maddie. I did!'BONNIE GARMUS, Sunday Times bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry 'Utterly charming and deeply moving . . . Maddie's journey will resonate with anyone who's had to grow up - or who's still trying to'CELESTE NG, New York Times bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere 'I loved every page of this beautiful, heartwarming, empowering book. An exceptional debut from an incredibly exciting new talent' BETH O'LEARY, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Flatshare 'A touching coming-of-age story about finding your inner strength'RED
Objev podobné jako Maame - Jessica George
A Terrible Kindness - Browning Wroe Jo
*INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER**AN OBSERVER DEBUT OF 2022**AS FEATURED ON FRONT ROW*''Incredibly moving. Exquisitely crafted." BONNIE GARMUS, author of Lessons in Chemistry ''Moving... We were consumed by this story of healing and hope.'' Woman & Home''A crescendo of pain and beauty that took my breath away. Brava!'' MIRANDA COWLEY HELLER, author of The Paper Palace ''I LOVE IT! Utterly and completely brilliant.'' JOANNA CANNON, author of A Tidy Ending''It''s a long time since I''ve read a debut novel that moved me so much.'' RACHEL JOYCE, Miss Benson''s Beetle''It''s utterly magnificent and had to pull car over twice to cry. Intricate cobweb of love, family and friendship, so delicately wrought. Beautiful. A masterclass in character.'' VERONICA HENRYWhen we go through something impossible, someone, or something, will help us, if we let them . . .It is October 1966 and William Lavery is having the night of his life at his first black-tie do. But, as the evening unfolds, news hits of a landslide at a coal mine. It has buried a school: Aberfan.William decides he must act, so he stands and volunteers to attend. It will be his first job as an embalmer, and it will be one he never forgets.His work that night will force him to think about the little boy he was, and the losses he has worked so hard to forget. But compassion can have surprising consequences, because - as William discovers - giving so much to others can sometimes help us heal ourselves.What readers are saying:***** ''One stunning read to remember.'' ***** ''Beautifully written . . . I would recommend this book to all.''***** ''Utterly heartbreaking and uplifting . . . I loved it.''***** ''Tremendous.''
Objev podobné jako A Terrible Kindness - Browning Wroe Jo
The Chemistry of Love - Sariah Wilson
True love requires a little research and development in a funny, heart-racing romance by Sariah Wilson, the bestselling author of The Paid Bridesmaid. How can Anna Ellis, a geeky, brilliant, and hopelessly smitten cosmetic chemist possibly win over Craig Kimball, the man of her dreams―who also happens to be her boss? The answer is Craig’s empathetic (and handsome) CEO half brother, Marco. The makeup mogul knows Craig for the ridiculously competitive rival he is. Whatever Marco has, Craig wants. That can be Anna, if she’s game to play. All Anna and Marco have to do is pretend they’re falling in love and let the rumors begin. If the experiment in attraction works, a jealous Craig will swoop in and give Anna her happily ever after―if it weren’t for one hitch in the plan. There’s more to Marco than meets the eye. With every fake date, Anna’s feelings are starting to become dizzyingly real. Blame it on chemistry. It’s unpredictable, exciting, and occasionally combustible. If Anna and Marco are really falling in love, who are they to argue with science?
Objev podobné jako The Chemistry of Love - Sariah Wilson
Advanced Chemistry - Michael Clugston, Rosalind Flemming
For all mainstream AS and A Level specifications. No matter which specification you choose to follow, Advanced Chemistry provides comprehensive coverage of all the content you need to know; this revised and updated second edition will remain relevant even when specifications change. This indispensable guide takes a thorough and engaging approach to AS and A Level Chemistry.
Objev podobné jako Advanced Chemistry - Michael Clugston, Rosalind Flemming
Swimming Lessons (0241252172)
Kniha - autor Claire Fuller, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The new novel from the author of OUR ENDLESS NUMBERED DAYS. Ingrid writes letters to her husband Gil about their life together. She hides each in the thousands of books Gil has collected. Despite their two daughters, despite their beautiful house by the sea and Gil's talent as a writer, their marriage has been troubled. When Ingrid has written her final letter she disappears from a Dorset beach.
Objev podobné jako Swimming Lessons (0241252172)
Prague in Legends (Defekt) - Anna Novotná
NEJPROSLULEJŠÍ PRAŽSKÉ PAMĚTIHODNOSTI OPŘEDENÉ LEGENDAMIPůvaby Prahy tkví hluboko v její historii a nezaměnitelné atmosféře. Když jednou vstoupíte do jejích tajemných zákoutí, už se nedokážete z tohoto magického objetí vymanit. Zamilujete se. Vnímáte Prahu všemi smysly. Mezi tóny kostelních zvonů a zvonků možná zaslechnete z věže Pražského hradu i skřipky rytíře Dalibora. Na Karlově mostě se náhodou dotknete kamene, který skrývá čarovný Bruncvíkův meč, a na Staroměstské mostecké věži zahlédnete portrét odvážné lazebnice Zuzany. V kostele u Pražského Jezulátka pocítíte závan křídel sedmi strážných andělů a na Židovském Městě se stín obrovského muže z hlíny mihne kdesi za Staronovou synagogou. Socha knížete Václava na Václavském náměstí, ohnivý kostlivec nebo šílený holič v Karlově ulici ...ti všichni a mnohé další legendární postavy skládají poezii staré Prahy. THE MOST FAMED PRAGUE SIGHTS SWATHED IN LEGENDPrague‘s charm lies deeply buried in its history and its one-of-a-kind atmosphere. Once you set foot in its dark recesses, you never manage to free yourself from its magical embrace. You fall in love. All your senses come alive. Among the tones of Prague‘s bells and chimes you may catch the distant fiddling of the knight Dalibor from his tower in Prague Castle. On Charles Bridge you may happen to stumble across the right stone and discover Bruncvík‘s magical sword. And you are certain to catch a glimpse of the portrait of the brave barber girl Zuzana in the Old Town Bridge Tower. In the church with the Infant Jesus of Prague you will feel the flurry of wings of the seven guardian angels and in the Jewish Town the shadow of the giant man made of clay will pass over you somewhere behind the Old-New Synagogue. The statue of Prince Wenceslas on Wenceslas Square, the fiery skeleton and mad barber on Karlova Street... these and other legendary figures make up the poetry of historic Prague.
Objev podobné jako Prague in Legends (Defekt) - Anna Novotná
AQA GCSE Chemistry Student Book - Lawrie Ryan
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: AQA Level: GCSE Subject: Chemistry First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 Specifically tailored for the current (2016) AQA GCSE Science (9-1) specifications, this book supports students on their journey from Key Stage 3 and through to success at GCSE. It includes support for the maths and practical requirements.
Objev podobné jako AQA GCSE Chemistry Student Book - Lawrie Ryan
Activate Chemistry Student Book - Philippa Gardom Hulme
Activate is a new Key Stage 3 Science course for the 2014 curriculum, designed to support every student on their journey through Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 success. This student book will spark students'' curiosity in chemistry, whilst gradually building the maths, literacy and working scientifically skills vital for success in the new KS4 qualifications.This chemistry book has three chemistry units (C1, C2, and C3) with working scientifically integrated throughout. This new area of the curriculum also has its own introductory chapter and activities, so you can be sure students receive maximum support. Use C1 and C2 to cover the Programme of Study in two years. Use C3 for a contextual consolidation and extension of content.
Objev podobné jako Activate Chemistry Student Book - Philippa Gardom Hulme
Jenny Glow Chemistry 1 - EDP 80 ml
Chemistry 1 od Jenny Glow je unisex parfémovaná voda, v jejímž složení objevíte jedinou vonnou složku – ambroxan. Tato syntetická sloučenina má nezaměnitelnou jantarově-pižmovou vůni, díky které budete zcela nezapomenutelní. Jedinečná vůně Chemistry 1 umocní originalitu svého nositele za každých okolností.
Objev podobné jako Jenny Glow Chemistry 1 - EDP 80 ml
In Memoriam - Winn Alice
WINNER OF WATERSTONES NOVEL OF THE YEAR AWARDA TOP FIVE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS DEBUT OF THE YEAR''If you haven''t read it, you''re missing out'' BONNIE GARMUS, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY''A devastating love story between two young men on the Western Front'' MAGGIE O''FARRELL, BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF HAMNET ______________________In 1914, war feels far away to Henry Gaunt and Sidney Ellwood. They''re too young to enlist, and anyway, Gaunt is fighting his own private battle - an all-consuming infatuation with the dreamy, poetic Ellwood - not having a clue that his best friend is in love with him, always has been.When Gaunt''s mother asks him to enlist in the British army to protect the family from anti-German attacks, he signs up immediately, relieved to escape his overwhelming feelings. But Ellwood and their classmates soon follow him into the horrors of the trenches. Though Ellwood and Gaunt find fleeting moments of solace in one another, their friends are dying in front of them, and at any moment they could be next.An epic tale of the devastating tragedies of war and the forbidden romance that blooms in its grip, In Memoriam is a breathtaking debut.THE TOP FIVE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER, March 2023______________________''One of the best debuts I''ve read in recent years: immersive, rousing, tender and devastating . . . please rush out and buy it'' ELIZABETH DAY''BIRDSONG for a new generation'' JOANNA QUINN, AUTHOR OF THE WHALEBONE THEATRE''Like looking at a black and white photograph which has been colourised . . . I was completely absorbed, moved, and transported'' CLAIRE FULLER, AUTHOR OF UNSETTLED GROUND''When was the last time characters in a novel seemed so real to me, so cherishable, so alive?'' GARTH GREENWELL, AUTHOR OF CLEANNESS and WHAT BELONGS TO YOU''In Memoriam is at once epic and intimate, humorous and profound, a vivid rendering of the madness and legacy of the first world war as seen through the lens of a schoolboy love affair'' Observer''Propulsive, visceral and heartrending . . . I can''t remember the last time I was this invested in a love story'' Sunday Telegraph ''A genuine page-turner'' Sunday Times''In Memoriam is gripping, tender, immersive and, most of all, completely unforgettable'' i, Fiction Pick of the MonthSunday Times bestseller, November 2023
Objev podobné jako In Memoriam - Winn Alice
Lincoln in the Bardo (Defekt) - George Saunders
WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2017 THE NO. 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LONGLISTED FOR THE GORDON BURN PRIZE 2017 The American Civil War rages while President Lincoln's beloved eleven-year-old son lies gravely ill. In a matter of days, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returns to the crypt several times alone to hold his boy's body. From this seed of historical truth, George Saunders spins an unforgettable story of familial love and loss that breaks free of realism, entering a thrilling, supernatural domain both hilarious and terrifying. Willie Lincoln finds himself trapped in a transitional realm - called, in Tibetan tradition, the bardo - and as ghosts mingle, squabble, gripe and commiserate, and stony tendrils creep towards the boy, a monumental struggle erupts over young Willie's soul. Unfolding over a single night, Lincoln in the Bardo is written with George Saunders' inimitable humour, pathos and grace. Here he invents an exhilarating new form, and is confirmed as one of the most important and influential writers of his generation. Deploying a theatrical, kaleidoscopic panoply of voices - living and dead, historical and fictional - Lincoln in the Bardo poses a timeless question: how do we live and love when we know that everything we hold dear must end?
Objev podobné jako Lincoln in the Bardo (Defekt) - George Saunders
Love´s in Sight! 2 (Defekt) - Uoyama
Love blooms between a tough delinquent boy and a spunky girl with a vision impairment!Morio Kurokawa is the toughest-looking tough guy around. Yukiko Akaza is a self-possessed girl with a vision impairment attending a school for the blind. The whole city fears Morio, but Yukiko sees the real him-he's a soft sweetheart who's just searching for his place in the world!Yukiko and Morio don't have the most graceful of introductions, but their meeting is one that will change their lives and the lives of their loved ones.However, their awkward budding relationship is soon tested by a stubborn, immovable girl-one of Morio's loyal lackeys, Hachiko Tono!
Objev podobné jako Love´s in Sight! 2 (Defekt) - Uoyama
Pebble in the Sky (Defekt) - Isaac Asimov
Caught up in an experiment gone wrong, Joseph Schwartz is transported forward in time from post-war Chicago to the heyday of the first Galactic Empire. Earth, he soon learns, is a backwater, despised by the other two hundred million planets of the Empire because its people dare to claim it as the original home of man. And Earth is poor, with great areas of radioactivity ruining much of its soil - so poor that everyone is sentenced to death at the age of sixty.And Joseph Schwartz is sixty-two. Asimov's Galactic Empire novels are among the earliest stories by one of the twentieth century's greatest visionaries. Filled with ideas and wonders, they are classic adventures from science fiction's Golden Age.
Objev podobné jako Pebble in the Sky (Defekt) - Isaac Asimov
The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, survival, faith, and hope. In June 2021, the whole world was listening as Britney Spears spoke in open court. The impact of sharing her voice—her truth—was undeniable, and it changed the course of her life and the lives of countless others. The Woman in Me reveals for the first time her incredible journey—and the strength at the core of one of the greatest performers in pop music history. Written with remarkable candor and humor, Spears’s groundbreaking book illuminates the enduring power of music and love—and the importance of a woman telling her own story, on her own terms, at last.
Objev podobné jako The Woman in Me (Defekt) - Britney Spears
Hiding in Plain Sight (Defekt) - Lewis Susan
**A Sunday Times TOP TEN BESTSELLER** THE FOURTH BOOK IN THE ANDEE LAWRENCE SERIES The SHOCKING new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Susan Lewis. You might forgive, but can you forget? 'A master storyteller' Diane Chamberlain ********* Andee Lawrence is in heaven. Well, the South of France to be exact. Ex-detective Andee has swapped freelance investigation and a broken marriage, for two months in Provence, renovating a beautiful villa with the new man in her life. Pottering around a small picturesque town on an early summer's day, she is at peace. But her world is about to be shattered. 'Remember me?' Two words spoken by a woman from the back of a car that say so much yet reveal so little. As the car drives away Andee is left reeling, overwhelmed by shock, confusion, self-doubt and mounting trepidation. Almost thirty years ago, fourteen year old Penny had disappeared from her family's life, never to be heard from again. It is the missing child case that has haunted Andee her whole life; And now Penny - Andee's sister - is back. The question is: why?
Objev podobné jako Hiding in Plain Sight (Defekt) - Lewis Susan
Tree In the Courtyard (Defekt) - Jeff Gottesfeld
The tree in the courtyard was a horse chestnut. Her leaves were green stars; her flowers foaming cones of white and pink. Seagulls flocked to her shade. She spread roots and reached skyward in peace. The tree watched a little girl, who played and laughed and wrote in a diary. When strangers invaded the city and warplanes roared overhead, the tree watched the girl peek out of the curtained window of the annex. It watched as she and her family were taken away—and when her father returned after the war, alone. The tree died the summer Anne Frank would have turned eighty-one, but its seeds and saplings have been planted around the world as a symbol of peace. Its story, and Anne’s story, are beautifully told and illustrated in this powerful picture book.
Objev podobné jako Tree In the Courtyard (Defekt) - Jeff Gottesfeld
Swimming Lessons: Poems (0008365679)
Kniha - autor Lili Reinhart, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná I seem to be your new favorite novel. One that keeps you up at night, turning my pages. Fingers lingering on me so you don't lose your place. In her first collection of poetry, Lili Reinhart explores the euphoric beginnings of young love, battling anxiety and depression in the face of fame, and the inevitable heartbreakthat stems from passion. Relatable yet deeply intimate, provocative yet comforting, bite-size yet profound, these beautiful poems are about growingup, falling down, and getting back up again. They capture what it feels like to be a young woman in today's image-obsessed world with Lili's trademark honesty, optimism, and unique perspective.Accompanied by striking and evocative illustrations, the poems in Swimming Lessons reveal the depths of female experience, and are the work of a storyteller who is coming into her own.
Objev podobné jako Swimming Lessons: Poems (0008365679)
Greek Lessons - Han Kang
Book of the Year 2023 according to New Yorker, TIME magazine, Kirkus A powerful novel of the saving grace of language and human connection, from the celebrated author of The Vegetarian. 'Breathtaking . . . She is simply my favourite living writer to read, and think with, and see the world with' Max PorterIn a classroom in Seoul, a young woman watches her Greek language teacher at the blackboard. She tries to speak but has lost her voice.Her teacher finds himself drawn to the silent woman, for day by day he is losing his sight. Soon they discover a deeper pain binds them. For her, in the space of just a few months, she has lost both her mother and the custody battle for her nine-year-old son.For him, it's the pain of growing up between Korea and Germany, being torn between two cultures and languages. Greek Lessons is a tender love letter to human connection, a novel to awaken the senses, vividly conjuring the essence of what it means to be alive. Translated by Deborah Smith and e.yaewon. 'Another stunning gem: quiet, sharply faceted, and devastating' Kirkus'Han Kang is a writer like no other. In a few lines, she seems to traverse the entirety of human experience' Katie Kitamura
Objev podobné jako Greek Lessons - Han Kang
Tennis Lessons - Susannah Dickey
For fans of I MAY DESTROY YOU and FLEABAG and for readers who want to laugh and cry: the brave, beautiful, sometimes brutal story of a young misfit and her rocky road to womanhood, stopping at each year along the way.''I loved Tennis Lessons so much. Susannah is a phenomenally talented writer'' ELIZABETH DAY''A raw, fierce, shockingly honest coming-of-age story'' LOUISE O''NEILL ''Incredibly funny . . . by turns charming and disgusting and I loved it'' NELL FRIZZELL You''re strange and wrong. You''ve known it from the beginning.This is the voice that rings in your ears. Because you never say the right thing. You''re a disappointment to everyone. You''re a far cry from beautiful - and your thoughts are ugly too.You seem bound to fail, bound to break. But you know what it is to laugh with your best friend, to feel the first tentative tingles of attraction, to take exquisite pleasure in the affront of your unruly body.You just need to find your place.From dead pets and crashed cars to family traumas and misguided love affairs, Susannah Dickey''s revitalizing debut novel plunges us into the private world of one young woman as she navigates her rocky way to adulthood.''Brilliant . . . a wonderful writer, hugely talented, very funny and insightful'' ALAN DAVIES''Propulsive . . . brilliantly vivid . . . stays in the mind long after reading'' IRISH TIMES''A beautifully written and psychologically incisive bildungsroman...the arrival of a young writer to watch'' OBSERVER
Objev podobné jako Tennis Lessons - Susannah Dickey
Reading Lessons - Carol Atherton
An English teacher's love letter to reading and the many ways literature can make us, and our lives, better. How can a Victorian poem help teenagers understand YouTube misogyny? Can Jane Eyre encourage us to speak out? What can Lady Macbeth teach us about empathy? Should our expectations for our future be any greater than Pip’s? And why is it so important to make space for these conversations in the first place?In a career spanning almost three decades, English teacher Carol Atherton has taught generations of students texts that will be familiar to many of us from our own schooldays. But while the staples of exam syllabuses and reading lists remain largely unchanged, their significance – and their relevance – evolves with each class, as it encounters them for the first time.Each chapter of Reading Lessons invites us to take a fresh look at these novels, plays and poems, revealing how they have shaped our beliefs, our values, and how we interact as a society. As she recalls her own development as a teacher, Atherton emphasizes the vital, undervalued role a teacher plays, illustrates how essential reading is for developing our empathy and makes a passionate case for the enduring power of literature. 'Beautifully written, sensitive and full of warmth ...
Objev podobné jako Reading Lessons - Carol Atherton
A Woman of Opinion - Sean Lusk
From the bestselling author of The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley, discover the illuminating historical novel about the extraordinary life of pioneering writer, poet and feminist, Mary Wortley Montagu. ‘Witty, insightful and moving’ Sunday Times''This book is a triumph - vivid, exquisite, enthralling and revealing'' Kate Griffin, author of Fyneshade''Lusk conjures prose of a spell-binding elegance and charm - as charismatic as the woman who he brings so vividly into life upon the page'' Essie Fox, author of The Fascination---''I shall be a thousand different Marys and, in such manner, shall find the one I wish to be...''Lady Mary Wortley Montagu longs for adventure, freedom and love, believing that only by truly living can she ever escape the stalking crow of Death...An aristocratic woman in 18th century England is expected to act in certain ways. But Mary has never let society''s expectations stifle her: she writes celebrated poetry and articles advocating for equality, as well as endless, often scandalous, letters to her many powerful friends.However, Mary wants more from the world. Using her charm and connections, she engineers a job offer for her husband as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. Travelling to Constantinople, Mary finally discovers the autonomous life she dreams of. And when she observes Turkish women ''engrafting'' children against smallpox, she resolves to bring the miracle cure back to England.Despite this, Mary''s reputation becomes increasingly tainted. Her inability to abide by the rules, her outspoken opinions on women''s rights, and her search for love and desire at all costs gains her powerful enemies. While Mary tries to ensure her name will live on by arranging the publication of her diaries after her death, her own daughter works against her, afraid of what they might contain...An illuminating and beautiful novel, A Woman of Opinion gives a voice to the tragically unremembered yet extraordinary life of pioneering poet and feminist, Mary Wortley Montagu.---Praise for The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley:''One of the best books I''ve read this year . . . completely unforgettable'' Bonnie Garmus, bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry''Inventive, fantastical . . . memorable'' The Times''So powerful . . . like the love child of Charles Dickens and Isabel Allende'' Ruth Jones, Sunday Times bestselling author of Love Untold‘Beautifully written, ingeniously crafted . . . absolutely enthralling’ Sunday Express
Objev podobné jako A Woman of Opinion - Sean Lusk
The Reader (film tie in) (Defekt) - Bernhard Schlink
Film tie-in edition of Bernhard Schlink's exceptionally powerful novel - 'A thriller, a love story and a deeply moving examination of a German conscience' [Independent on Saturday]
Objev podobné jako The Reader (film tie in) (Defekt) - Bernhard Schlink
Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Defekt) - Mizuki Tsujimura
For fans of BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD, fairy tale and magic are weaved together in sparse language that belies a flooring emotional punch. Translated by Philip Gabriel, a translator of Murakami _______________________________ Would you share your deepest secrets to save a friend? In a tranquil neighbourhood of Tokyo, seven teenagers wake to find their bedroom mirrors are shining. At a single touch, they are pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways, watchful portraits and twinkling chandeliers. In this new sanctuary, they are confronted with a set of clues leading to a hidden room where one of them will be granted a wish. But there's a catch: if they don't leave the castle by five o'clock, they will be punished. As time passes, a devastating truth emerges: only those brave enough to share their stories will be saved. Tender, playful, gripping, LONELY CASTLE IN THE MIRROR is a mesmerizing tale about the importance of reaching out, confronting anxiety and embracing human connection.
Objev podobné jako Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Defekt) - Mizuki Tsujimura
In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ Klune
From New York Times bestselling author TJ Klune, In the Lives of Puppets is a queer retelling of the Pinocchio tale, inviting you deep into the heart of a peculiar forest and on the extraordinary journey of a family assembled from spare parts.In a strange little home built into the branches of a grove of trees live three robots - fatherly inventor android Giovanni Lawson, a pleasantly sadistic nurse machine, and a small vacuum desperate for love and attention. Victor Lawson, a human, lives there too. They're a family, hidden and safe.The day Vic salvages and repairs an unfamiliar android labelled 'HAP', he learns of a shared dark past between Hap and Gio - a past spent hunting humans.When Hap unwittingly alerts robots from Gio's former life to their whereabouts, the family is no longer hidden and safe. Gio is captured and taken back to his old laboratory in the City of Electric Dreams. So together, the rest of Vic's assembled family must journey across an unforgiving and otherworldly country to rescue Gio from decommission, or worse, reprogramming.Along the way to save Gio, amid conflicted feelings of betrayal and affection for Hap, Vic must decide for himself: can he accept love with strings attached?Inspired by Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, In the Lives of Puppets is a masterful standalone fantasy adventure from the author who brought you The House in the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door.
Objev podobné jako In the Lives of Puppets (Defekt) - TJ Klune
The 33 (Film Tie In) (Defekt) - Hector Tobar
A dramatic account of the 33 miners of the San Jose mine in Chile by novelist and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Hector Tobar, in official collaboration with 'The 33' and with the full cooperation of the Chilean authorities behind the daring rescue ope
Objev podobné jako The 33 (Film Tie In) (Defekt) - Hector Tobar
The Secret in Their Eyes (Defekt) - Eduardo Sacheri
'A startling psychological mystery' Michael Greenberg. Benjamín Chaparro is a man haunted by his past. A retired detective, he remains obsessed with the decades-old case of the rape and murder of a young woman in her own bedroom. As he revisits the details of the investigation, he is reacquainted with his similarly long, unrequited love for Irene Hornos, then just an intern, now a respected judge. Set in the Buenos Aires of the 1970s, The Secret in Their Eyes reveals the underpinnings of Argentina's Dirty War, and asks what justice really means. And it explores the boundaries of love in all its forms: adoration, devotion and, finally, obsession.
Objev podobné jako The Secret in Their Eyes (Defekt) - Eduardo Sacheri
The Killing Lessons - Saul Black
The most frightening serial killer thriller since THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS
Objev podobné jako The Killing Lessons - Saul Black
A Hundred Small Lessons (1473676541)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako A Hundred Small Lessons (1473676541)
The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell
Set against Argentina's turbulent years following the collapse of the corrupt Peronist regime, this is the story of Juan Salvador the penguin, rescued by Tom from an oil slick in Uruguay just days before a new term.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Lessons - Tom Michell
Untold Lessons - Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
The award-winning literary thriller from one of Italy's most exciting feminist writers, for fans of Sophie Mackintosh, Elena Ferrante and Sarah MossOne morning, a teacher disappears into the woods. As whispers fill her classroom and relatives scour the streets, she melts into a wild landscape - a darkly entrancing place where boars roam free, silver birches tower overhead and the air is filled with ancient bird calls. Sinking into a bed of moss, she tries to escape the shocking news of a pupil's death.Back in town, behind shuttered windows and on factory floors, the mystery takes hold. Who is Silvia really? A teacher of rare kindness, living outside of other people's expectations, or a solitary misfit without a family to call her own? When a local child stumbles upon her hiding place, it seems like the search might be over. But what happens when the missing do not want to be found?PRAISE FOR UNTOLD LESSONS:'Vivid, beguiling and needle-sharp . . . stirs our darkest impulses' Lucy Rose, author of The Lamb'Mysterious and elegant, full of fears and tenderness' Veronica Raimo, author of Lost on Me 'Satisfying and deeply felt' Irish Times 'A beautifully crafted feminist fable' World Literature Today'An intense literary thriller that subverts expectations' Dazed
Objev podobné jako Untold Lessons - Maddalena Vaglio Tanet
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